[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
JOSEPH ZAHORIK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.296-297. Joseph Zahorik, a successful business man of Taus, Wisconsin, was born in Franklin township, Manitowoc county, October 8, 1862, and is a son of John and Mary (Peir) Zahorik. Mr. Zahorik’s parents were married in Bohemia, their native country, and came to the United States in 1861, purchasing eighty acres on section 22, Franklin township, two of which were cleared and there stood a log shanty on the premises when the property was acquired. John Zahorik cleared this property and added to it from time to time until he owned two hundred and forty acres, but sold a part of it and deeded more to his children, and at the time of his death owned eighty acres. He was forty-seven years of age at the time of his death, January 8, 1878, his wife having passed away in 1867, when she was thirty-two years old, and both were buried in the cemetery at St. Augustine church, in Kossuth township. John Zahorik was a republican in politics, but never aspired to public office, although he took an active interest in local affairs. Joseph Zahorik was the fourth of his parents’ six children and was given an excellent education attending the public and high schools and the Oshkosh Normal School and Oshkosh Business College. For three years after leaving the latter institution he was engaged in school teaching and then established the mercantile business in which he was engaged until the fall of 1911, when he sold out. Joseph Zahorik was married in 1885 to Miss Anna Boehm, who was born October 25, 1865, the eldest of the five children of Maximilian and Mary (Hruska) Boehm, natives of Bohemia who are now living in Franklin township. Eleven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Zahorik, nine of whom survive, all living at home: Joseph M., Emily, Daniel H., Louis B., Catherine, Henry, Albert Edward, Loretta and Charles Arthur. Mr. Zahorik is a democrat in his political views, and has served for a quarter of a century as town clerk, as justice of the peace for twenty-seven years, on the school board for twenty years, being the present treasurer, and was postmaster at Taus for about fifteen years, holding that position until the rural free delivery routes were established. The family is connected with St. Augustine Catholic church, of Kossuth township.
(sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
EDWARD ZANDER THE ZANDER FAMILY Among the likewise interesting presentations of the evening belongs the presentation of old Mr. Edw. Zander, Sr. from whom originated the name Zander Post Office. It made a deep impression to hear the old gentle- man, today in his 82nd year, warmly from the heart give an account of those days, when, since culture here had its beginnings, as a living contributor to it he projected into the present. Surely his life’s story is similar to that of so many emigrants who with untiring diligence in the privation-filled pioneer days here worked for a more pleasant future. Yet his story as those of others has its special points, even though in all of them the same intense prompting of a career is reflected again and again. It was 1850 when Mr. Zander, who at that time worked as a furniture— maker in Hamburg, was persuaded by a friend to emigrate to America. On a beautiful day they set out on the trip over the ocean and full of hope the pair of friends landed in New York. Hope and their reliance on their favorable star during that time were their greatest assets; for in hard cash Mr. Zander had in his possession in all two dollars. Courageously they went from New York on the way to Milwaukee. On this trip having arrived in Chicago, they were pressed into fire fighting service because of a fire prevailing there. Finally having arrived in Milwaukee, they found work in the then Dutcher Factory which stood on the place now occupied by the Plankinton Hotel. Here they worked, saved some money, which they deposited into a bank. Now desire for land grabbed them and they traveled on the Green Bay Road seeking to purchase property. Eventually they arrived at the small village of Mishicot. They entered into nego- tiations with a land agent named Ulrich. He gave Mr. Zander a map, which designated the waterways as well as government land for sale. Further he gave them the advice, always to look for maple trees, since the land lying beneath them was the best. Thus advised, the friends now went on in search of maple trees. They found what they sought in Section 4 of Town Gibson, and indeed on the same spot where the Zander Post Office now stands. Here they acquired the option on a farm. Now their travels took them to Milwaukee, there to get their money from the bank —— and they found that the bank —— was bankrupt. Now it meant to save money anew and also this succeeded. In February they marched through snow and ice again to Gibson. With them they carried two oblong chests with covers which served as bedsteads. After they arrived at