HAACK: Wilhelm m: Caroline (nee) Krohn children: Gustav Wilhelm (b. 12/10/1859/bapt. 1/22/1860/St. John's Ev. Luth. ch./Newtonburg)
HAACKER: (there is also Hacker/Haaker) See BORCHERDT See HOOCK See KEUNE See SPIEGEL See WEDENKAMP
HAAG: George m: 14 Jun 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.371) to: Franziska Breu
HAAG: George m: 29 Oct. 1907 (co. mar. index v.79 p.225) to: Anna Leicht At St. Luke's church, Tuesday morning at nine o'clock, Mr. Geo. Haag and Miss Anna Leicht contracted the holy bond of matrimony. Rev. Father J. Geissler performed the nuptial rites. The bride was attended by Rose Gagnon as maid of honor and the groom by Otto Leicht as best man. The other bridesmaids and groomsmen were respectively, Lily Leicht of Whitelaw, Sophia Leicht of this city, Alvin Haag and Geo. Bonfigt of the Town of Two Rivers. The wedding reception was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Roth. About 175 invited guests attended the reception. A sumptuous wedding dinner was served; after the guests enjoyed themselves at dancing and other amusements. The guests from out of the city were Messrs. And Mesdames Henry Masilman, Wm Goodenaugh, Richard Hildt of Sheboygan, Valentine Ruth, County Clerk of Langlade Co., Misses Kate and Anna Lewis of Green Bay, Otto Leicht of Milwaukee, Carl Reiher and wife of Chicgo, John Leicht and family of Manitowoc, Edmund Leicht of Whitelaw. There were numerous guests from this city and vicinity. The newly wedded pair are popular young people of this city having a large circle of friends. The bride for a number of years has been clerking for Max Israel's store and is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Leicht, residing on River St. Mr. Haag, the groom is an industrious young man coming from a farm in the Town of Two Rivers and he is now employed at the Hamilton Factory. The Reporter wishes the young couple good luck in their new relationship. The Reporter, Sat., Nov. 2, 1907
HAAG: Math m: 26 Nov 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.27) to: Annie Schrimpf
HAAG: Mathias m: 20 Oct 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.272) to: Sophia Althen
HAAG: William m: 27 June 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.284) to: Lizzie Althen Marriage License obtained Willie Haag and Lizzie Altken both of Mishicott Der Nord Westen, 25 June 1903 *********** Eastwin news: MARRIED-Miss Lizzie Althen and Mr. Wm. Haag at the Lutheran church at Two Rivers on Saturday, June 27. The wedding was a quiet one but none the less solemn and impressive for the young couple. They walked up the aisle to the music of the wedding march, surrounded only by their immediate friends and relatives. The bride and groom are both well known here and their many friends hope that their journey through life will be as fair and cloudless as was the sun on their wedding day. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 2, 1903 P. 8
HAAGENSEN: Peder b: 1 Jan 1871, in Liberty Town, Wis. p: Haagen Pedersen and Sophie Olsen m: 26 Oct 1893 in Sandy Bay Norwegian Lutheran ch., Kewaunee co., Wis. to: Sirine Julia Mikkelsen b: 24 Dec 1872, Two Creeks, Manitowoc co. p: Ole and Ingri Mikkelsen
HAAK: Ferdinand m: 10 Sept. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.73) to: Elisabeth Sechler
HAAKER: Christian (see Christian Hacker) m: 8 Nov. 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.125) to: Margaret Baryenbruch
HAAKER: Fredrich m: 28 May 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.72) to: Anne Bressin
HAAKONSON: Bernhard res: Milwaukee m: 10 June 1896, St. Johns United Church, Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.6 p.358) to: Annie Weinschenk res: Manitowoc From Der Nord Westen, 18 June 1896: Marriage Wed. last week of Bernhard Haakonson, formerly employed here but now of Milwaukee, with Miss Anna Weinschenk, daughter of Eduard Weinschenk, in the home of the bride's parents.
HAARDRATH: Charles m: 12 Feb. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.127) to: Anna Mueller
HAARDRATH: Also have Hardrath
HAARMANN: Friedrich Karl b: City of Sheboygan - Workman in City of Sheboygan p: Friedrich Haarmann and Marie Heise m: 18 Sept. 1898 Evangelical Lutheran ceremony at the residence of August Quante in Town of Schleswig (co. mar. index v.7 p.17) Witnesses Wilhelm Schoening (Town of Russell) and Rudolph Quante (Town of Schleswig) to: Mathilda Marie Sophie Quante Photo b: Town of Schleswig p: August Quante and Bertha Zorn Wedding Photo They later moved to Milwaukee./from Bob Domagalski
HAAS: John m: 27 Jul 1889 (co. mar. index v.6 p.24) to: Therisa Bruder
HAAS: John (Wid.) m: 14 Jun 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.156) to: Theresia Goessel
HAAS: Joseph photo
HAAS: Joseph m: 24 June 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.85) to: Mary Janda
HAAS: Jos. m: 19 Jun 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.388) to: Mary Lintzmeier From Der Nord Westen, 25 May 1905: Marriage License: Joseph Haas and Mary Limmeyer both of Franklin
HAASE: Carl m: 3 Apr. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.92) to: Johanna Molle
HAASE: Charles b: 30 Mar. 1872/d. 31 Dec. 1935, Manitowoc p: Charles Haase and Mary Kubbernuss (Kuppernus?)
HAASE: Emil C. (Hase on co. mar. index) b: 1848 in Province Saschsen, Preussen res: Manitowoc p: Emil Ernst and Sophia (Ananide) Haase m: 19 Dec. 1871 from record of First Ger. Evang. Luth. ch., Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.4 p.58) to: Catherine Wilke b: 1852 in New York p: Friedrich Aug. and Angelika (Scherer) Wilke MARRIED: In this city, by Rev. M.H. Quehl, on the 19th of Dec. 1871, Mr. Emil O. Hasse (sic), to Miss Kitty J. Wilkie (sic). Both of this city. Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, December 28, 1871 pg. 4
HAASE: George m: Verona Bredl (b: 27 Mar. 1883, Whitelaw/d. 26 Oct. 1971, Manitowoc) children: George Earl (b. 23 July 1920, Manitowoc
HAASE: Johann m: Maria born Peters children: Lina (b. 17 July 1855/bapt. 21 July 1855/First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Maria Dorothea Johanne Henriette (b. 7 Aug. 1857/bapt. 13 Dec. 1857/ First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
HAASE: Rev. Julius b: 17 Dec. 1849, in Schlesien, Germany. m: 1874 to: Anna Popp. children: 2 sons, 1 dau.
HAASE: Karl m: 20 Dec 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.67) to: Bertha W. Freda Kruhl
HAASE: Maria b. 7 Aug. 1857/confirmed 1871/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
HAASE: William b: 7 Feb. 1879, New London, Waupaca co., WI/d. 22 June 1957, Manitowoc) p: Charles Haase and Mary Kubbernuss (Kuppernus?) m: Anna Schade (b. 1 Nov. 1882, Manitowoc/d. 14 April 1956, Manitowoc)
HAAVI: Ole Peter m: 7 Nov. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.147) to: Ingelborg M. Bo
HAAVIE: Ole Anderson m: 03 Jul 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.28) to: Guri Gulbrandsen
HAAY: Mathias m: 17 May 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.92)
HABECK: Albert m: 24 May 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.46) to: Dores Lebars
HABECK: August m: 13 June 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.269) to: Henriette L. Groehler
HABECK: Carl m: 24 June 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.105) to: Theresa Saeger Marriage Of Carl Habeck with Theresa Saeger, both from Cooperstown, on Saturday, 24 June by Justice of the Peace A.Wallich. Der Nord Westen, 29 June 1876
HABECK: Carl A. m: 20 Dec. 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.5) to: Wilhelmine Friederike Auguste Loger (d. 3 May, 1876) Children: 3
HABECK: Carl F. W. m: 01 Jun 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.407) to: Maria E. J. Pautz
HABECK: Charles m: 19 July 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.118) to: Marcia Karsten
HABECK: Fredrick W. (see: August Habeck) m: 12 June 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.122) to: Henrietta Grohler
HABECK: Johann b: 29 Sept. 1840 in Triglaff, Pommern d: 10 Mar. 1876 m: Ernstine Sager
HABECK: Robert F.W. m: 08 Feb 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.393) to: Wilhelmina H.F. Schlei (she was mar. 9 Feb on index/same v. and p.)
HABECK: William J. m: 26 June 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.282) to: Wilhelmina Horstmann Marriage License obtained Willie Habek of Gibson and Dora Horstmann of Two Rivers Der Nord Westen, 25 June 1903 ******** Miss Dora Horstman, of Two Rivers and William Habek, of Gibson, were married in this city at the German Lutheran church Friday. They will reside at Gibson. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 2, 1903 p.1
HABEK: Carl J.W. m: 26 Feb 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.142) to: Wilhelmine J.B. Engelbrecht From Der Nord Westen, 25 Feb. 1892: Marriage tomorrow, 26 Feb., of Carl Habeck with Miss Minna Engelbrecht, daughter of Cooperstown resident William Engelbrecht. Pastor Keibel will officiate.
