If you are researching families who lived in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, you are welcome to submit their surnames to this registry. To have the surnames you are researching added to this list, send an email to me: Bev Please add only Manitowoc County Surnames. Include your email address and townships you're interested in.
Check back often to see if others are researching the same families. If you have submitted a name and it has not appeared within a week or two, please contact me again. Also, let me know if your e-mail address changes. Names will be removed if messages bounce.
Recently Added Surnames (what's new)
[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ][ I ][ J ]
[ K ][ L ][ M ][ N ][ O ][ P ][ Q ]
[ R ][ S ][ T ][ U ][ V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]
[ L ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
LABINE | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Two Rivers | |
LADEWIG/LADWIG | Ken | kwilhelm5@nc.rr.com | Manitowoc co. | |
LADWIG | Joan | lay-off@comcast.net | Manitowoc co. | |
LA FOND | Ed | schmedaedwardr@qwest.net | Two Rivers | |
LAFOND | Becky S. | sorensens@earthlink.net | Two Rivers | |
LAFOND | Deanne | Editor@stww.net | Two Rivers | |
LAHEY | Paul E. | elliottpj@i-star.com | Website | |
LAHEY/LEAHY | Peg | gillispeg@comcast.net | Two Creeks twp. | |
LAKE | Krys | caf@centurytel.net | Manitowoc | |
LALEIKE | Steven | Stevenpwicihowskii@gmail.com | Manitowoc | |
LAMACH | Ron F. | ronflemal@tbcnet.com | ||
LAMBERT, Archie/Luella | Yvonne | yvonne125@earthlink.net | Website | Manitowoc co, 1920 |
LAMBRIES | Tom | rapids@lsol.net | Manitowoc,Manitowoc Rapids | |
LAMERE | Dave | dcflum@excite.com | Two Rivers | |
LANG | David | djll47@yahoo.com"> | Website | City of Manitowoc/Tn. of Centerville |
LANGE | Janis | Behlowop@aol.com | Two Creeks, Two Rivers, Mishicot | |
LANGEMAK | Regan O. | rlo8@columbia.edu | Schleswig (Kiel), St. Nazianz | |
LANGER | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | ||
LARGER | Lin | lindecesare@yahoo.com | Website | Township |
LARIN | Denise | dlarin@videotron.ca | Two Rivers | |
LARSEN/LARSON | Emily P. | emilyphillips@prodigy.net | Liberty | |
LARSON | Christiansen | gdc@paradise.net.nz | Manitowoc | |
LARSON | Susan | rsmer@gwtc.net | Manitowoc | |
LAU | Patti L. | Patticlogg@aol.com | Manitowoc co. | |
LAUDE | Bobbie | bobbi3@wi.rr.com | Manitowoc twp. | |
LAUGHLIN | Jim | moberly@oloughlin.net | Cato Twp | |
LAURIN | Paul | paulspc@charter.net | Website | |
LAURIN | Denise | dlarin@videotron.ca | Two Rivers | |
LAUSCHER | Janet | jmihelich@charter.net | Manitowoc county | |
LAWRENCE | John B. | j.e.bartos@comcast.net | Manitowoc | |
LAX | Bob | 1-bnack@sbcglobal.net | Website | Manitowoc county |
LE CLAIR | D. Larson | K6aj@aol.com | Two Rivers/Mishicot | |
LECLAIR | Jeanetteb | genealogy@ancientwanderings.com | Website | |
LECLAIR | Deanne | Editor@stww.net | Two Rivers | |
LECLAIR | Pam | pam.mcfarlane@clear.net.nz | Manitowoc co. | |
LEFRANCOIS | Chad | CEGoodrich@new.rr.com | Manitowoc county | |
LEGGIO | Jeannie | j2shell@gmail.com | Manitowoc, Manitowoc Rapids, Kossuth | |
LEHMAN | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
LEHMKUHL | Connie | 1511pets@gmail.com | Newton | |
LEICHNAM | Donna | Byrum5@aol.com | County Wide | |
LEICHT | Mary | leichtm@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
LEICHT | Dan | dangh@sbcglobal.net | ||
LEIDER | Lisa | lisarupe@yahoo.com | Liberty | |
LEITERMANN | Carol | cpountain1@gmail.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
