Most of my information below has come from  David Swayze A great site about ships and shipwrecks on the Great Lakes.
If anyone has any information to add to this page, please send it in and I will add it. Would love to get the original newspaper accounts of the disasters. They can be typed into an email and sent to me.

AbiahBrigShe was caught in a squall, capsized and sunk shortly after.01 Sep 1854Crew of seven persons plus two passengers were saved by the schooner L. Ludington. No lives lost.
ActiveSchoonerStruck by a squall off Port Washingtin about midnight and instantly capsized.10 Oct 1855
Capt. A. Rogers and two crew members clung to wreck until 6 a.m. when rescued by schooner Thornton. No lives lost.
AlgomaDredge bargeHeavy seas rolled over the dredge and swamped it.18 Nov 1919Five men aboard succeeded in getting onto the Tug Arctic uninjured before the Algoma was cut loose and sank. No lives lost.
Walter B. AllenSchoonerFoundered off Manitowoc in a gale while being towed in for repairs16 Apr 1880Crew was removed from the Allen onto the tug Williams when the schooner gave a lurch and immediately sank. No lives lost.
AmericaSchooner-bargeRun into by a scow loaded with stone 9 mi. north of Two Rivers28 Sep 1880Captain and crew made it to shore in a small boat. No lives lost.
Major AndersonSchoonerExtreme heavy fog, Capt. Sullivan became disoriented and made an error in navigation causing the craft to run ashore.10 Oct 1871The yawl boat was stove in so the crew swam ashore. No lives lost.
AndromedaSchoonerSprung a leak around 8 p.m. and foundered.18 Jul 1858Crew took the yawls and rowed all night reaching Manitowoc in the morning. No lives lost.
Ann Arbor #1Wooden steam carferryBurned at Chicago and Northwestern Railroad carferry slip in Manitowoc.07 Mar 1910A ladder being placed from the rail of one boat to the other and the men crossed in this manner. 25 crew members and one passenger. No lives lost.
Anna MariaMerchant SchoonerCapsized off Two Rivers during a storm.15 Oct 1880The crew lashed themselves to the bottom of the vessel and remained there for 36 hours with the sea constantly washing over them. Rescued by the schooner Reindeer. One sailor, Tom Benson, drowned.
ArrowMerchant SchoonerIn ballast, ran aground on a sandbar during a northeast blow three a half miles from Two Rivers30 Apr 1883
No lives lost.
S.C. BaldwinSteamerFoundered off Twin River Point with a cargo of stone during a storm.26 Aug 1908Crew of two men and the Captain. One man was rescued and the Captain was located 13 hours after the Baldwin sank. Jacob Wiltgen lost his life.
Major BarnumSchoonerDriven ashore in a heavy sea near Two Rivers14 Sep 1854Old settlers say the crew of nineteen was rescued by fisherman but this is not verified. No lives lost.
Bessie BoaltMerchant SchoonerDuring a heavy gale she sprung a leak and capsized 4 miles northeast of Two Rivers21 Sep 1884
Crew of seven including the Captain made it to shore safely with their person effects in the yawl. No lives lost
Tubal CainBarkStruck the beach off Two Rivers Point in a Nor-Wester.24 Nov 1867Crew escaped to shore in a small boat. No lives lost.
F.C. ClarkBrigLoaded with coal, went ashore near Manitowoc during a gale.24 Oct 1856One man risked his life swimming to get assistance. Next morning a life-boat rescued the remaining eight crew members. No lives lost.
CometSteam TugBurned off Two Harbors, Minnesota, in Lake Superior12 Oct 1897The crew took refuge in the scow and cut lose when the fire became out of control. No lives lost.
ContinentalWooden freight steamerWent ashore in a blinding snowstorm and broke up at Rowley Point near Two Rivers.12 Dec 1904Two men tramped through snow for two days to get help. Remainder of the crew of 17 stayed with the wreck in case assistance was needed in saving the ship. No lives lost.
Emily Cooper
(Emily Taylor)
Merchant SchoonerWent ashore and broke up near Manitowoc.18 May 1894The crew of the four men were all landed in safety. No lives lost.
Oliver CulverMerchant SchoonerSprung a leak while in heavy seas.04 Dec 1882Foundered just outside the Two Rivers harbor entrance. The crew were taken off by the Life-saving Crew. No lives lost.
DartMerchant SchoonerWent ashore during a strong east wind and heavy surf and broke up near Two Rivers28 Oct 1883Life-saving crew met two men who waded to shore. Captain went to Manitowoc to secure a tug. No lives lost.
De Pere
(State of Michigan)
SteamerAt the mouth of the White River, MI, it threw a piston rod through the bottom of the hull and sank.18 Oct 1901The crew escaped in boats with the assistance of the White Lake life saving crew. No lives lost.
DriftSchoonerNovember gale.Nov 1843Went ashore near the Little Point Au Sable, Michigan. No lives lost.
ExperimentSchoonerStranded and wrecked near Manitowoc12 Nov 1864Built at Detroit, 1858. No lives lost.
FlorettaSchoonerFoundered 15 mi. off Manitowoc18 Sep 1885She sprung a leak and the crew worked continuously to keep her afloat until she was unloaded. No lives lost.
