[ A-B ]

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NAME: Aanensen, Syvert Theodor
D.: 11/13/1873
REG.D.: 8/8/1888
D.P.: Tn. Mtwc. Rapids
INF.&ADDRESS: Rev. A.O. Alfson, Cato
F.: Gunder Aanensen
PG.#: 315

AANENSON, HANS GUNDERSON NAME: Aanenson, Hans Gunderson D.: 3/14/1874 B.: REG.D.: 8/8/1879 SEX: M/W AGE AT DEATH: 23YRS. B.P.: D.P.: BRANCH CEM: CH.: INF.& ADDRESS: Rev. A.O. Alfson, Cato SPOUSE: F.: Gundr. Aanenson M.: CAUSE OF DEATH: ADD INFO: PG.#: 317

ABEL, CHILD OF JOHN A 2-month old child of John Abel in Eastwin died Wednesday last week and was buried Friday. Der Nord Westen, 16 Sept. 1909

ABEL, EDWARD Edward Abel, aged twenty, the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Abel, died early Thursday morning. He had been ill about four weeks. It was thought he would recover from an attack of typhoid fever but pleurisy set in and resulted fatally. The funeral will take place from St. Luke's Catholic Church. The Reporter, Sat., Nov. 1, 1913

ABERT, CARL Death Thurs. in Gibson of 88 yr. old Carl Abert from old age debility. The burial was held Saturday. Der Nord Westen, 25 Feb. 1904

ADAMS, REBECCA Died At Manitowoc Rapids, Oct. 14, Miss Rebecca Adams, formerly of Pennsylvania. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, October 21, 1854 P. 3 ******* In Probate.-Manitowoc County Court. On reading and filing the Petition of Jacob R. Idel, to be appointed administrator of the estate of Rebecca Adams deceased late of Manitowoc Rapids in said County, it is ordered that said Petition be heard before the Judge of this Court at his office in the Village of Manitowoc in said County on Monday the 21st day of May next at 10 o'clock A.M., and that notice thereof be given to all Person interested by publishing a copy of this Order in the Manitowoc Tribune for three weeks successively before said day of hearing-Dated April 28st, 1855. By the Court; Geor. L. Lee, Judge May 3, 1855. Manitowoc Tribune, Thursday, May 3, 1855 P. 5

AHEARN, MARGARET Mites of Mishicott The body of Mrs. Margaret Obens, who disappeared so suddenly on New Years night was found floating in the river yesterday, as it was being carried out into the lake by the current. It was suspected that she had jumped into the river or lake as she had been demented for some time and the finding of her body confirms such suspicion. The body was identified by her son, Wm Ahearn and was taken to the dead house at the cemetery to be prepared for burial. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Mar. 24, 1891 *Note: Obit has her name as Obens but I think its Ahearn. Her son, William, is in #89B

AHLSWEDE, HUGO V. EX-RESIDENT DIES SUNDAY AT MILWAUKEE Hugo V. Ahlswede, 43, former resident of Rockwood and for the past 20 years a carpenter contractor at Milwaukee, died at St. Luke's hospital in that city on Sunday night after an operation for appendicitis had failed to save his life. Born near Manitowoc, Mr. Ahlswede moved to Milwaukee when 20 years of age and has been a carpenter contractor in that city since that time. He was a member of the Master Carpenters' association. Besides his widow, nee Grace Empkey, he is survived by his mother, Mrs. Mathilda Ahlswede and three brothers, Louis, Edward, Jr., and Richard Ahlswede, living at Rockwood. His father was killed in an automobile accident here several months ago. The deceased was prominent in church and civic circles at Milwaukee, was a tireless worker among young people, and for years was a Boy Scout leader. At the time of his illness Mr. Ahlswede with a few helpers, was conducting a Christian mission where hundreds of poor where being cared for spiritually and physically. Funeral services are to be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Grace Baptist church, N. Thirty-fourth and Lloyd streets. Interment will take place at Wanderers' Rest cemetery, Milwaukee. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, August 11, 1931 P.2

AHRENDS, SON OF W. From Der Nord Westen, 08 Nov. 1888: Death of the 5 yr. old son of Mr. W. Ahrends on Mon. in Two Rivers. The little one was buried Tues.

AHRENS, MARIA Maria nee AHRENS, wife of Wilhelm Ahrens, born 26 June 1777, parish ?Schmapfoerden, district Ehrenburg, Kingdom Hannover, died 2 December 1863, 5:30 AM, old age weakness, buried 4 Dec 1863. Pastor F. Warnke with burial rites. (From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.) (Possibly Maria Ahrens in #40. She would have been 84 in 1861. This church record may have been a delayed entry?)

ALBERT, CHRISTOPF Christopf Albert, son of the named couple, born 27 Sept 1862, died 2 July 1865, buried 5 July. With church rites. (From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.)

ALBRECHT, DAUGHTER OF MR. From Der Nord Westen, 27 Sep. 1900: Death Tues. last week of a 7-mo. old daughter in the Albrecht family in Meeme. The funeral was held Thurs.

ALBRECHT, HILDA (b. 20 Feb 1898/d. 11 May 2002/at Newton, Manitowoc, WI/SSDI) Born on February 21, 1898 in Meeme, Hilda grew up on the family farm. When she married Edgar Albrecht in 1925, they ran the home farm. Like other farm wives, Hilda canned, made butter and smoked meat. She recalls, “the best bread I baked was in the outdoor oven. When the wood was burned, the oven was hot enough to bake bread.” Hilda thought the telephone was the nicest invention because it helped farm people overcome their isolation. Today, she enjoys exercise classes and playing bingo. Hilda believes the hard work she did on the farm has helped her to remain healthy and active. From "The Centenarian Spirit in Wisconsin", interviews produced by the Wisconsin Bureau on Aging and Long Term Care Resources. Photo

ALBRIGHT, DAU. OF GEO. From Der Nord Westen, 25 Mar. 1909: A little daughter of Mr. Geo. Albright in Two Rivers died last week and was buried Saturday.

ALLENDORF, "GRANDMA" PIONEER WOMAN OF COUNTY DIES AT TWO RIVERS Death claimed a pioneer resident of Two Rivers and Manitowoc county yesterday when at the "Allendorf" corner, Fifteenth and Adams street, "Grandma" Allendorf passed away at the age of 81 years. Death was due to infirmities of age and the announcement of her passing will bring keen sorrow to many who knew and loved her. Mrs. Allendorf was one of the pioneer residents of the county, settling here among the virgin pine and undergoing the hardships and incessant labor incident to the clearing and cultivation of a well kept farm which in later years was the family home north of Two Rivers. The deceased was born in Dorth, Saxony and came to this country in 1855. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. A.J. Wetzel of Milwaukee and Mrs. Matthew Frey, of Ashland and one son, Warner, of Oshkosh. Funeral services will be held at St. John's Lutheran church tomorrow afternoon. Manitowoc Herald Times, Tuesday, June 15, 1920 P.1

ALLIE, J. From Der Nord Westen, 20 May 1909: 21-year old J. Allie, nephew of Supervisor Allie of Two Rivers, a fisherman, on Tuesday fell into the lake from a motorboat near Kewaunee and drowned.

ALLIE, WALLACE TWO RIVERS BOY EIGHTH VICTIM OF DROWNING THIS YR WALLACE ALLIE, AGED 17, IS THIRD MEMBER OF FAMILY TO LOSE LIFE BY DROWNING WITHIN PAST TWO YEARS. TAKEN WITH CRAMPS--BODY RECOVERED BY LIFE SAVERS Two Rivers contributed the eighth fatality of the season from drowning last night when Wallace Allie, aged 17, last (sic) his life in the river at a point about three-quarters of a mile from the Life Saving station. Though the body was recovered by Life Saving crew within ten minutes of the accident and five minutes after reaching the scene, efforts to revive the unfortunate lad were without avail. Young Allie with a number of companions was bathing in the river when he was taken with cramps and before his companions could aid him, he had gone down. The Life Saving station was notified and responded with the power boat, reaching the scene in incredible short time and recovering the body in less than five minutes after its arrival. Despite this fact, however, nothing could be done to save the body, the crew, with physicians, working over the body for more than one hour before the effort was abandoned. A peculiarly sad circumstance in connection with the drowning of the Allie boy is that he is the third of his family to meet death in the water within the past few years. Four years ago his father, the late Eugene Allie, met his death in the lake at Kewaunee, being washed overboard from his boat, and only a year ago a brother of the dead boy, lost his life, almost at the same spot where his father was drowned. Allie, Sr., was engaged in fishing and after his death the older son followed the father's work, both meeting death while engaged in fishing off Kewaunee. The victim of last night's tragedy was an orphan, his mother having died some years ago and several brothers and sisters are survivors. The body was taken in charge by relatives at Two Rivers. No inquest was held, the circumstances attending the accident being clearly established. Coroner Falge and Dist. Atty. Healy were notified last night of the accident. The drowning of the Allie lad is the eighth which has occurred in Manitowoc and Two Rivers this year, both cities having had four victims of fatalities of this nature. Five of the accidents have occurred within six weeks, three in this city and two at Two Rivers. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, July 19, 1913 P. 1

ALTHEN, SON OF F. From Der Nord Westen, 15 Oct. 1908: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 12 Oct.) The 4-year old son of Mr. F. Althen died Friday.

ALTHEN JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 30 Oct. 1879: Died Sun. 19 Oct. in Sycamore, Ill., a brother-in-law of Anton Vogt, and formerly of Two Rivers

AMBERMANN, MR. The body of an old man named Ambermann, whose home is about six miles west of here near Neshoto, was found last Saturday morning sitting up against a stump about forty rods from his house. The man left his home last December and was never seen alive since, it is claimed. When found, the body was in almost perfect preservation and had not been molested by animals, notwithstanding, it has supposedly been there so long. The body was within two feet of a foot path along which boys had driven cows twice a day for weeks and strange enough never detected it either by seeing it or smelling the effluvia. No inquest was held over the remains we are told. Manitowoc County Chronicle - July 7, 1891

AMMERMANN, CHILD OF ZAVER (TWIN) From Der Nord Westen, 10 May 1906: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 08 May) One of the twins of Mr. Zaver Ammermann, about whom your correspondent recently reported, died suddenly a few days ago, a blow to the parents. The burial was held Saturday from the Catholic Church. (This is probably Michael on the death index) ******* Xavier Ammerman birth: 17 February 1906 Two Rivers death: 28 August 1906 Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1906 Two Rivers father: Xavier Ammerman mother: May Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 (NOTE: This looks like a set of twin boys so I put both here with each other. There is a Xavier and Mary in Two Rivers Calvary cem.)

AMSDEN, LOIS Branch News: Mrs. Amsden, an old lady boarding at Mrs. Classons, Cato, died on the 13th inst. She had been sick for the past three years, being confined to her bed for about eighteen months. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 31, 1882 P. 4 ****** (In Grimm's Station news section.) Mrs. Amsden, wife of William Amsden, who formerly kept the old Paquette post office at this place when it was known as Shaving Street, died at her home in Cato village last Friday. Funeral took place on Sunday. Manitowoc Pilot, January 19, 1882 P. 3 ***** (First publication Jan. 19, 1882.) No. 8 STATE OF WISCONSIN,-COUNTY OF MANITOWOC.-ss. Probate Office, Manitowoc, January 18th, A.D., 1882. In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Lois D. Amsden, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc. Whereas an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Lois D. Amsden, deceased, late of the county of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by R.S. O'Connell and D.F. Robinson, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this state: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me, at the probate office in Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday, the 14th day of February, A.D., 1882, at ten o'clock A.M. And it is further ordered, that notice shall be given to all persons interested in said will, of the time and place of said hearing, by publication of a copy of this order in the Manitowoc Pilot, a newspaper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, once each week, prior to the time of such hearing. By the court, R.D. Smart, County Judge. Nash & Nash, Attorneys. Manitowoc Pilot, January 26, 1882 P. 2 also in: Manitowoc Pilot, February 9, 1882 P. 2 ******* (Note: There is a Lois Amsden on the 1870 Cato census: William Amsden age 66; wife Lois Amsden age 59)

ANBOL, OLGA LOUISE Olga Louise Anbol birth: 25 October 1886 Cato death: 5 March 1897 Cato, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Liberty father: Carl Anbol mother: Gunild Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

ANDERSEN, CARL NAME: Andersen Carl D.: 12/13/1878 B.: REG.D.: 4/15/1879 SEX: M/W AGE AT DEATH: 1 yr. B.P.: Tn. Liberty D.P.: Liberty, Mtwc. Co. CEM: Liberty CH.: INF.&ADDRESS: Rev. A.O. Alfson, Cato SPOUSE: F.: M.: CAUSE OF DEATH: ADD INFO: PG.#: 299

ANDERSON, NO NAME He drowned. Manitowoc Herald, 16 Sept. 1854:

ANDERSON, ALBERTINA DIED – on Sunday, March 16, Albertina Anderson, age 10 year About a year ago she contracted a cold which resulted in the dread disease, consumption. Her sufferings during that time have been intense until relieved by death. Her last works “Mama will Jesus come soon?” may serve as a comfort to the parents. She has passed into that peaceful sleep which knows no waking, gone to that home “where sorrow entereth not”. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tues., April 5, 1884 page 5 ****** Found Albertina age 6 on 1880 town of Liberty census with parents Erick and Rangly and siblings, Sarah, Engabor and Edward.

ANDERSON, CARRIE Liberty Lines: Died: at her home on Tuesday, Dec. 4th. Mrs. Tosten Anderson. She was buried on Thursday and the long line of carriages that followed the remains to their last resting place proved the esteem in which the deceased was held by her many friends. Rev. A.O. Alfson delivered an appropriate and touching funeral sermon. Deceased was a devoted wife and loving parent, possessing the happy faculty of always looking at the bright side of things. When suffering from feebleness or pain, she would, for the sake of others, conceal it as much as possible. It is comforting to think she is now at rest; the day has dawned, the shadows have fled. We have not learned all the particulars of her illness and death, but are certain that the end was in harmony with her life. Death, to her, could have been no surprise. During those long months of lingering illness, her thoughts must have become familiar with the prospects of another world. A beautiful cross of natural flowers was placed on her coffin by her children, a tribute of their love and esteem and an emblem of that sweet rest into which we trust she has entered. Weep not, O friend, we should not weep Our friend of friends lies full of rest No sorrow rankles in her breast, Fallen fast asleep. She sleeps below, She wakes and laughs above; Today, as she walked, let us walk in love Tomorrow follow also. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times Tuesday, December 18, 1883 pg. 1 ******** 1880 US Census Liberty, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States Tosten Anderson Self M 60 Norway Carrie Anderson Wife F 58 Norway ******** (Note: There is a Karik Anderson/b. 1837/d. 8 Nov. 1883 in West Valders cemetery, it's the closest I can come to Carrie)

ANDERSON, GILBERT Mishicott Mites Mr. Gilbert Anderson of Tisch Mills, a man who has for the last few years been doing a large business in the tailor line, died suddenly one evening last week. Manitowoc County Chronicle - July 25, 1892 ***** A tailor named Anderson, who for sometime resided at Tisch Mills, died very suddenly and mysteriously last Friday. He was a bachelor and a cripple. The cause of his death is not known and as he had no family no investigation was made. Manitowoc County Chronicle - July 25, 1892

ANDERSON, JULIA NAME: Anderson, Julia D.: 8/14/1874 B.: REG.D.: 8/8/1879 SEX: AGE AT DEATH: B.P.: D.P.: CEM: CH.: INF.&ADDRESS: Rev. A.O. Alfson, Cato SPOUSE: F.: Gulbrand Anderson M.: CAUSE OF DEATH: ADD INFO: PG.#: 320

