MAAS: [Old 1]-Suhsanna Maas/1793-Sep 15, 1864 [Old 1]-Stephen Maas/Apr 3, 1865/Sep 12, 1865 [1-5-22]-Joseph Maas/Jan 15, 1802/Feb 9, 1881 Tombstone [1-18-23]-Josef Maas/Geb. 15 Marz 1825/Gest. 11 Mai 1903 Tombstone Maas, Angela (see Binversie, Angela nee Maas) Maas, Anna Marie (see Roitt, Anna Marie nee Maas)
MADSON: [3-8-14]-Andrew Madson/1867-1942 Tombstone + Photo [3-8-15]-Bertha Madson/1876-1926 Tombstone + Photo [5-4-18]-Louis W./Feb. 26, 1901/April 1, 1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-4-19]-Margaret B./Mar 19, 1908/Dec 27, 2009 Tombstone + Photo Ervin B. Madson/Feb 14, 1933/Jul 2, 2024 Photo [6-3-8]-Bernadette Madson/1931-2006 Tombstone Scott G. Madson/Jul 31, 1966/Jun 8, 2021 Tombstone + Photo Madson, Arlene (see Schleh, Arlene nee Madson) Madson, Marjorie (see Jahncke, Marjorie nee Madson)
MAHLER: [1-7-21]-Theresia/1809-Dec 31, 1885MAHLOCH / MAHLOCK: [4-2-7]-Carl Mahloch/1870-1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-2-8]-Margaret Mahloch/1880-1973 Tombstone + Photo [4-2-9]-John Mahloch/1914-April 17, 1986 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-2-10]-Anna Mahloch/1924-October 26, 1990 Tombstone + Photo
MAHNKE: [1-16-14]-Isidore/May 15, 1902/Sep 2, 1902
MAHONEY: [Old 1]-Maria/1864-Mar 16, 1866 [Old 1]-Helena/1865-Mar 21, 1866 [Old 1]-Johann/Mar 26-27, 1867 [Old 1]-Maria/1837-Apr 4, 1867 [1-2-20]-Dionysius/1803-May 20, 1876 TombstoneMAIER: [Old 1]-Maria Anna/1826-Dec 27, 1854 [1-2-25]-Rev. Augustine Maier/Aug. 16, 1837/Oct. 26, 1881 see MAYER, MEYER
MAINZ: [5-4-1]-Joseph Frank/Mar 2, 1914/Nov 11, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [5-4-2]-Marion L./Jan 14, 1931/Feb 26, 1969 Tombstone
MALLMAN/MALLMANN: [1-13-21]-Rosie Mallmann/Born Aug 20, 1895/Died Jun 26, 1898 [1-14-25]-Andrew Mallmann/Sep 22, 1836/Nov 22, 1898 Tombstone, ossw: [1-14-25]-Anna Mallmann/Jan 26, 1840/Nov 7, 1924 Tombstone [1-16-5]-Alfred J. Mallman/born May 15, 1904/died May 24, 1905 [1-20-16]-Jolinda Mallmann/1911-1930 Tombstone [2-16-13]-Joseph Mallmann/Father/1868-1949 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-16-14]-Margaret Mallman/Mother/1864-1949 Tombstone + Photo Mallman, Mary (see Frank, Mary nee Mallman)
MALONEY: Winifred (see Kirwan, Winifred nee Maloney)
MANGOLD: [2-11-25]-Sr. M. Agatha Mangold/Sor. S.D.S./July 5, 1871/Feb. 5, 1955 Tombstone
MANKE: Elizabeth (see Riesterer, Elizabeth nee Manke)
MANZIUS: [Old 1]-Carl/1818-Oct 11, 1872
MARDI: [Old 1]-Christina/1837-Jun 19, 1871
MARESCH: [Old 1]-Clara/1820-Apr 22, 1870 [2-10-9]-Wenzel Maresch/1842-Mar 6, 1924 PhotoMARKEE: [1-1-6]-Agatha/nee Rauch/1852-Nov. 14, 1874 Tombstone [1-9-16]-Frank A. Markee/Born 18, 1822/Died Jan. 22, 1891/GAR flag holder 1861-1865 Tombstone Markee, Sophia (see Kautzer, Sophia nee Markee)
MARKS: Susan (see Endries, Susan nee Marks)
MARKEL: [Old 1]-Anna Markel/1853-Apr 28, 1871
MARKUS: [2-3-24]-Charles/Mar 14, 1887/Sep 10, 1887MARSCHIE: [1-18-8]-John H. Marschie/Born Dec. 14, 1849/Died Oct. 27, 1906 Tombstone
MARTIN: [6-3-4]-Adeline C. Martin/nee GNADT/Oct 6, 1926/May 14, 2022 Tombstone + PhotoMARTZAHL: [5-3-24]-Rosalia E./1919-1998 War Vet flag holder Photo see Wagner, Rosalia nee Bushman
MARX: [3-2-29]-Katharine Marx/Geb. 25 Dez. 1848/Ges. 11 Jan. 1916 Tombstone Marx, Anna (see Dyzbalys, Anna nee Marx) Marx, Rosa (see Ahl, Rosa nee Marx)
MATHES: [2-9-6]-Franz/1864-Feb 15, 1906 Betty Jane (see Groh, Betty Jane nee Mathes)
MATT: [Old 1]-#Elizabeth/1814-Apr 17, 1860 [Old 1]-#Johann/1812-Apr 16, 1870MAURER: [Old 1]-Martin/1861-Jan 4, 1863 [Old 1]-Catharina/1836-Apr 19, 1871 [Old 1]-Joseph/d. Oct. 7, 1865 [1-6-25]-Martin Maurer/1815-April 1, 1883 Tombstone [2-10-7]-Katharine/Aug 17, 1858/Mar 19, 1923 [2-15-18]-Joseph Maurer/Aug. 18, 1857/Aug. 20, 1937 Tombstone + Photo [4-5-7]-Gregory Maurer/1961 (Berge Funeral Home marker) Tombstone [4-8-30]-Harvey J. Sr./Mar 28, 1922/Sep 8, 1985 Tombstone + Photo [4-8-31]-Irene Margaret/nee Schwartz/1916-1991 Tombstone + Photo [4-8-34]-Robert C. Maurer/March 8, 1941/July 27, 1986 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-18]-Harvey C. Maurer/Dec 11, 1947/Nov 7, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-18]-Carolyn D. Maurer/Jun 14, 1945/Feb 1, 2019 Photo Baby Boy/-Aug. 26, 1961- Maurer, Emma (see Siefert, Emma nee Maurer)
