Due to the fact that people sent to asylums got lost to researchers, I have compiled this page to give researchers a direction in which to look. For ease of use, I've entered these alphabetically. This list covers several years.

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LABINSKI:  Charles

In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937.
Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge
Charles Labinski, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 22nd day of December, 1936, and said Charles Labinski was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin.
Physicians: Dr. R.G. Strong $4.20, Dr. R.G. Yost $4.20.
Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937  p.17, 18

LALKO: Anton Anton Lalko, a young Russian from this city, who of late has been acting strangely and causing trouble, was last week adjudged insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, January 21, 1919 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Anton Lalko, alleged insane. Hearing had January 15, 1919 and said Anton Lalko adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Emil Christensen, $5.60; A.M. Farrell, $5.60. Sheriff Thomas Brennan. Committed to Hospital $10.00 Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5

LAMERE: Ed Ed Lamere of Two Rivers was examined before the county court yesterday and adjudged insane. He will be taken to Oshkosh. He was a strong, healthy young man and a member of the life saving station. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 14, 1892 pg. 3 ***** E. Lemere was adjudged insane last Thursday after an examination before Judge Baensch and was taken to Oshkosh for care and treatment. This county has supplied several inmates for the Oshkosh Asylum of late. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 19, 1892 pg. 3 ***** City and County: Ed. Lamere escaped from the county asylum last Saturday but was found soon after in Two Rivers. His form of insanity is of the unhappy kind as he rarely spends a cheerful hour. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 16, 1897 pg. 3 ***** Two Rivers: E. Lamere, an inmate of the county Insane Asylum, whose home was formerly in this city, escaped from the asylum last week by jumping from a second story window. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 23, 1900 pg. 3

LANDSVERK: O.J. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1875; age at last birthday, 25; single; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LARICK: Angeline Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1849; age at last birthday, 51; married; place of birth, Canada Fr. 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LARSON: Christian Chris Larson of this city was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh by deputy sheriff Cisler. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1914 P. 5

LARSON: Fred A victim of insomnia and nervousness, fearing insanity as a result, Fred Larson, a south side boy, aged 20, has been committed to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh, the commitment having been issued upon personal request of the young man to probate court. Larson was recently taken into custody and sentenced to 30 days in jail on a charge of attacking his father and sister and it was while serving his sentence that he formulated the request to Judge Chloupek for commitment. Larson says he is unable to sleep and is subject to nervousness which he fears may drive him to some act for which he will be irresponsible. He hopes to gain relief at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, August 27, 1908 P. 5 ***** ASKED TO BE SENT TO ASYLUM Fred Larsen Filed own Petition For Examination For Sanity Questioning his own responsibility and fearful that he might do injury to his friends or self, Fred Larson a local man who was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh three years ago and released on parole a year later, filed a petition for recommitment in probate court Wednesday and was adjudged insane and sent back. Larsen was paroled two years ago January 5 and under the law after two years parole, a patient is regarded as sane and cannot be returned to the asylum except upon re-examination and for this reason it was necessary to have an examination. Larsen secured three persons to sign the petition for his commitment. Larsen's action in applying for his own commitment is unique in the local court. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, March 2, 1911 pg. 1

LARSON: Louis Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1875; age at last birthday, 25; single; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LARSON: Louis P. A resident of our town who is close to 80-yrs of age, was taken to the mental facility in Oshkosh on Mon. The poor man suddenly suffered the delusion that he was very rich and was trying to buy everything possible at exorbitant prices. Der Nord Westen 02 March 1899 ***** Sheriff Lehrman took Louis P. Larson of this city to the Asylum at Oshkosh on Monday last. He was adjudged insane. Larson made strong objection to being taken from home. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 2, 1899 pg. 3

LARSON: Magnus Magnus Larson of this city, a young man 21 years old, was adjudged insane and taken to the Oshkosh Asylum on Thursday last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 24, 1897 pg. 4 ***** Magnus Larson escaped from the Oshkosh asylum some time ago while at work in a harvest field. He went to0 Milwaukee and from there to his home in this city. He says he never did anything which made it proper to send him to such a place. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 19, 1897 pg. 3 ***** City and County: "Mug" Larson, an inmate of the Oshkosh asylum sent up from this place, made his third escape from there this week. He seems to be a pretty hard fellow to hold. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 23, 1897 pg. 3

LARSON: Mairqus Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1876; age at last birthday, 24; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LARSON: Ole Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; married; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LEARY: Margaretha PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Margaretha Leary-57 years-Admitted August 12, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

LEE: Patrick Of Cooperstown, who was interned in the state mental facility in Oshkosh as violent, was furloughed on 22 Dec. and arrived home in Cooperstown the following Sunday. That same evening he attacked his mother, who would have been hurt worse had not neighbors intervened. As it was the lady was so badly hurt that onefears for her life. Attendants from the Oshkosh facility came and took him back. Der Nord Westen 02 January 1908 ***** Local and Personal: Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern Hospital for Insane have been returned to the county asylum, having been pronounced incurable. They are Carl Koebel of Newton, Patrick Lee of Cooperstown and Antonia Satorie of Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 30, 1908 pg. 5

LEITERMANN: Sophie A 15-year old of Manitowoc Rapids was sent to the school for feeble minded (Schule f'r Schwachsinnige) by Judge Chloupek. Der Nord Westen 15 November 1906

LEITZKE: Carl Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1851; age at last birthday, 49; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LENANDOWSKI: Veronica A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1857; age at last birthday, 43; married; place of birth, Poland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LEONHARD: Catherine THOUGHT DEAD MOTHER WOULD RETURN TO HER Centerville Woman Entertained a Strange Hallucination Strange Hallucinations were entertained by Mrs. Catherine Leonhard, a Centerville woman who was yesterday adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Mrs. Leonhard, who is a woman advanced in years, has for weeks been looking for the return of her mother, dead for years and because her husband is said to have sought to wean her from the hallucination, she charged that his mind was affected. Physicians who examined Mrs. Leonhard advised that she be committed to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, May 29, 1915 pg. 5

LEVASH: Emil REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Emanuel Livarsh, alleged insane. Hearing had April 10th, A.D. 1900, and said Emanuel Livarsh was adjudged insane and recommitted to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $16.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $32.71 Total amount - $53.71 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13 ***** Of Reedsville was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Friday. Der Nord Westen 25 April 1907 ***** REEDSVILLE MAN IS ADJUDGED INSANE AND COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Emil Levas of Reedsville was examined in the county court as to his mental condition last Friday. He was adjudged insane and was committed to the Northern hospital, Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1907 pg. 1

LEVENHAGEN: Walter COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Walter Levenhagen, alleged insane. Hearing had June 9th, 1913, and said Walter Levenhagen adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs - $4.20 Arthur Teitgen - $4.20 Geo. Groffman, chief of police Warrant of arrest - $2.20 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

LING: Amy JEALOUSY LEADS WOMAN TO SEEK DEATH IN LAKE Amy Ling, Known as Mayme Adams, Rescued by Police and is at County Asylum for Observation Driven to desperation by jealousy and drink, Amy Ling, known to police circles as Mayme Adams, attempted suicide in the lake at the foot of Madison street at 5:30 last night but was rescued by the poilce (sic) who responded to a call sent in by residents in the vicinity. The woman spent the night in jail. When Officers Trochlell (sic), Ladwig and Carle reached the scene in response to the call the Ling woman was found laying in the shallow water of the lake, a short distance from the shore, her clothing saturated but she was uninjured. She was taken to jail in the patrol wagon, protesting that she wanted to die. Physicians who were called found the woman suffering from hysteria and early today she was removed to the county asylum where she will receive treatment and be under observation as to her mental condition. If she is found insane she will be committed. The Lind(sic) woman was one of two arrested several months ago in a raid of a disorderly house on Columbus street and at that time paid a fine of $30. Since then she had been in the city and had resided in (sic) Twenty-third street. She is said to have become infatuated with a man out of town and when he discarded her for a new face, the woman threatened to end her life and made the attempt yesterday. Manitowoc Daily Herald 01 April 1916

LIPPERT: John John Lippert of this city was adjudged insane on Saturday morning and taken to the Northern Asylum by Sheriff Muth. On Friday night while passing by the works of the Manitowoc Cycle company, he seized a wheel and ran away with it. He was caught, but as the man bore an excellent character his act raised a question of his sanity. On examination he was found to be insane and was so adjudged. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 28, 1897 pg. 4

LORENZ: Bertha Sheriff Stephani took Bertha Lorenz of the 3rd ward of this city to the Oshkosh Asylum on Wednesday last. She had become religiously insane. Manitowoc Pilot 30 March 1893

LUBERT: Jno A. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1843; age at last birthday, 57; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LUDOWISSIE: Cornelius Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 33; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

LUDWIG: Rudolph COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Rudolph Ludwig, alleged insane. Hearing had July 2, 1913, and said Rudolph Ludwig adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper - $4.20 Max Staehle - $4.20 Geo. Groffman, chief of police. Warrant of arrest - $5.20 Summons to physicians - $1.90 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

LYNDE: Benjamin E. Court House and Jail Burned —On Thursday morning last the Court House and Jail at Manitowoc Rapids were burned to the ground. They were set on fire by an insane man named Benjamin E. Lynde. The Court House was a small frame building and the Jail was built of hewn logs. They were built for the temporary accommodation of the County, and the entire loss will probably come within one thousand dollars. Lynde has occasionally been confined in the Jail, and has frequently threatened to burn these and other buildings. He is now in confinement at the county Poor House, and if set at liberty he will undoubtedly continue to execute his threats. The board of county supervisors will meet on Saturday, and it is hoped that some provisions will be made for him, that will insure the safety of property in the future. Manitowoc Herald, WI Thursday, May 6, 1852 pg. 2


MACHOWITZ: Vincenty REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Vincenty Machowitz, Alleged Insane. Hearing had September 20, 1919 and said Vincenty Machowitz was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, A.J. Shimek, $4.20; W.E. Donohue, $4.20; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $10.70. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

MACNAMANRA, MICHAEL Michael MacNamara was taken to the Oshkosh Asylum last Saturday. The man realized his situation and was quire anxious to go. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 5, 1880

MADDAN: Joseph A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4

MADSON: Howard PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $4.20; J.D. Kelley, $6.60; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Howard Madson, alleged Insane. Hearing had Feb. 25, 1913, and said Howard Madson adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

MAGNUS: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, John Magnus, adjudged insane March 19th, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians F.W. Hammond $4.20, C.M. Gleason $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $16.74. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

MAHNKE: Charles From here, whom we reported had been taken to jail in Sheboygan with a companion under a charge of stealing a watch and some money, became suddenly mentally disturbed and had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 01 June 1905

MAHNKE, MARTIN Sheriff Murphy took two insane persons to the Oshkosh asylum last week—Martin Mahnke of Two Rivers, and Mrs. Horan of Cato. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 13, 1882

MAHON: Mrs. Mrs. Mahon of Liberty when sentenced to the Oshkosh Insane Asylum announced her intention of starving herself and has since refused food. Her husband is now making an effort to secure her discharge. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 26, 1888 pg. 3

MANTHIER: Emil Sheriff Lehrman brought Emil Manthier of Kiel to the city on Wednesday for examination as to his sanity. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 23, 1899 pg. 3

MANNHINNER: Geo. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1853; age at last birthday, 47; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MARCUS: Anna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Anna Marcus-21 years-Admitted July 28, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

MARCUS: Elizebeth Chr. Muth went to Chippewa Falls this morning on the early train, having in charge Elizebeth Marcus, an insane patient who he was taking to the home for the feeble minded. She was examined by Drs. Thurtell and Lubman and pronounced demented. She resides on the outskirts of the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI October 25, 1898 pg. 4

MARCUS: Margareth PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Margareth Marcus-56 years-Admitted July 28, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

MARKOSKY: Henry REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Henry Markosky, alleged insane. Hearing had March 14th and April 25th, 1914, and said Henry Markosky was discharged and proceedings dismissed. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $8.20; Arthur Teitgen, $8.20; George Groffman; Warrant of arrest $1.20, Summons to physicians $4.90. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

MARX: Peter The sheriff brought Peter Marx of Liberty to the city yesterday and this morning took him to Oshkosh to receive treatment at the Northern Hospital for Insane. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 13, 1884 ***** St. Nazians: Peter Marx of Liberty who is kept in the county insane asylum visited his home last Saturday. He looks well and speaks highly of the treatment he has received. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Wis., Tuesday, July 28, 1885 pg. 2

MASON: A man named Mason, a resident of Rockland, was afflicted with a cancer on his lip. He brooded over it so much that he became insane. He together with Con Murphy was taken to Oshkosh last night by Sheriff Pierce. Manitowoc Pilot 01 July 1880

MASS: August Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1852; age at last birthday, 48; widower; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MASTNY: Charles IMAGINED THAT HIS LIFE WAS IN DANGER Young Farmer Sent to Asylum, Mind Is Unbalanced Laboring under the hallucination that his life was in danger, that neighbors wanted to put him out of the way, Charles Mastny, a young farmer residing in the southern part of the county, came to the city yesterday to appeal to the authorities for protection form his imaginary enemies. Mastny's story was investigated and it was found that it was wholly without foundation and the creature of a diseased mind. In probate court today Mastny was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. He is 24 years of age and Is said to have been mentally unimpaired for some time. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, November 11, 1913 pg. 4 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Charles Mastny, alleged insane. Hearing had November 11, 1913, and said Charles Mastny adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge - $4.20 J.A. Roberts - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

MASTNY: Fred Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1866; age at last birthday, 34; widower; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MAURER: Lizzie A 27-yr. old Kiel resident, has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 27 December 1900

MCALLISTER: Julia A. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1874; age at last birthday, 26; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MCCARTHY: Chas. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 33; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MCCARTHY: Ella GOES INSANE AT CONVENT-ATTACKS COMPANIONS WITH KNIFE Ella McCarthy of Quincy, Ill., a novice at the St. Francis' Catholic convent at Silver Lake, this county, was committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane last Friday. She had suddenly become violently deranged and had attacked five of her companions with a large butcher knife, which she wielded with maniacal fury. Two or three of the novices were injured about the face, one receiving a bad cut in the nose. The woman was subdued by the janitor of the convent. She is 37 years of age. She entered the convent last September wit the intention of becoming a nun. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 26, 1906 pg. 1

MCCARTY: Dan Formerly a farmer in Town Cato who was a patient in the local mental facility for a long time, was released from there on 06 Oct. and to date no one knows what has happened to him. Since the man was dressed only in light clothing and had no money, it is feared he may have become a victim of the bad weather. Der Nord Westen 24 October 1907

MCCARTY: J.C. From here suddenly became mentally disturbed while visiting in Door County and was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 30 July 1908

MCCOY: Pat LOCAL CHARACTER INSANE. Pat McCoy, a well known character of the city who has been a familiar figure for years around the corner of Chicago and 8th streets was adjudged insane while on a visit to Outagamie county last week and was committed to the Northern hospital as a charge of this county. This came as a surprise as no one here imagined him to be insane although he was a bit eccentric. He supported himself by occasional jobs as common laborer. McCoy came here from a Brown County farm. He boasted a conversational command of the Gaelic tongue but there was not one left of the old local Irishmen who years ago could have put his claims to the test. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 19, 1914 pg. 1

MCCULLOUGH: Margaret REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, Max Staehle, $4.20; J.E. Meany, $4.20. Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Margaret McCullough, alledged Insane. Hearing had December 16, 1911 and said Margaret McCullough adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4

MCGUCKEN: James E. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1866; age at last birthday, 34; single; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MCMULLEN: Jos. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1877; age at last birthday, 33; place of birth, Canada England 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MCNEES: Charles Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1863; age at last birthday, 37; single; place of birth, Indiana 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MEINK: Emil Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1840; age at last birthday, 60; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MENCHL: Henry Local and Personal: Henry Menchl, aged fifty-seven, a resident of this city, was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh last Saturday. Menchl has a wife and four children. The family reside on North Tenth street. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1907 pg. 5

