Two Rivers Township, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

[ C ]

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ] [ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ]
[ M ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ ST ] [ T ][ U-V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]


[3-40]-Anna L./1898-Jun. 1976 Tombstone, ossw:
[3-40]-William R./1893-Jun. 1965 Tombstone

CAMPBELL: [5-45]-[Christine Campbell/1887-1973 [bur. 10-12-1973/age 85 yrs.](13 Dec 1887/Oct 1973/SSDI) Tombstone [6-19]-Henry D. Campbell/1834-1899 Tombstone [8-44]-Rena E./1881-[Mar.]1964 Tombstone, ossw: [8-44]-Frank R./Jan. 20, 1872-Jan. 1958 Tombstone [Unk-1-19]-[Daisy (Baby)/bur. 1918] see ALTHEN

CARLSON: [7-4]-Nels A. Carlson/June 24, 1887/Apr. 20, 1914 Tombstone

CARPENTER: [3-48]-Imgard/1902-Jul. 1956 Tombstone, ossw: [3-48]-Fred/1898-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [3-48]-Patsy/1939-2002 Tombstone

CAVO: [7-19]-Ezra Cavo/Co. D/27th Wis. Inf. [Ezra Cayo/1846/December 23, 1863/ from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [Listed as Cayo on City Record-no more information]

CAYO: [8-50]-Elizabeth J. Cayo/Mar. 30, 1877/Apr. 24, 1927 Tombstone, next to: [8-50]-Wm. Cayo/Mar. 16, 1869/July 23, 1925 Tombstone [Unk-1-8]-[Baby Cayo/bur. 01-03-1923]

CELLE: [3-70]-James/1928-Nov. 1939 Tombstone, ossw: [3-70]-Donald/1926-[Mar.]1927 [age 2 mo.] Tombstone [3-75]-Edna/1905-Jan. 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [3-75]-Walter J./1898-1966 Tombstone see BARTZ

CESS: [1-223]-Otto/Feb. 14, 1893/Apr. 2, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [1-223]-Clara/1894-1989 Tombstone see ABRATH

CHALUBNIK: [Unk-1-9]-[John Chalubnik/bur. 1923] Memorial

CHARTER: [3-27]-G. Ellen Charter/Oct. 3, 1919/Jan. 28, 2001 Tombstone + Photo

CHOPEK: [7-4ROW]-[Wenzel Chopek/bur. 03-08-1927] Memorial

CHRISTENSEN: [2-43]-Hans J. Christensen/July 22, 1866/Apr. 17, 1945 Tombstone, next to: [2-43]-Josephine Christensen/Aug. 20, 1875/July 14, 1952 Tombstone [2-43]-Annabelle Christensen/1911-1986 [bur.04-16-1986/age 74 yrs.] Tombstone, ossw: [2-43]-Orlo C. Christensen/1908-1984 Tombstone [2-71]-Gary/1901-Nov. 1950 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-71-]-Hortense Christensen/1903-1989 Tombstone [4-39]-Clara Christensen/1879-Dec. 1938 Tombstone, next to: [4-39]-Dr. Emil Christensen/1869-May 1932 Tombstone + Photo [1-164]-Florentina Christensen/gebne SCHMIDT/geboren 19 Feb. 1883/gestorben 16 Aug. 1921, ossw: Schmidt Tombstone Aileen R. Christensen/Dec 14, 1928/Sep 14, 2020 Photo see SCHMIDT

CHRISTIANSEN: [1-56]-[Wilhelm Christiansen/bur. 1882] [1-101]-[Fred W. Christiansen/bur. 05-27-1958/age 98 yrs.] [1-101]-[Laura Christiansen/bur. 08-08-1957/age 85 yrs.]

CHRISTIANSON: (Mrs. Ferdinand Christianson/bur. 1893/from obit-no stone)

CHRISTINSEN: [1-167]-[Minnie Christinsen/bur. 1892/age 35 yrs.] Mother/1857-1892/M. CHRISTINSEN/dau. of F.W. Lenhart see LENHART

CHURCH: [2-2ROW]-[Elsie (Baby)/bur. 1916]

CIELKE: [Unk-1-9]-[Raymond (Baby)/bur. 06-04-1932]

CLARKE: [1-181]-Lydia SCHAPER Clarke/1889-1960 Tombstone, next to: [1-181]-L.B. Clarke/1887-Sept. 1973 [Lennox Barrett] Tombstone, next to: [1-181]-Frederick Marsena Clarke/1844-1916 Tombstone, next to: [1-181]-Finch Clarke/1857-1925 Tombstone, next to: [1-181]-Rosabel N. Clarke/1863-Dec. 1944 Tombstone, next to: [1-181]-Laura B. Clarke/1896-Jun. 1973 Tombstone, next to: [1-182]-Ella M. Clarke/1887-Jan. 1935 Tombstone, next to: [1-182]-Walter W. [Sr.] Clarke/1885-Aug. 1936 Tombstone

