City of Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

Location: Southeast side of Mishicot Road, between 37th Street and 40th Street, City of Two Rivers.
Copied by Hilary & Ruth Vanderbloemen, Marcie Baer and Jenny Posny on Aug. 30, 1981, June 6 and 13, 1982.
Typed and proofread by Hilary Vanderbloemen. Cemetery maintained in excellent condition by City of Two Rivers. Established about 1909.

Updated by the Manitowoc Genealogy Society Nov. 2009. Added to this site Feb. 2011.

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ] [ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ]
[ M ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ] [ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]

Maps of the cemetery



[A-11-6]-Edward A. MELCHERT/1890-1929 Tombstone, next to:
[A-11-6]-Helen MELCHERT Adams/1892-Apr 1969 Tombstone, next to:
[A-11-6]-Frank J. Adams/1896-1979 Tombstone	
[Unk-1-20]-[Augusta Adams/bur 1912]

ADENAU: [B]-Francis X. Adenau, III/Feb 8, 1936/Apr 19, 2018 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B]-Shirley M. Adenau/1937-2004 Tombstone

ADERHOLD: [B-23-2]-Doris Aderhold/1919-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-2]-Norman K. Aderhold/Jan 12, 1916/Mar 23, 2009 Tombstone

AHEARN: Cathy Sue Ahearn/Apr 2, 1958/Jun 10, 2014 Photo

AHLGREN: [A-18-11]-Malinda Ahlgren/1921-1984

AHRENS: [A-6-2]-Elmer O./1895-Feb 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-6-2]-Helen M./1895-1960 Tombstone [A-18-4]-Jerry A./1898-Oct 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [A-18-4]-Helene/1898-Aug 1981 Tombstone [A-18-4]-Jerry A. Ahrens/Pvt US Army/WWI/Jun 8, 1898/Oct 28, 1978 Tombstone [A-22-10]-John C./1867-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-10]-Augusta/1871-May 1944 Tombstone, next to: [A-22-10]-Elmer John Ahrens/1901-Aug 1966 Tombstone [A-32-6]-Charles H./1874-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-6]-Amelia P./1881-1960 Tombstone [A-32-6]-Lincoln C./1908-Jun 1964 Tombstone [A-32-12]-Baby boy Ahrens/1965-[Mar.]1965 (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker.) [A]-John "Jack" Ahrens/1926-2007 Tombstone, ossw: [A]-Jean Ahrens/1928-2006 Tombstone, ossw: [A]-Neal Ahrens/-1965- Tombstone [B-12-3]-William J./1900-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-3]-Jermima L./1899-Jan 1969 Tombstone See SCHINKE

ALBRECHT: [A-21-12]-Herman F. Albrecht/Husband/1875-Jan.1954 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-12]-Ida L. Albrecht/Wife/1875-May 1947 Tombstone [B-14-7]-Clarence H./1917-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-7]-Evelyn/Jun 6, 1923/Dec 4, 2018 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-7]-Clarence H./1943-1963 Tombstone

ALLEN: [A-26-3]-Judy Belle Allen/1956-Sept 1956 (Deja & Martin Funeral Home marker.)

ANDERSON: [A-24-8]-Alvin R./1906-Mar 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [A-24-8]-Evelyn Anderson Hynek/1907-1993 Tombstone [B-1-3]-David L./Jun 15, 1922/Jun 29, 1983/OM2 US Navy WWII-Korea-Vietnam Tombstone [B-1-3]-Hattie M. Anderson/Mother/1899-1957 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-3]-Arthur W. Anderson/Father/1898-Feb 1972 Tombstone Jerome D. Anderson/Jul 29, 1930/Aug 9, 2020 [B-14-4]-Paul G./Mar 16, 1922/Sep 22, 1989 [B-14-4]-Alan Anderson/1947-1979 Photo [B-25-4]-Donald D./1922-Jan 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-25-4]-Harriet I. Anderson/1922-2003 Tombstone + Photo See ANDERSEN

ANDREWS: [B]-Dean C. Andrews/Sep 1, 1948/Feb 22, 2007/Fire and Rescue Tombstone + Photo

ANKLAM: [A-23-3]-Herman A. Anklam/Father/Dec 5, 1885/Dec 16, 1944 Tombstone, next to: [A-23-3]-Ida Anklam/Mother/Oct 31, 1885/Sep 11, 1932 Tombstone

ARIENS: [A-7-4]-Ira R./1895-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [A-7-4]-Edith G./1892-Dec 1979 Tombstone

ARNDT: [B-28-6]-Henry Arndt/1906-1985 Tombstone

ASCHENBRENNER: [A-30-13]-Herbert/1897-Jul 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [A-30-13]-Meta/1904-Dec 1991 Tombstone


AULIK: [B-41-2]-George L. Aulik/1914-2010 Tombstone, ossw: [B-41-2]-Ethel M. Aulik/1917-2010 Tombstone

AVERY: [A-24-10]-Archie Avery/Father/1880-Apr 1939 Tombstone, next to: [A-24-10]-Ernestine Avery/Mother/1883-Oct 1938 Tombstone [A-25-5]-Lorraine Marie Avery/Jan 26, 1936 Tombstone [B-11-7]-Earl Willard/1914-Nov 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-7]-Loretta/1914-1994 Tombstone

[ B ]

BABICH: [B-28-1]-Hazel E. Babich/1920-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-1]-George/1920-1997 Tombstone

BAETKE: [A-26-3]-Baby [Boy] Baetke/1943-1943 (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker.)

