[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
GEORGE E. SOGGE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.470. George E. Sogge, keeper of the Life Saving Station at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who has given long and faithful service to his adopted government in one of the most perilous of occupations, was born in Norway, October 29, 1857, and is the son of Ole and Marguerite (Iverson) Sogge, and a grandson of Ole Soggebokke. The parents of Mr. Sogge spent their lives in Norway, where the father died in 1905, at the age of seventy-six years, and they had five children: Ole; George E.; Elsie and Louise, who are deceased; and Emil, who also resides in America. George E. Sogge came to the United States in 1882, having been a sailor in his native country, and he began following that occupation on the Great Lakes, shipping from Frankfort, Michigan. He continued to engage in sailing until becoming connected with the Frankfort Life Saving Station, as surfman No. 1, and he was then promoted to the command of the station at Two Rivers, having charge of seven men. The old station, built in 1876, was given an addition in 1898, and in 1907 the new station was erected. Mr. Sogge is well known to sailor-men along the rivers, and his bravery and absolute fearlessness have never been questioned. Fraternally, he is connected with the Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen. On June 24, 1885, he was married to Anna Anderson, at Frankfort, Michigan, a native of Norway, who died in 1893, at the age of thirty-one years, leaving two children, Elert and Gilbert, and in 1896, Mr. Sogge was married to Hilda Hanson, also a native of Norway, and they had five children, Esther, Harry, Louisa, Emma, and George J.
George E. Sogge
CHRISTOPHER SOLOMON From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 29, 1872: DIED - In this city, at the residence of his son-in-law, Fred Rudolph, Mr. Christopher Solomon, at the age of 85 years, 4 months and 17 days. The deceased, the father of ex-Governor Ed. Solomon of New York, Gen. Fred Solomon, and Col. Eberhard Solomon of Missouri, and Herman Solomon, and Mr. Rudolph of this city, came here in 1855 with his beloved wife, who has preceeded him to the better land but a few months. He went through the principal wars against the 1st Napoleon, distinguished himself repeatedly, and was twice decorated, first with the "Iron Cross," of Prussia, and the Russian Cross of St. George. His final surrender to the conqueror, death, was quiet and peaceful. The funeral will take place this afternoon at Turner Hall.
JOHN SORENSON, Capt. Manitowoc Pilot, April 17, 1868 CAPT. JOHN SORENSON. Was born in Norway, and was 40 years of age. Like Captain Nelson, he was an old salt-water sailor, and was also a first-class ship carpenter. He came to Manitowoc about 19 years ago, and since that time has usually sailed during the summer and worked at his trade in the winter time. He had just sold his interest in the schooner Walhalla, but there was some mistake in the papers, and it was for the purpose of having this rectified, that he was on his way to Chicago. He was an honest, industrious man, a good neighbor and a good citizen, and his loss will be deeply felt. He leaves a wife and two children, who reside in the Fourth Ward.
