I have combined the city record with the transcriptions. The city record when used is in brackets [ ]. The first two numbers of an entry are the section and lot numbers.
EARLEY: [B-22-9]-Viola Earley/Dec 4, 1921/Jun 14, 2012 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-9]-Frank J./1913-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-9]-Calvin J./1939-1963 Tombstone, next to:EARLY: [B-28-7]-Lucile Lonzo Early/1923-1994 Tombstone see LONZO-Lucile is on the back of Lonzo stone
EBEL: [A-5-7]-Luke Ebel/Oct 20, 1906/Dec 10, 1969 Tombstone [B-30-10]-Anna A. Ebel/Apr 7, 1907/Nov 2, 1975 Tombstone [B-30-10]-Alfred Edward/1902-1990 Tombstone [C-24-8]-Rev. Alfred J. Ebel/Apr 15, 1930/Ordained Jun 1, 1957/May 4, 1996 Tombstone
EBERT: Robert Ebert/Jul 8, 1919/Jul 4, 2010
EBY: [B-8-5]-Marie Theresa Eby Gilbert/1942-1988 [bur. 08-13-1990/age 46 yrs.] Tombstone see GILBERT
EDWARDS: [B-21-9]-Chad Edwards/Mar 9-Mar 10, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: NEBEL [Unk-1-9]-[David Edwards (Baby)/bur. 1923]
EESLEY: [B-15-7]-Robert/May 26, 1932/Feb 17, 2012 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-7]-Judith C./1939-Sep 1963 Tombstone Lorraine E. Eesley/Jun 13, 1928/Oct 27, 2018 Photo [F-3-3]-[Baby Girl Eesley/bur. 06-25-1963]
EGGERS: [C-22-4]-John "Sandy" Eggers/1934-1996 Tombstone + Photo
EIS: [B-18-8]-Oscar/1898-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-8]-Evelyn/1905-Jun 1958 Tombstone
ELDERT: [C-23-8]-Diane L. Chadek Eldert/Mar 13, 1950/May 25, 1991 Tombstone
ELLERMAN: [F-30-2]-Emil E./Feb 7, 1892/Nov 6, 1972/WWI Vet/417th M. Sup. Tr. Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-2]-Gertrude A./1897-1995 Tombstone
ELLIOTT: [A-4-10]-Mary Ellen Elliott/1952-May 1953 (Klein & Stangel marker.) [A-41-3]-Clarence/1876-Jan 1963, ossw: [A-41-3]-Anna Elliott/1883-Apr 1962 [C-11-8]-Gerard Thom./1919-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-8]-Claude/1913-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-8]-Arlene/1922-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-8]-Jerome/1917-1993 Tombstone see LAPINE see ROSS
EMLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Franz Emler/bur. 1901/age 70 yrs.]
EMOND: [A-31-2]-Victor/Father/1900-Nov 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-2] Sophia/May 18, 1902/Apr 14, 1993 Tombstone [A-40-1]-Ida Emond/Mother/1876-Mar 1926 Tombstone, next to: [A-40-1]-George Emond/Father/1866-Sep 1942 Tombstone, next to: [A-40-1]-Catherine Emond/Daughter/Nov 6, 1906/Aug 23, 1930 Tombstone, next to: [B-9-1]-Aaron P./Apr 16, 1899/Sep 5, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-1]-Lucille/1901-Sep 1976 Tombstone [B-9-10]-Kevin Emond/May 31, 1961/Nov 11, 1982 Tombstone [B-10-4]-David A./1915-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [B-10-4]-(Esther M. (Zik) Emond/Feb 10, 1918/Aug 1, 1995 Tombstone [B-31-3]-Everett/1913-1984 [Not in city record] Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-3]-Elsie L. Emond/Feb 2, 1916/Apr 17, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [F-14-8]-Melissa Beth Emond/d. Apr 14, 1969 Tombstone Ronald A. Emond/Jan 22, 1945/Apr 16, 2007 Tombstone Douglas G. Emond/Jun 27, 1937/Apr 24, 2021 Photo Shirley A. Emond/Aug 30, 1936/Jun 19, 2017 Photo See TENPAS
ENGBLADE: [C-5-1]-Gloria J. Carrier Engblade/Sep 1, 1932/Mar 17, 2004 Tombstone + Photo
ENGELBRECHT: [C-15-3]-Otto A. Engelbrecht/Feb 28, 1929/May 11, 2019 Photo [C-15-3]-Betty J./1929-1999 Tombstone [C]-Amy Ann Engelbrecht/Jul 5, 1991/Aug 7, 2013 Tombstone + Photo
ENGELDINGER: [C-9-10]-[C-9-10]-Victor J. Engeldinger/Mar 15, 1921/Feb 17, 2011 Tombstone, ossw: [C-9-10]-Ethel Engeldinger/1926-1995 Tombstone
ENTRINGER: [B-33-7]-Lucille M./1902-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [B-33-7]-Walter J./Oct 2, 1906/Jan 23, 1999/TSGT US Air Force WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-33-7]-Walter J./1906-1999 Tombstone
ENZ: Theodore S. Enz/Jan 5, 1919/Sep 14, 2014 Photo Angeline R. Enz/Aug 28, 1922/Nov 19, 2015 PhotoEPPINGER: [A-21-1]-[Mary] Mother/1855-1928 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-[Daniel] Father/1847-1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-John/1876-Feb 1953 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-Henry Eppinger/Wisconsin/Pvt Co A 16 Bn US Guards/WWI/May 21 1891/Mar 30 1969 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-Lena Eppinger/Jan 15, 1901/Oct 9, 1977 Tombstone [F-17-5]-Frank/1887-1970 (obit is in 1969 newspaper) Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-5]-Rose/1888-1963 Tombstone
ERDMAN: [A-24-4]-Joseph Erdman, Sr./died Jan 20, 1925/age 69 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [A-24-4]-Elizabeth Erdman/died Jun 25, 1933/age 80 yrs. Tombstone [C-25-8]-Michael A. WEBB/Jan 16, 1953/Jan 31, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [C-25-8]-Larry A. Erdman/May 8, 1963/Dec 11, 2009 Tombstone [F-10-1]-Wenzel J./1890-May 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-1]-Marie A./1887-Oct 1969 Tombstone
ERDMANN: [F-11-7]-Antone/1897-Jan 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [F-11-7]-Beatrice/1909-2001 Tombstone
ERICKSON: [C-23-5]-Robert Erickson/1920-1992 Tombstone
ERTMAN: [A-3-2]-Mary Ertman/1883-Dec 1963 Tombstone [A-20-4]-[Amelia Gilbert Ertman/bur. 02-17-1977/age 91 yrs.] Tombstone [B-4-3]-Anna Ertman/1912-2000 Tombstone [F-32-2]-Anthony Ertman/1865-Jun 1963 Tombstone See GILBERT
EVERSEN: [F-9-5]-Steven John Eversen/7-21-1968/2-8-1969 Tombstone
EVERSON: [A-7-8]-Edward J./1871-Jan 1935 Tombstone, ossw: [A-7-8]-Mary/1878-Jun 1954 Tombstone [A-38-3]-Lawrence E. Everson/Wisconsin/Corp US Army/WWI/Nov 1, 1897/Oct 8, 1940 Tombstone [A-38-3]-Rose Everson/1898-1998 Tombstone [F-20-5]-Julius P./1901-Nov 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [F-20-5]-Frances/1901-Dec 1989 Tombstone Edward Everson/1923-2008 Tombstone
EVRARD: [F-23-6]-Joseph E. Evrard/1932-2000 Tombstone [F-34-2]-Harry L./1901-Aug 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-2]-Emma F./1904-Nov 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-2]-Barbara A./1940-Apr 1948 Tombstone
[ F ]
FANSLAU: [A-14-1]-Arthur Fanslau/Father/1895-Oct 1940 Tombstone [Unk-1-4]-[Albert Fanslau/bur. 06-24-1930]
FARNSWORTH: [C-11-9]-[William Farnsworth/bur. 08-27-1990/age 7 yrs.]
