[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
CARL JACOB This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.247-248. Among the representative citizens that Germany has furnished to America is numbered Carl Jacob, who is successfully engaged in farming and dairying on his place near Newton. He was born October 26, 1871, the son of Charles and Wilhelmina (Rusche) Jacob, who came from Germany to the United States in 1881. They settled in Newton township, where the father purchased land and resided until his death in 1899, dying at the age of sixty-nine. The mother now lives with her daughter in Madison, having reached the advanced age of eighty years. In their family were six children, Julius, Bernard, Minnie, Bertha, Carl and Otilla. Carl Jacob was born in Germany, where his father owned a small tract of land. He was ten years of age when he was brought by his parents to America and had attended school for a short time in Germany, finishing his education after arriving here in the district schools of Newton township. As a lad he worked on his father’s farm, where he grew to manhood. At the age of twenty he learned the mason’s trade and followed the same for twelve years in the town of Newton. Subsequently he returned to his father’s farm, which he operated until 1901, when he purchased the farm where he now lives. He erected a comfortable modern house and commodious barns, and he has tilled the land until it is now in an excellent state of cultivation. In 1899 Mr. Jacob wedded Miss Ida Lehmkuhl. who was born in 1881 in Door county, where her grandparents, on coming from Germany, had settled. She is a daughter of Henry and Bertha Lehmkuhl. To Mr. and Mrs. Carl Jacob have been born six children, Arnold, Herbert, Edna, Hilda, Viola and Arthur. In his farming and dairying Mr. Jacob has met with much success and his thrift, enterprise and sound business judgment are the factors to which his prosperity is due. He has many of the sturdy characteristics of his worthy ancestors and is highly honored throughout the community where he resides. Both he and Mrs. Jacob are earnest members of the Lutheran church at Newton.
FRED A. JACOBI, JR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.410-411. Fred A. Jacobi, Jr., is operating the old homestead of one hundred and forty acres in Centerville township, Manitowoc county, and makes a specialty of raising Guernsey cattle. He was born in this township June 4, 1878, a son of Fred Jacobi, Sr. The grandfather, Gottlieb Jacobi, and his wife, Henrietta (Zahn) Jacobi, were natives of Germany, and emigrated to the United States in 1852, settling in the township of Wilson, Sheboygan county, Wisconsin. They remained there for about six years and then removed to Centerville township, Manitowoc county on a farm of eighty acres. Later they acquired one hundred and twenty acres more. In 1862 the grandfather enlisted in Company B of the Forty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry and served until the close of the Civil war. He then returned to Manitowoc county where he lived until 1904, when his death occurred, the grandmother having passed away in 1890. At the time they removed to the new world Fred Jacobi, the father of our subject, was four years of age, being the eldest of six children in his father’s family. In early manhood he engaged in farming on the place which is now owned by his son Fred A., and continued actively in agricultural pursuits until the time of his death, which occurred in 1906, when he was fifty-seven years of age. He had served as chairman of the township board for a time, being one of the prominent men of the community. His wife, who in her maidenhood was Sophia Steffen, was born in Sheboygan county, of German parentage. She survives and makes her home with her son. She was the mother of six children, of whom our subject was the second in order of birth. Fred Jacobi, Jr., was given a common-school education and after graduating from the public school engaged in farming on the place owned by his father, which comprised one hundred and forty acres of land. He is following a general system of diversified farming but makes a specialty of raising Guernsey cattle. His farm operations began in 1907 and he has been very successful in business. He is a stockholder in the Cleveland Bank and also in the Newton-Manitowoc Telephone Company. Mr. Jacobi was married on November 28, 1907, to Miss Emma Kolb a daughter of Ernst and Emma (Steinhaus) Kolb, both natives of Germany, the father being a farmer by occupation. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Jacobi has been born one child, Louise. Mr. Jacobi is among the most successful of the young farmers and business men of Centerville township, where he is extensively and favorably known. He gives his most careful attention to all the details of his business and by his well directed efforts he is building up a very comfortable fortune. The family stands high in the community, being greatly respected by all who know them.
