If you are researching families who lived in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, you are welcome to submit their surnames to this registry. To have the surnames you are researching added to this list, send an email to me: Bev Please add only Manitowoc County Surnames. Include your email address and townships you're interested in.
Check back often to see if others are researching the same families. If you have submitted a name and it has not appeared within a week or two, please contact me again. Also, let me know if your e-mail address changes. Names will be removed if messages bounce.
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]
[ G ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
GABSCH | Victor | pestien@comcast.net | Centerville, Meeme | |
GAERTHOEFFNER | Jean S. | schwonek@wi.rr.com | Eaton | |
GAETJEN | Ellen | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Newton |
GALBRAITH | John | oilandgasaudit@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
GALLAGHER | Donna | donnab@sbcglobal.net | Manitowoc county | |
GALMBACHER | Sue | shartwick@wi.rr.com | Manitowoc | |
GASTER | Janis | Behlowop@aol.com | Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Mishicot | |
GATTIN | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
GAUGER | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
GAUTHIER | Jeanetteb | genealogy@ancientwanderings.com | Website | |
GAUTHIER | Deanne | Editor@stww.net | Two Rivers | |
GEERDTS | D. Kuhns | dgkuhns@yahoo.com | Website | Two Creeks |
GEHBE | Anne | maahll@sbcglobal.net | City of Manitowoc | |
GEHLING | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
GEHRKE | A. Dorton | dortonam@aol.com | Reif Mills | |
GEIGEL | Dennis V. | dennis@vondrachek.net | Website | |
GEIGEL | Dennis V. | dennis@vondrachek.net | Website | Cato, Reedsville |
GEISLER | Shelley | deepinthebog@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
GENTZ | Lori | lori-doyle@comcast.net | Countywide | |
GEORGE | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Newton | |
GEREND | Jerry | jerry@itol.com | ||
GERHARD | Mary | fremar57@att.net | ||
GERLACH | Loyal | loyal0417@hotmail.com | Website | Two Rivers |
GESSER | Jeanette | DrJSJ@msn.com | Countywide | |
GIBBS | Mike | Manitowoc County | ||
GIDDINGER/GUIDINGER | Shirley | sabelanger@att.net | ||
GILBERT | Lori | rrussove@lakefield.net | Manitowoc | |
GILL | Todd W. | army_of_tennessee@hotmail.com | Maple Grove | |
GILLEN | Barbara | krueby1@rochester.rr.com | Two Rivers,Cooperstown, Kossuth | |
GILLIS | Peg | gillispeg@comcast.net | Liberty twp. | |
GJERULDSEN | Liz | ccapathfinder@aol.com | Manitowoc Rapids/Gjerpen/Two Rivers | |
GLAESER | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
GLANDER | Phil | castlerd@comcast.net | ||
GLEASON | Anne | ambissonn@gmail.com> | Manitowoc | |
GLEESON | Anne | ambissonn@gmail.com> | Manitowoc | |
GLENZER | Tom Domer | tomtmo@gmail.com.com | Kossuth/Manitowoc/Manitowoc Rapids | |
GLOMSKI | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
GLOVER | Margaret | horselady51@hotmail.com | Two Rivers, Manitowoc | |
GOERES | Amy | Amy.Hopkins@cnl.com | Manitowoc county | |
GOERTZ | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Gibson, Kossuth | |
GOETZ | Kris | kkwondra@frontiernet.net | St. Nazianz, Liberty, Eaton | |
GOLATA | Chrissy L | davyschris@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
GOLDENSTAEDT | Lois | tlgilmore@attbi.com | Countywide | |
