AASTAD: Ralph REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Ralph Aastad, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 23rd day of November, 1936, and said Ralph Aastad was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, for a period of thirty days observation, and at the end of thirty days observation period, the same was extended for another thirty days. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18ACKERMANN: Joseph Sheriff Schmidt took Joseph Ackermann, a cheesemaker, to the Oshkosh asylum last Saturday, he having been adjudged insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 11, 1896 pg. 3
ADAMSKI: Paul REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Paul Adamski, alleged insane. Hearing had May 15, 1909, and said Paul Adamski adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Geo. W. Patchen - $4.20 Physicians- H. Thurtell - $4.20 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $37.90 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4
ADAMSON: Nels Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; age at last birthday, 61; married; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ALBRIGHT: Ed Would Suicide; Insane Ed. Albright was Thursday adjudged insane at Manitowoc and committed to the Oshkosh Asylum. Wednesday morning he bade good-bye to his family consisting of his wife and five children and went in quest of a rope to hang himself. Failing in that he started for the river to drown himself. He was followed by officer Schroeder and Health Officer Gates and prevented from carrying out his intentions. Mr. Albright has been subject to severe nervous attacks for some time. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Saturday, May 17, 1913 pg. 1 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Ed. Albright, alleged insane. Hearing had May 15, 1913, and said Ed. Albright adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, E. Gates - $5.60; J.R. Currens - $5.60 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
ALGRIM: Mary COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Mary Algrim, alleged insane. Hearing had August 1, 1913, and said Mary Algrim adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, A.M. Farrell - $5.60 E. Gates - $5.60 Geo. Groffman, chief of police. Warrant of arrest - $5.20 Summons to physicians - $1.90 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
ALLEN: Edward REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Edward F. Allen, alleged insane. Hearing had on 6th day of November, 1936, and said Edward F. Allen adjudged insane and committed to the Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin. Physicians: Dr. R.G. Strong $4.20. Dr. R.W. Hammond, $4.20. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
ALTENDORF: Agnes Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ALTENDORF: Mary Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1855; age at last birthday, 45; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
AMERHEIM: Martina A 23-year old of St. Nazianz was adjudicated as mentally ill in County Court yesterday and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 02 April 1908
AMMAN: Catherine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
AMMAN: Miss Katharine (From the correspondent in Kiel, 06 Nov.) It has been determined that Miss Katharine Amman, who has been in the mental facility in Oshkosh for the last two years, cannot be helped there and in a few days will be turned over to the mental facility in Manitowoc. Der Nord Westen 09 November 1899
ANDERLA: Wenzel Has had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh.(There are additional details) Der Nord Westen 07 March 1901 ***** Adjudged Insane—Wenzel Anderla, an old North side resident, was adjudged insane by examining physicians and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 7, 1901 pg. 1
ANDERSON: Annie M. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1852; age at last birthday, 48; married; place of birth, Denmark 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ANDERSON: Carl A workman in the local shipyard, has had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. The 30-year old Anderson was first sent there in 1898 but was furloughed in 1899. Der Nord Weston 26 August 1909
ANDERSON: Knud City and County: Knud Anderson of Rockland was adjudged insane on Tuesday and was taken to the Manitowoc asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 4, 1897 pg. 3
ANDREWS: Mrs. James Because it appears that she has lost her mental ability, the 80-yr. old here has been taken to the special care clinic of the county mental facility. Der Nord Weston 20 September 1906
ANSORGE: Ernest REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Ernest Ansorge, alleged insane. Hearing had November 13, 1918 and said Ernest Ansorge adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, F.W. Hammond, $4.20; J.E. Meany, $4.20. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5
ARNDT: Max MAX ARNDT WHO ASKED POLICE TO LOCK HIM UP TO PREVENT A SUICIDE, SENT TO THE ASYLUM "If you don't lock me up you will have a suicide case to look after," declared Max Arndt, a local man when he appeared at the police station Thursday night and asked that he be taken into custody. Arndt declared that he had an overwhelming inclination to end his life and that he was fearful that he would be unable to resist it unless he was placed under restraint. In probate court yesterday two physicians adjudged Arndt insane and he was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. The man was sent to the asylum six months ago but was released and returned here where he had been employed. He was formerly a farmer. Arndt is 33 and married. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, October 31, 1914 pg. 1 ***** Max Arndt, a drayman, was adjudged insane in probate court Saturday. Manitowoc Pilot, July 8, 1915 P. 5
ARNOLD: Anna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Anna Arnold-59 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
AUBEL: Edward REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Edward Aubel, alleged insane. Hearing had February 4 and 8, 1908, and said Edward Aubel discharged. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $9.00 Detained at Manitowoc County Insane Asylum - $12.00 Committed to Hospital - $3.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
AUERHEIM: Martina REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Martina Auerheim, alleged insane. Hearing had April 1, 1908, and said Martina Auerheim adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Thomas O'Brien - $7.60 Physicians- F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $13.00 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
AUERMILLER: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of John Auermiller, alleged insane. Hearing had March 16, 17, 18, 19, 1909, and said John Auermiller adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- J.E. Meany - $4.40 Physicians- C.M. Gleason - $4.40 Physicians- George W. Patchen - $8.40 Physicians- James Burke - $8.40 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $7.90 Summons to Physicians - $9.80 Recapturing after escaping from Manitowoc Co. Asylum - $15.50 Committed to Hospital - $30.60 The above charges are somewhat out of the ordinary for the reason that Drs. Burke and Patchen disagreed to the person's sanity. The Court upon advice of District Attorney appointed Drs. Meany and Gleason. Thereupon a demand was made for jury trial and while waiting in Manitowoc Asylum escaped and was retaken by sheriff. Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4
AUMANN: Catherine Miss Catherine Aumann of Kiel was adjudged insane and was taken to the Oshkosh asylum on Thursday last by Sheriff Muth. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 16, 1897 pg. 4
AUSTEN: Local Items: An insane man, flourishing a revolver and making profuse threats of shooting everybody within his range of vision, created a flurry of excitement at Tisch Mills yesterday. The man’s name is Austen and his insanity is of recent origin. Constable Drews, by the use of a little strategy, succeeded in arresting the man and today he was taken to Kewaunee. Manitowoc Daily Herald November 10, 1898 pg. 4
AXEL: Unknown A farmer named Axel, living about six miles from Kiel this county cut his wife's throat on Monday of this week and then killed himself. Various causes are assigned for the double crime but the most reasonable one is that the man was temporarily insane. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, April 29, 1886 pg. 3
BAECHELY, Barth. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Barth. Baechely-56 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
BAEDKER: Chas. E. Chas. E. Baedker, Two Rivers, was adjudged insane in Judge Chloupek's court today and sent to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Tribune, Wis., Friday, February 18, 1910 pg. 4 ***** ADJUDGED INSANE Emil Baedker was taken before County Judge Chloupek to be examined as to his sanity last Friday afternoon. Mr. Baedker has for the past few years been addicted to the excessive use of liquors. Delerium Tremens over took him last week. Doctors Gates and Currens took him to Manitowoc. The sheriff was not necessary as he was willing to go. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Tuesday, February 22, 1910 pg. 1
BAETZ: Mr. A. A nephew of former Two Rivers Mayor Andrew Baetz was transported to the mental facility in Oskosh last week Der Nord Westen 12 March 1896
BAHER: Mary REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Mary Baher, alleged insane. Hearing had December 1st, 1913, and said Mary Baher adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; Louis Falge, $4.20. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
BALASSA: Dr. Charles E. BALASSA HAS GONE INSANE Dr. Charles E. Balassa, formerly a resident of this city has been adjudged insane, at Wausau, where he went last fall at the time he removed from this city. He had been committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. As the doctor had not gained a residence at Wausau, his care at the state institution named will be charged up to Manitowoc county, he having gained a residence in this city. Notice to that effect has been received here from Dr. Gordon, superintendent of the hospital. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1907 pg. 1
BARON: Mary A resident of our city about 32 yrs. of age, was ordered by the County Judge to be transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. She had been taken there in 1897 but released 2 yrs later following an examination. Her situation worsened recently so that she had to be returned there. Der Nord Westen 20 August 1903
BARTA: Emil REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Emil Barta, alleged insane. Hearing had December 8th, 1913, and said Emil Barta was discharged and proceeding dismissed Costs. Physicians, E.M. Gleason, $4.20; E.M. Jacobs, $4.20. W. Witepalek, $7.60. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
BAUER: Franz Dr. Luchmann had an exciting experience with an insane man Tuesday morning. Sheriff Lehrmann shared in the excitement. Franz Bauer, an old man living on South 23rd street, had been acting queerly and the doctor attempted to examine him touching his sanity. Bauer retired to his room where he had a small arsenal of guns and pistols and refused to be interviewed. Dr. Luchmann finally got entrance after the exercise of much diplomacy, and got him seated with his back to the door. Lehrmann then came in, but Bauer jumped up and seized a revolver. The sheriff grappled with him, and with the help of an assistant got the man under control and secured. He was adjudged insane in the county court and sent to the Winnebago Hospital for treatment. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 12, 1900 pg. 8 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Frank Bauer, alleged insane. Hearing had April 9th, A.D. 1900, and said Frank Bauer was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-A.C. Fraser - $4.40 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $5.10 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $32.71 Total amount - $57.01 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13
BAUSCH: Maria REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Maria Bausch, alleged insane. Hearing had February 28th, A.D. 1900, and said Maria Bausch was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-W.G. Kemper - $4.20 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $10.50 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $62.51 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13
BAZAL: Joseph Local and Personal: Joseph Bazal was adjudged insane Tuesday and taken to Oshkosh Wednesday morning. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 1, 1907 pg. 5
BEGALKA: Julius Julius Begalka, a Maple Grove farmer, was adjudged insane and committed to the asylum at Oshkosh. Begalka is said to have worried over financial matters. His wife is said to be visiting at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald 06 March 1915
BEHNKE, Frieda REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Frieda Behnke, alleged insane. Hearing had December 2nd and 3rd, 1914(sic), and said Frieda Behnke adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $8.40; E. Cary, $15.60; W. Witepalek, $7.60. Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
BEHRENS: A.H. AGED RECLUSE RELEASED FROM COUNTY ASYLUM A.H. Behrens, the aged man who was found in a lonely hut in the town of Schleswig several months ago and who, on being subjected to an examination in the county court, was adjudged insane and committed to the county asylum, demanded a re-examination before the county judge last Saturday. This was granted and Beherens was pronounced sane by two physicians, who recommended that he be released, and he was released. However, it is feared that he will again become demented when he returns to his hut and resumes, his hermitical life. His attack of insanity last spring was the result of solitude and the want of proper and sufficient food. At the time he was picked up and brought here, he was in a half-starved condition. He is 77 years old. -Monday it was reported that he had started to go to Iowa afoot. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 31, 1905 pg. 1
BEJALKE: Christopher The Trustees of the local mental facility, in their report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1904, lists the following deaths: Catharina Cretton died 24 Sep. 1903 of exhaustion at age 80; Christopher Bejalke died 10 Oct. 1903 from heart trouble at age 73; Carl Fischer died 02 Dec. 1903 from a stroke at age 44; and Johanna O'Neil died 24 Apr. 1904 of bronchitis at age 84. Der Nord Westen, Manitowoc, Wis., 09 February 1905
BELITZ: Helena PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. …Helene Belitz-55 years-Admitted January 17, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1853; age at last birthday, 47; place of birth, Wisconsin; father's birthplace, Germany; mother's birthplace, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BELITZ, Mrs. Sheriff Murphy left on Monday for Oshkosh to convey Mrs. Belitz of Schleswig, to the asylum there. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Aug. 18, 1881
BENKE: Henry Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 46; single; place of birth, Hollander 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BENNELL: Cath Thus far the following cases which appear on the calendar have been disposed of: …Application of Cath. Bennel, insane, for alienation of land. Order signed. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1884 pg. 3
BENNETT: John An employee of innkeeper Frank Zeman here, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 26 December 1901
BENNETT: Peter Sheriff Pierce took Peter Bennett of Meeme, and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Two Rivers, to the insane asylum at Oshkosh, last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 20, 1880
BERGEL: Family In a recent hearing in County Court five members of the Bergal family in Town Kossuth were found to be feeble minded. Der Nord Westen 03 October 1907
BERGENE: Mrs. Synew Age 76, who lives with her stepson in Town Cato, has been mentally ill for some time and has made several attempts to take her own life. It was finally decided that nothing else could be done other than take the lady to the mental facility Der Nord Westen 23 August 1906 ***** AGED CATO RESIDENT ADJUDGED INSANE Mrs. Synew Bergene, an aged resident of the county, who had been making her home with her stepson at Cato, was brought to the city and taken to the county asylum on Saturday, and on Monday she was examined as to her mental condition. She was adjudged insane and has been committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Mrs. Bergene attempted to commit suicide last Friday in her room. Just in the nick of time when she was bout to swing off, it was discovered what she was about and she was prevented from ending her life. It is reported that she had made several previous attempts at committing suicide. Her mental derangement resulted from infirmities of age. She is 76 years old. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 23, 1906 pg. 1
BERNDT: Emma REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Emma Berndt, adjudged feeble-minded Jan. 22nd, 1918; committed to Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. Costs, Physicians F.S. Luhman $4.20, C.M. Gleason $4.20. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
BETH: Mrs. Fred 2 RIVERS WOMAN WHO RECENTLY LEAPED FROM 2ND STORY WINDOW IN HER DEMENTIA TAKEN TO ASYLUM Mrs. Fred Beth of Two Rivers was taken to Oshkosh today for commitment in the Northern hospital for the insane. Mrs. Beth recently was at the local hospital for treatment but made her way to Two Rivers where she leaped from a second story window of her home and broke both ankles in the fall. The window of the bath room was opened during the temporary absence of the nurse and the plunge taken between two buildings set so close together that the injured woman was extricated with difficulty. Manitowoc Daily Herald 24 March 1917
BEYER: Henry Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1850; age at last birthday, 50; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BIRKLE: Frank BIRKLE WHO SERVED SENTENCE FOR KILLING MAN, IS INSANE NOW ST. NAZIANZ MAN NARROWLY ESCAPES A LYNCHING AT HANDS OF ENRAGED FARMERS AT CLEVELAND—BROUGHT HERE FOR EXAM Frank Birkle, a St. Nazianz man who served three years at the Green Bay refomatory upon conviction of manslaughter for the killing of Louis Bahr, a well driller at School Hill in 1904, was adjudged insane in probate court today and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. Birkle is 37 years old and unmarried. Birkle narrowly escaped lynching at the hands of enraged residents of Cleveland Tuesday night when it is alleged he sought entrance to the home of a well known resident with avowed intention of molesting the daughter of the household against whose character it is said Birkle has circulated vile reports. Birkle, it is said, had boasted of his intention and neighbors, fearing violence might be offered the young girl, interfered to prevent Birkle from entering the home and when the man offered resistance, he is said to have been roughly handled and at one state, a rope was secured and Birkle was being hastened to a tree where it was threatened he would be strung up, but he was saved by the cooler heads who counseled turning Birkle over to the authorities. Sheriff Pellett and District Atty. Healy were notified and Birkle was held at Cleveland pending arrival of the officers Wednesday when he was brought to this city and locked up. Dist. Atty. Healy after investigating the case, advised that Birkle be examined as to his mental condition, it being said that the man had been acting strangely for some time past and reports to the authorities indicated insanity. Judge Chloupek in probate court ordered an examinatin and Birkle was adjudged insane and committed to the asylum. Birkle, since his release from the reformatory four years ago, had made his home at St. Nazianz and had been engaged in business as agent for a gas light concern. The man had always been a little peculiar according to witnesses and lately had caused some annoyance to a number of people. Birkle visited Cleveland Tuesday and is said to have boasted of his intention of visiting the young lady and friends of the girl's family, fearing that he might carry out his threats, organized a posse and when Birkle reached the house and tried to enter, he was taken into custody. The man appeared in court somewhat battered from the beating which he received at the hands of defenders of the girl. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 2, 1913 pg. 1 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. E.N. Reinert, $7.20; Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Frank Berkle, alleged Insane. Hearing had Jan. 2, 1913, and said Frank Berkle adjudged insane and committed to Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
