Two Rivers Township, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

[ G ]

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ] [ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ]
[ M ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ ST ] [ T ][ U-V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]


[8-53]-Thomas Gagnon/Father/1877-Jan. 1950 Tombstone, next to:
[8-53]-Albertine Gagnon/Mother/1879-1917 Tombstone, next to:
[8-53]-Ora Gagnon/Mother/1891-1937 Tombstone
[Unk-1-2]-[Baby Gagnon/bur. 06-24-1939] Memorial
[Unk-1-2]-[Baby Boy Gagnon/bur. 07-01-1942] Memorial
[Unk-1-2]-[Martin (Baby)Gagnon/bur. 05-08-1937] Memorial
[Unk-1-5]-[Thomas (Baby dau.) Gagnon/bur. 5-6-1928] Memorial
[Unk-1-5]-[Thomas (Baby) Gagnon/bur. 5-14-1929] Memorial
[Unk-1-8]-[Elizabeth Gagnon/bur. 10-17-1922] Memorial
[Unk-1-9]-[Thomas (Baby) Gagnon/bur. 1930] Memorial
[Unk-1-11]-[Baby Gagnon/bur. 1898] Memorial

GALECKI: [8-58]-Lily/1889-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [8-58]-[Bertha]/Mother/1858-Dec. 1926 Tombstone, ossw: [8-58]-[Joseph F.]/Father/1859-Jul. 1934 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [8-58]-Emerentz/1905-1997 Tombstone, ossw: [8-58]-Emanuel J. Galecki/1900-1981 Tombstone + Photo

GARBES: [Unk-1-19]-[Mable Garbes/bur. 1900/age 13 yrs.] Memorial

GARDNER: see PIERPONT [3-27]-[Harriett Gardner/bur. 1907] [3-27]-[Thomas Gardner/bur. 1903/age 67 yrs.] [4-96]-Lydia Gardner/1798-1857 [bur. 1857] Tombstone [4-96]-Lydia G. PIERPONT/1828-1907 Tombstone [7-45]-[Daniel Gardner/bur. 06-28-1923] [7-45]-Hattie/1867-[Jan.]1950, ossw: [7-45]-Daniel/1851-1916, ossw: SCHROEDER [7-45]-Harold [SCHROEDER]/1903-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [7-45]-Eva [SCHROEDER]/1896-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [7-45]-Jacqueline [SCHROEDER]/1931-1946 Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Baby Gardner/bur. 1910]


GARSOW: [Unk-1-3]-[Mathilda Garsow/bur. 08-20-1934]

GARTZ: [7-1ROW]-Christian/Gartz/Father/born in 1817/died/March 24, 1867 Tombstone

GASPER: [6-114]-Wilhelmine Gasper/June 21, 1843/Nov. 5, 1922 Tombstone, ossw: [6-114]-Edgar Gasper/Jan. 21, 1903/Feb. 7, 1903 Tombstone

GATES: [1-230]-George J./1904-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [1-230]-Gertrude E./Mar. 5, 1913/Apr. 19, 1990 Tombstone, next to: [1-230]-Footstone: J.M., next to: [1-230]-George J. Gates/Wisconsin/Pvt. Co. D 125 Armd. Engr. Bn./ World War II/Feb. 13, 1904/July 30, 1954 Tombstone [4-87]-Gertrude Gates/Mar. 18, 1871/Feb. 2, 1924 Tombstone, next to: [4-87]-Eugene Gates Dr./1870-Apr. 1938 Tombstone [4-87]-Mary Frances Gates/1904-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [4-87]-Edward Gates/1905-1906 Tombstone

GAUTHIER: [Unk-1-3]-[Baby Gauthier/bur. 1933] Memorial [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Girl Gauthier/bur. 10-12-1944] Memorial [2-3ROW]-Almer Gauthier/born/Jan. 3, 1894/died/Sept. 27, 1895 Tombstone [2-84]-Eliza Gauthier/1855-1947 Tombstone [8-13]-[Janet (Bab./bur. 1926] Memorial [8-13]-Anton/1890-Mar. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [8-13]-Ada Gauthier Shamrak/1894-1969 (see SHAMRAK-have obit) Tombstone, ossw: [8-13]-Kenneth/1916-Jan. 1971 Tombstone [8-36]-Sophie/1893-Apr. 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [8-36]-Walter/1890-Aug. 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [8-36]-Harriet/1873-1932 Tombstone, ossw: [8-36]-Ephriam/1870-1942 Tombstone, ossw: Snyder

GEBBLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Child/bur. 1896 age 1 unknown]

GEBHARD: [8-10]-[Eliza Gebhard/bur. 07-18-1929/age 58 yrs.] Tombstone [8-10]-[(Mik. Gebhard/Father/no other information (This is probably Michael below)] [8-10]-[Frank Gebhard/no other information](see Frank Gebhardt) [8-10]-[(Kunigunda) Gebhard/Mother/no other information] [8-10]-[Henry Gebhard/bur. 1901/age 46 yrs.] Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Michael Gebhard/bur. 1907]

GEBHARDT: (Frank Gebhardt/b. 20 July 1861/d. 14 Apr. 1879/son of M. Gebhardt) see GEBHARD

GEBLER: [4-8]-Alice Gebler/Nov. 26, 1863/Oct. 11, 1940 Tombstone, next to: [4-97]-Frank Gebler/Oct. 22, 1855/Aug. 23, 1915 Tombstone [6-47]-August F. Gebler/Sept. 2, 1817/Aug. 1, 1890 Tombstone, ossw: [6-47]-Johanna Gebler/July 4, 1829/Feb. 28, 1922 Tombstone, next to: [6-47]-Footstones: Father, mother see DICKE

GEIMER: [1-59]-Anthony P./1881-Dec. 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [1-59]-Muriel E./1882-Dec. 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [1-59]-John O./1905-Jul. 1959 Tombstone

GELEHOW: [Unk]-[Charlie/bur. 1912]

GENS: Friedricke SCHRODER Gens/gattin von/John Gens/geboren/21 April 1817/ gestorben/21 June 1870 Tombstone

GENSKE: [6-96]-Cora Genske/nee JOHANNES/July 7, 1898/May 17, 1924 Tombstone, next to: see JOHANNES