The Sorenson home at Pinecrest Village, one of restored buildings located on 40 acres of rolling hills near Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The photo is from a post card and it doesn't say which Sorenson family. FRANK SORGE Submitted by a family researcher/see contributors page From "History of Northern Wisconsin" published 1881, Vol I, page 533: Frank C. Sorge, manufacturer and dealer in wagons and sleighs, Manitowoc, was born in Saxony, Germany May 23, 1830. He emigrated to America in May, 1849, and settled in Green Bay; learned his trade of wagon making, and lived there until Spring, 1853; then he went to Chicago and followed his trade a few months, after which he went to Racine. In October, 1863, he came to Manitowoc, and began his present business. He was married, in Racine, 1859, to Miss Hannah Huepner; [should be HUEBNER]she was born in Germany. He had four sons and one daughter by first wife. He was again married, in 1873, to Miss Henrietta Hintz; she was born in Prussia. They had three children now deceased. **************** From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 533 Manufacturer and dealer in wagons and sleighs, Manitowoc, was born in Saxony, Germany, May 23, 1830. He emigrated to America in May 1849, and settled in Green Bay; learned his trade of wagon making, and lived there until Spring, 1853; then he went to Chicago and followed his trade a few months, after which he went to Racine. In October, 1863, he came to Manitowoc, and began his present business. He was married, in Racine, 1859, to Miss Hannah Huepner; she was born in Germany. He had four sons and one daughter by his first wife. He was again married, in 1873, to Miss Henrietta Hintz; she was born in Prussia. They had three children, now deceased. ***************** Following is an account of the fire from the front page article in the Monday, July 22, 1912, MANITOWOC DAILY HERALD: (complete with original spelling) From microfilm at the Wisconsin State Historical Society in Madison, WI. SORGE BLOCK IS GUTTED BY FIRE BELIEVED TO HAVE BEEN INCENDIARY ---------- Frank Sorge and Family Have Narrow Escape From Burning Structure Early Sunday Morning ---------------- Police Working on Clew That May Lead To Arrest ---------- Fire, which evidence points to having been of incendiary origin, gutted the Sorge block at Ninth and Commercial streets early Sunday morning, causing a loss estimated in excess of $2,500 with practically no insurance. Frank Sorge and family, occupying rooms in the east end of the block, over the Sorge blacksmith shop, had a narrow escape from death in the flames, being forced to leave their home hurriedly and without being able to save any of the furnishings or personal belongings. The Golden & Stein Co., second hard dealers who occupied store rooms in the block, sustained loss to stock but are practically protected by insurance. Discovery of the fire was made by Mr. Sorge at 5:15 while he was dressing for the day. Sorge, a few seconds before had heard a noise at the door below but paid no heed to it, believing that it was the opening of the door of the Hall Bros. garage, across the street. Soon however he detected the smell of smoke and opening the door to the stairway leading to the street, discovered the stairs to be in flames, and egress in that direction cut off. Hurriedly arousing other members of the family, Sorge hurried from the building by a rear stairway and turned in an alarm. Mrs. Sorge and daughter, followed hastily and were cared for at the home of neighbors. The fire started in the rear of the center section of the building, under the stairway leading to the Sorge living rooms and when discovered the stairway and side of the building was a seething mass of flames. Simon Schurr, who occupies a residence on Ninth street the window of which opens on the rear of the Sorge block, was one of the first to see the fire. Mr. Schurr had raised his window a few minutes before and says that there was no indication of fire which, when he was aroused five minutes later, was burning fiercely under the stairway, flames leaping to the top of the stairway and up the wall. Mr. Schurr's statement supports the theory of incendiarism. One of the oldest structures in the city and of wood, the buildings burned rapidly and the firemen had a hard fight to check the flames to prevent the total destruction of the block. Saturday's rain had soaked the buildings and probably aided in checking the more rapid progress of the fire which however spread to the west wing of the block, occupied by the Stein and Golden Co., and gutted the store room of the company and scorched the warehouse at the extreme west end. Hall Bros. Co. are owners of the west end of the block, having purchased the property from Mr. Sorge some time ago and Stein & Golden were tenants of the company. A driveway, covered by a roof, had been opened in the center section of the block, between the Stein & Golden store room and the Sorge shop and it