HABEL: Anton m: 2 Oct. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.102) to: Rosa Smith
HABELWITZ: Richard m: 07 Oct 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.242) to: Mary Eisner (They are also listed as Habllwitz) ******* The marriage of Miss Mary Fischer (sic) and Reinhardt Habelwitz (sic), well known young people of Rapids, was celebrated Tuesday at Silver Lake and a reception was held afternoon and evening at the home of the bride's parents in Alverno. A number of city friends were present. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 8, 1902 P. 1
HABER: Peter m: 4 Apr. 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.56)
HABERLE: Frank b. WI 1888 m. Carrie Kriste Farmer Sect. 21 Cooperstown, PO Maribel Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HABERLE: Jacob b: Feichingen, Wurtenberg res: Cooperstown, farmer p: Christian and Barbara Haberle m: 20 Apr. 1857 at Cooperstown (co. mar. index v.1 p.207) to: Katharina Kempel p: Kaspar and Friederike Kempel
HABERLIE: William m: 2 Aug. 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.165) to: Maria Wellner
HABERLIN: Otto m: 30 Apr. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.46)
HABERMAN: Gustave m: 28 Jan 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.261/she is 20 Jan. on index) to: Johanna Krueger From Der Nord Westen, 22 Jan 1903 Marriage License: Gustav Habermann of Brillion and Johanna Krueger of Reedsville
HABERMAN: Gustav A. (Gust Habeman on index) b: Town of Eaton –carpenter in Brillion, Calumet County p: Wm. F. Habermann and Henriethe m: 02 Sep 1887 M. E. Church, Town of Rockland (co. mar. index v.5 p.364) (his mar. date 7 but v.p. are the same) Witnesses Wm. Isaack and Pauline Haberman to: Ida M.M. Isaack b: Town of Rantoul p: August Isaack and Caroline
HABERMAN: Otto From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock breeder. Born in Germany 1828. Wife born in Germany 1834. Married in 1856. Settled farm in 1862. Seven children. Post Office, Niles; Section 5, Eaton Township
HABERMAN: Otto Albert m: 11 Mar 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.344)(no year with his entry but she has year) to: Ida Albertine Schramm Mr. Otto Halberman ofEaton, this county and Miss Ida Schrann were married at the German Evang. Church on the evening of March 11 by Rev. H.J. Droegkamp, pastor thereof. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Mar. 17, 1896 ***** (From the correspondent in Brillion, 17 Mar.) Marriage of Otto Habermann, a resident of Town Eaton and youngest brother of our fellow citizen Gustav Habermann, with Miss Ida Schramm of Two Rivers, on the 11th. Der Nord Westen, 19 Mar. 1896
HABERMANN: Aug. C. b. WI 1888 m. Anna Kutischka Willow Grove Dairy Farm Sect. 34 Rockland, PO Collins Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HABERMANN: August b: 19 Jan. 1866 in Preussen res: Town Eaton, farmer p: Wilhelm Habermann and Henriette Schwalbe m: 7 Apr. 1878 from record of First Ger. Evang. Luth. ch., Manitowoc (not on co. mar. index) to: Auguste Kanter b: 23 Nov. 1859 in Westpreussen p: Karl Kanter and Louise Sch_____ children: Bertha Louise (b. 17 Mar. 1879/bapt. 26 Mar. 1879 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville) Wilhelm Carl (b. 14 Feb. 1881 in Eaton/bapt. 8 May 1881 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville) TOWN OF ROCKLAND COUPLE OBSERVE GOLDEN JUBILEE A happy gathering of sixty-five relatives, neighbors and friends at the home of Mr. and Mrs. August Habermann, town of Rockland on Sunday, honored the golden wedding anniversary of the pioneer couple and made the day a memorable one for all who attended. A 6 o’clock dinner was served and the afternoon and evening given over to social pleasure and congratulations to the worthy couple. Among the guests was Mrs. Habermann’s father, aged 94, who participated in the festival with much enjoyment. The Rev. August Schlei, pastor of the church with which Mr. and Mrs. Habermann have been identified and in whose work they have been active for years, gave a brief talk on behalf of the guests tendering congratulations and reviewing the lives of the couple and the example which they pointed to others. Mr. and Mrs. Habermann are both natives of Germany, the former coming here with his parents at the age of two years and having since resided in this county while Mrs. Habermann came to America when 14, her family settling in Rockland. Wedded fifty years ago, the couple made their home in Eaton and later moved to Rockland where they have since resided. Although battling hardships of the pioneer day settlers, Mr. and Mrs. Habermann have enjoyed life and in their declining days enjoy the recompense of well-earned retirement and happiness. Four of five children born to Mr. and Mrs. Habermann are living and were present at the golden jubilee anniversary. They are William, of Eaton, Mrs. Theodore Krueger of Rockland, Mrs. Charles Zutz of Collins and August Habermann on the homestead. Fifteen grandchildren and two great grandchildren were also present for the occasion. Mr. and Mrs. Habermann are held in universal esteem by all who know them and are among the best known and respected residents of the section which has been their home so many years. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, April 11, 1928 Page 9 ******** (They are on the 1900 Eaton twp. census and they are August and Augusta. It also shows Willie b. 1881)
HABERMANN: Herman J.L. m: 21 Sept. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.205) to: Minna M.E. Borchhardt
HABERMANN: Also have Habemann See KRUEGER
HABERSETZER: Leonhard m: 7 May 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.29) to: Rosa Steuble
HABLEWITZ: Edward m: 31 Dec 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.29) to: Anna Wellner Marriage Licenses: Edward Hablewitz and Anna Wellner both of Manitowoc Rapids Der Nord Westen, 03 Jan 1907 ***** Cupid added two conquests to this years' record the last day of 1906, the marriage of Edward Hablewitz, a city fireman at the Southside Station and Miss Anna Wuellner and Louis Buritz and Miss Mary Fitzgibbons, being events of the last day of the year. The Hablewitz - Wuellner nuptial celebration took place at St. Boniface Church while the marriage of Mr. Buritz and Miss Fitzgibbons was solemnized at Sacred Heart parish rectory. Both couples will enjoy honeymoon journeys and Mr. Hablewitz and bride will then reside in this city. Mr. and Mrs. Buritz will reside at 713 York Street after returning from a trip to Chicago. Mr. Buritz is a marine engineer. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Mon., Dec. 31, 1906 ***** MARRIED: Edward Hablewitz and Miss Anna Wuellner were joined in matrimony on Monday, the marriage being solemnized at the St. Boniface church in this city. The contracting parties are both well and favorably known. The groom is a member of the city fire department. The couple have the congratulations of many friends. They will take up their residence in this city. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 3, 1907 pg. 1
HABLEWITZ: Joseph (Hablawitz on ch. record) m: 14 Apr. 1877 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg (co. mar. index v.4 p.116) to: Anna Barbara (nee) Mathiesen
HABLEWITZ: also have Habllwitz
HABLIWITZ: Martin m: 22 Nov 1898 (co. mar. index v.6 p.27) to: Mary Steder
HABLLWITZ: Richard (His name is on microfiche/not co. index) m: 7 Oct. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.242) to: Mary Eisner (Eisner on co. index) (They are also listed as Habelwitz) ******* The marriage of Miss Mary Fischer (sic) and Reinhardt Habelwitz (sic), well known young people of Rapids, was celebrated Tuesday at Silver Lake and a reception was held afternoon and evening at the home of the bride's parents in Alverno. A number of city friends were present. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, October 8, 1902 P. 1
HABSCH: John m: 22 Sep 1908 to: Margreth Weber ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …John Habach and Margaret Weber, both of Schleswig; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 17, 1908 pg. 1
HACHMANN: Christian G.F. m: 15 June 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.164) to: Louise W Puls
HACKBARTH: Henry m: 21 May 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.156) to: Emma Kurth Marriage License obtained: Henry Hackbarth of Brillion and Emma Kurth of Maple Grove Der Nord Westen, 09 May 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been filed by County Clerk Schaffland: …Henry Hackbarth, of Calumet, to Emma Kurth, of Maple Grove… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, May 9, 1901 pg. 1
HACKE: Thomas m: 16 Jan. 1872 (co. mar. index v.4 p.60) to: Margaretha Reindel
HACKER: Albert b: lives Town of Cato -farmer in Cato p: Henry Hacker and Maria Schubert m: 31 May 1887 Catholic ceremony at Clarks Mills, Town of Cato Witnesses John W. Schnell and Emma Schnell (Snell on record) (co. mar. index v.5 p.369) to: Margareth Link b: Town of Liberty p: Franz Link and Lena Schnell
HACKER: Albert b: Klein Sukow, Mecklenburg, Germany - Farmer in Town of Cato p: Henry Hacker and Maria Schubert m: 9 June 1897 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg Ecclesiastical ceremony, Town of Manitowoc Rapids Witnesses Charles Schroeder and Augusta Haseloff (co. mar. index v.6 p.437/co. has mar. date June 7, 1897) to: Ida (nee) Schroeder b: Town of Newton p: Carl Schroeder and Ricke Kassbaum
HACKER: Carl Gottlieb Ferdinand confirmed: 24 Apr. 1870 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Charles (the two Silver anniv. apparently are for 2 different Charles Hackers) Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hacker in Neshoto celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Sat. Der Nord Westen, 12 Jan. 1899 From Der Nord Westen, 11 Jan. 1906: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hacker celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary here on Thursday last week in the company of family and a gathering of friends and relatives.
HACKER: Charles (Karl) b: 20 Sept. 1856 in Newton, Manitowoc Co. p: John and Fredericka (Berndt/Behrens on ch. record) Hacker, immigrants from Mecklenberg, Germany. m: 7 Jan. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.140)(Karl Hacker on co. mar. index) wit: Heinrich Warnke, Mina Warnke to: Annie Warnke b: Newton p: Henry Warnke and Auguste Heise children: 2 sons, one died in infancy. Wilhelm Karl August (b. 24 Mar 1879/bapt. 2 June 1879/father Karl/sponsors: Mina Warnke, Karl Keune, August Luebke) (from Trinity Lutheran ch. records, Liberty twp.)
HACKER: Charles G. Photos and bio.
