[ A ][ B ][ Be ][ Bo ][ Bu ] [ C ][ D ][ E ] [ F ][ G ][ Gr ] [ H ][ He ][ Hi ] [ I ][ J ][ K ] [ Ke ][ Kj ][ Kr ]

[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]

[ Smi ][ Sn ][ St ] [ T ][ U ][ V ] [ W ][ Wi ][ Y ] [ Z ]

FRANK J. SACHSE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.323-324. Frank J. Sachse is a member of the firm of Sachse Brothers, general mercantile dealers of Hika, where his family has resided for more than half a century. He was born in Centerville on the 2d of March, 1867, and is a son of John and Pauline (Rossberg) Sachse, both natives of Saxe-Weimar, Germany. The father’s birth occurred on the 3d of March, 1834, and as a youth of eighteen years, in 1852, he emigrated to the United States, locating in Manitowoc county. Here he subsequently engaged in the boot and shoe business, continuing to be identified in this line until his death in 1906. He was married in Centerville to Miss Pauline Rossberg and to them were born ten children, our subject being the second in order of birth. Since the death of her husband the mother makes her home with her son and continues to conduct the store. The entire life of Frank J. Sachse has been passed in this county, to whose public schools he is indebted for his education. After mastering the common branches he laid aside his text-books and began his business career in his father's store. He and his brother William Sachse are now engaged in the general mercantile business, and are meeting with very good success. They carry a well assorted stock of merchandise that they offer at reasonable prices, and as they are accommodating and conduct their enterprise in strict accordance with the highest commercial standards they are accorded an extensive patronage. Mr. Sachse is one of the public-spirited, enterprising men of the town and takes an active and helpful interest in all matters affecting the development or progress of the community. He gives his political support to the republican party. and has discharged the duties of town clerk for ten years. At present he serves as postmaster of Hika. His fraternal relations are confined to his membership in the Modern Woodmen of America, his local affiliation being with the Cleveland camp. He enjoys a wide and favorable acquaintance in the county, many of his closest friends having been playfellows and comrades from his boyhood days.

JNO. SACHSE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Jno. Sachse, boots and shoes, Hika. Born, March 3, 1834, in Saxon Weimar, Germany. Came to Manitowoc County with his parents in 1852. Worked at this trade four years, then he opened a shop, which he has since carried on. Enlisted in 1864, Company B, 45th Wis. I., and served to the end of the war. Married in 1858, to Paulina Rossburg, of Saxony. Have nine children, four sons and five daughters.

LOUIS SACHSE From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 13, 1888: On August 12th a young man, Louis Sachse, 17 years of age, of tall growth, black hair and well dressed, a son of John Sachse, Postmaster at Centerville this county was drowned in Lake Michigan, a small boat, in which he was, capsized about one mile off the shore east of Centerville. Although all possible exertions were made to recover the body, yet so far without avail. It would be a great comfort and consolation for the relatives and friends of the young man, if the body could be found. The good people on the shores of the lake are requested to keep a lookout, whenever opportunity offers, whether the body has not been drifted on shore, or in a postion recoverable, and if so, please to inform, in shortest time possible the undersigned of such discovery. All trouble and expense will be promptly paid by John Sachse, Hike, Wis.

CHARLES SALAK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.52. The business interests of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, are in the hands of men of experience and ability, who have spent practically all of their lives in the various lines which they represent, and whose careful management and progressive ideas have made the city commercially and industrially sound. Charles Salak, one of the old and honored business men of this city, has had many years of experience as a merchant, his training in this line of endeavor having been with one of the city’s largest concerns. Born in Bohemia, May 25, 1843, Mr. Salak came to the United States in 1865, when he began to work for the firm of 0. Torrison & Company, and continued with them for a period covering thirty-five years, advancing from position to position, and finally owning an interest in this large business enterprise. At the time of the death of 0. Torrison, whose friend he was, Mr. Salak sold his interest in that business, and embarked in mercantile pursuits on his own account, as the proprietor of a general store at the corner of Eighth and York streets, where he has since continued to carry on an extensive and successful business. Mr. Salak is a republican in his political views, and always takes a keen interest in local matters and the success of his party, but he has never cared to enter the political field for his own preferment. His fraternal connection is with the Elks. Mr. Salak has been married three times, and of his children, four are still living.