BAETZ: [B-5-1]-Evelyn Baetz/1892-Sep 1961 Tombstone, next to: [B-5-1]-Emerson Baetz/Dec 26, 1906/Sep 5, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-1]-Catherine B. Baetz/1907-Jun 1975 Tombstone Conrad Emmet Baetz/Nov 4, 1946/May 24, 2019 Photo [B-5-1]-E. Patrick Baetz/Mar 10, 1944/Aug 10, 2005 Tombstone + Photo Andrew Francis Baetz/May 26, 1945/Oct 4, 2020

BAKER: [A-13-2]-Harvey M./1912-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-2]-Elva I./1917-2004 Tombstone [A-15-4]-[Richard Baker/bur. 02-04-1942] Memorial [A-15-4]-William/1871-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-4]-Caroline/1876-Jan 1958 Tombstone [A-15-4]-Gordon Baker/1904-Nov 1937 Tombstone [B-16-4]-Elsie J. Baker/1906-1996 Tombstone [B-24-8]-Ervin M./1901-1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-8]-Lillian B./1902-1989 Tombstone

BARRETT: [A-25-5]-[Baby Boy Barrett/bur. 05-09-1942] [B-13-3]-Mae Barrett/1897-1978 Tombstone [B-13-3]-James H. Barrett/1885-Jan 1970 Tombstone [Unk-1-20]-[Doris/bur. 1918]

BARRETTE: [B-14-6]-Joseph H./1915-1969 Tombstone

BARSCHOW: [A-16-6]-Emma Barschow/1885-Aug 1926 Tombstone [A-16-6]-George A. Barschow/1881-1953 Tombstone ossw: [A-16-6]-Louise Barschow/1873-Feb 1954 Tombstone

BARTA: Marjorie E. Barta/nee TATE/Jul 16, 1934/Aug 15, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

BARTEL: [B]-Shirley M. Bartel/1948-2008 Marker

BAUERS: [A-26-5]-Joe Bauers/Minnesota/Pvt 1 Cl 337 Field Arty 88 Div/Dec 2, 1937 Tombstone

BAUKNECHT: [A-32-5]-Gregory A./Jan 3, 1957/Sep 20, 2011/from obit Richard D. Bauknecht/May 4, 1927/Jul 9, 2019 Photo

BEATTY: [B-36-5]-Sean M. Beatty/Jan 7, 1986/Jan 25, 2003 Tombstone + Photo

BEAUPRE: [B-27-3]-Leroy/1919-May 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-27-3]-Inez E. Beaupre/Apr 14, 1920/Dec 13, 2010 Tombstone + Photo

BECKER: [B-41-4]-Vince Becker/1913-1997, ossw: [B-41-4]-Kay Becker/1915-1994

BEDUHN: [A-8-3]-William C. Beduhn/1891-Nov 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [A-8-3]-Ina Dorothy Holsen Beduhn/1896-1987 Tombstone See HOLSEN

BEECK: [A-21-2]-Walter/1896-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-2]-Edna/1898-Dec 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-2]-Olive/1905-1991 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-21-2]-Frederick Raatz/1905-1931 Tombstone

BEGOLD: [Unk-1-20]-[Carolina/bur. 1914]

BEHNKE: [A-28-8]-Jerome M. Behnke/Wis/Pvt 4144 Qm SVC Co/WWII/ May 22, 1920-July 13, 1971 Tombstone, next to: [A-28-8]-Hazel Behnke/Mar 28, 1909/Jan 29, 1988 Tombstone

BEILKE: [B-12-7]-Bernhard A. Beilke/1894-Jun 1980 Tombstone

BELLIN: [A-12-10]-William J./Father/1890-Jul 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-10]-Gertrude H./Mother/1892-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-10]-Vernal C./Son/1919-Apr 1939 Tombstone [A-14-1]-Mary Bellin 1982 [bur 02-09-1982/age 2 hr] Tombstone see NICHOLSON

BELLING: [A-22-1]-Adeline Belling/Mother/1877-Aug 1932 Tombstone, next to: [A-22-1]-William Belling/Father/1874-Aug 1956 Tombstone

BELTER: [B-6-2]-Fred R./1898-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-2]-Pearl J./1899-Apr 1976 Tombstone

BENESH: [A-24-6]-Anton/1879-Dec. 1975 (Stone should read 1974), ossw: Tombstone [A-24-6]-Lillian/1895-Dec 1963 Tombstone

BENINGHAUS: [B-40-4]-Romy Beninghaus/Jul 30, 1934/Jun 13, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: [B-40-4]-Mary Lou Beninghaus/Dec 25, 1936/Nov 10, 2020 Photo

BENSON: [B-15-8]-Oscar K./1905-1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-8]-Marge/1905-Jan 1962 Tombstone

BERDSELL: [Unk-1-20]-[Rosa/bur. 1912]

BERG: [B-25-7]-Edna E. Berg/nee ENGELLAND/1909-2000 Tombstone Marion Berg/Jan 10, 1940/Dec 9, 2009 Tombstone See SORENSEN

BERGE: [A-27-4]-[Edward F. Berge/bur 08/23/1949]

BERGELIN: Emanuel A. Bergelin/Nov 20, 1927/Jul 14, 2012/SP5 US Army/Korea Tombstone + Photo

BERKE: [A-25-4]-Wilhelm Berke/27 Dez 1874/10 Aug 1934 Tombstone

BERMANN: [A-20-8]-Charles [W.] Bermann/1895-Mar 1982 Tombstone, next to: [A-20-8]-Florence Bermann/1910-Feb 1946 Tombstone, next to: [A-20-8]-Mary M. Bermann/1896-1953 Tombstone

BERNARD: Linda S. Bernard/Apr 2, 1948/Jul 15, 2018 Photo

BERNHARDT: [A-21-11]-Agnes A./1900-Nov 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-11]-George W./1896-1970 Tombstone

BETH: Merle C. "Butch" Beth/Jul 14, 1935/May 26, 2017 Photo Judith L. Beth/Aug 28, 1940/Jul 28, 2014 Photo

BEVER: [A-15-2]-Clarence A./1912-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-2]-Evelyn V./1913-1987 Tombstone

BIRR: [A-13-2]-Charles E./1880-Feb 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-2]-Bertha E./1884-1965 Tombstone [A-29-4]-Albert [W.]/1885-Apr 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [A-29-4]-Helen/1887-1973 Tombstone

BIRRINGER: [A-13-5]-Edward J./1902-May 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-5]-Linda A./1900-1982 Tombstone

BISHOP: [B-11-1]-Fred G./1885-Aug 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-1]-Mildred W./1889-Jun 1969 Tombstone [Unk]-[Caroline Bishop/bur 1929] Memorial

BLAHA: [B-22-2]-Richard A. Blaha/Jun 21, 1926/Oct 27, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [B-22-2]-June Carol Blaha/Jan 27, 1927/Dec 10, 2003 Tombstone

BLAKE: [B-22-8]-Elizabeth V. Blake/Mar 19, 1925/Mar 11, 2008 Tombstone, next to: [B-22-8]-Earl Guy Blake/Sep 16, 1921/Feb 8, 1997 Tombstone

BLASHKA: [Disinterred]-[Becky Blashka/bur 07-13-1977](26 Apr 1979 - moved to Evergreen cem., Manitowoc)

