S: Footstone: A.S. (in front of Rosik) Footstone: Ch.O.S. (near Sommer children)SABEL: [R-12-2]-Michael W. Sabel/1870-1939 Tombstone, next to: [R-12-2]-Emma CIZEK Sabel/1870-1952 Tombstone
SACHSE: [E2-72-2]-Cyrus C. Sachse/Nov. 2, 1898/Sept. 15, 1899 Tombstone [L-11-2]-[Christina Sachse/bur. 07-05-1907/age 85 yrs.] No Tombstone [B-8-6]-[Alan Sachse/bur. 05-22-1908] No Tombstone [F-44-2]-Edward Sachse/1863-1928/Father Tombstone [F-44-2]-Anna Sachse/1861-1910 Tombstone [O-20-3]-Ida/1873-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [O-20-3]-Henry G./1881-1959 Tombstone [O-20-3]-Frederick H./Nov. 1, 1915/May 25, 2009 Tombstone [O-20-4]-Minnie Sachse/1849-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [O-20-4]-Gustav Sachse/1839-1912 Tombstone
SACKETT: [V-20-3]-[Fabian William Sackett/d. 06-15-1971] Tombstone
SADLER: [L-2-4]-[Henry Sadler/bur. 07-17-1892] No Tombstone
SADUSKE: [R-31-6]-Marianne Saduske/Sept. 22, 1923/Aug. 24, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [R-31-6]-Jerome Saduske/Apr. 24, 1922/June 1, 2005 Tombstone
SADUSKY: [G-13-1]-Sadusky family stone, next to: [G-13-1]-Michael Sadusky/Sept. 25, 1873/July 28, 1949 Tombstone, next to: [G-13-1]-Mary Sadusky/Feb. 10, 1875/June 11, 1920 Tombstone [P-9-9]-Frank Sadusky/Sept. 11, 1874/Apr. 3, 1937 Tombstone
SAEGER: [S-45-17]-Bertha M. Saeger/Mother/1850-1930 Tombstone, next to: [S-45-17]-Gottlieb Saeger/Father/1853-1931 Tombstone
SAELID: [B-32-1/2/3/4]-Saelid family stone There doesn't appear to be any names on this
ST. ARNAUD: [T-6-8]-Paul H. St. Arnaud/Dec. 27, 1924/Jan. 18, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-8]-Genevieve A. St. Arnaud/Oct. 22, 1921/Sept. 2, 1980 Tombstone
ST. CLAIR: [D-32-1]-Amy B. St. Clair/Aug. 16, 1900/July 26, 1989 Tombstone
SALAK: [E2-96-4]-Johanna BIELING/Nee HERRMANN/and Father, ossw: [E2-96-4]-Mathilda Salak/1856-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-96-4]-Oscara KLINGHOLZ/1880-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-96-4]-Bertha KLINGHOLZ/1878-1941 Tombstone [E2-65-2]-Photo of plot [E2-65-2]-Charles Alexander Salak/Born May 25, 1843/Died Aug. 28, 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-65-2]-Petrea M./wife of Chas. Salak/Born Nov. 8, 1848/Died Jan. 5, 1875 Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-2]-Olga/1877-1962 Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-1]-Oscar/1880-1943 Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-1]-Charles [J.]/1867-1923 Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-2]-Victor Salak/geboren July 21, 1869/gestorben Oct. 14, 1872 [bur. 10-15-1872] Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-2]-Petrea/wife of Chas. Salak Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-2]-(Charles)/Father/1843-1913 Tombstone, next to: [E2-65-2]-[Emma Salak]/Mother/1855-1897 Tombstone
SALKOWSKI: [R-3-1]-Joseph J. Salkowski Sr./d. Mar. 5, 2008 No Tombstone [R-3-1]-Shirley M./d. Feb. 5, 2009 No Tombstone [U-34-3]-Richard Frank Salkowski/Jan. 26, 1945/Jan. 4, 2005 Tombstone [U-34-9]-Donna Jeanne Salkowski/1947-1967 Tombstone [U-34-10]-Casimer C. Salkowski/June 30, 1918/Mar. 2, 1998 Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-10]-Esther A. Salkowski/Jun 5, 1921/Mar 30, 2007 Tombstone + Photo
SALOMON: [C-28-1]-[Ernst Salomon/bur. 05-17-1905/age 10 mo.] [E2-15-5]-Christoph Salomon/Geboren 11 Oct. 1786/Gestorben 27 Feb. 1872 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-15-5]-Dorothea Salomon/Geboren 24 Juni 1793/Gestorben 8 Dec. 1871 Tombstone + Photo [E2-15-5]-Frederick C./May 6, 1931/July 29, 1994 (Memorial stone only) Tombstone + Photo [W2-107-3]-[Herman Salomon/bur. 09-25-1881] Tombstone [W2-107-3]-Family stone reads: Salomon/VETTING [W2-107-3]-Doris H. Salomon/1873-1955 Tombstone [W2-107-3]-Clara H. Salomon/1874-1942 Tombstone [W2-107-3]-Edward Salomon/1878-1941 Tombstone + Photo [W2-107-3]-Hermann Salomon/Co. I/1st Mo Eng. (Civil War flag) Tombstone + Photo [W2-107-3]-Friedericka (Vetting) Salomon/1848-1923/Mother Tombstone + Photo [W2-107-3]-Serena Salomon/1876-1963 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W2-107-3]-Amanda A. Salomon/Born July 12, 1876/age 6 wks Tombstone See VETTING