FARR: [B-28-10]-Ella Mary Farr/Apr 8, 1906/Dec 16, 1985 Tombstone
FAY: [A-29-5]-Andrew Fay/1851-1926 Tombstone, next to: [A-29-5]-George W. Fay/Pvt US Army/Jan 8 1891/Nov 2 1974 Tombstone, next to: [A-29-5]-Lena Fay/1856-1930 Tombstone
FEBISH: [A-6-2]-Jeannette H. Febish/Wife/1922-1968 Tombstone
FEEST: Donna L. Feest/Jun 27, 1929/Mar 30, 2014 Photo, ossw: Ronald L. Feest/Oct 4, 1927/Jul 25, 2017 Photo [F-23-5]-Lawrence/1898-Dec 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [F-23-5]-Kathryn/1900-1975 Tombstone
FELLER: [B-21-10]-Theodore/1899-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-10]-Angeline/1907-1990 Tombstone, next to: [B-21-10]-Theodore Feller/Pfc US Army/WWI/Mar 4 1899/Sep 1 1976 Tombstone
FENCL: [B]-John Fencl/Feb 11, 1933/Mar 13, 2008/CPL US Army-Korea Tombstone [B]-John "Jack" Fencl/Feb 11, 1933/Mar 13, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Helen Ann Fencl/Mar 19, 1935/Sep 4, 2018 Photo [F-24-3]-Frank J./1908-Feb 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-4]-Viola M./1910-May 1975 Tombstone, next to: [F-24-3]-Edward W./1893-Mar 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-3]-Mayme/1888-Aug 1979 Tombstone [F-24-4]-LeRoy J./1928-1990 [bur. 07-10-1990/age 61 yrs.] Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-4]-Daniel/1902-Jan 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [F-24-4]-Esther A./1905-Sep 1982 Tombstone
FERRY: [A]-Baby Girl/d. Jun 2006 Tombstone [A]-Baby Boy Ferry/-Apr 9, 2010 Tombstone [A-2-8]-Marie Ferry/1902-Oct 1936 Tombstone [A-2-8]-[Baby Boy/bur. 09-25-1941] [A-2-8]-[Holly Muriel/bur. 01-19-1945/age 12 da.] [A-4-4]-Eunice E. Ferry/1928-Nov.1931 [A-4-4]-[Baby Boy/bur. 05-21-1943] [A-4-5]-Betty Jane Ferry/1936-Feb 1937 Tombstone [F-5-6]-Alvin J. Ferry/1932-Apr 1965 Tombstone
FEUERSTEIN: [A-10-9]-Frank/1879-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [A-10-9]-Selma/1888-Nov 1952 Tombstone [A-19-2]-Peter M. Feuerstein/1869-Mar 1958/Father Tombstone, next to: [A-19-2]-Magdalena Feuerstein/1873-Apr 1931 Tombstone, next to: [A-19-2]-Luke/1899-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [A-19-2]-Caroline/1902-Jan 1990 Tombstone [A-37-4]-Casper/1882-May 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [A-37-4]-Anna/1889-Feb 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [A-37-4]-Casper, Jr./1921-Oct 1929 Tombstone, ossw: [A-37-4]-[Baby Girl/bur. 11-04-1954] Tombstone [B-2-7]-Francis J./1908-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-7]-Martha/1915-Apr 1978 Tombstone [B-24-1]-Joyce Marie Feuerstein/May 22, 1935/Mar 14, 1978 Tombstone [B-25-7]-Lillian E. Feuerstein/May 29, 1933/Nov 14, 1970 Tombstone [C-14-10]-Bernadette Feuerstein/1921-1986 Tombstone [C-22-6]-Arnold Paul Feuerstein/Oct 26, 1917/Jan 26, 1989 Tombstone [C-23-1]-Margaret M. Feuerstein/1933-2005 Tombstone, ossw: [C-23-1]-James C. Feuerstein Sr./CPL US Army-Korea/Dec 18, 1928/Nov 10, 1991 Tombstone [F-16-2]-Andrew C. Feuerstein/Wisconsin/Tec 5 16 Infantry/WWII BSM & OLC-PH/Mar 18, 1914/Feb 5 1953 Tombstone
FILLIEZ: [A-4-10]-Baby Filiez/1949-Sep 1949 Tombstone [Baby Filliez/no other information] [B-27-7]-Stanley A./1918-Jan 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-27-7]-Marion E./Oct 9, 1923/Mar 24, 2012 Tombstone [C-22-7]-Julius C./1913-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-7]-Marie T./nee Steeber/1917-1988 Tombstone [F-3-4]-George J./1883-Aug 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-4]-Julia M./1883-Aug 1965 Tombstone
FINLEY: Thomas F. Finley/Oct 14, 1928/Oct 25, 2018 Photo Florence Anna "Doll" Finley/Aug 26, 1928/Apr 11, 2021 Photo
FIRKOWSKI: [B-15-8]-Walter A. Firkowski/1906-Oct 1962 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-15-8]-Sophia M. Firkowski Assmann/1908-1995 Tombstone
FIRST: [A-4-7]-[Jacob First (Baby)/bur. 03-18-1927] (missing stone?)