BLAZEI: [A-32-12]-Anton Blazei/1910-1996 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-12]-Rose Blazei/1907-1995 Tombstone

BLEEKER: [B-30-1]-Bruce B./1966-1988 Tombstone [B-30-8]-Ivan L. "Ike" Bleeker/May 28, 1940/Apr 18, 1994 Tombstone


BOEHM: [A-20-4]-John V./1882-Sep 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-4]-Bozena/1885-Jun 1960 Tombstone

BOELTE: [B-12-7]-Arthur J./1893-Aug 1989 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-12-7]-Emma E./1891-Jun 1969 Tombstone

BOESELAGER: [B-20-2]-James Boeselager/1928-2005 Tombstone, ossw: [B-20-2]-Mary Ellen Boeselager/1931-2002 Tombstone

BOETTCHER: [A-26-4]-Lester Boettcher/1925-Oct 1936 Tombstone

BOHM: [B-28-1]-Birdeena F. "Bird"/1908-1989 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-1]-Elmer A. "Jake"/1905-1987 Tombstone [B]-LaVern E. "Boomer" Bohm/Apr 10, 1921/Jun 20, 2006/PFC US Army WWII Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B]-Joyce Bohm/Jul 30, 1926/Nov 10, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

BONESS: [A-13-6]-Herman W./1881-Jul 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-6]-Anna M./1881-Mar 1953 Tombstone [A-16-7]-Willard R. "Bill". Boness, Sr./1921-1998 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-7]-Grace A. Boness/nee ZEMAN/Nov 27, 1922/Jun 5, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [A-16-7]-Willard R. Boness Sr./PFC US Army/WWII/Jul 20 1921/Jun 7 1998 Tombstone [A-16-8]-Edward C. Boness/24 Feb 1907/Mar 23, 1984/PVT US Army WWII Tombstone, next to: [A-16-8]-Leona H. Boness/Feb 23, 1903/Jun 22, 1999 Tombstone [A-16-8]-Raymond F./1919-1986/WWII Veteran [bur 01-31-1986/age 66 yrs](16 May 1919/Jan 1986/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-8]-Eloise M. Boness/Sep 9, 1926/Jul 22, 2005 Tombstone [A-16-10]-Herman A. Boness/Dec 11, 1914/Aug 28, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-10]-Eleanora E. Boness/1915-2007 Tombstone [B-14-5]-Arthur C./1913-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-5]-Delpha/1925-1982 Tombstone

BONNIN: [A-25-5]-[Dale Warren Bonnin/bur. 11-16-1935]

BORCHARDT: [A-31-7]-Kenneth [W.] Borchardt/Son/1938-Oct 1951 Tombstone [A-31-7]-[Dorothy/bur 03-08-1980/age 74 yrs] [A-31-7]-[Herman C./bur 11-10-1980]

BORETSKY: [A-15-12]-Otto/1901-Sep 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-12]-Evelyn/1899-Apr 1980 Tombstone

BORNEMANN: [B-17-3]-Herman A./1887-Jul 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-3]-Lovina A./1892-Apr 1979 Tombstone

BOUDA: [A-31-14]-Marcella M. Bouda/1909-1966 Tombstone, next to: [A-31-14]-Wencel/1877-Aug 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-14]-Mary/1873-Oct 1963 Tombstone [A-31-14]-Frank P./1902-1982 Tombstone

BRAKHANE: [A-29-5]-Gustave/Nov 21, 1901/Sep 7, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [A-29-5]-Alma/Jul 9, 1903/Jun 9, 1996 Tombstone

BRALEY: [B-21-1]-Benjamin O./1913-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-1]-Leona M./1911-1994 Tombstone

BRANDT: [B-41-1]-John A. Brandt/Apr 11, 1919/Sep 19, 1987/1st SGT US Army WWII Tombstone, ossw: [B-41-1]-Virginia C. Brandt/May 7, 1922/May 4, 2013

BRAULT: [A-9-3]-Ruth C. Brault/1903-1928 Tombstone [Unk-1-3]-[Mary Therese/bur. 07-11-1936] see SCHROEDER

BRAUNLICH: [A-13-7]-Bernhardt/1862-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [A-13-7]-Marie/1863-Apr.1932 Tombstone [A-16-9]-William K./1902-Sep 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-9]-Viola E./1904-Apr 1975 Tombstone


BROECKER: [A-16-4]-[Bertha/bur 11-03-1932] [A-16-4]-[Frederick/bur 11-03-1932] [B-12-7]-Carl J./1895-Jun 1981/Cpl WWI Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-7]-Pauline/1898-Jul 1967 Tombstone [B-14-3]-Esther Sandow nee Broecker 1901-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-3]-Gilbert/1905-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-3]-Paula A./1906-1983 Tombstone Frederick/1850-1894 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/1851-1880 Tombstone See SANDOW

BROOKS: [B-15-8]-[Baby Girl/bur 03-01-1966/age 1 Hr]

BROWN: [B-18-5]-[Roy M./bur 08-01-1966] Tombstone see JOHNSON

BRUECHERT: [A-5-1]-Edward F./1882-Feb 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-1]-Lena/1886-Jul 1973 Tombstone [A-12-4]-Otto J. Bruechert/1889-Feb 1940 Tombstone, next to: [A-12-4]-Lillian H. Bruechert/Mar 16, 1895/Nov 15, 1983 Tombstone [A-12-4]-Lucille/1913-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-4]-Reine Bruechert/1913-1986 Tombstone [B-5-4]-Glen H. Bruechert/1937-Nov 1960 Tombstone [B-5-4]-Earl O./1910-Nov 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-4]-Elsie M./1912-1995 Tombstone> [B-34-8]-Otto E. Bruechert/Jan 16, 1928/Jul 23, 1995/SGT US Air Force WWII Tombstone [B-34-8]-Mary Ann/May 21, 1927/Aug 9, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

BRUEMMER: [B-11-7]-Harold/1901-Jul 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-7]-Margaret/1902-2000 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-7]-Jean/1928-Apr 1996 Tombstone

BRUHN: [A-29-6]-Linda M. Bruhn/1888-Nov 1946 Tombstone [A-29-6]-John F. Bruhn/1884-1957 Tombstone see ZARN

BUCK: [A-32-14]-Fay L./1874-Jul 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-14]-Orpha A./Oct 29, 1896/Mar 20, 1973 Tombstone

BUDWISER: [Unk-1-20]-[Child/bur. 1897/age 6 mo.]