MESSERSCHMIDT: Otto Notes of City and County Folks: Otto Messerschmidt, of Two Rivers, was committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh for insanity. He was taken to the Hospital by Sheriff Pellet, Tuesday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 18, 1904 pg. 5

MESSMANN: Philipp A young man named Philip Mossmann, the adopted son of the late John Neumann of this city, was taken before Judge Gillen last Saturday and adjudged insane. His mania seems to have a semi-religious and semi-amorous character and it is hoped by his friends that a course of treatment at the Oshkosh Asylum will restore his mental faculties. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, December 18, 1894 pg. 3 ***** Philip Messman was adjudged insane last week by Judge Gillen and taken to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, December 20, 1894 pg. 3 ***** Sheriff Burt is at Oshkosh in charge of Phillipp Masmann, adjudged insane Monday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, January 22, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Of Two Rivers had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 24 January 1901 ***** Sent To The Asylum Philip Masmann a Two Rivers man, who has of late developed symptoms of insanity, was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Drs. J.R. Currens and Kemper were examining physicians. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Philipp Messmann of Two Rivers, a patient in a local hospital, became violent and threatened the Sisters with a knife. He was admitted to the county mental facility where he twice tried to attack the attendants. He had been in the state mental facility in Oshkosh in 1901 but was furloughed after one year. He has now been returned to Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 28 November 1907 ***** Philip Messman of Two Rivers was taken to the hospital for insane at Oshkosh Monday, having been adjudged insane in county court Saturday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 28, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh have been returned to the county asylum as incurable, being Philip Messman, Two Rivers, Thomas Hogan, Maple grove, and John Woita, this city. Messman was committed to the Oshkosh asylum Nov. 22, 1907 after he had been taken into custody when he threatened violence to others. Hogan has been at Oshkosh since Jan. 13, 1906 and was also committed after arrest on charge of threatening lives of others. Woita, who was committed August 25, 1905, was paroled on May 2, 1906 and was brought home by his wife who was forced after only a few months to again ask for his commitment. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 12, 1908 pg. 5 ***** Philipp Messmann of Two Rivers, a patient in the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has been transferred by the authorities to the county mental facility as unlikely to improve. Der Nord Westen 12 March 1908 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Phillip Massman, alleged insane. Hearing had November 23, 1907, and said Phillip Massman adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians-J.R. Currens - $5.40 Physicians-F.S. Luhman - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Committed to hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

MEYER: Hermann A 15-year old of Kiel was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 27 September 1906 ***** Herman Meyer, a Kiel youth aged fifteen years, was adjudged insane on Wednesday. He has been committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 27, 1906 pg. 1

MICHEL: Henry Of Manitowoc Rapids, veteran of the Civil War who has been mentally ill for many years, had to be transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkoshon Fri. His condition had worsened such that he required close supervision. Der Nord Westen 13 June 1901

MILLARD: O.H. REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: O.H. Millard, Alleged Insane. Hearing had September 29th, 1919 and said O.H. Millard was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; E.W. Jacobs, $4.20; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $17.30. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

MILLER: George MAN IN "SEPTEMBER MORN" STUNT CAUSES SENSATION-IS INSANE "Cap" Miller, Character Well Known In Local Police Circles, Is In Toils And Will Be Sent To Asylum "Cap" Miller, a carferry sailor, who is well known in police circles of this city and other lake ports, and who has faced charges of assaulting an officer, pretty thievery and other complaints in court and has served time both in the county jail and at Waupun, is again in the toils. Miller, as result of his latest escapade, was examined for his sanity and will probably be committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Miller was taken into custody on Franklin street by Officer Deuno yesterday afternoon when complaints from residents of the street kept the wires to the station hot for some time. Investigating, Officer Deuno found Miller on the street, clothed in little more than a smile and assaying a September Morn pose. The man was hurried from the street and clothing provided for him after which he was taken to the station and locked up. The man was in maudlin condition, due, it is said to excessive use of drugs and physicians who attended him advised that the man's mental condition be examined into. Officer Deune, acting upon the suggestion, had Miller taken into court this afternoon and an insanity examination was ordered and it is probably that Mill will be sent to Oshkosh. Miller, who has been sentenced to Waupun by Judge Schmidt in municipal court on two occasions, one time for highway robbery and another for grand larceny, has been committed in jail here on many occasions. The last time he was up Miller was charges with stealing four shirts form a Washington street store and at that time was sentenced to five days and told to leave town on penalty of again being committed. For several months Miller has given the city a wide berth and his appearance here yesterday was a surprise to the police. Miller is a man past middle age but it is said possessed a remarkable strength, the police saying that the man, when ugly, can handle four men without trouble. Capt. Carle, of the local police, has had one or two run ins with Miller but has always succeeded in getting his man. Miller was adjudged insane in probate court this afternoon and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, November 13, 1913 pg. 1 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of George Miller, alleged insane. Hearing had November 13th, 1913, and said George Miller adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, T.J.E. Westgate, $4.20; F.S. Luhman, $4.20; Chas. Dueno, Police. Warrant of arrest $1.20, Summons to physicians $4.70, Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

MIRSCH: Amelia Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1835; age at last birthday, 65; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MOBERG: Levi Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1876; age at last birthday, 24; single; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MOEGENBURG: William COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of William Moegenburg, alleged insane. Hearing had June 16, 1913, and said William Moegenburg adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians, F.S. Luhman - $4.20 W.G. Kemper - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Warrant of arrest - $7.00 Summons to physicians - $4.40 Committed to Hospital - $15.10 The above should be collected of Sheboygan county and a resolution should be adopted authorizing the collection. Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

MOELLER: Mrs. Sheriff Bibinger left for Oshkosh on Tuesday with Mrs. Moeller of the town of Two Rivers who was lately adjudged insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 9, 1884 pg. 3

MONK: Mrs. Mrs. Monk of this city—of the Third Ward—was adjudged insane on Tuesday and will be taken to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 26, 1888

MONK: Mrs. Robert City and County: Mrs. Robert Monk of this city was adjudged insane on Monday last and was taken to the Oshkosh asylum that afternoon by Sheriff Muth. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 28, 1897 pg. 3

MONK: Roland A boy of only 13, has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh as mentally disturbed. His mother is also mentally ill. Der Nord Westen 17 September 1908 ******** Roland Monk, aged thirteen, was committed to the Oshkosh Asylum for the insane for treatment in Probate Court Monday after an examination by physicians. The boy is the youngest patient which the county has at the State Hospital. His mother was committeed (sic) to this institution some time ago and the boy has exhibited signs of mental weakness for a considerable time past. His friends hope that he may be benefited by the treatment which he will receive. Manitowoc Pilot, September 17, 1908 P. 8

MOREY: Amelie (Saturday dateline) A 60-year old of Liberty was admitted to the local mental facility as mentally deficient. Der Nord Westen 09 January 1909 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Amelia Morey, alleged insane. Hearing had December 31, 1908, and said Amelia Morey adjusted insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- J.A. Roberts - $4.40 Physicians- H. Thurtell - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $8.50 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Manitowoc Asylum - $4.00 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 17, 1909 pg. 4

MORRIS: Lewis Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1846; age at last birthday, 54; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MOSSEILER: Julie Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1873; age at last birthday, 27; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

MOSSMAN: Caroline PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Caroline Mossman-44 years-Admitted February 3, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

MROTEK: John John Mrotek, 44, this city, was also taken to Oshkosh by Sheriff Engelbrecht this afternoon having been adjudged insane yesterday. The man had not been right for four months, it was said. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, October 11, 1916 pg. 5

MULLINS: Josephine Of Maple Grove was taken to the home for the feeble minded in Chippewa Falls. The 16-yr. old girl is subject to epileptic seizures which have affected her mind. Der Nord Westen 26 October 1899

MUNDT: Mrs. Emma Who lives just south of Manitowoc, has had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. The unfortunate lady has only been married about a year. Der Nord Westen 15 November 1906 ***** Who had been furloughed from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, had to be returned there because her condition worsened. Der Nord Westen 05 March 1908 ***** COURT RULES SHE IS SANE. To combat the suit for divorce filed by her husband, based upon a charge that she was insane at the time he married her and had been since, Mrs. Emma Mundt, a town of Gibson woman, filed a petition in probate court asking for a re-examination and to be declared sane, and in the hearing held Saturday morning, the court granted a discharge and declared Mrs. Mundt sane. It is now said Mrs. Mundt will file a contesting suit against her husband and will make sensational charges against Mundt. Mrs. Mundt, who is 31 years of age, was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh in November 1906 but in January the following year was paroled upon request of her husband and returned to her home in Gibson. In February 1908, Mrs. Mundt was again taken to Oshkosh, remaining at the asylum until January this year when she was again paroled in care of her parents and has since made her home with them. Following rumors that her husband would seek a divorce that she was insane, Mrs. Mundt petitioned probate court for her discharge and to be declared sane and upon the examination of two physicians, the petition was granted. Friends of Mrs. Mundt say that in the counter suit which she will file against her husband she will allege that her commitment to the asylum was due to domestic troubles in the Mundt home, for which her husband was responsible, charging cruelty. Mundt is prominent in Gibson and (sic) that section of the county and the case promises to arouse widespread interest. Albert Mundt, the husband, is a prosperous farmer. Under the law Mrs. Mundt was privileged to file a petition for re-examination and discharge or the petition could have been filed by friends.- Manitowoc Herald. Manitowoc Pilot, November 4, 1909 P. 1

MURPHY: Cornelius Cornelius Murphy of this city was adjudged insane and sent to the Oshkosh Asylum.. Manitowoc Pilot 01 July 1880 ***** A man named Mason, a resident of Rockland, was afflicted with a cancer on his lip. He brooded over it so much that he became insane. He together with Con Murphy was taken to Oshkosh last night by Sheriff Pierce. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 1, 1880 pg. 3

MURPHY: Evelyn JURY SAYS SHE IS INSANE Evelyn Murphy is Taken to the Asylum at Oshkosh to Be Cared for in Future PATHOS IN HER LIFE STORY Girl at One Time a Teacher in County and Had Brilliant Promise of Future; Family Afflicted with Insanity Under the verdict rendered by the jury in the examination held in Probate Court Wednesday, Evelyn Murphy, the former teacher whose case has been a puzzle to the local authorities since she came here from St. Paul ten days ago, will be committed to the Northern Hospital for Insane at Oshkosh, the woman having been declared incompetent and mentally unsound. The decision of the jury came after an hour of deliberation and was somewhat unexpected in view of the intimation that was given that there was likely to be a disagreement, this having been thought probable when the jury returned to the court to inquire as to what disposition would be made of the cae in the event that there was no agreement. No emotion was shown by Miss Murphy when the verdict was announced and she offered no resistance to returning to the asylum where she was to await transfer to Oshkosh. The woman maintains that she is sane and competent of caring for herself and when, in the course of the inquiry before the court, she testified in her own behalf. there was nothing in her appearance or responses to indicate that her mind is unbalanced. However, the evidence of the physicians in facts submitted led the jury to a belief that she should be cared for and the verdict resulted. The store of the life of Evelyn Murphy is one that is filled with pathos and arouses sympathy among those who knew her in other days. Years ago, when a teacher in the county, the woman was possessed of a bright mind and talents that promised much.She was the first stenographer in the city and many who are today engaged in that work in the city received instruction from her. For two years after giving up teaching, she was confined to her bed by serious illness, due to nervousness and prostration believed to have been largely imagination. Following her recovery she departed from the city and located in Minneapolis where she again engaged in teaching. From that time Manitowoc knew nothing of her until her return a short time ago but the history of her life the past few years is told in the letters recently received in court which tell of her having located in New Salem, N.D., where she resided on a government claim for four years. Two years after taking up her abode on the claim, the house was destroyed by fire, started from the sparks of an engine of a railway which passed the place and thereafter, the woman made her abode in a "shack". scarcely fit for animals. Twice she was taken into custody for examinations as to her sanity and both times physicians were baffled and gave her freedom. Becoming imbued with a mania for writing poetry, she corresponded with a Chicago publisher, who sought to secure a sum of money from her on promise of publishing her book. Failing to raise the money, the woman suddenly disappeared from the vicinity, taking a horse with her and until inquiry was sent from here, nothing was known at New Salem of her whereabouts. Having proved the claim, Miss Murphy is possessor of a 120 acre farm in which there is a mortgage of $180 and several years' unpaid taxes. She refused to sell the property and it has been one of her hallucinations that people are trying to rob her of the land. Since coming here, Miss Murphy has been cared for at the asylum and in court Wednesday presented an appearance much improved from that on her arrival. Inquiry has developed the fact that the woman's mother is insane at Colorado and an aunt is also under restraint. While there is little hope Miss Murphy will recover, it is a kindness that the jury provided for her future. She was taken to Oshkosh today. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Dec. 15, 1904 ******** A former teacher about whom we reported as being disturbed, was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh yesterday. Der Nord Westen 05 January 1905

MUSIL: Mary A habitual drunkard has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 10 May 1906 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, J.E. Meany, $4.20; Max Staehle, $4.20; George Groffman, Chief of Police; Warrant of Arrest, $2.20; Summons to Physicians, $4.70. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Mary Musil, alleged Insane. Petition for reexamination after being paroled from the Northern Hospital, Oshkosh, Wis. Hearing had April 21, 1913, and said Mary Musil adjudged Insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; Louis Falge, $4.20; Sheriff, George Groffman, Chief of Police. Summons to Physicians, $1.70; Summons to Witnesses, $2.52. Total Amount, $12.62. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Mary Musil, alleged Insane. Hearing had May 8, 1913, and said Mary Musil was returned to Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, July 10, 1913 pg. 7 ***** MARY MUSIEL AGAIN IN BAD, IS IN CUSTODY She's in again. Who? Mary Musiel. Mary, whose name decorates many pages of the police and court blotters, was picked up on Tenth street yesterday by Officer Carle and will be sent back to the county asylum, her home much of the time the past few years. The woman left the asylum some time ago but was unable to keep away from the booze and yesterday she was again taken into custody. Manitowoc Daily Herald 12 April 1915


NADIAU: Joseph Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; widower; place of birth, Canada En. 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

NASH: Thomas PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Thomas Nash-33 years-Admitted February 6, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2 ***** Thomas Nash, an inmate of the county insane asylum, escaped last Friday and found his way to the vicinity of his old home in Cooperstown. He arrived at the home of John Hewitt in the evening having no hot on his head. He explained that he left the hat behind and was glad to escape without it. Sheriff Zeman was notified, and immediately went to bring him back to the city. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, September 4, 1890 pg. 3

NATE: Joseph City and County: Joseph Nate of Franklin was adjudged insane yesterday and was taken to the Oshkosh Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 23, 1898 pg. 3

NEILSON: Anton Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 32; place of birth, Denmark 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

NEUBAUER: Mike REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Mike Neubauer, adjudged insane Jan. 26th, 1918; committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum. Costs, Physicians A. Teitgen $4.20, Louis Falge $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

NEUMMAN: Carl Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1833; age at last birthday, 67; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

NEUMANN: Mrs. Sheriff Muth took Mrs. Neumann of this city to the Oshkosh asylum on Monday last. She is 63 years old. A short time ago she attempted to commit suicide by drowning. She was rescued. Last Sunday she tried to hang herself but was saved by neighbors. The homicidal tendency was so strong it was thought best to put her under restraint. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 23, 1897 pg. 3

NICHOLSON, Sarina PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Sarina Nicholson-42 years-Admitted January 23, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

NONNA: Magdalena PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Magdalena Nonna-47 years-Admitted January 26, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