LEITH | Rich | clsk22@gmail.com | Cato/Manitowoc | |
LEMELIN | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
LEMERE | Dave | dcflum@excite.com | Two Rivers | |
LEMERE | Jeanetteb | genealogy@ancientwanderings.com | Website | |
LEMYRE | Dave | dcflum@excite.com | Two Rivers | |
LENHARDT | O.Freiß-Schmedeshagen | R.Schmedeshagen@t-online.de | Manitowoc | |
LENSMEYER/LINSMEYER | Diane | dilabouve@cox.net | Cato | |
LESPERANCE | Dawn H. | Rstones101@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
LETTENBERGER | jpeyrot | jpeyrot@powline.com | Eaton, Liberty/St.Nazianz, Valders, Kiel, Manitowoc | |
LETTENBERGER | Lin | lindecesare@yahoo.com | Website | Manitowoc county |
LEUBNER | Marge | docharlton@aol.com | Manitoowoc City | |
LEUHR | D. Larson | K6aj@aol.com | ||
LEVENDUSKY/LEWANDOWSKI | Scott G. | polonia-skee@juno.com | Town of Centerville/Hika, City of Manitowoc | |
LEVENHAGEN | Jerry A. | Janders@aol.com | ||
LICHT | Joan D. | joandewane1@gmail.com | ||
LIEBL | Jerome L. | gramlindquist hotmail.com | ||
LINDAU | Celest H. | celeste@dunkerton.net | City of Manitowoc | |
LINDSEY | Beth | bethlouw@tds.net | Cato | |
LINNANE | Sandi | maroneysr@att.net | ||
LINSMEYER/LENSMEYER | Diane | dilabouve@cox.net | Cato | |
LIPPERT | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
LOGAN | Eugene | burns6@q.com | ||
LOOS | Linda Knorr Shafer | lshafer9@comcast.net | Schleswig | |
LORENZ | Barbara | bfullwood@bellsouth.net | Maple Grove | |
LORIGAN/LORRIGAN | Moira D. | moira_draper@hotmail.com | ||
LORRAIN | Denise | dlarin@videotron.ca | Two Rivers | |
LOUGHLIN | Jim | moberly@oloughlin.net | Cato Twp | |
LOVELY | Randy N. | dickandrandy@earthlink.net | ||
LUBOW | Lois | lamarti@juno.com | Manitowoc | |
LUEBKE | Luebke | jonan@beau.lib.la.us | Manitowoc | |
LUECKE | Kathleen | tmkeeps@tznet.com | Herman | |
LUEDKE | Todd B. | tntbraun@charter.net | Schleswig | |
LUEDKE/LUEDTKE | Dan M. | Wrightstown7@hotmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
LUKES | John L. | jlukes@alsocan.com | Mishicot | |
LUKESH | Todd W. | armyoftennessee@earthlink.net | Two Rivers | |
LULLOFF/LUELLOFF LUELOFF/LULOFF | Earl L. | elulloff@cableaz.com | ||
LUTZE | Glenn W. | wglenne@aol.com | Centerville | |
LYNCH | Robin | rkennedy@alumni.nmu.edu | Manitowoc county | |
LYNDE | Margaret | bd11058@alltel.net | Two Rivers | |
[ M ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
MACH | Joanne | wrmjam@msn.com | Kossuth, Cooperstown | |
MAERTZ/MAERZ | Lee S. | ednlee2013@yahoo.com | Reedsville, Maple Grove | |
MAGEE | Bootchk | bootch@nc.rr.com | Two Rivers | |
MAHLMAN | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
MAHNKE | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Reedsville |
MAIER | Christina | webmaster@christinastreiff.com | ||
MAILAND | amf | fryguys61@hotmail.com | ||
MALLEY | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
MALLMANN | Mary | mapowers@sbcglobal.net | ||
MALLMANN | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
MALONEY | Leanne | LMW@stowers.org | Meme | |
MANCOSKE | Xen | xenagogue@hotmail.com | MAPLE GROVE | |
MANDEL | Mary Lee | gentry@cwis.net | Two Rivers | |
MANEY/MEANY | Jim C. | jimanna@cts.com | Cato | |
MANGIN | Andrea | dreylow@sbcglobal.net | Countywide | |
MANGIN | Kari | karirose19@hotmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
MANLICK/MENDLIK | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Cato | |
MANTHEY | Vicki S. | vicbob@zianet.com | Town of Manitowoc | |
MARES/MARESH | Alfi | alfichavez1996@yahoo.com | Manitowoc County | |
MARESCH | Mary Beth | mugsersgr8@prodigy.net | ||