BUEHLER: [B-22-6]-Kenneth A. Buehler/Jul 16, 1932/Mar 17, 2005/SP3 US Army-Korea Tombstone + Photo

BUETTNER: [B-28-5]-John A. Buettner/1937-2009 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-5]-Judith Ann/1940-1990 [bur 11-19-1990/age 49 yrs] Tombstone

BUHK: [A-19-10]-Ned/1900-Jan 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [A-19-10]-Hilda/1903-Dec 1980 Tombstone [A-32-7]-William F. Sr./1882-Dec 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-7]-Louise M./1881-Aug 1953 Tombstone, next to: [A-32-8]-Alfred Buhk/1905-Jul 1952 Marker

BUNZOW: [A-12-3]-Elmer LANDT/1900-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-3]-Elsie L./1899-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-3]-Frank J./Aug 31, 1907/Dec 29, 2001 Tombstone

BURKE: [B]-Eugene F. Burke/Jun 6, 1939/Dec 30, 2004 [B]-Lynne C. Burke/nee Matzke/Nov 3, 1948/May 2, 2005

BURMEISTER: [A]-Charlotte C. Burmeister/Dec 12, 1940/Jun 15, 2007 Tombstone [A]-Emmanuel Burmeister/Feb 11, 1933/Jan 26, 2014 Tombstone [A-1-1]-Alwood/1896-Aug 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-1]-Edith/1899-1973 Tombstone, next to: [A-1-1]-Elaine/Feb 12-27/1928 Tombstone, ossw: [A-1-1]-Jane/Oct 19-Dec 13/1962 Tombstone [B-26-1]-Archie/1901-Nov 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-1]-Eleanor/1904-1992 Tombstone

BURNETTE: [A-28-5]-Frank T. Burnette/1881-1946 Tombstone

BUSCHMANN: [A-18-2]-Ernst/1892-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [A-18-2]-Frieda/1893-Sep 1949 Tombstone [A-18-2]-[Baby Girl/bur. 03-22-1950] [Buschman]

BUVID: [A-31-8]-Esther M./1896-1988 Tombstone [A-32-9]-Harold T. "Buzz"/Apr 10, 1923/Jul 1, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-9]-Florence J. Buvid/May 5, 1924/Dec 7, 2016 Photo [Unk-1-8]-[Wilfred/bur. 07-01-1922]

BUZZARD: [B-8-2]-Ruth E. Buzzard/1897-Feb 1983 Tombstone

[ C ]

CAIN: [A-25-4]-George Cain/1921-Mar 1931 Tombstone

CANTY: [B]-Marylee H. Canty/Aug 18, 1949/Mar 17, 2006 Tombstone + Photo

CARLSON: [B-13-1]-Eric/1898-Aug 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-1]-Mae/1903-Apr 1964 Tombstone

CARRIVEAU: [Unk-1-5]-[Mertell/bur. 04-17-1928]

CARSTENS: [B-14-3]-Emma Carstens/1893-1975 Tombstone, next to: [B-14-3]-Henry Carstens/1895-Jul 1969 Tombstone

CASEBEER: James H. Casebeer/Apr 21, 1935/Nov 13, 2013 Tombstone + Photo

CAULUM: [B-12-5]-Cora Caulum/1890-1970 Tombstone

CHANG: [B-23-8]-Maihoua Vang Chang/Jun 3, 1968/Nov 18, 1993 Tombstone

CHASE: [A-18-5]-Harry R. Chase/1883-Sep 1948 Tombstone

CHERNEY: [A-2-3]-Frank J./Jan 12, 1884-May 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-2-3]-Sophia/1887-Jan 1958 Tombstone

CHERVENY: [A-5-1]-Rita Lois Cherveny/Daughter/1954-Mar 1955 Tombstone [A-5-1]-Milton Cherveny/1916-1999 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-1]-Adeline Cherveny/1920-2000 Tombstone

CHIZEK: [A-23-7]-Family Tombstone [A-23-7]-George P./Father/1886-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-7]-Clyde E./Son/1910-Dec 1933 [Clyde Earl] Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-7]-Martha J./Mother/1890-Jul 1953 Tombstone

CHOMCZYK: [B-14-4]-Mattie Lou/1927-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Tony/1916-2007 (Tony is buried in Shawano with his second wife)

CHRISTENSEN: Paula E. Christensen/nee TAYLOR/May 28, 1955/Nov 12, 2020 Tombstone + Photo

CHRISTIANSEN: [29-1]-Alfred Christiansen/1895-Feb 1966 Tombstone

CHRISTOFFEL: [A]-Walter M. Christoffel/May 24, 1924/Aug 22, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A]-Leona A. Christoffel/nee MONK/Aug 19, 1925/Jan 14, 2018 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A]-Michael R. Christoffel/May 24, 1954/Jul 11, 2005 Tombstone

CIELKE: [Unk-1-9]-[Raymond (Baby)/bur. 06-04-1932]

CISLER: [B-34-6]-Earl J. Cisler/Oct 6, 1920/Mar 24, 1999/US Army WWII-Purple Heart Tombstone, ossw: [B-34-6]-Winnefred Cisler/1925-2001 Tombstone + Photo

CLARK: [B-30-4]-Thomas R. Clark/Oct 5, 1942/Jul 4, 2002/US Army-Vietnam Tombstone, ossw: [B-30-4]-Roselee H. Clark/Sep 24, 1947/May 10, 2007 Tombstone + Photo

CLARKSEN: [B-11-2]-Raymond/1904-Dec 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-2]-Ertel C./1900-May 1987 Tombstone, next to: [B-11-2]-Lowell R./1926-Dec 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-2]-Lee Clarksen/1952-2012 Tombstone Lois M. CLARKSEN Freed/nee STEGEMANN/Sep 30, 1929/Jun 7, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

CLAYTON: [B-10-2]-Heber/1894-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [B-10-2]-Cecilia M./1897-Nov 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-10-2]-Heber Clayton/Wisconsin/Sgt US Army/WWI/May 15, 1894/Oct 21, 1972 Tombstone [B-10-2]-Elizabeth A./1922-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-10-2]-Owen Edward/Jun 4, 1920/Aug 1, 1985/1ST SGT US Army WWII Tombstone [Unk-1-4]-[Baby/bur. 02-02-1932] [Unk-1-7]-[Dale Warren/bur. 07-12-1923] [Unk-1-7]-[David John/bur.07-02-1924] [Unk-1-8]-[Carl/bur. 02-09-1922]