ANDERSON, KNUD E. Knud E. Andersen, 55, of 16803 S. Union Road, Cleveland, Wisconsin, died Wednesday morning, October 16, 1986. Funeral services will be 2 pm Saturday at Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Rev. Glen J. Siferd will officiate. Mr. Andersen was born October 5, 1931 in the Country of Denmark, son of Marinus and Petra Andersen. He married the former Kathleen Schuette on August 3, 1979 at St. Paul United Methodist Church, Manitowoc. Mr. Andersen lived in the Cleveland area since 1975 where he owned and operated his own farm. Mr. Andersen was also employed with the Orth Farms in the Cleveland area. Survivors include his wife, Kathleen of Cleveland; his parents, a son, a daughter, brothers and a sister, who all live in the Country of Denmark; his father-in-law and mother-in-law, Ward and Margaret Schuette of Manitowoc. There will be no Friday evening visitation at the funeral home. Friends may call at Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home, Manitowoc, from 1 pm on Saturday afternoon until the time of service at 2 pm. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Oct. 16, 1986 page 22

ANDERSON, RANDALL Randall Anderson, 43, of 3019A S. 15th Street, Manitowoc, died Friday, May 22, 1992, at his residence. Memorial Service will be 11 a.m. Wednesday at Silver Lake College Chapel. Father Justin Pierce will officiate. He was born August 22, 1948, in Concord, Calif, son of Eva Mae Holimon and the late Max R. Anderson. He attended Sierra High School in California graduating with the Class of 1966. He attended college at Northwestern University, receiving his Bachelors Degree in 1980. He later attended graduate school at Colorado State University, receiving his Masters Degree in Sociology. He was a member of Manitowoc Noon Rotary Club, a recent graduate of the Leadership Manitowoc Program of The Manitowoc Chamber of Commerce. He was on The board of Directors of The Zoological Society and was in the Air Force Reserves. He presently was The Assistant Director of Development at Silver Lake College. Survivors include his mother, Eva Mae Anderson of California; a son, Jeffrey D. Anderson of Millbrae, Calif.; a brother and sister-in-law, John and Ginger Anderson of Pasadena, Calif.; a sister and brother-in-law, Pam and Bill Ramsey of Cheyenne, Wyo. There will be no Tuesday evening visitation at the funeral home. Jens Funeral Home and Crematory is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, May 26, 1992

ANDRE, MR. Death of Reedsville Mr. Andre, who has been employed at the Factory at Reedsville, died on Saturday last. He was injured some time ago by a piece of wood flying off the lathe and striking him from which he never fully recovered. He was from Watertown, aged thirty-seven years and leaves a wife and four children. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., July 17, 1879

ANDREWS, (NO NAME) It is reported from Centerville that farmer Andrews drowned Fri. afternoon in Trempeleau-Creek He had led his cow to the river bank for a drink and was cutting a hole in the ice from which the cow could drink when he fell through the hole and a strong current carried him away so far his body has not been found. Der Nord Westen, 10 Jan. 1889 (Note: Friday was Jan. 4)

ANDREWS, JOHN E. John E. Andrews, age 68, of 956 Circle Drive, Manitowoc, died Monday, August 9, 1993, at his residence. Memorial Services will be conducted Friday, August 13, 1993, at 4 p.m. by the VFW Post No. 659 at the Verterans (sic) Memorial across from Evergreen Cemetery. He was born May 27, 1925, in Kansas City, Mo., son of the late James E. and Dorothy Durham Andrews. The family moved to Milwaukee where he attended schools. He entered the Navy in June, 1942, and was discharged in 1944. He then enlisted in the Army in February 1944 and was with the 11th Airborne Division and was discharged in 1945, and then relisted in 1945, and was finally discharged February 12, 1947. He received the medals of Asiatic and Pacific Theatre Ribbons, also received the Purple Heart and the Soldiers Inventory Combat Badge. He married Jean Wiltgen July 1, 1972, in Manitowoc. Survivors include his wife, Jean; three sons and one daughter-in-law, Chris and Jenny Neumeyer, Two Rivers, Gary Neumeyer, Oakland, Calif., Tom Neumeyer, Manitowoc; two daughters and sons-in-law, Debra and Steven Fritz, Pewaukee, Cindy and Ron Swetlik, Two Rivers; one brother and sisters-in-law, Jessie and Dorothy Andrews, Milwaukee; two sisters, Dell Zywicki, Cedar Lake, Wis., Cheryle, Germantown, Wis.; six grandchildren; one great grandchild and eight children living in California from a former marriage. There will be no visitation at the funeral home. The Jens Funeral Home and Crematory, Manitowoc is assisting the family with the arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, August 12, 1993 P. A2

ARENSEN, GOLDIE From Der Nord Westen, 29 June 1893: Death on Mon. of Goldie Arensen, daughter of Arney Arenson (sic), who was 5 yrs. 9 mos. 1 day of age. Burial was in the Gibson Cemetery day before yesterday. (Note: The Monday before June 29 was June 26.)

ARKAUS, JULIUS Funeral services for Julius Arkaus, 80, former resident, of Tonet??, Kewanuee county, who died Monday afternoon in this city were held here yesterday. Burial was in this city. Survivors are a brother Joseph of Wilson, Mich., sister-in-law, Mrs. Theodore Arkens of ___ __ and several nieces and nephews. Manitowoc Herald Times, March 14, 1940 P. 2 ******* (Note: This may be Jule Arkles in #44aa)

ARNDT, MOTHER OF CHRIST From Der Nord Westen, 20 Feb. 1908: Death Monday of the 91-year old mother of Christ Arndt in Two Rivers, an old settler of Town Two Rivers. (Possibly "Mother" Ahrndt in #89A)

ARNS JOHN John Ahms(sic), age 78, died in Mishicott, an apparent suicide in the millpond. (a long article) Der Nord Westen, 14 Sept. 1882 ********* The Milwaukee Republican contains a dispatch from Two Rivers to the effect that a Mishicot man named John Arns suicided there on Thursday last. Manitowoc Pilot September 14, 1882 P. 3 ********* (1880 Mishicot census: John Arns age 65) This is probably the John in the obit.

AUBERT, SON OF FREDRICH The 3 year old son of Fredrich Aubert of Two Rivers drowned in a well during the absence of his parents. Older playmates saw the accident and sought help but it was too late. Der Nord Westen, 8 June 1876

AUBOL, CLARA GELENE Clara Gelene [Aubol] birth: 1895 Liberty death: 3 May 1895 Liberty, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Liberty father: Carl Aubol mother: Birthe Andra Olsen Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

AUGER, SON OF AUGUST On Tues., August Auger, resident near Neshoto, while working with sand had taken his 3-yr. old son in the wagon. Somehow the child fell off and the rear wheel passed over his head and killed him almost instantly. The poor father is half crazy with grief. Der Nord Westen, 05 Apr. 1900 ********* Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Hugo Auger Gender Male Death Date 03 Apr 1900 Death Place Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 3 Birth Date 1897 Birthplace Sheboygan Race White Father's Name Aug. Auger ********* (Note: Hugo Auger/d. Apr. 3, 1900/co. death index v.6 p.245)

AUMUELLER, VERONIKA From Der Nord Westen, 11 Mar. 1880: Death of Mrs. Veronika Aumueller, daughter of Alderman Michael Kuhl, on 06 Mar. in Ahnepee. The deceased was the wife of a brother of Joseph Aumueller.

AUSTIN, GEORGE Death notice in the Manitowoc Herald, 21 July 1855: George Austin drowned when a canoe paddle accidentally struck his head while he was swimming. He was struck by Patrick Smith. ******** FATAL OCCURENCE.-Geo. Austin, a young man aged 22 years, was drowned at Baker's Mills, on Saturday last under circumstances peculiarly distressing. He was bathing in the river, and two or three of his companions were in a canoe, which, in sport, he tried to overturn. One of the young men in the canoe, attempted to splash the water in his face with the paddle, but missing his aim, the blow fell on the face of Austin, who immediately sunk. A post mortem examination by Dr. Zeilly, proved that the facial artery was ruptured by the force of the blow, and a Coroners jury gave a verdict in accordance with the above facts. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Tuesday, July 17, 1855 P. 4

AVERILL, MARTIN Died Averill - In this city on July 31st, 1879, Martin, infant son of Rev. M.V. And Rosa B. Averill. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Aug. 7, 1879

AVERS, JACOB Manitouwoc [old spelling] County Herald, September 13, 1851 Vol. 1 No. 42, 2nd page, under Local Items Fell overboard. As the steamer Detroit was making fast to the pier at Two Rivers, on Wednesday, a man named Jacob Avers attempted to jump ashore, and fell into the water. At first he seemed to be able to keep himself afloat, and no immediate apprehension of danger was felt for him. Planks were immediately thrown in the water, which he failed to reach and Mr. Goit, mate of the Detroit, lowered himself by a rope in order to rescue him, when suddenly the unfortunate man seemed to lose all power, and sank, when all efforts to save him were unavailing. He was very much intoxicated, which accounts for his sudden helplessness. We were on board the boat at the time, and when we left, the body had not been recovered.

BACH, WM. Wm. Bach of Manitowoc suffered a stroke of paralysis last Wednesday and lost the use of his limbs thereby. The many old friends of Mr. Bach throughout the county will regret to hear of his misfortune. Manitowoc Herald Tuesday July 31, 1888

BACHMANN, FRIEDRICH From Der Nord Westen, 16 Nov. 1893: Death of 77 yr. old Friedrich Bachmann in Cooperstown on Wed. of last week of pulmonary disease. He is survived by his widow and several grown children. The burial was on Friday in Town Manitowoc Rapids.

BACKER, LOUISE DORO. H. Name: Backer, Louise Doro. H. D. 5/27/1877 B.: 8/28/1837 Reg. D.: 8/10/1877 sex: f/w Age at death: 39 yrs. B.P.: Lippe Detmold D.P.: Tn. Centerville Cem: Centerville Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. John Blaetgen Spouse: Herman Backer F.: Janning (no surname) M.: Cause of Death: insanity Add Info.: cert. dt. 8/7/1877 Pg.: #225

BACKHAUS, SON OF JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 14 Nov. 1895: (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 05 Nov.) Death on Mon. last week, of the 5 yr. old son of John Backhaus, of pneumonia with croup. Burial was last Thurs. at the local Catholic Cemetery.

BAER, HERBERT A. (I also put an entry for Presley) Elvis A. Presley, formerly Herbert A. Baer, 67, of 19127 S. County Highway C. Valders, died on April 26, 2004, at North Ridge Medical & Rehabilitation Center in Manitowoc. The funeral was on Friday at the Christianson & Deja Funeral Home and Cremation Care Center in Valders. Officiating at the service was Deacon Robert Drobka, with cremation to take place at a later date. Elvis was born on Feb. 17, 1937, in the Town of Eaton, son of the late Henry and Hattie Mayer Baer. He was employed with Neenah Foundry for 27 years retiring in 1998. (Survivors omitted for privacy) He was preceded in death by a brother, Bill; and a sister, Mary Ann. (No newspaper named)

BAETH, CHILD OF FRED From Der Nord Westen, 22 Mar. 1894: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 19 Mar.) Death of the 6-mo. old child of Fred Baeth last week with burial Tues. in the Catholic Cemetery.

BAHR, EDUARD From Der Nord Westen, 11 Jan. 1900: Death on Wed. last week of 22-yr. old Town Liberty resident Eduard Bahr of consumption. The funeral was held Fri. in St. Nazianz.

BAHR, FRED REEDSVILLE MAN DEAD IN RIVER THERE Village Marshal Bahr Fell From Railway Bridge ACCIDENT SOME TIME DURING NIGHT Reedsville - Apr. 29 - Victim of an accident, Fred Bahr, village marshall, lost his life in the river some time during the night, the dead body being found by searchers early today. The absence of any marks of violence on the body and the fact that the body has not been robbed leads to the belief that Bahr's death was an accident. Mr. Bahr had held an apointment as village night watchman for some years and was on duty last night when he met his death, the body was found near the C & NW Railway bridge which Mr. Bahr would cross on his way home and it is believed that he was enroute home when, in the darkness, he missed his footing and fell from the bridge. With no one about to render him aid, Mr. Bahr was unable to save himself and drowned. Mrs. Bahr reported the absence of her husband during the morning and a searching party which was organized, discovered the body at 11 o'clock. Mr. Bahr was 66 years of age and one of the best known men of the village. He had been twice married and is survived by the second wife and one son and by several children of his former marriage. Coroner Falge and District Attorney Healy at Manitowoc were notified and will come here, though it is doubtful that an inquest will be called. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Fri., Apr. 29, 1910 page 2

BAHR, WILLARD (28 Feb 1913/Jan 1970/SSDI) Willard C. (Butch) Bahr, 56, of 14 E. Fremont St., Kiel, died Friday at a Marshfield hospital of an apparent heart attack. His body was donated to the University of Wisconsin Medical School, Madison. Mr. Bahr was born Feb. 28, 1913, near Kiel, son of the late Charles A. and Mrs. Hulda Wagenknecht Bahr. He was graduated in 1931 from Kiel High School and entered the cheese business. He was an agent for Kraft Cheese Co. and for 25 years was affiliated with the Riverside Grocery, Kiel, until illness forced his retirement a year ago. He married Dolores Sperb of Kiel, and she survives with a daughter (Survivor omitted for privacy.); his mother, who lives at Kiel; two brothers, Godon of Oshkosh and Robert of Waukesha; and two grandchildren. Two sons and a daughter preceded him in death. Memorials may be made to the Heart Assn. Manitowoc Herald Times, Manitowoc, Wis. January 10, 1970

BAILEY, TRUE M. True M. Bailey died. There is a tribute to him from the Lodge of Two Rivers No. 66, I.O.O.F., Odd Fellows Hall in the Jan. 10 1861 edition. Manitowoc Herald, 03 Jan. 1861 ******** Items From The Pilot Files - FIFTY YEARS AGO - (1861) DEATH OF TRUE M. BAILEY—With feelings of deep regret, we announce the death, by consumption, of True M. Bailey, Esq., who expired in this village on the 26th of last month. Mr. B. was a young man of noble qualities of heart and mind, of unimpeachable integrity, and had but recently commenced the practice of the law, in which profession he was destined to take high rank. He was a native of New Hampshire, and aged 24. Manitowoc Pilot, January 5, 1911 ********* (1860 Manitowoc ward 2 census: True M. Bailey age 24 lawyer born New Hampshire)

BALCOM, JESSE DIED: On the 15th inst., of consumption, Mr. Jesse Balcom, aged 57 years, 6 months and 5 days. Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, February 18, 1869 pg. 4 ******* He might be in Hudson Cemetery, Walworth county. Tombstone

BALIERE, JOSEPH Death in the mental facility in Oshkosh last week of Joseph Baliere, a well-known local man who was taken to that facility in 1897. Der Nord Westen, 20 July 1899

BAMOS, ANTON Anton Bamos Wisconsin, Death Records Name Anton Bamos Event Type Death Event Date 1897 Event Place Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Male Race W Birth Date 01 Feb 1897 Birthplace Manitowoc, Wis. Burial Place Manitowoc, Wis. Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Father's Name Anton Bamos Mother's Name Annie Holk

BARBER, WALLACE Wallace Barber, a resident of this city left this morning to make his home at Colorado Springs, Colo. Mr. Barber is the only survivor of his family of six, his wife and four children having been laid to rest at Evergreen Cemetery during the course of the last few years. Manitowoc Herald News, Tues., March. 23, 1920 page 3 ********* (Note: His wife and children are in Evergreen)

BARTA, CHILD OF PETER Two Creeks News Died - An infant child of Peter Barta died a few days ago. The body was taken to Tisch Mills for internment on Wednesday of last week. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Nov. 3, 1896