GallinipperSchooner(Formerly the Nancy Dousman) Foundered and sank in a white squall 10 mi. SSE of Manitowoc. 7 July 1851The Cleopatra rescued the crew of seven plus two passengers before she went down. No lives lost.
GertrudeSchoonerCaught in a westerly gale and went ashore a rocky coast off Otter Creek, Michigan.28 Sep 1880One sailor, Robert Bingham, tried to swin to shore against Captain's orders and lost his life. One life lost.
Louisa E. GladeSchoonerSunk near ManitowocSep 1893
Henry GustSteam TugPlagued by leaks and increasing costs. Needed constant pumping to prevent her from sinking at the dock.27 Jun 1935Was taken three miles out on Lake Michigan and set afire, then rammed by the cutter Perry when she finally sank. No lives lost.
Francis HintonWooden freight steamerEncountered a gale causing it to take on water extinguishing the fire in the boiler leaving the Hinton crippled.16 Nov 1909Captain and eleven crew men depolyed the yawl and made it safely to short. No lives lost.
HomeWooden schoonerCollided with the schooner William Fisk in a dense fog southeast of Manitowoc.17 Oct 1858The William Fisk took Captain White and his crew aboard. No lives lost.
HumkoOil screwBurned until it sank off Two Rivers Point22 July 1956All 13 people aboard were able to get off the burning yacht into the dinghy and life boats. No lives lost.
J.M. JonesWooden schoonerCollided with the schooner Condor off Manitowoc.2 Sep 1861The crew were able to get aboard the disabled Condor and rolled the waves for 24 hours until the propeller Backus spotted them and towed them into port. No lives lost.
LookoutMerchant SchoonerSunk by a heavy northeast gale with vicious foam capped waves 2-3 mi. north of the Two Rivers harbor.29 Apr 1897Crew of seven including the Captain were able to board the yawl and made it to shore safely. No lives lost.
MagellanSchoonerFoundered druing one of the most terrific gales in years and beached 3 mi. north of Manitowoc08 Nov 1877All eight of the crew lost with the ship. Because of the shattered remains of the ship, this wreck remains a mystery.
MariaSchoonerNear Two RiversNov 1895Cannot find any articles about her fate.
Joseph G. MastenBulk freight schoonerWent ashore and wrecked during a blinding snowstorm at Two Rivers Point Lighthouse.04 Dec 1897Built at Cleveland, OH, 1867/No lives lost.
MiltonBulk freight schoonerFoundered off Two Rivers Point during the most severe easterly gale of the season.08 Sep 1885Built at Milwaukee, 1867/Five crewmen drowned likely trying to swim to shore. Three of the five were brothers.
MinnesotaSchoonerCaught in a gale and went ashore north of Two Rivers.11 Nov 1873The crew saved themselves by use of the yawl. No lives lost.
James NavaghSchoonerDuring a severe storm the vessel struck, her stern carried away along with the yawl boat at Two Rivers Point.30 Oct 1868Crew consisted of the Captain, two mates, five seamen and their cook, Mrs. Margaret Miles who ended up dying from exposure. One life lost.
NevadaSteam freighterSprung a leak and foundered 20 mi. northeast of Two Rivers.15 Nov 1890It was necessary for the crew to abandon the Nevada and were transferred onto the steamer Blanchard. No lives lost.
New ChurchSchoonerTwo Rivers1885
J. Emory OwenSteamerIce cut through the hull and she sank in Lake Erie.19 Dec 1909The crew was rescued by the propeller Mapleton. No lives lost.
PathfinderSchoonerdriven ashore and wrecked north of Two Rivers19 Nov 1886Built at Detroit, 1869, 603t.
Grace PattersonBulk freight steamerRan aground during a heavy gale, caught fire and was destroyed on Two Rivers Point.15 Mar 1882The Life-Saving crew saved the crew at 4 o'clock the following afternoon. No lives lost.
PlanetBulk freight steam bargeSank off Two Rivers Point07 Nov 1872Seven lives lost
Robert C. Pringle (Chequamegon)Steam tugBecame waterlogged and sank 15 mi. off Manitowoc19 Jul 1922
RacineScowSank near the harbor entrance at Two Rivers19 Aug 1893
H. Rand (story)
Lumber SchoonerCapsized and sank off Manitowoc24 May 1901Four lives lost
R.J. SanbornSchoonerStranded and wrecked off ManitowocNov 1873
Scow #2ScowSunk near the harbor entrance at Two Rivers19 Oct 1896
L.B. ShepardSchoonerNear Two Rivers13 Oct 1898The schooner L.B. Shepard, which became water logged and rolled over during the gale of last Thursday, has drifted onto the beach just south of the south harbor pier, and is breaking up rapidly.Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 19, 1898 P. 4
Silver LakeSchooner-scowrun down by Pere Marquette Railroad carferry 10 mi. off Manitowoc28 May 1900One sailor died
Rouse SimmonsSchoonerfoundered off Two Rivers PointNov 191217 (all) lives lost
Wooden passenger and freight steamerfoundered at Two Rivers Point25 or 29 Oct 188736 to 41 lives lost
W.L. WetmoreSteamerCaught in a gale and rescued by Two Rivers life-saving crew in 1894.29 Nov 1901Went ashore during a heavy storm in Georgian Bay and is a total loss. The crew were saved. No lives lost.