FISCHER: [A-8-2]-Joseph Fischer/Father/1858-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [A-8-2]-Mary Fischer/Mother/1865-Apr 1945 Tombstone [A-8-2]-Valentine Fischer/1906-1987 Tombstone [A-12-9]-Anton Fischer/1878-Dec 1937 [F-26-2]-Lyman F. Fischer/Wisconsin/52 USNRF/WWI/Dec 7 1895/Jun 9 1958 Tombstone [F-26-2]-Ethel F. Fischer/Jul 17, 1909/May 24, 2000 Tombstone [F]-Erich Fischer/Jul 19, 1943/Feb 27, 2008 Tombstone
FISHER: [F]-Luckie M. Fisher (Lucille)/Mar 12, 1929/Jul 14, 2009 Tombstone see FISCHER
FITCH: [B-10-6]-John Gilbert Fitch/Feb 17, 1922/Dec 6, 1969, next to: [B-10-6]-Gene Bradley Fitch/Jan 24, 1948/Mar 18, 1969 Mildred Fitch/Oct 25, 1925/Jun 25, 2010 Jennifer Lynn Fitch/Jun 4, 1969/Nov 20, 2018 Photo >Randall J. Fitch/May 21, 1953/Apr 19, 2015
FLANAGAN: [B-4-6]-Barney Flanagan/1915-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-6]-Hazel C. Flanagan/Mar 18, 1917/Jan 5, 2021 Tombstone + Photo
FLEGLE: [B-23-6]-Emma/1902-Sep 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-6]-John W./1901-Dec 1980 Tombstone
FLEMAL: Janice L. Flemal/Aug 11, 1944/Jun 28, 2012 Photo Dale W. Flemal/Jan 16, 1939/Jul 17, 2018 Photo
FLENTJE: [B-19-2]-Paul C./1915-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-2]-Lillian K./1916-Mar. 1961 Tombstone [C-18-1]-Chester Flentje/1911-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-18-1]-Eleanore M. Flentje/Oct 20, 1912/Aug 12, 2010 Tombstone + Photo
FONTAINE: [A-2-10]-Arsem Fontaine/1859-1937 Tombstone [A-8-5]-Adolph/1864-Apr 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [A-8-5]-Mary A./1876-May 1970 Tombstone
FORD: [A-2-7]-Lila Mae Ford/1930-Dec. 1943 Tombstone [B-30-9]-Elmer N./Dec 25, 1926/Dec 24, 2004/S1 US Navy WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-9]-Myrna C./1930-Sept.1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-9]-Elmer N. Ford/1926-2004 Tombstone [F-35-1]-Claude [B.]/1924-1960 Tombstone Virginia A. Ford/Oct 3, 1923/Sep 30, 2017 Photo
FOX: [B-32-3]-James J./1902-May 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-3]-Kay/1905-Dec 1984 Tombstone
FRANK: [C-23-8]-Delmar E. Frank/1925-1992 Tombstone [F-6-6]-Edward/1886-Jun 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-6]-Catherine/1891-Mar 1957 Tombstone [F-10-8]-Laddie/1913-Aug 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [F-10-8]-Mildred/1919-2001 Tombstone [F-21-1]-Adolph N./1882-Oct 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [F-21-1]-Mathilda B./1886-Dec 1971 Tombstone [F-26-5]-Andrew/1863-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [F-26-5]-Mary/1867-1947 Tombstone [F-26-5]-[Mary/bur. 07-08-1952/age 80 yrs.] Memorial [F-26-5]-Paula Marie/1895-1983 Tombstone [F-26-5]-Marcella Frank/1899-1996 Tombstone
FRANZ: Elizabeth J. Franz/Jun 23, 1948/Nov 3, 2019 PhotoFRASCH: [A-3-5]-John G. Frasch/Father/1869-Dec 1937 Tombstone [A-21-3]-Olive/1877-Aug 1929, ossw: [A-21-3]-Albert H./1905-1988, ossw: [A-21-3]-Caroline/1906-1993 [A-34-4]-Mary Margaret Frasch/1896-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [A-34-4]-Louis J. Frasch/1895-1987 Tombstone [B-17-6]-George Frasch/1916-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Edith Frasch/Nov 29, 1918/Apr 27, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [B-17-6]-Gregory/1947-Jul 1958 Tombstone [F-15-5]-Bernard W. Frasch/1904-Jan 1970 Tombstone [Unk-1-7]-[Norbert (Baby)/bur. 04-05-1923]
FREDY: [A-2-3]-[Mrs. John Fredy/bur. 12-03-1931]
FREE: [A-5-7]-Bernice A. Free/1921-2004 Tombstone + Photo
FREIDENBERGER: [B-9-9]-Vera Freidenberger/1893-Jul 1971
FRERICHS: [B-29-8]-William J. Frerichs/Sep 10, 1955/Nov 24, 1972 Tombstone Walter W. Frerichs/Nov 18, 1933/Jul 27, 2017 Photo Nancy A. Frerichs/Apr 5, 1934/Jan 31, 2020 Photo
FRIDENBERG: [F-29-5]-Jerome Carl Fridenberg/1899-Jun 1946 Tombstone, next to: [F-29-5]-Marie Wilhelmine Fridenberg/1898-Dec 1945 Tombstone [F-30-5]-Anna Fridenberg/1868-1947 Tombstone
FRISKE: [F-21-8]-Theodore M. Friske/1881-Jul 1951 Tombstone, next to: [F-21-8]-Rose Friske/1890-Aug 1968 Tombstone
FROEMMING: [F-11-8]-Richard D. Froemming/Apr 10, 1934/Dec 1, 1995/US Army Tombstone
FRONK: [B-3-6]-Earl/1914-1988 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-3-6]-Ruth/1918-1992 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-3-6]-Earl W./1942-Aug 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-6]-Shane HAUSCHULTZ/1985-2004 Tombstone [B-8-8]-Adolph/1903-1979, ossw: [B-8-8]-Cecilia/1903/Apr 13, 1991 [B-3-9]-Beatrice H./1920-1996 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-9]-Stanley G. Fronk/May 16, 1918/Nov 21, 2011 Photo [C-16-5]-Francis Fronk/1908-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-5]-Mae Fronk/1908-2002 Tombstone + Photo Roy W. Fronk, D.D.S./Jul 25, 1924/Dec 27, 2019 Photo Martha L. Fronk/Feb 21, 1926/Mar 2, 2018 Photo
FRUIN: Cheryl A. Fruin/Nov 26, 1960/Aug 12, 2011 Tombstone
FUNG: [C-20-1]-Roberto Fung /1928-1997 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-1]-Janice Fung COUNARD/Mar 27, 1934/Apr 29, 2021 Photo
[ G ]
