[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
JOHN NAGLE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.78-79. John Nagle stood high in the profession of journalism not only as an able writer and an original and logical thinker, but also as a business man, capable of managing the diversified interests which are essential in the conduct of a progressive newspaper. Moreover, he stood for all that is beneficial not only to the community but the state and country at large and his work was of such tangible and beneficial effect that his death caused a feeling of distinct loss in the community. He passed from this life March 21, 1900, after having for more than three decades been connected with the Manitowoc Pilot. He was born in St. Catharines, Ontario, July 4, 1848, and with his parents removed to Manitowoc when very young, settling on a farm in the town of Meeme. His early education was acquired in the district schools, where he showed special aptitude in mastering the branches of learning therein taught. He was always an interested student and the range of his knowledge was a very wide one, bringing him into close and intimate connection with the significant and vital problems of the present day as well as the learning of previous ages. For several years in early manhood he engaged in teaching school and was regarded as a successful educator in Two Rivers and Sauk City, where at different times he was connected with the public schools. In 1878 he entered the law office of Turner & Turner, with the intention of adopting the profession as a life work but later in the same year was induced to take charge of the Pilot and was thereafter closely associated with journalism in Manitowoc, making his paper one of the leading publications of the state. In March, 1879, the consolidation of the Pilot and the Tribune was arranged and Mr. Nagle became editor and part owner, the firm being known as Nagle & Borchert. This association was maintained until 1888, when Mr. Borchert retired and Mr. Nagle became sole owner, conducting the Pilot alone from that time until his demise. He followed a most progressive policy, his paper becoming the advocate of many measures which were most effective in promoting the welfare, development and upbuilding of the city and state. He was a stalwart democrat and the Pilot was recognized as a power in politics throughout Wisconsin, yet he was a man who placed principle above party and he was outspoken in his beliefs when he believed his party in the wrong. He never hesitated to support the right as he saw it and the correctness of his vision was frequently demonstrated in the large number who followed his leadership. His reputation as a writer and the influence of his paper were established and felt in the state during the campaign of 1890, when he separated from his party on the Bennett school law issue and advocated the candidacy of Governor W. D. Hoard. His brilliant editorials in support of the law attracted widespread attention and won for him extensive recognition. In 1896 he was again in opposition to his party upon the money question and cast his vote for the gold standard. His fearlessness won him the respect of even those opposed to his policy and all recognized his opinions as the expression of his honest convictions. In other public connections Mr. Nagle was also well known. The cause of education ever found in him a stalwart champion and no man accomplished more for the improvement of the county schools than he. For nine years he served as county superintendent and he always manifested a deep and abiding interest in education. His ideas in behalf of the schools were of a practical nature and they were a continual source of advancement. He was a member of the State Teachers’ Association and served as its president for two years. In municipal affairs, too, he was deeply interested and his cooperation could always be counted upon to further any movement for the general good. He was respected whereever known and loved where he was best known. His sterling qualities drew him the warm friendship of all, for his were the characteristics of a high and honorable manhood. He was justly accounted one of the brightest newspaper men in the state and the influence of the Pilot was long felt for good. ------------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 John Nagle, of Nagle & Borcherdt, publishers of the Manitowoc Pilot, Manitowoc, is a native of Canada, coming to this country with his parents when a child. He has since resided here. From 1873 to 1877, he was engaged in teaching at Sauk City and Two Rivers, being appointed County Superintendent of Schools in 1881. The present proprietors of the Pilot assumed control in 1878, Mr. Nagle being its editor. He is a man of marked ability in his own profession, but is generally looked upon as a leading citizen in whatever responsibilities he has taken upon himself. Although still comparatively a young man, he is looked up to and respected for his maturity of thought and force of action. Not only has he established the leading paper in the county, but has made for himself, during the short time of his incumbency as County Superintendent, a record which is the pride of all educators. ----------------- BACHELOR ADVOCATE. How Editor Nagle Has Imposed Upon The Wisconsin Press A Homely Lad for Whom No Female Heart has Quickened - Concentrating All Faults in Women-Hating. Great Catch for Some Good Girl—Incidents. ("With devotion’s usage and pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself.)" MANITOWOC, June 25.—-[Special]--Think of a man so homely the flies wouldn’t bite him advocating bachelorhood as a divine institution, conceive of masculine mortal filling the position of school-teacher and school-ma'ams' examiner for years and standing forth in the first fluff of manhood as a confirmed woman-hater. Comprehend the crime of exhausting the genial warmth of genuiue Irish character in platonic affection for a swivel chair in the cellar sanctum of a country newspaper office. John Nagle is a counterfeit presentment of consistent celibacy, unequivocally a smooth-shaven humbug as a master of superfine morality, unhesitatingly a monumental fraud as a model for bachelors to point the world to and thank God that they are not Benedicts. Brother Nagle has been "playing it" on the Wisconsin press, and literally and figuratively "playing it low down" —sitting out of sight in a basement office and reveling in monstrous propositions which nobody could conclusively deny. Yet there are many redeeming features about Mr. Nagle, outside of his face and any sensible girl who isn’t repelled by a wrinkle-substitute for a dimple, a face-wart in place of a freckle, and an eye-squint for a twinkle, and who wants a husband that she needn’t ever be ashamed of with her eyes shut, shouldn’t hesitate to wrestle catch-as-catch-can with the devilish malignity of this male Katisha. He, too, is an acquired taste. He is not beautiful, but he has a brain worth dissecting, and there is a smack of gumdrops to the roll of an r in his mouth which people come miles to hear. And he is about ripe for matrimony as well. He dropped the key to his discontent in my presence. It’s that awful thing, high ambition. "I think," said Nagle, speaking of a neighbor, "he would have been a gr-r-reat man if he had not mar-r~ried. It has requir-red so much of his time - to suppor-r-rt his family he has had no chance to develop." Nagle’s ambition is not the wabbling aim of a Mayor Wallber to shoot at a congressional seat and land in the chair of a police justice. Nagle has said he would not accept a certificate of election to the office of state superintendent of schools, the while at least two of his editorial and educational co-workers in the state—less well-fitted for the place, withal—are posing in dignity before the public and holding hands behind their backs reaching for their friends’ support. "He should be a man of broad culture for that place; one who has devoted his life to educational work and who has no thought for aught but