ANDREW JACOBSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.366-369. Andrew Jacobson, the owner of one of the highly cultivated farms of Manitowoc Rapids township, has been a resident of this county for over forty years. One of the eight children born of the marriage of Jacob and Elizabeth Jacobson his birth occurred in Norway on December 23, 1845. The first twenty-one years of his life he passed in the land of his birth, where his parents resided all their life, but at that age, seeking a broader field of endeavor and better chances in life than the land of his fathers seemed to offer, he concluded to start for the new world—the country of opportunities for the industrious and enterprising young man—and accompanied by his two sisters, he sailed for the United States. Upon their arrival in this country they made their way directly to Chicago, where they remained for about three months. At the expiration of that time he came to Manitowoc and during his residence there worked at various tasks. For a time he assisted in the loading of vessels that came into that port, while later he assisted in the construction of the first Norwegian church built there and he was also one of the workmen on the first light house at Two River point. That winter he went inland working in the pine woods but in the early summer he returned to this county and found employment in the sawmills. During the winter months for about ten years thereafter he worked in the timber tracts, but he subsequently decided to engage in agricultural pursuits and in 1881 he bought land near Branch. There he settled with his wife and family and for five or six years thereafter applied himself to clearing his land and placing it under cultivation. He met with a fair measure of success in his undertaking but at the end of that time decided to dispose of his holdings and later bought the place where he now lives. This has ever since been the family home, and during the long period of his occupancy, Mr. Jacobson has effected many and extensive improvements. His fields are well fenced and under high cultivation, while he has erected a comfortable house and has large commodious barns and outbuildings that provide ample shelter for his stock and grain, as well as his farming implements. The early years of his residence here were fraught with hardships and would have driven to despair or discouraged many another man, as the returns were not commensurate with the labor, vigilance and energy expended, but as the years passed, changes for the better came about the country became settled and offered more advantageous markets, and the corresponding increase in the demands for his products brought fairer prices. Now he is the owner of one of the valuable properties of the township, that not only provides him and his family with a comfortable home and an ample living, but an income, that permitted him to acquire a competence for future days. Mr. Jacobson established his own household by his marriage in 1877 to Miss Julia Matson, who passed away when they had been married about fourteen years, her death occurring in 1891. Six children were born to them, of whom four lived to attain maturity. In order of birth they are as follows: Ella, who is at home with her father; Mabel, who after the completion of her education engaged in teaching until she passed away in 1905; and Alma and Julius, both of whom are at home. In matters of faith the family are Lutherans, of which church the mother was also a member. Mr. Jacobson is one of the many enterprising sons of Norway, who have contributed so greatly in promoting the agricultural development of this section of the country. His achievements are attributable to his own efforts, as he came to this country in his early manhood without either capital or influence and without knowledge of either language or customs of this country; yet he has succeeded in his efforts where many of Americas own sons would have failed, owing to the fact that determination, born of necessity and sustained by indefatigable industry reaches the goal.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jacobson
CHARLES JACOBSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.129-130. The progressive steps in the life of Charles Jacobson are easily discernible. He has never been content until he has made the best use of his possessions and his opportunities and he has gradually worked his way upward until he occupies a position of much responsibility as secretary and treasurer of the Hoffmann Brothers Glove Company, whose establishment is at the corner of Eighteenth and Franklin streets. Mr. Jacobson was born in Corliss, Wisconsin, and is a son of Frederick and Mary Jacobson, who came from Denmark at an early date, and are now residing in Kenosha. Charles Jacobson pursued his education in the public schools of Russell, Illinois, until he was fifteen years of age. At that time he begun the study of the manufacture of gloves with the firm of Hoffmann Brothers, remaining in their employ for a short time. He then changed his business and began studying the manufacture of automobiles, starting with Thomas B. Jeffry & Company, who were then manufacturing bicycles extensively. He remained with them for three years, during which time they developed into automobile manufacturers. After leaving them he returned to Hoffmann Brothers & Company and took charge of the sewing department, a position which he held until he returned to Kenosha, Wisconsin, and accepted employment as machinist with the Chicago Brass Company. He served in that capacity until he purchased an interest in the company of Hoffmann Brothers. He assumed charge of the sewing department and served in that position for six months, at the end of which time he was elected secretary and treasurer of the company. The plant is well equipped with all the modern improved machinery and facilities, and that the output is of excellent manufacture and material is indicated by the ready sale for the goods on the market and by the constantly growing trade. Much of the company’s expansion is due to the earnest efforts of Mr. Jacobson, and during the last year he has been very active in furthering their interests. On the 29th of July, 1910, Mr. Jacobson was married to Miss Elizabeth Newman, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mathias Newman, who are residing in Kenosha. In politics he is independent, having no sympathy with the machine rule which largely dominates the parties but seeking rather to support men and principles. He belongs to the Mystic Workers and is identified with the Banker & Life Insurance Company. Possessing a genial disposition he ever regards the rights and privileges of others, and while working for his own success has never been unmindful of his obligations to his fellowmen. His residence is located at 1134 South Sixteenth street.