BARTEL, JOHN John Bartel, a farmer residing in the Town of Kiel, Manitowoc county, died a few days since from the effect of blood poisoning, caused by the a accidental inoculation of virus from a horse which had the epizootic. Bartel ran a splinter into the middle right hand finger and before the wound, which amounted to nothing more than a scratch had healed, administered a gargle to the animal suffering from the epizootic never dreaming of any danger. A few days later the wounded finger became badly inflamed and not withstanding every effort to check it, the inflammation rapidly spread through the arm, face and vital parts, causing his death after suffering excruciating tortures. He was attended by a resident physician named Martin and Dr. Breining of this city who pronounced it a clear case of blood poisoning. This fatality should prove a warning to all farmers who are called upon to administer to the relief of sick animals. -- Milwaukee Times Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Apr. 12, 1877

BARTER, WM. LOST ON THE SEA BIRD Information Relative to the Citizens of Manitowoc who were Victims of the Late Disaster. Thirty-One Persons Lost. In fulfilling the painful duty which devolves upon us at this time we have endeavored to present to our readers a correct report containing all the information in regard to the lost which we could obtain. We fear there will be some errors, but we have as far as possible obtained the statements of relatives or immediate friends of the deceased. We would that some other hand than ours--one better skilled in soothing afflicted hearts-- might perform the sad office of saying comforting words to the distressed of our Village, but it may not be and we can only say to those who suffer, you have our heartfelt sympathy-- and the sympathy of every person in Manitowoc. We have known your friends, respected them, loved them; and your loss is our loss. Let us hope that He who doeth all things well hath not permitted our friends to fall in vain. WM. BARTER Came here some months ago. Was a painter by occupation. He was a single man and about 40 years of age. He was on his way to Chicago where he has generally spent his summers. (Article continues in the same manner for each individual lost on the SEA BIRD; Geo. W. Emery, James A. Hodges, Capt. N.T. Nelson, Capt. John Sorenson, Charles Riechen, Joseph Doucett, Henry Nieman, Henry Pfeffer, James Leykom, August Wilde, Richard Flossbach, Amos Meyer, John Melka, Martin Rozezguiatee, Casper Klimer, John Foucks, Herman Jacoby, Wenzel Hawlichek, P.C. Danahy, Raymond H. Hunt, Fred Henning Jr., and Thorine Oleson.) OTHERS. We hear of others who were on the boat beyond a doubt--one a Norwegian who has been chopping wood in this vicinity, could not learn his name; and two girls from the country who took passage from here with the intention of going either to Milwaukee or Chicago have not been heard from since the disaster. So it will be seen there were Thirty-one from here certainly, and two doubtful, lost on the SEA BIRD. The Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, April 16, 1868 pg. 4

BARTH, (NO NAME) Death notice in Der Nord Westen, 28 June 1883: The two year old daughter of John Barth of the Town Schleswig died at Chicago. The body was brought here on the 27th, which was the child's birthday, and was buried in the Rockville Cemetery.

BARTH, AUGUST August E. Barth died 29 March 1884 at age of 2 years, 13 days. (b. about 16 March 1882)(From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.)

BARTHLOWE, MRS. JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 02 May 1889: Death of Mrs. John Barthlowe last Sat. in Town Mishicott of childbed fever. The newborn child (no name given) also died. The death of his wife is a heavy blow for the husband because he is left with 7 small children. The funeral took place Monday.

BARTLEITZ, ADAM Shoto & Vicinity Mr. Adam Bartleitz, an aged resident of this place died last week after a long illness. The deceased was a member of the Baptist Church and was 65 years of age. His funeral took place on Sunday. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Mar. 16, 1897

BARTLETT, ADAM From Der Nord Westen, 11 Mar. 1897: Death on Fri. of Neshoto Road resident Adam Bartelett, of dropsy. The burial took place Sunday.

BARTLEY, SON OF GEO. An infant son of Capt. Geo. Bartley of Escanaba was buried here on Sunday. The sadly bereaved parents have our sympathy and our regret that each recurring holiday season will hereafter bring them saddened memories. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4 (Note: The only cemetery this surname is in is #44 Evergreen) ******* We understand that Capt. Geo. Bartley remarked to friends in this city that Mrs. Bartley's health is so poor in Escanaba they think of returning to this city to live. We hope they will and are sure that Mrs. Bartley's health will improve when they get back to the bracing air of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, December 30, 1884 P.4

BARTON, RICHARD Richard Barton, a veteran of the civil war, died at Two Rivers on Thursday last. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 12, 1899 pg. 4

BASKEN, EMMA The body of Emma Basken, who recently died in Chicago, was brought to Kossuth and buried there. Der Nord Westen, 09 May 1907 ******* It appears the newspaper had the first name wrong, I can find no Emma Basken: Laura Basken Illinois, Cook County Deaths Name Laura Basken Event Type Death Event Date 30 Apr 1907 Event Place , Cook, Illinois, United States Gender Female Age 15 Marital Status Single Ethnicity American Race White Birth Year (Estimated) 1892 Birthplace Wisconsin Burial Date 03 May 1907 Father's Birthplace Wisconsin Mother's Birthplace Wisconsin Record Number 14 Source Reference rn1676 ******* Laura Basken Illinois, Cook County Deaths Name Laura Basken Event Type Death Event Date 30 Apr 1907 Event Place Chicago, Cook, Illinois, United States Gender Female Age 15 Marital Status Single Race White Birth Year (Estimated) 1892 Birthplace , , Wisconsin Burial Date 03 May 1907 Burial Place Manitowoc, , Wisconsin Source Reference 12132 "Illinois, Cook County Deaths, 1878-1994," database, FamilySearch ********* (1900 Kossuth census: George Basken age 37; wife Maggie age 32; George age 10; Laura age 8; Hattie age 7; Edward age 4.)

BAUER, JOHN Death of John Bauer on Mon. morning. He had been an employee of Mr. Schwarzenbart. His funeral took place yesterday at the Polish Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 06 Feb. 1890 ***** Jno Bauer Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907 Event Type: Death Event Date: 1890 Event Place: Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Name: Jno Bauer Gender: Male Age: 18y Occupation: Machinist Race: W Father's Name: Jno Bauer Birth Year (Estimated): 1872 Cemetery: Ev. "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907" ***** Jno Bauer Wisconsin Death Index, 1820-1907 Event Type: Death Event Date: 02 Feb 1890 Event Place: Manitowoc, Wisconsin Name: Jno Bauer Page: 0232 "Wisconsin Death Index, 1820-1907"

BAUGNIET, CHARLES Charles Bougniet (sic) of Mishicott died on Tuesday of this week. He was 70 years old and one of the early settlers of that town. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, June 23, 1892 P. 3 ********* (1880 Mishicot census: Clement Bogyant(sic) age 59; wife Augustin 53; son Fredrick 24; Rosela wife of son) ********* (County death index: 1892 Jun 20 BAUGNIET Clement J. v.4 p.94)

BAUGNIETTE, MARY Mary Baugniette Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 birth: 26 August 1840 Belgium, Europe death: 26 August 1900 Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1900 Mishicot spouse: Frank Baugniette ******** Mary Baugniette Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Mary Baugniette Gender Female Death Date 26 Aug 1900 Death Place Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 60 Birth Date 26 Aug 1840 Birthplace Belgium, Europe Occupation House Wife Race White Marital Status Married Spouse's Name Frank Baugniette

BAUKNECHT, AUGUST Death in Sheboygan on Sat. morning of August Bauknecht, a former Manitowoc resident. The deceased, who was 34 yrs. old and never married, is survived by his mother, 2 sisters and 2 brothers. He was ill for over a year. The body was brought here and buried Tues. morning in the local Catholic Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 03 May 1894 ********* (Saturday was April 28, 1894) ********* August Bauknecht Wisconsin, Death Records Name August Bauknecht Event Type Death Event Date 1894 Event Place Sheboygan, Sheboygan County, Wisconsin Gender Male Age 33 Race W Occupation Shoemaker Birth Year (Estimated) 1861 Birthplace Centerville, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Cemetery St. Boniface's Cath. Cemetery Father's Name Leo. Bauknecht Mother's Name Christina Bauknecht ******** August Bauknecht Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name August Bauknecht Gender Male Death Date 28 Apr 1894 Death Place Sheboygan, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 33 Birth Date 1861 Birthplace Centreville, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Occupation Shoemaker Race White Marital Status Unknown Father's Name Leo Bauknecht Mother's Name Christina Bauknecht

BAUMANN, FRANK AND HIS WIFE FOUR LIVES SACRIFICED WHEN AUTO DRIVER GAMBLES WITH DEATH TO SAVE MINUTE TIME ON TRIP HOME Three Two Rivers People Killed Outright and Fourth Dies as Result of Car Being Struck by Passenger Train at Two Rivers Crossing of Northwestern Line Sunday Afternoon Girl, Fifth Passenger in Car Saved by Jumping. Four Persons are dead and a fifth, a _____ _____ and was seriously injured, as result of the worst ___ accident ever recorded in Manitowoc county Sunday when an automobile, carrying five persons, was struck by a Northwestern passenger train at the Two Rivers crossing on the Lake Shore drive. The dead are: FRANK KUCERA, 60, Two Rivers, owner of the car. MRS. FRANK KUCERA, 55, his wife. FRANK BAUMANN, 50, Two Rivers. (sic) Mrs. Baumann’s name not listed) The injured: MISS CLARA BAUMANN, 16, body severely bruised, not fatally hurt. Kucera and his party who had left Two Rivers early in the day to attend the celebration of Bohemian societies at the opera house in this city, were returning to their home along the concrete road in a Ford car, Kucera driving the machine. At the approach to the railway crossing several cars had halted to await the passing of the train which leaves here at 4:28 for Milwaukee, but Kucera passed the waiting cars and attempted to make the crossing in advance of the train despite warnings shouted to him. Girl Saved by Jumping As the automobile neared the crossing and the certainty of death appeared, the Baumann girl leaped from the car which was running at a speed of 30?? miles. She suffered severe bruises but saved her life, being the only one of the party to escape death. Three Killed Outright. Three of the four remaining occupants of the automobile were killed outright while Kucera, who was found pinioned under the car at the wheel, his skull fractured and internally injured, died yesterday at noon at the hospital, no hope of his recovery being entertained when the extent of injuries became known immediately after the accident. Car Hit in Center The engine of the passenger train struck the automobile almost in the center, throwing the car into the air and carrying it a distance of fifty feet or more. The radiator was torn off and the body completely wrecked. Baumann Is Decapitated When the collision occurred Baumann, his wife and Mrs. Kucera, were killed outright, the bodies being terribly mangled, Baumann being decapitated while Mrs. Baumann’s head was crushed. Mrs. Kucera’s body was cut open from the neck to the hips and her jaw was broken, the three bodies being mutilated beyond recognition. Pieces of bones and flesh from the three bodies were picked up for a distance of 100 feet or more while a purse carried by Mrs. Kucera was found torn open and in shreds fifty feet from the place where the body was picked up. Several Witness Tragedy The accident was witnessed by several automobiles, people in cars had stopped ___ ___ train and had ___ warnings to Kuchera who it is most apparent, was flirting with death ___ __ a second of time. Mr. Hamilton, who was one of the witnesses of the __ accident, declared it the most terrible __ had ever seen at __ __ __ the strongest of persons. Girl Hystercial The Baumann girl, who was saved by leaping from ___ and was taken to the office of Dr. Currens at Two Rivers. She was unable to give details of the accident but said that she and the other occupants of the automobile had pleaded with Kucera to slow down and to stop his car and wait for the train. She has no recollection of leaping from the car and says she thinks that she fainted and fell from the machine, but witnesses say that the girl jumped. Brother in German Army Miss Baumann, who lost both her father and mother in the tragedy, has a brother who is at present __ __ the German army and stationed with the kaiser’s troops on the west front in Europe. She (3lines underinked ) Bodies Are Removed Coroner Louis Faige and District Attorney E.S. Schmidt ___ of the tragedy and reached the scene in a short time. The bodies of the dead were taken to Two Rivers and Kucera, who was still alive, was removed to the hospital where he died yesterday. (2 lines underinked). Two Double Funerals Two double funerals __ __ for Kucera and his wife and the other from the Baumann home for Mr. and Mrs. Baumann will be held at 9 o’clock tomorrow morning. Interment of the four bodies will be at Two Rivers. Men Employes of Hamilton Both Kucera and Baumann were employed at the Hamilton company plant in Two Rivers. Baumann and family ___ to Two Rivers only a short time ago. Mrs. Baumann came here to care for the home of her sister, Mrs. Wachal, whose death occurred several months ago and __ later joined by her husband and daughter. The family had ___ __ from Kucera to ___ yesterday. Inquest To Be Held Coroner Falge ___ the tragedy ___ which will ___ and fix responsibility at 9 tomorrow, at Two Rivers. It is said at Two Rivers that Kucera was known for his fast driving since he had owned a car and appeared to be unable ____ his car slow. Train Crew to Testify Members of the Northwestern train crew will be called to testify at the inquest. The train was in charge of Conductor James McCuskey and Engineer John Dwyer was in the cab. The train leaves the Two Rivers station at 4 o’clock for this city. It is noted that the train which has a number of coaches does not attain a high rate of speed by the time it reaches the crossing which is less than half a -___ from the station. Manitowoc Daily Herald, September 5, 1916 P. 1 ******** (Note: There is an account in the Sheboygan paper, Tuesday Sept. 5, 1916 p.4 and at the very end, it said that Mr. and Mrs. Bauman moved recently from Chicago to Two Rivers. It's possible that is where they are buried)

BAUMGARTEN, ALVINA LOUIS M. Name: Baumgarten, Alvina Louise M. D. 8/17/1876 B.: Reg. D.: 12/27/1876 sex: f/w Age at death: 4 mo. 24 da. B.P.: D.P.: Cem: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Pieper, Mtwc. Spouse: F.: M.: Cause of Death: Add Info.: Pg.# 213

BEAN, FRANK Another of the city's pioneer settlers has answered the last summons and has passed on to join the increasing majority who have finished with life's labors and sleep in the last sleep. Frank Bean, a resident of the county for many years and one of the well known pioneers of the city is dead at his home on South Main street, aged 83. Mr. Bean was well and favorable known. Four children survive. The funeral will be held Saturday from the home at 2 o'clock. Manitowoc Daily Herald, December 30, 1910 p.2

BEARNEY See Perndl

BEBEN MICHAEL From Der Nord Westen, 30 Oct. 1879: Death of Michael Beben, age 23, on 26 Oct. on Town Line Road. He was the son of Mr. Nic. Beben and died of diphtheria.

BECKER, REINHARD From Der Nord Westen, 02 Sept. 1897: Death Sun. in Town Newton of 37 yr. old Reinhard Becker of consumption, at the home of his father-in-law, P. Reilitz. The deceased, who is survived by his widow, was buried yesterday at the cemetery near Teitgen's. ******** Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Rheinhard Becker Gender Male Burial Place Newton, Wis. Death Date 29 Aug 1897 Death Place Newton, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 37 Birth Date 22 Aug 1860 Birthplace Bremin, Germany Occupation Cook Race White Marital Status Married Spouse's Name Julie Nuletz

BECKER, SON OF HEINRICH From Der Nord Westen, 24 Sep. 1903: A little son in the family of Heinrich Becker in Rosecrans (Cooperstown twp.) died shortly after birth and was buried in the Lutheran Cemetery there. (Note: Probably #17.)