CLOSE: [4-105]-Jean Reynolds Close/1932-2002 Tombstone

CLUSEN: [1-92]-[Child (Irene or Irma) Clusen/bur. 1899/age 3 mo.] Memorial [1-92]-[Child (Robert) Clusen/bur. 1897/age 10 mo.] Memorial [1-92]-Ernest/1850-1901 Tombstone, ossw: [1-92]-Elizabeth/1857-1914 Tombstone, ossw: [1-92]-Oscar/1881-1912 Tombstone, ossw: WEHAUSEN (Stone has Clusen on one side and Wehausen on the other) See WEHAUSEN

COCHENET: [7-9]-Fern H. Cochenet/1898-Jan. 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [7-9]-August J. Cochenet/1893-Oct. 1973 Tombstone, ossw: SCHNEIDER [7-9]-John [Schneider]/Father/1872-Jan. 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [7-9]-Mattie BURDICK [Schneider]/Mother/1873-[Jul.]1927 Tombstone, ossw: [7-9]-Hildred STUTZMAN/Daughter/1896-[Sept.]1913 [Hildred Stutzmann] Tombstone

COENEN: [1-76]-[David Coenen/bur. 12-02-1960/age 2 hr.]

COLLOTON: [4-36]-Brian [W.]/Colloton/Feb. 9, 1962 Tombstone, next to: [4-36]-Carl [H.]/1880-[Mar.]1946 Tombstone, ossw: [4-36]-Martha/1882-[Feb.]1975 [Martha Bern.] Tombstone See SAUBERT

CONRAD: (Mary Conrad/spouse of Carl Conrad/d. 17 Jan. 1877/no stone) see M0ELLER

CONRATH: [7-2ROW]-Anna Fridrika/Conrath/geboren/30 Nov. 1859/starb/17 Jan. 1877, [Anna J.] next to: [7-2ROW]-Louise C. (Only top of stone remaining.) (Note: In checking through the cemetery, this may well be Louise C. Wiemann/geboren 24 Juni 1849/gestorben 10 Aug. 1876 who has a repaired stone) Tombstone

COPLEY: [Unk]-[Baby Girl/bur. 07-31-1946]

CORBEG: [7-6ROW]-Elsie Corbeg nee GRINGEL/1908-1928 [May 1929] Tombstone [7-2ROW]-[Albert (Baby)/bur. 10-13-1928]

CORDTS: [6-103]-Mary CORDTS/nee Moseler/1868-Nov.1955 Tombstone see MOSELER

CRANE: [1-177]-Mata C. Crane/1888-1974 Tombstone, next to: [1-177]-Caroline RADO HARTUNG/1861-1933 Tombstone, next to: [1-177]-Louis HARTUNG/1859-1925 Tombstone, next to: [1-178]-Benjamin A. Crane/1888-1968 (14 Oct 1889/15 Sep 1968/SSDI) Tombstone

CURRENS: [4-79]-Doctor John R. Currens/1855-1921 Tombstone + Photo [4-80]-Julia Pierpont Currens/1854-1889 Tombstone see PIERPONT

[ D ]

DAETZ: [2-51]-Bruno E./1893-Mar. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [2-51]-Clara/1893-Apr. 1950 Tombstone [2-66]-Elizabeth K. Daetz/Feb. 5, 1884/June 7, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [2-66]-Max H. Daetz/Nov. 11, 1877/Mar. 9, 1942 Tombstone [2-66]-Gertrude H. Daetz/Aug. 22, 1908/June 15, 1997 Tombstone [3-10]-Albert Daetz/1852-1914 Tombstone, ossw: [3-10-Bertha Daetz/His wife/1853-[Feb.]1933 Tombstone, next to: [3-105]-Gladys M. Daetz/1917-2003 Tombstone + Photo

DAHM: [7-7]-Joseph Dahm/Wisconsin/Pvt MG Co. 44 Infantry/War I/ June 18, 1888/Feb. 17, 1967 Tombstone, next to: [7-7]-Constance Dahm/Feb. 12, 1891/Sept. 14, 1982 Tombstone

DALLMANN: [1-87]-Herman P./1894-Oct. 1970 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-87]-Irma E./1904- (b. 14 Mar. 1904/d. June 1987/SSDI) Tombstone [2-2ROW]-[Vernon (Baby)/bur. 1918] [7-27]-Edward L./1891-Aug. 1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [7-27]-Alma K./1895-[Oct. 1988/age 92 yrs.] Tombstone

DAMLER: [1-10]-Henry/1865-1866 Tombstone, ossw: [1-10]-Adolph/-1864- Tombstone, ossw: [1-10]-Augusta/1862-1880 Tombstone, ossw: [1-11]-Amalia/1858-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [1-11]-Christina/1867-Jun. 1936 Tombstone, next to: [1-10]-Friederike/Mother/1829-1906 Tombstone, ossw: [1-11]-Carl/Father/1829-1907 Tombstone, next to: [1-11]-Augusta Koch/Daughter/1895-[Sept.]1974 [Augusta Mathil.] (19 Aug 1895/Sep 1974/SSDI) Tombstone, next to: [1-11]-Pastor F. Koch/Father/1861-1939,[Frederick] Tombstone, next to: [1-10]-Wilhelmina/Mother/1860-[Sept.]1938 Tombstone

