SNAVELY: George A. m: 29 Jan. 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.237) to: Sarah HicksSNEBERK: Albert (Sueberk on record) m: 06 June 1908 to: Anna Wilsmann (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 09 June) Marriage Saturday in the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilsmann, of their daughter Anna with Mr. A. Sneberk. A party was held after the ceremony which was attended by many friends of the young couple. Der Nord Westen, 11 June 1908
SNELL: August m: 23 Oct. 1863 (co. mar. index v.2 p.197) to: Caroline Smith
SNELL: Ignatz m: Anna Sperr children: Maria Magdalena (b. 6 Aug. 1871/bapt. 6 Aug. 1871/from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.16)
SNIFFIN: Berlin N. m: 30 Dec. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.343) to: Maria Willott Cards are out for the wedding of Capt. B. Sniffin of Manitowoc and Miss Annie Willott also of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle (Two Rivers), Dec. 28, 1886 ******** Items From The Pilot Files - Twenty-Five Years Ago (1887) MARRIED - Sniffin-Willot. - At Two Rivers on Thursday, December 30, 1886, Berlin N. Sniffin and Annie M. Willott. When congratulations are offered one can feel that they are genuine as each party to this contract is to be congratulated upon winning the other. Mr. Sniffin is one of the youngest captains on the lake and one of the most successful. He is a manly fellow and is never without friends. His bride is a young lady of rare good sense and of such kindly disposition that she is popular with everyone. The Pilot always thought Berlin was the kind of a man who should get married. It took some time to drive him to it, but the excellence of his choice will excuse all delays. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 4, 1912 pg. 1 ******** Sniffin-Willott.-At Two Rivers on Thursday, December 30, Berlin N. Sniffin and Annie M. Willott.(sic) When congratulations are offered one can feel that they are genuine as each party to this contract is to be congratulated upon winning the other. Mr. Sniffin is one of the youngest captains on the lake and one of the most successful. He is a manly fellow and is never with out friends. His bride is a young lady of rare good sense and of such kindly disposition that she is popular with every one. The Pilot always thought Berlin was the kind of man who should get married. It took some time to drive him to it, but the excellence of his choice will excuse all delays. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 6, 1887 P. 3 ******** We are a little late but not the less sincere in extending our congratulations to Capt. Berlin N. Sniffin and Miss Annie Willcott, who were married Dec. 30. Good Luck to them. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tues., Jan. 11, 1887 page 3 (Note: They are in Evergreen cem., Manitowoc)
SNIFFIN: Byron m: 14 Feb 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.88) to: Mary O'Brien ******** Mr. Bryon Sniffin of this city and Miss Mary O'Brien of Franklin were married at Francis Creek lately. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 23, 1882 ******** Kellnersville news: Miss Mary O'Brien, of this place, and Mr. Sniffin, a well-to-do ship carpenter of Manitowoc, were married in Francis Creek, Tuesday the 14th, by the Catholic priest of this place. Miss O'Brien has been born and reared here. All that know her esteem her highly. We wish her happiness in her new sphere of life. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, February 21, 1882 P. 10
SNIFFIN: Royal m: 24 Dec. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.153) to: Catharine Gray
SNIFFIN: See Joseph Willott, Sr. bio.
SNORKERN: Edward m: 29 Sept. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.120 or 121/may be overwritten) to: Emilie Schaetzke
SNORTUM: Peter K. m: 28 July 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.131) to: Marie C. Nelsen
SNORTUM: Sylves. Christen m: 21 Jun 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.46/she is 25 Jun) to: Mary Ellefstad Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Sever Snortum, city, and Mary Ellestad of Liberty… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1907 pg. 1
SNYDER: Gottfried m: 15 Dec. 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.171) to: Mary Backmann
SNYDER: Ignatius b: Germany res: Manitowoc Rapids, laborer p: Augustin and Clara m: 22 Apr. 1856 at Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.107) to: Anna Maria Kalt p: Augustin and Mary
SNYDER: Philip m: 3 Nov. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.74) to: Saline Larine
SNYDER: Philip m: 16 Nov. 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.77) to: Anne Hagenstein Saturday was a great day in the marriage license business, five applicants appearing before Clerk Zander for the necessary papers. Happy hearts are those of James E. Wetenkamp of this city and Miss Emily Kaems, of the Rapids; Herman Grales, Kiel, and Miss Mary Baltz, Schleswig; Adolph Hejda, and Anna Cizler (sic), both of Kossuth; Philip Snyder, of Morrison, Brown Co., and Anna Hagenstein, Maple Grove; Henry Tegge, and Maggie Bach, both of Manitowoc. The last named aspirants for matrimonial honors will wed at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, November 6, 1899 P. 2 ***** Marriage License issued for: Phillip Snyder of Morrison and Annie Hagenstein of Maple Grove Der Nord Westen, 09 Nov. 1899 ***** County Clerk Zander issued the following licenses, during the week: …Philip Schneider, Brillion and Anna Hagenstein, Maple Grove, … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 9, 1899 pg. 7
SNYDERS: Wm. m: 26 Oct. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.345) to: Josephine Kinette
SOBIECH: Ladislaus m: 19 May 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.212) to: Mathilda Giczela ******** Marriage licenses have been granted to Wm. Koenig (sic), of Brillion and Clara Thurow, of Maple Grove, and Wladysiaw Sobrech (sic) of Lena, Oconto county and Mathilda Gyczela (sic), of this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 12, 1902 P. 4
SOBIESKI: Albert b: 17 Nov. 1891, Manitowoc/d. 6 Aug. 1971, Two Rivers m: Veronica Kluck (b. 10 Mar. 1890/d. 28 Feb. 1973, Manitowoc) p: August Kluck and Mary Esker
SOBISKY: Frank From Der Nord Westen, 04 Feb. 1909: In list of marriage licenses Frank Sobisky and Mary Martinek both of Cooperstown
SOBODA: Mathias m: 30 Jun 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.412) to: Cath. Marek
SOEHLA: Felix m: 8 Aug. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.87) to: Dorothea Kukeisel
SOEMER: Henrich b: Sheboygan –farmer in Schleswig p: Christian Soemmer and Magdalena m: 2 Feb. 1879 Reformed Church, Kiel (co. mar. index v.4 p.140) Witnesses Alois Brose and August Kirnke to: Magdalena Glock p: Adam Glock and Katharina
SOEMMER: Henry From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: General Merchandise, Hotel, and Post-office. Post Office, Millhome; Section 34, Schleswig Township.
SOEMMER: Also have Sommer
SOENKSEN: Boi b: Germany m: 14 Aug. 1852, Tn. Two Rivers, by Timothy Harrington, J.P. (co. mar. index v.1) wit: Albert Bourcherdt, H. Brasick to: Eliza Lendt p: William and Dora Lent/Lindt (Her father's obit William Lindt is in cemetery X.)
SOENKSEN: Richard b. 18 Jan 1856 Mishicot p: Johann Boi and Eliza (Lendt) Soenksen to: Louisa Hermann b. Aug. 1860 p: Peter Herrmann WEDDED 25 YEARS Friends Assist in Recalling Event at Soenkson (sic) Home Mr. and Mrs. Richard Soenksen opened their hospitable North Twelfth street home to a gathering of friends in commemoration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of their marriage day and the occasion was one that was much enjoyed by all participants. The couple were recipients of gifts testifying to their popularity and congratulations came in showers. There was a light luncheon and the social pleasures usual to occasions of the nature. Mr. Soenkson is with the Madsen Co. in the office and the family has made the city their home for years. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, December 20, 1906 P. 1
SOGGE: E.M. Hotel Ex-Constable S. 5 Manitowoc, Manitowoc, 1902 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SOGGE: George E. b: 29 Oct. 1857, in Norway p: Ole and Marguerite (Iverson) Sogge m: 24 June 1885 to: Anna Anderson at Frankfort, MI., (d. 1893) children: Elert and Gilbert 2nd Marriage: To Hilda Hanson children: Esther, Harry, Louisa, Emma and George J.
SOGGEBOKKE: See George E. Sogge bio.
SOHN: Friedrich b: Nov 1871 Meeme, Manitowoc, Wisconsin d: 23 Mar 1936 Meeme, Manitowoc, Wisconsin p: Johann Sohn/Florendine Rehm m: 19 Feb 1894 (sic) (co. mar. index v.6 p.290)(in with 1895) to: Emma Langenhahrs b: 06 Nov 1874 Deer Lodge, Powell County, Montana d: 17 Aug 1950 Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin p: Bernard Langenhahn/Eliza Kolwey child: Lohn birth: 14 February 1898 Meeme, Wis. death: 16 February 1898 Meeme, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Meeme, Wis. residence: 1898 Meeme, Wis. father: Fritz Lohn mother: Emma Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 (From the correspondent in Cooperstown, 25 Feb.) Marriage of Fred Sohm (sic) with Miss Emma Langheim. Der Nord Westen, 28 Feb. 1895 ***** Notes From Centerville: Married: - Tuesday, Feb. 19 at the home of the groom, Mr. Fred Sohn and Miss Anna Levenhagen (sic). Mr. Sohn is one of our enterprising young farmers and Miss Levenhagen is an estimable young lady. We extend our heartiest congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 28, 1895 pg. 2
SOHN: Julius Leopold m: 6 Jan. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.368) to: Ida Anna Bebermeier Wedding photo The second person in the back row is Edward Bebermeier, brother of bride.
SOHN: Leo m: 31 Oct. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.306) to: Emma Bebermeier Wedding photo
SOHN: LOUIS From Der Nord Westen, 19 Feb. 1903: Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sohn of Town Meeme celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary last Saturday.
SOHN: Louis Her. m: 17 Apr 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.147) to: Ida Lehnhard
SOHN: Ludwig From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Artesian Well Farm. Born in Germany 1828. Came to America 1852. Post Office, Meeme; Section 25, Meeme Township.
SOHN: Ludwig m: 29 Mar. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.10) to: Charlotte Rehm
SOHRWEID: (Divorce - 1879) Sohrweid, Albert, vs. Sohrweid, Ernestine Married 5 September 1878 City of Manitowoc. Lived in Maple Grove. Defendant is 19 years of age. No living issue. On about 6 December 1879 they had one child, now dead.