MARKVART | Richard | bullwink1e@aol.com | ||
MARON/MAROHN | Jean S. | jspiegelberg@new.rr.com | ||
MARTEL/MARTELL | J. Silvers | j49s851@earthlink.net | ||
MARTELL | Becky S. | sorensens@earthlink.net | Two Rivers | |
MARTENS | Dennys | FamilyMaster@Metayrie.de | ||
MARTHA SUHR | Brian | lramage@lakefield.net | SCHLESWIG | |
MARTIN | Bob M. | RMa5692789@aol.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
MARTZ/MARZ | Lee S. | ednlee07@tds.com | Reedsville | |
MATCHINSKI | Mary Ann | beahon@socket.net | Two Rivers | |
MATHES | Brian L. | lramage@lakefield.net | Schleswig | |
MATHES | Brian | lramage@lakefield.net | Schleswig | |
MATHIESEN | Victor | pestien@comcast.net | Gibson, Mishicot, Two Creeks | |
MATTE | Bruce Matte | bmatte@excel.net | Manitowoc | |
MATTHIES | MM | anoatmeal@hotmail.com | Two Rivers | |
MATYSIK | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
MAYER/MEYER | Char Z. | cmz@tznet.com | ||
MCCALLISTER | Randy N. | dickandrandy@earthlink.net | ||
MCCARTY | Annette | a-hudson@pacbell.net | Cato, Franklin, Maple Grove | |
MCCARTY | Susan | midwinters@hotmail.com | Maple Grove | |
MCGRATH | Ellen F. | Ellen.fumarolo@gmail.com | Kossuth, Manitowoc | |
MCKEOUGH | Leonor | md23@txstate.edu | Manitowoc county | |
MCLAUGHLIN | Grant | grantmcl@earthlink.net | Website | Two Rivers |
MCNULTY | Andrea | dreylow@sbcglobal.net | Countywide | |
MCNULTY | Rose | rosepr7@msn.com | Manitowoc county | |
MCNUTT | Elliot | elliot.mcintire@comcast.net | Cato | |
MEAL | Patricia Herald M. | pcmosch@earthlink.net | Franklin, Cato, Manitowoc Rapids | |
MEANY/MANEY | Jim C. | jimanna@cts.com | Cato | |
MEINEKE | Mike J. | mjindra@arbor.edu | Two Rivers, Mishicot | |
MEISELWITZ | Kathleen | tmkeeps@tznet.com | Kiel/Schleswig | |
MEISNER/MEISSNER | Lori | gothlone@yahoo.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
MEISNEST | Jeannie | j2shell@gmail.com | ||
MEISSNER | Bruce | bmeissner@new.rr.com | Two Rivers Twp. | |
MELGER | Wayne | wwzimmer@gmail.com | Manitowoc co. | |
MELNARIK | DiAnn | gar@lsol.net | Mishicot/Gibson | |
MELZNER | J. Moeller | jmoeller@easystreet.net | Manitowoc;Two Rivers/Gottfried and Susanna: C 1850-1870’s | |
MENCHL/MENCHAL/MENCHL | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
MENDLIK/MANLICK | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Cato | |
MERTEN | Bob M. | RMa5692789@aol.com | Manitowoc Rapids | |
MERTENS | Bill | wbrocher@charter.net | TWO RIVERS | |
MERTZ/MERZ | Lee S. | ednlee07@tds.com | Maple Grove | |
MESCH | Judy W. | jzwoodward@hotmail.com | ||
MESMER/MESSMER | George | grichmon@localnet.com | Manitowoc | |
MESSMANN | Veronica I. | kitten@betalink.net.au | Reedsville | |
MEWES/MEVES | James | birdsiview@excel.net | Centerville, Meeme | |
MEYER/MAYER | Char Z. | cmz@tznet.com | ||
MEYER | Connie | 1511pets@gmail.com | Newton | |
MEYER | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | KOSSUTH | |
MEYER | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
MEYER | Renee | ajobere@mchsi.com | Manitowoc | |
MEYER | Steven M | meyerphoto@yahoo.com | St. Nazianz | |
MEYER | Vikki | ggraf13821@aol.com | Schleswig | |
MICHELAGE | John Kracha | jkk358@aol.com | TWO RIVERS | |
MIGAWA | Tiffany | tfrenchcc@gmail.com | TWO RIVERS | |
MIKOLAS / MICHALAUS | John Kracha | jkk358@aol.com | TWO RIVERS | |
MILBAUER/MUHLBAUER | Sue (Milbauer) Schultz | suejschultz@charter.net | Franklin/Kossuth | |
MILL | Dennys | FamilyMaster@Metayrie.de | Centerville | |
MILLAR | Ruth S. | ruthsoder@sympatico.ca | Manitowoc | |
MILLER (MULLER) | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | MISHICOT | |