HACKER: Christian m: 8 Nov. 1861 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)(co. mar. index v.2 p.125) to: Margaretha Baryenbruch children: Anna Louise (b. 6 Sept 1862/bapt. 16 Nov 1862/sponsors: Anna Baryenbruch, Louise Mueck) Anna Louise Hacker, little daughter of Christian Hacker & Margaretha Hacker nee Baryenbruch, born 6 September 1862, died 28 Febr 1863. Sickness: internal cramps. Buried 3 March 1863. With burial rites by Pastor F H Warnke. (From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.)(not in cems.) Theodor Heinrich Ernst (b. 3 Oct 1866/bapt. 25 Nov. 1866/mother BARIENBRUCH/ sponsors: Theodor Schultz, Heinrich Baryenbruch, Ernst Hacker Theodor Heinrich Ernst, young son of Christian Hacker & Margar. nee Baryenbruch, born 3 October 1866, died 11 April 1870 of scarlet fever, buried 13 April 1870 with church rite. (From the Trinity Lutheran church records, Liberty twp.)(not in cems.) Emma Meta Marie (b. Apr 10 1864/bapt. 1 May 1864/ sponsors: Meta Baryenbruch, Marie Zastrow, Anna Wehausen Ida Kathar. Friederike Henriette (born 18 Sept 1868, baptized 22 Nov. 1868/ sponsors: Kathar. Baryenbruch, Friederike Wedenkamp, Henriette Stollau, Ottilie Fredrich Maria Magdalena Franziska Henriette (b. 6 Oct 1872/bapt. 24 Nov 1872/ sponsors: Mrs. Marie Baryenbruch, Miss Marie Baryenbruch, Franziska Thalhammer, Henriette Hacker Adele Pauline Auguste Wilhelmine (b. 18 Oct 1878/bapt. 15 Dec 1878/ sponsors: Wilhelm Selle, Wilhelmine Schmidt, Anna Wehausen, Pauline Moldenhauer (Info. from Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty) REUNION OF FAMILY FOR CELEBRATION Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hacker Observe Golden Wedding Date Today LIBERTY PIONEERS NOW RESIDE HERE With the bride and groom of half a century ago as hosts, a big reception and reunion of relatives and friends was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hacker, Twenty-Fourth street and Western Ave., today in celebration of the golden wedding anniversary of the pioneer couple who have resided in Manitowoc county since the day they were joined as man and wife. Though both Mr. Hacker and his wife have passed the three score and ten years allotted by the Bible to the life of man both are active and they welcomed their children, grandchildren and the host of friends who attended the reunion with a cordiality that bespoke youthful spirits and joined in the enjoyment of the occasion with zest. Wedded here November 8, 1861, Mr. and Mrs. Hacker took up their home on a farm in the town of Liberty where they continued to reside for many years, later removing to this city where they enjoy the love and respect of a large circle of friends. Mr. Hacker is 72 years of age and his wife 70 but both have been blessed with good health and personally planned the celebration that is being held in honor of their wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker are parents of four children, one son and three daughters all of whom were present at the family reunion, together with eleven grandchildren of the couple. The children are with one exception residents of this city, Mrs. K. Rudie?, one daughter residing at Milwaukee. Other children are Mrs. A. Welk, Western Avenue and Emil Hacker who is an employee of the Schuette Bros. Co. The celebration at the Hacker home will continue this evening with family dinner at 6 and an evening party at which many friends and neighbors will join with the family in honoring the bride and groom of fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Hacker will have the congratulations and well wishes of a wide circle of friends throughout the city and county. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, November 08, 1911 Page 1
HACKER: Emil confirmed: 30 Mar. 1890 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Emil H. b: 15 April 1855, Manitowoc/d. 30 Aug. 1941, Wauwautosa, Milwaukee co., Wisconsin m: Lilly Meta Katarina Strodthoff b: 21 April 1885, Manitowoc/d. 20 Feb. 1978, Phoenix, Maricopa co., Arizona) p: Johann Strodthoff and Louise Kruger
HACKER: Emil J. m: 8 July 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.57) to: Ida W. Franke Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued during the week by County Clerk Zander: …Emil Haacker and Ida Franke, both of Manitowoc, … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 29, 1899 pg. 7 ***** The marriage of Emil Hacker to Miss Ida Franke will be solemnized at the home of the bride's parents Saturday evening. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, July 6, 1899 P. 2 ***** Marriage Sun. of Emil Hacker with Miss Ida Franke in the residence of the bride's parents. Der Nord Westen, 13 July 1899
HACKER: Emma confirmed: 11 Apr. 1878 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Ernst Johann m: 17 Oct 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.376) to: Ida Johanne Kasten From Der Nord Westen, 22 Oct. 1896: Marriage Sat. of Ernst Johann Hacker of Cato, with Miss Ida Johanne Kasten of Newton, by Pastor Machmueller.
HACKER: Friedrich b: Mecklenburg-Schwerin/now farmer in Liberty p: Friedrich and Maria Hacker m: 19 Sept. 1873 in parsonage, wit: Marie Moritz and parents of the groom to: Wilhelmine Moritz p: Friedrich and Henriette Moritz
HACKER: Friedrich (also Fritz) m: 19 Sept. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.74) to: Wilhelmine Maas children: Ernst Friedrich Johann (b. 1 Jan 1877/bapt. 4 Mar 1877/father Fritz/ sponsors: Friedrich Hacker, Johann Ehlert, Maria Maass) Martin Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 12 May 1887/bapt. 17 July 1887/father Fritz/ mother Mass/sponsors: Friedrich Maass, Wilhelm Fischer, Wilhelmine Maass) (children from Trinity Lutheran ch. records, Liberty twp.)
HACKER: Friedrich m: Marie (nee) Schnell children: Henriette Wilhelmine HAAKER (b. 8 Feb 1855/bapt. 11 Mar 1855/father Friedrich Haaker on record/Trinity Luth. ch./Liberty) sponsors: E. Maria Schnell, Maria Ch. Haaker Carl Wilhelm (b. 26 Aug 1857/bapt. 5 Sept 1857/father HAAKER/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty) sponsors: Joachim Heinr. Wilh. Schnell, Maria El. Schnell, Maria Haaker Bertha Maria Christina (b. 23 Oct 1860/bapt. 9 Dec 1860/father HAAKER/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty/sponsors: Maria Schnell, Maria Roehl, Christian Haaker Ida Friederike Henriette Louise (b. 19 Dec 1862/bapt. 24 May 1863/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty/sponsors: Friederike Weitenkamp ?, Henriette Schnell, Adam Friedr. Ludwig Schnell Wilhelmine Marie Jacline (b. 5/29/1865/bapt. 11/26/1865/St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Marie Pauline/b. 29 May 1865/bap. 26 Nov. 1865/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty/ sponsors: Christoph Schnell, Marie Schulze (same dates, 2 diff. churches/father Hacker) Ernst Johann Friedrich (b. 11/2/1867/bapt. 3/1/1868/St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Ernst Johann Friedrich (b. 2 Nov 1867/bapt. 1 Mar 1868/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty/ sponsors: Joachim Schnell, Ernestine Schnell, Ernst Schulz (same dates, 2 diff. churches/ father Hacker) Maria Johanna Karoline (b. 1 Jan 1871/bapt. 7 Apr 1871/Trinity Luth. ch., Liberty/ sponsors: Marie Baryenbruch, Johann Roehr, Karoline Puls
HACKER: Heinrich m: 3 Sept. 1857 (co. mar. index v.4 p.26) to: Maria Schubert
HACKER: Henriette confirmed: 5 Apr. 1868 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Henry m: 21 Aug. 1896 to: Mrs. Guetschow From Der Nord Westen, 27 Aug. 1896: Marriage Fri. last week of Henry Hacker, 78, of Newton, with the widow Guetschow, 67, of Newton.
HACKER: Ida confirmed: 11 Apr. 1877 (St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Ida confirmed: 2 Apr. 1882 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Johann m: (nee) children: Carl Gottlieb Ferdinand (b. 9/20/1856/bapt. 8/30/1857/St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Johanne Christaine Wilhelmine Fr confirmed: 10 Apr. 1864 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: John b: 1811, (d: 26 Oct.1899) m: Fredericka Berndt (Germany) Children: John, Minnie, Lena, Mrs. Luebke, and Charles.
HACKER: Louis Marriage in Chicago of Louis Hacker, son of our eminent fellow citizen Wilhelm Hacker, with Miss Frances Knight. Mr. Hacker is the manager at Briggs House in Chicago, a hotel in which many of our residents stay when visiting there. Der Nord Westen, 23 Nov 1905
HACKER: Maria confirmed: 29 Mar. 1885 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Marie confirmed: 18 Apr. 1886 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: Wilh. Chr. Fried. res: at mar. Tn. Newton m: 27 Apr. 1854, Vill. Manitowoc by Chas. A. Reuter, J.P. (co. mar. index v.1) wit: Chas. Menge, William Boch to: Maria Sophia Johanna Schnell res: at mar. Tn. Newton
HACKER: Wilhelmine confirmed: 1 Apr. 1880 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HACKER: William From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library, the Calumet county section: Hickory Grove Farm. Born Germany 1857. Wife born Manitowoc County 1864. Married 1884. Have three children. Post Office, Forest Junction; Section 20, Brillion township, Calumet county.