SALTA: [R-19-5]-Rose [J.]/Daughter/1893-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [R-19-5]-Julia/Mother/1867-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [R-19-5]-John/Father/1853-1927 Tombstone
SALVERSON: [H-2-2]-[Anna Salverson/Miss/bur. 02-20-1890/age 16 yrs./cause: La Grippe after typhoid mal. fever] No Tombstone [H-2-2]-[Christina Salverson/bur. 02-23-1898] No Tombstone [H-2-2]-[Lena Salverson/bur. 10-22-1898/age 19 yrs.] No Tombstone [H-2-2]-[Thomas Andrew Salverson/bur. 8-9-1928] No Tombstone [H-2-2]-[George Salverson/d. 08-11-1959] No Tombstone [I-4-8]-[Martha Salverson/bur. 03-12-1912] No Tombstone [I-7-10]-[Martin Salverson/bur. 02-07-1907/age 37 yrs.] No Tombstone [I-7-10]-[Anna Salverson/bur. 11-17-1909] No Tombstone See SOLVERSON See SOLVESON
SALVESON: [P-2-3]-Ralph/1877-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [P-2-3]-Clara/1881-1944 Tombstone [P-2-3]-[Edwin Andrew Salveson/d. 11-15-1944/age 1 month/son of Ralph Salveson disinterred from Kossuth and re-buried at Evergreen cemetery.] Donald H. Salveson/Dec 25, 1944/Aug 22, 2020 Photo
SAMMON: [L-26-1]-Baby (fetus)/Mar. 8, 2003 [O-10-2]-Baby/1913-1913 Tombstone, ossw: [O-10-2]-Anna/1892-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [O-10-2]-John C. Sammon/Oct 27, 1885/Nov 1, 1977 Tombstone [V-13-7]-Paul Jule Sammon/Sep 13, 1911/Jun 6, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [V-13-7]-Marcella Louise Sammon/Feb 23, 1914/Jul 26, 1999 Tombstone
SAMMONS: [R-15-6]-[Esther Sammons/d. 03-21-1963] No Tombstone
SAMPE: [C-15-1]-Augusta Sampe/Mutter/21 Sep 1847/9 Aug 1924 Tombstone, next to: [C-15-1]-Carl Sampe/Vater/18 Aug 1844/31 Dec 1929 Tombstone, next to: [C-15-1]-Michael Sampe [M.F. Sampe]/Grossvater/1797-1893 [bur 03-27-1893/ age 95 yrs/cause: old age] Tombstone [C-18-3]-Friedrich Sampe/2 Sep 1840/19 Aug 1937/Vater Tombstone, next to: [C-18-3]-Johanna Sampe/Mutter/23 Juli 1839/28 June 1920 Tombstone [D-12-4]-Anna W. Sampe/1871-1936 (War vet flag) Tombstone, next to: [D-12-4]-William C. Sampe/1871-1936 Tombstone [H-23-4]-[Baby Sampe/bur. 02-03-1949/stillborn/bur. on Bertha and Carl Sampe lot] [H-23-4]-[Baby Sampe/bur. 04-04-1950/stillborn/bur. on Bertha and Carl Sampe lot] [H-23-4]-Karl F. Sampe/Father/1880-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [H-23-4]-Bertha/Mother/1886-1952 Tombstone Karl/Bertha [L-25-5]-Carl Sampe/20 Dez 1869/Gest 7 Oct 1870 [P-4-9]-Gustav C. Sampe/1875-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [P-4-9]-Emma/1878-1966 Tombstone [P-4-9]-Anita C. Sampe/1913-2008 Tombstone [R-20-6]-William Sampe/1865-1933 Tombstone, next to: [R-20-6]-Sophie Sampe/Nee EBERHARDT/1864-1956 Tombstone [R-44-7]-Caroline Sampe/Mother/1871-1926 Tombstone, next to: [R-44-7]-August Sampe/Father/1866-1930 Tombstone [T-36-5]-Erwin O./1905-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-36-5]-Evelyn C./1905-1987 Tombstone
SAMPSON: (Moses Sampson/d. 11 Nov. 1853/age abt. 26 yrs. from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc)
SAMS: [E2-41-2]-[J. Sams/bur. 06-22-1881] No Tombstone [E2-41-2]-Emelie/Mother/Wife of/John Sams/June 3, 1841/Oct. 29, 1913 No Tombstone, next to: [E2-41-2]-John Sams/Father/Mar. 19, 1839/Feb. 17, 1916 No Tombstone
SAMUELS: [L-29-19]-[Alexander Samuels/bur. 08-02-1949/age 68 yrs.]
SAND: [L-26-1]-Baby Sand (fetus)/-Nov 30, 2014- Tombstone [W2-190-3]-John N. Sand/Father/1868-1942 Tombstone [W2-190-3]-[Sophie Sand/bur. 6-1-1927] Tombstone [W2-190-3]-[Hugo John Sand/bur. 10-23-1896/age 3 mo.]