BLOECHLIE: Mary REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Mary Bloechlie, alleged weak minded. Hearing had December 31, 1907, and January 4, 1908, and said Mary Bloechlie adjudged weak-minded and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians-A.J. Shimek - $8.20 Physicians- J.A. Roberts - $8.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.80 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Detaining - $2.80 Committed to Manitowoc Asylum - $5.40 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
BLOOMER: Leonard REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. In the matter of the Examination of Leonard A. Bloomer, Alleged Insane. Hearing had May 27th, 1919 and the said Leonard A. Bloomer was adjudged insane. Costs. (include seven physicians for one to three days plus mileage, fifteen witnesses plus mileage and four jurors plus mileage) Fees of Thomas H. Brennan, Sheriff, for bringing Leonard A. Bloomer to Northern Hospital, $25.00. Doctors, Jurors and Witness fees should be allowed and orders issued to the County. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6
BLUMENSTEIN: Charles Feeble-minded Charles Blumenstein of Liberty has been taken to the State School in Chippewa Falls. Der Nord Westen 21 November 1901 ***** An insane patient of the county is Chas. Blumenstein of Newton, who has been at Oshkosh for treatment and has been returned here incurable. Manitowoc Daily Herald 11 August 1902
BOECHER: Julius INSANITY IS OF VIOLENT TYPE Julius Boecher, Well Known Farmer Near City Taken in Charge Julius Boecher, residing three miles north of the city, became violently insane Saturday night and officers were summoned to take him in charge until examination could be made and the patient committed to the hospital. It required the united efforts of three men to take the man in charge and he was removed to the local asylum until today when commitment papers were issued for the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Boecher's mind has been affected for some time and the attack of Saturday was very violent, the insane man threatening the lives of his family and laboring under the delusion that he was pursued by evil spirits. Boecher is remembered as the juror in the Kohlbeck-Cizek case at the recent term of Court who was taken ill during the trial and was excused when the case was half concluded. Manitowoc Daily Herald 15 September 1902 ********** A resident 3 miles north of Manitowoc, who has been mentally affected for the past 3 mos., became suicidal on Sat. and had to be taken into custody as dangerous to himself and others. It required 3 men to restrain him. On Mon. he was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 September 1902 ********** Who had recently been furloughed from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, had to be returned there as suicidal. His residence is about 4 miles from Manitowoc. Der Nord Westen 11 December 1902
BOETCHER: Caroline PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Caroline Boetcher-40 years-Admitted January 17, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1848; age at last birthday, 52; place of birth, Wisconsin; father's birthplace, Germany; mother's birthplace, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BOHNE: Anna REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Anna Bohne, adjudged feeble-minded Dec. 6th, 1917; committed to Wis. Home for Febble-minded. Costs, Physicians E. Christiansen $5.60, J.R. Currens $5.60, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $47.54. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
BOLLE: Barbara Here had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Unhappy domestic conditions had affected her mentally. Der Nord Westen 12 September 1907 ***** Local and Personal: Mrs. Barbara Bolle of this city was adjudged insane by Judge Chloupek Saturday and was taken to the Asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 12, 1907 pg. 5
BOND: Mrs. Mary IS ADJUDGED INSANE Mary Bond Sentenced To The Northern Insane Asylum By Judge Anderson LIVED IN TOWN OF FRANKLIN Insanity Is Supposed To Have Been Caused By Loneliness – Heard Pictures Talk A sad case came up in Judge Anderson’s court yesterday afternoon. Miss Mary Bond of the town of Franklin was committed to the Northern Insane Asylum at Oshkosh. Her case is a peculiar one and is more pathetic than sensational. She formerly lived with her uncle and kept house for him Three years ago that gentleman died and left her his all, which consisted of twenty acres of land with considerable live stock. Since that time she has continued to live all alone in the little hut with no associates other than her chickens and cows. Her utter loneliness and lack of the necessary comforts of life are supposed to be the cause of her insanity. As she remarked in the court yesterday, “not talking makes a persons head ache.” The attention of her neighbors were drawn to her destitute circumstances recently by seeing her running about barefooted in the sow and with a pitchfork in her hands. It was found that she was suffering for lack of proper food and clothing. She labored under the delusion that the pictures on her wall were constantly talking to her ad that her cows and chickens were poisoned. She was committed to the county asylum to be taken care of until 2:50 this afternoon when Sheriff Lehrman took her to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI January 27, 1899 pg. 1 ***** Who has been living alone on a farm in Town Franklin, has been adjudicated insane and last week was taken to the state asylum in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 02 February 1899 ***** Mary Borin of Franklin, was adjudged insane on Thursday last and was taken to the asylum on the Friday following. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 2, 1899 pg. 4
BORCHERDT: Captain Fred Captain Fred Borcherdt's failing health injured his mind somewhat and it was thought best to take him to the asylum. He was taken to Oshkosh on Friday last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 23, 1898 pg. 4 ***** City and County: Fred Borcherdt who was sent to a sanitarium in Milwaukee a couple of weeks ago, showed no signs of improvement and was sent to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 30, 1898 pg. 3
BORIN: Mary Mary Borin of Franklin, was adjudged insane on Thursday last and was taken to the asylum on the Friday following. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 2, 1899 pg. 4
BOROLZKY: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1855; age at last birthday, 45; single; place of birth, Bohemian 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … John Borotzky-31 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
BORS: Rosanna Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1834; age at last birthday, 66; widow; place of birth, Canada Eng 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BOWS: Bertha Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 38; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BRAASCH: Emily City and County: Emily Braasch of Cato was adjudged insane and taken to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh last Monday by Sheriff Muth. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 10, 1897 pg. 3 ***** Patient, Manitowoc Asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1872; age at last birthday, 28; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BRACHMAN: John P. John P Brachman of this city was sent to the Oshkosh asylum on Saturday last. His case is a peculiar one. He took the Keeley cure and refrained from drinking to 10 months, and then broke out again. From this time on he seemed to lose all moral power and became a tramp. He seemed to be deprived of all affection though he is perfectly rational. It was a case of loss of will power and of moral degeneracy. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 16, 1897 pg. 3 ***** City and Cunty: John Brachman of this city who was lately committed to the Oshkosh asylum is home on leave of absence. He was permitted to come home alone. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 11, 1897 pg. 3
BRANNIGAN: Chester COMMITTED—Chester Brannigan, who inflicted severe injuries upon a Norwegian boy causing his death, was examined by Justice Hamilton, on Thursday, and committed. Manitowoc Herald Saturday, July 18, 1857
BRATZ: Therese PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Therese Bratz-29 years-Admitted January 9, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
BRAUN: William Gills Corners: Wm. Braun was adjudged insane and sent to Oshkosh recently. It is assumed he may not have to remain there very long. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, November 28, 1916 pg. 2
BREIDERIK: Friederike Of Newton has been found to be mentally ill and has been turned over to the local mental facility. Der Nord Westen 06 June 1907
BRENNAN: Mrs. Bridget Of Cato suddenly became suicidal and was transported to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 25 July 1901
BREY: Mollie REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Mollie Brey, alleged insane. Hearing had January 23 and 24, 1908, and said Mollie Brey adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- W.G. Kemper - $8.40 Physicians- J.E. Meany - $8.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $8.20 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
BRITTON: Geneva REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Geneva Britton, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 4th day of November, 1936, and said Geneva Britton was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin. Physicians: Dr. A.J. Shimek $4.20, Dr. Geo. M. Hoffman $4.20. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
BRITZ: Eliza Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1830; age at last birthday, 70; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BROCKER: Louis P. REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Louis P. Brocker, alleged insane. Hearing had March 2, 1914, and said P. Broecker adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Erwin C. Cary, $7.60; E.G. Festerling, $7.80; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
BROCKHOFF: Mrs. Joseph Shoto and Vicinity: Mrs. J. Brokoff, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Hessel of Francs Creek, was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson last Saturday and committed to the Northern State Hospital at Oshkosh. She had been acting very strangely for several weeks past, and as she frequently threatened to take the lives of others and also set the building on fire, physicians and officials deemed it best to have her unfortunate condition attended to at the hospital. She was well liked by all acquaintances and it is hoped that she may have a speedy recovery. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, September 24, 1901 pg. 4 ***** HAD TO BE RETURNED Patient Out on Parole From Northern Hospital is Again Taken There Mrs. Joseph Brockhoff, a town of Kossuth woman, who has been away from the Northern Hospital for Insane at Oshkosh since July 16, 1902 was Tuesday returned to the institution by Sheriff Walter Pellett. Mrs. Brockhoff was committed upon examination September 21, 1901 and remained at the hospital until July 16, the following year when she was paroled and was taken home by her husband. Lately she has again exhibited signs of mental derangement and under the law which allows the husband to return such a person to the institution at anytime during the first two years of the parole, without examination. She was returned to the Northern Hospital. Mr. Brockhoff is a farmer in the town of Kossuth. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, May 27, 1903 pg. 1 ***** Mrs. Joseph Brockhoff, of Kossuth, who was released from the Northern Hospital for Insane at Oshkosh nearly a year ago, has been returned to the institution on the petition of her family. The woman was thought to have been benefitted by the treatment but lately has exhibited signs of insanity again. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 28, 1903 pg. 1 ***** Of Kossuth, who was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh 21 Sep. 1901, then furloughed 16 July 1902, had to be returned there because her condition worsened recently. Der Nord Westen 28 May 1903
BROST: John Young Man Committed to Asylum John Brost, aged thirty three, who had been residing with his parents on a farm at School Hill, this county, was adjudged insane in the county court Monday morning. He was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. The unfortunate man has been afflicted for the past twenty-five years. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 19, 1905 pg. 1 ***** Meeme, a patient in the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has been declared to be untreatable and was transferred to the local mental facility. Der Nord Westen 02 April 1908
BROUCHOUED: James City and County: James Brouchoued of Gibson was adjudged insane last week and was taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 22, 1898 pg. 3
BRUEMMER: Julius In a Milwaukee paper of Monday, we find the following regarding a Mishicott man, Mr. Brummer, who, since the above was written has returned to his home: There is now in the jail an insane man who calls himself Julius Brummer, and claims he is a farmer, and that his home is near Manitowoc. He was arrested on Seventh street Saturday night; his condition warranted the arrest as he was acting in a very crazy manner. Since his confinement in the jail he has become worse, wants to become a statue, wraps himself up in a blanket and assumes a posture, etc., The authorities at the jail are anxious to have his relatives take him away as they fear he will injure himself. The Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Thursday, November 18, 1875 pg. 3 ***** Julius Bruemmer of Mishicott was brought before the county judge on Tuesday, examined and found to be insane. He is a very strong man but is not violent. He is constantly talking on politics. He was confined temporarily once before but recovered after a few weeks' care. Manitowoc Pilot, March 18, 1880 ***** Local Matters: Julius Bruemmer, of Mishicott, who for some time past has manifested symptoms of insanity, was taken to Oshkosh for treatment at the Insane Hospital, last week. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, March 23, 1880 pg. 3 ***** Henry Levenhagen brought Julius Bruemmer of Mishicott to the city yesterday. Bruemmer had become insane. This is the fourth time he has been sent to the Oshkosh Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 12, 1895 pg. 3 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Julius Bruemmer, alleged insane. Hearing had April 20th, A.D. 1900, and said Julius Bruemmer was adjudged insane and recommitted to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $32.71 Witnesses-Herman Stetson, 1 day, 12 miles - $2.46 Total amount - $40.17 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13
BRUNETTE: Peter Meeme and Vicinity: Peter Brunette, an old resident of this town, has been adjudged insane. Sheriff Pierce was out here on Thursday and took him to Manitowoc. He will in all probability be taken to the Oshkosh asylum. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 25, 1880 pg. 3
BRUSKY: Nettie Mrs. Nettie Brusky aged 28 of this city, was adjudged insane and taken to Oshkosh today. She is married and has one child. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, October 31, 1911 pg. 4
BUCCHOLZ: Gottfried PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Gottfried Buchholz-32 years-Admitted February 3, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
BUCHANAN: John A resident of Two Rivers, has been adjudged insane by a county court and has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 12 January 1905
BUCHOLZ: Gottfried Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1856; age at last birthday, 44; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BUCKLEY: Hannah REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, F.J.E. Westgate, $4.20; Geo. Patchen, $4.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Hannah Buckley, alledged Insane. Hearing had April 15, 1912 and said Hannah Buckley adjudged Insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
BUDINGER, William Sheriff Bibinger took William Budinger of Eaton and Clara Christianson of Cato to the Oshkosh insane asylum last Saturday. It is remarkable what an increase there has been in the number of insane in this county of late years. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 20, 1883 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … William Buddinger-27 years-Admitted February 6, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
BUKOSKY: Mrs. Franziska Mrs. Jos. Bukofsky of the town of Gibson was on Saturday morning adjudged insane at the asylum at Manitowoc, where she had been taken the day previous. She was sent to the Northern Hospital for the insane at Oshkosh Monday morning. Drs. J.B. Rick of Mishicot and F. G. Westgate of Manitowoc were the attending physicians. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, April 28, 1907 pg. 10 ***** Of Town Kossuth was adjudicated as mentally ill in County Court and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 30 April 1908 ***** Mrs. Jos. Bukosky of Gibson was taken to Manitowoc last Saturday where she was adjudged insane and ordered taken to Oshkosh for treatment. Her mind became deranged only a few days ago on account of general debility and her detention and her treatment was recommended by Dr. Westgate of Manitowoc and Dr. rick of Mishicot. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Saturday, May 2, 1908 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Francis Bukofsky, alleged insane. Hearing had April 25, 1908, and said Francis Bukofsky adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Floyd J.E. Westgate - $4.40 Physicians- J.B. Rick - $7.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $11.00 Summons to Physicians - $7.30 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
BULTHAUPT: Henry A prominent resident of our city, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Tues. The old man suffers from a persecution mania. Der Nord Westen 30 January 1902
BUNDO: John Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1879; age at last birthday, 21; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
BUNKE: Mary REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; Max Staehle, $4.20. Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Mary Bunke, alleged Insane. Hearing had November 16, 1911 and said Mary Bunke adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
BURBANK: Clara REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Clara Burbank, adjudged insane Dec. 5th, 1917; committed to the Northern Hospital for insane. Costs, Physicians E. Gates $5.60, E. Christiansen $5.60, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $14.46. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
BURGARD: Mary Mary Burgard, a young lady 23 years of age, who resides in this city, was adjudged insane last Saturday and taken to the state hospital at Oshkosh. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, September 8, 1908 pg. 5
BURICH: Louise Mrs. Louise Burich, living on a farm near Reedsville, through worry over the death of her husband and a daughter, became mentally weak and has been removed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, February 20, 1919 Page 2
BURKE: Mrs. Ed Mrs. Burke, wife of Ed. Burke of Cato, has become insane. Judge Kirwan telegraphed Dr. Kempster in relation to her and Patrick O'Neill. Sheriff Murphy will probably bring both to the asylum today. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 21, 1881 ***** Clark's Mills news: Mrs. Burke, of Cato, has been taken to the Manitowoc asylum. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, Aug. 11, 1885 P.3
BURMEISTER: Amalia A 38-year old of Two Rivers was brought before the County Judge on Saturday for a sanity hearing. She was found to be mentally ill and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 20 June 1907 ***** Local and Personal: Amelia Buermeister of the town of Two Rivers was adjudged insane last Friday by Judge Chloupek, and taken to Oshkosh on Saturday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1907 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Amelia Burmeister, alleged insane. Hearing had March 7th, 1914, and said Amelia Burmeister adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, A.M. Farrell, $5.80; J.E. Meany, $4.40; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
BURNS: John Local and Personal: John Burns, aged 49 years, formerly proprietor of the Star Hotel, was adjudged insane last Friday and taken to the Oshkosh asylum. He is married and has four children. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 19, 1913 pg. 5 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of John Burns, alleged insane. Hearing had June 13, 1913, and said John Burns adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Max Staehle - $4.20 J.E. Meany - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
BURNS: Patrick County Judge Anderson decided Mon. that 12-yr. old Patrick Burns, son of Town Maple Grove resident John Burns, be sent to the State School for the Blind in Janesville. He lost his sight 3 yrs. ago in the explosion of percussion cap. Der Nord Westen 21 November 1901