their farm, they looked for a suitable place for their house, on which four trees formed the corner pillars for the same. Young trees were cut down and set up in between them and a roof placed over this. Thus a temporary dwelling arose which in time also received a covering of boards. Fortunately in the vicinity there was a lumbering camp, where one provided them night lodging and supper until with diligent hands a fair house developed. Later Mr. Kappel came here, known as the former manager of the Turner Hall in Manitowoc, and Mr. Schmiedicke, who at present still lives in the city. As Mr. Zander asserted, the space in their small house was so limited that the occupants at night one after the other had to find a place to sleep to find needed space for his body. In the next year the parents of Mr. Zander together with the remaining family members came over here from the old homeland. They landed in Two Rivers and from there were brought to the farm. Mr. Zander then gave the farm to his father as a present and returned to his trade. The father declared himself very satisfied with his new surroundings. As he helped his wife from the wagon, his cry sounded, “Now I feel like a nobleman.” Sad to say he didn’t enjoy his new home long. He died a few years after his arrival. Meanwhile the members of the Zander family remained at the home place and grew up there into respected and wealthy farmers. Translation from the newspaper "The Post" ca. 1906 (sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
KARL L. ZANDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.139-140. Karl L. Zander, who is well known to the Wisconsin paper trade as a jobber in paper of all kinds, is a native of Manitowoc county, and was born December 15, 1876, a son of Fred and Rosa (Musil) Zander, who came to Manitowoc county about 1852, Mr. Zander being a native of Germany and his wife of Bohemia. Fred Zander first engaged in manufacturing, then entered the lumber business, and in 1870 went to Mishicot and became proprietor of a hotel business, but retired from activities sixteen years prior to his death, which occurred March 22, 1908. He was a prominent man of his district and for a number of years was chairman of the township board. His widow still survives as do six of their eleven children. Karl L. Zander was educated in the common schools and was engaged in various lines until he entered the paper-jobbing business in 1906, becoming a paper broker in 1909. He now sells over a territory covering the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa, He was married June 30, 1909, to Victoria Buechner, a daughter of Mrs. J. J. Martens, of Milwaukee, and both are well known and very popular in social circles of the city.
OTTO J. ZANDER According to The History of Manitowoc County by Louis Falge... REEDSVILLE: The village of Reedsville, with laudable ambition, established the Reporter in 1909, of which a Reedsville boy, Ed F. Maertz, became proprietor and editor. Later he found a better field in Denmark, a village in Brown County, and the Reporter was then taken charge of by Otto Zander, the publisher of the neighboring Brillion News. Mr Zander was born and reared in Manitowoc County and has been in the newspaper business for many years. Owned and operated the Brillion News for more than 25 years. Was successful at this after taking over the newspaper from its first 5 owners in the first 5 years of its existence. ********* Otto J. Zander was editor and publisher of the Brillion News, at Brillion, Calumet County, for thirty years. It later became known as the Zander Press. Mr. Zander was born in Gibson, in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. His parents were Fred, born in Germany and Rosa Zander born in Bohemia and came to the United States with their parents when young both family settling in Manitowoc county in 1854. Fred Zander moved to Mishicot, Manitowoc County in 1873, and established a hotel and opera hall, and retired from the business in 1894. He then moved to a small farm near Mishicot where he died in 1907, his wife died in 1918, both are buried in the Town of Gibson cemetery. Otto J. Zander earned a teacher's certificate and taught in the district schools of Manitowoc County for ten years, spending two years in the Mishicot school where he had graduated. In 1899, he bought the Brillion News from Jay A. Matthews. He gradually built up the business until it became a widely read nespaper. Mr. Zander was married to Miss Isabel Trossen on August 31, 1897. Her father came from Germany and served in the Union Army during the Civil War. Otto and Isabel had three children: Lucile, who graduated from the College of Journalism, University of Wisconsin in 1917; Elliott, who went into the newspaper business with his father, and Juanita who was born 9 June 1898 and died 13 Oct 1898 and is buried in the Brillion Community Cemetery, Calumet co.
Otto Zander
Brillion Press is now called Zander Press and is still owned and operated by the Zander family, descendants of Otto.
