MACDONALD: (Both on the Public side) Donald A. MacDonald/1922-1985 Tombstone, ossw: Jean M. MacDonald/1925-1995 TombstoneMAJER: Mary Majer/Apr. 14, 1868/June 14, 1921 Tombstone See CHERNEY
MAKIN: Lois L. Makin/May 5, 1916/Jan. 25, 1995 Tombstone
MALFROID: [4-10-212]-Andrea Lynn Malfroid/Sept. 22, 1973/Nov. 28, 1983 Tombstone
MALLEY: [3-6-36]-Elsie Malley/1897-1948 (in Cretton plot) [3-6-36]-Olive Malley/1904-1927 (in Cretton plot)
MANGER: F. H. Manger (No dates) (Henry F. Manger/d. Jan. 1871/this may be the F.H. above as this is the only Manger I have in all the cemeteries.)
MARCELLE: Cheryl Ann Marcelle/-1954- Tombstone Mary J. Marcelle/Nov 12, 1952/Sep 29, 2022 (Public side) Tombstone + Photo Wayne R. Marcelle/Jul 27, 1943/Aug 3, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
MARCOTTE: (Both on Public side) [2-2-30B]-Alfred George Marcotte/1918/1988 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-30B]-Ida Esther Marcotte/1909-1989 Tombstone
MARCUS: Audrey Marcus/Sep 7, 1928/Feb 2, 2018 TombstoneMARET: Frank Maret/1864-1933 Tombstone
MATHIESEN: Agnes/1872-1945/Mother Tombstone Richard/1862-1927/Father Photo, ossw: Mathias Mathiesen/geb. 24 Mar. 1827/gest. 3 Mai. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Mathiesen/geb. 1804/gest 3 Aug. 1878/Unsere Mutter Tombstone, ossw: George Mathiesen/1900-1978 Memorial, ossw: Ira Mathiesen/1895-1978 Memorial, ossw: Lucy Mathiesen/1903-1987 Photo Otto George Mathiesen/1909-1991 Memorial See EHRKE, ossw: A. Margaretha Mathiesen/geborene ERICHSEN/geb. 9 Juli 1835/gest. 7, Febr. 1870 Tombstone See ERICHSEN, ossw: Peter/Bruder von/M. Mathiesen/geb. 1836/gest 30 Oct. 1863 Tombstone, ossw: Christina/geb. 12 Apr. 1864/gest 30 Oct. 1865 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich/geb. 12 Juli 1866/gest 29 Juli 1869 Tombstone, ossw: Christina/geb 17 Juli 1868/gest. 23, June 1870/kinder von M. & M. Mathiesen Tombstone, ossw: Louis/geb. 6 Aug. 1887/gest. 11 Dec. 1906/alter 19 ja. 4M 5T. Tombstone, ossw: Dora/gattin von/M. Mathiesen/geb. 20, Mar. 1853/gest. 1 Juni 1907 Tombstone Alvina/June 28, 1876/May 20, 1932 Memorial (Anna A. Mathiesen/May 30, 1903/June 8, 1990/from obit/no stone)(Public side)
MCCARTHY: James P. McCarthy/Dec 26, 1929/Feb 20, 2015/SGT US Army Korea Tombstone, ossw: Leda McCarthy/nee PASQUINELLI/June 30, 1936/Jan 14, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
MCDONALD: Thomas R. McDonald/June 16, 1923/Feb. 5, 2006/ US Air Force World War II Tombstone, ossw: Angeline A./Apr. 23, 1926/Oct. 15, 2011 Tombstone
MCMILLAN: [3-4-28]-Hyacinth H. McMillan/Wis/1st Lt Army Nurse Corps/WwII/Aug 29, 1906/May 6, 1968 [in Hoffman plot] Tombstone
MEINEKE: Donald Meineke/1925-Feb. 2012 Tombstone Linda Meineke/Feb. 8, 1950/Dec. 7, 1960 Tombstone William/1901-1982 Tombstone, ossw: Mayme/1902-1969 Tombstone Dale W./1927-2000 Tombstone, ossw: Janice A./1926-2013 Tombstone Hattie Meineke/1902-1994 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Herbert Meineke/1899-1978 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Mary KADOW/1872-1940 Tombstone (Public side), ossw: Meta Meineke/1896-1897 (Public side) Tombstone See KADOW
MEISSNER: Ida/July 13, 1877/Oct. 23, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: Henry/1871-1923 Tombstone Emma/1875-1931/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Rudolph/1868-1962/Father Tombstone Johanna/gattin von/Fr. Meissner/geboren/6 Feb. 1863/gestorben/31 Mai. 1911 Tombstone Terry Lee Meissner/Feb. 18, 1963/Mar. 22, 1963 Tombstone [3-4-33]-[Ronald Meissner/no dates/in Rebordy plot] [3-4-33]-Joan M. Meissner/Aug 16, 1938/Jul 29, 2020 [in Rebordy plot] Photo Arthur Meissner/1904-2000 Tombstone, ossw: Nethalie Meissner/1908-2007 Tombstone
MESSMANN: Caroline Messmann/1911-1982
MEYER: See Bertha TERENS [2-3-39]-Wenzel Meyer/1836-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-39]-Katharina Meyer/18 Juni 1835-1 Dez. 1915 Tombstone [2-3-39]-[Ambrose Meyer/b. 1872/d. 1945] Tombstone [2-3-39]-[Anna Meyer/b. 1892/d. 1937] Tombstone [3-4-63]-Rudolph Meyer/Feb. 4 1878/Oct. 15, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-63]-Grandchild/June 23, 1938, [b. and d. 1938] Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-63]-Mary Meyer/July 1, 1888/May 14, 1935 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-63]-Catherine Meyer/1908-1928 Tombstone [4-9-153]-Edmund L./1915-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-153]-Leona A./1913-2002 Tombstone Elisabeth Meyer/gebore HELLRIC?? geb 3 Nov. 1822/starb/Apri 30 Juni. 1873 Tombstone, ossw: Johann Meyer/geb. 30 Oct 1818/starb 18 Juli 1873 Tombstone Johann Meyer/geb/20 Dec. 1802/gest/10 Feb. 1879 Tombstone Mary Wuellner Meyer/1878-1939 Infant Meyer/5 Sept.-16 Sept/1915 (next to Koutnik footstones)
MILLER: Hellen/1878-1961/Mother Tombstone, ossw: (1st husband John Miller, 2nd husband John Kraemer) John/1874-1944/Father Tombstone LeRoy H. Miller/Feb 24, 1936/Dec 29, 2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Patricia A. Miller/nee EIS/Mar 17, 1939/Apr 9, 2020 Tombstone + Photo
MORENO: Manuel Z. Moreno/June 8, 1942/Mar. 5, 2007 Tombstone
MORITZ: [2-2-65]-Frank/1899-1914 Tombstone, next to: [2-2-65]-Justina/1872-1927/Mother Tombstone, next to: [2-2-65]-August/1874-1927/Father Tombstone
MOTT: Alfred Mott/1878-1966 Tombstone, next to: Henry/1859-1926 Tombstone, ossw: Mary/1865-1930 Tombstone, ossw: George/1853-1929 Tombstone, ossw: Sarah/1856-1950 Tombstone Gene/1935-1970 Tombstone, ossw: Bernadine/1934-1988 Tombstone Lucy Mott/1915-2005 Tombstone, ossw: Marvin Mott/1913-1993 Tombstone Stacy Mott/-Oct 15, 1979- Tombstone Ronald D. Mott/May 12, 1936/Jul 23, 2020 Photo Ramona M. Mott/Mar 2, 1936/Dec 2, 2020 Photo Pamela Mott/nee NOVAK/Mar 6, 1963/Dec 2, 2022 Tombstone + Photo Roger R. Mott/Dec 20, 1953/Mar 24, 1955, next to: Clarence F. URBAN See URBAN
MROZINSKI: Ralph Mrozinski/Aug 23, 1937/Oct 22, 2017 Tombstone + PhotoMUELLER: [3-6-26-4]-Fred Mueller/1901-1932 [on plot owned by Herman Franz] Tombstone Josephine/1855-1900 Tombstone William/1851-1927 Tombstone Minnie/1865-1941 Tombstone Pauline/1887-1957, ossw: Charles/1858-1943, next to: Frieda/1888-1989, ossw: Wilbert/1887-1948 Dillon James Mueller/Nov 18, 1995/Oct 4, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Rita/1947-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Carmela/1917-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Paul/1912-1999 Tombstone Janene M. Mueller/May 3, 1977/Aug. 18, 1977 Tombstone
NATHAN: Barry Nathan/1927-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Gail Westgate Nathan/1935-2003 Tombstone
NEBESKY: Anton/Apr. 10, 1850/Aug. 12, 1929, ossw: Annie/Jan. 31, 1852/Sept. 1, 1934, ossw: Vencil Nebesky/born/Dec. 26, 1886/died/Jan. 9, 1912
NEHRING: Janine M. Nehring/Apr 26, 1960/May 8, 2020 Photo
NEJEDLO: Daniel J. Nejedlo/Jun 27, 1920/Nov 23, 2014/PFC US Army WWII Tombstone + Photo Gladys M. Nejedlo/1921-2009 Tombstone
NELSON: [4-9-177]-Ariel/1896-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-177]-Nora/1896-1992 Tombstone Arnold Nelson/beloved husband of/Loretta REIS/Aug. 18, 1908/Apr. 10, 1963 Tombstone Lillie BURT Nelson/1882-1966 Memorial Glenn W. Nelson/Apr 7, 1939/Sep 4, 2018 Photo See BURT See REIS
NEMETZ: Frank J. Nemetz/1881-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Emily H. Nemetz/1884-1971 Tombstone
NEUCHTER: John J. Neuchter/Jan 29, 1948/Oct 16, 2023, ossw: Margaret M. Neuchter/Aug 7, 1955/Jan 27, 2019 Photo
NIEMOJUSKI: [2-2-35A]-Clarence Niemojski/1920-1992/US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-35A]-[Shirley Niemojski/1932-1997 Tombstone [2-2-35B]-Ronald Niemojski/1953-1982
NIMMER: Donald/son of/S & F Nimmer/Feb. 6/Apr. 13/1942, (stone next to COCHEMS family stone)
NOCKER: Frances Nocker/1877-1940, next to: Henry Wm. Nocker/1870-1947 Tombstone, in front of Catherine Nocker/nee TERENS/Dec. 6, 1840/Apr. 1, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: August Nocker/born Nov. 27, 1838/died Apr. 22, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: August C. Nocker/born April 10, 1874/died July 13, 1896 Tombstone, ossw: Anna K. Nocker/born June 22, 1865/died June 6, 1920 Tombstone See TERENS
NORIECA: Lydia Norieca/1955-1956
NOVACHEK: [4-7-164]-Joseph/Mar. 15, 1867/Nov. 28, 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-164]-Rose/June 23, 1878/July 7, 1952 Tombstone [4-8-197]-Joseph/1897-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-197]-Lydia/Apr. 14, 1902/Feb. 9, 1976 Tombstone Paul J. Novachek/Oct. 31, 1930/Jan. 8, 2007 Tombstone
NOVAK: [4-8-181]-James/1874-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-181]-Rose/1880-1960 Tombstone [4-8-186]-Alvin/Dec. 3, 1915/Jan. 19, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-186]-Bernice/1918-2009 Tombstone [4-8-210]-Richard Novak/Apr. 15, 1944/Dec. 31, 2010 Tombstone [4-8-210]-[???? Novak/no dates/no stone] [4-8-210]-David James Novak/Aug. 24, 1951/Feb. 24, 1985 Tombstone [4-8-210]-Beatrice Novak/1935-2015 Tombstone [4-9-182]-Chester F./1922-2005 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-182]-Grace/1925-2008 Tombstone [4-9-218]-Joseph Novak, Sr./1917-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-218]-Dorothy V. Novak/1920-2004 Tombstone Scott Kenneth Novak/July 14, 1971/Feb. 5, 1989 Tombstone Richard A. Novak/Apr. 15, 1944/Dec. 31, 2010 Tombstone (Infant Son Novak/d. Apr. 27, 1945/from obit) Memorial
NOVITSKI: [2-2-70B]-[Judy Novitski/b. 1956/d.___/cremation]
NOWAK: Thomas Nowak/SP4 US Army/Vietnam/Oct. 2, 1943/Aug. 20, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: Sue Nowak/1945-2014 Tombstone
ORDING: Rose/1885-1961 Tombstone, ossw: John/1883-1973 Tombstone
OTT: Albina/frau von F. Ott/geb.26 Aug. 1843/gest/13 Febr. 1880, next to: Wilhelmine L.