SOHRWEIDE: Albert m: Johanne Schulz children: Wilhelm Julius Ferdinand (b. 7 Apr. 188?, listed with 1881's, in Maple Grove/bapt. 6 June 1881 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
SOHRWEIDE: (Divorce - 1903) Sohrweide, Johanna, vs. Sohrweide, Albert - 1903 Plaintiff is 44, defendant 50. Married 1880 Town of Morrison, Brown County. Children: William, age 22, runs a cheese factory at Brothertown, Calumet County; John, age 20, works in Green Bay wholesale meat market; August, age 16, works for Albert Rusch; Elsa, age 9. Plaintiff resides at Reedsville. Albert ran off with Kate Hendricks, a widow.
SOHRWEIDE: Emil K. m: 27 Jan 1898 (co. mar. index v.6 p.441) to: Emma A Kurth Emil Sohrweide will be married today with Miss Emma Kurth by Pastor Machmueller. Der Nord Westen, 27 Jan 1898 ******** Sohrweide-Kurth. On Thursday last at 5 p.m., Mr. Emil Sohrweide, one of the clerks at teh N.W.R.R. freight office, was married to Miss Emma Kurth, a daughter of Mr. Fr. Kurth. The ceremony took place in the German Lutheran church, Rev. Machmiller officiating. In the evening a reception was given at teh home of the bride. A great many guests were present and all enjoyed it very much. Mrs. J. Matek, Misses S. Butzlaff, Martha Kurth and Mr. Kurth of Milwaukee were present. Also Messrs. August, John and William Sohrweide of Maple Grove. The young folks will reside at 1524 Clark street, city. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 3, 1898 pg. 3
SOHRWEIDE: Julius b: Wodtke in Prov. Pommern (age 25 at mar.) res: Manitowoc p: Wilhelm Sohrweide and Wilhelmine born Schacht m: 25 June 1874 from record of First German Luth. ch., Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.4 p.83) to: Maria Brockmann b: Mecklenburg-Schwerin p: Andreas Brockmann and Friederike nee Lorenz
SOHRWEIDE: Julius From Der Nord Westen, 06 July 1899: Mr. and Mrs. Julius Sohrweide here celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sat. at a party attended by many guests.
SOHRWEIDE: Wilhelm m: Wilhelmine Schacht children: Bertha (b. 17 Sept. 1866/confirmed 12 June 1881 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
SOHRWEIDE: Wm m: 7 Sep 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.345) to: Clara Saeger
SOHRWEIDE: Wm. J.F. m: 23 Apr 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.153) to: Anna E.W. Sager Marriage License: W. Sohrweide of Maple Grove and Anna Saeger of Reedsville. Der Nord Westen, 18 Apr. 1901 ******* License to wed was issued by Clerk Shaflland(?) Monday to Wm. Sohrweide and Anna Saeger Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 16, 1901, p. 4 ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by County Clerk Schaffland: …Nan Sohrweide of Maple Grove, to Anna Saeger of Reedsville… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Maple Grove: Married on Tuesday of this week, Will Sohrweide of Maple Grove to Miss Annie Seager of Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1901 pg. 8 ***** Reedsville: Nan Sohrweide and Miss Anna Saege were made man and wife Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. Mr. Brenner performed the ceremony. The bride is well known in the vicinity and many friends wish her joy. The groom is a popular young cheesemaker and runs the factory which Geo. Glover had last year. Congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 25, 1901 pg. 8
SOHRWEIDE: Also have Sorweide
SOHUNS: Carl K. m: 25 Feb. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.141) to: Ingeborg Gunderson
SOHUS: Frank m: 04 Jun 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.144) to: Sarah Burnet (The County Chronicle June 10, 1879 Tuesday. Married Sohus-Burnet, on Wednesday evening at the residence of the bride parents in Manitowoc. By the Rev. Cellars, Frank Sohus and Miss Sarah Burnet.)
SOKOL: John m: 07 May 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.34) to: Mary Krejer
SOKOL: John m: 13 Feb 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.190)
SOLBERG: Chas. m: 14 Dec. 1849 by J.H.W. Colby, Prob. Judge (co. mar. index) to: Mary Lerson
SOLL: Joseph Edward m: 14 June 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.330) to: Ida Wilhelmina Bruchert Bruechert - Soll Ida Bruechert of this city was united in marriage last Tuesday afternoon to Joseph Soll of Milwaukee. The ceremony was performed at three o'clock by Rev. Carl Machmiller of the German Lutheran Church at the home of the bride on South Eighteenth street. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, June 16, 1904 pg. 1
SOLOMON: Christopher d. bef. Feb. 29, 1872 immigrated 1855
SOMMER: Carl m: 14 Jan 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.366) to: Ida Schutt
SOMMER: Friedrich m: 20 June 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.117) to: Bertha Raatz
SOMMER: Friedrich m: Sophie born Wenter children: Carl Friedrich Heinrich (b. 26 June 1855/bapt. 3 Aug. 1856 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
SOMMER: Gottwerth m: 17 July 1864 (co. mar. index v.2 p.231) to: Pauline Fritsohe
SOMMER: Henry R. m: 29 June 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.52) to: Josephine Otto
SOMMER: Hermann m: 20 Dec. 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.68) to: Anna Margaretha Doresch
SOMMER: Hermann Otto m: 09 Dec. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.138) to: Anna Pauline R. Vogel MARRIAGE LICENSES: Otto Sommer of Sheboygan to Anna Vogel of Centreville… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 6, 1900 pg. 1
SOMMER: Also have Soemmer See SEEGER
SOMMERS: Edmund b: 05 Jun 1871/d. 12 Mar 1961 p: Henry Sommers/Josephine Reiss m: 15 Aug 1901 to: Motie Felts b: 08 Jan 1874/d. 28 Nov 1959 p: Thomas Felts/ Marriage Licenses: Edmund Sommers of Manitowoc to Matie M. Filtz of Rushville, Ind…. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 8, 1901 pg. 1
SOMTASKI: Joanis m: Eva children: Antonia (b. 15 Jan. 1868/bapt. 13 Jan. 1868 St. George Cath. ch.)
SONDERMANN: Ernst m: 9 Aug. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.164) to: Anna Dornaus
SONE: Adolphe m: 16 Feb. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.128) to: Henriette Boesher
SONGSEN: Otto m: 10 Aug 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.165) to: Mary Maack
SONJU: Erick Olsen b: 29 Sept. 1831, Norway/d. 9 Apr. 1900 m: Ingeborg H. Naevra
SONNEBERG: Karl m: Henriette Stock children: Ernstine Henriette (b. 24 Jan. 1871/bapt. 26 Feb. 1871 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
SONNEMANN: Louis b: 1876, WI Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Silver Spangled Chickens S. 18 Meeme, Kiel Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SONNENBURG: Anna confirmed: 29 Mar. 1885 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Carl m: Marie (nee) Nikolai children: Karl Julius (b. 1/21/1868/bapt. 2/21/1868 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Herman confirmed: 6 Apr. 1879 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Herman (Hermann Sonnenberg on co. mar. index) m: 5 Nov. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.324) (same date, from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) to: Bertha (nee) Riestow children: Arthur Robert Julius (b. 9/17/1888/bapt. 10/14/1888) Elsa Henriette Friederike (b. 10/3/1890/bapt. 11/9/1890) Emil Carl Hermann (b. 6/22/1892/bapt. 7/31/1892) Edwin Carl Wilhelm (b. 6/13/1894/bapt. 7/15/1894) (child. info. from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Herman m: Bertha (nee) Rucston children: Alwine Wilhelmine (b. 10/6/1887/bapt. 10/30/1887 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Edwin Sonneberg birth: July 1870 Newton, Wis. death: 12 July 1903 Newton, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Newton residence: 1903 Newton father: Herman Sonneberg mother: Bertha Ristan Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
SONNENBURG: Hermann m: Auguste (nee) Haseloff (also Haselof/Hasseloff/Haselhoff)(also Aug) children: Herbert Heinrich (b. 4/23/1900/bapt. 4/23/1900) Arnold Wilhelm (b. 7/2/1901/bapt. 7/2/1901/mother Haselof) Walter Hermann Heinrich (b. 7/22/1902/bapt. 8/17/1902/mother Aug) Helmuth Gustav Hermann (b. 3/11/1907/bapt. 3/31/1907) Marvin Wilhelm Christian (b. 3/26/1909/bapt. 4/18/1909) Sadie Maria Ella (b. 10/27/1910/bapt. 11/20/1910) Sonenburg birth: 19 January 1904 Newton death: 19 January 1904 Newton, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Herman Sonenburg mother: Auguste Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 (child. info. from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBERG: Herman m: 18 Jun 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.59) to: Augusta Schroeder Marriage License: The following marriage licenses have been issued during the week by County Clerk Zander: …Herman Sonnenburg, Newton and Mrs. Augusta Schroeder, Newton, … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 15, 1899 pg. 2
SONNENBURG: Karl m: Julia (nee) Nikolai children: Margaretha Luise Henriette (b. 9/20/1870/bapt. 11/6/1870) Ana Karoline Auguste (b. 3/7/1872/bapt. 4/28/1872) Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 10/23/1875/bapt. 12/19/1875) (child. info. from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Julius confirmed: 2 Apr. 1882 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Wilhelm confirmed: 14 Apr. 1889 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Wilhelmine confirmed: 2 June 1867 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SONNENBURG: Wm. F. (William Friedrich) b: Town of Newton –farmer in Town of Liberty p: Carl Sonnenburg and Hanna Prop m: 14 Jun 1899 ecclesiastical ceremony, Town of Liberty (co. mar. index v.7 p.54) Witnesses Adolp Otto and August Borgwardt to: Anna Borgwardt b: Town of Liberty p: John Borgwardt and Lizette Hinzdorf On May 29, marriage licenses were issued to the following; Joseph Hodick, of Cooperstown, and Miss Mary Prikop, of Maple Grove; John Rothmund, of Mishicot, and Miss Ella Bungow, of Two Rivers; Alis Kroner, Seymour, Outagamie Co., and Miss Effie Dennor, of Franklin; Alois Meyer, of Eaton, and Miss Emma Pfeiffer, of Schleswig. Clerk Zanders issued a license to William F. Sonnenburg and Miss Anna Borgwordt, both of Liberty, this morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 31, 1899 P.2
SONNENWALD: Michael m: 15 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.169) to: Wilhelmine H. Schroeder From Der Nord Westen, 20 Oct. 1892: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 17 Oct.) Marriage of Mr. Sonnwahl with Miss Schroeder, both of Two Rivers.
