ANDRASCZEK: [B-3-6-1]-Anastozija Andrasczek/Ur/22 Kwiet 1886/Um/6 Maja 1925 Tombstone, next to: [B-3-6-2]-Wladyslaw Andrasczek/Ur/10 Maja 1881/Um/26 Czer 1925 Tombstone
[ A ] ANDRASCZIK: [E-3-74]-Martin/Aug 16, 1905/Sep 14, 1905/from record Tombstone, ossw: [E-3-76]-Anton Tombstone
ANDRASTEK: [E-6-54]-Paul/May 30, 1879/Jan 15, 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [E-6-55]-Gertrude/Jul 11, 1880/Feb 13, 1951 Tombstone [E-5-61]-John/1867/1918 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-62]-Anna/1871-1950 Tombstone [F-4-5]-Frances/1896-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-6]-John/1893-1952 Tombstone
ANDRASTYK: [E-5-3]-Joseph/d. 1936
ANDRASZCZYK: [E-2-66]-Roman Andrastik/1887-1910 [E-2-67]-Ignaci Andraszczyk/Ur. 30 Lipca 1874/Um/18 Grudnia 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-68]-Antonina Andraszczyk/Ur 24 Sierp 1876/Um 10 List/1926 Tombstone Josef Andraszczyk/Ur sie/23 Kwie R. 1889/Umarl 31 Sierp R 1889 Tombstone [E-2-97]-Katarzyna Andraszczyk/Urodzona/23 Kwiet r 1846/Umrala/d. 20 Stycznia r 1909/Zona Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-98]-Marcin Andraszczyk/Urodil Sie/d 12 List 1843/Umarl/d. 31 Maja 1919 Tombstone Roman Andraszczyk/Feb. 1902-unreadable Tombstone
ARMATOWSKI: [F-3-2-3]-Agnes/1907-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-2-4]-Rudolph/1904-1994 Tombstone
ARMBRUSTER: [E-2]-Jacob J. Armbruster/1912-June 2, 1983/Father Tombstone
AUGUSTINE: [A-2-6-5]-Agnes C. Augustine/Mother/1913-1948 Tombstone
BAETKE: [A-1-1-4]-Peter J. Baetke/Jul 26, 1900/Feb 26, 1986 Tombstone
BAK: [A-1-5-4]-Weronika/Bak/Ur. 22 Stycz 1875/Um 9 Listo 1950, next to: [A-1-5-5]-Jakob Bak/Ur 25 Lipca 1853/Um 8 Stzc 1933 Large monument, no other names on stones. Also separate stones which read: [A-1-11-1]-Seweryna Bak/Ur 5 Pazd 1908/Um 26 Kwiet 1926 [A-1-11-2]-Klara Bak/Ur 6 Lipca 1899/Um 25 Kwiet 1923, next to: [A-1-11-3]-Antonina Bak/Ur 1830/Um 24 Marca 1920, next to: [A-1-11-4]-Pelagia Bak/(Blanche)/Ur 20 Grudnia 1896/Um 21 Styczina 1928 [E-2-8]-(Iron cross) Bendik Bak/Urodzil sie Marca 1913/Umarl 11 Wrze 1913 see BONK
BALKO: [C-1-2-1]-Marie S. Balko/nee Koneczka/Dec. 31, 1922-Aug. 3, 2012 Tombstone With God's Love and Mine/new stone/next to: Joseph Koneczka
BARSHAW: [F-6-48]-Josephine Sheperski Barshaw/wife of Louis Barshaw/1902-1920 Tombstone
BEATHKE: [A-1-1-1]-Walter Beathke/Wisconsin/Pvt. 11 SN In S6 Div/Dec. 27, 1932 (next to Anna and Josef Betka) U.S. World War Vet flag holder Tombstone
BECKER: [A-2-12-1]-John B./1878-Dec 6, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [A-2-12-2]-Mary S./nee Budysz/1881-Feb 9, 1954 Tombstone [A-2-12-3]-Joseph Becker/Jun 2, 1888/Nov 13, 1960 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-12-4]-Chester F. Becker/SGT US Army/World War II/Oct 10, 1918/Dec 15, 2009 Tombstone [A-3-8-4]-Anton F. Becker/Jan 13, 1898/Oct 5, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-8-5]-Ella R. Becker/Nov 2, 1903/Sep 1, 1983 Tombstone [B-2-3-3]-John/1871-May 11, 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-3-4]-Mary/nee Ziarnik/1875-Sep 23, 1952 Tombstone [C-4-7-4]-Eleanor/Apr 8, 1908/Sep 3, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-7-5]-Alois/Mar 9, 1904/Dec 5, 1936 Tombstone [F-2-19-1]-Alex T. Becker/Oct 25, 1905/Sep 5, 1995, next to: US Vet Marker Tombstone [F-2-19-5]-Helen BECKER Novak/1915-1989 Tombstone
BEKIER: [A-2-6-2]-Emilia Bekier/Urodziela Sie/d. 23 Lipca r. 1901/Umarla/d 7 Marca r. 1920 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-6-3]-Emilia Bekier/Gorka Tombstone, next to: [A-2-6-4]-Anna Bekier/Um/19 Stycz 1925 Tombstone [B-2-3-1]-Jan Bekier/Ojciec/Ur 16 Kwiet 1846/Um 24 Marca 1929 Tombstone [B-2-3-2]-Cecylia Bekier/Matka/Urud/20 Maja R 1840/Umarla/Dnia 24 Maja 1921 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-4-1]-Stanislaw Bekier/Ur/7 List 1922/Um/9 List 1922 Tombstone [F-6-26]-Jozef Bekier/Um 16 Kwiet 1918 Tombstone
BETKA: Maryanna Sylo______/Betka Stanley Betka/Ur 21 Czr 1907/Um/12 Kwiec 1908 Tombstone [A-1-1]-Anna/Matka/1864-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-1]-Josef/Ojciec/1859-1944 Tombstone Stanislaw/Ojciec/Ur 8 Maja 1873/Um 24 List 1936 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/Ur 8 Grud 1877/(Balance uncut)/1877-1957 Tombstone (No name Betka/no dates) Tombstone
BETKE: [F-5-4]-Alex I./Aug 11, 1901/Dec 22, 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-4]-Tillie/1900-Oct 17, 1951 Tombstone
BIALAKOWSKI: [E-4-55]-Teofil Bialakowski/d. 27 Kwietnia R. 1849/Umral/27 Czewa/R 1902 Tombstone
BIALIK: [E-4-123]-Anna Bialik/Matka/Ur sie Roku 1838/Um 17 Grudnia 1913 Tombstone
BIRRINGER: [E-6-106]-Nicholas/Sohn von P&M Birringer/6 Aug. 1872/gest. 26 Jan. 1898 Tombstone Peter Birringer/Born 1826/Died/Sept. 6, 1909 Tombstone Maria Katharina/Oct 18, 1832/Jan 28, 1899 Tombstone
BISHOP: Walter Bishop/1874-1918 Tombstone Irene C. Bishop/Mar 13, 1912/Mar 15, 2008 Tombstone
BLAZER: Brenda Dawn Blazer/Jun 22, 1966/Nov 18, 1966 Tombstone
BLOCK: Richard/1907-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Susan/1908-1963 Tombstone See JAGODZINSKY
BONIEWSKI: John Boniewski/24 May 1901/age 33 yrs/from obit-no stone John Boniewski/d. Aug 5, 1899/from record
BONIN: Nettie/1874-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/1873-1951 Tombstone Hattie/1873-1968 Tombstone, ossw: John/1872-1942 Tombstone
BONK: [A-1-5]-Veronica Bonk/1875-Nov 9, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Jacob Bonk/1853-Jan. 1933/age 80 years Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Stanley Bonk/Apr 8, 1886/Apr 23, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-5]-Catherine A. Bonk/Mar. 15, 1906/Mar 26, 1987 Tombstone Martin/1852-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1862-1948 (Spanish Am. War Veteran/USA/CUBA/Philippine Island/Porto Rico) Tombstone Child of Martin/July 24, 1898/from obit Leon Bonk/-Apr. 17, 1939- Tombstone [A-3-6]-Sylvester/Oct 7, 1911/Jan 22, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-6]-Julia T./Dec 18, 1916/Aug 12, 2004 Tombstone Pamela/Feb. 23, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Boy/Aug. 12, 1943 Tombstone [E-4-38]-Anton M./1882-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-39]-Catherine/1883-1952 Tombstone [F-5-55]-Louis/Oct 13, 1892/Oct 2, 1962/Wis/PFC Co. A 55 Engineers/WW I Tombstone, ossw: [F-5-56]-Martha/1898-Feb 2, 1991 Tombstone Joseph S./1902-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Alice F./1903-1989 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Bonk/1963-1963 Tombstone [C-3-2]-John Bonk/1880-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-2]-Helen Bonk/1879-Jan 6, 1935 Tombstone (Son of M.J. Bonk/d. 04 Sept. 1893/from obit-no stone) Klara Bonk/1899-1923 (New Stone) Tombstone, ossw: Seweryna Bonk/1908-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Antonia Bonk/1830-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Pelacia Bonk/1896-1928 Tombstone [F-2-14]-John Bonk/1885-Sep 19, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-14]-Josephine Bonk/1895-1974 Tombstone
BORUCKI / BORUCKA / BORUCKICH: Caroline J. Borucki/Dec 9, 1909/Oct 23, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: Frank J. Borucki/Apr 2, 1903/Sep 29, 1972 Tombstone Myron Borucki/Ur 21 Lutego 1902/Um 15 Czerw 1935 Tombstone Familia Boruckich - Large stone. Smaller stones read: Wojciech Borucki/Um d. 28 Mar. 1927 Tombstone, next to: [E-5-59]-Maryjanna Borucka/Um d 30 Marca R. 1917 Tombstone
BOYD: [F-2-4]-John Boyd/Mar 23, 1927/Oct 9, 2013 Photo [F-2-4]-Grace Boyd/nee Felber/Nov 8, 1922/Sep 30, 2016 Photo
BRACHMANN: [F-3-22]-Therese E. Brachmann/Jan 1, 1914/May 25, 2010/Mother (01 Jan 1914/25 May 2010/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-22]-Joan G. PEKULIK/May 26, 1930/Dec 10, 2015/Daughter Tombstone
BRIGGS: [A-4-2]-Clifford J. Briggs Sr./Feb. 13, 1913/Jul 16, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-2]-Regina Briggs/nee KOMOSA/1916-Jun 27, 2000 Tombstone
BRONE: Anne Brone/died Sept. 19, 1920/age 87 years Tombstone Frank Brone/died Nov. 10, 1917/age 87 years Tombstone
BROWNE: [C-4-6]-Fr. Stanley T. Browne/Son/Apr 18, 1939/Oct 5, 2018, ossw: [C-4-6]-Pauline J. Browne/Mother/Jun 19, 1915/Mar 24, 2003 Tombstone
BRUNNER: Richard D. Brunner/Father/Jan 31, 1937/Jan 19, 2022, ossw: [C-2-3]-Paula F. Brunner/Mother/Aug 21, 1939/Feb 15, 2012 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-3]-Timothy Patrick Brunner/Son/Jun 22, 1961/Nov 2, 1979 Tombstone
BRUSKA: Anastazja Bruska/Ur. 13 List. 1882/Um 7 Kwiet 1913 Tombstone
BRUSKY: [F-3-28]-Katherine/Mar 17, 1895-May 7, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-28]-Anton F./1874/1949 Tombstone
BUDNA: Anna Budna/died Oct. 13, 1916/age 41 years Tombstone
BUDNER: [F-5-14]-Michael Budner/1867-1947 Tombstone
BUDNIK: Veronica/1878/1966 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph F./1874-1935 Tombstone Arthur G. Budnik/1928-1964 Tombstone, next to: [F-1-16]-John A./1893-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-16]-Mary C./Jan 23, 1895/Sep 16, 1975 Tombstone [A-4-4]-Mary G. Budnik/May 8, 1902/Jun 5, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-4]-Felix R. Budnik/Oct. 27, 1903/Dec. 5, 1992 Tombstone See KARL
BUDYSH: Stanley Budysh/Wisconsin Pvt. Co. B 305 Machine Gun Bn/World War I/ Feb. 8, 1895/Dec. 5, 1964 (American Legion Flag holder) Tombstone
BUDYSZ: Andrew Budysz/d. March 30, 1933/from obit/-no stone Magdalen Budysz/1851-Mar 13, 1939/from obit/no stone [Joseph] Budysz/Um 4 Kwietnia 1910/Stary 48 Lat. Tombstone Franciska Budysz/Um 9 Kvietnia 1913/Stara 54 Lat. Tombstone Michalina Budysz/____ Lipca/1825/_____Sierpnka 1897 Tombstone Joseph/1879-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Julia/1892-1951 Tombstone Franciszka Budysz/Ur. Sie 29 go Styczen r. 1897/Um 26 go Lutego r 1920 Tombstone Frank Budysz/Father/May 31, 1887/Jul 8, 1932 Tombstone, ossw: Cecilia Budysz/1887-1982 Tombstone Lucyan Budysz/Jan 6, 1870/Jan 20, 1943 Tombstone
BURETA: Apolonia Bureta/1902-1903 Tombstone Anna/1889-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Mike/1889-1967 Tombstone Mary Bureta/1854-1926 Tombstone, next to: Jan Bureta/1850-1915 Tombstone Frank/Oct. 3, 1877/May 16, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Nov. 22, 1877/Dec. 23, 1950 Tombstone
BURETTA: A. Buretta Victor Buretta/B - 1912 - D Tombstone John/Father/1867-1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1871-1948 Tombstone
BURICH: Bruce A. Burich/1949 Tombstone
BURISH: Patrick John Burish/b.-d. Apr. 22, 1956 (new stone) Tombstone
BURRA: Klara Burra/d. Apr. 1915 Tombstone Teresa Burra/d. June 8, 1916
BURRY: Anna Burry/1837-1907 Tombstone, next to: Jan Burry/1834-1923 Tombstone Josef Burry/Urodziel sie r 1868 D 4 Marca/Umarl r. 1906 d 2 Grodnia Tombstone, ossw: Aniela Burry/Ur sie 22 Lip Ro 1868/Urn Dnia/2 Siepnia Ro 1910 Tombstone, next to: Bennie Burry/1902-____
BURSEK: James Bursek/Mar 23, 1950/Mar 23, 1950 Tombstone
BURTON: [C-3-4]-Irene T. Burton/Aug 2, 1921/May 19, 2019 Photo
CABLEWSKA: Rozalia Cablewska Tombstone
CERKAS: [F-3-9]-Rose C. Cerkas/1887-1939 Tombstone
CHAPLESKI: Paul V./Nov 19, 1893/May 15, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude D./May 1, 1897/Apr 18, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-2]-George C. Chapleski/Mar 1, 1922/May 5, 1968/Wisc/Sgt. Med. Det. 274 Infantry/WW II/ Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-2]-Laverne M./Apr 6, 1924/Mar 16, 2017, War vet flag holder [F-2-17]-Dennis M. Chapleski/Sep 21, 1942-Sep 23, 2015 Photo See Kraemer
CHAPLESKY: [C-2-10]-Stefania/(Stella)/Aug 28, 1885/Dec 27, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Joseph S./Feb 16, 1887/Jan 29, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Joseph 1921-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Peter 1921-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-10]-Stanley/1923-1923 Tombstone
CHECK: [B-2-9]-Edward J. Check/Mar 15, 1915/Jun 27, 1992/TEC4 US Army/World War II Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-9]-Grace A. "Busia" Check/Oct 1, 1919/Jul 28, 1996 Tombstone + Photo [F-3-4]-Newphrey M./May 31, 1902/Sep 9, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-4]-Clara E./May 13, 1900/Feb 25, 1989 Tombstone [F-6-55]-Frank R./Mar 27, 1905/Dec 15, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-54]-Anna A. Check/Jul 26, 1912/Dec 19, 1996 Tombstone Baby Check/-1954-/from obit Gregory Check/Mar 10, 1954/Apr 18, 1954 Tombstone [F-3-31]-Charles B. Check/Jun 11, 1913/Sep 16, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-31]-Helen B. Check/Aug 24, 1917/Apr 27, 2008 Tombstone
CHODZINSKI: Jan Chodzinski/no other info Tombstone
CHYNOWETH: [F-1-9]-Susan Korlesky Chynoweth/Daughter/1913-1940 Tombstone, ossw: KORLESKY See KORLESKY
CICHANTEK: [F-5-28]-Constance Cichantek/1866-1932 Tombstone (John Cichantek/Sep 14, 1836/Oct 19, 1923/from obit)
CICHOWLAS: Michael Cichowlas/Father/1849-1928 Tombstone
CIHA: [D-1-2]-Louis J. Ciha/(Aloysius)/Mar 17, 1905/Sep 1, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-2]-Adeline J. Ciha/Mar 19, 1904/Jul 5, 1984 Tombstone
COBLESKI: Ignatz Cobleski Tombstone
COBLEWSKA: Jozefa Coblewska/Matka/Um Roku 1916 Tombstone
COBLEWSKI: John Coblewski/Father/1854-1940 Tombstone
COMO: Marie Como/1900-1962 Tombstone
CONTNEY: Joseph J./1895-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Evelyn C./1895-1964/V.F.W. Ladies Aux. Flag holder Tombstone
CZAPIEWSKA: Dorota Czapiewska/d. Jan 23, 1918 Tombstone
CZAPIEWSKI: Tomasz Czapiewski/Ojciec/1844-1895 Tombstone, ossw: Paulina Czapiewski/Matka/1851-1922 Tombstone Paulina Czapiewski/1879-1895/from record