DANEK: [7-6ROW]-Ottilia Danek/Apr. 1, 1890/Jan. 20, 1908 Tombstone


DARON: [1-140]-Shirley Ann Daron/June 9, 1926/April 12, 1984 Tombstone

DAVENPORT: [6-19]-Susie May Davenport/July 30, 1880/Oct. 2, 1888 Tombstone

DAWSON: [3-9]-Frederic [R.]/1875-[Sept.]1959 Tombstone, ossw: [3-9]-Hulda/1881-1912 Tombstone

DAY: [4-38]-Patricia May Day/bur. 04-28-1943

DEAN: [4-12]-Donald Clay Dean/1897-1970 Tombstone [4-12]-Gertrude Lohman Dean/1905-1991 Tombstone See MATTHAI

DECKINION: [7-2ROW]-[Walter/bur. 1924]

DEFAUT: [5-60]-Francis G./Sept. 25, 1924/Apr. 18, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [5-60]-Faye A./Feb. 22, 1925/Jun. 10, 2007 Tombstone + Photo

DEGLER: [6-51]-Peter Degler/1815-1906 Tombstone, next to: [6-51]-Marie E. Degler/1828-1907 Tombstone, next to: [6-51]-William H. Degler/born/Aug. 13, 1868/died/Oct. 10, 1894 Tombstone

DEMSIEN: [1-19]-[Herman/bur. 1903/age 34 yrs.] Memorial [5-6]-August Demsien/geboren/18 Feb. 1833/gestorben/13 Mai, 1916 Tombstone, ossw: [5-6]-Maria/gattin des A./Demsien/geboren/16 Okt. 1830/gestorben/23 Febr. 1873 Tombstone, next to:

DENCKS: [3-81]-[Henry Dencks/bur. 1893/age 82 yrs.] [3-81]-[Dora/bur. 1905/age 76 yrs.] Memorial

DENNIS: [5-35]-Joseph L. Dennis/Wisconsin/PVT US Army/World War I/ April 15, 1897 - Oct. 18, 1972 Tombstone [5-35]-May A. Dennis/Oct. 16, 1896/Nov. 27, 1994 Tombstone see KAUFMANN

DENT: [4-60]-George W. Dent/1879-Jul. 1962 Tombstone

DET: [5-97]-Frank Det/Father/1869-1911 Memorial See HRONEK

DETTMANN: [3-42]-Fred Dettman/Aug. 12, 1836/Jan. 29, 1923 Tombstone [3-42]-Caroline Dettmann/his wife/Apr. 10, 1836/Dec. 24, 1924 Tombstone see GRADE

DEWEY: [7-2ROW]-[Albert Jr./bur. 05-31-1930]

DICKE: [3- ]-Helen Wing Dicke-Krivacek/1920-2008 Tombstone [3-76]-Diedrich/1820-1895 Tombstone, ossw: [3-76]-Marie D./1831-1924 Tombstone, ossw: [3-76]-Ella May/May 15, 1879/Oct. 19, 1957 Tombstone, ossw: [3-76]-Fred W./1873-Sept. 1957 Tombstone + Photo [3-76]-Fred G./Feb. 4, 1914/June 5, 1983 Tombstone + Photo [8-54]-George H. Dicke/Apr. 23, 1856/Jan. 4, 1929 Tombstone, next to: [8-54]-Ella GEBLER Dicke/Wife of Geo. H. Dicke/1857-1923 Tombstone + Photo

DICKENSON: [1-94]-Anna Klose Dickenson/1872-1955 Tombstone [1-94]-George Dickenson/1870-1947 Tombstone see KLOSE

DICKSON: [3-101]-Dickson family stone [3-101]-Hugh S. Dickson/1850-1920 Tombstone, next to: [3-101]-Anne E. Dickson/1861-1922 Tombstone, next to: [3-101]-Robert D. Winn/1893-[Oct.]1956 Tombstone, next to: [3-101]-Eda D. Winn/1893-[Jun. 1985] (b. 3 Apr. 1893/d. June 1985/SSDI) Tombstone

DIEDERICH: [4-95]-[Carl (Cha.)/bur. 1896/age 35 yrs.]

DIEDRICH: [5-55]-Gerhardt/1916-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [5-55]-Nancy Lynn Diedrich/1954-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [5-55]-Caroline Diedrich/1925-2007 Tombstone see NISCHKE

DIETRICH: [4-95]-Carl Dietrich/Corp'l/Co. F/26th Wis. Inf. Tombstone (Note: His location obtained from the Civil War Roundtable)

DIPPLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Baby Dippler/bur. 1911]

DOBSON: [Disinterred]-[Carrie/bur.04-24-1945/age 65 yrs.]