OLAF JACOBSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.120-121. Olaf Jacobson, who has recently been elected president of the Hoffmann Brothers Glove Company, was born in Corliss, Wisconsin, June, 18, 1880, and is a son of Frederick and Mary Jacobson, both natives of Denmark. After arriving in this country the father engaged in railroading and at present is residing at Kenosha, Wisconsin. Olaf Jacobson acquired his education at Russell, Illinois, but left school at the age of fifteen so as to earn his own livelihood. He went first to Waukegan, Illinois, where he was employed in a steel wire works as billet loader, remaining there one year. Subsequently he removed to Chicago and in that city learned the glove maker’s trade. He was thus employed for about twelve years. When Hoffmann Brothers Company of Chicago opened a manufactory in Manitowoc, Mr. Jacobson was given charge of the plant. He had previously become a part owner and had also acted for one year as secretary and treasurer. He was made vice president and recently has been elected to the presidency. The firm employs about fifty people and is one of the most progressive manufacturing companies of Manitowoc. Mr. Jacobson’s position with the house is one of large responsibility, demanding keen executive ability as well as the power to keep in mind and successfully control the almost numberless details of the business. In Chicago, on the 17th of January, 1901, Mr. Jacobson was married to Miss Rose Janesovsky, a daughter of Mrs. Rose Janesovsky. To Mr. and Mrs. Jacobson one daughter, Irene Ethel, has been born. She is at present attending public school. Mr. Jacobson retains an independent attitude in politics, giving his support to the man or principle involved rather than according to party dictates. The family reside at 1015 South Eighteenth street, Manitowoc. Although he is still a young man, Mr. Jacobson gives promise of continuing as a most successful business man if the same principles govern his later life that have been dominant thus far.
CONRAD JAECKEL (From the Manitowoc Pilot, Dec. 2, 1875) Married - On the 18th day of Nov., A.D. 1875, at the Drewson House in this city, by John O'Hara justice of the peace. Mr. Conrad Jaeckel of the town of Kossuth, and Miss Anna Fetzer of the town of Manitowoc Rapids, Manitowoc County, Wis.
JOSEPH JANA This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.545. Joseph Jana, who carries on agricultural pursuits in the town of Rapids, is an excellent example of the good, practical agriculturists of Manitowoc county. He is a son of Frank Jana, a native of Bohemia, who came to the United States with his parents during the ‘60s, settling in the town of Kossuth, where he purchased wild land. Here the family experienced all of the hardships and trials incident to pioneer life, but they came of the sturdy stock that is not easily discouraged, and after years of hard, incessant toil succeeded in making a comfortable home and became one of the well-known, prosperous families of their community. Both the grandparents and the parents spent their lives on this farm. Joseph Jana was one of seven children of Frank and Dorothy (Horak) Jana, and was born December 19, 1868. His education was secured in the district schools of his neighborhood, and he was reared to an agricultural life, being early taught the habits of economy and industry that have characterized his whole life. At the time of his father’s death, Mr. Jana took charge of the home farm, and he has continued to operate it successfully ever since, making many improvements and working along scientific lines. He is a consistent member of the Catholic church, with which the family has always been identified.
Mathias Janecek
C. R. JEFFREY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.636-639. C. R. Jeffrey, who is general agent for the Goodrich Company, the offices of which are located at the foot of Commercial street in Manitowoc, was born at Sheboygan Falls, July 16, 1878. He is a son of G. H. and Jennie Jeffrey, the father being engaged in the real-estate business at Sheboygan. The Jeffrey family is of English ancestry. C. R. Jeffrey received his early education in the public schools at Sheboygan and left high school at the age of seventeen years. He then entered the office of the Daily News in that city where he took charge of the subscription list, remaining in that position for one year. Previously he had been employed there after school hours. He then entered the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, working at the billing desk, but owing to his efficiency he was gradually promoted until he became cashier, which position he held for six years. Subsequently resigning that place he became traffic manager for the Sheboygan Light River Railroad Company and during that time he was one of the promoters of the system. Later he returned to his former position with the Chicago & Northwestern Railway but after eighteen months he entered the employ of the Goodrich Company and held various positions with them at Sheboygan, after which he was promoted to his present place. He is extremely capable and successful in the business world and has ever made rapid advancement. At Manitowoc, on August 16, 1911, Mr. Jeffrey was married to Miss Jennie Dempsey, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Michael Dempsey, who were pioneer settlers in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey reside at 609 Buffalo street and they have a large circle of friends and acquaintances here. Fraternally Mr. Jeffrey belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks and he is also a member of the Manitowoc Country Club.
JENKENS: No names listed From the Manitowoc Pilot, 22 April 1875: The two little boys of Mr. Jenkens, of the town of Meeme, who were bitten a few weeks ago by a mad dog are at present the objects of a good deal of interest and sympathy, as on the day they were bitten, the same dog bit a cow which has since died from the effects.
