City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin

This cemetery is located on the southeast corner of 18th and Division Street. St. Mary Cemetery is actually two cemeteries, one portion divided into two sections is the cemetery used for many years by St. Mary Church. A row of trees divides this portion of the cemetery from the section used by the Sisters from St. Mary Home (Felician Sisters), for the nuns and for those people living at the home who are without a family. Copied by Marcie Baer, a member of the Manitowoc County Old Cemetery Society on August 21, 28 and Sept. 4, 1978. The oldest stone is 1887. This cemetery is now part of the Calvary Cemetery Association of Manitowoc. The Sisters cemetery is in a separate list. Reindexed by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society, May 2007/added to this site Nov. 2010/many photos added by Ann starting May 2012


[ A ]

ANDRASCZEK: [B-3-6-1]-Anastozija Andrasczek/Ur/22 Kwiet 1886/Um/6 Maja 1925 Tombstone, next to: [B-3-6-2]-Wladyslaw Andrasczek/Ur/10 Maja 1881/Um/26 Czer 1925 Tombstone

ANDRASCZIK: [E-3-74]-Martin/Aug 16, 1905/Sep 14, 1905/from record Tombstone, ossw: [E-3-76]-Anton Tombstone

ANDRASTEK: [E-6-54]-Paul/May 30, 1879/Jan 15, 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [E-6-55]-Gertrude/Jul 11, 1880/Feb 13, 1951 Tombstone [E-5-61]-John/1867/1918 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-62]-Anna/1871-1950 Tombstone [F-4-5]-Frances/1896-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-6]-John/1893-1952 Tombstone

ANDRASTYK: [E-5-3]-Joseph/d. 1936

ANDRASZCZYK: [E-2-66]-Roman Andrastik/1887-1910 [E-2-67]-Ignaci Andraszczyk/Ur. 30 Lipca 1874/Um/18 Grudnia 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-68]-Antonina Andraszczyk/Ur 24 Sierp 1876/Um 10 List/1926 Tombstone Josef Andraszczyk/Ur sie/23 Kwie R. 1889/Umarl 31 Sierp R 1889 Tombstone [E-2-97]-Katarzyna Andraszczyk/Urodzona/23 Kwiet r 1846/Umrala/d. 20 Stycznia r 1909/Zona Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-98]-Marcin Andraszczyk/Urodil Sie/d 12 List 1843/Umarl/d. 31 Maja 1919 Tombstone Roman Andraszczyk/Feb. 1902-unreadable Tombstone

ARMATOWSKI: [F-3-2-3]-Agnes/1907-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-2-4]-Rudolph/1904-1994 Tombstone

ARMBRUSTER: [E-2]-Jacob J. Armbruster/1912-June 2, 1983/Father Tombstone

AUGUSTINE: [A-2-6-5]-Agnes C. Augustine/Mother/1913-1948 Tombstone

BAETKE: [A-1-1-4]-Peter J. Baetke/Jul 26, 1900/Feb 26, 1986 Tombstone

BAK: [A-1-5-4]-Weronika/Bak/Ur. 22 Stycz 1875/Um 9 Listo 1950, next to: [A-1-5-5]-Jakob Bak/Ur 25 Lipca 1853/Um 8 Stzc 1933 Large monument, no other names on stones. Also separate stones which read: [A-1-11-1]-Seweryna Bak/Ur 5 Pazd 1908/Um 26 Kwiet 1926 [A-1-11-2]-Klara Bak/Ur 6 Lipca 1899/Um 25 Kwiet 1923, next to: [A-1-11-3]-Antonina Bak/Ur 1830/Um 24 Marca 1920, next to: [A-1-11-4]-Pelagia Bak/(Blanche)/Ur 20 Grudnia 1896/Um 21 Styczina 1928 [E-2-8]-(Iron cross) Bendik Bak/Urodzil sie Marca 1913/Umarl 11 Wrze 1913 see BONK

BALKO: [C-1-2-1]-Marie S. Balko/nee Koneczka/Dec. 31, 1922-Aug. 3, 2012 Tombstone With God's Love and Mine/new stone/next to: Joseph Koneczka

BARSHAW: [F-6-48]-Josephine Sheperski Barshaw/wife of Louis Barshaw/1902-1920 Tombstone

BEATHKE: [A-1-1-1]-Walter Beathke/Wisconsin/Pvt. 11 SN In S6 Div/Dec. 27, 1932 (next to Anna and Josef Betka) U.S. World War Vet flag holder Tombstone

BECKER: [A-2-12-1]-John B./1878-Dec 6, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [A-2-12-2]-Mary S./nee Budysz/1881-Feb 9, 1954 Tombstone [A-2-12-3]-Joseph Becker/Jun 2, 1888/Nov 13, 1960 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-12-4]-Chester F. Becker/SGT US Army/World War II/Oct 10, 1918/Dec 15, 2009 Tombstone [A-3-8-4]-Anton F. Becker/Jan 13, 1898/Oct 5, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-8-5]-Ella R. Becker/Nov 2, 1903/Sep 1, 1983 Tombstone [B-2-3-3]-John/1871-May 11, 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-3-4]-Mary/nee Ziarnik/1875-Sep 23, 1952 Tombstone [C-4-7-4]-Eleanor/Apr 8, 1908/Sep 3, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-7-5]-Alois/Mar 9, 1904/Dec 5, 1936 Tombstone [F-2-19-1]-Alex T. Becker/Oct 25, 1905/Sep 5, 1995, next to: US Vet Marker Tombstone [F-2-19-5]-Helen BECKER Novak/1915-1989 Tombstone

BEKIER: [A-2-6-2]-Emilia Bekier/Urodziela Sie/d. 23 Lipca r. 1901/Umarla/d 7 Marca r. 1920 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-6-3]-Emilia Bekier/Gorka Tombstone, next to: [A-2-6-4]-Anna Bekier/Um/19 Stycz 1925 Tombstone [B-2-3-1]-Jan Bekier/Ojciec/Ur 16 Kwiet 1846/Um 24 Marca 1929 Tombstone [B-2-3-2]-Cecylia Bekier/Matka/Urud/20 Maja R 1840/Umarla/Dnia 24 Maja 1921 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-4-1]-Stanislaw Bekier/Ur/7 List 1922/Um/9 List 1922 Tombstone [F-6-26]-Jozef Bekier/Um 16 Kwiet 1918 Tombstone

BETKA: Maryanna Sylo______/Betka Stanley Betka/Ur 21 Czr 1907/Um/12 Kwiec 1908 Tombstone [A-1-1]-Anna/Matka/1864-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-1]-Josef/Ojciec/1859-1944 Tombstone Stanislaw/Ojciec/Ur 8 Maja 1873/Um 24 List 1936 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/Ur 8 Grud 1877/(Balance uncut)/1877-1957 Tombstone (No name Betka/no dates) Tombstone

BETKE: [F-5-4]-Alex I./Aug 11, 1901/Dec 22, 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-4]-Tillie/1900-Oct 17, 1951 Tombstone

BIALAKOWSKI: [E-4-55]-Teofil Bialakowski/d. 27 Kwietnia R. 1849/Umral/27 Czewa/R 1902 Tombstone

BIALIK: [E-4-123]-Anna Bialik/Matka/Ur sie Roku 1838/Um 17 Grudnia 1913 Tombstone

BIRRINGER: [E-6-106]-Nicholas/Sohn von P&M Birringer/6 Aug. 1872/gest. 26 Jan. 1898 Tombstone Peter Birringer/Born 1826/Died/Sept. 6, 1909 Tombstone Maria Katharina/Oct 18, 1832/Jan 28, 1899 Tombstone

BISHOP: Walter Bishop/1874-1918 Tombstone Irene C. Bishop/Mar 13, 1912/Mar 15, 2008 Tombstone

BLAZER: Brenda Dawn Blazer/Jun 22, 1966/Nov 18, 1966 Tombstone

BLOCK: Richard/1907-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Susan/1908-1963 Tombstone See JAGODZINSKY

BONIEWSKI: John Boniewski/24 May 1901/age 33 yrs/from obit-no stone John Boniewski/d. Aug 5, 1899/from record

BONIN: Nettie/1874-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/1873-1951 Tombstone Hattie/1873-1968 Tombstone, ossw: John/1872-1942 Tombstone

BONK: [A-1-5]-Veronica Bonk/1875-Nov 9, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Jacob Bonk/1853-Jan. 1933/age 80 years Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Stanley Bonk/Apr 8, 1886/Apr 23, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Catherine A. Bonk/Mar. 15, 1906/Mar 26, 1987 Tombstone Martin/1852-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1862-1948 (Spanish Am. War Veteran/USA/CUBA/Philippine Island/Porto Rico) Tombstone Child of Martin/July 24, 1898/from obit Leon Bonk/-Apr. 17, 1939- Tombstone [A-3-6]-Sylvester/Oct 7, 1911/Jan 22, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-6]-Julia T./Dec 18, 1916/Aug 12, 2004 Tombstone Pamela/Feb. 23, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Boy/Aug. 12, 1943 Tombstone [E-4-38]-Anton M./1882-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-39]-Catherine/1883-1952 Tombstone [F-5-55]-Louis/Oct 13, 1892/Oct 2, 1962/Wis/PFC Co. A 55 Engineers/WW I Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-56]-Martha/1898-Feb 2, 1991 Tombstone Joseph S./1902-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Alice F./1903-1989 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Bonk/1963-1963 Tombstone [C-3-2]-John Bonk/1880-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-2]-Helen Bonk/1879-Jan 6, 1935 Tombstone (Son of M.J. Bonk/d. 04 Sept. 1893/from obit-no stone) Klara Bonk/1899-1923 (New Stone) Tombstone, ossw: Seweryna Bonk/1908-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Antonia Bonk/1830-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Pelacia Bonk/1896-1928 Tombstone [F-2-14]-John Bonk/1885-Sep 19, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-14]-Josephine Bonk/1895-1974 Tombstone

BORUCKI / BORUCKA / BORUCKICH: Caroline J. Borucki/Dec 9, 1909/Oct 23, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: Frank J. Borucki/Apr 2, 1903/Sep 29, 1972 Tombstone Myron Borucki/Ur 21 Lutego 1902/Um 15 Czerw 1935 Tombstone Familia Boruckich - Large stone. Smaller stones read: Wojciech Borucki/Um d. 28 Mar. 1927 Tombstone, next to: [E-5-59]-Maryjanna Borucka/Um d 30 Marca R. 1917 Tombstone

BOYD: [F-2-4]-John Boyd/Mar 23, 1927/Oct 9, 2013 Photo [F-2-4]-Grace Boyd/nee Felber/Nov 8, 1922/Sep 30, 2016 Photo

BRACHMANN: [F-3-22]-Therese E. Brachmann/Jan 1, 1914/May 25, 2010/Mother (01 Jan 1914/25 May 2010/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-22]-Joan G. PEKULIK/May 26, 1930/Dec 10, 2015/Daughter Tombstone

BRIGGS: [A-4-2]-Clifford J. Briggs Sr./Feb. 13, 1913/Jul 16, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-2]-Regina Briggs/nee KOMOSA/1916-Jun 27, 2000 Tombstone

BRONE: Anne Brone/died Sept. 19, 1920/age 87 years Tombstone Frank Brone/died Nov. 10, 1917/age 87 years Tombstone

BROWNE: [C-4-6]-Fr. Stanley T. Browne/Son/Apr 18, 1939/Oct 5, 2018, ossw: [C-4-6]-Pauline J. Browne/Mother/Jun 19, 1915/Mar 24, 2003 Tombstone

BRUNNER: Richard D. Brunner/Father/Jan 31, 1937/Jan 19, 2022, ossw: [C-2-3]-Paula F. Brunner/Mother/Aug 21, 1939/Feb 15, 2012 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-3]-Timothy Patrick Brunner/Son/Jun 22, 1961/Nov 2, 1979 Tombstone

BRUSKA: Anastazja Bruska/Ur. 13 List. 1882/Um 7 Kwiet 1913 Tombstone

BRUSKY: [F-3-28]-Katherine/Mar 17, 1895-May 7, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-28]-Anton F./1874/1949 Tombstone

BUDNA: Anna Budna/died Oct. 13, 1916/age 41 years Tombstone

BUDNER: [F-5-14]-Michael Budner/1867-1947 Tombstone

BUDNIK: Veronica/1878/1966 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph F./1874-1935 Tombstone Arthur G. Budnik/1928-1964 Tombstone, next to: [F-1-16]-John A./1893-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-16]-Mary C./Jan 23, 1895/Sep 16, 1975 Tombstone [A-4-4]-Mary G. Budnik/May 8, 1902/Jun 5, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-4]-Felix R. Budnik/Oct. 27, 1903/Dec. 5, 1992 Tombstone See KARL

BUDYSH: Stanley Budysh/Wisconsin Pvt. Co. B 305 Machine Gun Bn/World War I/ Feb. 8, 1895/Dec. 5, 1964 (American Legion Flag holder) Tombstone

BUDYSZ: Andrew Budysz/d. March 30, 1933/from obit/-no stone Magdalen Budysz/1851-Mar 13, 1939/from obit/no stone [Joseph] Budysz/Um 4 Kwietnia 1910/Stary 48 Lat. Tombstone Franciska Budysz/Um 9 Kvietnia 1913/Stara 54 Lat. Tombstone Michalina Budysz/____ Lipca/1825/_____Sierpnka 1897 Tombstone Joseph/1879-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Julia/1892-1951 Tombstone Franciszka Budysz/Ur. Sie 29 go Styczen r. 1897/Um 26 go Lutego r 1920 Tombstone Frank Budysz/Father/May 31, 1887/Jul 8, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Cecilia Budysz/1887-1982 Tombstone Lucyan Budysz/Jan 6, 1870/Jan 20, 1943 Tombstone

BURETA: Apolonia Bureta/1902-1903 Tombstone Anna/1889-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Mike/1889-1967 Tombstone Mary Bureta/1854-1926 Tombstone, next to: Jan Bureta/1850-1915 Tombstone Frank/Oct. 3, 1877/May 16, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Nov. 22, 1877/Dec. 23, 1950 Tombstone

BURETTA: A. Buretta Victor Buretta/B - 1912 - D Tombstone John/Father/1867-1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1871-1948 Tombstone

BURICH: Bruce A. Burich/1949 Tombstone

BURISH: Patrick John Burish/b.-d. Apr. 22, 1956 (new stone) Tombstone

BURRA: Klara Burra/d. Apr. 1915 Tombstone Teresa Burra/d. June 8, 1916

BURRY: Anna Burry/1837-1907 Tombstone, next to: Jan Burry/1834-1923 Tombstone Josef Burry/Urodziel sie r 1868 D 4 Marca/Umarl r. 1906 d 2 Grodnia Tombstone, ossw: Aniela Burry/Ur sie 22 Lip Ro 1868/Urn Dnia/2 Siepnia Ro 1910 Tombstone, next to: Bennie Burry/1902-____

BURSEK: James Bursek/Mar 23, 1950/Mar 23, 1950 Tombstone

BURTON: [C-3-4]-Irene T. Burton/Aug 2, 1921/May 19, 2019 Photo

CABLEWSKA: Rozalia Cablewska Tombstone

CERKAS: [F-3-9]-Rose C. Cerkas/1887-1939 Tombstone

CHAPLESKI: Paul V./Nov 19, 1893/May 15, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude D./May 1, 1897/Apr 18, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-2]-George C. Chapleski/Mar 1, 1922/May 5, 1968/Wisc/Sgt. Med. Det. 274 Infantry/WW II/ Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-2]-Laverne M./Apr 6, 1924/Mar 16, 2017, War vet flag holder [F-2-17]-Dennis M. Chapleski/Sep 21, 1942-Sep 23, 2015 Photo See Kraemer

CHAPLESKY: [C-2-10]-Stefania/(Stella)/Aug 28, 1885/Dec 27, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Joseph S./Feb 16, 1887/Jan 29, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Joseph 1921-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Peter 1921-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Stanley/1923-1923 Tombstone

CHECK: [B-2-9]-Edward J. Check/Mar 15, 1915/Jun 27, 1992/TEC4 US Army/World War II Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-9]-Grace A. "Busia" Check/Oct 1, 1919/Jul 28, 1996 Tombstone + Photo [F-3-4]-Newphrey M./May 31, 1902/Sep 9, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-4]-Clara E./May 13, 1900/Feb 25, 1989 Tombstone [F-6-55]-Frank R./Mar 27, 1905/Dec 15, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-54]-Anna A. Check/Jul 26, 1912/Dec 19, 1996 Tombstone Baby Check/-1954-/from obit Gregory Check/Mar 10, 1954/Apr 18, 1954 Tombstone [F-3-31]-Charles B. Check/Jun 11, 1913/Sep 16, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-31]-Helen B. Check/Aug 24, 1917/Apr 27, 2008 Tombstone

