[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
REV. JULIUS HAASE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539-540 Pastor of the Evangelical Lutheran Church, Hika. Born, December 17, 1849 in Schlesien, Germany. In 1869 came to Watertown, Wis. There entered the North-western University, remaining nine months. He then removed to St. Louis, and entered the Concordia College. After studying one and one-half years he graduated from this institution. February, 1872, he received a call from Freedom, Outagamie Co. There he remained five years. In 1877 he came to Centerville, having received a call here, and has since been pastor of this church. Married, in 1874, to Miss Anna Popp. She was born in Hartford, County, Conn. They have three children, two sons and one daughter.
CHARLES HACKER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.52-53. Charles Hacker, vice president of the German American Bank of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and a man who has been identified with some of the large business enterprises of this section for a number of years, was born in Manitowoc county, September 20, 1856, a son of John and Fredericka (Berndt) Hacker, natives of Mecklenburg, Germany. The parents were married in their native country and came to the United States on a sailing vessel which took three months to make the trip, and during the last week of the voyage the provisions gave out and there was nothing to eat on shipboard except pea soup. On landing in the United States the Hackers came to Wisconsin and settled in Newton township, Manitowoc county, buying government land in section 18, which they cleared and cultivated and made their home during the remainder of their lives. John Hacker, who was born in 1811, died October 26, 1899, and his wife was born in 1813 and passed away August 2, 1901. They were devout members of the Lutheran church and were the parents of five children, as follows: John, residing in Detroit; Minnie and Lena, who are deceased; Mrs. Luevke, of Milwaukee; and Charles. Charles Hacker received a public-school education and also attended the Detroit College. After leaving college he learned the trade of carpenter, which he followed for three years. He then built a flour mill at Shoto, Wisconsin, in 1881, and operated it until 1899, when he sold out his interests and accepted the office of county treasurer, a position which he held for two terms. He has always been active in political matters in Manitowoc county and proved himself an excellent official and public-spirited citizen. He is now vice president of the German American Bank and for several years has been interested in the Rapids Mills. On January 7, 1878, Mr. Hacker was married to Annie Warnke, of Manitowoc county, a daughter of Henry Warnke, who was an early settler of this section. Two children, both sons, were born to this union, one of whom died in infancy, while Emil, a sales agent, still survives and makes his home in Manitowoc.
Charles G. Hacker Pictured here as the Manitowoc County Treasure, Charles G. (shown on left) in this photo taken in March of 1903 at the office of the treasurer. The other man is unidentified. Hacker was elected County treasurer Nov. 6, 1900 and re-elected Nov. 4, 1902 - Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Man standing in light clothing is Charles G. child is Emil Henry. Photo of lumber mill constructed by Hacker and Rudolph Behringer in 1881 on the bank of the Neshoto or West Twin River in Shoto. Photo taken around 1889. - Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
HENRY HAEFKE, JR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.157-158. Henry Haefke, Jr., a capable agriculturist of Manitowoc Rapids township, owns and operates the farm that was formerly the property of his father. He is a native of this county, his birth having occurred in Newton township on the 10th of August, 1876, and a son of Henry and Sophia Haefke. The parents were both born in Germany, the father’s natal year being 1842 and that of the mother 1844, and there they were also reared and married. After landing in the United States they located in Michigan, where the father worked as a farm hand for two years. At the expiration of that period they came to Manitowoc county and settled in Newton and during the succeeding four years Mr. Haefke worked in the mills. It was his ambition to become the owner of a farm and with this purpose in mind he and his wife practiced the most rigid economy, ultimately acquiring sufficient means to buy the place where our subject now lives. Five children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Haefke of whom our subject is the fourth in order of birth. The eldest, Ida, was born in the old country; and Emma, who is the second in order of birth, is a native of Michigan, while two died during childhood. As he was only a baby when his parents located in this township, Henry Haefke, Jr., was reared on the farm he now owns, obtaining his education in the district school in the vicinity. He was early trained in habits of thrift and industry and from his early boyhood assisted his father with the chores about the farm. As his strength developed with the passing years he assumed heavier responsibilities and by the time he had attained his maturity he was a good, practical farmer. He continued to assist in the farm work until 1904, when he bought the old homestead upon the retirement of the father from active work. Mr. Haefke is making a success of his agricultural undertakings, as he is an energetic man who applies himself closely to his business, giving his personal attention to everything about the farm. He takes great pride in the place, which is endeared to him by associations from boyhood days, and keeps the buildings and fences in good repair, while his fields and the grounds about his residence present a good appearance. General farming and stock-raising are his principal activities and he is realizing substantial returns from both. In 1904 was celebrated the marriage of Mr. Haefke and Miss Anna Bleichwehl, a daughter of Henry Bleichwehl and a native of Newton township, where she was reared and educated. The religious views of both Mr. and Mrs. Haefke conform to the tenets of the Lutheran faith and they hold membership in the German church of that denomination in this township. He is a man of clear judgment and practical ideas, whose progressive spirit and industry are rapidly leading him to success, and he is becoming recognized as one of the prosperous farmers of his community.