FREDERICK SALOMON Frederick Salomon, soldier, born near Halberstadt, Prussia, 7 April, 1826. After passing through the gymnasium, he became a government surveyor, later a lieutenant of artillery, and in 1848 a pupil in the Berlin school of architecture. Emigrating soon afterward to the United States, he settled in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, as a surveyor. He was for four years county register of deeds, and in 1857-'9 chief engineer on the Manitowoc and Wisconsin railroad. He entered the volunteer service in the spring of 1861 as a captain in the 5th Missouri volunteers, and served under General Franz Sigel, being present at Wilson's Creek. After the three-months' term of service had expired he was appointed colonel of the 9th Wisconsin infantry, which he commanded in the southwest until he was made a brigadier-general, 16 June, 1862, and assigned to the command of a brigade in Kansas. On 30 September he made an unsuccessful attempt to capture Newtonia, Missouri. He served through the war, receiving the brevet of major-general in March, 1865, and was mustered out on 25 August, 1865. General Salomon was subsequently for several years surveyor-general of Utah territory, where he now (1888) resides. His brother, Edward, born near Halberstadt, Prussia, in 1828, came with him to this country, became a lawyer, was governor of Wisconsin in 1862-'3, and now practises in New York city. He has gained a high reputation as a political speaker, especially in the German language.


Herman and Friedericke (Vetting) Salomon

The children of Herman Salomon: LtoR/ Doris Helene, Edward, Clara Hedwig, and seated Serena Salomon

EMIL SAMPE The following sent in by family researcher/see contributors page [translated from a German language newspaper in Milwaukee, 1923]


Was currently director of the Lutheran High School

The deceased was an outstanding teacher, popular and esteemed by students and colleagues. The funeral is on Thursday from Jerusalem Church (in Milwaukee). Esteemed, respected, and generally beloved by his students, in his 52nd year, Prof Emil Sampe was called from this life on Monday, following a long and serious illness. The burial will be on Thursday afternoon from Jerusalem Church, of which parish he had been a member since 1901. On Thursday, from 11 until 2 o'clock, the many friends who wish to see his face for the last time will have the opportunity to view the casket of the deceased. Twelve high school students will form the honor guard. The funeral service will begin at 2 o'clock. During this service, a choir of the high school, the Lutheran teachers choir of the city, and also the mixed choir of Jerusalem congregation will sing special songs of mourning, but at the same time, songs of hope and triumph. The board of the high school will also be present at the service. Prof Sampe was born in Manitowoc on May 24, 1872. His parents were Friedrich Sampe and Johanna, nee Schrader. In 1894, he married his wife, Anna, nee Steffen. The marriage produced 7 children. In 1909, after he lost his wife through death, he married his second wife, Maria, nee Johannes. His education in the teaching profession took the deceased to Northwestern College in Watertown. After consistently excellent examinations, he pursued his calling in the school in the town of Hermann in Dodge county. Later, he pursued his calling here in Milwaukee at St Peter School, and, in 1901, at Jerusalem School. Twenty years ago, when the high school was brought to life, he was one of the first teachers involved with the new school. Nineteen years ago, he accepted complete responsibility of his call as Professor of the newly founded high school. Consequently, he was totally devoted to the high school. In the last years, the directorship was entrusted to him. In this position, he worked with zeal and full devotion for the great objectives, until his death. He has ended his life of 51 years and 11 days.

FRIEDRICH SAMPE GRANDPA SAMPE AND HIS DOG ARE INSEPARABLE FRIENDS ------------------------------------------------- Ninety-one Year Old Pioneer Tells Some Interesting Facts of 1870 in Manitowoc County – All Depressions Spend Themselves, He Says There probably is no pal quite so agreeable as an intelligent dog, at least that is what Frederick Sampe, 91 - year - old Manitowoc County pioneer, thinks about his dog "Shep." The two understand each other very well and are almost inseparable. Shep is somewhat of a linguist, being able to understand both English and German equally well. Grandfather Sampe has never mastered the English language, although he can understand it quite readily, he prefers to talk his native tongue, German. Mr. Sampe was born at Regenwalde Pommern, Germany, September 2, 1840, and spent the first thirty years of his life in that country on a farm near Storgordt. In March, 1870, he decided to leave Germany and come to America where he believed there would be a better opportunity to get ahead and educate his family, so he set sail for the United States. After a trip of nearly four weeks on the water, he and his family arrived at Manitowoc April 14, practically penniless. He arrived in this country at a most inopportune time, he states, for the panic of 1872 was starting and there was scarcely any work to be found. He picked up odd jobs here and there to support his family, working at the mason's trade most of the time. He heard that men were needed by the St. Paul railroad company to work on the new road - bed that was being laid near Cedarburg, Wisconsin. That was a distance of more than seventy miles away, and transportation was not so easy in those days, so it meant that if he got there he would have to walk, so he set out to get a job. He was rather footsore and tired when he finally arrived at Cedarburg, but was able to get work at $1.25 a day out of which he must pay his own board. Board could be obtained for 50 cents a day, provided a person was not too fastidious in his eating. The crew got paid only for the days it actually worked, and he struck there at a rainy time which meant many days of rest, and no pay. After working for four weeks the job ended and he was forced to walk the entire distance home again, but he managed to save $16 during that time to turn toward his family's support. Buys Fifty Acres In 1873 he decided he would get back on the land and own a farm of his own, so he purchased fifty acres of wild land near Manitowoc Rapids. There was a flour mill on the Manitowoc river operated by steam and part of his time was spent firing the boiler at this mill. There was a small house standing on the piece of land he purchased, a portion of which still forms a part of the present dwelling on the farm where he still lives with his daughter Mrs. Louis Schramm. He erected other buildings and cleared the land. The depression spent itself and he prospered and provided for his family. The farmstead today is one of the attractive places near Rapids. "I have passed through several depressions in my day," says Mr. Sampe optimistically, "and each has been followed by a period of prosperity. This depression will spend itself, too, and we will all be happy and prosperous again before long," he believes. Three of his children are still living: William Sampe, New York Ave., Manitowoc; Mrs. H. W. Beeck, Milwaukee; and Mrs. Louis Schramm, Rapids, with whom he makes his home. Mr. Sampe, despite his 91 years, enjoys good health. He hasn't a wrinkle on his face, is good natured and happy, and enjoys every minute of the day. Although advanced years makes the doing of much work impossible for him, he still does his little tasks and enjoys the company of his dog that he has trained to perform many tricks, and wait on him. (1935 addition to this newspaper article) Sampe never ceased to resent the fact that the county seat was moved from Rapids to Manitowoc. "Rapids died when the courthouse was moved," he reflected. from the Manitowoc Herald - News 1931 with photo of Grandpa Sampe and Shep (article and photo reprinted in 1935 "Grandpa" Sampe Celebrates 95th Birthday Anniversary)