DODGE: [5-2]-Roy M./1906-Nov. 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [5-2]-Lucille/1901-Apr. 1991 Tombstone, next to: [5-2]-Gordon S. Dodge/Son/1890-Mar. 1959 Tombstone, next to: [5-2]-Charles H. Dodge/Father/1863-1942 Tombstone, next to: [5-2]-Louise F. Dodge/Mama/1867-1918 Tombstone

DOEHLER: [1-50]-Christine Lisette Doehler/gebne HACHMANN/Geb. 30 Apr. 1836/Gest. 7 Sept. 1910 Tombstone, next to: [1-50]-August Gottlob Doehler/Pastor/Geb. 13 Feb. 1815/Gest. 6 Feb. 1896 Tombstone [Unk-1-19]-[Baby Doehler/bur. 1910] Memorial

DOHRMAN: [6-26]-Herbert C./1900-Dec. 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [6-26]-Ursola G./1909-1987 Tombstone

DOLESCHAL: [7-5ROW]-Marie Doleschal/1897-1919 Tombstone

DOLEYSCH: [Unk-1-9]-[Baby/bur. 1930]

DOLEYSH: [4-61]-[Joseph/no more information]

DONALDSON: [2-57]-[William R. Donaldson/bur. 12-31-1951/age 71]



DOUBRAVSKY: [4-59]-Julia Doubravsky/Feb. 16, 1842/Aug. 7, 1914 Tombstone, next to: [4-59]-Jennie Doubravsky/geborne/14 Okt. 1880/gestorben/3 Mai 1896 Tombstone, next to: [4-59]-Ignatz Doubravsky/Aug. 1, 1847/Dec. 11, 1915 Tombstone



DOWNING: [8-53]-Evelyn R. Downing/1919-1997 Tombstone

DRAEGER: [3-75]-[Dorothea Draeger/bur. 1921] Memorial [8-50]-Aug. F. Draeger/Nov. 17, 1868/Feb. 13, 1917 Tombstone

DREGER: [4-31]-Robert G./1884-May 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [4-31]-Alma/1884-Nov. 1965 Tombstone [4-56]-Daniel/1857-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [4-56]-Mary/1857-[bur. Dec.27] 1937 Tombstone, ossw: [4-56]-Gertrude/1887-Dec. 1966 Tombstone James Dreger/Jun 10, 1929/Jul 21, 2012

DREIER: [5-49]-[Child Dreier/bur. 1898/age 16 da.] Memorial [5-49]-[Elsie Dreier/bur. 1900/age 1 yr.] Memorial [5-49]-Hulda Dreier/Apr. 30, 1868/July 12, 1917/wife of Tombstone, ossw: [5-49]-John Dreier/June 21, 1865/July 14, 1930 Tombstone

DREWS: [3-52]-Richard A. Drews/Father/1859-1938 Tombstone, next to: [3-52]-Amy M. Drews/1861-1930 Tombstone

DRIER: [4-91]-John Drier/died/Apr. 10, 1885/age 59 years Tombstone, ossw: [4-91]-Elizabeth Drier/died/Apr. 19, 1915/age 83 years Tombstone, next to: [4-91]-Herman Drier/Apr. 9, 1874/July 19, 1923 Tombstone, next to: [4-91]-Rose Drier/1891-May 1952 Tombstone, next to: [4-91]-Fred Drier/Nov. 16, 1868/Mar. 17, 1939 Tombstone [5-49]-Harry F. Drier/1907-1980 Tombstone (on lot with Dreier] See DREIER

DROSSART: [6-131]-Viola Drossart/Mother/1903-Aug. 1952 Tombstone

DUCAT: [6- ]-Raymond Ducat/Jan. 13, 1948/Oct. 5, 2008 Tombstone

DUFANO: [3-60]-Cora/1904-1999/The Lord is my shepard Tombstone, ossw: [3-60]-Louis R. Dufano/1902-1986 Tombstone

DUNKER: [8-5]-H. Detlef Dunker/d. 1850/age 52 yrs. Tombstone, ossw: [8-5]-Thomas Dunker/d. 1850/age 17 yrs. Tombstone see FELDSIEN

DUNN: [1-117]-Elsie M. Dunn/Mother/1881-1923 Tombstone, next to: [1-117]-William J. Dunn/Father/1869-1914 Tombstone, next to: [1-117]-Terrence J. Dunn/1907-Feb. 1940 Tombstone

DUVENECK: [2-3ROW]-Edgar/sohn von/E. & E. Duveneck/Geb. 7 Oct./Gest. 23 Oct. 1899 see VAN CALLIGAN

[ E ]

EBERT: [7-7]-Allen G. Ebert/TEC4 US Army/World War II/ Sep. 12, 1924/Oct. 28, 1979 Tombstone [7-7]-Allen/1924-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [7-7]-Joyce/1925-__ Tombstone Robert Ebert/Jul 8, 1919/Jul 4, 2010 Florence B. Ebert/Feb 14, 1923/Apr 13, 2020 Photo