MILLER/MUELLER | Jerry A. | Janders@aol.com | ||
MILLER/MUELLER | JuliaL | JuliaPortland@aol.com | Website | Schleswig |
MILLER/MULLER/MUELLER | Ken B. | follow.that.page@gmail.com | Meeme; School Hill;Schleswig | |
MILLER | Bill | wbrocher@charter.net | TWO RIVERS | |
MILLER | Georgia Kleiber Zuhlke | dgzuhlke@charter.net | Maple Grove/Brillion/Manitowoc | |
MILLER | Mary | mububba@erols.com | ||
MILLER | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
MILLINGER | Becky | blkelk31051@sbcglobal.net | Manitowoc co. | |
MILLS | Ann | bambam@mills-whitledge.com | Website | Cato, Manitowoc |
MITCHELTREE | Roxanne | batterden1919@comcast.net | Manitowoc | |
MITTNACHT | Barb | bgsonntag@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
MLADA | Judy | jjbenedict_99@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
MOELLER/MOLLER | Jim Moeller | jmoeller@easystreet.net | Jacob and Wilhemina (Ohler): C 1872 - 1892 | |
MOHR | Pam | genealogistpam@sbcglobal.net | Centerville | |
MONECK | Moneck | leeleemc@yahoo.com | ||
MONKA | Anisa | anisaz@sbcglobal.net | Two Rivers | |
MONKA | Dan | dangh@sbcglobal.net | ||
MORAN | Ellen | mcarter25@mediacombb.net | Maple Grove, Franklin, Manitowoc Co. | |
MORGAN | Wendy | wensept67@prodigy.net | Cato | |
MORGANS | Linda Knorr Shafer | lshafer9@comcast.net | Meeme | |
MORITZ | Wendy | windy1824@charter.net | Kiel; Manitowoc Cty. | |
MORRIS | LB Conesa | lbc@ix.netcom.com | Cooperstown | |
MORRIS | Starr | starrico@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
MORRISEY | Joe C | jcarroll1@mn.rr.com | Cato, Maple Grove | |
MORRISSEY | Andrea | dreylow@sbcglobal.net | Countywide | |
MORSE | Starr | starrico@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
MOSELER | Patricia | pmosesh@sbcglobal.net | Two Rivers | |
MOSER | Xen | xenagogue@hotmail.com | MAPLE GROVE | |
MOSHER | Lee | Lee.Mosher@davernlaw.com | ||
MROTEK | Jan N. | Dearoldmel@cfl.rr.com | County Wide | |
MROTEK | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Newton | |
MUCHOWSKE/MUCHOWSKI | Dallas | sallad@comcast.net | Newton | |
MUDROCH | Linda E | woodenhearts@yahoo.com | ||
MUELLER, Heinrich | Sarah | neitzel@prodigy.net | Manitowoc county | |
MUELLER/MILLER | Jean | dkleben@unr.nevada.edu | Centerville | |
MUELLER/MILLER | Jerry A. | Janders@aol.com | ||
MUELLER/MILLER | JuliaL | JuliaPortland@aol.com | Website | Schleswig |
MUELLER | Mary Lee | gentry@cwis.net | Two Rivers | |
MUELLER | Mary | mububba@erols.com | ||
MUELLER | Barb | bgsonntag@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
MUENCH/MUNCH | Dennis N. | dnaiberg@cox.net | Website | KELLNERSVILLE (Kossuth/Franklin) |
MULHALL | Annette | a-hudson@pacbell.net | CATO, FRANKLIN, MAPLE GROVE | |
MULHOLLAND | Julie | juliehdch@wi.rr.com | Manitowoc county | |
MULLANE | Ellen | mcarter25@mediacombb.net | Maple Grove, Franklin, Manitowoc Co. | |
MULLINS | Andrea | dreylow@sbcglobal.net | Countywide | |
MULTERER | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
MULTERER | Terry K. | terrykita@earthlink.net | Maple Grove/Cato | |
MUMME/MUMM | Ina Rae M. | ir3032@aol.com | ||
MUNCH/MUENCH | Dennis N. | dnaiberg@cox.net | Website | KELLNERSVILLE (Kossuth/Franklin) |
MUNHALL | Annette | a-hudson@pacbell.net | CATO, FRANKLIN, MAPLE GROVE | |
MUSIEL/DEMUSIEL | Dick | dickalex@aol.com | Newton Manitowoc | |
MUTZ | Ken B. | follow.that.page@gmail.com | All | |
MYSZEWSKI / MISZEWSKI | Theresa | tsax02@yahoo.com | MANITOWOC | |
[ N ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
NACHTWEY | Barbara | krueby1@rochester.rr.com | Two Rivers, Cooperstown, Kossuth | |