GABEL: [C-24-2]-Darlene D. Gabel/Feb 21, 1932/Aug 22, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [C-24-2]-Ronald T. Gabel/1931-1999 Tombstone
GAGNER: [C-5-1]-Joseph P. Gagner/Jan 24, 1923/Aug 6, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [C-5-1]-June Gagner/Jun 18, 1929/Oct 8, 2001 Tombstone
GAGNON: [A1-33-3]-Albert/1906-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-33-3]-Frances/1902-1990 [bur. 07-05-1990/age 87 yrs.] Tombstone [A-36-4]-[Betty (Baby)/bur. 09-26-1931] Memorial [A-36-4]-[George (Baby)/bur. 09-26-1931] Memorial [A-36-4]-Urban/Father/1882-1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-36-4]-Betty/-1922- Tombstone, ossw: [A-36-4]-George/-1911- Tombstone, next to: [A-36-4]-Julia/Mother/1883-Nov 1948 Tombstone, next to: [A-36-4]-Herman S./1906-Jan 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-36-4]-Alice E./1908-2000 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [A-36-4]-Martin U./1905-Apr 21, 1966 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-36-4]-Adeline D./1903-Oct 1991 Tombstone [B-17-3]-Mark H./1899-Jun 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-3]-Katherine/1895-1988 Tombstone [B-22-4]-Laura/Oct 13, 1878/Aug 8, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-4]-Sarah/1903-Jan 1974 Tombstone [C-11-10]-Robert J. Gagnon/DTG3 US Navy-Korea/Jul 3, 1929/Jan 1, 1992 Tombstone [C-14-10]-[Richard RaymondFeb 22, 1963/Jul 21, 1984 Tombstone [F-4-1]-Joseph J./1885-Sep 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-1]-Lillian/1886-Sep 1961 Tombstone [F-9-8]-David George Gagnon/Aug 4-Dec 10, 1960 Tombstone [F-14-6]-John/1879-Apr 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-6]-Elmyra/1881-1965 Tombstone [F-18-6]-Joseph P. Gagnon/1918-2003 Tombstone, ossw: [F-18-7]-Rose M. Gagnon/Apr 26, 1922/Jun 21, 2013 Tombstone [F-20-6]-Paul/1898-Jun 4, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [F-20-6]-Georgiana/1901-1983 Tombstone [F-28-1]-Inez E. Gagnon/nee Hurley/1922-2004 Tombstone Patrick J. Gagnon/Aug 26, 1949/Feb 15, 2020 Tombstone + Photo Thomas Lee Gagnon/Jul 28, 1961/Oct 22, 2011 Photo [Unk-1-2]-[Baby Gagnon/bur. 06-24-1939] Memorial [Unk-1-2]-[Baby Boy Gagnon/bur. 07-01-1942] Memorial [Unk-1-8]-[Elizabeth Gagnon/bur. 10-17-1922] Memorial [Unk-1-2]-[Martin (Baby)Gagnon/bur. 05-08-1937] Memorial [Unk-1-5]-[Thomas (Baby) Gagnon/bur. 5-6-1928] Memorial [Unk-1-5]-[Thomas (Baby) Gagnon/bur. 5-14-1929] Memorial [Unk-1-9]-[Thomas (Baby) Gagnon/bur. 1930] Memorial
GAJDYS: [A1-33-1]-Pauline Gajdys/1884-May 1962 Tombstone, next to: [A1-33-1]-Joseph/1909-Jan. 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-33-1]-Mildred Gajdys/1916-2001 Tombstone + Photo [A1-33-1]-Vincent W. Gajdys/1915-1989
GALLAGHER: [C-26-3]-Melvin L./Jan 17, 1910/May 5, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [C-26-3]-Georgi/Feb 5, 1924/Jan 28, 2007 Tombstone Alison M. Gallagher/Nov. 7, 1968/May 25, 2015 Tombstone + Photo
GALLENBERGER: [A-17-8]-John/Father/1864-Apr 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A-17-8]-Catharine/Mother/1866-1946 Tombstone
GANDEE: [C-8-1]-Robert W./US Navy WWII/Nov 23, 1926/May 5, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-8-1]-Robert W./1926-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [C-8-1]-Bette J./1926-1996 Tombstone
GARCEAU: [B-24-2]-Edmund C./1922-Mar 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-2]-Charlotte/1927-Jul 1966 Tombstone, next to: [B-24-2]-Christopher A. Garceau/Nov 24, 1983/May 27, 1986 Tombstone [B]-Marilyn Ann Garceau/Apr 30, 1941/Sep 20, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [C-23-10]-Robert W. Garceau/Aug 1, 1926/Dec 6, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-23-10]-Lorraine A. Garceau/Feb 5, 1927/Feb 20, 2005 Tombstone [F-26-4]-Sandra/1951-Apr 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [F-26-4]-Gertrude/1921-Apr 1952 Tombstone
GARCIA: [F-23-5]-Marcelino Garcia/Uncle/1902-Oct 1973 Tombstone
GARRIGAN: [A-4-1]-Robert Lee Garrigan/Jun 26, 1948/Jul 17, 1948 Tombstone
GARSOW: [A-1-2]-Francis X. Garsow/Wisconsin/Cook QM Corps/Sep 14, 1891/Jul 20 1926 Tombstone, next to: [A-1-2]-Footstone: H.G. (Note: This footstone probably is for Henry Gauthier who is on [A-1-3] There is no Garsow with those initials that I could find. See Henry Gauthier
GARVEY: [B-12-10]-Wilmer J./1904-Apr 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-10]-Evelyn C./1904-Mar 1982 Tombstone [C-19-6]-Charles Neal Garvey/1941-1985 Tombstone
GASPER: [F-25-3]-Emma Gasper/1881-1956 Tombstone see BECKER
