Two Rivers Township, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

Location: North boundary is 26th St., City of Two Rivers. South boundary from north sidewalk at east entrance on 25th St.,
west on path located on south side of the grandstand, center of cemetery, west to Forest Avenue.
Copied by Hilary & Ruth Vanderbloemen, Alloy McCully, Marcie Baer and Rose Luebeck,
MCOCS, on Sept. 4, 25, 1977, June 18, July 30, Aug. 13, Sept 10, 24, 1978, June 24, July 22, Aug. 19, Sept. 2, 30, 1979.
Maintained in excellent condition. Earliest remaining stone 1850.
Tombstones re-photographed in April/May and Sept. 2007 by Shari who originally
photographed them in 2001. Where the earlier photo is better I left it, otherwise
it has been replaced
by the newer.

[ A ][ B ][ C ][ D ][ E ][ F ][ G ][ H ] [ I ][ J ][ K ][ L ]
[ M ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ R ][ S ][ ST ] [ T ][ U-V ][ W ][ Y ][ Z ]



ABBET: [6-112]-Mary/1885-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [6-112]-Edward/1891-Jan. 1965 Tombstone

ABEL: [2-2ROW]-[Freda/Baby/bur. 1915]

ABRATH: [1-223]-Adolph/1815-1894 [Adolph Abrath/b. 18 Jan. 1815, Germany/d. 19 Dec. 1894/ cause: Consumption/age 79r.], ossw: [1-223]-Louisa/1812-1880, ossw: [1-223]-Otto CESS/Feb. 14, 1893/Apr. 2, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [1-223]-Clara CESS/1894-1989 Tombstone see CESS for obituaries

AHLGRIM/AHLGRIMM: (All from city records) [6-32]-Catherine Algrimm/4 Jan 1818, Germany/5 Nov 1893/age 75yr Tombstone [6-32]-[Charles/bur 1911] Memorial [6-32]-[Augusta Ahlgrim Schoenborn/bur 06-18-1927/age 66 yrs] [6-32]-[Mary/bur 11-27-1941/Age 66] (Caroline Ahlgrim/Jul 21, 1861/Dec 1891/from obit) see SCHOENBORN

AHRENS: [1-75]-[William John/bur. 1920] Memorial [4-10]-Friedericke Ahrens/1836-Feb. 1926 Tombstone [4-10]-August F. Ahrens/Co. H/14 Regt./Wis. Inf./Mar. 1, 1828/Dec. 20, 1907 Tombstone [4-10]-Louis [Henry]/June 24, 1881/Jun. 17, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10]-Rose/1883-Jun. 1973 Tombstone [4-10]-Marvin/June 25, 1921/Feb. 14, 1922 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10]-Earl-Baby-/d. 8-20-1924 Tombstone, ossw: [4-10]-Arthur J./Sep. 12, 1906/Mar. 2, 1993 Tombstone [4-10]-Robert/1933-1982 Tombstone [5-99]-[Lydia/bur. 7-17-1974/Age 69yr] Tombstone [6-9]-[Baby/bur. 6-1-1949] Memorial [6-9]-[Baby/bur. ? ? ????] Memorial [7-52]-Elwood W./Nov. 15, 1893/Dec. 2, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [7-52]-Elma/1894-1981 Tombstone, ossw: Franzmeier [7-52]-[E.W.-Baby- d. 10-28-1923] Memorial

AHRNDT: [1-135]-Charley Ahrndt/Jan 24, 1874/Sep 8, 1912 Tombstone next to: [1-135]-Minnie Ahrndt/Mar 3, 1880/May 22, 1943 Tombstone, next to: [1-135]-Edna A. GRIESBACHER/Jul 23, 1907/Feb 22, 1972/nee Ahrndt Tombstone, next to: [1-136]-William Ahrndt/sohn von C u S Ahrndt/Geb 2 D Marz 1876/Gest 19 Apr 1878 Tombstone, next to: [1-136]-Fred Ahrndt/Oct 6, 1870/Apr 1, 1915 Tombstone, next to: [1-136]-Sophia Ahrndt/1848-Feb 1917 Tombstone, ossw: [1-136]-Christ Ahrndt/1835-Dec 1, 1924 Tombstone, next to: [1-136]-[Fred Ahrndt/d. 1892/Age 75] Tombstone [1-136]-[Baby Ahrndt/d. 1893/Age 6 ds] Memorial [1-136]-[Ida Ahrndt/d. 12-12-1903/Age 46 yrs.] Memorial (Christine Ahrndt/b. 17 Jan. 1817/d. 17 Feb. 1908/from record of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc) Tombstone

ALBERTS: [7-81]-Edwin Alberts/Father/1851-Sep 1940 Tombstone, next to: [7-81]-Lena Alberts/Mother/1861-Dec 1946 Tombstone

ALBRECHT: [1-21]-Rubie Albrecht/1899-Aug 1928 [Ruby] Tombstone, next to: [1-21]-Anton/Father/1858-Jun 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [1-21]-Pauline/Mother/1860-May 1935 Tombstone [3-25]-Christina/Oct 12, 1898/Aug 9, 1980 Tombstone [3-25]-Albert Sr./Apr 20, 1896/Jul 31, 1978 Tombstone [7-10]-John/1887-Nov 27, 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [7-10]-Alma R./1891-Mar 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [7-10]-Twins/-1918- (John Henry & Rhode Anton) [7-10]-[John H./May 16-19, 1918] Tombstone [7-10]-[Rhode A./May 16-17, 1918] Tombstone Roger J. Albrecht/Dec 22, 1927/Oct 27, 2020 Photo Joyce R. Albrecht/Oct 24, 1928/Jul 24, 2016 Photo see KAHLENBERG see RAHMLOW

ALBRIGHT: [4-40]-John Albright/Father/Nov 2, 1845/Jul 26, 1899 Tombstone [4-40]-[Baby](John)/b. Two Rivers/d 22 Dec 1899/Age 3Mo./cause: Greimpfe]

ALLEN: [1-80]-Hosea L./son of AJ & E Allen/born Aug 6, 1890/died Aug 7, 1890 Tombstone, next to: [1-80]-[Hannah/b. 22 Oct. 1820, Ireland/d. 12 Nov. 1896/age 76yr./cause: Sorcome(sic) of Liver] Memorial [1-80]-[Hosea Sr./d. 1883] Stone top broken off, completely unreadable inscription Memorial [1-86]-Wm. H. Allen/Private/1888-Jun 1918/died in France/Med L Corps/AEF Tombstone [4-11]-Andrew [J.] Allen/Father/1860-[Apr.]1942 Tombstone, next to: [4-11]-Gladys SONNTAG/nee Allen/1885-1966 Tombstone, next to: [4-11]-Etta [Hannah] Allen/Mother/1852-1915 Tombstone