HACKER: William m: 04 Jun 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.153) to: Mary Wil. Handl Marriage of Wilhelm Hacker with the widow Handl on Sat., 04 June. Der Nord Westen, 09 June 1892 ******* In the suit of Mrs. Mary Hacker vs William Hacker for absolute divorce the decree of divorce and judgment was ordered entered in favor of the plaintiff and according to the stipulations of the attorneys on both sides the plaintiff receives $600 permanent alimony and pays the costs of the action. In the complaint filed it is stated that the couple were married in this city in June, 1892 and that three years later their troubles began. They have not lived together very happily since that time and in the complaint the husband is charged with using abusive language and cruelty toward the wife and her children by a former marriage. No children were born to the union. The wife owns a homestead as does also the husband and the judgment sets forth that neither shall have any further claim to the others property, absolute divorce was granted and the judgment of $600 alimony ordered paid within five days after notice had been served. Mr. Hacker, the defendant in the action, has been employed by F. Voelchert, as harness maker for forty years past. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, June 20, 1903 P. 1
HACKER: Wm. m: Louise children: Wm. August (b. 28 Dec. 1874/d. 17 Sept. 1877)
HACKERT: Cyrat m: 04 Jul 1891 (v.6 p.101) to: Josephine Meyer
HACKMAN: Fred W. m: 5 June 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.21) to: Pauline Muller
HACKMAN: Johana confirmed 1865/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
HACKMANN: Ferdinand J. m: 09 Jul 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.253) to: Mary Lorfeld
HACKMANN: Georg m: Sophie born Sieker children: Johanne Alwine Christine (b. 4 Jan. 1852/bapt. 11 Apr. 1852) Christian Gerhard Friedrich (b. 20 Apr. 1854/bapt. 3 Sept. 1854) (whole entry from records of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
HACKMANN: Sophie Conradine b. 4 Sept. 1846/confirmed 15 April 1860/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
HACKMANN: Also have Hachmann See EWALD See GAUGER
HACKMEN: Frederick (Convert) m: ? Kroeger children: Emma (b. about 1880/bapt. 4 June 1899/from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.79)
HADACEK: John m: 5 Feb. 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.32) to: Elisabeth Czenny
HADIN: John (could be Haden) m: 28 Sept. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.345) to: Ellen Fenlon
HADLEY: Charles W. m: 05 May 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.18) to: Sarah Jane Sherman
HAEFFKE: HEINRICH From Der Nord Westen, 09 Dec. 1875: Celebration of the 50th Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Heinrich Haeffke of Rubkes Mill in Newton last Sunday.
HAEFKE: Carl m. Augusta Eteif Farmer Sect. 3 Liberty, PO Valders Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HAEFKE: Fred b. WI 1894 m. Emma Walter Farmer Sect. 3 Liberty, PO Valders, Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HAEFKE: Friedrich m: Maria nee Schmill children: Friedrich Heinrich Carl (b. 27 Jan 1894 in Tn. Liberty/bapt. 11 Feb 1894/ sponsors: Carl Lindemann, Emma Haefke, Heinrich Haefke) (from Trinity Lutheran ch. records, Liberty twp.)
HAEFKE: Heinrich m: Sophia (nee) Cords children: Anna Wilhelmine Dorothea (b. 6/13/1883/bapt. 7/22/1883 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HAEFKE: Henry Jr. (H.J.C.A. Haefke on co. mar. index) (Heinrich Johann Haefke on ch. mar. record) b: 10 Aug. 1876, in Newton twp., Manitowoc, Co. p: Henry and Sophia Haefke, both formerly from Germany. m: 1904 (21 Oct. 1903 co. mar. index v.7 p. 303) (21 Oct. 1903 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) to: Anna Meta (nee) Bleichwehl p: Henry Bleichwehl of Newton twp., Manitowoc Co.
HAEGER: also have Hoeger See KUKARS
HAEGERLE: Albert m: 01 Jun 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.195) to: Lina Brakmann
HAELLFRISCH: Fr. m: Ottil. children: Henry Adolf (b. 4 Jan. 1870 in Clarks Mills/bapt. 24 Apr. 1870 Methodist Episc. ch.)
HAELLIG: John m: 16 Jan 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.154) to: Paulina Haeger
HAEN: Lars Simonson b: Norway res: Manitowoc, sailor p: Simon Hanson and Maren Christine Larson m: 16 Dec. 1855 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.165) to: Gunild Marie Torstenson p: Isac Torstenson and Ingeborg Sonneson
HAERTEL: Joseph m: Magdalena Lucas children: Adam (b. 14 May 1872/bapt. 26 May 1872 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
HAERTEL: (also have Hertel/Hertle) See HERR
HAERTL: Philipp m: 8 Apr. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.208) to: Rosa Harlfinger
HAESE: Adolph m: 25 Sept. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.235) to: Laura Reinemann
HAESE: Albert confirmed: 3 Apr. 1887 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HAESE: Albert H. b: Morristown, Brown Co., Wisc. res: Grimms Station, Wisc., laborer p: Albert Haese and Katharine nee Baryenbruch m: 09 Mar 1895 Evangelical Lutheran ch, Tn Liberty (co. mar. index v.6 p.293) wit: Christian Borgwardt, Carl Haupt/from records of Trinity Luth. Ch., Liberty Twp. to: Wilhelmina Borgwardt (her picture is in the glass negative photos) b: Tn. Liberty p: Johannes Borgwardt and his wife Lizzette
HAESE: Albert m: Katharine Barenbruch (also Barchenbruch, Beryenbruch) children: Albert Heinrich (b. 7 Oct. 1871/bapt. 11 Oct. 1871) Emma Emilie Henr. (b. 30 Apr. 1877/d. 29 Nov. 1880) Wilhelmine Johanne (b. 1 May 188? listed with 1881, in Maple Grove/bapt. 31 May 1881) (whole entry from records of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAESE: Albert m: 8 Dec. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.307) to: Amanda Ebert
HAESE: Alfred m: Jan. 1916 to: Mabel Klinder Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haese of Reedsville returned from Two Rivers Saturday evening where they had been to attend the wedding of their son, Alfred, to Miss Mabel Klinder, daughter of a prosperous farmer residing near Two Rivers. The happy union took place at her home Saturday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, January 29, 1916 P.3
HAESE: Aug. b. WI 1894 m. Nora Holtz Farmer Sect. 13 Rockland, PO Reedsville, Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HAESE: Carl (see Hase, Carl August) m: Albertine Blank children: Wilhelmine Caroline Auguste (b. 20 Dec. 1862/bapt. 20 Dec. 1862 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAESE: Carl (also spelled Karl) m: Friedrike Krueger children: Ferd. Aug. Friedrich (b. 26 Apr. 1864/bapt. 5 June 1864) Gottlieb (b. 1 Apr. 1867/confirmed 12 June 1881) Johane Elisabeth (b. 31 Jan. 1869/bapt. 13 Feb. 1869) Pauline Ernstine (b. 4 Feb. 1870/bapt. 13 Mar. 1870) Auguste Friederike Elisabethe (b. 15 Oct. 1871/bapt. 26 Nov. 1871) Albert Gottfried (b. 3 Nov. 1877/bapt. 27 Nov. 1877) Johann Heinrich (b. 26 Sept. 1879/bapt. 27 Sept. 1879) (whole entry from records of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAESE: Carl Ferdinand Edward m: 8 Sept. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.48) to: Bertha M M Kniezer
HAESE: Karl Wilhelm Daniel m: 09 Apr 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.150) to: Ida Henriette Oestreich From Der Nord Westen, 04 Apr. 1901 Marriage License obtained: Carl Haese of Rockland and Ida Oestreich of Manitowoc
HAESE: Ferdinand m: Catherine nee Grimm children: Carl Jacob Ferdinand (b. 27 May 1867) Louis August (b. 23 Aug. 1868) Wilhelm Christoph (b. 11 Apr. 1870) Adolph Hermann (b. 22 Mar. 1872) Heinrich Albert (b. 23 Oct. 1874) Emma Charlotte Louise (b. 16 Nov. 1875) Johannes Philipp August (b. 19 Feb. 1880) Katharine Anna Kemmer (b. May 1868 also lived with them) (whole entry from records of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAESE: Fredrick m: 3 Dec. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.194) to: Emma Zahn From Der Nord Westen, 21 Nov. 1901 Marriage License obtained: Fred Haese and Emma Zahn both of Rockland
HAESE: Gottlieb m: 28 Nov 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.223) to: Otilia Krueger
HAESE: Herman m: 18 Feb 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.138) to: Henrietta Schmidt children: Alfred H. Haese/b: 12 Nov 1894/d. 1974/from obit cem. #89A
HAESE: Herman August m: 15 Jan. 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.21) to: M.S.A Olps
HAESE: Loui C. m: 06 Dec 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.31/her mar. date is Dec. 15 on index) to: Alvine Breckart
HAESE: Louie m: 12 Aug 1908 to: Martha Fredrich ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Louie Haese and Martha Fredrich, both of Rockland; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 13, 1908 pg. 1
HAESE: Louis A. m: 10 Apr. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.149) to: Ella Sophia Puls From Der Nord Westen, 04 Apr. 1901 Marriage License obtained: Louis A. Haese of Rockland and Ella S. Tuls of Kossuth
HAESE: Marie b: 24 Aug. 1865/conf. 6 Apr. 1879 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAESE: Otto From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer. Born in Germany 1852. Wife born in Beaver Dam 1858. Married in 1877. Four children. Settled farm in 1877. Post Office, Brillion; Section 18, Maple Grove Township.
HAESE: William b: Prussia res: Rockland, farmer p: Christoph Haese and Caroline Backhaus m: 12 June 1857 at tn. Reedsville (co. mar. index v.1 p.193) to: Henriette Pautz p: Charles and Caroline Pautz
HAESSLY: Andrea m: Gertrude Thomas children: Lilia Lydia (b. 20 Jan. 1900/bapt. 2 Feb. 1900 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
HAETTICH: Joseph b: Schonwalde, Germany res: Two Rivers, watchmaker p: Jacob and Anna Haettich m: 31 May 1856 at Two Rivers (co. mar. index v.1 p.117) to: Anna Harry p: Johan and Margaretha Harry
HAFEMANN: Carl m: Rosine Bornemann children: Augusta Wilhelmine Rosalina (b. 13 Feb. 1868 in Morrison, Brown co., Wis./in baptism record for St. John-St. James Evang. Luth., Reedsville, but baptism line is illegible) Carl August Friedrich (b. 11 Mar. 1870 in Morrison, Brown co., Wis./bapt. 20 Mar. 1870 in St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Morrison)
HAFEMANN: Joseph A. m: 08 Apr 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.154) to: Emilie T. Wilhelmine Uttech From Der Nord Westen, 04 Apr. 1901 Marriage License obtained: Joseph Havemann of Brussels and Amelie Utteck of Cooperstown
HAFFEMEFFER: Theodore Carl (age 35 at marr.) res: Boston, Mass. p: Rudolph F. Haffemeffer of Boston, Mass. m: 25 Nov. 1916 at Manitowoc St. James Episc. ch. wit: Augusta R. Hamilton, Frederick W. Rahr to: Marie Rahr of Manitowoc (age 28 at marr.) p: Maximilian Rahr of Manitowoc
HAG: Wilhelm b. Oberdonn in Luxemburg res. Mishicott p: Wilhelm and Mary Hag m: 9 Apr. 1855 in Mishicott (co. mar. index v.1 p.70) to: Mrs. Anna Mary Adams p: Johannes and Angela Eneh
HAGAMAN: Christian m: 27 June 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.38) to: Lothe Steibe
HAGAN: See Henry Carter Hamilton bio.