SANDANUS: [L-30-11]-Emil Sandanus/1895-1934 Tombstone
SANDER: [A-15-6]-Ludwig Sander/1831-1918 Tombstone, ossw: [A-15-6]-Ladette Sander/1886-1909 Tombstone See KLUENKER
SANDERS: [A-15-6]-Elsie F. Sanders/1892-1942 Tombstone [B-33-2]-Mary Ellen Sanders/1849-1920 Tombstone [L-6-2]-John Sanders/1859-1905 [bur. 02-28-1905/age 59 yrs./cause: drowning] Tombstone Stephen R. Sanders/Jul 2, 1952/Sep 29, 2020 Photo
SANDERSEN: [E2-83-5]-Sander SANDERSON/Jun 17, 1828/Sep 7, 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Gertrude/wife of S. SANDERSON/born Apr 1, 1848/died Nov 1, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Norman H./born Aug 2, 1878/died Jun 30, 1909 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Sigward B./born Feb 9, 1871/died Sep 10, 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Pauline L. SANDERSON/born Sep 21, 1876/died Aug 6, 1877 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Sander [S. SANDERSON]/born Nov 20, 1867/died Jan 12, 1868 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-83-5]-Jennie Louise SANDERSON/born Dec 6, 1872/died Dec 15, 1872 Tombstone [E2-83-5]-[Sander SANDERSON/bur 09-12-1882] [E2-83-5]-[Edward Sandersen/bur 07-02-1909/cause: tuberculosis]
SANDERSON: [C-16-5]-Ruth BEM Sanderson/1893-1916 Tombstone [C-16-5]-Louise Sanderson/1890-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-5]-Melvin Sanderson/1889-1956 Tombstone [C-16-5]-Norman Sanderson/-Dec 8-11, 1914- Tombstone [C-16-5]-Baby Sanderson/-Dec 7, 1915- Tombstone [P-12-3]-Sigward B. Sanderson/1883-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [P-12-3]-Thina Sanderson/1885-1968 Tombstone [T-34-5]-George Sanderson/1881-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-5]-Alice M. Sanderson/1884-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-5]-Paul Sanderson/Aug 28, 1907/Oct 5, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-5]-Marion Sanderson/1908-1986 Tombstone [T-34-5]-Elmer H. Sanderson/1886-1962 Tombstone [Y-3-14]-Norman F. Sanderson/Apr 4, 1924/Mar 24, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-3-14]-Alice M. Sanderson/Dec 25, 1923/Mar 19, 2011 Tombstone [W2-120-1]-Gertrude Sanderson/-Sep 3, 1910- see SANDERSEN
SANDS: [V-32-8]-Ralph C./1905-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [V-32-8]-Dorothy M. Sands/Mar. 20, 1906/Apr. 11, 2001 Tombstone
SANLADER: [V-35-6]-Joseph F. Sanlader/Aug. 13, 1900/Feb. 2, 1982 Tombstone [V-35-6]-Louise M. Sanlader/May 16, 1913/Oct. 8, 1988 Tombstone
SANTROCH: [S-46-4]-Lucille D. Santroch/Aug. 7, 1909/Mar. 27, 2001 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-46-4]-Joseph P. Santroch/Aug. 22, 1904/Jan. 22, 1968 Tombstone
SANVILLE: [W2-121-2]-Louis Sanville/June 4, 1882/Oct. 14, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-121-2]-Herma/1880-1960 Tombstone [W2-155-3]-Madeliene Sanville/Jan. 29, 1921/Feb. 14, 1927 Tombstone
SARGEANT: [U-36-3]-Charles F./1892-28 Aug. 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [U-36-3]-Marie D./1893-1975 Tombstone
SARGENT: [S-43-70]-Wayne E. Sargent/Jan. 31, 1949/July 10, 1996 Tombstone
SASS: [A-7-3]-Carl Sass/Geboren 11 Oct. 1834/in Marson(?) Mechlenburg Sch./Gestorben 10 Juni 1889 Tombstone, next to:
SATCHELL: [W-19-7]-David Allan Satchell, M.D./Mar. 30, 1945/Nov. 7, 2007 Tombstone
SATHER: [P-29-10]-John Sather/Father/1871-1946 Tombstone
SATTERBURG: [L-26-1]-Baby (fetus)/d. Oct. 12, 2006 [L-29-24]-Werner C.L. "Bud" Satterburg/Sept. 2, 1926/Aug. 2, 1984 Tombstone
SATTERFORD: [R-3-3]-Jane HOLSEN Satterford/Jul 15, 1920-Sep 13, 2010 Tombstone + Photo
SATTLER: [E2-47-4]-[Elsie Sattler/bur. 07-07-1906/age 14 yrs.] No Tombstone [E2-47-4]-[Henry Sattler/bur. 1-22-1930] No Tombstone [E2-47-4]-Katherine Sattler/Mother/Sept. 8, 1857/July 12, 1918 Tombstone [E2-47-4]-Harry Sattler/Sept. 25, 1900/Feb. 17, 1930 Tombstone [E2-47-4]-Paul/1889-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-47-4]-Martha/1893-1958 Tombstone [E2-48-2]-Dewey/1898-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-48-2]-Emma Sattler/Feb. 2, 1901/Apr. 7, 1988 Tombstone [L-11-4]-[Mary Sattler/bur. 04-02-1902/age 76 yrs.] No Tombstone
SATZKEL: [Unk]-[?? Satzkel/bur. 01-04-1885]
SAUCIER: [U-32-1]-Joseph G. Saucier/Wisconsin/SC2 US Navy/World War II/ April 23,1903/March 6, 1972 Tombstone