OURADNIK: Richard W. Ouradnik/1949-1983/US Army, Vietnam Tombstone, ossw: Richard W./1949-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Sandra K. Ouradnik/1945-1998 Tombstone
OWEN: [4-8-125]-Alexandra C. Owen/Feb. 12, 1993/Feb. 14, 1995 Tombstone
PALZER: [2-2-30]-Ed Palzer/Sept. 24, 1892/Sept. 18, 1966 Tombstone [2-2-30]-Eduard Palzer/geb. 10 Aug. 1860/gest 29 Oct. 1905 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-30]-Anton Palzer/gest 27 Mai 1903/alter 82 jahre Tombstone [2-2-30]-Louie Palzer/1894-1908 Tombstone [2-2-30]-Frances Palzer/1872-1940/Mother Tombstone Joseph Palzer (no other information) Tombstone Edward Palzer/1860-1905/Father Tombstone Anton Palzer/1820-1903 Tombstone
PAPLHAM: Louis F. Paplham/1908-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Gladys E. Paplham/1909-1998 Tombstone Louis F. Paplham/May 12, 1932/Nov. 28, 2006 Tombstone See NEMETZ
PASQUINELLI: Marina M. Pasquinelli/1911-2004 Tombstone
PATEK: [4-10-168]-Van Patek/1917-1985 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-168]-Mary Patek/1923-1969 Tombstone Peter John Patek/Aug 7, 1946/Jan 24, 2024 Photo James B. Patek/Jul 6, 1952/Apr 28, 2015 Tombstone
PAUTZ: Vernon F. Pautz/Mar 2, 1928/Aug 15, 2021 Photo Kathleen M. Pautz/Dec. 1, 1930/Oct. 8, 2003 Tombstone
PAVLISH: Anna/1891-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Frank/1889-1952 Tombstone [4-7-115]-[???? Pavlish/no dates] [4-7-115]-[???? Pavlish/no dates]
PEARSON: [2-2-40B-Baby lots]-David Lee Pearson/-1988-
PELNAR: Shawn B. Pelnar/1965-1983 Tombstone
PELTIER: [3-4-23]-Eli F./1866-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Richard/-1932- Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Archie/Aug. 13, 1892/Sept. 28, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Archie Peltier/Wisconsin/Pvt. Btry C 35 Field Arty/ World War I/Aug. 13, 1892/Sept. 28, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Julia/1902-1995 Tombstone [3-4-23]-Olive F./1903-1991 (Olive F Peltier/29 May 1893/11 Nov 1991/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Ida T./1871-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-23]-Ruby/-1898- Tombstone Ronald/1936-1958 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Agnes/1902-1995 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Vernon/1902-1971 (Public side) Tombstone
PENNOCK: Pheba Pennock/1848-1937, next to: Frances NOCKER
PEOT: Nicholas O. Peot/1871-1957 Tombstone Clarence E. Peot/1910-1940 Tombstone Anna Peot/nee HOFFMANN/1879-1948 Tombstone Ralph Peot/1904-1977 Tombstone See HOFFMANN
PEROUTKA: [4-7-131]-Joseph J./1882-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-131]-Lizzie 0./1888-1952 Tombstone Joseph/Lizzie Kay V. Peroutka/May 17, 1945/Sep 23, 2019 Tombstone Theresia Peroutka/1850-1933/Mother Memorial, ossw: Wencel Peroutka/1837-1909/Father Memorial Eugene/1915-2012 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Peroutka/1916-1994 Tombstone
PEROUTKOVA: Wencel John/zde odpociva/Peroutkova/Rodina Memorial
PERRY: [3-4-48]-Agnes Koch Perry/1897-1957 Tombstone
PETERS: Emma/1876-1944/Wife, ossw: William/1874-1954/Husband [4-8-230]-Vincent Peters/Aug 28, 1936/Jan 9, 1997/US Army, Vietnam Tombstone Holly Mae Peters/-Oct. 10, 1997- Tombstone Jerome Peters/Feb. 26, 1964/May 23, 2016 Tombstone
PETRI: [2-3-14]-John Petri Sr./1838-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-14]-Anna Petri/1876-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-14]-John Petri Jr./1869-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-14]-Harold Petri/1917-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-14]-Florence Petri/1924-1955 Tombstone Nicholas Petri/Nov 22, 1988/Feb 13, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
PETSKA: [4-9-226]-Terry J. Petska/Mar. 27, 1964/Feb. 5, 1994 Tombstone [4-10-227]-Joseph T. Petska/1928-1987 Tombstone William "Bill" Petska/1914-1997 Tombstone Grace M. Petska/Feb 1, 1922/Aug 7, 2016
PFINGSTEN: Ernst G./1871-1945, ossw: Rose/1874-1971, ossw: Harvey C. 1900-1971, ossw: Adeline/1904-1930 Ernst/Apr. 27, 1907/Aug. 9, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: Ottilia Pfingsten/1907-2004 Tombstone
PHALEN: [4-10-199]-Timothy J. Phalen/1945-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-199]-Daniel A. Phalen/1942-1986 Tombstone
PIVONKA: [4-8-173]-James/1884-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-173]-Jennie/1893-1986 Tombstone
PLOECKELMANN: Fred Ploeckelmann/Jan. 27, 1868/Mar. 2, 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Ploeckelmann/Jan. 9, 1875 May 21, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: Otto/1899-1955 Tombstone, ossw: John/1904-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Ella/Feb. 19, 1903/Sept. 7, 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Viola/Jan. 15, 1907/Feb. 6, 1908 Tombstone, ossw: Edwin/May 25, 1913/July 9, 1913 Tombstone Lloyd/May 25, 1932/Sept. 16, 1932 Son of H. & I./Ploeckelmann Tombstone, next to: Hugo/June 20, 1891/Sept. 26, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: Ida/1893-1963 Tombstone John Ploeckelmann/1845-1917, ossw: Henry Ploeckelmann/1872-1879, ossw: William Ploeckelmann/1875-1879 Minnie Ploeckelmann/1869-1919 Tombstone Casper Ploeckelmann/1865-1925 Tombstone See Sophia Plockelmann ROSSO, ossw: Margaretha Plockelmann/geboren and gestorben/3 Mai 1868 Tombstone, ossw: Gerhard Plockelmann/geboren/29 Nov. 1848/gestorben/19 Marz 1878 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich Plockelmann/geboren/2 Marz 1814/ gestorben/26 Febr. 1884 Tombstone [3-6-41]-JoAnn Ploeckelmann/Mar. 7, 1934-Apr. 19, 1991 [3-6-41]-Paul Ploeckelmann/1958-1989/cremated (in Ferdinand Abbet plot)
PLOOR: [3-4-78]-Herbert Ploor/1912-1989 Tombstone [3-4-78]-Elma Ploor/1914-1992 Tombstone
PRIES: Carl Pries/gest 5 Feb 1893 alter/62 jah/5 mo/2 tage Tombstone, ossw: Ulricka Pries/geb/20 Jun. 1836/gest. 27 Mai. 1916 Tombstone Emil A./1888-1971 (22 Jun 1888/Dec 1971/SSDI), ossw: Amanda/1897-1993 Mary/wife of/E. Pries/died/July 13, 1922/ age 35, yrs., next to:
PRINCL: [1-1-88]-[Ed Princl/no dates/not in this cemetery] Memorial [2-2-75A]-[Delmar Princl/no dates] [2-2-75A]-[???? Princl/no dates] [2-3-74]-George R. Sr./1897-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-74]-Elaine/1920-1926 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-74]-Jennie/1895-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-74]-Bernice G. Princl/1926-2002 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-74]-Delmar D. Princl/1928-1994 Tombstone [2-3-74]-[Arnold Princl/1919-1990] Memorial [2-3-74]-Alice Princl/1918-2000 Memorial
PROKASH: Joseph D./1898-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Rose M./1899-1984 Tombstone
PUTA: [1-1-97]-Joseph Puta/1841-1925, ossw: [1-1-97]-Josephine Puta/1844-1933 [2-2-20A]-[???? Puta/no dates] [2-2-20A]-[???? Puta/no dates] [2-2-20B]-[???? Puta/no dates] [2-2-20B]-[???? Puta/no dates] [3-5-17]-Archie Puta/1915-2010/Father, ossw: [3-5-17]-Edna Puta/Mar. 20, 1918-Aug. 19, 1965/Mother Photo [3-5-17]-August Puta/1881-1953/Father Tombstone, ossw: [3-5-17]-Mary Puta/1885-1952/Mother Tombstone [3-5-17]-Clarence J. Puta/1911-1985 Tombstone [3-5-17]-Helen M. Puta/1915-1993 Tombstone Kenneth J. Puta/Aug 15, 1940/Dec 25, 2023 Photo Ruben W. Puta/1918-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude K. Puta/1922-2007 Tombstone Edward Puta/1886-1978 Tombstone, ossw: Josephine Puta/1896-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Eunice Puta/1916-1918 Tombstone