BEECK, JAMES James Beeck, 39 of 3607 Maplewood Road, Two Rivers, died Wednesday evening, July 9, 1986 at Holy Family Medical Center, Manitowoc. Memorial services will be held at 2:30 pm Saturday at Emanuel United Methodist Church, Two Rivers. Rev. Frederik Schulz will officiate. Mr. Beeck was born June 17, 1947 at Two Rivers, son of Donald and Lavina Sigmund Beeck. Mr. Beeck attended Two Rivers grade school and Washington High School. Mr. Beeck was a graduate of Stout College at Menominie, Wisconsin. Mr. Beeck taught school at J.I. Case High School in Racine for 10 years. Survivors include his parents, a son, Brian of Union Grove, Wis.; a brother, Robert of Two Rivers; a sister and brother-in-law, Sue and Dan Pawlitzke of Two Rivers and his maternal grandmother, Mrs. Eva Sigmund of Ridge Crest, CA. He was preceded in death by a brother, Larry. Friends may call at the church after 2 pm Saturday afternoon. Memorials may be made to Multiple Sclerosis Society. There will be no visitation at Deja & Martin Funeral Chapel, Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Fri., July 11, 1986 page 14

BEHLING, FRIEDRICKE Name: Behling, Friedricke D. 3/9/1876 B.: Reg. D.: 12/27/1876 sex: f/w Age at death: 42 yrs. 6 mo. B.P.: D.P.: Cem: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. F. Pieper, Mtwc. Spouse: F.: M.: Cause of Death: Consumption Add Info.: Pg.# 209

BEHM, CHILD OF JOHN An incipient panic was caused this week by a report that small pox had broken out in the city. People were quieted when they learned it was scarlet fever. A child of John Behm died from the disease. Manitowoc Pilot, January 10, 1895 P. 3

DAUGHTER OF C. BEHNKE An infant daughter of Mr. C. Behnke, who lives a short distance from Reedsville, fell into a pool of water near the house pump yesterday and was drowned. Manitowoc Pilot, September 13, 1877 P. 3

BEHNKE, MICHAEL An inquest into the death of Michael Behnke showed that he died as a result of injuries to his back when he stepped in front of a Milwaukee, Lakeshore & Western locomotive at a grade crossing in the town of Maple Grove. Witnesses said that the locomotive was going 10 to 12 miles per hour at the time, the crew blew the whistle for the crossing and again to warn the victim. Accident occured February 2 1873. This was found in the court index, the following are the numbers needed to find the file at the Cofrin library in Green Bay. yr. 1873; #2042; Box CF 15 FLB

BEHNKE, SOPHIE From Der Nord Westen, 16 Feb. 1899: Death in Maple Grove a short time ago of Mrs. Sophie Behnke at age 84 yrs. 4 mos. as a result of grippe. The deceased leaves 5 children. (Louise Behnke cem 53?)

BEHRENDT, DAU. OF FRED From Der Nord Westen, 30 Apr. 1908: A 3-month old little daughter of Fred Behrendt in Two Rivers died Thursday last week of convulsions. (Possibly Behrendt baby in cem. #89A)

BEHRENS, A.H. Our readers will remember our reporting last winter that an elderly man named A. H. Behrens was found in the vicinity of Louis Corners, Town Schleswig, living like a hermit and was brought here for a mental examination. The man was in a state of exhaustion but not mentally ill. After being restored for a while in the local mental facility, he had to be released, and went back to his little hut. A few days ago he was found there dead, swollen and unclothed. Der Nord Westen, 08 Mar. 1906 ****** A.H. Berens, an aged resident of Schleswig who had for many years lived alone in a hut, was found dead in his shack on Thursday, March 1. When Behrens' death was discovered his body, nearly naked, lay on the floor in the hut. The proper authorities were immediately notified and on Saturday, March 3, the funeral took place. The decedent had no relatives in Wisconsin. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, March 15, 1906 ********* Wisconsin, Death Records Name A. H. Behrens Event Type Death Event Date 1906 Event Place Schleswig, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Residence Place Schleswig, Gender Male Age 78 Marital Status Widowed Race W Occupation Mason Birth Date 1828 Birth Year (Estimated) 1828 Birthplace Germany Burial Place Schleswig, Cemetery Union Cemetery Father's Name Behrens Father's Birthplace Germany Mother's Name Behrens Mother's Birthplace Germany

BEHRINGER JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 09 Jan. 1879: Death of elderly John Behringer in Manitowoc.

BEICHARDT, GEORGE From Der Nord Westen, 05 Feb. 1891: Death by drowning in the Manitowoc River on Thurs. last week of George Beichardt, a resident of Kellnersville. He was said to have been very drunk. His cries for help were heard, but help arrived too late. He was dragged down by a heavycoat. Burial was Sun. in the new cemetery in Kossuth.

BEIERLY, GUSTAV From Der Nord Westen, 07 Nov. 1901: Death Sat. morning of 40-yr. old Gustav Beierly, a well-known citizen of our city, following a long illness with consumption. He is survived by his widow. The body will be taken to Valders for burial.

BEIERLY, JOSEPH The funeral of Joseph Beierly was held from St. Boniface church this morning at 9 o'clock. There was a good attendance of friends and relatives, and the interment was in the Catholic cemetery. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, January 25, 1899 P.1

BEITZALL, DAU. OF MR. A 5-yr. old little daughter of Mr. Beitzall, in Two Rivers, died Sun. of a heart illness. Der Nord Westen, 05 May 1904 ******** Hattie Beitzel Wisconsin Death Index Name Hattie Beitzel Event Type Death Event Date 01 May 1904 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Page 9999 ******** (Note: The dates match-Sunday was May 1.) ******** (From 1900 Two Rivers census: Nicalous Beitzel age 58; wife Catherine age 38 had 5 children 3 living; Anna age 16; Tillie age 13; Hattie age 1 b.1899)

BEITZEL, LIZZIE Death in Two Rivers on Sat. from consumption, of Lizzie Beitzel, a daughter of Nic. Beitzel. The deceased, who was 19 yrs. old, was buried Mon. at the Catholic Church. Der Nord Westen, 29 Oct. 1896 ******** Name Lizzie Beitzel Gender Female Burial Place Two Rivers, Wis. Death Date 14 Oct 1896 Death Place Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 18 Birth Date 1878 Birthplace Two Rivers, Wis. Race White Father's Name Nicolaus Beitzel Mother's Name Catherina ******** Lizzie Beitzel Wisconsin, Death Records Name Lizzie Beitzel Event Type Death Event Date 1896 Event Place Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Female Age 18 Race W Birth Year (Estimated) 1878 Birthplace Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wis. Burial Place Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wis. Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Father's Name Nicolaus Beitzel Mother's Name Catherina Beitzel

BEITZEL, NICHOLAS The 8-yr. old son of Joseph Beitzel in Two Rivers died Sat. of the measles. Der Nord Westen, 18 Apr. 1901 ***** Two Rivers: A son of Jos. Beitzel, eight years of age, died last Saturday from the measels. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1901 pg. 8 ***** Nicholas Beitzel Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Nicholas Beitzel Gender Male Burial Place Two Rivers, Wis. Death Date 12 Apr 1901 Death Place Two Rivers, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 8 Birth Date 10 Dec 1892 Birthplace Two Rivers, Wisconsin Race White Marital Status Single Father's Name Joseph Beitzel Father's Birthplace Germany Mother's Name Elizabeth Mother's Birthplace Wisconsin ******** Nicholas Beitzel Wisconsin, Death Records Name Nicholas Beitzel Event Type Death Event Date 1901 Event Place Two Rivers, Wisconsin Residence Place Two Rivers, Wis. Gender Male Age 8 Marital Status Single Race W Birth Date 10 Dec 1892 Birth Year (Estimated) 1893 Birthplace Two Rivers, Wisconsin Burial Place Two Rivers, Wis. Cemetery Catholic Cemetery Father's Name Joseph Beitzel Father's Birthplace Germany Mother's Name Elizabeth Beitzel Mother's Birthplace Wisconsin ******** (Note: The only Catholic cemetery in Two Rivers at the time was Calvary, so he should be in Calvary)

BELL, MARTHA From the Manitowoc Herald, 28 Nov. 1857: Martha Bell (dau. of Capt R.L. Bell) died.

BELL, ROBERT From the Manitowoc Herald, 04 July 1857: Robert L. Bell died.

BELZ, CHILD OF CHARLES Death Mon. of a child of Charles Belz in Two Rivers. The funeral arrangements were not reported to us. Der Nord Westen, 07 Sep. 1899 (possibly #89A)

BEMBNISTA, WLADISLAUS A Fatal Fall Last Wednesday afternoon Ladislaus Benmesta, a young man 22 years of age whose parents reside here, fell from a scaffold, near the roof of a building upon which he was at work, to the ground, a distance of 25 feet. He was taken up terribly bruised and in an unconscious condition, in which condition he remained until about 8 o'clock in the evening when he died from his injuries. He was buried from the Catholic church on Friday. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle Tuesday, April 3, 1888 ***** 1888 Mar 28/BEMBANISTA L. 1888 Mar 28/BEMBANISTA Ladislaus/v.3 p.281 "Manitowoc County Pre-1907 Death Index"

BENDER, RYAN AND JACOB Ryan Lee Bender and Jacob Scott Bender, infant twin sons of Chad “Bert” and Nichole Meyer Bender, 1219 S. 36th St., Manitowoc, were both born late Saturday evening, May 20, 2006, at St. Vincent’s Hospital in Green Bay. Ryan Lee passed away that same evening and his twin brother, Jacob Scott, passed away early Sunday morning, May 21, 2006. Private funeral services for the family will be held Thursday afternoon at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral home with the Rev. Robert Kujawski officiating. The twins are survived by their parents: Chad “Bert” and Nicole Bender; maternal grandparents: Gary (Lori) Meyer, Manitowoc; Linda (Scott) Christianson, Manitowoc; paternal grandparents: Francis (Patti) Bender, Two Rivers; Patti (Larry) Crowell, Manitowoc; maternal great-grandmother: Doris Meyer, Manitowoc; Carol Reseburg, Manitowoc; paternal great-grandmother: Connie Bender, Newton; aunts, uncles along wth other relatives and friends survive. They were preceded in death by maternal great-grandfathers: Lloyd Meyer and Fred Reseburg; paternal great-grandparents: Ralph Bender and Vernon (Mary) Bauknecht, Sr. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Cremation Center, 628 N. Water St., Manitowoc, is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, May 24, 2006 P. A3

BENGLOW BERTHA Mrs. Bertha Benglow, 62, wife of Simon Benglow of Mishicot, passed away at Holy Family Hospital at 9 o'clock Monday morning. Mrs. Benglow had been a patient at the hospital since Sept. 19. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 13, 1922

BENGALOW, SIMON MISHICOT The funeral of Simon Bengalow was held from the Joseph Dvorak home on Friday morning with burial services at Tisch Mills. Mr. Bengalow was an immigrant from Bohemia who came to this county while still a young boy. He made his home in the vicinity of Mishicot and Tisch Mills while a resident of this country. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, March 26, 1929 ***** Simons Benklaw Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Simons Benklaw Death Date 19 Mar 1929 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004"

BENSON, IMOGENE V. Imogene V. Benson, age 71, of 4312 Range Line Road, Manitowoc, died Saturday, December 28, 1996, at her residence. A Memorial Service will be held at 12 noon Tuesday, December 31, 1996, at the family residence at 4312 Range Line Road, Manitowoc. She was born November 28, 1925, in Mt. Vernon, Ill., daughter of the late Charles and Julia Viola Bell. She attended schools in Sheboygan and graduated with the class of 1943 from Sheboygan North High School. She married Robert Benson, May 14, 1948, in Highland Park, Ill. Survivors include her husband, Robert, Manitowoc; one daughter, Julia Ann Benson, Snoqualmie, Wash.; two brothers, William Bell, Seguin, Texas, Charles Bell Jr., Ocklawaha, Fla.; one sister, Delores Burgin, Sheboygan; other relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by her parents. Friends may call at the family residence from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Tuesday. Memorials may be made to the Holy Family Memorial Hospice. The Jens Funeral Home, Manitowoc, assisted the family with funeral arrangemnts. Herald Times Reporter, December 30, 1996 P. A2

BENTHEIM, LUDWIG From Der Nord Westen, 08 Mar. 1894: Death in Centerville on Tues. of 82 yr. old Ludwig Bentheim, of old age. The deceased was born in Mecklenburg-Schwerin and came to Centerville in 1868 where he has lived ever since. The funeral will take place today.

BENTHIEN, EDWARD Infant Child Dies at Parents' Home in Gibson Edward Benthien, year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Benthien, town of Gibson, died today at the municipal hospital of pneumonia. He is survived by his parents and four brothers, Frederich, John, Franklin and William. Funeral services will be held Saturday at 2 p.m. from the Specht funeral home in Mishicot. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thursday, February 14, 1935 P.11 (Note: There is a John Benthien in Mishicot Holy Cross cemetery)

BENZHOF, MRS. CHARLES Mrs. Chas. Benzhof of Shoto, died at the age of four score years and ten, last Sunday. She was buried Wednesday, Rev. C.F. Doehler officiating at the funeral. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tomaschefski of this city were among those who attended the funeral. The REPORTER, Sat., Apr. 7, 1906

BENZINGER, ANNIE (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 02 Sep.) Death Fri. of the 2-yr. old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Benzinger from burn wounds sustained on Wed. The parents had gone into the village to buy the threshing machine they had been waiting for. While they were gone the older children had heated a tub of water and set it on the floor. In the blink of an eye the unattended little girl fell in and suffered the burns which claimed her life on Fri., releasing her from her pain. The funeral was held Sun. with many local residents in the funeral procession. Der Nord Westen, 04 Sep. 1902 ******** (Friday would have been August 29, 1902- She would be Annie Benzinger) ******** Wisconsin, Death Records Name Annie Benzinger Event Type Death Event Date 1902 Event Place Mishicot, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Residence Place Mishicott, Gender Female Age 1 Race W Birth Date 14 Sep 1900 Birth Year (Estimated) 1901 Burial Place Mish. Cemetery Cath. Cem. Father's Name Joe. Benzinger Father's Birthplace Mishicott, Mother's Name Frances Behringer Mother's Birthplace Mishicott, ******** Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Annie Benzinger Gender Female Burial Place Mish. Death Date 29 Aug 1902 Death Place Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 1 Birth Date 14 Sep 1900 Race White Father's Name Joe Benzinger Father's Birthplace Mishicott Mother's Name Frances Behringer Mother's Birthplace Mishicott

BERENDSEN, BURT FAILS TO SWIM TO SHORE, DROWNS Manitowoc - Burt Berendsen, a fireman on the freighter, A.M. Byers, lost his life by drowning when he failed in an attempt to swim across the river near the Soo line carferry slip. Florian Wielkowski reported to the police that he saw the man fall into the river and start swimming toward the other side. At about the middle he went down and drowned before help could reach him. The body was recovered an hour later by the police. Officers hooked it with the drag line and brought it to the surface. Berendsen had apparently taken the day off and had been about the city. He had been around the depot only a short time before the tragedy and had passed out cigars. He was apparently a little the worse for liquor according to reports made to the police by Walter Wieseman, 817 North Tenth Street and Albert Engel, a clerk at the Soo depot, both of whom had observed the man about the depot and the yards. Wielkowski was the only eye witness to the falling into the river and drowning and he ran to the Franklin Street fire station to give the alarm. This was at 5:45 and officers went to the scene immediately but it was an hour before the body was recovered and resuscitation was out of the question. The coroner was notified but held it would not be necessary to hold an inquest. The body was then taken to the Vogelsang chapel where a search of the clothes revealed eighty-five cents in small change, a ten dollar bill and three one dollar bills besides papers which identified the man as a fireman on the Byers. A gold watch was also found on his person. Two Rivers Reporter Chronicle - Aug. 4, 1927

BERG, HENRY Henry Berg died at his home in this city last Saturday and is to be buried today. He leaves a wife and family. His illness has been a lingering one. He was much respected and such a citizen we can ill afford to lose. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Dec. 6, 1886 page 3

BERGE, CHILD OF MARVIN Mr. and Mrs. Marvin L. Berge of Valders are mourning the death of their six months old daughter who died at 8 p.m. Christmas day. Besides the parents the little one is survived by one sister, Arline Annabelle. The funeral will be held Sunday from the home of Otto G. Berge and burial will be at the Valders church cemetery. Manitowoc Herald News, Saturday, December 27, 1924 P.3