its progress," says John, and then in a practical, Jacksonian way he adds: "The office isn’t worth a damn, anyway, unless a man steals." John Nagle came of pure old Irish stock and the fact crawls through his disguising countenance and spreads out from the mouth. The mustache which is on the picture has been sacrificed on the altar of plainness, and the typical lip of Erin makes the punishment fit the crime. Nagle was born in Canada, but while he was yet an infant his parents removed to Meeme, Manitowoc county, where they still reside, and where on a farm young Johnny laid the foundation for physical strength and mental beauty. "He taught school in Franklin, Manitowoc county, twenty years ago, and everybody in the county knows and likes and respects him" was the testimonial of a pioneer. He is in his 36th year but looks younger. Of retiring nature, there are few things to be said of him. The universal verdict is that his habits are exemplary and his one fault the natural aversion to women in a man of whom the following is truthfully told; John is county superintendent of schools and faithful in his work. A competent school mistress called on him the other day and tendered her resignation. But why, persisted Nagle. The lady finally admitted that she was about to be married. Bosh! allowed the superintendent. "Injuring the school system by resigning to get married." "If all men were like you, Mr. Nagle, none of the girls would resign to get married." Even that usually prolific source of information in a country town, the vile contemporary, when asked for something of Nagle apologetically said: "John and I are on good terms and I wouldn’t say anything about him to hurt him. But I couldn’t any way." For the benetit of the woman who shall reform Mr. Nagle, it may be stated that he has accumulated $10,000 or $12,000, has a sufficient income to sustain a comfortable home and is competent to secure and fill an editorial position on the best newspaper in the land. May the best girl win. Milwaukee Daily Journal, June 26, 1886; col. E, Editorial
P.E. NAGLE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Physician and surgeon, Manitowoc, was born in Ireland in the year 1852; in September 1861, he came with his parents to Milwaukee. In 1864, the family removed to Manitowoc County. Eight years later he went to Minnesota to pursue his medical studies at the University. In 1874, he removed to Mobile, Ala., remaining one year; returning to Manitowoc, he taught school three years, and next pursued a three years' course at the University of Michigan. Have completed this he was appointed secretary of the Medical Facility, and assistant to Prof. Palmer in the State University. Dr. Nagle settled in Manitowoc in the Spring of 1881, and has since resided here, practicing his profession.
Back row - Jacob, Frank (Photographer), Joseph, Mary (married Adolph Mally), Front row - Mr. Jacob Naidl Sr., Annie (Mrs. Walter Wieghart), Albert (chiropracter), Mrs. Barbara Naidl
LYMAN J. NASH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.466-467. Lyman I. Nash, a son of Francis and Catherine Van Bergen (Curtis) Nash, was born January 18, 1845, in the town of Shelby, Orleans county, New York. In 1851 he came to Wisconsin with his parents, who settled on a farm in the town of La Prairie, Rock county. During his youth he worked on the farm and taught school until he entered college at Lawrence University, Appleton, Wisconsin, in April, 1866. He was graduated in June, 1870, and in the following September became principal of the North Side schools of Manitowoc, continuing in that position until June, 1872. He was admitted to the bar of Manitowoc county in December of that year, and began practicing at once. He continued his professional labors without a break for a little more than thirty-seven years, when by appointment of the judges of the supreme court and the attorney general of the state he undertook the work of revising the statutes of Wisconsin, and up to the present time is still engaged in that work. Mr. Nash was married September 2, 1873, to Emma A. Guyles, a daughter of one of the early Manitowoc families, and their children are as follows: Archie L. Nash, born in 1875 and at present practicing law as a member of the old firm of Nash & Nash; Alice Nash White, of Detroit, Michigan, born in 1879; and Francis J. Nash, born in 1882, now employed by and studying law with the firm of Nash & Nash. With his vocation of a lawyer Mr. Nash has followed several avocations. He has served as alderman of the city of Manitowoc, as supervisor of the county of Manitowoc and as justice of the peace for several terms; he was for nine years a member of the North Side school board; for ten years was president of the Manitowoc public library; for seven years was a member of the State Board of Bar Examiners; in 1908 was the Democratic candidate in this district for congress; has been secretary of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, since 1888; for six years was a director in the National Bank of Manitowoc and for the year 1906-1907 was president of the Wisconsin State Bar Association.
HON. WILLIAM FRANCIS NASH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.624-627. Hon. William Francis Nash, widely known in newspaper circles of Wisconsin as the founder of the Chronicle, has represented his fellow townsmen in various positions of honor and trust, and has been elected to some of the highest offices in the gift of the people. He was born at Millville, Orleans county, New York, February 22, 1847, and is a son of Francis and Catherine (VanBergen) Nash. He is a great-grandson of Jedediah Nash, an English soldier during the reign of King George, who participated in the battle of Quebec, and his grandfather, Francis Nash, was a resident of Canada, from whence he removed to New York at an early day. Francis Nash, the father of William Francis, was born in eastern New York, where he assisted in building the Erie Canal, and in 1850 came to Jonesville, Wisconsin, where he died in 1887, aged eighty-four years. His wife, who belonged to the VanBergen family who came from the Catskill mountains, died in 1910 when she had attained the remarkable age of ninety-three years. They were the parents of six sons and one daughter. William Francis Nash received a public school education, and when but seventeen years of age he enlisted for service in the Civil war, becoming a private in Company A, Thirteenth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which he served bravely and faithfully for one and one-half years. At the close of the war he went to Appleton College, and in 1875 he entered the newspaper field at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, establishing the Chronicle which has been conducted by his sons, Noel, Newman and Lyman, since his misfortune of three years ago, when he suffered a stroke of paralysis. Mr. Nash has been prominent in democratic politics for a number of years, and has served Two Rivers as mayor, has been a member of the county board, was elected to the state assembly in 1878, and was senator from the fifteenth district of Wisconsin for two terms beginning in 1889. In 1878 Mr. Nash was united in marriage with Miss Theresa Apel, a daughter of Adam Apel, a native of Prussia, and an early settler and prominent agriculturist of Two Rivers township. Seven children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Nash: Noel, William, Garry, Newman, Lyman, Nina and Catherine. --------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 W.F. Nash, editor Manitowoc County Chronicle, Two Rivers. Is a native of Orleans Co., N. Y. At the age of four years, his parents moved to Rock County, where he remained until 1863, when he enlisted in Company A, 13th Wis. I., and served until the end of the war, when he returned to Rock County and attended the Lawrence University, Appleton, from 1867 to 1871. In 1874, he went to Manitowoc and managed the Manitowoc Pilot until 1875, when he moved to Two Rivers and purchased the Manitowoc County Chronicle, which he has since edited.