NORRIS: John A farmer in Town Manitowoc, became frenzied Thurs. last week and killed a worthwhile horse and threatened his family. On Fri. the unfortunate man was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 08 June 1899 ********** John Norris of Manitowoc Rapids was returned to the mental facility in Oshkosh from which he had been released on 09 Sep. 1899 Der Nord Westen 11 January 1900 ***** John Norris, a farmer of the town of Rapids, was adjudged insane Friday morning and committed by Judge Anderson to the Winnebago hospital. He is rather violent, but is thought to be curable. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 8, 1899 pg. 8 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of John Norris-Recommitment. Hearing had January 4th, A.D. 1900, and said John Norris was adjudged insane and recommitted to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, 1 day - $5.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest, arrest and detention - $4.00 Committed to hospital - $33.21 Witness, George Norris, 1 day, 6 miles - $2.04 Total amount - $44.25 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13

NORTON: Henry Jr. REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Henry Norton, Jr., alleged insane. Hearing had January 22, 1908, and said Henry Norton, Jr., was discharged. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- C.M. Gleason - $4.20 Physicians- J.E. Meany - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

NORTON: Rosa 23-yr. old daughter of Mr. Geo. Norton here, who has been mentally disturbed for a long time, became suicidal Mon. morning and had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 08 March 1900 ***** Miss Rose Norton, daughter of George Norton, was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson last Tuesday, and has been taken to the Northern Hospital at Winnebago for treatment. She has been suffering from nervous prostration for several months, which has developed into the present difficulty. It is hoped that careful treatment will bring a complete cure. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 8, 1900 pg. 8 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Rose Norton, alleged insane. Hearing had March 6th, A.D. 1900, and said Rose Norton was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-H. Thurtell - $4.40 Physicians-A.C. Fraser - $4.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $43.69 Total amount - $62.89 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13

NOTZ: John FATHER OF ELEVEN, TUBERCULAR VICTIM, SENT TO ASYLUM John Notz, 56. Is Adjudged Insane Following Peculiar Actions At County Sanitorium Where He Was A Patient Father of eleven children, a victim of tuberculosis and rapidly failing from ravages of the disease, John Notz, an old resident of the city, was yesterday committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh, having been adjudged insane by physicians who conducted an examination in probate court. Notz is 56 years of age and had resided here most of his life. Recently he was found to be suffering from tuberculosis and was admitted to the Maple Crest sanatorium at Whitelaw where he was to receive treatment. Notz, upon his arrival at the county institution, began acting in strange manner and is said to have caused the superintendent and attendants much annoyance. The man was found on several occasions wandering about the grounds with a lighted lantern and is said to have refused to heed any orders given by the authorities and it was impossible to care for the man there. The matter was reported to the trustees of the county institution and to relatives and an examination into the mental condition of Notz was petitioned for and was held yesterday with the result that he was committed to the state hospital at Oshkosh. Notz presented a sad spectacle of any other provision for care of the man. Notz lost an arm in a feed shredder accident some years ago and is a cripple. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, March 11, 1915 pg. 1


O'BRIEN: Patrick Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1848; age at last birthday, 52; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

O'NEIL: Jane PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Jane O'Neil-62 years-Admitted July 12, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

O'NEIL: Johanas Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1826; age at last birthday, 74; single; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

O'NEIL: Johanna The Trustees of the local mental facility, in their report for the fiscal year ending 30 June 1904, lists the following deaths: Catharina Cretton died 24 Sep. 1903 of exhaustion at age 80; Christopher Bejalke died 10 Oct. 1903 from heart trouble at age 73; Carl Fischer died 02 Dec. 1903 from a stroke at age 44; and Johanna O'Neil died 24 Apr. 1904 of bronchitis at age 84. Der Nord Westen, Manitowoc, Wis., 09 February 1905

O'NEIL: Michael PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Michael O'Neil-26 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 38; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

O'NEILL Sheriff Murphy went to Milwaukee last Saturday to take charge of a young man named O'Neill who had become insane. O'Neill's parents reside in Newton. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 21, 1881 ******** Sheriff Murphy took Patrick O'Neil to the Oshkosh Asylum last Friday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 28, 1881

OESTRIECH: Carl Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

OLSON: Cath. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Cath. Olson-82 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

OLSON: Christy REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Christy Olson, alleged insane. Hearing had January 16th, 1914, and said Christy Olson adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, W.E. Donohue, $4.20; Geo. W. Patchen, $4.20; George Groffman, Chief of Police. Warrant of arrest $4.20, Summons to physicians $1.70, Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

OLSON: Mary Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

OLSONZ: Mrs. Ringwold City and County: Sheriff Muth took Mrs. Ringwold Olson of Cato, who was adjudged insane, to the hospital at Oshkosh on Monday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 12, 1898 pg. 3

ORTH, MRS. Sheriff Murphy took a Mrs. Orth, of Centerville, to the Oshkosh asylum last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 30, 1882

OSESEK: Frank Frank Osesek Sent to Oshkosh, Returns and Want Keeley Cure Saying that he is not crazy except when he "has a skin full", Frank Osesek, a Manitowoc man who was sent to Oshkosh two weeks ago, ran away form the Northern Hospital Thursday afternoon and appeared in the city this morning. He applied at the William Rahr Sons company, where he formerly worked, for a job. Later he said he wanted to be sent to Dwight Ill., to take the Keeley cure. Osesek will probably be taken to Waukesha for the cure, but first will be taken back to the Northern Hospital and be legally paroled. The man was adjudged insane two weeks ago, doctors saying that he was demented from the excessive use of liquor. He created quite a stir shortly before that by applying for a hunting license which was refused, on account of his mental condition. Osesek is an intelligent man when not intoxicated and local authorities are will that he should be taken to Waukesha to be cured of the drink habit, providing Dr. Shepard of the Northern Hospital will allow his parole. Osesek was about town today and will be taken back to Oshkosh this evening. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, November 10, 1911 pg. 1 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs, $8.20; F.J. Westgate, $8.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Frank Osesek, alleged Insane. Petition for reexamination after being paroled from the Northern Hospital, Oshkosh, Wis. Hearing had April 18 and 21, 1913, and said Frank Osesek failing to appear on the adjourned day proceeding was dismissed. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Frank Oseseh, alleged insane. Hearing had November 29th, 1913, and said Frank Oseseh adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs, $4.20; T.J. Westgate, $4.20; George Groffman, Chief of Police. Warrant of arrest $4.20, Summons to physicians $1.70, Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

OSESEK: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of John Osesek, alleged insane. Hearing had February 16th, 1914, and said John Osesek proceeding dismissed and he was discharged. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $4.20; George Groffman, Chief of Police. Warrant of arrest $4.20, Summons to physicians $1.70. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

OTT: Sabina REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, J.E. Meany, $8.40; A.J. Shimek, $8.40; Sheriff Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Sabina Ott, alledged Insane. Hearing had April 20 and 22, 1912 and said Sabina Ott adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4

OTTO: Mary A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1846; age at last birthday, 54; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076


PAASCH: Wm. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1842; age at last birthday, 58; widower; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PANKRATZ: Anton Of Cato, a young man of 24, was referred to the County Court by his mother. He was declared mentally disturbed and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 11 May 1905 ***** Anton Pankratz, a young man of Cato, was reported to be demented and the youth's mother made an application in probate court for an examination as to the young man's mental condition. Sheriff Eggert brought him here Friday afternoon. The youth is 21 years of age. He was pronounced insane and was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 11, 1905 P. 5

PANOWITZ: Rosa Of Two Rivers had to be taken to the mental facility. She screamed at the top of her lungs against being taken into custody Der Nord Westen 07 August 1902

PASH: Thos. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1854; age at last birthday, 46; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PAUL: Martha Of Two Rivers, who is a patient in local St. Mary's Hospital with her 5-mo. old child, recently became suicidal and tried to jump from a window but was restrained. The lady, who is 28, is in the final stages of consumption. That illness, and despair over the fact that her husband has abandoned her during it, has affected her mind. The heartless husband was recently arrested in Sheboygan and was brought here for trial. The judge sentenced him to 10 months in the state penitentiary for abandoning his family. Der Nord Westen 11 April 1907 ***** Mrs. Martha Paul, the Two Rivers woman whose husband is at Waupun for abandonment was taken to Oshkosh. The child will go to the Green Bay orphan home. The woman offered violent resistance to the attendants enroute to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Fri., Apr. 12, 1907 ***** Martha Paul of Two Rivers, about whose illness we reported last week, has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 April 1907 ***** COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Mrs. Martha Paul, the Two Rivers woman whose husband was sentenced last week to serve ten months in the state's prison for abandonment, was adjudged insane last Thursday. She has been committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. She offered considerable resistance to the attendants on the way to Oshkosh. Her child will be cared for at the Green Bay orphanage. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1907 pg. 8

PAULSEN The county judge has been notified that the insane from this county which have been provided for at Milwaukee, must be removed from there as all the accommodations supplied there are no more than sufficient for the insane of Milwaukee county. There are four persons: Day, Paulsen, Erickson and Hilbert, who must be returned to the inadequate quarters furnished by Manitowoc. The county board will be forced to do something toward providing for the incurable insane of the county. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, Aug. 18, 1881

PAVOST: Peter Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, Unknown; age at last birthday, Unknown; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PECH: Mary City and County: Mary Pech, of Kossuth, was adjudged insane on Monday last and taken to the asylum by Sheriff Muth on Tuesday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 17, 1898 pg. 3

PELISHEK: Mrs. Frank REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Mrs. Frank Pelishek, alleged insane. Hearing had June 24, 1919 and the said Mrs. Frank Pelishek adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard $4.20; George Patchen $4.20; Thomas H. Brennan, Sheriff, $17.00. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

PELLET: Mrs. Luther Mrs. Luther Pellet, of Gibson, lately became insane. She is violent at times and can not safely be let at large. Her husband, it will be remembered, shot himeself last fall while in a fit of insanity. Mrs. Pellett's mind became unbalanced rather suddenly. She will in all probably be sent to the asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, April 15, 1880 pg. 3 ***** It has been found necessary to take Mrs. Luther Pellet to the insane asylum once more. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 8, 1881

PEOT: Regina SAVED MOTHER FROM ASYLUM THEN FORGOT ABOUT HER Mrs. Peot Committed After 10 Days When Relatives Did Not Care for Her Saved from commitment to the insane asylum August 10 by the plea of her son, Mrs. Regina Peot, of Two Rivers, was removed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh Wednesday when after ten days relatives had neglected to provide for her care. Mrs. Peot was adjudged insane August 10 but on August 11 her son appeared and pleaded that relatives be permitted to care for her, saying she had been of unsound mind for years but never violent. Young Peot left the court after being assured that the commitment would be withheld but since that time he has failed to come for his mother and other relatives have also neglected her. Mrs. Peot was cared for at the jail and Wednesday the court issued a commitment sending her to the Oshkosh asylum. The woman's husband made the complaint August 10. The case is peculiar. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, August 20, 1908 pg. 1 ***** Mrs. Regina of Two Rivers was sent by the County Court to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Thursday last week. Der Nord Westen 27 August 1908

PERONTO: Frank REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Frank Peranto, alleged insane. Hearing had April 6th, 1914, and said Frank Peranto adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital $15.10. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

PEROUTKA: Anton FATHER'S SUICIDE HAS AFFECTED BOY'S MIND Anton Peroutka, Kossuth Lad, Insane From Tragedy of Death Death of his father, who committed suicide a few months ago so affected the mind of Anton Peroutka, a town of Kossuth youth that the lad became insane and in probate court Friday he was so adjudged and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Young Peroutka is 20 years of age and the shock of his father's self-inflicted death made a terrible impression on his mind and since the time, last July, he has exhibited tendencies to insanity which of late have become so marked as to prompt relatives to ask his commitment to a state institution. The boy conducted the farm upon which his father reared him and until the sad affliction was of bright mind. It is said by physicians that there is hope of restoration for Peroutka. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, January 23, 1909 pg. 1 ***** Of Town Kossuth has been adjudicated as mentally ill and was sent to the northern mental facility. He is just 20 years old and is said to have brooded so much over his father's death that he attempted suicide last summer. Der Nord Westen 28 January 1909 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Anton Peroutka, alleged insane. Hearing had January 22, 1909, and said Anton Peroutka adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Louis Falge - $4.40 Physicians- A.J. Shimek - $4.40 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $9.60 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4

PERROTT: Robert Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1830; age at last birthday, 70; widower; place of birth, New Brunswick 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PESTIEN: Fred Fred Pestien, an old resident of the town of Two Creeks and 77 years of age was last week adjudged insane and sent to the county asylum. There is something pathetic about his case. Although his wife has been dead for several years, he believes her to be living and is continually prosecuting a fruitless and mournful search for her. The old man's quest will soon be ended. At his age, grief is a fatal burden. Will he find her in the end? This question is ever being asked, but from no source has there come an answer. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, July 9, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Local and Personal: Fred Pestien, an old resident of Two Creeks, has been adjudged insane and sent to the county asylum. He is 77 years old. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 11, 1907 pg. 5

PESTIEN: Gustav REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Gustav Pestien, adjudged insane Nov. 23rd, 1917; committed to the Northern Hospital for insane. Costs, Physicians J.L. Shaw $4.20, M. Staehle $4.20, Sheriff, Jos.A. Kellner $14.46. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

PETERMAN: Paul REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Paul Peterman, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 23rd day of December, 1936, and said Paul Peterman was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin for a period of thirty days observation. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18

PETERSON: Annie A number of patients were brought here today from the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. They were pronounced incurable by the authorities there and will be entered at the Manitowoc Insane Asylum. They were: Mary Otto, Manitowoc county; Gencie Ducal, Florence Daniel, Emil Dulows, Door county; Veronica Lenandowski, Joseph Maddan, Anna Peterson, Marinette county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, WI February 9, 1899 pg. 4 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 36; married; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PETERSON: Nelse Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1858; age at last birthday, 42; single; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PETERSON: Mrs. Sern Local Matters: Mrs. Peterson, wife of Sern Peterson, of this city, arrived home from Oshkosh last Saturday where she was taken several months ago for treatment for insanity at the Insane Asylum. We understand that Mrs. Peterson has entirely recovered. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 18, 1880 pg. 3

PFEIFER: Wilhelmina Wilhelmia Pfeifer of Two Rivers, aged about 60 years, was adjudged insane in the county court last Saturday and taken to the insane hospital at Winnebago for treatment. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 1, 1899 pg. 7 ***** An old resident of Two Rivers, had to be taken to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 08 June 1899 ***** PROPERTY FOR SALE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that on the 12th day of September, A.D. 1913, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the Engine House, in the city of Two Rivers, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, the undersigned will sell, subject to the approval of the Court, the Pfeifer property, consisting of a house and full lot described as Lot No. Seven (7) in Block No. Forty-nine (49) in the city of Two Rivers, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Dated August 19, 1913. GEO. H. DICKE, General guardian of Wilhelmine Pfeifer, an insane person. F.W. Dicke, Attorney. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, September 2, 1913 pg. 8

PFEND: Elizabeth Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1865; age at last birthday, 35; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PISTEK: Fannie REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Fannie Pistek, adjudged feeble-minded May 13th, 1918; committed to Home for Febble-minded. Costs, Physicians Geo. Patchen $4.20, F.W. Hammond $4.20. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

PLATTEN: Helen A nervous shock, induced by the excitement attendant upon a fire which destroyed her home, is responsible for the pitiable condition of Mrs. Helen Platten, a well known resident of Liberty, who was Wednesday adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Mrs. Platten is afflicted with violent mania and fear that she might do herself injury led relatives and friends to petition for her commitment. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, March 6, 1902 pg. 2 ***** Mrs. Helen Platten of Town Liberty had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Wed. last week. She had been so disturbed by the loss of her home by fire that she lost her reason. Der Nord Westen 13 March 1902

PLICE: Mary Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1849; age at last birthday, 51; widow; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