MRS. OSCAR SAMZ (from Herald Times Reporter, Two Rivers, WI, Jan. 19, 1992) Frances M. Samz Mrs. Frances M. Samz, age 96, a resident of St. Mary's Home, Manitowoc, died Friday, January 17, 1992, at St. Mary's Home. Funeral services will be held at 9:30 a.m. Tuesday at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home and 10:00 a.m. at Holy Innocents Catholic church, Manitowoc. The Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated by Rev. David Ruby with burial in Holy Cross Cemetery, Mishicot. She was born April 21, 1895 at Shelbyville, Ind., daughter of the late Joseph and Mathilda Brandt Reuter. She married Oscar M. Samz November 18, 1914 at Wausau, Wis. He preceded her in death February 9, 1986. She was a member of Holy Innocents Catholic Church, Holy Innocents Christian Women and the Third Order of St. Francis. Survivors include 10 children, Eleanore Kattner, Katherine (Francis) Tomcheck, Frances Kornely, Joseph (Audrey) Samz, Bernard (Shirley) Samz, Michael(Dorothy) Samz, Helen (Robert) Koch, Edward (Phyllis) Samz, William (Annette) Samz, Sister Marietta Rosalie Samz of St. Francis Convent; a sister, Sister M. Ada Reuter; 50 grandchildren; 70 great grandchildren; 5 great-great grandchildren; also relatives and friends. She was preceded in death by a son, Roland Samz; a daughter, Marie LaFond; a granddaughter, Kathleen Samz, two brothers and a sister. Friends may call at the Harrigan Parkside Funeral Home from 5 until 8 p.m. on Monday. A prayer service will be held at 7 p.m. children: list may be incomplete and out of order Joseph; Bernard; Michael J.; Edward; William; Roland; Marie; Eleanore; Katheryn; Frances; Helen; Sr. Marietta Rosalie.

SANDER SANDERSON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Boots and shoes, Manitowoc. Was born 17 June 1828 in Norway. 1854, he came to Manitowoc and at once opened a boot and shoe store, which he has since continued. He manufactures to order, as well as carries a line of ready-made goods. Married, in 1867, to Miss Gertrude Hansen, a native of Mornay. They have five children, three sons and two daughters.


Fred Schack
This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.

LOUISA SCHAEFER From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 Last Sunday a buss load of young people went out to the residence of Mr. Philip Schaefer to celebrate the birthday of his daughter, Louisa. The party left at seven o'clock in the eveing in John Ammermann's bus. Among those who formed the merry crowd were Mrs. Schmitt, Laura Allie, Angeline Gauthier, and Gloe band and many others. Mr. Schaeferand family were pleased to have their young friends come out to visit them and they entertained them properly. The party made their homeward journey past midnight.