HAGELE: Henry res: Manitowoc m: 12 Sept. 1856 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.146) to: Mary Sitlow
HAGEMAN: Bernhard L. m: 25 Dec 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.196) to: Delia Ione Niles Marriage License obtained: Bernard Hagemann of Mauston and Jane Niles of Eaton Der Nord Westen, 19 Dec. 1901 ******** Rev. A. Pederus, of Cato, officiated at the marriage of Miss Iona Niles and Bernard Hagemann, which took place at Niles Xmas day. The celebration was a most happy one, and was attended by a large party of friends of the popular young people, both of whom are known in this city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, January 7, 1902 P. 2
HAGEN: George m: 21 Jan. 1862 (co. mar. index v.2 p.139) to: Augusta Klimmer
HAGEN: Otto m: 14 Aug. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.175) to: Rose Staehle Marriage License obtained: Otto J. Hagen and Rose Staehle both of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 15 Aug. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: …Otto J. Hagen of Manitowoc to Rose Stahl of Manitowoc… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 8, 1901 pg. 1
HAGEN: W. F. Dodge Bros. Motor Cars Manitowoc Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HAGEN: See ERNST See JONAS See KRACHT See LUEPS See LUPS See Joseph Staehle bio.
HAGENOW: Christian From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Francis Creek Stock and Dairy Farm. Born in Germany 1834. Wife born in Germany in 1836. Married in 1870. Settled farm in 1869. Five children. Enlisted as a Soldier in 1861, Company E, 14th Wisconsin. Served during the war. Post Office, King's Bridge; Section 2, Kossuth Township.
HAGENOW: Fred b: Reedsville, WI res: Whitelaw, bookkeeper (at time of marriage) p: Christ Hagenow and Louise Boettcher m: 12 Sept. 1907 at Reedsville by Rev. Henry M. Kock, Lutheran (co. mar. index v.8 p.55) wit: Emil Wenzlaff, Flora C. Stelling to: Lydia Stelling b: Reedsville p: Fritz Frederich Stelling and Phoebe E. Gussenden Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Fred Hagenow and Lydia Stelling, both of Reedsville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 5, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Maple Grove: On Thursday Sept. 12, Fred Hagenow, son of Mr. and Mrs. C.G. Hagenow, and Miss Lydia Stelling, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F.F. Stelling, two of Reedsville's most popular young people were united in marriage in the Lutheran church in Reedsville. Rev. Krch tied the nuptial knot. After the ceremony the entire party repaired to the home of the bride's parents where all partook of a very appetizing wedding dinner. The young couple will make their future home at Whitelaw, where the groom is employed. Their many friends here wish them much happiness during their journey together through life. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 19, 1907 pg. 8
HAGENOW: Friedrich res: Mishicott (at time of marriage) m: 30 May 1858 at Mishicott by Charles Kind, Justice of the Peace (co. mar. index v.2 p.272) (no parents listed) to: Carolina Rhode
HAGENOW: Jacob m: 11 Feb 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.68) to: Mary Hagenow
HAGENOW: Wm. Goodall b: Muskegon, Michigan res: Rockland, Manitowoc co., Hotel keeper (at time of marriage) p: C.F. and Elizabeth Hagenow m: 18 Jan. 1878, at Manitowoc by Adolph Wallich, Justice of the Peace wit: V.W. Schutz, Chas. R. Bartlett (co. mar. index v.4 p.126) to: Emilia Mason p: Mabel(sic) and Elizabeth Mason Married by Adolph Wallich, J.P., Jan. 18, 1878, Mr. Wm Hagenow and Miss Emilia Mason, both of Rockland. Manitowoc Tribune - Thurs., Jan. 24, 1878
HAGENOW: also have Hangenow See STEPHANI
HAGENY: J Rudolph m: 03 Jun 1908 to: Adeline Driese
HAGER: John b: Neuenburg, Prussia res: Cooperstown, farmer p: Daniel and Louise Hager m: 4 Oct. 1857 at Cooperstown (co. mar. index v.1 p.205) to: Helen Nowak p: John and Helena Nowak
HAGER: (also have Heger) See SCHROEDER
HAGERTHY: Dan b: Ireland res: Maple Grove, farmer p: Thomas and Mary Hagerthy m: 1 July 1855 at Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.78) to: Catharine Morisse p: Thomas and Margaretha Morisse
HAGERTY: Cornelius m: 08 Feb 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.27) to: Anna Lantry MARRIED Hagerty—Lantry, On Saturday February 8, in this city, Mr. Con. Hagerty and Miss Annie Lantry. Manitowoc Pilot, WI Thursday, February 13, 1890 pg. 3 ***** FORMER LOCAL RESIDENT IS CALLED TO REST Mrs. C. Hagerty, nee Anna Lantry, Dies at Milwaukee Messages received in the city last night conveyed the news of the death of Mrs. Cornelius Hagerty, nee Anna Lantry, a former Manitowoc resident, Mrs. Hagerty's death occurring at Milwaukee where the family has resided for years. Mrs. Hagerty had been ill only a short time. Mrs. Hagerty was 44 years of age and as a girl made her home here, graduating from the old North Side school and later engaging in teaching. After her marriage the family located at Milwaukee. Mrs. Hagerty was 44 years of age and has a wide acquaintance in this city. Besides her husband and two children, Harold and Leland, Mrs. Hagerty is survived by four sisters and one brother, Mrs. George Renicker, Chicago, Mrs. E. McDonald, the Misses May and Alice and Joseph Lantry, all of Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Kelley of the city will attend the funeral. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Fri., Sept. 26, 1913
HAGERTY: Daniel m: 7 July 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.124) to: Magdalena Schenahan
HAGERTY: Desnysuis (sic) m: 2 Jan. 1866 (co. mar. index v.4 p.7) to: Mary Gleason
HAGERY: Gustav m: 04 Jun 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.199) to: Mary Drumm
HAGGERTY: Dennis Assault Charges From the Manitowoc Pilot August 7, 1879
HAGGERTY: (Divorce - 1879) Haggerty, Dennis G., vs. Haggerty, Mary Married 2 January 1865 in the City of Manitowoc. Plaintiff currently 42, defendant 32. Children: Theresa, Mary, Ellen, Maggie, Elizabeth, Thomas. The oldest child is 12 and the youngest 1 1/2. Thomas is the oldest and is deaf and dumb. He is at Delavan, Wisconsin. The third child is also deaf and dumb. HOME AT LAST. Den Haggerty of Maple Grove led a stormy life of late years and one full of bitterness, hardship and warfare. He was at war with order, law and civilization; his hand was raised against every man and every man’s hand seemed to menace him. He seemed to be in love with death but wanted his exit to be in keeping with his life—a violent one. Den had a greater familiarity with the interior of jails than falls to the experience of most men. But they brought no reformation and inspired no fear. He loved drink as much because it drowned his sorrows as it was pleasing to his appetite. He was a hardened character not because if innate badness as much as that he felt the world was his foe and he dared the worst it could do, even aided it by yielding to the temptations of tumultuous passion, and turning his hand against his own life when its excesses made it burdensome. At one time he was industrious and respectable but jealousy poisoned his life and quarrels led to drink, drink to vagabondage and attempted murder. His wife secured a divorce and Den became a half tramp with something of the ferocity of the hunted animal but not devoid of sensibility. His threats to kill people caused alarm as well they might when the desperate character of the man was understood. On one occasion he fired two bullets into his own neck but they did not prove fatal. In a barroom row he had an eye kicked out but his vitality withstood everything. About a week ago Den became engaged in a quarrel with some parties in Maple Grove, and he received a few scratches in the face. He came to Manitowoc to sue the parties and stopped at Hoyer’s Hotel. He appeared to be all right until the following day when he became suddenly sick and died before medical assistance could be summoned. An autopsy showed that the brain had been diseased for some time, and his death came from this cause. Manitowoc Herald, April 2, 1885 P. 2
HAHGNOW: Carl m: Dorothea born Stube children: Heinrich Friedrich (b. 25 Dec. 1853/bapt. 12 Feb. 1854 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
HAHN: Peter m: Wilhelmine Kaltwasser children: Carl Joseph (b. 23 Dec. 1861/bapt. 2 Mar. 1861) Anna Friedrike (b. 7 Nov. 1863/bapt. 29 Feb. 1864) (from records of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
HAHN: W. Peter m: 21 July 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.254) to: Birtha Birkholtz
HAHN: Wilhelm m: Susanne (nee) Nohl (also Susanna) children: Arvin Christ (b. 1/13/1875/bapt. 6/6/1875) Emma Ernstine (b. 11/23/1876/bapt. 3/20/1877) (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HAHN: Wilhelm m: 7 Nov. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.318) to: Wilhelmine Papendick
HAHN: Wm., Jr. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock breeder. Born in Meeme 1858. Wife born in Germany 1858. Post Office, Meeme; Section 29, Meeme Township.
HAHNEMANN: See Richard Kendall Paine, M.D. bio.