MAYER: [Old 1-12-1]-Alex Mayer/Geb. d. 7 Juni 1870/Gest. d. 24 Aug 1870, ossw: [Old 1-12-1]-Franz Mayer/Geb. 7 Juni 1870/Gest. d. 31 Juli 1870, ossw: [Old 1-12-1]-Theresia Mayer/Geb. d. 7 Juni 1870/Gest. d. 24 Aug 1870 [1-2-25]-Rev. Augustin/Aug 16, 1837/Oct 26, 1881 [1-3-2]-Felix Mayer/Geb. d. 31 Oct 1878/Gest. d. 4 Nov 1878 [1-6-7]-Hedwig/Gattin von/J.A. Mayer/Gest. 18 Aug 1884/Alter 23 Jahre [1-9-19]-Mary/nee Kautzer/1867-Nov 20, 1890 Tombstone [1-10-21]-Joseph/sohn von A. & M. Mayer/Geb. 12 Marz 1891/Gest. 11 Feb 1892 [1-15-11]-Barbara Mayer/Geb. 16 Nov 1839/Gest. 25 Feb 1907 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-15-12]-Mathias Mayer/Geb. d. 6 Jan 1836/Gest. d. 25 Dec 1900 Tombstone + Photo [1-19-13]-August Mayer/Jan 29, 1902/Aug 5, 1911 Tombstone [1-19-38]-Wilhelm/sohn von A. u. M. Mayer/Geb. 22 Mar 1905/Gest. 24 Jan 1906 [2-2-26]-Mary/Jul 9, 1883/Apr 22, 1884 [2-2-30]-Johannes/Aug 16, 1884/Oct 31, 1884 [2-3-26]-John Joseph/May 18, 1886/Sep 14, 1887 [2-4-27]-Johannes Joseph/Apr 14, 1889/Sep 10, 1889 [2-14-8]-August/Father/Sep 11, 1862/Jul 21, 1931 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-14-9]-Mary/Mother/Mar 7, 1864/Jul 29, 1932 Tombstone + Photo [3-6-1]-John A. Mayer/May 9, 1849/Jun 3, 1927 Tombstone [5-3-19]-Gottfried H./1898-1970 (01 Apr 1898/May 1970/SSDI) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-3-20]-Clara P./1899-1968 Photo [5-4-31]-Anton Mayer/Mar 30, 1903/Feb 2, 1972 Tombstone [5-9-10]-Harold J. Mayer/Sep 17, 1929/Feb 2, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [5-9-11]-Dorothy Evangeline Mayer/1929-1996 Tombstone see MAIER, MEYER
MCCABE: [Old 1-11-16]-Simon McCabe/Born in Co. Monigham Ireland/Mar. 1, 1827/Died Sept. 24, 1870 Tombstone [1-1-9]-Margaret/nee Jackson/1799-April 3, 1887 [1-1-10]-Patrick/1805-Feb. 8, 1875 Tombstone McCabe, Mary Anna (see Williams, Mary Anna nee McCabe) McCabe, Sara (see Reddin, Sara nee McCabe -two entries)
MCCARTHY: [2-5-16]-Daniel McCarthy/Jan. 26, 1858/Oct. 2, 1925 (also McCarty) Tombstone
MCCARTY: [2-5-17]-Charles McCarty/died Sept. 12, 1919 Tombstone [2-5-18]-Daniel McCarty/1807-April 2, 1893 Tombstone [2-5-19]-Mary McCarty/Sept. 15, 1822/April 9, 1901 Tombstone McCarty, Inez (see Murphy, Inez nee McCarty)
MCGUIRE: [Old 1]-Anna McGuire/d. 23 Oct. 1863/no stone [Old 1]-Margaretha McGuire/d. 29 Oct. 1863/age 9 yrs./no stone (one of broken stones listed at end) [Old 1]-Wilhelm McGuire/d. 20 Sept. 1863/age 9 yrs./no stone
McKENOLDY: [Old 1]-Johann/d. Dec. 25, 1860 [Old 1]-Jem/d. Dec. 25, 1860MCMUNN: [1-3-20]-Georg Albert/Jul 23, 1869/Jan 25, 1877 Tombstone [1-10-25]-Alosius Albertus/Sep 7, 1891/Oct. 5, 1891 [1-16-6]-Bertha Agnes/Apr 25, 1889/Apr 30, 1904/age 16 yr./ Tombstone [2-3-21]-Joseph Peter/Aug 27, 1884/May 24, 1887 [2-3-22]-Georg Henry/Oct 4, 1886/Sep 10, 1887 [3-2-18]-Gertrude McMunn/Mar 26, 1854/Jan 10, 1929 Tombstone, ossw: [3-2-19]-John/Jun 3, 1851/Apr 24, 1933 Tombstone [3-2-20]-Stuart/Jan 24, 1895/Jul 11, 1915 Tombstone [3-2-21]-Lilian Anna McMunn/Da of John & Gertrude/Apr 26, 1897/Dec 17, 1915 Tombstone McMunn, Rosa J. (see Loos, Rosa J. nee Strauss)
MCNULTY: [Old 1-7-5]-James/died Dec. 24, 1861/Aged 9 years Tombstone, ossw: [Old 1-7-5]-John/died Dec. 23, 1861/Aged 7 yrs. 6 mo. [2-4-35]-James McNulty/Died Dec. 6, 1869/Age 55 years Tombstone, ossw: [2-4-35]-Rose Anna McNulty/Died Mar. 28, 1893/Age 79 years Tombstone
MEIDL: [5-9-22]-Greg J. Meidl/Apr 18, 1926/Sep 16, 2017
MELLIN: [6-1-37]-Luanne M. Mellin/1937-2010 Tombstone [6-1-37]-John A. Mellin/Jun 26, 1930/Jan 1, 2004/MSGT US Air Force/Korea/Vietnam/Cold War Tombstone
MENKE: [2-9-9]-Johann/June 23, 1821/March 15, 1907/no stone/from record Photo
MERKLIN: Julianna (see Kunzweiler, Julianna nee Merklin)
MERKT: [6-6-9]-David Anthony Merkt/1943-2014 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-9]-Rosemary A. Merkt/1937-2009 Tombstone
MERTENS: [2-11-23]-Sr. M. Ludgeria Mertens/S.D.S./Feb. 7, 1953 Tombstone [4-9-16]-Sylvania Mertens/1895-1993 Tombstone [6-3-22]-Germain Mertens/Jan 2, 1925/Jan 18, 2010 Tombstone [6-3-23]-Helen E. Mertens/Aug 27, 1923/Oct 24, 2019 (-wife of Germain) Tombstone
MERTZ: [1-10-27]-Genofeva/Sep 10, 1891/Sep 17, 1891 [1-14-2]-Chrisostomus Mertz/geb. 5 Marz 1860/gest. 9 Sept. 1896 Tombstone, ossw: [1-14-2]-Marie Mertz/geb. 5 Aug. 1852/gest. 12 Aug. 1918 [2-3-31]-Theresia/Mar 9, 1888/Jul 20, 1888
MEYER: [Old 1]-Wilhelm/Oct 10, 1864/Jan 28, 1866 [Old 1]-Margaretha Meyer/1801-Feb 18, 1869 [Old 1-8-5]-Catharina/Geboren 28 April 1865/Gestorben 28 April 1865 Tombstone, ossw: [Old 1-8-5]-Rosa T./Geboren 22 Mai 1862/Gestorben 17 Mai 1871 Tombstone [1-1-15]-Anton/1837-Sep 10, 1875 Tombstone [1-8-22]-Joseph/sohn von W. u. C. Meyer/Geb. d. 16 Oct. 1856/Gest. d. 4 Marz 1887 [1-8-28]-Johannes/sohn von W. u. C. Meyer/Geboren d. 27 Oct. 1861/Gest. d. 17 Oct. 1886 [1-9-13]-Mathias/sohn von W. u. C. Meyer/Geboren d. 13 Jan. 1867/Gest. d. 22 Mai 1891 Tombstone [1-11-21]-Frances Meyer/Geb. 24 Aug. 1849/Gest. 8 Jan. 