PLOERDERL: Joseph SAVED FROM DEATH BY SUICIDE JOSEPH PLOERDERL(sic), SO. SIDE MAN, IS COMMITTED TO ASYLUM Saved from death of a suicide after having drunken a quantity of paris green in a glass of milk Wednesday night. Joseph Ploerderl, a teamster residing at South Tenth street, was yesterday adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh (illegible) announced his intention of doing away with himself Wednesday and members of the family summoned the sheriff to prevent him carrying out the threat, though the man took a quantity of paris green in a glass of milk. A physician was called and Poerderl's life was saved and application was made for his examination. The man is 55 years of age and is employed as a teamster. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, February 5, 1915 pg. 8

POHL: Alois Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1872; age at last birthday, 28; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

POHL: Alois Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1884; age at last birthday, 16; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

POLSON: Gurstein PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Gurstein Polson-47 years-Admitted March 4, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

POWELL: Geo. A former resident of Town Kossuth, has returned here ill from the east. His doctors had advised him to return to his old home, but after reaching here his condition worsened to the stage where his relatives proposed that he be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 05 February 1903 ***** POWELL IS IN ASYLUM. Manitowoc Man Who Killed Wife Is Adjudged Insane at Wausau John Powell, the former Manitowoc man who killed his wife at Rozellville two weeks ago, is now confined at the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh, having been committed to the asylum Saturday by the courts of Marathon county. Four physicians pronounced Powell insane and the murder charge which had been preferred against him was withdrawn by the officers. Powell shot his wife February 25 and then attempted to end his own life. It is believed that the man had been insane for some time before the deed was committed, his actions for several weeks previous having indicated it. Powell owns a farm and other property and a petition will be made to have his brother appointed guardian to take charge of it. There are five children. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Monday, March 9, 1903 pg. 1

POWELL: Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Mary Powell-47 years-Admitted January 26, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

PRUCHA: Anna REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Anna Prucha, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 23rd day of November 1936, and said Anna Prucha was committed to Manitowoc County Asylum, Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Physician: Dr. A.P. Zlatnik $5.60. Dr. A.D. Bussey $5.60. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18


QUANTE: Mrs. Wilhelmine About 35 yrs. old, a resident of Town Meeme, was adjudged insane in County Court last week and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 21 May 1903


RADDATZ: Paulina Sheriff Bolen on Monday afternoon took Paulina Raddatz of Reedsville to the Oshkosh Asylum. Her case is a sad one. She was to be married on Tuesday of this week and on Sunday morning gave evidences of insanity and soon became so violent that it took three persons to control her. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 22, 1888

RADES: Mrs. Minna Sad Affliction Of Meeme Woman Mrs. Mina Rades of Meeme, has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment. Mrs. Rades has been ill for some time and of late had become violent. She is 53 years of age and the mother of a family of eight children. It is hoped the treatment may restore her to health. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 18, 1903 pg. 1 ***** Mrs. Minna Rades of Meeme had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. She has been disturbed for a long time, but because she was harmless she remained with the family. However, over the past 3 weeks her condition became critical so that a transfer to the facility was necessary. She is the mother of 8 children. Der Nord Westen 25 June 1903

RADIES: James Sheriff Bolen went to Two Rivers on Monday and took James Radies in charge. The man is insane and was taken to the asylum on Tuesday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 14, 1892 pg. 3

RADL: John John Radl of this city, a barber, was adjudged insane on Friday last and was taken to the asylum on Saturday by Sheriff Lehrman. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, April 6, 1899 pg. 3

RADO: James Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1858; age at last birthday, 42; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RADUENZ: Dora Mrs. Dora Raduenz, a Manitowoc county patient at the Northern hospital at Oshkosh has been returned to the county asylum here as an incurable. Manitowoc Daily Herald 23 January 1917

RADUENZ: Edward Deputy Sheriff Cooney took Edward Raduenz to the Oshkosh asylum last Thursday. He was injured by a sunstroke while picking peas. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 12, 1897 pg. 4 ***** Edward Raduentz was found to be mentally ill in County Court and transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 28 November 1907 ***** Edward Radenuz, aged 24 years, an employe of the boiler works, was adjudged insane Saturday and taken to Oshkosh Monday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 28, 1907 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Edward Raduenz, alleged insane. Hearing had November 20 and 23, 1907, and said Edward Raduenz adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Having demanded a jury trial and on day of hearing his attorney consented that he be committed. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians-Max Staehle - $8.20 Physicians-J.E. Meany - $8.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.40 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Committed to hospital - $30.20 Detained at Manitowoc County Asylum per order of the Court - $3.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

RATH: Michael REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Michael Rath, alleged insane. Hearing had February 3, 1908, and said Michael Rath adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- A.M. Farrell - $5.60 Physicians- J.E. Meany - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $5.60 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

RATH: Nicholas Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1874; age at last birthday, 26; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RATHKE: Henry RATHKE IS COMMITTED TO OSHKOSH ASYLUM Henry Rathke, the Maribel man held upon complaint of Northwestern railway detectives for spiking rails near that village, was adjudged insane by physicians in probate court yesterday and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Parents of Rathke, while realizing that their son should be cared for, pleaded that he be permitted to return to his home as he is the sole support of the aged pair. It was considered dangerous to permit the man to be at large. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, October 30, 1917 pg. 5

RAUBER: Fredericka City and County: Sheriff Schmidt was three times to the Oshkosh asylum last week. The last person he brought there was Fredericka Rauber of Newton. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, September 19, 1895 pg. 3

REBENHARST: Ferdinand Sheriff Schmidt left yesterday for the Oshkosh Asylum with Ferdinand Rebenharst of Cooperstown who had been adjudged insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 24, 1895 pg. 3

REDERER Theresa Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1868; age at last birthday, 32; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

REDNER: Otilie PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Otilie Redner-33 years-Admitted August 23, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

REED: Agnes REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Agnes Reed, alleged insane. Hearing had on 9th day of November, 1936, and said Agnes Reed was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, under a writ of temporary commitment, for observation for a period of thirty days. At the end of said period, said Agnes Reed was adjudged insane and committed to Winnebago State Hospital. Physicians: Dr. Arthur Teitgen $4.20. Dr. W. C. Schmitz $4.20. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18

REEGAN: Johanne Johanne Reegan of Chicago, who has been in the Cloister at Silver Lake for some time, has been found to be mentally disturbed and must be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 May 1905

REICHSTEIN: Richard Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1858; age at last birthday, 42; single; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

REIDERER: John Sheriff Murphy took two insane people to the Oshkosh asylum this week, John Reiderer of Franklin and Byron Day. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, August 24, 1882

REIDNER: Ottile Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1855; age at last birthday, 45; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

REIF: Charles Carl Reif of Kossuth was adjudged insane and was taken to the Northern Hospital this morning by Sheriff Bolen. He is a young man and has a sister in the county asylum at this place. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 4, 1887 pg. 3 ***** Of Francis Creek, recently of Coleman, near Marinette, became suicidal and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He had been a former patient there but following an examination was released in 1888. A sister of his had also been taken to the facility a few months ago for the second time. Der Nord Westen 30 July 1903

REIF: Lena Of Reif's Mill, has been found to be mentally ill and has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 19 April 1906 ***** COMMITTED TO NORTHERN HOSPITAL FOR INSANE Miss Lena Reif of Reifs Mills was adjudged insane at an inquiry conducted in the county court on Wednesday of last week. She was committed to the Northern hospital, near Oshkosh. Her derangement resulted from illness. The case is thought to be curable. Miss Reif is 31 years old. She is the third member of the Reif family who has been committed to the hospital, the other two being a sister and a brother of hers. The unfortunate sisters are twins. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 26, 1906 pg. 1

REIF: Theresa PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Theresia Reiff-24 years-Admitted August 17, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** CHILD SENDS AUNT TO ASYLUM Infant is Unwittingly the Cause of Commitment An orphan child, the infant daughter of the late Edward Reif, of Francis Creek, was unwittingly the cause of the commitment to the Northern hospital for Insane at Oshkosh today of Miss Theresa Reif, of Kossuth, this being a condition imposed by the Court to the granting of the custody of the child to the grandparents. Reif met a tragic death at Coleman, this state, two days after having buried his wife and there was a contest in the courts for the custody of the orphan daughter of the couple, parents of both husband and wife claiming the infant. Reif was a hardware merchant at Coleman and owned considerable property and the contest for the possession of the child resolved itself into a bitter fight in the courts. Matthew Reif, father of the dead man and Ralph Peterson the parent of Mrs. Reif, brought every influence to bear and in this manner the name of Theresa Reif was introduced in the case. The woman, the daughter of Matt. Reif and aunt of the child for whose custody the fight was being waged, had at one time been committed to the asylum for the insane but had later been permitted to return home and this fact was brought out in evidence by the Peterson faction as a reason why Reif should not be given the child. The court decided in favor of Reif, stipulating however, that the daughter should again be committed to the asylum. In accordance with the decision of the Court, the commitment was authorized in County court today. Miss Reif is 39 years of age and was a patient at the hospital in 1895 and was then pronounced incurable. The family secured permission to remove her home and she had been there since. Manitowoc Daily Herald 11 December 1902

REINDL: Mrs. Rosa Mrs. Rosa Reindl of Kossuth was adjudicated as mentally ill in County Court and was transferred to the state mental facility in Oshkosh Der Nord Westen 14 May 1908 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Rosie Reindl, alleged insane. Hearing had May 7, 1908, and said Rosie Reindl adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- A.J. Shimek - $4.40 Physicians- Louis Falge - $4.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $10.50 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

REINDL: STEPHEN Stephen Reindl, aged 32, and single, was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh by probate court yesterday. Reindl is a resident of Kossuth. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, May 13, 1913 pg. 3 ***** Stephen Reindl of Kossuth age 32 years, and unmarried was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot, May 15, 1913 P. 5 ***** Stephen Reindl of Kossuth, aged 32 years, and unmarried was adjudged insane in probate court Monday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 15, 1913 pg. 5 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Stephen Reindle alleged insane. Hearing had May 12, 1913, and said Stephen Reindle adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, A. Gerand - $6.60; Erwin C. Cary - $7.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

REINEKEN: Fred PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Fred Reineken-69 years-Admitted January 20, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

REINEMANN: Chris SUNSTROKE DRIVES INSANE Centerville Farmer Attacks Wife and is Committed Insanity resulting from a sunstroke which he suffered twelve years ago, prompted Chris Reinemann, a Centerville farmer to attempt the life of his wife, Friday and upon application of the family, the unfortunate man was committed to the Northern Asylum at Oshkosh. Reinemann, who is 61 years of age and exhibited signs of insanity for sometime past but only recently became violent and Friday attacked his wife, trying to choke her. Later he had trouble with his son but was overpowered and taken into custody. The examination was conducted in Probate Court and commitment papers issued. Reinemann is a brother to Sup. Reinemann of Centerville and is a well-to-do farmer of the county. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Mar. 12, 1904 ******** INSANITY FROM SUNSTROKE Chris Reinemann Of Centerville Committed To Asylum Tried To Choke Family Judge Chloupek, in the County Court, last Saturday, adjudged insane Chris Reinemann, 61 years old, of the town of Centerville. Reinemann, who has never been himself since he had a sunstroke about 12 years ago, was discovered trying to choke his wife and children Friday evening. When brought into court, he appeared rational on some topics and seemed to know that something was the matter with him. He was taken to Oshkosh by Sheriff Pellett. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 17, 1904 pg. 1 ******** Of Centerville had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He suffered sun stroke several years ago and his condition recently reached the point where his family was no longer able to take care of him. Der Nord Westen 17 March 1904 ********** Christoph Reinemann of Centerville, who had been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh a year ago, has recently been discharged as recovered and has returned home. Der Nord Westen 25 May 1905 ***** Christ Reinemann of Centerville was recommitted to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, having been out on parole for seven years. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, December 10, 1912 pg. 4 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, E.N. Reinert, $7.20; M. Staehle, $4.20; Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Warrant of Arrest. Summons to Physicians. Committed to Hospital $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Christ Reinemann, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 10, 1912, and said Christ Reinemann adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

REININGER: John John Reininger, a boy residing with his parents on Tenth street, was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh last week. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 10, 1905 pg. 5

REINKE: Fred Rev. Emil Goch, of Newton and Fred Reinke, of Centerville, were adjudged insane this week and will be sent to Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 28, 1881 pg. 3

RIBITZKI: Emil A 40-yr. old resident of Two Rivers, was declared insane yesterday in County Court and was taken to the state facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 21 December 1899 ***** Emil Ribetzky of Two Rivers was committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh yesterday. Sheriff Lehrmann took him there in the afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 21, 1899 pg. 7 ***** Emil Ribitzke, a weak-minded person whose home is on the Southside, was last week adjudged insane and taken to the County Insane Asylum for safe keeping. Ordinarily he has been tractable and harmless but of late he has had violent spells and it was thought best to place him where he could do no harm. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, December 26, 1899 pg. 1 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Emil Rabitzky, alleged insane, Hearing had December 21, 1899, and said Emil Rabitzky was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 J.R. Currens - $4.20 Emil Christiansen - $4.20 Sheriff Henry Shenian, warrant of arrest - $7.80 Summons to physicians - $6.80 Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $60.71 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13 ***** COMMITTED TO NORTHERN HOSPITAL AT OSHKOSH Last Friday, in the county court, Emil Ribitzki, aged 45 years, a resident of the city of Two Rivers, was examined as to his sanity. He was adjudged insane, and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. He was first committed to that institution about seven years ago. In 1900 he was released as cured. Seven weeks ago his mother, with whom he had resided at Two Rivers, passed away; and it is though that the recurrence of Ribitzki's mental affliction is largely due to grief over his mother's death. He was taken to Oshkosh Saturday morning by Sheriff Eggert. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis. Thursday, May 24, 1906 pg. 5

RICE: High Charles Christiansen, who was employed for several years at the Smalley plant as foreman, had to be taken to the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh, owing to a nervous breakdown. He was taken there this morning in company with High Rice, of the town of Rapids, who was adjudged insane last Friday. Manitowoc Herald News, Wis., Monday, September 10, 1917 pg. 8

RICHTIE: Laura Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RIEDERER: Theresia Theresia Riederer of Cato was adjudged insane on Thursday last and was taken to the Oshkosh asylum on Friday by Sheriff Lehrman. She is violently insane. She is 30 years old and unmarried. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 6, 1899 pg. 3

RIERDON: Edward Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 36; single; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

ROBINSON: Anna REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Anna Robinson, alleged insane. Hearing had on the 21st day of November, 1936, and said Anna Robinson was committed to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, for a period of thirty days observation, and at the end of the thirty days observation period, the said Anna Robinson was committed to Winnebago State Hospital. Physicians: Dr. L.J. Moriarty $5.60. Dr. G.M. Hoffman $4.20. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18

ROBUHORN: Ferdinand Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1831; age at last birthday, 69; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

ROETTGER: Widow Emma Of Mishicott, has been adjudged mentally ill in County Court and has entered the local mental facility. Her 3 children will be either sent to the State School for needy children, or to the Lutheran orphanage. Der Nord Westen 24 March 1904 ***** In Probate Court an inquiry was made today in the case of Mrs. Rottger of Mishicott, who was adjudged incompetent. The woman is a widow with three children, the oldest 12 years of age and the family has been poorly provided for. The father who died two years ago, was weak-minded also. The children will be taken to the State School or to the Lutheran's Children's Home and the mother is to be cared for at the Asylum here for the present. The condition in which the family was found was appalling to officers, the home being a most uninviting spectacle. Manitowoc Daily Herald - March 22, 1904

ROHRBACH: Mary Who lived alone in Town Two Rivers, has been adjudicated to be insane and will be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. She is the owner of a large, valuable farm which she has not taken care of and has let the out-buildings fall down. She had inherited the farm from her adoptive father. Judge Cloupek has been appointed conservator to handle her affairs. Der Nord Westen 26 February 1903 ***** She Is Insane-Miss Mary Rohrbach of the Town of Two Rivers has been adjudged insane and has been committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 26, 1903 pg. 1