ALLERT: [1-86]-Roy W. Allert/1917-1919 Tombstone

ALTHEN: [Unk]-[Julius/Death record/July 31, 1903/Julius Althen/ co. death record v.7 pg.170/per obit-b. 20 May 1882/bur. 1903/age 21 yrs.] Tombstone [Unk]-[Christina/Death record/Christina Althen/Feb 13 1903/ co. death record v.7 p.143/bur. 1903/age 62 yrs. Memorial (NOTE: She was married to Heinrich so her locations is probably 4-42, buried beside him as is/was the custom] [Unk]-[Baby Althen/bur. 1904] Memorial [3-91]-Albert/Sept. 27, 1885/Jun. 10, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [3-91]-Rose/1891-Jul. 1964 Tombstone [4-12]-[Ida Althen/bur. 1929] Memorial [4-12]-[John Althen/bur. 04/12/1969/age 96 yrs.] Memorial [4-42]-Heinrich [K.] Althen/geboren 4 Jul. 1837,[Germany]/gestorhen 24 Dez. 1895/ Tombstone [4-46]-Henry W. Althen/1883-1963 Tombstone [4-46]-William/1838-1896 Tombstone, ossw: [4-46]-Anna/1854-Apr. 1938 Tombstone [4-46]-Conrad Althen Sr./Oct. 28, 1894/Sept. 5, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [4-46]-Nora Althen/1899-1936 Tombstone [4-46]-[Norman/-baby-/bur. 1919] Memorial [5-36]-John Althen/1871-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [5-36]-Bertha Althen/1869-Jun. 1941 Tombstone, ossw: [5-36]-[Louise C. Althen SCHMIDT/Oct. 4, 1896/Jan. 4, 1975 Tombstone [5-45]-Henry Althen/Co K/11 Wis Inf [Mar 15, 1845/Jul 19, 1893/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [5-45]-Henry Althen/1845-1893 Tombstone, ossw: [5-45]-[Christine CAMPBELL/1887-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [5-45]-Christina/1854-Dec. 1932 Tombstone [5-45]-Louis W./1880-1918 Tombstone, ossw: [5-45]-Emma M./1885-Jun. 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [5-45]-Edward J./Aug. 9, 1885/Jan. 6, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [5-45]-[Emma] Althen/Baby/1891-1892 Tombstone [5-82]-Mary Althen/Mother/1879-Jan. 1958 Tombstone, next to: [5-82]-Henry Althen/Father/1868-Feb. 1935 Tombstone [5-82]-Julia Althen/May 12, 1903/July 12, 1991 Tombstone One large stone with ALTHEN on one side, J. PETRI & Charlotte PETRI on the other side, next to: [5-82]-Walter John Petri/1889-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [5-82]-Charlotte Petri/April 5, 1863/June 3, 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [5-82]-John Petri/1861-1944 Tombstone [6-75]-Minnie Althen/Mother/1878-Jun 1935 Tombstone, next to: [6-75]-Henry Althen/Father/1877-Jan 1958 Tombstone [6-75]-Helma/-Mar 11, 1916- Memorial [7-57]-Julius C. Althen/1903-Apr. 1967 Tombstone, next to: [7-57]-Irma E. Althen/1902-Sept. 1977 Tombstone [8-44]-Fred M. Althen [Sr.]/Feb. 10, 1872/Sept. 3, 1916 Tombstone [8-44]-[Hannah Althen/Mrs./bur. 04-22-1933] Memorial [8-44]-[Fred Althen Jr./bur. 1923] Memorial [8-44]-[Mrs. M./no more information] Memorial [8-45]-Seymour/1899-Oct. 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [8-45]-Evelyn [A.]/1905-Mar. 1983 Tombstone (Lloyd Althen/d. Oct. 1908/age 4 yrs/from obituary) Memorial see WEBER

ALTMAN: [1-45]-[Charles/bur. 1914] Memorial [1-45]-[Paul/b. 1878, Two Rivers/d. 23 Feb. 1900] Memorial

ALTMANN: [1-45]-Sophia/1853-1945 Tombstone note: buried in same sect. & lot with ALTMAN [6-24]-Ella Altmann/1879-Apr. 1974 NOTE: This marker was broken all apart and I put it together as best I could. I got the dates wrong, also all the numbers and letters were not there. Marker, next to: [6-24]-Anita M. Altmann/1913-May. 1949 Tombstone see LAHEY

AMMERMAN: [1-109]-Emma Ammerman/Dec. 18, 1880/June 13, 1962 Tombstone, next to: [1-109]-John Ammerman/Apr. 11, 1881/Sept. 8, 1924 Tombstone

ANDERBERG: [4-13]-Oscar C./1883-Apr. 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [4-13]-Mary/1892-Jun.1967 Tombstone [4-13]-Clifford W. Anderberg/Sgt. U.S. Army WWII/Feb. 4 1920-Nov. 7 1997/Purple Heart Tombstone, ossw: [4-13]-Gertrude Anderberg/Sep. 25 1928-___ Tombstone

ANDERSON: [1-56]-Sophia/1865-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [1-56]-Peter/1861-Dec. 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [1-56]-Edna B./1894-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [1-56]-Oral/1896-1986 [Jul. 1986](27 Mar 1896/Jul 1986/SSDI) Tombstone [2-33]-George A. Anderson/1950-Feb. 1973 Tombstone, next to: [2-33]-Theresa/Mother/1855-1923 Tombstone, next to: [2-33]-Grace S./1888-Jun. 1967 Tombstone, next to: [2-33]-George W./1889-Dec. 1950 Tombstone [8-55]-Jonathan Lee Anderson/1941-May 1950 Tombstone Shirley A. Anderson/Nov. 6, 1915/Aug. 29, 2010 Photo

APEL: [7-79]-C. August Apel/died May 21, 1874/aged 51

ARBAUGH: [4-33]-Robert C./1904-[Oct.]1958,[Robert Cope.] Tombstone, ossw: [4-33]-Adelaide/1907-Aug. 1965 Tombstone

ARIANSEN: [4-41]-[Anna/bur. 1896/age 47 yrs.]