SAUER: [Unk]-[??? Sauer/bur. 01-23-1863] [E-4-6]-Julia B. Sauer/May 17, 1903/Oct. 8, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-6]-Charles J. Sauer/Nov. 24, 1898/Nov. 5, 1982 Tombstone [E-6-10]-Helen L. Sauer/1893-1988 Tombstone
SAUERMILCH: [V-35-6]-Ruth Sauermilch/Feb. 20, 1924/June 10, 2003 Tombstone [V-35-6]-John Sauermilch/Nov. 17, 1916/Dec. 22, 1982 Tombstone [V-36-6]-Fred Sauermilch, Jr./Jan. 5, 1915/Aug. 2, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [V-36-6]-Lorraine Elezabeth Sauermilch/Oct. 18, 1921/Aug. 11, 2006 Tombstone
SAUFLB: [Unk]-[?? Sauflb/bur. 04-18-1869/should read "buried the child of Mr. Sauflb(?) hard to read]
SAUVE: [V-29-8]-Dona Jean Sauve/8-16-1969 Marker
SAVAGE: [E-8-10]-Melissa R. Savage/1959-1975 Tombstone [E-10-9]-John Tom Savage, Dr./Sept. 25, 1892/Mar. 18, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [E-10-9]-Isabel Savage/Feb. 23, 1897/May 16, 1980 (war vet flag) Tombstone [E-10-12]-Michael G. Savage/Nov. 25, 1957/Jan. 2, 1986 Tombstone [E-14-8]-Barbara Lucia Savage/Dec. 25, 1932/May 29, 2007 Tombstone [F-7-3]-Calista CLARK Savage/1854-1928 Urn/Tombstone [F-7-3]-Mathew H. Savage/1853-1914 Tombstone [P-10-8]-[Stephen Savage/bur. 10-3-1932][moved to Fort Howard Cemetery Green Bay] [Y-5-17]-Robert C. Savage/Jan. 20, 1937/July 24, 1988 Tombstone [Y-5-17]-Marc D. Savage/Jan 15, 1973/Jun 19, 2011 Photo See GEHBE
SAWALL: [W-1-1]-Gloria S./Nov. 20, 1959/Mar. 22, 2010 Tombstone
SAWIFLE: [Unk]-[?? Sawifle/bur. 06-14-1873]
SAWTELL: [L]-(Edith Rand Sawtell/bur. 8 Oct. 1873) Tombstone
SAWYER: [S-49-2]-Herman Sawyer/Uncle/1883-1926 Tombstone
SAYESKI: [U-8-8]-Phyllis/1928-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [U-8-8]-Raymond Sayeski/Apr. 26, 1920/Dec. 7, 1985 Tombstone
SAYLER: [G-9-6]-Henry Sayler/1877-1925 Tombstone
SAYLES: [T-3-5]-Daniel R. Sayles/Corp. I ILL. Inf./January 5, 1940 Tombstone
SCALLON: [U-36-2]-Elizabeth H. Scallon/June 18, 1929/July 3, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [U-36-2]-Miles Scallon/1926-2009 Tombstone
SCANLAN: [B-19-2]-Charles Scanlan/Wisconsin/Sgt. Co. H68 Infantry/World War I/ Oct. 29, 1890/Aug. 12, 1959 Tombstone
SCHAAF: [E2-11-6]-Etta WILLS Schaaf/Dec. 5, 1870/March 25, 1906 Tombstone, next to:WILLS See WILLS
SCHACK: [P-9-10]-Willie/1904-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [P-9-10]-Mary/1899-1945 Tombstone [T-20-7]-Martha M. Tittl Schack/June 27, 1898/Jan. 27, 1983 Tombstone [age 84 yrs/widow of Ludwig Tittl - husband #1/ widow of William Schack - husband #2] [W2-212-4]-Rose HERRMANN Schack/wife of Fred Schack/1859-1918 Tombstone
SCHAD: [P-27-5]-Eva E. (Brooks/Youngchild) Schad/June 21, 1891/Feb. 10, 1987 [widow of Edgar Youngchild and widow of Joseph Schad] Tombstone See YOUNGCHILD
SCHADE: [H-24-5]-Ella Schade/1886-1966 Tombstone [H-24-5]-Henrietta Schade/1876-1889 [bur. 09-29-1889/age 13 yrs./ cause: chronic paralysis of the brain] Tombstone [H-24-5]-Christian Schade/1880-1939 Tombstone [H-24-5]-Bernard Schade/1844-1896 Tombstone [H-24-5]-Martha Schade/1854-1937 Tombstone [H-24-5]-William Schade/1895-1931 (war vet flag) Tombstone
SCHADEBERG: [E2-5-11]-Fred/Father/1867-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-5-11]-Bertha/Mother/1868-1920 Tombstone [I-5-7]-George C. Jr./1900-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [I-5-7]-Marion Schadeberg/July 17, 1900/Sept. 9, 1986 [widow of George Schadeberg] Tombstone, next to: [I-5-7]-George H./1871-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [I-5-7]-Rose/1875-1935 Tombstone, next to: [I-5-7]-Charley/son of G. & R. Schadeberg/June 16, 1901/Sept. 29, 1905 Tombstone [I-5-7]-[Jennie Schadeberg/d. 9 Jan. 1982] [I-5-7]-Ray Schadeberg/Mar. 27, 1898/Feb. 24, 1985 [R-4-9]-Anna/1886-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [R-4-9]-Frank/1894-1949 Tombstone
SCHADEWALD: [Unk]-[?? Schadewald/bur. 12-27-1871] [G-11-7]-Ida Schadewald/Mother/1872-1951 Tombstone, next to: [G-11-7]-Charles Schadewald/Father/1868-1929 Tombstone [W2-119-1]-[Wilhelmina Schadewald/d. unk] [W2-119-1]-[William Schadewald/d. unk] [W2-119-1]-[F. Schadewald/d. unk] [W2-119-1]-Johanna Schadewald/Geb. 31 Oct. 1835/Gest. 1 Apr. 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-119-1]-J. Schadewald/Geb. 24 Dec. 1833/Gest. 16 Nov. 1915 Tombstone [W2-207-2]-William/Feb. 18, 1876/Feb. 8, 1882 Tombstone, next to: [W2-207-2]-Wilhelmine/Sept. 5, 1873/Apr. 29, 1881 Tombstone [W2-229-6]-Alma H. Schadewald/Nee BULL/1904-1937 Tombstone, next to: See BULL See SHADEWALD