GATES: [A-5-1]-Josephine Gates/Mother/1869-Sep 1945 Tombstone, next to: [A-5-1]-Peter Gates, Sr./Father/1859-Sep 1937 Tombstone [A-5-3]-Frank/1871-Dec 1934 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-3]-Barbara/1878-Apr 1943 Tombstone [B-18-1]-Philomene Gates/1902-Jun 1968 Tombstone [B-20-2]-Van Anton/1896-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-2]-Mary/1896-Dec 1968 Tombstone [B-27-10]-Joseph J. Gates/Jul 16, 1895/Jul 7, 1981/Cook/US Army WWI Tombstone [C-13-6]-Alfred J. Gates/1920-2001 Tombstone [C-13-6]-Patrick Gates/1957-2000 Tombstone [C-26-9]-Alice (Masie) Gates/Apr 9, 1929/Feb 9, 2004 Tombstone [C-26-9]-Amy Jo Gates/1960-1999 Tombstone [C]-Zachary G. Gates/Aug 22, 1988/Mar 3, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [F-26-7]-Helen/1914-Nov 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-26-7]-Nial Gates/1916-1997 Tombstone [F-26-7]-Eugene Gates/Sep 25, 1934/Aug 16, 1996/US Navy Tombstone [F-31-2]-Louis F. Gates/1900-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-2]-Harley L. Gates/1928-Mar 1946 Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-2]-Angelique (KUMBALEK)/Granddaughter/-1947- Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-2]-Amanda A. Gates/1900-1989 Tombstone
GATZKE: [B-1-3]-[Alfred] Arthur F./Apr 27, 1904/Oct 18, 1983/PVT US Army WWII Tombstone
GAUGER: Howard Gauger/Feb 7, 1929/Oct 7, 2010
GAUTHIER: [A1-33-2]-Louis J./1887-Apr 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-33-2]-Mary/1893-Feb 1973 Tombstone, next to: [A1-33-2]-Elmer/1918-2002 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-33-2]-Eunice/1918-Oct 1978 Tombstone Natalie A. Gauthier/Nov 18, 1955/Jun 18, 2017 Photo [A1-37-3]-[Frances Gauthier/bur. 04-01-1957/age 88 yrs.] [A-1-3]-[Henry Gauthier/bur. 06-26-1926] [A-7-7]-Ervin/1865-Aug 1934 Tombstone, ossw: [A-7-7]-Delia/1866-Apr 1958 Tombstone [A-13-8]-Lawrence A. Gauthier/1903-1980 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-13-8]-Agnes M. Gauthier/Feb 22, 1905/Mar 15, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-8]-Dale J. Gauthier/1934-Jan 1935 Tombstone [A-21-3]-Margaret Gauthier/1903-Jun 1946 Tombstone [A-21-5]-Edward Gauthier/Father/1862-1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-5]-Mathilda Gauthier/Mother/1865-Apr 1941 Tombstone [A-25-5]-[Esther Gauthier/bur. 03-01-1925/age 3 yrs.] [A-25-5]-Elizabeth Gauthier/Aug 19, 1907/Mar 16, 1925 [A-25-5]-Frank/1872-1960 [A-25-5]-Mary/1879-Dec 1943, next to: [A-25-5]-Esther Gauthier/1904-1907 [A-30-4]-Sophia Gauthier/Mother/1858-1929 Tombstone, next to: [A-30-4]-Joseph Gauthier/Father/1849-Jun 1936 Tombstone [A-31-1]-Albert/Father/1886-Dec 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-1]-Leona/Mother/1892-May 1951 Tombstone [A-31-1]-Alvin G. Gauthier/1912-Jul 1940 Tombstone, next to: [A-31-1]-Albert E. Gauthier/1925-1930 Tombstone [A-31-1]-[Louis Gauthier/bur. 01-03-1931] [B-6-9]-Bernard C./1901-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-9]-Frances/1898-1974 Tombstone [B-7-7]-Albert Jos. Gauthier/1898-1984 Tombstone [B-7-10]-Ivan E./Jun 2, 1921/Mar 1, 1998/PFC US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-10]-Marian/1920-Mar 1973 Tombstone [B-13-5]-Lillian HILL/1905-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-5]-Melcher/1903-1967 Tombstone [B-24-3]-George J./1884-May 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-3]-Mary A./1888-Sep 1975 Tombstone [B-29-3]-Leonard/1931-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-3]-Cindy/1955-Jul 1974 Tombstone [B-32-2]-[June K. HOOPES Gauthier/nee VOLZ/bur. 09-20-1991/age 65 yrs.] Tombstone [C-19-7]-Ethel Gauthier/1923-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-19-7]-Victor H. Gauthier/Feb 4, 1922/Jan 13, 2001 Tombstone [C-19-11]-Cele Virginia Gauthier/1909-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-19-11]-Adolph W./1905-1996 Tombstone [F-3-3]-Grover C./1892-Jan 1955/Father Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-3]-Jennie M./1899-1993/Mother Tombstone, next to: [F-3-3]-Grover C. Gauthier/Wisconsin/Pvt Co B 56 Infantry/WWI/Jun 10 1892/Jan 10 1955 Tombstone [F-9-5]-David Lee Gauthier/May 16-Aug 7, 1971 Tombstone [F-11-3]-Leola Louise/dau. of Ivan & Marian Gauthier/Feb 7, 1948/Nov 14, 1960 Tombstone [F-26-7]-Margaret C. Gauthier/1895-1967 Tombstone, next to: [F-26-7]-Anna P. Gauthier/1906-1975 Tombstone, next to: [F-26-7]-Rose E. Gauthier/1899-May 1952 Tombstone [F-30-3]-Oscar O./1897-Jun 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [F-30-3]-Olga D./1898-Aug 1984 Tombstone [F-35-2]-Eli J./1888-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-2]-Tillie/1887-1979 Tombstone, next to: [F-35-2]-Sylvester/1919-Jan 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [F-35-2]-Genevieve Gauthier/1916-1997 Tombstone, next to: [F-35-2]-Leland Gauthier/-Oct 2, 1948- Tombstone Earl Gauthier/Dec 22, 1928/May 15, 2011 (Veteran) Tombstone, ossw: Marlynne Gauthier/Oct 17, 1934/Apr 18, 2005 Tombstone [Unk-1-3]-[Baby Gauthier/bur. 1933] [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Girl Gauthier/bur. 10-12-1944]
GEHRIG: [A-4-9]-[Baby Gehrig/bur. 09-18-1939] [A-4-9]-[Baby Gehrig/bur. 07-23-1938]
GEHRKE: [A-17-3]-John Gehrke/Aug 7, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-17-3]-Lynn Marie Gehrke/-Mar 31, 1959- Tombstone [B-21-9]-Clement P./1902-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-9]-Evelyn M./1907-Jan 1975 Tombstone [F-19-6]-Anthony P./1891-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [F-19-6]-Christine/1897-1996 Tombstone Carol F. Gehrke/Nov 6, 1930/Jan 24, 2016 Photo Clement J. Gehrke/May 4, 1927/Dec 15, 2016 Photo