BERGE, GILBERT G. 60-yr. old Gilbert G. Berge, a farmer who lived near Jerpen, died Mon. He leaves a widow, 5 daughters and several sisters. The funeral was held yesterday. Der Nord Westen, 01 Sep. 1904

BERGE, MRS. OLE DEATH OF MRS. BERGE, VALDERS, TAKES PIONEER Mrs. Ole Berge, well known resident of Valders, died early today at her home there as result of a stroke of paralysis which she suffered two months ago. The funeral will be held Saturday afternoon at 1 o'clock from the home and at 2 o'clock at the Valders church, the Rev. White officiating. Mrs. Berge was one of the early day settlers of Manitowoc county, having come here in the 50's. She was born at Valders, Norway and was married after her arrival here, on January 31, 1866 to Mr. Berge who preceded her in death in 1910. She had made her home at Valders ever since coming to America. Mrs. Berge was the mother of six children; Mrs. John Alfson of Clarks Mills; Anton and Andrew of Valders and Gustave Berge of Omaha, Nebraska. Twenty-six grandchildren and ten great grandchildren also survive. Manitowoc Herald News, Thursday, December 15, 1921 P. 1 ********* Berge Funeral to Be Held Tomorrow The funeral of the late Mrs. Berge, pioneer resident of Valders, will be held tomorrow afternoon from the home at 1:30 and from the Valders church at 2 o'clock. Mrs. B. Finkleson, of this city, a daughter whose name was omitted from the obituary yesterday, is at Valders. Mrs. Berge was the mother of Ole Berge, deceased, who for many years was one of the most prominent business men of Valders. Manitowoc Herald News, December 16, 1921 P. 1

BERGEMANN, JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 11 June 1896: Death of John Bergemann, a veteran of the Civil War, of old age debility. He was buried Tues. (date and place of death illegible). [The Civil War Roundtable has his burial in Cato Heights cemetery #1 but there is no stone)

BERGER, CHRISTINA Death notice in Der Nord Westen, 11 Jan. 1883 Death of the 91 year mother of Christian and Gottlieb Berger in Two Rivers. (Note: From 1880 Two Rivers census: Gottlieb Berger head age 59 and living in the houshold is his mother Christina age 88)

BERGSBAKEN, SCOTT Scott E. Bergsbaken, age 47, of 4212 County Trunk Highway B, Manitowoc, died Wednesday evening, March 31, 1999, at Shady Lane Nursing Care Center, Manitowoc, after a courageous battle with cancer. Memorial Services will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, April 6, 1999, at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home. Rev. Scott Porath will officiate. Cremation will have taken place. He was born February 13, 1952, at Bonduel, Wis., son of Leon and Immogene Soufal Bergsbaken. Scott graduated from Bonduel High School in 1970 and continued his education at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He has resided in Manitowoc for the past 20 years. Scott was employed as a compliance specialist with Wi Ag Ventures. He had served as chairman for the last number of years. He married Kristine A. Bauer, July 25, 1998, in Manitowoc. Scott was an avid sportsman and excelled in many of his activities. He was a hunter, fisherman, golfer and bowler. He especially enjoyed being at his cabin up North with his family and cabin crew of Si, Mike, Jim, Andy, Steve and his special dog Lizzy. Survivors include his wife, Kristine; two step daughters, Melissa and her husband, Neil, Samantha and her husband, Curt; his parents Leon and Immogene Bergsbaken, Bonduel; one brother and sister-in-law, Keith and Sandy Bergsbaken, Shawano; one precious niece, Abby Bergsbaken; his mother-in-law, Mildred Kowalski, Manitowoc; one brother-in-law, Michael Kowalski, Denver, Colo.; aunts, uncles, along with other relatives and friends surviving. Friends may call at Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home on Tuesday from 9 a.m. until the time of services at 11 a.m. In lieu of flowers, a memorial fund is being established in his name. The Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and Cremation Service is assisting the family with funeral arrangements. The family would like to thank the two (sic) Rivers Community Hospital 2nd floor nursing staff and 3rd floor nursing staff at Shady Lane Home. Also special thanks to Bruce at East Central Co-op and Bill from Valders Co-op for all their help and attention during this difficult time. Herald Times Reporter, April 2, 1999 P. A2

BERLIN, FRITZ From Der Nord Westen, 30 May 1878: Death of Fritz Berlin, “generally known by the name PEIMAUT”, of Manitowoc, who was recently taken to the hospital at St. Nazians.

BERNARD, STANISLAUS Stanislaus, the six month old babe of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Bernard, 1910 Hamilton street, died Tuesday and was buried from St. Mary's church this morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, November 6, 1914 p.3 ******** (NOTE: I called the cem. office at Calvary which also has the records for St. Marys and no record of this burial has been found yet, although it's highly possible the child should be in either cemetery. They are going through the old books putting their records into a computer program so it may show up yet.)

BERNDT See Perndl

BERNEMANN, CAPT. From Der Nord Westen, 09 Nov. 1905: Death Wed. last week in Sturgeon Bay of Capt. Bernemann of Chicago, a personality who was well-known locally. The casket was brought here and buried under the auspices of the local Masonic Lodge.

BERNER, INFANT OF DR. BERNER BURY CHILD HERE Albert, Edward and Dr. Bushman, Mrs. Julius Bushman, Dr. and Mrs. Berner and Rev. Miller, Milwaukee, were in this city yesterday to bury an infant child of Dr. and Mrs. Berner. Dr. Berner was at one Jtime (sic) a practicing physician in this city. Manitowoc Daily Tribune, Monday, April 4, 1910 P. 7

BERNER, SON OF MRS. N. Drowned. A little six-year-old son of Mrs. N. Berner, of this village, was missing from home last Saturday evening, and the belief became general that he had fallen into the river and drowned, as he was last seen playing about the East river, near Hamilton’s brick yard. Search was commenced early on Sunday morning, and it was not until about half-past in the afternoon that the body was recovered near that place. This is the second son Mrs. Berner has lost by drowning, and is a sad warning to parents allowing their children to frequent the river so much.—Two Rivers Chronicle, 18th. Manitowoc Pilot, June 20, 1872 P.2 ********* (1860 Two Rivers census: Nicholas Berner-hotel keeper-age 40; Josephine 33; Mary 7; Josephine 5; Benjamin Franklin 3; Joseph 1) ********* (1870 Two Rivers census: Josephine Berner head age 43; Mi?e age 17; Josephine 15; Herbert 11; Ferdinand 9; Edward 7; Charles 5; Kate 2; Mathias 53)

BESSARD, MARIE Mishicott Mites Died - Mrs. Joseph Bessard, aged 64 years. She was a sister to Julius and Maurice Cretton and mother-in-law to Louis Guex with whom she came to this country from Switzerland three years ago. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Mar. 22, 1892 ***** Daughter Hortense Guex is buried in #63

BETZEL, CHILD OF JOSEPH From Der Nord Westen, 30 Nov. 1899 Death of a small child of Whitelaw resident Joseph Betzel week before last. The funeral took place Mon. last week.

BIELEK, MRS. JOHN Death Thurs. evening of 85-yr. old Mrs. John Bielek following a stroke. She leaves her husband and one daughter. The funeral was held Sat. Der Nord Westen, 11 Apr. 1901 ******* (Per obit, she died Thursday April 4, 1901) (A Belek and a Belik surname is in Evergreen, Manitowoc)

BIELING, F. F. Bieling from T.R. swept overboard the "Eleanor" and died. Manitowoc Herald, 1859 Jul 7 ******** Death of F. Bieling.- We have to record the death of Mr. F. Bieling, of Two Rivers under peculiarly painful circumstances. He was a passenger on board the Schooner Eleanor, bound to Chicago. The vessel had a deck load of lumber, and while off Centerville, Mr. Bieling was reclining upon some boards, on the quarter deck, immediately under the main boom, which, to use a nautical expression, jibed, or swung round of its own accord, sweeping Mr. Bieling and several pieces of lumber into the lake. A boat was lowered immediately, but the body had disappeared beyond the reach of aid. He was about 30 years of age, and leaves a wife and three children.-Herald. The Manitowoc Pilot, Tuesday, June 14, 1859 P.2

BIGWOOD, MRS. S. Death Tuesday last week in Two Rivers of 42-year old Mrs. S. Bigwood after a short illness. The deceased leaves 4 children. Her funeral was Friday. Der Nord Westen, 18 Mar. 1909 ***** Mrs. S. Bigwood died at her home on the Eastside last Tuesday after a brief illness. She was 42 years of age and the mother of four children, three boys and one girl. Her funeral took place on Friday from the residence, Rev. D.R. Anderson officiating. Two of her sons, William of Chicago and Thomas of Ludington were present at the funeral. The Chronicle - Tues., Mar. 16, 1909 ***** Card of Thanks We, the relatives of the late deceased, Mrs. S. Bigwood, wish to thank the kind friends in the city for their kindness and sympathy shown by them during the recent death of our beloved mother. Miss Pearl Mastian and Brothers The Chronicle - Tues., Mar. 16, 1909

BILINSKY, CHILD OF ANTON The family of Anton Bilinsky(sic) had a child born Thurs., which shortly died and was buried Friday. Der Nord Westen, 25 Mar. 1897 (Per obit. Thursday was March 18.) (Note: /an Anton Belinske is in Calvary, Manitowoc/ Not in cemeteries, but do have this child in the births from newspapers: BILINSKY, ANTON child - b. 18 Mar. - d. 18 Mar. 1897 Der Nord Westen, 25 Mar. 1897)

BILITSKI, SON OF ANTON Death on Sat. evening of the 8 day old little son of Anton Bilitski.(sic) Burial was Mon. in the Catholic Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 16 Mar. 1893 ******** Magdalena Olive Beliczki Birth • Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926 Name Magdalena Olive Beliczki Sex Female Race White Names of Other Issue Living Hugo Beliczki Father's Name Anthony Beliczki Father's Sex Male Father's Birthplace Poland, Europe Mother's Name Cecilia Schweizer Mother's Sex Female Event Type Birth Event Date 5 Mar 1893 Event Place Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin, United States "Wisconsin, Births and Christenings, 1826-1926" ***** Magdo Beliczki Death • Wisconsin, Death Index, 1820-1907 Name Magdo Beliczki Event Type Death Event Date 12 Mar 1893 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Page 0270 "Wisconsin, Death Index, 1820-1907" ***** Magdalena Oliva Beliczki Death • Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004 Name Magdalena Oliva Beliczki Color/Sex White Female Age 7 days old Father Anton Beliczki Mother Cecilia Beliczki Birth place Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wis. Birth Date 05 Mar 1893 Death Date 12 Mar 1893 Death County Manitowoc, Wisconsin, USA Burial Place St. Boniface Catholic Cem. "Wisconsin, U.S., Death Records, 1872-2004"

BIRDSELL, JOHN BODY OF FORMER WELL KNOWN RESIDENT OF COUNTY BROUGHT FROM MISSOURI FOR BURIAL HERE The body of John Birdsell, a former well known resident of the county, was brought here today from Knox City, Mo., and taken to Larrabee for burial, the funeral being held this afternoon. George Birdsell, son of the decedent and an only child, came here from Raymond, Neb., for the funeral. Mr. Birdsell, who was 62 years of age, made his home in Gibson for many years, removing west about twelve years ago when his health failed him. For four years he had been bed ridden. His wife died 27 years ago and it was the dying request of Mr. Birdsell that his body be brought back to the old home to rest beside that of his wife. Mr. Birdsell was a well known horseman while a resident here. Manitowoc Daily Herald, November 22, 1916 P. 3

BISCHOF, CHILD OF R. From Der Nord Westen, 26 Mar. 1896: Death on Fri. of a 3-week old child of Town Line Road resident R. Bischof, of convulsions.

BISCHOFF ADAM or ADOLPH From Der Nord Westen, 10 Feb. 1881: Death by suicide of Adam Bischoff on Sun. at Half Way House on the Two Rivers-Mishicott Road. He had recently arrived from Germany and brought with him a reasonable sum of money. Apparently under the influence of drink, he shot himself in the head. ******** SUICIDE On Sunday afternoon a man named Adolph Bishoff committed suicide at Wooster's Hotel at Two Rivers by blowing his brains out with a revolver. He was a young fellow about twenty-five years of age who came from Germany last spring. He was always well dressed and seemed to have considerable money. He led a fast life and it is believed had about exhausted all the funds he had. He had attended the funeral of Sam Stone in company with Mr. Wooster and committed the deed a few minutes after his return. There were some men in the saloon and he approached one of them and said he intended to burn down his barn that night. He then went up to Wooster and said “Something is going to happen tonight.” Directly after he went out and stood a few feet from a group of four men who were engaged in conversation. He drew a revolver from his pocket and discharged the contents into his head. On Monday an inquest was held by Justice Goedgen. The verdict given was in accordance with the above facts. Bishoff boarded for some time at Nolan's in this city, but spent the greater part of his time with his aunt in Mishicott, a Mrs. Andrew Smith. No cause is assigned for the commission of the rash act. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, February 10, 1881 ******** Wisconsin Death Index Name Adam Bischoff Event Type Death Event Date 08 Feb 1881 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Page 0368 ******* Adam Bischoff Wisconsin, Death Records Name Adam Bischoff Event Type Death Event Date 1881 Event Place Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Male Age 25 Marital Status Single Race white Occupation miller Birth Date 25 Dec 1855 Birth Year (Estimated) 1856 Birthplace Wuertemberg Burial Place Man. Co. Cemetery Mishicott Cemetery Father's Name Sebastian Bischoff Mother's Name Maria N. Bischoff

BISCOPH, HANNAH Name: Biscoph, Hannah D. ? B.: Reg. D.: 1/22/1873 sex: Age at death: B.P.: Poland D.P.: S.S. Egypt Cem: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Spouse: F.: M.: Cause of Death: Add Info.: Died on vessel SS Egypt on its passage from Liverpool, Eng., arrived at Port of New York 4/18/1872 Pg.# 169

BLAIR, RALPH E. Ralph E. Blair, age 77, of Riverhill Apartments, Manitowoc, died Sunday afternoon, April 28, 1996, at his residence. Funeral Services will be held at 12 noon Wednesday, May 1, 1996, at the Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc. Officiating at the service will be Deacon William Klein. Mr. Blair was born March 17, 1919, in LaCrosse, Wis., son of the late Charles and Pearl Blair. He served with the United States Army during World War II from 1941 until 1945. He married Jane Elizabeth Schultz and she preceded him in death on April 12, 1985. Ralph was a member of the Board of Directors of Peter's Pantry. Survivors include three daughters, Mary Reese, Beloit, Wis., Barb Williams, Manitowoc, Jennifer Blair, Richland Center, Wis.; two sons, Ralph Blair Jr., Beloit, Wis., Jeff Blair, Loves Park, Ill.; 14 grandchildren; 11 great-grandchildren; one sister; one brother; nieces, nephews other relatives and friends also survive. He was preceded in death by two brothers. Friends may call at the Pfeffer Funeral Home on Wednesday morning from 10 a.m. until the time of service. There will be no Tuesday evening visitation. Herald Times Reporter, April 30, 1996 P. A2

BLAISDELL, KENNETH L. SR. Kenneth L. Blaisdell Sr., age 58, of 3018 48th St., Two Rivers, died Monday, May 12, 1997, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. Funeral Services will be held at 11 a.m. Friday, May 16, 1997, at Klein and Stangel Funeral Home, Two Rivers. Officiating at the service will be Rev. Fredrick Schulz. He was born October 19, 1938, in Mercer, Maine, son of Charles Blaisdell and the late Alice Walton Blaisdell Carr. Kenneth attended schools in Maine where he graduated from high School. On June 24, 1961, he married Judith A. Wheeler at Plainville United Methodist Church in Plainville, Conn. He was employed with Paragon Electric Company of Two Rivers from 1978 through 1992. He then began employment with Fisher Hamilton Scientific. His memberships include the Frederica Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Lodge #110, and the Masonic Lodge Frederick #14, both of Plainville, Conn. Survivors include his wife, Judith A. Blaisdell, Two Rivers; a son and daughter- in-law, Kenneth and Roberta Blaisdell Jr., Two Rivers; two daughters, Amy B. Blaisdell, at home, and her special friend Robert Noll, Two Rivers, Lynne Blaisdell, Brewster, Cape Cod, Mass.; his father, Charles G. Blaisdell, Skowhegan, Maine; four brothers and three sisters-in-law, Charles and Kathy Blaisdell, Middletown, Conn., Richard Blaisdell, Bristol, Conn., Dale and Beverly Blaisdell, Meriden, Conn., Melvin and Brenda Blaisdell, Skowhegan, Maine; one half-sister, Sandra Carr, Portland, Maine; four half-brothers, Michael, Andrew, Douglas and Timothy Carr, all of Portland, Maine; his mother-in-law, Ethel Wheeler, Brewster, Cape Cod, Mass.; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends also survive. He was preceded in death by a half-brother, Kerry. Friends may call at the Klein and Stangel Funeral Home on Thursday evening from 6-8 p.m. and Friday morning until the time of service. Herald Times Reporter, May 14, 1997 P. A2

BLEMSKI, FRANK From Der Nord Westen, 21 May 1908: Frank Blemski, a 73-year old resident of Town Newton, died recently.