SCHAEFER: [A-2-4]-Emma Schaefer/1867-1945 Tombstone [A-2-4]-Carl Schaefer/1836-1918 Tombstone [A-2-4]-Carl A. Schaefer/Co. E./27th Wis. Inf. Tombstone [A-2-4]-Sophia Schaefer/1843-1926 Tombstone [E2-57-5]-Caroline [Caroline Schaeffer]/geb. 3 Juli 1857/starb 17 Jan. 1860 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-57-5]-Louise/geb. 23 Juni 1862/Starb. 21 Jan. 1864/Kinder von/J.& F. Schaefer Tombstone [H-21-3]-Ida Schaefer/Geb. 19 Nov. 1883/Gest. 15 Mar. 1884 Tombstone [I-15-1]-Photo of plot [I-15-1]-Dorothea Schaefer/Mother/1863-1941 Tombstone [I-15-1]-John H. Schaefer/Father/1860-1934 Tombstone [I-15-1]-John F. Schaefer/1880-1919 Tombstone [I-15-1]-Helen M. Schaefer/1890-1962 Tombstone [I-15-2]-George F. Schaefer/Wisconsin/PVT 234 Casual Det./World War I/ March 28, 1897/Nov. 22, 1966 Tombstone [I-15-3]-Margaret/Dau. of Wm. Schaefer/1918-1919 [bur. 09-03-1919/age 14 months/ cause: sarconia intestines/bur. on John H Schaefer lot] Tombstone [L-30-4]-Daniel M. Schaefer/Baby/Feb. 24, 1970/Feb. 26, 1970 [space #378] Tombstone [L-30-5]-Machelle Schaefer/Feb. 18 - 26, 1978 Tombstone [P-33-2]-Adolph Schaefer/Jan. 11, 1899/July 9, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-2]-Leona/1900-1967 Tombstone [R-28-8]-Philip J./1874-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [R-28-8]-Leon A./1881-1969 Tombstone [W2-143-1]-Catherine Schaefer/Mother/1885-1946 Tombstone [W2-143-1]-George Schaefer/Father/1884-1952 Tombstone [W2-146-1]-Victor J. Schaefer/Dec. 11, 1912/Feb. 9, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-146-1]-Catherine A. Schaefer/Nov. 22, 1914/Mar. 17, 1995 Tombstone [W2-191-2]-Lillie Schaefer/1878-1954 Tombstone [W2-191-2]-Charles H. Schaefer/1877-1948 Tombstone See DUFUR
SCHAETZ: [E-19-5]-Ann Schaetz/July 17, 1914/Dec. 16, 1993 Tombstone
SCHAETZKE: [A-25-1]-[Martha Schaetzke/bur. 12-24-1886] [A-25-1]-[Herbert Schaetzke/bur. 04-05-1902/age 6 yrs.] [A-25-1]-[Walter Schaetzke/d. 7-6-1964/age 66 yrs.] [A-25-1]-[Minnie Schaetzke/bur. 12-23-1938/age 83 yrs.] [A-25-1]-August Schaetzke/Father/1859-1935 Tombstone [B-13-1]-Schaetzke family stone, next to: [B-13-1]-Ulricke/Mother/1851-1927 Tombstone, next to: [B-13-1]-[William]/Father/1854-1928 Tombstone [G-7-12]-Viola Schaetzke/1902-1971 Tombstone [I-19-4]-[Baby Schaetzke/bur. 8-6-1928/stillborn/cause: long and difficult labor/bur. on Mrs. Martha Wilda lot] Tombstone [P-25-7]-Charles A./1887-1965 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-7]-Clara F./1887-1982 Tombstone [P-32-4]-George R. FRIEDER/July 10, 1914/July 27, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-4]-Ethel FRIEDER/1914-2012 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-4]-Ralph John Schaetzke/1913-1945 Tombstone + Photo
SCHAFER: [W2-230-6]-Minnie Schafer/Mother/1885-1925 Tombstone
SCHAFF: [L-31-12]-Cynthia [S.] Schaff/Oct. 21, 1950/Jan. 31, 1951 [space #275] Tombstone [R-40-1]-Schaff family stone [R-40-1]-Myron L./Son/1922-1946 Tombstone [R-40-1]-Mary/Mother/1896-1937 Tombstone [R-40-1]-Henry/Father/1889-1949 Tombstone [R-40-1]-Charlotte F. Schaff/Mar. 27, 1924/Mar. 9, 1992 Tombstone [R-40-1]-Marion H. Schaff/Oct. 29, 1926/Dec. 17, 1999 Tombstone [R-40-1]-Warren R. Schaff/Apr. 25, 1925/July 17, 1998 Tombstone [R-40-1]-John Henry Schaff/Feb. 21, 1924/May 29, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [R-40-2]-Pauline Schaff/Mother/May 14, 1862/Oct. 19, 1939 Tombstone [R-40-2]-William Schaff/Father/Feb. 6, 1856/Dec. 26, 1926 Tombstone [R-40-2]-Charles Schaff/July 2, 1885/Jan. 23, 1941 (VFW flag) Tombstone [R-40-2]-William Schaff Jr./Wisconsin/Pvt. 9 M.G. BN 3 Div./ Dec. 15, 1937 Tombstone
SCHAFFER: [Unk]-[Carl Schaffer/bur. 10-14-1874] No Tombstone [V-26-1]-Harold C. Schaffer/Apr. 11, 1908/Dec. 14, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-1]-Bedelia O. Schaffer/Jan. 14, 1907/Aug. 24, 1980 Tombstone
SCHAFFLAND: [W2-168-3]-Henrietta Schaffland/Mutter/Geb. 24 Jan. 1825/Gest. 27 Oct. 1896 Tombstone
SCHAFLAND: [Unk]-[??? Schafland/bur. 01-25-1862]
SCHALIN: [W2-114-3]-Friedricke SCHRANK/geb. Schalin/Starb 30 April 1873/Alter 26 Jahre 4 Monate, next to: See SCHRANK
SCHALLER: [S-46-10]-James Anthony Schaller/Aug 25, 1924-Sep 16, 2008 Tombstone [S-46-10]-Michael James Schaller/d. May 26, 2011