GOLGERT | Cheryle | cgolgert5321@charter.net | ||
GOULLON | Sandy D. | dempsey@inebraska.com | Manitowoc | |
GOUTCHER | Ron F. | petsonee@commplusis.net | Two Creeks | |
GOUTCHER/GOUCHER/GOACHER | Ed | goutcher@btinternet.com | Manitowoc county | |
GRABS | Carol | cjmoen@chibardun.net | Website | Township |
GRADE | Allen K. | aekurth@yahoo.com | Maple Grove | |
GRAF | Kathleen | tmkeeps@tznet.com | Kiel | |
GRALL | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
GRALL | Jeannie | j2shell@gmail.com | Manitowoc, Manitowoc Rapids, Kossuth | |
GRANSEE | Gransee | granseefamilytree@yahoo.com | Countywide | |
GRANT | Carol | cjmoen@chibardun.net | Website | Township |
GRAPP | Randy | rfranke25@comcast.net | Centerville | |
GRAUMANN | Graumann | gpain97046@aol.com | Newton | |
GRAYKOWSKI GRACZYKOWSKI | Scott G. | polonia-skee@juno.com | City of Manitowoc | |
GREEN | Robin | rkennedy@alumni.nmu.edu | Manitowoc county | |
GREENWOOD | Becky S. | sorensens@earthlink.net | Two Rivers | |
GRENIER | Duane | Dgren@aol.com | ||
GRESL | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
GRETZ | Chris L. | clidberg@msn.com | Manitowoc | |
GRIES | Helen | Bearacuda1@aol.com | ||
GRISHOW | Jane | mrlnand@nehalemtel.net | Newton | |
GROBE | Nisha P. | nisha_pecolatto@yahoo.com | Kossuth | |
GROELLE | R. Lipprandt | rloss@bellsouth.net | Newton | |
GROSS | James D. | carold@ruraltel.net | ||
GROTEGUT | Glenn W. | wglenne@aol.com | Centerville | |
GROTH | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
GROTT | Dave K. | dklauck@sbcglobal.net | Schleswig, Meeme | |
GRUTZMACHER | Jane | mrlnand@nehalemtel.net | ||
GUHIN | Sandi | maroneysr@att.net | ||
GUHR | D. Snaidauf | clrasmud2u@comcast.net | ||
GUIDINGER/GIDDINGER | Shirley | sabelanger@att.net | ||
GUSE | Shelley | deepinthebog@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
GUSTAVSON | Peggy | apainterwb@aol.com | ||
GUTHEIL | Marv | mhayssen@hotmail.com | Schleswig | |
[ H ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
HAAG | Dan | dangh@sbcglobal.net | ||
HAAGENSEN | Jackie | twojax@execpc.com | Valders | |
HAAS/HAWS | Barbara | krueby1@rochester.rr.com | Two Rivers,Cooperstown, Kossuth | |
HABLEWITZ | Mary Beth | mugsersgr8@prodigy.net | ||
HAESE | Don B. | dbrehmer@tds.net | Rockland | |
HAHN | Loyal | loyal0417@hotmail.com | Website | Two Rivers |
HAHN | Tasha T. | tashat@tds.net | ||
HAHN | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
HAJEK | Paula | doghouse1@brainerd.net | Reedsville | |
HALL | Jim | jeh79@adelphia.net | Countywide | |
HALL | Shirley | ClassyD@aol.com | Manitiowoc | |
HALLADA | Jeanette | DrJSJ@msn.com | Countywide | |
HALLAUER | Loyal | loyal0417@hotmail.com | Website | Two Rivers |
HALLFRISCH/HELFRISCH HELFRICH | Kristyn | KristynMJ@aol.com | Cato | |
HALLORAN | Jim C. | jimanna@cts.com | Cato | |
HALSTROM | Lori G. | lagrumet@gmail.com | Two Rivers | |
HALVERSON | Sherri S. | sls1006@aol.com | Valders | |
HALVORSEN | Gretchen | rlulloff1@new.rr.com | Manitowoc | |
HAM | Helen | hdokter@earthlink.net | Cato | |
HAMANN | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Centerville | |
HAMANN | R. Lipprandt | rloss@bellsouth.net | Centerville | |
HAMMOND | Roxanne | batterden1919@comcast.net | Manitowoc | |
HANDEL | Gary | grebholz@yahoo.com | All townships | |
HANEK | Pat | pstickels@mlan.net | Cooperstown | |
HANEY | Beth G. | live4oaks@yahoo.com | ||
HANIG/HOENIG | Mary Beth | mugsersgr8@prodigy.net | ||
HANSEN | Duane | Dgren@aol.com | ||