FRANK NASS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.467-468. Frank Nass, one of the efficient and prosperous agriculturists of Liberty township, now owns and operates the farm where he was born on January 24, 1857. He is of German extraction and a son of William and Louisa Nass, who were born, reared and married in the fatherland and there they likewise passed the early years of their domestic life. In 1852 together with their little son Ernst they emigrated to the United States, Wisconsin being their destination. Upon their arrival in this county the father invested in a tract of land in this township, that in common with the greater part of this section was covered with a heavy growth of timber. After clearing a small tract he erected a crude log cabin and he and his family began pioneering. They were hard-working, thrifty people, who had come to this country to make a home for themselves and with this purpose in mind they worked tirelessly, practicing the most rigid self-denial until their land began to yield an income. Later the little cabin was replaced by a log house, that enabled them to live in greater comfort and in 1879 this in turn made place for a substantial brick dwelling that is now the home of their son Frank and his family. William Nass industriously devoted himself to the further improvement and cultivation of his homestead during the remainder of his active life, and he continued to live here until his death, which occurred in 1902 at the age of seventy-seven years. The mother was seventy-five years when she passed away in 1899. They were the parents of four children, two sons and two daughters. Frank Nass was born in the little log cabin his father first erected on the home farm, and during his boyhood and youth shared with his family the hardships of pioneering. He attended the district schools in the vicinity in the acquirement of his education, at the same time assisting in the work of the farm. His entire life has been passed here, the place being endeared to him by the associations of his boyhood and youth as well as those of later years. After leaving school he assumed more and more of the responsibilities of the farm, which he rented from his father after his marriage, until 1887 when he bought it. He engages in general farming and stock-raising and has met with success in both, and in addition to his farm has acquired a very comfbrtable competence. On the i5th of September, 1882, Mr. Nass was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Krueger, a daughter of Godfried Krueger, who emigrated from Germany to Wisconsin during the pioneer days and located on a farm in Maple Grove township, where Mrs. Nass was born and reared. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Nass is as follows: Bertha, Henry, Frank, John, Maria, Amanda, Edward, Arthur, Leona, Lorena and Oscar. In matters of religious faith the family are Lutherans and hold membership in the German church of that denomination in Liberty, of which he was clerk for twelve years. As a citizen. Mr. Nass has ever been loyal to the best interests and principles of his country, as was his father, who enlisted in the Twenty—ninth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served in the Union cause during the last year of the Rebellion. His political support Mr. Nass gives to the republican party and has several times been called to fill township offices, having served for some years as supervisor while at the present time he is acting as treasurer of his school district. He has always been one or the foremost citizens of his community, where he is widely known and held in high respect being recognized as a man of sound judgement and good business ability.
JACOB D. NATE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.362-363. Jacob D. Nate, than whom there is no better known agriculturist in Franklin township, resides on a farm of one hundred and twenty acres situated on section 20. He is also the owner of one hundred and twenty acres on sections 19 and 29, and for the past twenty-five years has been the proprietor of a successful cheese-making business. Mr. Nate is a native of Jefferson county, New Nork, and was born April 20, 1848, a son of Bernard and Margaret (Meil) Nate, natives of Germany who were married in New York state. They came to Wisconsin in the spring of 1853, settling in Franklin township, where Bernard Nate purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land, of which ten acres were cleared, and the little family moved into the log shanty which stood on the premises. The remainder of the father’s life was spent in clearing and cultivating his land, and here he died November 15, 1882, at the age of sixty-two years, his widow surviving him until November 10, 1895, when she died at the age of seventy-seven, and both are buried at Cato. Jacob D. Nate was the fifth of a family of ten children, and he received a common-school education, the first school in the township being held in his fathers barn. Mr. Nate’s childhood chums were the Indians, who came intermittently and camped in the vicinity of the Nate homestead. At the age of nineteen years he went to Escanaba, Michigan, and for three years was employed by the Chicago & Northwestern Railway. He then learned the trade of carpenter, at which he worked for three years, later going to the Little Lake sawmill, where he continued for two years, and then returned home and resumed working for his father. He purchased forty acres of land, a part of his present farm, and at the age of thirty-six years started working for himself, inheriting his father’s farm at the time of the latter’s death. All of Mr. Nate’s property is under cultivation except twelve acres of woodland, and he carries on general farming and markets dairy products, hogs, cattle, hay and grain. He raises Shorthorn cattle, Chester White hogs and Percheron horses. His first barn, built in 1867, is thirty-six by ninety-six feet, and in 1885 he erected another, forty by eighty feet, while his residence, containing twelve rooms, was erected in 1871. The water supply for all purposes is obtained from drilled wells. On January 7, 1886, Mr. Nate was married to Miss Catherine Duggan, who was born December 23, i86i, the fourth of the twelve children born to Jeremiah and Catherine (O’Hearn) Duggan, natives of Ireland who were married in New York state. Shortly after their marriage, Mrs. Nate’s parents came to Franklin township and purchased eighty acres of wild land on section 29. Mr. Duggan cut the timber and built a log shanty, and here the family resided until 1897, in which year Mr. Duggan sold the land to his son, who five years later sold it to Mr. Nate. Mr. Duggan died June 5, 1906, aged seventy-seven years, his wife having passed away February 19, 1877, when forty-one years old, and both are buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery in Maple Grove township. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Nate, one of whom died in childhood, while the survivors are: Margaret A., George B., Charles H., John A. and Catherine E. Mr. Nate is a republican in politics and served as a member of the board of supervisors two years, was superintendent of roads for seven years, and has been a school director for a like period. With his family he attends St. Patrick’s Catholic church of this township.