CZEKALA: Catherine/Mother/1897-1957 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1878-1972 Tombstone, next to: Frank Czekala/1902-1906 Tombstone, next to: [C-2-4]-Albert/1911-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [C-2-4]-Alice A./1914-1999 Tombstone
DARON: Ervin Daron/Ur. 2 List. 1911/Um/2 Grudnia 1914 Tombstone John F./Father/1887-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1890-1968 Tombstone
DAY: [F-1-8]-Josephine L./1902-Oct 11, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-8]-Carl R./1899-1967 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone
DEMBSKI: Wladyslaw Dembski/Ur 12 Lipca 1873/Um 26 Lipca 1924 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Anna/1872-1946 Tombstone Valentine/1868-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Konstanciya/1874-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Marta/1898-1925 Tombstone Mary Dembski/Sep 10, 1903/May 16, 1904/from record
DEMPSKY: John/Father/1863-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1873-1940 Tombstone Kathryn Dempsky/1856-1907 Tombstone Stanley Dempsky/Jun 6, 1858/Aug 30, 1934/from obit [F-1-5]-Matt S./Father/1894-Feb 3, 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-5]-Ella I./Mother/Apr 8, 1897/Jun 28, 1982 Tombstone [F-1-5]-Marcel J. Dempsky/Nov 25, 1917/Mar 14, 2006/TEC4 US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-5]-Mary A. Dempsky/Feb 29, 1924/Feb 4, 2020
DENK: Marie Denk/1906-1994 Tombstone, next to: Novak
DERLA: Mary Derla/1860-1939 Tombstone, next to: Josefa Derla/Ur. 12 Wzes 1885/Um 25 Czec 1896 Tombstone
DERUS: Stanley/1891-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1890-1957 Tombstone [E-2-70]-Walter/1889-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-70]-Mary Derus/Oct 21, 1886-Oct 19, 1957 Tombstone
DONARSKA: Eva Donarska/Ur. 24 Grud 1822/Um 26 Wsz 1905 Tombstone
DRILL: Benjamin/1901-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Selma/1910-1959 Tombstone Theresa Drill/1895-1911 Tombstone [F-1-18]-Agnes M./Feb 10, 1903/Nov 30, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-18]-Theodore R./1905-1990 (US Veteran marker) Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-18]-Marion/1908-1940 Tombstone
DROBKA: [A-5-9]-Adolph J./1886-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-9]-Josephine/Mar 4, 1891/Aug 7, 1976 Tombstone Jan/Ur d 16 go Pazdz 1881/Um d 20 go Marca 1888 Tombstone, ossw: Stanislaw/Ur d 25 go Kie 1888/um d 2 go Lipca 1888 Tombstone John/Father/1852-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille/Mother/1854-1934 Tombstone Josef Ur d. 28 go Marca 1883 r/Um d 1 go Lipca 1895 Tombstone, ossw: Helena/Ur d 2 go Stycz 1895/R. Um d 14 go Stycz 1896 R Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Ur d. 28 go Listop 1896 r/Um d 20 go Stycz 1897 Tombstone
DRYLL: [F-1-18]-Peter P. Dryll/Bugler U.S. Army/World War I/Jul 21, 1894/Mar. 28 1975/U.S. War vet marker Tombstone
DUDZIK: Anzelm Dudzik/1869-1902 Tombstone
DUHNKE: [C-6-4]-Robert E. Duhnke/Husband/Mar. 8, 1903/July 7, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-4]-Alice C. Duhnke/Wife/Mar. 29, 1910/Jan. 16, 2007 Tombstone
DULAK: Julia/1904-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1899-1971 Tombstone
DUMSCHEK: Emilie Dumschek/d. 24 July 1893/from obit-no stone
DUZESKI: Eleanore P. Duzeski/Born Sept. 15, 1914/Died Oct. 23, 1914 Tombstone Josephine/Mar. 23, 1885/Dec. 9, 1944 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/Mar. 27, 1879/Apr. 14, 1970 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-5]-Stanley/1902-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-5]-Marcella/Jun 13, 1910/Jun 8, 1987 Tombstone Noreen WRONKOWSKI/1961-1961 (Jens Funeral Home marker on Josephine and Theodore Duzeski plot) Tombstone
ERDMANN: Mike Erdmann/1883-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Mrozinski
FELDMANN: Anton Feldmann/d. 25 Sep. 1899/age 1 yr. 9 mo./from obit.-no stone
FELTMAN: Josefa Feltman/Roku 1897 Tombstone [D-1-8]-Lester J. Feltman/Wisconsin/Sm 2 U.S. Navy/June 15, 1933/Aug. 20, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-8]-Alois P. Feltman/May 29, 1906/July 13, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-8]-Lucille Feltman/Dec. 16, 1908/July 4, 1990 Tombstone Klara Feltman/1909-1913 Tombstone, next to: [E-2-26]-Jan Feltman/1911-Apr 23, 1917 Tombstone Stanislaw Feltmanz/Urodzil 22 Lipca 1904/Umral 5 Maja 1906 Tombstone Josef Feltman/dnia 11 Kwiet R 1903/Umral/9 Lipca R 1904 Tombstone Franzisek Feltman/21 Kvietna R 1893/Umral 8 Stycz 1896 Tombstone Francis J. Feltman/Wisconsin/Cpl. 303 Fa Bn 97 Inf. Div/World War II/ Oct. 25, 1914/July 10, 1970 Tombstone, next to: Antoni/Ojciec/Ur 25 Wres 1867/Um/23 Lut 1953 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/Ur/10 List 1871/Um/11 Kwiet 1935 Tombstone, next to: (Josephine Feltman/Dec 25, 1898/Sep 25, 1899/from record) Jozef Feltman/Ur. 3 Marc 1880/Um 1 Maja 1924 Tombstone [B-1-10]-Jan Feltman/Father/1863-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-10]-Antonina Feltman/Mother/1869-1933 Tombstone, next to: Wladislaw Nespodziany/1876-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Feltman/Son/1900-1929 Tombstone
FENCKA: Michal Fencka/1857-1873 Tombstone
FENSKA: Albert Fenska/Um 14 Sierp 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Fenska/Um 3 Czr 1904 Tombstone
FROZENA: Joseph Frozena/1882-1910 Tombstone [F-2-3]-Matylda Frozena/(Tillie)/Jul 16, 1887/Dec 1, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-3]-Frank Woznicki/1897-1970 Tombstone [F-2-21]-Joseph J./Feb 22, 1908/Aug 17, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: Alice M./1907-1975 Tombstone [F-2-21]-John "Jack" Frozena/Dec 27, 1936/May 2, 2019/US Air Force Photo Peter P./1902-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Mary A./1906-1990 Tombstone, next to: Paul J. Frozena/1930-1986 Tombstone, ossw: LaVaughn L. Frozena/1934-1981 Tombstone Bernice/Mother/1882-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/Father/1876-1930 Tombstone [F-3-25]-Felix R. Frozena/May 28, 1906/July 9, 1981/married June 8, 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-25]-Frances M. Frozena/Feb. 2, 1912/Sept. 19, 1994 Tombstone + Photo
FROZYNA: Josef Frozyna/Uroz sic 5 Marca 1846/Umarl/10 Czerw 1917 Tombstone Anna Frozyna/Jego Zona/Urozyna/Urod sie 11 Sierpn 1854/Umarl 28 Lipoa 1917 Tombstone
FRUZYNA: Pawel J. Fruzyna/and den dzien umrl 19 Wrziesnia 1910
GACA: Theodore Gaca
GADZINSKI: [E-1-25]-Anna/Mother/Aug 8, 1865-Jul 13, 1943 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-24]-Thomas/Father/1862-1915 Tombstone Frank/1892-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-2]-Joseph S. /1895-1974 Tombstone John/1890-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Pauline/1897-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Chester/1917-1926 Tombstone, ossw: John C. Gadzinski/1926-2006/US. Vet. marker Tombstone [F-4-54]-Josephine/1889-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-54]-Thomas F./1887-1941 Tombstone
GANCZ: Justyna Gancz/Umarl u umzel d. 12 Grud 1906
GAPA: Appolonia Gapa/UM sie/7 Scyczea 1895/Um/9 Serpen 1896 Tombstone Franciszek Gapa/urod sie/2 Luty R 1862/Um 24 Czer R 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszka Gapa/Urod sie 25 List R 1863/Um 29 Grud 1927 Tombstone [F-1-19]-Frank J./1904-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-19]-Julia/1904-1989 Tombstone, next to: Francisca Gapa/d. 15 Jan. 1902/from obit-no stone Barthelme Gapa/d. Jan. 3, 1914/from obit
GAPINSKI: Frances/1893-1895 Tombstone, ossw: Tillie/1911-1911 Tombstone Peter P./1865-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Felix/1902-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1875-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Emily/1913-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Alois/("Lefty")/Jun 5, 1900-Jan 20, 1929 Tombstone, ossw: Clement/1917-1920 Tombstone
GAPINSKY: Paul Gapinsky/Wisconsin/Pvt. Hq. Co. 3 Bn. 13 Inf. World War II/ June 25, 1909/March 27, 1968 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone
GAPPA: Gregory G. Gappa/1937-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Sharon M. Gappa/1938-_____
GARAND: Kay M. Garand/Mar. 14, 1913/Sep. 15, 2007 Tombstone
GBUR: Jan Gbur/23 Marca 1870/3 Luty 1880 Tombstone Marianna Gbur/R 1832/8 Sierpna 1895 Tombstone Francizek Gbur/3 Luteg 1832/28 Cerweia 1895 Tombstone
GERL: Joseph Gerl/Father/1884-1945 Tombstone
GLISCH: Constance/1900-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/Sep 4, 1898-May 14, 1960 Tombstone Mike/1856-1913 Tombstone, ossw: Katherine/1860-Jan 20, 1938 Tombstone [C-1-8]-Sadie Glisch/d. Sept. 1920/age 30 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Joseph R. Glisch/1893-May 20, 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Helen B. Glisch/Apr 12, 1892/Mar 8, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Chester Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-8]-Ervin Tombstone
GLYZEWSKI/GLYZEWSKA: Jan Glyzewski/1865-Jan 20, 1924 Tombstone, ossw: Agnieszka Glyzewska/Apr 15, 1875/May 4, 1923 Tombstone
GOLATA: Micheal and Severyna Golata John/1852-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1855-1934 Tombstone Andrew Golata/Nov. 18, 1895/Nov. 19, 1895/from record Joseph A. Golata/Wisconsin/Pvt. 161 Depot Brig/March 8, 1897/July 14, 1945 (U.S.War vet flag holder) Tombstone
GOLLATA: Eugene G. Gollata/1903-1967 Tombstone Edwin J. Gollata/1910-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin O'KONSKI/1894-1924 Tombstone Lawrence Gollata/1969-1969 and Brother Tombstone Eileen M. Gollata/1940-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Donald E. Gollata/1938-____ Anthony F. Gollata/1914-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Evelyn M. Gollata/1915-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Nicholas A. Gollata/-Nov. 5, 1995-/Great Grandson Tombstone
GORECKI: Leona Gorecki/May 9, 1911/Aug. 1912 Tombstone [C-4-3]-Larry W./Father/1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-3]-Tillie/Mother/1887-1964 Tombstone
GORYCHKA: [F-4-4]-Theodore/1883-Jan 8, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-4]-Anna/Jul 24, 1883-Jul 15, 1970 Tombstone
GORYCZKA: John/Father/1855-1916 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret/Mother/1864-Oct 21, 1935 Tombstone
GOSPODAREK: [D-1-3]-Helena/1855-1930 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-3]-John Sr./1855-1953 Tombstone, next to: [D-1-3]-Agnes Mary/1885-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-3]-Joseph J./Mar 13, 1888/Mar 6, 1961 Tombstone [E-2-30]-Barney/1879-Jun 7, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-29]-Mary/1882-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/1903-1913 Tombstone, ossw: John/1901-1912 Tombstone Roger Gospodarek/1944-1954 Tombstone, next to: [D-1-7]-Antoinette/1884-Aug 31, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: Michael J./1883-1960 Tombstone Adolph J. Gospodarek/Dec 16, 1918/Mar 12, 1987/from obit Alvin Gospodarek/Ur 21 Czer 1921/Um 1 Marca 1925 Tombstone Severyna Gospodarek/30 Wrzesna 1905/Umarla/22 Grudnia 1905 Tombstone Leonarda Gospodarek/27 Um sie Sierpnia 1912, Ur/3 Maja 1913 Tombstone, ossw: Seweryna Gospodarek/Um sie 22 Lutego/1908/Ur 9 Sierpiena 1910 Tombstone Czeslaw (Chester) Gospodarek/1916-1917 Tombstone Pawel Gospodarek/Ur Sie/2 Cerwca/R 1880/Umarl/31 Pazdz/R 1893 Tombstone [A-4-3]-Catherine/Jan 28, 1886/Mar 20, 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-3]-John A./Feb 19, 1886/Apr 25, 1970 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-3]-Florian S. Gospodarek/1909-Dec 27, 1954 Tombstone Cecilia/Mother/1892-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-20]-Robert M./Father/1893-May 13, 1950 Tombstone [F-1-13]-Leona/Mar 15, 1900/Oct 4, 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-13]-Frank A./1896-1952 Tombstone Leonard F. Gospodarek/Wisconsin/Cpl. U.S. Marine Corp./World War II/ Dec. 9, 1920/Dec. 26, 1952 Vet of foreign war marker Tombstone Anthony Gospodarek/Sept. 2-4, 1955 (new stone) Tombstone [C-4-6]-Edwin A. Gospodarek/1915-Dec 16, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Blanche M. Gospodarek/Oct 26, 1919/Oct 19, 2000 Tombstone Joseph Gospodarek/-Feb 17, 1951- Tombstone
GRACZYKOWSKI: [F-3-6]-Joseph/Father/1870-1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-3-6]-Anna/Mother/Apr 11, 1881-Oct 18, 1952 Tombstone + Photo
GRAY: [A-3-4]-Louise M./Mother/Aug 4, 1923/Dec 23, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-4]-Thomas M./Son/Feb 18, 1945/Nov 29, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Baby Gray/1943 Tombstone
GRAYKOWSKI: [F-3-6]-Thomas/Mar 14, 1909/Mar 19, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-6]-Kathryn E./Oct 7, 1915/Jan 31, 2007 Tombstone
GRETZ: [C-4-6]-Edwin/1917-Jul 28, 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Stanley/May 7, 1882/Jan 24, 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-6]-Mary A./May 27, 1882/Jun 12, 1964 Tombstone [J.S. Gretz/no more info. from cem. office]
GRZESKOWIAK: [F-1-6]-Sophia F./Mother/Oct 8, 1899/Dec 14, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-6]-John D./Father/1903-Feb 25, 1950 Tombstone
HALPIN: [F-3-20]-Edward B. Halpin/Cpl. 61 Co. AS1 Artillery/July 7, 1910/June 20, 1953 (Vet of foreign war marker) Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-20]-Irene Halpin SCHMIDT/Feb 14, 1917/Dec 29, 1978 Tombstone
HEILI: [E-5-2]-Michael Peter Heili/Sept, 6, 1953/July 6, 1958 Tombstone
HEIN: [A-5-6]-Phillip M./Jul 7, 1903/Jun 27, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-6]-Violet/1908-1994 Tombstone