QUISTORF: [6]-August Quistorf/1839-1886/Father (Old cemetery) Tombstone Eliza Quistorf/1850-1927/Mother Tombstone [10]-Frederick/Fritz Quistorf/geboren/28 Juli 1821/starb/21 Dez 1875 (stone broken in 3 pieces, against base)(Old cemetery) Cr. Ma Christina Quistorf/born/Feb. 17, 1799/died/Sept. 20/1887 Tombstone Charlie Quistorf/born/Jan. 1, 1850/died/Dec. 14, 1900 Tombstone Fredericka Quistorf/born Mar 12, 1839/died/May 10, 1919 Tombstone Fred Quistorf/1859-1935 Tombstone Mary Quistorf/1863-1954 Tombstone Mother See TISCH
RADER: Susan Ann Rader/Jul 24, 1943/Mar 5, 2017 Tombstone See SCHULZ
RADZINSKE: Ernst/1875-1960 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta/1875-1963 Tombstone Josephine/1876-1961, ossw: Fred W./1871-1943 Herman Radzinske/Mar. 30, 1910/Mar. 28, 1991 Tombstone Eduard RADZINSKI/geb./24 Apr 1868/gest/21 Apr. 1891 Tombstone, ossw: Charlotte/gattin von/E. RADZINSKI/geb./24 Aug 1843/gest/7 Sept. 1905 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrich RADZINSKI/geb. 26 Oct. 1841/gest/25 Mai. 1914 Tombstone (New stones for above:) Friedrich/1841-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Charlotte/1843-1905 Tombstone, ossw: Edward/1868-1891 Tombstone
RAHMLOW: Erma R./1904-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Paul H./1894-1970 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Raymond Rahmlow/May 9, 1929/Feb 3, 2016 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Mary Ann Rahmlow/Oct 26, 1933/Jan 22, 2015 Tombstone Thomas Lee Rahmlow/June 23, 1960/June 23, 1960 Memorial Infant son of Raymond Rahmlow/d. Nov. 3, 1955
RAISLEGER: [4-9-169]-Harry Raisleger/Mar. 7, 1923/Oct. 3, 2000 Tombstone [4-9-169]-Lucille Raisleger/Sept. 5, 1923/Apr. 19. 2016 Tombstone
RAMESH: Lillian/1891-1982, ossw: Charles/1881-1950 Margaret/1855-1935, ossw: Wenzel/1856-1940 [4-8-189]-Wenzel/Sept. 27, 1898/Feb. 6, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-189]-Mabel/1901-1960 Tombstone Dale G. Ramesh/1930-2002 Tombstone
RAND: Neil C. Rand/1936-2004 Tombstone, ossw: Marian L. Rand/Jan 23, 1937/Nov 14, 2020 Photo Patrick Neil Rand/July 1, 1965/July 11, 1994 Tombstone
RANDALL: [2-2-40B-Baby lots]-Mitchell Seth Randall/Feb. 17, 1985/Apr. 19, 1985]
RATAJCZAK: [4-10-243]-John Ratajczak/Feb 3, 1931/Jan 24, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: Betty Jane Ratajczak/Jan 25, 1939/Apr 10, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
RAU: [2-2-80B]-Clyde Rau/1908-1994/US Merchant Marines World War II Photo, ossw: [2-2-80B]-Irene Rau/1910-1998 Photo
RAY: [3-6-46]-William F./1874-1962, ossw: [3-6-46]-Barbara Ray/1881-1975 [3-6-46]-Eleanore Ray/1920-1933 [3-6-46]-William W. Ray/1909-2001, ossw: [3-6-46]-Frances T. Ray/1913-2000 [4-8-197]-Elmer Ray/1908-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-197]-Esther Ray/1918-1998 Tombstone See Fischer/Fisher
REDEKER: Lester/Mar. 1, 1910/Jan. 31, 1920 Tombstone, ossw: William/Dec. 21, 1869/Sept. 19, 1949 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha/Aug. 10, 1873/May 27, 1948 Tombstone Minnie/1872-1942 Photo, ossw: Henry/1861-1953 (Infant of H. Redeker/d. May 1898/from obit.-no stone) Arthur Redeker/1900-1991, ossw: Libbie Redeker/1895-1985
REESE: Nona Reese/nee Rehbein/1895-1988 Tombstone
REHBEIN: Anna J./1892-1947 Tombstone, ossw: Arthur/1891-1959 Tombstone, next to: Lorraine/1918-1936 Tombstone Marvin Rehbein/Dec. 17, 1915/Mar. 30, 1916 Tombstone Herman/1878-1950 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/1882-1967 Tombstone Footstone: Walter, on same lot Wilhelmine Rehbein/Jan. 29, 1858/Sept. 20, 1918 Tombstone, next to: Charles Rehbein/Nov. 11, 1852/Nov. 5, 1931 Tombstone Emanuel Rehbein/1919-1960/Son Tombstone, next to: Anna Rehbein/1878-1935/Mother Tombstone, next to: Henry Rehbein/1877-1930/Father Tombstone Harry E. Rehbein/Aug. 1, 1917/Dec. 25, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: Theresa C./Mar. 21, 1918/June 27, 2011 Tombstone See Reese
REHRAUER: [3-5-27]-Andrew/June 15, 1856/Jan. 26, 1943/Father [3-5-27]-Margaret/1860-1934/Mother [cem. record has Margrette] [3-5-27]-Frances/Aug. 6, 1883/Aug. 8, 1911 Tombstone [3-5-27]-Edward/May 31, 1890/Sept. 17, 1908 [3-5-27]-Amanda/Oct. 25, 1899/May 2, 1975 [3-5-27]-Elizabeth/May 9, 1888/April 16, 1956 Tombstone [3-5-27]-Mary/Apr. 4, 1892/July 28, 1941 Tombstone [4-8-154]-Howard LeRoy Rehrauer/Oct. 13, 1924/Jan. 24, 1988 Tombstone [4-8-154]-Rudolph/June 22, 1897/June 20, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-154]-Julia/Dec. 1, 1901/Jun. 24, 1990 Tombstone [4-10-175]-Emil/1893-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-175]-Peter/1895-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-175]-Alvin/1903-1983 Tombstone
REICH: Cecila R./tochter der/Wm. & E. Reich/gest. 20 Oct. 1882/alter 2 jahre Tombstone Maria P. Reich/geb. 26 Juni 1826/gest. 2 Jan. 1911 Tombstone, ossw: Fidel Reich/geb. in Baden/1821/starb 14 Apr. 1897 (Illegible) Kinder/von F. & M. Reich Friedrich/geb. 14 Dez. 1854/gest 23 Aug. 1874 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph/geb. 20 Mai. 1863/starb 10 Juni 1875 Tombstone Johann/geb. 11 Jan. 1868/gest. 22 Jan. 1870 Tombstone, ossw: Theresia/geb. 16 Febr. 1861/gest. 7 Jan. 1870/kinder der/Fidel & Maria Reich [2-2-10]-Rudolph/1856-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-10]-Anna/1861-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-10]-Adolph/1887-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-10]-Ludmila/Apr. 13, 1893/June 13, 1973 Tombstone [2-2-10]-Anton Reich/1916-2005 Tombstone [2-2-10]-Evelyn Reich/1918-2009 Tombstone [2-2-10]-David Reich/Mar 27, 1949/Nov 3, 2020 Photo [2-2-10]-Nancy Reich/1948-1998 Tombstone
REIF: [2-2-70B]-[Jamie Reif/Mar 13, 1977/Nov 18, 2015/cremation] Photo [3-4-83]-Leroy/1916-1999, ossw: [3-4-83]-Anita/1921-1963 [4-10-136]-Bernard E./1930-2010 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-136]-Janice M./1933-1966 Tombstone Julie Reif/1965-1993 Tombstone Travis Reif/-Oct. 4, 1988- Tombstone Baby Gabriel Reif/-Apr 11, 2015- Tombstone Jamie Lee Reif/Mar 13, 1977/Nov 18, 2015 Photo
REINDL: [1-1-89]-Frank Reindl/1892-1921 Tombstone [1-1-89]-Leonard L. Reindl/Apr. 22, 1918/Dec. 20, 2000/ US Army World War II Tombstone [1-1-89]-[Dorothy Reindl/1926-2011 Tombstone Daniel James Reindl/died July 9, 1975 (Lambert Funeral Home marker)
REINKE: Max/1889-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1892-1957 Tombstone
REINWAND: K. Reinwand/Daughter Cunigunde/6 January 1887/8 February 1897
REIS: Charles/1921-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Hazel/1924-2017 Tombstone Jo Ann/1952-1968 Tombstone Joseph Reis/July 28, 1847/June 4, 1923, ossw: Katherine Reis/Nov. 15, 1850/Aug. 27, 1928 Louis Reis/Aug. 14, 1886/Oct. 22, 1886 [4-1]-Nic Reis/Apr. 15 1843, Germany/May 13, 1909/location from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable Tombstone [4-7-180]-Robert J. Reis/Dec. 12, 1944/Aug. 1, 1965 Tombstone [4-7-180]-John A./1908-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-180]-Loretta/1920-2010 Tombstone See NELSON
RETZLAFF: William/1886-1940, ossw: Irma/1885-1962
REYNOLDS: John F./son of John and Dena Reynolds/died May 14, 1868/AE. 3 Ys. 6 ms./& 7 ds., next to: Jemima/wife of Simeon Reynolds/died Feb. 7, 1860/AE 48 ys. 9 ms./& 6 ds. [30]-Sim Reynolds(1801-2 May 1880) [Old cemetery list] [4-8-130]-Albert H./1894-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-130]-Agnes/1896-1984 Tombstone
REZBA: [2-3-79]-Charles A. Rezba/1873-1945/Father, next to: [2-3-79]-Edward Rezba/1903-1937/Son, next to: [2-3-79]-Anna Rezba/1884-1955/Mother, next to: [2-3-79]-Emil Rezba/1910-1951/Son