BUSSE: David REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of David Busse, alleged insane. Hearing had April 30, 1908, and said David Busse adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Paul Guttmann - $7.00 Physicians- C.M. Gleason - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $12.40 Summons to Physicians - $6.90 Committed to Manitowoc County Asylum - $6.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
BUTLER: James James Butler has been sent to the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh from Milwaukee. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 2, 1888
BYNG: Agnes REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Agnes Byng, adjudged insane Jan. 25th, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital for insane. Costs, Physicians A. Teitgen $4.20, F.S. Luhmann $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $26.12. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
CACZMIREK: Josephine One of the Sisters at the local St. Mary's Hospital, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 23 August 1900
CAMPBELL: John M. REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of John M. Campbell, alleged insane. Hearing had May 19th, A.D. 1900, and said John M. Campbell adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $4.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $32.71 Total amount - $52.11 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13
CANE, Patrick PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Patrick Cane-46 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
CAREY: Margaret Mrs. Margaret Carey of Newton, was brought to the city on Monday by Sheriff Murphy. She has been insane for a number of years and will be taken from here to the asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 9, 1881 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Margareth Carey-67 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
CASHMAN: Mrs. Margaret Of Manitowoc Rapids, who has been mentally weak forsome time and who took to heart the death of her son early last year, has been adjudicated insane by County Judge Anderson and will be sent to the state mentalinstitution in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 26 October 1899 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1822; age at last birthday, 78; married; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
CENEFELDT: Mary Mrs. Mary Cenefeldt of Kossuth was taken into custody last week for examination as to her mental condition. The woman has a mania for starting fires and it is alleged that she fired fences and building on her own and adjoining property until neighbors became alarmed and asked to have her taken into custody. She was brought here by deputy Sheriff George Lambries. Mrs. Cenefeldt was adjudged insane and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh on Saturday by Judge Chloupek. The woman's husband is subject to epileptic fits and is a patient at St. Mary's hospital. His wife had been making her home with her son at Branch. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 6, 1905 pg. 5
CHRISTENSON: Kirsten REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs, $4.20; Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett. Referred to Committee on Insane. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Kirsten Christenson, alledged Insane. Hearing had April 26th, 1912 and said Kirsten Christenson Insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
CHRISTIAN: Florentia ADJUDGED INSANE: Florentia Christian of Two Rivers, aged twenty four years, was adjudged insane at an examination she underwent in the county courtroom on Tuesday. She has been committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. She had made her home with her mother at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Florentina Christian, whose home for some time has been in Taylor county, was adjudged insane in probate court and committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. The woman is said to have been troubled in mind since she was a girl but was married a hew years ago and given a divorce last November. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1907 pg. 2
CHRISTIANSEN: Carrie Mrs. Carrie Christiansen from here has been adjudged insane in County Court and has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 10 December 1903
CHRISTIANSEN: Charles Charles Christiansen, who was employed for several years at the Smalley plant as foreman, had to be taken to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh, owing to a nervous breakdown. He was taken there this morning in company with High Rice, of the town of Rapids, who was adjudged insane last Friday. Manitowoc Herald News, Wis., Monday, September 10, 1917 pg. 8 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Charles Christiansen, adjudged insane Jan. 17th, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians W.G. Kemper $4.20, C.M. Gleason $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $15.48. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
CHRISTIANSEN: Ole Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
CHRISTIANSON, Clara Sheriff Bibinger took William Budinger of Eaton and Clara Christianson of Cato to the Oshkosh insane asylum last Saturday. It is remarkable what an increase there has been in the number of insane in this county of late years. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 20, 1883
CHVALA: Miss Katharine In Gibson had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh last week. Doctors. are of the opinion that she can be cured. She is the mother of several children. During the proceedings in County Court she had to be restrained out of concern that she may injure herself. Der Nord Westen 01 October 1903
CICHE: Anton Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1863; age at last birthday, 37; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
CLARK: Henry Thinks Show People Are After Him Henry Clark, who claims he is from Chicago, but who has been stopping at Henry Meyer's on Washington street, when crazy Tuesday, while the band from Gorton's Minstrel show was playing though the streets. He claimed that the show people were after him and wept from fright. He was taken before Judge Chloupek who adjudged him insane and committed him to the asylum. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 25, 1904 pg. 1
COHEN: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; Louis Falge, $4.20; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of John Cohen, alledged Insane. Hearing had April 22, 1912 and said John Cohen adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
COLELL: Herman ALGEBRA KEPT HIM UP NIGHTS. Theo. Sprecht Sent back To Oshkosh-Colell Also Committed Theodore Sprecht, 2201 Washington street, a well known carpenter of the city, was adjudged insane in county court Monday, being examined upon request of relatives. Sprecht has been on parole from the Northern Hospital since 1904 but will be sent back. Relatives stated that the man would sit up until two and three o'clock in the morning working imaginary algebra problems and lately had read of the fourth dimension discovery and was working on that. He became a student of a correspondent school and is said to have been exceptionally bright. Some time ago, while his mind was affected, Sprecht placed orders for 100 oil stoves with several mail order houses. The court also committed Herman Colell, a So. Seventh street man who has been in the lime light more or less lately because of troubles with his wife. Colell paraded the streets Sunday in robes and with a saber following a quarrel at home. Colell is a teamster id is believed to be curable. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, August 16, 1910 pg. 1
CONCHAINE: Harvey REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, Emil Christenson, $5.60; A.W. Farrell, $5.60; Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Harvey Conchaine, alledged Insane. Hearing had February 7, 1912 and said Harvey Conchaine adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
COONEY: Patrick Of Maple Grove has been sent to the hospital of the local mental facility for evaluation. Der Nord Westen 23 May 1907
COONEY: Susan Notes of City and Town Folks: Mrs. Susan Cooney has been committed to the asylum by County Judge Chloupek. She has been an inmate of the Holy Family Hospital for some time. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 19, 1904 pg. 5
COOPER: Mrs. Charles B. Mrs. Charles B. Cooper, a Two Rivers woman was adjudged insane in county court today and will be taken to the Northern hospital. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, August 4, 1910 pg. 2
CRETON: Catharine Of Two Rivers was adjudged insane Tues. in County Court and transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 July 1901 ******** The Trustees of the local mental facility, in their report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1904, lists the following deaths: Catharina Cretton died 24 Sep. 1903 of exhaustion at age 80; Christopher Bejalke died 10 Oct. 1903 from heart trouble at age 73; Carl Fischer died 02 Dec. 1903 from a stroke at age 44; and Johanna O'Neil died 24 Apr. 1904 of bronchitis at age 84. Der Nord Westen, Manitowoc, Wis., 09 February 1905
CROWE: EDWARD G. REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Edward G. Crowe, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 23rd day of December, 1936, and said Edward G. Crowe was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, for a period of thirty days observation. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
DAGARD: Mary REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Mary Dagard, alleged insane. Hearing had December 4, 1908, and said Mary Dagard adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- A.W. Farrel - $5.60 Physicians- E. Gates - $5.60 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $9.60 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Manitowoc Asylum - $6.00 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 17, 1909 pg. 4
DANIEL: Florence A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4
DARCY: Thomas Under Sheriff Murphy took Thomas Darcy of Liberty into custody on Friday last. Darcy has been insane for some time, but is not violent. He will be sent to Oshkosh as it is though his is not a hopeless case. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, February 26, 1880 pg. 3
DARLING: Unknown J.C. Miller, deputy sheriff of Kiel brought an insane man by the name of Darling to the city this morning to be examined by the County Judge. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, September 14, 1899 pg. 7
DAY: Byron The county judge has been notified that the insane from this county which have been provided for at Milwaukee, must be removed from there as all the accommodations supplied there are no more than sufficient for the insane of Milwaukee county. There are four persons: Day, Paulsen, Erickson and Hilbert, who must be returned to the inadequate quarters furnished by Manitowoc. The county board will be forced to do something toward providing for the incurable insane of the county. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Aug. 18, 1881 ***** Sheriff Murphy took two insane people to the Oshkosh asylum this week, John Reiderer of Franklin and Byron Day. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 24, 1882 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Byron Day-36 years-Admitted May 7, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
DEDRICK: John May Be Insane — John Dedrick in jail awaiting trial at the January term of Circuit court, on the charge of assault with intent at murder, may never be called upon to defend the charge and instead of prison may occupy a cell in the insane asylum. Of late Dedrick has on several occasions exhibited signs of violent mania. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, November 20, 1902 pg. 5
DEDROW: Franz Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1860; age at last birthday, 40; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DEEKS: Andrew COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Andrew Deeks, alleged insane. Hearing had November 4, 1913, and said Andrew Deeks adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper - $4.20 C.M. Gleason - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. He was requested to travel to Green Bay receiving word that he could be found there. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
DENILE: Florent Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1837; age at last birthday, 63; widow; place of birth, Belgium 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DIEDRICH: Jacob Has been adjudicated as insane in County Court and taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 27 November 1902
DITTMEYER: Fred Local and Personal: Fred Dittmeyer of Meeme, aged 30 years, was adjudged insane last Friday and committed to the county asylum. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday June 4, 1908 pg. 5
DOBBERT Sheriff Murphy took young Dobbert to the Oshkosh asylum last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 10, 1882
DOBBERT, Herman PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Herman Dobbert-26 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
DOBBERT: William PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … William Dobbert-25 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
DOE: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1857; age at last birthday, 43; single; place of birth, Italy 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DOE: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DOE: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1872; age at last birthday, 28; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DOLECAL: Wm. Sheriff Muth left for Oshkosh on Tuesday taking Wm. Dolecal of Kossuth to the asylum, who was adjudged insane. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 3, 1898 pg. 3
DOLEZAL: Wenzel Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1823; age at last birthday,77; widower; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DOOLAN: Mary Mary Doolan of this city has for the last few weeks been suffering from extreme nervousness. On Tuesday night she became insane and left the house partially undressed. She was picked up by an officer and cared for. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, February 13, 1890 pg. 3
DRISCOLL: Timothy MISSING FOR TWO WEEKS Asylum Patient Takes French Leave and Cannot Be Located Timothy Driscoll, a charge at the insane asylum has been missing from the institution for two weeks and officers are unable to secure a trace of his whereabouts, although diligent inquiry and search has been prosecuted. Driscoll is a Maple Grove man committed to the local asylum eight years ago and is not violent. He made his escape while engaged in the yard and it was not discovered until several hours later. The missing man is 38 years of age, short and of stout build and has three fingers missing from the left hand. It is thought that Driscoll is in hiding near the vicinity and will be captured in the course of time. Manitowoc Daily Herald 14 May 1902 ********** A patient in the local mental facility, disappeared about 2 wks. ago and to date has not been apprehended. Der Nord Westen 15 May 1902
DRUECOLL: Tim Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1865; age at last birthday, 35; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DUBOIS: Emil Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1868; age at last birthday, 32; place of birth, Belgium 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
DUCAL: Gencie A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4
DULOWS: Emil A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4
DUNEKACKE, Carolina A woman by the name of Carolina Dunekacke, a resident of Newton, was examined under the direction of Judge Kirwan this week and pronounced insane. An application for her admission to the asylum was sent on to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 20, 1880
DUNEKACKE: Luedka Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 41; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Ludecke Dunekacke-28 years-Admitted May 7, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
DURGIN: Augusta Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1837; age at last birthday, 63; married; place of birth, New Hampshire 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
EATHERTON: Frank DROVE HIM INSANE Family Trouble the Cause of Frank Eatherton's Misfortune At 10 minutes to 4 o'clock Frank Eatherton was adjudged insane and committed to the hospital at Oshkosh. Family troubles are given as the cause of his insanity. Drs. Roberts and Kemper made an examination this morning, but it was impossible to determine the exact state of his mind, and he demanded a court hearing. A number of witnesses testified before Judge Anderson. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, July 12, 1900 pg. 1
EATOUGH: Mrs. Sheriff Bibinger brought Mrs. Eatough to the Oshkosh asylum on Monday and returned with a man named Fred Ellemdorf who is incurable. He was a resident of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 3, 1884 EBERT: Margarethe Of Cato was found to be mentally ill in County Court Tuesday and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 16 April 1906
EGGERT: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; no further information on him. 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
EGGS: Nicolaus Of Two Rivers was declared insane by the County Court and has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 07 March 1901 ******** Who was recently released from the state mental facility in Oshkosh,suffered a relapse Sat. and broke furniture and windows in some houses. He has been returned to Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 11 July 1901 ******** Goes to the Asylum-Nicholaus Egs of Clarks Mills has been adjudged insane by Judge Anderson and was taken to the Northern Hospital for the insane at Winnebago, by Sheriff Burt. Manitowoc Pilot, July 11, 1901 P. 1 ******** WAS TWICE SENT TO ASYLUM FROM HERE Nic Eggs Returned to County Every Time He was Released and Now Goes to Prison MAY BE INSANE AT PRESENT Tramp Sentenced in Municipal Court Tuesday; Has Record Here - Sent to Oshkosh Asylum in 1901 Investigation of the records of the court reveals that Nic Eggs, the unknown tramp who was sentenced in Municipal Court Tuesday to serve one year at Waupun on charge of burglary in the Town of Meeme, was committed to the Northern Asylum for Insane at Oshkosh from this county on two occasions, both within one year. Eggs first appeared for examination on complaint of the town officers of Rockland on March 6, 1901 having been taken into custody there as a result of his strange actions and his apparent demented condition. Drs. Pritchard and Luhman were appointed to make the examination and adjudged the man insane, alcoholism and exposure being assigned as the causes. Judge Anderson, then presiding on the court, issued the commitment after all inquiry to learn the identity and residence of the unfortunate individual had failed. In June of the same year, after four months, the court here was notified that Eggs had been released on parole, apparently having improved under the treatment at the asylum. He had been provided with transportation to Chicago and it was believed that nothing further would be heard of him. On July 6, however, officers in the Town of Cato reported to the Probate Court and petitioned for the examination of a stranger who for several days had created disturbances in the vicinity and when the man was taken in charge and brought into court it was found to be Eggs. The tramp was violent and had caused much alarm at Cato by several attacks upon people. In one instance the assault was of vicious character and the victim it was feared had sustained serious injury. Eggs was recommitted to the Oshkosh Asylum and no further information as to him was received here until the arrest in Meeme Monday on the charge of burglary. A peculiar feature in connection with the case is that although Eggs is not believed to ever have been a resident of this county or to have any relatives in this section of the state, he returned to Manitowoc every time he was given his release from the asylum or prison. In court Tuesday, Eggs appeared totally indifferent to his fate and accepted his sentence to spend a year in the penitentiary without charge. He was without clothing and must have suffered considerably from the exposure to the cold Sunday and Monday. It is believed that he was seeking shelter from the storm when discovered in the attempt to force an entrance to the school building in Meeme but he made no objection or plea to the charge as made. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Wed., Jan. 27, 1904