was in the rear of this driveway that the fire was started. The driveway is protected by a door in the front, which was closed and if the fire was started by incendaries, they operated from the rear of the building. Two bales of paper were stored under the stairway but the fire was not started in this paper, as it was only partially burned. Two wooden counters, stored in the driveway by the Stein & Golden Co., fed the flames and the company's stock of goods, which was large was completely ruined. So rapid was the spread of the fire that it was impossible to save the furnishings of the Sorge rooms and the loss is complete, the upper portion of the building having been almost totally destroyed. The blacksmith shop on the ground floor was not seriously damaged and will be repaired and occupied by Mr. Sorge to continue his business. The warehouse at the extreme west end of the block also escaped serious damage, though badly scorched by the flames. The building occupied by the blacksmith shop is an addition to the original block and was built 28 years ago. The structure covering the driveway as a roof was built about ten years ago. Mr. Sorge's loss is total, there having been no insurance on the building and none on the household furnishings of his home. The fact that the buildings were wooden and old made the rate prohibitive and Mr. Sorge had made no attempt to secure insurance. The Stein & Golden Co., had, however, secured a small insurance, said to be $400, on the stock of second hand goods and will not lose heavily as result of the fire. The latter company had been in business only a few months. Both North and South Side fire departments responded to the alarm and one worked from the front and the other from the rear of the building. A large crowd gathered at the scene and watched the fight of the firemen which, it seemed would be futile as the fire burned fiercely and spread rapidly to envelope practically the entire center section of the structure. It is probable that the block, with possible exception of the Sorge blacksmith building, will be torn down, this having been in contemplation by Hall Bros., next year when the company intends to erect a modern garage on the site. Mr. Sorge will if permitted, repair the blacksmith shop building and occupy it and the second story will be rebuilt for his family. Evidence points strongly to the fire being of incendiary origin and the police, with the state fire marshal's department is working on the case and it is said there is a clew that may lead to arrests. The attempt is the second in recent years to burn the Sorge block, the first, about nine years ago having been discovered in time to prevent serious loss. The Sorge block is one of the landmarks of the city, having been built forty years ago and the structure was in delipitated condition, except the east wing which was of more recent construction and was occupied by Mr. Sorge and had been kept in repair. The Iron & Metal Co. occupied the west end of the building for years and carried a large stock of rags, etc., in storage but had never had a fire.
ADOLPH SOULAK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.173-174. Adolph Soulak, one of the progressive young farmers of Manitowoc county, who is carrying on operations on a well regulated property located in the town of Manitowoc Rapids, was born on the home farm, March 21, 1882, and is a son of Fabian and Katherine (Sipol) Soulak, natives of Bohemia. Fabian Soulak was four years of age when he accompanied his parents to the United States in 1850, the family settling in Manitowoc county, where he grew to manhood. As a youth he did not have much opportunity to gain an education, the family being in rather humble circumstances, but keen observation and plenty of reading have made him an exceedingly well informed man. He was reared to the life of a farmer, and that was his occupation until his retirement in 1902, at which time he occupied a high place in the esteem of his fellow townsmen. Adolph Soulak is one of a family of nine children. He attended the district schools of his town, and at the time of his father’s retirement he purchased the old homestead, which he has been engaged in operating ever since. On September 15, 1903, he was married to Mary Shimek, daughter of Mathew Shimek, a resident of the town of Franklin. Two children have been born to this union: Emil, born October 11, 1904; and Lumilla, born October 21, 1907. The parents are affiliated with the Catholic church.
AUGUST SPECHT From the Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 18, 1894 Mr. August Specht who has a fish pond a few miles up the river, complains of the ravages of fish otters among his fish. Mr. Specht at one time placed 5,000 carp into his pond and informs us that they have all disappeared from some cause or another. He tells us he has considerable difficulty in keeping his trout. They have a peculiar habit of jumping out of the water and many of them drop on the shore and die.