Brillion Press now Zander Press
(all sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
FERDINAND ZASTROW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.469-470. Ferdinand Zastrow, one of the well known and highly successful agriculturists of Liberty township, has resided on the farm where he is now living for fifty-five years. He is a native of Germany, his birth having occurred on the 17th of May, 1845, and the eldest child born of the marriage of Gottlieb and Wilhelmina Zastrow. The parents were also natives of Germany, whence they emigrated in 1856 to the United States with their son Ferdinand and a little daughter, Wilhelmina. They came directly to Manitowoc county and the father purchased some land in Liberty township, upon which he erected a small log cabin, that served as a home for the family for some years thereafter. He then applied himself assiduously to clearing his land and preparing it for cultivation, continuing to live on his farm until his death in 1895 at the age of seventy-seven years. He was survived for three years by the mother, who had passed the eightieth anniversary of her birth at the time of her demise in 1898. The education of Ferdinand Zastrow was commenced in the common schools of his native land, where he resided until he was eleven years of age. After the family located in this county he attended the district school at irregular intervals for a brief period, but his educational advantages were very limited, as his services were required by his father in the work of the farm. His duties were increased from year to year in accordance with the development of his strength and sense of responsibility and long before he had attained his maturity he was expected to do the work of a man. As his father grew older, the son assumed more and more of the duties connected with the management of the place and the sale of the products and in 1895, he bought the property. Since coming into the title of the property, Mr. Zastrow has wrought extensive improvements in the place, including the erection of a new residence and large and commodious barns. He engages in both general farming and stock-raising and is meeting with lucrative returns from both branches of his business, as he is a man of practical ideas and good judgment. For his wife and helpmate, Mr. Zastrow chose Miss Reka Schimelfel, a daughter of Christian Schimelfel and a native of Germany, whence she was brought to America by her parents at the age of one year. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Zastrow as follows: August, Albert, William, Annie aid Ella. In matters of faith the family are Lutherans and hold membership in the German church of that denomination at Liberty. Mr. Zastrow is one of the progressive and enterprising men of the township, who uses his time to excellent advantage as is manifested by the attractive and well kept appearance of his farm, which is one of the valuable properties of the community.
CHARLES A. ZEMAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.139-140. Charles A. Zeman, treasurer of the Northern Elevator Company, which is located at the corner of Buffalo and Eleventh streets, has been connected with that organization since 1908. He was born in Manitowoc, June 7, 1880, a son of Frank and Anna Zeman, and his entire life has been spent within the cofines of the county. The father came from Bohemia to Manitowoc in 1850 and during his active career was engaged in the hotel business. He was very active politically and served as sheriff, county treasurer and alderman. The mother’s death occurred in 1898 and she is buried in Evergreen cemetery. Charles Zeman’s education was acquired in the public schools and soon after his graduation from the North Side high school in 1900 he began his business career as a clerk in the offices of the Northern Grain Company. Afterward he was one of several partners who formed the present Northern Elevator Company, of which he is a director as well as treasurer. Mr. Zeman gives his political support to the democratic party. He holds membership in the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks. He resides at No. 702 North Ninth Street. In both social and business circles he well merits the regard in which he is held and the financial success to which he has attained is well deserved.