BLOECKLI, CHILD OF ULLRICH BODY OF CHILD THAT DIED AT BIRTH KEPT IN HOUSE FOR NEARLY TWO MONTHS. The body of an infant was kept concealed in a shoe box for about two months at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ullrich Bloeckli, parents of the dead child, which was born to them in the fore part of January and died at birth. The discovery was made on Tuesday, March 5, by the county judge and the under- sheriff, who pursuant to a complaint made by Joseph Bierlie, father of Mrs. Bloeckli, had gone to the Bloeckli home to see if conditions there were as bad as they had been represented to be by the complainant. It was found that the family was poverty stricken and lived in squalor. It seems that the body of the dead infant was kept in the house because the parents had no money to give it a decent burial. There are five living children, the oldest being 8 years of age. They were taken to the county jail for temporary care. At the jail they were given baths and clean clothes. On Wednesday, March 6, the parents of the children were haled before the county judge and asked to show cause why their children should not be taken from them. During the hearing of the case it developed that conditions at the Bloeckli home were such that the children could not be properly cared for, and accordingly, the five children were taken from their parents and committed to St. Joseph's Catholic Orphan asylum at Green Bay, which institution was, in accordance with the requirements of the law in such cases given the guardianship over the children. The children were taken to Green Bay on March 6th. The father is said to be a steady, industrious workman. The poverty of the family is probably partly due to the fact that the mother is not in the best of health. The body of the infant found in the house was badly decomposed. The father was ordered to inter the body and the burial took place Tuesday night, March 5. Manitowoc Pilot, March 14, 1907 p.1

BLOKE, STELLA Mishicott Melange. Stella Bloke of Gibson, thirteen years of age, died last Monday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times Tuesday, December 11, 1883 pg. 4

BLUM, MARGARET Margaret Blum/d. 9 May 1925/age 68 years/from St. Lukes Annual 1925)

BODNAR, ANNA Mrs. Anna Bodnar, 1818 South 18th Street, died at the hospital last night after an illness of month. The funeral will be held Monday morning. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, October 14, 1916 P. 5

BODWIN, J. (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 26 June) (Small, hazy print, unsure of the names) Death of Mr. J. Bodwin on 21 June at age 85. Der Nord Westen, 28 June 1900 ******** The following might be the same person, dates almost match. I can't find either one on the census. Wisconsin Deaths and Burials Name Peter Bodwain Gender Male Burial Place Mishicott, Wisc. Death Date 22 Jun 1900 Death Place Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 86 Birth Date 1814 Birthplace Belgium, Europe Occupation Farmer Race White Marital Status Married Spouse's Name Catherine Father's Birthplace Blgium, Europe Mother's Birthplace Belgium, Europe ******** Peter Bodwain Wisconsin, Death Records Name Peter Bodwain Event Type Death Event Date 1900 Event Place Mishicot, Wisconsin Residence Place Mishicot, Gender Male Age 86 Race W Occupation Farmer Birth Year (Estimated) 1814 Birthplace Belgium Burial Place Mishicott, Wisc. Father's Birthplace Belgium Mother's Birthplace Belgium Spouse's Name Catherine Bodwain

BOEGE, RAYMOND Raymond Boege birth: 22 April 1904 Manitowoc death: 22 April 1904 Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin residence: 1904 M. father: Richard Boege mother: Leonia Haase Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

BOEHM, HERMAN Cooperstown - The funeral of the late Herman Boehm was held here November 16 with burial at the adjoining cemetery, the Rev. Father Jacobs officiating. Mr. Boehm was seventy-one years old and died of a paralytic stroke. Manitowoc Herald News, Nov. 24, 1926 page 11

BOELZ, GUSTAV From Der Nord Westen, 05 Feb. 1903: Gustav Boelz, a young man employed at John Dugan's sawmill near Reedsville, was killed in an accident there Thurs. last week. BÖLZ was standing on a large stack of freshly cut timber, and as he began to move made a misstep and fell to the ground with the entire pile of boards falling on him. His co-workers immediately came to help, but by the time the lumber was removed, he was dead. A coroner's jury returned a verdict of accidental death. He was 25 yrs. old and lived with his parents in Reedsville.

BOETTCHER, BERTHA Notes from Reedsville: After an illness of several months, Mrs. Gottlieb Boetcher, aged 75, passed away at the home of her son, Fred. She had lived here for years, having been born in Germany. An aged husband, three sons and three daughters survive. The funeral was held Tuesday afternoon, Rev. Koch officiating. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Apr. 15, 1920 ********* (1910 Town of Rockland Census: Gotfried age 71; Bertha age 65 - 8 children born and 8 living in 1910)

BOETTCHER, GOTTFRIED Notes from Reedsville: Gotfried Boetcher, aged 90 years, died at the home of his son, Fred, near Reedsville, after an illness of two years. Born in Germany, December 24, 1837, Mr. Boetcher came to America in 1854, settling on a farm about one-fourth of a mile west of the village of Reedsville. When the family was reared the couple moved to Reedsville where they made their home for eighteen years until the death of Mrs. Boetcher. Mr. Boetcher then took up his residence with his son, Fred on the old homestead. Eight children survive, five sons and three daughters. The funeral was held Sunday afternoon from the Lutheran Church, Rev. Koch officiating. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Sept. 22, 1927 ******** (1900 Town of Maple Grove Census Gotfried Boetcher, age 69, Bertha, age 57, Fred, age 28, Henry, age 20) ******** (1910 Rockland census: Gotfred Boettcher 72; wife Bertha 65) ******** (1920 Rockville census: Gottfried Boettcher 82; wife Bertha 74) ******** (Note: There is a Gottfried Boettcher in the Civil war roster but can't tell if it's the same person)

BOETTCHER, DAU. OF WILHELM Wilhelm Boettcher’s only daughter, a child of 2 mos., died recently in Centerville. Burial was Wed. in the cemetery of the Reformed Congregation. Der Nord Westen, 21 May 1896

CHILD OF MRS. BOHNE Died: The only child of the young widow, Mrs. Bohne, died last week, funeral took place Sunday. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, June 9, 1885 P.3

BOHR, JOHN Name: Bohr, John D. 6/27/1877 B.: Reg. D.: 12/21/1877 sex: m/w Age at death: 14 da. B.P.: D.P.: Mishicott Cem: Mishicott Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. Adalbert Cipin Spouse: F.: John Bohr M.: Catharina Bohr Cause of Death: Add Info.: Cert. Dt. 12/18/1877 Pg.# 235

BOLAND, E. From Der Nord Westen, 15 Dec. 1892: The family of E. Boland of Kiel has been hit hard by diphtheria. In the last three weeks 3 children have died and 2 more are still so sick that the doctor has had to be called back. The father and oldest son of the family have already fallen ill to the disease.

BOLAND, CHILD OF OSCAR From Der Nord Westen, 07 Mar. 1907: A child, about 1-week old, of Oscar Boland in Cleveland died Thursday and was buried Friday.

BOLDUS, SEBASTIAN Mr. Sebastian Boldus died on 22 March in Two Rivers. He was a merchant for many years. Der Nord Westen, 30 Mar. 1876 ******* (From 1860 Two Rivers census: Sebastian Boldus saloon keeper age 48; wife Catharine age 38; Charles age 13; Francis age 9; Catharine age 6; George age 2) (From 1870 Two Rivers census: Charles Boltus merchant age 34; Cathrine age 48; Charles age 19; Cathrine age 16; George age 11; Robert age 10; (no name) age 8; This appears to be the same family but no Sebastian/there is also a Frank Bolders apprentice to Butcher age 19)

BOLSTAD, CHRISTINE ANDREA Name: Bolstad, Christine Andrea D.: 9/8/1874 B.: Reg. D.: 8/8/1879 sex: f/w Age at death: 35 1/2 yrs. B.P.: D.P.: Cem: Tn. Liberty Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. A.O. Alfson, Tn. Cato Spouse: F.: Ole Bolstad M.: L Cause of Death: Add Info.: Pg.# 326

BONK, CHILD OF JACOB A 5-day old child of Jacob Bonk here died Fri. of convulsions. The funeral was held Sun. morning. Der Nord Westen, 22 Aug. 1901 ******* (Per obit Friday was Aug. 16, 1901) ******* Deaths of a Week: The five day old baby girl of Mr.and Mrs. Jacob Bonk of this city passed away Friday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 22, 1901 pg. 1 ***** Wisconsin, Death Records Name Stanislana Bonk Event Type Death Event Date 1901 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Residence Place Manitowoc, Gender Female Age 0 Race W Birth Date 12 Aug 1901 Birth Year (Estimated) 1901 Birthplace Manitowoc, Wis. Father's Name Jacob Bonk Father's Birthplace Germany Mother's Name Antonia Bonk Mother's Birthplace Germany ******* (County death index: Stanislaus Bonk/d. Aug. 16, 1901/v.7 p.3)

BONK, CHILD OF MARTIN Death Mon. of a child of 15th St. resident Martin Bonk. Mr. and Mrs. Bonk had 19 children and from this number 12 have died. Der Nord Westen, 15 Jan. 1903 ******* (Per obit. death date was Jan. 12, 1903 (County death index/Antonia Bunk/d. Jan. 12, 1903 v.7 p.124) ******* (1900 Manitowoc census: Martin Bunk age 42; wife Margaret Bunk age 37 had 16 children, 7 living; Anton age 18; Martin age 16; Mary age 14; Katie age 12; John age 10; Pauline age 8; Cecilia age 3)

BONK, JOHN John Bonk, a son of widow M. Bonk here, died Thurs. of consumption and was buried from the Polish Church on Saturday. Der Nord Westen, 07 Sep. 1905 ********* (Per obit, Thursday was Sept. 3, 1905) ********* A victim of consumption, John Bonk son of Mrs. M. Bonk is dead at the home on Franklin St., the death occurring on Thursday. Decedent was born here and was one of a family of twenty children, fourteen of whom are dead. The father died in October of last year. The funeral will be held tomorrow morning from St. Mary's Catholic church. Manitowoc Daily Herald, September 1, 1905 P. 4

BONK, MARTIN From Der Nord Westen, 03 Nov. 1904: Death Fri. of consumption of 47-yr. old Martin Bonk. He leaves a widow and many children. The funeral was held Monday.

BONK, MRS. Burial last Mon. of old “Mother” Bonk in Town Centerville at the Catholic Cemetery in Polish Settlement, Town Newton. She was unquestionably the oldest person in the area, having reached the age of 104. The old “Mother” came here with her married daughter from Poland when she was in her sixties and was never ill until she reached her late years. Der Nord Westen, 26 Mar. 1896 ******** (Per obit: Buried Monday Mar. 23, 1896) ******** (1870 Centerville census: John Bonk age 40; wife Agnes age 32; Franziska age 13; Mary age 11; Joseph age 8; Ignatz age 4; Tecla age 2; Mary age 70) Mary age 70 may be the one in the obituary, she's the oldest Bonk person I could find in the census.)

BONK, MRS. JOSEPH Mrs. Joseph Bonk, who moved from Sheboygan to Two Rivers a few years ago, died Mon. of childbed fever. The deceased was just 25 yrs. old. Der Nord Westen, 03 Sep. 1903

BONN, ROBERT J. Robert J. Bonn, age 57, of 1812 Adams St., Two Rivers, died Wednesday, December 8, 1993 at the Manitowoc Health Care Center. He was born May 22, 1936 in Milwaukee, son of Eva Leroux Bonn and the late John C. Bonn. He attended St. Luke's Parochial School and Washington High School. He was employed as a computer operator. Surviving is his mother, Eva Bonn, Two Rivers; two brothers, Richard Bonn, Francis Creek, William Bonn, Sister Bay. According to Robert's wishes no services were held. The Deja & Martin Funeral Chapel assisted the family with arrangements. Manitowoc Herald Times, Dec. 13, 1993

BORCHERT ALBERT Albert Borchert(sic), the 3-1/2 year old son of Emil Borchert died on Mon. noon. Der Nord Westen, 4 May 1882 (Per obit Monday was May 1, 1882) ******** Albert Burhart Wisconsin Death Index Name Albert Burhart Event Type Death Event Date 01 May 1882 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Page 0457 *********** Co. death index: 1882 May 01 BURGART Albert v.3 p.32

BORDEN, FRIEDA The funeral of Mrs. Frieda Borden of Milwaukee took place in Kiel on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. W. Mac Elree of the Presbyterian church officiating. Mrs. Borden was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Selk, old-time residents of Kiel, and was born and reared here. She left Kiel about 35 years ago and was later married to Mr. Borden, who survives her. The remains arrived in Kiel on Tuesday afternoon, and were taken to the Meiselwitz undertaking rooms, from where the funeral took place. Interment was in the Kiel cemetery, where her parents are buried. - April 1925 (No newspaper named)

BORGWARDT, JOHANN Johann Ernst Borgwardt died 15 August 1876 at age of 5 months & 14 days. (b.: 1 March 1876) (From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.)