JOHN JENS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.636-639. John Jens, who has been in the service of The William Rahr Sons’ Company of Manitowoc for twenty-eight years, was born in Rogetz, Germany, on the 6th of May, 1859. He is a son of Fritz and Stenia (Peters) Jens, likewise natives of Germany. The father, who was a laborer, emigrated to the United States with his family in 1871, locating in Manitowoc, where he passed the remainder of his life. He and the mother were members of the German Lutheran church, in the faith of which they reared their family. The education of John Jens was begun in the common schools of his native country, where he passed the first twelve years of his life, and completed in those of Manitowoc county. After laying aside his text-books he went to work in the tannery, but five years later he gave up his position there and went to work for The William Rahr Sons’ Company. He entered the service of this company in the capacity of a shipping clerk, and that he proved efficient and capable as well as trustworthy and reliable is manifested by the length of his connection with them. During the intervening years he has been promoted until he is now superintendent of the shipping of The Kniepp Malt Food Company. Mr. Jens was married on the 6th of April, 1880, to Miss Bertha Schmidt, a daughter of John Schmidt, a native of Germany, and to them have been born seven children. In order of birth they are as follows: Lydia, the wife of Emil Dickert, a carpenter of Manitowoc, by whom she has had five children; Edward, a machinist in the employ of The William Rahr Sons’ Company, who is married and has two children; Leona, who married William Bull, a ship carpenter of this city, and is the mother of one child; Max, a deliveryman, who is also married and has two children; Alma, who married George Bloom, of Sheboygan; Walter, who is employed in the Savings Bank; and Wonda, living at home, who is a stenographer in the employ of J.A. Glander, the photographer. Mr. Jens is president of the Sons of Herman and both he and his wife are affiliated with the German Lutheran church and number among the members of its congregation many close friends.
Mr. and Mrs. John Jens
LOUIS FRANCIS JERMAIN, M.D. Memoirs of Milwaukee County by Jerome Anthony Watrous, 1909, pg 483 LOUIS FRANCIS JERMAIN, M.D., of 1701 Grand Avenue, Milwaukee, was born in Meeme, Manitowoc county, Wis., Oct. 10, 1867 and is the son of George and Laura (Simon) Jermain, the former a native of Switzerland and the latter of Aix-la-Chapelle, Rhenish Prussia. The paternal grandfather, John Jermain, was an attaché of the consulate in Berne, Switzerland, and spent his last days in his native land. His son, George, came to the United States and located in Manitowoc county when he was fifteen years of age, and there built up the business of contractor and mill-builder and erected many of the mills in that section of the state. He was a Democrat in his political faith, very active in local politics, and was a man of note in the community. To him and his wife, both of whom are now deceased, where born then children-seven sons and three daughters - of whom eight are living. The maternal grandfather of Dr. Jermain, Hubert Simon, born at Aix-la-Chapelle, came to Manitowoc county in 1845 and was engaged in farming. Both he and his wife, Theresa Simon, died in that county. Dr. Jermain obtained his early education in the public schools and later attended the normal school for the profession of teaching medicine, entered the (part of the line cut off) Northwestern University of Chicago, in which he was graduated in 1894. Since that time he has followed his profession in Milwaukee, making a specialty of internal medicine; he also occupies a chair in Marquette College in the city. In connection with his profession Dr. Jermain belongs to the American Medical Association, the Wisconsin State Medical Society, the Central Wisconsin Medical Society, the Milwaukee County Medical Society, and the Milwaukee Medical Society; and he also belongs to the fraternal associations, Knights of Columbus, the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, and to the Milwaukee Athletic Club. In politics he is aligned with the Democratic party and in religion is a member of the Catholic church. On June 26, 1894, occurred his marriage to Miss Rose Barth, a native of Kentucky, and the daughter of Paul and Theresa K. Barth, of Louisville, Ky., the former of whom died in Louisville and the latter, now eighty-five years of age, resides with her daughter, Mrs. Jermain. To Dr. Jermain and his wife three children have been born, viz.: Theresa, William and Angeline. Dr. Jermain has a large and increasing practice and ranks high among the members of profession in the city.