GESELL: [1-210]-George Gesell/Geb. in Wald Germesz Kr. Glessen/Hessen Darmstadt/ 20 Jan. 1820/Gest. 16 Dez 1891/alter/71 j. 10 m. 26 t. Tombstone, ossw: [1-210]-Maria/gattin von/G. Gesell/Geb./2 Feb. 1828/Gest./14 Nov. 1903 Tombstone [3-54]-Harry/1908-Jul. 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [3-54]-Leona M./1907-Mar. 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [3-54]-Loui ROTH/1845-1893 Tombstone, ossw: [3-54]-Odelia [ROTH]/1876-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [3-54]-Henry [ROTH]/1871-[May]1933 Tombstoney [4-25]-Julia/1865-[Apr.]1954 Tombstone, ossw: [4-25]-Henry Gesell/1863-Jun. 1937 Tombstone, next to: [4-25]-Esther Gesell/1893-1898 Tombstone [4-25]-Harvey H. Gesell/1899-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [4-25]-Aileen B. Gesell/1902-1984 Tombstone [4-51]-George Gesell/1862-Apr. 1926 Tombstone, next to: [4-51]-Mary Gesell/1865-Feb. 1960 Tombstone [7-33]-John/Dec. 16, 1867/Jan. 15, 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [7-33]-Minnie C./May 3, 1869/Feb. 1, 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [7-33]-Dorothy/1920-1993 Tombstone

GIEFER: [3-6]-Mary Giefer/Grandma/1835-1922 Tombstone [3-77]-[Baby Giefer (Gertrude)/bur. 1897/age 1 mo.] Memorial [3-77]-Hattie Giefer/1869-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [3-77]-Jacob Giefer/1861-1953 Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Edgar Giefer/bur. 1904/age 3 yrs.] Tombstone see JAECKEL

GIERKE: [4-87]-John Gierke/Brother/1885-1938 Tombstone

GLANDT: [7-26]-Amalie/1885-Jun. 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [7-26]-Robert C./1875-Apr. 1954 Tombstone

GLEICHNER: [8-51]-Paul H./1900-Sept. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [8-51]-Marie nee STANEK/1900-1980 Tombstone [4-64]-[Baby boy Gleichner/bur. 03-03-1936] Memorial [4-64]-[Baby Gleichner/bur. 12-29-1937] Memorial

GLOE: [2-86]-Elizabeth F. Gloe/Mother/1855-1923 Tombstone [3-30]-Henry Gloe/1847-1909 Tombstone [3-47]-Elma M./Oct. 7, 1886/Oct. 29, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [3-47]-William F./Jan. 6, 1882/Dec. 28, 1967 Tombstone [4-75]-Georgiana Hindt GLOE/1893-1968 Tombstone [5-25]-[Herman Gloe/bur. 1896/age 38 yrs.] Tombstone [5-25]-[Herman (Baby) Gloe/bur. 1894/age 11 mon.] Tombstone [5-25]-[Augusta Gloe/bur. 1895/age 35 yrs.] Tombstone [5-25]-[Charles Gloe/bur. 1904/age 24 yrs.] Tombstone [5-25]-Reginald/1905/son of Mr. & Mrs./William Gloe Tombstone, next to: [5-25]-Mr. & Mrs./Herman Gloe Sr./and family Tombstone [5-44]-Martha Gloe/1897-May 1973 Marker, next to: [5-44]-Herman E. Gloe/1896-Dec. 1970 Marker [5-58]-Matilda Gloe/May 28, 1861-Jan. 8, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [5-58]-August W. Gloe Sen/Dec. 20, 1854/Apr. 4, 1942 Tombstone, next to: [5-58]-Randolph F. Gloe/1897-Mar. 1948 Tombstone [5-58]-[Edgar Gloe/bur. 1917] Memorial [5-58]-[Harry Gloe/bur. 1919] Memorial [6-78]-Arthur Gloe/1887-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [6-78]-Mary Gloe/1887-Apr. 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [7-37]-Edward Gloe/Wisconsin/Pvt US Army/World War I/ Nov. 7, 1892/May 23, 1969 Tombstone,next to: [7-37]-Kenneth E. Gloe/Baby/1922 Tombstone [7-37]-Clara Gloe/Mother/Sept. 25, 1899-June 14, 1991 Tombstone [7-66]-Archie W. Gloe/Father/1887-Oct. 1974 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [7-66]-Elsie Gloe/Mother/1890-1935 Tombstone, next to: [7-66]-Ursula GUSTAFSON/Mother/1910-Mar.1946 Tombstone [8-55]-August H. Gloe/1892-1924 Tombstone [8-61]-[August Gloe/Baby/bur.1897/age 4 da.] Memorial [8-61]-Matthias H. Gloe/geboren/22 Dez. 1814/starb/17 Dez 1889/ des Braak bei Eutin Schleswig/Holstein Oldenberg Tombstone SCHAEFER (No names on this side of stone) see HINDT see NIENSTEDT

GLOMSTEAD: [2-2ROW]-[Henry (Baby) /bur. 07-13-1926]

GOEDJEN: [1-175]-Mary/1874-Dec. 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [1-175]-Henry/1871-Mar. 1959 Tombstone, next to: [1-175]-Catharina Goedjen/June 19, 1814/June 9, 1887 Tombstone, ossw: [1-175]-Herman Goedjen/Jan. 23, 1812/Nov. 22, 1887 Tombstone [1-213]-[John Goedjen/no other information] Tombstone [4-2]-John Sr./1880-Jun. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [4-2]-Minnie/1880-Apr. 1974 Tombstone [8-20]-Henry Goedjen/1844-1911 Tombstone, next to: [8-20]-Catherine Goedjen/1850-Sept. 1928 Tombstone, next to: [8-20]-Laura Goedjen/1873-1880 Tombstone (other deaths are mentioned in this obit) [8-20]-Edward Wm./Goedjen/1883-1951 Tombstone [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Boy Goedjen/bur. 11-16-1943]

GOERTZ: [6-119]-Fred Goertz/Father/1871-Apr. 1949 Tombstone, ossw: [6-119]-Mollie/Mother/1875-Apr. 1956 Tombstone

GOETZ: [1-132]-Sara Ellen Goetz/1925-Dec. 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [1-132]-Dr. Allen A./1920-2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-132]-Jodell Jane/1955-1995 Tombstone

GOLDAMER: (City records have them all under GOLDAMMER) [1-106]-Henry Goldamer, Sr./Father/1820-1872 Tombstone, next to: [1-106]-Anna Goldamer/Mother/1827-1904 Tombstone, next to: [1-106]-Henry Goldamer, Jr./Brother/1860-1881 Tombstone

GOWRAN: [4-1]-Luella Gowran/1872-1968 [bur. 10-18-1968/age 96 yrs.] Tombstone [4-1]-Harry C. Gowran/1871-1941 Tombstone [4-105]-Grace E. Gowran/1872-1955 [bur. 05-25-1955/age 82 yrs.] Tombstone see REYNOLDS