CODY: [B-30-5]-Mary O. Cody/Dec 16, 1926/Jan 6, 1997 Tombstone [B-30-5]-Raymond R. Cody/Jan 5, 1925/Jun 17, 1991 Tombstone

COLLIER: [A-27-6]-Laurel L. Collier/Indiana/Sgt 46 Inf 9 Div/May 18, 1943 Tombstone

COLLINS: [Unk-1-19]-[D.L./bur 1920]

CONJURSKI: [B-11-5]-[Chad Eugene/bur 02-05-1976]

COPE: [B-16-1]-Clarence/1896-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [B-16-1]-Clara/1907-1980 Tombstone [B-16-1]-Clarence P. Cope/Wisconsin/Chauffeur 163 Aero Sq/World War I/Nov 29, 1896/Aug 19, 1964 Tombstone [B]-George Cope/1929-2007 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Lorna R. Cope/Aug 15, 1934/Sep 10, 2011 Photo [B]-Norman S. Cope/May 31, 1958/May 1, 2014 Photo

CORNILS: [A-9-8]-Carl/1903-Jul 1961 Tombstone [A-9-8]-[Regina/bur 01-15-1964] Tombstone [A-11-10]-[Violet/bur 03-25-1936] Tombstone [A-23-8]-Augustie Cornils/Mother/1867-Sep 1943 Tombstone, next to: [A-23-8]-John Cornils/Father/1861-Sep 1940 Tombstone, next to: [A-23-8]-Harold Cornils/1908-Aug 1936 Tombstone

COWLING: [A-32-7]-Fredrick (Fritz) Cowling/Apr 9, 1929/Jun 15, 1996/EM3 US Navy Tombstone [A-32-7]-Lois Elvira Wooster Cowling/Jan 14, 1928/Feb 27, 2018 Tombstone

CURNOW: [A-16-2]-[Hertha Curnow/1892-Nov 1964 Tombstone see LIEDTKE

CURTIS: [A-12-2]-Leona [KOCH] Curtis/1908-Jun 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [A-12-2]-Leslie L./1911-Dec 1981 Tombstone Robert W. Curtis/Sep 3, 1925/Feb 22, 2011 Tombstone

CUTURIA: [B-11-6]-Leo/1893-Mar 1982/WWI vet Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-6]-Irene/1903-Mar 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [B-11-6]-Leo L./1939-1982 Tombstone

[ D ]

DANIELSON: Kathleen M. Danielson/nee FARRELL/Aug 10, 1946/Apr 17, 2015 Photo

DANNER: [B-6-3]-Edmond F./1902-Sep 1978Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-3]-Helen A./1906-Jun 1983 Tombstone

DASCHER: [A-25-5]-[Melvin/bur 12-17-1942/age 19 hr]

DAVIS: [B-26-5]-John Robert Davis/S Sgt US Air Force/WW II Korea-Vietnam/Aug 29 1910/Nov 22, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-26-5]-Natalie E./Jun 6, 1927/Nov 10, 1989 Tombstone [Unk-1-21]-[Thomas Davis/bur 1856]

DAWIDOWICH: Sophia M. Dowidowich/May 6, 1934/Jul 18, 2015 Photo

DAWLEY: [A-24-6]-John M. Dawley/Cpl 15 Minn Inf Sp Am War/Aug 23 1867/Nov 16 1946 Tombstone, next to: [A-24-6]-Ruth M. Dawley/Apr 7, 1871/Aug 31, 1966 Tombstone

DAY: [A-11-5]-Charles Day/Father/1904-Jul 1958 Tombstone, next to: [A-11-5]-Maud Amelia Day/Mother/1878-May 1930 Tombstone, next to: [A-11-5]-Charles T. Day, Sr./Father/1880-Feb 1948 Tombstone

DE BAUCH: [B-19-8]-Lawrence N./1925-Feb 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-8]-Mabel M./1929-Mar 1990 Tombstone

DE BAUCHE: [A-27-3]-Bernice De Bauche/1919-Oct 1963 Tombstone [A-27-3]-[Donald Joh./Nov 26, 1927/Jan 1, 1990/bur 05-30-1990]

DEBUS: [B-6-2]-Oscar/1908-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-2]-Paula/1909-Jul 1965 Tombstone

DECKER: Rodney L. Decker/Mar 21, 1958/Oct 23, 2013 Tombstone

DEFERE: Ronald W. DeFere/Nov 11, 1939/Nov 3, 2018 Photo

DE FOE: [A-9-10]-Rose/1887-Sep 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-10]-Ruby C./1912-Feb 1935 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-10]-Reuben/1889-Dec 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-10]-Roland J./1919-Feb 1938 Tombstone

DE GRAND: [B-10-1]-Michael De Grand/1978-Jan 1979 Tombstone

DEJA: [A-2-3]-Betty/1914-2001 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-2-3]-Clarence/1914-Nov 1986 Tombstone

DEKOK: [A]-Arnold A. DeKok/Jun 25, 1928/Feb 21, 1998 Tombstone, ossw: [A]-Laura M. DeKok/nee PRIEGNITZ/Aug 5, 1924/Dec 19, 2022/married June 20, 1953 Tombstone + Photo

DELONG: [A-25-5]-Barbara Ann DeLong/Sep 23-30, 1936 Tombstone [A-25-5]-[Earl (Baby)/bur 12-08-1933] Norma Jean DeLong/-Jul 21, 1930- TombstoneTombstone

DEMSIEN: [A-10-1]-Albert/1865-May 1940 Tombstone, ossw. [A-10-1]-[Hattie] Hedwig/1880-Apr 1970 Tombstone [A-10-1]-[Ethel Demsien EIS/bur 04-13-1984/age 79 yrs/Ethyl] [A-10-9]-Edwin A. Demsien/1899-Jun 1955 Tombstone, next to: [A-10-9]-Lydia MILLER/wife of/Edwin Demsien/1909-Dec 1980 Tombstone [A-12-6]-August Demsien/Nov 1, 1868/Jul 11, 1932 Tombstone, next to: [A-12-6]-Christena Demsien/nee SCHROEDER/Sep 16, 1872/Dec 10, 1948 Tombstone See EBERT