HELMINIAK: Julianna Helminiak/Urod sie/18 Lutego R 1896/Um 6 Kwietnia R 1921 Tombstone [B-2-2]-Genevieve Patricia Helminiak/Daughter/Aug 27, 1921/Apr 20, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-2]-Josephine Genevieve/Mother/Feb 19, 1896/Jun 23, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-2]-Anton J./Father/Oct 15, 1895/Apr 20, 1945 Tombstone, next to: Marion Helminiak/1933-1933 Tombstone [C-4-3]-John B. Helminiak/Nov 21, 1904/Jan 8, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-3]-Helen P. Helminiak/1919-2008 Tombstone
HENNESSY: [F-1-14]-Rita M. Hennessy/nee Jagodinsky/Dec 2, 1926/Jan 3, 2011 Tombstone
HERMAN: [B-3-7]-Elmer Herman/July 29, 1917/Nov. 15, 1942 Tombstone
HETTICH: [C-4-4]-Theresa/Apr 23, 1856/Jun 18, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-4]-Emil/Apr 28, 1861/Feb 18, 1942 Tombstone
HETTMANN: [A-4-7]-Charles John/Sep 4, 1900/Jan 14, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-7]-Rose/Jul 31, 1898/Feb 18, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-7]-Gladys L. Hettmann/Daughter/1925-May 19, 1946 Tombstone
HODIK: [F-6-43]-Anna/Feb 12, 1862/May 9, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-44]-Francis/1861-Mar 1922 Tombstone
HOFFMAN: [E-4-122]-Mary Hoffman/Mother/1859-Aug 8, 1937 [F-5-32]-John Hoffman/Jun 9, 1858/Aug 30, 1927 Tombstone
HOFFMANN: Paulina Hoffmann Tombstone
HUTTON: Gail S. Hutton/nee Gappa/Oct. 7, 1959/Jan. 7, 2009 Tombstone
JACOBOSKI: [A-1-6]-Anton P./Jan 1, 1889-Nov 12, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1892-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Francis MROTEK/1898-1966 (Am. Legion marker) Tombstone see MROTEK
JAGODENSKI: Walter Jagodenski/Son/1891-1918 Tombstone, next to: [F-6-51]-Jacob/Father/Jul 17, 1850/Jan 17, 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-51]-Antoinette/Mother/1870-1950 Tombstone
JAGODENSKY: Anna/1894-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1866-1912 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Jagodensky/1871-1954 Tombstone [B-14-11]-Lucille Jagodensky/Feb 9, 1915-May 9, 1975 Tombstone [F-6-54]-Adolph Marin Jagodensky/1902-Dec 20, 1992/Son US Vet. marker Tombstone
JAGODINSKI: [E-5-114]-John Jagodinski/Oct 22, 1907/Aug 24, 1956 Tombstone [B-3-9]-Stella Jagodinski/Mother/1877-Oct 20, 1951 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Jagodinski/Father/1874-1934 Tombstone, next to: Raymond Jagodinski/Son/1917-1934 Tombstone
JAGODINSKY: Marvin Jagodinsky Tombstone [F-1-14]-John P./Oct 11, 1892/Aug 20, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-14]-Ella/1898-Jan 3, 1953 Tombstone [F-2-14]-Raymond Jagodinsky/1909-Jun 23, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-14]-Ethel Jagodinsky/1908-1989 Tombstone, ossw: Ellen Jagodinsky/1935-1949 Tombstone [B-4-11]-Joseph/Apr 24, 1875/Mar 22, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-11]-Blanche/1875-Jan 9, 1936 Tombstone (Rose Jagodinsky/wife of Frank/1846-Aug 26, 1921/from obit) (Frank Jagodinsky/d. May 5, 1923/from obit)
JAGODZINSKA: Juliana Jagodzinska/Ur 20 Lipca 1905/Um/22 Wres 1905 Tombstone
JAGODZINSKI: Maryjanna Jagodzinski/4 Kwitena 1895/24 Maja 1901 (stone broken in three pieces) Tombstone Franczyszek Jagodzinski/Ur/18 Sierp 1867/Um/7 Grud 1899 Tombstone Michal/Jagodzinski/10 Maja 189__/20 Maja 1896 ______Jagodzinski 21 Maja 18___/22 Ma__ 18__ [B-4-10]-Mathilda Jagodzinski/1861-Jun 16, 1943 Tombstone , ossw: [B-4-10]-George/1860-Mar 26, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-10]-Alex J./Aug 21, 1897/Mar 23, 1972 US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Leo C. Jagodzinski/1906-1991 Tombstone, next to: Leo C. Jagodzinski/Mar. 9, 1906/Feb. 26, 1991/CPL US Army World War II Tombstone
JAGODZINSKY / JAGODZINSKA: Luczyja Jagodzinska/Urodzela sie dnia 13 Grudnia 1826/Umarla dnia 17 Lutego 1908 Tombstone, ossw: Tomas Jagodzinsky/Urodzil sie dnia 1 Wrizesnia 1823/Umarl cinia 30 Grudnia 1904 Tombstone Pioter and Pawel Jagodzinsky/Urodziely Sie 31 Grudnia 1903: Pioter Umarl 5 Maja 1905 Tombstone Pawel Umarl 28 Maja 1905 Tombstone Bernard/1898-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/nee BLOCK/1903-1941 Tombstone, next to: Anna/1896-1963 Tombstone, ossw: Albert/1894-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille D. JOWELL/July 3, 1920/Feb. 5, 1990/Dau. Tombstone Infant Daughter/Oct 24, 1957/Oct 24, 1957/from obit Leonard/Dec. 28, 1925/March 18, 1926/from obit Helen Jagodzinsky/July 20, 1902/Feb. 17, 1925 Tombstone, next to: Nellie Jagodzinsky/Sept. 16, 1904/Jan. 16, 1931 Tombstone Bernice C. Jagodzinsky/Mother/1897-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Alex F. Vnuk/Father/1895-1944 Tombstone
JAHN: [E-4-46]-Katarayna Jahn/Umrala die 28 Lutego 1904/Stara 80 lati 3 dni Tombstone
JAKUBOSKI: Piontek Jakuboski/1816-1891 See Jakubowski
JAKUBOWSKI: Peter Jakubowski/1848-Aug. 3, 1891/Husband of Frances Tombstone Father of nine. (New stone) See Jakuboski
JANCZESKI: Rose/Mother/1878-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Father/1875-1949 Tombstone
JAROCH/JARVIS: Antonia/Mother/1847-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Son/1881-1975 Tombstone
JAWORSKI: Jan Jaworski/Um 23 List 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszka Corka/Um 12 Lipca 1907 Tombstone [E-2-99]-Annie Joworski/Urod sie/26 Lipca 1850/umarl/17 Stycz 1939 Tombstone, next to: [E-2-100]-Walentin Jaworski/urod sie/14 Lutego 1852/Umarl/17 Stycz 1909 Tombstone [E-6-66]-Alois Jaworski/Oct 18, 1897/Aug 3, 1967 Tombstone [F-3-14]-Marcianna Jaworski/Mar 3, 1867/Aug 16, 1934 Tombstone
JAWORSKY: [E-6-65]-Thomas V. Jaworsky/Wis./Pvt. 1Q 5 Field Arty 27 Div. WWI/ Dec 15, 1895/Feb 23, 1952 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone
JOGADZINSKY: Leona Jogadzinsky
JOWELL: Lucille D. Jowell/July 3, 1920/Feb. 5, 1990/Dau. Tombstone See Jagodzinsky
JOZWIAK: Tomasz/Ur sie 29 Grudn 1835/Um 27 Sierpn 1917 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-11]-Marcyanna/Ur sie 31 Grudn 1837/Um 30 Maja 1927 Tombstone Rozalia Jozwiak/Urodz/__ Maja 1829/Umarla W Grud 1906 Tombstone
KACKA: Michal Kacka/Ur 10 Wrzesnia/1851/Um 7 Marca 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-126]-Anna Kacka/Ur/1 List/1851/Um/2 Luty 1943 Tombstone Rosalia Kacka/1894-Nov. 16, 1894/no stone/from record
KADOW: [D-4-4]-Siegfried J. Kadow/May 10, 1904/Feb 2, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-4]-Josephine Ann Kadow/Mar 2, 1906/Feb 14, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-4]-James J. Kadow/Nov 15, 1935/Feb 23, 1939 Tombstone Steve/1875-1927 Tombstone, ossw: [D-1-2]-Cathrine/Jul 31, 1878/May 4, 1972 (1st husband Kadow/2nd husband Zielinski) Tombstone, ossw: Marvin/1919-1927 Tombstone Katarzyna Kadow/Urod sie 26 Pazd 1875/Umarla/30 Pazd 1911 Tombstone [F-3-17]-Paul Adolph/Oct 1, 1908/Oct 2, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-17]-Clara B./Nov 7, 1909/Feb 15, 1969 Tombstone
KAMINSKI: [F-3-16]-Alois/May 10, 1900/Sep 4, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-16]-Frances Mary/1900-Dec 2, 1992 Tombstone [B-1-11]-Adeline L. Kaminski/Dec 12, 1912/May 13, 1980 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-11]-Michael/1879-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-11]-Marcella/Jan 16, 1880/Jun 2, 1937 Tombstone [C-4-1]-Walter Kaminski/1925-Oct 12, 1943 Tombstone [B-1-12]-Stella Kaminski/1903-May 24, 1983 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-12]-Francis C. Kaminski/Wisconsin/SFC U.S. Army/WWII Korea/Feb 21, 1911/Jul 2, 1961 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-12]-Frank/1878-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-12]-Katherine/Mar 21, 1877/Nov 2, 1950 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-11]-Lena Kaminski/Mother/1851-May 22, 1938 Tombstone [B-2-11]-Anton J./Jan 3, 1903/Jan 8, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Myrtle C./Mar 22, 1906/Jun 18, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Arlette Kaminski/Jul 6, 1934/Aug 4, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: Fred SEMPIER/1876-1927 US Vet. marker Tombstone [A-5-7]-Anna Sophia Kaminski/Jul 12, 1907/Feb 15, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-7]-Michael F. Kaminski/Nov 8, 1907/Jan 18, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-7]-Janice/Mar 4, 1933/Jun 5, 1954 Tombstone [F-3-16]-David Daniel/Nov. 3, 1922/Nov. 24, 2014 Tombstone, ossw: Frances M./nee Piefer/May 8, 1925/May 26, 2008 Tombstone
KARL: Therese Karl/BUDNIK/Died/Nov. 24, 1926/Aged 21 years Tombstone
KARTHEISER: [C-4-8]-Peter/1893-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-8]-Ella C./May 27, 1898-Mar 16, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [C-4-8]-Ardell/Nov 30, 1930-Nov 27, 1975 Tombstone
KASTEN: [D-4-8]-Eleanor F. Kasten/Jun 16, 1912-Sep 29, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-8]-Harry H. Kasten/1914-May 10, 1992 Tombstone
KATTNER: Julianna Kattner/Ur 12 Lutego 1842/Umr. 8 Maja 1927 Tombstone Lydia Kattner/1895-1906 Tombstone [F-5-22]-Josephine Kattner/1869-Jun 2, 1939 Tombstone [C-3-6]-Paul L./Father/1866-Mar 4, 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-6]-Martha M./Jul 24, 1875/Jan 24, 1970 Tombstone [B-4-8]-Julian C./Nov 12, 1862/Aug 6, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-8]-Wanda/Nov 7, 1874/Dec 1, 1932 Tombstone [B-4-8]-Valeria A. Kattner/Sep 18, 1893/Jul 22, 1986 Tombstone
KAUFMANN: [D-3-2]-Violet L./1910-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [D-3-2]-Mary C./1877-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [D-3-2]-Clara M./June 16, 1904/Nov. 1, 1975 Tombstone
KAZMIERSKI: Clara Kazmierski/Daughter/Oct 15, 1910/Dec 17, 2005 Tombstone
KENNEDY: [C-3-9]-John Francis Kennedy/Oct 1, 1917/Jun 26, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-9]-Josephine A. Kennedy /Jan 6, 1916/Apr 21, 2007 Tombstone
KERSTEN: [E-1-13]-Henry M. Kersten/1878-Dec 15, 1952 Tombstone, next to: Margaret Kersten/1883-1963 Tombstone [E-1-5]-Elsie Kersten/Nov. 2, 1906-Feb. 15, 1980 Tombstone
KITZ: Anna Michalek Kitz/Sept. 11, 1856/Jan. 27, 1935/from obit Stanley Kitz/1872/Feb. 24, 1937/from obit
KLOSINSKI: [A-5-5]-Frank John Klosinski/Oct 24, 1904-Feb 28, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-5]-Cecilia Klosinski/Jun 25, 1904-Jan 27, 1988 Tombstone
KNIPP: [E-2-55]-Julia Knipp/Apr 12, 1898/Jul 18, 1936 Tombstone Jan Knipp/Ur/9 Cerwca 1845/Um/19 Maya 1916 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-129]-Antonia Knipp/Ur/14 Styc 1854/Um/2 Maya 1930 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-130]-Jan Knipp/Ur. 15 Lipca 1880/Um/20 Pasd 1917 Tombstone [E-6-62]-Peter Knipp/Died June 27, 1887/Age 9 yrs. 10 mo. Tombstone Baby Knipp Tombstone [B-1-8]-Joseph/Jul 5, 1882/Mar 6, 1922 Tombstone, ossw: Mathilda/1883-1960 Tombstone [D-1-1]-Leonard E. Knipp/Apr 23, 1920/Aug 26, 1990/PFC US Army WWII, US Vet. marker Tombstone
KOENIG: Joan M. Koenig/Sept. 13, 1943 Tombstone
KOHLS: [F-2-9]-Ralph H. Kohls/Feb. 4, 1915/Aug. 13, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-9]-Frances R. Kohls/July 3, 1914/Mar. 10, 1999 Tombstone
KOLODZESKE: [F-2-5]-Ruth Marie Kolodzeske/Sept. 3, 1929-Sept. 16, 2008 Tombstone
KOLODZESKI: [F-2-5]-Blanche/1892-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-5]-Joseph/Dec 10, 1887-Jul 11, 1976 Tombstone
KOLODZIESKA: Antonia Kolodzieska/1889-1911 Tombstone
KOMOROSKI: [B-2-7]-Wtaca Komoroski/Sep 9, 1875/Aug 15, 1967 Tombstone Theresa Komoroski/d. May 12, 1904/age 1 yr./no stone
KOMOROWSKA: [E-4-42]-Jozefa Komorowska/Matka [d. May 2, 1904] Tombstone Klara/Gorka/(1891-1908) Tombstone
KOMOROWSKI: [A-3-12]-Katharine Komorowski/Jul 9, 1872/Dec 22, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-12]-Joseph J. Komorowski/Jan 28, 1871/May 27, 1948 Tombstone [E-3-122]-Warzyniec Komorowski/Urodz sie/6 go Lipca Roku 1834/Umarl Dnia 16 go Lipca Roku 1905 Tombstone Peter Komorowski/1897-1940 Tombstone Josephine Komorowski/1899-1972 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-7]-Frank J. Komorowski/1874-Jul 20, 1948 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-7]-Franciszek Komorowski/Ur 12 Sierp 1901/Ur 2 Kwiet 1921 Tombstone [B-2-7]-Wtaca "Lillian" Komorowski/b. 9 Sep 1875/d. 15 Aug 1967 Tombstone (George Komorowski/Apr 6, 1867/May 7, 1932/from obit)
KOMOSA: [A-4-2]-Clementine L./Jul 31, 1910/Apr 20, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-2]-Theodore J./Nov 8, 1908/Dec 28, 1968 Tombstone , next to: [A-4-2]-Peter J. Komosa/Father/1883-Jan 6, 1938 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-2]-Rose Komosa/Mother/1887-Dec 31, 1938 Tombstone See Briggs
KONECZKA: Mary/1853-1921 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvester/1847-1920 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-1]-Joseph Koneczka/1879-Dec 7, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes Vetter/1896-1972 Tombstone John Koneczka/1871-1947 Tombstone See BALKO See VETTER
KONKEL: [F-1-22]-Edward A. Konkel/Apr 28, 1903/Mar 31, 1983/married Oct 21, 1929 Tombstone, ossw: Helen Frances Konkel/1908-Mar 2, 1994 Tombstone, next to: Linda J. Konkel/Apr 18, 1949/Feb 3, 2006/married Jun 3, 1977 Photo + Tombstone
KOPETSKY: John/Baby/Son of J & J Kopetsky/May 12, 1963 Tombstone
KOPOTIC: [C-1-10]-Baby Kopotic/11-09-1961 (Pfeffer Funeral Home marker on Susan & Joseph Smugler plot) Tombstone [C-1-10]-Robert/1895-1963/(U.S. War Vet flag holder) Tombstone, ossw: [C-1-10]-Victoria/Oct 8, 1898/Jul 29, 1982 Tombstone, next to: [C-1-10]-Melvin M. Kopotic/Wisconsin/Tec 4 654 Tank Destroyer Bn/World War II/ Aug. 28, 1921/Jan. 2, 1948 (Vet of foreign War flag holder) Tombstone
KORALESKY: Edwin F. Koralesky/1911-1983 Tombstone