CHODZINSKI: Jan Chodzinski/no other info Tombstone

CHYNOWETH: [F-1-9]-Susan Korlesky Chynoweth/Daughter/1913-1940 Tombstone, ossw: KORLESKY See KORLESKY

CICHANTEK: [F-5-28]-Constance Cichantek/1866-1932 Tombstone (John Cichantek/Sep 14, 1836/Oct 19, 1923/from obit)

CICHOWLAS: Michael Cichowlas/Father/1849-1928 Tombstone

CIHA: [D-1-2]-Louis J. Ciha/(Aloysius)/Mar 17, 1905/Sep 1, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-2]-Adeline J. Ciha/Mar 19, 1904/Jul 5, 1984 Tombstone

COBLESKI: Ignatz Cobleski Tombstone

COBLEWSKA: Jozefa Coblewska/Matka/Um Roku 1916 Tombstone

COBLEWSKI: John Coblewski/Father/1854-1940 Tombstone

COMO: Marie Como/1900-1962 Tombstone

CONTNEY: Joseph J./1895-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Evelyn C./1895-1964/V.F.W. Ladies Aux. Flag holder Tombstone

CZAPIEWSKA: Dorota Czapiewska/d. Jan 23, 1918 Tombstone

CZAPIEWSKI: Tomasz Czapiewski/Ojciec/1844-1895 Tombstone, ossw: Paulina Czapiewski/Matka/1851-1922 Tombstone Paulina Czapiewski/1879-1895/from record

CZEKALA: Catherine/Mother/1897-1957 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1878-1972 Tombstone, next to: Frank Czekala/1902-1906 Tombstone, next to: [C-2-4]-Albert/1911-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-4]-Alice A./1914-1999 Tombstone

DARON: Ervin Daron/Ur. 2 List. 1911/Um/2 Grudnia 1914 Tombstone John F./Father/1887-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1890-1968 Tombstone

DAY: [F-1-8]-Josephine L./1902-Oct 11, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-8]-Carl R./1899-1967 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone

DEMBSKI: Wladyslaw Dembski/Ur 12 Lipca 1873/Um 26 Lipca 1924 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Anna/1872-1946 Tombstone Valentine/1868-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Konstanciya/1874-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Marta/1898-1925 Tombstone Mary Dembski/Sep 10, 1903/May 16, 1904/from record

DEMPSKY: John/Father/1863-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1873-1940 Tombstone Kathryn Dempsky/1856-1907 Tombstone Stanley Dempsky/Jun 6, 1858/Aug 30, 1934/from obit [F-1-5]-Matt S./Father/1894-Feb 3, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-5]-Ella I./Mother/Apr 8, 1897/Jun 28, 1982 Tombstone [F-1-5]-Marcel J. Dempsky/Nov 25, 1917/Mar 14, 2006/TEC4 US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-5]-Mary A. Dempsky/Feb 29, 1924/Feb 4, 2020

DENK: Marie Denk/1906-1994 Tombstone, next to: Novak

DERLA: Mary Derla/1860-1939 Tombstone, next to: Josefa Derla/Ur. 12 Wzes 1885/Um 25 Czec 1896 Tombstone

DERUS: Stanley/1891-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1890-1957 Tombstone [E-2-70]-Walter/1889-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-70]-Mary Derus/Oct 21, 1886-Oct 19, 1957 Tombstone

DONARSKA: Eva Donarska/Ur. 24 Grud 1822/Um 26 Wsz 1905 Tombstone

DRILL: Benjamin/1901-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Selma/1910-1959 Tombstone Theresa Drill/1895-1911 Tombstone [F-1-18]-Agnes M./Feb 10, 1903/Nov 30, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-18]-Theodore R./1905-1990 (US Veteran marker) Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-18]-Marion/1908-1940 Tombstone

DROBKA: [A-5-9]-Adolph J./1886-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-9]-Josephine/Mar 4, 1891/Aug 7, 1976 Tombstone Jan/Ur d 16 go Pazdz 1881/Um d 20 go Marca 1888 Tombstone, ossw: Stanislaw/Ur d 25 go Kie 1888/um d 2 go Lipca 1888 Tombstone John/Father/1852-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille/Mother/1854-1934 Tombstone Josef Ur d. 28 go Marca 1883 r/Um d 1 go Lipca 1895 Tombstone, ossw: Helena/Ur d 2 go Stycz 1895/R. Um d 14 go Stycz 1896 R Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Ur d. 28 go Listop 1896 r/Um d 20 go Stycz 1897 Tombstone

DRYLL: [F-1-18]-Peter P. Dryll/Bugler U.S. Army/World War I/Jul 21, 1894/Mar. 28 1975/U.S. War vet marker Tombstone

DUDZIK: Anzelm Dudzik/1869-1902 Tombstone

DUHNKE: [C-6-4]-Robert E. Duhnke/Husband/Mar. 8, 1903/July 7, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-4]-Alice C. Duhnke/Wife/Mar. 29, 1910/Jan. 16, 2007 Tombstone

DULAK: Julia/1904-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1899-1971 Tombstone

DUMSCHEK: Emilie Dumschek/d. 24 July 1893/from obit-no stone

DUZESKI: Eleanore P. Duzeski/Born Sept. 15, 1914/Died Oct. 23, 1914 Tombstone Josephine/Mar. 23, 1885/Dec. 9, 1944 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/Mar. 27, 1879/Apr. 14, 1970 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-5]-Stanley/1902-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-5]-Marcella/Jun 13, 1910/Jun 8, 1987 Tombstone Noreen WRONKOWSKI/1961-1961 (Jens Funeral Home marker on Josephine and Theodore Duzeski plot) Tombstone

ERDMANN: Mike Erdmann/1883-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Mrozinski

FELDMANN: Anton Feldmann/d. 25 Sep. 1899/age 1 yr. 9 mo./from obit.-no stone

FELTMAN: Josefa Feltman/Roku 1897 Tombstone [D-1-8]-Lester J. Feltman/Wisconsin/Sm 2 U.S. Navy/June 15, 1933/Aug. 20, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-8]-Alois P. Feltman/May 29, 1906/July 13, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-8]-Lucille Feltman/Dec. 16, 1908/July 4, 1990 Tombstone Klara Feltman/1909-1913 Tombstone, next to: [E-2-26]-Jan Feltman/1911-Apr 23, 1917 Tombstone Stanislaw Feltmanz/Urodzil 22 Lipca 1904/Umral 5 Maja 1906 Tombstone Josef Feltman/dnia 11 Kwiet R 1903/Umral/9 Lipca R 1904 Tombstone Franzisek Feltman/21 Kvietna R 1893/Umral 8 Stycz 1896 Tombstone Francis J. Feltman/Wisconsin/Cpl. 303 Fa Bn 97 Inf. Div/World War II/ Oct. 25, 1914/July 10, 1970 Tombstone, next to: Antoni/Ojciec/Ur 25 Wres 1867/Um/23 Lut 1953 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/Ur/10 List 1871/Um/11 Kwiet 1935 Tombstone, next to: (Josephine Feltman/Dec 25, 1898/Sep 25, 1899/from record) Jozef Feltman/Ur. 3 Marc 1880/Um 1 Maja 1924 Tombstone [B-1-10]-Jan Feltman/Father/1863-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-10]-Antonina Feltman/Mother/1869-1933 Tombstone, next to: Wladislaw Nespodziany/1876-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Feltman/Son/1900-1929 Tombstone

FENCKA: Michal Fencka/1857-1873 Tombstone

FENSKA: Albert Fenska/Um 14 Sierp 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Fenska/Um 3 Czr 1904 Tombstone

FROZENA: Joseph Frozena/1882-1910 Tombstone [F-2-3]-Matylda Frozena/(Tillie)/Jul 16, 1887/Dec 1, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-3]-Frank Woznicki/1897-1970 Tombstone [F-2-21]-Joseph J./Feb 22, 1908/Aug 17, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Alice M./1907-1975 Tombstone [F-2-21]-John "Jack" Frozena/Dec 27, 1936/May 2, 2019/US Air Force Photo Peter P./1902-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Mary A./1906-1990 Tombstone, next to: Paul J. Frozena/1930-1986 Tombstone, ossw: LaVaughn L. Frozena/1934-1981 Tombstone Bernice/Mother/1882-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/Father/1876-1930 Tombstone [F-3-25]-Felix R. Frozena/May 28, 1906/July 9, 1981/married June 8, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-25]-Frances M. Frozena/Feb. 2, 1912/Sept. 19, 1994 Tombstone + Photo

FROZYNA: Josef Frozyna/Uroz sic 5 Marca 1846/Umarl/10 Czerw 1917 Tombstone Anna Frozyna/Jego Zona/Urozyna/Urod sie 11 Sierpn 1854/Umarl 28 Lipoa 1917 Tombstone

FRUZYNA: Pawel J. Fruzyna/and den dzien umrl 19 Wrziesnia 1910

GACA: Theodore Gaca

GADZINSKI: [E-1-25]-Anna/Mother/Aug 8, 1865-Jul 13, 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-24]-Thomas/Father/1862-1915 Tombstone Frank/1892-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-2]-Joseph S. /1895-1974 Tombstone John/1890-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1897-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Chester/1917-1926 Tombstone, ossw: John C. Gadzinski/1926-2006/US. Vet. marker Tombstone [F-4-54]-Josephine/1889-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-54]-Thomas F./1887-1941 Tombstone

GANCZ: Justyna Gancz/Umarl u umzel d. 12 Grud 1906

GAPA: Appolonia Gapa/UM sie/7 Scyczea 1895/Um/9 Serpen 1896 Tombstone Franciszek Gapa/urod sie/2 Luty R 1862/Um 24 Czer R 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszka Gapa/Urod sie 25 List R 1863/Um 29 Grud 1927 Tombstone [F-1-19]-Frank J./1904-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-19]-Julia/1904-1989 Tombstone, next to: Francisca Gapa/d. 15 Jan. 1902/from obit-no stone Barthelme Gapa/d. Jan. 3, 1914/from obit

GAPINSKI: Frances/1893-1895 Tombstone, ossw: Tillie/1911-1911 Tombstone Peter P./1865-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Felix/1902-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1875-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Emily/1913-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Alois/("Lefty")/Jun 5, 1900-Jan 20, 1929 Tombstone, ossw: Clement/1917-1920 Tombstone

GAPINSKY: Paul Gapinsky/Wisconsin/Pvt. Hq. Co. 3 Bn. 13 Inf. World War II/ June 25, 1909/March 27, 1968 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone

GAPPA: Gregory G. Gappa/1937-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Sharon M. Gappa/1938-_____

GARAND: Kay M. Garand/Mar. 14, 1913/Sep. 15, 2007 Tombstone

GBUR: Jan Gbur/23 Marca 1870/3 Luty 1880 Tombstone Marianna Gbur/R 1832/8 Sierpna 1895 Tombstone Francizek Gbur/3 Luteg 1832/28 Cerweia 1895 Tombstone

GERL: Joseph Gerl/Father/1884-1945 Tombstone

GLISCH: Constance/1900-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/Sep 4, 1898-May 14, 1960 Tombstone Mike/1856-1913 Tombstone, ossw: Katherine/1860-Jan 20, 1938 Tombstone [C-1-8]-Sadie Glisch/d. Sept. 1920/age 30 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Joseph R. Glisch/1893-May 20, 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Helen B. Glisch/Apr 12, 1892/Mar 8, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Chester Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Ervin Tombstone

GLYZEWSKI/GLYZEWSKA: Jan Glyzewski/1865-Jan 20, 1924 Tombstone, ossw: Agnieszka Glyzewska/Apr 15, 1875/May 4, 1923 Tombstone

GOLATA: Micheal and Severyna Golata John/1852-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1855-1934 Tombstone Andrew Golata/Nov. 18, 1895/Nov. 19, 1895/from record Joseph A. Golata/Wisconsin/Pvt. 161 Depot Brig/March 8, 1897/July 14, 1945 (U.S.War vet flag holder) Tombstone

GOLLATA: Eugene G. Gollata/1903-1967 Tombstone Edwin J. Gollata/1910-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin O'KONSKI/1894-1924 Tombstone Lawrence Gollata/1969-1969 and Brother Tombstone Eileen M. Gollata/1940-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Donald E. Gollata/1938-____ Anthony F. Gollata/1914-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Evelyn M. Gollata/1915-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Nicholas A. Gollata/-Nov. 5, 1995-/Great Grandson Tombstone

GORECKI: Leona Gorecki/May 9, 1911/Aug. 1912 Tombstone [C-4-3]-Larry W./Father/1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-3]-Tillie/Mother/1887-1964 Tombstone

GORYCHKA: [F-4-4]-Theodore/1883-Jan 8, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-4]-Anna/Jul 24, 1883-Jul 15, 1970 Tombstone

GORYCZKA: John/Father/1855-1916 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret/Mother/1864-Oct 21, 1935 Tombstone

GOSPODAREK: [D-1-3]-Helena/1855-1930 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-3]-John Sr./1855-1953 Tombstone, next to: [D-1-3]-Agnes Mary/1885-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-3]-Joseph J./Mar 13, 1888/Mar 6, 1961 Tombstone [E-2-30]-Barney/1879-Jun 7, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-29]-Mary/1882-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/1903-1913 Tombstone, ossw: John/1901-1912 Tombstone Roger Gospodarek/1944-1954 Tombstone, next to: [D-1-7]-Antoinette/1884-Aug 31, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: Michael J./1883-1960 Tombstone Adolph J. Gospodarek/Dec 16, 1918/Mar 12, 1987/from obit Alvin Gospodarek/Ur 21 Czer 1921/Um 1 Marca 1925 Tombstone Severyna Gospodarek/30 Wrzesna 1905/Umarla/22 Grudnia 1905 Tombstone Leonarda Gospodarek/27 Um sie Sierpnia 1912, Ur/3 Maja 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Seweryna Gospodarek/Um sie 22 Lutego/1908/Ur 9 Sierpiena 1910 Tombstone Czeslaw (Chester) Gospodarek/1916-1917 Tombstone Pawel Gospodarek/Ur Sie/2 Cerwca/R 1880/Umarl/31 Pazdz/R 1893 Tombstone [A-4-3]-Catherine/Jan 28, 1886/Mar 20, 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-3]-John A./Feb 19, 1886/Apr 25, 1970 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-3]-Florian S. Gospodarek/1909-Dec 27, 1954 Tombstone Cecilia/Mother/1892-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-20]-Robert M./Father/1893-May 13, 1950 Tombstone [F-1-13]-Leona/Mar 15, 1900/Oct 4, 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-13]-Frank A./1896-1952 Tombstone Leonard F. Gospodarek/Wisconsin/Cpl. U.S. Marine Corp./World War II/ Dec. 9, 1920/Dec. 26, 1952 Vet of foreign war marker Tombstone Anthony Gospodarek/Sept. 2-4, 1955 (new stone) Tombstone [C-4-6]-Edwin A. Gospodarek/1915-Dec 16, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Blanche M. Gospodarek/Oct 26, 1919/Oct 19, 2000 Tombstone Joseph Gospodarek/-Feb 17, 1951- Tombstone

GRACZYKOWSKI: [F-3-6]-Joseph/Father/1870-1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-3-6]-Anna/Mother/Apr 11, 1881-Oct 18, 1952 Tombstone + Photo

GRAY: [A-3-4]-Louise M./Mother/Aug 4, 1923/Dec 23, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-4]-Thomas M./Son/Feb 18, 1945/Nov 29, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Baby Gray/1943 Tombstone

GRAYKOWSKI: [F-3-6]-Thomas/Mar 14, 1909/Mar 19, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-6]-Kathryn E./Oct 7, 1915/Jan 31, 2007 Tombstone

GRETZ: [C-4-6]-Edwin/1917-Jul 28, 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Stanley/May 7, 1882/Jan 24, 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Mary A./May 27, 1882/Jun 12, 1964 Tombstone [J.S. Gretz/no more info. from cem. office]

GRZESKOWIAK: [F-1-6]-Sophia F./Mother/Oct 8, 1899/Dec 14, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-6]-John D./Father/1903-Feb 25, 1950 Tombstone