HANSON | Anne | ambissonn@gmail.com> | Manitowoc | |
HANSON | Mary | fremar57@att.net | ||
HAPPEL/HAPPELE/HAPPLEY | Becky | blkelk31051@sbcglobal.net | Manitowoc co. | |
HAPPEL | Carol | cjmoen@chibardun.net | Website | Township |
HARDGROVE | Joan S. | jsoder@peoplepc.com | Cato | |
HARDOW | Gwyneth | gwynethart@yahoo.com | Website | |
HARRIS | Helen | hdokter@earthlink.net | Cato | |
HARRISON | Bob M. | RMa5692789@aol.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
HARTEL/HARTELL/HARTER | Juanita | fdoncheck@gmail.com | Countywide | |
HARTMAN/HARTMANN | Dave A. | danhalt@tds.net | Eaton, Schleswig | |
HARZ | Edward | edjan99@att.net | Two Rivers | |
HASCHAR, Charlotte | Sarah | neitzel@prodigy.net | Manitowoc county | |
HASSEMER | Adele | phleb@optonline.net | Website | Kossuth twp |
HASTREITER | Cory | romanhoss@netzero.net | Website | Countywide |
HAUCH | Nancy | SLParode@aol.com | Meeme | |
HAUPT | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
HAUPT | Jon | msgtkwiatkowski@sbcglobal.net | Countywide | |
HAUPT | Renee | ajobere@mchsi.com | Manitowoc | |
HAVLINEK | Kari | karirose19@hotmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
HAWS/HAAS | Barbara | krueby1@rochester.rr.com | Two Rivers, Cooperstown, Kossuth | |
HAYSSEN | Marv | mhayssen@hotmail.com | Schleswig | |
HEACOCK/ HICKOK HICKOX/ HICOCK/ | Neil | maknek@frontiernet.net | Cato | |
HEBERLE | Heberle | gregheberle@cantech.net.au | Website | |
HEIDORF | Gary | grebholz@yahoo.com | All townships | |
HEIDEN | John B. | j.e.bartos@comcast.net | Manitowoc | |
HEIN | Laura | laura.hein@ymail.com | County Wide | |
HEINRICH | John | GeneaWiz309@gmail.com | Newton Twp. | |
HEINRICH | Margaret | verirood@verizon.net | ||
HEINRICHS | Bob M. | RMa5692789@aol.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
HEINZ | Paul H. | paulheinz@sbcglobal.net | ||
HEISDORF | Jerome | JHeisdorf1@wi.rr.com | Meeme, Eaton | |
HEISER | Paula F | prfrn@hotmail.com | Gibson | |
HEISSER | Paula F | prfrn@hotmail.com | Gibson | |
HEITZMAN | Valerie L. | laskowv@att.net | Clarks Mills | |
HELFRICH/HALLFRISCH HELFRISCH | Kristyn | KristynMJ@aol.com | Cato | |
HELFRISCH/HALLFRISCH HELFRICH | Kristyn | KristynMJ@aol.com | Cato | |
HELGESON | Diane | dilabouve@cox.net | Liberty | |
HELLER | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Eaton | |
HELWIG | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
HELWIG | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
HEMPTON | Beth | bethlouw@tds.net | Cato | |
HEMPTON | Rich | clsk22@gmail.com | Cato/Maple Grove | |
HEMPTON | John | oilandgasaudit@aol.com | Cato | |
HEMPTON | Christina | webmaster@christinastreiff.com | ||
HENRICKSON | Christine | christinepeek@comcast.net | Website | Township |
HENSEL | Karen | Strelow.k.a@gmail.com | Eaton; Schleswig | |
HERBER | Judy P. | JPiper2011@aol.com | ||
HERMAN(N) | Maria W. | dennis.walbrandt@verizon.net | Centerville; Manitowoc; Kellnersville | |
HERMAN | A. Dorton | dortonam@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
HERMAN | Len B. | franlen1@milwpc.com | ||
HERMAN | Len | franlen1@milwpc.com | Manitowoc | |
HERMAN(N) | Leanne | LMW@stowers.org | Manitowoc | |
HERMANENTER | Len B. | franlen1@milwpc.com | Manitowoc | |
HERMANN | Maria W. | dennis.walbrandt@verizon.net | Centerville | |
HERMANN | Mary | m_hermann@earthlink.net | Two Rivers | |
HEROLD | Mary | ham1952@verizon.net | ||
HERTEL | Nancy | SLParode@aol.com | Meeme | |
HEUERMANN/HOYERMAN | Pat M. | pcmickiewicz@yahoo.com | Cato | |