GRADE: [3-42]-Ferdinand Grade/Father/1861-Jul. 1931 Tombstone [3-42]-Caroline Grade/Mother/1864-1954 Tombstone, next to: [3-42]-Footstone: Mother [3-62]-[Baby Grade/bur. 1925] Memorial [3-62]-Bertha Grade/Geb. 20 Aug. 1858/Gest. 11 Juni 1900 Tombstone, ossw: [3-62]-Ella Grade/Geb. 4 Jun. 1882/Gest. 16 Sept. 1882 Tombstone, next to: [3-62]-Sophia Grade/1868-1928 Tombstone, next to: [3-62]-William [C.] Grade/1852-1928 Tombstone, next to: [3-62]-Bertha Grade/1858-1900 Tombstone, next to: [3-62]-William Grade, Jr./Wisconsin/Eng. 2 US Navy/World War I/ Jan. 4, 1889/Aug. 1, 1953 Tombstone [5-78]-Ida/1880-Jun. 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [5-78]-August/1879-Jul. 1944 Tombstone [5-85]-Hattie M./1896-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [5-85]-Henry F./1896-Nov. 1934 Tombstone, next to: [6-37]-Wilhelmina Grade/geboren 16 Juni 1817/gestorben 19 Marz 1903 Tombstone, ossw: [6-37]-Wilhelm Grade/geboren 2 Juni 1819/gestorben 6 Dez. 1888 Tombstone, ossw: [6-37]-William STOCKWILL/Geb. 26 Juli 1851/Gest. 15 Apr. 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [6-37]-Augusta STOCKWILL/Geb 17 Mai 1859/Gest. 16 Mar. 1928 Tombstone see DETTMAN see KOHLS see ZUEHL

GRADER: [Unk-1-18]-[Baby Grader/bur. 1905/age 5 hrs.]

GRAHAM: [3-64]-Hannah 0. Graham/1875-1919 Tombstone

GRANT: [7-63]-Marlon Grant/Father/1867-Jul. 1947 Tombstone, next to: [7-63]-Anna C. Grant/Mother/1876-Oct. 1932 Tombstone


GRENIER: [4-11]-Arthur Jose./1911-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [4-11]-Mildred H./1911-1994 Tombstone

GRIEP: Griep family stone [2-38]-Carl L./Father/1886-Nov. 1945 Tombstone, next to: [2-38]-Matilda D./Mother/1887-Feb. 1948 Tombstone [2-39]-Kathryn Griep/1920-bur. 06-06-1926 Tombstone [2-39]-John Griep/1916-bur. 01-02-1981 Tombstone [2-39]-Efrosene E. Griep/1922-1991 Tombstone [2-39]-William R. Griep/1889-bur. 01-21-1926 Tombstone [2-39]-Erna/1890-1978/Mother Tombstone [2-58]-Margaret/Daughter/1883-May 1955 Tombstone, next to: [2-58]-Louise/Mother/1857-1934 Tombstone, next to: [2-58]-Carl W. Sr./Father/1849-Mar. 1928 Tombstone, next to: [2-58]-Geraldine/Dec. 26, 1920/Apr. 12, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [2-58]-Alma/1892-Jun. 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [2-58]-Fred/1892-Mar. 1979 Tombstone

GRIESBACHER: [1-135]-Edna A. Griesbacher/1907-1972/nee Ahrndt [bur. 02-25-1972/age 64 yrs.] Tombstone [1-135]-Joseph Griesbacher/US Coast Guard/Feb. 7, 1905 - Nov. 16, 1976 Tombstone see AHRNDT

GRIMM: Catharine S.M./tochter von/C. & A.H. Grimm/geboren/4 Jan. 1818/ gestorben/5 Nov. 1893 (not in city records) Tombstone [Unk-1-1]-[Baby Boy Grimm/bur. 07-08-1943]

GRIMMER: [3-11]-August Grimmer/1856-1911 Tombstone, next to: [3-11]-Mary Grimmer/1858-Dec. 1936 Tombstone, next to: [3-11]-Elizabeth Grimmer/1883-Jan. 1954 Tombstone, next to: [3-11]-Henry F. Grimmer/1879-1918 Tombstone [3-11]-[Theodore Grimmer/no more information] Tombstone see SCHMIDT


GROSS: [5-64]-Baby Boy Gross/1947 [bur. 02-10-1947/age 1 da.] Tombstone [5-64]-Herman J. Gross/1920-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [5-64]-Joyce A. Gross/1923-2014 Tombstone see HEISE

GROSSPIETSCH: [1-32]-Heinrich (Jr)/sohn des/H. & Cath. Grosspietsch/gestorben/19 Oct. 1877/ alter/5 jahre 7 mo./15 tage Tombstone, ossw: [1-32]-Heinrich Grosspietsch/gestorben/23 April 1879/alter 45 jahre/2 monate Tombstone, next to: [1-32]-Footstones: M.B., H.G., H.G. Jr.,.H.B. (Josephine Grosspietsch/d. Feb 10, 1874/from obit)

GROVER: [1-151]-David D. Grover/Father/1857-Aug. 1935 Tombstone, next to: [1-151]-Adella Grover/Mother/1863-1928 Tombstone [2-65]-Elsie D. Grover/1894-1981 Tombstone [2-65]-Edward A. Grover/1892-Apr. 1954 Tombstone [5-7]-Florence Grover WINKELMILLER/1885-1962 Tombstone, next to: [5-7]-Chester/1890-1892 Tombstone, next to: [5-7]-Viola/1888-1889 Tombstone, next to: [5-7]-Henry [C.]/1859-1929/father Tombstone, next to: [5-7]-Susannah/1865-Jul. 1947/mother Tombstone see WINKELMILLER

GRUMAN: [Unk-1-19]-[Twin Babies/bur. 1904/age 1 hr.] see GRUMANN

GRUMANN: [1-139]-Julius/Aug. 21, 1881/Aug. 1972 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-139]-Minnie/Apr. 4, 1886/Nov. 1979 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [1-139]-Julius Grumann/Father/1844-May, 1928 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [1-139]-Augusta Grumann/Mother/1848-Nov., 1931 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [1-139]-Baby/1947 Tombstone [1-143]-John/1873-Apr. 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [1-143]-Caroline/1879-1964 Tombstone, next to: [1-143]-Grace Grumann/1913-Mar 1969 (Klein & Stangel Funeral Home marker) Tombstone [1-143]-Grace Grumann/1915-1966 [same person as above] Tombstone [1-143]-Helmuth Grumann/1901-1978 Tombstone [1-143]-[Howard Grumann (Baby)/bur 1914] Tombstone