HERMAN NAUMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.205-206. Herman Naumann, who is of an inventive turn of mind and is now engaged in perfecting some of his own inventions, has for the past ten years followed the trade of carpentering. He was born April 21, 1887, on the farm in Newton township where he resides and is the son of Godfried and Frederica (Kolath) Naumann, both of whom were natives of Germany. Godfried Naumann was born in 1824 and in 1856, together with his wife, Wilhelmina (Vobel) Naumann, came to America and located in Manitowoc county, where for a short time he worked on the farm of a neighbor who had come from the same place in Germany. Subsequently he purchased a tract of forty acres of land in Newton township, which was a part of the farm on which he died. He erected there a cabin out of bark and later built a log cabin in which the family lived for many years. Here his wife, Wilhelmina (Vobel) Naumann, passed away. She bore him seven children: August, who was born while crossing the ocean; Godfried, Christian, William and Robert, who were born on the home farm; and two sons who died in infancy. Later the father wedded Frederica Kolath, who was born in Germany, January 4, 1847, and came to the United States with her two brothers and two sisters, settling in this county. By this marriage the father had six children, Augusta, Louie, Minnie, Gustav, Martha and Herman. The father passed away March 7, 1910, on the home farm, and the mother, having preceded him by many years, died May 7, 1891. Herman Naumann received his education in the district schools of the neighborhood, as did all his brothers and sisters, and as a lad worked on his father’s farm. When he was fourteen years of age he learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed for ten years, and during all this time he has resided on the home farm. All his life he has been interested in inventions and is now spending his time in perfecting some of his own models. He is a member of the German Lutheran church at Newton and is a highly honored young man in his community. He takes much interest in public progress but has never cared for political office. His brother, Gustav Naumann, who now owns the homestead, was born December 14, 1878. He received his education in the district schools of the neighborhood and has always been associated with the work on the home farm. In 1910 he purchased the same and is there engaged in general agricultural pursuits. In 1903 Gustav Naumann wedded Miss Alma Eichman, a daughter of Charles and Lena Eichman, the father a native of Germany and the mother of this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Naumann have been born two children, Esther and Elmer. Mr. Naumann takes an active and helpful interest in the welfare of the community but, like his brother Herman, has never cared for political office. Both he and his wife are faithful members of the German Lutheran church at Newton, and all the members of the Naumann family are well known and highly honored throughout the entire community.
DANIEL FREDERICK NAUTH, M. D. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.356-359. Daniel Frederick Nauth, M. D., physician and surgeon and a man prominent in his profession, occupies a high place in the confidence of the people of Kiel and its outlying territory. Dr. Nauth was born March 30, 1879, being a son of George and Phoebe (Lite) Nauth, farming people. After having gone through the country schools of his district, and the Plymouth high school, he taught school himself in the county for four years. He then entered the medical department of the Northwestern University, from which he was graduated in 1906, following which he spent two years in Chicago and Rockford City hospitals, as home physician and surgeon, thus gaining a very valuable experience. In 1908, Dr. Nauth came to Kiel and entered into general practice, specializing in surgical work. Because of his training, he has a large consultation practice, others of his profession calling upon him for advice and assistance in their more critical cases. He is a member of the Sheboygan Medical Society, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, the American Medical Association and the North American Surgical Society. Fraternally, he belongs to the Masons, Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen of America. He holds a membership in the Equitable Fraternal Union, and his religious affiliations are with the German Reformed church. On September 24, 1907, he was married to Lola Harvey, of Rockford, Illinois, daughter of Rufus A. and Minnie (Vaughn) Harvey. Mr. Harvey is a merchant of Rockford. For three years Dr. Nauth served the city Kiel as health officer and rendered it valuable service in preserving the people's health, and improving the sanitation. A reliable, skilled physician and surgeon, Dr. Nauth keeps thoroughly abreast of modern advancement and discoveries and his practice shows material evidences of his popularity.
Daniel Frederick Nauth, M.D.