HERMAN SPECHT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.268-269. Herman Specht, a prosperous general farmer residing on section 26, town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, was born on the place on which he lives, January 6, 1865, and is a son of Frank and Katie (Spoentgen) Specht. The parents were born, reared and married in Germany, coming of sturdy, hard-working people. They remained in their native land for a number of years after their marriage and five of their children were born before they decided to emigrate to America. These were Matthew, Peter, William, Katie and Lizzie, all of whom lived to accompany their parents to the United States in 1861, except Katie. After the family had settled in Manitowoc county, four more children were born namely: Henry, Herman, Frank and Henry, the first and the last of whom are now deceased. For some time after reaching this county the Specht family lived on rented land adjoining the present homestead, forty acres of which was the first purchase made by the father. A little log shanty was the family home for some years but, later on, a comfortable frame house was built and a barn with dimensions of thirty-four by eighty feet was commenced, which was subsequently completed by Herman Specht. Frank Specht was a prudent man and excellent manager and to his first forty acres soon added a second forty. Like other settlers on virgin land he found it necessary to make use of oxen to accomplish the heavy work incident to clearing. He lived to see all his land cleared and under cultivation and to enjoy some years of comparative rest, his death occurring in 1896, when he was in his seventy-eighth year. His wife, who was born in 1828, survived until 1903. They were good people and highly respected members of the German Baptist church. Herman Specht, like his father, has been a busy man all his life. For about eight years before his marriage he worked away from home and learned the trade of cheese maker, which he followed for eleven years, since which time he has given his entire attention to farming and owns land on sections 25 and 26 in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county. After coming into possession of the home place he has made considerable improvements, has finished the barn and erected other farm structures and has shown his progressive ideas by building a silo for the winter feeding of his stock. In 1894 he was married to Miss Laura Matilda Krieser, who was born at Cooperstown, Manitowoc county, July 13, 1876, and died November 16, 1909; her father, August Krieser being an early settler in that section of the county. Mr. and Mrs. Specht had one child, Edwin, born on March 30, 1896. In April, 1912 Mr. Specht was united in marriage with Miss Lydia Krieser. He has never been interested to any degree in politics, as his farm exploits and undertakings demand his close attention and all the time he can devote to them.
HENRY SPENCER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Farmer, Sec. 24, Kossuth, P. O. Manitowoc, was born Jan. 14, 1817, in England. Came to Rhode Island in 1843; worked in a manufactory till 1847, when he came to Manitowoc County and settled on this farm, which was entered by his family. He now owns 160 acres, a large portion of which is well improved. He has held various local offices, among which are Assessor, Town Clerk, Town Treasurer, School Treasurer, etc. Married, in 1840, to Eliza Hothersall, of England. They have seven children.
EDWARD JOHN SPETTEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.435-436. Edward John Spettel is the owner of a fine farm in Schleswig township, Manitowoc county, which he is successfully operating. He was born in Franklin, Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, on the 19th of October, 1864, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth (Aulbach) Spettel. The father was born and reared in Bavaria, Germany, and there he learned the shoemaker’s trade. In his early manhood he emigrated to the United States, first locating at Herman, Sheboygan county, where he established a shop and followed his trade for nineteen years. During that period he accumulated sufficient capital to enable him to buy a farm so he came to Manitowoc county and purchased some land in Schleswig township, and thereafter devoted his attention to agricultural pursuits. Upon this place he passed away in 1887 at the age of sixty-three years. He was survived by the mother, who was sixty at the time of her death, which occurred in 1901. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Spettel numbered twelve, the living members of the family beside Edward John Spettel being as follows: Emma, the wife of Adam Kerr, of Sheboygan Falls; Anna, the wife of Rich Hartman, a farmer of Schleswig township; Henry, who is living in Kiel; Jacob, a farmer of Eaton township; Margaretha, the widow of John Hartman, of Schleswig township; John, who is living on the farm of our subject; and Mary, a resident of Milwaukee. Edward John Spettel was reared on his father’s farm, in the cultivation of which he began to assist while only a school boy. When old enough to begin working for himself he left the parental roof and obtained employment as a farm hand, following this occupation until he was twenty-seven years of age. He was then married and following this event he purchased his father’s old homestead, that he operated for three years. At the expiration of that time he removed to Sheboygan and took a position in one of the factories, but he subsequently withdrew from this and located on his father-in-law’s farm. He cultivated this for seven years, but at the end of that period he once more withdrew from agricultural pursuits and located in Sheboygan. Later he again took up farming but gave this up to enter the employ of J. B. Laun of Kiel. Subsequently he worked at the stone mason’s trade. For his wife Mr. Spettel chose Miss Mina Reimers, a native of Schleswig township and a daughter of Hans and Henrietta (Voss) Reimers, both of whom are now deceased. The parents came here in pioneer days, locating on a farm which the father cultivated during the remainder of his life. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Spettel, as follows: Harry, who is twenty years of age, now living in Kiel, this state; Lilly, who is ten years of age; and Harvey, who has celebrated the eighth anniversary of his birth. Fraternally Mr. Spettel is a member of the Equitable Fraternal Union. He is one of the well known residents of Schleswig township, where his family has resided since pioneer days.