ECKARDT: [1-176]-Mary/Jan. 31, 1879/Aug. 21, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [1-176]-Adolph J./1880-Jul. 1961 Tombstone

ECKLEY: [1-43]-Arthur P. Eckley/1901-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [1-43]-Gretchen N. Eckley/1900-1980 Tombstone [I-43]-F. Peter Eckley/Aug 2, 1932/Feb 25, 2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [I-43]-Lois Mae Eckley/Sep 1, 1932/May 22, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

EDWARDS: [2-65]-Nora [D.] Edwards/June 18, 1890/Dec. 15, 1968 Tombstone, next to: [2-65]-Ira Edwards/1893-1943 Tombstone [4-60]-[John Edwards/bur. 1910] [4-60]-Maryann Edwards[/bur. 1895/age 60] [4-60]-[Robert Edwards/bur. 1896/age 69] [Unk-1-9]-[David Edwards (Baby)/bur. 1923]

EGGENER: [8-33]-Francis Eggener/1898-1974 Tombstone [8-33]-[Mildred Eggener/Mar. 6, 1902/May 14, 1977 Tombstone see RAU

EGGERS: [1-1]-George W. Eggers/1900-1986 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-1]-Ella L. Eggers/Sept. 5, 1906/Jan. 15, 2001 Tombstone + Photo [1-1]-Minnie Eggers/1859-1874 Memorial, next to: [1-1]-John Eggers/1806-1874 Memorial, next to: [1-1]-Henrietta PLETT Eggers/1818-1880 Memorial, next to: [1-1]-Dr. George Eggers/1873-Feb. 1953 Tombstone [1-96]-Frank/1861-Oct. 1932 Tombstone, next to: [1-96]-Jessie M./1869-Feb. 1955 Tombstone, next to: [1-96]-Louise Marie/1865-1949 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Louisa/1845-1929 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Ben Eggers/1876-1892 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-(Maria Matchinski)/Mother/1809-1902 Tombstone [1-97]-[Harold E. Eggers/bur. 10-20-1972/age 84 yrs.] Memorial [1-97]-[Frank Eggers/bur. 1898/age 5 yrs.] Memorial [1-97]-Joanna/1841-1863 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Frederick/1830-1910 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Harold E./1882-1966 Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Nancy Elisabet TROEDSSON/beloved Tombstone, next to: [1-97]-Benjamin B.M. Eggers/1893-1898 Tombstone, next to: [1-98]-Willot N./1901-1969 Tombstone + Photo [1-98]-Joseph R. (Joby) Eggers/Jan. 15, 1907/Jan. 15, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [1-98]-Camillus "Kay" Justus Eggers/May 5, 1912/Apr 4, 2010 Photo [1-98]-Baby, [no more information] Memorial, next to: [1-98]-Joseph Eggers [Dr.]/1870-Aug. 1947 Tombstone, next to: [1-98]-Anna Eggers/1870-Feb. 1956 Tombstone, next to: [8-59]-Fred W. Eggers Jr./1867-Oct. 1940 Tombstone, next to: [8-59]-Agnes DOOLAN Eggers/1869-Aug. 1936 Tombstone

EGGERSTEDT: [1-27]-William/1872-Dec. 1933 Tombstone, ossw: [1-27]-Lena/1873-Jun. 1957 Tombstone [3-86]-[Caroline Eggerstedt/bur. 1896/age 57 yrs.] Memorial [3-86]-[Fred Eggerstedt/bur. 1918] Memorial [3-86]-[Fred Eggerstedt/bur. 1900/age 35 yrs.] Memorial [Unk-1-19]-[Charles Eggerstedt/bur. 1901/age 35 yrs.] (Charles Eggerstedt/d. 24 Aug. 1901/from obit) Memorial

EGGERT: [Unk-1-3]-[Baby Eggert/bur. 01-04-1936]

EGLEE: [1-189]-Nancy L. Hamilton Eglee/Jul 8, 1929/Sep 23, 2016 Tombstone (Memorial only/buried in New Haven, CT)

ELBERS: [3-75]-William Elbers/1889-Apr. 1946 Tombstone, next to: [3-75]-Alma Elbers/Dec. 22, 1893/May 2, 1964 Tombstone

ELDRED: [7-2ROW]-Catherine Eldred (d. Apr. 21, 1875) [no other information] Memorial

ELLER: These should be Erler-see Erler/cem record is in error [1-207]-[Carolina Eller/bur. 1914/age 76 yrs.] [1-207]-[Fritz Eller/age 8 yrs. no more information] [1-207]-[H. (Baby) Eller/bur. 1899/age 2 da.] [1-207]-[Johann Eller/bur. 1888/age 6 mo.] [1-207]-[John Eller/bur. 12-30-1895/age 78 yrs.] [1-207]-[Louis Eller/bur. 1900/age 27 yrs.] [Unk-1-19]-[Baby Eller/bur. 1917]