HALPIN: [F-3-20]-Edward B. Halpin/Cpl. 61 Co. AS1 Artillery/July 7, 1910/June 20, 1953 (Vet of foreign war marker) Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-20]-Irene Halpin SCHMIDT/Feb 14, 1917/Dec 29, 1978 Tombstone

HEILI: [E-5-2]-Michael Peter Heili/Sept, 6, 1953/July 6, 1958 Tombstone

HEIN: [A-5-6]-Phillip M./Jul 7, 1903/Jun 27, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-6]-Violet/1908-1994 Tombstone

HELMINIAK: Julianna Helminiak/Urod sie/18 Lutego R 1896/Um 6 Kwietnia R 1921 Tombstone [B-2-2]-Genevieve Patricia Helminiak/Daughter/Aug 27, 1921/Apr 20, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-2]-Josephine Genevieve/Mother/Feb 19, 1896/Jun 23, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-2]-Anton J./Father/Oct 15, 1895/Apr 20, 1945 Tombstone, next to: Marion Helminiak/1933-1933 Tombstone [C-4-3]-John B. Helminiak/Nov 21, 1904/Jan 8, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-3]-Helen P. Helminiak/1919-2008 Tombstone

HENNESSY: [F-1-14]-Rita M. Hennessy/nee Jagodinsky/Dec 2, 1926/Jan 3, 2011 Tombstone

HERMAN: [B-3-7]-Elmer Herman/July 29, 1917/Nov. 15, 1942 Tombstone

HETTICH: [C-4-4]-Theresa/Apr 23, 1856/Jun 18, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-4]-Emil/Apr 28, 1861/Feb 18, 1942 Tombstone

HETTMANN: [A-4-7]-Charles John/Sep 4, 1900/Jan 14, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-7]-Rose/Jul 31, 1898/Feb 18, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-7]-Gladys L. Hettmann/Daughter/1925-May 19, 1946 Tombstone

HODIK: [F-6-43]-Anna/Feb 12, 1862/May 9, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-44]-Francis/1861-Mar 1922 Tombstone

HOFFMAN: [E-4-122]-Mary Hoffman/Mother/1859-Aug 8, 1937 [F-5-32]-John Hoffman/Jun 9, 1858/Aug 30, 1927 Tombstone

HOFFMANN: Paulina Hoffmann Tombstone

HUTTON: Gail S. Hutton/nee Gappa/Oct. 7, 1959/Jan. 7, 2009 Tombstone

JACOBOSKI: [A-1-6]-Anton P./Jan 1, 1889-Nov 12, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1892-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Francis MROTEK/1898-1966 (Am. Legion marker) Tombstone see MROTEK

JAGODENSKI: Walter Jagodenski/Son/1891-1918 Tombstone, next to: [F-6-51]-Jacob/Father/Jul 17, 1850/Jan 17, 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-51]-Antoinette/Mother/1870-1950 Tombstone

JAGODENSKY: Anna/1894-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1866-1912 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Jagodensky/1871-1954 Tombstone [B-14-11]-Lucille Jagodensky/Feb 9, 1915-May 9, 1975 Tombstone [F-6-54]-Adolph Marin Jagodensky/1902-Dec 20, 1992/Son US Vet. marker Tombstone

JAGODINSKI: [E-5-114]-John Jagodinski/Oct 22, 1907/Aug 24, 1956 Tombstone [B-3-9]-Stella Jagodinski/Mother/1877-Oct 20, 1951 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Jagodinski/Father/1874-1934 Tombstone, next to: Raymond Jagodinski/Son/1917-1934 Tombstone

JAGODINSKY: Marvin Jagodinsky Tombstone [F-1-14]-John P./Oct 11, 1892/Aug 20, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-14]-Ella/1898-Jan 3, 1953 Tombstone [F-2-14]-Raymond Jagodinsky/1909-Jun 23, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-14]-Ethel Jagodinsky/1908-1989 Tombstone, ossw: Ellen Jagodinsky/1935-1949 Tombstone [B-4-11]-Joseph/Apr 24, 1875/Mar 22, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-11]-Blanche/1875-Jan 9, 1936 Tombstone (Rose Jagodinsky/wife of Frank/1846-Aug 26, 1921/from obit) (Frank Jagodinsky/d. May 5, 1923/from obit)

JAGODZINSKA: Juliana Jagodzinska/Ur 20 Lipca 1905/Um/22 Wres 1905 Tombstone

JAGODZINSKI: Maryjanna Jagodzinski/4 Kwitena 1895/24 Maja 1901 (stone broken in three pieces) Tombstone Franczyszek Jagodzinski/Ur/18 Sierp 1867/Um/7 Grud 1899 Tombstone Michal/Jagodzinski/10 Maja 189__/20 Maja 1896 ______Jagodzinski 21 Maja 18___/22 Ma__ 18__ [B-4-10]-Mathilda Jagodzinski/1861-Jun 16, 1943 Tombstone , ossw: [B-4-10]-George/1860-Mar 26, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-10]-Alex J./Aug 21, 1897/Mar 23, 1972 US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Leo C. Jagodzinski/1906-1991 Tombstone, next to: Leo C. Jagodzinski/Mar. 9, 1906/Feb. 26, 1991/CPL US Army World War II Tombstone

JAGODZINSKY / JAGODZINSKA: Luczyja Jagodzinska/Urodzela sie dnia 13 Grudnia 1826/Umarla dnia 17 Lutego 1908 Tombstone, ossw: Tomas Jagodzinsky/Urodzil sie dnia 1 Wrizesnia 1823/Umarl cinia 30 Grudnia 1904 Tombstone Pioter and Pawel Jagodzinsky/Urodziely Sie 31 Grudnia 1903: Pioter Umarl 5 Maja 1905 Tombstone Pawel Umarl 28 Maja 1905 Tombstone Bernard/1898-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/nee BLOCK/1903-1941 Tombstone, next to: Anna/1896-1963 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/1894-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille D. JOWELL/July 3, 1920/Feb. 5, 1990/Dau. Tombstone Infant Daughter/Oct 24, 1957/Oct 24, 1957/from obit Leonard/Dec. 28, 1925/March 18, 1926/from obit Helen Jagodzinsky/July 20, 1902/Feb. 17, 1925 Tombstone, next to: Nellie Jagodzinsky/Sept. 16, 1904/Jan. 16, 1931 Tombstone Bernice C. Jagodzinsky/Mother/1897-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Alex F. Vnuk/Father/1895-1944 Tombstone

JAHN: [E-4-46]-Katarayna Jahn/Umrala die 28 Lutego 1904/Stara 80 lati 3 dni Tombstone

JAKUBOSKI: Piontek Jakuboski/1816-1891 See Jakubowski

JAKUBOWSKI: Peter Jakubowski/1848-Aug. 3, 1891/Husband of Frances Tombstone Father of nine. (New stone) See Jakuboski

JANCZESKI: Rose/Mother/1878-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Father/1875-1949 Tombstone

JAROCH/JARVIS: Antonia/Mother/1847-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Son/1881-1975 Tombstone

JAWORSKI: Jan Jaworski/Um 23 List 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszka Corka/Um 12 Lipca 1907 Tombstone [E-2-99]-Annie Joworski/Urod sie/26 Lipca 1850/umarl/17 Stycz 1939 Tombstone, next to: [E-2-100]-Walentin Jaworski/urod sie/14 Lutego 1852/Umarl/17 Stycz 1909 Tombstone [E-6-66]-Alois Jaworski/Oct 18, 1897/Aug 3, 1967 Tombstone [F-3-14]-Marcianna Jaworski/Mar 3, 1867/Aug 16, 1934 Tombstone

JAWORSKY: [E-6-65]-Thomas V. Jaworsky/Wis./Pvt. 1Q 5 Field Arty 27 Div. WWI/ Dec 15, 1895/Feb 23, 1952 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone

JOGADZINSKY: Leona Jogadzinsky

JOWELL: Lucille D. Jowell/July 3, 1920/Feb. 5, 1990/Dau. Tombstone See Jagodzinsky

JOZWIAK: Tomasz/Ur sie 29 Grudn 1835/Um 27 Sierpn 1917 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-11]-Marcyanna/Ur sie 31 Grudn 1837/Um 30 Maja 1927 Tombstone Rozalia Jozwiak/Urodz/__ Maja 1829/Umarla W Grud 1906 Tombstone

KACKA: Michal Kacka/Ur 10 Wrzesnia/1851/Um 7 Marca 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-126]-Anna Kacka/Ur/1 List/1851/Um/2 Luty 1943 Tombstone Rosalia Kacka/1894-Nov. 16, 1894/no stone/from record

KADOW: [D-4-4]-Siegfried J. Kadow/May 10, 1904/Feb 2, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-4]-Josephine Ann Kadow/Mar 2, 1906/Feb 14, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-4]-James J. Kadow/Nov 15, 1935/Feb 23, 1939 Tombstone Steve/1875-1927 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-2]-Cathrine/Jul 31, 1878/May 4, 1972 (1st husband Kadow/2nd husband Zielinski) Tombstone, ossw: Marvin/1919-1927 Tombstone Katarzyna Kadow/Urod sie 26 Pazd 1875/Umarla/30 Pazd 1911 Tombstone [F-3-17]-Paul Adolph/Oct 1, 1908/Oct 2, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-17]-Clara B./Nov 7, 1909/Feb 15, 1969 Tombstone

KAMINSKI: [F-3-16]-Alois/May 10, 1900/Sep 4, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-16]-Frances Mary/1900-Dec 2, 1992 Tombstone [B-1-11]-Adeline L. Kaminski/Dec 12, 1912/May 13, 1980 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-11]-Michael/1879-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-11]-Marcella/Jan 16, 1880/Jun 2, 1937 Tombstone [C-4-1]-Walter Kaminski/1925-Oct 12, 1943 Tombstone [B-1-12]-Stella Kaminski/1903-May 24, 1983 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-12]-Francis C. Kaminski/Wisconsin/SFC U.S. Army/WWII Korea/Feb 21, 1911/Jul 2, 1961 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-12]-Frank/1878-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-12]-Katherine/Mar 21, 1877/Nov 2, 1950 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-11]-Lena Kaminski/Mother/1851-May 22, 1938 Tombstone [B-2-11]-Anton J./Jan 3, 1903/Jan 8, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Myrtle C./Mar 22, 1906/Jun 18, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Arlette Kaminski/Jul 6, 1934/Aug 4, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: Fred SEMPIER/1876-1927 US Vet. marker Tombstone [A-5-7]-Anna Sophia Kaminski/Jul 12, 1907/Feb 15, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-7]-Michael F. Kaminski/Nov 8, 1907/Jan 18, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-7]-Janice/Mar 4, 1933/Jun 5, 1954 Tombstone [F-3-16]-David Daniel/Nov. 3, 1922/Nov. 24, 2014 Tombstone, ossw: Frances M./nee Piefer/May 8, 1925/May 26, 2008 Tombstone

KARL: Therese Karl/BUDNIK/Died/Nov. 24, 1926/Aged 21 years Tombstone

KARTHEISER: [C-4-8]-Peter/1893-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-8]-Ella C./May 27, 1898-Mar 16, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-8]-Ardell/Nov 30, 1930-Nov 27, 1975 Tombstone

KASTEN: [D-4-8]-Eleanor F. Kasten/Jun 16, 1912-Sep 29, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-8]-Harry H. Kasten/1914-May 10, 1992 Tombstone

KATTNER: Julianna Kattner/Ur 12 Lutego 1842/Umr. 8 Maja 1927 Tombstone Lydia Kattner/1895-1906 Tombstone [F-5-22]-Josephine Kattner/1869-Jun 2, 1939 Tombstone [C-3-6]-Paul L./Father/1866-Mar 4, 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-6]-Martha M./Jul 24, 1875/Jan 24, 1970 Tombstone [B-4-8]-Julian C./Nov 12, 1862/Aug 6, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-8]-Wanda/Nov 7, 1874/Dec 1, 1932 Tombstone [B-4-8]-Valeria A. Kattner/Sep 18, 1893/Jul 22, 1986 Tombstone

KAUFMANN: [D-3-2]-Violet L./1910-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [D-3-2]-Mary C./1877-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [D-3-2]-Clara M./June 16, 1904/Nov. 1, 1975 Tombstone

KAZMIERSKI: Clara Kazmierski/Daughter/Oct 15, 1910/Dec 17, 2005 Tombstone

KENNEDY: [C-3-9]-John Francis Kennedy/Oct 1, 1917/Jun 26, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-9]-Josephine A. Kennedy /Jan 6, 1916/Apr 21, 2007 Tombstone

KERSTEN: [E-1-13]-Henry M. Kersten/1878-Dec 15, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Margaret Kersten/1883-1963 Tombstone [E-1-5]-Elsie Kersten/Nov. 2, 1906-Feb. 15, 1980 Tombstone

KITZ: Anna Michalek Kitz/Sept. 11, 1856/Jan. 27, 1935/from obit Stanley Kitz/1872/Feb. 24, 1937/from obit

KLOSINSKI: [A-5-5]-Frank John Klosinski/Oct 24, 1904-Feb 28, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-5]-Cecilia Klosinski/Jun 25, 1904-Jan 27, 1988 Tombstone

KNIPP: [E-2-55]-Julia Knipp/Apr 12, 1898/Jul 18, 1936 Tombstone Jan Knipp/Ur/9 Cerwca 1845/Um/19 Maya 1916 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-129]-Antonia Knipp/Ur/14 Styc 1854/Um/2 Maya 1930 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-130]-Jan Knipp/Ur. 15 Lipca 1880/Um/20 Pasd 1917 Tombstone [E-6-62]-Peter Knipp/Died June 27, 1887/Age 9 yrs. 10 mo. Tombstone Baby Knipp Tombstone [B-1-8]-Joseph/Jul 5, 1882/Mar 6, 1922 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda/1883-1960 Tombstone [D-1-1]-Leonard E. Knipp/Apr 23, 1920/Aug 26, 1990/PFC US Army WWII, US Vet. marker Tombstone

KOENIG: Joan M. Koenig/Sept. 13, 1943 Tombstone

KOHLS: [F-2-9]-Ralph H. Kohls/Feb. 4, 1915/Aug. 13, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-9]-Frances R. Kohls/July 3, 1914/Mar. 10, 1999 Tombstone

KOLODZESKE: [F-2-5]-Ruth Marie Kolodzeske/Sept. 3, 1929-Sept. 16, 2008 Tombstone

KOLODZESKI: [F-2-5]-Blanche/1892-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-5]-Joseph/Dec 10, 1887-Jul 11, 1976 Tombstone

KOLODZIESKA: Antonia Kolodzieska/1889-1911 Tombstone

KOMOROSKI: [B-2-7]-Wtaca Komoroski/Sep 9, 1875/Aug 15, 1967 Tombstone Theresa Komoroski/d. May 12, 1904/age 1 yr./no stone

KOMOROWSKA: [E-4-42]-Jozefa Komorowska/Matka [d. May 2, 1904] Tombstone Klara/Gorka/(1891-1908) Tombstone

KOMOROWSKI: [A-3-12]-Katharine Komorowski/Jul 9, 1872/Dec 22, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-12]-Joseph J. Komorowski/Jan 28, 1871/May 27, 1948 Tombstone [E-3-122]-Warzyniec Komorowski/Urodz sie/6 go Lipca Roku 1834/Umarl Dnia 16 go Lipca Roku 1905 Tombstone Peter Komorowski/1897-1940 Tombstone Josephine Komorowski/1899-1972 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-7]-Frank J. Komorowski/1874-Jul 20, 1948 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-7]-Franciszek Komorowski/Ur 12 Sierp 1901/Ur 2 Kwiet 1921 Tombstone [B-2-7]-Wtaca "Lillian" Komorowski/b. 9 Sep 1875/d. 15 Aug 1967 Tombstone (George Komorowski/Apr 6, 1867/May 7, 1932/from obit)

KOMOSA: [A-4-2]-Clementine L./Jul 31, 1910/Apr 20, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-2]-Theodore J./Nov 8, 1908/Dec 28, 1968 Tombstone , next to: [A-4-2]-Peter J. Komosa/Father/1883-Jan 6, 1938 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-2]-Rose Komosa/Mother/1887-Dec 31, 1938 Tombstone See Briggs

KONECZKA: Mary/1853-1921 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvester/1847-1920 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-1]-Joseph Koneczka/1879-Dec 7, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes Vetter/1896-1972 Tombstone John Koneczka/1871-1947 Tombstone See BALKO See VETTER