KORALEWSKA/KORALEWSKI: Joseph Koralewski/1871-Apr 25, 1893 Tombstone [E-1-34]-Jan Koralewski/(b. Dec 2, 1821)/Um 17 Grud 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-35]-Anna Koralewska/(b. Apr 16, 1842)/Um/5 List 1918 Tombstone Antonina/1852-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Michal/1846-Jul 7, 1923 Tombstone [A-1-9]-Paulina/Mother/Jun 23, 1882/Sep 29, 1923 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1877-1952 Tombstone Jozef Koralewski/Um/10 Lipca 1917 Tombstone
KORLESKY: [A-5-12]-Frank P./Nov 4, 1893/May 16, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-12]-Rose B./Sep 5, 1892/Mar 5, 1970 Tombstone [A-3-4]-Alex/Jan 22, 1904/Nov 6, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-4]-Josephine/Oct 21, 1909/Jan 7, 1987 Tombstone [F-3-30]-Martin/Father/Nov 11, 1860-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-30]-Nettie/Mother/1862-May 14, 1949 Tombstone [F-3-1]-Walter Edward/May 9, 1891/Nov 10, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-1]-Sophie R./Sep 3, 1890/Jan 26, 1968 Tombstone [F-1-9]-Frank Jr./Son/Jul 13, 1905/Aug 22, 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Susan/Daughter/1913-1940 (Susan Korlesky Chynoweth) Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Frank J. Sr./Father/Mar 16, 1882/Jan 28, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [F-1-9]-Anna/Mother/Apr 27, 1882/Apr 23, 1968 Tombstone [E-1-34]-Jan Korlesky/Dec. 3, 1831/Dec. 17, 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-35]-Anna Korlesky/Apr. 16, 1842/Nov. 5, 1918 Tombstone (new stone, both previously listed as Koralewski/Koralewska)
KOSTUHOSKE: Joseph/1894-1971/(U.S.War vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Regina/1899-1990 Tombstone Genevieve Denning/Aug 22, 1918/Aug 14, 1982
KOTAREK: Aniela/Mother/1872-1908 Tombstone, ossw: Marta/Daughter/1898-1913 Tombstone Florence A./Jul 24, 1910/Jan 20, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: John P./May 5, 1913/Sep 28, 1981 Tombstone Peter/Father/1874-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Alvina/Mother/1887-1975 Tombstone
KOWALEWSKI: Barney/1895-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1900-1986 Tombstone
KOWALEWSKY: G. Kowalewsky Tombstone
KOWALKA: Maryanna Kowalka/Um 20 Marca 1908/Liczac Lut 28 ____ Tombstone
KOWALSKA: Mary Anna Kowalska/1917-1920 Tombstone, next to: Dorota Kowalska/1922-1923 Tombstone
KOWALSKI: Gertrude H. Kowalski/1911-1964 Tombstone, next to: Rose/Mother/1888-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Nick/Father/1887-1965 Tombstone Theodore Kowalski/1911-1951 Tombstone, next to: Virginia Kowalski/Mar. 16/Mar 17 1922 Tombstone Emma Kowalski/1892-1967 Tombstone, next to: Appolonia Kowalski/Ur 2 Wrzeni 1852/Um 22 Marca 1939 Tombstone, next to: Mikolaj Kowalski/Ur. 2 Wresnia 1855/Um 13 Pozdziernka 1935 Tombstone Alois B. Kowalski/S SGT US Army Air Corps/Sep. 9, 1913-Jul. 31, 1996 US Vet. Marker Tombstone, ossw: Mildred Kowalski/1917-2004 Tombstone next to: Victor/1911-1930 Tombstone, ossw; Pauline/Feb. 13, 1886/Aug. 7, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: John/1878-1964 Tombstone Michael John Kowalski/Oct 1, 1946/Mar 31, 2014 Tombstone Joseph G. Kowalski Jr./Wisconsin/Pvt. 406 Infantry/World War II/ BSM P 11/Oct. 28, 1907/Dec. 2, 1944 (Amvets flag holder) Tombstone Frances/Mother/1887-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Dominick/Father/1881-1945 Tombstone Anna Kowalski/Mother/1888-1946 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Kowalski/Father/1878-1945 Tombstone
KOZACZUK: Patricia Kozaczuk/Daughter/-1951- Tombstone, ossw: William Kozaczuk/Son/-1949- Tombstone, ossw: Dorothy (Kozaczuk) YOUNG/1923-2007 Tombstone Julius/1892-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Lottie/1897-1981 Tombstone Pauline Kozaczuk/1916-1927 Tombstone See YOUNG
KRAEMER: Esther Kraemer/nee CHAPLESKI/1920-1999 Tombstone + Photo Florence M. Kraemer/1923-2009 Tombstone, ossw: Donald F. Pekulik/1935-2000 Tombstone (Brother & Sister) See PEKULIK
KRIEPCISKA: Wiktoria Kriepciska/Um 28 List R 1911/Oftara/Stanislawi/Jozef/Tadych see TADYCH
KROL: Stanislow Krol/Ur 23 Wrzesnia 1909/Um Roku 1909 Tombstone
KROLL: Jozef Kroll/Ur 16 List 1896/Um 20 Styc 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Kroll/Ur/8 List 1905/Um/24 List 1924 (new stone with just b. and d. years) Tombstone Rose Kroll/Mother/1876-1944 Tombstone Antoni J. Kroll/1862-1936 Tombstone
KRUMREY: Baby Krumrey/-Mar 2, 1951- Tombstone
KRYSAK: Alexander Krysak/July 13, 1909/Dec. 3, 1942 (Picture inset) Tombstone, next to: Mary Krysak/1885-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/1872-1951 Tombstone
KUBACKI: Frances/1876-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1874-1954 Tombstone Charles Kubacki/1908-1939 Tombstone
KUBACKY: Alois/Father/1897-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/Mother/1896-1946 Tombstone
KUBATZKI: John/1870-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1863-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1890-1964 Tombstone
KUBICHEK: John Kubichek/Baby/Born and died Nov. 19, 1941 Tombstone
KUBISZEWSKI: Rev. Stanislaus J. Kubiszewski/Born Sept. 2, 1870/Ordained June 24, 1899/ Died Dec. 5, 1939 (large vault) Tombstone
KUJAWSKI: Richard/1924-2005 US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Ida Mae/1926-1953 Tombstone Katherina Kujawski Tombstone Bernard Kujawski August Kujawski/13 Supna 1860/20 Lipic 1906 Tombstone Marion/1888-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1897-1959 Tombstone
KUKLIS: Sylvester D. Kuklis/Dec 31, 1925/Mar 5, 2006/PFC US Army WWII/US Vet. marker Tombstone
LABINSKI: John/1890-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1896-1981 Tombstone John/1865-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Antoinette/1869-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1900-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Vincent/1913-1927 Tombstone (Leo Labinski/d. 1918/20 yrs old/from obit)
LEITERMANN: Frank Leitermann/1899-1980 Tombstone
LEVENDESKI: Child of John Levendeski/d. 30 Mar. 1897/age 5 mo./from obit-no stone
LEVENDOSKI: Baby Levendoski/1952-1952 on same lot with Eva and John Lewandowski and Ellen Steffen Tombstone
LEVENDUSKY: Pvt. Edward Levendusky/Co. H 127 Inf./June 30, 1899/Aug. 2, 1918 Tombstone (George Levendusky/1866-Oct 23, 1932/from obit) (Viola Levendusky/1906-Apr 15, 1923/from obit) Carola Levendusky/1902-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Alex O. Levendusky/1901-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Leonard Levendusky/1916-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Levendusky/1916-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Frank Levendusky/Aug 28, 1909/Jan 1, 1930 Tombstone Above four are all Pfeffer Funeral Home markers John Levendusky/1906-1953 Tombstone Val Levendusky/Daughter/1994 (Mar 7, 1904/Nov 30, 1994) Tombstone, ossw: Jack Jr./Father/1932 (1879-Nov 8, 1932) Tombstone, ossw: Martha/Mother/1972 (May 7, 1883/Aug 14, 1972) Tombstone
LEWANDOWSKA: Agnieszka Lewandowska/Ur 20 Maja 1874/Um 17 Lutego 1918 Tombstone
LEWANDOWSKI/LEWANDOWSKA: Franciszek Lewandowski/Ur/7 Stycz 1886/Um 16 List 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Lucya Lewandowska/Ur 13 Sierp 1918/Um 17 List 1918 Tombstone Eva/1881-1958 Tombstone, ossw: John/1877-1927 Tombstone, on same lot with: Baby Levendoski/1952-1952 (Pfeffer marker), on same lot with Ellen Tombstone Steffen/1955-1955 (Pfeffer marker)
LEWANSKY: Baby Lewansky/son of Adam Lewansky/d. 20 Apr. 1897/from obit-no stone
LICHTERMAN: Caroline/1909-2006 Tombstone, ossw: Leo B./1906-1969 Tombstone
LIGMAN: Mary Ligman/Died July 6, 1909 Tombstone
LIPSKI: Anton Lipski Tombstone Joe Lipski Paul Lipski/Jul 14, 1895/Sep 14, 1895/from record Tombstone Ignatz Lipski/Ojciec/Sierp 20, 1857/Czer 15, 1940 Tombstone, next to: Anna Lipski/Matka/List 11, 1860/Maja 29, 1930 Tombstone Michael/1891-1968 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone,ossw: Tillie/1893-1972 Tombstone Helen A. Lipski/Apr 15, 1910/Oct 31, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Edward A. Lipski/Jan 25, 1903/Aug 26, 1978 Tombstone Charles Lipski/Jul 20, 1898/Jul 14, 1962/from obit
LUDKA: Julia/1921-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond Ludka Sr./S SGT USAAF WWII/May 20, 1918/Dec. 18, 1999/US Vet marker Tombstone + Photo
LUMAYE: Maureen S. Lumaye/Jun 14, 1952/Oct 11, 1952 Tombstone
MAJCHSZAK: Jan Majchszak
MAKOWSKI: Lavern Makowski/Born Feb. 4, 1930/Died April 1931 Tombstone
MALLY: Stephen M./1884-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Stella H./1881-1979 Tombstone
MALONE: Angeline Malone/1900-1990 (Pfeffer marker) Tombstone
MARENDA: Anna Marenda/Ur sie 1 Kwiet 1883/Um 14 Kwiet R. 1910 Tombstone Apolonija Marenda/1845-1911 Tombstone Floyd J. Marenda/1930-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Clarence/1924-1973 Tombstone Winnifred/1926- (U.S. War vet marker), next to: Felix/1890-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1894-1971 Tombstone Anna Marenda/d. April 13, 1901/19 yrs old/no stone/from obit
MARKOSKY: George/May 13, 1891/Nov. 16, 1974 (Am. Legion marker) Tombstone, ossw: Julia/Nov. 18, 1895/Aug. 5, 1984 Tombstone
MARKOWSKA: Genowefa Markowska/U.S. d. 4 go Stycznia R 1909/Um d 14 go Kwiet 1916 Tombstone
MARKOWSKI: Josef Markowski/Ojciec/Ur Sie/10 Luty 1855/Umarl 30 Kwiet r. 1924 Tombstone Joseph/(Aug 13, 1897/Apr 8, 1898) Tombstone, ossw: Pauline Markowski/(Apr 16, 1898/Aug 17, 1899) Tombstone Blanche/1895-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Anton Markowski/Aug. 29, 1894/Jan. 23, 1986/US Vet. marker Tombstone Victor Markowski/Aug. 13, 1910/Aug. 20, 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Esther Markowski/June 19, 1917/Nov. 1, 1918 Tombstone Henry A./Father/1884-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1881-1960 Tombstone Rozalia/Mother/1870-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Ignatz/Father/1856-1943 Tombstone Anna/Mother/Died 1919 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/Died 1922 Tombstone Anton J. Markowski/TEC 5 US Army World War II/Apr. 30, 1916/May 28, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: Pearl M. Markowski/1916-2014 Tombstone Adalbert Markowski/May 13, 1891/Nov. 16, 1974/ PVT US Army World War I (US Vet. Marker) Tombstone
MARTELL: Lawrence S. Martell/1963-1995 Tombstone, ossw: Gay Lynn Martell/Sept. 21, 1959-Feb. 1960 Tombstone, ossw: Lindsey Martell/1984-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Janet M. Martell/1930-2005 Tombstone
MASIAK: Rose/1891-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1884-1976US Vet. marker Tombstone
MATCZYNSKI / MATCZYNSKA: Michal Matczynski/Umarl dnia/8 Pazd R 1908/Star 75 Lar. Tombstone, ossw: Wiktorya Matczynska/Umarla dnia 28 Pazd R 1914 Tombstone Mary/1876-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1870-1960 Tombstone Frank A. Matczynski/June 8, 1891/Nov. 12, 1983 US Vet marker Tombstone, next to: Joseph J. Matczynski/Aug. 20, 1894/Nov. 25, 1978 US Vet marker Tombstone, next to: Valeria Matczynski/Oct. 4, 1898/Oct. 1, 1961 Tombstone, next to: Katarzyna/Matka/1871-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Jan/Ojciec/1862-1943 Tombstone
MATTE: Arnold Matte/1920-1985/SGT World War II/US Vet marker Tombstone, ossw: Dolores Matte/nee Fessler/1923-____ next to: Herbert/1899-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1898-1979 Tombstone Robert A. Matte/May 29, 1947/May 17, 1987 Tombstone Hilary M. Matte/March 10, 1924-July 5, 2010 Tombstone
MECHA: John/1840-1925 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Anna/1842-1922 Tombstone
MELLA: Rozalya/Mella/____Roku 1842/____Roku 1893 Rosella Mella/1842-1893 (New stone) Tombstone, ossw: Michael Mella/1879-1949 Tombstone
MERKEL: Frank/1878-1961 Tombstone, ossw: Martyna/1885-1953 Tombstone
MEYER: Herman M./Meyer/1912-1952 Tombstone
MICHALEK: Josef Michalek/Ur sie 11 go Wrzcsnia/R 1890/Umarl/3 go Stycznia R. 1912 Tombstone Mikolaj Michalek/Urod 6 go 1852/go Roku/Umarl 28 Sierpnia 1901 Roku Tombstone Ignatz/1893-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1897-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1918-1925 Tombstone
MICHALSKI: T.S. Josef Michalski (balance of stone deep in ground and no additional info) Josef Michalski/no dates/new stone Tombstone Petronella Michalski/1841-1904/new stone Tombstone See Mjchalska
MIGACZ: John Migacz/Grandfather/1866-1951 Tombstone
MIX: Josephine Mix/Mother/1875-1945 Tombstone, next to: John F. Mix/Father/1876-1933 Tombstone
MJCHALSKA: P.(Patronella) Mjchalska/Um 1 Maia r 1904/Lat 63 Tombstone See Michalski
MORKOSKY: ______/1850-1907 (Monument very illegible)