ELLINGBOE: [3-31]-Gilbert Ellingboe/Aug. 4, 1891/Mar. 12, 1911 Tombstone, ossw: VERTZ [3-31]-Solomon VERTZ/July 31, 1855/Aug. 27, 1927 Tombstone, ossw: [3-31]-Minnie VERTZ/Apr. 27, 1859/Feb. 22, 1933 Tombstone, next to: [3-31]-Julia E. VERTZ/1894-[Sept.]1935 Tombstone, next to: [3-31]-Ivy L. Ellingboe/born May 9, 1908/died Sept. 20, 1908 Tombstone See ULRICH

ELLIOTT: [1-86]-[Mary Elliott/bur. 1916] Memorial [3-33]-Mae Elliott/1903-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [3-33]-Thomas E. Elliott/1899-1972 Tombstone see ALLEN see MALLEY

EMLER: [Unk-1-19]-[Franz/bur. 1901/age 70 yrs.]

EMOND: [1-202]-Luke Emond/1897-Aug. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [1-202]-Hilda Emond/1900-Jan. 1955 Tombstone

ENGEL: [8-15]-Charles Engel/born/May 6, 1826/died/Dec. 18, 1890 Tombstone See ENGLE

ENGELBRECHT: [1-9]-Henry W./1894-Jul. 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [1-9]-Erma C./1900-1996 Tombstone, next to: [1-9]-Harvey C. Engelbrecht/Wisconsin/Pvt 40 Engr C Regt/World War II PH/ April 8, 1920/July 12, 1943 Tombstone [1-229]-Louis C. Engelbrecht/1904-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [1-229]-Eleanor/1906-1994 Tombstone [1-238]-Glenn Engelbrecht/-1933- Tombstone [6-61]-Dora/Mother/1862-1934 Tombstone, ossw: [6-61]-John/Father/1868-Mar. 1944 Tombstone

ENGLE: [8-15]-[Minnie/bur. 01-29-1927] Memorial [8-15]-[Charles Engle/bur. 1890] [8-15]-Eben E. Engle/1905-1976 Tombstone, ossw: [8-15]-Ethel T. Engle/Oct. 6, 1905/Aug. 3, 1994 Tombstone, next to: [8-15]-Amanda Engle/Mother/1875-1969 Tombstone, next to: [8-15]-Van J. Engle/Father/1872-May 1944 Tombstone See ENGEL

ERLER: [1-207]-Johann Erler/Geb. 14 Nov. 18__/Gest./28 Jan. 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [1-207]-Carolina Erler/Gebne MUELLER/Gest. 29 Juli 1914/alter/71 jahre Tombstone, ossw: [1-207]-Louis/Geb. 10 Dec. 1873/Gest. 1 Feb. 1900 Tombstone, ossw: [1-207]-Johann Erler/Geb. 15 Jan. 1888/Gest. 25 Juli 1888 Tombstone, ossw: [1-207]-Fritz/Gest. in alter von/8 jahren Tombstone

ERNST: [1-176]-Carl Ernst/gestorben 29 Juni 1860/aged 38 jahre Tombstone

EUCKE: [2-15]-[Shirley May/bur. 11-13-1928]

EVANS: [4-105]-Dorothy G. Evans/1900-1986 Tombstone [4-105]-Howell G. Evans/1899-1963 Tombstone [4-105]-Howell Gowran Evans/1927-1981 Tombstone See REYNOLDS

EVRARD: [3-101]-Harold Evrard/Buried August 17, 2010/cremation Photo

[ F ]

FALK: [3-2]-Friedrich Falk/12 Aug. 1874/23 Mai 1910 Tombstone, next to: [3-2]-Reinhard Falk/1876-1959 Tombstone, next to: [3-2]-Leona Falk/1921-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [3-2]-Lawrence Falk/1920-1992 Tombstone [3-107]-Helen Falk/Mother/1909-Jan. 1931 Tombstone, next to: [3-107]-Esther Falk/1907-Dec. 1961 Tombstone, next to: [3-107]-Emma Falk/1883-Jan. 1963 Tombstone [3-107]-Arling R. Falk/1906-1988 Tombstone [5-3]-Owen/son of R.O. & H.E. Falk/1923-1924 Memorial [5-3]-[Glen Harold Falk/bur. 1929] Memorial