KONKEL: [F-1-22]-Edward A. Konkel/Apr 28, 1903/Mar 31, 1983/married Oct 21, 1929 Tombstone, ossw: Helen Frances Konkel/1908-Mar 2, 1994 Tombstone, next to: Linda J. Konkel/Apr 18, 1949/Feb 3, 2006/married Jun 3, 1977 Photo + Tombstone

KOPETSKY: John/Baby/Son of J & J Kopetsky/May 12, 1963 Tombstone

KOPOTIC: [C-1-10]-Baby Kopotic/11-09-1961 (Pfeffer Funeral Home marker on Susan & Joseph Smugler plot) Tombstone [C-1-10]-Robert/1895-1963/(U.S. War Vet flag holder) Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-10]-Victoria/Oct 8, 1898/Jul 29, 1982 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-10]-Melvin M. Kopotic/Wisconsin/Tec 4 654 Tank Destroyer Bn/World War II/ Aug. 28, 1921/Jan. 2, 1948 (Vet of foreign War flag holder) Tombstone

KORALESKY: Edwin F. Koralesky/1911-1983 Tombstone

KORALEWSKA/KORALEWSKI: Joseph Koralewski/1871-Apr 25, 1893 Tombstone [E-1-34]-Jan Koralewski/(b. Dec 2, 1821)/Um 17 Grud 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-35]-Anna Koralewska/(b. Apr 16, 1842)/Um/5 List 1918 Tombstone Antonina/1852-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Michal/1846-Jul 7, 1923 Tombstone [A-1-9]-Paulina/Mother/Jun 23, 1882/Sep 29, 1923 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1877-1952 Tombstone Jozef Koralewski/Um/10 Lipca 1917 Tombstone

KORLESKY: [A-5-12]-Frank P./Nov 4, 1893/May 16, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-12]-Rose B./Sep 5, 1892/Mar 5, 1970 Tombstone [A-3-4]-Alex/Jan 22, 1904/Nov 6, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-4]-Josephine/Oct 21, 1909/Jan 7, 1987 Tombstone [F-3-30]-Martin/Father/Nov 11, 1860-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-30]-Nettie/Mother/1862-May 14, 1949 Tombstone [F-3-1]-Walter Edward/May 9, 1891/Nov 10, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-1]-Sophie R./Sep 3, 1890/Jan 26, 1968 Tombstone [F-1-9]-Frank Jr./Son/Jul 13, 1905/Aug 22, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Susan/Daughter/1913-1940 (Susan Korlesky Chynoweth) Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Frank J. Sr./Father/Mar 16, 1882/Jan 28, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Anna/Mother/Apr 27, 1882/Apr 23, 1968 Tombstone [E-1-34]-Jan Korlesky/Dec. 3, 1831/Dec. 17, 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-35]-Anna Korlesky/Apr. 16, 1842/Nov. 5, 1918 Tombstone (new stone, both previously listed as Koralewski/Koralewska)

KOSTUHOSKE: Joseph/1894-1971/(U.S.War vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Regina/1899-1990 Tombstone Genevieve Denning/Aug 22, 1918/Aug 14, 1982

KOTAREK: Aniela/Mother/1872-1908 Tombstone, ossw: Marta/Daughter/1898-1913 Tombstone Florence A./Jul 24, 1910/Jan 20, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: John P./May 5, 1913/Sep 28, 1981 Tombstone Peter/Father/1874-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Alvina/Mother/1887-1975 Tombstone

KOWALEWSKI: Barney/1895-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1900-1986 Tombstone

KOWALEWSKY: G. Kowalewsky Tombstone

KOWALKA: Maryanna Kowalka/Um 20 Marca 1908/Liczac Lut 28 ____ Tombstone

KOWALSKA: Mary Anna Kowalska/1917-1920 Tombstone, next to: Dorota Kowalska/1922-1923 Tombstone

KOWALSKI: Gertrude H. Kowalski/1911-1964 Tombstone, next to: Rose/Mother/1888-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Nick/Father/1887-1965 Tombstone Theodore Kowalski/1911-1951 Tombstone, next to: Virginia Kowalski/Mar. 16/Mar 17 1922 Tombstone Emma Kowalski/1892-1967 Tombstone, next to: Appolonia Kowalski/Ur 2 Wrzeni 1852/Um 22 Marca 1939 Tombstone, next to: Mikolaj Kowalski/Ur. 2 Wresnia 1855/Um 13 Pozdziernka 1935 Tombstone Alois B. Kowalski/S SGT US Army Air Corps/Sep. 9, 1913-Jul. 31, 1996 US Vet. Marker Tombstone, ossw: Mildred Kowalski/1917-2004 Tombstone next to: Victor/1911-1930 Tombstone, ossw; Pauline/Feb. 13, 1886/Aug. 7, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: John/1878-1964 Tombstone Michael John Kowalski/Oct 1, 1946/Mar 31, 2014 Tombstone Joseph G. Kowalski Jr./Wisconsin/Pvt. 406 Infantry/World War II/ BSM P 11/Oct. 28, 1907/Dec. 2, 1944 (Amvets flag holder) Tombstone Frances/Mother/1887-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Dominick/Father/1881-1945 Tombstone Anna Kowalski/Mother/1888-1946 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Kowalski/Father/1878-1945 Tombstone

KOZACZUK: Patricia Kozaczuk/Daughter/-1951- Tombstone, ossw: William Kozaczuk/Son/-1949- Tombstone, ossw: Dorothy (Kozaczuk) YOUNG/1923-2007 Tombstone Julius/1892-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Lottie/1897-1981 Tombstone Pauline Kozaczuk/1916-1927 Tombstone See YOUNG

KRAEMER: Esther Kraemer/nee CHAPLESKI/1920-1999 Tombstone + Photo Florence M. Kraemer/1923-2009 Tombstone, ossw: Donald F. Pekulik/1935-2000 Tombstone (Brother & Sister) See PEKULIK

KRIEPCISKA: Wiktoria Kriepciska/Um 28 List R 1911/Oftara/Stanislawi/Jozef/Tadych see TADYCH

KROL: Stanislow Krol/Ur 23 Wrzesnia 1909/Um Roku 1909 Tombstone

KROLL: Jozef Kroll/Ur 16 List 1896/Um 20 Styc 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Kroll/Ur/8 List 1905/Um/24 List 1924 (new stone with just b. and d. years) Tombstone Rose Kroll/Mother/1876-1944 Tombstone Antoni J. Kroll/1862-1936 Tombstone

KRUMREY: Baby Krumrey/-Mar 2, 1951- Tombstone

KRYSAK: Alexander Krysak/July 13, 1909/Dec. 3, 1942 (Picture inset) Tombstone, next to: Mary Krysak/1885-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/1872-1951 Tombstone

KUBACKI: Frances/1876-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1874-1954 Tombstone Charles Kubacki/1908-1939 Tombstone

KUBACKY: Alois/Father/1897-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/Mother/1896-1946 Tombstone

KUBATZKI: John/1870-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1863-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1890-1964 Tombstone

KUBICHEK: John Kubichek/Baby/Born and died Nov. 19, 1941 Tombstone

KUBISZEWSKI: Rev. Stanislaus J. Kubiszewski/Born Sept. 2, 1870/Ordained June 24, 1899/ Died Dec. 5, 1939 (large vault) Tombstone

KUJAWSKI: Richard/1924-2005 US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Ida Mae/1926-1953 Tombstone Katherina Kujawski Tombstone Bernard Kujawski August Kujawski/13 Supna 1860/20 Lipic 1906 Tombstone Marion/1888-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1897-1959 Tombstone

KUKLIS: Sylvester D. Kuklis/Dec 31, 1925/Mar 5, 2006/PFC US Army WWII/US Vet. marker Tombstone

LABINSKI: John/1890-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1896-1981 Tombstone John/1865-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Antoinette/1869-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1900-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Vincent/1913-1927 Tombstone (Leo Labinski/d. 1918/20 yrs old/from obit)

LEITERMANN: Frank Leitermann/1899-1980 Tombstone

LEVENDESKI: Child of John Levendeski/d. 30 Mar. 1897/age 5 mo./from obit-no stone

LEVENDOSKI: Baby Levendoski/1952-1952 on same lot with Eva and John Lewandowski and Ellen Steffen Tombstone

LEVENDUSKY: Pvt. Edward Levendusky/Co. H 127 Inf./June 30, 1899/Aug. 2, 1918 Tombstone (George Levendusky/1866-Oct 23, 1932/from obit) (Viola Levendusky/1906-Apr 15, 1923/from obit) Carola Levendusky/1902-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Alex O. Levendusky/1901-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Leonard Levendusky/1916-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Levendusky/1916-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Frank Levendusky/Aug 28, 1909/Jan 1, 1930 Tombstone Above four are all Pfeffer Funeral Home markers John Levendusky/1906-1953 Tombstone Val Levendusky/Daughter/1994 (Mar 7, 1904/Nov 30, 1994) Tombstone, ossw: Jack Jr./Father/1932 (1879-Nov 8, 1932) Tombstone, ossw: Martha/Mother/1972 (May 7, 1883/Aug 14, 1972) Tombstone

LEWANDOWSKA: Agnieszka Lewandowska/Ur 20 Maja 1874/Um 17 Lutego 1918 Tombstone

LEWANDOWSKI/LEWANDOWSKA: Franciszek Lewandowski/Ur/7 Stycz 1886/Um 16 List 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Lucya Lewandowska/Ur 13 Sierp 1918/Um 17 List 1918 Tombstone Eva/1881-1958 Tombstone, ossw: John/1877-1927 Tombstone, on same lot with: Baby Levendoski/1952-1952 (Pfeffer marker), on same lot with Ellen Tombstone Steffen/1955-1955 (Pfeffer marker)

LEWANSKY: Baby Lewansky/son of Adam Lewansky/d. 20 Apr. 1897/from obit-no stone

LICHTERMAN: Caroline/1909-2006 Tombstone, ossw: Leo B./1906-1969 Tombstone

LIGMAN: Mary Ligman/Died July 6, 1909 Tombstone

LIPSKI: Anton Lipski Tombstone Joe Lipski Paul Lipski/Jul 14, 1895/Sep 14, 1895/from record Tombstone Ignatz Lipski/Ojciec/Sierp 20, 1857/Czer 15, 1940 Tombstone, next to: Anna Lipski/Matka/List 11, 1860/Maja 29, 1930 Tombstone Michael/1891-1968 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone,ossw: Tillie/1893-1972 Tombstone Helen A. Lipski/Apr 15, 1910/Oct 31, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Edward A. Lipski/Jan 25, 1903/Aug 26, 1978 Tombstone Charles Lipski/Jul 20, 1898/Jul 14, 1962/from obit

LUDKA: Julia/1921-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond Ludka Sr./S SGT USAAF WWII/May 20, 1918/Dec. 18, 1999/US Vet marker Tombstone + Photo

LUMAYE: Maureen S. Lumaye/Jun 14, 1952/Oct 11, 1952 Tombstone

MAJCHSZAK: Jan Majchszak

MAKOWSKI: Lavern Makowski/Born Feb. 4, 1930/Died April 1931 Tombstone

MALLY: Stephen M./1884-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Stella H./1881-1979 Tombstone

MALONE: Angeline Malone/1900-1990 (Pfeffer marker) Tombstone


MARENDA: Anna Marenda/Ur sie 1 Kwiet 1883/Um 14 Kwiet R. 1910 Tombstone Apolonija Marenda/1845-1911 Tombstone Floyd J. Marenda/1930-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Clarence/1924-1973 Tombstone Winnifred/1926- (U.S. War vet marker), next to: Felix/1890-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1894-1971 Tombstone Anna Marenda/d. April 13, 1901/19 yrs old/no stone/from obit

MARKOSKY: George/May 13, 1891/Nov. 16, 1974 (Am. Legion marker) Tombstone, ossw: Julia/Nov. 18, 1895/Aug. 5, 1984 Tombstone

MARKOWSKA: Genowefa Markowska/U.S. d. 4 go Stycznia R 1909/Um d 14 go Kwiet 1916 Tombstone

MARKOWSKI: Josef Markowski/Ojciec/Ur Sie/10 Luty 1855/Umarl 30 Kwiet r. 1924 Tombstone Joseph/(Aug 13, 1897/Apr 8, 1898) Tombstone, ossw: Pauline Markowski/(Apr 16, 1898/Aug 17, 1899) Tombstone Blanche/1895-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Anton Markowski/Aug. 29, 1894/Jan. 23, 1986/US Vet. marker Tombstone Victor Markowski/Aug. 13, 1910/Aug. 20, 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Esther Markowski/June 19, 1917/Nov. 1, 1918 Tombstone Henry A./Father/1884-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1881-1960 Tombstone Rozalia/Mother/1870-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Ignatz/Father/1856-1943 Tombstone Anna/Mother/Died 1919 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/Died 1922 Tombstone Anton J. Markowski/TEC 5 US Army World War II/Apr. 30, 1916/May 28, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: Pearl M. Markowski/1916-2014 Tombstone Adalbert Markowski/May 13, 1891/Nov. 16, 1974/ PVT US Army World War I (US Vet. Marker) Tombstone

MARTELL: Lawrence S. Martell/1963-1995 Tombstone, ossw: Gay Lynn Martell/Sept. 21, 1959-Feb. 1960 Tombstone, ossw: Lindsey Martell/1984-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Janet M. Martell/1930-2005 Tombstone

MASIAK: Rose/1891-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1884-1976US Vet. marker Tombstone

MATCZYNSKI / MATCZYNSKA: Michal Matczynski/Umarl dnia/8 Pazd R 1908/Star 75 Lar. Tombstone, ossw: Wiktorya Matczynska/Umarla dnia 28 Pazd R 1914 Tombstone Mary/1876-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1870-1960 Tombstone Frank A. Matczynski/June 8, 1891/Nov. 12, 1983 US Vet marker Tombstone, next to: Joseph J. Matczynski/Aug. 20, 1894/Nov. 25, 1978 US Vet marker Tombstone, next to: Valeria Matczynski/Oct. 4, 1898/Oct. 1, 1961 Tombstone, next to: Katarzyna/Matka/1871-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Jan/Ojciec/1862-1943 Tombstone

MATTE: Arnold Matte/1920-1985/SGT World War II/US Vet marker Tombstone, ossw: Dolores Matte/nee Fessler/1923-____ next to: Herbert/1899-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1898-1979 Tombstone Robert A. Matte/May 29, 1947/May 17, 1987 Tombstone Hilary M. Matte/March 10, 1924-July 5, 2010 Tombstone

MECHA: John/1840-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Anna/1842-1922 Tombstone

MELLA: Rozalya/Mella/____Roku 1842/____Roku 1893 Rosella Mella/1842-1893 (New stone) Tombstone, ossw: Michael Mella/1879-1949 Tombstone

MERKEL: Frank/1878-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Martyna/1885-1953 Tombstone

MEYER: Herman M./Meyer/1912-1952 Tombstone

MICHALEK: Josef Michalek/Ur sie 11 go Wrzcsnia/R 1890/Umarl/3 go Stycznia R. 1912 Tombstone Mikolaj Michalek/Urod 6 go 1852/go Roku/Umarl 28 Sierpnia 1901 Roku Tombstone Ignatz/1893-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1897-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1918-1925 Tombstone

MICHALSKI: T.S. Josef Michalski (balance of stone deep in ground and no additional info) Josef Michalski/no dates/new stone Tombstone Petronella Michalski/1841-1904/new stone Tombstone See Mjchalska

MIGACZ: John Migacz/Grandfather/1866-1951 Tombstone

MIX: Josephine Mix/Mother/1875-1945 Tombstone, next to: John F. Mix/Father/1876-1933 Tombstone

MJCHALSKA: P.(Patronella) Mjchalska/Um 1 Maia r 1904/Lat 63 Tombstone See Michalski

MORKOSKY: ______/1850-1907 (Monument very illegible)