JOSEPH SCHALLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.590-591. Joseph Schaller is proprietor of a saloon at Kiel, which he purchased in 1910. He is numbered among the younger of the more successful business men of Manitowoc county, his birth having occurred in Centerville township, this county, March 29, 1881. His father, Carl Schaller, a native of Germany, settled in that township on coming to America and devoted his entire life to farming in that locality. He married Catherine Daller and died in 1894, at the age of seventy-five years, while his wife died in 1911, at the age of sixty-seven. In their family were nine children: Mary, the wife of N. Hoffman; Carl, who is living in Schleswig township; Nicholas, a resident of Milwaukee; Frank, whose home is in Calumet county, Wisconsin; Peter, living in Sheboygan county; Anna, the wife of John Bertsche, of Minnesota; Joseph, of this review; Elizabeth, the wife of William Rock; and Jacob, whose home is in West Allis, Wisconsin. Joseph Schaller attended the public schools and engaged in farming for several years after putting aside his text-books. Later he spent three seasons in the lumber woods of Michigan and he also followed the carpenter’s trade for a time but later he returned to farming. After selling his land he engaged in the saloon business in Milwaukee for two years and in 1910 he came to Kiel and opened a saloon in this place. On the 14th of June, 1904, Mr. Schaller was married to Johanna Sanders, who was born in Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, August 16, 1882, and is a daughter of Peter and Johanna (Weiers) Sanders, who were farming people living near Sheboygan Falls. Both, however, have passed away, the former dying at the age of seventy-seven years and the latter when sixty-seven years of age. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Schaller have been born two children: Peter, a little lad of five summers; and Loretta, aged two. Mr. and Mrs. Schaller were reared in the Catholic faith and are members of that church. He leads a quiet life, taking no active part in politics or fraternal affairs, concentrating his energies upon the upbuilding of his business.

MATTHEW SCHAUER (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Tuesday, Nov. 17, 1885): Mr. Matthew Schauer and Miss Josephine Skubal were united in marriage in the town of Carlton on Tuesday of last week. The wedding reception was held at the residence of the bridegroom's uncle, Mr. Anton Schauer, and is spoken of by those who were there as a most pleasant event. The bridal festivities were concluded by a social dance in the evening. Both of the contracting parties are well known in the northern part of this town, the bride being the daughter of one of our prominent townsmen, while her liege lord and master was for a number of years in the employ of Mr. Sladky of Tischville. For some time past they have resided at Milwaukee, whither they went the following day after their nuptials were consummated. Their friends wish them God speed in their matrimonial voyage.

CHRISTIAN G. SCHEIBE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 540 Proprietor, Centerville Brewery, Hika. He was born Dec. 7, 1823, in Saxony, Germany; immigrated to America in 1853; the following year came to Manitowoc, worked at the cooper's trade till 1865; he then bought the Hattleman Brewery, ran it one year. In 1867 came to Centerville and built this brewery, which he has since conducted. Married, in 1857, to Josephine Goetzler of Germany; they have four children, three sons and one daughter.

EMIL PAUL SCHEIBE "Blue Book Of The State Of Wisconsin" by Wisconsin, Thomas Jefferson Cunningham, Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, Thomas Jefferson, Wisconsin State Printing Board, Wisconsin Dept.of State Copyright 1889 Page 511 Manitowoc County. First District -The towns of Cato, Centerville, Eaton, Liberty, Meeme, Rockland and Schleswig. Population, 1885 -11,036. EMIL PAUL SCHEIBE (Dem.), of Hika P. O., Manitowoc county, was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, September 1, 1861; received a common school education and is by occupation a brewer. In 1867 he moved to Centerville, in the same county; never held any public position until 1888 when he was elected to the assembly receiving 1,313 votes against 844 votes for Quincy Danforth, republican.

ADOLPH P. SCHENIAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.109-110. Adolph P. Schenian, former judge of the municipal court, and now practicing before the Manitowoc county bar, is one of the leading attorneys of the city of Manitowoc, and for a number of years has been closely identified with the public life of the city and county. Judge Schenian was born April 2, 1860, in Gibson township, Manitowoc county, and is a son of Christian and Rosa (Janda) Schenian, natives of Germany and Bohemia, respectively, who were married in Manitowoc. Christian Schenian was a soldier during the Civil war and lost his life during that struggle, his widow surviving him many years and passing away in Manitowoc April 2, 1904. They were the parents of three children: Adolph P.; Stephen, who is engaged in operating the old family homestead farm in Gibson township; and Caroline, who married George Johnson, and resides in the state of Minnesota. Adolph P. Schenian received a common-school education and then entered the Oshkosh normal school, after graduation from which, at the age of twenty years, he began the study of law. He was admitted to the bar when but twenty two years of age, and at once entered upon the practice of his profession in South Dakota, but in 1804 came to Manitowoc, where he has since been engaged in practice. He was elected to the office of district attorney in 1896, and in 1901 was sent to the bench of the municipal court, where he served with dignity and justice. He was married June 30, 1883, to Miss Mary Steffle, of Kewaunee, Wisconsin, and she died July 3, 1902, leaving a daughter, Mabel. On June 25, 1904, Mr. Schenian was married for the second time to Adeline M. Schenian. Judge Schenian is a member of the Episcopal and Mrs. Schenian of the Luthern church. Fraternally he is connected with the Masons, the United Workmen and the Modern Woodmen.