NACHTWEY | Lois | lavawter@bnin.net | ||
NACK | Bob | 1-bnack@sbcglobal.net | Website | Manitowoc county |
NAIDL | Art Jr. | dartnaidl77@msn.com | Franklin/Kossuth/City of Manitowoc | |
NAIDY | Cmhuss | chuss1@earthlink.net | Manitowoc | |
NAILEN | Suzie | Sbrookes@aol.com | ||
NAJEMNIK | Kristina | magill1242@gmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
NAPIECINSKI | Jeanne | tsimon42@aol.com stjean@uswest.net | ||
NAPIECINSKI | Jerry N. | tosah2o@execpc.com | Two Rivers | |
NASH | Jerry N. | tosah2o@execpc.com | Two Rivers | |
NATE | Bob C. | roamsf@aol.com | Franklin | |
NATE | Nate Family | Cy2@aol.com | ||
NAUMANN | John O. | johnc@terracom.net | Newton | |
NAVODA MARY | Leo | gusone@att.net | Countywide | |
NEBESKY | Frankie W. | chuckfrankie@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
NEHRLICH | Roberta S. | bert mc.net | Centerville/Hika | |
NEIDERT | Robin | rkennedy@alumni.nmu.edu | Manitowoc county | |
NEIDLE | Art Jr. | dartnaidl77@msn.com | Franklin/Kossuth/City of Manitowoc | |
NEIDY | Cmhuss | chuss1@earthlink.net | Manitowoc | |
NEILON | Suzie | Sbrookes@aol.com | Cato | |
NEITZEL | Sarah | neitzel@prodigy.net | Manitowoc county | |
NEJDL | Art Jr. | dartnaidl77@msn.com | Franklin/Kossuth/City of Manitowoc | |
NEILITZ | Cory | romanhoss@netzero.net | Website | Countywide |
NELSON | Sherri S. | sls1006@aol.com | Valders | |
NEMETZ/NEMITZ | Carol | cgresslin@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
NETZER/NATZER | Eugene | mkseps@volfirst.net | ||
NEUMAN | Donna Jean | mspookie49@msn.com | Manitowoc | |
NEUMANN | Linda | newman.andersson@gmail.com | Website | Cooperstown |
NEWTON | Cory | romanhoss@netzero.net | Website | Countywide |
NICHOLS | Pat | patikedee@comcast.net | Cooperstown | |
NICHOLS | Rita | ravillen@wctc.net | Manitowoc county | |
NICKELS | Rita | ravillen@wctc.net | Manitowoc county | |
NIELSEN | Kent S. | SALOMONK@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
NILLES | David John B. | schatenjager@hotmail.com | Two Rivers | |
NILLES | Janis W. | lorenbeth@usa.net | Two Rivers | |
NINMER | Wendy | windy1824@charter.net | Kiel; Manitowoc Cty. | |
NIQUETTE / NIQUET | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Two Rivers; Mishicot | |
NOBLE | Shirley | ClassyD@aol.com | location1= Manitowoc | |
NONNEMACHER | Nancy | Nlnonnemacher@gmail.com | ||
NORRIS | Renee (Wigen) Gnizak | reneegnizak@gmail.com | ||
NOTTAGE | Mary Ann | beahon@socket.net | Two Rivers | |
[ O ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
O'BRIEN | Caitrin M. | CaitPaul@accesscomm.ca | ||
O'HALLORAN | Mary | watkinspsr@aol.com | Cato | |
OBERBILLIG | Norma | Clemenscheid@yahoo.com | Centerville | |
OERDING | Steve | FordGpw1945@Msn.Com | ||
OESTREICH | Bootchk | bootch@nc.rr.com | ||
OESTRICH | Bootchk | bootch@nc.rr.com | ||
OEXLE | Helen | Bearacuda1@aol.com | ||
O'HARA | E. Aastad | AastadL@yahoo.com | Manitowoc County | |
OHLER | J. Moeller | jmoeller@easystreet.net | MANITOWOC | |
O'LAUGHLIN | Jim | moberly@oloughlin.net | Cato Twp | |
OLIG | Mary | mububba@erols.com | ||
OLOFSON | Diane | YoungNP@msn.com | ||
O'LOUGHLIN | Jim | moberly@oloughlin.net | Cato Twp | |
OLM | Wayne | wwzimmer@gmail.com | Manitowoc co. | |
OLP | Sandra | sbvanerp@gmail.com | Website | Cooperstown |
OLSEN | Kristina | magill1242@gmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
OLSON | Kristina | magill1242@gmail.com | Manitowoc County | |
OLSSON | Diane | YoungNP@msn.com | ||
O'NEIL | Janet | Jevans9185@aol.com | Meeme, Liberty | |