GUBEUYET: [Unk-1-19]-[John/bur 1900/age 65 yrs]

GUCKER: Jno. Gucker/Co D/48 Wis Inf [February 16, 1830/October 5, 1897/From Manitowoc Civil War Rountable] Tombstone

GUEHLSTORF: [6-17]-Gladys Guehlstorf BUKOWSKI/1903-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [6-17]-Harry J. Guehlstorf/1902-[Oct.]1958 Tombstone, next to: [6-17]-Cortland J. Guehlstorf/51 US Navy/WWII/May 5, 1928/Jun 11, 1975 Tombstone Darlene E. Guehlstorf/nee POSVIC/Apr 6, 1936/Oct 1, 2024 Photo, next to: [6-17]-Footstone: A.W., next to: [6-17]-John WESTPHAL/[bur. 1913]/27 Wis. Inf./Co. C Tombstone, next to: [6-17]-Mary WESTPHAL/1845-[Sept.]1933 Tombstone [6-17]-[Baby WESTPHAL/no more information] see WESTPHAL

GUETSCHOW: [1-209]-Emil A./1879-Sept. 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [1-209]-Mathilda/1882-1960 Tombstone [1-209]-Rayfield Guetschow/1906-1991 Tombstone [1-209]-[John Guetschow/bur. 1897/age 69 yrs.] Memorial [2-3ROW]-Orville Guetschow/June 15, 1912/Oct. 21, 1912 Tombstone [7-77]-Arnold E. Guetschow/1907-1985 Tombstone [7-77]-Arthur W. Guetschow/1909-1979 Tombstone , ossw: [7-77]-Grace Guetschow/1915-1993 Tombstone

GUGGENHEIM: [8-26]-Carrie Tombstone, ossw: [8-26]-Henry (No dates on this stone.) Tombstone [8-26]-[Carrie Guggenheim/bur. 01-30-1963/age 72 yrs.] Tombstone [8-26]-[Henry Guggenheim/bur. 05-05-1947/age 91 yrs.] Tombstone


GUSTAFSON: [7-66]-Ursula GUSTAFSON/Mother/1910-Mar.1946 Tombstone see GLOE

GUSTAVSON: [6-130]-[Helen (Baby)/bur. 1921] Memorial [6-130]-[Helen (Baby)/bur. 1925] Memorial [6-130]-[James G./bur. 1918] Memorial

[ H ]


HAAG: [4-42]-[Sophia Haag/bur. 03-31-1937] Memorial [4-42]-[William Haag/bur. 1914] Memorial

HAASE: [1-101]-Elizabeth J./1888-Sept. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [1-101]-Rev. Walter G./1887-Jun. 1961 Tombstone [1-239]-Carl Haase/Vater/geboren 15 Juni 1809/gestorben 4 Febr. 1890 Tombstone, next to: [1-239]-Maria Haase/Mother/geboren 12 Jan. 1815/gestorben 2 Aug. 1892 Tombstone [5-8]-John C. Haase/Vater/Geb. 17 Feb. 1840/Gest. 14 Oct. 1897 Tombstone, next to: [5-8]-Christiana H. Haase/Mutter/Geb. 10 Dec. 1843/Gest. 7 Feb. 1928 Tombstone

HABLEWITZ: Judith M. Hablewitz/Sep 10, 1941/Jan 17, 2011 Tombstone + Photo

HACHMANN: [5-29]-Ferdinand/1854-1927 Tombstone, ossw: [5-29]-Katherine/1861-Jan. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [5-29]-Albert/1896-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [5-29]-Gustave/1882-Nov. 1964 Tombstone [5-29]-[Child Hachmann/bur. 1893/age 3 mo.] [5-29]-[Baby HACKMANN/bur. 1900] [7-11]-George FEISTEL/1888-1919,(see FEISTEL) ossw: [7-11]-Theodore Hachmann/1883-Jan. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [7-11]-Alma/1887-1968 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [7-11]-Edith/-1912- Tombstone [7-21]-Walter Hachmann/1885-Jan. 1958 Tombstone see DOEHLER


HAESE: [2-61]-Alfred H. Haese/1895-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [2-61]-Mabel Haese/1892-1967 Tombstone


HALBERG: [4-43]-Louise/Sept. 13, 1844/Apr. 27, 1920 Tombstone, next to: [4-43]-William/June 14, 1851/Dec. 12, 1892 Tombstone, next to: [4-43]-Laura C./Dec. 31, 1888/Jan. 14, 1958 Tombstone, next to: [4-43]-William/Sept. 21, 1885/May 19, 1971 Tombstone [4-43]-John E. Halberg/Dec. 24, 1922/Dec. 14, 2001 Tombstone Bette Halberg/Oct 29, 1923/Jun 7, 2013

HALEY: [5-54]-Shawn P. Haley/Nov. 18, 1969/Oct. 4, 1995 Tombstone

HALLAUER: [1-46]-George/1824-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [1-46]-Clara/1869-1901 Tombstone, ossw: [1-46]-Elizabeth/1830-1872 Tombstone [1-46]-[Caroline/bur. 1865] Memorial

HALLS: [Unk-1-18]-[Child/bur. 1896]

HALSTROM: [7-63]-Howard G. Halstrom/Wisconsin/CM Sgt 6003 Spt Sq AF/ World War II-Korea/Jan. 21, 1918-June 24, 1969 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [7-63]-Charles [T.]/1883-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [7-63]-Eva/1895-1980 (17 Mar. 1895/Nov. 1980/SSDI) Tombstone + Photo

HALTAUFDERHAIDE: [Unk-1-18]-[Child/bur. 1897]

HALVERSON: [6-106]-Laura/July 26, 1909/Dec. 2, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [6-106]-George C./Apr. 13, 1903/Mar. 28, 1977 Tombstone

HAMERNIK: [2-63]-Hugo F./1890-1978 Tombstone, ossw: [2-63]-Martha M./1893-1969 Tombstone, next to: [2-63]-Blanche Hamernik/1895-1925 Tombstone, next to: [2-63]-Anna Hamernik/1852-Apr. 1939 Tombstone, next to: [2-63]-Frank Hamernik/Father/1852-1925 Tombstone [2-63]-Vivian Hamernik/1917-1989 Tombstone