SCHALLERN: [W2-166-1]-[?? Schallern/bur. 03-08-1881/aka. Schellen/it appears she is on W2-166-1. I have a Lorina with no dates. She is on the lot with David & Phebe Easton, and appears to be the daughter of Isadore (Easton) Schallern. So, she would be David & Phebe Easton�s granddaughter.] (Anna Lorena Schallern/d. 3 Mar. 1881/age 9 mo. 6 da./cause: cerebral meningitis/from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) Tombstone
SCHALOWETZ: [R-32-7]-Erma Schalowetz/Daughter/Mar. 20, 1909/Dec. 6, 1932 Tombstone [R-32-7]-Alma Schalowetz/Mother/Apr. 29, 1888/Feb. 23, 1936 Tombstone [R-32-7]-Erwin Schalowetz/Son/July 20, 1912/July 18, 1915 Tombstone [R-32-7]-John Schalowetz/Father/Aug. 17, 1879/Sept. 16, 1955 Tombstone
SCHAPART: [Unk]-[?? Schapart/bur. 07-16-1866/burial register has buried the child of J(?) Shafart]
SCHAPERT: [Unk]-[?? Schapert/bur. 04-05-1865/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Schapert or Schafert] See SCHAPPERT
SCHAPPERT: [E2-89-4]-John SCHAPERT/1835-1918 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E2-89-4]-Friederike Schapert/Wife/1853-1940 Tombstone [E2-89-4]-[Mrs. John Schappert/bur. 03-24-1870/bur. on John Schappert lot/burial register has buried the wife of Mr. J. Schabart, lot 4, blok 89, $2.50] (Frau Joh. Maria Doroth. Schapert born Redlin/b. 25 Aug. 1828/born in Pardheim, Pommern/d. 22 Mar. 1870/from records of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church 1856-1874) [E2-89-4]-[Mrs. Schappert/bur. 04-01-1872/burial register has buried the wife of Mr. John Schabart, $2.50](Frau Juliane/b. Sept. 1850/d. 25 Mar. 1872/from records of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church 1856-1874) [Note: I have a Mrs. John Schappert buried on E2-89-4 on an unknown date. �2nd wife� is written in where her burial is in the Lot Diagram Book. I�m assuming that is her. Johanna appears to be the 1st wife and Friederike the 3rd. [E2-89-4]-Ella SCHAPERT/1881-1911/wife of Oscar OLSSON [bur. 05-19-1911/ cause: peritonitis/bur. on John Schappert lot] [Unk]-[?? Schappert/bur. 07-24-1872/burial register has buried the child of Mr. Schabart (no fee listed/church record has invalid b. date..no 30 Feb./microfiche birth record on this site gives birthdate as 10 Feb. 1891] (Johann/son of Johann Schapert and wife Juliane born Hein/b. 30 Feb. 1871/ d. 23 July 1871/from records of First German Evangelical Lutheran Church 1856-1874)
SCHATENBERG: [L-13-6]-[Charles Schatenberg/bur. 09-29-1905/age 4 yrs./cause: croup]
SCHATGEL: [Unk]-[?? Schatgel/bur. 10-29-1885/age 7 mo.]
SCHAUDT: [D-14-1]-Agnes/Mama/Gattin von/C.A. DALLMANN Gebne Schaudt/Geb. 2 Juni 1842/ Gest. (bal. too deep in ground)[bur. 8-15-1900/age 58 yrs] See DALLMANN
SCHAUS: [Unk]-[?? Schaus/bur. 03-13-1871] [A-21-1]-Lizzie Schaus/no other information Tombstone [A-21-1]-Katharina Schaus/10 Sept. 1847/18 Nov. 1906 Tombstone, ossw: [A-21-1]-Nickolaus Schaus/14 Oct. 1840/15 Oct. 1924 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [A-21-1]-Adaela/1885-1966 Tombstone, next to: [A-21-1]-Footstones: Mutter/Lizzie [E-38-14]-George W. Schaus/Oct. 17, 1908/Nov. 30, 1982 Tombstone, next to: [E-38-14]-Eleanora M. Schaus/June 1, 1908/Mar. 5, 1975 Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby (fetus) Schaus-Deering/d. Sept. 20, 2004 [L-30-2]-Paul Schaus Jr./1952-1953 [d. 11-05-1953/stillborn/space #295] Marker [P-3-1]-Paul T. Schaus/Aug. 14, 1907/Sept. 29, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [P-3-1]-Gladys E./1913-1987 [d. 12-25-1987/age 74 yrs./cremains] Tombstone [P-15-5]-Annie/Mother/1883-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [P-15-5]-William/Father/1878-1940 Tombstone [T-3-19]-Janet A./1920-1962 Tombstone [T-3-19]-Arthur N. Schaus/Nov. 22, 1911/Oct. 3, 1993 Tombstone [T-34-4]-Emil/1881-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-4]-Alma/1883-1962 Tombstone [T-36-1]-Richard N./Aug. 8, 1910/Feb. 9, 1976 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-36-1]-Imogene B. Schaus/July 28, 1907/Sept. 29, 1999 Tombstone [Y-2-37]-William H. Schaus/Feb. 17, 1913/Aug. 10, 1986 Tombstone [Y-2-37]-Olive Josephine Schaus/Mar. 31, 1917/Aug. 23, 2006 Tombstone [Y-4-22]-Ruth G. Schaus/Apr. 24, 1931/Oct. 7, 1997 Tombstone
SCHAUSS: [Unk]-[?? Schauss/bur. 04-05-1884/age 2 mo.]