CHRIST H. JOHANNES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.334-339. Christ H. Johannes was for forty-three years actively identified with industrial pursuits in Manitowoc county. At the present time he is practically living retired upon his farm of one hundred and sixty acres situated on section 22, Two Rivers township. This property is the visible evidence of a life of thrift, industry and perseverance that has brought him a substantial measure of success. He became connected with the lumber and wood-working interests in this county in pioneer days and has witnessed the development of small enterprises of that character into mammoth undertakings. Mr. Johannes was born in Bremerhaven, Germany, in 1835, and in 1851 when sixteen years of age emigrated to the United States, settling in Manitowoc county. He found employment in the local sawmill which was the only industry of which Two Rivers boasted at that day. This mill was operated only through the summer months so that through the winter seasons for two years Mr. Johannes availed himself of the opportunity of attending the English school that he might acquaint himself with the language of his adopted land. The school was held in a rented room in one of the few houses which Two Rivers contained at that time, and the pupils numbered a few more than twenty. While thus engaged in pursuing his education he did chores for a lumberman for his board. The mill in which Mr. Johannes was employed was originally owned by Deacon Smith, who was later joined in partnership relations by Mann Brothers, who subsequently established a pail or woodenware factory that has since been operated and is now one of the important productive industries of the city, conducted under the name of the Two Rivers Company. When Mr. Johannes had been in America for four years he decided to visit his native land and when he again came to the new world he brought with him his parents, for whom he cared until they were called to their final rest at a ripe old age. When he took up his abode in Two Rivers he secured his old position and for forty-three years remained in active connection with that factory. His original position was a minor one in an isolated sawmill largely devoted to the manufacture of lath. He was diligent and competent, however, and applied himself intelligently to the discharge of any task assigned him, so that as a result he was promoted from time to time, eventually becoming superintendent. In that position he directed the work of the mill until 1892, when he withdrew from business activities and retired to his farm, on which he is still living, enjoying good health and happiness in company with his wife, who is eleven years his junior. Mr. Johannes was twice married. In February, 1856, at Two Rivers, he wedded Miss Dorothea Schwake, a native of Westphalia, Germany, and unto them were born four children, namely: Caroline, a resident of Yale, South Dakota; Charles, an engineer of Two Rivers; William, engaged as foreman for the Hamilton Manufacturing Company of Two Rivers; and Louis, proprietor of a restaurant at Yale, South Dakota. The mother of this family passed away in 1864 and in 1865 Mr. Johannes married Miss Caroline Schwake, a sister of his former wife. Unto this union were born six children, as follows: Emma, who married Rev. August Schlei, of Algoma, Wisconsin; Minnie, the wife of Fred Koppleman, of Kossuth, Wisconsin; Fred, superintendent of the Two Rivers Woodenware Company; Christ, manager of the Two Creeks farm for Schroeder Brothers of Two Rivers; Louisa, who married Henry Schmidt, a farmer of Two Rivers township; and Albert. The last named was born December 6, 1881, in the city of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and he acquired his education in the common schools. He has always remained with his parents, was reared to agricultural life and has continued to follow that occupation. He is very enterprising and progressive in his business activities and is popular in the society circles of Two Rivers township. He was married May 16, 1906, to Miss Elenora Zander, of this township, and they now have two children, Elaine S. and Elma. C. H. Johannes was prominent in the organization of the First German Lutheran congregation and aided largely in building its first house of worship at Two Rivers, which at that time was but a village. Of this church he still remains one of the most highly esteemed and valued members. With the history of Two Rivers he has been closely identified in many ways. He was one of the organizers and officers of the first volunteer fire department and also a member of the village board. He took prominent part in municipal affairs and loyally championed the various progressive movements instituted for the upbuilding of the village of Two Rivers by which it has been developed into a city. His political allegiance has always been given to the democratic party. Sixty-one years’ residence in this county has made him widely known and the sterling traits of character which he has ever displayed commend him to the confidence and high regard of all.
Mr. C.H. Johannes Mrs. C.H. Johannes
CHRISTIAN H. JOHANNES From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, May 31, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) The life of Christian Johannes is largely identified with the history of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company. He came from Germany and reached here in October 1851. His brother William who died recently was then here. Christian was only 16 years old when he set out for this land of promise. The journey over the ocean was made on a sailing vessel and required 28 days. An incident on the way shows some of the difficulties of traveling by water in those days. After about ten days sailing a vessel was encountered with its food supply exhausted. This vessel had left port 110 days before bound for Europe. One of the first enquiries of the sailors on board was for tobacco. The captain of Mr. Johannes's ship transferred half the food supplies over to the starving passengers and sailors of this belated traveler. Upon arrival here by steamer from Milwaukee Mr. Johannes soon found employment in the lathe department of Aldrich and Smith's saw mill. There were then 35 hands employed. The mill was only operated during the summer months. In the winter he improved his time by attending the English School and earning a little money doing chores for a lumberman, outside of school hours. The school was held in a small rented room of one of the few houses here at that time. In 1855 after having been here four years Mr. Johannes journeyed back to the fatherland and brot(sic) over his parents who lived with him to a ripe old age. Aldrich and Smith afterwards became the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company. Mr. Johannes by careful attention to business and hard work soon merited promotion and was made foreman. During his service of 43 years with the same concern the number of employees increased from 35 to 400 men. During that time the pail factory was twice destroyed by fire and once partially destroyed. When he reached here the timber was hewn down in nearby and surrounding forests and made into lathes, shingles and lumber. He was later made superintendent which position he held for 20 years. In 1893 he retired to his farm in the town of Two Rivers where he and his wife, who has been his companion for nearly fifty years still reside. They are both in reasonably good health at the age of 78 and 67 respectively.