DENT: [A-19-12]-Olga Dent/Mar 21, 1913/Aug 12, 1963 Tombstone [A-25-3]- Clara Dent/1911-Jan 1931 Tombstone [B-1-6]-Kittie L. Dent/Mother/1884-Jul 1965 Tombstone [B-18-7]-Woodrow/1913-Jan 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [B-18-7]-Beatrice A. Dent/Nov 19, 1925/Feb 5, 2012 Tombstone

DETT: [A-21-10]-Ralph/1900-Feb 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-10]-Hertha/1902-1984 Tombstone

DEWEY: [A-25-2]-[Rita (Baby)/bur. 12-12-1932] [A-27-1]-Albert [W.]/1893-May 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [A-27-1]-Rose/1899-May 1958 Tombstone [A-27-2]-Roland C./1926-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [A-27-2]-Arthur/1920-Dec 1977 Tombstone [A-28-2]-Anna T. Dewey/1923-1999 Tombstone Arnold Dewey/Aug 22, 1934/Jun 13, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Jean E. Dewey/Sep 21, 1935/Aug 2, 2014 Tombstone


DICKENSHIED: Lloyd C. Dickenshied/Oct 2, 1926/Feb 7, 2019 Tombstone + Photo

DIEDRICH: [A-20-4]-William/1873-Oct 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-4]-Bertha/1883-Jun 1969 Tombstone [A-21-10]-Elmer Diedrich/1904-1996 Tombstone [A-21-10]-Elmer C. Diedrich/PFC US Army/WWII/Sep 21, 1904/May 7, 1996 Tombstone

DILLON: [B-36-7]-Allen G./1935-2003/Brothers Tombstone, ossw: [B-36-7]-Gayl L./1945-2008 Tombstone

DINSMOOR: [A-13-9]-Mareta Furtney Dinsmoor/1908-2001 Tombstone + Photo

DIPPLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Baby/bur 1911]

DISJARDIN: [B-21-8]-Robert C./1920-Apr 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [B-21-8]-Lorraine/1920-Apr 1983 Tombstone

DOBBS: [B-21-7]-Allan J. Dobbs/Apr 19, 1941/Jun 28, 2003 Tombstone

DOERFLER: [B-17-7]-Maynard W./1904-Jan 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-7]-Leona/1910-2002 Tombstone

DOHR: [A-32-11]-Theodore A./1904-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [A-32-11]-Rachael A. Dohr/Oct 6, 1905/Sep 1, 2004 Tombstone

DOLEYSCH: [Unk-1-9]-[Baby/bur 1930]

DOLEYSH: [A-20-3]-Wenzel C. Doleysh/1890-Jan 1977/Father Tombstone, ossw: [A-20-3]-Mary Doleysh/1887-Nov 1945/Mother Tombstone [B-12-2]-Donald Doleysh/1947-Dec 1967 Tombstone [B]-Wenzel "Jim" Doleysh/Dec 7, 1917/Mar 2, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Mildred L. Doleysh/Aug 31, 1921/Apr 30, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [B]-Wilfred "Butch" Doleysh/1926-2008 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Eunice M. Doleysh/nee TOMASCHEFSKY/Jul 19, 1923/Sep 2, 2023 Tombstone + Photo

DOMNITZ: [B-2-5]-Charles/1881-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-5]-Anna/1886-Oct 1970 Tombstone, next to: [B-2-5]-Harry T./1905-Dec 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-5]-Eva/1905-Dec 1988 Tombstone Sheldon "Shelly" Domnitz/1939-2011 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-5]-Marion Domnitz/nee KAISER/Jan 28, 1940/Nov 29, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

DOSE: [A-31-6]-Peter/1867-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-6]-Bertha/1873-Feb 1952 Tombstone [Unk-1-5]-[Baby Boy/bur 05-04-1928] [Unk-1-5]-[Ruth (Baby)/bur 05-30-1927]

DRAEGER: [A-25-4]-Minnie Draeger/1851-Mar 1933 [Wilhelmina] Tombstone


DUFANO: [A-24-2]-Louis J./1861-Nov 1935 Tombstone, ossw: [A-24-2]-Katherine/1868-1957 Tombstone [A-27-7]-Etta DuFano/1903-1960 Tombstone

DUFFEK: Roger John Duffek/Sep 7, 1935/Feb 2, 2017 Photo Corrine Duffek/nee STOCK/Apr 13, 1941/Oct 23, 2023 Photo

DUFFY: [A-27-7]-Rose Duffy/1871-1953 Tombstone

DUNN: [B]-Bernard J. Dunn Sr./Jun 27, 1931/May 19, 2021 Tombstone, ossw: [B]-Sophia B. Dunn/Mar 31, 1932/Jul 15, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [B-16-8]-Jennifer Mae Dunn/1961-1965 Tombstone

DURAND: [B-13-6]-Frank A./1916-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [B-13-6]-Rhea F./1917-1969 Tombstone

DUROCHER: Alan J. Durocher/Jun 19, 1948/apr 13, 2013 Photo

DUSHEK: [B-11-7]-Joseph Dushek/1872-Aug.1967 Tombstone

DUVENECK: [A-16-1]-Emil A./1901-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [A-16-1]-Angeline F./1920-Sep 1965 Tombstone [A-18-10]-Ernst/1877-Jun 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [A-18-10]-Emma/1880-Jan 1964 Tombstone, next to: [A-18-11]-Carl/1902-Mar 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-18-11]-Malinda/1921-1984 Tombstone

DVORAK: [A-21-11]-Stephen/1872-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-11]-Mary/1879-1944 Tombstone Roland H. Dvorak/Dec 28, 1926/Jan 12, 2021 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Margaret E. Dvorak/nee HAVLINEK/Aug 30, 1934/Mar 1, 2021 Tombstone + Photo

[ E ]

EBERHARDT: [Unk]-[Fannie Eberhardt/bur. 03-03-1931]

EBERT: [A-12-6]-Frank Ebert/May 16, 1859/June 4, 1947 Tombstone [A-12-6]-Louise M. Ebert/nee Demsien/Sept 16, 1866/Jan. 17, 1961 Tombstone [B-15-4]-Henry/1911-Dec. 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-15-4]-Celeste [C.]/1908-Jul. 1984 Tombstone see DEMSIEN