HENRY F. ZERMUEHLEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.255-256. Henry F. Zermuehlen, a substantial agriculturist of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who is cultivating an excellent property situated on section 12, was born in Two Rivers, Manitowoc county, October 15, 1857, and is a son of Henry and Elizabeth (Hermann) Zermuehlen, the former of West Prussia, and the latter of Wittenherg, Germany. Henry Zermuehlen, Sr., came to the United States in 1854, on a sailing vessel which was on the ocean for over fifty days. He located in New York city, going thence to Baltimore, Maryland, and then coming on to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where he secured employment in a sawmill, in October, 1857, he settled on forty acres of unbroken land on section 1, in the township of Two Rivers, with his brother, Fred, who had come to the United States in 1852 and settled first in Centerville, Wisconsin, later moving to Two Rivers. On October 25, 1862, Fred Zermuehlen enlisted in Company F, Twenty-sixth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served with that organization until June, 1865, when he received his honorable discharge after participating in a number of hard-fought battles, including those of Missionary Ridge, Resaca, Dallas, Kenesaw Mountain, Atlanta, Peach Tree Creek, Savannah, Bentonville, Goldsboro and Raleigh. After the war Henry and Fred Zermuehlen resumed farming on section 1, where they had cleared a tract and built a log cabin, but later they sold this property and took up eighty acres of wild land on section 7, where both spent the remainder of their lives, Fred dying in 1907, when eighty-one years of age, and Henry passing away September 25, 1906, when eighty-two years of age. Fred Zermuehlen, who remained unmarried, made his home with his brother Henry all his life. Mrs. Zermuehlen had died February 16, 1884, aged fifty-two years. Henry Zermuehlen was prominent in democratic politics, holding various offices, and was also well and favorably known as an agriculturist. He and his wife had five children: Mary, who died at the age of eleven years; Minnie, who died aged two years; Fred, who also died when two years old; Henry F.; and August, now living on his father’s old farm in Two Rivers. Henry F. Zermuehlen received only limited educational advantages, and he remained on the home farm until his marriage, in 1881. In 1882 he located on his present place, a tract of eighty acres in the town of Two Rivers, forty acres of which had been cleared, and here he erected his residence during that year, his first barn in 1889, the second barn in 1901 and still another barn in 1905. He has a drilled well one hundred and sixty feet deep, from which he secures water for all purposes. General farming and dairying have occupied his attention, and he has about sixteen head of stock. In June, 1881, Henry F. Zermuehlen was married to Augustina Messmann, of Pomerania, Germany, a daughter of Jacob and Mary (Zuelm) Messmann, natives of that country. The Messmann family came to the United States in 1859, settling in the town of Two Creeks, Manitowoc county, where they took up land and followed farming, the father dying in 1900, at the age of eighty—two years, and his widow passing away in 1905, when eighty-nine years of age. They were members of the Lutheran church, and the parents of six children, three of whom survive: Anna, the wife of Charles Herbert, of Milwaukee; Carrie, who married David Herman, of Kewaunee; and Mrs. Zermuehlen. Mr. and Mrs. Zermuehien have had eight children: Amalia, who died at the age of twenty-nine months; Fred, clerk in a general store at Two Rivers, who married Hattie Bedune; Charles, engaged in farming his father’s old property, who married September 6, 1911, Minnie Pilgrim; Martha, who resides in Two Rivers; Clara, who died at the age of seven years; and Margaret, Ernst and Erma, at home. He and his wife are devout members of the Lutheran church at Two Rivers. Mr. Zermuehlen votes independently, and takes an active interest in the affairs of his town, having served in the Capacity of school director and in various other offices.
Chas. Zeroll This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOHN ZIARNIK FAMILY
Family photo taken around 1887. From left are: Charles Ziarnik, Mary (Ziarnik) Matczynski, Agnes (Drobkiewicz) Ziarnik, Agnes (Ziarnik) Musial (mother's lap), Ignatz Ziarnik, Mathilda (Ziarnik) Mella, John Ziarnik, Walter Ziarnik, Joseph Ziarnik and John Ziarnik, Jr. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
WILLIAM A. ZIEGLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.555-556. William A. Ziegler, a prosperous farmer on section 6, Maple Grove, and owner of the Maple Grove Stock Farm, was born July 27, 1867, in Washington county, Wisconsin. He is a son of John and Charlotte (Fuge) Ziegler, natives of Hesse-Darmstadt and Saxony, Germany, respectively. Coming to America in early life, they met here and were married in Milwaukee, settling thereafter on a farm in Washington county, this state. After three years on this place, they moved to the town of Brillion, Calumet county, and bought ninety-seven acres of improved land, upon which they spent twenty-eight years. Then selling their farm, they retired to the village of Brillion, where the father died in 1888, aged forty-seven years, and is buried in the cemetery there. His widow survives and lives in the village, being now seventy-two years old. William A. and a sister, Ida, were the only children of their parents. The latter, who married J. C. Tesch and is living in the town of Brillion, has two children. William A. Ziegler remained with his parents on the farm until it was sold, and he bought