O'NEILL/O'NEIL | Diane | j49s851@earthlink.net | County wide | |
OPPERMAN | Gary | grebsearch@aol.com | All townships | |
ORTH | Valerie | newsom123@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
OTT | Albert | albie-thompson@worldnet.att.net | ||
OTTELIEN | David H. | David.Hussey@usa.com | ||
OTTO | Carol | mayflowers_54@webtv.com | Cooperstown | |
OWART | Barbara | owartlb@gmail.com | Manitowoc, City | |
[ P ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
PAAPE | Gretchen | rlulloff1@new.rr.com | surname1 = LULLOFF/LUELOFF | |
PAJ/PAY/PIE/PYE | Jeanine | djsauerwein@yahoo.com | Franklin/Kellnersville — BAI/BIE/BUY/BYE | |
PALZER | Bob P. | palzer@mind.net | ||
PANEY | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
PANKRATZ | Janet | shara@pronet.net | Cato | |
PANKRATZ | Marjorie Crane | MarjCrane@aol.com | ||
PANKRATZ | Valerie L. | laskowv@att.net | Cato | |
PANOCH | Tom | sail_saba@cox.net | Kossuth and Franklin | |
PANOWITZ | Violet | fpajerski@elknet.net | Two Rivers | |
PARWORTH | Wayne L. | wlee210@yahoo.com | Two Rivers | |
PATITZ | Jean | dkleben@unr.nevada.edu | Centerville | |
PATTERSON | serendipity24@startmail.com | |||
PAUL | Earl L. | elulloff@cableaz.com | ||
PAUL | Patricia | huntaymakly@yahoo.com | ||
PAUTZ | DeAnna | dtess@pacbell.net | Cooperstown | |
PAUTZ | Steve | history@huebners.com | Website | Manitowoc, Two Rivers |
PAWLITZKE | Ed | schmedaedwardr@qwest.net | TWO RIVERS | |
PECH | Sue | suedick@athenet.net | Gibson and Kossuth twp. | |
PECKA/PETSKA | Amy | amyjopet@aol.com | ||
PEDERSEN | Jackie | twojax@execpc.com | Valders | |
PEDERSEN | Robin | rkennedy@alumni.nmu.edu | Manitowoc county | |
PEIL | Dale | luautime@msn.com | Manitowoc | |
PELISHEK | John B. | j.e.bartos@comcast.net | Manitowoc | |
PENTZIEN | Robert P. | rapentzien@pentzien.com | Manitowoc | |
PEPPARD | William | drdoe45@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
PERSCHKE | Wendy | treefr0g@hotmail.com | ||
PESCHEK | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
PESTIEN/PRESTIEN | Victor | pestien@comcast.net | Gibson, Mishicot, Two Creeks | |
PETERMAN | Robert | robertpeterman63@yahoo.com | Manitowoc county | |
PETERS | Peters | Robertpetersm@cs.com | ||
PETERSON | Pryse | larue_pryse_39@hotmail.com | Eaton | |
PETSKA/PECKA | Amy | amyjopet@aol.com | ||
PFANKUCH | Dick S. | rfs1401@aol.com | Cato | |
PFEFFERKORN | Bob P. | bobpfeff@aol.com | Gibson, Manitowoc | |
PFISTEN | Joyce | lebjheb@cox.net | Manitowoc | |
PHILIP | Brian J | jezek@erols.com | Franklin; Reedsville | |
PHILIPPS | Joyce | phillmuell@charter.net | Website | Meeme |
PICKRUHN | Dave P. | davepickruhn@aol.com | Schleswig | |
PIETROSKE | Kathy H | kathagel@msn.com | Two Rivers | |
PILGER | Tasha T. | tashat@tds.net | ||
PILON | Julie | rats82@charter.net | Two Rivers/Mishicot | |
PINGER | Raymond | Britter@lakefield.net | Two Rivers | |
PINTER | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
PIPER | Patricia | pcmosch@earthlink.net | Manitowoc Rapids, Franklin, Cato | |
PITSCH | Donna | Byrum5@aol.com | County Wide | |
PITZ | Louis P. | lpitz@eiccd.cc.ia.us | ||
PIVONKA | Jim P. | pivonka571@earthlink.net | Website | |
PLATTEN | Barbara | krueby1@rochester.rr.com | Liberty | |
PLAUTZ | DeAnna | dtess@pacbell.net | Cooperstown | |
PLEUSS | Bob C. | roamsf@aol.com | Newton | |
PLEUSS | Joyce B. | grammyjoyce@cox.net | Newton | |
PLEUSS | Delmar | dcbrick@lakefield.net | Manitowoc, city | |
PLEUSS | Denice | denice.stout@ymail.com | Manitowoc | |
PLOCKELMANN | Bob | BobE6931@hotmail.com | Mishicott, Two Rivers, Manitowoc | |