BORN, BABY BOY OF FRANK St. Nazianz news: On Wednesday morning occurred the death of the four week old baby boy of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Born. The funeral was held Saturday afternoon at Louis Corners. Tri-County Record, Kiel, Thursday, February 27, 1919 pg. 4

BORNA, ED. (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 24 Jan.) Ed. Borna, a young man of 21, died here of consumption and was buried from the Catholic Church. His father, a brother and 2 sisters were victims of the same disease over the past few years. 2 brothers, 2 sisters, and his mother still survive. Another brother wandered away from home many years ago, and nothing has ever been heard from him so no one knows if he is still alive. Der Nord Westen, 26 Jan. 1905

BOUC, MARIE Marie Bouc, wife and helpmate of Otto Bouc, died January 9, 1990 at the Manitowoc Health Care Center. Marie was born October 21, 1903 at Zelena Ves, Czechoslovakia. She came to the United States in 1922 and worked as a maid and governess in the Chicago area until her marriage to Otto Bouc on August 25, 1926. They lived in the Chicago area where they operated a custom furniture business. Upon retirement in 1970 they moved to the Manitowoc area where they established the Turn of the Century Museum. Marie is survived by her husband, Otto; sons, Charles of Manitowoc and Otto Jr., of Arlington Heights, Illinois; nine grandchildren and four great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her parents; ten brothers and sisters, all of Czechoslovakia. Two surviving sisters live in Czechoslovakia. A memorial service will be held Saturday, January 13, 1990 at 3 pm at The Charles Bouc residence, 4906 Gass Lake Road, Manitowoc, for family and friends. Father Charles Mocco will officiate. Manitowoc Herald Times, Thurs., Jan. 11, 1990 page B8

BOUC, OTTO Otto Bouc, age 85, of 45??? Carstens Lake Road, Manitowoc, died unexpectedly October 12, 1994, at Holy Family Memorial Medical Center. A Memorial Service will be held the home of Otto's son, Charles, 4906 Gass Lake Road Manitowoc, at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, October 23, 1994. Otto was born in Vienna in 1899 and raised in Czechoslovakia where in his teen years he organized a traveling music and magic troupe. He imigrated to this country in 1923. In 1926 in Chicago, he met and married Marie Amcha his wife of ?? years. He spent his working life in Chicago reproducing and restoring antique furniture in his cabinet shop. Many of his furniture reproductions are exhibited in museums throughout the country. Upon retirement in 1970 he bought a farm south of Manitowoc and as a second career then developed with the help of his wife the Turn of the Century museum. He remained active in this endeavor until shortly before his death. The museum will be maintained by family members as a memorial to this unusual and talented man. Survivors include sons, Otto of Arlington Heights, Ill., Charles of Manitowoc, grandchildren, Nancy, Geoff, Susan, James, Andy, David, Steven, Mark and Thomas; 11 great grandchildren; many nieces and nephews in the Czech Republic. His wife, Marie, preceded him in death in 1990. Some souls soar, singing to the sun; Whose blinding heat their vision mars While others live whose vision ???? Beyond the sun, beyond the stars. Herald Times Reporter, October 20, 1994 p.A2

BOUDA, FRANCIS Francis J. Bouda, international patent attorney and resident of Centerville Township, died on January 30, 1997. An announcement will be made at a later date regarding the time and place of a gathering in his memory. He was born January 5, 1921, son of Frank and Martha Bouda. Raised in Two Rivers, he graduated from Washington High School. He received a degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and a law degree from Temple University, Philadelphia. Francis was Chief Patent Counsel for Scott Paper Company, Philadelphia before assuming responsibilities for Scott in Zurich, Switzerland, and London, England. When he returned to Wisconsin, he established his own patent practice in Cleveland. Survivors include his wife, Betty Jean; two sons, Christopher, Northampton, Mass., and John of Asheville, N.C.; a twin brother, Paul, Boco Raton, Fla.; and one sister, Clare Ann Nordman, Madison, Wis.; as well as cousins, nieces and nephews. Memorials may be made to the Wisconsin Chapter of the Nature Conservancy, 333 W. Mifflin Street, Madison, Wis., 53703. Herald Times Reporter, February 2, 1997 P. A2

BOUDIE, JOHN City and County: John Boudie of Newton died on Sunday night last. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, May 20, 1897 pg. 3

BOUTIN, SON OF FRANK Fire in Two Rivers - Two Children Burned to Death From Mr. John Wright, the Two Rivers mail carrier, we obtain these particulars of a most heartrending occurence: About five o'clock last Friday afternoon a fire broke out in a barn belonging to Mr. Gottfried Berger, in Two Rivers. The flames speedily communicated to an adjacent house, owned and occupied as a dwelling by Frank Boutin, and to another barn owned by Jos. Gagnon. The engine and hook and ladder companies soon arrived on the ground, but too late to save the property from destruction. Before the fire was extinguished, a painful rumor became current that two little children - one a son of Frank Boutin, aged four years, and the other, aged five years, a son of the widow Martell - were in the burning barn. The firemen and citizens redoubled their efforts to subdue the flames, and when they had suceeded, an investigation of the ruins confirmed their worst fears. The lifeless bodies of the unfortunate little fellows were found lying on some wet and partially burned straw, in one corner. Both bodies were horribly burned and disfigured, and only one, that of little Boutin, could be recognized. When the body of the other child was lifted up, one of its legs dropped off. It is supposed that the children went into the barn unobserved, and, shutting the door, built a fire on the floor. No outcry was heard, and they were probably suffocated by the smoke before the flames reached them. Mr. and Mrs. Boutin were absent at Green Bay visiting at the time, and Mrs. Martell supposed that her child was safe at home. Milwaukee Daily Sentinel, June 04, 1870, Issue 131, col. F. (From the Kewaunee Enterprise, June 1st) ********** Edward Bertan Age: 6 Sex: M B.P. Wis. Month.: May, 1870 Cause: Burned Fam# on Census 102 Township: Two Rivers ward 1 "1870 Mortality Schedule From Census"

BRADACH, THOMAS Thomas Bradach(sic) of Mishicott was brought before the county court this week and pronounced insane. He has an idea that people are determined to burn him at the stake. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 5, 1892 P. 3 ******** (This may be Thomas Bradoch in Evergreen, but not enough information to be sure.) ******** Name Thomas Bradock Event Type Death Event Date 1895 Event Place Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Gender Male Age 37 Race W Birth Year (Estimated) 1858 Birthplace Bohemia Cemetery Manitowoc City Cemetery Father's Name Bradock Mother's Name Bradock

BRADY, DAUGHTER OF PHIL Bolt news: The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Brady died after a brief life of a few days. Burial was held at Cooperstown. The community extends sympathy. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, October 25, 1922 P.3

BRANDT, LOLA Miss Lola Brandt, 84, a Manitowoc resident, died Sunday evening, April 11, at Manitowoc County Health Care Center. Memorial services will be 2 p.m. at St. James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc. The Rev. William Harvey will officiate. Miss Brandt had willed her body to Medical College of Wisconsin. Miss Brandt was born Dec. 17, 1897 at Manitowoc, daughter of the late William and Mary Maas Brandt. She was a graduate of local Manitowoc high school in 1919 and Battle Creek College, Battle Creek, Mich. in 1922. She had been a dietician in New York City and Brooklyn N.Y. She was a member of American Association of University Women and Memorial Hospital Auxiliary. Survivors include nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by two brothers and three sisters. Memorials may be made to Nurses Scholarship Fund of Memorial Hospital Auxiliary or to St. James Episcopal Church, Manitowoc. Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc was in charge of arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, April 12, 1982 ******** Dec. 17, 1897/Apr. 11, 1982/SSDI

BRANIGAN, BRIDGET Mrs. Bridget Branigan died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. O'Melia in Chicago on Saturday last. Her remains were brought here for for interment on Monday. Mrs. Branigan was one of the early settlers of this city having come here in 1844. She was born in Ireland and was married in New York. Her husband died 32 years ago and was buried at Manitowoc Rapids in a cemetery now no longer used as a burial place. She was 71 years of age at the time of her death. Her remains were brought here by her son J.B. Branigan of Ford River, Mich. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 24, 1888 P. 3 ********* A CARD. The undersined (sic) take this means of thanking their friends in Manitowoc who rendered assistance at the funeral of Mrs. Bridget Branigan. Such kindness from old friends tempers the sorrow for the loss of a dear relative. J.B. Branigan, Mrs. O'Melia. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, May 24, 1888 P. 3

BRAUN, FRANZ Name: Braun, Franz D.: 8/25/1877 B.: 9/28/1875 Reg. D.: 12/27/1877 sex: m/w Age at death: 1 yr. 10 mo. 28 da. B.P.: D.P.: Cem: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Rev. F.A.O. Pieper Spouse: F.: Franz Braun M.: Sophia Braun Cause of Death: summer complaint Add Info.: Pg.# 242

BRAUN, IDA L.A. Name: Braun, Ida L.A. D.: 8/25/1877 B.: 2/21/1877 Reg. D.: 12/27/1877 sex: f/w Age at death: 6 mo. 4 da. B.P.: D.P.: Cem: Ch.: Inf. & Address: Pieper Spouse: F.: Franz Braun M.: Sophia Braun Cause of Death: summer complaint Add Info.: Pg.# 242

BRAUN, JOSEPH From Der Nord Westen, 06 May 1909: Death last week in Cooperstown of Joseph Braun, a former resident of Two Rivers.

BRAZZLE, MARY Mrs. Brazzale Dead After a Brave Fight - Bloodpoison Mrs. Mary Brazzale, wife of Joseph Brazzale, and employe of the Rockwood Lime company at its plant on Route 7, died at the Holy Family hospital this morning after a brave fight for life in which everything possible was done for the patient. Death was due to blood poisoning which set in about ten days ago and became so serious that she was removed to the hosptial in this city a week ago. Two special nurses where in constant attendance on the patient but the effort to win the fight with death proved futile. No funeral arrangements had been made up until 2 o'clock this afternoon. The Brazzale family came here from Marblehead, near Fond du Lac, a little over a year ago and had won for themselves a wide circle of friends. Mrs. Brazzale was thirty-two years old. She leaves to mourn her death besides her husband, three daughters and a son and one brother. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. September 29, 1923 P. 2

BREI, DAU. OF GEO. From Der Nord Westen, 16 Apr. 1891: Death on Fri. morning of diphtheria of the 14 yr. old daughter of Geo. Brei, who lives on Lake Shore Road in Town Manitowoc. The deceased was buried Sun. afternoon in the Catholic Cemetery. ******* (Per obit. she died Friday Apr. 10.) ******* Wisconsin Death Index Name Francisca Brey Event Type Death Event Date 10 Apr 1891 Event Place Manitowoc, Wisconsin Page 0315 ******* Wisconsin, Death Records Name Francison Bray Event Type Death Event Date 1891 Event Place Manitowoc, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Gender Female Age 14 Race w Birth Year (Estimated) 1877 Burial Place Manitowoc, Wis Cemetery Cath Cem.

BREIDER, FLORENCE Florence Breider, age 82, a Two Rivers resident, died Monday, Feb. 7, 2005 at Aurora Medical center, Two Rivers. Private family funeral services were held Saturday, Feb. 12, 2005. Florence was born July 14, 1922 at Mishicot, daughter of the late Joseph and Lydia Kohout Novacek. She was raised on a farm outside Larrabee and attended school in Larrabee before going to Mishicot High School. She graduated in 1940 from Mishicot High School. On July 4, 1940 she married Edmund J. Breider at Mishicot. Edmund preceded her in death in 1988. Florence enjoyed baking and was an avid reader. Survivors include her children: Bruce (Anne) Breider, Sylvester "E.J." Breider, Jr., Manitowoc; Pamela (Tim) Hencschel, Greendale; Jon Breider, Milwaukee; six granddaughters, Stephanie (Seamus) Malley, University Heights, Ohio; Lydia (Jaes) Joo, Cincinnati, Ohio; Loretta (Kevin) Race, Independence, Ky.; Jessica Floyd, Whitsett, N.C., Erica Henschel, Milwaukee, Jennifer Henschel, Greendale; a brother, Paul (Dolores) Novacek, Larrabee; a sister, Carol (Lee) Wolf, Sheboygan; nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. In addition to her parents and husband, Edmund, Florence was preceded in death by her sister, Marian Ross. The staff of the Jens Family Funeral Home & Crematory, Manitowoc, assisted the Breider family. Manitowoc Herald Times, Feb. 13, 2005 ******** (Edmund is in Holy Cross, Mishicot (d. 1988))

BREIDER, JOHN John Breider birth: 1885 Mishicot, Wis. death: 22 December 1895 Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Peter Breider mother: Lizzie Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968 ******* (County death index: John Breider/d. Dec. 22, 1895/v.4 p.280) ******* (Note: There is a Peter Breider in Holy Cross, Mishicot but no entry for this John only one that died Dec. 1894)

BRENNAN, MARY KATE DIED: In Cato, on the 24th inst., Mary Kate, the daughter of Patrick and Elizabeth Brennan, aged 11 years. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, January 27, 1865 pg. 1 ***** (1860 Cato Census: Patrick Brennan 37; Elizabeth Brennan 33; *Mary C Brennan 7; Michael Brennan 5; Elizabeth Brennan 4)

BRESIL, MRS. Franklin news: Last week, in the town of Franklin, typhoid fever took away from Mrs. Bresil a son and a loving husband. She has the whole community's sympathy with her. (dated), Jan. 7, 1882. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, January 17, 1882 P. 4 ******* (Note: This might possibly be the Baesl family in St. Augustine cemetery #39)

BREUER, MRS. HERMANN (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 21 Apr.) Death on the 17th of Mrs. Hermann Breuer whose husband preceded her in death several years ago. Der Nord Westen, 23 Apr. 1891

BREZINSKI, JOHN M. John M. Brezinski, age 68, of 10707 West Belmar Ave, Maribel, died unexpectedly Thursday afternoon, February 24, 1994, at his home. Funeral Services will be held 10:30 a.m. Monday morning, February 28, 1994, at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. Father Ronald Columbo will officiate. John was born October 21, 1925, in West Kewaunee, son of John and Susy (Michalek) Brezinski. He graduated form Kewaunee High School in 1943. He served in the United States Navy during World War II. John married the former Claire Romdenne on October 28, 1950. He retired from the Manitowoc Engineering Co. in 1986. John coached in the Maribel Lions colt Baseball League. Survivors include his wife, Claire (Romdenne): four sons and daughters-in-law, Ron and Aggie Brezinski, South Haven, Ind., Allan and Joan Brezinski, Maribel, Marty and Doreen Brezinski, Denmark, David and Judy Brezinski, Oconto Falls; he is further survived by eight grandchildren; one brother and sister-in-law, Jerome and Emily Brezinski, West Kewaunee. John was preceded in death by his mother and father and one brother. Friends may call at the Knutson-Cotter Funeral Home, 536 County Highway R, Denmark, from 4-8 p.m. Sunday and after 9:30 a.m. at the church on Monday. A parish prayer service will take place 7 p.m. Sunday evening. Herald Times Reporter, February 26, 1994 P. A2

BRICK, GEORGE George Brick of Meeme an old man of 82 years died on Friday last. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 12, 1888 P. 3

BRICKHEIMER, MRS. EDWARD From Der Nord Westen, 27 Sept. 1894: (From the correspondent in Kiel, 25 Sept.) Mrs. Edward Brickheimer, who lived with her family a few miles from Kiel, died a few days ago and was buried today. She leaves a husband and 8 children.

BRICKLEY, MARIE A. Marie A. Brickley, 70, of 1500 N. 3rd Street, Manitowoc, died Sunday morning, July 14, 1991, at the Holy Family Memorial Medical Center, Manitowoc. A memorial mass will be held Wednesday, July 17, 9 a.m. at St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc. Officiating the Mass of Christian Burial will be Rev. Gerald Prusakowski O.F.M. She was born March 10, 1921, in Manitowoc, Wis., daughter of the late Louis and Mary Leddy Lawrence. She was employed as a Beautician in Duluth, Minn., for many years, retiring and then moving to Manitowoc in 1978. Survivors include a daughter, Mary Kay Davey of Manitowoc; a son and daughter-in- law, Gerald and Karen Brickley of Duluth; a sister and brother-in-law, Carol and John Vogel of Las Vegas; a brother and sister-in-law, Jerome and Evelyn Lawrence of Manitowoc; seven grandchildren, four great grandchildren, nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends; and special friend, Carl Newberg of Manitowoc. She was preceded in death by two brothers. Friends may gather at the St. Boniface Church from 8:30 a.m. Wednesday morning until the time of service. Pfeffer Funeral Home, Manitowoc, assisted the family with funeral arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, July 15, 1991 P. B8

BRINDEL, JOHN From Der Nord Westen, 09 May 1889: Death of 48 yr. old John Brindel in Manitowoc Rapids yesterday of stomach cancer. The deceased was Town Clerk of Manitowoc Rapids. The funeral will take place tomorrow.

BROECKERT, MARIA From Der Nord Westen, 18 Nov. 1897: Death on Tues. last week of 75 yr. old Mrs. Maria Elisabeth Broeckert of Kossuth, of old age debility. The deceased had been living with her son John Broeckert. She was buried Fri. morning in the Catholic Cemetery at Francis Creek.

BROLSON, CAROLINE From Der Nord Westen, 20 Sep. 1900: Death in Branch on Wed. last week of Mrs. Caroline Brolson. The funeral was held Sun.