HAMILTON: [1-187]-Henry Huntington Hamilton/1899-Mar. 1947 Tombstone, next to: [1-188]-Ruth Hamilton SWAZEY/1890-1939 Tombstone, next to: [1-188]-Jessie LUSE Hamilton/1865-Sept. 1940 Tombstone, next to: [1-188]-Henry Pierpont Hamilton/1862-1919 Tombstone, next to: [1-188]-Henry C. Hamilton/1827-1864 Tombstone, next to: [1-189]-Diantha SMITH Hamilton/1830-1913 Tombstone, next to: [1-189]-James Edward Hamilton/1852-Jul. 1940 Tombstone, next to: [1-189]-Etta SHOVE Hamilton/1859-Jan. 12, 1934 Tombstone, next to: [1-189]-Grace Hamilton SWEENEY/1881-1908 Tombstone, next to: [1-189]-Nancy Hamilton Eglee//Jul 8, 1929/Sep 23, 2016/Buried Evergreen Cem/New Haven, CT. Tombstone, ossw: [1-189]-Jacqueline Hamilton Schiller/1926-1977/Buried Wye House Cem/Easton, MD Tombstone, ossw: [1-189]-Diantha Hamilton McDowell/1924-1991/Buried Arlington National Cem, VA Daughters of Edward and Katherine Tombstone [1-190]-George Spalding Hamilton/1885-1947 Tombstone, next to: [1-215]-[James Edward Hamilton/bur. 08-18-1942] [1-216]-Katharine FLETCHER Hamilton/1903-Jun. 1977 Tombstone, next to: [1-216]-Edward Pierpont Hamilton Jr./1935-2003 Tombstone + Photo [1-216]-Baby Hamilton/born & died/July 28, 1942 Tombstone [1-216]-Edward Pierpont Hamilton Sr./1897-1989 Tombstone [1-216]-Gretchen Galecki Hamilton/1935-1983 Tombstone [7-31]-Matie STEPHANY Hamilton/1874-Nov. 1944 Tombstone Margaret Jaeger Hamilton/1944-___ Tombstone see STEPHANY

HAMMEL: [1-158]-Wilhelm Hammel/3 Sept. 1832/6 Sept. 1870 Tombstone, ossw: [1-158]-Dorothea Hammel/4 Oct. 1833/5 Apr. 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [1-158]-Ernst Hammel/2 Sept. 1862/24 Jan. 1904 Tombstone, next to: [1-159]-George Hammel/Geb. 9 Sept. 1797/Gest. 8 Apr. 1878 Tombstone, ossw: [1-159]-Anna/gattin von/Geo. Hammel/Geb. 7 Jan. 1798/Gest. 10 Juli/1866 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-Ernest Hammel/1836-1919 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-Mary Hammel/1838-1892 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-William Henry Hammel/1861-1937 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-Julia C. Hammel/Jan. 2, 1893/July 11, 1968 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-Mark H. Hammel/1891-Apr. 1960 Tombstone, next to: [8-28]-Catherine NIQUETTE Hammel/1864-Jan.1938 Tombstone see STEWART

HAMPKE: [3-92]-William Schaefer/1852-1930 Tombstone, ossw: [3-92]-Magdalena Schaefer/1853-[bur. Feb. 9] 1931 Tombstone, ossw: (Note: They are Schaefer on the cem. record and on the 1920 census. The stone was loose and must have been turned somehow to make it look like they are Hampke, but they ARE Schaefer) [3-92]-Magdalena/gattin H. Hampke/geboren 20 Aug. 1812/gestorben 12 Juni 1890 [Magdalena Hampke/bur. 1890/cemetery record] Tombstone, ossw: [3-92]-Heinrich Hampke/25 Mai 1819/31 Mai 1898 Tombstone see SCHAEFER

HANES: [7-5ROW]-Alpheus P. Hanes/Father/1866-[Jun.]1928 Tombstone

HANSEN: [1-176]-Hans C./1875-Feb. 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [1-176]-Jessie L./1883-Nov. 1958 Tombstone [1-209]-Sophia Hansen/Mother/July 25, 1845/re-buried Oct. 14, 1920 Tombstone [1-243]-Anton O./1877-1925 Tombstone, ossw: [1-243]-Margaret/1881-Mar. 1967 Tombstone + Photo [5-70]-Charles Hansen/1872-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [5-70]-Angie Hansen/1877-1957 Tombstone [5-75]-Anna Hansen/Mother/1869-1919 Tombstone [7-66]-Harriet Hansen/Mother/1917-1982 Tombstone [8-16]-Henry Hansen Jr./1881-1951 Tombstone [8-16]-[Henry Hansen Sr./bur. 1918] Memorial [Unk-1-18]-[Baby Hansen/bur. 1903/age 5 wks.] Memorial see JACOBSON

HANSTEDT: [2-85]-Ida Hanstedt/Mother/Aug 6, 1866/Aug 11, 1922 Tombstone, next to: [2-85]-Henry Hanstedt/Father/Apr 10, 1848/Feb 2, 1922 Tombstone [2-85]-[Dale Hanstedt/Son of Bernard & Viola/-1939- [bur. 04-03-1939] Tombstone

HARDING: [4-54]-Ada Harding/Mother/Jul 14, 1889/Nov 7, 1976 Tombstone,next to: [4-54]-Dorothy Harding/Dec 25, 1917/Apr 23, 1919 Tombstone, next to: [4-54]-Ivan Harding/Apr 25, 1921/Nov 9, 1922 Tombstone, next to: [4-54]-Baby of Freeman Harding/Mar 8, 1925 Tombstone [4-54]-Edna Harding/Jun 14, 1919/May 29, 1981 Tombstone

HARDL: [7-73]-[George Hardl/bur. 1890]

HARDT: (not in city record unless he is George Hardl above) George Hardt/1846-1890 Tombstone

HARDTKE: [5-18]-Edith Hardtke/1891-Mar 1974 Tombstone


HARTEL: [4-55]-Beatrice Hartel/May 14, 1928/July 16, 1970 Tombstone

HARTUNG: [1-177]-Caroline RADO Hartung/1861-1933 Tombstone [1-177]-Louis Hartung/1859-1925 Tombstone [3-47]-Fred Hartung/beloved husband of Tombstone, ossw: [3-47]-Carrie Hartung/nee KIEFFER/1861-1900 Tombstone [6-42]-Augusta/gattin des/H.C. Hartung/geboren/6 Aug. 1817/gestorben/6 Nov. 1886 Tombstone, ossw: [6-42]-Heinrich C. Hartung/geboren/10 Nov. 1812/gestorben/6 Juni 1905 Tombstone, ossw: [6-42]-Maria Hartung SCHNORR/geboren/30 Sept. 1861/gestorhen/1 Dec. 1904 Tombstone, ossw: [6-42]-Fred J. SCHNORR/1856-[Feb.]1947 [SCHNOOR on city record] Tombstone, ossw: [6-42]-Lulu [Louise "Lulu"] SCHNORR/1870-1951 Tombstone, next to: [6-42]-Lou. HARTANG/Co. B/9th Wis. Inf. Tombstone [6-49]-[Fred Hartung/bur. 1894/age 22 yrs.] Memorial [6-49]-[Louis Hartung/bur. 03-02-1903/age 58 yrs.] Memorial [6-49]-[Wilhelmina Hartung/bur. 09-11-1933] Memorial (Caroline Hartung/1875-Apr 1891/from obit) [6-56]-[Child (Erna) Hartung/bur. 1893/age 6 mo.] Memorial [6-56]-[Elizabeth Hartung/no more information] Memorial [6-56]-[Henry Hartung/no more information](d.1908) Memorial [6-56]-Erwin Hartung/Apr. 28, 1890/Feb. 11, 1917 Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Herman Hartung/bur. 1905/age 20 yrs.] Memorial (Christian Hartung/1882-1914) Memorial see CRANE see SCHNORR