YearCraftTypeTonnage and LengthBuilderFate
1847CitizenSchooner60t.Joseph Edwards, Sr. ManitowocWent aground and was abandoned 6 mi. north of Chicago, 18 May 1853
Schooner68t. 82ft.Bates & Son ManitowocStranded and wrecked on a reef in Bailey's Harbor, WI. Dec. of 1901
1852ConvoySchooner64t.Joseph Edwards. Sr. ManitowocWrecked in a storm. Sprung a leak and went ashore in Michigan in October 1852.
1852DefianceSchooner110t.W. Ham Manitowoc
1853Black HawkSchooner110t.Bates & Son ManitowocSchooner by this name went down with all hands on L. Michigan, Nov. 1887
1853Colonel GloverSchooner123t.C. Sorenson Manitowoc
1853GesineSchooner99t.H. Rand ManitowocFIRE.-We learn that the sails of the schooner Gesine caught fire on Sunday last and were considerably burned.She was laying alongside A. Baench's dock at the time, and it is supposed that the fire was the work of an incendiary. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, June 8, 1858 P. 3
Lost at Michigan City, IN. 23 Aug. 1887.
1853LomiraSchooner120t.C. Sorenson ManitowocShe was wrecked at Kenosha, a total loss.
1853Mary Stockton Schooner275t.Bates & Son Manitowoc
1853North Yuba Schooner140t.Bates & Son Manitowoc
1853Mary C. PlattSchooner25t.James Harbridge Manitowoc
1853William JonesSchooner154t. 108ft.James Harbridge ManitowocSchooner by this name and tonnage sank at the mouth of the Manistee, Michigan harbor, 22 Nov 1890
1854Clipper CitySchooner126t.Bates & Son Manitowoc"MANITOWOC FLEET AHOY."Cap. Jos. Edwards jr (sic). left on Monday morning for Milwaukee, for the purpose of fitting out the Shr. Clipper City, having been engaged as master of that fine vessel by her owners Messr. Platt and Bro. of this place. Capt. Hughes will sail the Transit owned by B. Jones & Co. and Capt. Hoag will sail the Col. Glover. We have not learned who is to comand the Gesine owned by A. Baensh but are informed that Capt. Bell has been engaged by the owners of a Chicago vessel. Manitowoc has a band of sailor boys of whom she may well feel proud and who possess those rare qualities which fit them for the active discharge of the arduous and responsible dutites which belong to their avacation. May favoring gales attend them. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis., March 8, 1855 P. 3
1854E.M. ShoyerSchooner120t.C. Sorenson ManitowocMARINE DISASTER.-Captain Hoag, informs us that the new schooner, E.M. Shoyer, recently built at this place, is ashore at Muskegon, and will probably be a total loss. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, November 29, 1855 P. 2
1854North StarSchooner175t.C. Sorenson ManitowocSale Of The North Star.-M.F. Van Vleck has sold the North Star (built here last spring) for $9,000. She will hail from Milwaukee hereafter and is worthy of a place in her naval galaxy. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, January 24, 1856 P. 3
Possibly the one that went down in Lake Erie in a white squall-no date
1854StellaSchooner184t.J. Harbridge ManitowocThe undersigned hereby express their gratful acknowlegements to Captain Nichols and the officers of the U.S. Steamer Michigan for the efficient aid rendered in getting the Sch. Stella off the beach at this place on Friday and Saturday the 23rd and 24th ult.,- Their assistance so freely rendered was of the greatest service condensing the labor of many days into one, and it becomes us to speak in the highest terms of the energy and skill, which was so well displayed on the occasion, and to express our confident belief that the same are among the distinguished characteristics of the gentlemanly officers of the Michigan. Aldrich Smith & Co. Two Rivers, July 15th, 1854. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, July 22, 1854 P. 2

Sunk on Lake Michigan in a white squall-no date

1854RoverSchooner23t.Manitowoc, Wis.Sprung a leak and capsized in a squall on her way to Milwaukee. The crew was saved.
1854ToledoSchooner100t.C. Sorenson Manitowoc
1854TransitSchooner121t.H. Rand Manitowoc
1855Anna ThorineSchooner89t.C. Sorenson Manitowoc
1856William Aldrich
Schooner192t. 124ft.James Harbridge, Two RiversTipped over in a white squall on Lake Michigan 1891, 1 crew member lost. Righted and was beached and broke up 9 June 1916 off Davenport, MI.
Schooner118t. 94 ft.Bates & Son ManitowocFoundered near Big Sable Point, MI in a gale on 12 Dec 1908
Schooner116t.C. Sorenson Manitowoc
1856Steven S. BatesSchooner139t.Bates & Son ManitowocDriven into shallows in a storm and broken up by waves.
1856GertrudeMerchant Schooner81ft.Two RiversThrown up on the beach in a storm and wrecked at Otter Creek, near Sleeping Bear Point, MI. One crewman drowned. 26 Sept. 1880.
1856Edward E SkeeleMerchant Schooner214t. 123ft.G. Barber, ManitowocDestroyed on a reef during a storm at Julia Bay, on Manitoulin Island. 25 Sept. 1921.