ROSINSKY: Albert A young farmer from Newton, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh Der Nord Westen 20 October 1904 ***** SAID HE WAS SANE DOCTORS SAY NO Albert Rozinsky, Newton, Now Says He Will Escape From Asylum HAS BEEN AT OSHKOSH Committed in 1904, He Was Paroled and Was Sent Back At His Own Request - "Sees and Hears Things" He Says Twice committed to the Northern asylum for Insane at Oshkosh, one time at his own request, and at present an inmate of the Manitowoc county asylum, Albert Rozinsky, a Newton man, demanded a re-examination in probate court Thursday, claiming to be sane and competent to care for his own affairs. Drs. Thurtell and Roberts, appointed by the court to conduct the examination, disagreed with the contention of Rozinsky and adjudged the man insane and advised against his release. The court issued an order for Rozinsky's retention at the county asylum and the man served notice that he would embrace the first opportunity to make his escape. Rozinsky was first taken into custody on October 19, 1904 and was committed to the Oshkosh asylum at that time as insane, his insanity taking the form of hallucinations. On April 28, 1905 Rozinsky was released by the hospital authorities on parole and he returned to this county and again took up his home at Newton. September 19, the same year, Rozinsky appeared in court, voluntarily and made request of Judge Chloupek that an order be issued permitting him to return to the Oshkosh institution and after an inquiry the court notified the asylum officials to come for the man and he was committed. After his return to Oshkosh, Rozinsky's condition did not improve and after a year and a half, on April 15, the present year, an order was issued transferring him to the Manitowoc county insane asylum, an action indicating that the state asylum authorities had little hope that Rozinsky would recover fully. The patient caused no trouble and appeared to improve rapidly here and was permitted the freedom of the grounds. Sunday last Rozinsky disappeared from the asylum and was absent for two days when Supt. Goedgen located him at Newton where he had applied for work as a laborer, and he was returned to the asylum. Upon his return to the asylum, Rozinsky made request to be taken before Judge Chloupek in probate court and when this was granted, he prepared an application and demanded a re-examination. Both judge Chloupek and Supt. Goedgen were led to believe the man sane but under examination of the physicians it was found that the patient suffered from hallucinations and he was adjudged insane again. Aside from the hallucinations Rozinsky appeared rational and conversed intelligently and gave a detailed story of his life. Told that he could not be released, Rozinsky exhibited disappointment and then declared that he would make his escape and would never consent to remain with "the crazy people." He told the court that he was as sane as the physicians who had examined him or the court itself and that it was an injustice to compel him to remain at the asylum. Rozinsky has no family, being single. He had resided at Newton for years before his commitment and has never exhibited a violent form of insanity. The case is peculiar and it is expected that some trouble may be experienced with Rozinsky. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, May 11, 1907 pg. 1 ***** DEMANDED A RE-EXAMINATION Albert Rosinsky, formerly of the town of newton, and now confined at the Manitowoc County insane asylum recently demanded a re-examination as to his sanity. The request was granted and the examination held before Judge Chloupek last Saturday. Drs. Thurtell and Roberts were appointed by the court to conduct the examination and reported that in their opinion Rosinsky was still insane, and advised against his release. The court thereupon ordered him re-committed to the asylum. Before going Rosinsky served notice that he would take advantage of the first opportunity to affect his escape. Rosinsky was first committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh in October 1904, and was released from there on parole in April 1905. In the fall of the same year, he appeared voluntarily before the county court here and requested that he be recommitted to the Oshkosh Hospital. After an examination his commitment was ordered, and he remained there until April 15 of this year. As his condition had not improved, he was at that time transferred to the local asylum where he has since been confined. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 16, 1907 pg. 1

ROSINSKY: August Who was furloughed from the state mental facility on 01 Apr., has been sent back. He suffers from a persecution complex and was returned there where he might feel more secure Der Nord Westen 21 September 1905

RUBY: Joseph RUBY ADJUDGED INSANE Joseph Ruby, the Town of Two Creeks farmer who left his dead mother alone in her home with the doors barred and windows open, when he went to seek the services of a cheap undertaker and grave digger, has been adjudged insane. Ruby's mother died on Sunday and when Sheriff Cary of Manitowoc visited the premises on Tuesday, the body was found lying partly on the bed and partly on the floor, the windows open and the place in general disorder. No attempt had been made by ruby to care for the body and he is said to have warned neighbors that they were not wanted when his mother was ill, and no one attempted to interfere with him. Ruby is said to have armed himself on occasions when persons visited the house and no one in the vicinity wanted anything to do with the man. His disappearance and the fact that the doors were barred led neighbors who knew of Mrs. Ruby's illness, to investigate; with the result that the complaint was made to probate court and the sheriff was dispatched to the scene. Ruby said that he had left home to secure an undertaker and grave digger but that he wanted to enquire so that he could get the cheapest services. He was at Kewaunee and was at Maribel Monday night, and was on his way to Two Rivers when taken into custody by the sheriff. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, November 1, 1910 pg. 1 ***** RUBY IS SENT TO THE ASYLUM Two Creeks Man Adjudged Insane by Two Physicians Joseph Ruby, the Two Creeks youth who has been held in custody of probate court since the death of his mother a week ago when he left the body alone and unguarded at the mercy of animals, was committed to the Northern Hospital for insane at Oshkosh by the court Tuesday upon recommendation of physicians who conducted an examination into the man's mental condition and adjudged him insane. Examination was made by Drs. Currens and Farrel of this city and Ruby was taken to Oshkosh by the sheriff. Following the commitment of ruby application was made in court for appointment of trustee for his estate which includes an 80 acre farm in Two Creeks, four head of valuable horses, farm machinery etc. A brother of Ruby who came here from Iowa at the time of his mother's death summoned by probate court officials after the inquiry at the Ruby home declared that his brother had never been entirely "right" in mind and was satisfied that he should be committed to the asylum. Ruby is 24 years of age and has been considered a little queer by neighbors. It is said the man shun his fellows and never sought companionship of others, rather sought to avoid friendships and it is said that he even refused to admit neighbors to his home when they would have visited there. Physicians believe that the Ruby case may respond to treatment and efforts will be made to restore him. Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Friday, November 4, 1910 pg. 1 ***** The auction held last Saturday on the farm of Jos. Ruby, who was recently adjudged insane, was well attended. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, November 15, 1910 pg. 1 ***** FARM FOR SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on the 15th day of February, A.D. 1912, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, at the County Judge's office, in the Court House, in the city of Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, the undersigned will sell, subject to the approval of the Court, the farm of Joseph Ruby, which contains eighty acres and is located in the Town of Two Creeks, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, and is described as the N1/2 of the NW1/4 of Section 27 Township 21 north of Range 24 east; Also forty acres of woodland belonging to said Joseph ruby in the town of Mishicott in said county and state, describes as the SE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Section 18 in the township and range above named. Dated January 12, 1912. PETER SCHOEDER. General Guardian of Joseph Ruby, Insane. F.W. Dicke, Attorney. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, January 16, 1912 pg. 8

RUH: Henry Henry Ruh, the Kiel youth who has been adjudged insane, was taken to the Northern Hospital for Insane at Oshkosh, where he will receive treatment today. Manitowoc Daily Herald 23 October 1902 ********** Henry Ruh of Kiel had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh because of mental illness. Der Nord Westen 30 October 1902

RUMAE: Alma Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RUMPF: Mrs. Mrs. Rumpf of Mishicott had an attack of the grippe and in one of the paroxysms of pain became insane. While in this condition she slashed her wrist with a razor and almost bled to death before receiving medical assistance. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, April 7, 1892 pg. 3

RUMPF: Anna and son William MOTHER AND SON SEEK FREEDOM FROM ASYLUM Mrs. Anna Rumpf and Son William, Committed to Asylum Year ago, ask Jury to Say they are Sane Mother and son inmates of the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for more than a year during which time the son has been crippled by loss of a leg through an accident are today asking a jury in probate court to free them of restraint by declaring them sane and the hearing which is being held before Judge Chloupek in the circuit court room is attracting much interest, a large crowd of spectators being present. It is not probably that the hearing will be completed today. The petitioners are Mrs. Anna Rumpf and William Rumpf, wife and son of Fred Rumpf who was recently released from the Northern hospital after a jury trial in which he was held to be sane. Rumpf immediately set about to secure the release of his wife and son and filed a petition for a jury hearing in their cases. Rumpf, his wife and son were committed at the same time about a year ago when they were adjudged insane by physicians after examination in probate court. The family formerly resided in the country and later moved to the city. The three claimed that life had been made unbearable in their farm home by neighbors and among the stories told by the Rumpf's was that neighbors danced in their barn at night, using flashlights, that members of the family had been shot at and that water in their well had been poisoned. Rumpf wrote to Gov. Phillip and later visited Madison, carrying with him a bottle containing samples of the alleged poisoned water. Investigation by the authorities led to the belief that the Rumpf's were insane and an examination was rendered and the three were committed to the Oshkosh asylum. While at the hospital at Oshkosh, William Rumpf, the son while accompanying a wagon from Oshkosh with supplies for the hospital, was severely injured when the wagon was struck by a Soo line train. Young Rumpf, aged 30, had both legs broken and crushed that amputation was necessary. He appeared in court today crippled. At the hearing today District Attorney Brady is representing the state and Atty. J.J. Healy appears for the petitioners. Dr. Gilles, assistant for Dr. Sherman at the Northern hospital under whose care Mrs. Rumpf and her son have been, was a witness at the hearing and gave as his opinion that both Mrs. Rumpf and the son were mentally unbalanced and should not be at large. In the hearing in the case of the father Dr. Sherman was a witness. Young Rumpf who was called as a witness at the opening of hearing today adhered to the stories the family told before commitment to Oshkosh and said that he believed in the truth. The incidents of which Rumpf complained happened two or three years ago before their removal to the city but they claimed that the same events followed them into the city as it was after coming here that Rumpf Sr. visited Madison. Since his release from the Oshkosh hospital Rumpf (remainder of paragraph over inked). Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, July 11, 1919 pg. 1 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. In the matter of the re-examination of Hannah and William Rumph, who have been declared insane, and committed to the Northern Hospital. Hearing had July 11th, 1919 and the said Hannah Rumpf and William Rumpf were adjudged sane. Costs. (include five physicians for one to three days, and four jurors plus mileage) Thomas H. Brennan, Sheriff, return on order bringing Hannah Rumpf from Hospital, $17.00. Thomas H. Brennan, Sheriff, return on order bringing William Rumpf from Hospital, $11.70. The Doctors fees and Jurors fees should be allowed and orders issued by the County. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

RUMPF: Fred THE WHOLE FAMILY FOUND TO BE INSANE Obsessed With the Thought That They Were Being Persecuted Insanity is not considered contagious but it seems as if it might be so from the report of a case by the Manitowoc Herald showing that an entire family was adjudged insane in one day following a hearing held in probate court at Manitowoc. Father, mother and son, the only members of the family of Fred Rumph 1225 So. Twenty-first street, were Thursday ordered committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. It is believed that the three have been insane for more than two years. Commitment of the three followed investigation made by health Officer J.E. Meany on orders of the state board of health, to whom the case was referred by Gov. Phillipp. Rumph, Sr., had appealed to him on two occasions for protection against alleged persecution. Rumph visited Madison last week for a second time. Rumph was formerly a blacksmith at School Hill, then located on a farm at Schleswig and later came to this city. Rumph labored under hallucination that he was being persecuted and that an effort was being made to sell his property at a loss. He told the authorities that at Schleswig neighbors had poisoned his cattle, fed ground glass to his chickens, locked his barn doors on himself, held dances in the barns. He said he left Schleswig to escape, but that his tormentors followed him to the city. When Rumph visited the governor last week, he carried with him three bottles of water which he said had been poisoned. The governor notified the state health board to investigate and Health Officer Meany was advised. When Rumph and his wife and son appeared in probate court, they still had the three bottles of water which were found to be alright. Inquiry made convinced the physicians and court that the three were insane and they were ordered committed to Oshkosh Asylum Two Rivers Reporter, Wis., Friday, July 5, 1918 pg. 1 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. In the Matter of the re-examination of Fred Rumph, who has been declared insane, and committed to the Northern Hospital. Hearing had May 12, 1919 and the said Fred Rumpf was adjudged sane. Costs. (include four physicians for one to three days, a witness plus mileage and six jurors plus mileage) Thomas H. Brennan, Sheriff, return on bringing Fred Rumph from hospital, $11.20 Doctors, Witnesses and jurors fees should be allowed and order issued by the County. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

RUNGE: Alvine PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Alvine Runge-23 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

RUSCH: August August Rusch of Rockland was adjudged insane on Monday and was taken to Oshkosh on Tuesday by Sheriff Lehrman. The cause of his insanity was excessive drink. Gus Mueller was appointed guardian of his child. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, August 3, 1899 pg. 7 ***** Of Reedsville, who was recently furloughed from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has had to be returned there. Der Nord Westen 17 October 1907

RUSE: Franklin P. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, Illinois 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RUTHLEDGE: Wm. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1861; age at last birthday, 39; single; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

RYALKE: Christopher Who has been in St. Marien Hospital the past 5 yrs., became suicidal and had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Many years ago he had the misfortune of being kicked in the head by a horse and has been ill ever since. Der Nord Westen 17 July 1902

RYAN: John Local and Personal: John Ryan of Franklin, from 25 to 30 years of age and a bachelor, was taken to the insane asylum at Oshkosh last week. He lived alone on a farm north of Taus. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 3, 1914 pg. 5


SACHSE: Christine City and County: Christina Sachse of Centerville was brought to the city last week by Deputy Sheriff Smith. She is said to be insane, but her case has not yet been passed upon. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 27, 1887 pg. 3 ***** SACHSE: Christine PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Christine Sachse-65 years-Admitted October 26, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1822; age at last birthday, 78; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SATORIA: Antonia A 48-year old single lady living near Reedsville, has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 22 August 1907 ***** Mrs. Antonia Satoria who lives near Reedsville, was examined in county court today and adjudged insane, and taken to Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 22, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Local and Personal: Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern Hospital for Insane have been returned to the county asylum, having been pronounced incurable. They are Carl Koebel of Newton, Patrick Lee of Cooperstown and Antonia Satorie of Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 30, 1908 pg. 5

SCHACK: Hugo H. REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, F.J.E. Westgate, $4.20; F.S. Luhmann, $4.20; Geo. Groffman, Warrant of Arrest, $2.20; Summons to Physicians, $4.00. Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Hugo H. Schack, alledged Insane. Hearing had March 14, 1912 and said Hugo H. Schack adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4

SCHAEFER: Carl REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS To The Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1918, up to and including this 12th day of May, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. In County Court, Manitowoc County. In the Matter of Carl Schaefer, alleged insane. Hearing had December 9, 1918 and said Carl Schaefer adjudged insane and committed to Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. Costs. Physicians, George Patchen, $4.20; J.F. Pritchard, $4.20. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 2, 1919 pg. 5

SCHALLER: Carl COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Carl Schaller, alleged insane. Hearing had July 14, 1913, and said Carl Schaller was discharged. Costs. Physicians, T.J.E. Westgate - $4.20 J.A. Roberts - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

SCHELER: Adolph City and County: Sheriff Bolen this week took an insane man to the Oshkosh Asylum. The man's name is Adolph Scheler, a day laborer who has no fixed residence. He worked for a time in Cato and in Newton. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 20, 1887 pg. 3

SCHENK: Johanna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Johanna Schenk-43 years-Admitted July 8, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

SCHENK: Kate City and County: Judge Anderson committed Kate Schenk of this city to the Oshkosh asylum yesterday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 30, 1897 pg. 3

SCHELE: Appolonia ABELONA SCHELE ADJUDGED INSANE Abelona Schele, St. Nazians, was adjudged insane on examination in Judge Chloupek's court today. He will be sent to the Northern Hospital for the insane tomorrow. Manitowoc Tribune, Wis., Tuesday, August 10, 1909 pg. 1 ***** Appolonia Schile, the St. Nazianz woman who was adjudged insane yesterday was committed to the Northern hospital this morning being taken to Oshkosh by Deputy Wilski. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, August 11, 1909 pg. 2