HEWITT | Anne | abissonn@ssafara.net | Manitowoc | |
HEYDRICH | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Newton | |
HEYROTH | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | MISHICOT | |
HICKEY | Todd W. | army_of_tennessee@hotmail.com | Manitowoc, Maple Grove | |
HICKEY | Jean | fourpaws@charter.net | Maple Grove/Manitowoc-Morrison/Brown | |
HICKOK | Beth | bethlouw@tds.net | Cato | |
HICKOK | Christina | webmaster@christinastreiff.com | ||
HICKOK/ HICKOX HICOCK/ HEACOCK | Neil | maknek@charter.net | Cato | |
HILBERT/HILBURT | Teighlor S. | teighlorxxshae@gmail.com | ||
HILKE | Robin | rkennedy@alumni.nmu.edu | Manitowoc county | |
HILL | Rita | reowen@msn.com | Manitowoc co. | |
HILLEBRAND | Brian V.A. | javagold@volcanomail.com | ||
HILPERT/HILPARD | Teighlor S. | teighlorxxshae@gmail.com | ||
HINEK | Frank | fhinek@gmail.com | Manitowoc | |
HIRSCHMANN | Jeank | dkleben@unr.nevada.edu | Centerville | |
HLAWACEK/HLAVACEK | Todd W. | army_of_tennessee@hotmail.com | Two Rivers | |
HOBAN | Cindi | cindi4us@yahoo.com | Meeme/Liberty Twps. | |
HOENIG/HANIG | Mary Beth | mugsersgr8@prodigy.net | ||
HOFFMAN | Brian V.A. | javagold@volcanomail.com | ||
HOFFMAN | Sara | sarameidl@gmail.com | Two Rivers | |
HOFFMANN | Brian V.A. | javagold@volcanomail.com | ||
HOFFMANN | Barb | barbweb@comcast.net | Meeme and Cleveland | |
HOGAN | Jean | fourpaws@charter.net | Cooperstown/Manitowoc-Morrison/Brown | |
HOGENSON | Jackie | twojax@execpc.com | Valders | |
HOLSEN | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | MAN. RAPIDS | |
HOLSEN | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
HOLUB | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | Mishicot | |
HOLZSCHUH | Randy | rfranke25@comcast.net | Centerville | |
HOMAN | David R. Homan | drhomanjr@yahoo.com | County wide | |
HONEY | Beth G. | live4oaks@yahoo.com | ||
HONZIK | Ellen- | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Mishicot |
HOPE | Christina | webmaster@christinastreiff.com | ||
HORMANN | Allan K. | ltal2088@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
HORNES | Dawn H. | Rstones101@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
HOTTELMAN | Kent S. | SALOMONK@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
HOTTIN/HOTTEN | Margaret | bd11058@alltel.net | Two Rivers | |
HOUDE | D. Larson | K6aj@aol.com | Mishicot | |
HOUDE | Jeanetteb | genealogy@ancientwanderings.com | Website | |
HOUGEN | Renee (Wigen) Gnizak | reneegnizak@gmail.com | ||
HOYER | Jean C. | sewingwitch@internetwi.com | ||
HOYERMAN/HEUERMANN | Pat M. | pcmickiewicz@yahoo.com | Cato | |
HUBBARD | Deborah | deborah.ain@csn.edu | Manitowoc/Manitowoc Rapids | |
HUBENKA | Henri | hubenkah@gmail.com | Mishicot | |
HUEBNER | Steve | history@huebners.com | Huebner Family Dicke Family | Manitowoc, Two Rivers |
HUEBNER | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
HUETTL | Bob P. | palzer@mind.net | ||
HUHN | R. Lipprandt | rloss@bellsouth.net | Centreville | |
HUSS | Cmhuss | chuss1@earthlink.net | Manitowoc | |
HUSSEY | David H. | David.Hussey@usa.com | Franklin | |
HUTCHINSON | Jeanette | jkc_kennedy@yahoo.com | Cato | |
HYNEK | Jean C. | sewingwitch@internetwi.com | ||
HYNEK | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
HYNEK | Ron F. | ronflemal@tbcnet.com | ||
[ I ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
IBSCH | Darlene T. | darl74@hotmail.com | Mishicot | |
IDELL | Lauren Brantner | lrbrant@concentric.net | Manitowoc Rapids | |