PLOECKELMAN PLOECKELMANN | Diane B. | patticakprincess@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
PLOECKELMAN (N) | Lynn | ldheinz@peoplescom.net | ||
PLOECKELMANN | Bob P | Bigboyp730@aol.com | Two Rivers | |
PODHOLA | Christina | webmaster@christinastreiff.com | ||
POH | John | westalliskin@gmail.com | ||
POHLAND | Paul H. | paulheinz@sbcglobal.net | ||
POKLENKOWSKY | Shirley | sabelanger@att.net | Manitowoc | |
POKLINKOSKI POKLENKOWSKI(Y) | Cichantek | goochp56@gmail.com | ||
POLZIEN | Sundrea Chrisman | sunny@adiis.net | Manitowoc | |
POWALISZ | Jerry | jpowal@milwpc.com | Manitowoc | |
POZORSKI/POZORSKY | Cichantek | goochp56@gmail.com | ||
PRAHL | Carol | mayflowers_54@webtv.com | Cooperstown | |
PRESTIEN/PESTIEN | Victor | pestien@comcast.net | Gibson, Mishicot, Two Creeks | |
PRINCL | J.T. | jtaysmith@aol.com | Mishicot and Manitowoc | |
PROEHL | Diane B. | patticakprincess@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
PROTZ | Pamela | psuep1@hotmail.com | Website | Manitowoc |
PRUDHOMME | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
PRUETER | mavis | jmjarchow@yahoo.com | Manitowoc | |
PRUST | DeAnna | dtess@pacbell.net | Cooperstown | |
PRYSE | Pryse | larue_pryse_39@hotmail.com | ||
PUELLMANN | Fred S | fredstruck@hotmail.com | Newton | |
[ R ] | ||||
Surname | Researcher | E-Mail Address | Website | Township |
RAATZ | Julie | rats82@charter.net | Two Rivers/Mishicot | |
RADEJ/RADEY | Ellen- | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Gibson, Kossuth, Cooperstown |
RADEY/RADEJ | Ellen- | jeanealogist@hotmail.com | Website | Gibson, Kossuth, Cooperstown, Franklin, Manitowoc Rapids |
RADI | Madeline | family@europa.com | Website | Maple Grove |
RAECK | Bob P | Bigboyp730@aol.com | Two Rivers Mishicot | |
RAETHER | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
RAMIAN | Margaret | jwsmas4@gmail.com | Manitowoc co. | |
RAPL/RAPPLE/RAPPEL | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
RATH | Dan | dangh@sbcglobal.net | ||
RATHER | Sally | movieking18@hotmail.com | Manitowoc | |
RATHSACK | Richard J. | rrjohnson@hughes.net | Manitowoc | |
RAU | Beth | proverbs31blue@yahoo.com | Manitowoc, Mishicot, Two Rivers | |
RAUBER | Marilyn | mblar@charter.net | Manitowoc | |
RAUCH | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
REA | Bruce | wiland@worldnet.att.net | ||
REANIER | Beth | bethlouw@tds.net | Cato/Kossuth | |
REBHOLZ | Gary | grebholz@yahoo.com | All townships | |
RECK/RICK | Joseph R. | joeninge@juno.com | Centerville | |
REGNIER | Courchaine | dolph@courchaine.org | Website | Mishicott |
REHBEIN | Jim | Jim@Ellingboe.US | http://Ellingboe.US | Mishicot |
REHME | Bob | 1-bnack@sbcglobal.net | Website | Manitowoc county |
REIF | Ellen F. | Ellen.fumarolo@gmail.com | Manitowoc, possibly Kellnersville | |
REIN | K Rein S. | kldstein@nconnect.net | Meeme | |
REINDL | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
REINDL | DiAnn | reindlcabin@hotmail.com | Franklin | |
REINER | Bonnie | BonnieGaia@aol.com | ||
REINERT | Diane | dilabouve@cox.net | Kossuth | |
REINIGER | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
REINKE | Don | wxman@retaf.com | Kossuth | |
REINKEN | Joy | JOYGUG@aol.com | ||
REISS | Paula Pond | pspond@aol.com | ||
REMIKER | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
REMIKER/REMAKER | Diane | dilabouve@cox.net | Franklin | |
RESCKE | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Reedsville |
RETLICH | Patricia | huntaymakly@yahoo.com | Schleswig | |
RETLICH/ROEDLICH | Earl L. | elulloff@cableaz.com | ||
REVOLINSKI/REWOLINSKI | David R. | Rewolinski@gmail.com | ||