SCHAUT: Daniel Cyril Schaut/May 18, 1944/Jul 7, 2020 Photo
SCHEFF: [B-18-5]-Douglas F. Scheff/Wisconsin/Cpl. 520 Engr. Fld/Maint. Co./ World War II/March 10, 1926/Aug. 14, 1954 [G.A.R. lot] Tombstone
SCHEFFLER: [G-11-7]-John Scheffler/Brother/Mar. 15, 1869/Sept. 8, 1929 Tombstone
SCHEFTS: [L-30-9]-[John Schefts/bur. 7-14-1936] No Tombstone
SCHEIDER: [E2-79-1]-[H. Scheider/bur. 01-26-1865] Tombstone
SCHEINOHA: [D-18-4]-[Baby Scheinoha/bur. 05-27-1908/cause: premature] No Tombstone [D-18-4]-Agnes Scheinoha/1889-1972 Tombstone [D-18-4]-Edward Scheinoha/1885-1967 Tombstone [D-18-4]-Simon Scheinoha/Oct. 16, 1842/Nov. 19, 1898 Tombstone, ossw: [D-18-4]-Anna Scheinoha/Mar. 17, 1852/May 6, 1923 Tombstone [E-1-6]-Emmett E. Scheinoha/Nov. 30, 1914/Apr. 18, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [E-1-6]-Marian E./1914-2007 Tombstone [E-30-1]-Caryn L./Jan. 12, 1984/Nov. 1, 2007 Tombstone [F-2-4]-Lawrence Allan Scheinoha/July 28, 1947/May 3, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-4]-Muriel D. Scheinoha/May 3, 1923/Sept. 28, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [F-2-4]-Allan P. Scheinoha/Aug. 31, 1922/Mar. 3, 1993 Tombstone [F-9-5]-Howard W. Scheinoha/Dec. 13, 1910/Jun 11, 1997 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-9-5]-Lila A. Scheinoha/June 16, 1916/Dec. 10, 1981 Tombstone + Photo [F-9-5]-Baby Scheinoha/Born and died/July 19, 1941 [stillborn/bur. on Lawrence Scheinoha lot] Tombstone, ossw: [F-9-5]-Baby Scheinoha/Born and died/June 3, 1942 [cause: stillborn/bur. on Lawrence Scheinoha lot] Tombstone [F-9-5]-Clara/1886-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [F-9-5]-Lawrence E./1883-1959 Tombstone [L-16-6]-[Baby Scheinoha/bur. 03-09-1911/stillborn] No Tombstone [L-16-6]-[Baby Scheinoha/bur. 02-02-1912/stillborn] No Tombstone [O-19-4]-[Baby Scheinoha/bur. 12-23-1912/cause: asthma] Tombstone [O-19-4]-Daniel Scheinoha/1880-1952 Tombstone, next to: [O-19-4]-Jennette Scheinoha/1881-1944 [d. 05-20-1944 at Marathon Co., WI/age 62 yrs./ wife of Dan Scheinoha] Tombstone
SHELDON: [E2-88-1]-Amelia/Wife of D. Scheldon/Died June 16, 1874/Aged 20 yrs. 1 mo. 14 d.
SCHELFHOUT: [E-34-12]-Servenius M. Schelfhout/Feb. 27, 1915/June 2, 1985 Tombstone [E-34-12]-Lorraine C. Schelfhout/Feb. 19, 1917/May 14, 1992 Tombstone
SCHELLENBECK: [E2-14-1]-Arthur Schellenbeck/Mar. 5, 1866/Oct. 21, 1872 Tombstone, next to:
SCHELLHASE: [L-17-1]-[Baby Schellhase/bur. 03-21-1917/stillborn]
SCHELLIN: [H-24-2]-Harold W. Schellin/Wisconsin/TM2 US Navy/World War II/ March 6, 1904-April 26, 1973 Tombstone [H-24-2]-Walter Schellin/July 6, 1899/June 7, 1964 Tombstone [H-24-2]-Anna Schellin/1873-1955 Tombstone [H-24-2]-William Schellin/1869-1940 Tombstone [H-24-2]-Wm. Schellin Sr./and wife/Louisa Schellin Tombstone [H-24-2]-[Louise Schellin/bur. 03-23-1894] Tombstone [H-24-2]-[William Schellin/bur. 08-12-1907] Tombstone
SCHELTHELM: [S-43-22]-Adam Schelthelm/Feb. 16, 1905/Jan. 21, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-22]-Lucille G. Schelthelm/July 26, 1912/Dec. 26, 2001 Tombstone See DIEGEL
SCHEMENSKE: [P-25-9]-Frank C./1877-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-9]-Caroline A. Schemenske/Mar. 18, 1901/May 21, 1985 Tombstone
SCHENCK: [B-17-4]-Julia Schenck/1860-1876 Tombstone [B-17-4]-Pauline Schenck/1864-1939 Tombstone, next to: [B-17-4]-Henricka Schenck/Mother/1844-1930 [Henrica Schenck/bur. 9-11-1930/died at Milwaukee, WI/cause: hypostatic pneumonia/bur. on Carl Levernz lot] Tombstone [B-18-3]-Frederick Schenck/48th WI Infantry/Company K Tombstone
SCHENIAN: [C-31-1]-Schenian base [C-31-1]-Adolph/d. 05-05-1945] Tombstone [C-31-1]-Mary Tombstone [C-31-1]-Adalina/[d. 09-26-1941] Tombstone [C-31-1]-Ruth/[bur. Dec. 18, 1898] Tombstone [C-31-1]-Clyde Tombstone [Clyde Schenian/bur. 03-13-1896/age 11 yrs./cause: pneumonia] [E-25-7]-Adolph Schenian/1899-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [E-25-7]-Clara C. Schenian/Sept. 23, 1899/Jan. 4, 1987 Tombstone [G-3-14]-Katherine Schenian/1866-1946 Tombstone [G-3-14]-Stephen Schenian/1862-1930 Tombstone [L-32-11]-[Walter Schenian/bur. 01-29-1935/stillborn] [P-1-2]-Henry/June 2, 1892/July 13, 1973 Tombstone [P-1-2]-Mollie Schenian/Oct. 17, 1894/28 Aug. 28, 1984 Tombstone [S-53-3]-Violet M. Schenian/Nov. 25, 1921/Mar. 23, 1992 Tombstone [T-23-3]-Emil Schenian/Mar. 4, 1894/Jan. 14, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-3]-Agnes E. Schenian/Jan. 1, 1899/Oct. 3, 1974 Tombstone
SCHENK: [B-18-3]-[Fred Schenk/bur. 11-28-1873/G.A.R. lot] [Aug. 1, 1840/bur. Nov. 28, 1873/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] [E2-33-6]-[Dr. Schenk/bur. 04-28-1873] [E2-33-6]-[Johanna Schenk/bur. 05-17-1902/age 57 yrs./cause: heart disease] [E2-33-6]-[Katie Schenk/bur. 06-06-1903/age 31 yrs./cause: chronic diarrhoea] [E2-33-6]-[(Baby) Schenk/bur. 08-09-1865/burial register has buried the child of Dr. Schenk] See KNIE
SCHERBERGER: [W2-101-2]-[William Scherberger/bur. 01-16-1899/age 44 yrs.] Tombstone [W2-101-2]-A. [Andreas] Scherberger/geb./26 Feb. 1826/gest. 25 July 1888 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-101-2]-Rosina/Seine Gattin/Geb. 9 Marz 1828/gest. 28 Juni 1887 Tombstone, next to: [W2-101-2]-Footstones: Vater/Mutter/A.S./R.S.