DENNIS HAGGERTY From the Manitowoc Pilot August 7, 1879 Dennis Haggerty plead guilty to the charge of assault with intent to kill and was sentenced to one year's imprisonment in the state prison. His wife secured a divorce at this term, the court assigning her forty acres out of the sixty, all the personal property and the care of the children. This leaves Haggerty twenty acres of land.
JOHN HALL From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 John Hall, Sec. 7, Manitowoc Township, born in Ireland Feb. 2, 1831. He emigrated to America with his mother, three brothers, and one sister, and settled in Blackstone, Mass., where the brothers worked two years in a cotton factory. They moved to Dodgeville in the Fall of 1850, and worked at mining the following Winter, and in the Spring of 1851 they moved to Manitowoc City, where they lived eighteen months, and moved on their farm in the Fall of 1852, where the family lived some time, and where he is now located. Followed lumbering twelve years on beginning his life in Wisconsin, since which time he has been engaged in farming. He was married in Manitowoc City, October 1867, to Miss Jane E. Sniffin; she was born in Kenosha, Sept. 11, 1846. They have four children - Berlin, born Aug. 13, 1868; Jay, born Dec. 22, 1869; Gordon, born Sept. 3, 1872; Louisa, Dec. 1, 1876. At the date of Mr. Hall's settlement there were only two families between his farm and the city. He has seen the county spring up from its early pioneer settlement. He owns 227 acres of land, 200 under cultivation.
GEORGE HALLAUER From the Two Rivers Reporter, May 3, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Mr. George Hallauer of this city enjoys the distinction of being at the present time one of the oldest and earliest settlers of Two Rivers. Although in his 89th year, he bears his years well, is still hale and hearty, and his recollections of events closely associated with the early history of Two Rivers are vivid and interesting. In speaking of the events of his life, he began by saying that he was born in Baden, Germany, March 10, 1824, and grew to manhood there. In 1848 he enlisted his services in behalf of the revolutionists in that country under Franz Siegel (who later distinguished himself in our Civil War). The defeat of the revolutionists made it necessary for those implicated to flee, or take the consequences. He, therefore, decided to leave his native land at once, and hastily gathering up such belongings as he could readily carry, together with $200.00 in cash, started for the port of Antwerp, in July 1848, where he embarked for New York on the sailing vessel, Clothilda, the fare being $100.00 without meals. Each passenger, of whom there were 250 on board, mostly immigrants, were obliged to take along enough provisions to last during the voyage, as well as the necessary cooking utensils, and bedding. A few days after leaving Antwerp a terrific storm was encountered, and for a time the ship appeared to be unable to weather it. The masts were broken off during the gale, and the passengers were obliged to man the pumps, and assist the sailors. Fortunately assistance came in time, and they were towed to Plymouth, England. After waiting five weeks for repairs, they proceeded to New York, where they landed after an interval of 105 days since leaving Antwerp. Allowing for the five weeks, or 35 days spent in Plymouth, the ocean voyage required 70 days or over two months. Part of the time he says they were on short rations owing to the length of the voyage. On arriving at New York, he, with a friend by the name of John Leabinger, met an old friend of Leabinger's by the name of Charles Eigeldinger, who told them to go West. He told them of a brother of his who had settled on a farm near Two Rivers, and who had written him that the country was ideal, land good and cheap - the price being $1.25 and acre. Mr. Hallauer and his friend Mr. Leabinger, having no relatives in America, no definite location in mind, and no means except $100.00 in funds between them, decided to take Mr. Eigeldinger's advice and come to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, as they thought they could no doubt secure employment of some kind and later purchase a farm. Therefore in the forepart of December, 1848, they left New York for Albany by boat on the Hudson River, thence by train to Buffalo, and steamboat to Milwaukee. After tarrying in Milwaukee four or five days - which was then a comparatively small place - they started for Two Rivers on foot, as there was no train or boat line running up there. Lake navigation had closed, the boat they came on being the last boat to make Milwaukee for the season. From Milwaukee to Port Washington a corduroy road had been constructed through dense woods mostly hardwoods. The first day they only traveled about 12 or 15 miles, and stayed overnight with a fisherman who had a small shanty near the lake. Arriving at Port Washington the next day they were obliged to follow the beach, as there was no trail or road to take. They reached Sheboygan that night, where there was then a small settlement. The following day they arrived at Manitowoc, and stopped with a party by the name of George Dusold. The trip from Milwaukee to Manitowoc was uneventful, he says, except that all streams had to be crossed either by swimming or wading, and as the month of December was well advanced, the water was rather chilly. No Indians were met on the way, although several tribes were still living in this section. The following day he and his friend made their way to Two Rivers, and beheld for the first time the locality that was to be the home of Mr. Hallauer for the balance of his life. He secured lodgings with Sebastian Boldus, who conducted a hotel on the site where Mr. Ino Schrade no resides, at Main Street, and obtained employment at once as a wood chopper with H.H. Smith & Co.