ARNEMAN: [3-50]-Emma Arneman/1868-May 1945 Tombstone, next to: [3-50]-Herman Arneman/1871-Feb. 1947 Tombstone [5-33]-August Arneman [Jr.]/1860-Dec. 1935 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [5-33]-Mary Arneman/1861-Jul. 1957 Tombstone see ARNEMANN

ARNEMANN: [3-50]-August Arnemann/1832-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [3-50]-Maria Arnemann/1834-1920 Tombstone [3-68]-Margaret ULRICH Arnemann/1896-1987 Tombstone [3-99]-Catherine Arnemann/1848-1922 Tombstone, next to: [3-99]-John Arnemann/1872-1872 Tombstone, ossw: [3-99]-Catherine Arnemann/1873-1873 Tombstone see PIRE see TURNER

ARNOLD: [1-200]-Jacob Arnold/born/April 29, 1822/died/May 30, 1890 Tombstone, next to: [1-200]-Katharine Arnold/Geb. den 8 Oct. 1868/Gest. den 28 June (No year of death.) Tombstone [1-200]-[Anne "Annie" Arnold/b. Germany/d. 12 Aug. 18??/d. 4 Jan. 1894/ cause: La Grippe/age 62 yrs.] Tombstone

ASPLUND: [3-65]-Arvid E. Asplund/March 14, 1908/May 9, 1996/married May 6, 1928 Tombstone, ossw: [3-65]-Leona H. "Kubel"/Oct. 17, 1909/Jan. 2, 1988 Tombstone

ASSMANN: [7- ]-Joyce M. Assmann/1915-2009

[AVERY]: [2-2ROW]-[R.-Baby-/-Jan 12, 1926-]

[ B ]


BACHUS: (on Lessing stone)
[8-11]-Paul Bachus/Geb. 21 Apr. 1858/Gest. 3 Apr. 1919 Tombstone, ossw:
[8-11]-Emelia Bachus/Geb. 24 Feb. 1858/Gest. 14 Mar. 1931 Tombstone	


BACON: [4-94]-John M. Bacon/1915-Oct. 4, 1936 Tombstone, next to: [4-94]-Rose [M.] Bacon/1881-Jul.1957 Tombstone, next to: [4-94]-Charles H. Bacon/1888-Aug. 1961 Tombstone

BADECKER: [BAEDKER:] [1-109]-Henrich/tatte von/Cathn. Badecker/gestorben ?????/alter/26 jahre 1 mo./und 24 tage (Stone in four pieces.)

BAEDKER: [1-71]-Mary Baedker/1875-Apr. 1954 Tombstone, next to: [1-71]-Emil Baedker/1872-1924 Tombstone, next to: [1-71]-Elizabeth/gattin von/E. Baedker/Geb./13 Nov. 1872/Gest./15 Juni 1899 Tombstone [1-71]-(Reinhold) ???old/Gest. 24 Juni 1899/alter 12 tage Tombstone [1-229]-Minna Baedker/16 Marz 1874/17 April 1880 Tombstone [1-238]-John Baedker/Father/Dec. 12, 1837/Dec. 4, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [1-238]-Minnie [Wilhelmina] Baedker/Mother/April 15, 1838/July 6, 1928 Tombstone [1-239]-[Wilhelmina/bur. ???]

BAERWALDT: [4-81]-Amelia SCHRAMM/1846-1923 Tombstone [4-81]-Father (Julius) SCHRAMM/1827-1893 Tombstone [4-81]-Ethelwyn/1912-July 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [4-81]-Lydia/1887-Apr. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [4-81]-Erwin/1886-Jun. 1942 Tombstone, next to: [6-46]-Augusta/wife of Friedrich Baerwaldt/May 27, 1829/Nov. 28, 1919 Tombstone, next to: [6-46]-Fred'k BAERWALD/Co D/48th Wis Inf/Geb in Schiafelbein Pom/ 24 Oct 1827/Gest 7 Apr 1890 [Frederich] Tombstone [6-46]-[Anna Baerwaldt/(b. 1857/d. July 22, 1916/from obituary) Memorial [6-65]-Mary F.J./wife of William Baerwaldt/Sept. 12, 1853-May 25, 1923 Tombstone [6-65]-[William Baerwaldt/bur. 05-19-1930] Memorial

BAETZ: [3-88]-Henry/1864-1934 Tombstone, next to: [3-88]-Arthur/1874-Feb. 1959 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [3-88]-Ella E./1876-1961 Tombstone [3-88]-Elizabeth/1862-1940 Tombstone, next to: [3-88]-Amelia/1867-1930 Tombstone, next to: [3-88]-Augusta/1854-1925 Tombstone, next to: [3-88]-[Andrew] Father/1828-1919 Tombstone [3-93]-Arthur Byron/1906-Mar. 1967 Tombstone, next to: [3-93]-[Sophia] Mother/1832-1890 Tombstone, next to: [3-93]-[Gertrude] Grandma/1807-1904 Tombstone, next to: [3-93]-Conrad/1871-Jun. 1940 Tombstone [8-9]-Andrew/1848-1896 Tombstone see SPAHN

BAETZHOLDT: (both from the city record) [5-44]-[Anna/bur. 12-23-1933] [5-44]-[Ferdinand/bur. 12-22-1934]

BALAE: (City record) [6-43]-[Ernestine/Baby/no other information] (Note: May be a typo, as Balge is in sect. 6, lot 43 also)

BALGE: [5-8]-Raymond Balge/1904-1904 Tombstone [6-43]-Carrie Balge/dau. of R. & A. Balge/born/Mar. 27,1890/died/Oct. 26, 1890 Tombstone, next to: [6-43]-Adolph Balge/Father/born Mar. 13, 1859/died Sept. 30, 1898 Tombstone

BANZHAF: [2-2ROW]-Willelm I./sohn von/Rev I & M Banzhaf/Geb 27 Juni 1862/Gest 2 April 1871

BARBER: [1-195]-Aaron Barber, Jr./died Aug. 13, 1850/ae 39 yrs & 4 mos Tombstone

BARMEL: [1-74]-Henry/1822-1898 Tombstone, ossw: [1-74]-Martin/1860-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [1-74]-Louise/[bur. 01-10-1947/age 86 yrs] Tombstone (Franciska Barmel/d. Feb 10, 1877/from obit)

BARTELLE: [1-2]-Catharina FLEISCHER/geboren in Nietter Breizig/Gest./Sept. 1900/ alter 75 ja. 1 mo. 4 ta.,[Cathrine Fleischer] Tombstone, ossw: [1-2]-Christina/Unsere tochter/gattin des/N. BARTELLE starb 19 April 1886/ alter 33 jah. 1 mo. 16 tage Tombstone + Photo see FLEISCHER

BARTHELS: [1-168]-Wm. Barthels/Co. A./14th Wis. Inf. [October 26, 1825/August 13, 1884/ from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [1-168]-William [W.] Barthels/Geb. 26 Oct. 1825/Gest. 13 Aug. 1884 Tombstone, ossw [1-168]-Sophia Barthels/Geb. 7 Feb. 1835/Gest. 9 Aug. 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Dorothea SCHRIEVER/geb. 26 Feb. 1808/gest. 5 Oct. 1872 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Friedrich SCHRIEVER/geb. 10 Nov. 1811/gest. 23 Nov. 1875 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Dorothea S. BURMEISTER/Geb. 31 Mai. 1858/Gest. 31 Dec. 1886 Tombstone, next to: [1-169]-Dorothea [Dorothy] PETRI/Geb. 25 Mai 1845/Gest. 23 Mai 1883 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Friedricke Barthels/Geb. 29 Jan.-Gest. 11 Mar. 1869 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Louisa Barthels/Geb. 18 Dec.-Gest. 26 Dec. 1869 Tombstone [1-168]-Carl F. Barthels/Geb. 11 Juli 1878/Gest. 12 Apr. 1900 Tombstone, ossw: [1-169]-Helena C. Barthels/Geb. 25 Jan.-Gest. 10 Apr. 18[77] Tombstone, ossw: [1-168]-Regina S. Barthels/Geb. 24 April 1872-Gest. 7 Mar. 1880 Tombstone [1-227]-Ludwig Barthels/Jan. 22, 1831-June 19, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [1-227]-Margaretha Barthels/Okt. 17, 1835/Apr. 5, 1909 Tombstone see BURMEISTER see PETRI see SCHRIEVER