IHLENFELDT | Veronica I. | kitten@betalink.net.au | Mishicot, Reedsville | |
IVERSON | Fred | frednsusan@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
IVES | Mary | mcs4genealogy@aim.com | Manitowoc | |
[ J ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
JACOBI | Glenn W. | wglenne@aol.com | Centerville | |
JACOBI | Randy O. | rjjdo@msn.com | Centerville? | |
JACQUETT/JACQUETTE | Tom | lemke@uh.edu | Michicot/Two Rivers | |
JAGODENSKY | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
JANING | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Newton | |
JANING | Lori | gothlone@yahoo.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
JANSKY | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | ||
JANTZ | Lee S. | ednlee2013@yahoo.com | Reedsville | |
JACQUETE/JACQUETTE | Valerie | newsom123@hotmail.com | Two Rivers | |
JASTER | Janis | Behlowop@aol.com | Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Mishicot | |
JEBAVY/JABAVY/JEBAWY | Jessi | rjpuffenbarger@att.net | Manitowoc/Two Rivers | |
JEBAVY/JABAVY/JABOVY | Laura | laura.hein@ymail.com | County Wide | |
JENKINS | Linda Knorr Shafer | lshafer9@comcast.net | Meeme | |
JENTZ | Lori | lori-doyle@comcast.net | Countywide | |
JERMARK | Sandra | sandyttfn@hotmail.com | ||
JINDRA | Ellen- | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Gibson, Mishicot |
JOHANEK | George K. | gkjk@powercom.net | Two Creeks, Mishicot, Two Rivers | |
JOHANEK | Sue | suedick@athenet.net | Gibson and Kossuth twp. | |
JOHNE | Jeank | dkleben@unr.nevada.edu | ||
JOHNSON | Fred | frednsusan@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
JOHNSON | Gwyneth | gwynethart@yahoo.com | Website | |
JOHNSON | Lori | lori-doyle@comcast.net | ||
JOHNSON | Margaret | bd11058@alltel.net | Manitowoc | |
JOHNSON | Susan | midwinters@hotmail.com | Eaton, Manitowoc twps. | |
JOHNSRUD | D. Klar | klarsva@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
JONAS | Ellen- | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Mishicot, Two Rivers |
JONAS | Phil | castlerd@comcast.net | Mishicot | |
JORSCH/JARSCH | Dick | dickalex@aol.com | Newton Manitowoc | |
JOST | Jesse B. | jesseburish@hotmail.com | Website | Centreville |
JUDGE | Pat J. | bhreitheamh@yahoo.com | Franklin-Brillion | |
JUNK | Brian V.A. | javagold@volcanomail.com | ||
JUNK/YUNK/YOUNK | Paul G. | pgalganski@gpjlaw.com | ||
JUNKER | Ambryn | ambryn@hotmail.com | Countywide | |
[ K ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
KAARSTAD | Jackie | twojax@execpc.com | Valders | |
KABAT | Christy K. | ckopriva@morriseyonline.com | Two Rivers | |
KAEMS | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
KAFKA | Gretchen | rlulloff1@new.rr.com | Two Rivers | |
KAISER | George K. | gkjk@powercom.net | Two Creeks, Mishicot, Two Rivers | |
KAKES | Kakes Family | lkakes2@yahoo.com | Mishicot, Two Rivers, Centerville,Manitowoc | |
KALCIK | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
KALCIK | Ron F. | ronflemal@tbcnet.com | ||
KALISTA | Len B. | franlen1@milwpc.com | ||
KALK | Susan | susankf@centurytel.net | Meeme, Centerville | |
KALLENBACH | Bob | 1-bnack@sbcglobal.net | Website | Manitowoc county |
KALTENBRUNN | Jean S. | schwonek@wi.rr.com | Eaton | |
KAMINSKI | Chris | ckowalski.design@gmail.com | Manitowoc | |
KAMMANN | Karen | schuchak@yahoo.com | Meeme | |
KAMS | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
KANE/CAIN | Pamela C. | quilteril@yahoo.com | Schleswig, Newton, & Centerville | |