SCHIMMEL: Jake A Two Rivers man named Jake Schimmel was brought before the county court yesterday and adjudged insane. Sheriff Bolen will take him to Oshkosh tomorrow. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 8, 1888

SCHIMMELPFENNIG: Christian Christian Schimmelpfennig of the Seventh ward became suddenly insane on Sunday last and assaulted his mother, an old lady 84 years of age. He beat her cruelly and then visited a neighbor, stating he had killed someone. He was covered with blood. He was always a quiet young man and affectionate toward his parents. he was adjudged insane on Monday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 10, 1898 pg. 3

SCHINDLER: Anna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Anna Schindler-40 years-Admitted January 26, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

SCHIPPER: Joseph Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1833; age at last birthday, 67; single; place of birth, Poland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHLEGELMILCH: Emil A prosperous farmer in Town Cooperstown, had to undergo a sanity hearing. Testimony indicated that he had so avidly followed news coverage of the murder trial of New York millionaire Thaw, and brooded so deeply over the outcome, that he snapped. He was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. The doctors believe that under the proper care he can be healed. Der Nord Westen 03 October 1907

SCHMALSTEIG: Magdelena PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Magd. Schmallsteig-34 years-Admitted August 17, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1855; age at last birthday, 45; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHMIDT: Fred PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; W.E. Donahue, $4.20; Geo. Groffman, Chief of Police; Warrant of Arrest, $1.20; Summons to Physicians, $4.70. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Fred Schmidt, alleged Insane. Petition for reexamination after being paroled from the Northern Hospital, Oshkosh, Wis. Hearing had April 21, 1913, and said Fred Schmidt was discharged. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SCHNEIDER: William R. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, A.M. Farrel, $5.60; J.E. Meany, $4.20; Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett, Committed to Hospital $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of William R. Schnieder, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 6, 1912, and said William R. Schnieder adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SCHNEIDLER: Anna Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1847; age at last birthday, 53; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHNELL: Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Mary Schnell-35 years-Admitted February 4, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

SCHNORR: Frank PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Frank Schnorr-33 years-Admitted May 7, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

SCHNUELLE: August REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of August Schnuelle, alleged insane. Hearing had January 18th, A.D. 1900, and said August Schnuelle was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-H. Schaper, 6 miles travel - $5.20 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $21.00 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $11.20 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $79.81 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13

SCHNURR: Bertha (AKA Sr. M. Lucy) REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Sr. M. Lucy (Bertha Schnurr), adjudged insane Dec. 20th, 1917; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians J.E. Meany $4.40, W.E. Donahue $4.40, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $19.66. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

SCHOBER: Mrs. Of Two Rivers was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh yesterday as mentally disturbed. Der Nord West en 18 July 1907

SCHOENAHA: Joseph PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, W.E. Donahue, $4.20; J.F. Pritchard, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Joseph Schoenaha, alleged Insane. Hearing had March 8, 1913, and said Joseph Schoenaha adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SCHROEDER: Albert SCHROEDER IS INSANE Hospital Patient Is Taken To Oshkosh Asylum Albert Schroeder, a patient at the Holy Family hospital who made his escape from the institution Thursday night by leaping from a second story window, has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. Schroeder, who is 33 and unmarried, is believed to have been a victim of mental trouble for two years past but until recently, his condition had not been such as to warrant interference of the authorities. The man is a farmer, residing south of the city. It is said that he may recover under treatment. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, January 11, 1908 pg. 1 ***** Local and Personal: Albert Schroeder, who has been a patient at the Holy Family hospital the past few weeks, was adjudged insane Saturday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. He is a resident of town of Manitowoc, residing south of the city and is 33 years of age. He has been engaged in farming and is unmarried. He has been weak mentally the past two years. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 16, 1908 pg. 5 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Albert Schroeder, alleged insane. Hearing had January 10, 1908, and said Albert Schroeder adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- H. Thurtell - $4.40 Physicians- C.M. Gleason - $4.46 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $6.60 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

SCHROEDER: Geo Adam Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1863; age at last birthday, 37; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHROEDER: Louis REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE AS TO INSANE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 15th day of May, A.D. 1909, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Louis Schroeder, alleged insane. Hearing had May 8, 1909, and said Louis Schroeder adjusted insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- W.G. Kemper - $4.20 Physicians- Louis Falge - $4.20 Sheriff Joseph C. Willinger, warrant of arrest - $13.60 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.40 Referred to the Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 24, 1909 pg. 4 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, W.G. Kemper, $4.20; Louis Falge, $4.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Louis Schroeder, alledged Insane. Hearing had December 19, 1911 and said Louis Schroeder upon a reexamination as to his insanity was declared sane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4

SCHUETTE: Annie PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, E.N. Reinert, $7.20; Louis Falge, $4.20. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Annie Schuette, alleged Insane. Hearing had April 22, 1913, and said Annie Schuette adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane, but being detained for a time at the detention hospital at Manitowoc County Asylum where she recovered and was discharged by order of the court. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SCHUETZE: Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Mary Schuetze-80 years-Admitted August 17, 1887… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

SCHULTZ: August A farmer from Town Cooperstown who had once been a patient in the state mental facility in Oshkosh but had been released following a hearing, had to be taken back because his condition deteriorated. Der Nord Westen 16 April 1908 ***** REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of August Schultz, alleged insane. Hearing had April 10, 1908, and said August Schultz adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- Paul Guttmann - $6.80 Physicians- A.J. Shimek - $4.20 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $14.40 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $30.20 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

SCHULTZ: D. A resident on Two Rivers south side, has been sent to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 29 August 1901

SCHULTZ: John He Went Insane - Religion so affected the mind of John Schultz, a Two Rivers man that he went violently insane this week. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 29, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Local and Personal: John Schultz an old resident of the Southside was adjudged insane for the second time last Thursday and taken to Oshkosh for treatment. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, October 23, 1906 pg. 7 ***** A resident on the South Side of Two Rivers, was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh for the second time. Der Nord Westen 25 October 1906

SCHULTZ: Rieke A woman living in Two Rivers who has been feeble minded since birth, last week was transferred from there to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 May 1893

SCHULTZ: William Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1841; age at last birthday, 59; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHUNK: Margaretha Margaretha Schunk, a patient in the local mental facility, decided to visit her old home in Mill Home, Town Schleswig. She got as far as Eaton where she was recognized and brought back to the facility. Der Nord Westen 14 December 1899 ********** Margaretha Schunk: Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1841; age at last birthday, 50; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCHUSTER: Robert Robt. Schuster of this place was taken to the Oshkosh Insane Asylum for treatment this morning, he having been adjudged insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, February 16, 1886 pg. 3 ***** Robt. Schuster of this city, whose wife was buried two weeks ago, was, on Saturday last, adjudged insane and taken to Oshkosh for treatment. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, September 28, 1897 pg. 3 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, A.M. Farrel, $5.60; E. Gates, $5.60; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. Total Amount, $26.30. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Robert Schuster, alleged Insane. Hearing had May 8, 1913, and said Robert Schuster adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, July 10, 1913 pg. 7

SCHWARZ: John PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … John Schwarz-87 years-Admitted May 7, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

SCHWEDA: George PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. E.M. Jacobs, $4.20; Max Staehle, $4.20; Geo. Groffman, Chief of Police; Warrant of Arrest, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of George Schweda, alleged Insane. Hearing had Feb. 11, 1913, and said George Schweda adjudged insane and committed to Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SCHWEITZER: Fred COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Fred Schweitzer, alleged insane. Hearing had October 23, 1913, and said Fred Schweitzer adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, W.E. Donohue - $4.20 Max Staehle - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

SCOFIELD: Milo Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1829; age at last birthday, 71; single; place of birth, Vermont 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SCZPANSKI: Mrs. Stephan Of Newton, who has been a patient in St. Mary's Hospital for several weeks, has been declared mentally ill and has been sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 December 1903 ***** Stephan Sczepanski has filed a petition in the County Court to be appointed guardian over his wife who was recently committed to the State Insane Asylum at Oshkosh. Mrs. Sczepanski was driven insane through neglect or improper treatment at childbirth a short while ago. The doctors think that with care and rest she may recover. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, December 24, 1903 pg. 5

SEEGER, Mary PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. Mary Seeger-62 years-Admitted January 17, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

SEHRS: Arnold Arnold Sehrs of Meeme was adjudged insane last week and sent to the asylum at this place. His sons came from Menominee this morning to see him. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 1, 1894 pg. 3

SHAFFER: Julia YOUNG LIFE SADLY BLIGHTED Julia Shaffer, Sixteen Year Old Girl Declared Insane Miss Julia Shaffer, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shaffer, of Branch, was adjudged insane at an examination held in County Court this morning and was committed to the Northern Hospital for treatment. Her derangement is not serious and it is hoped that the treatment will effect a permanent cure. The girl is but sixteen years of age and was a very bright child and a good musician. She has no especial delusion but will agree to anything no matter how impossible. The application for examination was signed by her parent and near relatives. She will be taken to the hospital at Oshkosh tomorrow. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, May 27, 1903 pg. 1 ***** A sad affliction has come to Mr. and Mrs. F. Shafer, of Branch, their daughter, Miss Julia, having suffered derangement of the mind. The girl, who is sixteen years of age, has been acting strangely for some time and Wednesday was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh for treatment. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 28, 1903 pg. 1 ***** The 16-yr. old daughter of Frank Shaffer in Branch, was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 28 May 1903

SHAMROCK: Mrs. Anna A Two Rivers resident had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. She had lost her reason through grieving over the death of her husband. Der Nord Westen 17 July 1902

SHAW: John John Shaw, a former conductor on the Lake Shore & Western was lately adjudged insane and sent to the Oshkosh asylum. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 27, 1889 pg. 3

SHEA: Mrs. Sheriff Murphy took Mrs. Shea of Franklin to the Oshkosh asylum, last week. She is an old lady 70 years of age. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 31, 1881

SHEPARD: Michael Sheriff Bolen on Monday last, took Michael Shepard of the town of Manitowoc to the State Asylum at Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 26, 1888

SHIMON: Emil Emil Shimon, a town of franklin farmer, was adjudged insane in county court Saturday and taken to the asylum at Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 6, 1912 pg. 5

SHLENFELDT: William REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of William Shlenfeldt, alleged insane. Hearing had May 17th, A.D. 1900, and said William Shlenfeldt was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-F.S. Luhmann - $4.20 Physicians-J.A. Roberts - $4.20 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $20.50 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $33.21 Total amount - $72.51 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13

SHORT: Anna Local and Personal: Anna Short, an inmate of the county insane asylum, escaped from that institution at an early hour last Thursday evening. Four hours later she was picked up by a night patrolman in the vicinity of the Wm. Rahr Malting company's plant on South Twentieth Street. She was returned to the asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 3, 1907 pg. 5

SHUPITA: Frank MANITOWOC RESIDENT DECLARED INSANE Frank Shupita, Aged 30, Is Committed to Northern Hospital at Oshkosh-Trouble Is Recent Manitowoc, Wis., Sept. 11. -[Special]-Frank Shupita, aged 30, has been adjudged insane and committed to the northern asylum at Oshkosh. Shupita retained attorneys and was given a jury trial. He has resided here fourteen years and the mental trouble dates back only two months. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, September 15, 1903 pg. 2 ***** A local resident, has been adjudged insane by the county court and sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 September 1903

SIMON: Kilian REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS— Killian Simon (sic), alleged insane. Hearing had on the 7th day of September, 1937 , and said Killian Simon was adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum at Manitowoc, Wisconsin. Physicians: Dr. W. C. Schmitz $.20, Dr. A. J. Shimek $4.20 Manitowoc Herald Times, January 17, 1938 P. 10

SKARVAN: Fred REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the Statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all proceedings and hearings relative to insane patients had and determined since the filing of my last report November 1, 1936, up to and including January 1, 1937. Edward S. Schmitz, County Judge Fred Skarvan, re-examination. Hearing had on the 10th day of December, 1936, and said Fred Skarvan was adjudged insane and returned to Winnebago State Hospital at Winnebago, Wisconsin, for further treatment. Physicians: Dr. W.E. Donahue $4.20, Dr. N.C. Erdmann $4.20. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 31, 1937 p.17, 18

SKUBAHL, Mrs. Sheriff Murphy left on Tuesday for the Oshkosh asylum with Mrs. Skubahl of Gibson, who lately became insane. Here is rather a sad story. Less than a year ago she secured a divorce from her husband. At the time she was enceinte although not in so advanced a state of pregnancy as to be noticeable. Soon her mind showed signs of being unbalanced and she gradually grew worse until she became a conformed maniac. While in that condition she gave birth to her child. The maternal instinct was not obliterated by the dethronement of reason and she cared in a rough way for the unfortunate little one who came into the world under such inauspicious circumstances. The former husband refused to take the child and it was impossible to get it admitted to the Oshkosh hospital. Mother and child were brought to the jail here and after some little negotiations the father was induced to take the child. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 19, 1882

SLADKY: Dorothy PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. A.J. Shimek, $4.40; Louis Falge, $4.40. In the matter of Dorothy Sladky, alleged Insane. Hearing had December 2, 1912, and said Dorothy Sladky adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

SLADKY: Martin TAKEN WHILE INSANE IN TOWN OF FRANCIS CREEK Martin Sladky of Mount Porter, Kewaunee county, was adjudged insane in county court here and has been taken to the Northern Asylum for the insane by Sheriff Burt. He wandered away from his home some days ago and was found near Francis Creek, fourteen miles from here, in a half starved condition. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 7, 1902 pg. 3

SMITH: Mrs. Charles Judge Kirwan was yesterday notified of the insanity of Mjrs. Chas. Smith, of Two Rivers. She will probably be sent to Oshkosh. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 13, 1880 ******** Local Matters: The wife of Chas. Smith, of this city, has been adjudged insane and was taken to the Insane Hospital at Oshkosh for treatment yesterday. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 18, 1880 pg. 3 ***** Sheriff Pierce took Peter Bennett of Meeme, and Mrs. Charles Smith, of Two Rivers, to the insane asylum at Oshkosh, last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 20, 1880

SMITH: Gerritt Gerritt Smith is insane, and has been taken to the Insane Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, November 18, 1859 P.2

SNELL: August Of Schleswig has been declared insane Der Nord Westen 18 January 1900 ********** August Snell of Schleswig was taken to the mental facility in Oshkosh on Fri. Der Nord Westen 25 January 1900

SOBIESZCYK: Frank REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: Frank Sobieszcyk, Alleged Insane. Hearing had Oct. 8th, 1919 and said Frank Sobieszcyk was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, F.W. Hammond, $4.20; A.J. Shimek, $4.20; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $17.30. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

SOLBERG: Nelson Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1836; age at last birthday, 66; married; place of birth, Sweden 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SPECHT: Catherine Rapids news: Mrs. Specht an old lady at the Rapids was taken to the insane asylum last week. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, August 25, 1885 P.4 ***** PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Cath. Specht-61 years-Admitted August 12, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

SPECHT: Thomas A 35 yr. old resident of our city, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. He is married, father of 5 children, and is fixated with the idea that his death is imminent. Der Nord Westen 04 February 1904 ***** Notes of City and Town Folks: Judge Chloupek in Probate Court Tuesday committed Thomas Specht, 35 years old, to the insane asylum at Oshkosh. The man has five children. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 4, 1904 pg. 5

SPEERMAN: Albert Committed to Asylum. Albert Speerman, a city employe was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh last week, after having been a patient at St. Mary's hospital for several months. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 8, 1906 pg. 1

SPOETTEL: Mrs. Minnie The County Judge has transferred Mrs. Minnie Spoettel of Kiel from Holy Family Hospital to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 15 June 1905