BARTZ: [3-57]-Henry/1821-1895 Tombstone, ossw: [3-57]-Johanna Sophia/1834-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [3-57]-Alice Luebke/1890-1961 Tombstone [6-86]-Hermine TEESCH Bartz/1868-Mar. 1948 Tombstone, next to: [6-86]-Herman Bartz/1864-Jan. 1937 Tombstone, next to: [6-86]-Maria MEDAUS Bartz/1864-1905 Tombstone, next to: [6-86]-Victor Bartz/1900-1902 Tombstone, next to: [6-86]-Lulu Bartz STEINKE/1895-1918 Tombstone, next to: [6-86]-Sgt. Harry H. Bartz/1893-1918 [bur. 1921] Tombstone

BATCHELDER: (Margaret I. Batchelder/May 10, 1926/Jan 13, 2014)

BATZOLT: [Unk-1-20]-Gottfret/bur. 1905/age 82 yrs.]

BAUM: [1-53]-Mary Baum/1855-Jan. 1928 Tombstone, next to: [1-53]-Oscar Baum/1841-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [1-53]-Oscar Baum/Co. D/48 Wis. Inf. Tombstone, next to: [1-53]-Cunie Baum/born/March 11, 1894/died/Oct. 11, 1908 Tombstone, next to: [1-53]-Gustav/sohn von/O. & M. Baum/geboren/6 Mar. 1883/starb/2 Juni, 1889 Tombstone [1-78]-Anna/geborene LAURE/Seine gemahlin/starb 22 Sept. 1886/alter 77 jahre/9 monate Tombstone, ossw: [1-78]-Moritz Baum/starb/8 April 1888/alter 71 jahr/?H? Gohlberg Schlesien Tombstone, ossw: [1-78]-Ida BRUNS/geborene/Baum/starb/29 Nov. 1876/alter/31 jahre, 2 mo. Tombstone, next to: [1-78]-[Henry/bur. 1909/no more information] Memorial [1-152]-Pauline BAUM/gebne Sonntag/13 Mai 1813/gestorben/24 Apr. 1866 Tombstone [1-154]-Margaret/1892-Nov. 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [1-154]-Oscar/1888-Dec. 1961 Tombstone [1-154]-Alfred O. Baum/1917-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [1-154]-Dolores E. Baum/1917-2014 Tombstone [7-78]-Lilly/1890-Oct. 1942 Tombstone, ossw: [7-78]-Louis/1891-Dec. 1948 Tombstone [7-78]-Marion Baum/1922-Sept. 1973 Tombstone [2-69]-Esther Baum/1893-1939 Tombstone, next to: [2-69]-Otto G. Baum/1890-1951 Tombstone, next to: [2-69]-Anna [M.]Baum/1899-Jun. 1971 Tombstone [4-63]-Ervin Earl Baum/1914-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [4-63]-Olive Baum/1919-1994 Tombstone see SONNTAG

BEATON: [4-47]-Richard/1845-1899/Co. H 12th Reg Wis Tombstone, next to: [4-47]-Emeilie Beaton/1852-1930 Tombstone, next to: [4-47]-Lora Beaton/[bur. 10/02/1968/age 83 yr.] Tombstone [4-47]-Edwin H. Beaton/[bur. 12-11-1980] Tombstone, next to: [4-47]-Henrietta Beaton [bur. 07-26-1976/age 83 yrs] Tombstone [5-99]-George R. Beaton/1881-Mar. 1963 Tombstone, next to: [5-99]-Ella Beaton/1888-Mar. 1934 Tombstone [5-99]-[Margaret L./bur. 09-16-1991/age 81 yr.] Tombstone


BECK: [1-35]-Carl Beck/1881-1881 Tombstone, next to: [1-35]-August Beck/1887-1890 Tombstone, next to: [1-35]-Friedrich W. Beck/17 Mar. 1889/12 Dec. 1902 Tombstone, next to: [1-35]-Friedrich Beck/Father/1842-1930 Tombstone, next to: [1-35]-Anna KOEHLER Beck/Mother/1850-Dec. 1931 Tombstone, next to: [1-35]-Edward O. Beck/1882-1921 Tombstone

BECKER: [1-71]-Bertha Becker/Mother/1877-Apr. 1944 Tombstone, next to: [1-71]-Rudolph Becker/Father/1873-Sept. 1944 Tombstone [1-241]-Johann Becker/starb/28 Nov. 1885/alter/61 jahre Tombstone, next to: [1-241]-John Becker/Co. D/48 Wis. Inf. [1824-November 26, 1885/ from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone (Agnes Becker/nee Suettinger/1821-Mar 17, 1892/from obit) [2-11]-Amalie Becker/Aug. 26, 1860/Apr. 24, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [2-11]-Jacob Becker/March 17, 1857/Jan. 6, 1929 Tombstone, next to: [2-13]-George P./1910-Aug. 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [2-13]-Delores/1920-2004 Tombstone + Photo [2-18]-Alfred/1912-Jul. 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [2-18]-Herman [B.]/1873-Nov. 1931 Tombstone, ossw: [2-18]-Mary/1887-1918 Tombstone, ossw: [2-18]-Alvin/1914-1916 Tombstone [3-67]-Walter/1884-Mar. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [3-67]-Gertrude/1888-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [3-67]-Everett G./1914-Mar. 1953 Tombstone [6-31]-Bernice M. Becker/August 7, 1911/March 7, 1995 Tombstone see WYSZYNSKI

BEDUHN: [5-69]-Walter R. Beduhn/1886-Oct.1968 Tombstone, next to: [5-69]-Margaret K. Beduhn/1891-1979 Tombstone, next to: [5-69]-Julius J. Beduhn/Father/1859-Jun. 1949 Tombstone, next to: [5-69]-Augusta L. Beduhn/Mother/1858-1927 Tombstone [5-72]-Arthur A./1888-Jul. 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [5-72]-Norma/1891-Jan. 1981 Tombstone, next to: [5-72]-Margaret JONAS/1856-1932 Tombstone