MROTEK: [A-1-6]-John Mrotek/Father/1857-1936 Tombstone, next to: [A-1-6]-Katherine Mrotek/Mother/1861-1942 Tombstone [A-2-5]-Family Tombstone [A-2-5]-Grezelda Mrotek/Gorka/1909-1927 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-Mary Anna/Matka/1881-1923 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-John A. Mrotek/Father/1881-1943 Tombstone [A-4-11]-Mary Mrotek/12 Jan. 1871/30 May 1943 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-11]-Blanche Mrotek/23 Mar. 1874/20 Dec. 1946 Tombstone [B-2-9]-Katherine Mrotek/Nov 25, 1840/Nov 22, 1926 Tombstone, ossw: Ziarnik. [C-1-6]-Mary Mrotek/nee Zandala/1891-1939 Tombstone [E-4-37]-John Mrotek/1831-1918 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-37]-Magdalena Mrotek/1838-1905 Tombstone Anton Mrotek/1868-Aug 7, 1891/from record [F-3-27]-Katie/1882-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-27]-John P. Mrotek/1884-1966 Tombstone Family Tombstone [F]-Stanislawa Mrotek/Matka/Ur sie d 5 Marc R 1879/Umarla d 18 Kwiet r 1915 Tombstone, next to: [F]-Andrzej Mrotek/Ociec/Ur sie/28 Marc R 1875/Umarl 6 Marc R 1911 Tombstone, next to: Annie Mrotek/no dates Peter Mrotek/Nov. 17, 1882-Jan. 14, 1914 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/Sept. 19, 1988-March 25, 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Emelie Smugler/Mar 11, 1886/Mar 15, 1911 Tombstone Peter Mrotek/d. Feb. 25, 1932 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/Urodzona Roku 1839/Umarla Dna 23 Stycznia Roku 1915 Tombstone Max C./1909-1975/US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Agnes M./1914-1992 Tombstone, next to: Sophia Mrotek/Mother/1869-1934 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Mrotek/Father/1854-1927 Tombstone Frank Mrotek/1859-1907 Tombstone Agnes Mrotek/06 June 1870/14 Feb. 1892/from obit-no stone Francis E. Mrotek/July 31, 1898/Aug. 1, 1966 Tombstone Large Stone reads: Powalisz/Mrotek/Vandenbusch/separate stones for Martha and Gertrude: Martha Mrotek/1898-1930 Tombstone Gertrude Mrotek/1925-1930 Tombstone Franciszek Mrotek/Urod sie D 20 Luty r 1847/Umarl d 3 Wrz r 1931 Tombstone, ossw: Antonina Mrotek/Urod sie 22 Grud r 1854/Umarla d 13 Lutego 1917 Tombstone Aloize A. Mrotek/Ur 19 Wrzs 1900/Um 25 Lut 1931 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - separate stones read: Peter Mrotek/Son/1881-1948 Tombstone, next to: TombstoneJosephine Mrotek/Ur 19 Marca 1856/Um/13 Grud 1936 Tombstone, next to: Wicenti Mrotek/Ur/19 Lipca 1849/Um/20 List 1927 Tombstone Jozefa Mrotek/Urodzana 6 Wrz 1884/Umrala 23 List 1902 Tombstone Mathilda Mrotek/Mother/1862-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/Father/1862-1929 Tombstone Gaye M. Mrotek/1924-1987 (Former owners of Three T's Lanes) Tombstone, ossw: Erwin B. Mrotek/1918-1993 Tombstone, next to: Helen Mrotek/1894-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Boniface T./1896-1965 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/1886-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Gordon Mrotek/1906-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/1884-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Leona Wernecke/1917-2002 Tombstone Franciszek Mrotek/1837-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Rozalia Mrotek/1844-1931 Tombstone Alex Mrotek/Ur 28 Sierp 1888/Um 10 Maja 1889 Tombstone Linda Marie Mrotek/July 5-Aug. 12, 1951 Tombstone Florence Mrotek/1906-1991 Tombstone, next to: Charles Mrotek/1882-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Rose Mrotek/1884-1964 Tombstone, next to: Susanna Mrotek/Ur sie d 7 Lutego/R 1909/Um 29 Marca R 1911 Lila/1904-1992 Tombstone, ossw: Victor Mrotek/March 2, 1906-June 17, 1977 Tombstone Rose Mrotek/1889-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Adam A./Oct. 14, 1884-Sep. 13, 1970 Tombstone, next to: Teresa Mrotek/1911-1924 Tombstone Francis Mrotek/1910-1996/US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: Eleanor G. Mrotek/1914-2009 Tombstone, ossw: Kay Frances Mrotek/Daughter/1948 Tombstone Joseph Mrotek/1821-1900 Tombstone See: E. Ziarnik See Wernecke

MROZINSKA/MROZINSKI: Mary Mrozinski/1910-1914 Tombstone Victoria/1879-1965 Tombstone, ossw: John/1903-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/1869-1919 Tombstone, ossw: Mike ERDMANN/1883-1959 Tombstone Emily Mrozinski/Gorka/Ur 24 Lit 1915/Um 17 Sierp 1931 Tombstone, next to: Theodor Mrozinski/Ojciec/Ur 6 Wrz 1878/Um 9 Lipc 1931/ Tombstone, next to Maryanna Mrozsinski/Matka/Ur 8 Sierp 1887/Um 30 Pazd 1925 Tombstone Joseph Mrozinski/1889-1946 Tombstone Tomasz Mrozinski/Father/1865-1939 Tombstone, next to: Katarzina Mrozinski/Mother/1878-1949 Tombstone Jozefa Mrozinska/Ur 29 Wrzesnia r 1901/Um 30 Pazdz r 1913/Gorka Tombstone

MUCHOWSKI: Mathias/1900-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Constance G./Nov. 5, 1898/Apr. 10, 1998 Tombstone Ben/1901-1974 Photo Tombstone, ossw: Cele/1905-1984 Tombstone Eugene Muchowski/Aug. 22, 1926/Aug. 25, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene D. Muchowski/AETM3 US Navy World War II/ Aug. 22, 1926-Aug. 25, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: Vivian Muchowski/Jan. 6, 1928-Nov. 20, 1995 Tombstone

MUELLER: Joseph Mueller/Wisconsin CPL 340 Infantry 85 Div./World War I/ Dec. 15, 1894-Feb. 6, 1952 (vet flag holder) Tombstone, in front of: Joseph J. Mueller/1894-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Clara G./1894-1970 Tombstone Theresa/Dec. 4, 1904/Mar. 3, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: Hubert/Sept. 12, 1902-Mar. 23, 1957 Tombstone

MUSHEL: Frances/1896-1965 Tombstone, ossw: John L./1892-1978 Tombstone

MUSIAL: Daniel G. Musial/1919-1980 Tombstone, next to: Catherine/Mother/1886-1974 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1887-1948 Tombstone, next to: Harry Musial/Apr. 4, 1916/Mar. 11, 1919 Tombstone Joseph Musial/1896-1984 Tombstone, next to: Konstanti Musial/Ojciec/1855-1934 Tombstone, next to: Veronika Musial/Matka/1866-1934 Tombstone Marzina Musial/Mar 24, 1899/July 30, 1899/from record/no stone Frank J. Musial/Wisconsin/Pvt. U.S. Army/Nov. 13, 1937 Tombstone, next to: Michael Musial/1889-1952 Tombstone Julijanna Musial/Ur 10 Wrzesnia 1907/Um 6 Sticzna 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Musial/Ur 1 Sticznia 1891/Um Czewrwca 1891 Tombstone Julia E./1893-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Frank P./1889-1939 (U.S.War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Alice Musial/1912-1964 Tombstone Marijanna Musial/Ur Sie 13 Grudnia 1897/Um 19 Marca 1917 Tombstone Franciska Musial/Ur 24 Wsz 1859/Um 22 Lipca 1894/Matka A. Dzieci Tombstone (Jacob Musial/Jul 22, 1894/Aug 5, 1894/from record) (Adam Musial/Jul 22, 1894/Sep 9, 1894/from record) Franciszek Musial/Ur 28 Kwie 1846/Um 25 Pazd 1923 Tombstone, ossw: Maryianna Musial/Ur 18 Pazd 1851/Um 5 Sierp 1930 Tombstone Antonitte/1892-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Musial/1892-1949 Tombstone Mathilda Musial/Um 29 Czerwsz 1947/Lat 74 Tombstone, next to: Antoni Musial/Urn 2 Sierpna 1920/Lat 57 Tombstone Evelyn M. Musial/1919-2011 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Musial/1914-1968 (U.S.War Vet flag holder) Tombstone Jeffry Musial/1952-1952 Tombstone See Pagel, Helen/nee Musial

MYSZEWSKY: Veronika/1872-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/1863-1935 Tombstone

NEDVECKI: Jennie/1887-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Martin/1885-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin/1912-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/1917-1918 Tombstone

NESPODZIANY: Wladislaw Nespodziany/1876-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Feltman/Son/1900-1929 Tombstone

NICKEL: Josef Nickel/Urodziel sie Roku 1845/Umar. dnia/12 Sierpnia Roku 1901 Tombstone

NIESPODZIANI: Wojciech Niespodziani/Urodzony 1834 Roku/Umarl 23 Stycz 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Juliana Niespodziani/Ur 25 Gru. 1838/Um 12 Mar 1914 Tombstone

NITKA: Franciszck Nitka/Ur sie 22 Paz/Roku u 1891/Um 27 Lipca Roku 1912 Tombstone, ossw: In remembrance of: the employees of Aluminum Goods Mf'g. Co. Tely Nitka/Urodziela 17 Pazdz 1911/Umrala 22 Marca 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Wladyslaw Nitka/Urodzil/15 go Marca/R 1903/Umarl 3 go Kwiet/R 1905 Tombstone Emily/1898-1971 Tombstone, ossw: John/1896-1985 Tombstone Jozefa Nitka/Ur 21 Lut 1867/Um 8 Kwiet/1929 Tombstone, next to: Michael Nitka/Ojciec/Ur 28 List 1860/Um 12 Czer 1941 Tombstone, next to: Michael Nitka/Wisconsin/Pvt. Btry D 815 AAA AW BN/World War II/ Nov. 22, 1905-June 24, 1967 (vet flagholder) Tombstone, next to: Florence Nitka/Sept. 20, 1904-Jan. 15, 1934 Tombstone

NORKOSKI: Frank/Father/1854-1921 Tombstone Mary Norkoski/Mother/1855-1945 Tombstone

NORKOSKY: George Norkosky/Father/1850-1907 (new stone) Tombstone, next to: Marcina Norkosky/Mother/1851-1933 (new stone) Tombstone

NORKOWSKY: Wojciech Norkowsky/Urodz dnia 10 Grudnia/Roku 1850/Umarl 31 Sierpien/Roku 1907 Tombstone

NOVAK: Harry/1912-1931 Photo + Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1878-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/1877-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1908-1961 Tombstone Pauline/Mother/1863-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/Father/1854-1941 Tombstone, next to: Edna/1896-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/1890-1958 Tombstone, next to: Joseph G./1885-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1887-1958 Tombstone Frank/-1917- Tombstone, ossw: Eleanor/1916-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Blanche/1915-1934 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Novak/Feb. 15, 1954/Feb. 19, 1954 Tombstone Theodore Novak/Sons/Jan. 6, 1906/Aug. 2, 1909 Tombstone, ossw: Edmund Novak/Oct. 19, 1904/Mar. 27, 1905 Tombstone Ervin Novak/Son/Sept. 2, 1916/Jan. 2, 1917 Tombstone John Novak Jr./Son/1909-1950 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1882-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1885-1946 Tombstone Nancy/1940-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Leon/1910-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-19-5]-Helen Novak Becker/1915-1989 Tombstone Michael Novak/d. 20 Jan. 1902/age 23 yrs/from obit-no stone Adam F. Novak/1911-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Susan K. Novak/1908-1982 Tombstone See Becker

NOVY: Dorothy Novy/Feb. 8, 1927/Apr. 17, 1988 Tombstone

NOWAK: Anna Nowak/Urodzila sie/26 Lipca 1895/Umarla 4 Sierpien 1895 Tombstone Antony Nowak/1873-1925 Tombstone Salomeja Nowak/Urodzila sie/5 Latego 1878/Umarla 11 Grudnia 1895 Tombstone Josef Nowak/Ur Sie 7 Marca/Roku 1847/Um 9 Sierp Roku 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Nowak/Ur Sie 8 Maja/Roku 18, 1848/Um 4 Grud/Roku 1888 Tombstone Mathilda Nowak/1887-1970 Tombstone Catherine B. Nowak/Mother/1900-1958 Tombstone, next to: Walter J. Nowak/Father/1889-1939 Tombstone Antoinette Nowak/1907-1999 Tombstone, next to: Mary A./1888-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Anton A./1884-1968 Tombstone [F-4-48]-Eugene Jerome Nowak/Aug 2, 1926/Aug 5, 2020 Photo [F-4-48]-Flora Ann Nowak/Dec 17, 1926/Sep 20, 2016 Photo

OKONSKA / OKONSKI: Edwin O'Konski/1894-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Golata Edward Okonski/d. Feb, 23, 1923-(no stone-only cem. with this surname) Teofil Okonski/Ur 5 Litgo 1916/Liezac Lat 18 i. 3 m, ossw: Jan Okonska/Um 13 Wrzesnia 1913/Liezac Lat 63 i 8 m Tombstone, ossw: Jozefa Okonska/Um 30 Maja 1920/Lezac Lat 66 Tombstone

ORCHEKOWSKI: Frank H. Orchekowksi/1903-1985 Tombstone, ossw: Clara L. Orchekowski/1904-1988 Tombstone (Baby Orchekowski/-Jan. 10, 1963-/from obit) Katherine Orchekowski/Mother/1881-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Danny Orchekowski/5 Oct. 1914/15 Dec. 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Orchekowski/2 Oct. 1916/5 Dec. 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur J. Orchekowski/May 13, 1921/Jan. 28, 1993/ SFC IS Army Korea Vietnam Tombstone, ossw: George Orchekowski/1878-1942 Tombstone

ORCHEKOWSKY: John Orchekowsky/Died Feb. 29, 1940/Age 71 years Tombstone, next to: Gertrude Orchekowsky/Died June 23, 1958/Age 85 years Tombstone, next to: Joseph Orchekowsky/Died July 9, 1960/Age 63 yrs Tombstone

ORCHOKOWSKA: (John Orchokowska/d. Feb 28, 1908/from obit) Maryanna Orchokowska[1828-May 10, 1894]

OSESEK: (OSESKOW) Harry/1891-1970 Tombstone,ossw: Anna/1893-1963 Am. Leg. Flagholder Tombstone Marcin Osesek Tombstone Felix/Father/1880-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1880-1965 Tombstone Thomas A. Osesek/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. K/318 Infantry World War I/ Aug 26, 1892/Aug. 10 1958 (flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Frank Osesek/1883-1937 Tombstone, next to: Thomas Osesek/Father/1855-1938 Tombstone, next to: Large stone: Familia OSESKOW, next to: Anna Osesek/Mother/1856-1933 Tombstone, next to: Michal Osesek/20 Wrzes 1893/Umarl 18 Czerw 1917 Tombstone Joseph T. Osesek/1907-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Bridget T. Osesek/1915-2008 Tombstone

OSIECZANEK: Helen Piekarski Osieczanek/1901-1926 (new stone) Tombstone, next to: Stanley Osieczanek/1859-1939 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Stella Osieczanek/1863-1942 Tombstone

OSSIECK: Joseph/1899-1972 (b. 11 Mar. 1899/d. Jan. 1972/SSDI) Tombstone

OZGA: Clara Ozga/Mother/Feb. 15, 1886/Mar. 8, 1934 Tombstone, next to: John N. Ozga/Father/Apr. 2, 1886/Dec. 14, 1955 Tombstone See Reindl, Sylvia

PACKOWSKI: Christine Packowski/Oct. 13, 1954/Oct. 13, 1954 Tombstone

PAGEL: Helen Pagel/Nee Musial/1896-1945 Tombstone

PARTENSKI: Large stone - family name only. Smaller stones: Mary/Mother/1891-1936 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1889-1948 Tombstone PFC Edward A. Partenski/KIA/d. Feb. 15, 1945

PASZKIEWICZ: John P. Paszkiewicz/Ojciec/1888-1959 Tombstone, next to: Mathilda Paszkiewicz/Matka/1892-1931 Tombstone John C. Paskiewicz/1927-1984 Tombstone

PAUL: Florence C. Paul/1913-1995 Tombstone

PAUTZ: Pautz Twins/1954-1954 (Pfeffer marker in front of Mrotek/Wernecke stone)

PEASCHEK: Balbina/1889-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/1877-1952 Tombstone

PECH: Elmer L./1911-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1912-2006 Tombstone