EHRHARDT: Christian Of Centerville will be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. All kinds of family trouble and money problems caused him to lose his mind. Der Nord Westen 27 September 1906 ***** AGED CENTERVILLE FARMER IS COMMITTED TO NORTHERN HOSPITAL Christian Ehrhardt, aged 69 years, a well-known resident of Centerville, was adjudged insane Monday morning. The examination was held before County Judge Chloupek, who committed the unfortunate man to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Ehrhardt's wife was adjudged insane about twenty-eight years ago. She is now an inmate of the county asylum. Ehrhardt's mental derangement is believed to be the result of long-continued worry over financial reverses and other troubles. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 27, 1906 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Centerville: Mr. Christian Ehrhardt, one of our pioneer residents, who spent a few months at the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, will soon be with us again. This will be welcome news to his many friends. Mr. Ehrhardt has always been a kind and obliging neighbor and a good, respected citizen Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 28, 1907 pg. 8 ***** CONSIDERED SANE Christian Ehrhardt, an aged resident of the town of Centerville, was examined as to his sanity in county court Monday, and at the conclusion of the inquiry, was released by Judge Chloupek. Ehrhardt had been adjudged insane and committed to the hospital at Oshkosh last fall and later was sent to the county asylum here. Some weeks ago he was released from there, and the examination mentioned above ends his troubles growing out of this commitment. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 16, 1907 pg. 1
ELLEFSON: Anton REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Anton Ellefson, alleged insane. Hearing had May 12, 1908, and said Anton Ellefson adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- H. Thurtell - $4.40 Physicians- W.G. Kemper - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
ELLERT: John YOUNG CATO FARMER WHO PUT STONES IN BUNDLES OF CORN "JUST FOR FUN" IS INSANE When Charles Hacker, a Cato farmer, started his corn cutting machine two times and each time discovered a good sized stone in the machine, he started to investigate. Hacker found that someone had place stones in six shocks of the corn he had hauled from the field to cut up and other neighbors reported trouble. John Ellert, aged 20 who resided with his mother near the Hacker farm, was suspected and admitted the act, saying he had place the stones in the shocks "just for fun." Ellert was adjudged insane by physicians in probate court today and committed to the hospital at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, October 11, 1916 pg. 5 ***** SHERIFF JOS. KELLNER IN BATTLE WITH INSANE MAN AT VALDERS HAD CLOTHES TORN FROM HIS BODY Sheriff Joseph Kellner is having rather a strenuous time of it these days and has about concluded that the office of sheriff is no sinecure, based upon his experiences of the past ten days during which time he had twice faced death while making arrests. Ten days ago Sheriff Kellner, with a U.S. deputy marshal was fired upon by Nic Voss, alleged slacker, when the officers attempted to take him into custody and Sheriff Kellner was threatened with a hammer, being saved from probable death by his fellow officer. In the melee the sheriff received a cut under the eye. Today while at Valders to take into custody John Ellert, an escaped inmate of the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, Sheriff Kellner again faced violence at the hands of the insane man, and in a sharp battle which ensued, the officer had his clothing torn from his body and was badly bruised and lacerated by contact with a wire fence. He landed his quarry, however, and Ellert will be sent back to Oshkosh. Sheriff Kellner received notice from the hospital authorities of Ellert's escape yesterday and was told that the man was probably at the home of relatives near Valders and to get him. When the officer, accompanied by Deputy Geo Wittman reached Valders they found Ellert engaged in building a wire fence on the farm of a relative and when the sheriff told the man he was after him Ellert resisted. The man had a hatchet and it is believed by the sheriff, he would have use =d it had the officer not grappled with him. The two were thrown into the fence which Ellert had been working on and battled for several minutes during which the trousers worn by Sheriff Kellner were town from the body, his legs and arm scratched. Deputy Sheriff Wittman was unable to render assistance to his chief owing to the wire entanglement in which the combatants had been thrown. After a hard fight Sheriff Kellner subdued Ellert and the man was brought to the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, September 6, 1917 pg. 1
ELLES: James Sr. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; single; place of birth, Maine 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ELMENDORFF: Fred PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Fred Elmendorff-29 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
ELMDORF: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ENGLEBERT: Wilhelmina Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1855; age at last birthday, 45; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ENGELBRECHT: Alvina COMMITTED TO ASYLUM AT OSHKOSH Miss Alvina Engelbrecht of Greenstreet was examined as to her mental condition last Thursday in the county court. She was adjudged insane, and was committed to the Northern hospital on Friday. She came to the city of her own accord last Thursday and asked to be examined. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 28, 1906 pg. 1
ERHARD: Johanna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Johanna Erhardt-43 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1844; age at last birthday, 56; married; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
ERICKSON The county judge has been notified that the insane from this county which have been provided for at Milwaukee, must be removed from there as all the accommodations supplied there are no more than sufficient for the insane of Milwaukee county. There are four persons: Day, Paulsen, Erickson and Hilbert, who must be returned to the inadequate quarters furnished by Manitowoc. The county board will be forced to do something toward providing for the incurable insane of the county. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Aug. 18, 1881
ERICKSON: Isaac ADJUDGED INSANE Aged Finlander Sent To The County Asylum Isaac Erickson, a laborer residing on South Eighteenth street was adjudged insane at the County court today and committed to the County Asylum. Erickson is a native of Finland and is about seventy six years of age. His wife died April 14, 1900 and since then his health has not been the best. Seven or eight years ago he was sent to the Oshkosh asylum for treatment and remained there one year. He had fantasies at that time that some one desired to poison him. At one time he attempted to drown himself. His present delusions seem to have various phases and it is seldom that he has a lucid interval. The old man seems to live in constant fear of someone, who he is afraid will injure him. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, July 24, 1900 pg. 1 ***** A South 18th St. resident and a 76-yr. old native of Finland, had to be taken to the local mental facility. Some time ago he was in the state mental facility in Oshkosh for several years. Der Nord Westen 26 July 1900
ERICKSON: Magnus Magnus Erickson of this city who was sent out from the Oshkosh asylum on parole, was recommitted on Friday last by Judge Anderson. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 11, 1899 pg. 5
ERICKSON: Maranda REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, T. O'Brien, $7.80; M. Staehle, $4.20; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Maranda Erickson, alledged Insane. Hearing had April 9, 1912 and said Maranda Erickson adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Marinda Erickson, alleged insane. A re-examination as to her sanity being had January 28, 1914, and said Marinda Erickson was adjudged sane and was discharged. Costs. Physicians, Max Staehle, $4.20; J.L. Shaw, $4.20. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
ERTEL: Alois A 66-yr. old resident of Town Franklin, has been determined to be weak minded by the County Court and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 24 August 1905
ETZLER: Mary Who was recently released from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has had to be returned there. Der Nord Westen 12 November 1908 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Mary Etzler, alleged insane. Hearing had October 16, 1913, and said Mary Etzler adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Erwin C. Cary - $7.20 Louis Falge - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
EVENSON: Sophia REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs, $4.20; C.M. Gleason, $4.20; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Sophia Evenson, alledged Insane. Hearing had March 27, 1912 and said Sophia Evenson adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
FAULER, Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Mary Fauler-57 years-Admitted January 17, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
FEELY: Virginia A resident of Town Gibson who has been afflicted with epileptic seizures for two years, has been declared insane as a result and has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 22 August 1901 ***** Miss Virginia Feely of the town of Gibson has been taken to the insane asylum at Oshkosh. She is twenty-two years old. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 22, 1901 pg. 1
FELLIER: Louis Of Two Rivers became disturbed several months ago and was taken to a place in Buffalo for treatment. His condition grew worse there and the director decided to send him back. Fellier and an attendant arrived here Sat. from Buffalo, and he was temporarily placed in the local mental facility. On Tues. he was transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 10 January 1901
FEY: Louis SHERIFF BURT TAKES HIS FIRST INSANE MAN TO OSHKOSH Sheriff Burt took Louis Fey, an insane man from the town of Kossuth to the State Hospital for the Insane at Oshkosh on an order from Judge Anderson last Monday. This was the new sheriff's first case. It seems that Fey, who is a farmer, had a great desire to revisit Switzerland. He carried it into effect by going there, but on his return he became melancholy and brooded continuously over the amount of money it had cost him. His melancholy soon intensified into deep gloom, shrouding the man's vision to such an extent that he became incapable of managing his own affairs. His condition became so grave that it was absolutely necessary to put him under restraint. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 10, 1901 pg. 1
FISCHBACH: Nicholas Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1832; age at last birthday, 65; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
FISCHER: Carl Sheriff Lehrman went to Centerville yesterday to take charge of a man named Fischer who it is claimed became insane and then set fire to Stolzman's barn last Friday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 12, 1900 pg. 7 ***** Of Town Centerville was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Fri. by Sheriff Lehrmann Der Nord Westen 19 April 1900 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Carl Fischer, alleged insane. Hearing had April 13th, A.D. 1900, and said Carl Fischer was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-H. Thurtell - $4.20 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $13.50 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $33.71 Total amount - $66.01 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13 ***** Carl Fischer, aged 77, a former resident of Cleveland, Wis., died Monday at the county insane asylum of which he was an inmate. He will be buried at Cleveland. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 25, 1904 pg. 1 ***** The Trustees of the local mental facility, in their report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1904, lists the following deaths: Catharina Cretton died 24 Sep. 1903 of exhaustion at age 80; Christopher Bejalke died 10 Oct. 1903 from heart trouble at age 73; Carl Fischer died 02 Dec. 1903 from a stroke at age 44; and Johanna O'Neil died 24 Apr. 1904 of bronchitis at age 84. Der Nord Westen, Manitowoc, Wis., 09 February 1905 (Note: This is probably the same Carl Fischer)
FISCHER: H. H. Fischer of Reedsville was sent to the state school for the feeble minded on Tues. Der Nord Westen 21 February 1901
FISCHER: Herman "Men have died and worms have eat them; but not for love." Herman Fischer of Schleswig loved a woman with such intensity that he became violently insane. He had been at work at Genoa Junction where he showed signs of mental derangement. His father and brother went after him and brought him home but he could not be managed and it was decided to send him to the asylum. He was brought to the city by Deputy Sheriff J.C. Miller on Thursday last. It took three men to manage him. He was adjudged insane and taken to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 15, 1899 pg. 8
FISCHER: Kate REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Kate Fischer, adjudged insane Nov. 19th, 1917; committed to the Northern Hospital for insane. Costs, Physicians F.S. Luhman $4.40, W.G. Kemper $4.40, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $18.98. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
FISCHER: Veronica Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1844; age at last birthday, 56; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
FLUGGE: Henry REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Henry Flugge, alleged insane. Hearing had December 17, 1918 and said Henry Flugge adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, V.V. Kellner, $7.00; E.M. Jacobs, $4.20. Sheriff Jos. A. Kellner. Committed to Hospital, $17. 35. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5
FOLLANER: Rosalia Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1872; age at last birthday, 29; single; place of birth, Russia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
FORRESTER: Mary A patient in the local St. Mary's Hospital, has been adjudged insane and will be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 25 October 1900
FOX: Fred Fred Fox, who came here a few weeks ago and has been employed at various places in the city, was adjudged insane and committed to the asylum at Oshkosh Tuesday. Fox had been drinking heavily of late and his mind had become affected. Monday an insanity inquiry was conducted but the condition of the man made it impossible to determine the malady and a second inquiry was ordered. This was the conclusive in establishing the fact that he was demented and commitment was ordered. Manitowoc Daily Herald 17 December 1902 ********** Fred Fox, a resident of our city for a few weeks, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 Dec. 1902 ********** Fred Fox had been released from the state mental facility in Oshkosh as being healed following a 8-mo. confinement, became suicidal again Sun. and had to be returned there. Der Nord Westen 01 October 1903
FRANK: Anna REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Anna Frank, alleged insane. Hearing had November 21, 1907, and said Anna Frank adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians-Max Staehle - $4.40 Physicians-J.E. Meany - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $1.40 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Committed to hospital - $1.40 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
FRAZIER: Mrs. Carl Had to be taken this morning to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 06 December 1900
FREDERICHS: Otto LONELY LIFE DROVE HIM INSANE Otto Frederick, Recluse at Clarks Mills Committed to Asylum Loneliness of his life drove Otto H. Frederick, who for several years has lived as a recluse in the vicinity of Clarks Mills, insane and he was Friday, upon examination by physicians, committed to the Northern Hospital for insane at Oshkosh for treatment. Frederick is 46 years of age and his mind has been affected for years, insanity only taking violent form of late. He was at one time a well known miller of the county and is unmarried. Manitowoc Daily Herald 15 February 1902 ***** OTTO FREDERICHS RELEASED FROM ASYLUM. Otto Frederichs of Cato, who had been confined in the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh and at the Manitowoc county asylum here, for more than two years as an insane patient, was granted his liberty by an order of the probate court issued on Saturday. A jury had declared him sane and competent to manage his own affairs. He has been reinstated in possession of his property rights. In 1902 Frederichs was a resident of the town of Cato, where he was in possession of a 40 acre farm on which he made his home. His actions led some of his neighbors to believe that he was of unsound mind. Accordingly an application was made to have him placed in custody at an asylum, whereupon an examination was held with the result that Frederichs became an inmate of the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. At that time he offered no resistance to his commitment. a few months ago he was returned from Oshkosh and committed to the Manitowoc county asylum. Although his mental condition had apparently improved since the time of his commitment at Oshkosh, he was pronounced incurably insane at the time of his removal to the county asylum. Recently friends who had visited him at the l ocal asylum expressed the belief that he was of sound mind or at least sufficiently so to warrant his release. A demand was made for an examination and the court summoned two physicians, who expressed the opinion that Frederichs should not be released. The latter then demanded a jury inquiry, as provided by law, and the result was that he was granted his liberty. While the physicians admitted that Frederichs' mental condition was improving under treatment at the hospital and that he would probably recover entirely, they advised his retention at the asylum for several months longer. Many witnesses were summoned. Atty. Edward S. Schmitz appeared for Frederichs. The jury did not agree with the physicians. After hearing the case and without leaving the room, they gave a unanimous verdict that the patient had sufficiently recovered to be granted his freedom at once. While the jury was to consist of six members, one was excused by the court at the time the case was called and it was agreed that the case could be heard by five jurors. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 29, 1904 pg. 1
FREE: Wilhelmine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1846; age at last birthday, 54; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
FRITSCH: Mary TROUBLES UNBALANCE A MIND Aged Gibson Woman Goes Insane Over Calamities A sad case came up in county court today that clearly exemplified the tragedy that often marks the course of human life. An aged lady, residing in the town of Gibson, Mrs. Mary Fritsh by name, was examined and was adjudged insane. Her story is indeed a sad one and merits the sympathy of all. Some months ago the lady lost her husband and soon after financial difficulties overtook the family and the worry and trouble resulting from her calamities have unbalanced her mind. Friends have noticed for some time that Mrs. Fritsh has not acted in a sane manner and the examination was thought to be advisable. The patient was committed to the county. She is sixty one years of age and aside from her mental affliction has other physical ailments incident to her age. Manitowoc Daily Herald 07 August 1900 ********** 61-yr. old Mrs. Mary Fritsch was admitted to the local mental facility on Tues. Der Nord Westen 09 August 1900
FUERST An old man named Fuerst was brought to the city on Tuesday from Two Rivers by Charles Willert and Joseph Roemer. He is insane. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 3, 1888
GALLAGHER: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of John Gallagher, alleged insane. Hearing had May 18th, 1914, and said John Gallagher adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, F.J. Westgate, $4.20; Geo. W. Patchen, $4.20; Ed. Ladwig, Police; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
GARDNER: Clarence GARDNER BOY COMMITTED TO THE ASYLUM The sanity commission appointed by County Judge Chloupek to make an investigation into the condition of Clarence Gardner, a twenty year old young man who was taken into custody here by the police, found him far from normal and as a result of the report submitted the man was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment. He was taken to the institution today. Gardner made a frank confession of his shortcoming but failed to remember specific instances which were asked about by the police although he said he might have been the guilty party. His arrest clears up a large number of complaints filed by north side residents. Gardner told the police that he never did anything but peep and make a show of himself. Manitowoc Herald News 18 January 1928
GASPAR: Hanna A widow in Maple Grove, has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 05 August 1909