ANTON SPEVACEK (Picture sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
Anton and Anna (Hanna) Spevacek
JOHN SPEVACEK (Picture sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
John and Marketa Spevacek
JOSEPH SPEWACEK (Picture sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
The family of Annie (Cizek) Spevacek. Annie is the daughter of Joseph and Mary (Shara) Cizek. The family later moved to Nebraska.
CHARLES E. SPINDLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.92-93. Charles E. Spindler, one of Manitowoc’s retired business men, than whom no man is better known in the type foundry business, was for many years connected with the firm of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, and is still a director of the company which bears his name, although he has been retired from active participation in the work of the concern for a long period. Mr. Spindler was born June 25, 1841, in Germany, and is a son of John and Johanna Spindler, who came to the United States in 1849 and located at Northampton, Massachusetts, one year later going to Winchester, New Hampshire, and from there, after one year, to Jonesville, Massachusetts. In 1855 the family came to Wisconsin, where the father purchased the old Williams farm, situated six miles from Manitowoc, in Newton township, but after three years he sold his land and moved to Manitowoc, where he died in 1877, his wife having passed away in 1868. They had a family of four daughters and one son, all of whom are still living. Charles E. Spindler received a public-school education. and in 1859 went to Champaign, Illinois, in the vicinity of which city he worked on a farm until his enlistment, in 1861, in Company A, First Illinois Cavalry. He was taken prisoner at the battle of Lexington, and was mustered out of the service in the fall of 1861, when he returned to the Illinois farm and continued to work for two years. He then went to Otter River, Massachusetts, where he learned the trade of machinist, and afterward to Winchendon, Massachusetts, and later to Keene, New Hampshire, from whence, in 1866, he made his way to Chicago. He was in the type foundry business from 1866 until 1869, being connected with the Chicago Type Foundry Company for three years, and he then built machinery for Carl Toepfer & Sons, who in 1869 sold out to the newly organized firm of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, which was destined to become the largest independent type foundry concern in the country, and of which Mr. Spindler was superintendent and manager until 1880, at which time he retired. During the great Chicago fire of 1871, it was principally through Mr. Spindler’s efforts that the foundry of this company was saved. In 1911 the company was reorganized with a capital of three million dollars, and the following branch houses were taken in under the name of Barnhart Bros. & Spindler: Minnesota Type Foundry Company, St. Paul; Great Western Type Foundry, Kansas City; St. Louis Printers Supply Company, St. Louis; Barnhart Type Foundry Company, New York city; Southern Printers Supply Company, Washington, D. C.; Great Western Type Foundry, Omaha; The Barnhart Type Foundry Company, Dallas, and the Pacific Printers Supply Company, Seattle. The company manufactures superior copper-mixed type, brass rule, leads and slugs, metal furniture, wood type and wood goods, cylinder and platen presses, electric-welded steel chases, hand and power paper cutters, labor-saving iron furniture, complete printing outfits and printing materials of all kinds, and the foundry is situated at Nos. 168-172 West Monroe street, Chicago. In addition to being a director in the new organization, Mr. Spindler has numerous other business interests, and he is considered one of the leading figures in the industrial world of Manitowoc. Mr. Spindler was married to Miss Kittie Baker, of Chicago, and three children were born to this union: Ida May, who married J. G. Johnson; Edwin C., who is engaged in the coal and ice business; and Walter E., who is proprietor of the Northern Wisconsin Produce Company. Mr. Spindler is a prominent member of the Elks, and is also well known in Grand Army circles.