FELIX NEIDER From History of the Great Lakes, Vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield Published Chicago: J.H. Beers & Co. 1899 Felix Neider, a well-known and thoroughly competent marine engineer sailing out of the port of Manitowoc, Wis., is a highly esteemed employee of the Goodrich Steamship Company, for whom he has been in various active capacities for the past thirty years, with the exception of the short period when employed in the railroad shops of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Company. He was born in Austria, December 28, 1849, and is a son of Vincent and Annie Neider, who came to the United States in 1853, locating in Manitowoc, Wis. The father died the following year, and the children then looked to the mother for guidance until 1874, when she too, passed away. Felix Neider was very young when he was thrown upon his own resources, but previous to this had enjoyed a few years in the public schools of Manitowoc. At the age of twelve years he began to make his own way in the world, and in 1866 shipped as boy on the schooner Addie, with Captain Davis, going the next spring on the schooner Gazine, and closing the season on the barge Plymouth Rock. It was in 1868 that he entered the Goodrich employ as fireman on the steamer Manitowoc, new at that time. During the year 1869 he worked in the shipyard at Manitowoc for the same company, passing the next season before the mast on the barge Plymouth Rock. In 1871 he again worked in the shipyard, but the next year he took out an engineer's license and was appointed as second in the steamer Manitowoc. After laying her up, he went to work in the shipyard until the steamer Menominee commenced running in 1873, when he joined her as second engineer. He then passed four years in the shipyard, and in the spring of 1878 was appointed second engineer on the steamer Corona, followed by two years of dry dock work for Rand & Burger, also running the tug Margaret for a short time. He was employed the next year in the locomotive shops of the Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company, located in Milwaukee. In the spring of 1883 was appointed second engineer of the Sheboygan, holding that office four seasons, after which he ran the tug Arctic for the same owners. In 1888 he was made second engineer on the steamer Chicago, and the spring of 1889 found him again on board the Sheboygan, holding the office of chief, which he filled for two seasons, when he was given the Chicago to run, remaining on her seven consecutive seasons, and giving a good account of his engines. In the spring of 1898, he came out as chief of the steamer Sheboygan, plying between Chicago and Green Bay ports. Socially, he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association; Ancient Order of United Workmen, and also of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. On December 12, 1871, Mr. Neider was united in marriage to Miss Annie Elizabeth Green, daughter of William and Henrietta (Cox) Green, natives of Weymouth, England, who came to the United States about 1847, and located at Manitowoc, Wis., where Mrs. Neider was born July 17, 1852. The children born to this union are Laura Edith; George Burt, who is in business in Manitowoc; Ralph M.; Archie F. and Gordon G. The family residence is in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
(sent in by researcher/see contributors page) Marriage of Mathias Neiderbrum and Elizabeth Hartlaub – Nov. 24, 1896
JOS. NEINER (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Tuesday, June 21, 1892) Jos. Neiner and Miss Lizzie Kimmes of the town of Two Rivers were united in marriage at the Catholic church last Wednesday. The blissful union was celebrated afterwards at the home of the bridegroom's parents by a large number of friends and relatives of the happy pair. A large number of friends and relatives from Milwaukee were present.
PETER NEINER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.122-123. Peter Neiner, one of the old and honored residents of the town of Two Rivers, now living retired after many years spent in agricultural pursuits in Manitowoc county, was born April 19, 1829, in Bohemia, and is a son of Frank and Crysence (Frank) Neiner, whose other son was Joseph. Mr. Neiner’s father was a carpenter, as was his brother also, and both spent their lives in the old country. Peter Neiner was married to Frances Krouse, a native of Bohemia, who died at the age of thirty-five years, leaving four children, Anna, Joseph, Adolph and Mary. Later he was married to Anna Strohschneider, who died when twenty-eight years old, leaving a daughter, Catherine. Mr. Neiner’s third marriage was to Anna Hess, who was born July 25, 1833, in Germany, and with her and his five children he came to the United States, May 28, 1874, and located in the town of Two Rivers. At once he started to cultivate the farm now operated by his grandson, and here he is now spending his last days in quiet retirement after a long and useful agricultural career. When he first located on this eighty-acre tract, it consisted of wild timberland, and here he erected a log cabin, twenty-six by thirty-six feet, and a log barn, twenty-eight by sixty-four feet, and started to cultivate the land with an ox team. The property is now all under a high state of cultivation, and has a new barn, thirty by sixty feet, built in 1881; a granary, twenty-four by twenty-eight feet, and a new house and other buildings which have been erected by Frank Neiner, who has made an addition, sixty-one by forty-four feet, to the barn; a fine silo, a horse and cow stable, thirty by ninety feet, and a woodshed, eighteen by forty-eight feet. Frank Neiner, grandson of Peter Neiner, was born in December, 1874, and was adopted by his grandfather, who gave him a good education in the district schools. He was reared to the life of an agriculturist and has always remained on the old homestead, where he carries on farming along scientific lines. He is a democrat in politics, and has been clerk of his school district two terms and treasurer one term. The family has always been connected with the Catholic church. In 1895, Frank Neiner was married to Miss Minnie Broecker, a daughter of Fred Broecker, an old settler of the town of Two Rivers, and four children have been born to this union, Alvin, Anna, Amanda and Rosa.
HORAL NELSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.122-123. Horal Nelson, the president of the Herald-Press Publishing Company, was born in Norway on the 11th of December, 1846. In 1849, when but three years of age, he was brought by his parents to the United States, the family home being first maintained at Port Washington, Wisconsin, for four years, during which period the father died. In June, 1853, Horal Nelson came to Manitowoc, entering the public schools. At an early age, however, he put aside his textbooks and began providing for his own support, scorning no honest employment that presented itself. In 1862 he became an apprentice in the office of the old Herald, which at that time was a weekly paper. For the past half century he has been continuously identified with the printing business. In 1896 he became a member of the Brandt Printing & Binding Company, from which organization sprung the Daily Herald in 1898. In 1904 Mr. Nelson took over the interest of Mr. Brandt in the Herald, the latter acquiring Mr. Nelson's interest in the job company. In 1908 Horal Nelson became sole owner of the paper, and a little later in the same year the company was reorganized with the present officers and stockholders. As the head of the Herald-Press Publishing Company he has displayed excellent business qualifications and sound judgment and has thus won an enviable reputation. On the 27th of January, 1874, Mr. Nelson wedded Miss Catherine Smoke, of Manitowoc, by whom he has had three children. Elizabeth J., who gave her hand in marriage to Albert J. LaCosse, of Kaukauna, now resides in Manitowoc and is the mother of one child. Eva L. passed away in childhood. William D. Nelson obtained his early education in the Manitowoc schools and subsequently attended Lewis Institute of Chicago for two years. He is a draftsman and does work along that line in addition to discharging his duties as secretary of the Herald-Press Publishing Company and has become associated with A.J. LaCosse, Inc., in the stationery business. Horal Nelson has always supported republican men and measures and has served as alderman of the fourth ward for two terms. His life has been one of intense activity, crowned with deserved success, and his record may well serve as a source of inspiration to others, showing what may be accomplished when ability is coupled with determination. He is widely and favorably known in the county where almost his entire life has been spent and his record therefore cannot fail to prove of interest to many of our readers.