FRED C. JOHANNES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.647-648. Fred C. Johannes, superintendent of The Two Rivers Company of Two Rivers, has been identified with this concern during the entire period of his business career. He is a native of this county, having been born at Two Rivers on the 13th of February, 1871, and is a son of Christian H. and Caroline Johannes, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this volume. The education of Fred C. Johannes was pursued in the German Lutheran parochial and the public schools until he was sixteen. He then left high school and went to work for The Two Rivers Company. This was not his first business experience, however, as he had been employed in the same plant during the previous summer. He had decided to adopt this business for his vocation and began in the lowest capacity and worked himself up through the various departments until he had mastered every detail connected with the manufacture of veneers and woodenware. Realizing the need of a better education during this time, he attended night school, pursuing such studies as he deemed essential to the successful career of a business man. He was subsequently made superintendent, retaining this position for five years, at the expiration of which time he was made superintendent. The plant of The Two Rivers Company, which is located on Monroe street, where they removed in 1895, gives employment to two hundred and forty people and is one of the largest and most successful enterprises of the kind in this vicinity. Mr. Johannes is a very efficient man and thoroughly conversant with every detail of the industry which he is directing with much foresight and sagacity. As a result the business is flourishing, the receipts of their sales department showing a marked increase from year to year. In addition to his conection with this enterprise Mr. Johannes is interested in The Two Rivers Mercantile Company and was formerly secretary and treasurer of this concern. At Two Rivers on the 7th of June, 1894, Mr. Johannes was united in marriage to Miss Anna Lueth, a daughter of August and Mary Lueth. The father, who was one of the pioneer sawmill men of Manitowoc county, passed away twenty-six years ago, his death resulting from an accident sustained while hunting. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Johannes: Olga, who is a high-school student; and Cora, who is attending grammar school. The family home is located at 1512 Nineteenth street, where Mr. Johannes erected a pleasant residence in 1905. Both Mr. and Mrs. Johannes are members of the German Lutheran church. He takes an active interest in all benevolent work and is president of the Mann Mutual Aid Society, while his political support is given to the democratic party. Although he does not take a prominent part in municipal affairs, he is not remiss in the duties of citizenship but loyally champions the various progressive movements instituted for the development of the city and its public utilities.
PETER JOHNSON PETER JOHNSON, FIRST MAYOR OF CITY, PASSES AWAY. Peter Johnson, the first mayor of Manitowoc, passed away on Monday at the house of his son at Beaver Island, Michigan, where he had been on a visit. The deceased was one of he most prominent pioneer residents of this city. He left Manitowoc three weeks ago. He was born near Edinburgh, Scotland, January 19, 1831. In 1855 he came to Manitowoc. In 1861 Mr. Johnson, together with James Hodges, bought the north pier, which they owned until after the war. When, in 1870, the city government was established, Mr. Johnson was elected mayor, carrying each of the four wards of the city over the opposing candidate, C. H. Smith. He was re-elected the next year and continued as the city's executive until 1872. During his administration many improvements were made in the city. Among these were cemetery improvements and the construction of the Tenth street bridge. At this time too, the city secured its first fire engine. The many improvements undertaken during this early booming period of the city rendered it necessary to float a bond issue. In 1876 he was elected to the legislature. When the Jonas Library was established, Mr. Johnson was chosen the first treasurer of the society. When, in 1860, the "Burns Society" was organized, Johnson was elected vice president of that organization of patriotic Scotchmen who so thoroughly appreciated the soul-stirring strains of Scotia's immortal peasant bard. In 1856 Mr. Johnson was married to Clarissa Louise Boughton, who died in 1872. Four years later Mr. Johnson married again, his second wife being Mrs. Regina Hodges, who died two years ago. Of late years Mr. Johnson had made his home with his daughter, Mrs. Robert Markham. Although 73 years of age, he had been in good health and his sudden passing was not expected. The decedent was a man of strong character and was recognized as a leader among men. He is survived by seven children and two step-children. The former are: William, Beaver Island, Mich.; Peter B., Alaska, Mich.; Albert, Iron Mt., Mich.; Mrs. G. Bressler, Arizona; Ale, Idaho; Robert; and Mrs. Alice Markham of this city. The latter are: Mrs. C. E. Estabrooke and Mrs. W. A. Walker of Milwaukeke. Manitowoc Pilot, October 6, 1904
From left, Herman Gustaveson, George Mittnacht, Sr., John Johnsrud and Halver Halverson. Picture believed taken in Manitowoc County early 1890s. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
GUSTAVE JOLE (This was sent in by a researcher) From the Stevens Point (Wisconsin) Daily Journal, Thursday June 19, 1975, Page 2 Funeral services for Gustave JOLE, 96, a former barber in Scandinavia (Wisconsin), will be held Saturday at the Scandinavia Lutheran Church, Rev. Arthur J. Ressnes officiating. Burial will be in the parish cemetery. Mr. JOLE died Tuesday in a Fond du Lac hospital. He had been living in a Fond du Lac nursing home. He was born August 7, 1878, in Manitowoc County, the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Andrew JOLE. He married Winifred HANSEN on Dec 31, 1901 in Waupaca. His wife celebrated her 100th birthday earlier this month. He lived for a time in Minnesota and South Dakota, but he spent most of his life in the Scandinavia area and was a barber for many years. Survivors include his wife; four daughters, one brother, Alvin, Bremerton, Washington; eight grandchildren and seventeen great-grandchildren. Eight brothers and sisters and one daughter preceded him in death.