HASHECK: [3-90]-Adolph Hasheck/1885-Apr. 1952 Tombstone [3-90]-Elsie/1894-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [3-90]-Frank J./1895-1968 Tombstone

HASHEK: [3-90]-John Hashek [Jr.]/1881-1911 Tombstone [3-91]-Frank Hashek/Father/1854-Dec 1926 Tombstone, next to: [3-91]-Kathrien Hashek/1858-1942 Tombstone see HASHECK

HATOPP: [8-18]-George Hatopp/1901-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [8-18]-Marie Hatopp/1900-Nov 1961 Tombstone Hans W. Hatopp/1932/Jul 22, 2022

HAVEL: [1-23]-Herman Havel/Father/1860-Jan. 1950 Tombstone, next to: [1-23]-Gusta Havel/Mother/1868-1922 Tombstone [1-23]-[Anton Havel/bur. 1912] Memorial [1-44]-Mayme Havel/1902-Jun. 1973 Tombstone, next to: [1-44]-Irma D. Havel/1904-1935 Tombstone, next to: [1-44]-Josephine Havel/1876-Sep 1949 Tombstone, next to: [1-44]-Fred H. Havel/1869-1924 Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Julia Havel/bur. 1914] Memorial

HAVLECHEK: [Unk-1-3]-[Alvin Havlechek/bur. 07-27-1934]

HAVLICHEK: [4-68]-[Baby Havlichek/bur. 07-14-1931]

HAVLINEK: [5-96]-Ethel Mertens HAVLINEK/1905-1998 Tombstone see MERTENS

HEAP: [5-37]-William D. Heap/Wisconsin/Pfc 312 Repair Unit MTC/World War I/ Aug 25, 1892/Apr 14, 1960 Tombstone, next to: [5-37]-Clarence [H.] Heap/Jul 1, 1889/Jun 14, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [5-37]-Henry Heap/1860-1924 Tombstone, next to: [5-37]-Martha Heap/1865-1954 Tombstone, next to: [5-37]-Harvey Heap/1899-Aug 1942 Tombstone

HECKEL: [7-4]-Joseph Heckel/Oct 22, 1857/Oct 15, 1926 Tombstone

HEILI: [7-63]-Baby girl Heili/1967-[Apr.]1967 (Information from Deja & Martin Funeral Home marker)

HEILIGENTHAL: [2-9]-Henry Heiligenthal [cremated](per Rose's obit he died Aug. 1944) Tombstone, ossw: [2-9]-Rose Heiligenthal/nee Wentorf/no dates [bur. 08-07-1962/age 84 yrs.] Tombstone see WENTORF

HEIMER: [2-2ROW]-[(Baby daughter)/bur. 05-16-1926/father Herman Heimer] [2-2ROW]-[Herman Heimer (Baby)/bur. 1924] [2-2ROW]-[Milo Heimer (Baby)/bur. 1925]

HEIMSAADT: [5-63]-[Frank Heimsaadt/bur. 1903/age 86 yrs.] Tombstone [5-63]-Anna Maria/gattin von/F. Heimsaadt/Geb./24 Marz 1812/ Gest./18 April 1893 Tombstone

HEINRICH: [1-199]-[Baby Heinrich/bur. 1887] [1-199]-[Emma Heinrich (Baby)/bur. 1889] [1-199]-[Rosa Heinrich (Baby)/bur. 1883]

HEISE: [4-64]-[Fred Heise/bur. 1906] [4-64]-[Augusta Heise/bur. 1897/age 46 yrs.] [5-64]-Hattie/1897-Dec. 1991 on back of Gross stone: Tombstone, ossw: [5-64]-Walter C./1899-Nov.1956 Tombstone, next to: [5-64]-Baby [Boy] GROSS/[Feb.]1947 Tombstone [5-64]-Justine Moers Heise/1853-1915 [bur. 1915] Tombstone, ossw: [5-64]-Ferdinand MOERS/1847-1895 Tombstone

HELDT: [2-15]-Lena Heldt/Mother/1868-Jun. 1936 Tombstone, next to: [2-15]-Henry G. Heldt/Father/1856-1933 Tombstone

HELLER: [2-2]-[Elsie Heller/bur. 01-13-1986/age 90 yrs.] Tombstone (She is on the Peterik stone with her 1st husband Edward Steckmesser and 2nd husband Edward Peterik) [6-126]-Hugo Heller/1892-Jan. 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [6-126]-Elsie Heller/1894-1935 Tombstone [6-4]-Louisa/1872-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [6-4]-George/1866-May 1956 Tombstone see BOETTCHER see PETERIK

HEMPTON: [3-61]-Edith Hempton/1888-Oct 1957 Tombstone, ossw: see SCHULTZ [3-61]-Mary [SCHULTZ]/1864-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [3-61]-Henry [SCHULTZ]/1870-[Dec]1930 Tombstone see SCHULTZ

HENDRICKSEN: [3-66]-[Lars HENRICKSEN]/Father/1836-1899 Tombstone, ossw: [3-66]-[Anna]/Mother/1831-1916 Tombstone

HENDRIES: [1-203]-[Anna Hendries/bur. 02-03-1931] Tombstone [1-203]-[August Hendries/bur. 1929] Tombstone [1-203]-[Louise Hendries/bur. 09-03-1949/age 58 yrs.] Tombstone [1-203]-[Oscar Hendries (Baby)/no other information] Tombstone [4-57]-HENDRIES-SCHWARZ on top of following inscriptions: [4-57]-Alma J. Hendries/1880-1961, ossw: [4-57]-William F. Hendries/1879-1952, ossw: [4-57]-Carolina SCHWARZ [SCHWARTZ]/1827-1908 Tombstone, ossw: [4-57]-Heinrich SCHWARZ [SCHWARTZ]/1828-1904 Tombstone see SCHWARZ


HENNIG: [7-21]-David E. Hennig/Sep 6, 1927/Aug 23, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: [7-21]-Sylvia K. Hennig/June 29, 1928/May 13, 2018 Tombstone

HENRICKS: [5-24]-[Albert Henricks/bur. 1897/age 19 yrs.] [5-24]-[Rosa Henricks/bur. 1896/age 40 yrs.]