1857A. BaenschSchooner75t.Hanson Rand Manitowoc
1857El TempoSchooner213t.S. Goodwin Manitowoc
1857H. Rand (story)
Schooner130t. 110ft.Hanson Rand ManitowocCapsized and sank off Manitowoc 24 May 1901, four lives lost
1857Jo VilasSchooner225t. 107ft.Rand and Harbridge Two Rivers
1857TrialSchooner36t.H. Rand Manitowoc
1860Two Charlies (rebuilt)Schooner110t.R.L. Bell Manitowoc
1861Sunbeam (Victor)
Steamer450t.W. Bates ManitowocLaunched as Victor, was torn apart by a gale and sunk at Keweenaw 28 Aug 1863, 28 lives lost one survivor
Propeller, wood434t.W. Bates & Son ManitowocBeached in a gale at Au Sable Point, MI and went to pieces 25 Sept 1873, no lives lost
1861HornetMerchant schooner40t. 60ft.Two RiversBroke up in Lake Michigan at Good Harbor Bay near Petoskey, MI. November, 1870.
1863Chicago Board of Trade
Schooner422t.G.S. Rand ManitowocStruck Niagara Reef in Lake Erie during a gale and was torn apart, 21 Nov 1900
1863Sea GemSchooner103t.Bates & Son Manitowoc
1864Nabob (Waukesha)Schooner310t.G.S. Rand ManitowocLaunched as Waukesha, became waterlogged and sank in rough weather off Muskegon, MI, 7 Nov 1896, six lives lost
Schooner310t.G.S. Rand, Two RiversFoundered in a storm at Sturgeon Point, Lake Huron. Five lives lost.
1866OrionSteamer600t.G.S. Rand ManitowocStruck a bar at the harbor entrance at Grand Haven, MI on 16 Oct 1870 and was pounded to pieces. No lives lost.
1867David SmokeBarge454t. 180 ft.Capt. Morgan ManitowocNov 25, 1869 she broke adrift from the propeller Pittsburgh and was beached at Long Point, is a total loss. No lives lost.
1867Northwest (Greyhound)
Steamer1109t. 236ft.G.S. Rand ManitowocSank in 1904 in slip at Detroit, MI
1867Alice RichardsSchooner285t.Jasper Hanson Manitowoc
1867FleetwingSchooner344t. 145 ft.H. Burger ManitowocBeached and broken up at Death's Door on the tip of the Door Peninsula Sept 1885. No lives lost.
1868Jesse PhillipsSchooner147t.E.W. Packard ManitowocIn 1903 she was dismasted and mounted with a coal derrick by the Weaver Coal Co.
1868Jonah RichardsTug25t.Jasper Hanson Manitowoc
1868Kitty SmokeTug75t.Jasper Hanson ManitowocBurned at the mouth of the Saginaw River, Nov 26, 1889. No lives lost.
1868ManitowocSchooner569t. 210 ft.G.S. Rand ManitowocWrecked on North Manitou Island, MI., 10 Nov 1900
1868S.A. Wood
Schooner314t.H. Burger ManitowocBattered by a storm Nov 13, 1904. Made it to Milwaukee. Skipper was killed by the falling of a mst on his boat. Ship was never repaired and abandoned.
1869C.L. JohnstonSchooner199t.E.W. Packard Manitowoc
Steamer470t.G.S. Rand ManitowocLost at Tonawanda, NY. 18 Nov. 1898
1869Louisa McDonald
(Lily E.)
Schooner210t.J. Hanson Manitowoc
Steamer624t.G.S. Rand ManitowocShe was towed out into the lake, set afire and destroyed on Sep 25, 1914
1870EvaSchooner15t.W. McCullom ManitowocSomeone intentionally started it on fire causing complete destruction.
1870CoronaSidewheel steamer470gt 374ntG. S. Rand, ManitowocCaught fire and burned. 18 Nov 1898
1870H.E. McAllisterSchooner237t.J. Hanson Manitowoc
1870IndustrySchooner55t.P. Larson ManitowocCaught in a terrible gale near shore in Sourth Haven, Mich. and capsized. Four sailors including the captain lost their lives.
1870J. & A. Stronach (rebuilt) (B.C.F.M.)Schooner143t.J. Hanson Manitowoc
1870J.B. Newland
Schooner173t. 112ft.Jasper Hanson ManitowocThick fog and heavy seas drove her aground east of South Manitou Island. No lives lost. 8 Sept. 1910
Steamer70t. or 761t.G.S. Rand ManitowocBurned at the dock in the famous Chicago Fire, 9 Oct 1871
1870NormanSteamer996t.G.S. Rand Manitowoc
1871Christine Neilson/NilsonSchooner315t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocLost near Bailey's Harbor, WI. 21 Oct. 1884
1871EspindolaSchooner54t.P. Larson ManitowocBroke up in a storm just north of the Chicago waterfront on 10 April 1882
1871G. Knapp
Schooner186t.P. Larson Manitowoc
1871Kate L. BruceSchooner34t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocLost off Alpena, MI. 8 Nov 1877. All (8) lives lost.
1871L. MeekerSchooner312t.Hanson & Scove Manitowoc
Sidewheel Steamer618t. 193ft.G.S. Rand ManitowocDied in drydock. Some supports fell and it destroyed her hull when she hit the ground on 22 Sep 1896
1871Willie KellerSchooner263t.Hanson & Scove Manitowoc
1872City of ManitowocSchooner310t.H. Burger Manitowoc
1872Margaret A. MuirSchooner347t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocA fierce storm engulfed the ship with water causing it to keel over. Crew was able to get away in the yawl boat and had an exhausting excursion to shore.