MROTEK: [A-1-6]-John Mrotek/Father/1857-1936 Tombstone, next to: [A-1-6]-Katherine Mrotek/Mother/1861-1942 Tombstone [A-2-5]-Family Tombstone [A-2-5]-Grezelda Mrotek/Gorka/1909-1927 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-Mary Anna/Matka/1881-1923 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-John A. Mrotek/Father/1881-1943 Tombstone [A-4-11]-Mary Mrotek/12 Jan. 1871/30 May 1943 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-11]-Blanche Mrotek/23 Mar. 1874/20 Dec. 1946 Tombstone [B-2-9]-Katherine Mrotek/Nov 25, 1840/Nov 22, 1926 Tombstone, ossw: Ziarnik. [C-1-6]-Mary Mrotek/nee Zandala/1891-1939 Tombstone [E-4-37]-John Mrotek/1831-1918 Tombstone, next to: [E-4-37]-Magdalena Mrotek/1838-1905 Tombstone Anton Mrotek/1868-Aug 7, 1891/from record [F-3-27]-Katie/1882-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-27]-John P. Mrotek/1884-1966 Tombstone Family Tombstone [F]-Stanislawa Mrotek/Matka/Ur sie d 5 Marc R 1879/Umarla d 18 Kwiet r 1915 Tombstone, next to: [F]-Andrzej Mrotek/Ociec/Ur sie/28 Marc R 1875/Umarl 6 Marc R 1911 Tombstone, next to: Annie Mrotek/no dates Peter Mrotek/Nov. 17, 1882-Jan. 14, 1914 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/Sept. 19, 1988-March 25, 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Emelie Smugler/Mar 11, 1886/Mar 15, 1911 Tombstone Peter Mrotek/d. Feb. 25, 1932 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/Urodzona Roku 1839/Umarla Dna 23 Stycznia Roku 1915 Tombstone Max C./1909-1975/US Vet. marker Tombstone, ossw: Agnes M./1914-1992 Tombstone, next to: Sophia Mrotek/Mother/1869-1934 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Mrotek/Father/1854-1927 Tombstone Frank Mrotek/1859-1907 Tombstone Agnes Mrotek/06 June 1870/14 Feb. 1892/from obit-no stone Francis E. Mrotek/July 31, 1898/Aug. 1, 1966 Tombstone Large Stone reads: Powalisz/Mrotek/Vandenbusch/separate stones for Martha and Gertrude: Martha Mrotek/1898-1930 Tombstone Gertrude Mrotek/1925-1930 Tombstone Franciszek Mrotek/Urod sie D 20 Luty r 1847/Umarl d 3 Wrz r 1931 Tombstone, ossw: Antonina Mrotek/Urod sie 22 Grud r 1854/Umarla d 13 Lutego 1917 Tombstone Aloize A. Mrotek/Ur 19 Wrzs 1900/Um 25 Lut 1931 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - separate stones read: Peter Mrotek/Son/1881-1948 Tombstone, next to: TombstoneJosephine Mrotek/Ur 19 Marca 1856/Um/13 Grud 1936 Tombstone, next to: Wicenti Mrotek/Ur/19 Lipca 1849/Um/20 List 1927 Tombstone Jozefa Mrotek/Urodzana 6 Wrz 1884/Umrala 23 List 1902 Tombstone Mathilda Mrotek/Mother/1862-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/Father/1862-1929 Tombstone Gaye M. Mrotek/1924-1987 (Former owners of Three T's Lanes) Tombstone, ossw: Erwin B. Mrotek/1918-1993 Tombstone, next to: Helen Mrotek/1894-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Boniface T./1896-1965 Tombstone Anna Mrotek/1886-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Gordon Mrotek/1906-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/1884-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Leona Wernecke/1917-2002 Tombstone Franciszek Mrotek/1837-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Rozalia Mrotek/1844-1931 Tombstone Alex Mrotek/Ur 28 Sierp 1888/Um 10 Maja 1889 Tombstone Linda Marie Mrotek/July 5-Aug. 12, 1951 Tombstone Florence Mrotek/1906-1991 Tombstone, next to: Charles Mrotek/1882-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Rose Mrotek/1884-1964 Tombstone, next to: Susanna Mrotek/Ur sie d 7 Lutego/R 1909/Um 29 Marca R 1911 Lila/1904-1992 Tombstone, ossw: Victor Mrotek/March 2, 1906-June 17, 1977 Tombstone Rose Mrotek/1889-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Adam A./Oct. 14, 1884-Sep. 13, 1970 Tombstone, next to: Teresa Mrotek/1911-1924 Tombstone Francis Mrotek/1910-1996/US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: Eleanor G. Mrotek/1914-2009 Tombstone, ossw: Kay Frances Mrotek/Daughter/1948 Tombstone Joseph Mrotek/1821-1900 Tombstone See: E. Ziarnik See Wernecke
MROZINSKA/MROZINSKI: Mary Mrozinski/1910-1914 Tombstone Victoria/1879-1965 Tombstone, ossw: John/1903-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/1869-1919 Tombstone, ossw: Mike ERDMANN/1883-1959 Tombstone Emily Mrozinski/Gorka/Ur 24 Lit 1915/Um 17 Sierp 1931 Tombstone, next to: Theodor Mrozinski/Ojciec/Ur 6 Wrz 1878/Um 9 Lipc 1931/ Tombstone, next to Maryanna Mrozsinski/Matka/Ur 8 Sierp 1887/Um 30 Pazd 1925 Tombstone Joseph Mrozinski/1889-1946 Tombstone Tomasz Mrozinski/Father/1865-1939 Tombstone, next to: Katarzina Mrozinski/Mother/1878-1949 Tombstone Jozefa Mrozinska/Ur 29 Wrzesnia r 1901/Um 30 Pazdz r 1913/Gorka Tombstone
MUCHOWSKI: Mathias/1900-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Constance G./Nov. 5, 1898/Apr. 10, 1998 Tombstone Ben/1901-1974 Photo Tombstone, ossw: Cele/1905-1984 Tombstone Eugene Muchowski/Aug. 22, 1926/Aug. 25, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene D. Muchowski/AETM3 US Navy World War II/ Aug. 22, 1926-Aug. 25, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: Vivian Muchowski/Jan. 6, 1928-Nov. 20, 1995 Tombstone
MUELLER: Joseph Mueller/Wisconsin CPL 340 Infantry 85 Div./World War I/ Dec. 15, 1894-Feb. 6, 1952 (vet flag holder) Tombstone, in front of: Joseph J. Mueller/1894-1952 Tombstone, ossw: Clara G./1894-1970 Tombstone Theresa/Dec. 4, 1904/Mar. 3, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: Hubert/Sept. 12, 1902-Mar. 23, 1957 Tombstone
MUSHEL: Frances/1896-1965 Tombstone, ossw: John L./1892-1978 Tombstone
MUSIAL: Daniel G. Musial/1919-1980 Tombstone, next to: Catherine/Mother/1886-1974 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1887-1948 Tombstone, next to: Harry Musial/Apr. 4, 1916/Mar. 11, 1919 Tombstone Joseph Musial/1896-1984 Tombstone, next to: Konstanti Musial/Ojciec/1855-1934 Tombstone, next to: Veronika Musial/Matka/1866-1934 Tombstone Marzina Musial/Mar 24, 1899/July 30, 1899/from record/no stone Frank J. Musial/Wisconsin/Pvt. U.S. Army/Nov. 13, 1937 Tombstone, next to: Michael Musial/1889-1952 Tombstone Julijanna Musial/Ur 10 Wrzesnia 1907/Um 6 Sticzna 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Musial/Ur 1 Sticznia 1891/Um Czewrwca 1891 Tombstone Julia E./1893-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Frank P./1889-1939 (U.S.War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Alice Musial/1912-1964 Tombstone Marijanna Musial/Ur Sie 13 Grudnia 1897/Um 19 Marca 1917 Tombstone Franciska Musial/Ur 24 Wsz 1859/Um 22 Lipca 1894/Matka A. Dzieci Tombstone (Jacob Musial/Jul 22, 1894/Aug 5, 1894/from record) (Adam Musial/Jul 22, 1894/Sep 9, 1894/from record) Franciszek Musial/Ur 28 Kwie 1846/Um 25 Pazd 1923 Tombstone, ossw: Maryianna Musial/Ur 18 Pazd 1851/Um 5 Sierp 1930 Tombstone Antonitte/1892-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Musial/1892-1949 Tombstone Mathilda Musial/Um 29 Czerwsz 1947/Lat 74 Tombstone, next to: Antoni Musial/Urn 2 Sierpna 1920/Lat 57 Tombstone Evelyn M. Musial/1919-2011 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Musial/1914-1968 (U.S.War Vet flag holder) Tombstone Jeffry Musial/1952-1952 Tombstone See Pagel, Helen/nee Musial
MYSZEWSKY: Veronika/1872-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Peter/1863-1935 Tombstone
NEDVECKI: Jennie/1887-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Martin/1885-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin/1912-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/1917-1918 Tombstone
NESPODZIANY: Wladislaw Nespodziany/1876-1922 Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Feltman/Son/1900-1929 Tombstone
NICKEL: Josef Nickel/Urodziel sie Roku 1845/Umar. dnia/12 Sierpnia Roku 1901 Tombstone
NIESPODZIANI: Wojciech Niespodziani/Urodzony 1834 Roku/Umarl 23 Stycz 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Juliana Niespodziani/Ur 25 Gru. 1838/Um 12 Mar 1914 Tombstone
NITKA: Franciszck Nitka/Ur sie 22 Paz/Roku u 1891/Um 27 Lipca Roku 1912 Tombstone, ossw: In remembrance of: the employees of Aluminum Goods Mf'g. Co. Tely Nitka/Urodziela 17 Pazdz 1911/Umrala 22 Marca 1912 Tombstone, ossw: Wladyslaw Nitka/Urodzil/15 go Marca/R 1903/Umarl 3 go Kwiet/R 1905 Tombstone Emily/1898-1971 Tombstone, ossw: John/1896-1985 Tombstone Jozefa Nitka/Ur 21 Lut 1867/Um 8 Kwiet/1929 Tombstone, next to: Michael Nitka/Ojciec/Ur 28 List 1860/Um 12 Czer 1941 Tombstone, next to: Michael Nitka/Wisconsin/Pvt. Btry D 815 AAA AW BN/World War II/ Nov. 22, 1905-June 24, 1967 (vet flagholder) Tombstone, next to: Florence Nitka/Sept. 20, 1904-Jan. 15, 1934 Tombstone
NORKOSKI: Frank/Father/1854-1921 Tombstone Mary Norkoski/Mother/1855-1945 Tombstone
NORKOSKY: George Norkosky/Father/1850-1907 (new stone) Tombstone, next to: Marcina Norkosky/Mother/1851-1933 (new stone) Tombstone
NORKOWSKY: Wojciech Norkowsky/Urodz dnia 10 Grudnia/Roku 1850/Umarl 31 Sierpien/Roku 1907 Tombstone
NOVAK: Harry/1912-1931 Photo + Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1878-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Theodore/1877-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1908-1961 Tombstone Pauline/Mother/1863-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/Father/1854-1941 Tombstone, next to: Edna/1896-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/1890-1958 Tombstone, next to: Joseph G./1885-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Catherine/1887-1958 Tombstone Frank/-1917- Tombstone, ossw: Eleanor/1916-1918 Tombstone, ossw: Blanche/1915-1934 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Novak/Feb. 15, 1954/Feb. 19, 1954 Tombstone Theodore Novak/Sons/Jan. 6, 1906/Aug. 2, 1909 Tombstone, ossw: Edmund Novak/Oct. 19, 1904/Mar. 27, 1905 Tombstone Ervin Novak/Son/Sept. 2, 1916/Jan. 2, 1917 Tombstone John Novak Jr./Son/1909-1950 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1882-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1885-1946 Tombstone Nancy/1940-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Leon/1910-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-19-5]-Helen Novak Becker/1915-1989 Tombstone Michael Novak/d. 20 Jan. 1902/age 23 yrs/from obit-no stone Adam F. Novak/1911-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Susan K. Novak/1908-1982 Tombstone See Becker
NOVY: Dorothy Novy/Feb. 8, 1927/Apr. 17, 1988 Tombstone
NOWAK: Anna Nowak/Urodzila sie/26 Lipca 1895/Umarla 4 Sierpien 1895 Tombstone Antony Nowak/1873-1925 Tombstone Salomeja Nowak/Urodzila sie/5 Latego 1878/Umarla 11 Grudnia 1895 Tombstone Josef Nowak/Ur Sie 7 Marca/Roku 1847/Um 9 Sierp Roku 1916 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Nowak/Ur Sie 8 Maja/Roku 18, 1848/Um 4 Grud/Roku 1888 Tombstone Mathilda Nowak/1887-1970 Tombstone Catherine B. Nowak/Mother/1900-1958 Tombstone, next to: Walter J. Nowak/Father/1889-1939 Tombstone Antoinette Nowak/1907-1999 Tombstone, next to: Mary A./1888-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Anton A./1884-1968 Tombstone [F-4-48]-Eugene Jerome Nowak/Aug 2, 1926/Aug 5, 2020 Photo [F-4-48]-Flora Ann Nowak/Dec 17, 1926/Sep 20, 2016 Photo
OKONSKA / OKONSKI: Edwin O'Konski/1894-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin Golata Edward Okonski/d. Feb, 23, 1923-(no stone-only cem. with this surname) Teofil Okonski/Ur 5 Litgo 1916/Liezac Lat 18 i. 3 m, ossw: Jan Okonska/Um 13 Wrzesnia 1913/Liezac Lat 63 i 8 m Tombstone, ossw: Jozefa Okonska/Um 30 Maja 1920/Lezac Lat 66 Tombstone
ORCHEKOWSKI: Frank H. Orchekowksi/1903-1985 Tombstone, ossw: Clara L. Orchekowski/1904-1988 Tombstone (Baby Orchekowski/-Jan. 10, 1963-/from obit) Katherine Orchekowski/Mother/1881-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Danny Orchekowski/5 Oct. 1914/15 Dec. 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Orchekowski/2 Oct. 1916/5 Dec. 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur J. Orchekowski/May 13, 1921/Jan. 28, 1993/ SFC IS Army Korea Vietnam Tombstone, ossw: George Orchekowski/1878-1942 Tombstone
ORCHEKOWSKY: John Orchekowsky/Died Feb. 29, 1940/Age 71 years Tombstone, next to: Gertrude Orchekowsky/Died June 23, 1958/Age 85 years Tombstone, next to: Joseph Orchekowsky/Died July 9, 1960/Age 63 yrs Tombstone
ORCHOKOWSKA: (John Orchokowska/d. Feb 28, 1908/from obit) Maryanna Orchokowska[1828-May 10, 1894]
OSESEK: (OSESKOW) Harry/1891-1970 Tombstone,ossw: Anna/1893-1963 Am. Leg. Flagholder Tombstone Marcin Osesek Tombstone Felix/Father/1880-1941 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie/1880-1965 Tombstone Thomas A. Osesek/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. K/318 Infantry World War I/ Aug 26, 1892/Aug. 10 1958 (flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Frank Osesek/1883-1937 Tombstone, next to: Thomas Osesek/Father/1855-1938 Tombstone, next to: Large stone: Familia OSESKOW, next to: Anna Osesek/Mother/1856-1933 Tombstone, next to: Michal Osesek/20 Wrzes 1893/Umarl 18 Czerw 1917 Tombstone Joseph T. Osesek/1907-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Bridget T. Osesek/1915-2008 Tombstone
OSIECZANEK: Helen Piekarski Osieczanek/1901-1926 (new stone) Tombstone, next to: Stanley Osieczanek/1859-1939 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Stella Osieczanek/1863-1942 Tombstone
OSSIECK: Joseph/1899-1972 (b. 11 Mar. 1899/d. Jan. 1972/SSDI) Tombstone
OZGA: Clara Ozga/Mother/Feb. 15, 1886/Mar. 8, 1934 Tombstone, next to: John N. Ozga/Father/Apr. 2, 1886/Dec. 14, 1955 Tombstone See Reindl, Sylvia
PACKOWSKI: Christine Packowski/Oct. 13, 1954/Oct. 13, 1954 Tombstone
PAGEL: Helen Pagel/Nee Musial/1896-1945 Tombstone
PARTENSKI: Large stone - family name only. Smaller stones: Mary/Mother/1891-1936 Tombstone, next to: John/Father/1889-1948 Tombstone PFC Edward A. Partenski/KIA/d. Feb. 15, 1945
PASZKIEWICZ: John P. Paszkiewicz/Ojciec/1888-1959 Tombstone, next to: Mathilda Paszkiewicz/Matka/1892-1931 Tombstone John C. Paskiewicz/1927-1984 Tombstone
PAUL: Florence C. Paul/1913-1995 Tombstone
PAUTZ: Pautz Twins/1954-1954 (Pfeffer marker in front of Mrotek/Wernecke stone)
PEASCHEK: Balbina/1889-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/1877-1952 Tombstone
PECH: Elmer L./1911-1984 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1912-2006 Tombstone
PEKULIK: Frank Pekulik/1892-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Pekulik/1896-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Pekulik/1921-1922 Tombstone Gordon Pekulik/1907-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Charles Pekulik/1902-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Nellie Pekulik/1893-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica Pekulik/1870-1958 Tombstone Joan G. Pekulik/1930-2015/Daughter, ossw: Brachmann Tombstone Donald F. Pekulik/1935-2000, ossw: Kraemer Tombstone (Brother & Sister) Cora Lee Pekulik/1932-1982 Tombstone Ralph J. Pekulik/1927-2010/from obit Tombstone See Kraemer