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [1-11-22]-Johann Meyer/Geb. 19 Sept. 1825/Gest. 13 Feb. 1904 Tombstone, ossw: [1-11-23]-Maria A. Meyer/Geb. 4 Jan. 1872/Gest. 30 Jan. 1893 Tombstone [1-12-14]-Wendelin Meyer/21 Sept. 1831/22 Nov. 1895 Photo, ossw: [1-12-15]-Cecilia Meyer/22 Nov. 1828/26 Dec. 1909 Photo [1-16-24]-Ludwig Wendel/Jul 6, 1900/Jul 13, 1900 Tombstone [1-19-12]-Francis Meyer/Jul 4, 1911/Dec 4, 1911 Tombstone Kinder T. u. A. Meyer [2-8-5]-Mathias/Apr 21, 1820/Feb 14, 1899 [2-8-15]-Barbara/May 12, 1827/Feb 7, 1902 [2-9-27]-Louisa/Jun 6, 1857/Jan 31, 1915 [2-12-5]-Bonnie Meyer/Baby/1938 Tombstone [2-13-16]-Gottfried Meyer/Dec. 13, 1863/Oct. 27, 1929 Tombstone [2-16-3]-Isadore/May 7, 1871/Nov. 15, 1948/Father Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-16-4]-Anna/July 1, 1874/Dec. 27, 1948/Mother Tombstone + Photo [2-16-21]-Michael/Father/1867-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [2-16-22]-Theresia/Mother/1872-1949 Tombstone + Photo [2-16-30]-Mary Meyer/1860-1941 Tombstone + Photo [3-2-16]-George Meyer/Born Apr. 6, 1839/Died June 1, 1915 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-2-17]-Louisa Meyer/Born Oct. 21, 1837/Died July 10, 1920 Tombstone + Photo [4-1-14]-Peter/Father/June 20, 1874/Mar. 9, 1943 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-1-15]-Rosa/Mother/1877-1960 Tombstone + Photo [4-6-7]-Raymond/1897-1957 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-6-8]-Viola/1905-2002 Tombstone + Photo [4-8-11]-Anton/1899-1968 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-8-12]-Mary/1902-1967 Tombstone + Photo [5-2-2]-Raymond Michael/July 1, 1925/Aug. 20, 1992 Tombstone + Photo [5-2-3]-Robert Peter/October 24, 1913/November 7, 1996/World War II Veteran Tombstone [5-2-4]-Math/1884-1967 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-2-5]-Rose/1892-1970 Tombstone + Photo [5-2-18]-Math T./1901-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [5-2-19]-Loretta/1907-1982 Tombstone [5-3-10]-John F. Meyer/1894-1970 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-3-11]-Theckla/1904-1991 Tombstone [5-3-12]-Isadore N./Dec. 5, 1901/Aug. 25, 1973 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-3-13]-Lorina C./April 25, 1906-1987 Tombstone + Photo [5-4-31]-Anton Meyer/March 31, 1903/Feb. 1, 1972 Tombstone [6-3-20]-Harlan Anton/Sept. 11, 1932/May 4, 2000 Tombstone + Photo Baby/-Nov. 28, 1956-/1hr. Carol Meyer/nee MOORE/Dec 9, 1955/Mar 11, 2022 Photo see MAIER, MEIER, MAYER Meyer, Amalia (see Schweitzer, Amalia nee Meyer) Meyer, Amy (see Faucett, Amy nee Meyer) Meyer, Anna (1879-1949 -see Knier, Anna nee Meyer) Meyer, Betty Marie (see Baumhardt, Betty Marie nee Meyer) Meyer, Franziska (see Liesberger, Franziska nee Meyer) Meyer, Gertrude (see Schnettler, Gertrude nee Meyer) Meyer, Hedwig (Hattie) (1906-1984 -see Baer, Hedwig nee Meyer) Meyer, Isabelle M. (see Stiefvater, Isabelle M. nee Meyer) Meyer, Katherine (1831-1880 -see Platten, Katherine nee Meyer) Meyer, Loretta Francis (1904-1993 -see Kautzer, Loretta Francis nee Meyer) Meyer, Luella Ann (Lolli) (see Bushman, Luella Ann nee Meyer) Meyer, Ludwig Wendel (see Meyer, Wendel) Meyer, Margaret (see Fessler, Margaret nee Meyer) Meyer, Meta (see Lettenberger, Meta nee Meyer) Meyer, Susan (see Bruce, Susan nee Meyer) Meyer, Veronica (see Schuler, Veronica nee Meyer)
MILLER: [1-13-20]-Reinhold John Miller/Baby/born & died/Aug 25, 1916 Tombstone + Photo [1-17-18]-Joseph A./son of J. & K. Miller/Born Oct 24, 1885/Died Jan 12, 1902 Tombstone + Photo [2-11-10]-Glenn F. Miller/Baby/1943-1944 Tombstone + Photo [2-13-33]-Gertrude Miller/Mother/1902-1930 [3-6-2]-John Miller/Oct 26, 1859/Mar 4, 1920 Tombstone + Photo [3-6-3]-Catherine Miller/Apr 22, 1858/Oct 19, 1936 Tombstone + Photo [3-7-4]-Frances/1890-1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-7-5]-John/1884-1956 Tombstone + Photo [5-5-32]-Victor Andrew/Aug 27, 1916/Jul 18, 1984 Tombstone + Photo [5-5-33]-Isabel Anne/Apr 22, 1913/Oct 17, 2001 Tombstone + Photo [5-10-1]-"C.J." Clarence John Miller/Feb 15, 1918/Aug 29, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [5-10-1]-Paula Ann Miller/nee Braun/Feb 23, 1927/Sep 26, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [5-10-1]-Susan Marie Miller/Sep 6, 1955/May 21, 2007 Tombstone Miller, Arleen (see Schnell, Arleen nee Miller) Miller, Elizabeth (see Isselmann, Elizabeth nee Miller) Miller, Ella (see Eberle, Ella nee Miller) Miller, Maria (see Kremer, Maria nee Miller) Miller, Rita (see Adelman, Rita nee Miller)
MINDER: Victoria (see Koeck, Victoria nee Minder)
MOERCHEN: [Old 1]-Child/-May 6, 1862- [Old 1-7-3]-Conrad/Vater/Geb. 21 Sept. 1829/Gest. 15 Jun. 1914 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Old 1-7-3]-Dorothy/Geb. 19 Oct. 1817/Gest. 25 Jan. 1907 Tombstone + Photo [Old 1-7-3]-Elisabetha/1858-Apr 24, 1860 Moerchen, Helen (see Koenig, Helen nee Moerchen) Moerchen, Theresa (see Loos, Theresa nee Moerchen)