BROTZ, MRS. WILHELM From Der Nord Westen, 10 May 1888: Death on Sun. morning in Reedsville of the wife of farmer Wilhelm Brotz.

BROWN, CHILDREN OF EDWIN Twin Babes Live But a Short Time Sorrow followed closely upon the heels of joy for Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Brown, of Kings Bridge today when twin girls born at the hospital here, died soon after birth. Funeral services will be held Thursday. Mrs. Brown's condition is reported favorable. Manitowoc Herald News, Tuesday, September 5, 1922 p.10

BROWN, CHILD From Der Nord Westen, 09 Feb. 1899: Death Mon. of a small child in the family of Frank Brown in Whitelaw who was buried yesterday.

BROWN, MRS. HERMAN Mrs. Herman Brown died this morning at 7:30 at the family home at Fifteenth and Washington street death being due to apoplexy. The funeral will be held Monday afternoon with services at the St. Johns Lutheran church. Burial will be at Forest View cemetery. Mrs. Brown was sixty one years old and has always made her home in this city where she is well known. She is survived by four children, Mrs. Edward Althien, Mrs. Fred Griep, Mrs. Walter Salzman, all of this city and one son, Emil of Chicago who will arrive today. One sister, Mrs. Charles Trost of Kewaunee and four grandchildren also survive her. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. December 26, 1924 P. 2

BROWN, MARY From Der Nord Westen, 21 Nov. 1889: Death of 16 yr. old Mary Brown on Fri. night. She was the daughter of George Brown who resides in Pine Grove, Town Cato. The burial took place on Tues.

BRUCE, W.H. CHANCERY SALE. STATE OF WISCONSIN, Manitowoc County Circuit Court. In Equity. Isaac Taylor, Complainant vs. Olive Bruce Administrx of the Estate of W.H. Bruce deceased and Olive Bruce as widow of the said W.H. Bruce deceased. Erastus Corning, G.D. Dousman, William Phoenix and Alfred Edward Defendants. In pursurance and by virtue of a decreted order made the 29th day of March, A.D. 1855, in the above entitled cause, I shall expose for sale and sell at public auction, at the Office of S.A. Wood in the Village of Manitowoc in the County aforesaid, on Tuesday the 22nd day of May A.D. 1855, at two o'clock in the afternoon, the following descibed (sic) mortgaged premises to wit: the undivided one third part of the south east quarter of Section No. thirteen (13) in township No. twenty one (21) North of Range No. twenty two (22) east, said quantity of land exposed for sale, containing fifty-three and one third acres of land according to Goverment Survey, and lying and being suited in the County of Manitowoc in the State of Wisconsin aforesaid. Dated at Manitowoc, April 2nd 1855. F.W. Adams, Sheriff. S.A. WOOD, Complainants solicitor. The above sale is postponed until Monday the 18th day of June 1855 at the same hour and place. F.W. Adams, Sheriff. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Saturday, March 17, 1855 P. 1

BRUCKSCHEN, DAU. OF HEINRICH From Der Nord Westen, 27 Feb. 1908: The 22-year old daughter of Town Newton farmer Heinrich Bruckschen died Saturday of consumption. The funeral was held yesterday afternoon. (The article does not mention the name of the deceased.)

BRUEGGE, HATTIE 17 Jun 1877/May 1968/SSDI Hattie is my great grandmother and is buried in Emanuel United Methodist cemetery in Lark. Her husband Herman is also there. I believe it is in Brown county. (from family member)

BRUNMEIER: ANTON Notes From St. Nazianz: The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunmeier died last week. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 4, 1906 P. 8 ******* Name Anton Brunmeier Gender Male Death Date 30 Dec 1905 Death Place Liberty, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin Age 0 Birth Date 30 Dec 1905 Birthplace Liberty Race White Marital Status Single Father's Name Ernst Brunmeier Father's Birthplace Liberty, Wis. Mother's Name Anna Mother's Birthplace Germany "Wisconsin Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968," database, FamilySearch ******** (Note: The parents appear to be in St. Fidelis cem., Meeme twp.)

BRUSCHARDT, CARL Mites from Mishicott: Mr. Carl Bruschardt of Tisch Mills died last week. He had been sick for several months. Manitowoc Co. Chronicle Tuesday, June 16, 1891

BRUTSCHE, HENRY From Der Nord Westen, 20 June 1889: Death of 70 yr. old HENRY BRUTSCHE on Tues., 11 June, in Town Newton. The deceased, who was one of the oldest settlers in that town, was buried on Thurs.

BUBYCH, MICHELINE From Der Nord Westen, 09 Sept. 1897: Death Fri. of 64 yr. old Mrs. Micheline Bubych in the local St. Mary's Hospital. The deceased, who leaves 3 grown children, was buried Sunday. (Note: May be Michalina Budysz in cemetery #43a)

BUDNICK, WIFE OF A. The wife of A. Budnik died this morning after a long illness. She will be buried from the Catholic Church on Thursday. She leaves a husband and several small children who will mourn for and sadly miss her. Manitowoc County Chronicle - June 7, 1892

BUDNICK, BABY BOY A. Budnick lost an infant boy, three months old, last Saturday night froom an attack of cholera infantum. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Sept. 8, 1891

BUDNICK, KATHERINE Death in Two Rivers on Sun. of 80-yr. old Mrs. Budnick. The funeral was held Wed. from the Catholic Church. Der Nord Westen, 10 Apr. 1902 ***** 1902 Apr 06/BUDNIK Katherine/v.7 p.63 1902 Apr 06/BURDICK Katherine "Manitowoc County Pre-1907 Death Index" ***** Name: Katherine Kabat Budnik Event Type: Death Event Date: 1902 Event Place: Two Rivers, Manitowoc, Wisconsin Residence Place: Two Rivers Gender: Female Age: 80 Marital Status: Widowed Race: W Occupation: Housewife Birth Year (Estimated): 1822 Birthplace: West Prussia, Cemetery: Catholic Father's Name: Thomas Kabat Father's Birthplace: W. Prussia, Pomern, Mother's Birthplace: West Prussia, Spouse's Name: Anton Budnik "Wisconsin, Death Records, 1867-1907"

BUDNICK, JOSEPH From Der Nord Westen, 24 July 1890: Much space is given to describing a railroad accident on Sat. morning, 19 July, injuring eleven workmen and taking the life of one. The deceased was Joseph Budnick who died of injuries the following Tues. evening. He was married and had a family.

BUEHLER, THERESIA Death on Sat. afternoon of 27 yr. old Theresia Buehler, daughter of Manitowoc 3rd Ward resident, Joseph Buehler, of a stroke. The deceased had been ill for a number of years. Her burial was Mon. morning in the Catholic Cemetery. Der Nord Westen, 25 Feb. 1892 (There is a Theresia Buehler in #43 d. 15 Aug. 1892 on her stone)

BUHSE, JOHN John Buhse, a pioneer resident of the town of Eaton, is dead at the age of 76. Funeral services were held at the Lutheran church at Eaton yesterday. Rev. Schlei officiating. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, August 02, 1917, Page 4

BUNKER, WIDOW From Der Nord Westen, 02 Nov. 1899 (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 30 Oct.) Death of widow Bunker, who lived on the Southside and was ill for many years. The funeral was Sun.

BURBEY, HERMAN G. Herman G. Burbey, of 1901 13th St., Two Rivers, died Monday, December 28, 1987 at Froedtert Memorial Hospital, Milwaukee. Memorial service will be 2 pm Saturday, January 2, at St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Paster Scherbarth will officiate. Mr. Burbey was born in Coleman, Wisconsin, son of Louis and Levina (Ruelle) Burbey. He retired from Hamilton Industries and currenctly Saunder's Industrial Supplies. He married Ruth Alten September 3, 1955 at Chilton, Wisconsin. Mr. Burbey was a member of St. John Lutheran church. Survivors include his wife, Ruth of Two Rivers; two sons, Paul of Manitowoc and Steve of Appleton; a brother, Lawrence of Florida; three sisters, Elizabeth VanDreel of Green Bay, Esther Kubley of Stevens Point and Adeline Lesperance of Pound, Wisconsin and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by five brothers and three sisters. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to St. John Lutheran Church, Two Rivers. Manitowoc Herald Times, Wed., Dec. 30, 1987 page 19

BURESH, CHILD OF JOSEPH Notes from Branch: The remains of a small child of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Buresh of Manitowoc were buried here Sunday at Evergreen cemetery. Manitowoc Pilot, April 13, 1905, p.8

BURIC, NO NAME Buric birth: 7 August 1896 Rockland death: 7 August 1896 Rockland, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Reedsville, Wis. father: Albert C. Buric mother: Josephine Turensky Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968

BURKE, ELLEN Name: Burke, Ellen D.: 11/28/1875 B.: Reg. D.: 6/23/1879 sex: f/w Age at death: B.P.: D.P.: Cato Cem: Clark's Mills Ch.: Inf. & Address: John Wernert, Clark's Mills Spouse: F.: M.: Cause of Death: Add Info.: farming Certification dated: 4/10/1877 Pg.# 310 ************* (Note: The Burke surname is in cem. #6 but there is not enough information to confidently put this entry there.

BURKE, MARY Died. BURKE.—At the residence of J.H. Frick, in this city, on Wednesday morning, May 30th, 1877, between 8 and 9 o’clock a.m., Mrs. Mary Burke, aged 82 years. Funeral at three o’clock this afternoon. Manitowoc Pilot, May 31, 1877 P. 3

BURKE, RICHARD Clark's Mills. Mr. Richard Burke died last week at the residence of his son Mr. Frank Burke of Cato. Mr. Burke has been a resident of this county since 1855. He was 96 years old at the time of his death. Manitowoc Pilot, September 15, 1881 P. 3

BURKART, FRANK From Der Nord Westen, 21 Jan. 1892: Death on Thurs., 14 Jan., of Frank Burkart, son of Joseph Burkart. The deceased, who was 19 yrs. 3 mos. of age, first fell ill at age 14 and has been sick ever since. He was buried Sat. morning in the Catholic Cemetery. (should be in #43)

BURKART, MRS. JOSEPH From Der Nord Westen, 27 Sep. 1900: Death Fri. evening of Mrs. Joseph Burkart following a long and difficult illness with cancer. The deceased was born in Germany in 1847 and came to America with her parents when she was 3 yrs. old, residing in Manitowoc ever since. She married her surviving husband, Joseph Burkart, in 1866. She is also survived by 4 sons and 3 daughters as well as her sorrowing mother. The funeral took place Mon. morning from the Catholic Church.

BURKE, CHILD OF F. In Clark's Mills news section. A little daughter of Mr. F. Burke died last week of diphtheria (sic). Manitowoc Pilot, July 8, 1880 P. 3

BURKE, JOHN From the Manitowoc Herald, 1862 Apr 17: John Burke, son of Michael and Mary died in Liberty

BURNS, ANNIE DIED. In Two Rivers, on Sunday the 18th inst., Annie Hayward, daughter of John H. and Sarah H. Burns, aged 1 year, 4 months, and 24 days. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, August 23, 1861 P. 3 ******** (1860 Two Rivers ward 2 census: John H. Burns age 27 mfg of chairs; wife Sarah H. 32; Ella M. 5; Grace L. 2; Annie H. 2/12)

BURNS, PATRICK Patrick Burns died after a timber struck his head Manitowoc Herald, 1854 Oct 14

BUSS, MRS. Notes From Maple Grove: Mrs. Buss, mother of Mrs. August Kurth, on of the early settlers of Maple Grove, passed away at the home of her daughers, Mrs. Kurth, in Reedsville Sunday evening at the advanced age of 91 years. Her demise was caused by infirmities incident to old age. The funeral was held Wednesday from the Lutheran church in Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 18, 1907 pg. 8 ***** Death last week of Mrs. Buss, an old settler of our county, in the residence of her daughter Mrs. Kurth in Reedsville, at the advanced age of 91. Der Nord Westen, 25 Apr. 1907 (From county death index: BUSSE Dorothea Krueger Apr 15, 1907 v.8 p.142 This may be the person in the obit)

CHILD OF IDA BUSSE Charged With Infanticide. Ida Busse, a Cooperstown woman aged 34 years, has been arrested on a charge of infanticicde. An inquest was held over the dead babe last Friday. The accused woman charges her father, who departed for the West some nine weeks ago, with being the father of the dead child. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 4, 1906 P. 1 **************** PLEADS GUILTY TO CHARGE OF CONCEALING DEATH OF CHILD. Ida Busse of Cooperstown, who was arrested several months ago on a charge of infanticide and who had been held at the jail since, pleaded quilty, last Saturday in circuit court, to the charge of concealing death of bastard. On Monday she was sentenced to serve a term of six months in the county jail. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, June 14, 1906 P. 1 ******** (1900 Cooperstown census: Rudolph Busse Head age 29; father August 69; brother David 22; sister Ida 24; niece Emily 3/12)

BUTTON, FRANCES ELIZABETH (BOUCHER) Frances Elizabeth (Boucher) Button died in Eaton/dau. of F.M. Boucher. Manitowoc Herald, 30 Dec. 1858 ******** Married by Elder Ferguson on Tuesday, March 30, Mr. John S. Button to Miss Frances E. Boucher, both of Eaton, Manitowoc county. Chilton Times, April 1, 1858 p.2 ******** (Note: A John F. Button purchased a lot on 3/23/1859 ($3.00) in Evergreen cem. #44, [E2-35-5]. She could be buried in Evergreen but there's no record of her there. Evergreen didn't start keeping records until mid 1860)

BYRNE, LAWRENCE W. Lawrence W. (Wally) Byrne, age 69, of 2620 Monroe St., Two Rivers, died Tuesday morning, September 2, 1997, at his residence. He was born December 12, 1927, in Arlington, Mass., son of the late James A. and Helen Tanck Byrne. Wall served as a signalman in the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946 in the South Pacific. On June 12, 1948, he married Dorothy Elizabeth (Beth) Raeburn, in Sault St. Marie, Mich. Wally, having been in retail merchandising all of his life, joined Montgomery Ward and Company in 1950. After serving in various stores, he was named manager of the Wards Store in Two Rivers in 1959. On 1966, he resigned that position to become the manager of the Copps store in Manitowoc; a position he held until he and his wife Beth opened B's Variety Store in 1972, in the building originally occupied by the S.S. Kresge Company in downtown Two Rivers. Wally served as president of the Two Rivers Chamber of Commerce, was the chairman of the Chamber's Retail Division and was general chairman when the organization sponsored the Snow Festival. He also served as scout master of Boy Scout Troop #22 and is a member of the Elk's Lodge #1380 of Two Rivers. To the immense delight of generations of children in Two Rivers, Wally was Santa Claus. His portrayal of the legendary figure was his passion and pride. He was always touched by the joy of Christmas reflected in the faces of the children. Survivors include his wife, Beth, Two Rivers; two sons and one daughter-in-law, Lawrence W. Byrne Jr., Two Rivers, David R. and Kathy Byrne, Scottsdale, Ariz.; three grandchildren, Elizabeth Rae Byrne, Brenna Gay Byrne, Kelly Cotton; one brother, James A. Byrne, Green Bay; two sisters-in-law, Barbara Murphy, Rodeo, Calif., Robin Raeburn, Grand Rapids, Mich.; special friends, Ray and Alice Bumstead, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich.; numerous nieces, nephews, and friends also survive. He was preceded in death by one sister, Margaret Spurgin; two brothers, Francis and Cornelius. A Memorial Service is being planned at a later time and date to be announced. A memorial has been established in Wally's name to the Holy Family Memorial Dialysis Unit, 2300 Western Ave., P.O. Box 1450, Manitowoc, WI 54221-1450. The Klein and Stangel Funeral Home is assisting the family with arrangements. Herald Times Reporter, September 3, 1997 P. A2