REZEK: Tony/1912-1967 Tombstone, ossw: Delmar/1944-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Caroline/1917-2006 Tombstone Gary Rezek/1954-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Victor Rezek/1920-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Verna L. Rezek/Jan 22, 1929/Feb 22, 2020 Photo
RHEIN: [Cemetery record has Rhine] [3-5-32]-Christ/1857-1941/Father [record has Charles], ossw: [3-5-32]-Selina/1870-1896/Mother, ossw: [3-5-32]-Michael/1822-1890/Father, ossw: [3-5-32]-Mary/1830-1916/Mother [3-5-32]-Agnes/1909-1988/Mother Tombstone, ossw: [3-5-32]-John/1895-1943/Father Tombstone [3-5-32]-Edward/1935-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [3-5-32]-Marie/1940-____ [4-10-136]-Alphonse/1890-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-136]-Clara/1893-1975 Tombstone
RIBORDY: (Rebordy on cem. records) [3-4-33]-Stephen Ribordy/Aug. 31, 1842/Sept. 29, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-33]-Mary Ribordy/Jan. 1, 1849/Feb. 26, 1896 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-33]-Mary Ribordy/1869-1958 See Voelker See Meissner
RICHARDS: Shirley Mae Richards/Aug. 1, 1931/July 25, 2001 Tombstone
RIEMER: Henry/1899-1971 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Gertrude/1904-1994 (Public side) Tombstone
RIHA: Elsie Riha/Nov.5, 1907/Apr. 29, 1914
ROBINSON: Alice M. Robinson/1927-1930 Tombstone [4-7-179]-Joseph/1871-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-179]-Olive/1885-1962 Tombstone Alexander M. Robinson/Pvt. US Army/WWII/Aug 12, 1926/Jan 31, 1996 Tombstone
ROEMER: [2-3-34]-John/1859-1943/Father Tombstone [2-3-34]-[Clara/(Nov. 27, 1869/May 9, 1954/from obit)] [2-3-34]-Mary/1866-1934/Mother (John Roemer/1 Feb. 1907/from obit) (Gertrude Roemer/nee Bath/March 9, 1841/May 6, 1918)
ROETHLE: Lawrence "Blitz" Roethle/Aug. 30, 1931/Feb. 9, 2001 Tombstone
ROHDE: August Rohde/1859-1941/Husband Tombstone Minnie Rohde/1854-1938 Tombstone
ROSSO: Sophia PLOCKELMANN Rosso/geboren/9 Apr. 1824/gestorben/24 Jan. 1912 Tombstone see ossw: Margaretha Plockelmann
ROUILLER: [2-2-25]-Jane/1864-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-25]-Henry/1854-1941 Tombstone [2-2-25]-Clara M. Rouiller/born/Dec. 9, 1893/died/June 20, 1901 Tombstone [2-3-49]-Samuel Rouiller/1831-1908 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-49]-Mary R. Rouiller/1842-1917 Tombstone Louise/1871-1963/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Peter Rouiller/1870-1937/Father Tombstone S. Rouiller/1912-1912/age 1. mo. Tombstone, next to: Emma Rouiller/1881-1924 Memorial Sam B./1875-1960 Memorial (Eugenie Rouiller/d. Jan. 4, 1883 Memorial) (Gregory Rouiller/d. 1887 Memorial)
RUELLE: Oliver/Dec. 1884/June 24 1902/from death record
RUMPF: Heinrich Rumpf/1823-1903 Tombstone, ossw: Lisetta Rumpf/1820-1872 Tombstone, ossw: Julianna Rumpf/1855-1898 Tombstone, ossw: Lisetta SCHROEDER/gebne Rumpf/1865-1885 Tombstone See SCHROEDER
RUNGE: Johann C. Runge/geboren/28 Marz 1812/starb/30 Apr. 1887 aus Hutzfeld Holstein Tombstone, ossw: Christina Runge/geb in Holstein/12 Feb. 1817 gest 26 Mai 1906 Tombstone
RUSCH: Earl H. Rusch/Mar 12, 1917/Sep 1, 2015 Tombstone, ossw: Lorraine Rusch/Jun 16, 1919/Feb 18, 1993 Tombstone
SAGER: [4-9-150]-Victor/Aug. 22, 1900/Oct. 3, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-150]-Mayme/1901-1963 Tombstone
ST. PIERRE: [1-1-92]-[St. Pierre/no dates] Frank F. St. Pierre/1880-1920
SALTA: [3-6-71]-Edward J./1893-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [3-6-71]-Anna A./Sept. 19, 1900/Feb. 21, 1969 Tombstone [3-6-71]-Paul M. Salta/born Aug. 9, 1937/died/July 27, 1940/Baby
SAMZ: [2-3-54]-Edward Samz/1845-1921 Tombstone, next to: [2-3-54]-Catherine Samz/1847-1943 Tombstone [2-3-54]-[Amelia Samz/b. 1871/d. 1955] Tombstone [2-3-54]-Amanda Samz/1887-1974 Tombstone [2-3-54]-Oscar Samz/1885-1986 Tombstone [2-3-54]-Frances Samz/1895-1992 Tombstone [2-3-54]-Lori Samz/1955-1992 Tombstone Johann Samz/gest 15 Apr. 1894/alter/77 jahre Tombstone, ossw: Francisca Samz/gest/15 Juni, 1907/alter/86 jahre Tombstone [3-4-13-1]-John Samz/1887-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [3-4-13-2]-Catherine Samz/1895-1965 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Carl Samz/May 2, 1889/July 30, 1964 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Julia Samz/Dec. 26, 1864/Jan. 21, 1962 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Joseph Samz/Apr. 8, 1848/Jan. 4, 1931 Tombstone [3-4-13]-Samz/July 5, 1851/March 26, 1917 Tombstone [4-7-195]-Roland Samz/1915-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-195]-Marie Samz/Feb. 8, 1913/Aug. 20, 1973 Tombstone [4-7-140]-Mildred Samz/1911-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-140]-Joseph Samz/Dec. 21, 1883/Feb. 23, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-140]-Clara Samz/1884-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-140]-Ann Marie SCHACK/nee Skidmore/Granddaughter/Dec 26, 1950/Feb 16, 1984 Tombstone Joseph O. Samz/Mar 12, 1925/Nov 22, 2020 Tombstone, ossw: Audrey M. Samz/Oct 28, 1925/Dec 15, 2019 Tombstone + Photo Bernard V. Samz/Sep 18, 1926/Jun 18, 2018 Tombstone, ossw: Shirley A. Samz/nee HRONEK/Aug 10, 1929/Nov 21, 2023 Photo Daniel P. Samz/Apr 20, 1969/Oct 21, 2024 Photo Kayla Marie Samz/Apr 9, 1989/Jul 27, 2023 (Public side) Tombstone + Photo William J. Samz, Jr./Apr 29, 1957/Apr 28, 2011 Tombstone William J. Samz/Mar 18, 1933/Jul 21, 2021 Annette V. Samz/Aug 4, 1935/Nov 28, 2020 See Rahmlow
SANBORN: Dale E. Sanborn/Dec 24, 1942/May 13, 2015 Tombstone
SAND: Gladys J. Sand/Feb 9, 1927/Sep 20, 2015 Tombstone
SAUER: Scott Allen "Scooter" Sauer/Sept 26, 1991/Sep 1, 1992
SCHENCK: Robert Schenck/May 2, 1935/Aug 25, 2021 TombstoneSCHERER: (Violet R. Scherer/June 29, 1928/August 7, 1996/from obituary)
SCHETTER: [2-3-29]-John Schetter(Jr.)/Jul 26, 1900/Apr 2, 1957 Tombstone [2-3-29]-Mary Schetter/Jul 13, 1896/Mar 3, 1921 Tombstone [2-3-29]-[John Schetter/b. 1859/d. 1943] Tombstone [2-3-29]-[Mary (Trossen) Schetter/b. 1868/d. 1934] Tombstone [4-8-217]-[Joan Schetter/no dates/no stone] [4-8-217]-Herbert (Henry) Schetter/Apr 1, 1932/Jan 22, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-217]-Margaret A.(Kempen) Schetter/Nov 22, 1935/May 27, 1989 Tombstone Kaden M. Schetter/-Dec 6, 2006-
SCHEUER: Nicolaus Scheuer/geboren 25 Mar 1808/gestorben 13 Jul 1877 (2 pieces, N.E. corner of cemetery) Memorial Clifford E. Scheuer/1918-1919 Memorial (Gerald/29 Oct. 1895/30 Jan. 1897/from death record) Memorial Corretta/1870-1937 Tombstone Nicholas/1868-1951 Tombstone, next to: Lillian/1897-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Earl C./1894-1961 Tombstone [3-5-2]-John G. Scheuer/25 Mar. 1839/19 Nov. 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [3-5-2]-Franciska Scheuer/19 Apr. 1843/Aug. 23, 1919 Tombstone [3-5-2]-Cyril C./1903-1948/Husband Tombstone [3-5-2]-Lucille Scheuer/1900-1984 Tombstone [3-5-2]-Leo G. Scheuer/Wisconsin/Pvt Co M 326 Infantry/World War I/ Feb. 22, 1894/April 25, 1955 Tombstone [3-5-2]-Gertrude Scheuer/1868-1950 Tombstone [3-5-2]-Raymond J. Scheuer/Wisconsin/Sgt. Med. Dept./June 7, 1939 [b. 1888] Tombstone [3-5-2]-John P. Scheuer/1864-1925 Tombstone [4-7-123]-Irvin/1895-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-123]-Gertrude/1896-1941 Tombstone, next to: [4-7-123]-John P. Scheuer/1929-1990 Tombstone [4-7-123]-Michael L. Scheuer/Jun 30, 1935/May 31, 2020 Tombstone + Photo Patrick Scheuer/Sept. 14, 1932/Jan. 27, 2012 Tombstone
SCHIMMEL: [1-1-91]-[N. Schimmel/no dates] [Thressie]/Wife of/Nic Schimmel/Feb. 11, 1852/Jan 10, 1919, ossw: Nicholas Schimmel/Dec. 4, 1849/Mar. 27, 1928 (Note: First name of wife from 1910 census for Mishicot twp.)