MOHR: [Old 1]-Magdalina/1837-Jul 18, 1871 see BEIDEL
MOLECTOR: [1-9-20]-Fritz/1807-Nov. 3, 1890MOORE: [4-6-27]-Lawrence A. Moore/Wisconsin/Cpl. Hq. Btry 847 FA BN/Korea/Feb. 20, 1932/Dec. 19, 1957 Tombstone [4-6-28]-Joan/nee Schuler [4-6-29]-Thomas/1875-1962 Photo, ossw: [4-6-30]-Mary/Mar. 23, 1894/Oct. 17, 1966 Photo Moore, Marian (see Steifvater, Marian nee Moore)
MORRIS: [1-4-10]-Agnes E. Morris/Aug. 27, 1895/Dec. 16, 1965 Tombstone + Photo
MORRISSEY: Sarah (see Dunbar, Sarah nee Morrissey)
MROZINSKI: Elsie (see Scherer, Elsie nee Mrozinski)
MUEHLBAUER: [1-19-31]-Maria/Aug 13, 1907/Aug 14, 1907 [5-4-5]-Joseph/1952-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [5-4-6]-Norbert/1924-1970 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-4-7]-Catherine/1926-2014 Tombstone [5-4-6]-Norbert Muehlbauer/Wisconsin/PFC Mil. Police Co./WWII/Jan 19, 1924/Sep 7, 1970 Tombstone + Photo Muehlbauer, Hattie E. (see Schema, Hattie E. nee Muehlbauer)
MUEHLHAUPT: [Old 1]-Maria/Mar 7, 1826/Jul 21, 1873/47 yr. [2-8-21]-Katharina/Sep 17, 1817/Dec 6, 1902 [2-8-29]-Francisca/Dec 29, 1828/Aug 3, 1904MUELLENBACH: [Old 1]-Maria/1821-Feb 17, 1873 Julia (see Kleinhans, Julia nee Muellenbach)
MUELLER: [Old 1]-Franz/Nov 20, 1862/Apr 18, 1863 [Old 1]-Barbara/Jul 31, 1870/Apr 7, 1871 [1-2-21]-Mary/Da of John & Mary/Dec. 1856/May 29, 1876 Tombstone [1-6-18]-Jacob/1806-Jan 21, 1884 [1-7-5]-Margaretha/Frau von Peter Mueller/Geboren den 8 Dec. 1860/Gest. den 24 Mar. 1885 Tombstone + Photo [1-16-30]-Jacob/Son of Peter & Mary//May 31, 1899/June 3, 1899 Tombstone [1-20-27]-John Nicholas/Jan. 13, 1828/April 2, 1911 Tombstone + Photo [1-20-28]-Mary/Nov. 19, 1830/June 10, 1907 Tombstone + Photo [2-9-5]-Veronica/Oct 28, 1822/Jan 3, 1906 [2-13-24]-John/1885-1930 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-13-25]-Peter/1860-1943 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-13-26]-Mary/1865-1944 Tombstone + Photo [2-14-34]-Jacob Mueller/1868-1935 Tombstone + Photo [3-6-30]-Elizabetha Mueller/Geb. 23 Oct. 1858/Gest. 25 Mar. 1924 Tombstone [6-5-34]-Larry Mueller/Nov. 22, 1955/May 12, 2006 Tombstone Mueller, Helen (see Platten, Helen nee Mueller) Mueller, Katherine (1826-1904 -see Schad, Katherine nee Mueller) Mueller, Katherine (1864-1934 -see Gellings, Katherine nee Mueller) Mueller, Mary (1826-1876 -see Loos, Mary nee Mueller)
MULHAUPT: [1-18-21]-Madgalena M. Mulhaupt/Geb. 19 April 1828/Gest. 12 Sept. 1903 Tombstone + Photo
MULLINS: Laura (see Lutzke, Laura nee Mullins)
MURPHY: [Old 1]-Johannes/d. Dec 26, 1863 [1-3-12]-Franziskus/June 15, 1876/Dec 23, 1876 [2-3-35]-John B. Murphy/who died June 12, 1880/Aged 68 years Tombstone + Photo [4-2-21-Arthur/1891-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [4-2-22]-Inez/1891-1948 Tombstone [4-2-23]-James Murphy/1867-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [4-2-24]-Bertha/1870-1954 Tombstone
MUTZ: [1-5-26]-Anna Mutz/1854-1929 Tombstone + Photo [1-5-28]-Peter Andreas Mutz/Pfarrer Der (Priest or Pastor of)/St. Gregorus Gemeinde/St. Nazienns, Wis./Geb. 15 Dez. 1840/Zum Priester Gew. 18 Dez. 1869/Gest. 12 Feb. 1907 Tombstone + Photo Mutz, Mary (see Mueller, Mary nee Mertz) Mutz, Rosa Barbara (see Diem, Rosa Barbara nee Mutz)
NAGEL: [Old 1]-Anna Maria/1843-Apr 14, 1871/28 yr. [2-7-8]-Christian/1815 Apr 8, 1890/75 yr. NEISIS: [Old 1-1-5]-Bro. Peter/1829-Jun 3, 1874
NENAHLO: [3-6-11]-Katherine Ann/Jan 2, 1976/Jan 3, 1976 Tombstone [3-7-13]-Rosalie M./May 27, 1912/Dec 20, 2003 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-7-14]-Anton J./Jul 25, 1910/Oct 23, 1982 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-21]-Anthony G. Nenahlo Jr./May 9, 1940/Jul 16, 2016 Tombstone [6-6-22]-James E./Jun 17, 1947/Sep 25, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [6-6-23]-Janey L./Jun 17, 1950/Feb 16, 2011 Tombstone Jody L. Nenahlo/Feb 19, 1977/Mar 21, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
NENNING: Maria Anna (see Ruplinger, Maria Anna nee Nenning)