HAIMBECKER: Friedrich Wilh. m: Wilhelmine born Lubke children: August Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 5 Dec. 1856/bapt. 1 Jan. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
HAISE: Frederick Christov m: 30 Aug 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.274) to: Maria Wilhelmina Mittelstuedt
HAISE: John F. m: 08 Apr 1908 to: Laura Schuell
HAJEK: John m: 20 Jan. 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.157) to: Caroline Slatek
HAJENGA: George b: Town of New Holstein –farmer p: Peter Hajenga and Franke Terbek m: 14 Dec 1893 religious ceremony Town of Schleswig (co. mar. index v.6 p.224) Witnesses Ferdinand Kreimann and Helen Greve to: Berth Hel. Kreimann (Her picture is in the glass negative photos) b: Town of Schleswig p: Heinrich Kreimann and Wilhelmine Kruse
HAKE: G. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock breeder. Town Assessor. Born in Sheboygan County 1863. Post Office, Meeme; Section 16, Meeme Township.
HAKE: Theodore m: 20 Oct 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.115) to: Anna Fischer
HAKER: Albert b. WI 1860 m. Rosa Link Farmer Sect. 33 Cato, PO Valders, Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HAKER: Friedrich m: 25 Jan. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.178) to: Marie Wilhel. Puls
HAKER: Heinrich From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock Breeder. Born in Germany 1830. Wife born in Germany 1832. Came to America 1854. Married in 1857. Settled farm in 1882. Two children. Post Office, Clark's Mills; Section 33, Cato Township.
HALADA: Julia From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906, Mishicot Column Miss Julia Halada who has been staying with her aunt returned to her home at Saxonburg last Sunday.
HALADA: Vincenc m: 17 Nov. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.302) to: Ema Sladky
HALADA: (also have Hallada) See LEVANETZ See SINKULA
HALBERG: Frank m: 23 Mar 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.443) to: Lisetta Kannawurf
HALBERG: Fritz m: 10 July 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.95) to: Louise Horemeyer
HALBERG: James m: 12 June 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.164) to: Augusta Schmidt From Der Nord Westen, 15 June 1905: (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 13 June) Mr. and Mrs. J. Halberg celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on 12 June in company of friends and relatives.
HALBERSAN: Ole (Bergom) m: 30 Dec. 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.79) to: Ingborg Johann Hansdather
HALDA: Jacob m: 7 Nov. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.54)
HALDA: John m: 31 Jan. 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.393) to: Aloysia Livar
HALDA: (Divorce - 1900) Halda, Mary, vs. Halda, John Married 31 January 1888 at Reedsville, Wisconsin. Plaintiff had a son, John Livar, now deceased. Plaintiff is 62.
HALDERSEN: Knud m: 25 Oct 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.210) to: Mariet Iversen
HALDERSON: Alfred b. WI 1885 m. Matilda Helgrson Valders Ice Cream and Confectionery General Merchandise served as Village Councilman Valders, Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALDERSON: Howard b: Nov. 18, 1921/d. Dec. 14, 2007 m: August 12, 1943 to: Shirley Espen b: Sept. 20, 1924/d. Mar. 18, 2008 Wedding Photo Photo of Howard Photo of Shirley
HALDERSON: Ole m: 17 July 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.146)
HALDORF: Carl m: 12 Apr 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.445) to: Ida Lemke
HALDORF: Carl Friedr. Wilh. m: Johanne Friederike Wilhelmine (nee) Kutzmann children: Carl Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 10 Jan. 1854/bapt. 26 Feb. 1854 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
HALDORSEN: Ole m: Ingeborg children: Pauline/b. 9 Oct. 1880/bp. 4 Nov. 1880 Ida/b. 14 Nov. 1882/bp. 31 Dec. 1882 Olluf Ingvald/b. 14 Apr. 1885/bp. 14 May 1885 Sophie/b. 2 Mar. 1887/bp. 27 Mar. 1887 Hanna Mathilde/b. 6 Dec. 1888/bp. 6 Jan. 1889 (From record of Gibson Evang. Luth. ch./see Ole Halderson)
HALDORSON: Albert M. m: 20 July 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.171) to: Alvina A.D. Hanson Marriage Licenses: The following licenses to marry have been granted by County Clerk Schaffland: …Albert Halderson of Manitowoc, to Alvina Hanson of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 18, 1901 pg. 1
HALDORSON: Harold H. m: 30 Nov 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.82) to: Nellie T. Nelson
HALDORSON: Johannes m: 20 Dec. 1858 (co. mar. index v.2 p.45) to: Guri Knudson
HALDERSON: Ole (see Ole Haldorsen) m: 17 Jul 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.146) to: Ingeborg Bo
HALECK: Joseph m: 08 Jul 1862 (co. mar. index v.2 p.244) to: Rosania Kamen
HALL: Anton b. WI 1877 m. Tilie Rila Farmer Sect. 25 Two Creeks, PO Two Rivers Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALL: Berlin (This mar. is also listed as John Hall) m: 27 Apr 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.195) to: K. Anna Scove Marriage of John Hall of Manitowoc, with Miss Annie Scove of Antigo, on Thurs. (27 April). The couple will make their home here in Manitowoc. Der Nord Westen, 04 May 1893 ********* SERVE TEA TO FRIENDS. Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Hall Observe Tenth Wedding Anniversary. A six o'clock tea served to friends who were their guests was the form of entertainment that was adopted by Mr. and Mrs. Berlin Hall Monday evening to observe the tenth anniversary of their marriage. Later in the evening card playing was the favorate (sic) pastime and at cinch Mrs. C.C. Smalley captured the honors of the evening, being awarded a handsome cut glass dish as a memento of the occasion. The guests numbered twenty and the party was a most enjoyable affair. Mr. and Mrs. Hall were recipients of many well wishes for their future happiness. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, April 28, 1903 P. 1
HALL: Charles From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Breeder, Graded Durnham Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 18, Manitowoc Township.
HALL: Charles m: 9 Nov. 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.239) to: Mary Radigan
HALL: Charles Charles Hall of the town of Manitowoc has a colt which holds its own with the best of them on the race course. Tom Windiate raised the colt but didn't sell him for "fast stock." Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 21, 1884:
HALL: Charles C. m: 30 Oct 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.322) to: Mary Jane Weilep Charles Hall and Miss Mary Weilip (sic) of Two Rivers were married on Wednesday of last week. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 7, 1895 pg. 3 ***** Married Hall-Weilep At the residence of the bride's mother, October 30, 1895, by Rev. Mr. Grey, rector of St. James Church, Manitowoc, Mr.Chas. C. Hall and Miss Mary Weilep, both of this city. The wedding was a very pretty one and a large number of guests were present, including many relatives of the young people from Manitowoc, Milwaukee, Kewaunee and Ahnapee.The parlors in which the wedding ceremony took place were most beautifully decorated for the happy occasion and the wedding supper was a very elaborate and sumptuous affair. The bride, who is one of the most amiable and beloved young ladies in this city, was most tastefully attired and look entrancingly lovely. The groom is a son of Samuel Hall, a well known businessman of Manitowoc, who has made this city his home for the past year and a half. He is the agent in this city for the Goodrich Transporation Company and is a popular and active young man. The young couple were the recipients of a large number of handsome and valuable presents. The Chronicle, along with a host of friends, extends sincere congratulations and trust that their married life may be long and happy. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Nov. 5, 1895
HALL: Edgar Albert p: Zebulon and Kassie (Trost) Hall m: 22 Sep. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.309) to: Alice P. Canright (Allice on co. mar. index) p: Charles S. and Grace S. Canright
HALL: Edward m: 02 Jan 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.284) to: Theresia Fraenzl
HALL: Edward m: 18 Jun 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.46) to: Mary E Doolen
HALL: Edwin Charles m: 03 Jun 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.165) to: A. Pearl Hendrickson MISS HENRICKSON'S WEDDING IS NOT A BELATED ONE Miss Pearl Henrickson was married this afternoon to Edward Hall, by the Rev. Mr. Jones. The wedding was set for July 17, but the date was changed to this afternoon. The bride and groom have gone on their honeymoon. The reason for the hasty marriage was that Mr. Hall has secured a position in the East. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 4, 1901 pg. 1
HALL: Elizabeth (widow) emigrated May, 1845 to New York from Parish of Achnamullin, Town of Clare, co. of Mona_han, Ireland. Lived in Blackstone, Rhode Island. Moved to Manitowoc Sept. of 1851. children: Elizabeth Hall) Charles (b. 1828) John (b. 5 Jan. 1831) Samuel (b. 19 May 1833) Sarah (b. 25 Dec. 1836) (info from records of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
HALL: Francis m: 30 Jan. 1906 (co. mar. index v.7 p.433) to: Elizabeth Bleser Marriage License obtained Frank Hall of Manitowoc and Lizzie Bleser of Manitowoc Rapids Der Nord Westen, Feb. 1, 1906
HALL: Frank b. WI 1876 m. Elizabeth Blaser Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle Lone Pine Stock Farm Sect. 18 Manitowoc, PO Manitowoc Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALL: Gordon b: WI 1873 m: Nov. 24, 1898 to: Minnie Zidies Farmer Sect. 7 Manitowoc, PO Manitowoc Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago Gordon Hall, from here, and Miss Minnie Zeddies, daughter of Fritz Zeddies in Cooperstown, will be married this morning. Der Nord Westen, 24 Nov. 1898 ******** HALL-ZEDDIES. Mr. Gordon Hall, of Manitowoc township, and Miss Minnie Zeddies, of Cooperstown, were married at the home of the bride yesterday morning. Miss Louise Hall was maid of honor and Mr. Louis Schuette was best man. The young couple started yesterday noon for a wedding tour which will include visits at Milwauke (sic), Chicago and other points. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zeddies. She has been prominent in the social circles of her home village and has many friends in this city. The groom is widely known thougout (sic) the county. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. John Hall and a brother to the well known elevator men of this city. Both bride and groom are among the county's best young people and the Herald in company with a large circle of friends, extends best wishes for a happy, prosperous future. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, November 25, 1898 P. 4 ******* See Wardon Hall/same person
HALL: Jay m: 10 Jul 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.256) to: May Rosa Burtt
HALL: Jay Hall Bros, Automobiles and Trucks Manitowoc Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALL: John b: 2 Feb. 1831, in Ireland p: James and Elizabeth Hall m: 12 Oct. 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.21) to: Jane E. Sniffen p: Ruben and Mary A. Sniffen children: Berlin, Jay, Gordon and Louisa MARRIED: On the 12th inst., by the Rev. Thos. B. Dooley, Mr. John Hall and Miss Elizabeth Jane Sniffin, both of Manitowoc. We are indebted to our friends for their remembrance of the printer boys. We wish them joy and long life. The Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, October 17, 1867 pg. 4
HALL: John From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Breeder Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 7, Manitowoc Township.