FANSLAU: [Unk-1-4]-[Albert Fanslau/bur. 06-24-1930] Memorial [1-198]-Herman Fanslau/Father/1867-Mar. 1939 Tombstone, next to: [1-198]-Anna Fanslau/Mother/1872-Jul. 1942 Tombstone, next to: [1-198]-Fred Fanslau/Son/1889-Sept. 1926 Tombstone [5-53]-Edward G./1890-Apr. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [5-53]-Mathilda/1886-1949 Tombstone, next to: [5-53]-Albert E. Fanslau/1902-Jan. 1950 Tombstone, next to: [5-53]-Robert/son of Albert Fanslau/1930-Jul. 1935 Tombstone, next to: [5-53]-Raymond/son of/Edward Fanslau/1919-1919 Tombstone [6-6]-Carl H. Fanslau/1898-1969 Tombstone [6-6]-Emma Fanslau/1891-1906 Tombstone [6-13]-Mary/1864-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [6-13]-Rudolph/1863-Aug. 1950 Tombstone, ossw: MARTIN [6-13]-Zerelda C. [Zerelda Clar. MARTIN]/1897-[Mar. 1987] Tombstone, ossw: [6-13]-Arthur A. [MARTIN]/1893-1985 Tombstone [6-72]-Carl [Fanslau]/Grandfather/1823-1901 Tombstone, next to: [6-72]-August [Fanslau]/Father/1856-Jul. 1941 Tombstone, next to: [6-72]-Marie [Fanslau]/Mother/1857-Oct. 1942 Tombstone, next to: [6-72]-Louise [Fanslau]/Daughter/Mar. 31-May 30, 1889 Tombstone, next to: [6-72]-Lydia [Fanslau]/Daughter/1886-1904 Tombstone, next to: [6-72]-Rose WALTERS/1892-1918 Tombstone [6-132]-Arthur C./1900-Mar. 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [6-132]-Beatrice/1905-Sept. 1988 Tombstone

FANTZ: [7-25]-[Frederick Fantz/no more information]

FARNER: [1-178]-Charles Farner/1885-1970 Tombstone [1-178]-Leatha V. Farner/1897-1991 Tombstone see CRANE

FARNSWORTH: [3-37]-Margaret Farnsworth/-1921- Tombstone, ossw: RILEY see RILEY

FEISTEL: [6-66]-George/1862-1915 Tombstone, ossw: [6-66]-William/1893-1903 Tombstone, ossw: [6-66]-Wilhelmine/1863-Jan. 1937 Tombstone [6-66]-[Edward (Baby)/bur. 1906] Memorial [6-66]-[George (Baby)/bur. 1919] Memorial [6-66]-Linda Feistel/1892-1981 Tombstone [6-66]-[Willa Feistel/bur. 1901/age 9 yrs.] Memorial [7-11]-[Baby (Edith)/died 1919] Tombstone, ossw: [7-11]-George Feistel/1888-1919 Tombstone see HACHMANN

FELDSIEN: [8-5]-H. Detlef DUNKER/starb 7 Aug. 1880/alter 52 jahre Tombstone, ossw: (H. Detlef Dunker/bur. 1850/age 52 yrs./Entry in the D's) [8-5]-Thomas/sohn des/H.D. & F. DUNKER/starb 7 Aug. 1856/alter 17 jahre Tombstone (Thomas Dunker/bur. 1850/age 17 yrs./Entry in the D's) [8-8]-Henry Feldsien/died March 22, 1880/aged 59 years Tombstone, ossw: [8-8]-A.C. Friedricke/wife of/H. Feldsien/died Feb. 7, 1879/aged 70 years Tombstone

FERRY: [3-85]-Elizabeth/1913-Apr 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [3-85]-Earl [R.]/1899-Jul. 1961 Tombstone [5-6]-Percy C. Ferry/Wis/Pvt Btry E 102 Field Arty/WWI/Feb 9, 1892/May 24, 1963 Tombstone [5-6]-Edna H. Ferry/Nov 23, 1894/Dec 18, 1988 Tombstone

FETKENHIRE: [3-13]-William F. Fetkenhire/Wis/Pvt Hospital Corps/Spanish American War/Jan 9, 1879/Apr 19, 1913 Tombstone

FEUERSTEIN: [3-3]-Fern M. Feuerstein/1924-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [3-3]-Joseph/1916-1996 Tombstone [3-3]-Joseph Otto Feuerstein/CMI US Coast Guard/WWII/Feb 2 1916/Dec 14 1996 Tombstone Wes D. Feuerstein/Aug 17, 1960/Oct 6, 2017 Photo see WILSMANN

FINK: [5- ]-David/1914-March 2, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [5- ]-Ethel L./1917-1997 Tombstone

FISCHER: [1-130]-Charles G. Fischer/Wisconsin/1st Sgt 15 Inf/April 27, 1927 [6-41]-Henry D. Fischer/Father/1863-Jun 1952 Tombstone, next to: [6-41]-Alvina Fischer/Mother/1869-1961 Tombstone, next to: [6-41]-Alvin Fischer/Baby/Nov 23, 1891/Mar 24, 1892 Tombstone, next to: [6-50]-Amalie Fischer/Mother/1830-1914 Tombstone, next to: [6-50]-John G. Fischer/Father/1823-1907 Tombstone

FISHER: [7-3ROW]-John H. Fisher/died/???? 13, 1880 aged/60 yrs. 2 mos./7 days Tombstone

FITCH: [1-153]-Ella & Lilly/twin children of/R.W. & F.S. Fitch/died/Oct. 8, 1867/aged/2 ms. 3 ds. Tombstone [1-153]-Frances S. Fitch/born/April 5, 1839 died ???? Tombstone, ossw: [1-153]-Hannah/dau. of/R.W. & F.S. Fitch/died/Aug. 14, 1866/ae. 4 mos. 16 ds. Tombstone