GATERMAN: Frederek Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1853; age at last birthday, 47; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GATES: Peter Peter Gates of the town of Two Rivers was last Saturday adjudged insane and sent to the Northern Hospital for treatment. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, March 16, 1897 pg. 3 ***** City and County: Peter Gates of the town of Two Rivers was brought to the city last week, violently insane. It was found necessary to tie him to the sleigh. The cause of his insanity is said to be troubled with a neighbor about a line fence. He was taken to the Oshkosh Asylum on Monday by Sheriff Muth. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 18, 1897 pg. 3 ***** Peter Gates of Town Two Rivers was unconditionally released from the mental facility in Oshkosh on Thurs. last week. Der Nord Weston 24 June 1897
GATTERMAN: Fred PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Fred Gatterman-34 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
GENERAL: Frantz Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1856; age at last birthday, 44; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GENTGEN: John GENTGEN INSANE, COMMITTED TO THE OSHKOSH ASYLUM Man Who Made Attack Upon Mrs. Jaeger Pronounced Insane by Physicians this Afternoon John Gentgen, held on a charge of assault with a deadly weapon with intent to murder, following an attack upon Mrs. Emma Jaeger a week ago, was today adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Petition for examination into Gentgen's sanity was made by friends through his attorneys, Kelley & Ledvina, and Drs. Louis Falge and W.G. Kemper who were appointed by the court made the examination. Gentgen was found mentally incompetent, and the court issued a commitment. The commitment of Gentgen and decision of physicians that the man is insane, will quash the charge which was filed against him and end prosecution of the case. Gentgen is 54 years of age and a widower with several children. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Monday, October 15, 1917 pg. 1
GERALDSON: Kittel REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Kittel Geralson, adjudged insane March 23rd, 1918; committed to the County Insane Asylum. Costs, Physicians C.L. MacCollum $4.20, Louis Falge $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
GILBERT: Rena REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Rena Gilbert, alleged insane. Hearing had January 14, 1919 and said Rena Gilbert adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $4.40; J.E. Meany, $4.40. Sheriff Thomas Brennan. Committed to Hospital, $17. 25. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5
GILBRAITH: John Captain John Gilbraith was adjudged insane last Thursday and taken to the State Hospital at Oshkosh. The captain has had large experience on the lakes and of late years has been in command of the tug Arctic. Last summer he showed signs that his mind was failing and the difficulty has grown on him until it became necessary to place him under restraint. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 15, 1894 pg. 4
GLUNDER: August Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1870; age at last birthday, 30; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GOCH: Rev. Emil Rev. Emil Goch, of Newton and Fred Reinke, of Centerville, were adjudged insane this week and will be sent to Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 28, 1881 pg. 3
GOEKE: Wilhelmina Committed to the Asylum. Last Thursday morning Mrs. Wilhelmina Goeke of the town of Newton was examined as to her mental condition before Judge Chloupek. She was pronounced insane and was taken to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh Thursday afternoon by Sheriff Pellett. The patient is forty-seven years of age. Her mind has been affected for several weeks. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 24, 1904 pg. 8
GOHENE, Thomas PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Thomas Gohene-30 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
GOLDEN: Wm. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1851; age at last birthday, 49; single; place of birth, Canada 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GOLDING: John PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, F.J.E. Westgate, $4.20; Max Staehle, $4.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of John Golding, alleged Insane. Hearing had April 1, 1913, and said John Golding adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane, but the family requesting of the court the privilege of taking care of the said patient the proceedings were dismissed. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
GOODHEW: Clara REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Clara Goodhew, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 17th day of November, 1936, and said Clara Goodhew was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin for a period of thirty days observation and at the end of the thirty days observation period, the same was extended for another thirty days. Physicians: Dr. A.J. Shimek $4.20. Dr. Chas. H. Barnstein $6.00. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
GRAUMMAN: Henry Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1872; age at last birthday, 28; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GRAYCAREK: Lillian REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of the Re-Examination of Lillian Graycarek, alleged insane. Hearing had December 24, 1918 and said Lillian Graycarek was judged sane and discharged. Costs. Physicians, Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; F.W. Hammond, $4.20. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5
GRAYCAREK, ROSE BROTHERS'S SUICIDE WEEK AGO AFFECTS GIRL'S MIND AND SHE IS ADJUDGED INSANE BY COURT Her brother a suicide a week ago, Rose Graycarek, a Cooperstown girl was adjudged insane in probate court yesterday and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. The girl's condition is believed to have resulted from the nervous shock caused by the tragic death of her brother and physicians hold out hopes that she may recover. Miss Graycarek had made her home with the family of Joseph Kellner at Maribel where her (over inked) was also employed (over inked) man ended his own life by hanging, and when the discovery was made and his sister learned that the body had been found hanging in the hayloft of the barn she insisted upon going to the scene when the body was cut down. She became hysterical and it is believed that the shock had altered her mind, though it is said that she had suffered from (remainder unreadable). Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, May 27, 1913 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Zander: Rose Graycarek of Gibson was adjudged insane in probate court Tuesday and taken to Oshkosh. It is believed that she lost her reason over the tragic death of her brother Joseph who committed suicide at Maribel last week. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 29, 1913 pg. 8 ***** Rose Graycarek of Gibson was adjudged insane in probate court Tuesday and taken to Oshkosh. It is believed that she lost her reason over the tragic death of her brother Joseph who committed suicide at Maribel last week. Manitowoc Pilot, May 29, 1913 P. 8 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Rosie Graycarek, alleged insane. Hearing had May 26, 1913, and said Rosie Graycarek adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.A. Roberts - $4.20 Geo. W. Patchen - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
GREEN: Hugh REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Hugh Green, alleged insane. Hearing had January 13th, A.D. 1900, and said Hugh Green was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Physicians-H. Thurtell - $4.20 Sheriff-Warrant of arrest - $4.00 Sheriff-Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff-Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $56.01 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13
GROLL: Fred REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Fred Groll, alleged insane. Hearing had January 30, 1909, and said Fred Groll adjusted insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- J.E. Meany - $4.40 Physicians- F.J.E. Westgate - $4.40 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $7.20 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to County Asylum - $6.00 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4
GROSSHEUCH, Tilman PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Tilman Grossheuch-38 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
GRUBER: Joseph Joseph Gruber of Gibson was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson and was taken to Oshkosh. Gruber became violent when the depot was reached and it became necessary to secure extra assistance to manage him. He had to be manacled. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, December 17, 1896 pg. 3
GRUNDY: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 46; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GUDDIN: William Wm. Guddin, aged about 50 years, was adjudged insane Friday and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 30, 1913 pg. 5 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of William Guddin, alleged insane. Hearing had October 24, 1913, and said William Guddin adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.E. Meany - $4.20 A.J. Shimek - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
GUILFOYLE: Cornelius Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1868; age at last birthday, 32; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
GULLICKSON Sheriff Bibinger took an old lady named Gullickson to the Oshkosh Asylum on Tuesday. He brought back five incurables. He will bring the remaining five which the county is required to take, in a few days. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 24, 1884
GUNDY: John PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … John Gundy-33 years-Admitted February 6, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
GUROWITCH: Michael Michael Gurowith, a Russian was brought here from Two Rivers for examination and was adjudged insane in probate court and committed to the Oshkosh asylum. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, October 22, 1912 pg. 3 ***** William Bartels is at Oshkosh in charge of a Two Rivers man adjudged insane in probate court Tuesday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, October 23, 1912 pg. 2
HAESE: Othilia REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Othilia Haese, adjudged insane April 26th, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians W.G. Kemper $4.40, Erwin C. Cary $8.00, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $15.99. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
HAFERMAN: Aug. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Aug. Haferman-54 years-Admitted August 12, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
HAGEMANN: Adolph Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HAGEN: Thomas Of Maple Grove, a patient in the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has been transferred by the authorities to the county mental facility as unlikely to improve. Der Nord Westen 12 March 1908
HALLADA: Anton FALL MAY HAVE CAUSED IT Anton Hallada Violently Insane From Injuries Two Years Ago An injury which he suffered two years ago in falling from a scaffold, is believed to be responsible for the condition of Anton Hallada, a south side resident, who has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. For three weeks Hallada has not been himself and Tuesday his malady assumed violent form, three men being required to restrain him. The unfortunate man is 40 years of age and the father of twelve children, seven of whom are living. Two years ago, he fell from a scaffold, breaking several ribs and his shoulder blade and sustaining injuries to the head. Two months later a large sliver of wood was extracted from the wound on his head and this is thought to have injured the brain. Drs. Pritchard and Meany reported on the case. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, August 26, 1903 pg. 1
HALLADA: Katherine Katherine Hallada of Two Rivers was adjudged insane in county court this morning and committed to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, September 23, 1914 pg. 4
HALPNA: Rodney Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 38; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HAMERNIK: Frank COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Frank Hamernik, alleged insane. Hearing had July 28, 1913, and said Frank Hamernik adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Emil Christensen - $5.60 A.M. Farrell - $5.60 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
HAMMES: Sarah REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Sarah Hammes, alleged insane. Hearing had February 28, 1908, and said Sarah Hammes adjudged feeble minded and committed to the Home of Feeble Minded at Chippewa Falls, Wis. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- James Burke - $4.40 Physicians- H. Thurtell - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $10.00 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Home of Feeble minded at Chippewa Falls - $49.35 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
HAMPTON: Jas. Sheriff Bibinge took Jas. Hampton, the Eighth street grocery man, to the insane asylum at Oshkosh last Saturday. Mr. Hampton's ailment has been growing on him for some weeks past, but the malady did not assume a serious nature until last Friday, when he attempted to shoot himself. His friends becoming alarmed, they though it advisable to have him confined where he will be unable to harm either himself or others. It is to be hoped that his malady will prove only of a temporary nature. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 24, 1884
HANENSTEIN: John John Hanenstein, a farmer of the town of Mishicott, was today adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. He is 47 years of age and married. The physicians ascribe his condition to heriditary (sic) causes. Manitowoc Daily Herald 25 May 1901 ***** John Hanenstein, Farmer in Town Centerville, has been adjudged to be insane by the County Court and has been turned over to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 30 May 1901 ***** Haennstein Judged Insane John Haennstein, is a farmer of the town of Mishicot, was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. He is 47 years of age and married. The physicians ascribe his condition to hereditary causes. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 30, 1901 pg. 1
HANSEN: Henry REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Harry Hansen, re-examination. Hearing had on the 10th day of December, 1936, and said Henry Hansen was adjudged insane and returned to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, for further treatment. Physicians: Dr. A.P. Zlatnik, $5.60, Dr. L.J. Moriarty $5.60. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
HANSEN: Peter REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Peter Hansen, adjudged insane Feb. 23rd, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians J.L. Shaw $4.20, M. Staehle $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $16.74. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
HANSEN: RASMUS A sailor who was resident here but employed in Green Bay. was reported to be missing there and it was feared that he may have met with an accident. Instead he arrived here, behaving so oddly that the authorities examined him and then sent him to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. The 52-yr. old man was said to have believed that he was the captain of a passenger liner and was trying to arrange a trip to his native Norway with his whole family. Der Nord Westen 29 August 1901
HANSON: Hans Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; single; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HANSON: Martin Martin Hanson of Cato was brought to this city last night. He had become insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 16, 1897 pg. 2
HANSON: Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Mary Hanson-60 years-Admitted February 3, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1827; age at last birthday, 73; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HARRINGTON: Tim Local Matters: Timothy Harrington, a former resident of Two Rivers, but of late years of Milwaukee, where he has been a foreman for the Wisconsin Leather Company, we regret to learn, has been adjudged insane and been sent to the Asylum. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, December 14, 1880 pg. 3 ***** We learn through the Chronicle that Tim Harrington, a former resident of Two Rivers, has been adjudged insane and sent to the asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 16, 1880
HARMS: Amelia Amelia Harms, a town of Newton woman, aged 42, was committed to the Northern Asylum at Oshkosh by probate court. The woman is said to have changed since a divorce action a few years ago and lately her condition has been serious. The woman refuses to eat and will not talk. She has a child of four. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Wed., May 1, 1907 ***** A resident of Town Newton, has had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 09 May 1907
HARTEL: (no name) Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1860; age at last birthday, 40; married; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HAVEL: Emil REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Emil Havel, alleged insane. Hearing had May 14th, 1914, and said Emil Havel adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $6.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
HAYES: Daniel COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Daniel Hayes, alleged insane. Hearing had July 25, 1913, and said Daniel Hayes was discharged. Costs. Physicians, F.S. Luhman - $4.20 A.J. Shimek - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
HEALY: Maggie Miss Maggie Healy of Cooperstown was brought to the city on Saturday last and adjudged insane. She was taken to Oshkosh on Monday by Sheriff Bolen. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 3, 1888
HELMUTH, HELEN Sheriff Thomas Brennan took Mrs. William Helmuth and her daughter Gladys, a five year old girl, to the home for feeble minded at Chippewa Falls today. The mother and three children are now cared for. Recently the four children of the family were taken away. Manitowoc Herald News, Friday, February 21, 1919 Page 3 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Helen Hellmuth, alleged Feeble-minded. Hearing had December 7, 1918 and said Helen Hellmuth adjudged Feeble-minded and committed to the Home for Feeble-Minded. Costs. Physicians, J.E. Meany, $4.20; C.M. Gleason, $4.20. Sheriff Thomas Brennan. Committed to Hospital, $58.63. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5
HEMB: Rosalia REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Rosalia Hemb, alleged insane. Hearing had December 15, 1908, and said Rosalia Hemb adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- E.N. Reinert - $7.20 Physicians- C.M. Gleason - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $10.00 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 17, 1909 pg. 4