GEIMER: [A-3-4]-Frederick J. Geimer/Father/1905-Jan 1940 Tombstone [A-17-7]-Jacob/Father/1873-Aug 1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-17-7]-Marianne/Mother/1877-May 1941 Tombstone [C-17-5]-Gertrude T. Geimer/Aug 14, 1909/Sep 24, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [C-17-5]-Urban L. Geimer/Nov 29, 1906/Jan 16, 1983 Tombstone [F-22-2]-Kathy Lynn Geimer/Nov 1958 Tombstone
GELBUDA: [B-5-7]-Anthony W./1915-Apr 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-7]-Anthony W. Gelbuda/SGT US Army WWII/Jun 4, 1915/Apr 28, 1977 Tombstone [B-5-7]-Linda L. Gelbuda/Jun 4, 1924/Mar 16, 2013 Photo
GELDON: [F-20-4]-Edwin Leonard Geldon/Oregon/MOMM 3 US Coast Guard/Res/WWII/Apr 25, 1912/Jan 4, 1958 Tombstone [F-20-5]-[Karl E. Geldon/bur. June 18, 2003/age 59] [F-20-5]-[Ann Geldon/Oct. 10, 2001/age 93]
GENRICH: [C-20-3]-Gene E. Genrich/1949-1984 Tombstone [C-20-10]-Hazel M. Genrich/1913-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-10]-Herman Genrich/1910-1998 Tombstone [F-9-1]-Derek W. Genrich/-Mar 25, 1988- Tombstone Ronald W. Genrich/Apr 27, 1941/Apr 26, 2017 Photo William R. "Bones" Genrich/Dec 9, 1939/Feb 16, 2018 Photo
GERNOSKI: [A-32-5]-Clara/wife of/Joseph Gernoski/1894-Apr 1931 Tombstone, next to: [A-32-5]-Joseph Gernoski/1895-May 1956 Tombstone
GIBAS: [B-6-1]-Mary Gibas [Mary Grace Gibas]/1924-Oct 1978 Tombstone + Photo [B-13-9]-Walter J. Gibas/PVT US Army/WWII/Mar 12, 1923/Feb 27, 1991 Tombstone + Photo
GIBEAULT: [F-5-2]-Arthur/1885-Dec 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-2]-Anna/1892-May 1975 Tombstone [F-5-2]-Gilbert Gibeault/1912-1993 Tombstone [F-6-5]-Raymond F. Gibeault/Jun 9, 1915/Feb 22, 1976 Tombstone
GILBERT: [A-4-9]-[Richard C.]Baby/son of C & G Gilbert/Jul 16, 1936/Jul 5, 1937 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-9]-William G. Gilbert/Oct 5, 1938/May 10, 1939 Tombstone [A-20-4]-Peter L./1877-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-4]-Amelia/1884-Feb 1977/(ERTMAN) Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-4]-Roland/1922-Oct 1940 Tombstone [A-20-4]-Edward Gilbert, Sr./1909-1999 Tombstone [B-6-5]-Dennis J./Gilbert/Apr 8, 1953/May 4, 1974 Tombstone, next to: [B-6-5]-Roy C. Gilbert/Mar 18, 1920/Nov 18, 1995/US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-5]-Minnie D. Gilbert/Oct 22, 1924/Jan 17, 2009 Tombstone [B-8-5]-Clarence/Father/1906-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-5]-Marie Gilbert EBY/1942-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-5]-Gladys/Mother/1902-Jul 1970 Tombstone [B-19-2]-Floyd W. Gilbert/Jul 17, 1926/Dec 15, 1996/TSGT US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-2]-Olivia I. Gilbert/Feb 5, 1929/Jan 5, 2014 Photo [C-16-8]-Walter Gilbert/1915-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-8]-Bette Gilbert/1908-1994 Tombstone [C]-Donald Lee Gilbert/Mar 24, 1951/Nov 25, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [F-9-7]-[Baby Girl Gilbert/bur. 09-24-1961] [F-34-7]-Baby Gilbert/-1960- [Baby boy/bur. 07-25-1960] Tombstone [F-34-7]-[Baby Girl Gilbert/bur. 04-05-1957] Teresa M. Gilbert/Jul 12, 1959/Mar 10, 2015 See JOHNSON
GILBERTSON: [A-21-4]-Anna C. Gilbertson/1890-Jun 1975
GILL: [A-4-5]-[Charles (Baby) Gill/bur. 1930]
GILLES: [A-1-2]-[George Gilles/bur. 09-08-1927]
GILLESPIE: [A-10-6]-Patrick Gillespie/1936-Apr 1936
GIRONIMI: [A-3-4]-Mamie Gironimi/1895-Feb 1940 Tombstone [A-35-3]-Henry B. Gironimi/1895-Mar 1964 Tombstone
GLANDT: [A-6-3]-William C./1874-Mar 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A-6-3]-Anna/1876-Jan 1933 Tombstone [A-26-3]-August C./1880-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [A-26-3]-Anna/1890-May 1976 Tombstone [F-34-8]-Gordon W./1902-Jan 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-8]-Marie R./1902-Dec 1975/BEHNKE Tombstone see SCHRADE
GLASER: [F-6-5]-Joseph/1895-Aug 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-5]-Eleanor/1904-1994 Tombstone, next to: [F-6-5]-Mark Gerard Glaser/-Jun 25, 1961- Tombstone [F-6-5]-[Baby Girl Glaser/bur. 07-23-1958/age 5 hr.] Memorial [F-6-5]-Joseph B. Glaser, Jr./1924-1993 Tombstone [F]-Harvey W. Glaser/Oct 3, 1926/May 25, 2006/SGT US Army WWII Tombstone [F]-Mildred D. Glaser/Dec 11, 1926/Dec 22, 2016 Tombstone Edward C. Glaser/Apr 3, 1935/Aug 13, 2015 Photo
GLEICHNER: [C-9-9]-Richard C. Gleichner/MM3 US Navy WWII/Jun 9, 1924/Feb 4, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [C-9-9]-Betty M. Gleichner/Mar 22, 1925/Jul 26, 2019 Photo [C-24-3]-John P. Gleichner/Jun 7, 1930/Jan 10, 1993/CPL US Army-Korea Tombstone [F-22-6]-Carl/1901-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [F-22-6]-Catherine/1901-Aug 1969 Tombstone