HENRICKSON: [1-221]-Ihler H./1906-Jul. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [1-221]-Genevieve/1907-2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-221]-Johanna/1886-Mar 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [1-221]-Hugo/1885-Apr 1971 Tombstone [2-4]-Orville/1890-1977 Tombstone, ossw: [2-4]-Anna/1889-Jun 1936 Tombstone, next to: [2-4]-Hans/1859-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [2-4]-Emma/1865-Feb 1957 Tombstone [2-4]-[Baby Girl Henrickson/bur. 01-02-1960] Memorial [2-4]-[Gertrude Henrickson/bur. 1901/age 6 yrs.] Memorial [2-4]-[Raymond Henrickson/bur. 1906/age 14 yrs.]

HENRY: [1-36]-Katherine Wagener Henry/1839-1911 Tombstone [1-36]-Lieut. Wm. Henry/Co. D/27 Wis. Inf. [July 6, 1821/March 17, 1901/From Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone see SMITH see WAGENER

HEPPLER: [6-84]-Delmar Heppler/1916-May 1977 Tombstone, next to: [6-84]-Lucille Heppler/Mother/1877-Jul 1940 Tombstone

HERIAN: [8-26]-John Herian/May 16, 1856/Mar 19, 1908 Tombstone, ossw: [8-26]-Josepha/wife of John Herian/Feb 25, 1857/Mar 30, 1889 [8-26]-Richard J. Herian/PFC US Army/WWII/Aug 16 1917/Apr 6 2003 Tombstone

HERING: [1-180]-Otto F. Hering/1876-Oct 1939 Tombstone, next to: [1-180]-Emma Hering/1878-Sep 1967 Tombstone [5-10]-Harvey Hering/1900-1900 [bur. 1900/age 5 mo.] Tombstone [5-47]-Maria Hering/Geb 11 Mai, 1848/Gest 6 Dec 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [5-47]-Christ Hering/Geb 6 Nov 1845/Gest 3 Aug 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [5-47]-Lena Hering/Geb 26 Jan 1871/Gest 24 Mai 1885 Tombstone, ossw: [5-47]-Henry J. Hering/Geb 8 Dec 1873/Gest 10 Feb 1949 Tombstone see KRUEGER


HERMANN: [5-66]-Caroline/Mother/wife of David/1854-Aug 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [5-66]-David/Father/1857-1925 Tombstone Ken Hermann/Jan 17, 1919/Oct 1, 2011 Photo Bearice "Bea" Hermann/Sep 8, 1921/Aug 26, 2017

HERSHFIELD: [6-133]-Robert P./Dec 30, 1924/Jan 19, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [6-133]-Irene E./1928-2002 Tombstone

HERZAG: [Unk-1-17]-[Groetchen Herzag/bur. 1914]

HEYER: [Unk-1-18]-[Esther Heyer/bur. 1907] Memorial

HEYMAN: [5-87]-Emma VOLIN Heyman/1877-Jun 1946 Tombstone, next to: [5-87]-Gustave Heyman/1876-Jan 1952 Tombstone see VOLIN

HICKOX: [2-3]-Oliver J. Hickox/1889-1918 Tombstone

HILL: [1-128]-Mabel Hill/1904-1972 Tombstone [1-128]-William F. Hill/CPL US Army/WWI/Dec 5, 1895/Aug 28, 1978 Tombstone see SCHULTZ

HINDT: [4-75]-Ludwig M.T. Hindt/24 Nov 1864/9 Juli 1900 Tombstone, ossw: [4-75]-Louis Hindt/4 Sep 1888/17 May 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [4-75]-Julia Hindt/8 Apr 1884/Jan 5, 1980 Tombstone, next to: [4-75]-Arthur Hindt/1890-Mar 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [4-75]-Georgiana Hindt GLOE/1893-1968 Tombstone [4-82]-Henrietta Hindt/Mother/1869-Mar 1935 Tombstone [4-82]-[Carl Hindt/Baby/bur. 1893/age 7 wks.] [4-82]-Charles Hindt/Father/1869-[Feb.]1948 [bur. Feb. 28] Tombstone [4-82]-Laura Johanna Hindt/1895-1983 Tombstone [4-82]-[Lizzie Hindt/bur. 1898/age 1 yr.] see GLOE

HINKLEY: [7-51]-Eleanor E. Hinkley/1889-1979 (11 Nov 1889/Jan 1979/SSDI) (Eleanor E. (KEMPFERT) Hinkley/b. 11 Nov 1889/d. Jan 1979/daughter of Henry and Emma Kempfert) Tombstone, next to: [7-51]-George P. Hinkley/Father/1886-July 1948 Tombstone see KEMPFERT

HIPPLER: [Unk-1-18]-[Baby Hippler/bur. 1913]

HITTNER: [4-78]-Margaret D. Hittner/Mother/1841-1930 Tombstone, next to: [4-78]-Henry M. Hittner/Dr./April 28, 1840/June 19, 1892 Tombstone, next to: [4-78]-Kathryne Hittner/Daughter/1871-Oct. 1955 Tombstone

HLAWACEK: [7-36]-[Mary Hlawacek/bur. 07-09-1956/age 72 yrs.] [Unk-1-18]-[Child Hlawacek/bur. 1899]

HOEFERT: [2-2ROW]-June Hoefert/July 19, 1927/Feb. 20, 1928 Tombstone [8-8]-William P./1897-Jul. 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [8-8]-Marie [W.]/1899-Apr. 1989 Tombstone

HOEPNER: [8-21]-Amalie Hoepner/Meine gattin/starb 2 April 1881/alter 48 jahre Tombstone, ossw: [8-21]-Friedrich Hoepner/Unser vater/starb 2 April 1889/alter 63 jahre Tombstone, next to: [8-21]-Henry/Nov. 3, 1853/Aug. 22, 1925 Tombstone, next to: [8-21]-Ida/Sept. 23, 1858/Dec. 8, 1940 Tombstone, next to: [8-21]-Frederick Hoepner/Co. D/48 Wis. Inf. Tombstone

HOFFMAN: [5-89]-[Baby Hoffman/bur. 1925]