SCHLEIS: Emil Sr./1895-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Carrie/1896-1980 Tombstone Emil W. Schleis, Jr./Jun 8, 1931/Jan 5, 2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Grace E. Schleis/nee JINDRA/May 8, 1931/Jan 29, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [4-10-127]-Ludwig J. Schleis/1939-1969 Tombstone
SCHLEY: Mary Schley/1946/Baby Tombstone - public side Aurelia Schley/1919-1994/married Aug. 10, 1957 Tombstone - public side, ossw: Robert Schley/1919-1990 Tombstone - public side
SCHLIES: Dennis C./Apr. 10, 1949/Feb. 5, 2009 Tombstone
SCHMIDT: Arno/Jan. 25, 1897/Jan. 20, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: Adelia/1900-1992 Tombstone Carl Schmidt/died Jan 16, 1896/aged/67 yrs. 2 mos/16 days Tombstone, ossw: Sophia Schmidt/Sept. 1, 1867/Jan 16, 1868 Tombstone , ossw: Dorothea Schmidt/died Mai. 10, 1911/aged 81 yrs. 9 mo. Tombstone Floyd/1898-1977 Tombstone, ossw: Emily P./1905-1993 Tombstone Josephine Schmidt/24 Oct. 1866/19 Jan. 1888 Randy Lee Schmidt/Dec. 14, 1961 [4-10-220]-Roland Schmidt/1920/1998 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-220]-Agnes D. Schmidt/Sep 27, 1924/Apr 18, 2020 Photo Norman R. Schmidt/Apr 12, 1920/Sep 12, 2012 Tombstone + Photo Hazel W. Schmidt/Aug 5, 1922/Jul 27, 2012 Tombstone + Photo see WILSMANN
SCHMIT: [4-8-170]-Dominick/Sept. 12, 1860/Aug. 23, 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-170]-Theresia/Dec. 22, 1864/Jan. 23, 1961 Tombstone
SCHMITT: Elizabeth/Schmitt/1866-1952 Charles/Schmitt/June 12, 1862/Dec. 21, 1944
SCHNELL: Erna C. Schnell/1904-1999, ossw: Melvin L. Schnell/1902-1988
SCHRAM: Carl/1895-1972 Tombstone, ossw: Edna/1901-1999 Tombstone
SCHRAMM: (Public side) Herman/1867-1951, ossw: Anna/1870-1954 Leona E. Schramm/1898-1952 Tombstone Hermann F. Schramm/2 Oct. 1840/24 Mai 1909 Tombstone Caroline Schramm/7 Juni 1840/12 Apr. 1919 Tombstone Walter Schramm/Dec. 15, 1893/Dec. 8, 1979/ US Army World War I Tombstone
SCHROEDER: [1-1-96]-Charles E. Schroeder/Sep 21, 1921/Mar 3, 1995/ Navy Fleet/WWII [1-1-96]-Shirley M. Schroeder/Aug. 22, 1921/Dec. 16, 1970, next to: [1-1-96]-Charles A. Schroeder/Mar. 10, 1963/Oct. 27, 1973 [4-7-188]-Peter/1868-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-188]-Barbara/1881-1959 Tombstone Ernst Schroeder/Jan. 6, 1886/Dec. 3, 1964/Father Leona/1893-1930/Mother [20-1-1]-J. Schroeder/Co. D./27 Wis. Inf. [Joachim/October 24, 1840/ December 27, 1903/from Manitowoc Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [20-1-1]-Joachim Schroeder/1840-1903 [plot no. 41/Old cemetery list] Tombstone, ossw: Louisa Schroeder/1853-1923 Tombstone Lisetta Schroeder/gebne RUMPF/1865-1885 Tombstone, ossw: Heinrich RUMPF/1823-1903 Tombstone Marianna Schroeder/1825-1905 Tombstone, next to: Mollie/1858-1950, next to: Frank Schroeder, next to: Augusta/1870-1939 (Public side), next to: Nick/1864-1958 (Public side)
SCHUEBEL: Gerald Schuebel/1925-2012 Tombstone
SCHUETTE: Faithe Schuette/1946-1987 Tombstone, ossw: Eell stone
SCHULER: [4-10-160]-Raymond/1914-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-160]-Reyneldis/1916-2001 Tombstone
SCHULTZ: [3-4-78]-Adolph A./1879-1959, ossw: [3-4-78]-Louise/1883-1975 [4-7-215]-Otto H. Schultz/Jul 22, 1918/Jan 30, 2020 Tombstone + Photo [4-7-215]-Dorothy V. Schultz/Nov. 3, 1918/Mar. 10, 1987 Tombstone Emily D. Schultz/1919-1992 Tombstone
SCHULZ: Elisabeth Schulz/geborne RADER/3 Apr. 1800/starb/5 Apr. 1885 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm SIEVERT Tombstone See SIEVERT
SCHWARTZ: [4-7-215]-Johanna Schwartz/born Mar. 12, 1837/died July 6, 1925 Tombstone, ossw: Fred Schwartz/born Dec. 6, 1836/died Aug 14, 1918 Tombstone, ossw: Elise Schwartz/born Dec. 18, 1865/died Dec. 6, 1869 Tombstone, next to: Elise Chr. S./Schwartz/geb. 18. Dec. 1865/gest. 6. Dec. 1869 Tombstone
SCHWARZ: Wilhelmina Schwarz/geb/17 Juli 1872/starb/10 Sept. 1890
SEDLACEK: Blanche Sedlacek/Nov. 30, 1893/Mar. 20, 1916 Tombstone
SEHLOFF: Carl/1889-1962 Tombstone, ossw: Rose/1894-1985 Tombstone Albert/1901-1993 Tombstone, ossw: Leona/Jan. 20, 1905/June 20, 1972 Tombstone Ellsworth C./Apr. 1, 1924/Mar. 28, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Judith A./Oct. 8, 1924/Mar. 28, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: Ronald C./Dec. 15, 1957/Mar. 28, 1969 Tombstone Doris E. Sehloff/Jul 5, 1928/Jun 24, 2019 Photo
SEIDL: [Plot owned by Adolph Seidl] [3-6-61]-Adolph/1876-1938/Father Tombstone, ossw: [3-6-61]-Anna/1876-1959/Mother Tombstone [3-6-61]-Alvin Seidl/1908-1977, ossw: [3-6-61]-Winnette Seidl/1907-1945/Wife [3-6-61]-Richard Seidl/1915-1998 [3-6-61]-Cecelia Seidl/1917-2002 (Lambert Funeral Home marker) Ronald R. Seidl/Brother/Mar 19, 1941/Jan 16, 2016 Photo, ossw: Judith A. Seidl/Sister/Aug 9, 1947/Feb 16, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
SELK: Christine Selk/geboren QUISTORF/starb 25 Dez 1873/alter 54 jahre 2 mo 25 tag Tombstone, ossw: Fred QUISTORF & Louis KOHNKE, ossw: Christian Selk/Starb 13 Jan 1883/alter 35 jahre/7 mon 14 tage/aus Eutin Oldenburg Tombstone, ossw: Fred QUISTORF/1859-1935 Tombstone, ossw: Mary QUISTORF/1863-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Alexander E. Selk/Starb 20 Apr 1879/alter 65 jahre/10 tage/aus Liebean/Holstein Tombstone, ossw: Allie/sohn des/C & M Selk/starb 4 Juni 1882/alter 9 jahre/10 mon 2 tage Tombstone
SHAMBEAU: [2-3-19]-Mary Shambeau/1878-1957 Tombstone
SHEDAL: LaVern L. Shedal/Sep 28, 1932/Oct 1, 2021/PFC US Army/Korea (Public side) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Elmyra A. Shedal/1935-1988 (Public side) Tombstone
SHEDIVY: [1-1-98]-Anton J./1877-1965 (9 Mar. 1877/Aug. 1965/SSDI), ossw: [1-1-98]-Anna M./1884-1964, next to: [1-1-98]-Francis Shedivy/Aug. 24, 1911/July 30, 1921
SHEDLOSKY: [4-10-159]-Andrew Shedlosky/1897-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-159]-Catherine B. Shedlosky/1899-1983 Tombstone
SHEFCHEK: Bartholomew "Bert"/May 23, 1930/May 18, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: Lorraine Shefchek/Jul 3, 1933/Mar 20, 2017 Tombstone
SHEFFER: Everett Sheffer/1938-2005 Tombstone Everett Sheffer Jr./Nov. 17, 1968/July 26, 1989 Tombstone Lloyd R. Sheffer/Oct. 4, 1943/Dec. 16, 1978 Tombstone
SHIMANEK: [4-9-129]-Francis/1943-1969 Tombstone [4-10-128]-Frank J. Shimanek/1902-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-128]-Evelyn M. Shimanek/Oct. 21, 1923/March 7, 2007 Tombstone [4-10-128]-Michael J. Shimanek/Feb. 3, 1945/Sept. 4, 1969 Tombstone [4-10-128]-Gordon P. Shimanek/Wisconsin/SP4 Co. A 34 Engr. Const. Bn/ Nov. 3, 1946/May 31, 1968 Tombstone Paul Shimanek/Jun 26, 1953/Mar 2, 2013
SIBILSKY: Sophia Sibilisky/born Oct. 18 1869/died May 13, 1921 Tombstone
SIEBERT: Alan Dale Siebert/Dec. 11, 1960/Nov. 10, 2001 Tombstone
SIEHR: [4-9-150]-Philip/1903-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-150]-Eleanor/1904-1962 Tombstone Rosalie/1870-1943/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Peter/1869-1960/Father Tombstone, next to: Agatha Siehr/Apr. 1,/Apr. 23/1916
SIEVERT: Ernestine/geb./8 Dez. 1856/starb/2 Febr. 1865 Tombstone, ossw: Ulysses/gest/7 Dez. 1874/starb/10 Jan 1875/kind von W & A Sievert Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Sievert/21 Juli 1825/Sept. 1876 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Sievert/Seine gattin/geb 30 Oct 1827/[d. 1895], ossw: Elisabeth SCHULZ/geborne RADER/3 Apr. 1800/starb/5 Apr. 1885 Tombstone Wm. Sievert/Co. F/5th Wis. Inf ./geboren/21 Juli 1829/gestorben 9 Sept. 1876 Tombstone Roy C. Sievert/1895-1926 Tombstone John/1868-1949 Tombstone, ossw: Julia/1868-1950 Tombstone Clarence Sievert/1902-1992/Father Tombstone, ossw: Edna Sievert/1910-1980/Mother Tombstone See SCHULZ
SILBERSACK: Michael Silbersack/1811-1891 Tombstone Margaretha Silbersack/8 Nov. 1824/26 Jan 1877 K. Silbersack Rose/1884-1923 Tombstone Gerald [3-4-8]-Michael/1849-1935/Father Tombstone [3-4-8]-Emillie/1850-1938/Mother Tombstone [3-4-8]-Anna/1879-1968 (12 Jan 1879/Jun 1968/SSDI) Tombstone
SKIDMORE: [4-7-140]-Thomas V. Skidmore/Jun 22, 1919/Apr 17, 2013/US Air Force Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-140]-Rita V. Skidmore/nee SAMZ/Nov 18, 1923/Feb 23, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-7-140]-Ann Marie SCHACK/nee Skidmore/Granddaughter/Dec 26, 1950/Feb 16, 1984 TombstoneSKUBAL: Alan V. Skubal/Sept. 5, 1924/Feb. 17, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: Adeline M./Feb. 26, 1927/May 2, 2010 Tombstone
SKWOR: [3-6-6]-Hugo S. Skwor/1896-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [3-6-6]-Florence Skwor/1899-1980 Tombstone [3-6-6]-Charles E. Skwor/Oct 23, 1891/Feb 26, 1971 Tombstone [3-6-6]-Mary C. Skwor/1897-1955 Tombstone [3-6-6]-Joseph Skwor/1866-1949/Father Tombstone [3-6-6]-Rose Skwor/1863-1937/Mother Tombstone Peter D. Skwor/May 20, 1937/Aug 10, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [3-6-71]-Charles J. Skwor M.D./Sep 14, 1879/Jun 20, 1957 Tombstone [3-6-71]-Rose HENNEN Skwor/Nov 2, 1881/Nov 18, 1941 Tombstone [4-7-204]-Paul Skwor/Jul 10, 1929/Nov 23, 1984 Tombstone LaVerne M. Skwor/Jan 17, 1932/Dec 20, 2020 Photo