HEMPTON: James Attempted Suicide. Last Thursday evening Mr. James Hempton, a popular and enterprising young business man of Manitowoc, during a temporary fit of insanity attempted to take his own life by shooting himself with a pistol. Fortunately, however, his aim was imperfect and he escaped with only a slight scalp wound. On Saturday he was adjudged insane by Judge Smart and was taken to the State Hospital at Oshkosh. It seems that several years ago he was seriously injured about the head by a runaway and that he has never fully recovered from the same, and the doctors think that his injury, coupled with certain mental excitement, caused the insanity, which it is hoped will only prove of a temporary nature. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, January 22, 1884 pg. 3 ***** Sheriff Bibinger took Jas. Hempton, the Eighth street grocery man, to the insane asylum at Oshkosh last Saturday. Mr. Hempton's ailment has been growing on him for some weeks past, but the malady did not assume a serious nature until last Friday, when he attempted to shoot himself. His friends becoming alarmed, they thought it advisable to have him confined where he will be unable to harm either himself or others. It is to be hoped that his malady will prove only of a temporary nature. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1884 pg. 3 ***** Dr. Wegge, formerly superintendent of the Oshkosh asylum, is in court today and will give expert testimony regarding James Hempton's sanity. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 29, 1899 pg. 7 ***** GRANTED A NEW TRIAL Supreme Court Reverses Decision in Hempton Case MISCONDUCT OF JURY Man Serving a Life Sentence will be Given Another chance to Prove His Innocence. Manitowoc, Wis., June 21. - (Special.) - Word was received last night of the decision by the Supreme court, yesterday afternoon of the case of the State vs. Hampton. The court reverses the case and remands it back for a new trial. The case of state vs. Hempton was taken to the Supreme court by writ of error, asking that the court review all of the proceedings upon the trial of Mr. Hempton in the circuit court here. James L. Hempton was arrested July 27, 1898, charged with the murder of his wife. His defense was insanity, also that the act was not done by him through any premeditated design. The evidence showed that Mr. Hempton received severe injuries to his head in his youth. As a result, he had spells of being unconscious of what he was doing. In 1884 he was adjudged insane and sent to the Northern hospital for the insane, and in 1885 he was again adjudged insane. There was no direct proof that he shot his wife, but circumstances pointed that way. He had been drinking on the day of his arrest, having visited ten or a dozen saloons in the city. There was evidence of physicians as experts, chief of whom was Dr. W. F. Wegge of Milwaukee, who testified that he was insane at the time, or thought it most probable that he was from the circumstances. Still there were others who were acquainted with him who testified to his sanity. The jury found that he was sane and he was found guilty of murder in the first degree and sentenced to Waupun for life. Numerous exceptions were taken on the trial to the evidence admitted and ruled out, and also to the charge of the judge. But it was discovered after the trial had been completed that the jury had been kept at the Northwestern hotel in this city with little or no restraint. During the two weeks that the trial lasted they had been allowed to mingle with the boarders at the hotel and with the traveling public, to read the newspapers which gave an account of the trial, and they had also been permitted to indulge in intoxicating drinks. This was one of the main points which the defendant relied upon for reversal. The opinion is by Justice Marshall, is of considerable length, the principal ground of reversal being the misconduct of the jury. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 25, 1901 pg. 6 ***** SAYS HE IS NOW SANE. Manitowoc Man Sent to Asylum After Getting Reversal of Life Sentence for Wife Murder, Petitions. Manitowoc, Wis., Aug. 11. -[Special]-James Hempton of this city, adjudged insane by a Brown County court three years ago when he was on trial for the murder of his wife, is seeking to get his freedom and has filed the necessary petition declaring that he is now sane. His wife died July 27, 1898, and he was sentenced to a life term at Waupun, but was given a new trial by the supreme court and the case was taken to Green Bay on a change of venue. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, August 15, 1905 pg. 2 ***** HEMPTON NOW IN NEW ASYLUM AT WAUPUN Local Man Sent to Asylum for Criminal Insane Today James Hempton, a Manitowoc man who served several years at Waupun for wife murder and who was later transferred to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh after a jury in the Brown County circuit court on retrial, adjudged him insane, is now an inmate of the state's new asylum for criminal insane at Waupun. Notice of Hempton's transfer to the new asylum has been received by probate and circuit court here for record. Hempton was convicted of killing his wife and was sentenced to Waupun for life. After he had served some time, a new trial was secured and the case was taken to Brown County on a change of venue and a jury found Hempton insane and he was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. A year ago, Hempton was paroled from the asylum and took up his home at Fond du Lac with relatives but was later recommitted when it was reported he had been found armed with a revolver and had made threats. Since that time, he has been at the Oshkosh institution. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Monday, March 16, 1914 pg. 1 ***** HEMPTON BACK TO ASYLUM James Hempton is now an inmate of the newly opened hospital for the criminal insane at Waupun. Hempton was at one time a prosperous merchant here. About 15 years ago he shot his wife at their home on north 6th street. He was convicted in circuit court there and sentenced to life imprisonment and taken to the penitentiary. His counsel, the late G.G. Sedgwick pursued the matter indefatigable, and secured a new trial from the supreme court partly on the grounds of alleged improper conduct of the jurymen during the trial. On the retrial at Green Bay, Hempton was adjudged insane. He was paroled from the northern hospital about a year ago but evidently is still a proper subject for confinement. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 19, 1914 pg. 1
HENTGIN: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1830; age at last birthday, 70; married; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HENZIK: Margaret REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Margaret Henzik, Alleged Insane. Hearing had September 2, 1919 and said Margaret Henzik was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, A.M. Farrell, $5.80; J.E. Meany, $4.20; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $14.00. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6
HERIAN: John Of Two Rivers had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh some months ago. He returned home a few weeks ago as a test, but Sat. the unfortunate man had to be returned to Oshkosh because of a suicide attempt. Der Nord Westen 01 Feb 1900 ***** John Herion an inmate of the Oshkosh asylum accompanied his wife home last week, though not granted a leave of absence. While home he became violent and an attendant from the asylum came after him and took him away Saturday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 1, 1900 pg. 8 ***** STATE NEWS NOTES: MANITOWOC-One of the most horrible tragedies that this county has ever known took place at the Manitowoc County asylum when on of the insane patients, John Herrian, committed suicide. He blew his head off with a shotgun. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, March 14, 1908 pg. 2
HERMAN: Charles PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. P. Guttman, $6.80; F.S. Luhmann, $4.20; Walter E. Pellett, Committed to Hospital $15.10. In the matter of Charles Herman, alleged Insane. Hearing had Nov. 27, 1912 and said Charles Herman adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
HERMAN: Frances Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1870; age at last birthday, 30; married; place of birth, Illinois 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HERNDAY: Matilda COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Matilda Hernday, alleged insane. Hearing had June 21, 1913, and said Matilda Hernday was discharged. Costs. Physicians, Ernst Johnstone - $5.60 Emil Christensen - $5.60 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
HESSL: WALTER Walter Hessel was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh yesterday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, August 29, 1913 pg. 5 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Walter Hessel, alleged insane. Hearing had August 28, 1913, and said Walter Hessel adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians, Arthur Teitgen - $4.20 Max Staehle - $4.20 Chas. Dueno, Warrant of arrest - $1.20 Summons to physicians - $4.70 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 The above bill should be charged to Sheboygan county and a resolution passed authorizing such collection. Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4 ***** Walter Hessl (sic), 41, who had previously been at the Northen hospital, was recommitted yesterday by Judge Chloupek in probate following report of physicians on his condition. Hessel is said to have taken long trips into the country, wandering about and his peculiar actions led to complaint being made. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, May 16, 1916 P.3 ********* (1880 Kossuth census: Jackob Hessel age 35; wife Elisabeth age 34; Anna E. age 7; Walter F. age 5) (1900 Kossuth census: Jacob Hessel age 51; wife Caroline age 47 children 6/5 living; Robert age 23; Mary age 17) (Note: I think the 1880 and 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076 are the same family)
HILBERT The county judge has been notified that the insane from this county which have been provided for at Milwaukee, must be removed from there as all the accommodations supplied there are no more than sufficient for the insane of Milwaukee county. There are four persons: Day, Paulsen, Erickson and Hilbert, who must be returned to the inadequate quarters furnished by Manitowoc. The county board will be forced to do something toward providing for the incurable insane of the county. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Aug. 18, 1881
HILBERT: Barth. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Barth. Hilbert-74 years-Admitted February 3, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
HILLFORD: Chas. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1870; age at last birthday, 30; single; place of birth, New Brunswick 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HODEK: Joseph A farmer residing in Tn. Gibson, was recently declared insane and sent to Oshkosh. He is a fine man but had so many financial troubles recently that he lost his mind. Der Nord Westen 18 January 1900 ***** John Hodeck of Gibson was brought before Judge Anderson on Monday and was declared insane, and was taken to Oshkosh by Sheriff Lehrmann. He recently bought a farm and for the last few months got to worrying about paying for it. His mind became unbalanced from the worry. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 18, 1900 pg. 5 ***** Of Cooperstown will be delivered to the mental facility in a few days. His sister, Mrs. Kraycarek, about whose mental illness we recently reported, died before she would be taken to Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 12 July 1900 ***** Joseph Hodek Of Gibson had to be taken back to the mental facility from which he had recently been furloughed. Der Nord Westen 22 November 1900 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Joseph Hodek, alleged insane. Hearing had January 16th, A.D. 1900, and said Joseph Hodek was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-W.G. Kemper - $4.40 Physicians-J.F. Pritchard - $4.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $7.30 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $59.71 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13 ***** Joseph Hodek, who had been at the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh since January, 1900, was returned here last week. The case was brought to the attention of the probate court. Another patient of the same name, who was a resident of Cooperstown, was returned from Oshkosh and placed in custody at the local asylum a few weeks ago. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 29, 1904 pg. 5
HODEK: Josephine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1866; age at last birthday, 34; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HOFFMANN: Ida Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1858; age at last birthday, 42; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HOFFMANN: John John Hoffman, a Seventh ward man, was adjudged insane in probate court Friday and was taken to Oshkosh to be committed to the Northern hospital today. Deputy Sheriff Cisler was in charge of the patient who has been causing trouble to his family for some time. The man is about 50 years old and married. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Monday, February 24, 1913 pg. 3 ***** John Hoffmann, from the Seventh ward was adjudged insane in probate court Friday and was taken to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh Monday. Deputy Sheriff Cisler was in charge of the patient who has been causing trouble for his family for some time. He is about 50 years of age. Manitowoc Pilot, February 27, 1913 P. 5 ***** John Hoffmann, from the Seventh ward was adjudged insane in probate court Friday and was taken to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh Monday. Deputy Sheriff Cisler was in charge of the patient who has been causing trouble for his family for some time. He is about 50 years of age. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 27, 1913 pg. 5 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $4.20; Charles Dueno, Policeman; Warrant of Arrest, $4.20; Summons to Physicians, $1.70; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of John Hoffmann, alleged Insane. Hearing had Feb. 21, 1913, and said John Hoffmann adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
HOGAN: Malvin Malvin Hogan of Maple Grove was examined in probate court last week as to his mental condition. He was adjudged insane, and was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. He is unmarried. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 18, 1906 pg. 5
HOGAN: Thomas Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh have been returned to the county asylum as incurable, being Philip Messman, Two Rivers, Thomas Hogan, Maple grove, and John Woita, this city. Messman was committed to the Oshkosh asylum Nov. 22, 1907 after he had been taken into custody when he threatened violence to others. Hogan has been at Oshkosh since Jan. 13, 1906 and was also committed after arrest on charge of threatening lives of others. Woita, who was committed August 25, 1905, was paroled on May 2, 1906 and was brought home by his wife who was forced after only a few months to again ask for his commitment. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 12, 1908 pg. 5
HOLLY: Anna Mrs. Anna Holly, an aged resident of Kellnersville, was brought to the city on Tuesday and examined before the county judge as to her mental condition. She was adjudged insane and was committed to the asylum at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 30, 1906 pg. 5
HOLZ: Anna An 86-year old resident of Kellnersville, was admitted to the local mental facility Thursday. Der Nord Westen 30 August 1906
HOPE: Maria Maria Hope of this city was adjudged insane on Friday and sent to the Oshkosh Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 2, 1897 pg. 4 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1863; age at last birthday, 37; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HORAN: MRS. Sheriff Murphy took two insane persons to the Oshkosh asylum last week-Martin Mahnke of Two Rivers, and Mrs. Horan of Cato. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 13, 1882
HORN: Walter A 26-yr. old resident of Town Manitowoc Rapids, became suicidal and had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. His mother is also disturbed and has been an inmate of the local mental facility. Der Nord Westen 21 March 1901
HOSTAK: Gustav HOSTAK IS INSANE Cooperstown Youth is Committed to the Co. Asylum Gustave Hostak, the Cooperstown youth who was cared for by the county tend days ago when he told a story of being driven from home by his father, had been adjudged insane and will be committed to the county asylum for care. Hostak was picked up when he was found wandering about the streets and it was reported that he had entered a South Side house and had acted in peculiar manner frightening the family. Hostak was examined by Drs. Luhman and Meany and adjudged insane. He is 28. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, October 12, 1907 pg. 1 ***** A young man about whom we reported last week as arriving here sick and entering St. Mary's Hospital, has been adjudged mentally ill and was admitted to the local mental facility. Der Nord Westen 17 October 1907 ***** Local and Personal: Gust Hostak of Cooperstown, aged 28 years, had been adjudged insane and will be kept at the county asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 17, 1907 pg. 5
HOTTELMANN: Fritz Who had been living in St. Louis, recently returned to his home city of Manitowoc. However, it soon became apparent that he was a disturbed individual, and his relatives arranged for his transport to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 14 January 1892
HOTTELMANN: Rudolph On Fri., he had to be returned to the mental facility in Oshkosh. He was on furlough, but his condition worsened. Der Nord Westen 02 August 1894
HOUGAN: Knut Goes to the Asylum - Knut Hougan has been adjudged insane and has been sent to the Oshkosh insane asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 3, 1901 pg. 5
HOWE: Mary Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1840; age at last birthday, 60; married; place of birth, Ohio 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HRDINA: Wenzel WENZEL HRDINA OF THE TOWN OF GIBSON GOES INSANE AND ASSAULTS HIS WIFE Wenzel Hrdina, aged forty-five, a prosperous farmer residing in the town of Gibson, assaulted his invalid wife with a hatchet or knife as she lay in her bed at the family home early last Sunday morning. She was frightfully cut and bruised about the head and body, and but little, if any, hope is held out for her recovery. The perpetrator of the heinous deed had been suffering from failing mentality for some time, and was violently insane at the time of the assault. It is said that the maniacal act was prompted by a groundless jealousy. There is a family of five children. The oldest child is a youth of twenty-one. He was sleeping with his father Saturday night. About four o'clock Sunday morning he was awakened by a noise. He saw his father leave the house. A few minutes later the insane man reentered the house. The youth, fearing that something was wrong, went to his mother's room, and there saw his mother lying unconscious on her bed, in a pool of her own blood. It was apparent that the mother was near the verge of death. One cheek was badly crushed and mutilated. There was a fracture of the skull. One ear was nearly severed. There were several other wounds about the head and the body was also bruised and cut. When the youth discovered the deed, he saw his father standing calmly at the bedside, contemplating the direful act of his maniacally directed hands. Neighbors were horridly apprised of what had happened a the Hrdina home, and a physician was summoned from Mishicot. The doctor, however, could not arrive until about seven o'clock. In the meantime, the young man, assisted by the other children, had given such "first aid" as the emergency demanded. The sufferer did not regain consciousness until after her wounds had been dressed. When she became conscious, she asked what had happened, and was told that her husband had assaulted her. At this writing Mrs. Hrdina is hovering at the verge of dissolution. She is forty-three years old. The maniac was promptly taken into custody and was brought to the city. He was taken into the county court and was there examined as to his mental condition. He was adjudged insane and was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh Monday morning. No criminal charge will be lodged. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1907 pg. 1
HROMEK: Anton Who has tried suicide several times, has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh by County Judge Anderson. Der Nord Westen 28 February 1901
HRUDKA: Frank REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Frank Hrudka, alleged insane. Hearing had May 14th, 1914, and said Frank Hrudka adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
HULLOWAY: Kate Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1871; age at last birthday, 29; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
HUSA: Frank Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
IHLENFELDT: William INSANE MAN MADE HIS ESCAPE Former Two Creeks Resident Leaves Hospital at Oshkosh A cunning escape from confinement in the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh and a return to his former home at Two Creeks alarmed the friends of William Ihlenfeldt who were apprehensive of danger from the prisoner being at large. Ihlenfeldt, who was committed to the (sic) three years ago, suffering from violent form of mania, made his escape a few days ago and Thursday arrived at Two Creeks. Officers in the city were immediately notified and the unfortunate man is now in the custody of Sheriff Burtt And will be returned to the institution where he has been receiving treatment. The patient is 32 years of age and single and his early affliction is said to have been due to financial troubles. Manitowoc Daily Herald 17 January 1902
ILDEPHONSE: Sister REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Sister Ildephonse, Alleged Insane. Hearing had July 24th, 1919 and said Sister Ildephonse was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: Physicians, George Patchen, $4.45; J.E. Meany, $4.20; Sheriff Tomas H. Brennan, $15.10. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6
JAEGER: Otto C. COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Otto C. Jaeger, alleged insane. Hearing had October 7, 1913, and said Otto C. Jaeger adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard - $4.20 E.A. Reinert - $7.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $20.46 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