JOHN SCHERMETZLER From the Two Rivers Chronicle, Tuesday, Oct. 26, 1915 SCHERMETZLER GETS YEAR AT HARD LABOR One year at hard labor, within or without the county jail under the new law, and two years on probation, was the sentence imposed upon John Schermetzler, who was formerly employed in the Model Barber Shop in this city and who was brought back to Manitowoc from DeKalb, Ill., on a charge of deserting and failing to support his wife and child. Schermetzler pleaded guilty in municipal court Saturday morning. The year at hard labor was on the first count of the complaint, wife desertion and the two years probation on the count of failure to support his child. The two year probation will start at the expiration of the year term, during which Schermetzler's wages will be collected by the sheriff and go to support of his wife. Shermetzler, it was said in court, has been given several warnings by the district attorney. It is said that he was accompanied by another woman from Manitowoc at DeKalb and that she visited him in jail there, but the defendant denied this. When Schermetzler's probation starts a year from now the sheriff will be probation officer and the man will have to turn over his wages.

JOHN SCHETTER BIOGRAPHY , By Eugene P. Schmitt, December 10, 1990 (see contributors page for contact information) John and Susan (Schmitt) Schetter began their married life in 1858 at the Tannery, several miles north of Two Rivers on the East Twin River. This was a very industrious center of activity at that time and the hemlock bark from logs was stripped for tanning operations. The logs were then floated down the river to the saw mill known as the Mann Brothers Two Rivers Woodenware Company. This is the saw mill that Susan's brother, John Schmitt, began his employ in 1862 and became its manager and engineer for forty-four (44) years. The Schetter's lived at what was then known as the Cyrus Whitcomb Lodge, a large rooming house on the hill just north of the tannery itself. John's job was one of a tanner and hide currier. This was very hard and dirty work. Major activities at that time in the Two Rivers area were lumbering, fishing and processing leather hides for harnesses, footware and clothing. Farming as we know it today (1990) did not exist in Wisconsin but each family had a cow or two to supply dairy products for their own needs. As more land in the surrounding areas were cleared of timber, crops such as wheat were successfully harvested. Thus, agricultural uses of land began to increase throughout Wisconsin and this was the start of farming. John and Susan were obviously thrifty with their resources as they were able to leave the tannery and homestead a farm of their own on what is known as Schetter Road in the Town of Mishicot. This farm was purchased in the mid 1860's and was passed down through the family generations for over one hundred (100) years. A devastating disaster occurred in April 1954 when the farm, then owned by Raymond Louis Schetter (1903-1980), had its rambling barn burn to the ground, destroying all cattle and its contents. The barn was never rebuilt and the farm was sold in 1971. Only the Schetter house remains.

RAYMOND SCHETTER (contributed by researcher/see contributors page) BARN FIRE LOSS IS NEAR $25,000 22 Cattle, 2 horses die at Mishicot Farm Herald Times Reporter, Manitowoc-Two Rivers, Wis. April, 1954 MISHICOT -- Fire of undetermined origin, swept through a large barn on the Raymond Schetter farm, three miles southwest of the village of Mishicot shortly after noon Friday, destroyed the contents including 22 head of cattle and two horses, and threatened for a time the granary and residence. The loss is estimated at between $20,000 and $25,000 partly covered by insurance. Fire departments from Mishicot, Francis Creek and the town of Two Rivers, summoned by phone, turned their efforts to saving the other buildings on the farm, located on a side road just off old County Trunk B. Schetter said he had no idea of how the fire started. He had placed two horses in the barn shortly before noon to go into the house for dinner. A short time later Mrs. Schetter looked out the kitchen window and saw smoke rolling out of the barn, fanned by a high southwest wind. When the Mishicot truck, first on the scene, reached the farm, flames had already raced through the rambling structure, covered by a corrugated iron roof. The firemen turned their efforts to saving the smoking granary, 25 feet west of the barn and also the residence and two smaller frame buildings. A cistern under the kitchen of the home, furnished water for one of the pumpers. There was no chance to save the cattle tied in stanchions in the barn or the pair of horses. Chickens could not even be released. An hour after the fire broke out and the barn was leveled a cat, with its hair singed off, slipped out of the ruins, alive. ************* Betty Jane Schetter, youngest child of Raymond and Marie Schesniak Schetter, has offered her recollections of that unforgettable day of the fire: My older sister, Doris, and I were both home from school that day (teacher's convention or something) and we were all eating lunch when my mother happened to look outside and commented that it suddenly had gotten awful foggy or smoky. My sister ran to call the Mishicot fire department. We immediately began to remove valuables from the house and put them in a field because at first it was thought they probably couldn't save the house because of the strong wind that was blowing and the direction it was coming from in relation to the other buildings. I have always been teased about this because the first thing I thought about was to remove my school books. I was in the 8th grade at the time. My parents were up all that night along with the standby fire department truck which stayed because of the strong wind and fear of it starting somewhere else. In the next day or two the weather became unusually warm for that time of year and a strong stench developed from all the dead animals. They got a bulldozer in and dug a large hole over where the barn stood and buried everything right there. My parents decided not to rebuild the barn as it was only partially covered by insurance. Instead, they went into raising cash crops and both my mother and father tried to get a job at one of the local factories. Jobs were hard to get at the time and, of course, they had no special skills or training for a specialty type job. Eventually, about a year or so later after several part time jobs, my father got a job at the Mirro Corporation (now Newell) as a janitor and trucker and worked there until his retirement along with raising cash crops on the farm. Another note of interest might be that this turned out to be the first of several fires in the area in the next few months (Reindl's, Scherer's, Eis's and Koeppel's). However, most of those occurred in the evenings as I recall. Arson was a high suspicion in at least some of them. The cause of my father's fire was never solved. It was thought possibly that someone riding past on the road to Wavrunek's might have tossed a lit cigarette butt out, a bird could have carried a cigarette butt near the barn which could have started it, or arson. There was no electricity in the part of the barn where the fire started.