SMITH: Daniel Smith/born April 15, 1801/died Dec. 2, 1858 Tombstone, ossw: Elizabeth/born in April, 1803/April 26, 1882/his wife Tombstone, ossw: Malissa A. Smith/born April 2, 1828/died May 28, 1845 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Ann Smith/born Feb. 23, 1822/died Dec. 10, 1844 Tombstone, ossw: Amanda Smith/born Dec. 2, 1824/died Aug. 19, 1837 Tombstone, ossw: Ira P. Smith/born Apr. 16, 1832/died July 27, 1904 Tombstone Lafayette/Smith/1st Sgt/7 Wis. L.A. (death index/d. Sep. 19, 1906) [April 16, 1832/September 19, 1906/Manitowoc Civil War Roundtable] (Aaron Charles Smith/Sept. 15, 1979/Dec. 1, 1979/from obit) LeRoy L. Smith/Jan 30, 1934/Mar 25, 2015/PFC US Army Korea Tombstone + Photo
SNEBERK: Albert Sneberk/1885-1918 Tombstone Jerry R. Sneberk/1944-1994 Tombstone, ossw: (Public side) Cheryl A. Sneberk/nee NIKOLIA/1949-2022 (Public side) Tombstone Raymond Sneberk/1908-1985 Tombstone (Public side), ossw: Cecilia Sneberk/1911-1993 Tombstone (Public side)
SOENKSEN: Boy Soenksen/14 Oct. 1825-14 Apr. 1911 Tombstone, ossw: Eliza Soenksen/31 Aug 1831/6 May 1914 Tombstone (Hugo Soenksen/d. Feb. 28, 1884/from obituary)
SOLBERG: Fred Solberg/Wisconsin/PFC 6 Sub Depot QMC/World War I/Jan. 11, 1888/May 5, 1970 Tombstone
SOUKUP: Paul S. Soukup/Reverend/Nov 9, 1941/Jan 28, 2015 Tombstone + Photo
SPAHR: Herman Spahr/born Jan 4, 1841/died April 14, 1908 Tombstone
SPECHT: Aug. Specht Co. F/44 Wis Inf/d. 1908 (GAR 1861-1865) Tombstone August Specht 1835-1902 Tombstone, next to: Christine Specht/1832-1925 Tombstone, next to: Robert Specht/1862-1938 Tombstone August H./1872-1951 Tombstone, ossw: Ida A./1873-1955 Tombstone Paul E./1913-1966 Tombstone, ossw: Ladonia/1913-1976 Tombstone
SPEVACEK: [2-3-4]-Clarence Spevacek/1906-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-4]-Margaret Spevacek/1906-1992 Tombstone, ossw: Henry Spevacek Jr./1901-1986 Tombstone, ossw: Theresia Spevacek/1874-1923 Tombstone, ossw: Henry Spevacek/1869-1962 Tombstone
STAHL: Brenda Ann/Dau. of L. & J. Stahl/1965 Marilyn Dau. of/L. & N. Stahl/born and died/Aug. 24, 1940 Tombstone [4-8-109]-Lou Ann M. Stahl/1955-1974 Tombstone, ossw: Glynn R. DEPREY [4-7-108]-Lola C./1910-1996/Wife Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-108]-Nicholas J./1895-1992/Husband Tombstone Kathleen T. Stahl/Nov. 15, 1929/Feb. 10, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: Harold J./Sept. 13, 1925/May 26, 2008 Tombstone
STAUDINGER: [4-9-177]-Kenneth/1928-1996/US Army World War II Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-177]-LaVerne/1929-1963 Tombstone Gary J. Staudinger/Nov 1, 1953/May 18, 2020 Photo [4-10-183]-James Louis Staudinger/Dec. 22, 1952/Jan. 13, 1977/Son Tombstone Melvin T./Oct. 15, 1923/Apr. 11, 2009 Tombstone
STECHMESSER: Agnes/his wife/Dec. 15, 1883/Jan. 22, 1926 Tombstone, ossw: Emil H./born Feb. 14, 1878/died June 19, 1960 Tombstone Alfred Stechmesser/1906-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Stechmesser/1911-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Esther M. Stechmesser/Aug 26, 1942/Nov 28, 2020 Photo
STEEBER: [2-2-40B-Baby lots]-[Alyssa Steeber/b. 1991/d. 1992] [2-2-40B-Baby lots]-Nicholas Steeber/-July 4, 1993- Alyssa Frances Steeber/-Feb. 19, 1994-
STEFANIAK: Marion Stefaniak/1926-1974 Tombstone
STEFFENS: Joseph A. Steffens/Jan. 10, 1948/June 30, 2000 Tombstone
STEFL: Gladys Stefl/1907-2002 Tombstone, ossw: Hilbert Stefl/1909-1978 Tombstone
STEHN: See WULF August Stehn/geb./5 Mar. 1827/gest/29 Dec. 1898/Und seine gattin/ Tombstone, ossw: Anna Stehn/geb. 11 Apr 1825/gest. 7 Juni. 1875 Tombstone, ossw: Ruhen unser/Eltern/Bruder/und/Scwester, ossw: Carl Stehn/geb/16 Oct. 1859/gest 17 Apr. 1880/und Tombstone, ossw: Maria Stehn/geb/11 Dec. 1861/gest. 20 Aug. 1881 Tombstone Henriette S. Stehn/geb'ne BURMEISTER/Eu Hahdeguit Holst./23 Feb 1834-gest 7. Apr 1921 Tombstone, ossw: H. Christian Stehn/geb zu Hutsfeld amt Eutin/27 Mar. 1835 (rest uncut) Tombstone, ossw: Gustav G. F. Stehn/geb 2 Sept 1866/gest 17 Mai 1899 Tombstone Herman Stehn/1864-1923 Tombstone Footstone: Husband Ira Stehn/1865-1928 Tombstone, next to: Josephine Stehn/1871-1954 Tombstone, next to: Norman Stehn/1895-1898 Tombstone Eva A. Stehn/1893-1900 Tombstone
STEINKE: Carl/1889-1964 Tombstone, ossw: Elsie/1893-1991 Tombstone, ossw: Arwin H. Steinke/Apr. 23, 1924/Oct. 6, 1986/US Army World War II
STELTZER: Anna/born Feb. 8, 1838/died Jan. 3, 1900/61 yrs 10 mo. 26 D./Mother Tombstone William Steltzer/born Sept. 17, 1825/died June 11, 1891/age 65 yrs 8 mo 25 ds/Father Tombstone Ferdinand Steltzer/born Dec. 26, 1858/died Aug. 8, 1884 Tombstone Robert/1876-1967/Father Tombstone, ossw: Ernestena/1869-1934/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Wilbert/1909-1983 Tombstone, ossw: Bernice/1910-2002 Tombstone
STELZER: John W./1867-1940 Tombstone, ossw: Anna S./1865-1929 Tombstone Walter H./Oct. 19, 1888/June 27, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Minnie M./June 15, 1886/Nov. 11, 1975 Tombstone Sylvia C. Stelzer/1911-1973 (24 Mar 1911/Aug 1973/SSDI) Tombstone William Stelzer/1860-1938 Tombstone Lena WILSING Stelzer/1855-1919 Tombstone
STEVENS: Llewellyn E. Stevens/Mar. 29, 1932/Mar. 30, 2016 Photo Patricia A. Stevens/Mar 24, 1931/Jan 19, 2018 Photo Valerie Anne Stevens/Jul 7, 2021/Jul 25, 2021 Photo
STREESE: Raymond/1910-2003 Tombstone, ossw: Clara/1907-1997 Tombstone
STUCK: Sophia/gatten des/Casper Stuck/gestorben/27 Oct. 1885/Alter 90 Jahre Tombstone
STUECK: Albertine Stueck/26 Nov 1854/24 Juni 1915/gattin von Tombstone Johann Stueck/12 Feb 1848/19 Sep 1922 Tombstone Footstone: Mutter, (between the stones of Albertine Stueck and Johann Stueck, and the stone of J. & F. Freese) Emma Stueck/1886-1962 Tombstone, ossw: John Stueck/1879-1930 Tombstone Fred Stueck/May 5, 1815/Sep 29, 1901 Tombstone, ossw: Mary Stueck/May 8 1823/Nov 27, 1905 Tombstone Sophia/gattin des/Casper Stueck/gestorben/27 Oct 1885/alter 90 jahre (stone flush with ground) Tombstone Herbert Stueck/Sep 16, 1893/Aug 2, 1897 Tombstone (Public side), ossw: August Stueck/Feb 15, 1863/May 31, 1921 Tombstone (Public side), ossw: Josephine Stueck/May 31, 1865/Sep 15, 1926 Tombstone (Public side) [3-5-72]-Rose LAMBERT Stueck/1910-1968 Memorial [4-10-228]-Fred C. Stueck/1924-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-228]-Janet E. Stueck/1927-2009 Tombstone Randy L. Stueck/Jan 29, 1933/Mar 8, 2023 Tombstone + Photo Carole J. Stueck/Oct 25, 1933/Jan 31, 1999/US Marine Corps Tombstone Irene Stueck/1911-2001 Tombstone, ossw: Oscar Stueck/1909-1985 Veteran Tombstone
SUPITA: Katerina Supitova/narozena/15 Ho Cervna 1845/zemrela/9 Ho Zari 1929 Tombstone, ossw: Jacob Supita/narozen 18 Ho Cervna 1848/zemrel/11 Ho List. 1944 Tombstone
TAYLOR: Jesse M. Taylor/1883-1934 Tombstone, next to: Leona L. Taylor/1883-1976 Tombstone George W. Taylor/Feb 23, 1937/Aug 4, 2024 (Public side) Photo
TECHE: Emma Teche/Mother/June 20, 1884/Oct. 15, 1911 Tombstone Arthur Teche/born Nov. 22, 1908/died Nov. 28 1908 Tombstone, ossw: Clara Teche/born Nov. 22, 1908/died Mar. 22 1909
TERENS: Adelgundie/Wife of Nicholas Terens/born in Prussia/1809/died Feb. 3, 1866 Tombstone Nicholas Terens/born in Belgium/Feb. 17, 1803/died Jan. 14, 1876 Tombstone Anna Terens/1874-1950 (obit=1872-1951) Tombstone Nich Terens/1864-1943 Photo Hansie Terens/1898-1898 August C. Terens/1842-1934 Tombstone, ossw: Bertha Terens/nee MEYER/1849-1914 Tombstone, ossw: Clara Terens (no dates) Tombstone, ossw: Lena Terens (no dates) Tombstone Footstone: Mother Corp./August Terrens/Co. H./2 Wis. Cav. Tombstone Lena/Dau. of. A & B Terens/born Dec. 7, 1878/died May 21, 1896 Tombstone See Catherine NOCKER, ossw: August C. NOCKER Clara/dau of/A & B Terens/born Apr. 14, 1868/died Febr. 16, 1890 Tombstone Bertha/Tochter of/A & B. Terens/geboren 18 Sept. 1869/gestorben 5 Nov. 1869 Tombstone August P./sohn of/A & B Terens/geboren 15 Sept. 1870/gestorben 31 Jan. 1871 Tombstone [2-2-20]-Elmer E. Terens/1917-1917 Tombstone [2-2-20]-Wilbert P. Terens/Wisconsin/Cpl. 247 Field Arty Bn./Feb. 6, 1920/Oct. 22, 1944 Tombstone [2-2-20]-Harvey H. Terens/1911-1952 Tombstone [2-2-20]-Oscar A./1872-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-20]-Rose C./Aug. 22, 1880/Jan. 30, 1976 Photo John H. Terens/Nov. 3, 1833/July 20, 1904 Tombstone, ossw: Annie M. Terens/Jan. 1, 1835/Aug. 21, 1906 Tombstone J.H. Terens/Co. C. 27th Wis. Inf Tombstone Maria Adelgunde Terens/gattin des Nic TROSSEN/geb.7, Sept. 1844/gest 29 Aug. 1878, ossw: Arnold TROSSEN Max Sr./1898-1979 Tombstone, ossw: Vivian/1899-1971 Tombstone Max N. Terens, Jr./1923-1992 Tombstone Footstones: N.T., M.G.