BEECK: [1-8]-Charles Zoerb/1845-1920/Great Grandfather Tombstone, ossw: [1-8]-Frieda Zoerb/1853-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [1-8]-Norman Beeck/1904-1905 Tombstone, ossw: [1-8]-Norbert Beeck/1904-1917 Tombstone [4-23]-Charles Beeck/Father/1862-Mar. 1944 Tombstone, next to: [4-23]-Mathilda Beeck/Mother/1873-1955 Tombstone, next to: [4-24]-Emelea SCHULTZ Beeck/1864-Nov. 1951 Tombstone , next to: [4-24]-Fred Henry Beeck/1864-Apr. 1954 Tombstone, next to: [4-24]-Emelia WENTKER Beeck/1869-1897 Tombstone, next to: [4-24]-Arthur Henry Beeck/1893-1896 [city has 1897] Tombstone, next to: [4-24]-Selma E. Beeck/1896-Nov. 1982 Tombstone [4-24]-[F. Beeck/child/bur. 1896/age 3 yrs.] Tombstone

BEEK: [4-23]-Henry Beek/Father/Co. D/48 Wis. Inf. Tombstone

BEGALKE: [6-5]-Edward Begalke/Father/Nov. 7, 1844/Jan. 31, 1929 Tombstone, next to: [6-5]-Mathilda Begalke/Mother/June 4, 1852/Dec. 17, 1937 Tombstone

BEHLOW: [1-131]-Fred Behlow, Jr./1873-Sept. 1961 Tombstone, next to: [1-131]-Fred C. Behlow/1842-1917 Tombstone, next to: [1-131]-Caroline Behlow/1853-1923 Tombstone

BEHRENDT: [8-43]-[Baby/no other information]

BEHRENS: [1-81]-[Baby/bur. 1915] Memorial [4-44]-Albert/1883-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [4-44]-Alvina [B.]/1888-Jun. 1958 Tombstone

BEITZEL: [2-43]-Frank/1901-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [2-43]-Leona/1903-1972 Tombstone

BELZ: [2-45]-Julius [H.]/1882-Dec. 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [2-45]-Anna/1889-1960 Tombstone, next to: [2-45]-Julius Belz/1847-1924 Tombstone, next to: [2-45]-Catharine Belz/1849-Dec. 1921 Tombstone [2-45]-[Baby Belz/no other information] Memorial [3-1]-Mary Belz/1886-Aug. 1954 Tombstone, next to: [3-1]-Gust Belz/1879-Jun. 1941 Tombstone [3-18]-[Baby Belz/bur. 1899/age 6 mo.] Memorial [3-18]-[Emil/bur. 1909] Memorial [3-18]-[Katherine/bur. 1910] Memorial

BEMIS: [1-58]-Minnie E. Bemis/1850-Jan. 1927 Tombstone, next to: [1-59]-Charles L. Bemis/1879-1917 Tombstone, next to: [1-59]-Harry E. Bemis/1873-Sept. 1939 Tombstone [1-59]-[William Elmer/no other information] Memorial

BENDER: [1-205]-[John/bur. 1905] Memorial [1-205]-[Louisa/bur. 1905] Memorial

BENESH: [8-40]-Anna/1886-Nov. 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [8-40]-Edward/1883-1957 Tombstone [8-40]-Baby daughter of/E & A Benesh/born and died/Sept. 29, 1924 Tombstone


BENTHEIN: [2-15]-Frank Benthein/Sept. 5, 1885/Oct. 29, 1915 Tombstone

BENTHIEN: [5-34]-William/born Feb. 24, 1877/died Feb. 3, 1920/In loving memory Tombstone [Paul William/bur. 1920/age 32 yrs.] see NISCHKE

BERG: [1-197]-Elva H./June 22, 1924/Mar. 15, 2002 Tombstone

BERGER: [2-5]-George E./1904-Aug. 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [2-5]-Julia A./1906-2000 Tombstone + Photo [2-5]-Thomas C. Berger/Son/Aug. 20, 1931/Oct. 5, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [2-5]-Amelia/1867-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [2-5]-Charles/1861-1927 Tombstone, ossw: [2-5]-Evelyn/1906-1920/daughter Tombstone [6-33]-Lilly Berger/1876-Jul. 1943 Tombstone, next to: [6-33]-Guido Berger/1870-Dec. 1947 Tombstone [6-33]-[Baby Berger/bur. 1896/age 3 da.] Memorial [6-33]-[Benjamin/bur. 1897/age 10 da.] Memorial [6-33]-[Gottfried/died 07-29-1894/age 74 yrs.] Memorial [6-33]-[Maria/bur. 1924] Memorial [Unk-1-20]-[Lillie Berger/bur. 1907] Memorial

BERNERS: [1-57]-Benjamin F./son of N. & J. Berners/died/June 20, 1865/ae. 7 ys. 9 ms. 21 da. Tombstone

BERNHARDT: [1-201]-H. Emelie Bernhardt/gebne KAHLENBERG/Geb./23 Apr. 1828/gestorben/ 20 Aug. 1902 Tombstone, ossw: [1-201]-J. Gottlob Bernhardt/geboren/22 Dez. 1822/gestorben/9 Oct. 1883 Tombstone [1-202]-[Baby Bernhardt/bur. 1895/age 3 wks.] [1-202]-Sophia Bernhardt/Mother/1866-1955 Tombstone, next to: [1-202]-Albert Bernhardt/Father/1858-1930 Tombstone

BERTRAM: [8-47]-[Larry/bur. 05-24-1946/age 8 hr.] Memorial [8-47]-[Terry/bur. 05-24-1946/age 8 hr.] Memorial

BERTSCHY: [4-52]-Walter M. Bertschy/1886-Jan 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [4-52]-Anna Bertschy/1892-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [4-52]-Barbara Bertschy/-1947- Tombstone, ossw: [4-52]-John Bertschy/Sep 1927 Tombstone, ossw: [4-52]-Martin Bertschy/1917-1920 Tombstone [4-52]-[Wesley M. Bertschy/bur. 09-10-1956/age 6 da.] Memorial [4-52]-Corliss H. Bertschy/Nov 24, 1912/May 30, 1991/PVT US Army WWII Tombstone (Reuben Alfred Bertschy/1929/Jun 24, 2018) Johnnie B. Bertschy/nee COGBURN/Aug 27, 1930/Mar 8, 2021

BETH: [6-9]-Walter M. Beth/1913-2004 Tombstone, ossw: [6-9]-Ramona B. Beth/1914-1999 Tombstone

BIEL: [1-131]-[Edna Marian/bur. 04-03-1984/age 66 yrs.] [5-44]-John Biel/1855-1893 Tombstone [5-44]-[August Biel/bur.12-14-1940/age 55 yrs.] Tombstone