GLESNER: [A1-33-3]-George G. Glesner/Father/1870-1942 Tombstone [A-24-6]-Mary/Mother/Jan 31, 1873/May 1, 1930, next to: [A-24-6]-Henry A./Husband/Feb 15, 1894/Jan 22, 1968 Tombstone, next to: [A-24-6]-Louise G./Wife/Feb 19, 1888-Oct 23, 1984 Tombstone, next to: [A-24-6]-Catherine Madonna/Apr. 5-28-1925 [bur. 04-29-1925] (Catherine Glesner/daughter of Henry and Louise Glesner/ d. 28 Apr. 1925/Age 3 weeks/from St. Lukes Annual 1925) [B-12-4]-Clarence E./1905-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-4]-Irma L./1907-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-4]-Reinhard MUELLER/1884-Dec 1967 Tombstone see DES JARLAIS see KLEIN
GLYSCH: Marlene L. "Sissy" Glysch/Oct 18, 1937/Nov 7, 2008 Tombstone
GOEDJEN: [A-7-6]-Donna Mae Goedjen/Mar 28, 1933/Apr 2, 1933 Tombstone, next to: [A-7-6]-[Baby Girl Goedjen/bur. 03-26-1955/age min.] [A-7-6]-[Baby Girl Goedjen/bur. 03-26-1955/age min.] [A-7-6]-Laura/Mother/1908-Oct 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [A-7-6]-John F. Goedjen Jr./1906-1981 Tombstone [A-7-6]-[Mary Ann Goedjen/bur. 06-02-1965] [A]-Maureen "Renee" Goedjen/May 2, 1931/Sep 17, 2005/nee Allie Tombstone [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Boy Goedjen/bur. 11-16-1943]
GOESSL: [C-18-12]-Richard J. Goessl/1937-1998 Tombstone [F-18-7]-John E. "Jack"/1929-1997 Tombstone [F-18-7]-John A./Father/1894-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-18-7]-Frances G./Mother/1894-1984 Tombstone, next to: [F-18-7]-John A. Goessl/Wisconsin/Pfc Veterinary Hosp 7/WWI/May 9, 1894/Aug 6, 1955 Tombstone [F-18-7]-[Dennis Marti. Goessl/bur. 12-21-1962/age 2 hr.] Douglas A. Goessl/Sep 18, 1959/Apr 15, 2009 Tombstone Howard C. Goessl/May 5, 1926/Jul 29, 2015 Tombstone + Photo Donna C. Goessl/Aug 17, 1932/Jun 28, 2011 Tombstone + Photo
GONIA: [A-21-6]-Frank/Father/1870-Jan 1939 Tombstone, [A-21-6]-Mary/Mother/1872-Feb 1956 Tombstone [C-3-2]-Betty Keip Gonia/Feb 2, 1929/Sep 18, 2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-3-2]-Patrick Gonia/Apr 16, 1928/Nov 30, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [F-5-4]-Laddie J./1899-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-4]-Mercedes/1902-Apr 1984 Tombstone, next to: [F-5-4]-Frank C., Jr./1893-Dec 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-4]-Marie/1895-Mar 1984 Tombstone [F-5-4]-Roland Gonia/Aug 1, 1920/Feb 28, 1999 Tombstone
GOODCHILD: [B-13-3]-Melvin/1899-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-3]-Anna/1901-Apr 1979 Tombstone [C-18-4]-Alvin E. Goodchild/Jan 25, 1920/Mar 15, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [C-18-4]-Elaine M. Goodchild/Jul 18, 1921/Jul 16, 2009 Tombstone + Photo [F-19-4]-Marie/1899-Aug 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [F-19-4]-Earl/1895-Mar 1953 Tombstone
GORDON: [A-21-9]-Gerald T./Jul.1940, ossw: [A-21-9]-Bette-Jo/Sept.1942, ossw: [A-21-9]-William E. [William Euge.]/1946-[May]1947 [age 8 mo.] [A-21-9]-[Douglas Pete. Gordon/bur. 11-30-1949/age 2 da.] [Douglas (baby)/d. 1949/disinterred from Holy Cross Cemetery, L.9, Blk.21,Sec.A][bur. 7-7-1998] [B-6-8]-Steven Allen Gordon/1954-1981/MS2 US Navy Tombstone [B-6-8]-Steven Gordon/1954-1981 Tombstone [B-10-8]-Donald X./1924-Jul.1969, ossw: [B-10-8]-Agnes M. Gordon/Nov 30, 1923/Aug 21, 2013 Tombstone + Photo (1st spouse Gordon/2nd spouse Ploor) [F-9-7]-Kay A. Gordon/Dec 26, 1959/Jul 20, 2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: CRABB George T. Gordon/May 30, 1943/Aug 8, 2018 Photo Charlotte A. Gordon/Mar 31, 1942/Apr 16, 2015 Photo
GOSPODAREK: [C-10-1]-James M. Gospodarek/1943-1991 Tombstone, ossw:
GOTCHER: [F-30-1]-Marion/1913-1992 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-30-1]-Elaine/1921-Jan 1961 Tombstone
GOTSTEIN: [F-20-1]-Alphonse [A.]/1909-Aug 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [F-20-1]-Sylvia/1910-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [F-20-1]-Joseph E./1936-Dec 1949 Tombstone
GOUDREAU: [B-12-10]-Frances Goudreau/1900-1970 Tombstone
GRADER: [Unk]-[Baby Grader/bur. 1905/age 5 hr.]
GRAF: [B-25-8]-Arno/1897-Jul 1971, ossw: [B-25-8]-Ethel G./1898-Mar 1967
GRAFF: [A1-39-4]-John G./1887-Jun 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-39-4]-Gertrude/1894-Apr 1947 Tombstone [A-31-3]-Clementine/1912-2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-31-3]-Raymond/1914-2001 Tombstone + Photo [F-31-3]-Serena/1900-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-3]-Joseph/1891-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [F-31-3]-Dorothy/1896-Sep 1946 Tombstone
GRALL: [A-3-4]-[Allen Grall/bur. 07-23-1951/age 1 da.] Memorial [B-18-1]-Peter/1889-Jan 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-1]-Mary/1894-May 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-1]-Jerome J./1918-1969 Tombstone + Photo [F-12-6]-Allison Michele Grall/Jan 21, 1978/Aug 18, 1979 Tombstone [F-16-6]-Emil J. Sr./1892-Dec 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [F-16-6]-Bertha C./1891-Mar 1953 Tombstone
GRANDAW: Robert G./Aug 21, 1944/Mar 22, 2009 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Barbara L. Grandaw/Aug 20, 1944/Mar 4, 2009 Tombstone + Photo
GRANDEAU: [A-4-7]-[May Lavern/bur. 1927] (missing stone?]