JAGODINSKI: Frank 7th Ward resident, was adjudged insane in county court and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 November 1900 ********** Frank Jagodinski, a Seventh Ward resident who was at one time an inmate of the northern hospital for the insane at Oshkosh, and who was released on parole has been recommitted to the institution and was taken there to-day. Jagodinski, who is 45 years of age and the father of a family, became very violent Saturday night and frightened his family to the extent that the police protection was asked. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, June 17, 1901, p. 4 ********** Frank Jogodinski, A resident of the 7th Ward, had to be returned to the mental facility in Oshkosh, from which he had recently been furloughed. Sat. evening he became so suicidal as well as menacing to his family that the police had to take him into custody. Der Nord Westen 20 June 1901 ***** GOES BACK TO ASYLUM Paroled Two Years Ago; Patient Has Again Become Violent Paroled from the Northern Asylum for Insane at Oshkosh two years ago, apparently much improved from the attack which twice made him an inmate, Frank Jagoinsky, a Southside resident has again become violent and will be recommitted, officers of the asylum having been notified to return him. Jagoinsky has, during the last few days, endangered the life of his family and has become dangerous to be free. He was committed twice and was released the last time in June, 1902. As the two years have not elapsed since his release, no examination is necessary to recommit him. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Mar. 23, 1904 ********** Frank Jagodinski, A 7th St. resident here who has twice been in the state mental facility in Oshkosh, was recently returned there. Der Nord Westen 31 March 1904
JAGODINSKI: Joseph A resident of Manitowoc's 7th Ward, has been declared mentally ill and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 12 August 1909
JANA: Frank A 25-year old who lives near Branch, has been mentally disturbed for many years but was considered to be harmless. Tuesday evening he became violent, drove his mother and other family members out of the house and set his clothing afire. He was quickly overpowered and taken to the local mental facility. Yesterday Judge Chloupek sent him to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 11 June 1908
JANACEK: Dorothea PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Dorothea Janecek-57 years-Admitted January 9, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1830; age at last birthday, 70; married; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JANECEK, MRS. Mrs. Janecek, recently conveyed to the insane asylum from this county, has so fully recovered that she will be returned home very shortly. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 13, 1881
JANACEK: Wenzel Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1848; age at last birthday, 52; married; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JANOWSKY: Michael Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JARDINSKI: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JAY: Byron Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1851; age at last birthday, 49; single; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JERRISON: Lars Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1850; age at last birthday, 50; single; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JOHNS: Catherine PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Cath. Johns-42 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1845; age at last birthday, 55; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JOHNS: Sarah COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Sarah Johns, alleged insane. Hearing had October 21, 1913, and said Sarah Johns' hearing continued and still pending. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard - $4.20 J.A. Roberts - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
JOHNSON: Andrew Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 46; widower; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JOHNSON: Anna Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 23; married; place of birth, England 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JOHNSON: George A. COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of George A. Johnson, alleged insane. Hearing had August 8, 1913, and said George A. Johnson adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard - $4.20 Louis Falge - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
JOHNSON: John C. John C. Johnson was adjudged insane yesterday and was taken to Oshkosh this morning. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 15, 1898 pg. 2
JOHNSON: Matilda Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 46; married; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JOMAN: Rosa PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Rosa Joman-50 years-Admitted February 3, 1885 … The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
JONAS: Arthur Arthur and Bertha Jonas of Rockland were taken to the local mental facility as being feeble minded. Der Nord Westen 23 April 1908 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Arthur Jonas, alleged insane. Hearing had April 15, 1908, and said Arthur Jonas adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- J.F. Mulholland - $4.40 Physicians- Louis Falge - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $12.00 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Manitowoc County Asylum - $6.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
JONAS: Bertha Arthur and Bertha Jonas of Rockland were taken to the local mental facility as being feeble minded. Der Nord Westen 23 April 1908 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Bertha Jonas, alleged insane. Hearing had April 15, 1908, and said Bertha Jonas adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- J.F. Mulholland - $4.40 Physicians- Louis Falge - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.20 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Manitowoc County Asylum - $6.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
JONES: Martin Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
JUDGE: Mary Mary Judge of Newton lately became insane and was brought to the city for examination. She will be sent to the asylum at Oshkosh. She was at the asylum some years ago but had improved so much that she was discharged. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 21, 1888
JUEDES: Louis A 22-year old resident of Maple Grove who has been afflicted with epilepsy, suddenly became suicidal and was brought to County Court, from where he was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 25 July 1907 ***** Local and Personal: Louis Jueds, a young man from Maple Grove, aged 22 years, was adjudged insane in county court last Friday and taken to the Insane Asylum at Oshkosh. He has been subject to epileptic fits for several years. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 25, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Notes From Maple Grove: Louis Juedes, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Juedes, was taken to Manitowoc Friday by Deputy Willert. He was adjudged insane, and was taken to Oshkosh Saturday. He was 22 years of age and has suffered from epileptic fits for several years. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 25, 1907 pg. 8
JUHR: Theresa Theresa Juhr of Newton was brought to the city on Friday last and was declared insane by Judge Manseau. She was taken to the Oshkosh Asylum on Saturday by Sheriff Stephani. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, April 12, 1894 pg. 3
JUNG: Jacob Of Kiel, an elderly man, had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh as mentally ill. Der Nord Westen 26 April 1906
KAEMMERER: Joseph SCHOOL HILL MAN WHOSE FATHER AND BROTHER ARE INSANE IS COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Joseph Kaemmerer, a Schleswig farmer, residing near School Hill, was committed to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh yesterday, making the third member of the family who has been an inmate of the institution. Kaemmerer's father and brother are reported to have been mentally unbalanced and it is believed that insanity is hereditary in the family. Kaemmerer, who is 40 years of age, has for nearly a year past had no permanent abode and has been sleeping in barns and straw stacks in and about the town, until town officials complained and asked for his examination. Manitowoc Daily Herald 06 March 1915
KALCHEK: Geo. A 29-yr. old resident of Town Kossuth was declared mentally ill today and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He is suffering from a persecution complex. Der Nord Westen 31 August 1905
KALTENBRUNN: Anton Whom we had reported to be released from the state mental facility in Oshkosh soon, will be furloughed on 15 October Der Nord Westen 10 October 1907 ***** Local and Personal Anton Kaltenbrun of St. Nazianz was brought into probate court last Friday for examination as to his sanity. The examination was continued Tuesday when he was adjudged insane and was taken to Oshkosh Wednesday. He has led a wandering life the past six months. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 8, 1907 pg. 5 ***** INSANE ON RELIGION Anton Kaltenbrun of St. Nazians was adjudged insane by Judge Chloupek last Tuesday. Dring the hearing Kaltenbrun gave evidence to the effect that he was daffy on religion. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Saturday, August 10, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Notes From St. Nazianz: Anton Klatenbrunn, who was taken to Manitowoc to be examined as to his sanity, was adjudged insane and taken to the Oshkosh Insane asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 15, 1907 pg. 8 ***** MAY GET OUT ON PAROLE Anton Kaltenbrun, a native of St. Nazianz, who was cimmitted to the hospital for insane at Oshkosh over three months ago, wrote to Atty. Craite recently, requesting him to make an effort to secure his (Kaltenbrun's) release from the hospital. The attorney wrote to the state board of control asking that the Kaltenbrun case be investigated. A letter from the superintendent of the asylum to the board would lead one to believe that Kaltenbrun may be released before long. The letter is as follows: Winnebago, Wis., Sept. 26, 1907. Hon. Herman Grotophorst, Madison, Wis. Dear Sir: Yours asking for Anton Kaltenbrun is at hand. Mr. Kaltenbrun was admitted here Aug. 8, 1907. He is a man, a German. 36 years of age. He is a machinist. He is a mild pleasant man. He takes kindly to the life of the hospital. Mentally he is somewhat confused a portion of the time. He sometimes talks in a rambling inconsequential manner. He has not been very greatly deranged any of the time but says he was run down before he came here and he realized at times he was not himself. He is quite tractable here. He is always smiling and good natured and has improved considerably, both mentally and bodily. He has gained seven pounds in weight since his admission. Mr. Kaltenbrun is not particularly anxious to leave the hospital for he has never requested me to let him go. He told me that the Manitowoc sheriff stated to him when he was leaving Manitowoc that he should write to the sheriff when he wished to get out of the hospital so one day he says he wrote the sheriff and the sheriff' gave the letter to a lawyer. It seems he has had a sweet heart for the last five or six years and she has been to see him lately and I think it is probable that the sweet heart's talk has caused him to write to the sheriff and temporarily he had a desire to leave. He likes to talk about his sweetheart in a foolish way. It is probable that he could be paroled before a great while, especially if there is someone who is interested in him. (apart from financial considerations) and will look after him. Of course, you know the crowded condition of this hospital and the constant efforts I make for people to get away. Every patient we can parole is always a relief to us. I am sure if you come here and talk with Mr. Kaltenbrun you will conclude that he is impaired mentally and is a suitable person for treatment and the declaration that he was sane at the time of his commitment entirely unfounded. Yours respectfully, W. A. Gordon, Supt. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 3, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Local and Personal: Anton Kaltenbrun was released on parole from the hospital at Oshkosh on Tuesday. He was in this city on Wednesday on his way home to St. Nazianz. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 17, 1907 pg. 5
KANE: Patrick Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1842; age at last birthday, 58; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KAPPING: Christian PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Christ Kaping-28 years-Admitted August 24, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KAPPING: Franz PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Franz Kaping-22 years-Admitted August 24, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1865; age at last birthday, 35; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KAPPING: Jno PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … John Kaping-25 years-Admitted August 24, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 38; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KATTNER: Josephine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1871; age at last birthday, 29; single; place of birth, Poland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KAUFMAN: Charles CHARLES KAUFMAN, 37, IS SENT TO ASYLUM Charles Kaufman, a police character who served time for an alleged attempt to kill a city fireman and who was later committed for wife abandonment, was in court today for examination and was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Kaufman has been under the eye of the police for some time and is said to have given much trouble to his family and the authorities. He is 37. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Monday, April 28, 1913 pg. 8 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Charles Dueno, Policeman; Warrant of Arrest, $4.20; Return of Patient $1.70. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Chas. Kaufman, alleged Insane. Hearing had Nov. 8 and Nov. 18, 1912 and said Charles Kaufman was discharged. The above person was by order of the court detained at the detention hospital of Manitowoc County Asylum and thereafter discharged as provided by law without the appointment of a physician. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $4.20; Geo. W. Patchen, $4.20; Sheriff, George Groffman, Chief of Police. Warrant of Arrest, $4.20; Summons to Physicians, $1.70; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. Total Amount, $29.40. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Charles Kaufmann, alleged Insane. Hearing had April 28, 1913, and said Charles Kaufmann adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, July 10, 1913 pg. 7
KAUFMANN: Ida REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Ida Kaufmann, alleged insane. Hearing had November 15th, 1913, and said Ida Kaufmann adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.E. Meany, $4.20; T.J. Westgate, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette; Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4
KAVANAUGH: Denny Denny Kavanaugh, of Maple Grove was brought before Judge Anderson to-day, upon petition, to be examined as to his sanity. He has been acting strangely of late and it was thought best to have him taken care of. He was taken to the State hospital at Oshkosh this afternoon by Sheriff Muth. Manitowoc Daily Herald 18 November 1898
KAVANAUGH: Dennis Dennis Kavanaugh of Maple Grove was adjudged insane on Friday last and was taken to the asylum by Sheriff Muth on Saturday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 24, 1898 pg. 5
KAZDA: Mrs. Mrs. Kazda of this city was adjudged insane on Tuesday. She will be taken to Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1895 pg. 3
KEBSCHUL: William PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. W.G. Kemper, $4.20; George Patchen, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Home, $44.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of William Kebschul, alleged Insane. Hearing had Feb. 17, 1913, and said William Kebschul adjudged feeble minded and committed to the Home of the Feeble Minded at Chippewa Falls. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
KEDNEA: Mike Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1856; age at last birthday, 44; married; place of birth, England 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KEHLENHOEFER: Frank A 17-year old who is retarded and half blind, has been sent by Judge Chloupek to the state facility for the feeble minded in Chippewa Falls. Der Nord Westen 18 June 1908
KELLNER: Barbara Local and Personal: Mrs. Barbara Kellner of this city was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and taken to the Northern Hospital. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 27, 1911 pg. 5
KELLY: Edward Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1876; age at last birthday, 24; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KEUNE: Margerite REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Margerite Keune, Alleged Insane. Hearing had November 8th, 1919 and said Margerite Keune was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, Arthur Teitgen, $4.40; C.L.R. MacCollum, $4.40; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $14.00. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6
KIESLHORST: Anna Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1863; age at last birthday, 37; married; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KILIJANSKI: Anton Anton Kiljauski, a resident of the 7th ward, was adjudged insane by Judge Chloupek Wednesday. He will be taken to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh today. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 12, 1908 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Anton Kilijanski, alleged insane. Hearing had March 10, 1908, and said Anton Kilijanski adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- A.J. Shimek - $4.20 Physicians- F.J. E. Westgate - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 Witness, Lucyan Budycz, 1 day, $1.50; two miles - $1.58 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
KIND: Leopold After two successful and a third unsuccessful attempt to escape his relatives in their efforts to bring him to the city for examination, Leopold Kind, a Gibson farmer was in probate court Saturday and was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Kind is a well to do farmer of the county and has been troubled in mind for some time. It is hoped that his malady is curable. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., June 11, 1906 pg. 2 ***** A farmer from Gibson, was determined to be mentally ill in County Court on Saturday and was transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 14 June 1906
KINNE: Eliza Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1839; age at last birthday, 61; single; place of birth, New Foundland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KINS: Thos. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1869; age at last birthday, 30; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KIRBY: Michael Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KIRCHER: Hermann City and County: Sheriff Muth took Herman Kischer of Schleswig to the Oshkosh asylum on Tuesday last. He was adjudged insane on Monday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 1, 1898 pg. 4 ***** A farm hand in Town Schleswig had to be taken to the mental facility in Oshkosh. He had been furloughed from that institution and was a hard worker but suffered a relapse. Der Nord Westen 31 October 1901 ***** Goes to the Asylum - Herman Kircher, 29 years old, of Kiel, has been adjudged insane and was taken to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 31, 1901 pg. 8
KIRSCHOFSKI: Wilhelmine Of Two Rivers was found to be mentally ill on Saturday in County Court and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 31 December 1908 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Wilhilmina Kirschofski, alleged insane. Hearing had December 24, 1908, and said Wilhilmina Kirschofski adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Emil Christensen - $5.60 Physicians- A.W. Farrel - $5.60 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $11.10 Summons to Physicians - $6.10 Committed to Hospital - $40.58 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 17, 1909 pg. 4
KIRCHKOFSKI: William PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Emil Christensen, $5.60; A.W. Farrel, $5.60; Geo. Groffman, Chief of Police. Warrant of arrest, and Summons to Physicians, $7.10; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett; Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of William Kirchkofski, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 30, 1912, and said William Kirchkofski adjudged insane and committed to Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