SONNTAG: August children: Ralph J. (b. 1894, Two Rivers/d. 1894) Edna Sonntag (b. 1897, Two Rivers/d. 17 June 1901)
SONNTAG: August Wm. m: 21 Sep 1889 (co. mar. index v.6 p.3) to: Ella Louisa Reis
SONNTAG: Eldon m: Freida Kopischke (b. 3 June 1905/d. 2 Feb. 1969, Two Rivers/ p: Carl and Mathilda Kopischke)
SONNTAG: Emilie Pauline b. 13 Mar. 1843/confirmed 1861 at Tannery at Two Rivers/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
SONNTAG: Frederick Carl m: Josephine Musil (also Mushel) children: Clara (b. 22 Apr. 1864, Two Rivers) Fred (b. 12 Jan. 1867, Two Rivers) August (b. 6 Jan. 1869, Two Rivers/d. May 1945, Two Rivers) William H. (b. 8 Feb. 1871, Two Rivers) Anna (b. 21 Dec. 1872, Two Rivers) Louis F. (b. 8 Mar. 1875, Two Rivers) Ernst (b. 1 April 1877, Two Rivers/d. 8 Oct. 1931, Two Rivers) Caroline Sontag (b. 1879, Two Rivers/d. 1964, Two Rivers/m. John J. Grumann) Heinrich (b. 17 April 1887, Two Rivers) Emma (b. 7 April 1889, Two Rivers)
SONNTAG: Fritz From Der Nord Westen, 03 Oct. 1907: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 30 Sep.) Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Sonntag were given a surprise party in celebration of their Wooden Wedding Anniversary. The visitors brought the finest of food with them and everyone enjoyed playing cards and other diversions. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. August Sonntag, Mr. and Mrs. Wilhelm Sonntag, Mr. and Mrs. Hermann Fanslau, Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Sonntag, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Sonntag, Miss Minnie Hess, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hess and their children.
SONNTAG: Gladys Jane b: 1885/d. 24 May 1966, Two Rivers
SONNTAG: Louis Ferdinand b: 1875, Two Rivers/d. Aug. 1955, Two Rivers p: Frederick Carl Sonntag and Josephine Mushel m: 13 Feb. 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.342 to: Caroline Elisabeth Vietz children: Gertrude (b. 15 May 1899, Two Rivers/d. 15 Oct. 1899) From Der Nord Westen, 20 Feb. 1896: Marriage in Two Rivers Thurs. last week, of Louis Sonntag with Miss Elisabeth Vits, by Pastor Doehler in the Ev. Lutheran St. Johannes Church. Afterwards there was an enjoyable celebration in Kappelmann's Hall.
SONSTHAGEN: Otto Bione. 1st m: 10 Jul 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.109) to: Sylvia Vitz b: Jun 1875/ d. 01 Dec 1905 p: Henry Vits/Mary E. Hockemeyer From the Files of the Pilot - Twenty-five Years Ago - (1900) The marriage of Otto H. Sonsthagen and Miss Lydia Vits at 6 o'clock on Tuesday evening was a pretty social affair of the week. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Thorsen of the Norwegian Evangelical Church at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Vits on Fourtheenth Street and was witnessed by a large company of friends. The bride was attended by Petra Sonsthagen of Ashland, a sister of the bridegroom and George H. Vits was best man. After congratulations were tendered and refreshments were served the couple left for St. Paul and Minneapolis for a brief stay. On their return they will reside on the north side. The bridegroom has for years been a clerk in the employ of O. Torrison Company and the bride has been bookkeeper for the Madson Seed Company. She is the third daughter of Henry Vits, former postmaster and an old and greatly respected resident of the city. Among those from out of town who attended the wedding were John Wells and wife of Ashland and Mrs. Hogan of Antigo. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., July 9, 1925 ***** 2nd m: 10 Jun 1908 to: Mathilda Rose Kunz p: George Kunz/Elizabeth ***** Local and Personal: The engagement of Bjorn Sonsthagen and Miss Tillie Kunz has been announced. The wedding will take place after Easter. They are both employed by the O. Torrison Co. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 16, 1908 pg. 4 ***** MARRIED Miss Tillie Kunz and Mr. Bjorn Sonsthagen were married Wednesday by Rev. Preus of the First Norwegian church. There was no reception after the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Sonsthagen left in the evening on a wedding trip. The couple will reside in this city. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 11, 1908 pg. 1
SONTAG: Charles F. m: Walburga Benzinger (b. 1853, Baden, Germany/d. 1929, Two Rivers)
SONTAG: Charles F. m: 20 Sep 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.234) to: Walburga Hess Marriage License: Fred Sonntag and Walburga Hess both of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 18 Sep 1902 ***** 25 Sep (From Two Rivers, 22 Sep.) Marriage Saturday of Fritz Sonntag with the widow Mrs. Hess both from here. He is 58, she 45. Mrs. Hess has 4 grown children from her first marriage while Mr. Sonntag has 10 (3 now deceased).... ***** CUPID'S QUEER PRANKS Arrow From Bow of Little God Pierces Heart of 80 Year Old Soon-to-Be Groom CHOSE BRIDE OF 43 SUMMERS Once, so the fable runs, Cupid dropped all his arrows and Death also let his quiver fall, so that the whafts of the two became mixed. After that it was not infrequently the case that old persons aimed at by Death with malice afore-thought to be wounded by the bolts of love instead of the more fated ones. So it may be that Fred Sonntag, a Two Rivers resident, 80 years of age received on of Cupid's arrows from the universal harvester's bow. At any rate he is soon to wed, having secured a license for marriage to Mrs. Walburger Hess, of the same city. The wedding will take place in the near future. Both principals to the approaching union are sanguine that they will enjoy a great happiness in the companionship of their declining years and friends will surely hope that the fondest anticipations of the couple may be realized. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, September 17, 1902 P. 1
SONTAG: Ernst A. m: 28 Sept. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.181) to: Emma D. Hering Marriage License obtained: Ernst Sonntag and Emma Herring both of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 26 Sep. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: Marriage licenses issued by County Clerk Schaffland follow: …Ernest Sontag of Two Rivers to Emma Hering of Two Rivers… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 26, 1901 pg. 1
SONTAG: Fred. m: Josephine Musil children: Caroline (b. 1879, Two Rivers/d. 1964, Two Rivers/m. John J. Grumann)
SONTAG: Walter b: 1891/d. Jan. 1949, Two Rivers p: August Sonntag
SONTAG: William Hein. m: 15 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.172) to: Emma Aug. Chr. Kubel (b. 6 Sept. 1871/d. 6 May 1935, Two Rivers) p: William Kubel and Ida Glandt) children: Earl Sontag Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 birth: 8 January 1900 Two Rivers, Wis. death: 16 August 1900 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers residence: 1900 Two Rivers, Wis. father: William Sontag mother: Emma Imgard Sontag/b: 25 Dec 1902/d. July 1956/from obit in Pioneers Rest, Two Rivers/m. Fred Carpenter Leo Frederick/b. 4 June 1906, Two Rivers/d. April 1982, Two Rivers/ m. Frances Louise Ebert Married At. St. John's Evangelical Lutheran Church on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 15, 1892, Mr. W. H. Sontag and Miss Emma Kubel, both of this city. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Oct. 18, 1892 ***** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 17 Oct.) Mr. Wilhelm Sonntag with Miss Kubel, both of Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 20 Oct. 1892
SOPER: Amos J. m: 6 Nov. 1856, in Franklin twp. (co. mar. index v.2 p.267) to: Jane Hammon (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 15 Nov. 1856) Guardian Sale. IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY COURT. In the matter of the guardianship of the minor heirs of Amos Soper, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an Order of License made in said matter on the 15th day of September, A.D., 1873, by the County Court of said County, the undersigned Jane Soper, guardian of the minor heirs of said Amos Soper, deceased, will, on Monday the 20th day of April A.D. 1874, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the City of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for sale at public vendue, the following described lands, to-wit: The south half of the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of Section 22, Town 19, north of Range 22, in Manitowoc County, State of Wisconsin. The terms of sale cash, or reasonable time for not more than three-fourths of purchase money with mortgage security. Jane Soper. Dated at Manitowoc, the 16th day of March, A.D. 1874. Manitowoc Pilot, March 26, 1874 P. 1
SOPER: Edwin m: 1 Jan. 1860 (co. mar. index v.3 p.8) to: Josephine Brown
SOPER: Leone res: Tn Cato p: David and Eliz. Soper m: Sarah Albee on 13 Dec. 1870 p: Wm. H. and Mary A. Albee of Manitowoc
SOPER: Selah m: 18 May 1865 (co. mar. index v.3 p.33) to: Jane Soper
SOPER: Serie m: 13 Dec. 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.43)
SOPER: See ALEFSON See bio. of Alf H. Alfson See BERSIE See ERICKSON
SORBO: Nils Nilsen m: 20 Mar. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.114) to: M. Snortum
SORENSEN: Peter m: 25 June 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.224) to: Martha Gilbertsen
SORENSON: John, Captain He was killed on the Sea Bird.
SORFELDT: Wm Marriage Date: 23 Oct 1877 Vol:02 Page:0412 Vol:A Sequence:15039 to: Ema Zill Marriage Date: 23 Oct 1877 Vol:02 Page:0412 Vol:A Sequence:15040
SORGE, F. C. & Sons From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Manufacturers of Heavy and Spring Wagons, Buggies Sleighs, etc. Dealer in Wagon Material. Blacksmithing and General Jobbing. Cor. Commercial and Ninth Street.
SORGE: Frank C. b: 23 May, 1830, in Saxony, Germany. p: George and Elizabeth Sorge m: 1859 to: Hannah Huepner (should be Johanna Huebner)(b. 12 Sept. 1834, Prussia/ d. 12 Mar. 1919, Manitowoc) children: 4 sons, 1 dau. 2nd Marriage: 1873 to: Henrietta Hintz children: Three
SORGE: (Divorce - 1872) Sorge, Hannah, vs. Sorge, Frank Married 18 October 1859 Racine, Wisconsin. Children: William, 9; Amelia, 7; Frederick, 5; John, 3; Martin, 1. Papers say 6 children, but only five listed. Action dismissed.