JOHN G. SCHEUER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.136-139. John G. Scheuer, one of the successful business men of Mishicot, Wisconsin, where for twenty-seven years he has been proprietor of the Mishicot Brewery, was born in Prussia, Germany, March 25, 1839, and is a son of Nicholas and Catherine (Rau) Scheuer, who came to the United States in 1847, bringing with them these children: Joseph, John and Catherine. Landing at New York, the family came to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, by way of the Great Lakes, and took up eighty acres of wild land on section 9, town of Mishicot, where the father erected a lob cabin sixteen by twenty-four feet, and a log barn, and started to clear the property. They soon secured an ox-team, and their supplies were secured from Two Rivers, where Captain Henderson would come in with a sloop from Milwaukee, and there being no roads at that time they had to pack the goods to their little home. They received no meat nor barley, but were able to receive a quantity of rutabaga seed, and raised about one thousand bushels of this vegetable which they traded to a logging camp to get their first wagon. Mr. Scheuer added forty acres to his first purchase and built a modern house and barn, and here he died June 13, 1872, aged sixty-eight years, eight months, his widow surviving until 1887, when she passed away at the age of eighty-four years, six months. Nicholas Scheuer was a strong democrat and held the offices of town supervisor and chairman of the board and the family was connected with the Catholic church. John G. Scheuer received but a meager education in the district school and was engaged in farming pursuits on the home farm until 1872, when, on the death of his father, he took over the operation of the farm and conducted the same until 1884. In that year he purchased the old Linsted Brewery in Mishicot, which had been built in the years 1864 to 1865. Mr. Scheuer has conducted the brewery up to the present time and has increased its capacity from about eight hundred barrels to between four and five thousand. In 1862 Mr. Scheuer was married to Miss Frances Paulu, who was born in Bohemia, April 19, 1843, a daughter of Joseph and Frances (Socher) Paulu, who came to America in 1856 with their eight children and located in Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, where Mrs. Paulu died in 1896, aged eighty-four years and six months, while her husband had preceded her in death in 1864, when fifty-six years of age. To Mr. and Mrs. Scheuer have been born the following children, Joseph, John, Mary, Nicholas, Anna and Charles. In political matters Mr. Scheuer is a stanch adherent of the democratic party, whose platform and measures as well as candidates he indorses by his vote on election.

Mr. and Mrs. John G. Scheuer

JOSEPH SCHEUER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.333-334. Joseph Scheuer, a retired farmer residing on his tract of land on section 17, town of Mishicot, and one of the oldest settlers in point of residence in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, was born March 2, 1834, in the Rhine Province, Germany, a son of Nick and Catherine (Rau) Scheuer. In 1847 Mr. Scheuer's parents came to the United States with their three children, Joseph, John and Catherine, and, landing at New York, took a steamer on the Hudson river to Albany. From that city they went by train to Buffalo, and on July 4th, between four and five o’clock, they cleared for Milwaukee, landing after a four days’ trip, between nine and ten o clock at the pier, there being no harbor there in that year. The family then came to the town of Two Rivers and located on what is now known as the Mishicot road, then but a trail, where they took up eighty acres of wild land, at a time when bears and wolves were numerous in the forest, and hardships many and conveniences none. Nick Scheuer built a log cabin, twenty by twenty-six feet, and a log barn, and the family set to work to clear the land. The father engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death at the age of sixty-five years, while his widow survived him a number of years, being eighty-five years old at the time of her death. Nick Scheuer had been given a good education in his youth and was a broadminded and thoughtful man. He was a democrat in politics, and held the office of chairman of the board of Mishicot. Joseph Scheuer attended school in Germany for six years and completed his education in the schools of Mishicot, afterward remaining at home until he was married to Miss Catherine Gueif, a native of Luxemburg, who came to the United States with a sister. After remaining with his father for three years, he moved to the farm which he now occupies on section 17, town of Mishicot, then a tract of eighty acres of wild land, where he built a log cabin and began to farm with a yoke of steers. He now has his property under a high state of cultivation, has a fine brick and stone residence, and his barn is well stocked with horses and cattle and equipped with the most modern agricultural implements and machinery. Mr. Scheuer is the father of five sons: John, a carpenter by occupation; Nick, who resides on the farm; Henry, a resident of the state of Washington; Peter, living on a farm in Manitowoc township; and Joseph, residing in St. Paul, Minnesota. He is a democrat in his political views, but has never aspired to public office.