TESARIK: Jeanette C. Tesarik/May 14, 1932/Jun 26, 2015 Photo, ossw: Erwin F./Nov. 11, 1927/Mar. 13, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: Judy Ann Tesarik/-Feb 10, 1957- Tombstone
TESS: John L. Tess/Nov 27, 1927/Jan 31, 2016/CPL US Army WWII Tombstone + Photo
TETZLAFF: Otto Tetzlaff/1863-1940 Rose Tetzlaff/1869-1947
THEIS: [4-10-167]-Ambrose/1912-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-167]-Mary/1914-1993 Tombstone
THIELBAR: Marcella Thielbar/1914-2004 Memorial, ossw: Henry/1881-1957 Tombstone, ossw: Alvina/1887-1978 Memorial, ossw: Harry/1908-28 Nov. 1966 Memorial, ossw: Diedrich/1843-1923 Memorial, ossw: Maria/1851-1924 Memorial, ossw: William (Bill)/8 Nov. 1909/20 Feb. 1995 Memorial Corintha Thielbar/June 2, 1913, in Francis Creek/March 14, 1997/age 83 Memorial
THOMAS: J. L. Thomas/Co. K./3rd Wis. Inf. (James) Madison Thomas/Co. D./27th Wis. Inf. Tombstone
THRONDSON: Sherman I. Throndson/Oct 16, 1939/Jun 18, 2020 Cory Alan Throndson/Apr. 18, 1972/Feb. 5, 1989 Tombstone
TIMRICK: Barbara J. Timreck/nee CSIDA/Aug 26, 1936/Jun 4, 2024 (Public side) PhotoTISCH: Richard/sohn von/G.H. & L. Tisch/geb. 7 Mai 1855/gest. 14 April 1856 Tombstone, ossw: Rudolfh E. Tisch/geb. 1 Sept. 1848/gest. 26 April 1872 Tombstone, ossw: Joseph Tisch/geb./3 Feb. 1800/gest./10 Feb. 1880 Tombstone, ossw: Christina Tisch/geb/1 Apr. 1806/gest/31 Juli 1866 Tombstone, ossw: This stone was found in two different places, the top part was by the shed and the bottom part was on the base...I got lucky. Carl Tisch/geb. 26 May 1829/gest 10 Jan. 1895 Tombstone, ossw: Augusta D. W. Tisch/geb 12 Mai 1845/gest 26 Mai 1904 Tombstone, ossw: Ida Tisch/geb. 10 Feb. 1864/gest 15 Mai 1889 Tombstone, ossw: Louise C. S. Tisch/geborene QUISTORF/gestorben/23 Sept. 1871/alter 46 jahre Tombstone William Tisch/geboren in/Eutin Holstein/17 Nov. 1838/gest. 8 Sept. 1877 Tombstone, ossw: Ernst/sohn von/W. & D. Tisch/geb. 26 Mai 1866/gest. 23 Dez 1869 Tombstone Emilie/geboren/H. & A. Tisch/gestorben 10 Jan. 1870/ alter 3 jahre (Heinrich Nichalaus Tisch/b. Mishicot/d. 29 Dec. 1859/bur. in Mishicot but doesn't say which cemetery, put him here as its only cem. in Mishicot with the Tisch surname) (Dorothea Tisch/Apr. 11, 1837/Mar. 1898/from obit)(Public side)
TRIERWEILER: [4-9-234]-Donald J. Trierweiler/Oct. 19, 1913/Nov. 26, 1996/cremains Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-234]-Virginia M. Trierweiler/July 25, 1918/May 11, 2004 Tombstone
TROEMEL: Paul Julius Troemel/geboren in/Rossi-ein-Sachsen/AM, 1 Apr. 1837/gest 24 Mai. 1884 Tombstone Footstone: P. Julius
TROSSEN: Arnold Trossen/geb. 18 Aug. 1878/gest. 1 Apr. 1879, See TERENS Nicholas Trossen/Co. E./27 Wis Inf Minnie Trossen/1859-1939 Rose T. Trossen/1870-1935 Ella E./1893-1975, ossw: William/1875-1925 Nicklas Trossen/geb. 24 Mai. 1836/gest. 15 Aug. 1911, ossw: Isabella/geb. 24, Nov. 1867/gest. 11 Febr. 1868, ossw: Catharina/geb. 22 Nov. 1868/gest. 9 Juni 1869, ossw: Clara/geb. 12 Apr. 1876/gest 14 Juli 1877, ossw: Arnold Trossen
TROST: [4-8-186]-[Barbara Trost/no dates/no stone]
TROULLIER: [Cemetery record has Trouiller] [3-5-37]-Joseph Troullier/born Feb. 29, 1836/died Feb. 3, 1911, ossw: [3-5-37]-Sylvia Troullier/1848-1924 Tombstone Baby Troullier/1959-1959 [3-5-37]-Jos. Troullier/Co E 27 Wis Inf (Catherine Troullier/d. June 15, 1900 (newspaper) or June 18, 1900 (death index)/no stone) Julius/1889-1968 Tombstone, ossw: Maud/1891-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Shirley/1935-1935/Grandchild Tombstone [4-9-185]-George Troullier/1910-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-185]-Lillian Troullier/1917-2002 Tombstone Fred Troullier/d. Mar 6, 1945/age 83 yrs/from obit Louis Troullier/1872-1942/from obit
TUMA: [4-7-148]-Wayne Anthony Tuma/Wis/Pvt Co D 1 Reine Bn/Dec 28, 1942/Jun 23, 1968 Tombstone [4-7-148]-Adolph Tuma/1903-1974/Son Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-148]-Anna Tuma/1870-1943/Mother Tombstone [4-7-148]-[???? Tuma/no dates] [4-8-149]-Doolan Tuma/1906-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-149]-Clara Tuma/1906-1992 Tombstone Paul J. Tuma/May 19, 1949/Oct 19, 2024 Photo [4-8-149]-Donald G. Tuma/Wis/Pfc 34 Inf 24 Inf Div/Oct 10, 1935/Nov 18, 1955 Tombstone
ULLMAN: Henry A. Ullman/Jan 5, 1916/Jul 21, 1988/Tech5 Army WWII Tombstone
ULLMANN: Julius Ullmann/Wis/Pvt Co C 162 Depot Brig/WWI/Mar 31 1895/Oct 18 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda Ullmann/1899-1995 Tombstone
URBAN: Josef Urban/1834-1905 Tombstone, ossw: Anna Urban/1836-1897 Tombstone Violet Urban/1919-1989/Sister, ossw: Clarence F. Urban/1924-1973/Brother, next to: Roger R. MOTT See MOTT Wencel Urban/1866-1954/Father Tombstone, ossw: Caroline Urban/1881-1930/Mother Tombstone see CHALOUPKA
VALENTA: Patricia L. Valenta/Apr 28, 1937/Aug 13, 2021 Photo John L. Valenta/Jan 5, 1937/Jun 25, 2019 Tombstone + PhotoVANDER LOGT: (Francis B. 'Buster' Vander Logt/Apr 28, 1917/Jun 29, 2008/from obit)
VANDRISSE: [4-7-196]-Jule J./Dec 7, 1883/Oct 18, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-196]-Lucy/1889-1979 Tombstone
VANVOROUS: Ethel I. Vanvorous/1923/1999 Tombstone, ossw: David V. Wright/no dates
VERTZ: (They belong in the Public cemetery side) Theresa/1885-1932 Tombstone, ossw: John E./1879-1958 Tombstone
VOELKER: [3-4-33]-Chester/1909-1986, ossw: [3-4-33]-Julitta/1913-1973 Emil/1882-1958 Tombstone, ossw: Selma/1883-1953 Tombstone, next to: Blanch Voelker/1918-1999 Tombstone Johann Voelker/1825-1890/seine gattin, ossw: Johanna Voelker/1830-1912 Lena Voelker/1853-1940, next to: Charles Voelker/1855-1922 Tombstone, next to: Anida Voelker/geb 17 Apr 1905/gest 2 Oct 1905 Tombstone
WACHTEL: [4-9-169]-Roland/1914-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-169]-Ethel/1920-1993 Tombstone Roland A. Wachtel/Wisconsin/As. U.S.N.R./World War II/ Oct. 9, 1914-Jan. 18, 1965 Tombstone
WAGNER: [4-10-143]-Jane W./1945-1966 Tombstone
WANEK: Baby/1966-1966 Tombstone Charlotte J. Wanek/nee STONE/Jun 15, 1936/Apr 28, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: ASSMANN
WAVRUNEK: Baby Wavrunek/1968-1968, (Klien & Stangel Funeral Home marker) [4-8-165]-George/1914-1958/Father Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-165]-Mabel/1918-1976/Mother Tombstone Allen G. Wavrunek/Feb. 28, 1941/June 18, 2004 Tombstone Kathleen M. Wavrunek/Oct 16, 1953/Mar 24, 2020
WEBER: Ralph A. Weber/1906-1986 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Eunice K. Weber/1909-2003 (Public side) Tombstone, ossw: Catherine Weber/Aug 28, 1933/Apr 28, 2022 (Public side) Tombstone + Photo Milton Weber/Mar 8, 1932/Jun 17, 1984/US Army Korea War Tombstone, ossw: Doris Weber/May 1, 1935/Jul 24, 2009 Tombstone
WEGNER: May/1885-1968 Memorial, ossw: Edward/1881-1963 Memorial [4-8-173]-Joseph C./Aug. 20, 1877/April 24, 1958 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-173]-Catherine T./Nov. 12, 1883/April 3, 1967 Tombstone John Wegner/Apr. 27, 1928/Aug. 25, 2004 Tombstone
WEINFURTHER: Irving Weinfurther/1893-1944 Tombstone Charles Weinfurther/1853-1932 Tombstone Pauline Weinfurther/1861-1944 Tombstone [4-8-162]-Harry/1888-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-162]-Adeline Weinfurther Van Erem/1909-1982 Tombstone Ida Weinfurther/1887-1981 Tombstone
WENHOLZ: Sophia/1862-1944/Mother Tombstone, ossw: Diedrich/1859-1947/Father Tombstone
WENNER: [2-3-24]-William/1853-1930/Father Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-24]-Matilda/1859-1918/Mother Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-24]-Nellie/1892-1899/Daughter Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-24]-Lewis Wenner/1882-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [2-3-24]-Peter Wenner/1870-1898/Uncle Tombstone [2-3-24]-[Frank Wenner/b. 1890/d. 1980] (WWI Vet) Tombstone John Wenner/geb/17 Mar. 1822/gest/14 Jan. 1895
WENTKER: Edward/1873-1968 Photo, ossw: Anna/1874-1956 Robert/1920-2008 Tombstone, ossw: Betty/1923-1999 Tombstone, ossw: Thomas/Dec. 22, 1952/May 29, 1974 Tombstone Roshelle L. Wentker/1955-1979 Tombstone