his present property of one hundred and sixty acres, moving on it in 1891. Of this land, one hundred and forty-five acres are under the plow, and in a high state of cultivation, producing abundantly. The farm is fenced with barbed wire, and the improvements which Mr. Ziegler has made are excellent. He raises hogs and cattle, milking sixteen cows and marketing his dairy products, while the hay and grain which he raises, he feeds to his stock. Some of his cattle are pure Holstein breed, and his hogs are Poland China, while he specializes on pure breed Percheron horses. His two Percheron stallions and four brood mares are pure blooded and very valuable. The basement barn is thirty-six by one hundred and eighteen feet, and was built by a former owner, but Mr. Ziegler remodelled it in 1905, putting in cement floors and patent stalls and stanchions. He built a second barn in 1906, that is thirty-six by one hundred and eight feet. The two story veneer brick residence was also built before he bought the farm. The water supply comes from drilled wells. There is also a machine shed, thirty by eighty feet, that was put up in 1907, and other improvements are contemplated. On March 15, 1905, Mr. Ziegler married Mary Schwandner, a daughter of Bartholdt and Mary (Lephardt) Schwandner, natives of Germany who came to the United States about 1851, settling in Menasha, Wisconsin. About 1855 the father came to Calumet county and bought a farm in the town of Brillion, upon which he lived until he died in 1906, aged sixty-eight years. His widow, who is seventy-one years old, is residing on the homestead with her daughter. Of the six daughters in this family Mrs. Ziegler was the second, being born March 9, 1877. Mr. and Mrs. Ziegler have six children, Rosa, Clara, Oscar, Harvey, Schma and Manda. In politics Mr. Ziegler is a republican, and for six years served as a member of the board of supervisors, and for ten years was treasurer of the school board. He and his family belong to the Lutheran church of Brillion. It is such men as he who make a town prosperous, for they not only understand their work, but take a pride in improving their property and keeping their farms up to standard.
GUSTAVE ZILL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.372-373. A large percentage of the citizens of Manitowoc county are natives of or trace their ancestry back to Germany, and the sterling characteristics of the sons of the fatherland have constituted the basic element in the present progress and prosperity of this part of the state. Gustave Zill is one of the native sons of Manitowoc county but comes of German ancestry. He was born in Centerville township, May 26, 1859, and is a son of David Zill, a native of Germany who arrived in America about 1848 or 1849. He did not tarry in the east but made his way at once into the interior of the country and took up his abode upon a farm in Manitowoc county. His original tract of land embraced only forty acres but as the years passed and prosperity crowned his labors he added to this until his holdings comprised two hundred and forty acres of rich and productive land. Upon this place he lived to the time of his death, which occurred in the year 1878. He was well known as an enterprising agriculturist and the success he achieved was attributable entirely to his own labors. In early manhood he married Miss Pauline Zweringer, also a native of Germany, and unto them were born seven children. Gustave Zill, whose name introduces this review and who was the fifth in order of birth in that family, acquired a common school education and on starting out in the business world began working in the lumber woods, but thinking to find the pursuit to which he had been reared more congenial and more profitable, he used his earnings in the purchase of the farm upon which he now resides. He today owns one hundred and eighty-five acres of arable land in Centerville township which he has brought under a high state of cultivation, annually gathering large harvests as a reward for the care and labor which he bestows upon his land. In addition to general farming he is engaged in cattle-raising and is the owner of a fine Holstein-Friesian bull. In addition to his agricultural interests he is known in other business connections, being a stockholder in the Cleveland Bank and also in the Newton-Manitowoc Telephone Company. On the 18th of March, 1884, Mr. Zill was united in marriage to Emma Wolters, a daughter of Joseph and Ernestina Wolters, both of whom were natives of Germany. The parents reared a family of seven children and by her marriage Mrs. Zill has also become the mother of seven children, namely: Bruno, who aids his father in carrying on the work of the home farm; Alice, who is the wife of Louis Vogel, a resident farmer of Manitowoc county, by whom she has one child; and Alfred, Nora, Hubert, Lilly and Harry, all at home. On July 11, 1906, Mrs. Gustave Zill passed away and was buried at the Lutheran cemetery in Centerville township, Manitowoc county. Mr. Zill is not only known as a progressive and successful farmer but also as a citizen whose interest in the public welfare is manifested in many tangible and helpful ways. He has served as school director, and the cause of education finds in him a warm friend. He has likewise been township treasurer and assessor and in every public office has discharged his duties with promptness and fidelity. For more than a half century he has been a resident of Manitowoc county and has therefore witnessed the greater part of its development as pioneer conditions have given way before an advancing civilization. In all the work of improvement he has taken a deep interest and his labors have been an element in local progress.