1872Mary L. HiggieSchooner310t.Hanson & Scove Manitowoc
1872Menominee (Iowa)Steamer796t. 202ft.Burger Boat, ManitowocCaught in the ice in the Chicago harbor and was crushed and sank. Crew walked to shore. 4 Feb 1915
1872MinnehahaSchooner60t. 71ft.M. Ornes ManitowocSank near Whiting, IN, July 1905
1872OcontoSteamer505t.G.S. Rand Manitowoc
1872Thomas H. HowlandSchooner299t.Hanson & Scove Manitowoc
1872WillisSchooner260t.P. Larson ManitowocDisappeared on Lake Ontario
1873Blazing StarSchooner279t. 137ft.H. Burger ManitowocGrounded and broke up on Fisherman Shoal near Washington Island, WI., 10 Nov 1887, no lives lost.
1873C. LulingSchooner233t.P. Larson Manitowoc
1873C.C. BarnesSchooner173 ft, 582t.H. Burger ManitowocIn 1919 she was dismantled and towed out into the lake and beached at Milwaukee North Point where her bones are now lying.
1873FalmouthSchooner234t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocLost at the mouth of the harbor at Buffalo, NY. 21 Nov. 1880.
1873FelicitousSchooner199t.P. Larson Manitowoc
1873Guido PfisterSchooner694t. 198ft.J. Hanson ManitowocWas being towed by a tug at the mouth of the Duluth Ship Canal, towline broke and she drifted onto some rocks. Abandoned in place and allowed to rot. 10 Oct 1885
1873G.C. TrumpffSchooner347t.J. Butler ManitowocShe was rebuilt in 1885 and renamed Arthur.
1873George MurraySchooner790t. 203ft.G.S. Rand ManitowocBlew ashore in a gale at Pictured Rocks near Munising, MI and wrecked on the rocks. No loss of life. 25 Oct. 1893.
1873Henry C. RichardsSchooner700t. 189ft.H. Burger ManitowocFoundered in Lake Michigan near Little Point Au Sable during a howling snowstorm. Crew was saved. Oct. 6, 1895
1873Hattie A EstelleSchooner
H. Burger ManitowocWent down at an unreported position on Lake Michigan. 6 Oct 1895
1873H.M. ScoveSchooner305t. 138ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocFoundered of Pilot Island in Death's Door Passage, Green Bay. Nov. 1891
1873Hunting BoySchooner55t.Captain Christianson M ManitowocShe was driven ashore between the harbor piers at the canal entrance in Sturgeon Bay during a heavy storm on Oct. 12, 1878. In July of 1880 she was destroyed with dynomite.
1873L.J. ConwaySchooner90t.Larson and Son ManitowocWrecked in a storm north of White Lake, MI. near Fowler Creek. Five lives lost. 17 Nov. 1896
1873LydiaLaunch83t. 80ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocWent down in a gale out on Lake Michigan. 20 Oct. 1902
1873Mystic StarSchooner339t.J. Butler Manitowoc
1873ThistleSchooner363t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1873W. RichardsTug19t.J. Richards Manitowoc
1873City of Woodstock
(R. Kanters)
Schooner164t. 112ft.P. Larson ManitowocSank 3 mi. off Plum Island at Green Bay. 29 May 1896
1873TypoSchooner335t. 137ft.ManitowocCollided with the V H Ketchum and sank off Presque Isle in Lake Huron. 4 or 9 person lost. 14 Oct. 1899.
1873Cornelia B. WindiateSchooner322t.Thos. Windiate ManitowocMissing in a gale in the Straits of Mackinac, off Middle Island near Rogers City, MI. 10 Dec 1875 with all the crew.
1874ChicagoSteamer747t.G.S. Rand Manitowoc
1874GrangerMerchant Schooner366t. 155ft.Hanson & Scove Two RiversTotally wrecked on Seul Choix Point on Lake Michigan. 1896
1874David VanceSchooner774t.J. Butler ManitowocLost southwest of Point Pelee. 20 July 1893.
1874DioneTug9t.G.S. Rand Manitowoc
1874J. DuvallLaunch132t. 107ft.Rand & Burger Manitowoc4 accounts: Wrecked on South Manitou Island 11 Dec.1905; Sunk near Harsen's Island in Lake St. Clair, 5 Dec. 1905; Sunk on Lake Superior, 1904; Off Two Rivers after 1900. Only one schooner registered during that time with this name.
1874Bertie CalkinsSchooner248t. 134ft.Hanson & Scove Two RiversFoundered near Belleville, Ontario, 3 Oct 1919
1874J.I. CaseSchooner828t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1874Julia LarsenSchooner59t. 70ft.P. Larsen ManitowocStranded at s.e. corner of Thunder Bay Island in Lake Huron. Total loss. 1912
1874Mary R. AnnSchooner20t.unlisted Manitowoc
1874MerchantSchooner66t.P. Larson ManitowocWrecked in a storm near Sandusky, OH. 28 June 1904.