ECKARDT: [B-23-8]-Marcel V./1905-Nov. 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-23-8]-Louise E./1905-May 1988 Tombstone [B-12-3]-Herman E./1902-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [B-12-3]-Helen K./1912-Jan. 1970 Tombstone

ECKSTEIN: [B-43-1]-Gilbert E. Eckstein/Mar. 31, 1925/Mar. 20, 1996/US Navy WWII Tombstone

EGGERT: [Unk-1-3]-[Baby/bur. 01-04-1936]


EIS: [A-10-1]-(Ethel Eis/bur. Apr. 13, 1984)/See Demsien [A-22-5]-Elmer/1902-Mar. 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-5]-Betty (Elizabeth Eis)/Aug. 8, 1920/June 19, 1995 Tombstone See DEMSIEN See HARTMAN

ELFNER: [B-13-8]-Sylvia A. Elfner/1908-1996 Tombstone [B-13-8]-Hugo A. Elfner/1895-Oct. 1979 Tombstone

ELLER: [A-13-5]-Hilda Eller/1914-Nov. 1932 Tombstone, next to: [A-13-5]-Minnie Eller/Mother/1878-Jul.1940 Tombstone [A-15-11]-Wilbert/1906-May 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-11]-Jeanette [I.]/1913-[Dec.] 1989 (06 Apr 1913/09 Dec 1989/SSDI) Tombstone [A-17-4]-August Sr./1904-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [A-17-4]-Mary Eller/1919-1994 Tombstone [A-26-5]-August Eller/Father/1858-Aug. 1940 Tombstone [Unk-1-10]-[Baby Eller/bur. 1917]


ELLINGBOE: [B-5-3]-Edward/1893-Jul. 1966 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-5-3]-Clara/1893-Nov. 1980 Tombstone

ELLIOTT: [25-3]-[Steve Elliott/bur. 02-19-1931] [Unk.]-(Josephine Elliott/spouse of Stephen Elliott/d. July 27, 1885/no stone)

EMLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Franz Emler/bur. 1901/age 70 yrs.]

EMOND: [B-19-1]-Harold Paul Emond/1923-Jun. 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [B-19-1]-Marian V. Emond/1925-Jul. 1987 Tombstone Richard L. Emond/Dec 27, 1933/Jan 23, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: Elaine M. Emond/nee STUEBS/Mar 13, 1935/Jan 3, 2022 Tombstone Rick Emond/Sep 25, 1959/May 19, 2011 Photo

ENDRIES: [A-28-5]-Myrtle Endries/May 29, 1900/Feb. 6, 1944 Tombstone

ENGELBRECHT: [A-22-11]-Frances E. Engelbrecht/1901-1986 Tombstone [A-22-11]-William C. Engelbrecht/1898-1986 Tombstone [A-22-11]-[William Engelbrecht/bur. 08-30-1984] [A-23-6]-Sandra Ann Engelbrecht/1939-Jan. 1942 Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-6]-Florence M. Engelbrecht/Oct 3, 1916/Nov 8, 2011 Tombstone [A-23-6]-Herbert Engelbrecht/June 18, 1913/May 16, 1993 Tombstone [A-24-8]-Herman/1873-Sept. 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [A-24-8]-Albertina/1879-Aug. 1949 Tombstone [B-29-6]-Glenn P. Engelbrecht/November 6, 1935/April 14, 1996/US Coast Guard Tombstone

ENGELDINGER: [A-22-9]-Joyce E./1920-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-9]-Paul A. Engeldinger/1920-2006 Tombstone + Photo

ENGELLAND: [A-30-10]-William F./1876-Feb 1955 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-30-10]-Bertha/1875-Jul 1955 Tombstone + Photo [B-1-5]-William H./1901-Jan 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-5]-Linda/1904-May 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-5]-Robert James RUOHO/May 25, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-5]-Mary Engelland/Oct 20, 1965 Tombstone [B-27-2]-Arthur H. Engelland/1911-Dec 1978 Tombstone [B]-Henry Engelland/Jun 28, 1914/Mar 5, 2007 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B]-Hazel Engelland/Jan 14, 1916/Jan 18, 2007 Tombstone + Photo Jeffrey A. Engelland/BT2 US Navy/Persian Gulf/Mar 6, 1967/Jun 13, 2010/ "Gone But Not Forgotten"/"Loving Father Son Brother" Tombstone Paul L. Engelland/Mar 2, 1939/Jul 13, 2018 Photo, ossw: Ann Louise Engelland/Jul 18, 1940/Jun 2, 2020 Tombstone + Photo See BERG

ERICKSON: [A-26-3]-[Baby Girl/bur 10-21-1948/age 2 hr] Memorial [A]-Marge Erickson/Mar 16, 1932/Feb 25, 2007 Tombstone + Photo [B-1-4]-August Erickson/Mar 25, 1888/Jul 30, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [B-1-4]-Agnes Erickson/1903-Sep 1979 Tombstone [B-29-3]-Paul V. Erickson/1933-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [B-29-3]-Mary Lou Erickson/nee KRONFORST/Aug 9, 1933/Mar 10, 2023 Tombstone

ERNST: [A-23-11]-[Baby Girl/bur 04-08-1958/age 1 hr]

EUCKE: [A-23-6]-John/1891-Feb.1967 Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-6]-Martha/1890-Jan.1955 Tombstone

EVANS: [B-25-3]-Charles J. LEPSCH Evans/Pfc US Marine Corps/World War II/Sep 15 1907/Sep 7 1975 Tombstone

[ F ]

FAMEREE: [B-17-4]-George J./July 10, 1903/Jan. 16, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [B-17-4]-Agnes M./1910-Dec. 1979 Tombstone Jerry J. Fameree/Feb. 1, 1937/Oct. 17, 2012 Tombstone + Photo

FANSLAU: [A-27-3]-August/1897-Nov. 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [A-27-3]-Evelyn/1904-Feb. 1987 Tombstone [Unk]-[Albert Fanslau/bur. 06-24-1930]

FAY: [A-10-7]-Raymond Fay/1906-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [A-10-7]-Elizabeth Fay/1914-2001 Tombstone, ossw: GROVER See GROVER

FEISTEL: [B-4-1]-Louis C./1896-Feb. 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-1]-Ethel M./1901-1960 Tombstone

FENCIL: [B-9-1]-Charles L./1909-1998 Tombstone, ossw: [B-9-1]-Helen A./1910-1994 Tombstone + Photo [B]-Lee C. Fencil/Aug. 17, 1943/Sept. 16, 2006 Tombstone + Photo See PITTMAN