KLABECHEK: Mary Mary Klabechek Sent Back to Hospital From Reedsville. Papers have been issued for the recommitment of Mary Klabechek to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. The patient is a resident of Reedsville and had been committed to the hospital for treatment. She was allowed to leave the institution on a furlough, but became violent and relatives asked that she be returned. This the third time that she has been committed and little hopes are entertained for her recovery. Manitowoc Daily Herald 22 March 1899
KLADECHECK: Mary Mary Kladecheck of Reedsville was taken back to the Oshkosh asylum last Thursday. She was out on leave of absence and became violent. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, July 14, 1898 pg. 3
KLEIN: Carolina Mrs. Caroline Kline of this city was adjudged insane last Saturday and taken to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh, by the Sheriff. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 23, 1905 pg. 5 ***** Mrs. Carolina Klein of Two Rivers appeared for examination in County Court Fri. and was found to be mentally disturbed and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 25 May 1905
KLENBAUM, OTTO KIEL MAN IS FOUND INSANE, IS COMMITTED Otto Klenbaum, charged with annoying children at Kiel, was found to be mentally unbalanced and was ordered to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment after an examination had been conducted in county court. Klenbaum, who is unmarried, was arrested last Saturday after several complaints had been made regarding his treatment of children. He is said to have taken children to the cattle yards at the railroad tracks and undressed them. He did not offer to harm the children and readily admitted his acts to the sheriff when taken into custody. Because of the condition of the road Sheriff Beduhn said the man would probably be held at the local jail for a few days. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, April 10, 1928 Page 5
KLINDER: August August Klinder of Two Creeks who went insane while at Sheboygan and almost cleaned out the city hospital at that place, was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson and was taken to the Oshkosh Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 20, 1897 pg. 3 ***** Deputy Sheriff Frank Muth went to Oshkosh yesterday in charge of August Kleneder, an insane patient who was placed in the Oshkosh asylum. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI December 14, 1898 pg 4 ***** City and County: Aug. Klinder of Two Creeks was adjudged insane and taken to the Oshkosh asylum on Tuesday by Frank Muth and August Drews. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 15, 1898 pg. 3
KLINDER: William A MANIAC AT 18 Two Creeks Youth Goes Insane—Over Study at School A raving maniac at the age of eighteen is the unfortunate condition of William Klinder a Two Creeks lad, who was Wednesday committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. The boy has been attending school at Two Rivers and it is thought that over-studying is responsible for his misfortune. Early last April he exhibited signs of insanity, but recovered and not until a few days ago did his actions cause any alarm to relatives. Then he became very violent and it was thought best to have him examined. Drs. Luhmann and Thurtell pronounced him of unsound mind and recommended the treatment at the State institution. It is thought that the trouble may have been hereditary, but it is not considered that the boy is incurable. The case is a sad one and it is to be hoped that a speedy recovery may follow treatment. Manitowoc Daily Herald 18 October 1900 ********** W.C. Klinder Of Two Creeks, a boy enrolled in the high school in Two Rivers, has been adjudged insane and must be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. A brother of his is already a patient in that facility. Der Nord Westen 25 October 1900
KLINGEISEN: Frank Frank Klingeisen, of Rapids, was adjudged insane in probate court and committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. The patient was very violent and offered strong resistance to being brought to the city, it requiring several men to control him. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., January 12, 1906 pg. 2 ***** A farmer of Manitowoc Rapids became suicidal last week and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. It required the strength of 4 men to subdue him. Der Nord Westen, Manitowoc, Wis., January 18, 1906 ***** Frank Klingeisen of Rapids was examined as to his sanity, in the county court, a week ago. He was adjudged insane, and was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. The patient exhibited violent symptoms of mental derangement. The strength of two men was taxed in controlling him. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 18, 1906 pg. 5
KLATT: Frank REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Frank Klatt, Alleged Insane. Hearing had November 8th, 1919 and said Frank Klatt was adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. Costs: -Physicians, E. Gates, $5.60; Emil Christensen, $5.60. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6
KNICKELBEIN: F. Well-known local citizen who worked at H. Esch, has had a temporary mental illness according to friends and neighbors. His wife died last year leaving him with a large family. On Monday of this week he was transported to the mental home in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 09 February 1888
KNUDSON: Mrs. Of Wayside was recently taken to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 13 April 1899
KNUDSON: Kenis REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Kenis Knudson, alleged insane. Hearing had January 24, 1908, and said Kenis Knudson adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Physicians- J.F. Pritchard - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9
KODECK: Josephine PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Josephine Kodeck-21 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2
KOEBEL: Carl A 22-year old of Newton was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh last week. He had been a patient there for 3 years, but was recently released as cured. (Article delves into the reasons for his return.) Der Nord Westen 24 May 1906 ***** Local and Personal: Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern Hospital for Insane have been returned to the county asylum, having been pronounced incurable. They are Carl Koebel of Newton, Patrick Lee of Cooperstown and Antonia Satorie of Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 30, 1908 pg. 5
KOEBER: Mrs. Who is 73-yrs. old had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. She is not dangerous but needs to be constantly watched, so it is impossible for a private family to care for her. Der Nord Westen 24 September 1903
KOEBKE: Mrs. John Who has been ill for a long while, has had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 August 1905 ********** Mrs. John Koebke who was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh several months ago, was fully healed there and was brought back Tuesday by her family, sound in mind and body. Der Nord Westen 20 September 1906
KOEPKE: George TRIES TO END LIFE OVER GAS JET IN HOME George Koepke Found by Police Officers in Serious Condition MAN ADJUDGED INSANE; TO ASYLUM With his mouth to an open gas jet, his head covered by a cloth, Goerge Koepke, a North Side man and employed at the C.N.W. freight offices was found in his home on North Ninth street late Thursday night and rescued from an attempt to end his life. Koepke was found by Officers Trochiell and Wetenkamp who had been summoned to the home by Mrs. Koepke who feared that her husband might do himself injury. Koepke is said to have made two previous attempts to suicide. A complaint made to the police during the day by Mrs. Koepke who said that she feared her husband might cause trouble or do himself injury probably save Koepke's life. Acting upon the complaint, orders were issued to officer Wettenkamp to watch Koepke and to be prepared to render assistance if needed and with Sergt. Trochiell, responded to a call of Mrs. Koepke and found Koepke near death. The man was removed to the jail where he spent the night. Koepke is said by his wife to have threatened suicide and to have made threats against his family and this led to the appeal to the police. Koepke returned home Thursday night and it is said there was a dispute and Mrs. Koepke with her two children left the room going to an upstairs room and locking the door. Koepke, refused admittance, returned downstairs and Mrs. Koepke, from a window summoned Officer Wettenkamp as he was passing the house and the officer with Sergt Trochiell entered the room and found Koepke. Koepke has been an employe of the C. & N.W. freight offices for some time and is said to have been steady and a hard worker and not addicted to liquor. The man admitted in court that he had intended to commit suicide and said that he had decided that he had nothing to live fore because of domestic troubles. Koepke is about 40 years of age and the father of two children. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, May 17, 1912 pg. 1
KOEPSELL: WILLIAM William Koepsell of Kiel, was adjudged insane in probate court yesterday and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh by order of Judge Chloupek. Koepsell is about 35 years of age and had been failing for a long time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, February 18, 1913 pg. 3 ***** Local and Personal: William Koepsell of Kiel, was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh by order of Judge Chloupek. Koepsell is about 35 years of age and has been failing for a long time. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 20, 1913 pg. 5 ***** William Koepsell of Kiel, was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh by order of Judge Chloupek. Koepsell is about 35 years of age and has been failing for a long time. Manitowoc Pilot, February 20, 1913 P. 5
KOEVEL: Charles CRIPPLED MOTHER FOR LIFE Newton Boy, Cause of Injury to Aged Parent, Is Insane Charles Koevel, of Newton, aged 21 years, has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Asylum, at Oshkosh. The boy is a degenerate and has caused the authorities considerable trouble. Three years ago, while under the influence of liquor, he attacked his aged mother and inflicted injuries which crippled her for life. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, September 12, 1903 pg. 1 ***** A 21-yr. old resident of Newton, had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 September 1903
KOHLON: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of John Kohlon, alleged insane. Hearing had March 4, 1909, and said John Kohlon adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- A. Roberts - $4.40 Physicians- Max Staehle - $4.40 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $11.80 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4
KOLLATH: Charles REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, J.A. Rohuts, $4.20; E.M. Jacobs, $4.20; Sheriff Geo. Groffman, Warrant of Arrest, $1.20; Summons to Physicians, $4.40. Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Charles Kollath, alledged Insane. Hearing had March 21, 1912 and said Charles Kollath adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4
KONDELKA: Annie Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1856; age at last birthday, 44; single; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KORAL: Joseph REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Joseph Koral, adjudged insane April 9th, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians Louis Falge $4.20, C.M. Gleason $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $15.99. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
KORALWOSKY: Christ PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Christ Karolefsky-45 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1843; age at last birthday, 57; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KORTAS: HENRY REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Henry Kortas, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 30th day of December, 1936, and said Henry Kortas was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin. Physicians: Dr. George M. Hoffman $4.20, Dr. Leo J. Moriarty $5.60. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18
KORTZ: Bernard Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1847; age at last birthday, 53; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KOSLOWSKI: Anna Anna Koslowski of Cooperstown was adjudged insane lately and sent to the Oshkosh asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 12, 1887 pg. 3 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Anna Kasolowsky-18 years-Admitted May 7, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
KOSSE: Anna PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, A.J. Shimek, $4.20; G.W. Patchen, $4.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Anna Kosse, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 17, 1912, and said Anna Kosse adjudged insane and committed to Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
KRAUS: Peter A well-to-do farmer in Town Gibson, has had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He suffered from a persecution complex, and his relatives feared he would do something regrettable. Der Nord Westen 05 February 1903 ***** GOES TO THE ASYLUM-Peter Kraus, a well-to-do farmer of Gibson, has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh for treatment. The examination was conducted Monday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 5, 1903 pg. 1 ***** Peter Krause, a Gibson farmer recently paroled from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh where he had been confined for several months, again became violent Thursday and caused considerable alarm among residents in the vicinity of his home. Krause threatened the annihilation of his family and when an attempt was made by the neighbors to restrain him, secured arms and held his would be captors at bay. The frenzied man barricaded himself in buildings on the farm premises and it was impossible to reach him. Later he was pursued through the fields and was surrounded but again evaded capture. Sheriff Pellett was called and effected the arrest of Krause after some trouble and the man was brought to the city Friday night and held awaiting the arrival of authorities from the Northern hospital who will return him to that institution. Krause, who is 40 years of age was adjudged insane in February on complaint of members of the family who charged that he had attacked his wife with a knife and had threatened to kill her. His condition is violent only at times, but on these occasions, there is danger that he may injure himself or others. When Sheriff Pellett was first notified that Krause was at large he did not respond, owing to the fact that the law provides that where patients paroled less than two years are returned to the asylum, they shall be transported by relatives or by the authorities of the asylum, no compensation being allowed. Later relatives of the man made an appeal to the officer and he made the trip. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, September 12, 1903 pg. 1 ***** Peter Kraus a farmer in Gibson, was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh last Feb. but had been released from there following an examination. He became deranged again on Thurs. last week and threatened to kill his family. According to the neighbors he armed himself and threatened to shoot anyone who came near him. After many futile attempts to render him harmless, Sheriff Pellett arrested the man. Der Nord Westen 17 September 1903
KRAYCAREK: Anna Of Gibson, who gave birth to a child just two weeks ago, suddenly lost her mind and will be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Mon. Der Nord Westen 05 July 1900 ********** Mrs. Kraycarek about whose mental illness we recently reported, died before she would be taken to Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 12 July 1900
KREJCI: Barbara REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Barbara Krejci, adjudged insane Nov. 26th, 1917; committed to the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. Costs, Physicians Louis Falge $4.20, W.E. Donahue $4.20. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5
KREYCHIE: Alb. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Alb. Kreychie-56 years-Admitted March 23, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2
KRIESER: Emma Was found to be mentally ill Friday in County Court and transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 11 April 1907 ***** COMMITTED TO THE NORTHERN ASYLUM Mrs. Emma Krieser, a widow, aged forty years, was adjudged insane last Friday morning before County Judge Chloupek. She was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, and she was taken there by the sheriff on Saturday last. Mrs. Krieser returned here two years ago from Milwaukee, whither she had gone from Manitowoc shortly after the death of her husband. Since the time she came back to this city she had been making her home with her two daughters. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 11, 1907 pg. 1
KROENIG: Paul Paul Kroenig was, yesterday adjudged insane in Judge Chloupek's court. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, December 10, 1912 pg. 4 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $4.20; C.M. Gleason, $4.20; Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett, Committed to Hospital $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Paul Kroening, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 9, 1912, and said Paul Kroening adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7
KRUEGER: Albertine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1879; age at last birthday, 21; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KRUEGER: Delia COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Delia Krueger, alleged insane. Hearing had July 1, 1913, and said Delia Krueger adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, C.M. Gleason - $4.20 F.S. Luhman - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4
KUCHLER: Jno Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 46; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KUNZ: Joseph Of Town Kossuth, was found to be insane by the county judge and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 16 February 1899 ***** City and County: John Kunz of Kossuth was adjudged insane on Tuesday last by Judge Anderson. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 16, 1899 pg. 3 ***** Joseph Kunz, a well-known farmer of Town Kossuth, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He was suffering from a persecution mania. Der Nord Westen 02 August 1900
KUNZ: Wenzel KUNZ ADJUDGED INSANE. Wenzel Kunz, who killed his mother with a flatiron last winter, and who has been confined at the county jail since, was adjudged insane Monday afternoon. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 21, 1906 pg. 1 ***** Kunz Adjudged Insane Wenzel Kunz, who killed his mother with a flatiron several months ago, and whose trial for murder was postponed pending a final examination as to his sanity, was up in county court this afternoon and examined by Drs. Luhman, Pritchard and Fraser. He refused to answer questions, twitched nervously at his finger nails and appeared to be in the last stages of consumption. His shaggy black beard that covered his face added to his haggard look, that results from long confinement. It was easily seen that he is insane. He was committed to the Northern hospital for the insane at Oshkosh. Another brother, J. Kinz, is now at the county insane asylum, having been sent to Oshkosh first and then sent here as incurable. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Saturday, June 23, 1906 pg. 1 ***** Wenzel Kunz was taken to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh last Thursday, he having been adjudged insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 28, 1906 pg. 5
KURTH: Charles Kurth Sent To Oshkosh Charles Kurth an inmate of the County Asylum was committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane at Oshkosh by Judge Chloupek on Saturday. Kurth has given the authorities some trouble lately by running away. He was recently found near Newton, half frozen. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 14, 1904 pg. 5
KURTH: Elisa In probate court, Miss Eliza Kurth, of Maple Grove, was adjudged insane and committed to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., December 2, 1905 pg. 2 ***** Elisa Kurth of Maple Grove was found in County Court to be mentally disturbed and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 07 December 1905
KURZ: Arthur A 25-year old of Two Rivers, formerly bookkeeper in the Two Rivers Mercantile Co., had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 01 July 1909
KUTTEN: Annie Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1871; age at last birthday, 29; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076
KUTTIN: Mary Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 46; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076