NEUMAIER: [2-11-3]-Sr. M. Coletta/Sep 17, 1872/Mar 29, 1912 TombstoneNEUMEYER: [1-16-7]-Theresa Neumeyer/-Aug 10, 1904- [1-19-39]-William H./Oct 26, 1903/Dec 28, 1905 Tombstone, ossw: [1-19-40]-Adelia D./Jun 24, 1907/May 25, 1910/ Tombstone [2-7-29]-Katharina/Aug 2, 1826/Jun 3, 1895 [3-3-11]-Rose/Born Jan 11, 1895/Died Oct 6, 1916 Tombstone + Photo [3-3-12]-Magdalena/Mother/Jun 22, 1871/Jun 7, 1919 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-3-13]-Joseph/Father/Sep 21, 1865/Jun 1, 1952 Tombstone + Photo [3-3-14]-Alvina/Apr 28, 1901/Sep 7, 1966 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-3-15]-Edward/Apr 14, 1896/Aug 28, 1989 Tombstone + Photo [5-5-21]-Herbert/1897-1981 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-5-22]-Lydia/1904-1994 Tombstone + Photo [5-6-26]-Ann Lee Neumeyer/May 1, 1955/Feb 16, 1974 Tombstone + Photo [6-1-28]-Jerome Neumeyer/Jul 28, 1924/Jun 8, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [6-1-29]-Virginia Neumeyer/1929-2010 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-38]-Thomas G. Neumeyer/Nov 24, 1954/Aug 10, 2011 Tombstone + Photo Richard J. Neumeyer/Sep 10, 1931/May 20,2024 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [6-7-14]-Nancy R. Neumeyer/Feb 25, 1934/Aug 27, 2018 Photo [6-8-4]-Agnes C. Neumeyer/Mar 15, 1933/Mar 9, 2019 Photo Gilbert H. Neumeyer/Nov 7, 1928/Nov 21, 2019 Photo Neumeyer, Clara Mary (see Kirch, Clara Mary nee Neumeyer) See KIRCH
NEWMAN: [4-2-29]-Irene Newman/July 24,1914-April 24, 1998 Tombstone + Photo
NIED: [2-7-32]-Kornelius/1834-Jan. 31, 1897NIEDERPRINS: (John Niederprins/d. 30 Apr. 1872/age 8 da./no stone) (Joseph Niederprins/d. 11 Feb. 1869/age 14 yrs./no stone) (Lowrenz Niederprins/d. 12 Aug. 1867/age 2 da./no stone) (Maria Niederprins/d. 19 Apr. 1872/age 10 yrs./no stone) (Note: these may be Niederprum..see Niederprum)
NIEDERPRUM: [Old 1-3-1]-Johann/Geb. 28 Apr. 1864/Gest. 30 Apr. 1872, ossw: [Old 1-3-1]-Anna M./Geb. 26 Juni 1862/Gest. 18 April 1872 Tombstone, ossw: [Old 1-3-1]-Josef/Geb. 17 Feb. 1872/Gest. 11 Sept. 1872 [Old 1-9-40]-Josef Niederprum/Geb. d. 2 Feb. 1869/Gest. d. 11 Febr. 1869 [Old 1-13-3]-Lorenz Niederprum/Geb. d. 10 Aug. 1867/Gest. d. 12 Aug. 1867 [2-10-17]-Theresia/Oct 30, 1865/Aug 28, 1932 Photo [2-14-32]-Mathias/1860-1934 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-14-33]-Elizabeth/1869-1959 Tombstone + Photo Niederprum, Mary Julia (see Baer, Mary Julia nee Niederbrum) See NIEDERPRINS
NIEDERPRUMM: [1-15-9]-Julianna Niederprumm/geb. 16 Feb. 1837/gest. 28 Sept. 1904 Tombstone + Photo [1-15-10]-Heinrich Niederprumm/geb. 10 Aug. 1825/gest. 21 Jan. 1901 Tombstone
NOE: Barbara Mae (see Stahl, Barbara Mae nee Noe)
NOONAN: [2-5-21]-Ellen/wife of T. Noonan/Died Feb. 2, 1866/AE 40 yrs. Tombstone [2-5-21]-Timothy/1827-June 11, 1895 Tombstone
NOWORADCKY: [1-12-17]-Maria/nee Grotzinger/Sep 25, 1864/Jan 20, 1896 TombstoneNOWORATZKY: [1-1-3]-Franz/Nov 2, 1799/Sep 19, 1874 Tombstone [1-4-16]-Anna/1818-July 30, 1880 Tombstone [2-3-19]-Rosa Alexia Noworatzky/Geb. den 31 Aug. 1881/Gest. den 16 Feb. 1887 Tombstone + Photo [2-3-19]-Isabella/tochter von F. & R. Noworatzky/Geb. und Gest. 18 July 1878 Tombstone [2-10-24]-Joseph/Jan. 18, 1888/Dec. 12, 1958 Tombstone + Photo [2-11-5]-Sr. M. Mary Anne Noworatzky/Sor. D.S./Dec. 15, 1912 Tombstone [2-12-36]-Sr. M. Josephine Noworatzky/S.D.S./Feb 28, 1886-Oct 29, 1968 Tombstone + Photo
NOWOVATZKY: [2-10-22]-Joseph Nowovatzky Sr./Sept. 2, 1854/Nov. 23, 1941 Tombstone + Photo
NURMBERGER: [Old 1]-Thekla/1809-May 29, 1857OBERLE: Judith (see Schwendemann, Judith nee Oberle) O'CONNOR: (see Connor)
O'NEIL: [4-7-26]-William/1894-1977 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-7-27]-Mary/1893-1960 Tombstone + Photo
OESTREICH: [1-7-6]-Augustin/Oct 31, 1808/Apr 15, 1885OKONEK: Eleanor M. (see Broeckert, Eleanor M. nee Okomek)
OLIG: [6-2-35]-Edward James/Feb. 11, 2000/Feb. 13, 2000 Tombstone
OLSON: [1-13-18]-Warner Bernard/Aug. 26, 1896/Oct. 3, 1897 [5-10-13]-Margaret Frances/June 20, 1901/Feb. 23, 1990 Tombstone [6-2-1]-Elizabeth Caroline/Nov. 19, 1910/March 13, 1998 Tombstone + Photo Darlyne (see Haertlein, Darlyne nee Olson)
OPPELT: [2-10-31]-Sr. M. Simplicia Oppelt/Sor. S.D.S./Mar. 5, 1957 Tombstone
OSCHWALD: [1-3-30]-Martin/1802-March 10, 1878/no stone Tombstone + Photo [2-1-13]-Margaret/Oschwald Sister/1810-April 3, 1879/no stone Tombstone Rev. Ambrose/d. Feb. 27, 1873/Buried at Seminary Father Oschwald tomb
O'SHEA: (see Shea)
OTT: [Old 1-11-11]-Carolina (child -1860-March 16, 1871) [Old 1-11-11]-Margaretha KNIER/Gattin von/A. Ott/gestorben 10 Oct. 1873/alter 32 Jahre, ossw: [Old 1-11-11]-Anton Ott/gest. 13 Marz 1873/alter 6 mon/baby -Oct 5, 1873/Mar 14, 1874
PACKARD: [2-3-33]-Catherine/wife of H. Packard/Died March 24, 1892/aged 57 yrs. 9ms. 7ds. Tombstone Packard, Katherine (1878-1900 -see Kautzer, Katherine nee Packard) PANKRATZ: [4-9-19]-Mark Paul Pankratz/Sept. 6, 1966 Tombstone [4-9-19]-Raymond/1909-1963 Photo, ossw: [4-9-20]-Elsie/1911-1988 Photo [4-9-20]-Howard Pankratz/1935-1994 (cremains on grave of Ray and Elsie Pankratz) Tombstone + Photo [6-5-15]-Karen Pankratz/1941-2005 Photo Pankratz, Jane Elaine (see Schaller, Jane Elaine nee Pankratz) Pankratz, Marjorie (see Bushman, Marjorie nee Pankratz)
PANZER: [1-1-24]-Rev. Herman/1841-June 14, 1880 Tombstone
PAPROCKI: Katherine (see Schuler, Katherine nee Paprocki)
PASSEL: [1-3-15]-Wilhelm/Sep 3, 1876/1 mo. 3 da.