1874Mocking BirdSchooner166t.J. Richards Manitowoc
1874RamadarySchooner22t.Captain Worden Manitowoc
1874RapSchooner8t.J. Hanson Manitowoc
1874UlsterTug50t.none listed Manitowoc
1874J O ThayerSchooner380t. 166ft.none listed Two RiversStranded near Sheboygan, badly damaged on 18 Nov. 1881. Salvaged the next year, rebuilt and put back into service.
1875Frank CanfieldTug48t. 62.5ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocBroke up and sank in a gale near Big Sable Point, MI in Lake MI. 3 crewmen lost. 11 Apr 1904.
1875H. B. Burger
(rebuilt from Traveler)
Cargo ship214t. Rand & Burger ManitowocFoundered 2 mi. S. of the Chicago waterfront during high winds on May 21, 1883
1875John V. JonesSchooner236t. 125ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocThe cabin of the new schooner John V. Jones is the most completely and elegantly furnished of any vessel that has left the Manitowoc harbor for some time. We understand that Anton Vogt manufactured the furniture and fixtures. Anton has already won a high reputation for the manufacture of elegant furniture, but this last job of his has shoved it up another notch. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, June 22, 1875

Foundered in a storm near the Harrington Beach shore, WI. 2 crewmen died. 20 Oct. 1905

1875John SchuetteSchooner270t. 137ft.Hanson & Scove Two RiversThe prospects now are that the John Schuette, the new schooner of Hanson & Scove's, will cross the Atlantic soon. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, June 1, 1875

Collided with the Alfred Mitchell off Ecorse, MI., 2 July 1909. Wrecked and abandoned. No lives lost.

1875Lucia A. SimpsonSchooner227t. 127ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocFire destroyed her at her layup dock at Sturgeon Bay, WI. along with six other vessels on Dec. 5, 1935
1875SuccessSchooner161t.Captain Jorgenson Manitowoc
1876Lottie CooperSchooner265t. 131ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocCapsized in Lake Michigan off Sheboygan, WI. One life lost. 9 April 1894
1876Tennie and LauraSchooner57t. 73ft.Captain Jorgenson ManitowocSank on Lake Michigan between Muskegon, MI and Milwaukee WI. 1 crewman lost.
1877B. JonesSchooner45t.Captain Knudson Manitowoc
1877H. EschSchooner42t.J. Butler Manitowoc
1877Irma L. WheelerTug51t. 66ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocDestroyed by fire near Charlevoix, MI on what is now Lake Charlevoix. 1 April 1905
1877MinnieTug40t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1879I. StephensonBarge461t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1879ImperialLaunch68t.Burger Manitowoc
1880Daisy DaySteam barge124t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocLost near Little Point Sable, MI. 11 Oct. 1891.
1880H.C. Albrecht/
Thomas Hume
Schooner309t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocOn a Chicago to Muskegon run she disappeared with 6 crewmen and the Captain in a squall on May 21, 1891. She was found in 2006, 150 feet below the surface almost completely intact with no signs of a collision.
1880Henry WhitbeckSchooner Barge498t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1880Ludington (Georgia)Steamer842t.G.S. Rand Manitowoc
1880M.A. KnappTug18t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1880May RichardsSchooner511t. 161ft.James Butler ManitowocStranded and went to pieces on Lake Erie at North Bass Island. No lives lost. 6 Oct 1906
1880PenobscotSchooner260t. 131ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocSeriously damaged in a collision in the St. Clair River at Marine City, MI. Total loss. 19 Aug 1925
1880S. M. StephensonBarge511t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1881A.A. CarpenterSchooner Barge540t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1881ArcticTug52t. 64ft.G.S. Rand ManitowocDismantled and beached in 1930.
1881Emily B. Maxwell
Schooner360t. 148ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocDestroyed on the breakwater in a gale at Cleveland on Lake Erie. 31 Aug 1909
1881Isolda BockSchooner70t.Captain Jorgenson ManitowocWrecked in heavy seas off Beaver Island, Lake Michigan, Sept. 1916
1881Lalla RookhSchooner60t.James Butler Manitowoc
1881MelittaSchooner83t.Hanson & Rand Manitowoc
1881OlgaSchooner308t. 137ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocWent ashore and was destroyed by the waves north of Goderich, Ontario on Lake Huron. Nov. 1905
1881Rube RichardsSteamer815t.James Butler Manitowoc
1881T.L. ParkerSchooner628t.Hanson & Scove Manitowoc
1881TallahasseeSchooner760t.P. Larson Manitowoc
1881Thomas H. SmithSteamer281t. 130ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocCollided with the Arthur Orr northeast of Racine, WI. Boiler exploded and destroyed it. Nov. 1883
1882AliceSchooner307t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882Burt BarnesSchooner134t. 95ft.Rand & Burger ManitowocFoundered 10 mi. off Long Point, Lake Ontario, Sept 3, 1926 during a 50 mile an hour gale, loaded with 210 tons of soft coal. Three man crew and the captain got off the ship just before sinking and made it to shore 32 hours later in a small lifeboat.
1882George PankratzTug63t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882J. C. PerrettSchooner160'Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882J. Loomis McLarenSchooner286t. 132ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocFoundered 4.5 mi. north of downtown Chicago. 1 crewmember lost. 18 May 1894.