HOGAN: [2-44]-Grace J. Hogan/1922-1999 Tombstone

HOHN: [6-125]-August C./1902-1971 (August Hohn/27 Aug 1902/Dec 1971/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [6-125]-Olivia A./1903-Jan. 1987 Tombstone Wayne F. Hohn/Son/1931-___ (02 Feb 1931/08 Jul 1998/SSDI) Tombstone

HOLLUB: [3-22]-Jan Hollub [John Hollub]/narozen/14 Brezen 1848/zemrel/13 Ryen 1906/ v stari/58 let 6 mes. 29 dni Tombstone, ossw: [3-22]-Katherine Hollub/Nar./21 Dubna 1854/Zem./22 Ledna 1933/v stari/78 let Tombstone

HOLMES: [5-36]-David R. Holmes/1860-Dec. 1943 Tombstone, next to: [5-36]-Eliza Ann Holmes/1875-Jan. 1962 Tombstone [5-36]-Frances M. Holmes/1920-2000 Tombstone

HOLSWORTH: [2-25]-[Ellwood Holsworth/bur.1920] Memorial [2-25]-Gladys Pearl Holsworth/nee Thompson/1895-1920 Tombstone see THOMPSON

HOLTZ: [6-79]-Gerhardt W.V. Holtz/Jan. 19, 1907/Nov. 21, 1925 Tombstone, next to: [6-79]-Anna/1869-Sept. 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [6-79]-John/1868-1942 [bur. June 19] Tombstone, next to: [6-79]-Reinhold F. Holtz/Dec. 24, 1901/Dec. 4, 1905 Tombstone

HOPP: [5-13]-[August John Hopp/bur. 09-03-1968/age 82 yrs.] [5-13]-Wilhelmine J.B./tochter von/C. & J. Hopp/Geb./22 Jan. 1895/Gest./31 Mar. 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [5-13]-Christoph Hopp/Geb./5 Aug. 1845/Gest./22 Dez. 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [5-13]-Johanna/gattin von/C.H. Hopp/gebne SCHROEDER/8 Juli 1856/Gest./4 Mar. 1895 Tombstone

HOPPEN: [1-38]-Catherina Hoppen/Geb 13 Dez 1818/can't read rest Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Peter Hoppen/bur. 1901/age 69 yrs.] (Note: Cem. records have bur. unknown but he is the spouse of Catherine so he is probably on the same lot with Catherine)

HORN: [5-67]-Louise Horn/1874-1948 Tombstone, next to: [5-67]-Herman Horn/1873-1954 Tombstone, next to: [5-67]-Harvey Horn/Baby/died/Feb. 2, 1900/age 2 mo. 24 ds. Tombstone


HORSTMANN: [5-93]-Fred [C.]/1878-Apr. 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [5-93]-Emma/1875-Oct. 1961 Tombstone

HRONEK: [5-97]-Mary DET Hronek/Mother/1874- Apr.1938 Tombstone (Mary is buried with her first husband-Frank Det) [7-14]-Anton Hronek/1867-1930 Tombstone, next to: [7-14]-Christina Hronek/1871-1925 Tombstone


HUDSON: [3-73]-Adelbert Hudson Jr./1885-1920 Tombstone [3-73]-Adelbert Hudson/born/Oct. 22, 1847/died/May 25, 1911 Tombstone, ossw: [3-73]-Emma/wife of/A. Hudson/born/March 29, 1856/died/May 1, 1889 Tombstone

HUEBNER: (Wilhelmine and Friedrike not in city records) Wilhelmine/tochter von/B. und S. Huebner/Geb. d. 4 Nov. 1838/Gest. d. 14 Feb./1863 Tombstone, ossw: Friedrike/ehefrau von/F. PAUTZ/Geb. d. 4 Feb. 1841/Gest. d. 2 Feb. 1865 Tombstone [1-25]-[Mother Huebner/no more information] Memorial [1-34]-[Calla Huebner/bur. 1905] Memorial [1-34]-[Emil Huebner/no more information] Memorial [1-34]-F.W. Huebner/geboren/6 Jan. 1810/gestorben/28 Mai, 1881 Tombstone, next to: [1-34]-Julia/1891-1914 Tombstone, next to: [1-34]-Footstones: Emil, Galla, Mutter, Vater, Jane BISHOP [Unk-1-18]-[Juliana Huebner/bur. 1898/age 89 yrs.] Memorial The following are on Thomaschefsky stone: [7-8]-Ella Huebner/bur. 05-03-1938 Tombstone [7-8]-William Huebner/bur. 03-09-1936 Tombstone [7-8]-Ruth Juliana[bur. Dec 11 1998] Tombstone see THOMASCHEFSKY

HUNTER: [8-58]-Marvin E. Hunter-Zoerb/1923-1995 Tombstone

HURST: [1-99]-[Franklin Hurst/bur. 1875/age 13 yrs.] Memorial [1-99]-[Henry Hurst (Baby)/bur. 1872/age 3 da.] Memorial [1-99]-[Mary S. Hurst/bur. 1875] Memorial [1-99]-Edythe Hurst/Mother/1876-1906 Tombstone, next to: [1-99]-Harry R./Mar. 26, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [1-99]-Salome/Mar. 21, 1972,[age 79 yrs.] Tombstone Harry/Salome, next to: [1-100]-Nancy I. Hurst/1849-1915 Tombstone, next to: [1-100]-William Hurst/Pvt. 27 Wis. Inf./July 14, 1837/March 30, 1896 Tombstone [7-68]-Guy C./1878-Jul. 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [7-68]-Elizabeth/1883-Mar. 1963 Tombstone [7-68]-Maynard L. Hurst/Died Apr. 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [7-68]-Sophia/Sept. 2004 Tombstone

HUSS: [8-11]-[Emelia Huss/bur. 1909/age 95 yrs.] Tombstone [Unk-1-18]-[Emily Huss/bur. 1907] see LESSING

HYNEK: [2-64]-Evelyn A. KOPLIN Hynek/June 9, 1909/April 8, 1985 Tombstone

[ I ]

IHLENFELDT: [7-5]-William/1893-Oct. 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [7-5]-Hannah/Dec. 6, 1888/Sept. 9, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [7-5]-Arthur/Nov. 17, 1916/Nov. 17, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [7-5]-Hazel/Nov. 17, 1916/Nov. 17, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [7-5]-Walter/Apr. 14, 1918/May 7, 1918 Tombstone

IMMLER: [8-30]-Franz A./1820-1901 Tombstone, ossw: [8-30]-Caroline/1833-1886 Tombstone Back to Top