PEPPARD: [2-3-1]-Hannorah/Apr 25, 1855/Aug 15, 1887 Tombstone Maria/-Jan 16, 1879-
PERSCHERER: [1-17-10]-George/1825-May 5, 1902 TombstonePETER: [Old 1]-Maria/d. Sep 15, 1864 [Old 1]-Franz/1784-Sep 12, 1864 [Old 1]-Helena Hensen Peter/1788-Apr 27, 1866 Below are iron crosses in excellent condition [1-20-9]-Monica Peter/Geb. 30 Okt. 1840/Gest. 2 Juli 1928 Tombstone + Photo [1-20-10]-Joseph Peter/Geb. 2 Aug. 1833/Gest. 26 Aug. 1910 Tombstone + Photo Peter, Mary Ann (1864-1932 -see Meyer, Mary Ann nee Peter)
PETERSON: [6-8-23]-Rachel Liane Peterson/Apr 28, 2002/Jun 26, 2019 Photo
PETRIE: [5-1-20]-Robert F./May 27, 1919/Nov. 22, 1995 Tombstone + Photo [5-1-21]-January Petrie/Jan. 15, 1921/Aug. 30, 2011 Tombstone + Photo
PFEFFERLE: [1-1-23]-Walburga Pfefferle/Seine Gattin/Geb. 23 Feb. 1934/Gest. 30 Aug. 1876/age 42 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [1-1-23]-Felix Pfefferle/Geb. 11 Sept. 1820/Gest. 11 Oct. 1901 Tombstone [1-3-16]-Rosa Pfefferle/Geb. d. 2 Mai 1876/Gest. d. 8 Aug. 1876 Tombstone [1-14-8]-Helena/Gattin von A. Pfefferle/geb. 26 Oct. 1874/gest. 19 Feb. 1897 Tombstone [2-15-1]-John/1871-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [2-15-2]-Margaret/1878-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [2-15-3]-Sylvester/1908-1980 Tombstone Pfefferle, Christina (see Gutman, Christina nee Pfefferle)
PFEIFER: [4-2-27]-William F./1876-1965 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-2-28]-Gertrude K./1883-1968 Photo Pfeifer, Gertrude M. (see Ramminger, Gertrude nee Pfeifer) Pfeifer, Irene Emma (see Newman, Irene Emma nee Pfeifer) Pfeifer, Theckla Wilhelmina (see Bertsche, Theckla Wilhelmina nee Pfeifer)
PFISTER: [2-12-39]-Sr. Tobia Pfister/Sept. 29, 1894/Feb. 28, 1977 Tombstone Pfister, Maria (see Schwab, Maria nee Pfister)
PHELAN: [5-2-25]-Carol M./Nov. 17, 1937/1989 Tombstone
PINEDA: [6-6-4]-Rudolph "Rudy" Pineda/Apr 30, 1930/Mar 19, 2012 Tombstone
PINGLE: [2-11-29]-Sr. M. Severa Pingle/Sor. S.D.S./Feb. 5, 1956 Tombstone
PIPER: Cora (see Shimek, Cora nee Piper)
PITZ: [4-5-21]-Jacob Thomas/-March 22, 1999- Tombstone
PLATTEN: [Old 1]-Anton/Jan 17, 1789/Jan 17, 1870 [Old 1]-Mary Margaret/Feb 2, 1798/Jan 8, 1871 [1-5-13]-Margratha/toch von/P. u. K. Platten/geb. den 28 Mai 1862/gest. den 2 Feb 1882 Tombstone [1-14-22]-Peter Kastor Platten/geb. im Jahre 1821/gest. 19 Juli 1898 Tombstone, ossw: [1-14-22]-Katharina Platten/geb. im Jahre 1831/gest. 7 Jan 1880 Tombstone [1-14-24]-Elisabeth Platten/geb. 4 Sep 1864/gest. 17 Nov 1898 Tombstone [1-17-13]-Helena Platten/Geb. 7 Apr 1872/Gest. 18 Mar 1902 Tombstone + Photo [2-13-20]-Jos. Platten/1873-1929 Tombstone [3-8-1]-Mary/Aug 16, 1864/Dec 8, 1924 Tombstone + Photo [3-8-2]-John/Feb 25, 1854/Mar 22, 1944 Tombstone + Photo [4-3-9]-Peter Platten/1869-1950 Tombstone [4-9-12]-Peter/1888-1963 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-9-13]-Josephine/1889-1973 Tombstone + Photo [5-7-11]-Anselm Anthony/Jul 5, 1915/Apr 25, 1994 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-7-12]-Olivia/Dec 16, 1915/Jul 10, 1979 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-33]-Michael P. Platten/Apr 15, 1946/Apr 15, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [6-6-34]-Ellen R./Nov 10, 1948/Aug 6, 2009 Tombstone [6-4-35]-William Walter/Dec 12, 1930/Nov 25, 2004 Tombstone + Photo Platten, Barbara (see Lax, Barbara nee Platten) Platten, Gertrude (see Kellenbenz, Gertrude nee Platten) Platten, Hildegarde (see Schnettler, Hildegarde nee Platten) Platten, Katherine (1857-1943 -see Stiefvater, Katherine nee Platten) Platten, Marcia (see Unterlander, Marcia nee Platten) Platten, Susan (see Burkart, Susan nee Platten)
POLLOCK: [6-7-15]-David Pollock/Aug 21, 1935/Feb 8, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [6-7-15]-Ann C. Pollock/nee Augustine/Jun 3, 1939/May 26, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
POLSTER: Marion Helen (see Wagner, Marion Helen nee Polster)
POPPENHAGEN: Ida (see Steffen, Ida nee Poppenhagen)
PRITZL: Bernadine Mary (see Schuler, Bernadine Mary nee Pritzl)
PRESTEL: [1-7-14]-Mathias/1809-Aug 22, 1885 TombstonePROELL: [Old 1-11-8]-Mary/1819-1864 Tombstone [2-1-25]-Johann Proell/geb. 8 Marz 1843/gest. 23 Aug. 1879/hewedmel dem geliehten Gemahl von seiner freuen Gattin/Adoline Proell/geb. STIEFVATER Tombstone + Photo [2-6-2]-John Proell Sr./1814-1889 (1814-April 22, 1889) Tombstone + Photo [2-15-19]-Frank/Sept. 23, 1854-Sept. 10, 1937 Tombstone + Photo [2-15-20]-Katherina/Jan. 25, 1871-Nov. 24, 1947 Tombstone [3-2-27]-Anna/Born July 9, 1847/Died Feb. 13, 1920 Tombstone + Photo [3-2-28]-Katharine/Born Nov. 15, 1848/Died Dec. 15, 1915 Tombstone, ossw: [4-4-36]-Walter J. Proell/1897-1973 Tombstone Proell, Mary (Maria) (1823-1887 -see Furderer, Maria nee Proell) Proell, Mary (Maria) (1845-1868 -see Christel, Mary nee Proell)
PROFATZ: [1-3-14]-Katherina/Nov 1, 1876/Nov 10, 1876 [1-6-26]-Maria/Mar. 29, 1883/75 yr. Tombstone [2-6-9]-Maria Profatz/Geb. 22 Marz 1875/Gest. 9 Okt. 1904 Tombstone [2-6-10]-Stephania/1839-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [2-6-11]-Fredolin/1841-1925 Tombstone Francisca/-Aug 22, 1871- Profatz, Anna (see Zorn, Anna nee Profatz)