KANSIER | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Newton | |
KAPING/KAPPING | Jennifer | hendryxj@my.uwstout.edu | Eaton, Manitowoc | |
KARDA | Rick E. | rotorbird@yahoo.com | ||
KARKO/KARKOW | Jan | jtkarkow@wi.rr.com | ||
KARMAN | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | ||
KARNOPP | Paul | fcsmail1@aol.com | Cooperstown | |
KARSTEN | Terry W | whiskeybill@earthlink.net | ||
KASCH | fblahnik@sbcglobal.net | Two Rivers, Mishicot | ||
KASSON (various spellings) | Roy | grandparoy@aol.com | Countywide | |
KASTEN | Albert B. | manty1726@yahoo.com | Kossuth | |
KASTEN | Jim | Jim@Ellingboe.US | Website | Mishicot |
KASTEN | Barb | bgsonntag@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
KASTEN | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
KASTIN | Terry W | whiskeybill@earthlink.net | ||
KATES | Bob P. | palzer@mind.net | ||
KATTNER | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
KATTREH | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
KATZENMEYER KATZENMEIER | Mary | maryhiatt@gmail.com | Kossuth | |
KAUFMAN | Karin | GlenmerleSky@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
KAUFMAN | Paul E. | elliottpj@i-star.com | Website | |
KAUTSKY | Diane | dschultz@cox.net | Manitowoc county | |
KAUTZER/KAUTZA | Karen | schuchak@yahoo.com | Eaton Meeme | |
KAVANAUGH | Susan | midwinters@hotmail.com | Maple Grove | |
KAZILEK/KOZELIK/KUSILEK | Judy | jjbenedict_99@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
KCMAR | Judy | jjbenedict_99@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
KEALEY | Dana | ksvanum@peoplepc.com | ||
KEANE | Pamela C. | quilteril@yahoo.com | Schleswig, Newton, & Centerville | |
KEARNEY | Pat | pcwinct@aol.com | Franklin | |
KLEIBER | Georgia Kleiber Zuhlke | dgzuhlke@charter.net | Maple Grove/Brillion/Manitowoc | |
KELLER | Ken B. | follow.that.page@gmail.com | Schleswig | |
KELLEY | Tom K. | kelleytm55@gmail.com | Manitowoc | |
KEMPER | Kent S. | SALOMONK@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
KENDALL | Jim | ernieboy3@yahoo.com | Cato twp. | |
KERCH | Jim | wisstein@netnet.net | ||
KERCH | None Listed | wisstein@netnet.net | ||
KERN | George | grichmon@localnet.com | Manitowoc | |
KESLER | Pat | patikedee@comcast.net | Cooperstown | |
KESSEN | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Kossuth | |
KETTENHOFEN | Wayne | wwzimmer@gmail.com | Manitowoc co. | |
KEUNE | Russell | rkeune@earthlink.net | Centerville | |
KIEFFER | Alayna | anh.familytree@gmail.com | Centerville | |
KIEL | Jenni | nlenzmwc@email.msn.com | ||
KIEL | Sandy D. | dempsey@inebraska.com | Manitowoc | |
KIEL | Tom | rapids@lsol.net | Manitowoc,Manitowoc Rapids | |
KIESELHORST | Bob C. | roamsf@aol.com | Newton | |
KIESELHORST | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
KILIANSKI | Theresa | tsax02@yahoo.com | MANITOWOC | |
KING | Debbie W. | dwalesh@charter.net | Two Rivers | |
KIRBY | Annette | a-hudson@pacbell.net | CATO, FRANKLIN, MAPLE GROVE | |
KIRKEVOLD | D. Klar | klarsva@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
KITCHNER | Diane B. | patticakprincess@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
KLABATSCH/KLAPATCH | Joe | joeklapatch@aol.com | Cato | |
KLAUCK/KLAUK | Dave K. | dklauck@sbcglobal.net | Schleswig, Meeme | |
KLECKNER/KLOECKNER | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Town of Two Rivers | |
KLEIN | Jill H. | jilljmarie@yahoo.com | Centerville | |
KLEMAN | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