1882MishicotSchooner73t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882R. A. Seymour, Jr.Steamer131t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882W. A. GoodmanSchooner324t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882C. M. CharnleyTug83t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1882ClaraSchooner137'Burger Manitowoc
1882Duncan CityTug79t.Burger Manitowoc
1883Emma L. NeilsonSchooner-barge90t. 98ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocRammed and sunk by the Wyandotte 12 mi. east of Tawas Bay in Lake Huron. 26 June 1911.
1883Farrand H. WilliamsScow 94t.Capt. F. Williams Manitowoc
1883Glad TidingsSchooner82t. 79ft.J. Butler ManitowocSank on the Detroit River with a cargo of stone. 4 seamen drowned. 29 July 1894.
1884G. WilliamsTug46t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1884G.J. BoyceSchooner319t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1884LinerlaSchooner77t.Hanson & Scove ManitowocA smart looking little trading schooner was launched at the shipyard
on Saturday afternoon. She was christened the "Linderla" and was built
for O. Torrison Esq. by Hanson and Scove. Her dimensions are 76 ft.
keel 21 ft. beam, 6 1/2 ft. hold. She flies the "Baine & Logan" flag.
Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, September 23, 1884 P.2
1885Grace WilliamsSteamer46t.Capt. F. Williams ManitowocLost near N. Manitou Island. 28 May 1896.
1885James H. HallSchooner100t. 92ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocLost off Thunder Bay River south of Alpena MI on Lake Huron. 7 Nov. 1916
1885SplashSloop20'Burger Manitowoc
1885MarinetteSteamer Tug61t.Rand & Burger ManitowocBurned to a total loss. 28 June 1926.
1886MarinetteLaunch89'Burger Manitowoc
1886DolphinSloop20'Burger Manitowoc
1887A.D. Hayward Wooden Steamer304t. 138ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocWas crushed and foundered in an ice floe on Lake Huron at Harbor Beach, MI. 11 April 1911.
1887E.M. TiceSteamer728t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1887Francis HintonWooden Steamer397t. 164ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocBroke up off Two Rivers, WI in a storm. No lives lost. 16 Nov. 1909
1887RandSteamer191t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1887Wau BunTug63t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1888Andrew Johnson (rebuilt)Steamer
Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1888Fannie HartSteamer476t.Burger & Burger ManitowocCaptains Henry and Cliff Hart were in the city on Monday. Before leaving for home they had work commenced on their boats. The Fanny Hart will receive a new boiler and will be refitted. The Moore will also receive a new boiler. The three boats will be painted. Manitowoc Pilot, March 8, 1894
1888Lizzie MetznerSchooner77t.Rand & Burger Manitowoc
1888Mark B. CovellSteamer261t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1888PetoskeyWooden Steamer735t. 171ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocDestroyed by fire at the scrapyard at Sturgeon Bay, WI. 5 Dec. 1935
1888W.C. KimballScow-Schooner33g 31nManitowocFoundered in a gale in Lake Michigan. 8 or 12 May 1891
1889City of RacineFerry Steamer1041t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1889Cora A.Schooner381t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1889Isabella J. BoyceSteamer368t.Burger & Burger ManitowocGrounded and destroyed by fire. 6 June 1917
1889John E. HallSteamer343t. 139ft.Hanson & Scove ManitowocSank in a blizzard and gale in Lake Ontario north of Main Duck Island. 9 (all) crewmembers lost. 14 Dec. 1902
1890ActorSchooner30t.Roeber Brothers Manitowoc
1890S.M. StephensonBarge162'Burger Manitowoc
1890City of MarquetteFerry114'Burger Manitowoc
1890Eugene C. Hart (Norland)
Steamer407t. 122ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocSprang a leak and sank about 2 mi. off Milwaukee, 13 Nov 1922
1890H. LudingtonTug47t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1890IndianaSteamer1177t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1890Sidney O. NeffSchooner346t. 160ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocSprang a leak and sank near the Menominee River, Michigan. June 1940.
1891Edwin/Edward Buckley
Steamer414t. 154ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocCaught fire in Georgian Bay at Manitoulin Island on Lake Huron. 1 Sept. 1929.
1891George CooperTug53t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1891I.M. Leatham (Raber)Tug50t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1892AliceSchooner137'Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1892Alice E. Simpson/ShipmanTug40t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1892Anne Belle/AnabelleTug48t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1892FearlessTug28t.Burger & Burger ManitowocThe 50 year old fish tug Fearless was abandoned in 1943 not far from the Saint Paul Railroad bridge in Milwaukee.
1892Myrtle CampSchooner49t. 68ft.Burger & Burger ManitowocSank off Deadman's Point north of Menominee, MI on Lake Michigan, 18 May 1892.
1892S.A. DixonTug29t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1893Julia C. HammelTug28t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1893R.M. CooperTug27t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1894Sea GullSloop
Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1894LotusSteamer219t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1894Sydney O. NeffSteamer435t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1895Sidney T. SmithTug71t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
Burger & Burger Manitowoc

Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1896El TrumpoLaunch80'Burger & Burger Manitowoc
Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1897SedonieTug14t.Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1898AlphardTug32t. 58'Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1898BradwellTug44t. 63'Burger & Burger Manitowoc
1898C.W. Endress (Mack Jean)
Tug73t.Burger & Burger ManitowocBurned in port a total loss. Aug. 1927.
Burger & Burger ManitowocBurned in port a total loss. Aug. 1927.