PEKULIK: Frank Pekulik/1892-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Pekulik/1896-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Pekulik/1921-1922 Tombstone Gordon Pekulik/1907-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Charles Pekulik/1902-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Nellie Pekulik/1893-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica Pekulik/1870-1958 Tombstone Joan G. Pekulik/1930-2015/Daughter, ossw: Brachmann Tombstone Donald F. Pekulik/1935-2000, ossw: Kraemer Tombstone (Brother & Sister) Cora Lee Pekulik/1932-1982 Tombstone Ralph J. Pekulik/1927-2010/from obit Tombstone See Kraemer

PENKWITZ: (Mary Penkwitz/-May 14, 1956-/from obit)

PETROSKY: Pauline E. Petrosky/1862-1935 Tombstone, next to: John Petrosky/1856-1944 Tombstone

PIEKARSKI: Mary/1876-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/1870-1955 Tombstone

PIJANOWSKA: Barbara Pijanowska/Ur. Sie Roku 1840/Um 5 Czerica 1903 Tombstone

PIKULEK: Jan Pikulek/Ur. sie 21 go Marca 1856/Um d. 3 go Maja R 1917/Ojciec Tombstone

PIKULIK: Alexander/(1894-)1904 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin/-1905- Tombstone, ossw: Teodor/(1895-)1905 Tombstone Valeria/Gorka/1899-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Tomasz/Ojciec/1865-1909 Tombstone Joseph/1886-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Cecilia/1897-1977 Tombstone Theofila Pikulik/Mother/1867-1937 Tombstone Baby Boy Pikulik/-Feb 15, 1902-/from record

PIONEK: John F./1888-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1892-1953 Tombstone

PIOTROSKA: Emilia K. Piotroska/24 Listopad 1897/31 Marca 1907 Tombstone

PLATT: John H./Son/1889-1963 Tombstone, ossw: Victoria M./Mother/1851-1900 Tombstone

PLOTKA: Frank Plotka Tombstone Mary Plotka Tombstone Michael/1882-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Constance/1880-1959 Tombstone Joseph Plotka/March 9, 1836/March 11, 1921 Tombstone

POKLEKOWSKI: Roman Poklekowski/Ur. 1881/Um 21 Grud 1918 Tombstone

POKLENKOWSKI: Jozef/Ojciec/1850-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/1852-1933 Tombstone

POKORSKA: Ludwikal Pokorska Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Tombstone, ossw: Michal Tombstone

POKORSKI: Anna Pokorski/Andrasz Tombstone Anton/1901-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1902-1982 Tombstone Anna/1901-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Edward L./1894-1953 (Am. Leg. flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Edward L. Pokorski/Wisconsin/Pfc 486 Mtr Truck Co. Mtc. World War I/ July 7, 1895-June 2, 1953 Tombstone Lydia Pokorski/d. June 6, 1917/age 2 yrs/dau. of Michael Pokorski/no stone

POKORSKY: Michael/1888-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Michael J. Pokorsky/Aug. 25, 1955/Oct. 28, 1993/Grandson Tombstone Jennie/1887-1973 Tombstone James F. Pokorsky/Husband/Nov. 28, 1923/Sept. 23, 2004/US Vet marker Tombstone, ossw: Phyllis M. Pokorsky/Jul 1, 1925/Nov 5, 2009 Tombstone + Photo

POWALISH: Stanley/1899-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Othelia/1903-1975 Tombstone

POWALISZ: [E-6-49]-Kate Powalisz/1807-1903 Tombstone Frank Powalisz/Father/1868-1934 Tombstone, next to: Anna Powalisz/Mother/1877-1957 Tombstone, next to large monument Julia Powalisz/1902-1930 Tombstone, next to: Marian Powalisz/1928-1930 Tombstone, next to: Large stone reads: Powalisz/Mrotek/Vandenbusch, next to: Martha Mrotek/1898-1930 Tombstone, next to: Martha Vandenbusch/1918-1930 Tombstone Edward/1893-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Sallie/1894-1974 Tombstone Victor J. Powalisz/1900-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Christine C. Powalisz/1908-1994 Tombstone Francis J. Powalisz/June 16, 1917/Mar. 5, 2006/ TEC 5 US Army World War II (US Vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Josephine A. Powalisz/July 5, 1917/Apr. 25, 2006 Tombstone

POZORSKA: Adelia Pozorska/1906-1928 Tombstone, next to: Tersa Pozorska/1909-1935 Tombstone Marvin/1919-1920 Tombstone (Note: This appears to be a new stone made for these people. It also has an updated spelling of the names to Pozorski as well as the first names)

POZORSKI: Althea Pozorski/1928-1930 Tombstone Tillie/1882-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Ignatius/1880-1951 Tombstone Xavier/Father/1876-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/Mother/1876-1952 Tombstone John Pozorski/1904-1987 Tombstone, next to: Henry A. Pozorski/Sep. 28, 1914/Feb. 23, 1990/ SGT US Army Air Corps World War II (US Vet marker) Tombstone Dolores Pozorski/Mar 22, 1926/Mar 25, 2018 Photo

POZORSKY: Aloisy Pozorsky/Ur 22 Lipca 1913/Um 19 Pazd 1914 Tombstone

RATHSACK: George A. Rathsack/Pvt Co. H 2 Regt. Wis. Inf. SP Am. War/ Sept. 25, 1875-May 7, 1954 (Spanish War Vet 1898-1902 U.S.A. flag holder) Tombstone John Rathsack/Father/1849-1889 Tombstone, next to: Susan Rathsack/Daughter/1886-1905 Tombstone, next to: Nellie Rathsack/Mother/1860-1953 Tombstone, next to: Sylvester W. Rathsack/Son/1884-1949 Tombstone Bernard Rathsack/Apr 28, 1900-May 11, 1900/from record

RECEK: (also Rathsack) Familia Recek - large stone. Separate stones: Anna Recek/Um Sierpnia 30 1914/31 Lat Tombstone, next to: Agnieszka Recek/Um Listopadz 1916/67 Lat Tombstone, next to: Franciszek Recek/Um Listopad 19, 1898/18 lat. Tombstone

REINDL: Sylvia Reindl/nee Ozga/Sept. 14, 1911/Feb. 28, 1980 Tombstone, next to: Ozga

REJMENT: Magdelena Rejment/Ursie/20 Czerw 1889/Umrala 19 Sierp 1916 Tombstone

REVOLINSKY: Martha/1894 - Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1889-1947 Tombstone Leo B./1881-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1879-1964 Tombstone Celestine/-1906- Tombstone, ossw: Leonard/-1907- Tombstone, ossw: Ambrose/1917-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1886-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1883-1964 Tombstone Helen Revolinsky/1918-1919 Tombstone, next to: Frank Revolinsky/Father/1874-1937 Tombstone, next to: Eddie Wladyslaw Revolinsky/Our son/1899-1920 Tombstone Anthony Revolinsky/1936-1992 Tombstone Anton J. Revolinsky/1908-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Ludmilla Revolinsky/1912-1993 Tombstone James J. Revolinsky, Sr./Jan 6, 1936/Aug 12, 2021 Photo

REWOLINSKI: Pawel Rewolinski/Um sie 11 Pazd. R 1882/Zem 25 Luieg R 1900 Tombstone Jan Rewolinski/Ur. 15 Maja 1848/Um 22 Maja 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Magdalena Rewolinski/25 Maja 1850/Um 11 Pazd 1938 Tombstone

REWOLINSKY: Antoni/Ur 2 Stycz 1852/Um 14 Marca 1925 Tombstone, ossw: Julianna/Ur 12 Kwiet 1852/Um 3 Stycz 1930 Tombstone

RICHTER: Jan/Ojciec/ 1848-1887 Tombstone, ossw: Magdelena/Matka/1850-1935 Tombstone Frank/Father/1877-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/Mother/1884-1982 Tombstone, next to: Serena Wilbur/RICHTER/1904-1932 Tombstone

RINKA: Mark Edward Rinka/May 7, 1963-May 8, 1963/from obit Infant Daughter Rinka/Aug 30, 1958-Aug 30, 1958/from obit

ROGALA: Eleanor Rogala/Sept. 26, 1918/Jan. 30, 1992 Tombstone Jacob/1882-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1891-1965 Tombstone

ROSINSKY: Frank/Father/1884-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1893-1920 Tombstone, next to: Joseph F. Rosinsky/1910-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda M. Rosinsky/1911-1983 Tombstone Erwin A. Rosinsky/PFC US ARMY/World War II Apr. 26, 1920/Mar. 17, 2010/CO C 118th MED BN Tombstone + Photo

ROZMARYNOWSKI: Anna Rozmarynowski/1890-1959 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Rozmaarynowski/1890-1945 Tombstone

ROZUMALSKI: Stella Rozumalski/1876-1953 (d. 29 Mar 1953/co. index v.46 p.322) Tombstone

RUDIN: (Ethel L. Rudin/Apr 14, 1922/Mar 10, 1999/from obit)

RUGOWSKI: Matthias/1848-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Anastasia/1854-1904 Tombstone Clara Rugowski/1881-1937 Tombstone Our twins/Stanley/(Aug 3 - Aug 10, 1945) Tombstone and Stephen Rugowski/1945-1945 (Aug 3 - Aug 17, 1945) Tombstone Albert P./1910-1975 Photo + Tombstone Sophie Rugowski/1913-Nov. 30, 2011 Tombstone Father (Edward)/(Oct 11, 1873/Jul 16, 1952) Tombstone and Stanley/(1911-1926) Tombstone, ossw: Mother (Catherine)/(Sep 23, 1873/Feb 19, 1935) Tombstone and Lorraine/(Feb 2, 1916/Aug 17, 1931) Tombstone Anthony S. Rugowski/1906-1992 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Celestine T. Rugowski/Apr 13, 1916-Feb 21, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

RYDZEWSKI: Leonard Rydzewski/1912-1917 Tombstone Mary A./1884-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Martin Sr./1879-1956 Tombstone, next to: Bernice Rydzewski/1914-1918 Tombstone Linus Rydzewski/S2 US Navy WWII/Sept. 6, 1919-May 11, 1945 Tombstone

RYSTICKEN: Harry/1913-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/Jan. 12, 1889/June 13, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Anton/1884-1965 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Rysticken/1886-1961 Tombstone Mary Rysticken/Mother/1877-1949 Tombstone, next to: Alex Rysticken/Father/1877-1934 Tombstone Peter/1894-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Constance/1894-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Clarence P. Rysticken/1923-2004/CPL US Army Air Forces World War II/ Nov. 24, 1923/May 16, 2004 Tombstone Leo C. Rysticken/Father/1908-1999 Tombstone Mabel J. Rysticken/Mother/1907-1999 Tombstone

RYSZTIKON: Franciszek Rysztikon/13 Sczcznia 1838/Umarl 13 List. 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Rysztikon/Urod sie 16 Czieroca 1849/Umarla 20 Lutego 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Miejsce Adpoczunka/Ojca/Matki (Resting Place/Father/Mother) Maryanna Rysztikon/11 Sierp 1839/7 Sierp 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Kazmiesz Rysztikon/Ur 1 Marca 1841/Um 1902 Tombstone

RYSZTYKAN: Katarzyna Rysztykan/Baby/Urad sie 24 Pazd 1893/Umarla 30 Paz 1893 Tombstone

RYSZTYKON: Karol Rysztykon (leaning against Jan Szymczak stone) Tombstone Juljanna Rysztykon/Ur/22 Kwiet 1880/Um/24 Maja 1898 Tombstone Daniel Rysztykon Jan/1870-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna Rysztykon/1871-1943 Tombstone

SADOWSKA/SADOWSKI: Maryjanna Sadowska/Ur R. 1853/Um 28 Sierp 1901 Tombstone, next to: Wojcieh Sadowski/Ur 20 Kwiet 1895/Um/23 Grud. 1915 Tombstone Poitr Sadowski/Ur/1 Grud 1878/Um/1 Grud 1901 Tombstone Jozef Sadowski/Ur R. 1840/Um 27 Stycz 1907 Tombstone

SALJESKA: Ruzalja Saljeska Tombstone

SALKOWSKI: Mary Salkowski/Jan. 27, 1893/Dec. 8, 1953 Tombstone, next to: John Salkowski/June 18, 1892/Dec. 1, 1939 Tombstone

SANDOR: John Sandor/Born 1877/Died 1902 Tombstone

SCHERASKI: George/1891-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Blanche/1894-1978 Tombstone

SCHERER: Joseph Scherer/-May 28, 1954- Tombstone Edward/1898-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Monica/1893-1984 (Vet of Foreign War marker) Tombstone

SCHIPPER/SZYPER: Mary Schipper/1838-1912 Tombstone, ossw: Michael Schipper/1839-1888 (new stone) Tombstone

SCHMIDT: Leo D. Schmidt/1915-1985 (US Vet marker) Tombstone See Halpin

SCHMITT: Johanna/May 24, 1886/July 25, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: Alban/July 29, 1885/Nov. 29, 1945 Tombstone, next to: Edward Schmitt/Son/Dec. 9, 1921/May 8, 1935 Tombstone

SCHULTZ: Henry Schultz/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. A 340 Infantry/World War I/ Nov. 5, 1895-Nov. 24, 1961 (flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Edwin Schultz/Wisconsin/Pvt Btry D. Hq. Fa 29 Div. World War I/ Aug. 2, 1894-Nov. 12, 1952 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Anton/1868-1923 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1871-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1897-1957 Tombstone Kelly Paul/-1959- Tombstone, ossw: Tammy Lou/1964-1970 Tombstone Mary Beth/-1956- Tombstone, ossw: James A./1961 Tombstone Joseph/Father/1875-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica/Mother/1879-1945 Tombstone Large family monument only. Separate stones: Ignatz Schultz/Father/1871-1930 Tombstone, next to: Albina Schultz/Mother/1874-1938 Tombstone, next to: Baby Schultz/-1962- (Pfeffer marker) Tombstone, next to: Victor S. Schultz/Wisconsin/PFC Medical Department/World War I PH/ Dec. 23, 1895/May 9, 1954 Tombstone, next to: Josephine Stromila/Mother/1904-1972 Tombstone, next to: Mary Schultz/Daughter/1909-1931 Tombstone Robert E. Schultz/1921-1995 (US Vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Grace P. Schultz/1926-1992/married July 21, 1947 Tombstone

SEMPIER: [B-2-11]-Anton J. KAMINSKI/Jan 3, 1903-Jan 8, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Myrtle C. KAMINSKI/Mar 22, 1906-Jun 18, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Arlette KAMINSKI/Jul 6, 1934-/Aug 4, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Fred Sempier/1876-1927/US Vet. marker Tombstone

SHERASKI: Frank/1909-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Emily/1913-1992 Tombstone Edward E. Sheraski/Mar. 9, 1913/Aug. 31, 1989 Tombstone, next to: Sophia Sheraski/Sept. 29, 1914/Oct. 9, 1998 Tombstone

SIERACKA: Weronika Sieracka/urodsia/d. 21 Srjczr 1884/Umrala/d 6 Paz dz 1915 Tombstone

SIERACKI: Anna/1880-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1874-1953 Tombstone Jozefa/1842-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Edward/1834-1916 Tombstone Joseph M./1880-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/1886-1981 Tombstone Rozalia Sieracki/1892-1931 Tombstone Blanche Sieracki/Mother/1883-1936 Tombstone, next to: John C. Sieracki/1876-1957 Tombstone Felix/1902-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene/1924-1944 (Lost at sea) Tombstone, ossw: Victoria/1901-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Baby (James)/-1936- Tombstone, next to: Eugene F. Sieracki/In memory of/Wisconsin/TM3 US Navy/World War II/ May 21, 1924/July 12, 1944 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Wojcieh Sieracki/Ojcie/1857-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Palina Sieracki/Matka/1857-1941 Tombstone Veronika Sieracki/1884-1915/Sister of Josephine Helminiak (new stone) Tombstone

SIEVERT: Susan/"Sue"/1910-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Francis/"Sonny"/1909-1965 Tombstone

SIEWART: Anna Siewart/Born/July 16, 1872/Died/Feb. 6, 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Constant Siewert/Born Dec. 28, 1869/Died/Dec. 12, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Siewart/Born Jan. 2, 1896/Died Jan. 30, 1920 Tombstone see HEIN

SILBERSACK: Josephine Silbersack/Mother/1906-1965 Tombstone

SIMMER: David W. Simmer/Jan 25, 1955-Oct 18, 2016

SITKAWITZ: Irene/1903-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/1900-1968 Tombstone