SORGE: (Divorce - 1873) Sorge, Hannah, vs. Sorge, Frank - 1873 Married 18 October 1858. Six children: one living with the plaintiff, five with the defendant.
SORGE: Frank C. m: 24 Oct 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.265) to: Catharina Giefer From Der Nord Westen, 29 Oct. 1885: Marriage of Frank Sorge, Jr., of Manitowoc with Miss Catharina Kiefer of Two Rivers on Sat., 24 Oct in the home of the groom's parents by Rev. R. Pieper.
SORGE: Franz C. m: Johanna Huebner children: Amelia M. (b. 21 July 1864, Manitowoc/d. 6 Nov. 1941, Reedsville/m. August Ottelien) Frederick C. (b. 24 May 1866, Manitowoc/d. 20 July 1946, Camp Carson, El Paso co., Colorado/m. Anna Ulovitz)
SORGE: Franz Carl m: 6 Apr. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.81) to: Henriette Hinz
SORGE: Frederick C. m: Anna Ulovitz children: Reinhardt Louis (b. 15 Sept. 1892, Manitowoc/d. 1 Sept. 1969, Green Bay, Brown co., WI/m. Tillie Hannah Buckman) Irma Barbara (b. 27 Sept. 1894, Manitowoc/d. 24 Feb. 1951, Denver, Denver co., Colorado/m. John Rycraft) Joseph (b. 15 Sept. 1896, Manitowoc/d. 15 Sept. 1896, Manitowoc) Clara Hazel (b. 4 Aug. 1897, Manitowoc/d. 6 Mar. 1898, Manitowoc) Winfred Julius (b. 20 Sept. 1900, Manitowoc/d. 11 Nov. 1989, Green Bay, Brown co. WI)
SORGE: William b: 6 Dec. 1860/d. 21 Dec. 1883, Manitowoc p: Franz C. Sorge and Johanna Huebner
SORUM: Gulbrand Hansen b: ca. 1805, Norway m: Anne Erlandsdatter b: ca. 1801, Norway
SORUM: Hans Gulbrandsen b: 22 Sept. 1830, Norway/d. 18 Aug. 1897 m: Mari Paulsatter Enger b: 2 Sept. 1816, Norway/d. 19 Feb. 1875
SORWEIDE: Albert m: Albertine Zumach children: Wilhelm Johann Otto (b. 9 Aug. 1878/bapt. 4 Sept. 1878 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
SORWEIDE: Albert M.F. m: 3 Sept. 1878 by Justice of the Peace, Carl H. Schmidt (co. mar. index v.4 p.133) to: Ernestine Zumach From Der Nord Westen, 06 Sept. 1878: Marriage of Albert Sorweide with Miss Ernestine Zumach, both from Maple Grove, on 03 Sept. by Justice of the Peace Carl H. Schmidt.
SORWEIDE: Also have Sohrweide
SOSNOSKY: Anna Photo Max/Emily/Anna Photo Max/Jerry Photo Jerry Courtesy of the Two Rivers Historical Society
SOUCOP: Rudolph m: 23 Nov. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.138) to: Anna Schauer
SOUDAY: Charles F Marriage Date: 27 Dec 1863 Vol:01 Page:0060 Vol:A Sequence:14100 to: Josephine Musel Marriage Date: 27 Dec 1863 Vol:01 Page:0060 Vol:A Sequence:14101
SOUKOP: Francis m: 16 Apr. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.71) to: Barbara Bilek
SOUKOP: Wendel m: 12 Nov 1889 (co. mar. index v.6 p.74) to: Catharine Zedek
SOUKUP: Adolph (info. from Edna's obituary) m: Olga Zeman children: Edna (b. 21 Oct. 1911, Gibson twp./m: Ervin Baumann) Lydia Vera
SOUKUP: Jos. m: 16 Nov 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.431) to: Anna Dvorak
SOUKUP: Joseph m: 27 Aug 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.173) to: Rosa Pech From Der Nord Westen, 22 Aug. 1901: Marriage License: Jos. Soukup of Franklin and Rosa Pech of Kossuth
SOUKUP: Joseph m: 6 Nov. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.146) to: Elizabeth Just
SOUKUT: Joseph m: 06 Nov 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.146) to: Elizabeth Just
SOULAK: Adolph b: 21 Mar. 1882 in Manitowoc Rapids, WI. p: Fabian and Katherine (Sipol) Soulak. m: 15 Sept. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.294) to: Mary Shimek p: Mathew Shimek. children: Emil and Lumilla. ******** Anton Krainik and Miss Mary Hackbarth have been granted a license to wed. Others are Frank Krumm and Sophia Rosinsky, city; G.W. Dolphin, Milwaukee, Alice Richards, city; Adolph Soulak, Rapids, Mary Shimek, Franklin. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, September 10, 1903, P. 2 ******** Kellnersville news: Adolph Soulak and Mary Shimek were united in the holy bonds of matrimony on Tuesday last at St. Joseph's Catholic church. Father Kolar tied the nuptial knot. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 17, 1903 P. 8
SOUSTHAGEN: See Frank Sixta bio.
SOVINE: Oliver m: 03 Apr 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.205) to: Mary Ellen Wilde ******** COMPANIONS THROUGH LIFE. WILD (SIC)-SOVINA (sic). The marriage of Miss Ella Wild and Oliver Sovina which was solemnized at the residence of the bride's parents north of the city Thursday evening was a pretty home wedding. Rev. Hooton officiated and there was a large party of invited guests in attendance, including relatives and friends from Indiana and Green Bay. Both young people are well known and have the best wishes of friends for their happiness. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, April 4, 1902 P. 1
SPACEK: John m: 18 Jan. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.140) to: Katharina Forejt
SPAETH: Charles m: 15 May 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.46) to: Wilhelmine Luebke Marriage Licenses: County Clerk Maresh this week issued the following marriage licenses: Charles Speth (sic) of Newton and Wilhelmina Luebke of the same town. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 11, 1899 pg. 8
SPAETH: Joseph (also have a Spath) b: Germany res: Manitowoc, wagonmaker p: Paulus and Margaretha Spaeth m: 6 Aug. no year, in Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.43) registered 26 Aug. 1854 to: Anna Brantel p: Michael and Anna Maria Brantel (mar. announcement in Manitowoc Herald, 12 Aug. 1854)
SPAETH: Joseph m: 4 Nov. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.220) to: Sophia Brandel child: Jerome Benjamin Spaeth birth: 3 June 1906 Manitowoc death: 30 August 1906 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Joseph Spaeth mother: Sophia Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
SPAETH: Joseph m: 19 Oct. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.355) to: Christine M. Halverson
SPAETH: Also have Speth
SPAETTEL: Jacob m: Elisabeth children: Henry Mathias (b. 27 May 1867/bapt. 10 June 1867 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
SPAETTEL: (also have Speddel) See SPETTEL See SPOTTEL
SPAHR: John C. m: 28 Jan 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.231) to: Fredrecka Ornestorf
SPALINGER: Jacob b: Canada - Farmer in Town of Herman, Sheboygan County p: Andreas Spalinger and Barbara Hath m: 28 Jul 1892 civil ceremony, Town of Meeme (co. mar. index v.6 p.162) Witnesses Edwin Flenn and Amelia Fenn [as spelled in record] to: Bertha Quant b: Valesdorf, Germany p: Carl Quant and Louisa Bradsky
SPALSBURG: Wesley D. m: 3 Oct. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.48) to: Ruth O Johns MARRIED. SPALSBURY - JOHNS - Oct. 3d, 1871 at Manitowoc, Wis., by the Rev. C.B. Stevens, Mr. W.D. Spalsbury, of Claybanks, Wis. and Miss Ruth O. Johns, of Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, October 5, 1871 pg. 4 ***** Mr. Spalsbury, and his young bride, left town last Sunday on the St. Joseph for their new home, Clay Banks. They have the best wishes for unfailing happiness from the many friends they have left behind them. Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, October 12, 1871 pg. 4
SPAN: Gottfried (also have a Spann) m: 2 Jan. 1860 (co. mar. index v.2 p.59) to: Caroline W. Wilke
SPANDE: Carl m: 22 July 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.305) to: Augusta Kraeber
SPANN: (also have a Span) See SCHIMTKE
SPARKS: Albertus m: no date, in with May 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.271) to: Elizabeth Sutherland From Der Nord Westen, 07 May 1903 Marriage License obtained Albertus Sparks, Jr., of Shelby, Mich., and Elizabeth Sutherland of Thompsonville, Mich. ******** Marriage licenses have been issued to Joseph Brady, of Chicago and Helen Bahr, of this city and to Albertus Sparks, Jr. of Shelby, Oceanan county, Mich., and Elizabeth Sutherland, of Thompsonville, Ben??e county, Mich., the latter license being issued here as the marriage is to take place in this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 7, 1903 P. 4
SPARNY: Francis m: 25 July 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.53) to: Mary Mareck
SPATCHEK: Joe. b. WI 1890 Farmer, S. 20 Maple Grove, Brillion Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SPATCHEK: John b: 1888, WI Farmer, S. 29 Maple Grove, Brillion m: Rose Mull Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SPATH: Aloys (also have a Spaeth) m: 15 Oct. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.126) to: Anna M. Vandeblomen child: Agnes Sparth birth: 9 January 1903 Two Rivers death: 19 November 1905 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1905 Two Rivers father: Louis Sparth mother: Annie Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 Two Rivers: Louis Spaeth and Annie Vanderbloemen were united in marriage at St. Luke's church. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 18, 1900 pg. 8
SPATT: Francis b: Germany res: Maple Grove, farmer p: Francis and Catharina Spatt m: 30 Aug. 1856 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.128) to: Barbara Heitza p: George and Magdalena Heitza
SPECHT: Adam b: 4 Aug. 1870, Liberty, Manitowoc co. (v.2 p.45, co. birth record) p: Jacob Specht and Margaretha Keller
SPECHT: Adam m: Anna Frank children: Joseph (b. 19 Oct. 1854, Manitowoc co./m. Katherine Winter) Peter (b. 18 June 1862, Eaton twp.)