WILLIAM ZILLMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.578-579. William Zillmann is a resident farmer of Schleswig township and his well tilled fields indicate that he follows progressive methods in the cultivation of his farm. He was born in Herman township, Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, on the 11th of July, 1862, his parents being William and Catherine (Repke) Zillmann, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father, who was born May 13, 1832, traveled life’s journey to the 14th of November, 1900, when he was called to his final rest. He came to America in early life and took up his abode at Howard’s Grove, Sheboygan county, where he secured a clerkship in a general store. After being employed in that way for a time he settled in Herman township, where he followed farming, and later was identified with agricultural interests in Rhine township. He also became connected with commercial interests, establishing a store, which he conducted for six years, at the end of which time he removed to Rockville, where he continued in general merchandising for thirty years. He then removed from that place to Manitowoc, where he spent his remaining days in retirement from business, enjoying well earned rest to the time of his death in 1900. His wife, who was born November 22, 1839, survived her husband for more than a decade, passing away in 1911. In their family were ten children, six of whom survive: George, who is engaged in merchandising in Thorp, Wisconsin; William; Anna, who is living in Colby, Wisconsin; Albert; and Edward and Richard, who are partners in the hardware business in Colby. William Zillmann spent his youthful days on his father’s farm in Manitowoc county and when he had put aside his text-books he devoted his entire attention to the farm work for ten years. In 1898 he and his brother Albert purchased the old homestead property and carried on general farming. At the present time William Zillmann is living somewhat retired, his brother Albert, who was born November 2, 1868, being active in the cultivation of the place. Having arrived at years of maturity, he married Louisa Voland, who was born in the town of Mequon, Ozaukee county, Wisconsin, a daughter of Fritz and Theodora (Stubert) Voland, both of whom were natives of Saxony but are now deceased. Her father came to the new world with his parents, who on emigrating to America settled near Sheboygan. Fritz Voland was reared to agricultural pursuits and throughout his entire life engaged in farming. Mrs. Zillmann was one of a family of eight children and by her marriage has become the mother of two children: Clarence, now fifteen years of age; and Thekla, a little maiden of seven summers. Mr. Zillmann is a member of the township school board and is deeply interested in the cause of education, doing all in his power to further its interests. He stands for all that is progressive in the community and the name of Zillmann brothers is a synonym for business enterprise and integrity.
P. J. ZIMMERS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.110-111. P.J. Zimmers, the foremost educator of Manitowoc, was born in Racine, Wisconsin, March 21, 1870. Educated in the public schools of his native city and graduating from the Winslow school and the high school, he subsequently took up a course of study at the State Normal School of Milwaukee. Immediately upon graduating from that institution he engaged in teaching. For two years he was then employed at Watertown, at the expiration of which time he pursued a collegiate course for three years. Having early decided to make teaching his permanent work he engaged in educational work immediately after the completion of his collegiate course. His superior education afforded him the opportunity of accepting the position of supervising principal of the Horicon public schools, in which work he has occupied four years. Later he was superintendent of the Berlin public schools for one year, and he was the first superintendent of the Kenosha public schools where he remained for six years. He gave up that position to accept the superintendency of the Manitowoc schools. Wherever Mr. Zimmers was connected with the schools his abilities were speedily recognized, and he has been given the opportunity for their larger exercise. At Kenosha he introduced manual training, sewing, cooking and kindergarten. He also put the schools on a sound basis, emphasizing thoroughness and businesslike methods. In Manitowoc his success has been equally gratifying and extensive. The spring of 1910 marked the close of an epoch in the public schools of this city, for at that time it was decided to consolidate the four separate school districts into one strong and efficient city system. The value of such consolidation appeals readily to every business man for the advantages to be derived from having the public schools under one management, policy, fund, tax levy and board of education are manifold. The progress of the schools has been rapid, the