SKOR: Alvin Skor/1926-1991 (US Vet marker)(Pfeffer marker) Tombstone

SKORCH: William Skorch/1873-1952 Tombstone

SKORCZ: Anna/Zuper/zona/F. Skorcz/Rodzona/22 Czernca 1823/Zmarla 11 Kwietnia 1892 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvester/Syn T & A/Skorcz/Rodzony/29 Pazdzier 1890/Zmarl 8 Pazdzier 1891 Tombstone

SKORCZEWSKIEGO: Jozefa Skorczewskiego/(Skorzewski)/Ur sie 17 Grud 1887/Umarl 2 Grud 1912 Tombstone

SKORZEWSKI: Magdeline Skorzewski/May 25, 1896/July 1, 1984 Tombstone, next to: Large stone reads: Kowalski-Skorzewski - See Kowalski Anton Skorzewski/Nov. 13, 1840-Feb. 24, 1923 Mary Skorzewski/Aug. 15, 1847-Jan. 5, 1921 Anton B. Skorzewski/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. A 309 Infantry World War I/ Dec. 17, 1887-June 27, 1965 (U.S. War Vet flag holder) Tombstone

SKREPENSKI: Kenneth "Lefty" Skrepenski/Son/Sept. 12, 1954/June 25, 1977 Tombstone Ann Marie Skrepenski/Oct 19, 1959-Oct 14, 2019 Photo

SKRIPCZYNSKI: John Skripczynski/1892-1957 Tombstone

SKRZYPCZYNSKI: John/1894-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1900-1970 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1865-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Valentine/Father/1867-1930 Tombstone Antoni Skrzypczynski/1903-Sept. 9, 1903 Tombstone

SKRZYPINSKI: Walter Skrzypczynski/Wisconsin/Pvt./127 Inf. 22 Div./Aug. 28, 1926 Tombstone (U.S. War vet flag holder)

SMOGULSKA: Magdelena Smogulska/Ur Roku 1833/Umarla Dnia 22 go List 1913 Tombstone

SMUGLER: Emelie Smugler (on Mrotek lot) Tombstone Susan/1866-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1865-1947 Tombstone Mark Smugler/1911-1977 Photo + Tombstone, next to: Agnes/Mother/Oct. 21, 1875/Dec. 31, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/Father/Dec. 21, 1871/Jan. 5, 1947 Tombstone Valeria/1898-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond/1897-1965 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone Simon Smugler/d. Jan. 1918/aged 89 yrs/from obit/no stone Walter Smugler/d. Nov. 15, 1915/from obit/no stone

SOBEL: Joanna C. Sobel/Mother/1898-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Sobel/Father/1894-1950 Tombstone

SOBIESCZYK: Frank Sobiesczyk/1898-1973 Tombstone, next to:

SOBIESKI: Bernice/1894-1976 Tombstone, ossw: John/1894-1956 Tombstone John F./1892-1971 Tombstone,ossw: Josephine/1895-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur J./1920-1944/Sgt. - separate marker: Arthur J. Sobieski/Wisconsin/Sgt. 5817 Amb. Co./World War II/ Feb. 7, 1920/Aug. 9, 1944 (Amer. Legion marker) Tombstone

SOBIESZCZYK: Joseph Sobieszczyk/1890-Apr. 30, 1900/from record Maria Sobieszczyk/1894-Feb. 16, 1907/from record Catherine Sobieszczyk/Mother/1862-1944 Tombstone, next to: Frank Sobieszczyk/Father/1869-1954 (See also Sobiesczyk) Tombstone Anna Sobieszczyk/Mother/1872-1931 Tombstone, next to: Antoni Sobieszczyk/Ojciec/1859-1924 Tombstone

SOBISZCZIK: Flonora Sobiszczik

SOBLESKY: (Marcelle Soblesky/d. Jan 31, 1923/from obit)

SOELDNER: Ronald Duane/Feb. 18/Mar. 8, 1948 Tombstone

SOLKOWSKI: Dolores Solkowski/March 27, 1924-Dec. 22, 2013 Tombstone Frank J. Solkowski/Nov 3, 1922-Aug 4, 2016 Photo

SPIDLER: Franciszek Spidler/Umarl/10 Pazd 1901/W. Wieku Lat 28 Tombstone Anna Spidler/Grodzana/19 Wrzes 1901/Zamarla/28 Grud 1901 Tombstone

SPINDLIN: Franciska Spindlin/Urodzuna W. Prodzc/Przezula Lat 75/Umarla 6 Crevnia 1906 Tombstone

SPRANG: Allen M. Sprang/Nov. 24, 1948/June 4, 1949 Tombstone Rose/1888-1965 Photo + Tombstone, ossw: Adolph/1883-1960 Tombstone

STANUL: Gerald A. Stanul/1942-1942 Tombstone

STASIEK: Angeline/Mother/1874-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/Father/1871-1930 Tombstone Franciszka Stasiek/Ur 4 Marca 1902/Um 24 Grudnia 1908 Tombstone, next to: Jozef Stasiek/Ur. 2 Marca 1896/Um 29 Grudnia 1908 Tombstone

STEFFEN: Ellen Steffen/1955-1955 (Pfeffer marker) on Lewandowski lot

STELZER: Roger/son of R & L Stelzer/Dec. 7, 1942/Apr. 22, 1948 Tombstone + Photo

STESANSKI: (Louis Stesanski/d. Apr 3, 1911/from obit)

STRNAD: Marcel J. Strnad/born/May 29, 1919/died/Dec. 4, 1919 Tombstone

STROMILA: Josephine Stromila/Mother/1904-1972 (22 Aug 1904/Mar 1972/SSDI) (on Schultz lot) Tombstone

STRZYZEWSKA: / STRZYZEWSKI: Elzbieta Strzyzewska/23 List 1834/Umrala 21 Marca 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Augustyn Strzyzewski/Urodz 18 Sierp 1840/Umarl 28 Sierp 1928 Tombstone Gertrude/1864-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Julius/1857-1934 Tombstone Michael/1891-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1897-1980 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone Large family monument only - separate stones: Joseph Strzyzewski/1887-1965 Tombstone, next to: Mary Strzyzewski/1890-1934 Tombstone George J. Stryzyzewski/April 17, 1931/July 4, 1986/ AIC US Air Force Korea/To Our Loving Father Sambo (US Vet marker) Tombstone

STRZYZEWSKY: Emilie Strzyzewsky/Urod sie d. 6 Lipca 1910/Umarla d 7 Czeri 1912 Tombstone

SUFFRAN: Marcella Suffran/1896-1955 (Urbanek and Schlei marker) Tombstone

SWAKOWSKY: Antonie Swakowsky/1828-1905 Tombstone

SYPNIEWSKA/SYPNIEWSKI: Jadwiga Sypniewska/Um 26 Czerwca 1900 Tombstone Audrey H. Sypniewski/Born May 8, 1906/Died Sept. 1933 Tombstone, next to: Louis Sypniewski/Born July 12, 1892/Died Feb. 29, 1932 Tombstone, next to: Kathrine Sypniewski/Mother/Born Nov. 30, 1890/Died Feb. 27, 1928 Tombstone Jozef Sypniewski/Ur 27 Lot 1864/Um 29 Lip 1929 Tombstone, next to: Antonina Sypniewska/Ur 16 List 1866/Um 14 Czr 1920 Tombstone, next to: Augusta Sypniewski/1898-1972 Tombstone

SZEWC: Johanna Szewc/Roku 1830, 16 Maja/9 Lutego R 1891 Tombstone

SZULC: Ludwik Szulc/Ur sie 3 Sierpnia 1836/Umral 31 Marca 1909 Tombstone

SZYMCZAK: Jan Szymczak/Uradziel sie Roku 1838/Umar. dnia 1 Lutego 1901 Tombstone Anna Szymczak/Roku 1845/15 Lipca 1889 Tombstone

SZYMCZYK: Stanley Szymczyk/1904-1952 Tombstone Karen Ann Szymczyk/May 6, 1951/June 13, 1952 Tombstone

SZYPER: Michalina/Szyper/Umarla/10 Pazd. 1895/w. Lat 58 Tombstone, ossw: Jozef Szyper/Umarl 10 List 1902/W Wieku/Lat 71 Tombstone Stanislawa Szyper/Umarl 3 Lutego 1910/63 Lat. Tombstone, ossw: Katarzyna/Zona Jego/Umarla 18 Pazd 1910/66 Lat. Tombstone Footstone: Stanislaw Szyper Tombstone Marcin Szyper/d. Feb. 6, 1911 Tombstone Maryanna Szyper/dnia Sie 6 Swcz 1838/Umarla 23 List 1912, next to: Michal Szyper/15 Wrzenka 1839/11 Lipca 1888

TABORSKI: Voronika Taborski/1875-1934 Tombstone Benjamin Taborski/R 17 Pazd 1910/Um 7 Grud 1926 Tombstone

TADICH: Jann Tombstone Teofilia/(d. Mar 31, 1912/from obit) Tombstone

TADYCH: Wiktoria Kriepciska/Um 28 List R. 1911/Oftara Stanislawi/Jozef Tadych Tombstone Clara Tadych/Mother/1897-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph B. Tadych/Father/1894-1978 Tombstone, next to: Joseph A. Tadych/Jan. 29, 1919/Mar. 13, 1945/ 2ND LT. US Air Force World War II/In memory of (US. Vet marker) Tombstone Francis Tadych/Ur. Mar. 7, 1920/Um Oct. 8, 1923 Tombstone Joseph J./1903-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Stella/1881-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1874-1929 Tombstone Sophia Tadych/Mother/1897-1938 Tombstone (Joseph Tadych/d. Dec 10, 1923/from obit) Jozefa/Tadych/Urodziela/14 Lipca 1843/Umarla 2 Wrzesnia/1909/Matka Nasza Tombstone Barbara & Mary/Twin daughters/June 1, 1898/Sept. 1, 1898 Tombstone, next to: Stella Tadych/1903-1906 Tombstone Anita Tadych/1913-1937, next to: Zenon S./1910-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian A./1903-1976 Tombstone Francis A./Apr. 7, 1898/Jan. 17, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: Valeria L./April 28, 1900/Oct. 5, 1990 Tombstone Vernon/1935-1954 Martin Tadych/1840-1925 Tombstone Anna Tadych/1840-1922 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1867-1932 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1860-1934 Tombstone Josephine Tadych/1906-1939 Tombstone Dorota Tadych/14 Wrzes/1923/Um 1 Luty 1924 Tombstone, next to: Alex A./1897-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine C./1902-1963 Tombstone Stanley/1905-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1905-1983 Tombstone Large stone - family name only: Separate stones: Frank X. Tadych/Father/1865-1945 Tombstone, next to: Gregory Tadych/1963-1963 (funeral home marker) Tombstone, next to: Cecelia Tadych/Mother/1879-1935 Tombstone Michael Tadych/1877-1943/from obit

TERENS: Marcia Terens/1948-1953 Tombstone

TITTL: Esther Tittl/1926-2003 Tombstone Siegfried O. Tittl/April 6, 1925-June 23, 2012 Tombstone

TOLKSDORF: Adam/1890-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes/1890-1950 Tombstone John Tolksdorf/1923-1933 Photo + Tombstone

TOMAS: Josef Tomas/Ur/1 Listopada 1891/Um 16 Pazdzernika/1913 John/Father/1860-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1862-1951 Tombstone Franzyszek Tomas/Ur 24 Lipca 1835/Um 19 Marca 1919 Tombstone Franciska Tomas/Um 18 Pazd 1930/82 Liata Tombstone

TOMCHEK: [D-4-5]-Alex P. Tomchek/1899-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-5]-Lucille L. Tomchek/1904-1988 Tombstone [B-3-4]-Martin S. Tomchek/1897-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-4]-Priscilla L. Tomchek/1905-2000 Tombstone

TOMCZUK: Thomas/Father/1895-1946 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, ossw: Anna Tomczuk/Mother/1900-1984 Tombstone See Novy

TOMCZYK: Rev. Casimir Tomczyk/1906-1994/Ordained June 11, 1931 Tombstone, next to: Rev. Joseph Tomczyk/1908-1990/Ordained June 3, 1932 Tombstone, next to Joseph Tomczyk/1865-1925 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - family name only. Separate stones: Sophie Tomczyk/1911-1973 Tombstone, next to: Anna Tomczyk/1877-1957 Tombstone Stanley/1896-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude/1900-1961 Tombstone

TULACH: George/1897-1972 Tombstone,ossw: Rose/1900-1971 Tombstone

TURCZYNSKA/TURCZYNSKI: Aniela A. Turczynski/1889-1920 Tombstone, next to: Adolph Turczynski/1884-1968 Tombstone, next to: Aniela A. Turczynska/ Ur./15 Maja 1889/Um/10 Lipca 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Familia Turczynski, next to: Pauline Turczynski/1888-1954 Tombstone

TYCHANSKI: John/1881-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1886-1935 Tombstone, next to: Stanley Tychanski/Wisconsin/Pvt. 1077 Base Unit AAF World War II/ June 12, 1914-Dec. 15 1954 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone

VANDENBUSCH: Stone reads: Powalisz - Mrotek - Vandenbusch, next to: Gertrude Mrotek/1925-1930 Tombstone Marian Powalisz/1928-1930 Tombstone Martha Vandenbusch/1918-1930 Tombstone

VETTER: Agnes Vetter/1896-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Koneczka/1879-1941 Tombstone Clara/Oct. 3, 1896/Dec. 4, 1966 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Sept. 6, 1901/Dec. 30, 1978 Tombstone, next to: Melvin Vetter/Mar. 4, 1941/Aug. 8, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: Dawn M. Wiegand/June 3, 1950/July 5, 1950 Tombstone See Koneczka See Wiegand

VNUK: Sophie Vnuk/Oct. 28, 1898/Oct. 8, 1918 Tombstone Careline Vnuk/Our darling baby/Born Jan. 19, 1915/Died Jan. 31, 1916 Tombstone Joanna/1850-1907 Tombstone, ossw: Leo/1842-1934 Tombstone Susan Vnuk Tombstone Bernice C. JAGODZINSKY/Mother/1897-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Alex F. Vnuk/Father/1895-1944 Tombstone John/Father/1870-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/Mother/1873-1960 Tombstone Leo Vnuk/Our son//1909-1926 Tombstone Leo/Father/1884-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/Mother/1890-1972 Tombstone See Jagodzinsky See WNUK

WACHOWIACZ: Jan Wachowiacz/1834-Dec. 22, 1923 Maryana Wachowiacz/(1834-1922)

WACHOWITZ: Jozef/1863-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/1860-1954 (balance uncut) Tombstone Jacob Wachowitz/Father Tombstone

WACHOWSKI: Jozef/1850-1914 () Tombstone, ossw: Magdalina/1855-1920 Tombstone

WACKER: Christian Wacker/b. Germany/d. 12 Apr. 1878/no stone

WAIER: Esther Waier/Ur 2 Lutego 1917/Um 18 Crzewga 1917 Tombstone Eleanore Waier/2 Lipca 1914/Um/16 Wrzes 1914 Tombstone Antoni Waier/Ur/6 Stycz 1893/Um/13 Grud 1917 Tombstone

WAJER: Alexander Wajer/Urodzony/13 Pazdziernita 1914/Umarl/1 Lutego 1913 Tombstone

WALESH: Caroline/1921-1952 Tombstone

WALLANDER: Nicholas Wallander/July 9, 1957/Mar. 30, 1964 Tombstone Greg Wallander/April 1, 1956/Aug. 28, 2010 Tombstone Lloyd R. Wallander/Jun 21, 1932/Oct 21, 2019 Photo

WALTER: Eva/1904-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand/1901-____ Tombstone

WAYER: Juliana Wayer/Ur 15 Maja 1891/Um 27 Pazd 1918 Tombstone Michael/Father/1868-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1869-1946 Tombstone

WAZNY: John Wazny/Wisconsin Pvt. Co. B 158 Depot Brigade/World War I/ Nov. 15, 1896/May 19, 1954 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone

WEBER: Louis/1929-2010 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/1930-1974 Tombstone Janina Weber/Nov 12, 1943/Apr 5, 2021 Photo

WEIER: Clement T. Weier/1918-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Florence M. Weier/1919-1978 Tombstone Ronald L. Weier/Apr 1, 1961/Oct 20, 2018 Tombstone

WEINA: Julian/1870-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Teckla/1871-1956 Tombstone Bernard/1894-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1901-1970 (war vet marker) Tombstone John/Jun 30, 1902/Nov 2, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Valeria/Oct 9, 1902/Oct 6, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Robert/Nov 2, 1873/Apr 9, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret/Jul 13, 1879/Oct 27, 1966 Tombstone