KLEMENT | Judy | jwamundsen@aol.com | Website | Kossuth |
KLEMM | Wayne | wwzimmer@gmail.com | Manitowoc co. | |
KLEMME | Nancy | manna221@gmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
KLESSING | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Reedsville |
KLINER | Renee | ajobere@mchsi.com | Manitowoc | |
KLINGHOLZ | George | grichmon@localnet.com | Manitowoc | |
KLITZ | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Collins |
KLOECKNER/KLECKNER | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Town of Two Rivers | |
KLOSE | Janet | janjer54547@yahoo.com | Two Rivers | |
KLUCK/KLUCZYKOWSKI | Scott G. | polonia-skee@juno.com | Two Rivers/Rangeline, City of Manitowoc | |
KLUGE | Carol | carolp@imt.net | ||
KNAPP | Susan | midwinters@hotmail.com | Eaton, Manitowoc twps. | |
KNAPWURST | Karen | knapwurst@yahoo.com | Website | Centerville |
KNIER | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Eaton | |
KNORR | Linda Knorr Shafer | lshafer9@comcast.net | Centerville, Meeme, Manitowoc | |
KNOTH | Tom | rapids@lsol.net | Manitowoc,Manitowoc Rapids | |
KNUDSEN | Teresa M | TERESASWORLD@prodigy.net | ||
KNUDSEN | Lawrence | lbouett@yahoo.com | Cato, Eaton, Buchanan | |
KNUDSON | Teresa M | TERESASWORLD@prodigy.net | ||
KNUDSON | R. Haese | Haesefamily@aol.com | Website | Manitowoc/Door County |
KOBLITZ | Janice | jmbrowning@tds.net | ||
KOCH | Eugene | mkseps@volfirst.net | Kossuth | |
KOCH | Mary Kay | mkschultz@worldnet.att.net | ||
KOCH | Milli | bmw@lakefield.net | ||
KOCH | Nisha P. | nisha_pecolatto@yahoo.com | ||
KOCZOROWSKI | Dan | dangh@sbcglobal.net | ||
KOEBKE | Marge | docharlton@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
KOEHLER | Janis | lorenbeth@usa.net | Website | Manitowoc, Mishicot, Two Rivers |
KOELZER | Mary | eesand@msn.com | ||
KOENIG | Debie | sebring@excel.net | Website | Osman |
KOENIG | Ken B. | follow.that.page@gmail.com | Schleswig | |
KOENIG | Mary | mububba@erols.com | ||
KOEPPEL / KOPL / KEPEL / KEPPEL | Terry K. | terrykita@earthlink.net | Maple Grove; Cato | |
KOEPPEL | Bob P. | palzer@mind.net | ||
KOEPPEN | Donna | edwardandemma@att.net | Website | Meeme |
KOHLMAN/KULLMAN KOLLMAN/KUHLMAN/ | Anna Marie S. | Anna@AnnSchuh.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
KOHN/KUHN | Gary | garykoehn@gmail.com | Centerville | |
KOHOUT | Shelley | deepinthebog@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
KOINKE | Kathleen | tmkeeps@tznet.com | Schleswig | |
KOLLMAN/KUHLMAN KOHLMAN/KULLMAN/ | Anna Marie S. | Anna@AnnSchuh.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
KOLODZIEJSKI | Dave N. | denelson@execpc.com | ||
KOLWEY | Connie | 1511pets@gmail.com | Newton | |
KONELL | Carol | mayflowers_54@webtv.com | Cooperstown | |
KOPP | Marianne H. | timeflies@earthlink.net | Manitowoc | |
KORALEWSKI/KORLESKY | Shirley | sabelanger@att.net | Manitowoc | |
KORLESKY | Ed | schmedaedwardr@qwest.net | Two Rivers | |
KORLESKY/KORALEWSKI | Shirley | sabelanger@att.net | Manitowoc | |
KORNELY | Jim J. | j.janssens@att.net | Manitowoc, Two Rivers, Kossuth | |
KORNETZKY/KORNETZKE KORNETZKI | Kornetzky | k.kornet@nexgo.de | Manitowoc & Kiel | |
KORSTAD | Jackie | twojax@execpc.com | Valders | |
KORTAS | Jean C. | sewingwitch@internetwi.com | ||
KOSOBUCKI | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Two Rivers | |
KOTCHI | Amy | a.hanson53@yahoo.com | Two Rivers | |
KOUKALIK | Marla K. | MVcats@webtv.net | Tisch Mills | |
KOZELIK/KAZILEK/KUSILEK | Judy | jjbenedict_99@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