Burger & Burger ManitowocThe government yacht Ariadne, recently launched at the Burger & Burger ship yard in this city, made a trip two (sic) Two Rivers Sunday. The trip from the government pier at this point to the pier at Two Rivers was made in thirty minutes and the return trip was made in twenty-five minutes. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Apr. 17, 1899
1899Robert E. BurkeTug73t. Manitowoc

1899SunshineSloop47' Manitowoc
1899SwastikaSloop36' Manitowoc
1899Two MyrtlesTug96t. Manitowoc
1900AnglerTug14t. Manitowoc
1900J.B. BradwellTug32t. Manitowoc
1900J.F. MayTug62t. Manitowoc
1901Vernon Jr.Launch80'Burger, Manitowoc
1903Burger SteelTug
Built for Mr. John Coffey Manistique, Mich.
1903Chequamegon (Robert C Pringle) Wood Passenger Steamer-tug141t. 101ft.Built for Chequamegon Bay Trans. Co. of Ashland, Wis.Sank off Manitowoc, WI. 19 July, 1922.
1904RhineGas screw packet12t. 39ft.Built at ManitowocFoundered in a storm off Frankfort, Michigan. All crew was lost. 26 Dec. 1904.
1905Francis T. SimmonsSteel Suction Dredge
Built for Atlantic Equipment Co.
1905Josephine SteelTug46t.Built for Chesbrough Bros. Bay City, Michigan
1905MajesticSteel Dipper Dredge
Built for Edward Bros. Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.
1905MaywoodSteel Passenger Steamer 398t.Built for Escanaba & Gladstone Transportation Co., Escanaba, Mich.
1905No Name listedSteel Stone Lighter
Built for the Great Lakes Dredge &Dock Co., Chicago, Ill
1905No. 29 M.F.D.Steel Fire Boat
Built for City of Milwaukee
1905PocanticoSteel Dipper Dredge
Built for Empire Building Corporation New York
25'Burger, Manitowoc - Built for John Schuette
(W.H. Meyer)
Steel Tug130t. 90ft.ManitowocBuilt as W.H. Meyer, went down in a storm off Cleveland with all 14 crew members, 2 Dec 1944.
1907WandererWood CR43'Burger, ManitowocBuilt for F. Robert Zeit
1907RangerWood Yawl49' 06"Burger, Manitowoc
1908Avisgas screw packet (tug?)12 tManitowocSank at harbor at S. Manitou Isl. 1 Jan 1939
1908Graeme StewartSteel Fire Boat298t.Built for City of Chicago
1908H. DahlkeSteel Sand Barge450t.Built for Lake Sand Co. Chicago, Ill. by the Manitowoc Dry Dock Co.Lost at Sandwich, Ontario. 22 Dec. 1938.
1908Joseph MedillSteel Fire Boat298t.Built for City of Chicago
1909James A. PughSteel Freight Lighter401t.Built for Chicago Lighterage Co. Chicago, Ill
1909Manitowoc SteelU.S. Survey & Inspection Steamer174t.Built for U.S. Engineers Dept. Milwaukee, Wisc.
1909United States
Steel Passenger Steamer1374t. 258ft.Built for the Indiana Transportation Co. Chicago, Ill.Burned to the hull at dock at Sarnia, Ont. 6 June 1927. Salvaged and became the steamer Batiscan that was scrapped in 1944.
1909WaubesaWood CR45'Burger, Manitowoc
1910No name listedSteel Car Float
Built for Chicago River & Indiana R.R. Co., Chicago
1910AdeleSteel Freight Lighter402t.Built for Western Transit Co., Buffalo, N.Y.
1910AlabamaSteel Passenger Steamer2626t.Built for Goodrich Transit Co.(1910-2006) Converted into a non-powered barge in 1961. Purchased by Dean Construction in 2005 and scrapped in 2006
1910M. HauslerSteel Sand Barge609t.Built for Lake Sand Co. Chicago, Ill.
1911CommerceSteel Freight Lighter280t.Built for Merchants Lighterage Co. Chicago, Ill.
1911No name listedSteel Dump ScowTotal Cubic Yard Capacity 12,100None Given
1912E. GunnellPropeller, Steel, sandsucker638g 468nManitowocStranded and wrecked in a storm. Dec. 1912
1915AmericaWooden propeller tug56 ft, 40 t.Burger Boat, ManitowocSunk in 14 feet of water in the Black River while at dock in Port Huron, Michigan on Feb 9, 1952
1922Anabel IIOil Screw Fish Tug62t.Burger Boat Co., Manitowoc, WisDestroyed by fire at her winter dock.
1922White SwanPropeller81 ft, 99 t.Burger Boat Co., Manitowoc, WisStranded on a reef in a storm/fog.
1927SS MadisonCar Ferry2,942 t.
347.9 x
56.2 x
Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Manitowoc, WisOwned by Grand Trunk Milwaukee Car Ferry Company
1937Linda E.
(Le Clair Bros.)
Propeller fishing tug29g 20nBurger Boat Co., Manitowoc, Wisunknown (probable collision). 11 Dec. 1998. 3 lives lost.
1941CormorantPropeller tug, steel [oil screw]18 g 12 nBurger Boat Co., Manitowoc, WisFoundered in a storm. 1958, Oct 16 or 17