PENKWITZ: (Mary Penkwitz/-May 14, 1956-/from obit)
PETROSKY: Pauline E. Petrosky/1862-1935 Tombstone, next to: John Petrosky/1856-1944 Tombstone
PIEKARSKI: Mary/1876-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/1870-1955 Tombstone
PIJANOWSKA: Barbara Pijanowska/Ur. Sie Roku 1840/Um 5 Czerica 1903 Tombstone
PIKULEK: Jan Pikulek/Ur. sie 21 go Marca 1856/Um d. 3 go Maja R 1917/Ojciec Tombstone
PIKULIK: Alexander/(1894-)1904 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin/-1905- Tombstone, ossw: Teodor/(1895-)1905 Tombstone Valeria/Gorka/1899-1909 Tombstone, ossw: Tomasz/Ojciec/1865-1909 Tombstone Joseph/1886-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Cecilia/1897-1977 Tombstone Theofila Pikulik/Mother/1867-1937 Tombstone Baby Boy Pikulik/-Feb 15, 1902-/from record
PIONEK: John F./1888-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1892-1953 Tombstone
PIOTROSKA: Emilia K. Piotroska/24 Listopad 1897/31 Marca 1907 Tombstone
PLATT: John H./Son/1889-1963 Tombstone, ossw: Victoria M./Mother/1851-1900 Tombstone
PLOTKA: Frank Plotka Tombstone Mary Plotka Tombstone Michael/1882-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Constance/1880-1959 Tombstone Joseph Plotka/March 9, 1836/March 11, 1921 Tombstone
POKLEKOWSKI: Roman Poklekowski/Ur. 1881/Um 21 Grud 1918 Tombstone
POKLENKOWSKI: Jozef/Ojciec/1850-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/Matka/1852-1933 Tombstone
POKORSKA: Ludwikal Pokorska Tombstone, ossw: Wladislaw Tombstone, ossw: Michal Tombstone
POKORSKI: Anna Pokorski/Andrasz Tombstone Anton/1901-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1902-1982 Tombstone Anna/1901-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Edward L./1894-1953 (Am. Leg. flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Edward L. Pokorski/Wisconsin/Pfc 486 Mtr Truck Co. Mtc. World War I/ July 7, 1895-June 2, 1953 Tombstone Lydia Pokorski/d. June 6, 1917/age 2 yrs/dau. of Michael Pokorski/no stone
POKORSKY: Michael/1888-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Michael J. Pokorsky/Aug. 25, 1955/Oct. 28, 1993/Grandson Tombstone Jennie/1887-1973 Tombstone James F. Pokorsky/Husband/Nov. 28, 1923/Sept. 23, 2004/US Vet marker Tombstone, ossw: Phyllis M. Pokorsky/Jul 1, 1925/Nov 5, 2009 Tombstone + Photo
POWALISH: Stanley/1899-1990 Tombstone, ossw: Othelia/1903-1975 Tombstone
POWALISZ: [E-6-49]-Kate Powalisz/1807-1903 Tombstone Frank Powalisz/Father/1868-1934 Tombstone, next to: Anna Powalisz/Mother/1877-1957 Tombstone, next to large monument Julia Powalisz/1902-1930 Tombstone, next to: Marian Powalisz/1928-1930 Tombstone, next to: Large stone reads: Powalisz/Mrotek/Vandenbusch, next to: Martha Mrotek/1898-1930 Tombstone, next to: Martha Vandenbusch/1918-1930 Tombstone Edward/1893-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Sallie/1894-1974 Tombstone Victor J. Powalisz/1900-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Christine C. Powalisz/1908-1994 Tombstone Francis J. Powalisz/June 16, 1917/Mar. 5, 2006/ TEC 5 US Army World War II (US Vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Josephine A. Powalisz/July 5, 1917/Apr. 25, 2006 Tombstone
POZORSKA: Adelia Pozorska/1906-1928 Tombstone, next to: Tersa Pozorska/1909-1935 Tombstone Marvin/1919-1920 Tombstone (Note: This appears to be a new stone made for these people. It also has an updated spelling of the names to Pozorski as well as the first names)
POZORSKI: Althea Pozorski/1928-1930 Tombstone Tillie/1882-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Ignatius/1880-1951 Tombstone Xavier/Father/1876-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/Mother/1876-1952 Tombstone John Pozorski/1904-1987 Tombstone, next to: Henry A. Pozorski/Sep. 28, 1914/Feb. 23, 1990/ SGT US Army Air Corps World War II (US Vet marker) Tombstone Dolores Pozorski/Mar 22, 1926/Mar 25, 2018 Photo
POZORSKY: Aloisy Pozorsky/Ur 22 Lipca 1913/Um 19 Pazd 1914 Tombstone
RATHSACK: George A. Rathsack/Pvt Co. H 2 Regt. Wis. Inf. SP Am. War/ Sept. 25, 1875-May 7, 1954 (Spanish War Vet 1898-1902 U.S.A. flag holder) Tombstone John Rathsack/Father/1849-1889 Tombstone, next to: Susan Rathsack/Daughter/1886-1905 Tombstone, next to: Nellie Rathsack/Mother/1860-1953 Tombstone, next to: Sylvester W. Rathsack/Son/1884-1949 Tombstone Bernard Rathsack/Apr 28, 1900-May 11, 1900/from record
RECEK: (also Rathsack) Familia Recek - large stone. Separate stones: Anna Recek/Um Sierpnia 30 1914/31 Lat Tombstone, next to: Agnieszka Recek/Um Listopadz 1916/67 Lat Tombstone, next to: Franciszek Recek/Um Listopad 19, 1898/18 lat. Tombstone
REINDL: Sylvia Reindl/nee Ozga/Sept. 14, 1911/Feb. 28, 1980 Tombstone, next to: Ozga
REJMENT: Magdelena Rejment/Ursie/20 Czerw 1889/Umrala 19 Sierp 1916 Tombstone
REVOLINSKY: Martha/1894 - Tombstone, ossw: Michael/1889-1947 Tombstone Leo B./1881-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1879-1964 Tombstone Celestine/-1906- Tombstone, ossw: Leonard/-1907- Tombstone, ossw: Ambrose/1917-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1886-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1883-1964 Tombstone Helen Revolinsky/1918-1919 Tombstone, next to: Frank Revolinsky/Father/1874-1937 Tombstone, next to: Eddie Wladyslaw Revolinsky/Our son/1899-1920 Tombstone Anthony Revolinsky/1936-1992 Tombstone Anton J. Revolinsky/1908-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Ludmilla Revolinsky/1912-1993 Tombstone James J. Revolinsky, Sr./Jan 6, 1936/Aug 12, 2021 Photo
REWOLINSKI: Pawel Rewolinski/Um sie 11 Pazd. R 1882/Zem 25 Luieg R 1900 Tombstone Jan Rewolinski/Ur. 15 Maja 1848/Um 22 Maja 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Magdalena Rewolinski/25 Maja 1850/Um 11 Pazd 1938 Tombstone
REWOLINSKY: Antoni/Ur 2 Stycz 1852/Um 14 Marca 1925 Tombstone, ossw: Julianna/Ur 12 Kwiet 1852/Um 3 Stycz 1930 Tombstone
RICHTER: Jan/Ojciec/ 1848-1887 Tombstone, ossw: Magdelena/Matka/1850-1935 Tombstone Frank/Father/1877-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/Mother/1884-1982 Tombstone, next to: Serena Wilbur/RICHTER/1904-1932 Tombstone
RINKA: Mark Edward Rinka/May 7, 1963-May 8, 1963/from obit Infant Daughter Rinka/Aug 30, 1958-Aug 30, 1958/from obit
ROGALA: Eleanor Rogala/Sept. 26, 1918/Jan. 30, 1992 Tombstone Jacob/1882-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Frances/1891-1965 Tombstone
ROSINSKY: Frank/Father/1884-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1893-1920 Tombstone, next to: Joseph F. Rosinsky/1910-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda M. Rosinsky/1911-1983 Tombstone Erwin A. Rosinsky/PFC US ARMY/World War II Apr. 26, 1920/Mar. 17, 2010/CO C 118th MED BN Tombstone + Photo
ROZMARYNOWSKI: Anna Rozmarynowski/1890-1959 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Rozmaarynowski/1890-1945 Tombstone
ROZUMALSKI: Stella Rozumalski/1876-1953 (d. 29 Mar 1953/co. index v.46 p.322) Tombstone
RUDIN: (Ethel L. Rudin/Apr 14, 1922/Mar 10, 1999/from obit)
RUGOWSKI: Matthias/1848-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Anastasia/1854-1904 Tombstone Clara Rugowski/1881-1937 Tombstone Our twins/Stanley/(Aug 3 - Aug 10, 1945) Tombstone and Stephen Rugowski/1945-1945 (Aug 3 - Aug 17, 1945) Tombstone Albert P./1910-1975 Photo + Tombstone Sophie Rugowski/1913-Nov. 30, 2011 Tombstone Father (Edward)/(Oct 11, 1873/Jul 16, 1952) Tombstone and Stanley/(1911-1926) Tombstone, ossw: Mother (Catherine)/(Sep 23, 1873/Feb 19, 1935) Tombstone and Lorraine/(Feb 2, 1916/Aug 17, 1931) Tombstone Anthony S. Rugowski/1906-1992 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Celestine T. Rugowski/Apr 13, 1916-Feb 21, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
RYDZEWSKI: Leonard Rydzewski/1912-1917 Tombstone Mary A./1884-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Martin Sr./1879-1956 Tombstone, next to: Bernice Rydzewski/1914-1918 Tombstone Linus Rydzewski/S2 US Navy WWII/Sept. 6, 1919-May 11, 1945 Tombstone
RYSTICKEN: Harry/1913-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/Jan. 12, 1889/June 13, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Anton/1884-1965 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Rysticken/1886-1961 Tombstone Mary Rysticken/Mother/1877-1949 Tombstone, next to: Alex Rysticken/Father/1877-1934 Tombstone Peter/1894-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Constance/1894-1994 Tombstone, ossw: Clarence P. Rysticken/1923-2004/CPL US Army Air Forces World War II/ Nov. 24, 1923/May 16, 2004 Tombstone Leo C. Rysticken/Father/1908-1999 Tombstone Mabel J. Rysticken/Mother/1907-1999 Tombstone
RYSZTIKON: Franciszek Rysztikon/13 Sczcznia 1838/Umarl 13 List. 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Rysztikon/Urod sie 16 Czieroca 1849/Umarla 20 Lutego 1910 Tombstone, ossw: Miejsce Adpoczunka/Ojca/Matki (Resting Place/Father/Mother) Maryanna Rysztikon/11 Sierp 1839/7 Sierp 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Kazmiesz Rysztikon/Ur 1 Marca 1841/Um 1902 Tombstone
RYSZTYKAN: Katarzyna Rysztykan/Baby/Urad sie 24 Pazd 1893/Umarla 30 Paz 1893 Tombstone
RYSZTYKON: Karol Rysztykon (leaning against Jan Szymczak stone) Tombstone Juljanna Rysztykon/Ur/22 Kwiet 1880/Um/24 Maja 1898 Tombstone Daniel Rysztykon Jan/1870-1937 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna Rysztykon/1871-1943 Tombstone
SADOWSKA/SADOWSKI: Maryjanna Sadowska/Ur R. 1853/Um 28 Sierp 1901 Tombstone, next to: Wojcieh Sadowski/Ur 20 Kwiet 1895/Um/23 Grud. 1915 Tombstone Poitr Sadowski/Ur/1 Grud 1878/Um/1 Grud 1901 Tombstone Jozef Sadowski/Ur R. 1840/Um 27 Stycz 1907 Tombstone
SALJESKA: Ruzalja Saljeska Tombstone
SALKOWSKI: Mary Salkowski/Jan. 27, 1893/Dec. 8, 1953 Tombstone, next to: John Salkowski/June 18, 1892/Dec. 1, 1939 Tombstone
SANDOR: John Sandor/Born 1877/Died 1902 Tombstone
SCHERASKI: George/1891-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Blanche/1894-1978 Tombstone
SCHERER: Joseph Scherer/-May 28, 1954- Tombstone Edward/1898-1955 Tombstone, ossw: Monica/1893-1984 (Vet of Foreign War marker) Tombstone
SCHIPPER/SZYPER: Mary Schipper/1838-1912 Tombstone, ossw: Michael Schipper/1839-1888 (new stone) Tombstone
SCHMIDT: Leo D. Schmidt/1915-1985 (US Vet marker) Tombstone See Halpin
SCHMITT: Johanna/May 24, 1886/July 25, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: Alban/July 29, 1885/Nov. 29, 1945 Tombstone, next to: Edward Schmitt/Son/Dec. 9, 1921/May 8, 1935 Tombstone
SCHULTZ: Henry Schultz/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. A 340 Infantry/World War I/ Nov. 5, 1895-Nov. 24, 1961 (flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Edwin Schultz/Wisconsin/Pvt Btry D. Hq. Fa 29 Div. World War I/ Aug. 2, 1894-Nov. 12, 1952 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Anton/1868-1923 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1871-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1897-1957 Tombstone Kelly Paul/-1959- Tombstone, ossw: Tammy Lou/1964-1970 Tombstone Mary Beth/-1956- Tombstone, ossw: James A./1961 Tombstone Joseph/Father/1875-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica/Mother/1879-1945 Tombstone Large family monument only. Separate stones: Ignatz Schultz/Father/1871-1930 Tombstone, next to: Albina Schultz/Mother/1874-1938 Tombstone, next to: Baby Schultz/-1962- (Pfeffer marker) Tombstone, next to: Victor S. Schultz/Wisconsin/PFC Medical Department/World War I PH/ Dec. 23, 1895/May 9, 1954 Tombstone, next to: Josephine Stromila/Mother/1904-1972 Tombstone, next to: Mary Schultz/Daughter/1909-1931 Tombstone Robert E. Schultz/1921-1995 (US Vet marker) Tombstone, ossw: Grace P. Schultz/1926-1992/married July 21, 1947 Tombstone
SEMPIER: [B-2-11]-Anton J. KAMINSKI/Jan 3, 1903-Jan 8, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Myrtle C. KAMINSKI/Mar 22, 1906-Jun 18, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Arlette KAMINSKI/Jul 6, 1934-/Aug 4, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-11]-Fred Sempier/1876-1927/US Vet. marker Tombstone
SHERASKI: Frank/1909-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Emily/1913-1992 Tombstone Edward E. Sheraski/Mar. 9, 1913/Aug. 31, 1989 Tombstone, next to: Sophia Sheraski/Sept. 29, 1914/Oct. 9, 1998 Tombstone
SIERACKA: Weronika Sieracka/urodsia/d. 21 Srjczr 1884/Umrala/d 6 Paz dz 1915 Tombstone
SIERACKI: Anna/1880-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1874-1953 Tombstone Jozefa/1842-1932 Tombstone, ossw: Edward/1834-1916 Tombstone Joseph M./1880-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/1886-1981 Tombstone Rozalia Sieracki/1892-1931 Tombstone Blanche Sieracki/Mother/1883-1936 Tombstone, next to: John C. Sieracki/1876-1957 Tombstone Felix/1902-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene/1924-1944 (Lost at sea) Tombstone, ossw: Victoria/1901-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Baby (James)/-1936- Tombstone, next to: Eugene F. Sieracki/In memory of/Wisconsin/TM3 US Navy/World War II/ May 21, 1924/July 12, 1944 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone, next to: Wojcieh Sieracki/Ojcie/1857-1933 Tombstone, ossw: Palina Sieracki/Matka/1857-1941 Tombstone Veronika Sieracki/1884-1915/Sister of Josephine Helminiak (new stone) Tombstone
SIEVERT: Susan/"Sue"/1910-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Francis/"Sonny"/1909-1965 Tombstone
SIEWART: Anna Siewart/Born/July 16, 1872/Died/Feb. 6, 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Constant Siewert/Born Dec. 28, 1869/Died/Dec. 12, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Edward Siewart/Born Jan. 2, 1896/Died Jan. 30, 1920 Tombstone see HEIN
SILBERSACK: Josephine Silbersack/Mother/1906-1965 Tombstone
SIMMER: David W. Simmer/Jan 25, 1955-Oct 18, 2016