KRACHA / KREJCA | John Kracha | jkk358@aol.com | TWO RIVERS | |
KRAINIK/KRAYNIK KRAJNIK | Eduard K. | krajnik@math.feld.cvut.cz | ||
KRAJECK | Jeanne | tsimon42@aol.com stjean@uswest.net | ||
KRAJNIK/KRAINIK KRAYNIK | Eduard K. | krajnik@math.feld.cvut.cz | ||
KRALL/KRAL | Jeannie | j2shell@gmail.com | ||
KRASE | Veronica I. | kitten@betalink.net.au | Mishicot, Two Creeks | |
KRAUS | Oliver | oswenson@new.rr.com | Manitowoc | |
KRAUS | Kakes Family | lkakes2@yahoo.com | Mishicot, Two Rivers, Centerville, Manitowoc | |
KRAUS/KRAUSE | Pat | lakpkk@delrio.com | Rockland, Eaton | |
KRAUSE | Diane B. | patticakprincess@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
KRAUSE | George K. | gkjk@powercom.net | Two Creeks, Mishicot, Two Rivers | |
KRAUSE | Karen | schuchak@yahoo.com | Rockland | |
KRAUSE | Lou H. | New squeeze_61@hotmail.com | ||
KRAYNIK/KRAJNIK KRAINIK | Eduard K. | krajnik@math.feld.cvut.cz | ||
KRCMA | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | ||
KREISER/KRIESER | Jim H. | Hengel4@aol.com | Cooperstown | |
KREJCI | J.T. | jtaysmith@aol.com | Mishicot and Manitowoc | |
KRENTZ | Dawn H. | Rstones101@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
KRESS | Gail M. | milarky28@yahoo.com | Centerville | |
KRIEGER | JAK | jamekrie@gmail.com | Kiel | |
KRIEGER | Marv | mhayssen@hotmail.com | Schleswig | |
KRIESER/KREISER | Jim H. | Hengel4@aol.com | Cooperstown | |
KRIPPES | Scott | faustgenealogy@gmail.com | Schleswig | |
KRIZEK | Julie | jstradelgraf@yahoo.com | Kossuth | |
KRIZENECKY/KRIZENECKA/KRIZENESKY | John K | truejaguar@hotmail.com | Reedsville area - Maple Grove/Rockland | |
KRUEGER | Barbara | bfullwood@bellsouth.net | Maple Grove | |
KRUEGER | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Reedsville |
KRUMM | Krumm | BDBALDWIN212@AOL.COM | Manitowoc | |
KRUMM | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
KRUPP | Regan O. | rlo8@columbia.edu | Schleswig (Kiel), St. Nazianz | |
KRUTINA | Jennifer B. | jbeatty@earthlink.net | ||
KUBALE | Paula | doghouse1@brainerd.net | Reedsville | |
KUBICHKA/KUBICHEK | Amy | amyjopet@aol.com | ||
KUBISTIA | Harlan | SUCHANH@prodigy.net | ||
KUCHENBECKER | Matt | chdov5112@gmail.com | Melnik, Cooperstown, Kossuth, Manitowoc, Denmark | |
KUEHN | Kent S. | SALOMONK@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
KUFFEL | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
KUGEL | Sue | suedick@athenet.net | Gibson and Kossuth twp. | |
KUHLMAN/KOHLMAN KULLMAN/KOLLMAN | Anna Marie S. | Anna@AnnSchuh.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
KUHN/KOHN | Gary | garykoehn@gmail.com | Centerville | |
KUKRAL | Scott | kukral@gmail.com | Branch/Manitowoc Rapids | |
KULLMAN/KOLLMAN KUHLMAN/KOHLMAN/ | Anna Marie S. | Anna@AnnSchuh.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
KULPA | Deanne | Editor@stww.net | Two Rivers | |
KUMMER | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | MAN. RAPIDS | |
KUMMER | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
KURTH | Allen K. | aekurth@yahoo.com | Maple Grove | |
KURTH | Barb | bgsonntag@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
KURTH | Karin | kjomalley89@gmail.com | Manitowoc County/Maple Grove/Reedsville | |
KUTZ | Karen | schuchak@yahoo.com | Meeme | |
KUSILEK/KOZELIK/KAZILEK | Judy | jjbenedict_99@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
KUSTERMANN | Mike | mike.gen685@gmail.com | ||
KVITEK | Mary | ham1952@verizon.net |