A.D. JONES From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 528 A.D. Jones, Register of Deeds. Born May 25, 1835, in Chicago. The following year he came with his parents to Manitowoc; here he received a common school education; in 1853, he went to Monroe, Conn., and attended the academy there three years; then returned to Manitowoc and engaged in the lumber business, which he continued till 1865. Since this time he has been managing his father's business, which is now principally real estate. He was elected Mayor in the spring of 1872; this office he held till 1877; was City Clerk from 1878 to 1881; he was appointed to the office of Register of Deeds, February 1881, to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Anton Brusch. His father, Benjamin Jones, who was the founder of Manitowoc, died Aug. 11, 1881.
BENJAMIN JONES From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 528 Benjamin Jones, familiarly known to almost every person in this county as "Uncle Ben," died last Thursday morning at 4:45 at the residence of his son, Hon. A.D. Jones, in this city, after a lingering illness of over two years. Mr. Jones was the founder of the city of Manitowoc and one of the early settlers of Chicago. He was born in the State of Massachusetts July 24, 1795, and was, at the time of his death, in the 87th year of his age. When a child, his father moved to the State of New York, taking his family with him, but soon afterward died, leaving young Benjamin almost alone in the world to take care of himself at the tender age of ten years. At the age of sixteen, he enlisted in the War of 1812, and served until the end of the war. When about thirty years of age he was married, at Pendleton, Niagara Co., N.Y., to Miss Electa Smith, a sister of Hon. Perry P. Smith, now of this city. By her he had 12 children, only three of whom are living. In the year 1833 he moved with his family, then consisting of a wife and four children, to Chicago, taking with him a small stock of groceries. He sailed from Buffalo on the schooner "United States" in the latter part of the Summer of 1833, and arrived off Chicago in the month of October, having been six weeks on the passage. The vessel came to anchor off the mouth of the river, then a mere creek, with no pretensions toward a harbor, and Mr. Jones went on shore to secure a temporary place for his family to reside until he could provide a permanent home for them. During the night a terrible storm arose, and in the morning nothing could be seen of the vessel which contained all of his earthly treasures. After a vain search for several days he came to the conclusion that the vessel had gone to the bottom, which however, luckily proved not to be the case. The vessel was torn from her moorings by the violent gale, and was drifting on to the shore where Michigan City now stands, but, by an opportune shift of the wind, she was enabled to make St. Joseph harbor, and was saved from destruction. After the gale subsided, she again set sail for Chicago, arriving this time in safety, bringing to Mr. Jones his family, restoring them, as it seemed to him, from the dead. He immediately set about building for himself a house and store, choosing for a site South Water street, between Dearborn and Clark, where he did a prosperous business for several years. Chicago had then about 3,000 inhabitants, and Mr. Jones was one of its principal merchants. He also speculated some in real estate, and when he left Chicago, a few years later, he had accumulated a large property. He at one time owned the block upon which the new Custom House now stands, and he sold it to Capt. Bigelow for $7,500. Mr. Jones was contemporary in Chicago with Chas. Walker, Thomas Church, Wm. B. Ogden, Geo. W. Snow, B.F. Haddock and Bro., G.S. Hubbard, Major Kinzie, Wm. Jones, his brother, and that class of old citizens, and is among the last of them to pass away from earth. In June, 1836, Mr. Jones came to Manitowoc, then a wilderness, and purchased about 2,000 acres of land where this city now stands, and adjoining, and has spent more than forty years of his life here. He immediately entered extensively into the lumber and milling business, employing a large number of men. In the Fall of 1837 he put up one of the first four houses ever built in this city, and in which his daughter Adaline (now the wife of Dr. S.C. Blake, late of Chicago), was born, she being the first white child in Manitowoc County. The house is still standing upon the corner of Seventh and York streets, and is well preserved. In 1854-55 Mr. Jones associated with him Hon. George Reed and Mr. Jacob Leups, and the three projected the Lake Michigan & Mississippi Railroad, intended to be run from Manitowoc via Neenah and Menasha west to the Mississippi River. After two years' labor in grading, etc., a difficulty arose between the parties, and the project was abandoned, Mr. Jones losing