HALL: John m: 28 Apr. 1893 to: Annie Scove From Der Nord Westen, 04 May 1893: Marriage of John Hall of Manitowoc, with Miss Annie Scove of Antigo, on Thurs. The couple will make their home here in Manitowoc.
HALL: John Edward m: 03 Jun 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.165) to: Anna Kellner The marriage of Miss Anna Kellner and John Hall was solemnized on Monday night at the home of P.J. Blesch, the Rev. Mr. Chapin performing the ceremony. The bride and groom will go on their honeymoon trip in two weeks' time. They will reside in Capt. Sweeney's new house on St. Claire street. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 6, 1901 pg. 5
HALL: M.E. see Presbyterian churches
HALL: Mae Rose (Mrs.) b: 4 Mar. 1874 at Manitowoc/bapt. 11 Apr. 1909 at Manitowoc/conf. 16 May 1909 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
HALL: Raymond Burt b: 29 May 1896 at Manitowoc/bapt. Easter 1909/conf. 31 Mar. 1910 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
HALL: Samuel m: 29 Sept. 1860 (co. mar. index v.2 p.92) to: Sarah E. Brown children: James (b. 1 Jan. 1862/bapt. 12 Mar. 1876) Annie (b. 12 Feb. 1864/bapt. 12 Mar. 1876) John (b. 20 Mar. 1866/bapt. 12 Mar. 1876) Charles (b. 29 June 1868/bapt. 12 Mar. 1876) Rose (b. 2 May 1873/bapt. 3 Dec. 1875) Samuel (b. 7 June 1875/bapt. 3 Dec. 1875) William B. (separate entry) (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 4 Oct. 1860) (child. info from records of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
HALL: Samuel m: 6 Feb. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.203) to: Cora Emilia Knudson
HALL, Samuel From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Dealer in Grain, Seeds, and Pressed Hay. Cor. Commercial and Sixth streets.
HALL: Warden m: 23 Nov 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.31) to: Minna Zeddies See Gordon Zeddies/same person
HALL: William B. (age 32 at marr.) res: Manitowoc p: Samuel and Sarah Hall of Manitowoc m: 3 May 1916 at Manitowoc St. James Episc. ch. wit: Geo. W. Vollmer, Samuel Hall Jr. to: Lillian Frances Vollmer of Manitowoc (age 29 at marr.) bapt: Methodist/conf. 26 Nov. 1916 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc PRETTY WEDDING CELEBRATED AT HIGH NOON TODAY Will Hall, Well Known Young Business Man and Miss Lillian Vollmer, of Michigan, Wedded Here At high noon today at the residence of Capt. and Mrs. C. Winkler, North Fifth street, was celebrated the marriage of Miss Lillian Francis Volmer, of Lilly, Mich., and William B. Hall, of this city. Rev. Keicher officiating at the ceremony which was attended by only near relatives of the couple. Mr. Hall and bride departed this afternoon for a trip to Chicago and Milwaukee and will return to make their home at the Hall home on North Sixth street. Though a resident of Michigan, the bride has made her home here for two years with her sister, Mrs. Winkler and has won many friends. Mr. Hall is a son of the late Samuel Hall and is interested in the Hall Grain company. He is a native of this city and well known and popular with a host of friends. The wedding at 12:30 was followed by a dinner and reception. Mr. and Mrs. Hall will be at home to friends after June 1. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Wednesday, May 3, 1916 P.1
HALL: See Charles H. Fricke bio. See MUTH See PHINNEL See RAHR See SMITH
HALLA: Vencel m: 15 July 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.85) to: Mary Manzl
HALLADA: Anton J. b. WI 1872 m: 3 Feb 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.138) to: Mary Meyer Farmer and Breeder of High Grade Durham Cattle Served as Supervisor and School Treasurer for a number of years. Sect. 20 Mishicott, PO Mishicot Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago Two Creeks News Married - At the Catholic church at Tisch Mills on February 3rd by Rev. Father Vycholcil, Miss Mary Meyer and Mr. Anton Hallada, both of Saxonburg. After the ceremony the bridal party retired to the home of the bride's parents where a good time was had. We congratulate them. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Feb. 9, 1892
HALLADA: Joe m: Antonia Ebel children: Agnes (b. 9 Mar. 1912/d. 9 June 2003) Helen Frank Ed Greg Bernard Marriage License obtained Joseph A. Hallada and Antonia Eibel both of Mishicott Der Nord Westen, 01 Nov. 1906 ********** Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hallada of Two Rivers spent Sunday with the later's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ebel. Manitowoc County Chronicle, December 1, 1906, Mishicot Column ********* Saxonburg: Last Tuesday, Miss Tony Ebel of Tisch Mills and Jos Hallada of this place were united in marriage at St. Mary's church in Tisch Mills. The Reporter, Sat., Nov. 10, 1906
HALLADA: Thomas From Der Nord Westen, 14 June 1883: On Thurs., Thomas Hallada caught his right hand in the circular saw at work in the sawmill at Tisch Mills. Dr. Hittner had to amputate three fingers.
HALLADA: Thomas b: 26 Dec. 1895/d. Aug 1968, Two Rivers m: Lenore Bertram
HALLADA: Wenzel b: 24 Sep 1883/d. 31 Jan 1959 p: Jacob Hallada/Therisa Matejovic m: 02 Jul 1907 to: Amanda Geerdts b: 16 Nov 1883/d. 19 Jul 1947 Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Wenzel Hallada and Amanda Geerdts, both of Two Creeks… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 27, 1907 pg. 1
HALLADA: (also have Halada/Hollada) See Wenzel C. Urbanek bio.
HALLAUER: Anton b: Bohemia, Europe res: Kossuth, farmer p: Anton and Thereasia Hallauer m: 4 Sept. 1856 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.238) to: Francisca Hawlasta John and Thereasia Hawlasta
HALLAUER: George m: 17 June 1852 by Charles Kuehn, Justice of the Peace in Shoto (co. mar. index) wit: Charles Aug. Aigeltinger and Mark Gebhart to: Elizabeth Von Ruden
HALLAUER: George b. March 10, 1824 in Baden, Germany immig. 1848
HALLAUER: George George Hallauer Family
HALLAUER: See AIGETTINGER See Mrs. Berners bio.
HALLAVER: Carl d: 17 Apr. 1874/age 56 yrs. on Steamship Vaderland on the Atlantic Ocean p: Mathias and Swis Sophia Hallaver m: Brookword Lucia
HALLI: (also have Hally) See FELLER
HALLISY: Raymond C. m: 2 May 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.379) to: Josephine Eisner
HALLORAN: Hugh (Holoran on co. mar. index) b: 7 Jan. 1874, in Cato, Manitowoc Co. p: Hugh and Nona (Burke) Halloran. m: 22 Nov. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.366) to: Anna Marlborough (b. 22 Aug. 1876) (Marlboraugh on co. index) p: George and Margaret (Mead) Marlborough. children: Lucille, Agnes, Grace and George.
HALLORAN: James b: ca. 1822, Ireland/d. 20 Sept. 1877 m: Margaret Meany (also Maney) b: 31 May 1832, Ireland/d. 30 Jan. 1902
HALLORAN: John m: 26 Feb. 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.57) to: Sarah Malburough FAMILY REUNION FEATURES 50TH WEDDING YEAR With their children, grandchildren, other relatives and friends surrounding them at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Robert Langrell on Seventh street, Mr. and Mrs. John Holleran, pioneer residents of the county, yesterday celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. The marriage was performed at Clarks Mills March 2, 1870. Mrs. Holloran, previously to her marriage, was Sarah Marlborough. She was born at Clarks Mills. Mr. and Mrs. Holloran have been residents of Manitowoc city for thirty five years and up to twelve years ago, Mr. Holloran was proprietor of a hotel here, in late years, known as the St. Charles hotel and located on Franklin street. Mr. Holloran was born in Ireland and came to America with his parents as a boy of five years. Mr. and Mrs. Holloran are the parents of seven children, all of whom reside in this city and were present at the family reunion. The children are Mrs. Mary Willard, Mrs. Peter Peterson, Mrs. Con Healy, Mrs. John McCabe, Mrs. Robert Lagrell, John and Verona. Twenty three grandchildren and one great grandchild, the latter, George Howard Ashby, were also present for the event. Mr. Holloran is seventy two years of age and his wife sixty seven but despite their advance years both enjoy fair health. They are among the eldest couples in the city and have a large circle of friends who join in tendering them congratulations on the notable anniversary. Manitowoc Herald News, Wednesday, Mar. 03, 1920, Page 1
HALLORAN: John J. b: Cato res: Cato - Farmer p: John O. Halloran and Anna Minague m: 4 Oct. 1905 at Whitelaw (co. mar. index v.7 p.413) Witnesses: John Halloran, Anna Cleary nee Marigan to: Margaret Cleary b: County Clare, Ireland p: Thomas Cleary and Bridget Marigan (from marriage record)
HALLORAN: John Patrick b: 13 Mar. 1883, Clarks Mills (d. at Albuquerque, NM/bur. at Evergreen, Manitowoc) m: Mary T. McGaughey (b. 11 Dec. 1890, Logansport, IN/d. 22 Jan. 1978, Manitowoc) p: Cornealius L. McGaughey and Mary Dwyer)
HALLY: (also have Halli) See MARSKI
HALRON: James Jr. m: 26 Sept. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.119) to: Carry May G. Attridge Miss Carrie M. Attridge and James Holleran were married at St. Boniface Catholic church, the Rev. Father Peil officiating. The couple will make their future home at Cato. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 27, 1900 pg. 5
HALSIZER: Abner A. m: 10 Aug. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.133) to: Annie A Smith
HALSTED: D. Jay m: 27 Aug. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.80) to: Clara H. Halsted
HALTAUFDERHEIDE: Chas. F.W. m: 14 Oct. 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.113/she is not on index) to: Sophie Thiede From Der Nord Westen, 22 Oct. 1891 (From the correspondent in Two River, 19 Oct.): A big wedding was held here last week uniting Mr. Haltofderheide of Cooperstown, with Miss Sophie Thiede in the Ev. Church, followed by a joyous party in the home of the bride's parents.