SPECHT: Adam m: 18 Feb. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.144) to: Kate Neuser
SPECHT: Adam m: Susana children: Katharina (b. 8 Sept. 1817, Biegenbach, Germany)
SPECHT: Aug. H. m: 10 June 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.282) to: Ida Kunz From Der Nord Westen, 04 June 1903 Marriage License obtained August H. Specht of Mishicott and Ida Kunz of Manitowoc ***** Marriage here Wed. last week of August Specht with Miss Ida Kunz in the residence of Peter Hermann. Der Nord Westen, 18 June 1903 ****** The marriage of Miss Ida Kunz, of Branch, and August Specht, of Mishicott, was solemnized in this city Wednesday. The contracting parties are well and favorable known and will have the felicitations of many friends. Mr. and Mrs. Specht will make a home in the far West, having departed immediately for Washington. Manitowoc Pilot, June 18, 1903 p.1 ***** WERE QUIETLY WED. August H. Specht, of Mishicot and Miss Ida Kunz Married Last Evening. At a quiet home wedding in the presence of but a few near relatives and intimate friends Miss Ida Kunz and August Specht were, last evening, united in marriage at the home of Peter Herman on Michigan Ave. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Zenk at 7 o'clock and immediately after it a wedding supper was served to the guests present. Mr. Specht and his bride departed last evening for Washington where they expect to make their home in the future. The groom is a well known young man of Mishicot and the bride has until lately resided at Branch and is well known and popular with a large circle of friends in this city, where she has been making her home for two months past. Their many friends extend congratulations. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 11, 1903 P. 1
SPECHT: August News article
SPECHT: August m: 3 Oct. 1864 (co. mar. index v.2 p.274) to: Christiana Wulff
SPECHT: Charles m: 27 Feb 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.394) to: Emelie Loeschora
SPECHT: Chas. m: 18 Apr 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.44) to: Minnie Rohrbach
SPECHT: Franz m: 14 Apr. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.143) to: Katharina Heitz
SPECHT: Geo. b: 1894, WI Farmer and Breeder of High Grade Holstein Cattle S. 5 Manitowoc, Manitowoc m: Erna Rohrbach Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SPECHT: George J. m: 12 Dec. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.431) to: Mattie Lawrence MARRIED: One Tuesday morning of last week Miss Mattie Lawrence and George J. Specht were united in marriage at the parsonage of St. Paul's M.E. church, Rev. C. E. Weed officiating. Only relatives and intimate friends of the contracting parties witnessed the ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrence of this city. The groom is employed as a cabinet maker at the Manitowoc Seating Works. The couple will make their home in this city. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 21, 1905 pg. 1
SPECHT: Hans Jacob Christ. m: 27 July 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.53) to: Cath. Elisabeth Scharf
SPECHT: Heinrich m: Sophie born Ropke children: Heinrich Martin (b. 15 Mar. 1858/bapt. 5 Apr. 1858 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
SPECHT: Herman b: 6 Jan. 1865, Kossuth, WI. p: Frank and Katie (Spoentgen) Specht m: 17 Jan. 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.230) to: Laura Matilda E. Krieser (b. 13 July 1876) p: August Krieser children: Edwin From Der Nord Westen, 04 Jan. 1894: Hermann Specht and Miss Laura Krieser, daughter of our friend A. Krieser in Cooperstown, will be married on 17 Jan.
SPECHT: Herman Marriage Date: 22 Mar 1905 Vol:05 Page:0434 Vol:B Sequence:05919 to: Ida Rohrbach Marriage Date: 22 Mar 1905 Vol:05 Page:0434 Vol:B Sequence:05071
SPECHT: Jacob b: Germany res: Manitowoc Rapids, laborer p: Adam and Susanna Specht m: 27 Nov. 1854 at Manitowoc Rapids to: Anna Maria Raukramer p: Christopherus and Anna Maria Raukramer
SPECHT: Jacob m: 23 Nov. 1865 (co. mar. index v.4 p.28) to: Margaretha Ketter
SPECHT: Johann m: 21 Jan. 1868(co. mar. index v.4 p.29) to: Margaretha Endress
SPECHT: John b: 1820, Germany/d. 20 Jan. 1888 m: Mary Catherine Braun b: 1823, Prussia/d. 20 Feb. 1893
SPECHT: John Adam b: 8 Apr. 1850, Germany/d. 14 Feb. 1925 m: Catherine Neuser b: 1861, Wisconsin/d. 11 Nov. 1893
SPECHT: John Adam m: 05 Apr 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.243) to: Cecilia Hermann
SPECHT: John Adam m: Margaretha Endries children: Joseph (b. 2 Jan. 1869, Manitowoc co./d. 10 April 1869) John (b. 7 Feb. 1870, Manitowoc co./d. 4 Mar. 1947, Priest River, Idaho/ m. Maria Schwartz) Katherine (b. 3 Jan. 1877, Manitowoc co./d. 26 July 1939, Marshfield, Wood co., WI/m. Jacob Grossbeier) Mary Ann (b. 1 Jan. 1878, Manitowoc co./d. 31 Mar. 1878)
SPECHT: Joseph m: 30 Apr. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.131) to: Katharine Winter
SPECHT: M. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer. Born in Prussia 1849. Wife born in America 1858. Married and settled farm 1873. Eleven children. Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 2, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
SPECHT: Mathias m: 11 May 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.69) to: Mary Antholt
SPECHT: Mattie Bell b: 28 Feb. 1886 at Manitowoc/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
SPECK: Christian Fried. A. m: 02 Jan 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.78/she is p.79) to: Elizabeth Brachmann
SPEDDEL: (also have Spaettel/Spottel) See HERR
SPEIGEL: (there is also Spiegel) See EGGERT
SPELLE: Gerd Heinrich m: Catharine (nee) Lubbering children: Leusetsor Margaretta Wilhelmine (b. 11/17/1862/bapt. 2/6/1863 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SPELLE: Heinrich m: Catharine (nee) Bubering children: Anna Louise (b. 2/25/1861/bapt. 9/29/1861 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SPENCER: Edward m: 25 July 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.84) to: Mary F Spencer
SPENCER: Friedrich Charles m: 27 Oct. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.87) to: Margret M Edwards Married at the residence of Mr. G. Edwards, the bride's father, October 27, by Rev. L.N. Wheeler, Fredrick C. Spencer and Miss Margaret M. Edwards, both of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Tribune, Thurs., Oct. 29, 1874
SPENCER: Henry b: 14 Jan. 1817, in England. m: 1840 to: Eliza Hothersall. children: Seven.
SPENCER: Henry Jr. m: 08 Nov 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.42) to: Sarah Alice Riley Married, at the residence of the bride's parents in the town of Kossuth, Tuesday, Nov. 2d, Mr. Henry Spencer and Miss Sarah Riley, Rev. Gardam officiating. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times Tuesday, November 15, 1881 pg. 1
SPENCER: John m: 15 Sept. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.73) to: Clarese Hindle
SPENCER: John m: 17 Apr. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.116) to: Emma F. Robinson (From the Manitowoc Pilot April 26, 1877) Married - At the residence of the bride's father, in the town of Kossuth, April 17th, 1877, by J.C. McCarty, J.P., Mr. John Spencer and Miss Emma F. Robinson, oldest daughter of Wm. Robinson, Esq., both of Kossuth. No cards.
SPENCER: Roy m. June 12, 1916 to: Annice Jaeger ***** Miss Annice Jaeger of Maribel and Roy Spencer of this city, were united in marriage at the home of the bride yesterday, and departed on a honeymoon trip to Niagara Falls. Mr. Spencer is employed in the local offices of the Northwestern railroad and fellow employes and friends greeted him and his bride vociferously at the station upon the departure of the couple yesterday. They will make their home in the city upon their return. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 13, 1916 P.3
SPENCER: Russel F. m: 01 Jan 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.71) to: Laura Olson
SPENCER: W.H. m: Mrs. children: Vernon Fulton (b. 1885/bapt. 7 Jan. 1888 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc)
SPENCER: Wm. H. m: 22 Dec. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.138) to: Sarah E Fulton
SPENCER: Wm. H. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Meadow Brook Stock and Dairy Farm. Born in Kossuth 1855. Wife born in 1858. Married in 1878. John Spencer born in England; came to America 1842. Post Office, King's Bridge; Section 19, Kossuth Township.
SPENCER: Wm. Henry m: Sarah Emma children: Bessie Pearl (b. 12 Feb. 1880/bapt. 23 Feb. 1881 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) William J. (b. 30 Dec. 1882/bapt. 28 June 1884 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc)
SPENWACEK: Franz m: 12 Dec 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.111) to: Antoni Laurach
SPENWACEK: John m: 18 May 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.355) to: Mary Benda
SPERL: Alfred Wilhelm b: Town of Rhine -grain buyer at Elkhart Lake p: Michael Sperl and Emilie Kneisel m: 18 Nov 1894 Ev. Lutheran Church, Town of Centerville (co. mar. index v.6 p.279) Witnesses Caroline Emma Sperl, Minna Laux, Henrich Sperl and John Sperl to: Martha Margaretha Elisabeth Laux b: Town of Centerville, Manitowoc County p: Adam Laux and Minna Westphal
SPERL: Augustin m: 30 May 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.100) to: Odilia Klein
SPERL: George m: 29 Feb. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.107) to: Dorothea Kaban
SPERL: Wencl (Wenzel) b: Bohemia -farmer in Town of Kossuth p: George Sperl and Elizabeth Ducker m: 14 Nov. 1882 in religious ceremony, Town of Franklin Witnesses Joseph Kronfort and Mathias Kirt (co. mar. index. v.5 p.97) to: Catharine Kirt p: Peter Kirt and Catherine Wanek
SPERRACEK: Francis m: 3 May 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.85) to: Catharine Herlik
SPETH: Andreas m: 23 Nov 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.131/also v.6 p.174) to: Theresia Fischer
SPETH: Anton m: 16 Jan. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.346) to: Sophia Ebert
SPETH: Henry m: 20 May 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.450) to: Emma Ebert
SPETH: Also have Spaeth See TINOR
SPETTEL: Edward John b: 19 Oct. 1864, in Franklin, Sheboygan Co., WI. p: Jacob and Elizabeth (Aulbach) Spettel. m: to Mina Reimers p: Hans and Henrietta (Voss) Reimers. children: Harry, Lilly and Harvey.