N.T. NELSON (Capt.) (He was killed on the Sea Bird. Manitowoc Pilot, April 17, 1868) CAPT. N.T. NELSON. Was born in Norway, and was 43 years of age. By occupation he was a mariner, from his early youth. He came to Manitowoc about 18 years ago, and since that time has resided here with his family, following his occupation as a vessel captain. He was on his way to Chicago to purchase a tug for use in our harbor, if he could find one that suited his purposes. Captain Nelson was an upright, hardworking, public spirited man, who was universally esteemed, and whose death is a serious loss to our community. His liberality was only limited by his means, and no worth object of aid was ever turned away by him empty- handed. He leaves a wife and seven children, who live in the Second Ward.
SOREN P. NELSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.176-177. Soren P. Nelson, shipping clerk of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, and the owner of a beautiful residence at No. 1620 Twenty-first street, was born in Ragn, Bamble, Norway, August 28 1858, a son of Nels and Margaretta (Larson) Sorenson, the former of whom died in that country in 1892, at the age of seventy-one years and the latter in 1891, when seventy-three years of age. They had two children, Soren P. and Meta who live together at Two Rivers. Nels Sorenson was a son of Soren Hanson and Meta (Stoke) Hanson, the former of whom was a farmer by occupation. During the war between Norway and Sweden the father served as a sailor on a small two-cannon vessel. He lived to the age of ninety-seven years, his wife also attaining advanced years. They had two children, Nels and Hans, the latter of whom emigrated to America, engaged in carpentering and architectural work, served in a Wisconsin regiment, and is now deceased. Hens Sorenson, the great-grandfather of Soren P. Nelson, followed farming and died when eighty-seven or eighty-eight years old, being the father of three or four children. Soren P. Nelson received his early education in his native country, being given the advantages of a high-school and commercial course, and engaged in business with his father, who owned a large farm and also timber lands. After the death of his parents, Mr. Nelson and his sister came to America in 1893, landing at New York on the 5th of July of that year, and then came west to Green Bay to the home of their uncle, with whom they remained for two months. Mr. Nelson attended school at Sturgeon Bay during that winter and in the spring began work for the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, tallying and shipping logs. He was thus employed during’ the summer and became time-keeper the next winter, when he went to Sturgeon Bay. During the next year he came to Two Rivers, where he has since been time-keeper, shipping clerk and assistant superintendent of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company. On August 25, 1904, Mr. Nelson was married to Miss Enanda Sofia Christensen, who was born in Jerpen, Cato township, October 27, 1870, and she died April 9, 1905. Fraternally he is connected with the Two Rivers lodge and with Manitowoc chapter of the Masonic order, and also holds membership in the Modern Woodmen and the Equitable Fraternal Union. He and his sister are members of the Congregational church, and live in one of the handsome residences of Two Rivers, which is surrounded by beautiful, well-kept lawns, in which Mr. Nelson takes the greatest pride.
JOHN NENAHLO From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Firm of Nenahlo & Rusch, flouring mill, Reedsville. Born Oct. 13, 1859, in Manitowoc County. After attending school, he assisted on a farm until 1875, when his father built this mill, where he has since been engaged. His father died in 1879, aged fifty-six years. Since then he has had control of this business. Married, August, 1880, to Netta Schuster, of Manitowoc County. They have one son.
JOHN NESPOR From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Proprietor Clipper City Marble Works, Manitowoc, was born in Bohemia, Sept. 25, 1851, and emigrated to America in 1866, and settled in Manitowoc. He learned his trade in the latter city. He began business in 1875, beginning in a small way, and now has a good business. He was married in Manitowoc Sept. 28, 1873, to Miss Julia Marish. She was born in Kossuth Tp., Manitowoc Co., Dec. 24, 1857. They have one son and two daughters.
MATHIAS NETZER b. November 28, 1817, Freudenburg, Bizerk Trier, Prussia; d. February 01, 1892, Sanglois Hotel, Milwaukee, WI; Mathias Netzer was born in Freudenburg, Prussia 28 Nov. 1817, the son of Mathias Netzer and Katharina Quari. He married Elizabeth Grandil, daughter of Nikolaus Grandill and Maria Maas on the 25th of November 1841 at St. Trinitatis Catholic Church in Freudenburg. They had seven children, three of them dying in Freudenburg before they left for America. The Mathias Netzer family left Freudenburg on the 14 of March 1857 with $400.00. They went to the port of Havre, France to board the ship 'Tornado' to go to the United States of America. This ship had 689 passengers, plus the crew, so it was a really large ship for those days. They landed at New York on the 15 April 1857. There were six of them in their family when they landed. I was never able to find the youngest one, Mathias, who was eight months old. He must have died sometime after they left the ship. It is not known where they lived until they bought their farm of 80 acres in the town of Meeme Northeast of School Hill) on 1 May 1860, for $160.00 from Edward H Janssen and wife Friederike. Then on 17 September 1867, Mathias Netzer bought the farm across the road from his farm for $800.00 from DeLorma & Lila Brooks, who were land prospectors. Mathias became a naturalized citizen on the 28 Mar. 1868 in the city of Manitowoc, WI. In the fall of 1891, Mathias Netzer, who was a widower by then, went down to Missouri to visit his son Peter and family. He stayed there for several months. He was expected to stay there all winter, but then in January of 1892 he decided to come back to Wisconsin. On his way home, he stopped at the Wisconsin Sanglois Hotel in the 4th ward of Milwaukee to spend the night. This was close to the train station. He was 75 years of age at the time and hard of hearing. He was told to turn off the gas lights and not to blow them out like a kerosene lamp. Mathias could not have understood the hotel personal, as he blew out the lights and was gassed to death. The next day, a messenger came to the farm home on horse-back to inform John Netzer of his father's death. Only the younger girls of the family were home as the rest of the family were at the wedding of William Binversie and Regina Schuler which was on February 1, 1892. William was the youngest brother of Margaret Netzer. The next day, John went to Milwaukee by train to identify his father and come back with his body. It cost $95.00 to prepare the body for burial which included the coffin, and $1.84 to ship the body by train from Milwaukee to Centerville - which is now called Cleveland. At the time of Mathias' wife's death, they were both living with their daughter Magdalena Birsch and her husband who owned a saloon and hotel on the 42 near Edwards on the south end of the town of Meeme. Lots of travelers would stop over night at the Birsch's, on their way through. The Netzer's had been retired for many years by that time. Mathias was carrying a lot of money with him at the time of his death. The money he had came from either John or Peter, when they paid back their father as they were paying off their debt to their father. The "Netzer" name had a few different spellings; "Netzler" was on Mathias' death certificate, "Natzer" is on Mathias's wife's gravestone. Helen Kautzer - author