HALTAUFDERHEIDE: Edw. m: 24 Nov. 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.432) to: Clara Hills
HALVERSEN: Andrew res: Mishicott, farmer p: Halvor and Martha Benson m: 29 Nov. 1855 in Mishicott (co. mar. index v.1 p.92) to: Ellen Gashompson p: ??? and Martha Gashompson
HALVERSEN: Halver b: Manitowoc res: Manitowoc, occ. Cleric p: Jacob Halversen and Grethe (?)can't read m: 3 Dec. 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.146) at Manitowoc by Rev. L.M. Biorn, Lutheran wit: Christ Udenby and Erit Domd (probably Doud?) to: Chatrine Udenby p: Jorgen Christiansen and Chaterine Christiansen
HALVERSEN: Halver R. m: 29 Nov 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.430) to: Gurina Halversen
HALVERSON: Anton m: 4 May 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.323) to: Bernicy Cutley PLEDGE THEIR LOVE. Young Couple Wed at Silver Lake; Many Friends Present. A wedding party made up of relatives and intimate friends witnessed the marriage of Miss Bernice Cutley of Rapids and Anton Halverson, of this city which was solemized at Silver Lake Wednesday evening and was a pretty though quiet celebration. City friends were present and following the ceremony a dinner was served to the bridal party by Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wickert at whose home the marriage took place. Both contracting parties are well and favorably known and have many friends to wish them happiness of the new relation. They will reside in the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, May 5, 1904 P. 1
HALVERSON: Arne m: 27 Jan. 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.232) to: Karie Anderson
HALVERSON: Benedict m: 22 Feb. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.141) to: Cari Olson Hovie
HALVERSON: Benett b. WI 1892 Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bread Gurnsey(sic) Cattle and Chester White Hogs Sect. 32 Rockland, PO Chilton Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALVERSON: Chas. Otto m: 18 Apr 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.44) to: Emilie Clara Johnson Mr. Otto C. Halverson and Miss Clara Johnson, both of Cato, were married at the German Methodist Episcopal parsonage last evening, Rev. Romoser, officiating. Both are prominent young people of Cato and the HERALD extends congratulations. They returned to Cato immediately after the ceremony. Manitowoc Daily Herald, April 19, 1899
HALVERSON: Christ Farmer Sect. 23 Cato, PO Manitowoc Came to County 1868 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
HALVERSON: Elmer m: Emma Paape From Der Nord Westen, 04 Feb. 1909: In list of marriage licenses Elmer Halverson and Emma Paape both of Manitowoc
HALVERSON: G. m: B. Miller From Der Nord Westen, 25 June 1903 (From the correspondent in Mishicott, 23 June) Mr. G. Halverson traveled to Chicago yesterday where he will be married to Miss B. Miller on Wed. Following a honeymoon in the state of Michigan, the couple will return here to establish their home.
HALVERSON: Halver Photo
HALVERSON: Halvor m: 12 Nov. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.135) to: Matilda Toresen
HALVERSON: Halvor m: 11 Dec. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.153 also v.4 p.156) to: Gunhild Osoosen
HALVERSON: Isaac m: 28 May 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.16) to: Elizabeth Michel
HALVERSON: Jens m: 27 Nov. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.147)
HALVERSON: Jens Martin m: 6 July 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.106) to: Gunhild Maria Torrison
HALVERSON: Joseph m: 02 Nov 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.62) to: Tillie Osulson Halverson-Osulson. Married In the village of the Branch Nov. 2nd by David Sheldon Justice of the Peace, Mr. Joseph Halverson of Manitowoc and Tillie Osulson of Manitowoc Rapids. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, November 13, 1890 P. 3
HALVERSON: Martin m: 26 Jan. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.368) to: Mary nee Weina
HALVERSON: Melvin m: 6 July 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.301) to: Louise M. Anderson
HALVERSON: Monroe m: 25 Jun 1908 to: Sophie Hanson
HALVERSON: Ole (Bergom) m: 30 Dec 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 pg.79) to: Ingborg Johann Hansdather
HALVERSON: Otto m: 25 Sep 1901 v.7 p.179 to: Margarita Anhalt (this definitely reads Anhalt on index) Marriage License: Otto Halverson of Manitowoc Rapids and Maggie Anholt of Clarks Mills Der Nord Westen, 19 Sep. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: County Clerk Schaffland has issued the following marriage licenses: …Otto Halverson of Rapids, to Maggie Aubolt of Clarks Mills… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 19, 1901 pg. 1
HALVERSON: Ronjus m: 19 July 1857 (co. mar. index v.2 p.25) to: Anne Knudson
HALVERSON: Swend m: 17 Apr. 1858 (co. mar. index v.2 p.30) to: Marit Gulbrandson
HALVERSON: Thor m: 1 July 1875(co. mar. index v.4 p.147) to: Anne Astol
HALVERSON: Wm. m: 04 Mar 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.39) to: Alma Seehafer
HALVESEN: Wm. m: 12 Nov. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.321) to: Nellie Tichnor On November 12, 1886 at Manitowoc, William Halverson (sic) of Chicago, Ills. to Miss Nellie Tichnor or Manitowoc, the Rev. C.F. Mogelson, officiating clergyman. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 23, 1886 P. 3
HALVORDSEN: Anders/Andreas (From records of the Gibson Evang. Luth. Ch.) m: Elen Mathea children: Melvin Walther/b. 3 Jan. 1881/bp. 2 Feb. 1881/father Anders Sella/b. 25 Aug. 1883/bp. 26 Oct. 1883/father Andreas
HALVORSEN: Christoffer m: 20 Mar 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.236) to: Alvina Christine Terkelsen From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago 1894 Married on Tuesday evening by Rev. Mr. Alfson, Mr. Christoff Halverson(sic) and Miss Alvina Terkelson(sic), both of Manitowoc Rapids. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., March 20, 1919
HALVORSEN: Halvor Marriage Date: 03 Dec 1870 Vol:02 Page:0494 Vol:A Sequence:05821 to: Christiana Udenby Marriage Date: 03 Dec 1870 Vol:02 Page:0494 Vol:A Sequence:05822
HALVORSEN: Isaak m: Elisabeth (nee) Michel children: Elisa Emilie (b. 1/1/1874/bapt. 4/12/1874 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
HALVORSON: Christopher From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Bluffview Farm. Director School No. 11. Born in Norway 1851. Wife born in America 1859. Married in 1876. Five children. Settled farm in 1880. Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 19, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
HALVORSON: Halvor From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: River Valley Farm. Born in Milwaukee 1857. Second wife born in Manitowoc County 1867. Married in 1888. Post Office, Branch; Section 8, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
HALVORSON: Hans Oscar m: 13 Mar 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.292) to: Ida Clara Anderson
HALVORSON: Herbert m: 11 Jul 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.167) to: Wilhelmine Behnke
HALVORSON: Richard Conrad m: 28 Sept. 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.55) to: Clara Kulnick Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: Richard Halverson and Clara Kulnick, both of Rapids… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 26, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Mr. Richard Halvorsen(sic) and Miss Clara Kulnick were married Saturday at 4 o'clock at Jerpen church, Jerpen, Wis. After the ceremony the wedding party proceeded to Branch where a wedding supper was served at the hotel of Shaffer & Meisnest. Following the supper, the wedding party repaired to the Branch Hall where a reception was held, the Marine band of Manitowoc furnished the music. The bride was attended by the Misses Edna Bremer and Hilda Halverson, while Mr. Beau and James Kulnick acted as groomsmen. Mr. and Mrs. Halverson will make their home near Branch where the groom has a farm. The Reporter, Sat., Oct. 5, 1907 ***** Notes From Branch: (Too late for last week) A pretty marriage ceremony was witnessed last Saturday at Jerpen church, Jerpen, Wis., when Mr. Richard Halverson and Miss Clara Kulnick were joined in the holy bonds of matrimony. The bride was attended by the Misses Hilda Halverson and Edna Bremer while Mr. James Kulnick and Mr. Bean acted as groomsmen. After the ceremony the bridal party repaired to Branch, where a wedding supper was served at the hotel of Shaffer & Meisnest. After supper a reception was held at Shaffer's Hall, the marine orchestra of 8 pieces furnishing excellent music. A large crowd attended the reception. The young couple are well and favorably known and have a large number of friends who wish them a happy and prosperous journey on the matrimonial sea. They will reside on a farm near Branch. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 10, 1907 pg. 8
HALVORSON: Swen From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and stock breeder. Born in Norway 1836. Wife born in Norway 1840. Married in 1858. Enlistd in Third Wisconsin Regiment 1864. Settled farm 1867. Nine children. Post Office, Rube; Section 36, Cato Township.
HALVURSON: Isaak m: Elisabeth (nee) Michel children: Dorothea Wilhelmine (b. 4/10/1869/bapt. 6/13/1869) Anna Maria (b. 10/24/1870/bapt. 12/18/1870) Mathilde Karoline (b. 4/3/1872/bapt. 6/29/1872) (entire entry from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg
HALY: Patrick m: 17 Mar. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.124) to: Maryann Daly Back to top
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