FLANAGAN: [3-106]-William/1897-1983 [Jan. 1983]/married/Nov. 15, 1927 Tombstone, ossw: [3-106]-Rose/1905-Aug. 1975 Tombstone

FLEGLE: [5-89]-Anna/Mother/1876-Jun. 1938 Tombstone, ossw: [5-89]-George/Father/1867-Jun. 1947 Tombstone [Unk]-(Esther Flegle/d. Jan 25 1907/co. death index v.8 p.104/no stone)

FLEISCHER / FLEISSER: [1-2]-Catharina Fleischer/geboren in Nietter Breizig/Gest. 1 Sept. 1900/ alter 75 ja. 1 mo. 4 ta. Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-2]-Christina/Unsere tochter/gattin des/N. BARTELLE/starb 19 April 1886/ alter 33 jah. 1 mo. 16 tage Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-2]-Martin/Unser sohn/?rtrunken/bei San Francisco, Cal./10 Juni 1881/ alter/29 jahre 10 mo. Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [1-2]-Oscar/starb 31 Mai 1879/alter 17 jahre 28 tage Tombstone, ossw: [1-2]-Caspar Fleischer/Colonel/gestorben 18 Juni 1872/ alter 55 jahre, 5 mon. 7 tage Tombstone + Photo

FLENTJE: [2-67]-William/1886-May 1925 Tombstone, ossw: [2-67]-Leona [K.]/1889-Jul. 1975 Tombstone [Unk-1-2]-[Baby Girl/bur. 05-12-1938]

FLETCHER: [4-74]-C.B. Fletcher [Charles B.]/Mar. 12, 1828/Apr. 19, 1915 Tombstone see HAMILTON

FOLEY: [5-24]-Ronald R./1916-Apr. 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [5-24]-Charlotte/1929-____


FRANK: [1-133]-Albert/1863-1925, next to: [1-133]-Emily/1864-Feb. 1939 [6-43]-William/1873-Dec. 1960 Tombstone, ossw: [6-43]-Anna/1878-Nov. 1966 Tombstone [7-28]-August/Father/1857-Mar. 1950 Tombstone, ossw: [7-28]-Barbara/Mother/1861-1923 Tombstone See KOEHLER

FRANKE: [3-38]-Edna Franke/1897-Jun. 1968 Tombstone + Photo

FRANZMEIER: [7-52]-Otto F. Franzmeier/1924-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [7-52]-Mildred/1926-2015 Photo, ossw: Ahrens

FRASCH: [7-4]-Louis Frasch/Father/1859-May 1937 Tombstone (J Peter Frasch/Jun 28, 1890/May 31, 1891/from obit) [Unk-1-7]-Norbert Frasch (Baby)/bur. 04-05-1923]

FREIX: Ruth W. Freix/Jul 28, 1933/Sep 21, 2016 Photo

FRENZ: [5-61]-[Baby Frenz/bur. 1897/age 10 da.] Memorial [5-61]-Ida Frenz/1877-1923 Tombstone, ossw: [5-61]-Minnie Frenz/1870-Jun. 1926 Tombstone, ossw: [5-61]-Emil [W.] Frenz/1875-Oct. 1948 Tombstone [6-36]-Wilhelmine/gattin von/W. Frenz/gebne Liubh/inbortz? Pommeria/10 Aug 1855/Gest 20 Aug 1891 Tombstone, next to: [6-36]-Hugo H.C./sohn des/W. & W. Frenz/starb/16 Dez 1883 [Hugo H.C. Frenz (Baby)/bur. 1887] Tombstone [6-36]-[Wilhelmine (M)/bur. 1916] Memorial [6-36]-[William Frenz/bur. 1923] Memorial [Unk-1-19]-[Ada Frenz/bur. 1899/age 14 mo.] Memorial

FRESE: [5-43]-Johann Frese/Geb./22 Nov. 1815/Gest./30 Mar. 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [5-43]-Friedericka/[Fredrica]/gattin von/J. Frese/Geb./3 Aug. 1819/gestorben/7 Oct. 1894 Tombstone

FREYE: [2-52]-Samuel P. Freye/Father/1883-Jan. 1949 Tombstone, next to: [2-52]-Amanda E. Freye/Mother/1883-Jan. 1943 Tombstone, next to: [2-52]-Henry B. Freye/Father/1861-Aug. 1926 Tombstone, next to: [2-52]-Mathilda Freye/Mother/1860-Feb. 1946 Tombstone

FRITSCH: [5-59]-Joseph/Father/1880-1908 Tombstone, ossw: [5-59]-Augusta KRACHT/Mother/1878-1970 Tombstone

FROEHLICH: [2-16]-Raymond Froehlich/Jan. 26, 1908/Sept. 26, 1974 Tombstone

FRONK: [4-76]-Mayme Fronk/1889-1965 Tombstone + Photo see KAUFMANN Back to Top