PROPSON: [6-5-2]-Peter A. Propson Sr./d. Nov. 28, 2007 Tombstone
PROSINGER: [Old 1]-Xaver/1851-May 2, 1867QUANTE: Minnie (see Christel, Minnie nee Quante) QUINN: [1-1-3]-Robert/1865-Feb. 14, 1874 [2-2-10]-Joseph/1877-May 10, 1880
RABE: Jeannette Lucinda (see Blatz, Jeannette Lucinda nee Rabe) RABO: Christina (see Wasmer, Christina nee Rabo)
RADYSH: [5-10-18]-George Joseph/1946-Dec 10, 1999 Tombstone
RAESS: [1-1-24]-Rev. John Ferdinand Raess/Jan 31, 1831/Jun 7, 1919 Tombstone + Photo
RAMMINGER: [5-1-7]-Gertrude M./Apr 7, 1911/Feb 18, 1990
RAPPEL: [4-7-17]-William Q./Apr 17, 1893/Apr 23, 1995 Tombstone + Photo [4-7-17]-Dorothy Rappel/Nov 12, 1918/Dec 26, 2017 Photo [4-7-18]-Christine C./Dec 20, 1896/Nov 23, 1982 Tombstone + Photo
RAUCH: [Old 1]-Anton/Mar 20, 1857/Jun 30, 1863 [Old 1]-Dominicus/Feb 9, 1862/Feb 11, 1862 [Old 1]-Mathias/Apr 28, 1861/Jul 3, 1861 [Old 1]-Theresia/Oct 28, 1858/Jul 10, 1865 [Old 1-13-1]-Gregor Rauch/geboren 13 Mai 1868/gestorben 30 Juni 1871 Tombstone [1-6-8]-Ambrose/sohn von M. u. R. Rauch/Geb. d. 7 Dec. 1870/Gest. d. 4 Juli 1884 Tombstone [2-2-15]-Maria Magdalena/tochter von M. u R. Rauch/Geb. den 22 Juli 1875/gest den 15 Oct. 1880 [2-6-12]-Mathias Rauch/Vater/Geb. 6 Jan. 1828/gest. 22 Nov. 1897 Tombstone, ossw: [2-6-13]-Rosa Rauch/Mutter/Geb. BENZINGER/24 Juni 1828/gest. 26 Jan. 1908 Tombstone [2-6-14]-Victoria Rauch/nee SPRANG/24 Aug. 1862/10 Jan. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [2-6-15]-Joseph W. Rauch/23 Oct. 1856/9 Feb. 1938 Tombstone [2-6-16]-Peter Andrew/Nov. 25, 1896-June 29, 1990 Tombstone + Photo Rauch, Agatha (see Markee, Agatha nee Rauch) Rauch, Emily (see Groh, Emily nee Rauch) Rauch, Helen (see Gutman, Helen nee Rauch)
REBHOLZ: Ann Rebholz/nee MEIER/Jul 23, 1968/Apr 16, 2021 TombstoneREDDIN: [1-4-24]-Patrick Reddin/1811-Jan 16, 1881/Aged 70 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [1-4-25]-Bridget Reddin/Jan 29, 1817/Apr 7, 1900 Tombstone [1-4-25]-William Reddin/d. Oct 15, 1924 [1-4-25]-Sara Reddin/Jul 31, 1856/Jun 21, 1915 [1-4-26]-Katherine Reddin/d. Apr 23, 1884 Tombstone [1-16-20]-Anna Margareth/Mar 29, 1900/Oct 16, 1900
REHME: [5-9-19]-Stephen J./Sept. 26, 1912-May 31, 1996 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-9-20]-Almyra V. Rehme/1917-Jan 27, 2013 Tombstone + Photo
REICHERT: [Old 1]-Marie Barbara/1796-Jan 3, 1869REIDY: Patricia (see Wiesbrook, Patricia nee Reidy)
REIFF: [2-12-26]-Sr. M. Petra Reiff/S.D.S./Dec. 23, 1964 Tombstone [2-12-35]-Sr. M. Camilla Reiff/S.D.S./June 26, 1968 Tombstone
REILLY: June B. (see Strauss, June B. nee Reilly)
REINART: [1-20-4]-Johann Reinart/21 Mar. 1829/17 Aug. 1916 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-20-5]-Suzia Reinart/25 Nov. 1831/20 Mai 1911 Tombstone [2-15-24]-John/1868-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [2-15-25]-Sophia/1879-1945 Tombstone + Photo
REINBOLDT: [6-6-36]-Donald G. Reinboldt/Nov 7, 1966/Oct 23, 2016 Photo
REINDL: [2-12-7]-Mary Barbara/Dau. of A. & M. Reindl/Oct 18-21, 1941 Tombstone [5-7-22]-Arnold Joseph/Jul 22, 1915/Oct 5, 1999 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-7-23]-Marian L./Feb 25, 1920/Oct 9, 1977 Tombstone + Photo Bryan John Reindl/Jul 12, 1976/Dec 9, 2020
REINHOLD: [Old 1]-Waldburga/d. Feb 19, 1864 [2-1-19]-Karl/1832-Jul 27, 1879 Tombstone
REINHART: (see Reinart) Margaret (see Weber, Margaret nee Reinhart)
RENNEKE: [2-12-41]-Sr. Roberta/Jan 28, 1901/Apr 7, 1980 Tombstone
RETTELA: Katherine M. (see Schema, Katherine M. nee Rettela)
REUTER: [2-8-17]-Maria/1837-May 31, 1902RICHARDT: [2-11-11]-Sr. M. Cunitrud Richardt/Sor. D.S./Nov 20, 1860/Nov 28, 1935 Tombstone
RICHART: Alice C. (see Groh, Alice C. nee Richart)
RICKABY: [1-16-12]-Oscar Forest/Jun 6, 1896/Oct 14, 1902 Tombstone
RIEDHAMMER: [Old 1]-Waldburga/1859-May 15, 1871
RIEF: [Old 1]-Rev. Anton/1815-Feb 17, 1873/age 58 yrs.RIESTERER: [Old 1]-Christina/Sep 18, 1867/Apr 18, 1869 [Old 1]-Justina/1841-Apr 4, 1865 Tombstone [Old 1]-Mathias/1811-Dec 12, 1871 [Old 1]-Theresia/Sep 20, 1862/Sep 3, 1863 [1-19-22]-Herman/Aug 13, 1904/May 15, 1909 Tombstone [1-20-22]-Maurus Riesterer/Geb. 15 Jan. 1827/Gest. 26 Apr. 1908 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-20-23]-Magdalena Riesterer/Geb. 22 Juli 1838/Gest. 11 Feb. 1897 Tombstone [2-7-12]-Simon/Oct 23, 1815/Oct 2, 1890 [2-12-2]-Mary Riesterer/twin of Madgalen/-Aug 20, 1936- Tombstone, ossw: [2-12-2]-Magdalen Riesterer/twin of Mary/-Aug 20, 1936- Tombstone [2-12-4]-Sherald/Son of J. & J. Riesterer/May 16-17, 1937 Tombstone [2-12-6]-Duane/1938-1938/Riesterer Tombstone [2-15-1]-John/Father/1871-1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-16-2]-Rosa/Mother/1876-1938 Tombstone + Photo [3-4-20]-Valeria Riesterer/May 19-22, 1924 Tombstone [3-4-32]-Anna Rose/1928-1928 Tombstone [3-4-40]-Rose Ann/1932-1932 Tombstone [3-4-44]-Elroy/1930-1931 Tombstone [4-5-13]-Jason Lee Riesterer/Feb. 11, 1974 Tombstone [4-8-7]-Robert Sr./1901-1961 Tombstone + Photo [4-8-8]-Mary/1907-1961 Tombstone + Photo [4-8-13]-Peter/1897-1986 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-8-14]-Elizabeth/1892-1977 Tombstone + Photo [4-9-23]-Anton/1899-1992 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-9-24]-Mary/1902-1974 Tombstone + Photo [5-2-30]-William/1900-1965 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-2-31]-Helen/1913-1989 Tombstone + Photo [5-3-17]-Frank/1896-1968 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-3-18]-Mary/1914-1999 Tombstone + Photo [5-4-15]-Herman Anton/Jun 21, 1916/Mar 9, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [5-4-16]-Gertrude M./Jul 8, 1922/Oct 29, 1987 Tombstone + Photo [5-6-13]-Joseph L./1903-1987 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-6-14]-Helen K./1911-1995 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-6-15]-Theresa A./1951-2005 Tombstone [5-7-19]-Stanley Peter/Aug 23, 1948/Apr 28, 1978 Tombstone [5-10-19]-Lester J. Riesterer/Nov 26, 1921/Feb 10, 2008 Tombstone + Photo Byrnece M. Riesterer/Apr 16, 1925/Oct 14, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [6-1-17]-Stephen R./Jan 19, 1919/Apr 24, 1997 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [6-1-18]-Mae K. Riesterer/02 Dec 1923/14 Sep 2006 Tombstone + Photo [6-5-22]-Jerome C. Riesterer/1929-2007 Tombstone, ossw: [6-5-23]-Mary Ann M. Riesterer/d. May 29, 2007 Tombstone Riesterer, Angeline (see Schnell, Angeline nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Emily (see Endries, Emily nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Katharina (see Kaltenbrun, Katharina nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Lillian Elizabeth (see Schad, Lillian Elizabeth nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Lorena (see Schnell, Lorena nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Marie Anna (see Burgert, Marie Anna nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Mary (Marie) (1861-1892 -see Heinzen, Mary nee Riesterer) Riesterer, Rueben (see Riesterer, Robert)
RISTOW: [6-2-14]-Delano H. Ristow/Nov 23, 1933/Jun 29, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [6-2-28]-Maria Adelida/nee Agreda/Oct 14, 1958/Oct 20, 1996 Tombstone [6-2-29]-Michael Joseph/Sep 25, 1992/Oct 11, 1996 Tombstone + Photo
ROBINSON: Charlotte (see Murphy, Charlotte nee Robinson)
ROCK: Rose (see Lettenberger, Rose nee Rock)
RODEN: [1-6-24]-Karl/Jun 16, 1803/Apr 15, 1883 Tombstone
ROEMAN: [1-15-27]-Joseph/Jan 4, 1845/Feb 16, 1899
ROESER: [1-7-27]-Euphrosina/Feb 25, 1808/Aug 28, 1886 TombstoneROGGOW: [2-6-20]-Rose Roggow/1859-1945 Tombstone
ROGNEY: [1-13-10]-John/Nov 28, 1895/May 15, 1896
ROITT / ROIDT: [Old 1]-Johann Roidt/Mar 9, 1866/May 23, 1866 [Old 1]-Peter/1865-May 18, 1871 [1-3-24]-George Roidt/1820-June 4, 1877 Tombstone [1-10-18]-Joseph PeterMay 9, 1892/ul 2, 1892 [1-13-14]-Anton J./Jun 13, 1893/Oct 10, 1896 [1-20-6]-Anna Roitt/Geb. 15 Apr. 1825/Gest. 22 Dec. 1910 Tombstone [2-15-16]-Joseph Roitt/1861-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [2-15-17]-Maria Roitt/1859-1939 Tombstone
ROLF: Mary Henrietta (see Riesterer, Mary Henrietta nee Rolf)
ROSINSKY: [3-4-33]-Jerome Rosinsky/Baby/Dec. 10, 1926/June 28, 1928 Infant/-Mar 27, 1928-
ROTH: [Old 1]-Anton/1804-Apr 17, 1868 [Old 1]-Ludwig/1843-Apr 5, 1864 [Old 1]-Waldburga/1825-Apr 10, 1869 [1-3-32]-Katherina/1813-May 11, 1878 TombstoneROTTMUND: [6-4-1]-Sr. Niceta/SDS/May 8, 1903-July 10, 1992 Tombstone
ROURKE: [Old 1-9-2]-John O./Born in Sep 1808/Died Dec 1, 1893 Tombstone, ossw: [Old 1-9-2]-Mary/wife of John/Died Jun 6, 1873/Aged 74 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [Old 1-9-2]-Mary/Daughter of J. & M./Born Oct 25, 1867/Died Dec 2, 1893
RUBEL: [Old 1]-Heinrich/d. Apr 9, 1860 [2-7-20]-Elisabetha/Mar 31, 1817/Apr 9, 1892 [2-9-7]-Johann/1818-Sep 10, 1906/no stone/from record Helen (see Vetter, Helen nee Rubel)
RUDOLPH: [Old 1]-Katharina/1824-Apr 23, 1869 [Old 1]-Barbara/1856-Aug 9, 1862
RUEDEN: [1-13-6]-Magdalena/Feb 10, 1896/Nov 17, 1896
RUETTENAUER: [Old 1]-Sabastian/Oct 22, 1862/Nov 9, 1862 [2-7-3]-Magdalena/1805-Aug 18, 1889 [2-9-24]-Magdalene/May 31, 1829/Mar 3, 1914 PhotoRUH: [3-3-8]-Ludwina Ruh/1848-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [3-3-9]-Theresia Ruh/1844-1916 Tombstone
RUPLINGER: [Old 1-11-4]-Joseph A. Ruplinger/gestorben Juni 1872/Alter 2 Jah. 2 Mon. (d. record/d. 1873) Tombstone [1-4-15]-Maria Anna/Nov 20, 1839/Jul 26, 1880 Tombstone + Photo [3-2-22]-Mathias/Father/1838-1915 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [3-2-23]-Albina/Mother/1841-1923 Tombstone + Photo Ruplinger, Helen (see Pfefferle, Helen nee Ruplinger) Ruplinger, Katherine Marie (see Stahl, Katherine Marie nee Ruplinger) Ruplinger, Margaret (see Gerhard, Margaret nee Ruplinger)
RUPPRECHT: [Old 1]-Julius/1830-Mar 3, 1868 [Old 1]-Maria/d. Feb 13, 1863
RUTESCHKA: [Old 1]-Joseph/1825-May 28, 1863RUTCHIK: see Binversie
RYAN: [6-3-38]-Lynne T. Ryan/Apr 14, 1939-Feb 14, 2019 Photo Jean Alice (see Burkart, Jean Alice nee Ryan)