WALTER L. NEWBERRY From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 29, 1872: State of Wisconsin - County of Manitowoc In the matter of the proof and probate of the last will and testament of Walter L. Newberry, deceased, late of the county of Cook, State of Illinois. Whereas, an instrument in writing purporting to be the last will and testament of Walter L. Newberry, deceased, late of the county of Cook, has been filed in this office and whereas application has been made by Frank Lak?eck, praying that the same be proven and admitted to probate according to the laws of this State. Therefore is ordered that said application be heard before me at the probate office in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on the 11th day of March, A.D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a.m. (rest of notice is publishing rules)
FRED NIEPHAUS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.265-266. Fred Niephaus, the owner of eighty-two acres of farming land on section 30, town of Kossuth, has been a resident of this township all his life, and was born September 4, 1867, a son of Balthasar and Amelia (Anthold) Niephaus. Balthasar Niephaus came to the United States with his parents as a lad of eleven years, from the Rhine, Germany, the family locating in Manitowoc county, and securing wild land on section 26, town of Kossuth. The father was reared on this place, receiving a district-school education, and he continued to cultivate the land until his retirement in 1904, at which time he and his wife went to live with their son, Henry, at St. Joe, Michigan. The father was known as a good citizen and practical farmer, and he had many friends in the town of Kossuth. Although he never held office, he was a stanch republican and was one of the leading members of the German Baptist church. In his family were two sons: Fred; and Henry, a painter and paper hanger of St. Joe, Michigan. Fred Niephaus attended the public schools of his home locality, and resided with his parents until he was twenty-five years of age. After his marriage he settled on his present farm, which was known as the old Grobe place, and which consists of eighty-two acres of well cultivated land. Here he has made numerous improvements, including the building of a good residence and three commodious barns. He keeps about fourteen head of stock as well as draft horses of a good breed and carries on general farming. In December, 1890, Mr. Niephaus was married to Miss Louisa Rohrbach, of Manitowoc, a daughter of Christian and Augusta (Glave) Rohrbach, natives of Wittenberg, Germany. They came to this country in the ‘50s, settling in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and later removed to the town of Manitowoc, where Mr. Rohrbach is engaged in farming, his wife being now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Niephaus have had two children, Edwin and Emma. Mr. Niephaus votes with the republican party, and he and his wife are consistent members of the German Baptist church.
HENRY G.S. NIEMANN From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Henry G.S. Niemann, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Christina Niemann, of Manitowoc in said county, representing among other things that Henry G.L. Niemann(sic), late of said county, on the 9th day of April A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is mother of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to John Knickreim granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court, on Wednesday, the 16th day of March, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m. at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, Feb. 23d, 1870
EDWARD NIQUETTE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.28-29. Edward Niquette is the owner of the Opera House at Two Rivers, which is used as an amusement hall and moving picture theater. He thus contributes largely to the amusement interests of the place and has won success in the conduct of his business affairs. He was born in Manitowoc county in 1866 and was educated in the public schools of Mishicot. His father, Callis Niquette, was a native of Canada, who came to this section as one of its pioneer residents. The work of improvement and development had scarcely been begun here at the time of his arrival. He secured a tract of land on which not a furrow had been turned or an improvement made and there he cleared a farm and built a log cabin. As the years passed he prospered, laying the foundation of his success in his agricultural interests. He was a public-spirited man, always active in affairs for the welfare of his town and county, and his political allegiance was given to the democratic party. He did not know a word of English when he came to Wisconsin but educated himself in the language, having previously spoken the French tongue. As he proved his worth and ability he was called to public office, serving both as supervisor and as assessor of his town. He married Caroline Lawrence, a native of Belgium. Under the parental roof Edward Niquette was reared and in his youthful days he assisted his father in developing and cultivating the home farm. When a young man he left home and secured a position in the life-saving station at Two Rivers, remaining in that connection for ten years. The chance for advancement, however, was limited and with the money which he had saved from his earnings he entered the draying business in connection with his brother-in-law, Henry Rau, with whom he remained for two years. On the expiration of that period he began conducting a saloon and six years ago he purchased the Opera House property. He then rebuilt the place, equipped it in modern style and now has a thoroughly up-to-date Opera House with a seating capacity of twelve hundred and fifty. He also has the building so arranged that it is used as a skating rink and moving picture theater, and entertainment is thus afforded young and old. At Two Rivers, on the 30th of January, 1895, Mr. Niquette was united in marriage to Miss Mary Gagnon, a daughter of Peter Gagnon. They have become the parents of five children, Elsie, Cyril, Julia, Lester and Virginia, all at home. Mr. Niquette is a democrat in his political views but does not seek nor desire office as a reward for party fealty. He is, however, always active in city affairs and does what he can to aid in the work of public progress. His religious faith is that of the Catholic church. He is an enterprising and successful man, entirely self-made, for he started out in life empty-handed and has worked his way steadily upward through his perseverance and resolution.