JOSEPH SCHEUER (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Tuesday, May 25, 1886): Last Tuesday was a gala-day in Mishicott. On that day one of Mishicott's favorite sons, Mr. Joseph Scheuer, and Miss Annie Seidl, one of Kossuth's fairest daughters, vowed to love, honor and cherish each other at the altar of hymen. The nuptial rites were performed in the Catholic church at 9 o'clock in the morning. Messrs. Henry Schulten, John P. Scheuer, Wm. Schulten and Andrew Frank officiated as groomsmen; while the bridesmaids were respectively, Misses Rosa Seidl, Gertie Frank, Annie Scheuer and Mary Scheuer. At the conclusion of the hymeneal ceremony the bridal party repaired to the home of the groom's father, John G. Scheuer, where the happy couple received their friends during the day. Among many of the pleasing features of the day's festivities may be mentioned the serenade which was given the joyful pair by the Mishicott band. Everything that could in any way contribute to the well-being and comfort of the assembled guests had been amply provided for and consequently everybody there was at home and happy. In the evening a reception on a larger scale was held in the Turner Hall. A sumptuous repast was served in the hall, the tables fairly groaning under the weight of the choicest viands that money and culinary skill could provide. And justice was done this rich spread by the hundreds of guests there. The feast over, dancing followed, the Mishicott Band discoursing music for the occasion. None of the wants of any of the vast throng that filled the hall but was provided for. The early dawn was not far away when the happy, joyous crowd broke up and wended their way each to his own home, with the kindest wishes in their hearts for the happy couple whose matrimonial bark they had just witnessed launched. There was a large number of people from abroad present, and the wedding gifts were numerous and many of them costly. Among those present from abroad, not to say anything of the hosts of parties there from Manitowoc Rapids and Kossuth and Gibson, were Mr. and Mrs. F. Ha_acek, Mr and Mrs. F. Steiskal, Mr. and Mrs. F. Johannes, Mr. and Mrs. J. Janda, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Paulo, E. Seyk, W. White, E. Brandes, H. Fo_el and J. Ganter of Kewaunee; Mr. and Mrs. J. Braun of Two Rivers; Mr. and Mrs. John Franz Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Selak and son Charles, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Fischer, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Seidl, Mr. and Mrs. John Franz Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Tresti--r., Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stephani, Chas. Fechter, F.P. Mueller, Mrs. E. ---mon, Mrs. M. Sochor, and Jos. Tr-tig Sr., of Manitowoc. The groom is a rising young business man of this village, capable and energetic, and numbers his friends in this section by the hundreds. The bride is the daughter of M. Seidl of Kossuth and is a young lady of culture and rare personal attraction. Both of the happy young people are in every way worthy of each other and their friends hereaway wish them Godspeed in their matrimonial voyage.


John Scheuerell
This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.

JOHN SCHIER From the History of Clark County, Wisconsin compiled by Franklin Curtis-Wedge, 1918, page 478 JOHN SCHIER, who is farming 160 acres of land in Section 21, Lynn Township, with good financial results, is a native of Wisconsin, of German ancestry, having been born in Manitowoc County, Dec. 18, 1860, son of Mat and Wilhelmina (Picaroon) Schier. The parents, born in Germany, on coming to this country, settled in the woods of Manitowoc County, where they began pioneer farming, like other early settlers, using an ox team. The father was of the Catholic faith in religion, while the mother was a Lutheran. They had six children-Mat, Rosa, Lizzie, Minnie, Augustus and John. John Shier was the second born child of his parents. His education was limited, as he had little opportunity to attend school. At the age of 21 years he struck out for himself, finding employment in a mill in Manitowoc County, in which occupation he continued for eight years. In 1884 he married Mary Larman, of the Township of Toocreeks (sic), and in 1892 came to Clark County with his family, which then included five children - Clara, Henry, Hattie, Oscar and Richard. Locating in Lynn Township, he worked for the railroad ten years, and then bought a tract of eighty acres in Section 21, the land being covered with stumps, logs and brush, and destitute of buildings. To remedy these conditions meant years of hard labor, which he began by erecting a small frame house of omewhat rough construction. In course of time a barn 36 by 70 feet was put up and the original dwelling gave place to a good brick house of five rooms. Mr. Shier also doubled the size of his farm by buying eighty acres more land, and has cleared it all. He raises good stock, and is doing a successful business, which happy result he has achieved by persevering effort. He has served as a member of the school board of his district and is a man well respected in the township. Besides the five children already mentioned, he and his wife have had four others, who were born in Clark County-Lydia, Mabel, Eddie and Minnie, the last mentioned being now deceased.