SPETTEL: Jacob m: Elisabetha children: Johann Wilhelm (b. 18 Sept. 1875/bapt. 24 Sept. 1875 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
SPETTEL: John m: 23 Oct. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.126) to: Pauline Bosma A marriage license has been issued to John Spettel and Miss Paula Besma (sic), both of Eaton. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, October 16, 1900 P. 2 ***** Cupid's Busy Week At The Office Of County Clerk The past week was a busy one for cupid at the county clerk's office. Sixteen couples sought the needed papers to permit them to enter the marriage state. The names follow:… John Spettel, Pauline Besma, Eaton;… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 18, 1900 pg. 1
SPEVACEK: Anton b: 23 July 1822, Bohemia m: Anna Kiml b: abt. 1852, Bohemia FOUR GENEATIONS OF SPEVACEKS HAVE LIVED ON THE SAME FARM IN THE TOWN OF GIBSON Taxes Have Increased 600 Per Cent Per Acre in Seventy-five Years, Old Tax Receipts Reveal; More Than $5,000 Paid In Three-quarters of a Century For seventy-five years the Spevacek family has been paying taxes on farm property in the township of Gibson, Manitowoc county, which up to 1931 amounted to a total of $5,070.22. John Spevacek Jr., forty-three years old, is present owner of the farm and is the third generation to own and operate it. The original farm of 80 acres has increased to one hundred forty acres during the course of those seventy-five years, and the taxes have increased more than 600 per cent on every acre during that time. Anton Spevacek landed in America from Bohemia with his family of three children in 1856 and took up 20 acres of land in the town of Gibson. He built a little log shack and started clearing the timber from the land about it and later sold it. In 1866 eighty acres were purchased from Mann Brothers in Two Rivers who owned all the land along the Shoto river for several miles, and another log shack was built, which still stands on the farm and forms a part of the dwelling in which John Spevacek Sr., 77, lives at the present time. In 1880 Anton felt that his son John should take the responsibility of the farm and he have things a little easier, so the farm was turned over to him. An addition was built to the log house a year or so later and the two families live in their respective parts. In 1883, John purchased twenty acres adjoining the original eighty and made other improvements about the place. In 1887 another addition was made to the dwelling and from that time on the improvements about the place have been many. In 1906 another forty-acre piece of land was purchsed from Steve Maley, which increased the size of the farm to 140 acres. In 1908 the taxes on the farm amounted to $69.12, the lowest they ever were to be again. In 1910 John Jr., who was then a young man of 22 years took over the management of the farm and has operated it as his own ever since. In 1911 he erected a new dwelling on the place, which was, and still is, one of the most modern and convenient farm dwellings in the county. It is ?2 feet by 45 feet in size and contains fourteen rooms, including a bath. Two years after he took over the farm, the dairy barn was remodeled and steel cow stalls, stanchions, and drinking cups were added. Stanley is the fourth generation of Spevacks to live on the farm, and will no doubt be the proprietor of the farm himself some day. He is fourteen years old and is a student at the Woodrow Wilson school at Manitowoc. (Note: There are two pictures shown. The first has a caption of: The Spevacek Farmstead as it looks today. The original log shack, built in 1865 by Anton Spevacek, still stands as part of the dwelling occupied by John Spevacek, Sr., age 77. It may be seen in the background. The second has a caption of: Left, John Spevacek, Sr., 77; center, Stanley Spevacek, 14; right John Spevacek Jr., 43.) Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. December 31, 1931 P. 11
SPEVACEK: Anton (record shows Speracek) m: 21 Oct 1908 to: Mary Meleziva ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Anton Spevacek of Gibson and Mary Mleziva of Cooperstown; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1908 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Maribel: The marriage of Miss Mary Melezva of Maribel and Anton Spevacek of Zander, was announced in the Greenstreet Catholic church, last Sunday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 8, 1908 pg. 8 ***** Notes From Zander: Mr. Anton J. Spevacek of this place will be married to Miss Mary Mleziva of Cooperstown next Tuesday at the Greenstreet Catholic church. They will have a quiet wedding, and after the wedding will leave for a honeymoon trip to Milwaukee, Chicago and other cities. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 15, 1908 pg. 8SPEVACEK: John b: 23 Dec. 1855/d. 2 Jan. 1937 m: Marketa Kraus
SPEVACEK: Vitus m: 09 Jan 1906 (co. mar. index v.7 p.428/year not given but entry at beginning of 1906) to: Anna Dufek From Der Nord Westen, 04 Jan. 1906: Married license. Vit. Spevacek of Gibson and Annie Duseck of Mishicott ****** Tisch Mills - Mr. V. Spevacek and Miss Anna Dufek, both of the Town of Mishicot, were married last Tuesday at the St. Mary's church at 10 o'clock am, Rev. Mergl officiating. After the ceremony a dinner was served at the home of the bride's parents, of which many guests partook. May they float through happiness during life. The REPORTER, Sat., Jan. 20, 1906
SPEVACK: (Divorce - Date?) Spevack, Frank, vs. Spevack, Catherine Married May 1874 Town of Kossuth, Manitowoc County by Rev. Joseph Maly.
SPEVACEK: Also have Spenwacek
SPEWACEK: John m: 16 June 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.131) to: Marketa Kraus
SPEWACEK: Joseph m: 03 May 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.242) to: Annie Cizek MARRIED. Sunday, May 3, 1885, at the residence of the bride's parents in Kossuth by John Kellner, J.P. Mr. Joseph Spevachek of this city, and Miss Annie Cizek of Kossuth. If preserving industry close application to business and good natural talent will avail a young man Joe stands a good chance to succeed in life. He is now filling the responsible place of bookkeeper with Rand & Roemer. His bride is said to be a very estimable young lady and we wish them luck. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4 ******** Kellnersville news: John Kellner made Joseph Spevacek and Annie Cizek happy last Sunday. They left on a wedding tour to Kansas. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, May 12, 1885 P.4
SPEWACEK Also have Spenwacek
SPIEGEL: Christian res: Manitowoc p: Christian & Christiane (Lau) Spiegel of Mecklenburg Schwerin m: 2 July 1859, First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. (v.2 p.36 co. mar. index) to: Louise Dahlstein (widow) p: Christian & Maria (Steinhagen) Dahlstein of Mecklenburg Schwerin
SPIEGEL: Christian Photo
SPIEGEL: Franz (info. from M. Kurz, Salzkammergut in Austria) b: 1821/2 m: Anna (both immigrated from Austria in 1852) b: 1819/20 children: Theresia, b.1942
SPIEGEL: Gustav H.J. m: 22 Feb 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.27/she is 24 Feb on index) to: Pauline W. Schwalbe
SPIEGEL: Harry Gustav m: 16 Dec. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.427) to: Irene Stockinger
SPIEGEL: Heinrich b: Torgaw, Mecklenburg-Schwerin res: Manitowoc, tailor p: Christian Spiegel and Johanna Lau m: 9 Jan. 1858 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.222) to: Sophie Lorenz p: Carl Lorenz and Johanna Braun
SPIEGEL: W. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Spiegel's Homestead Farm Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 23, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
SPIEGEL: Wilhelm b. 26 Feb. 1859/confirmed 20 April 1873/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
SPIEGEL: Wilhelm b: Zollkow, Mecklenburg-Schwerin res: Manitowoc, worker p: Christian Spiegel and Anna Daun m: 23 Sept. 1865, First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. (co. mar. index, v.3 p.37) to: Maria Haacker (co. mar. index, Haaker) b: Mollendorf, Mecklenburg-Schwerin p: Friedrich Haacker and Maria nee Haacker
SPIEGEL: Wilhelm A. m: 22 Apr. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.95) to: Maria A. Aechenbach
SPIEGEL: Wm. L. Jr. m: 19 Oct. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 pg.88) to: Louise Wilsmann From Der Nord Westen, 26 Oct. 1882: Marriage of Wilhelm Spiegel of Manitowoc, with Miss Louisa Molsmann(sic) of Mishicott, on 19 Oct. in Mishicott by Rev. Prohl.
SPIEGEL: (there is also Speigel) See FISHER See FISCHER See MAHNKE
SPIERING: August b. 30 Apr. 1856/confirmed 1870/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
SPIERING: Carl m: Mathilde nee Block or Black children: August Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 30 Apr. 1856/bapt. 3 Aug. 1856 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
SPIERING: Louise Photo
Photo compliments of the Manitowoc Library
SPINDLER: Residence Spindler home
I can't tell which Spindler this belonged to.
Compliments of Manitowoc Library
SPINDLER: Carl E. res: Chicago m: 29 Sept. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.154) to: Emma Goetzler p: Bal. Goetzler From Der Nord Westen, 03 Oct. 1879: Marriage of Carl Spindler of Chicago, with Miss Emma Goetzler of Manitowoc on 29 Sept., by Justice of the Peace A. Wallich. The bride is the daughter of Bal. Goetzler. The groom is a member of the well-known firm Barnard Bros. & Spindler, typecasters in Chicago.
SPINDLER: Charles E. b: 25 June 1841 in Germany p: John and Johanna Spindler m: Kittie Baker of Chicago children: Ida May, Edwin C. and Walter E.