HENRY SPOENTGEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.131-132. The Henry Spoentgen shoe store of Manitowoc is well known because of its reliability. The owner was born in Germany, August 17, 1858. His parents, Herman and Mary Spoentgen, left Goch, Germany, in 1861 and came to America, settling in Manitowoc, where the father was employed in a shipyard. His death occurred in 1906 when he was seventy-five years of age, and his wife passed away in 1900. After receiving a good common-school education Henry Spoentgen laid aside his text-books at the early age of twelve years. At that time he began learning the shoemaker’s trade, spending three years as an apprentice and working for about ten years as journeyman in Manitowoc. At the end of that time he removed to Milwaukee and in that city was employed in various shoe factories until 1888, when he returned to Manitowoc. He purchased the store of his former employer, P.M. Peters, which he is still conducting. At the time he took charge of the enterprise it was a very small concern, but business has developed so that now his is one of the largest of its kind in this section, as well as one of the most creditable. The service is as near perfect as Mr. Spoentgen’s efforts can make it, and the volume of trade is constantly growing. On the 1st of January, 1894, Mr. Spoentgen was married to Miss Lydia Geterman, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Geterman. Her father came to this country from Germany about 1848. when a young man, and met the lady who afterward became his wife in Manitowoc Rapids, where they were married, afterward making their home in the town of Newton. Both are now deceased, Mr. Geterman dying in 1886 and his wife in 1906. In their family were ten children, all of whom are living with the exception of one, Mrs. Spoentgen being the youngest. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Spoentgen: Reuben and Gertrude, both of whom are attending school. The family reside in the apartment which is situated on the second floor of Mr. Spoentgen’s business block erected by him in 1898, fifty by seventy-five feet in dimensions. Mr. Spoentgen holds membership in the Reformed church and in politics maintains an independent attitude, he has taken a public—spirited part in the welfare of his community but has not desired political office. His long experience in the shoe business has made him particularly well fitted to carry on an enterprise of the size to which his has grown. He attributes his success to hard labor and the popularity of his goods to the honest principles to which he has ever adhered. (my note: Mr. Geterman is probably Mr. Gaterman)
HERMAN SPOENTGEN SR. These were contributed by K.J. Spoentgen
Herman Spoentgen Sr.
Mary Kaiser Spoentgen
HERMAN SPOENTGEN, JR. This was sent in by S. Wilson, a descendant From the Manitowoc Citizen, Nov. 23, 1904: A pretty home wedding took place at 5'o'clock last evening at the home of Henry Kiel on the river road a few miles from the city when Herman Spoentgen of this city and Miss Emma Kiel were united in marriage in the presence of only relatives and a few intimate friends. Their arrival in this city late last evening and departure for Appleton on the 9:54 train was a surprise to their many friends, the couple having secured a special dispensation. The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Zenk and was simple, the couple being unattended. The home was beautifully decorated, the parlors being decorated in palms, smilax and crysanthemums, while the tables in the dining room were draped with carnations, smilax and pink ribbons. The bride wore a gown of white silk tulle and carried bridal roses. After the ceremony a wedding banquet was served to those present. The wedding party then drove to the city and Mr. and Mrs. Spoentgen left on the 9:54 train for and extended wedding trip, which will include a visit to St. Louis. Those present last evening from abroad were: Richard Kiel of Kiel, Hugo Kiel of DePere and J.O. Wellner of Ripon. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kiel, well known and prosperous farmers. The groom is one of Manitowoc's young business men associated in the shoe firm of Henry Spoentgen as a traveling salesman. After their return to Manitowoc the couple will be at home at 920 South Twelfth.