This is a picture of Auguste (Sommerfelt) Schiffleger (August 25, 1855 - March 20, 1948), sister of Caroline (Sommerfelt) Franz, wife of Lorenz Franz (my great-great grandparents - Caroline & Lorenz are buried in Calvary Cemetery, Manitowoc). Auguste Schiffleger is the mother of Otto Schiffleger - Otto and Frieda (Hempel) (buried in Evergreen Cemetery) were the parents of Alice (Schiffleger) Kesting (March 05, 1912 - October 02, 1997), wife of Rev. Herbert Kesting (January 04, 1911 - October 23, 1999), who was pastor of St. Peter's Lutheran Church in Mishicot, and Rockwood Lutheran Church in Rockwood.

E. SCHINDLER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 532 Saloon, Manitowoc. Born Sept. 15, 1835, in Prussia. In 1851, he came to Chicago, went thence to Milwaukee, thence to Fond du Lac, and thence to Calumet County. In 1852, he removed to Manitowoc, working at various kinds of work for several years, and in 1861 he enlisted in Company A, 5th Wis. V. I. Served three years. He participated in the battles of Gettysburg, of the Wilderness and Fair Oaks, Spottsylvania Courthouse and others. He then returned to Manitowoc, and established his present business in 1867. He married, in 1869, to Margaret Deidreich, of Bohemia, by whom he had six children, two sons and four daughters.

CHARLES SCHLEI This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.374-375. Charles Schlei, who has been successfully engaged in the draying business in Manitowoc since 1896, was born in this city on the 21st of September, 1869, his parents being August and Augusta (Kamnitz) Schlei. The father came from Germany to Manitowoc, in 1865. He was always a conscientious worker and devoted his entire attention to his business interests. His death occurred in 1887 when he was fifty-eight years of age, and his wife passed away on the 8th of August, 1897. They are both interred in Evergreen cemetery. To their union six children were born: Rev. August Schlei, pastor of the German Lutheran church at Algoma, Wisconsin; Rev. William Schlei, pastor of the German Lutheran church at Collins, Wisconsin; Louise, who is married to Fred Brose, a clerk in the Schuette Brothers department store; Charles, who is the subject of this sketch; Emma, who is residing in Chicago; and Robert, who is living in Manitowoc and assisting his brother Charles. After completing his education in the German Lutheran parochial school, Charles Schlei, at the age of fourteen, entered the public schools of Manitowoc and was a student there for several years. As soon as he put aside his textbooks he assisted his father in his teaming business. Later he accepted a position in the Schuette Brothers department store where he remained for several years. At the time of his fathers death, however, he gave up his clerical work and took charge of the draying business his father had been conducting, thus becoming the support of the family. In 1889 he accepted employment as checker in the warehouse of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, and he was employed by that company for nine years before starting out for himself in the draying business. At first he owned only one horse, but because of the satisfactory service rendered to those who employed him his trade grew, so that he now uses three teams. His activities have been constantly widening and, having left the ranks of the many who are in the employ of others, he stands today among the more successful few, his abilities having enabled him to become an independent business man and an employer with extensive interests under his control. Mr. Schlei was married on the 22d of September, 1894, to Miss Caroline Kirchner, a daughter of Ferdinand and Dorothea Kirchner, pioneer settlers of Manitowoc. The father died on the 7th of September, 1911, and is buried in Evergreen cemetery. His widow is a resident of this city. To Mr. and Mrs. Schlei six children were born: Martha, who died April 27, 1904; Arthur, a student in the high school; and Karl, Laura, Ruth and Arnold. The family reside in the Schlei homestead which has been so remodeled and enlarged that it is one of the comfortable and substantial dwellings in Manitowoc. In politics Mr. Schlei gives his support to the republican party, and in religious faith he is a member of the German Lutheran church, of which he has been a trustee for three years. He has advanced in the legitimate lines of business, and the fact that he has gone beyond others who perhaps started out on life’s journey more advantageously equipped is due to the fact that he has wisely and conscientiously utilized his time and opportunities.

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