SPRECHT: Theodore ALGEBRA KEPT HIM UP NIGHTS. Theo. Sprecht Sent back To Oshkosh-Colell Also Committed Theodore Sprecht, 2201 Washington street, a well known carpenter of the city, was adjudged insane in county court Monday, being examined upon request of relatives. Sprecht has been on parole from the Northern Hospital since 1904 but will be sent back. Relatives stated that the man would sit up until two and three o'clock in the morning working imaginary algebra problems and lately had read of the fourth dimension discovery and was working on that. He became a student of a correspondent school and is said to have been exceptionally bright. Some time ago, while his mind was affected, Sprecht placed orders for 100 oil stoves with several mail order houses. The court also committed Herman Colell, a So. Seventh street man who has been in the lime light more or less lately because of troubles with his wife. Colell paraded the streets Sunday in robes and with a saber following a quarrel at home. Colell is a teamster id is believed to be curable. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Tuesday, August 16, 1910 pg. 1

ST. GERMAINE: Delore REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Delore St. Germaine, hearing Dec. 14th, 1917 and adjudged insane. Costs, Physicians E. Gates $5.60, J.R. Currens $5.60. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

ST. PETER: Aleck Of Two Rivers, who traveled to Seattle a few weeks ago withRobert Gehling, suddenly lost his mind and had to be placed under care. He willbe transferred to Wisconsin authorities and be placed in a mental facility. Der Nord Westen 11 April 1901 ***** ST. PETERS: Alexander Two Rivers: Eight days after leaving his home in Two Rivers to seek a fortune in the West, Alexander St. Peters became a raving maniac and at Seattle, Wash., was taken in custody as a person whom it was unsafe to allow at large. St. Peters, who is a son of Mrs. Margaret St. Peters, is 27 years of age. On March 26 he started west. He was in excellent health and there was no indication of any mental trouble. Relatives here have appealed to the state Board of Control to have the patient returned to this county. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 11, 1901 pg. 8

STADLER: Mrs. Local and Personal: Mrs. Stadler, aged 58 years, was adjudged insane in probate court Friday, and committed to the Northern Hospital for insane at Oshkosh. She is a resident of this city and has been a patient at the hospital the past two weeks. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 1, 1907 pg. 5

STAHL: Mrs. Supervisor Niquette of Two Rivers brought Mrs. Stahl to the county asylum on Tuesday. The old lady is about 80 years of age and had been insane for some time. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, July 10, 1890 pg. 3

STARK: Amelia A. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. W.E. Donahue, $4.20; J.A. Roberts, $4.20; Sheriff Herman C. Schuette, Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Amelia A. Stark, alleged Insane. Hearing had Feb. 7, 1913, and said Amelia A. Stark adjudged insane and committed to Northern Hospital for the Insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

STAUB: Michael Being taken into custody Thursday on account of his strange actions, Michael Staub was adjudged insane Monday at the examination and ordered taken to Oshkosh. It appeared that he had been a former inmate released on parole but his old malady returning he was sent back. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 20, 1903 pg. 1

STAUDINGER: John REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE HEARINGS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relating to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, May 13, 1919, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1919. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the following: John Staudinger, Alleged Insane. Hearing had August 4th, 1919 and said John Staudinger was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs: -Physicians, George Patchen, $4.20; M. Staehle, $4.20; Sheriff Thomas H. Brennan, $17.00. Referred to Committee on Insane. Adopted Nov. 26, 1919. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, December 26, 1919 pg. 6

STEINER: Emma COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Emma Steiner, alleged insane. Hearing had May 24, 1913, and said Emma Steiner adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, E.M. Jacobs - $4.20 T.J.E. Westgate - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

STEINHOFFER: Mrs. Of Kewaunee County, a patient in the local mental facility, went missing from the facility several days ago but was found by policeman Trochlell that same evening in the shipyards, bareheaded and barefoot. She was placed in the county jail overnight and returned to the mental facility the next day. Der Nord Westen 03 May 1906

STEINKE: Marie Who works in the service of cemetery manager G.M. Frase, suddenly became mentally unbalanced and had to be transported to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 29 June 1899 ***** Maria Steinke of this city was adjudged insane on Monday and was taken to the Oshkosh asylum the same day by Sheriff Lehrmann. She is 18 years old. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, June 29, 1899 pg. 8

STEINSOM: Anna Of Manitowoc Rapids has been sent to the state home for the feeble minded by Judge Anderson. Der Nord Westen 21 June 1900

STELZER: Mrs. Joseph Mrs. Joseph Stelzer of Gibson, was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh in probate court today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, October 30, 1915 pg. 3

STEPEK: Josephine Sherriff Schmidt took Josephine Sipek of Kossuth to the Oshkosh asylum on Monday last. Manitowoc Pilot 24 September 1896 ********** Josephine Stepek: Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; married; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

STEUCK: Frank Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1860; age at last birthday, 40; married; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

STRAUCH: Arthur Arthur Strauch a lad 13 years of age was adjudged insane and taken to the Oshkosh asylum on Thursday last by Sheriff Muth. His difficulty is said to be largely due to cigarette smoking. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 25, 1897 pg. 1 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1884; age at last birthday, 16; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

STRAUCH: Walter REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Walter Strauch, adjudged insane Jan. 22nd, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital for insane. Costs, Physicians J.E. Meany $4.20, Geo. Patchen $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $15.48. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

SULLIVAN: Patrick has been adjudicated as insane in County Court and taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 27 November 1902

SVACINA: John An aged resident of our city, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh because of a persecution mania. Der Nord Westen 03 October 1901

SWEDLIK: Katie Of Kossuth was declared insane on Sat. by the County Court and was turned over to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 05 October 1899 ********** Katie Swedlik: Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1878; age at last birthday, 22; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

SWETLIK: Joseph A 59-year old farmer in Town Kossuth, had been found to be mentally disturbed and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 05 November 1908 ***** INSANE LATE IN LIFE Adjudged insane at the age of 68 and his commitment ordered is the experience of Joseph Swetlik, a farmer of the county. The dementia of the aged patient of late has assumed violent forms and a restraint has become necessary. Mr. Swetlik has two daughters, inmates of the state home for the feeble minded. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 5, 1908 pg. 1 ***** COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Joseph Swetlik, alleged insane. Hearing had September 17 and October 21, 1913, and said Joseph Swetlik was discharged Costs. Physicians, W.H. Vosburgh - $8.00 C.M. Gleason - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4


TEGGE, Henry GETS TEN DAY IN THE INSANE ASYLUM Henry Tegge, who has several times been arrested for being drunk and disorderly, was again arrested on a similar charge on Sunday and on Monday appeared before Judge Schmidt who sentenced him to spend ten days in the county insane asylum. This is the first sentence of the kind ever imposed in the county. Two Rivers Chronicle, Manitowoc Wis., Wednesday, October 15, 1924 pg. 1

TEUSCHAL: John One day last week an old man entered Judge Anderson's office and requested that he be sent back to the Asylum at Oshkosh. He had been sent their originally by Judge Baensch but had been discharged some time ago. He said he felt the trouble coming on him again and he came all the way from Birnamwood to be committed. He could remember the name of the physician who examined him, Dr. Luhmann, and he first called on him asking to be sent to the asylum. He had lived at the Branch before his first commitment and gave his name as John Teuschal. Clerk Schaffland was called upon but could not positively identify him. He was to call the next day so as to give time for enquiries to be made concerning him, and while in the clerk's office next day lost control of himself and became a raving maniac. He was sent to the hospital. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 17, 1898 pg. 3

THOMAS: Marcella COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Marcella Thomas, alleged insane. Hearing had May 16, 1913, and said Marcella Thomas adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, F.S. Luhman - $4.20 Geo. W. Patchen - $4.20 Geo. Groffman, chief of police Warrant of arrest - $1.20 Summons to physicians - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

THOMPSON: Alfred REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE CASES. In County Court - Manitowoc County, In the matter of Alfred Thompson, alleged insane. Hearing had February 18th, 1914, and said Alfred Thompson adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the insane. Costs. Physicians, Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; Geo. W. Patchen, $4.20; To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane cases had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 11th, 1913, up to and including this 18th day of May, 1914. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to Committee on Insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 16, 1914 pg. 4

THOR: Marianda Sheriff Schmidt took Marianda Thor of Cato to the Oshkosh asylum on Friday last. She was adjudged insane the previous day. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 5, 1896 pg. 4

THORSON: Thor. Judge Anderson committed Thor Thorson of Manitowoc Rapids to the Oshkosh asylum this week. Manitowoc Pilot, September 12, 1895 P. 3 ***** Of Manitowoc Rapids, recently furloughed from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, had to be returned there Tues. Der Nord Westen 05 September 1901 ***** The Malady Chronic—Thor Torson of Rapids was recommitted to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh. Torson, who has been out on parole since April, was adjudged insane in 1891 and since that time has been allowed his freedom. The malady being chronic, it was found necessary to recommit him occasionally. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 5, 1901 pg. 1

THURMANN: Anna Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1847; age at last birthday, 53; widow; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

TORRISON: Mary Sheriff Zeman on Monday last took Thor. Torrison of Manitowoc Rapids to the Asylum at Oshkosh. On Monday last Mary Torrison, his sister was adjudged insane and taken to the asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, February 13, 1890 pg. 3

TORRISON: Thor Sheriff Zeman on Monday last took Thor. Torrison of Manitowoc Rapids to the Asylum at Oshkosh. On Monday last Mary Torrison, his sister was adjudged insane and taken to the asylum. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, February 13, 1890 pg. 3 ***** Of Rockland, who was committed to the mental facility in Oshkosh in 1897, but released last autumn, must be returned to that facility because his condition has worsened. Der Nord Westen 27 April 1899 ******** Thor Torrison, who has been in the state mental facility four times but had recently been released, has been taken back to Oshkosh. He fancied himself to be an acrobat, standing on his head, walking on his hands, etc. Der Nord Westen 03 September 1908

TRESSEN: John PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … John Tressen-41 years-Admitted February 3, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

TRONSON: Thomas Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1864; age at last birthday, 36; married; place of birth, Norway 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

TUFFTS: Elsie of Manitowoc Rapids was taken yesterday by Sheriff Bolen to the mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 19 March 1891

TURNES: Julius Julius Turnes, a transient who was picked up at the power house in this city about two months ago in a badly frozen condition, and who has been undergoing treatment at the hospital was yesterday examined as to his sanity and adjudged insane and sent to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Turnes disappeared from the hospital a few days ago minus shoes and coat and was later found in a barn between Whitelaw and Branch and returned to the city. His hallucinations are of a happy character, traveling in private palatial trains etc. His case will have to be cared for by the state. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Saturday, April 19, 1919 pg. 2


UNGER: Clara REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for by the statues, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane, had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 16th day of May, A.D. 1908, in which the County of Manitowoc is liable for any costs and expenses. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK County Judge in and for Manitowoc County. In County Court, Manitowoc County- In the matter of Clara Unger, alleged insane. Hearing had April 2 and 15, 1908, and said Clara Unger adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, John Chloupek - $5.00 Physicians- George W. Patchen - $8.40 Physicians- Max Staehle - $8.40 Sheriff George Lambries, warrant of arrest - $9.30 Summons to Physicians - $4.90 Committed to Hospital - $40.58 Detained at Manitowoc County Asylum by order of Court - $3.00 On motion of Supervisor Lundberg, the reading of the report was dispensed with. The report was referred to the Committee on Insane. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, June 30, 1908 pg. 9

UNKNOWN: Anna PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Anna --- -54 years-Admitted January 26, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

URBAN: Michael Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1875; age at last birthday, 35; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

ULIK: Bernard REPORT OF THE COUNTY JUDGE ON TUBERCULAR PATIENTS— Bernard Ulik, resident of the City of Manitowoc, commited to Maple Crest Sanatorium on July 20th, 1923. A.J. Shimek, examining physician. ******** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANE PATIENTS— Bernard Ulik, alleged insane. Hearing had Oct. 15, 1923 and said Bernard Ulik adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Physicians $11.00; Sheriff $21.56. Manitowoc Herald News, January 26, 1924 P. 11


VALENSKI: Geo. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1877; age at last birthday, 23; single; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

VAN BREMER: Olive COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Olive Van Bremer, alleged feeble-minded. Hearing had October 9, 1913, and said Olive Van Bremer adjudged feeble-minded and committed to the Chippewa Falls for the feeble-minded. Costs. Physicians, Geo. W. Patchen - $4.20 Louis Falge - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $27.75 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

VARINO: Daughter of Napoleon The oldest daughter of Napoleon Varino was adjudged incurably insane and sent to the Insane Asylum at Manitowoc last week. The Chronicle, Two Rivers, Wis., Tuesday, May 21, 1889 pg. 3

VELIER: John City and County: John Velier, formerly an engineer in the employment of the Goodrich company, was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson last Friday and was taken to the Oshkosh asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 17, 1897 pg. 3

VOGT: Hulda PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Hulda Vogt-42 years-Admitted February 19, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

VOLLENDORF: Fried. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Fried. Vollendorff-53 years-Admitted August 16, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

VOLLENDORF: Martin Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1859; age at last birthday, 41; married; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076 ***** Goes to the Asylum - An insane patient by the name of Martin Vollendorf was taken to the Northern Hospital at Oshkosh Monday afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 8, 1901 pg. 1

VOSS: Wilhelm With ropes tied about his fingers for rings, William Voss, the Schleswig man brought here Tuesday, was in probate court today for the adjourned hearing and was committed to the Northern asylum at Oshkosh. Neighbors told of peculiar actions of Voss for years and it developed that a brother had died in the insane asylum. Voss is 44 and unmarried. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, November 24, 1906 p.1 ***** Of Schleswig, has been adjudicated as mentally ill and was brought to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 29 November 1906

VRANEY: Joseph Joseph Vraney of Kossuth, a bright young man of 26, was adjudged insane yesterday and taken to the Oshkosh Asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 21, 1897 pg. 3


WAAGE: August A well-known resident of our city, has been declared mentally ill and had to be taken to the local mental facility Der Nord Westen 28 March 1907

WACHOWIACZ: John Resident of the 7th Ward, had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 29 November 1900

WAGNER: Mrs. Herman A 32-year old of Reedsville had to be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 09 December 1909 ***** Mrs. Herman Wagner of Reedsville was adjudged insane in probate court Saturday and was taken to Oshkosh on Monday. Manitowoc Pilot, December 9, 1909 P. 5

WAIT: Aza Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1841; age at last birthday, 59; single; place of birth, New York 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WALSH: Dennis Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1825; age at last birthday, 72; single; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WALTERBACK: Anton MAN WHO FAILED TO END LIFE IN SUICIDE ATTEMPT IS NOW INMATE OF ASYLUM Whether from the self-inflicted injury to his head or due to excessive drink, Anton Walterback, the man who attempted to take his own life last week, was yesterday adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Walterbach was at the hospital receiving treatment for his wound when he evidenced insanity and it was necessary to remove him to the jail and an examination was ordered. Physicians yesterday adjudged Walterbach insane. Walterbach made a poor job of his attempt at suicide, the bullet grazing his head and inflicting only a slight injury but it is possible the shot may have been responsible for his later condition. The man appeared in court yesterday with his head in bandages and showing effects of suffering and his debauch, it being said that Walterbach had been drinking heavily for some time. Manitowoc Herald News 03 October 1918

WARD: David TAKEN TO HOSPITAL-Commitment papers have been issued for David Ward, the stranger whose peculiar action led officers to believe that he was insane, and the man was taken to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment Tuesday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 26, 1903 pg. 1