REVOLINSKI | Jan N. | Dearoldmel@cfl.rr.com | County Wide | |
REZACHEK | Carol | cgresslin@aol.com | Manitowoc county | |
REZAK | Glen | Gjs332@wmconnect.com | ||
REZBA | Kathy | laser_brit@hotmail.com | Countywide | |
RIBITZKI | John B. | jsbach@execpc.com | Two Rivers | |
RICHARD | Lawrence J | neshotah76@yahoo.com | Two Rivers | |
RICHDORF | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
RICHTER | Dale | luautime@msn.com | Manitowoc | |
RICK/RECK | Joseph R. | joeninge@juno.com | Centerville | |
RICKABY | Dave R. | wmwestdiv@yahoo.com | Cato,Eaton | |
RICKABY | Susan | midwinters@hotmail.com | Eaton, Manitowoc twps. | |
RIEMER | Carol | kolpack2@msn.com | Reedsville, Rockland, Manitowoc | |
RIEMER | Heidi | Harty811@sbcglobal.net | Rockland | |
RIESS | Todd W. | armyoftennessee@earthlink.net | Kiel, Elkhart Lake | |
RIPP | Barbara | bfullwood@bellsouth.net | Cato | |
RIPP | Jim Heyroth | 1heyroth1@centurylink.net | KELLNERSVILLE | |
RIPP | Roger H. | rcholsen@q.com | ||
RIPPLINGER | Mary | fremar57@att.net | ||
ROBERT/ROBERTS | Kathy | burt61@roadrunner.com | Website | Township |
ROBERTSON | Buesing | marbuesing@att.net | Manitowoc Rapids, Newton, Mishicot, Two Rivers | |
ROBINSON | Dave K. | dklauck@sbcglobal.net | Schleswig, Meeme | |
ROBINSON | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
ROBINSON | Pat J. | bhreitheamh@yahoo.com | Brillion-Calumet | |
ROBLEY | Nancy | Nss46@aol.com | Countywide | |
ROCHE | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
ROCKY | Lori L. | lemelin69@comcast.net | County Wide | |
ROECK | Judy W. | jzwoodward@hotmail.com | ||
ROEDLICH/RETLICH | Earl L. | elulloff@cableaz.com | ||
ROEH | Susan | subeallen@yahoo.com | Schleswig | |
ROESER | Janicki | den9@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
ROHDE | Tom | rohdetmr@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
ROHRER | Ed | schmedaedwardr@qwest.net | Manitowoc | |
ROIDT | Chris W. | cwimmer@charlevoixdesign.com | ||
ROMER | Charmaine | chmapeder@aol.com | Eaton | |
ROSS | Paul E. | elliottpj@i-star.com | Website | |
ROST | Doug L. | dandllister@earthlink.net | Countywide | |
ROTH | Joyce | lebjheb@cox.net | Manitowoc | |
ROTH | Ron F. | petsonee@commplusis.net | Two Creeks | |
ROTHFFOCK | Amy R. | abbie203@prodigy.net | ||
ROTHMUND | Roger | rrothmund@lsol.net | Manitowoc | |
ROUILLER | Greg Brown | gregbrown2@yahoo.com | Mishicot, Two Rivers, Gibson, & Manitowoc | |
ROUS | Jim | wisstein@netnet.net | ||
ROZUM | Kathy | laser_brit@hotmail.com | Countywide | |
RUBI/RUBY | Cheryl | cheryl@plantproinc.com | Cooperstown/Frankline | |
RUDI/RUDE | Emily P. | emilyphillips@prodigy.net | ||
RUDIFORD/RUTHERFORD RUTHFORD | Patricia Herald Mosch | pcmosch@earthlink.net | Manitowoc Rapids, Franklin, Cato | |
RUDOLPH | Kent S. | SALOMONK@aol.com | Manitowoc | |
RUELLE | Lori | lemelin69@comcast.net | ||
RUESCH | Mary Beth | mugsersgr8@prodigy.net | ||
RUGOWSKI | Beth | bethwalsh9@outlook.com | Manitowoc | |
RUH | Patricia | huntaymakly@yahoo.com | Schleswig | |
RUMP | JoAnn H. | Poretti@aol.com | Kossuth | |
RUPPLINGER | Mary | fremar57@att.net | ||
RUSCH | Lee S. | ednlee07@tds.com | Maple Grove | |
RUSCH | Michael | bubolzfamily@yahoo.com | Website | Reedsville |
RUSTERHOLZ | Lee | leegreenthumb@gmail.com | Manitowoc | |
RUTHERFORD/RUTHFORD RUDIFORD | Patricia | pcmosch@earthlink.net | Manitowoc Rapids, Franklin, Cato | |
RYAN | Dennis | dmryan22@hotmail.com | Maple Grove | |
RYDZEWSKI | Justine | Ibjustine@att.net | Manitowoc city, Manitowoc Rapids | |
RYDZIEWSKI | Jerry | jkallas@wi.rr.com | Manitowoc Rapids, Franklin, Cato |