SITKAWITZ: Irene/1903-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Charles/1900-1968 Tombstone
SKOR: Alvin Skor/1926-1991 (US Vet marker)(Pfeffer marker) Tombstone
SKORCH: William Skorch/1873-1952 Tombstone
SKORCZ: Anna/Zuper/zona/F. Skorcz/Rodzona/22 Czernca 1823/Zmarla 11 Kwietnia 1892 Tombstone, ossw: Sylvester/Syn T & A/Skorcz/Rodzony/29 Pazdzier 1890/Zmarl 8 Pazdzier 1891 Tombstone
SKORCZEWSKIEGO: Jozefa Skorczewskiego/(Skorzewski)/Ur sie 17 Grud 1887/Umarl 2 Grud 1912 Tombstone
SKORZEWSKI: Magdeline Skorzewski/May 25, 1896/July 1, 1984 Tombstone, next to: Large stone reads: Kowalski-Skorzewski - See Kowalski Anton Skorzewski/Nov. 13, 1840-Feb. 24, 1923 Mary Skorzewski/Aug. 15, 1847-Jan. 5, 1921 Anton B. Skorzewski/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. A 309 Infantry World War I/ Dec. 17, 1887-June 27, 1965 (U.S. War Vet flag holder) Tombstone
SKREPENSKI: Kenneth "Lefty" Skrepenski/Son/Sept. 12, 1954/June 25, 1977 Tombstone Ann Marie Skrepenski/Oct 19, 1959-Oct 14, 2019 Photo
SKRIPCZYNSKI: John Skripczynski/1892-1957 Tombstone
SKRZYPCZYNSKI: John/1894-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1900-1970 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1865-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Valentine/Father/1867-1930 Tombstone Antoni Skrzypczynski/1903-Sept. 9, 1903 Tombstone
SKRZYPINSKI: Walter Skrzypczynski/Wisconsin/Pvt./127 Inf. 22 Div./Aug. 28, 1926 Tombstone (U.S. War vet flag holder)
SMOGULSKA: Magdelena Smogulska/Ur Roku 1833/Umarla Dnia 22 go List 1913 Tombstone
SMUGLER: Emelie Smugler (on Mrotek lot) Tombstone Susan/1866-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1865-1947 Tombstone Mark Smugler/1911-1977 Photo + Tombstone, next to: Agnes/Mother/Oct. 21, 1875/Dec. 31, 1942 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/Father/Dec. 21, 1871/Jan. 5, 1947 Tombstone Valeria/1898-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Raymond/1897-1965 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone Simon Smugler/d. Jan. 1918/aged 89 yrs/from obit/no stone Walter Smugler/d. Nov. 15, 1915/from obit/no stone
SOBEL: Joanna C. Sobel/Mother/1898-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Sobel/Father/1894-1950 Tombstone
SOBIESCZYK: Frank Sobiesczyk/1898-1973 Tombstone, next to:
SOBIESKI: Bernice/1894-1976 Tombstone, ossw: John/1894-1956 Tombstone John F./1892-1971 Tombstone,ossw: Josephine/1895-1988 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur J./1920-1944/Sgt. - separate marker: Arthur J. Sobieski/Wisconsin/Sgt. 5817 Amb. Co./World War II/ Feb. 7, 1920/Aug. 9, 1944 (Amer. Legion marker) Tombstone
SOBIESZCZYK: Joseph Sobieszczyk/1890-Apr. 30, 1900/from record Maria Sobieszczyk/1894-Feb. 16, 1907/from record Catherine Sobieszczyk/Mother/1862-1944 Tombstone, next to: Frank Sobieszczyk/Father/1869-1954 (See also Sobiesczyk) Tombstone Anna Sobieszczyk/Mother/1872-1931 Tombstone, next to: Antoni Sobieszczyk/Ojciec/1859-1924 Tombstone
SOBISZCZIK: Flonora Sobiszczik
SOBLESKY: (Marcelle Soblesky/d. Jan 31, 1923/from obit)
SOELDNER: Ronald Duane/Feb. 18/Mar. 8, 1948 Tombstone
SOLKOWSKI: Dolores Solkowski/March 27, 1924-Dec. 22, 2013 Tombstone Frank J. Solkowski/Nov 3, 1922-Aug 4, 2016 Photo
SPIDLER: Franciszek Spidler/Umarl/10 Pazd 1901/W. Wieku Lat 28 Tombstone Anna Spidler/Grodzana/19 Wrzes 1901/Zamarla/28 Grud 1901 Tombstone
SPINDLIN: Franciska Spindlin/Urodzuna W. Prodzc/Przezula Lat 75/Umarla 6 Crevnia 1906 Tombstone
SPRANG: Allen M. Sprang/Nov. 24, 1948/June 4, 1949 Tombstone Rose/1888-1965 Photo + Tombstone, ossw: Adolph/1883-1960 Tombstone
STANUL: Gerald A. Stanul/1942-1942 Tombstone
STASIEK: Angeline/Mother/1874-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/Father/1871-1930 Tombstone Franciszka Stasiek/Ur 4 Marca 1902/Um 24 Grudnia 1908 Tombstone, next to: Jozef Stasiek/Ur. 2 Marca 1896/Um 29 Grudnia 1908 Tombstone
STEFFEN: Ellen Steffen/1955-1955 (Pfeffer marker) on Lewandowski lot
STELZER: Roger/son of R & L Stelzer/Dec. 7, 1942/Apr. 22, 1948 Tombstone + Photo
STESANSKI: (Louis Stesanski/d. Apr 3, 1911/from obit)
STRNAD: Marcel J. Strnad/born/May 29, 1919/died/Dec. 4, 1919 Tombstone
STROMILA: Josephine Stromila/Mother/1904-1972 (22 Aug 1904/Mar 1972/SSDI) (on Schultz lot) Tombstone
STRZYZEWSKA: / STRZYZEWSKI: Elzbieta Strzyzewska/23 List 1834/Umrala 21 Marca 1906 Tombstone, ossw: Augustyn Strzyzewski/Urodz 18 Sierp 1840/Umarl 28 Sierp 1928 Tombstone Gertrude/1864-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Julius/1857-1934 Tombstone Michael/1891-1973 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1897-1980 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone Large family monument only - separate stones: Joseph Strzyzewski/1887-1965 Tombstone, next to: Mary Strzyzewski/1890-1934 Tombstone George J. Stryzyzewski/April 17, 1931/July 4, 1986/ AIC US Air Force Korea/To Our Loving Father Sambo (US Vet marker) Tombstone
STRZYZEWSKY: Emilie Strzyzewsky/Urod sie d. 6 Lipca 1910/Umarla d 7 Czeri 1912 Tombstone
SUFFRAN: Marcella Suffran/1896-1955 (Urbanek and Schlei marker) Tombstone
SWAKOWSKY: Antonie Swakowsky/1828-1905 Tombstone
SYPNIEWSKA/SYPNIEWSKI: Jadwiga Sypniewska/Um 26 Czerwca 1900 Tombstone Audrey H. Sypniewski/Born May 8, 1906/Died Sept. 1933 Tombstone, next to: Louis Sypniewski/Born July 12, 1892/Died Feb. 29, 1932 Tombstone, next to: Kathrine Sypniewski/Mother/Born Nov. 30, 1890/Died Feb. 27, 1928 Tombstone Jozef Sypniewski/Ur 27 Lot 1864/Um 29 Lip 1929 Tombstone, next to: Antonina Sypniewska/Ur 16 List 1866/Um 14 Czr 1920 Tombstone, next to: Augusta Sypniewski/1898-1972 Tombstone
SZEWC: Johanna Szewc/Roku 1830, 16 Maja/9 Lutego R 1891 Tombstone
SZULC: Ludwik Szulc/Ur sie 3 Sierpnia 1836/Umral 31 Marca 1909 Tombstone
SZYMCZAK: Jan Szymczak/Uradziel sie Roku 1838/Umar. dnia 1 Lutego 1901 Tombstone Anna Szymczak/Roku 1845/15 Lipca 1889 Tombstone
SZYMCZYK: Stanley Szymczyk/1904-1952 Tombstone Karen Ann Szymczyk/May 6, 1951/June 13, 1952 Tombstone
SZYPER: Michalina/Szyper/Umarla/10 Pazd. 1895/w. Lat 58 Tombstone, ossw: Jozef Szyper/Umarl 10 List 1902/W Wieku/Lat 71 Tombstone Stanislawa Szyper/Umarl 3 Lutego 1910/63 Lat. Tombstone, ossw: Katarzyna/Zona Jego/Umarla 18 Pazd 1910/66 Lat. Tombstone Footstone: Stanislaw Szyper Tombstone Marcin Szyper/d. Feb. 6, 1911 Tombstone Maryanna Szyper/dnia Sie 6 Swcz 1838/Umarla 23 List 1912, next to: Michal Szyper/15 Wrzenka 1839/11 Lipca 1888
TABORSKI: Voronika Taborski/1875-1934 Tombstone Benjamin Taborski/R 17 Pazd 1910/Um 7 Grud 1926 Tombstone
TADICH: Jann Tombstone Teofilia/(d. Mar 31, 1912/from obit) Tombstone
TADYCH: Wiktoria Kriepciska/Um 28 List R. 1911/Oftara Stanislawi/Jozef Tadych Tombstone Clara Tadych/Mother/1897-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph B. Tadych/Father/1894-1978 Tombstone, next to: Joseph A. Tadych/Jan. 29, 1919/Mar. 13, 1945/ 2ND LT. US Air Force World War II/In memory of (US. Vet marker) Tombstone Francis Tadych/Ur. Mar. 7, 1920/Um Oct. 8, 1923 Tombstone Joseph J./1903-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Stella/1881-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1874-1929 Tombstone Sophia Tadych/Mother/1897-1938 Tombstone (Joseph Tadych/d. Dec 10, 1923/from obit) Jozefa/Tadych/Urodziela/14 Lipca 1843/Umarla 2 Wrzesnia/1909/Matka Nasza Tombstone Barbara & Mary/Twin daughters/June 1, 1898/Sept. 1, 1898 Tombstone, next to: Stella Tadych/1903-1906 Tombstone Anita Tadych/1913-1937, next to: Zenon S./1910-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Lillian A./1903-1976 Tombstone Francis A./Apr. 7, 1898/Jan. 17, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: Valeria L./April 28, 1900/Oct. 5, 1990 Tombstone Vernon/1935-1954 Martin Tadych/1840-1925 Tombstone Anna Tadych/1840-1922 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1867-1932 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1860-1934 Tombstone Josephine Tadych/1906-1939 Tombstone Dorota Tadych/14 Wrzes/1923/Um 1 Luty 1924 Tombstone, next to: Alex A./1897-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine C./1902-1963 Tombstone Stanley/1905-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1905-1983 Tombstone Large stone - family name only: Separate stones: Frank X. Tadych/Father/1865-1945 Tombstone, next to: Gregory Tadych/1963-1963 (funeral home marker) Tombstone, next to: Cecelia Tadych/Mother/1879-1935 Tombstone Michael Tadych/1877-1943/from obit
TERENS: Marcia Terens/1948-1953 Tombstone
TITTL: Esther Tittl/1926-2003 Tombstone Siegfried O. Tittl/April 6, 1925-June 23, 2012 Tombstone
TOLKSDORF: Adam/1890-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Agnes/1890-1950 Tombstone John Tolksdorf/1923-1933 Photo + Tombstone
TOMAS: Josef Tomas/Ur/1 Listopada 1891/Um 16 Pazdzernika/1913 John/Father/1860-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/Mother/1862-1951 Tombstone Franzyszek Tomas/Ur 24 Lipca 1835/Um 19 Marca 1919 Tombstone Franciska Tomas/Um 18 Pazd 1930/82 Liata Tombstone
TOMCHEK: [D-4-5]-Alex P. Tomchek/1899-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-5]-Lucille L. Tomchek/1904-1988 Tombstone [B-3-4]-Martin S. Tomchek/1897-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-4]-Priscilla L. Tomchek/1905-2000 Tombstone
TOMCZUK: Thomas/Father/1895-1946 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, ossw: Anna Tomczuk/Mother/1900-1984 Tombstone See Novy
TOMCZYK: Rev. Casimir Tomczyk/1906-1994/Ordained June 11, 1931 Tombstone, next to: Rev. Joseph Tomczyk/1908-1990/Ordained June 3, 1932 Tombstone, next to Joseph Tomczyk/1865-1925 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - family name only. Separate stones: Sophie Tomczyk/1911-1973 Tombstone, next to: Anna Tomczyk/1877-1957 Tombstone Stanley/1896-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude/1900-1961 Tombstone
TULACH: George/1897-1972 Tombstone,ossw: Rose/1900-1971 Tombstone
TURCZYNSKA/TURCZYNSKI: Aniela A. Turczynski/1889-1920 Tombstone, next to: Adolph Turczynski/1884-1968 Tombstone, next to: Aniela A. Turczynska/ Ur./15 Maja 1889/Um/10 Lipca 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Familia Turczynski, next to: Pauline Turczynski/1888-1954 Tombstone
TYCHANSKI: John/1881-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1886-1935 Tombstone, next to: Stanley Tychanski/Wisconsin/Pvt. 1077 Base Unit AAF World War II/ June 12, 1914-Dec. 15 1954 (U.S. War vet flag holder) Tombstone
VANDENBUSCH: Stone reads: Powalisz - Mrotek - Vandenbusch, next to: Gertrude Mrotek/1925-1930 Tombstone Marian Powalisz/1928-1930 Tombstone Martha Vandenbusch/1918-1930 Tombstone
VETTER: Agnes Vetter/1896-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Koneczka/1879-1941 Tombstone Clara/Oct. 3, 1896/Dec. 4, 1966 Tombstone, ossw: Michael/Sept. 6, 1901/Dec. 30, 1978 Tombstone, next to: Melvin Vetter/Mar. 4, 1941/Aug. 8, 1941 Tombstone, ossw: Dawn M. Wiegand/June 3, 1950/July 5, 1950 Tombstone See Koneczka See Wiegand
VNUK: Sophie Vnuk/Oct. 28, 1898/Oct. 8, 1918 Tombstone Careline Vnuk/Our darling baby/Born Jan. 19, 1915/Died Jan. 31, 1916 Tombstone Joanna/1850-1907 Tombstone, ossw: Leo/1842-1934 Tombstone Susan Vnuk Tombstone Bernice C. JAGODZINSKY/Mother/1897-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Alex F. Vnuk/Father/1895-1944 Tombstone John/Father/1870-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Hattie/Mother/1873-1960 Tombstone Leo Vnuk/Our son//1909-1926 Tombstone Leo/Father/1884-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/Mother/1890-1972 Tombstone See Jagodzinsky See WNUK
WACHOWIACZ: Jan Wachowiacz/1834-Dec. 22, 1923 Maryana Wachowiacz/(1834-1922)
WACHOWITZ: Jozef/1863-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Maryanna/1860-1954 (balance uncut) Tombstone Jacob Wachowitz/Father Tombstone
WACHOWSKI: Jozef/1850-1914 () Tombstone, ossw: Magdalina/1855-1920 Tombstone
WACKER: Christian Wacker/b. Germany/d. 12 Apr. 1878/no stone
WAIER: Esther Waier/Ur 2 Lutego 1917/Um 18 Crzewga 1917 Tombstone Eleanore Waier/2 Lipca 1914/Um/16 Wrzes 1914 Tombstone Antoni Waier/Ur/6 Stycz 1893/Um/13 Grud 1917 Tombstone
WAJER: Alexander Wajer/Urodzony/13 Pazdziernita 1914/Umarl/1 Lutego 1913 Tombstone
WALESH: Caroline/1921-1952 Tombstone
WALLANDER: Nicholas Wallander/July 9, 1957/Mar. 30, 1964 Tombstone Greg Wallander/April 1, 1956/Aug. 28, 2010 Tombstone Lloyd R. Wallander/Jun 21, 1932/Oct 21, 2019 Photo
WALTER: Eva/1904-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Ferdinand/1901-____ Tombstone
WAYER: Juliana Wayer/Ur 15 Maja 1891/Um 27 Pazd 1918 Tombstone Michael/Father/1868-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1869-1946 Tombstone
WAZNY: John Wazny/Wisconsin Pvt. Co. B 158 Depot Brigade/World War I/ Nov. 15, 1896/May 19, 1954 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone
WEBER: Louis/1929-2010 Tombstone, ossw: Louise/1930-1974 Tombstone Janina Weber/Nov 12, 1943/Apr 5, 2021 Photo
WEIER: Clement T. Weier/1918-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Florence M. Weier/1919-1978 Tombstone Ronald L. Weier/Apr 1, 1961/Oct 20, 2018 Tombstone
WEINA: Julian/1870-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Teckla/1871-1956 Tombstone Bernard/1894-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1901-1970 (war vet marker) Tombstone John/Jun 30, 1902/Nov 2, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: Valeria/Oct 9, 1902/Oct 6, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: Robert/Nov 2, 1873/Apr 9, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: Margaret/Jul 13, 1879/Oct 27, 1966 Tombstone
WELNETZ: Stella/1889-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Anton/1883-1951 Tombstone
WELNICKI: Mary Welnicki/1865-1913 Tombstone Adam Welnicki/1863-1901 Tombstone Agnes Welnicki/April 15, 1895/June 4, 1895