BISCHOFF: [3-28]-Andrew/1856-1925 Tombstone, ossw: [3-28]-Elizabeth/1888-1893 Tombstone, ossw: [3-28]-Caroline/1859-1929 Tombstone [3-28]-[Elizabeth Bischoff/bur. 08-22-1925]

BISHOP: [1-34]-[Jane Louise/bur. 1922] Tombstone [5-60]-Edward/1876-Jan. 1945 Tombstone, ossw: [5-60]-Nora/1888-May 1973 Tombstone, next to: [5-60]-Footstone: Vater see HUBNER

BITCHNER: [7-25]-[Wilhelmine/bur. 1880]

BIXLER: [3-93]-Andrew Loy Bixler/1909-2003 Tombstone, ossw: [3-93]-Berniece Bixler/1911 mir 2001/Two treasured souls in life, in love your legacy endures for generations Tombstone [3-93]-[Ella Bixler/bur. May 19, 2004]

BLAHA: [3-34]-Daniel/1899-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [3-34]-Esther/1901-1983 Tombstone

BLATTLER: [4-85]-John J. Blattler/Mar. 6, 1876/Feb. 27, 1953 Tombstone, next to: [4-85]-Anna Blattler/Aug. 23, 1879/Nov. 26, 1932 Tombstone, next to: [4-85]-Elmer Blattler/Feb. 11, 1805/Aug. 7, 1918 Tombstone

BLESER: [1-7]-Peter C./Father/1860-1947 Tombstone, next to: [1-7]-Ida/Mother/1863-1925 Tombstone, next to: [1-7]-Roland C. Bleser/Wisconsin/Pvt Co B 18 Machine Gun Bn/World War I/ Oct. 14, 1891/Dec. 18, 1964 Tombstone, next to: [1-7]-Baby [Boy] Bleser/1956-[Nov.]1956 Marker (This marker is now behind the Bleser fam. stone in section 2) [1-7]-Olga M. Bleser/June 23, 1894/Mar. 8, 1992 Tombstone Don R. Bleser/Aug 25, 1932/Apr 3, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

BLUM: [2-24]-Meta C./1884-Dec. 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [2-24]-William F./1885-Sept. 1968 Tombstone, next to: [2-24]-Alice Blum/1919-1920 Tombstone, next to: [2-24]-Edward Blum/1924-1925 Tombstone see JONAS see JURGENS see KEMPFERT

BOCHER: [1-64]-Hilbert A./1907-Nov. 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [1-64]-Alice M./1915-1996 Tombstone + Photo [2-76]-Alwin E./1898-Aug. 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [2-76]-Wm. "Bill"/1929-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [2-76]-Agnes/1904-1980 Tombstone [2-79]-Ewald/1883-Jan. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [2-79]-Emma/1889-June 1965 Tombstone

BOEHM: [4-58]-Anna Boehm/Geb. 16 Oct. 1841/Gest. 14 Mar. 1923 Tombstone, ossw: [4-58]-Ferdinand Boehm/Geb. 19 Apr. 1843/Gest. 29 Oct. 1898 Tombstone

BOEHRINGER: [3-44]-William/Father/1867-1929 Tombstone, next to: [3-44]-Roy/1896-1903 Tombstone, ossw: [3-44]-Orpha/1901-1901 Tombstone, next to: [3-44]-Hulda [C.]/Mother/1870-Feb. 1952 Tombstone [4-33]-Earl P./April 11, 1905/Feb. 4, 1998 Tombstone [4-33]-Norine B./Oct. 4, 1906/May 8, 2003 Tombstone

BOELTE: [1-87]-[Irma E./bur. 06-18-1987/age 84 yrs.] [3-17]-Laura Cather. Kurtz Boelte/1882-1968 Tombstone [3-17]-William C. Boelte/1872-1944 Tombstone see KURTZ

BOETTCHER: [4-15]-Elmer W. Boettcher/1896-Jul. 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [4-15]-Eliza [M.] Boettcher/1897-[Feb. 1982] (10 May 1897/Feb 1982/SSDI) Tombstone, ossw: [4-15]-Mary MENGES/1884-[1982] Tombstone, ossw: [4-15]-George [Alber.] MENGES/1887-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [4-15]-Maria MENGES/1852-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [4-15]-Philip MENGES/1853-1938 Tombstone, next to: [4-18]-Bernhard Boettcher/Aug. 20, 1855/Jan. 5, 1928 Tombstone, next to: [4-18]-Mary (Leitz) Boettcher/Sept. 29, 1860/Sept. 5, 1939 Tombstone, next to: [4-18]-Emma Boettcher/Jan. 20, 1889/Dec. 14, 1967 Tombstone [6-127]-Walter C. Boettcher/1885-Apr.1952 Tombstone, next to: [6-127]-Minnie D. HELLER Boettcher/Wife of W.C. Boettcher/1890-1918 Tombstone [7-44]-William/1892-May 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [7-44]-Anna/1897-Oct. 1966 Tombstone [7- ]-Orville Boettcher/1926-2007 Tombstone + Photo see MENGES

BOETTGER: [5-26]-Marie Boettger/Aug. 16, 1878/Nov. 24, 1903 Tombstone [5-26]-[Baby/bur. 01-??-1904/age 1 mo.]

BOHN: [1-30]-John C. Bohn/Father/born 1829 died 1877 Tombstone, ossw: [1-30]-Regina Bohn/Mother/born 1834/died 1887 Tombstone [Unk]-(Harry Bohn/infant/d. June 1876/from obituary) Tombstone

BOHNE: [Unk-1-1]-Baby boy/bur. Dec. 13, 1943 Memorial [1-93]-[Baby/bur. 1895] Memorial

BOHTE: [5-91]-Ferdinand Bohte/1840-1929 Tombstone, next to: [5-91]-Louise Bohte/1843-1928 Tombstone

BOLDUS: [1-170]-[Barney E. Boldus/bur. 07-13-1928/age 43 yrs.] [1-171]-(Gesine)/Mother/1852-1904 (Dec. 6, 1904) Tombstone, next to: (information in above parenthesis from newspaper account.) [1-171]-[Frank F.]/Father/1852-1917 Tombstone, next to: [1-171]-William S. Boldus/Feb. 8, 1876/Nov. 25, 1912 Tombstone [1-171]-[Frank/child/bur. 1899/age 5 yrs.] Tombstone [1-171]-[Walter/bur. 1901/age 22 yrs.] Tombstone ((Catherine)/Mrs. F. Boldus/d. 14 Feb. 1885/from newspaper) Tombstone (Gessine Boldus/d. July 21, 1899/age 4/from newspaper) Tombstone (Mabel Boldus/Aug 15, 1888/Jul 21, 1892/from record) see WALLO

BOPREY: [5-54]-Edward M./1890-Aug. 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [5-54]-Martha L./1894-1981 Tombstone [5-54]-[Baby Boprey/bur. 11-21-1935] Tombstone