WASMER: Xaver Had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh last week. Der Nord Westen 03 May 1900 ***** X. Wasmer of the town of Eaton was adjudged insane in county court Saturday and taken by the sheriff to the Northern Hospital at Winnebago. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 3, 1900 pg. 8 ***** REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE Report of J.A. Anderson, County Judge, on insanity cases presented, and, on request, read as follows: To the Honorable the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc Co., Wis.: GENTLEMEN. -Pursuant to the Statutes in such cases made and provided, I herewith submit my report of all cases arising in matter affecting the insane since the date of my last report to your Honorable Body, in which the county of Manitowoc is liable for any costs. This report covers the period from November 1st, 1899, to May 19th, 1900. IN COUNTY COURT, Manitowoc County In the matter of Xavier Wasmer, alleged insane. Hearing had April 8th, A.D. 1900, and said Xavier Wasmer was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the Insane. Costs. County Judge, J.S. Anderson, 1 day - $5.00 Physicians-J.A. Roberts - $4.40 Physicians-W.G. Kemper - $4.40 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, warrant of arrest - $15.50 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Summons to physicians - $5.50 Sheriff Henry Lehrmann, Committed to hospital - $32.71 Total amount - $67.41 I hereby certify that the foregoing report includes all cases involving question of insanity heard and determined before me in the County Court, and is a full and complete statement of costs therein for which the county of Manitowoc is liable to May 19th, A.D. 1900. J.S. Anderson, County Judge. On motion, duly carried, said report was referred to the Committee on Insane. On motion, duly carried, Board adjourned until Friday, May 25th, at 10 o'clock a.m. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 21, 1903 pg. 11-13

WEDEN: Carl Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 33; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WEIDNER: Josephine Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1867; age at last birthday, 33; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WEITHMAN: Chas. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1835; age at last birthday, 65; single; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WEJCHAR: Anna SHERIFF'S WIFE AS OFFICER Mrs. Pellett Takes Husband's Place in Trip with Insane Patient In charge of Mrs. Pellett, wife of Sheriff Walter Pellett who made the trip in capacity of a deputy, Anna Wejchar, the Maple Grove girl who was adjudged insane in court yesterday, was taken to the asylum at Oshkosh today. Mrs. Pellett was accompanied by Mrs. Bartelme of Two Rivers as assistant. A woman as an officer accompanying prisoners is unusual and a year ago much newspaper space was devoted in recounting the experience of the Madison woman who transported a prisoner to Waupun. This is not the first time that Mrs. Pellett has served in the capacity of an officer, she having taken John Spindler to the Green Bay Reformatory a few months ago when he was sentenced to serve one year. Sheriff Pellett considers that prisoners are in safe-keeping when Mrs. Pellett is in charge and has no fear of trouble. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Feb. 3, 1904 ***** Of Maple Grove, has been found to be mentally ill by the County Court and has been sent to the facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 04 February 1904 ***** Notes of City and Town Folks: Annie Vejchar of Maple Grove, was committed to the insane asylum at Oshkosh by Judge Chloupek in probate court Tuesday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 4, 1904 pg. 5

WELEBEL: Joseph Wellebel, the Franklin man who insisted on living with his family on the road has been adjudged insane and was removed to Oshkosh. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 14, 1892 pg. 3 ***** Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1862; age at last birthday, 38; single; place of birth, Bohemia 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WELSH: Wm. Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1869; age at last birthday, 31; single; place of birth, Canada Eng 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WENDORF: Charles COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Chas. Wendorf, alleged insane. Hearing had July 7, 1913, and said Chas. Wendorf adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, J.F. Pritchard - $4.20 Arthur Teitgen - $4.20 Geo. Groffman, chief of police. Warrant of arrest - $1.20 Summons to physicians - $4.90 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

WENDT: Hermann Of Cooperstown, a 19 yr. old feeble minded young man has been placed in the local mental facility Der Nord Westen 17 September 1896

WESERMAN: Carl PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Carl Weserman-45 years-Admitted March 25, 1885… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

WESERMAN: Mr. J. Sheriff Bibinger, assisted by Messrs. J. Boecher and A. Grosstueck, brought Mr. J. Weserman to Oshkosh, on Tuesday last. Mr. Weserman has been showing signs of insanity, and it was thought advisable to bring him under proper care. It is to be hoped that he will soon return, a healthy man. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 1, 1883 P. 1

WHITE: Andy Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1823; age at last birthday, 77; single; place of birth, Ireland 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WHITE: B. PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS (Continued from December 29, 1887 pg. 2) …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … B. White-66 years-Admitted December 15, 1886… The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 5, 1888 pg. 2

WICKERT: Joseph Had to be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh last week. Der Nord Westen 16 May 1901

WIEGERT: Fred Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1881; age at last birthday, 19; single; place of birth, Wisconsin 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076

WIGARD: Frank Of Maple Grove recently became threatening and his family had to escape from him. He was soon overpowered and then sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh by the County Judge. It appears that alcoholism was the cause. Der Nord Westen 09 July 1908

WILDA: William PROCEEDINGS OF COUNTY BOARD Official Publication Report No. 2. To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: - Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including this tenth day of May A.D. 1913. Costs. Physicians, Louis Falge, $16.20; C.M. Gleason, $16.20; J.E. Meany, $16.20. Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Receiving patient from Hospital, $10.74. Committed to Hospital $15.12. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of William Wilda, alleged Insane. A petition for a re-examination of the above who was committed to Northern Hospital at Oshkosh upon a plea of insanity to a charge of arson trial held in Manitowoc Circuit Court. Hearing had examination by physicians including Dr. Sherman, Superintendent of the Northern Hospital. Hearing on December 15, 16, 20 and 21, 1912. A demand for jury trial, withdrawal of such request and said petition dismissed and he was returned to serve under order of the circuit court. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Wednesday, July 9, 1913 pg. 7

WILHELM: Joseph Resident of Town Cato, has been declared insane and was sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 18 September 1902 ***** City Briefs: GOES TO INSANE HOSPITAL-Joseph Wilhelm, the Cato man adjudged insane, is now an inmate of the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, Sheriff Burt having accompanied him there Thursday. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 25, 1902 pg. 8

WILSON: Ed. REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON SANITY EXAMINATIONS TO THE HONORABLE CHAIRMAN AND BOARD OR SUPERVISORS OF MANITOWOC COUNTY, WISCONSIN. Gentlemen: In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statutes, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearing in relation to insane and feeble-minded had and determined since the filing of my last report, November 13th, 1917, up to and including this 13th day of May, 1918. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. IN COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc County, Ed. Wilson, adjudged insane April 1st, 1918; committed to the Northern Hospital. Costs, Physicians M. Staehle $4.20, C.M. Gleason $4.20, Sheriff, J.A. Kellner $23.64. Referred to Finance Committee. Adopted May 17th, 1918. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1918 pg. 5

WINOWSKI: Joseph NORTH SIDE MAN WHO TRIED TO END LIFE TWICE IN 24 HOURS IS ADJUDGED INSANE BY COURT Picked up by the police twice with twenty-four hours, both times following what was believed to have been an attempt at suicide, Joseph Winowski, a North Side man, was adjudged insane by physicians in probate court after examination and will be committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. Winowski, who resides on Chicago street was found in vicinity of the gas plant Wednesday night and it was said had attempted his life. The man was thought intoxicated and was taken to his home. Thursday night he repeated the performance and was locked up. Winowski gained considerable notoriety a few years ago when he married under the alias of Wilson, returning here with his wife. Later relatives arranged for a second ceremony of the couple, Winowski using his own name. The man gave no explanation of his previous action. It was said at the time of the second marriage that Winowski's father, a wealthy farmer, gave his son $1000 to consent to a second ceremony to legalize the marriage. According to the authorities, Winowski was at one time employed as a hospital steward and became addicted to the use of narcotics and it is believed that the man is crazed from excessive use of dope. Complaint was made by his wife that he had attempted to choke her and had threatened her. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, October 25, 1912 pg. 1

WINTER, Carl PROCEEDINGS OF BOARD OF SUPERVISORS …We attach to our report a list of inmates, bills allowed, inventory of farm produce and supplies on hand, list of employes and wages paid; also, report of Judge Schmidt of persons examined before him during the past year and adjudged insane. All of which is respectfully submitted. Dated this 7th day of November, 1887. John Carey, Christ. Haaker, Henry Goedjen, Henry Vits, Peter Johnston-Trustees. List Of Inmates-From Manitowoc County. … Carl Winter-47 years-Admitted January 20, 1885 … The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 29, 1887 pg. 2

WINTERS: Carl Local Matters: We are informed that Mr. Carl Winters, a farmer living about three miles from this place, has become insane from the effects of injuries received some time ago while at work around a threshing machine. The proper authorities have been notified of his condition, and it is to be hoped that he will be placed in the Insane Asylum for treatment as soon as possible. Two Rivers Chronicle, Manitowoc, Wis., Tue., September 7, 1875 pg. 3

WNUK: Joseph Joseph Wnuk, a deck hand, was adjudged insane by Judge Anderson on Tuesday and sent to the Oshkosh asylum. The court was unable to fix his residence. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 8, 1899 pg. 7

WODCOLA: Thomas Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1826; age at last birthday, 74; married; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076 ***** First publication April 5, 1904. State of Wisconsin, In County Court for Manitowoc County. In the matter of Thomas Wodcola, Insane. Upon the duly verified petition of the board of Trustees of the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum, for the County of Manitowoc, filed on the 29 day of March, 1904, representing among other things that Thomas Wodcola, an inhabitant of said county, was duly adjudged insane in the County Court for said county on the 10 day of December 1891; that Henry Konop of Kewaunee County, Wisconsin, was duly appointed and now is the guardian of said Thomas Wodcola. That petitioner is a creditor of said ward, and praying for an order fixing a time and place for the examination and adjustment of all claims against said ward. It is ordered that six months from and after this date be, and are allowed and limited for the creditors of said ward to present their claim for examination, adjustment and allowance. Ordered further, that the claims and demands of all persons against said ward be received, examined and adjusted by this court at a special term thereof, to be held at the office of the County Judge, in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on the 2. Tuesday of October 1904 at 0 (sic) o'clock A.M., and that notice of the time and place at which said claims and demands may be presented, examined, and adjusted as aforesaid, and of the time limited therefore be given by publication of such notice for four week successively in the Wahrheit, a weekly newspaper, published at the city of Manitowoc in said county. The first publication to be within fifteen days from the date of this order. Dated the 29 day of March, 1904. By the Court, John Chloupek, County Judge. Manitowoc Die Wahrheit, April 26, 1904 P. 5

WOITA: John John Wojita, a resident of the 7th Ward here, has been taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 24 August 1905 ***** Of Manitowoc, a patient in the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has been transferred by the authorities to the county mental facility as unlikely to improve. Der Nord Westen 12 March 1908 ***** Three Manitowoc County patients at the Northern hospital for insane at Oshkosh have been returned to the county asylum as incurable, being Philip Messman, Two Rivers, Thomas Hogan, Maple grove, and John Woita, this city. Messman was committed to the Oshkosh asylum Nov. 22, 1907 after he had been taken into custody when he threatened violence to others. Hogan has been at Oshkosh since Jan. 13, 1906 and was also committed after arrest on charge of threatening lives of others. Woita, who was committed August 25, 1905, was paroled on May 2, 1906 and was brought home by his wife who was forced after only a few months to again ask for his commitment. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 12, 1908 pg. 5

WOLFE: Fred COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Fred Wolfe, alleged insane. Hearing had August 13, 1913, and said Fred Wolfe was discharged. Costs. Physicians, W.E. Donohue - $4.20 Geo. W. Patchen - $4.20 William Christiansen, policeman, Warrant of arrest - $1.20 Summons to physicians - $4.70 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

WOYTAL: John A resident of the 7th Ward in our city who was recently released from the state mental facility in Oshkosh, has had to be returned there because he became suicidal. Der Nord Westen 19 September 1907

WROLSON: Wm. Notes From Branch: Wm. Wrolson, a well known young man, was adjudged insane last Saturday and was taken to the Northern Hospital for Insane Monday. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 15, 1904 pg. 8

WUELLNER: George COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of George Wuellner, alleged insane. Hearing had October 9, 1913, and said George Wuellner adjudged insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. Costs. Physicians, A.M. Farrell - $5.60 J.E. Meany - $4.20 Sheriff Herman C. Schuette. Committed to Hospital - $15.10 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

WULF: Mary COUNTY BOARD PROCEEDINGS To the Honorable Chairman and Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -Pursuant to law, I beg leave to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to the insane cases had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report, to-wit: May 10th, 1913, up to and including this 11th day of November, 1913. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge IN COUNTY COURT, MANITOWOC COUNTY, In the matter of Mary Wulf, alleged insane. Hearing had September 17, 1913, and said Mary Wulf adjudged insane and committed to the Manitowoc County Asylum for the insane. Costs. Physicians, T.H.E. Westgate - $4.20 Arthur Teitgen - $4.20 Referred to committee on Insane. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Thursday, January 8, 1914 pg. 4

WUNTHMAN: Dietrich Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; male; date of birth, 1820; age at last birthday, 80; widower; place of birth, Germany 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076



YOUNG: Minnie Patient, Manitowoc asylum; white; female; date of birth, 1840; age at last birthday, 60; place of birth, Unknown 1900 US Federal Census, Manitowoc, Wis., Ward 07, District 0076


ZANDER: Mr. Notes of City and Town Folks: A daughter has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zander. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 7, 1904 pg. 5

ZAREK: Mrs. Katharina About 74, who has been in St. Mary's Hospital for many years at the expense of Brown County, has been declared mentally ill and will be taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh. Der Nord Westen 17 May 1906 ***** COMMITTED TO NORTHERN HOSPITAL AT OSHKOSH Catherine Zarek, a Brown county charge who had been cared for at St. Mary's hospital here for several years, was adjudged insane upon examination in the county court on Saturday, and was committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh. She is past 70 years of age. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 17, 1906 pg. 1

ZATTERER: Barbara An 80-year old, one of oldest residents of Town Kossuth, will be sent to the state mental facility in Oshkosh, as her relatives are no longer able to take care of her. Der Nord Westen 06 September 1906 ***** AGED WOMAN OF THE TOWN OF KOSSUTH ADJUDGED INSANE Barbara Zatterer, an aged resident of Francis Creek, was brought to the office of the county judge last Thursday to be examined as to her mental health. She was found to be insane, and was committed to the asylum at Oshkosh. She is 80 years old. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis, Thursday, September 6, 1906 pg. 1

ZEMAN: Mary Mrs. Mary Zeman, a resident of Kossuth has been adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh for treatment. The malady is not of violent type and there is a chance that the patient may recover. The woman is the mother of five children. Manitowoc Daily Herald 11 August 1902

ZIGLINSKI: Mary City and County: Mary Ziglinski of Whitelaw, a girl 17 years old, was adjudged insane yesterday and taken to the asylum. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 22, 1898 pg. 3

ZIGMONT: Mrs. Anton A victim of acute mania and suffering from violent attacks, Mrs. Anton Zigmont, who resides on the hill was adjudged insane and committed to the Northern hospital at Oshkosh, today. Physicians were unable to quiet the patient. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wis., Friday, March 8, 1901 pg. 2

ZINKEL: Lydia REPORT OF COUNTY JUDGE ON INSANITY CASES. To the Honorable Chairman and Members of the County Board of Supervisors of Manitowoc County, Wisconsin: Gentlemen: -In accordance with the duties which are provided for in the statues, I beg to submit my report of all the proceedings and hearings in relation to insane, etc. had or determined in this Court since the filing of my last report up to and including the 13th day of May, 1912. All of which is respectfully submitted. JOHN CHLOUPEK, County Judge. Costs. Physicians, Arthur Teitgen, $4.20; W.G. Kemper, $4.20. Sheriff, Walter E. Pellett. Committed to Hospital, $15.10. In County Court-Manitowoc County. In the matter of Lydia Zinkel, alledged Insane. Hearing had December 17, 1911 and said Lydia Zinkel adjudged Insane and committed to the Northern Hospital for the insane. The Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1912 pg. 4

ZIPPERER: Katie An 18-yr. old girl from Whitelaw, was taken to the state mental facility in Oshkosh on Sat. Der Nord Westen 25 October 1900