WERGIN: Helen Wergin/1914-1957 Tombstone, next to: Anton "Murphy" Wergin/1913-1998 Tombstone, next to: Anton/1879-1939 Tombstone, ossw: Matilda/1881-1934 Tombstone
WERNECKE: Leona Wernecke/1917-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Mrotek See Mrotek
WERNER: Mary/1865-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1864-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Sophie/1893-1975 Tombstone
WESOLKOWSKI: Apolonia/1871-1956 Tombstone, ossw: Walter/1866-1947 Tombstone
WEYNA: Large stone - family name only. Separate names: Theodore J. Weyna/1878-1964 Tombstone, next to: Leokadia Weyna/Mother/1880-1931 Tombstone
WICHLACZ: Steven/1897-1975 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1906-1974 Tombstone, next to: Ronald D. Wichlacz/1940-1945 Tombstone
WICIHOWSKE: Mary/1855-1946 Tombstone, ossw: John/1844-1925 Tombstone
WICIHOWSKI: Rose Wicihowski/1887-1957 Tombstone, ossw: John Wicihowski/1877-1918 Tombstone
WIEGAND: Dawn M. Wiegand/June 3, 1950/July 5, 1950 Tombstone, ossw: Melvin Vetter/Mar 4, 1941/Aug 8, 1941 Tombstone See Vetter
WIER: Paul Wier/1907-1971 Tombstone
WIESNER: Sarah Marie Wiesner/Aug. 3, 1973/August 3, 1973 (Pfeffer marker/in front of Francis and Valeria Tadych stone), next to: Katherine A. Wiesner/d. 7-22-1976 (Pfeffer marker/in front of Francis and Valeria Tadych stone)
WILBUR: See Richter
WILMET: Bernard B. Wilmet/Wisconsin/Cpl Air Corps/World War II/ Jan. 26, 1915/Feb. 1, 1943 (U.S. War vet marker) Tombstone, next to: Claude N. Wilmet/1911-1978 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, next to: Emil A./1888-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Mayme/1891-1990 Tombstone
WILSON: Germaine G. Wilson/1922-1981 Tombstone
WIMMER: Anna M. Wimmer/1900-1993 Tombstone, next to: Julia/Mother/1892-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/Father/1891-1986 Tombstone
WISNESKI: Leona Mancheski/1911-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1888-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Vincent/1887-1968 Tombstone
WITCZAK: Susan Mary and Steven Allen Witczak/June 4-5 1960 Tombstone Agnes/Mother/1890-1948 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley/Father/1884-1961 Tombstone Andrew/Father/1881-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1885-1933 Tombstone Felix Witczak/1909-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Lucille Witczak/1910-1987 Tombstone
WLECZYK: Anthony B. Wleczyk/Our son/Feb. 17, 1937/Mar. 19, 1944 Tombstone, next to: Josephine/1900-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Victor/1899-1977 Tombstone
WNUK/VNUK: Katarzyna Wnuk/Narozona Roku 1832/Umarla/21 Lutego 1907 Tombstone, next to: Bartlomi Wnuk/Uradzony Roku 1822/Umarl 7 Kwieinia 1895 Tombstone (top of stone broken off. Balance reads: John Vnuk & Sophie Vnuk) Mrs. George Wnuck/d. 13 Mar. 1897/age 42/from obit-no stone George Wnuk/d. Sep 24, 1907/from record Valentine Wnuk/12 Feb 1831/18 Apr. 1897/age 63/from record-no stone
WOLSKA: Ewa Wolska/1876-1901 Tombstone
WOLSKI: Michael Wolski/1883-1953 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Wolski/Dec. 5, 1850-Apr. 8, 1930 Tombstone
WOYTAL: Barbara L. Woytal/Baby/1948-1949 Tombstone Martha/Mother/1870-1954 Tombstone, ossw: John/Father/1860-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Edward/Son/1903-1923 Tombstone Cecelia Woytal/1895-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Stanley Woytal/1892-1968 Tombstone
WOZNICKI / WOZNICKY: [F-2-3]-Matylda Frozena/1887-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-3]-Frank Woznicki/1897-1970 (War vet flag holder) Also separate stone reads: [F-2-3]-Frank J. Woznicky/Wisconsin/Pvt. 7 Co. 160 Depot Brig./World War I/ Jan. 23, 1897/Oct. 21, 1970 Tombstone See Frozena
WOZNIZKA: Maryjanna Woznizka/Matka/Ur 25 Wrez 1852/Um 21 Styc 1929 Tombstone, next to: Maryjanna Woznizka/Gorka/Ur 2 Lut 1884/Um 23 Maja 1929 Tombstone, next to: Anton Woznizki/1862-1951 Tombstone
WRONKOWSKI: Noreen Wronkowski/1961-1961 On Josephine and Theodore Duzeski plot Tombstone
YOUNG: Patricia Kozaczuk/Daughter/-1951- Tombstone, ossw: William Kozaczuk/Son/-1949- Tombstone, ossw: Dorothy (Kozaczuk) Young/1923-2007 Tombstone See KOZACZUK
ZACZEK: Kunegunda Teckla Zaczek/3 Mar. 1879/26 Feb. 1938 Tombstone
ZADALA: Frances Zadala/1899-1913 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Magdalena Zadala/Mother/1845-1920 Tombstone, next to: Jan Zadala/Son/1876-1935 Tombstone
ZAGRODNIK: Chester/1907-1910 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1909-1915 Tombstone Michal Zagrodnik/Ur sie 16 Pazdz 1840/Um 27 Lutego 1914 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Zagrodnik/1842-1929 Tombstone Elinor Zagrodnik/Um 17 go Pazdz 1914 Tombstone Catherine V. Zagrodnik/1911-1995 Tombstone, next to: Anna M./1878-1953 Tombstone, ossw: John J./1882-1965 Tombstone Martin Zagrodnik/d. July 1919 [E-5-50]-Marcin Zagrodnik/Urod sie 18 Grud 1881/Umarl 16 Lipca 1920 Tombstone, ossw: Josef Zagrodnik/Urod sie/18 Grudnia 1881/Umarl/18 Marca 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Franciszek Zagrodnik/Urod sie 5 Maya 1873/Umarl 27 Lutego 1907 Tombstone Jan Zagrodnik/1851-1918 Tombstone, next to: Gusta Zagrodnik/1903-1923 Tombstone, next to: Konstancya Zagrodnik/1859-1936 Tombstone Aniela Zagrodnik/Matka/Ur 4 Stycz 1884/Um 28 Listop 1933 Tombstone, next to: Jan Zagrodnik/Ojciec/Ur 20 Czer 1879/Um 28 Stycz 1953 Tombstone Anton/Father/1880-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/Mother/1883-1950 Tombstone Jacob Zagrodnik/d. 1880 (new stone) Tombstone, ossw: Hedwig Ida Zagrodnick/1844-1924 Tombstone Dominic A. Zagrodnik/1905-1980 Tombstone, ossw: Helen A. Zagrodnik/1910-1993 Tombstone
ZAKOLSKI: Wladyslaw Zakolski/Zyt lat 7 Zmarl dnia 14 Grudnia 1905 Tombstone
ZALEWSKI: [B-8]-Walt Zalewski [F-3]-Michael Zalewski/Urod sie/29 Lutego 1854/Umarl 19 Czeri 1907 Tombstone (Victoria Zalewski/d. Oct. 7, 1918/age 60 yrs/from obit/no stone) (Victoria Zalewski/April 7, 1899/Aug. 1922/from obit/no stone) John Zalewski/d. Feb. 1915/age 24/from obit/no stone) (Michael Zalewski/d. April 8, 1925/from obit)
ZANDALA: Salome/1893-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Anthony/1879-1971 Tombstone, ossw: Serena Zandala/1919-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph A. Zandala/1930-2002 Tombstone
ZAWADZKA: Praxeda Zawadzka/urodzela sie/d 13 Lipca 1865/Umarla 19 Lipca 1903 Tombstone
ZAWADZKA/ZAWADZKI: Large family stone Zawadzki. Smaller stones read: Franciszek Zawadzki/Ur 1906/Um 7 Pazd, 1919 Tombstone, next to: Zofia Zawadzka/Ur 1873/Um 1 Marca 1925 Tombstone, next to: Anna Zawadzki/Ur 18 Lipca 1903/Um 28 Czer 1927 Tombstone
ZAWATZKI: Stanislaw Zawatzki/Ur 29 Paz 1868/Um 11 Kwie 1928 Tombstone Maryanna Zawatzki/Apr. 9, 1884/Apr. 30, 1929 Tombstone, next to: Josephine Zawatzki/1878-1950 Tombstone, next to: Wenzel Zawatzki/Sept. 21, 1902/Oct. 24, 1926 Tombstone, next to: Lawrence Zawatzki/Aug. 9, 1867/Apr. 20, 1926 Tombstone Martha Zawatzki/Aug.2, 1896-Sept. 26, 1896/from record
ZBORALSKI/ZBORALSKE: Mary/1886-1912 Tombstone, ossw: John/1845-1919 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/1851-1930 Tombstone, ossw: John Jr./1873-1962 Tombstone Arthur Zboralski/1921 Tombstone Dr. F. Frank Zboralske/1906-1990 (US Vet. marker) Tombstone, next to: Frank/1878-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Veronica/1879-1969 Tombstone
ZEDALA: Jozef Zedala/Ur 25 Wrzes 1847/Umarl 23 Sierp 1899 (iron cross) Tombstone
ZELEWSKE: Eleanor A. Zelewske/Mar. 21, 1906/June 9, 1924 Tombstone, next to: Walter Zelewske/Feb. 7, 1915/July 10, 1928 Tombstone, next to: Arthur J. Zelewske/May 13, 1920/Dec. 31, 1936 Tombstone, next to: Jennie Zelewske/May 27, 1883/Mar. 18, 1942 Tombstone (Helen Louise Eftemoff/Granddaughter/Dec 18, 1926-Jan 27, 1930/from obit)
ZELEWSKI: Walter Zelewski/1882-1959 (Pfeffer marker)
ZENDALA: Steve/1883-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1883-1971 Tombstone Florence R. Zendala/1922-2006 Tombstone
ZIARNIK: [E-1-55]-Anna/Mother/1889-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-55]-Anna/Daughter/1911-1923 Tombstone Charles Ziarnik/1880-1946 Tombstone, ossw: Matilda Ziarnik/1880-1965 Tombstone Maryanna Ziarnik/Ur 18 Lutego 1897/Um 15 Lutego 1916 Tombstone Josef Ziarnik/Urodil sie 13 Lutego 1873/Umarla dnia 14 Czerwca 1910 Tombstone Separate stone: Jos. Ziarnik/Co. H/2 Wis Inf. Sp A. War Tombstone, next to: John Ziarnik/Father/1879-1935 Tombstone Franciszek Ziarnik Ur 25 Wresna 1883/Um 3 Maja 1906 Tombstone Frances Ziarnik/Mother/1887-1935 Tombstone Waleryja Ziarnik/Ur Roku 1890/Um Roku 1898 Tombstone Mary/1865-1924 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1860-1932 Tombstone, next to: Eleanor M. Ziarnik/1919-1988 Tombstone, next to: Leonard S. Ziarnik/1907-1975 Tombstone, next to: Anastazya/Mother/1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/1884-1967 Tombstone Mike/1881-1931 Tombstone, ossw: Harry/1907-1920 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine/1884-1936 Tombstone, ossw: Andrew/1908-1969 Tombstone, ossw: Leonard/1912-1974 (War vet flag holder) Tombstone Teodor Ziarnik/Ur Roku 1887/Um Roku 1895 Tombstone Ignatz Ziarnik/1874-1950 Tombstone, next to: Agnieszka Ziarnik/9 Kwiet Roku 1891/43 Lat Stara Tombstone, next to: John Ziarnik/1844-1919 Tombstone Josephine/1898-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Felix/1893-1966 Tombstone, next to: Son of L & L Ziarnik/Jan. 3, 1961 Tombstone, next to: Diana Lynn Ziarnik/Daughter/-July 3, 1961- Tombstone, ossw: Hazel Ziarnik/Mother/1921-, ossw: Edwin F. Ziarnik/Father/1918-1990 Tombstone (US Vet. marker) Wenzel/1883-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1888-1958 Tombstone, next to: Mihal Ziarnik/Ur 19 Wrz 1847/Um 29 Pazd 1927 Tombstone, next to: Veronica Ziarnik/Um Czer 1926/75 Lat. Tombstone Pelagia Ziarnik/Mother/1877-1941 Tombstone, next to: Anton Ziarnik/Father/1878-1951 Tombstone Paul P. Ziarnik/Wisconsin/Wt U.S. Navy/World War I/ June 5, 1890-June 1, 1966 Tombstone, next to: Sophia C. Ziarnik/1893-1976 Tombstone John/1880-1945 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1887-1976 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa/1907-1948 Tombstone, next to: Germaine Ziarnik/1915-1921/from obit Alex/1886-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1885-1967 Tombstone, next to: E. Ziarnik Tombstone, ossw: K. Mrotek Tombstone, next to: Betty J. Ziarnik/Oct. 5, 1928/Jan. 11, 1951 Tombstone, next to: Alice R. Ziarnik/Aug. 28, 1904/Aug. 31, 1978 Tombstone, next to: Large monument - family name only, next to: Theodore J. Ziarnik/May 16, 1897/Nov. 12, 1958 Tombstone, next to: Joseph Ziarnik/Aug. 25, 1857/May 15, 1922 Tombstone, next to: Anna Ziarnik/Jan. 1, 1866/May 15, 1921 Tombstone Clara Ziarnik/1894-1896/from record Robert Ziarnik/Jan 11, 1906/Mar 1909/from record-obit
ZIELINSKI: Peter/Father/1882-1939 Tombstone, next to: Lydia/Mother/1885-1915 Tombstone, next to: Celestine/Daughter/1909-1936 Tombstone, next to: Selma/Daughter/1907-1963 Tombstone Cathrine Zielinski/July 31, 1878/May 4, 1972 Tombstone (Note: She is buried with 1st husband Stephen Kadow in this cemetery)
ZIGMUND: Felix Zigmund/1900-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Angeline Zigmund/1899-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Edith Ann Zigmund/1919-1930 Tombstone, ossw: Eugene Zigmund/1926-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Daniel C. Zigmund/Wisconsin/PFC 157 Inf. 45 Inf. Div./World War II/ Oct. 16, 1924-Oct. 1, 1944 (Am. Legion flag holder) Tombstone
ZIGMUNT: Toofila Zigmunt/1888-1902 Tombstone, ossw: Marianna Zigmunt/1814-1896 Tombstone Joseph Zigmunt Sr./(b. September 20, 1852)/d. 1935 Tombstone, ossw: Anastazija Zigmunt/Ur 6 Maja 1859/Um 1 Sticz 1921 Tombstone Maryanna Zigmunt/Ur 22 Wrze 1883/11 Maja 1922 Tombstone
ZINDA: Rosalia Zinda/Mother/1865-1946 Tombstone
ZINKEL: Angeline/Mother/1911-1944 Tombstone, ossw: Harry J. Zinkel/Father/1906-1993 Tombstone Emily M. Zinkel/June 3, 1907/Oct. 8, 2001 Tombstone
ZYGMUNT: [F-3-13]-Anton/Father/1873-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-13]-Mary/Mother/1874-1946 Tombstone
????: Stone nearly buried in ground. Between Bartlomi Wnuk and Joseph and Elizabeth Sieracki. Tombstone ????: Two stones nearly buried in front of Joseph and Paulina Markowski and back of Pawel Gospodarek ????: Footstone: J.P. - behind Alex Mrotek ????: Footstone: behind Anna Spidler and next to Eleanore Waier. ????: stone next to Christine Vnuk and behind Barbara Pijanowska. ????: Gertrude/age 3 mo. 14 dys. Tombstone ????: Marie/age 3 ys. 6 mo. Tombstone ????: Two footstones between Ignatz Cobleski and Lydia Kattner and behind Tely and Wladislaw Nitka. ????: Stone in front of Joanna Vnuk and Leo and next to Jan Rewolinski ????: Footstone: J.C. ????: Blank footstone by trees in back of Lydia Kattner stone. ????: Footstone (baby section) end of row next to Maria Sobieszczyk ????: Footstone. (Baby section) end of row next to Mary Ligman Tombstone Tombstone ????: Stone cross. No data. Next to tree and Mary Plotka stone ????: Large cement cross monument. No name. Between Jacob Wachowitz and Antonia Kolodzeska ????: Cecelia/Age 28 dys, ossw: Grace/Age 2 mo. 21 dys. Between Victor Buretta and Emilie Strzyzewsky stones ????: Footstone: E.F. next to Bendik Bak in childrens section. Tombstone ????: Footstone: Childrens section next to roadway, third stone from south end. ????: Footstone: T.S. next to above ????: Footstone: Between Gerald Stanul and John Coblewski stones. ????: Footstone - no information. In last row by road next to John Tolksdorf stone ????: Footstone: H. C. Next to above and John Wazny