BORETSKY: [4-1]-Adolph/1870-May, 1928 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [4-21]-Antonia/1876-Jun. 1955 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [4-21]-Edward Boretsky/Apr. 25, 1897/Dec. 9, 1973 Tombstone

BORGWALD: [6-73]-Christina Borgwald/Geb. 14 May 1827/Gest./17 Jan. 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [6-73]-Johann Borgwald/Geb. 14 Feb. 1822/Gest. 23 Juli 1901 Tombstone

BORNEMANN: [3-47]-Ethel G./May 15, 1918/May 28, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [3-47]-Roland R./Apr. 29, 1916/May 6, 1992 Tombstone

BOUDA: [4-61]-Frank M./1891-Nov. 1955 Tombstone, ossw: [4-61]-Martha/1892-Oct. 1970 Tombstone, next to: [4-61]-Viola D. (not on city record) Tombstone [4-61]-[Paul Bouda/bur. 7-15-2011] (Veteran) [4-61]-[Audrey E. Bouda/bur.6-15-2013] [5-84]-Barbora Bouda/Dec. 3, 1850-Aug. 22, 1908 Tombstone, ossw: [5-84]-Joseph B. Bouda/Mar. 11, 1851/Jan. 29, 1936 Tombstone, ossw: [5-84]-Anna Bouda/Oct. 20, 1884/Dec. 30, 1903 Tombstone

BOUDREAUX: [8-38]-Coulette/-1980- Marker

BRAUN: [1-204]-Charles Braun/Father/1863-Apr. 1933 Tombstone, next to: [1-204]-Clara Braun/Mother/1869-1952 Tombstone, next to: [1-204]-George/Baby/Oct. 17/Oct. 19, 1916 Tombstone, next to: [1-204]-Albert E./1889-Jul. 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [1-204]-Louise M./1888-Oct. 1963 Tombstone [7-7]-Paul/1884-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [7-7]-Esther/1896-1994 Tombstone, ossw: [7-7]-Neal/1924-1924 [Neal John]Tombstone [7-75]-Elizabeth/1861-1924/Mother Tombstone [7-75]-[Herman J./bur. 03-16-1935] Memorial see PUFAHL

BREIVOGEL: [1-196]-Henry J./1909-1993 Tombstone, ossw: [1-196]-Marjorie L./1915-2000 Tombstone [5-73]-Chester/1903-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [5-73]-Emma/1907-Sept. 1990 Tombstone [6-110]-John and Margaret Breivogel Tombstone, next to: [6-110]-John/son of/Mr. & Mrs. C. Breivogel/1934-May 1937 Tombstone, next to: [6-110]-John J./1875-Dec. 1959 Tombstone, ossw: [6-110]-Mary/1880-Jul. 1948 Tombstone [6-110]-[John/bur. 1906] Memorial [6-110]-[Margaret/bur. 1911] Memorial [6-110]-Milton W./1900-1987 Tombstone, ossw: [6-110]-Frances/1910-1991 Tombstone [7-63]-Margaretha Breivogel/und Ihre tochter/Anna (No dates.) Tombstone, next to: [7-63]-Peter Breivogel/1841-1919 [1920] Tombstone [7-63]-[Anna/Baby/no dates] Tombstone

BREMER: [8-41]-Jennie M. Bremer/1880-1970 Tombstone see MUELLER

BRIXIUS: [1-125]-Clara B./1884-1973 Tombstone see TROSSEN

BROCHER: [2-83]-Hans Brocher/1867-1922 [Hans Peter] Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-83]-Eva Brocher/1872-[Mar.]1964 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [2-83]-Garth Brocher/Sept. 24, 1935/Sept. 26, 1935 Tombstone [2-83]-[Baby/no more information] Tombstone [5-93]-Wilfred A. Brocher/Sept. 20, 1914/May 1, 2004 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [5-93]-Edna C. Brocher/Nov. 13, 1919/Sept. 15, 1998 Tombstone

BROECKER: [3-82]-Ella/1895-Dec.1957 Tombstone, ossw: [3-82]-Fred D./1891-1953 Tombstone, next to: [3-82]-Emma Broecker/Mother/1855-1928 Tombstone, next to: see TEGEN

BROER: [8-23]-J. Hermann Broer/geboren 2 Febr 1826/gestorben 13 Aug 1881 Tombstone, ossw: [8-23]-Susanna/gatin des JH Broer/geboren 10 Marz 1828/gestorben 17 Apr 1891 Tombstone [8-23]-Minnie Broer/Dec 27, 1856/Nov 24, 1923 Tombstone [8-23]-Henry J. Broer/1858-1894 Tombstone [8-23]-Fred W. Broer/1863-1918 Tombstone [8-23]-May Broer/1869-May 1947 Tombstone

BRONCKER: [2-2ROW]-[Carl J./bur. 1921]

BROTHERS: [1-84]-Catherine O. Brothers/1825-1877 Tombstone (Mary Brothers/d. 29 Sept. 1869/age 17/from obituary)

BROWN: [1-116]-George Brown/died/Sept. 26, 1859/Ae. 75 yrs. 1 mon. 22 ds. Tombstone, ossw: [1-116]-Anna/wife of/George Brown/died/Aug. 5, 1864/ Ae. 78 ys. 2 mon. 23 ds. Tombstone [3-93]-Gertrude S. Brown/1908-1978/Twin to our hearts eternal Tombstone [6-133]-George Dewey Brown [Jr.]/1918-Nov. 1951 Tombstone, ossw: [6-133]-George C. Brown/1893-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [6-133]-Alma B. Brown/1895-1983 Tombstone [7-6ROW]-Wade Owen Brown/1910 [Baby] Tombstone

BRUEMMER: [1-67]-[William/bur. 01-12-1952/age 87 yrs.] [1-68]-[Wilhelmina/bur. 09/03/1955/age 84 yrs.]