SCHERER: [B-7-4]-Emma Scherer/Aug. 22, 1872/May 4, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-4]-Henry/1870-1955 (Am.Leg.flg) Tombstone [C-9-4]-Baby Scherer/Born & Died/Oct. 24, 1909 [cause: stillborn] [E2-2-10]-William James Scherer/SR US Navy/Korea/ Dec. 12, 1934/Jul. 22, 1982 Tombstone [E2-36-2]-[Baby Scherer/bur. 03-11-1935/stillborn/bur. on John Achenbach lot] [E2-46-2]-John Scherer/Feb. 2, 1850/Dec. 15, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-46-2]-Elizabeth Scherer/Nov. 8, 1850/Feb. 4, 1920 Tombstone [K-14-3]-Katherine M. Scherer/Jan. 29-30, 1929 Tombstone [Baby Scherer/b. 30 Jan. 1929/cause: premature/child of Orley Scherer] [K-14-3]-Orley [J.]/1904-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [K-14-3]-Libby/1911-1985 (Libby not buried in Evergreen) Tombstone [K-14-3]-William H. Scherer/Mar. 13, 1861/Jan. 30, 1916 Tombstone [K-14-3]-Margaret Scherer/May 22, 1869/Dec. 13, 1944 Tombstone [P-17-5]-Homer R. Jr./1922-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-5]-Grace J. Scherer/Mar. 5, 1927/Feb. 16, 2001 (US vet flg) Tombstone [P-17-5]-Homer R. [Sr.]/1899-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-5]-Anna R./1900-1951 Tombstone [P-17-5]-Mabel E. Scherer/Nov. 30, 1898/June 4, 1982 Tombstone [P-17-5]-Patrick J. Scherer/1947-2015 Tombstone + Photo [P-24-6]-John H./1883-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [P-24-6]-Josephine/1881-1958 Tombstone [R-13-8]-Jacob/Father/1858-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [R-13-8]-Augusta/Mother/1863-1936 Tombstone [S-46-2]-Anna/1897-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [S-46-2]-Edwin/1888-1956 Tombstone [T-27-5]-Roy M. Scherer/Jan. 24, 1908/Oct. 8, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-27-5]-Bessie D. Scherer/June 18, 1903/Feb. 27, 1993 Tombstone [W2-160-1]-[Edessa Scherer/bur. 12-10-1898] No Tombstone [W2-160-1]-[Thomas Scherer/bur. 08-13-1890/age 3 mo./cause: summer complaint] No Tombstone [W2-160-1]-[E. Scherer/bur. 03-04-1898] No Tombstone [W2-160-1]-John Heinrich Scherer [Henry Scherer]/geboren/Juli 27, 1798/ gestorben/Jan. 28, 1875 Tombstone [W2-160-1]-Augusta/tochter von/H & F Scherer/geb. 15, Sept. 1872/gest. 28 Juni 1875 No Tombstone [W2-160-1]-Anna Margarethe Scherer/geboren/Dez. 3, 1798/gestorben/Febr. 4, 1876 No Tombstone [W2-160-1]-Fredricka Scherer/Geb. 13 Feb. 1839/Gest. 4 Feb. 1920 Tombstone [W2-160-1]-Heinrich Scherer/Geb. 24 Nov. 1833/Gest. 2 Feb. 1916 Tombstone [W2-160-1]-Heinrich Scherer/Co. D./45 Wis. Inf. Tombstone [W2-234-6]-Beatrice Frances Scherer/Sept. 1, 1916/Mar. 3, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-6]-Elmer H. Scherer/Mar. 5, 1911/Aug. 21, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-6]-Arthur [C.]/1887-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-6]-Esther/1892-1961 Tombstone [Y-3-9]-Marilyn L. Scherer/Sept. 23, 1939/June 12, 1997 Tombstone
SCHERPING: [V-34-6]-Walter H. Scherping, M.D./July 15, 1897/Oct. 13, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [V-34-6]-Ruth A./Dec. 28, 1910/Feb. 13, 2000 (War vet flg) Tombstone
SCHETTL: [L-1-10]-Baby/of/L & M Schettl/Feb. 28, 1925 [Died in Manitowoc/Cause of death: stillbirth] Tombstone [L-32-8]-Baby of L & M Schettl/- 1935- [bur. 03-05-1935/cause: premature birth] Tombstone
SCHEUER: [R-16-11]-Francis W. Scheuer/1905-1975 (War vet flg) Tombstone [R-39-2]-Peter Scheuer/Father/1865-1949 Tombstone [R-39-2]-Josephine Scheuer/Mother/1867-1926 Tombstone [R-39-2]-Marguerite R./1896-1960 Tombstone [R-39-2]-Warren Joseph Scheuer/Apr. 12, 1898/Nov. 11, 1996 Tombstone [R-39-2]-George E. Scheuer/Oct. 2-Nov. 4, 1928 Tombstone
SCHEUERMANN: [I-11-4]-Carl FRICKE/5 Sept. 1840/13 Juli 1909 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [I-11-4]-Paulina FRICKE/1 Jan. 1849/31 Aug. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [I-11-4]-Alvina Scheuermann/4 Aug. 1865/31, Dec. 1904 Tombstone
SCHEUNEMANN: [V-17-1]-Roy W. Scheunemann/Dec. 1, 1920/June 21, 1985 Tombstone [V-17-1]-Anne Frances Scheunemann/May 24, 1920/Nov. 26, 2006 Tombstone + Photo
SCHEURELL: [V-38-2]-Dolores N./June 29, 1931/Sept. 12, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-38-2]-Dennis R./1957-2010 Tombstone [V-38-2]-John E. Scheurell/Dec 25, 1927/May 15, 2020 [W-16-11]-William J. Scheurell/June 19, 1926/Jan. 10, 1996 Tombstone Back to Top