SPINDLER: Edwin Charles (age 25 at mar.) res: Manitowoc p: Charles E. and Anna Knud Spindler m: 22 Apr. 1908 at Manitowoc St. James Episc. ch. wit: William Hall, Walter Spindler to: Hazel Cole Martin of Manitowoc (age 21 at mar.) p: James G. and _____ (Cole) Martin Local and Personal: Mr. and Mrs. James G. Martin have announced the engagement of their daughter Hazel to Edwin Spindler. Mr. Martin is president of the Northern Grain Co. Mr. Spindler is a son of Chas. E. Spindler, a prominent citizen of this city. The date for the marriage has not been set. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 26, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Local and Personal: Invitations are out for the marriage of Hazel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.G. Martin, and Edwin Spindler. The date of the wedding is set for Wednesday, April 22. The marriage will be celebrated at a church wedding at St. James Episcopal church and Rev. Pulsifer will be assisted by bishop Grafton in the ceremony. Following the ceremony a reception will be tendered the bridal party at the Martin home on Michigan avenue. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 9, 1908 pg. 4 ***** MARRIED The marriage of Miss Hazel Martin to Mr. Edwin Spindler was solemnized last night at 8 o'clock at St. James church. The ceremony was performed by Rev. W. Pulsifer in the presence of the members of the two families and a large number of friends. Miss Lucile Martin, sister of the bride, was maid of honor while the Misses Marie Fitzgerald of Springfield, Ill., Hester Magee of Chicago and Florence Roberts of this city were bridesmaids. Little Miss Phyllis Johnson was the flower girl. Walter Spindler, brother of the groom, acted as best man and Messrs. Clement Murphy, Will Hall and Luling Nash were the groomsmen. The ushers were B.J. Dempsey, John Short, Walter Schuette and Reid Hubbel. The bride wore a beautiful gown of Duchesse lace over white satin and carried a bouquet of lilies of the valley. The maid of honor wore a dainty gown of green silk mull. The bridesmaids wore yellow chiffon over yellow taffeta. After the ceremony a reception was held at the Spindler residence, corner Sixth and Park Streets. Mr. and Mrs. Spindler left on the morning train for an extended Eastern trip. They will be at home after June 1 at North Sixth and Park Streets. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 23, 1908 pg. 1
SPINDLER: Edwin C. Manitowoc, Wis. Member Tripoli Shriners Temple, Milwaukee 1917 From: Roster of the Members of Tripoli Temple A.A.O.N.M.S. 1917
SPINDLER: Francis (Szpindler on index) m: 19 Feb 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.145) to: Rosalia Iozwiak
SPINDLER: Jacob H. m: 14 April 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.321) to: Eleonora Strassburger
SPINDLER: Johann m: 21 Nov 1908 to: Alma Voss ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …John Spindler of Sheboygan and Alma Voss of Meeme; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 19, 1908 pg. 8SPINDLER: Ludwig m: 24 Apr 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.190) to: Christine M. Stauss
SPINDLER: Walter (age 28 at mar.) res: Manitowoc p: Charles and Anna (Knud) Spindler m: 26 May 1914 in Manitowoc; wit: Johanna Klingholz, William W. Nottage to: Martha Rahr of Manitowoc (age 26 at mar.)
SPINKER: Bertha b. 22 Dec. 1858/confirmed 7 April 1872/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
SPINKER: Herman W. m: 27 Nov 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.65) to: Mary Albrecht
SPINKER: Hermann m: 23 April 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.321) to: Minnie Goethke Notes of City and Town Folks: Licenses to marry have been granted to the following: Herman Spinker, of this city and Minnie Goetbke (sic), of Liberty. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 21, 1904 pg. 5
SPINKER: Herman Emil b: 15 Nov. 1899 at Manitowoc/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
SPINKER: John m: 10 Feb 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.339) to: Katie Herdina From Der Nord Westen, 20 Feb. 1896: Marriage on the 10th, of John Spinker of Manitowoc, with Miss Katie Herdina of Kossuth, by Justice of the Peace D.W. Sheldon of Branch.
SPINKER: John Henry b: 24 Aug. 1898 at Manitowoc/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
SPINKER: Lillian Mary b: 26 May 1897 at Manitowoc/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
SPINNER: John Marriage Date: 08 Nov 1866 Vol:02 Page:0020 Vol:A Sequence:14353 to: Barbara Steffer Marriage Date: 08 Nov 1866 Vol:02 Page:0020 Vol:A Sequence:14354
SPOENTGEN: Ernest Matthew b: Sept. 1869, Manitowoc d: 1949, Manitowoc p: Herman and Maria Spoentgen m: 1894 probably in Chicago, Illinois to: Jennie B. ____
SPOENTGEN: George P. b: 4 Nov. 1875, Manitowoc d: 18 June 1918, Chicago, Illinois p: Henry and Maria Spoentgen m: 6 Sept. 1898 in Chicago, Illinois to: Bertha _____
SPOENTGEN: Henry b: 17 Aug. 1858, in Germany d: 11 Dec. 1931 in Manitowoc p: Herman and Maria Christine (Kaiser) Spoentgen m: 1 Jan. 1894 in Town of Newton (co. mar. index v.6 p.227) to: Lydia Gatermann p: Peter Gatermann Children: Reuben and Gertrude Marriage of Henry Spoentgen of Manitowoc, with Miss Lydia Gatermann on 01 Jan. at the residence of the bride's mother in Timothy, Town Newton, by Pastor D.W. Briesen. Der Nord Westen, 11 Jan. 1894 ****** From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago – (1894) On Monday, January 1st, at the home of the bride’s parents by Rev. Friesen, Mr. Henry Spoentgen, of this city and Miss Lydia Guterman of Newton were married. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Jan. 2, 1919 From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Successor to M. PETERS Manufacturer and Dealer in Boots, Shoes and Rubbers. Custom work made to order. Repairing neatly done. 519 Washington street, south side.
SPOENTGEN: Henry Books and Shoes, Manitowoc Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SPOENTGEN: Herman (provided by S. Wilson, and K. Spoentgen descendants) m: 1856 in Germany to: Maria Christine Kaiser They emigrated with the first two children in July 1861 to Manitowoc. children: Henry (b. 17 Aug. 1858 in Germany) Katherine (b. 27 Mar. 1861 in Germany) (m. Herman Specht/per bio of Herman Specht ??) Elizabeth (b. 3 Feb. 1863 in Manitowoc) Wilhelmine "Minnie" (b. 12 Feb. 1865 in Manitowoc/d: 13 Aug. 1938, Manitowoc/never married) Herman (b. 5 Dec. 1866 in Manitowoc) Maria "Marie" Christina (b. 23 Oct. 1868) Ernest Matthew (b. Sept. 1869 in Manitowoc) John F. (b. 22 Oct. 1873 in Manitowoc) George P. (b. 4 Nov. 1875 in Manitowoc) Anna Helen (b. 21 Nov. 1876 in Manitowoc) CORRECTION sent in by K. Spoentgen/see contributors page Katherine (b. 27 Mar. 1861 in Germany) (m. Herman Specht/per bio of Herman Specht ??) THAT IS IN ERROR. This daughter Katherine married James Damez/Damey probably in Chicago about 1900. They had one daughter together, Marie Damez who married Robert O. Cook (Koch) The Katherine Spoentgen who married Franz Specht was a sister of the elder Herman Spoentgen and came over on the boat together July 1861. Ergo, brother and sister and their spouses and children all traveled together to Manitowoc from Germany. I have a photo of the ship and a copy of the ship record.
SPOENTGEN: Herman, Jr. b: 5 Dec. 1866 in Manitowoc d: 6 Jan. 1923, Manitowoc res: Manitowoc, shoemaker p: Herman Spoentgen, Sr. and Maria Spoentgen m. 15 Nov. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.361) to: Emma Etta Kiel b: Kossuth, Manitowoc co. p: Henry Kiel and Anna Clusen
SPOENTGEN: John F. b: 22 Oct. 1873, Manitowoc d: 1955, Manitowoc p: Henry and Maria Spoentgen m: 16 Aug. 1904, Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.7 p.344) to: Mary Koutnik ***** A marriage license has been granted John Spetgen (sic) and Miss Mae Koutnik. They will wed August 16. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 11, 1904 P. 3 ******* The marriage of Miss May Koutnik and Spoentgen takes place tonight at the home of the bride. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, August 16, 1904 P. 2 ******* LIFE'S HAPPIEST EVENT Popular South Side Young People Wedded at Eventide Amid surroundings that breathed an atmosphere of good will-beautous decorations of flowers and the presence of friends-Miss Mae Koutnik and John Spoetgen (sic), well known South Side young people exchanged vows of life-long fidelty, the ceremony at the home of the bride's parents, 1015 Hamilton street, at 6:30 last evening being a pretty, though modest affair. The bride, gowned in white persian lawn, was attended by Miss Emma Koutnik, a sister, who wore a gown of white organdie, while William Dobbert was the groomsman. Rev. Fr. Piel officated and the home was handsomely decorated in roses and carnations. A wedding dinner was served. Principals to the event are popular and well known, the bride being a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wenzel Koutnik and a young lady who possesses the attributes that will go to make her home a happy domicile. The groom is associated with his brother in the shoe business and is a young man whose capabilities have won him success. The couple will be at home after Sept. 15 at 1015 Hamilton street. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, August 17, 1904 P. 1
SPOENTGEN: See DAMEZ/DAMEY See William Gaterman bio. See HESS See Robert Kiel bio. See MEIER See SPECHT
SPOREL: Joseph m: 03 Nov 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.330) to: Anna Rybacek
SPORER: John m: 11 Nov. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.151) to: Maria Hashek children: (From Frank's obituary in cem. #43) Frank/b. Aug. 26, 1883/d. April 1971 Adolph Otto Louis
SPORER: Thomas Jos. m: 18 May 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.364) to: Anna Maria Stodola
SPOTTEL: Jacob m: Elisabetha Aulbach children: Ana Margaretha (b. 8 June 1865/bapt. 7 May 1865 St. Joseph Cath. ch.) Margaritha (b. 30 June 1869/bapt. 11 July 1869 St. Joseph Cath. ch.) Jacob (b. 31 Oct. 1871/bapt. 5 Nov. 1871 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
SPRANG: Adolph m: 29 May 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.46) to: Rose Jacquette Marriage Licenses: Adolph Sprang of Two Rivers and Rose Jacquette of Mischicott Der Nord Westen, 16 May 1907 ***** Matrimonial Adolph Sprang and Rose Jacquette of the Town of Two Rivers were united in marriage at St. Luke's church in this city last Wednesday, Rev. Father Hugo officiating. The union was duly celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in the afternoon. The Chronicle, Tues., June 4, 1907 ***** Eastwin News Last Wednesday morning, Mr Adolph Sprang and Miss Rosie Jacquette were joined in wedlock at St. Luke's church at Two Rivers, Rev. Father Hugo officiating. The wedding was duly celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Jacquette where a sumptuous dinner and supper were served to a host of relatives and friends who with many others, unite in wishing them a happy and prosperous married life. The young couple will reside on a farm a few miles from here. The guests from afar were Mr. Nick Orth and family of Antigo and Miss Katie Polinski of Medford, Wis. The Chronicle, Tues., June 4, 1907
SPRANG: Alois b: Town of Eaton - farmer in Town of Eaton p: Anton Sprang and Amalia Lettenberger m: [May 27] 1902 at St. Gregory Cath. ch., St. Nazianz, Town of Eaton (co. mar. index v.7 p.217) witnesses: Hy. Clemens, A.W. Sprang, Anna Clemens, Emily Rauch to: Ida Clemens b: St. Nazianz, Town of Liberty p: Peter Clemens and Carolina Seemann ******** Louis (sic) Sprang and Ida Clemens of Newton were granted a marriage license this morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, May 19, 1902 P. 1
SPRANG: Ambrose William (this is Sprank on index) m: 18 Oct 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.22) to: Rosa Meyer From Der Nord Westen, 20 Oct. 1898: Marriage in the local Catholic Church on Tues. of Ambros Sprange with Miss Rosa Meyer, daughter of the widow Mrs. Xaver Meyer. ******* Wedding Bells. At St. Boniface Church Tuesday morning Rev. Father Miller pronounced the words that united the destinies of two of our city's young people. The occasion (sic) was the marriage of Miss Rosa Meyer, of this city, to Mr. Ambrose W. Sprang, formerly of this city, but now of Milwaukee. The wedding was a quiet one, only the immediate relatives and friends being present. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Meyer and is a young lady who enjoys the esteem of a large circle of friends. The groom is a young man of exemplary character, well worthy of his good fortune. The young couple will reside in Milwaukee and the Herald joins their many friends in wishing them a happy and prosperous life. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 19, 1898 P. 1
SPRANG: Anton (from Shoto records) m: 5 May 1900 by John Petri, Jr., Justice of the Peace (co. mar. index v.7 p.96) Witnesses: Adolph Sprang, Regina Petri to: Minnie Flentje The following marriage licenses were issued by Clerk Zander this week: …Anton Sprange to Minnie Flentje, both of Two Rivers… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 26, 1900 pg. 11
SPRANG: Anton The last divorce case Minnie Sprang vs. Anton Sprang, Two Rivers people was heard in circuit court today. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, July 2, 1912 P.2
SPRANG: Herman b: 11 Dec. 1841, in Baden, Germany p: Antone and Teresa (Markley) Sprang m: 1871 to: Bertha Tirschmit p: Antone and Aggie Tirschmit children: Bertha (died in infancy); Joseph, Herman, Antone, Josephine, Amalia, Ida, Adolph, Hettie, Charles, William, Rosa, and Rosalie.