FENCL: [Unk-1-1]-[Baby/bur. 09-11-1935]

FERRY: [B-30-1]-Lester J. Ferry/July 18, 1930/October 26, 2001/SGT 24th INF US Army-Bronze Star Tombstone + Photo [B-30-1]-Rose M. Ferry/June 11, 1929/April 9, 2002 Tombstone + Photo

FIDLER: [A-30-3]-Marie Hanson Fidler/Jan. 19, 1914/April 10, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [A-30-3]-Amy Hanson/-April 9, 1962 Tombstone see HANSON

FINK: [A-30-2]-Frederick/1906-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [A-30-2]-Hulda/1908-1977 Tombstone, next to: [A-30-2]-Friedrich/1874-Aug. 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [A-30-2]-Paulina/1877-Aug. 1952 Tombstone Walter H. Fink/Aug 21, 1942/Dec 22, 2019 Photo

FLENTJE: [A-24-12]-Charles H./1882-Aug. 1929 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-24-12]-Mary B./1887-Jun. 1956 Tombstone [Unk-1-2]-[Baby Girl/bur. 05-12-1938]

FLESSERT: [B-6-4]-Arthur C./1902-1996 Tombstone, ossw: [B-6-4]-Lydia M./1905-Sept. 1980 Tombstone

FORTIN: [A-25-2]-Andrew Dean Fortin/1924-Jul. 1932 Tombstone [A-25-5]-[Baby Fortin/bur. 02-06-1936] [A-24-4]-Andrew Fortin/1901-Aug. 1959 Tombstone, next to: [A-24-4]-Gertrude Fortin ZIMMERMAN/1903-[Jan.]1978 Tombstone [Unk-1-5]-[Baby Fortin/bur. 05-14-1928]

FOWLER: Cynthia A. Fowler/nee TAYLOR/Apr 21, 1951/Oct 10, 2024 Tombstone + Photo

FRANK: [A-21-1]-[August Frank/bur. 10-11-1933/age 45] [A-21-1]-August Frank/Father/1837-1882 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-Caroline Frank WILLERT/Mother/1846-Sept. 1933 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-Anna Frank/1873-1888 Tombstone [A-21-1]-[Anna Frank/bur. 10-11-1933/age 11] [B-28-6]-Edwin H. Frank/Nov. 4, 1915/Oct. 25, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-6]-Eva Florence/Mar. 4, 1917/Sept. 16, 1984 Tombstone [B]-Jeffrey C. Frank/May 24, 1959/Nov. 9, 2007/SGT Marine US Army-Persian Gulf [B]-Louis A. Frank/Sept. 24, 1917/Sept. 20, 2007/CPL US Army WWII See WILLERT-have obit

FRANZMEIER: [A-15-12]-Otto L./1897-Dec. 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-12]-Angeline/1900-Jan. 1981 Tombstone

FRASCH: [B-11-4]-Ricky Gene Frasch/1954-Apr. 1973 Tombstone [B-23-1]-Ira Edward Frasch/May 23, 1919/Apr. 27, 1990/PFC US Army WWII Tombstone [B-23-1]-Pauline Frasch/Dec 30, 1917/Jul 22, 2014 [B-24-1]-Harvey L. Frasch/June 2, 1926/Feb. 12, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [B-24-1]Harvey L. Frasch/Sgt US Army/Jun 2, 1926/Feb 12, 1974 Tombstone, next to: [B-24-1]-Edna E. Frasch/July 15, 1931/Feb. 12, 1974 Tombstone [B-24-7]-Eugene C./Aug. 2, 1929/July 26, 1989/PFC US Army-Korea Tombstone, next to: [B-24-7]-Candice Frasch/1953-2005 Marker [B-24-7]-Arlene E. Frasch/Feb 10, 1930/Jan 29, 2013 [Unk-1-7]-[Norbert (Baby)/bur. 04-05-1923]

FREA: [B-24-6]-Sandra Lynn Frea/1952-1986 Tombstone

FREDELL: Gary D. Fredell/Jun 7, 1941/Oct 1, 2019 Photo Barbara N. Fredell/Sep 3, 1942/Sep 24, 2016 Photo

FREDRICKSON: [B-41-1]-John Fredrickson/1910-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [B-41-1]-Ruth Fredrickson/1910-1993 Tombstone

FREED: [B-11-3]-Mabel Freed/1923-1985 (2 Feb. 1923/Nov. 1985/SSDI) Tombstone Henry K. Freed/Jan 8, 1920/Oct 7, 2010 Tombstone Lois M. CLARKSEN Freed/nee STEGEMANN/Sep 30, 1929/Jun 7, 2014 Tombstone + Photo


FRENZ: [A-17-1]-Erwin/1898-Jul. 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [A-17-1]-Emma E./1899-1965 Tombstone [B-28-3]-Donald Ervin Frenz/February 23, 1928/September 1, 1999/SGT US Army-Korea Tombstone, ossw: [B-28-3]-Audrey E./May 18, 1927/Aug. 26, 1990 Tombstone [Unk-1-19]-[Ada Frenz (Baby)/bur. 1899/age 14 mo.]

FREYE: [A-17-3]-Walter M./1885-Jul.1953 Tombstone, ossw: [A-17-3]-Louise/1885-May 1956 Tombstone

FRICK: [A-29-3]-Stanley [E.]/1900-Mar.1957 Tombstone, ossw: [A-29-3]-Nora/1898-1964 Tombstone

FRISBIE: [B-29-8]-Margaret E. Frisbie/1887-1988/on tombstone "Gregulevitz"

FROELICH: [B-4-1]-George/1888-Nov.1961 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-1]-Augusta/1892-Apr. 1979 Tombstone, next to: [B-4-1]-LaVerne E. Froelich/Sep 6, 1915/Mar 7, 2012 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [B-4-1]-Leola/Oct. 15, 1917/Oct. 2, 2007 Tombstone

FUNK: [A-19-12]-Henry P. Funk/Father/1900-Oct.1942 Tombstone, next to: [A-19-12]-Erna E. Funk/Mother/1910-Feb.1956 Tombstone [Unk-1-3]-[Baby Funk/bur. 05-06-1936]

FURTNEY: [A-13-9]-Daisy ATKINSON Furtney/1880-Nov.1946 Tombstone + Photo See DINSMOOR Back to Top