WELNETZ: Stella/1889-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Anton/1883-1951 Tombstone

WELNICKI: Mary Welnicki/1865-1913 Tombstone Adam Welnicki/1863-1901 Tombstone Agnes Welnicki/April 15, 1895/June 4, 1895

WERGIN: Helen Wergin/1914-1957 Tombstone, next to: Anton "Murphy" Wergin/1913-1998 Tombstone, next to: Anton/1879-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Matilda/1881-1934 Tombstone

WERNECKE: Leona Wernecke/1917-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Mrotek See Mrotek

WERNER: Mary/1865-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1864-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1893-1975 Tombstone

WESOLKOWSKI: Apolonia/1871-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/1866-1947 Tombstone

WEYNA: Large stone - family name only. Separate names: Theodore J. Weyna/1878-1964 Tombstone, next to: Leokadia Weyna/Mother/1880-1931 Tombstone

WICHLACZ: Steven/1897-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1906-1974 Tombstone, next to: Ronald D. Wichlacz/1940-1945 Tombstone

WICIHOWSKE: Mary/1855-1946 Tombstone, ossw: John/1844-1925 Tombstone

WICIHOWSKI: Rose Wicihowski/1887-1957 Tombstone, ossw: John Wicihowski/1877-1918 Tombstone

WIEGAND: Dawn M. Wiegand/June 3, 1950/July 5, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: Melvin Vetter/Mar 4, 1941/Aug 8, 1941 Tombstone See Vetter

WIER: Paul Wier/1907-1971 Tombstone

WIESNER: Sarah Marie Wiesner/Aug. 3, 1973/August 3, 1973 (Pfeffer marker/in front of Francis and Valeria Tadych stone), next to: Katherine A. Wiesner/d. 7-22-1976 (Pfeffer marker/in front of Francis and Valeria Tadych stone)

WILBUR: See Richter

WILMET: Bernard B. Wilmet/Wisconsin/Cpl Air Corps/World War II/ Jan. 26, 1915/Feb. 1, 1943 (U.S. War vet marker) Tombstone, next to: Claude N. Wilmet/1911-1978 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, next to: Emil A./1888-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Mayme/1891-1990 Tombstone

WILSON: Germaine G. Wilson/1922-1981 Tombstone

WIMMER: Anna M. Wimmer/1900-1993 Tombstone, next to: Julia/Mother/1892-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/Father/1891-1986 Tombstone

WISNESKI: Leona Mancheski/1911-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1888-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Vincent/1887-1968 Tombstone

WITCZAK: Susan Mary and Steven Allen Witczak/June 4-5 1960 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1890-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/Father/1884-1961 Tombstone Andrew/Father/1881-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1885-1933 Tombstone Felix Witczak/1909-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille Witczak/1910-1987 Tombstone

WLECZYK: Anthony B. Wleczyk/Our son/Feb. 17, 1937/Mar. 19, 1944 Tombstone, next to: Josephine/1900-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Victor/1899-1977 Tombstone

WNUK/VNUK: Katarzyna Wnuk/Narozona Roku 1832/Umarla/21 Lutego 1907 Tombstone, next to: Bartlomi Wnuk/Uradzony Roku 1822/Umarl 7 Kwieinia 1895 Tombstone (top of stone broken off. Balance reads: John Vnuk & Sophie Vnuk) Mrs. George Wnuck/d. 13 Mar. 1897/age 42/from obit-no stone George Wnuk/d. Sep 24, 1907/from record Valentine Wnuk/12 Feb 1831/18 Apr. 1897/age 63/from record-no stone

WOLSKA: Ewa Wolska/1876-1901 Tombstone

WOLSKI: Michael Wolski/1883-1953 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Wolski/Dec. 5, 1850-Apr. 8, 1930 Tombstone

WOYTAL: Barbara L. Woytal/Baby/1948-1949 Tombstone Martha/Mother/1870-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1860-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Edward/Son/1903-1923 Tombstone Cecelia Woytal/1895-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley Woytal/1892-1968 Tombstone

WOZNICKI / WOZNICKY: [F-2-3]-Matylda Frozena/1887-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-3]-Frank Woznicki/1897-1970 (War vet flag holder) Also separate stone reads: [F-2-3]-Frank J. Woznicky/Wisconsin/Pvt. 7 Co. 160 Depot Brig./World War I/ Jan. 23, 1897/Oct. 21, 1970 Tombstone See Frozena

WOZNIZKA: Maryjanna Woznizka/Matka/Ur 25 Wrez 1852/Um 21 Styc 1929 Tombstone, next to: Maryjanna Woznizka/Gorka/Ur 2 Lut 1884/Um 23 Maja 1929 Tombstone, next to: Anton Woznizki/1862-1951 Tombstone

WRONKOWSKI: Noreen Wronkowski/1961-1961 On Josephine and Theodore Duzeski plot Tombstone

YOUNG: Patricia Kozaczuk/Daughter/-1951- Tombstone, ossw: William Kozaczuk/Son/-1949- Tombstone, ossw: Dorothy (Kozaczuk) Young/1923-2007 Tombstone See KOZACZUK

ZACZEK: Kunegunda Teckla Zaczek/3 Mar. 1879/26 Feb. 1938 Tombstone

ZADALA: Frances Zadala/1899-1913 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Magdalena Zadala/Mother/1845-1920 Tombstone, next to: Jan Zadala/Son/1876-1935 Tombstone

ZAGRODNIK: Chester/1907-1910 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1909-1915 Tombstone Michal Zagrodnik/Ur sie 16 Pazdz 1840/Um 27 Lutego 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Zagrodnik/1842-1929 Tombstone Elinor Zagrodnik/Um 17 go Pazdz 1914 Tombstone Catherine V. Zagrodnik/1911-1995 Tombstone, next to: Anna M./1878-1953 Tombstone, ossw: John J./1882-1965 Tombstone Martin Zagrodnik/d. July 1919 [E-5-50]-Marcin Zagrodnik/Urod sie 18 Grud 1881/Umarl 16 Lipca 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Josef Zagrodnik/Urod sie/18 Grudnia 1881/Umarl/18 Marca 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszek Zagrodnik/Urod sie 5 Maya 1873/Umarl 27 Lutego 1907 Tombstone Jan Zagrodnik/1851-1918 Tombstone, next to: Gusta Zagrodnik/1903-1923 Tombstone, next to: Konstancya Zagrodnik/1859-1936 Tombstone Aniela Zagrodnik/Matka/Ur 4 Stycz 1884/Um 28 Listop 1933 Tombstone, next to: Jan Zagrodnik/Ojciec/Ur 20 Czer 1879/Um 28 Stycz 1953 Tombstone Anton/Father/1880-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1883-1950 Tombstone Jacob Zagrodnik/d. 1880 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Hedwig Ida Zagrodnick/1844-1924 Tombstone Dominic A. Zagrodnik/1905-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Helen A. Zagrodnik/1910-1993 Tombstone

ZAKOLSKI: Wladyslaw Zakolski/Zyt lat 7 Zmarl dnia 14 Grudnia 1905 Tombstone

ZALEWSKI: [B-8]-Walt Zalewski [F-3]-Michael Zalewski/Urod sie/29 Lutego 1854/Umarl 19 Czeri 1907 Tombstone (Victoria Zalewski/d. Oct. 7, 1918/age 60 yrs/from obit/no stone) (Victoria Zalewski/April 7, 1899/Aug. 1922/from obit/no stone) John Zalewski/d. Feb. 1915/age 24/from obit/no stone) (Michael Zalewski/d. April 8, 1925/from obit)

ZANDALA: Salome/1893-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Anthony/1879-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Serena Zandala/1919-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph A. Zandala/1930-2002 Tombstone

ZAWADZKA: Praxeda Zawadzka/urodzela sie/d 13 Lipca 1865/Umarla 19 Lipca 1903 Tombstone

ZAWADZKA/ZAWADZKI: Large family stone Zawadzki. Smaller stones read: Franciszek Zawadzki/Ur 1906/Um 7 Pazd, 1919 Tombstone, next to: Zofia Zawadzka/Ur 1873/Um 1 Marca 1925 Tombstone, next to: Anna Zawadzki/Ur 18 Lipca 1903/Um 28 Czer 1927 Tombstone

ZAWATZKI: Stanislaw Zawatzki/Ur 29 Paz 1868/Um 11 Kwie 1928 Tombstone Maryanna Zawatzki/Apr. 9, 1884/Apr. 30, 1929 Tombstone, next to: Josephine Zawatzki/1878-1950 Tombstone, next to: Wenzel Zawatzki/Sept. 21, 1902/Oct. 24, 1926 Tombstone, next to: Lawrence Zawatzki/Aug. 9, 1867/Apr. 20, 1926 Tombstone Martha Zawatzki/Aug.2, 1896-Sept. 26, 1896/from record

ZBORALSKI/ZBORALSKE: Mary/1886-1912 Tombstone, ossw: John/1845-1919 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/1851-1930 Tombstone, ossw: John Jr./1873-1962 Tombstone Arthur Zboralski/1921 Tombstone Dr. F. Frank Zboralske/1906-1990 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, next to: Frank/1878-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica/1879-1969 Tombstone

ZEDALA: Jozef Zedala/Ur 25 Wrzes 1847/Umarl 23 Sierp 1899 (iron cross) Tombstone

ZELEWSKE: Eleanor A. Zelewske/Mar. 21, 1906/June 9, 1924 Tombstone, next to: Walter Zelewske/Feb. 7, 1915/July 10, 1928 Tombstone, next to: Arthur J. Zelewske/May 13, 1920/Dec. 31, 1936 Tombstone, next to: Jennie Zelewske/May 27, 1883/Mar. 18, 1942 Tombstone (Helen Louise Eftemoff/Granddaughter/Dec 18, 1926-Jan 27, 1930/from obit)

ZELEWSKI: Walter Zelewski/1882-1959 (Pfeffer marker)

ZENDALA: Steve/1883-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1883-1971 Tombstone Florence R. Zendala/1922-2006 Tombstone

ZIARNIK: [E-1-55]-Anna/Mother/1889-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-55]-Anna/Daughter/1911-1923 Tombstone Charles Ziarnik/1880-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Matilda Ziarnik/1880-1965 Tombstone Maryanna Ziarnik/Ur 18 Lutego 1897/Um 15 Lutego 1916 Tombstone Josef Ziarnik/Urodil sie 13 Lutego 1873/Umarla dnia 14 Czerwca 1910 Tombstone Separate stone: Jos. Ziarnik/Co. H/2 Wis Inf. Sp A. War Tombstone, next to: John Ziarnik/Father/1879-1935 Tombstone Franciszek Ziarnik Ur 25 Wresna 1883/Um 3 Maja 1906 Tombstone Frances Ziarnik/Mother/1887-1935 Tombstone Waleryja Ziarnik/Ur Roku 1890/Um Roku 1898 Tombstone Mary/1865-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1860-1932 Tombstone, next to: Eleanor M. Ziarnik/1919-1988 Tombstone, next to: Leonard S. Ziarnik/1907-1975 Tombstone, next to: Anastazya/Mother/1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1884-1967 Tombstone Mike/1881-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Harry/1907-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1884-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1908-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Leonard/1912-1974 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone Teodor Ziarnik/Ur Roku 1887/Um Roku 1895 Tombstone Ignatz Ziarnik/1874-1950 Tombstone, next to: Agnieszka Ziarnik/9 Kwiet Roku 1891/43 Lat Stara Tombstone, next to: John Ziarnik/1844-1919 Tombstone Josephine/1898-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Felix/1893-1966 Tombstone, next to: Son of L & L Ziarnik/Jan. 3, 1961 Tombstone, next to: Diana Lynn Ziarnik/Daughter/-July 3, 1961- Tombstone, ossw: Hazel Ziarnik/Mother/1921-, ossw: Edwin F. Ziarnik/Father/1918-1990 Tombstone (US Vet. marker) Wenzel/1883-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1888-1958 Tombstone, next to: Mihal Ziarnik/Ur 19 Wrz 1847/Um 29 Pazd 1927 Tombstone, next to: Veronica Ziarnik/Um Czer 1926/75 Lat. Tombstone Pelagia Ziarnik/Mother/1877-1941 Tombstone, next to: Anton Ziarnik/Father/1878-1951 Tombstone Paul P. Ziarnik/Wisconsin/Wt U.S. Navy/World War I/ June 5, 1890-June 1, 1966 Tombstone, next to: Sophia C. Ziarnik/1893-1976 Tombstone John/1880-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1887-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1907-1948 Tombstone, next to: Germaine Ziarnik/1915-1921/from obit Alex/1886-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1885-1967 Tombstone, next to: E. Ziarnik Tombstone, ossw: K. Mrotek Tombstone, next to: Betty J. Ziarnik/Oct. 5, 1928/Jan. 11, 1951 Tombstone, next to: Alice R. Ziarnik/Aug. 28, 1904/Aug. 31, 1978 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - family name only, next to: Theodore J. Ziarnik/May 16, 1897/Nov. 12, 1958 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Ziarnik/Aug. 25, 1857/May 15, 1922 Tombstone, next to: Anna Ziarnik/Jan. 1, 1866/May 15, 1921 Tombstone Clara Ziarnik/1894-1896/from record Robert Ziarnik/Jan 11, 1906/Mar 1909/from record-obit

ZIELINSKI: Peter/Father/1882-1939 Tombstone, next to: Lydia/Mother/1885-1915 Tombstone, next to: Celestine/Daughter/1909-1936 Tombstone, next to: Selma/Daughter/1907-1963 Tombstone Cathrine Zielinski/July 31, 1878/May 4, 1972 Tombstone (Note: She is buried with 1st husband Stephen Kadow in this cemetery)

ZIGMUND: Felix Zigmund/1900-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Angeline Zigmund/1899-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Edith Ann Zigmund/1919-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene Zigmund/1926-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Daniel C. Zigmund/Wisconsin/PFC 157 Inf. 45 Inf. Div./World War II/ Oct. 16, 1924-Oct. 1, 1944 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone

ZIGMUNT: Toofila Zigmunt/1888-1902 Tombstone, ossw: Marianna Zigmunt/1814-1896 Tombstone Joseph Zigmunt Sr./(b. September 20, 1852)/d. 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Anastazija Zigmunt/Ur 6 Maja 1859/Um 1 Sticz 1921 Tombstone Maryanna Zigmunt/Ur 22 Wrze 1883/11 Maja 1922 Tombstone

ZINDA: Rosalia Zinda/Mother/1865-1946 Tombstone

ZINKEL: Angeline/Mother/1911-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Harry J. Zinkel/Father/1906-1993 Tombstone Emily M. Zinkel/June 3, 1907/Oct. 8, 2001 Tombstone

ZYGMUNT: [F-3-13]-Anton/Father/1873-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-13]-Mary/Mother/1874-1946 Tombstone

????: Stone nearly buried in ground. Between Bartlomi Wnuk and Joseph and Elizabeth Sieracki. Tombstone ????: Two stones nearly buried in front of Joseph and Paulina Markowski and back of Pawel Gospodarek ????: Footstone: J.P. - behind Alex Mrotek ????: Footstone: behind Anna Spidler and next to Eleanore Waier. ????: stone next to Christine Vnuk and behind Barbara Pijanowska. ????: Gertrude/age 3 mo. 14 dys. Tombstone ????: Marie/age 3 ys. 6 mo. Tombstone ????: Two footstones between Ignatz Cobleski and Lydia Kattner and behind Tely and Wladislaw Nitka. ????: Stone in front of Joanna Vnuk and Leo and next to Jan Rewolinski ????: Footstone: J.C. ????: Blank footstone by trees in back of Lydia Kattner stone. ????: Footstone (baby section) end of row next to Maria Sobieszczyk ????: Footstone. (Baby section) end of row next to Mary Ligman Tombstone Tombstone ????: Stone cross. No data. Next to tree and Mary Plotka stone ????: Large cement cross monument. No name. Between Jacob Wachowitz and Antonia Kolodzeska ????: Cecelia/Age 28 dys, ossw: Grace/Age 2 mo. 21 dys. Between Victor Buretta and Emilie Strzyzewsky stones ????: Footstone: E.F. next to Bendik Bak in childrens section. Tombstone ????: Footstone: Childrens section next to roadway, third stone from south end. ????: Footstone: T.S. next to above ????: Footstone: Between Gerald Stanul and John Coblewski stones. ????: Footstone - no information. In last row by road next to John Tolksdorf stone ????: Footstone: H. C. Next to above and John Wazny