WERGIN: [4-8-157]-Andrew/1884-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [4-8-157]-Agnes/1888-1956 Tombstone
WESTGATE: Agnes M./Dau. of/A. J. & D. H. Westgate/died July 20, 1889/aged 22 years, 11 mos. Tombstone (Deborah Westgate/Nov. 30, 1825/Mar. 27, 1899/from obituary) Memorial Doniram Westgate/born June 8, 1815/died April 26, 1873 Memorial Clyde J./1895-1976 Memorial, ossw: Viola S./1907-1956 Memorial Sandra Fitzgerald Westgate/Jan. 3, 1938/Aug. 11, 2001 Memorial, ossw: Edna C./1901-1961/Mother Memorial, ossw: Hugh G./1898-1984/Father Memorial Viola Miriam Westgate/June 28, 1871/Feb. 3, 1956 Memorial Ann Eliza/1851-1948 Photo, ossw: Fred Earl/1851-1931 Memorial Ida M./1872-1959 Tombstone, ossw: Hugh J./1875-1945 Tombstone Baby May Westgate Tombstone (Twin daughter of H.J. Westgate/d. 25 Feb. 1902/age 16 mo./from obit) Floyd/1861-1922 Memorial, ossw: Elizabeth/1872-1943 Memorial
WESTLUND: Steven E. Westlund/Nov. 16, 1947/Mar. 22, 1984 Tombstone
WHITE: Dean R. White/Mar 11, 1944/Aug 11, 2020 Photo Linda J. White/Sep 28, 1947/Aug 18, 2020 Photo
WICHLACZ: [4-9-193]-Edward Wichlacz/Oct. 18, 1921/Dec. 2, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [4-9-193]-Kathleen/Nov. 7, 1924/Dec. 11, 2013 Tombstone
WIEBENSOHN: Adolph/1900-1959 Tombstone Raymond A. Wiebensohn/Dec 20, 1930/Jul 9, 2021, ossw: Betty A. Wiebensohn/Nov 20, 1932/Mar 14, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
WIEGERT: Robert K. Wiegert/1956-1998 Tombstone, ossw: Janice/June 5, 1943/July 6, 2013 Tombstone + Photo Robert Frank Wiegert/May 23, 1933/Jan 8, 2014 Photo
WILDFONG: [4-7-231]-David B. Wildfong/Nov 21, 1955/Jul 24, 1988 Tombstone Jacob E. Wildfong/Aug 20, 1915/Jun 30, 2002 Tombstone Felix Wildfong/1943-2020 Tombstone, ossw: Sandra Wildfong/1942-2019 Tombstone
WILKER: [4-8-194]-Paul R./1919-1974 Tombstone [4-8-194]-Phyllis C. Wilker Mott/1927-2013 Tombstone, ossw: (Infant son Wilker/Dec 8, 1954/Dec 9, 1954/from obit)
WILSING: See Lena Wilsing STELZER, ossw: William STELZER
WILSMANN: Carl Wilsmann/3 Juni 1828-13 Dec. 1903 Tombstone, ossw: Johanna Wilsmann/27 Apr. 1830/27 Mai 1915 Tombstone, ossw: Wilhelm Wilsmann/23 Jan. 1857/25 Apr. 1876 Tombstone, ossw: Hilda/1893-1965 Tombstone, ossw: Oscar/1891-1966 Tombstone William/1860-1927 Tombstone, ossw: Helen/1862-1925 Tombstone, next to: Ernst Wilsmann/geb. 3 Juli 1832/gest. 25 Oct. 1904 Tombstone, ossw: Sophia Wilsmann/geb. 16 Aug. 1832/gest 26 Mar. 1921 Tombstone See SCHMIDT
WILSON: Anna Wilson/1846-1925, next to: Chas. Wilson/Co. H/27 Wis. Inf./Father (Jan 22, 1825/Jun 11, 1912/from Civil war Roundtable), next to: Charles M. Wilson/born/June 9, 1865/died/Apr. 13, 1883, ossw: Horace Wilson/born/Jan 24, 1860/died/May 13, 1884, ossw: Mary Wilson/born/Dec. 24, 1824/died/Sept. 9, 1881 Norman/1873-1953 Tombstone, ossw: Emma/1876-1960 Tombstone Norman Wilson Jr./1912-2006 Tombstone
WITTE: Amelia Witte/1863-1938 Tombstone Fred Witte/1857-1938 Tombstone Myrtle Witte/1896-1951/Wife Tombstone, ossw: Oscar Witte/1891-1954/Husband Tombstone, ossw: Robert Witte/1927-1995/Son Tombstone
WOJTA: [1-1-93]-[C.A. Wojta/no dates] Charles/1870-1943 Tombstone, ossw: Anna/1879-1921 Tombstone
WOLF: Leander W. Wolf/May 20, 1939/Feb. 11, 2018 Photo
WOLFMEYER: Sanford W./1903-1954 Tombstone, ossw: Dora W. Kadow/1907-1996 Tombstone (1st spouse Wolfmeyer/2nd spouse Kadow)
WOODCOCK: [2-2-55]-[???? Woodcock/no dates] [2-2-55]-Archie Woodcock/1907-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [2-2-55]-Adeline Woodcock/1913-2003 Tombstone [2-2-55]-[Andrew Woodcock/b. 1870/d. 1928] Tombstone + Photo Belle May Woodcock/Beloved Wife of/A. J. Woodcock/May 27, 1884/Jan. 14, 1908 Photo
WRIGHT: David V. Wright/no dates Tombstone, ossw: Ethel I. Vanvorous/1923-1999 Tombstone Dwight "Butch" Wright/Jun 1, 1946/Jan 27, 2013 Tombstone
WUELLNER: Christian Wuellner/June 25, 1837/June 9, 1917 Tombstone, ossw: Amy Wuellner/Nov. 18, 1844/Dec. 31, 1924 Tombstone [3-4-73]-Clarence Wuellner/1911-1987, ossw: [3-4-73]-Elsie Wuellner/1911-2003 Photo, ossw: [3-4-73]-Rosemary Daniels/Mother/Aug. 15, 1935/Sept. 16, 2003 Photo [3-4-73]-George/1872-1918, ossw: [3-4-73]-Mary Wuellner Meyer/1878-1939 Margretha Wuellner (can't read) Tombstone
WULF: Alexander E., between August STEHN & Doris Wulf Christine, between Alexander E. & Doris Wulf, (Double cast tree trunk with cast chain & anchor on it) Friedrich D./(last name illegible)/gestorben 21 Marz 1866/alter 38 jahre Doris/Wulf/1832-1917 Heinrich Wulf/11 Aug 1829-25 Mai. 1907 Tombstone, ossw: Maria Wulf/29 Mai 1823-29 Sep 1913 Tombstone Johann Wulf/geboren/6 Apr, 1799/starb/29 Juni, 1887/ aus Grossherzog-thum/Oldenburg, bei Eutin (Public side of cemetery), ossw: Margretha Wulf/geboren/18 Apr. 1802/in Brag bei Eutien/starb/21 Oct. 1897 (Public side of cemetery), ossw: Albert KEMPFERT See KEMPFERT
XIONG: Nya Shoua Xiong/Dec. 4, 1923/Jan. 22, 1977 Tombstone See Xiong/Mar. 5, 1953/June 17, 1991 Tombstone Song Xiong/Aug. 5, 1912/Mar. 8, 1987 Tombstone Xai Xiong/Aug. 11, 1979/Oct. 4, 1999 Tombstone
YANDA: [4-9-142]-Jill Audrey Yanda/May 27, 1979/April 9, 1996 Tombstone + Photo [4-9-145]-John/1926-1964 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-9-145]-Audrey/1931-1964 Tombstone + Photo Calvin E. Yanda/Jul 12, 1924/Apr 23, 2016 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Gloria J. Yanda/Dec 6, 1926/Apr 29, 2021 Tombstone + Photo
YELMENE: [Cemetery record has Yeleme] [3-5-47]-[Peter Yelmene/b. 1855/d. 1929] [3-5-47]-Eunice Mae/Dec. 4-Dec. 12/1929 [3-5-47]-[Louise Yelmene/b. 1859/d. 1911] [3-5-47]-Edward F./1888-1965 [3-5-47]-Elsie E./1901-1988 [3-5-47]-Viola Yelmene/Oct. 14, 1906/May 30, 1923 James Yelmene/Sep 16, 1936/Feb 17, 2009 Geraldine M. Yelmene/nee REEDY/Jul 11, 1935/Dec 27, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [Unk]-(Julia Yelmene/6 Feb. 1882/6 June 1894/from death record)
YOUNG: Frederick G./July 29, 1924/Sept. 17, 2009 Tombstone, ossw: June M./Mar. 22, 1922/Dec. 8, 2007 Tombstone
ZAHORIK: Esther LAMBERT Zahorik/Wife of Albert Zahorik/Mar. 28, 1895/Sept. 23, 1927 Tombstone See LAMBERT
ZARLING: Ruth M. Zarling/Jan 28, 1917/Mar 3, 2015 Tombstone, ossw: Pastor J. Waldemar Zarling/Feb. 11, 1913/Nov. 14, 1984 Tombstone
ZEDDIES: Adolph Zeddies/Co K/21 Wis. Inf Tombstone Adolph Zeddies/Oct. 10, 1846/Mar. 31, 1922 Tombstone Anna Zeddies/Oct 15, 1850/Dec 15, 1934 William F. Zeddies/1874-1921 Tombstone, ossw: Louise E. Zeddies Ahrens/1883-1967 Tombstone Adolph Zeddies/1886-1945 Tombstone See AHRENS
ZELL: Alice K./1891-1973 (30 Apr 1891/Aug 1973/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: Rev. Edward F./1888-1958 Tombstone Alice Ethel Zell/April 7, 1913/April 7, 2009 Tombstone Evelyn Zell/15 Juli 1915/8 Feb. 1916 Marian J. Zell/Jun 6, 1925/Jun 2, 2021 Tombstone + Photo William George Zell, Rev./Oct. 19, 1922/Oct. 10, 2009 Tombstone
ZELLAY: Alice J./1926-2004 Tombstone
ZEMAN: [4-7-196]-Thomas J. Zeman/Dec. 22, 1958/Feb. 13, 1987 Tombstone [4-7-239]-Donald Zeman/1927-2000 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-239]-Betty Zeman/1929-1993 Tombstone [4-7-239]-[Margert Zeman/b. 1929/d. 1993] [4-10-176]-Quirin/Sept. 16, 1904/May 15, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-176]-Mary/1902-1993 Tombstone James/Nov. 7, 1950/Mar. 5, 2009 Tombstone
ZIMA: [4-7-172]-Louis/1901-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [4-7-172]-Mayme/1902-1970 Tombstone [4-10-119]-Carl J./1910-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-119]-Lorraine N./1913-2003 Tombstone Gilbert C. Zima/Mar. 6, 1931/Nov. 12, 2017 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: Janice C. Zima/Nov. 19, 1936/Mar. 19, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
ZIMMER: Quirin/son of G. & L. Zimmer/born Dec. 28, 1897/died. Apr. 29, 1918 Memorial [4-10-111]-Reinhart Zimmer/1900-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10-111]-Elizabeth Zimmer/1901-1976 Tombstone
ZIPPERER: Mark Lee Zipperer/July 23, 1977/Nov. 29, 2005 Tombstone