MRS. URBAN NIQUETTE From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, June 21, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Mrs. Urban Niquette was a daughter of Timothy Harrington who was a native of Ireland and had settled in New Brunswick Canada. She came with her father, mother and eight other children to Wisconsin in 1850. They landed at Sheboygan and were not allowed to proceed immediately to Two Rivers on account of the Cholera which was then prevalent. Besides the boat landed at Two Rivers pier only a limited number of times during the season. They arrived at Two Rivers in the fall. Mrs. Niquette was then ten years of age. The above picture was taken twenty years ago. Upon their arrival they found about ten German families as many French and three or four Irish families living here. They moved up river to Neshoto where Mrs. Niquette's father found employment for a year as accountant for a saw mill which was conducted by Mr. Isaac Taylor. It will not be amiss to state here that Isaac Taylor moved away to Racine in the latter 50's. There, before his death he founded an orphan's home which is known as the Taylor Orphan's Home. He gave many thousands of dollars to this institution. In 1851 Mrs. Niquette's father moved back to Two Rivers with his family. Their household goods and belongings were taken down river on a scow which was propelled by horse power on board. In a short time this method of transportation was improved by the use of a steam tug which made daily trips to Neshoto to bring down lumber. After his return to Two Rivers Mrs. Niquette's father held various offices for the village and county. He was for several terms Justice of the Peace and as such united in marriage several of the "Old Timers" whose records have been narrated in these columns. Mr. Harrington had acquired a farm at Mishicot on which the family resided for but a few months, when he died in 1854. Mrs. Niquette was married at Mishicot in 1857 to Urban Niquette. They moved to Two Rivers in 1857 and since then she has lived here continuously. After many years in the fish and fish-net business here Mr. Niquette served as postmaster during Cleveland's administration and proved an able and obliging official. He died in 1898. The building at the intersection of 16th and River Streets where Mr. Niquette conducted his business and had the post office is still her property. It is one of the oldest houses in Two Rivers. It has been added to in later years but it was originally build before the summer of 1848. It was first used as a hotel conducted by one Mr. Haus who erected it. Mrs. Niquette is still in reasonably good health and her hospitable and amiable disposition has made her many friends and endears her to all within the circle of her acquaintance. Altho 73 years of age she is probably the youngest "Old Timer" in the city.
JAMES NOBLE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Foreman for Hubbard & Noble, manufacturers of wood and sleigh stock, Reedsville. Was born April 2, 1844, near Ogdensburg. At the age of twelve years, he came with his parents to Manitowoc County, and assisted on their farm until 1862, when he enlisted in Company K, 21st Wis. V. I.; served to the end of the war. Returned to Manitowoc County, and worked one year on a farm. He then commenced working at the millwright business, and continued until the fall of 1871, when he came to Reedsville, and has been connected with this mill. Married in 1868, to Miss Jane Johnson, of Sheboygan. They have two children, both daughters.
ANDREW NOLL And. Noll Dies; Funeral to be Friday Morning Had Served as Postmaster, Republican County Committeeman and as Bank Director Andrew Noll, for many years identified with the hardware and real estate business in this city, died at his home, 75 Brooklyn Heights, shortly before noon Tuesday. Death followed an illness that had confined him to his home for more than a year. The funeral will be from St. Mary’s church Saturday at 9:30 a.m., Rev. H. E. Hunck officiating. Burial will be in St. Mary’s cemetery. Mr. Noll was born in Huebelungen, Germany, July 17, 1860. At the age of 20 he emigrated to America, settling at Cascade, Sheboygan county, Wis., where he obtained employment in a hardware store conducted by an uncle. From there he went to Seymour where, in company with Gilbert Stewart, he went into the hardware business. About 1890 Mr. Noll and his partner came to this city and opened a hardware store. A year or two later Mr. Noll bought out his partner and became sole proprietor. Later he sold out to his brother, Jacob Noll, Anton Egerer and Edward Plank. Following his retirement from the hardware business he entered the real estate and insurance business which he followed until a little more than a year ago when impaired health compelled him to retire. Mr. Noll for several years held the position of chairman of the Republican county committee. He served as postmaster for two terms, a period of eight years. He became a director of the Chilton National bank shortly after its organization and served in that capacity up to the time of his death. At the recent annual meeting of the bank Mr. Noll, though incapacitated for active work, was re-elected. Mr. Noll married Miss Ida Ruppenthal of Kiel in 1889. Feb. 1932
WILLIAM NOLLAU From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 William Nollau, proprietor Franklin House, Manitowoc, was born Feb. 11, 1826, in Saxony. In April 1849, he came to Sheboygan, thence to Manitowoc County; worked in saw mills, and was foreman for B. Jones & Company several years. He then rented a saw-mill, and ran it about eighteen months, when it was destroyed by fire. He then went to Mishicott, where he worked about six months. In 1863, he exchanged land with Mr. Esslinger for this property, and has since been engaged in the hotel business. He was married, in 1854, to Miss Lisetta Hacker, of Mecklenburg. They have seven children, three sons and four daughters - Nellie, now Mrs. Wolff, of Chicago; Ida, now Mrs. John A. Root, of Minneapolis; Arthur, now book-keeper for John Schuette & Bro.; Emma; Theo, now learning the harness trade; Emil and Adaline, now attending school.
NOONAN, (WOMAN) Manitowoc Tribune November 5, 1874, Vol. 21 No. 29, Page 5 Column 2 A Bohemian woman by name of Noonan, living in the 4th ward, ran away last Friday and took with her, her four little girls. Before leaving home she smashed up things generally. Her husband was away in the country at work. The woman is subject to fits of insanity. It is supposed she has gone to Milwaukee. Her husband is anxious about her and the children, but is too poor to follow her.
Theo. Novak This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.