clannish and factional spirit which existed under the old system has disappeared and in its place a fine school spirit has sprung up. The members of the first board of education who were indefatigable in bringing about these advanced steps were F.A. Miller, Isaac Craite, A.B. Schuette, Henry Vits, L.E. Geer, Dr. Louis Falge and Henry Wernecke. Soon after the organization of the board, Mr. Zimmers, whose work at Kenosha had brought him before the public eye, was elected superintendent and was given the important and difficult task of reorganizing the schools of Manitowoc. Special teachers were appointed for work in manual training, sewing, cooking, music, drawing and physical training. Believing that those who are employed during the day should have some chance of acquiring a technical education which may prove of valuable assistance to them in practical life, Mr. Zimmers succeeded in opening a night school on Monday, November 20, 1911. The enrollment at the time of organization was forty-two and it has since grown to over two hundred and seventy. In this school the elementary branches are taught, also shorthand, typewriting, bookkeeping, commercial law, drafting and shop work. This night school is now under the direction of the local industrial board of education, consisting of Max Rahr, P. J. Zimmers, Henry Dacke, John Schroeder and E. J. Morris. Mr. Zimmers is president of the board. He has firm and established beliefs in educational lines which may be summed up as follows: 1. Thoroughness and accuracy in the elementary subjects. 2. An efficient public—school system should include adequate provision for vocational training for boys and girls over fourteen years of age. Heretofore the work of public schools has been planned almost entirely with reference to culture, laying little or no stress on preparation for a vocation. Since about ninety—five per cent of the people finally make a living with their hands, a system of education is deficient which makes no provision for the training of the hand. To give special training to two million people working in the professions and to give no special training to over thirty million engaged in productive work in this country, is to cast a slur on manual labor. Education is not a matter of the head only. Boys and girls should be trained for life, in other words, to make a livelihood. 3. Belief in a cosmopolitan high school where all subjects are taught under one roof—the cultural as well as the vocational also in one high school with many courses rather than many high schools with one course. In 1906 Mr. Zimmers was married to Miss Ina Mary Benton of Escanaba, Michigan. He holds membership in the National Education Association, Wisconsin Teachers’ Association, National Society for the Scientific Study of Education, National Society for the Promotion of Industrial Education and the Lakeside Country Club of Manitowoc. He is a man of vigorous mental processes, readily grasping the abstruse problems in connection with his profession and reducing them to a basis of simplicity. Many difficulties have been surmounted by his resolute, self-reliant and indefatigable energy.
C.R. ZORN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, pp. 540-541 Farmer, Sec. 13, P. O. Louis Corners, was born Aug. 4, 1844, in Prussia. In 1854 he came with his parents to Manitowoc County, and located on this farm, which he owns, consisting of 160 acres. Mr. Zorn has been Chairman of the Board, Township Supervisor, and member of the Assembly during 1873-4-6. He was married, in 1869, to Johanna Heidemann, of Prussia. They have five children, one son and four daughters.
JULIUS ZUNKER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.186. In naming the representative farmers of Manitowoc county, mention should be made of Julius Zunker, one of the younger agriculturists of the town of Rapids, who is successfully cultivating a well regulated property. He was born June 6, 1880, in Michigan, and is a son of Julius Zunker, Sr., a native of the fatherland. The elder Zunker came to the United States in 1868 and settled in Michigan, where he was married to Augusta Neitzel, also a native of Germany, her parents having been early settlers of the Badger state. In 1892 the Zunker family came to Wisconsin, settling in the town of Rapids, where Julius Zunker, Jr., completed his education in the district schools, and here his mother died in 1909, while his father still survives and makes his home with his son. In 1908 Mr. Zunker married Miss Mary Siebert, daughter of Henry and Minnie Siebert, of the town of Franklin, Manitowoc county, and two children have been born to this union: Reinhardt, born June 4, 1909; and Victor, born March 10, 1911. Mr. Zunker has given his attention to agricultural pursuits, and cultivates his land along scientific lines. He is progressive in his ideas, believes in the use of modern machinery, and can always be counted upon to lend his support to movements which his judgment tells him will benefit his town or county.