SPRANG: Hermann (Sprong on mar. index) m: 01 May 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.46) to: Bertha Durshmidt child: Rosa Sprang birth: 18 April 1894 Two Rivers. death: 30 May 1894 Two Rivers, Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, father: Hermann Sprang mother: Bertha Dwischmit Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ***** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 04 June) Burial of the 6-wk. old daughter of Hermann Sprange in the Catholic Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 07 June 1894
SPRANG: Wm. b: 1893, WI Farmer, S. 1 Two Rivers, Two Rivers m: Caroline Leitemann Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
SPRANGERS: John res: Kaukauna, Wis. m: 26 May 1891 (St. Wendel Cath. ch.)(co. mar. index v.6 p.98) to: Catharina Weiter (Katie on co. mar. index)
SPRENGER: Friedrich Wm. m: 4 Oct. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.139) to: Elisa Messaschmidt
SPRENGER: Rudolph Fraugott/Traugott m: 18 Dec 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.330) to: Mary Agnes Koldof
SPRENGLER: Johann Philipp m: Juliane (nee) Eichhorst children: Philipp Friedrich Lebrecht (b. 7/27/1858/bapt. 8/3/1858 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
SPRINGER: Christ m: 11 April 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.398) to: Lilla Wilker
SPRINGER: Rudolph m: Dec. 1895 to: Marie Kolldorf Mr. Rudodlph Springer and Miss Mary Koldoff of the Southside were united in marriage at the home of the bride's parents last Wednesday evening at 7:30, Pastor Droegkamp of the Evangelical church officiating. The wedding was a quiet one, only the intimate friends and relatives of the young couple present. Rudolph Springer is one of the clerks in the store of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues, Dec. 24, 1895 ***** (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 23 Dec.) Marriage last week of Rudolph Springer, a store clerk, with Miss Marie Kolldorf. Both were born and raised here in Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 26 Dec. 1895
SPRINGSTUBE: Herman m: 20 May 1908 to: Lizzie (Klindt) Springstube ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Herman Springstube of Manitowoc Rapids and Lizzie Klindt of Cooperstown; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 14, 1908 pg. 1SPRINGSHAD: Isaac m: 10 Oct. 1887 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.367) to: Nellie E. Thompson ***** THOMPSON: Nellie E Marriage Date: 10 Oct 1887 Vol:03 Page:0426 Vol:A Sequence:15921 to: SPRINGSTEAD: Isaac Marriage Date: 10 Oct 1887 Vol:03 Page:0426 Vol:A Sequence:15920 Springstead-Thompson.-In this city on Monday, October 10, by Rev. Guido Bossard, Mr. Isaac E. Springstead of Florida and Miss Nellie Thompson of this city. Manitowoc Pilot, October 13, 1887 P. 3
SPRINGSTUBBE: Wm M: 09 May 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.242) to: Barbara Binzow ***** Wilhelm Springstock of Town Two Rivers, was injured on Sat. as he was helping to erect a barn on the farm of Heinrich Heil. He was hit by a falling beam and so badly injured that he died on Sun. without regaining consciousness. The funeral was held Tues. at the Two Rivers Catholic Church. Der Nord Westen, 25 Apr. 1895 ***** FATAL ACCIDENT William Springstock, a young man living in the western portion of the Town of Two Rivers and the son-in-law of John Buenow, a well known farmer of that town was fatally injured by being struck by a falling rafter while assisting in raising the frame of a barn on the farm of Henry Heil last Saturday. He died from his injures on Sunday, never regaining consciousness from the time they were received. He was buried from the Catholic Church in this city this morning. His funeral was a very large one. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Apr. 23, 1895 ***** William Springstube Wisconsin, Death Records Name William Springstube Event Type Death Event Date 1895 Event Place Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Gender Male Age 28 Race W Occupation Farmer Birth Year (Estimated) 1867 Birthplace Germany Burial Place Two Rivers, Wis. Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Father's Name William Springstube Spouse's Name Barbara Bunzhof "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907" ***** William Springstube birth: August 1866 Germany death: 21 April 1895 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Two Rivers, Wis. father: William Springstube spouse: Barbara Bunzhof Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ***** (First publication May 9th 1895.) Notice to hear petition for Administration. STATE OF WISCONSIN. COUNTY COURT FOR MANITOWOC COUNTY. In the matter of the estate of William Springstube (sic), deceased, intestate.-In Probate. On reading and filing the petition of Barbara Springstube of Manitowoc, in said county, representing among other things that William Springstube, an inhabitant of said county, on the 21st day of April, A.D., 1895, in said town, died intestate, leaving estate to be administered, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to John Buenzow granted: It is ordered that said petition be heard at a regular term of said county court, to be held on Tuesday, the 4th day of June, A.D., 1895, at 10 o'clock A.M., at the office of the county judge in the city of Manitowoc in said county. Ordered further, that notice of the time and place so appointed be given to all persons interested, by publication hereof for three weeks successively prior to said day of hearing, in the Nordwesten, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. Dated at Manitowoc, the 7th day of May, A.D., 1895. By the Court. F.E. Maneau, County Judge. Baenseh & Chloupek Attorneys. Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, Thursday, May 23, 1895 P. 4
SPRINGSTUBE: August m: 03 Jul 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.256) to: Francis Wotruba
SPRINGSTULE: August (should be Springstube) b: 9 July 1871, in Rapids, Manitowoc Co. p: William and Christina Springstule m: to Frances Watruba p: Michael Watruba children: Alice, Agnes, Clara, Clarence, Gus, Mamie, Annie and Pearl: Alice Minna (b. 10 Apr. 1895/bapt. 18 July 1899/Springstube) Agnes Ernestine (b. 18 May 1898/bapt. 18 July 1898/Springstube) Clarence Gustave (b. 25 Dec. 1902/bapt. 14 June 1903/Springstube) August Irvin (b. 18 Mar. 1905/bapt. 27 Aug. 1905) (child. info from records of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc)
SPROLL: John m: 18 Apr 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.44) to: Juliana Zeiser
SPRONG: Anton m: 20 May 1858 (co. mar. index v.4 p.26) to: Amalia Lettenberger
SPRONG: also have Sprang
SPROOLL: Joseph m: 16 Feb. 1857 (co. mar. index v.4 p.26) to: Theresia Banek
SPURNEY: Jos. (Spurng on mar. index) m: 28 Feb 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.369) to: Annie Kutek From Der Nord Westen, 23 Feb 1905: Marriage License: Joseph Spurney of Franklin and Annie Koitek of Cooperstown ******** Joseph Spurney and Annie Kvitek will be married Tuesday morning in Greenstreet, by Rev. F. Kolar. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, March 1, 1905 P.1
SPURNEY: Victorin m: 17 Nov. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.224) to: Elisabeth Tachen
SPURNY: Joseph m: 21 Nov 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.77) to: Josephine Berger Marriage License issued for: Joseph Spurney of Franklin and Josie Berger of Cooperstown Der Nord Westen, 02 Nov. 1899 ***** Following marriage licenses were issued by Clerk Zander: …Joseph Sporney, Franklin and Josie Berger, Cooperstown, … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 2, 1899 pg. 7 ***** Notes From Kellnersville: The banns of marriage of Joseph Spurney to Miss Berger and John Menza to Annie Stepf were published on Sunday last by Rev. F. Just. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 9, 1899 pg. 7 ***** Notes From Kellnersville: The Spurney-Berger wedding took place at Greenstreet on Tuesday last, Rev. Just officiating. The wedding was celebrated in true Bohemian style at the home of Mr. Spurney and festivities were kept up until the grey hours of dawn. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 23, 1899 pg. 7
SPURNY: Victorin m: 17 Nov 1881 (co. mar. index v.7 p.168) Back to Top
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