BRUESSEL: [1-149]-[Louis/bur. 1900/age 85 yrs.] Memorial

BRUHN: [6-29]-August Bruhn/1815-1875 Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-Elizabetha Bruhn/1824-1886 Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-August Bruhn/1863-1906 Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-John Bruhn/1881-1884 Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-Willie Bruhn [Baby]/-1889- Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-Edward Bruhn [Baby]/1890-1891 Tombstone, ossw: [6-29]-David Bruhn [Baby]/-1899- Tombstone [6-44]-Frederick Bruhn/1857-Nov. 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [6-44]-Mathilda Bruhn/1856-1924 Tombstone, ossw:

BRUNS: [1-78]-Ida BRUNS/geborene/Baum/starb/29 Nov. 1876/alter/31 jahre, 2 mo. Tombstone, next to: see BAUM

BUCHANAN: [6-52]-Duncan Buchanan/March 1, 1848/April 6, 1914 Tombstone [6-52]-[John/bur. 1913] [6-52]-[Joseph/no other information] [6-52]-[Mother/no other information]

BUCHHOLZ: [2-42]-Rudolph F. Buchholz/1866-Feb. 1946 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [2-42]-Ida A. Buchholz/1869-Feb. 1948 Tombstone, ossw: [2-42]-Emma B. Schultz/1893-Aug. 7, 1967 Tombstone see SCHULTZ

BUEGE: [1-174]-Albert W. Buege [Sr.]/1875-May 23, 1958 Tombstone, next to: [1-174]-Mabel M. Buege/1884-1971 (b. 9 Apr. 1884/d. Aug. 1971/SSDI) Tombstone

BUENSWSKI: [7-5ROW]-[Adam/bur. 1917]

BUGENHAGEN: [6-70]-Alvina/Bugenhagen/Geb./19 Jan. 1847/Gest. 4 Jan. 1890 Tombstone, next to: [6-70]-Baby Tombstone [6-70]-[Edward/bur. 1906] (from death index: d. Jun. 08, 1906/sp. Edward Brycuhagen) [6-70]-(Elisa Bugenhagen/b. Germany/d. May 1934/age 71 yrs./from obituary) [6-70]-[Erna/bur. 1899/age 5 mo.] [6-70]-[Julius/bur. 07-28-1926/age 72 yrs.] [6-70]-[Julius J./bur. 1899/age 14 yrs.] Tombstone [6-70]-[Reinhold/bur. 1898/age 1 yr.] [6-70]-[Richard/bur. 1888] Tombstone [6-70]-[William/bur. 1906/age 20 yrs.] [6-70]-[Willie/no more information] Tombstone [6-74]-Paul F. Bugenhagen/Wisconsin/Pfc 541 Svc Park Unit MIC/World War I/ Oct. 6, 1890/Oct. 30, 1970 Tombstone

BUGLER: [8-6]-[Anna/bur. 1917] Memorial [8-6]-Johann Bugler/19 Oct. 1840/27 Apr. 1913 Tombstone [1-54]-John/1875-May 1952 Tombstone, ossw: [1-54]-Audrey SCHREIBER/-1963- (the following sent in by family researcher/see contributors page) Audrey Schreiber, b. 12 Sept. 1963, d. 12 Sept. 1963/Infant daughter of Myron Edwin and Judith Ruth (Koska) Schreiber, ossw: [1-54]-Mary/1876-May 1940 Tombstone, ossw: [1-54]-Gilbert/1900-Jan. 1933 Tombstone ossw: [1-54]-Daniel Otto KOSKA/1914-1986 Tombstone, ossw: [1-54]-Ada S. KOSKA/1911-2006 Tombstone + Photo

BUHSE: [1-118]-[Louis/bur. 11-16-1936] Memorial [1-118]-(Louise/d. Mar. 12, 1949/from obit) Memorial [1-118]-[Maria/bur. 1905/age 84 yrs.] Memorial

BUKOWSKI: [6-2]-[Gladys Guehlstorf Bukowski/bur. 07/11/1977/age 73 yrs.] Tombstone see GUEHLSTORF

BULHAUPT: (Bulthought on city record) [Unk-1-20]-[Henry Bulhaupt bur. 1898/age 42]

BULLARD: [7-4ROW]-Louise Pawlitzke Bullard/1884-1966 Tombstone see PAWLITZKE

BUNKE: [1-77]-[Sophia/bur. 1899/age 65 yrs.](no stone) [1-77]-Gottlob Bunke/Geb./26 marz 1815/Gest./11 Sept. 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [1-77]-Henriette Bunke/geb/30 Dez. 1813/Gest./24 Okt. 1899 Tombstone, ossw: [1-77]-Herman Bunke/Geb./22 Juli 1854/Gest./15 Mar. 1915 [1916] Tombstone, next to: [1-77]-Footstone: H.B. [1-77]-Frederick Bunke/1850-1903 Tombstone, next to: [1-115]-Bertha MUELLER Bunke/1849-Feb. 1933 Tombstone [1-115]-[Fred's Child/bur. 1894/age 1 yr.] Tombstone [2-87]-William Bunke/1856-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [2-87]-Margaret Bunke/1858-Dec. 1931 Tombstone [2-87]-[Baby/no other information] Memorial [3-102]-Edward/1890-Apr. 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [3-102]-Elsie/1893-Aug. 1955 Tombstone

BUNZOW: (In city records as Buenzow) [6-89]-John J. Bunzow/born Jan. 14, 1841/died June 10, 1928 Tombstone, next to: [6-89]-Carl Bunzow/Vater/Geb. 11 Aug. 1819/Gest. 2 Nov. 1906 Tombstone, next to: [6-89]-Fredericke Bunzow/Mutter/Geb. 14 Jan. 1817/Gest. 1 Apr. 1906 Tombstone


BURGHARD: [7-71]-[????/bur. 1882]

BURK: [4-40]-Isabel S. Burk/1879-[Nov.]1942 Tombstone, ossw: [4-40]-Henry L. Burk/1879-[Oct.]1944 Tombstone

BURKE: Fred Burke/Jan. 29, 1853/Feb. 17, 1903/no stone/from death record)

BURMEISTER: [1-153]-Matilda/1891-Nov. 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [1-153]-Carl/1898-1968 Tombstone [1-169]-Dorothea Burmeister/see Schriever Tombstone [2-54]-Fred/Nov. 27, 1877/Dec. 2, 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [2-54]-Bertha/Nov. 25, 1880/Nov. 29, 1944 Tombstone, ossw: [2-54]-Merna L./Sept. 17, 1905/Aug. 2, 1989 Tombstone [3-96]-[Carl/bur. Sept. 1918] [3-96]-[Melvin/bur. 1905/age 1 mo.] Memorial [3-96]-Ernstena Burmeister/geboren 29 Sept. 1845/gestorben 2 Febr. 1904 Tombstone [5-57]-Lydia M. Burmeister/1895-Apr. 1970 Tombstone, next to: [5-57]-Baby [Henry] Burmeister/[Jul.] 1932 Tombstone [6-105]-Henry Burmeister/Jan. 26, 1868/Feb. 23, 1936 Tombstone, next to: [6-105]-Amelia Burmeister/June 8, 1870/Mar. 2, 1953 Tombstone (Sophia Burmeister/d. June 1891/age 86/from obituary) Tombstone see BARTHELS

BURT: [5-4]-Caroline A. Burt/1850-1923 Tombstone

BURTARD: [6-73]-[Leo/bur. 12-07-1931] Memorial [6-73]-[Yetta/bur. 07-01-1935] Memorial

BURTON: [1-55]-Minnie SCHWAKE/Daughter/1872-1892 Tombstone, next to: [1-55]-Vina Burton/Mother/1879-[Apr.]1960 Tombstone Back to Top