GRAY: Henry L. Gray/Apr 12, 1937/Jan 27, 2017 PhotoGREENLEY: Nada L. Greenley/Dec 22, 1958/Feb 12, 2011 Tombstone, ossw: Wayne Ploor/1941-2008 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline M. Ploor/Jul 17, 1937/Mar 14, 2019 see PLOOR
GREENWOOD: [A-11-7]-James/1907-Nov 1970, ossw: [A-11-7]-Genevieve/1913-2001 Photo [B-28-2]-Martin Greenwood/1908-1984, ossw: [B-28-2]-Adele M. Greenwood/1911-1994 [B-32-4]-Raymond G./1921-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-4]-Virginia V./1924-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-4]-Brian D. Greenwood/Jan 19, 1952/Sep 10, 2010 Tombstone, next to: [B-32-4]-Raphael J./Jan 3, 1921/Jun 14, 2008/WT3 US Navy WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-4]-Raphael J./1921-2008 Tombstone + Photo see SCHWERZLER
GREER: (not in city record) Taul/Oct 11, 1928/Jun 10, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: Marilyn/Mar 12, 1932-2016 Tombstone
GREGOR: [C-16-7]-Fred C. Gregor/1893-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-7]-Ida A. Gregor/1904-1991 Tombstone
GRENIER: [A-4-2]-[Dennis James Grenier/bur. 05-08-1944/age 1 mo.] Tombstone [A-4-2]-[Joseph Grenier/bur. 04-26-1943] Tombstone [A-4-2]-Dale Grenier Tombstone [A-4-2]-Diana Grenier Tombstone [A-4-2]-David Grenier Tombstone [A-4-2]-Debra Grenier Tombstone [A-4-2]-[Shawn Allen Grenier/bur. 12-01-1965/age 7 hr.] [A-4-2]-Debra Ann Grenier/1953-[Sept.]1953 [age 2 da.] Tombstone (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker.) [A-4-3]-[Mary Yvonne Grenier/bur. 02-29-1936] Tombstone [A-4-3]-[Baby Boy Grenier/bur. 01-21-1948/age 13 hr.] [A-4-10]-Bonnie M. Grenier/1951-Mar 1952 [F-16-4]-Lesime/1895-Jan 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-16-4]-Laura/1896-Oct 1969 Tombstone [F-16-4]-[Heather Lyn Grenier/bur. 01-10-1981/age 9 da.] [F-16-4]-Edmund J. Grenier/Wisconsin/MOMM 3 US Coast Guard Res/Jan 22 1921/Oct 30 1953 Tombstone [A-16-7]-Hermidas/1865-Jun 1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-16-7]-Mary Louise/1871-May 1946 Tombstone + Photo [B-17-3]-Felix/1899-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-3]-Mary/1905-Jul 1986 Tombstone [B-21-6]-Simon O./1907-Dec 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-6]-Esther M./1909-2006/nee Blanchard Tombstone + Photo
GRENNIER: [A-4-3]-Yvonne Grennier/Feb 17-Feb 27, 1936 Tombstone see Mary Yvonne GRENIER
GRETZ: [B-8-1]-Herbert Z./Feb 8, 1926/Dec 10, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-8-1]-Rosella Gretz Raether/Aug 6, 1930/Feb 15, 1995 Tombstone [B-20-7]-Joseph J./1906-Feb 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-7]-Elsie/1909-1960 Tombstone [B-26-2]-Stanley/1911-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-2]-Emma/1916-2001 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-2]-Betty/1941-2008 Tombstone
GRIFFIN: [A-23-8]-Lucy Griffin/1891-May 1970 Tombstone
GRIMM: [B-13-7]-Arthur A./1902-Apr 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-7]-Lillian A. ZIMMER Grimm/1902-1982 Tombstone [B-14-9]-Alfred/1913-1996 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-9]-Jeanette [M.]/1916-1965 Tombstone [B-15-5]-Raymond A./1908-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-5]-Martha/1912-1963 Tombstone [B-16-9]-Andrew J. Grimm/1953-Aug 1973 Tombstone, next to: [B-16-9]-Lawrence/1924-1997 Tombstone [B-17-1]-Edward [Jr.]/1900-Feb 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-1]-Laura/1900-Jan 1982 Tombstone [B-32-10]-Norbert E. Grimm/1906-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-32-10]-Anna R. Grimm/Aug 19, 1917/May 8, 2010 Tombstone + Photo [B-33-9]-Frank Arthur Grimm/May 9, 1908/Mar 31, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [B-33-9]-Helen Grimm/Jul 13, 1911/Feb 21, 1985 Tombstone [C-16-2]-Lyle Grimm/1944-1999 Tombstone [F-19-10]-John Grimm/1945-2000 Tombstone [F-19-10]-Lloyd/Father/1918-Mar 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [F-19-10]-Sylvia Grimm LESPERANCE/Oct 10, 1918/Nov 8, 2014 Tombstone [F-33-5]-Linda Grimm/1950-1999 Tombstone [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Boy Grimm/bur. 07-08-1943] see KOZLOWSKI
GRIMMER: [B-2-6]-Harold H. Grimmer/1908-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-6]-Lydia Grimmer/Aug 3, 1910/Oct 24, 1996 Tombstone
GRONOUSKI: [F-34-6]-John A./1891-Jun 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-6]-Mary A./1893-1971 Tombstone, next to: [F-34-6]-Kathleen Therese Gronouski/1928-Jan 1948 Tombstone (Clara GRONOWSKI/Jul 30, 1894/Apr 20, 1931/from obit/no stone)
GROSSTUECK: [B-31-2]-August/1904-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-31-2]-Mary/1907-1985 Tombstone Paul M. Grosstueck Sr./Sep 6, 1933/Jun 7, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Janet M. Gorsstueck/Jun 21, 1938/Aug 25, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
GROW: Harry Grow/1923-2006 Tombstone Ethel A. Grow/Jul 1, 1924/Dec 29, 2012 Tombstone
GRUMANN: [A-32-4]-Doris M. Grumann/May 15, 1926/Jun 18, 2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-32-4]-James F./Oct 23, 1924/Mar 13, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [B-33-8]-William Roger/0ct 24, 1915/Sep 25 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [B-33-8]-Agnes SIMONO Grumann/Mar 18, 1918/Jan 19, 1998 Tombstone, next to: [B-33-8]-Bill F. Grumann/Feb 4, 1955/Dec 18, 1979 Tombstone, next to: [B-33-8]-Robert W. Grumann/Jan 14, 1941/Nov 1, 1990 Tombstone [B-33-8]-Susan M./Oct 11, 1943/Nov 14, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [F-18-3]-Stephen/1882-Oct 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [F-18-3]-Leona/1885-Apr 1951 Tombstone
GRUNWALD: [A1-40-3]-Fred F./1876-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [A1-40-3]-Cecilia/1876-Apr 1963 Tombstone, next to: [A1-40-3]-Leona Grunwald/1903-1998 Tombstone
GRZELCZYK: [A-2-3]-Agatha Grzelczyk/Mother/1889-1931 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-3]-Valentine Grzelczyk/Father/1881-1931 Tombstone [A-3-7]-Mary A. Grzelczyk/May 20, 1919/Jan 4, 1951 Tombstone [A-3-9]-Gladys E. Grzelczyk/Mar 22, 1922/May 20, 1947 Tombstone [C-9-1]-Edmund R./Aug 26, 1917/Jun 21, 1995 Tombstone [C-9-2]-Iris F./Jul 28, 1916/Sep 26, 1996 Tombstone
GUETSCHOW: [B-31-8]-Wilbert W. Guetschow/May 22, 1914/Mar 1, 2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-31-8]-Virginia/1917-Nov 1979 Tombstone [C-19-3]-Emil W. Guetschow, Jr./Sep 8, 1921/Jun 17, 2020 Photo, ossw: [C-19-3]-Hazel D. Guetschow/1922-1989 Tombstone
GUEX: [A-4-2]-Baby [Girl] Guex/1942-Dec 1942 Tombstone
GUILE: [B-4-9]-Clarence H./1909-1994/Shorty Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-9]-Jane A./1913-Apr 1977/nee WALL Tombstone [F-9-6]-Micheal Guile/Dec 2, 1965/Feb 26, 1966 Tombstone
GUNDLACH: [B-7-10]-Charles A./1930-Jul 1971, ossw: [B-7-10]-Janet R./1935-____ [C-19-2]-Robert F. Gundlach/Aug 17, 1968/Sep 23, 1986 Tombstone
GUNVILLE: [A-12-1]-Anna Gunville/Mother/1882-Jul 1959