thereby upward of $100,000. Every public charity of this city or county has associated with it the name of Benjamin Jones. Nearly, if not all, of the churches of this city are indebted to him for the sites they now occupy, as is the city for its parks and grounds for other public institutions. Mr. Jones was pre-eminently a man of sterling worth. His life and career has been one of assiduous industry and stern integrity. Charitable to the erring, kind and generous to the sick and needy, and just to all, he won the respect and love of all who knew him. He was one of God's noblemen - an honest man. In his long and extensive business career here, not one single spot is upon his record. In his habits he was remarkably correct. Strictly temperate, he was never addicted to the use of either liquor or tobacco, and was of the highest morality. Mr. Jones was never sick until about three years ago, when he had an attack of apoplexy, since which time he has been absolutely helpless, and during all of which he has been faithfully and tenderly cared for by his only son, Hon. A.D. Jones. His three children now living, all reside here, the other two being Mrs. A.J. Blake, wife of Dr. S.C. Blake and Mrs. Emily J. Colby, the widow of Manitowoc's first county judge. He will be mourned by them as a kind, faithful, and indulgent father, and by the community as a generous, kind-hearted, sympathetic neighbor and pure, high-minded, patriotic citizen. His remains were conveyed to Chicago for interment in Oakwood cemetery, beside those of his wife, who died in Chicago in 1859.
FRANK JONES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.497-498. Frank Jones, who during a long and active career was prominently identified with various large business enterprises of Wisconsin, was one of the founders of the Jones Lumber Company, one of the principal concerns of its kind in the state. He was born April 29, 1856, at Watertown, Wisconsin, and in 1857 his parents removed to Fox Lake, Wisconsin, where they died when Frank was still a boy, he being reared by Joseph Williams, a farmer. He attended Ripon College, and after his graduation from that institution he became a schoolteacher. In 1877 he came to Manitowoc and entered the drug business. He was identified also with the insurance business for some years, and twelve years prior to his death, which occurred June 28, 1901, he became connected with the lumber industry. In 1893 he became one of the organizers and half-owner of the Jones Lumber Company of Appleton, which is now known as one of the largest in the state. Mr. Jones was a member of the Masonic fraternity, and was connected with the Episcopal church. He was a great athlete during his younger years, and will be remembered as a member of Manitowoc’s first baseball team. On May 15, 1879, Mr. Jones was married to Miss Lucy Shove, daughter of T.C. and Letitia (Wright) Shove, and to this union there were born two sons, Theodore Thomas and George Wright. T. C. Shove, who was one of the early settlers of Manitowoc, was a lawyer by profession, and became the first banker in this city, opening a banking establishment in 1858. He was a charter member of the Masonic order here, and was a prominent factor in any movement that had for its object the betterment of the city or county in any way. Since the death of Mr. Jones, his widow and sons have retained their interest in the Jones Lumber Company, which maintains an office at Appleton, one in Chicago, one in Arkansas, and various branches at other places throughout the country. Mrs. Jones and her sons also are largely interested in the Forest City Manufacturing Company. Theodore Thomas Jones is a graduate of high school, St. John’s Military Academy and the University of Wisconsin. He is a thirty-second degree Mason, and is now managing the affairs of the Jones Lumber Company at Minneapolis. George Wright Jones, is also a high school graduate and a graduate of the State University at Madison, is a thirty-second degree Mason, and is residing at Memphis, Tennessee, where he is engaged in timber land business. He married Aimee Higgins, and has a daughter two years old. Like their father, both boys have been athletes, and while at school distinguished themselves as leaders in athletic events of all kinds.
FRANZ PETER JORDANS Notes on this family: on Friedrich Wilhelm Gruhle, although there is a major discrepancy in place burial of FWG (a bio. of his son states the father was buried in Kiel, WI, but Calvary cemetery indicates his burial was there) I think this was the same man marrying his first wife's sister. Can't document it though. The family of Peter Jordans back in Germany were all musicians dating as far back in time to the beginning of the civil records in 1799 and probably well before that. contact information for researcher: Kathy motz@execpc.com
Claus Junge This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.