HERMAN SPRANG This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.538-543. Herman Sprang, whose excellent farming property, located on section 1, town of Two Rivers, has been developed from wild timberland, is an honored veteran of the Civil war, and one of Two Rivers’ sterling citizens. He was born December 11, 1841, in Baden, Germany, and is a son of Antone and Teresa (Markley) Sprang, who died on the same day in Germany, the father being about thirty-eight years old and the mother about thirty-five. They had seven children: Antone, Adam, Norbert, Herman, Elizabeth, Teresa and Amalie, of whom Adam is deceased. Herman Sprang came to the United States with his brother Antone and an uncle, Ulrich Kuntzweiler, in 1855, and after landing in New York came to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, from whence the little party made their way on foot to the town of Eaton, where Herman Sprang was reared. In 1863 he enlisted in Company A, Thirty-fifth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, under General Steele, and while with this organization participated in some of the hardest fought battles of the war. The movements of Mr. Sprang’s regiment may be briefly sketched as follows: to Benton Barracks, St. Louis, Missouri, thence by boat to Mississippi, on to New Orleans on the “Lady Gay,” to Fort Morgan, up the Red river to join General Banks, on to Memphis, Tennessee, and up the White river twenty-five miles; then to Fort Morgan again, on a six weeks’ expedition through the state of Mississippi, participating in the battles of Spanish Fort and Fort Blakeley, across Mobile bay to Mobile, Alabama, where Mr. Sprang was on picket duty at the fortifications for forty-eight hours without relief; thence to Montgomery, and down the Bigby river to Mobile and on to Misler station, and then by steamer across the gulf of Mexico to Galveston, going thence ten miles up the Rio Grande river, and on thirty miles further to Brownsville, and to old Fort Brown, where the regiment remained nine months, Mr. Sprang here receiving his honorable discharge in 1866. He had an excellent war record and was always a brave and faithful soldier. After his services were completed he went to Madison, Wisconsin, from whence he came to Manitowoc county, and followed the trade of carpenter until his marriage in 1871 to Bertha Tirschmit, a native of Germany, and daughter of Antone and Aggie Tirschmit. Mrs. Sprang was born in 1851, and came to the United States with her parents and five other children in 1868, locating in the town of Two Rivers near the present farm of Mr. Sprang, where Mr. Tirschmit located on forty acres of wild land, built a log cabin which is still standing, and with an ox-team commenced clearing his land. He later added forty acres, built a brick house and modern barn, and here spent the remainder of his life in agricultural pursuits, his death occurring in his seventy-ninth year, while his wife died when she was seventy-four. Mr. and Mrs. Sprang were the parents of the following children: Bertha, who died in infancy; Joseph, deceased; Herman, who died at the age of twenty-three years; Antone, Josephine, Amalia, Ida, Adolph, Hettie, Charles and William, all surviving; Rosa, deceased; and Rosalie, residing at home. After his marriage, Mr. Sprang located on his present property, on which not a stick had been cut and erected a log house eighteen by twenty-four feet, and two log barns, sixteen by thirty feet and eighteen by thirty feet, and started to clear the property with an ox-team, it being two years before he owned either a hog or a cow. After clearing the original purchase, he added forty acres more, and he now has a fine house, large barn and substantial outbuildings, and breeds fine cattle and owns good horses. He has served as road overseer for nine years and is prominent in democratic politics. A devout member of the Catholic church, he has assisted in organizing a number of churches of this denomination, and has also been instrumental in founding schools.
Herman Sprang Mrs. Herman Sprang
AUGUST SPRINGSTULE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.553-554. August Springstule, one of the successful farmers of the town of Rapids, has spent his whole life here and was born in a little log house on the farm which he is now cultivating, July 9, 1871. His father, William Springstule, was born in Germany, and came to the United States with his wife, Christina, and two children, William and Minnie, during the early ‘6os, settling on wild land in the town of Rapids after spending a short period in Chicago. With his axe he felled trees, cleared a small space and built a primitive log house, which served as the family home for a number of years, and here he carried on farming until his retirement. Mr. Springstule now lives on the home farm, having attained the age of seventy years, while his wife passed away here in 1907. August Springstule received a district-school education, and his youth was spent much the same as that of other farmers' boys of his day and locality being reared to the hard work of the home farm. When he was seventeen or eighteen years of age he began working among the farmers of his neighbor- hood, but after his marriage, in 1892, he returned to the home place, of which he has since had charge. He has a wide knowledge of things agricultural and is a firm believer in the use of scientific methods and modern machinery in the cultivation of the soil, and the large crops yielded by his land have proven to his own satisfaction that his ideas are correct. Mr. Springstule was married to Miss Frances Watruba, who was born in the town of Rapids, a daughter of Michael Watruba, and they have had eight children, as follows: Alice, Agnes, Clara, Clarence, Gus, Mamie, Annie and Pearl.