Back row Left to Right: Louise Molle (Lizzie), George Hallauer, Gretchen Hahn (Margaret), Sophie Altman (Sophie), Clara Hallauer. Front Seated: Mary Trester (Nancy Prester), Theresa Anderson (Tresa) Courtesy of the Two Rivers Historical Society (Note: I have no idea why there are two names given for Mary Trester)
HUGH HALLORAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.299-300. Hugh Halloran, one of the good, practical farmers of the town of Cato, Manitowoc county, where he is the owner of one hundred and twenty acres of valuable farming land, was born on his present farm, January 7, 1874, and is a son of Hugh and Nora (Burke) Halloran, natives of Ireland. Mr. Halloran’s parents were married in Steubenville, Ohio, where the father was employed in the coal mines, and while there he met with a serious accident, being badly injured in an explosion of gas. With three other miners he was going to work, being in the elevator of a mine that was entered by an old-fashioned shaft, and the lift had just reached the bottom of the shaft when the explosion occurred. His companions were fatally injured, but he managed to cling to the elevator until rescued, although he received injuries which crippled both of his hands and severely injured his neck and ears. In 1868 he came to Manitowoc county and purchased the farm of one hundred and twenty acres which is now being cultivated by his son Hugh. At the time when he came into possession of this land it was a wild, timbered tract. Here he was engaged in cultivating the soil until November 16, 1910, when his death occurred, and he was buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Maple Grove, while his widow still survives and makes her home on the old place, being sixty-nine years of age. Hugh Halloran was the third in order of birth of his parents’ six children, and he received his education in the schools in the vicinity of the old homestead, on which he has always lived. At the time of his father’s death, he inherited a part of this land, and later he bought the remainder of it from the other heirs, and he now has it all under cultivation with the exception of about four acres of woodland. He does general farming, markets dairy products, hogs, hay and grains, milks fifteen cows on an average, and raises graded cattle and full-blooded Poland China hogs. He has a frame, two story residence, built in 1884, which is situated on a knoll that is the highest point in Manitowoc county, and the highest point between Manitowoc and Appleton. His frame barn, forty by sixty feet, was built in 1878, and he has a number of other buildings for the sheltering of his grain, cattle and machinery. In 1904 Mr. Halloran was married to Miss Anna Marlborough, who was born August 22, 1876, the ninth of the ten children born to George and Margaret (Mead) Marlborough, natives of Ireland who were married in Wisconsin and settled in Manitowoc county. Mr. and Mrs. Halloran have four children, Lucille, Agnes, Grace and George. Mr. Halloran is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and with his wife attends St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove. In political matters he is democratic, and he is now serving his sixth term as a member of the school board.
HENRY CARTER HAMILTON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.662-665. (photo below) Born at Clarendon, Orleans county, New York, July 30, 1827. Died at Nashville, Tennessee, April 4, 1864. When the subject of this sketch was five years of age, his parents removed to the city of Lockport, Niagara county, New York, where he resided until he arrived at young manhood. While still a young lad, he was bound for a term of five years under the old apprenticeship system to John W. Merchant, a patent medicine manufacturer of Lockport, New York, whose concoction was marketed for two generations as “Merchant’s Gargling Oil; a medicine for Man and Beast.” The old documents show that the term of apprenticeship was not completed and for a consideration paid said Merchant, he was released from bondage. In 1848, when twenty-one years of age, he started for the west, going first to Milwaukee and thence to Two Rivers, about the beginning of the year 1849, where he continued to reside practically all of the time until his death. He must have entered at once into the life of the community. His old documents contain a carefully prepared paper—a temperance lecture, delivered May 22, 1849, before the Twin River Washingtonian Society. He was one of the chief factors in advocating the system of manufacturing establishments for which Two Rivers has always been noted, being at the head of H. C. Hamilton & Company, who built the first pail factory in the year 1857. He also conducted a general merchandising business, entering into partnership with John C. Henderson in 1851, the firm name being “Henderson & Hamilton, Dealers in General Merchandise, Fish, Lumber, Supplies, Etc.” He also engaged in various other commercial pursuits up to the time of his removal to Fond du Lac county just previous to the breaking out of the Civil war. He was one of the incorporators in 1850 of the Two Rivers and Green Bay plank road and two years later of the Two Rivers and Green Bay plank road, the familiar highway now known as the Mishicot road running northwest of Two Rivers. He was also an incorporator and promotor of the Two Rivers and Manitowoc plank road, now the sandy lake shore road between the two cities. This was maintained as a toll road until the year 1876, when it was purchased by the towns and opened to the public. He was one of the charter members of the Two Rivers Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 66. established January 21, 1853, and was soon elected to the position of noble grand. He was of strong political inclinations—a man of considerable influence in local politics, and had his span of life been longer, it was predicted by his friends that his influence would have extended far beyond the community in which he lived. He was supervisor of the town of Two Rivers previous to the incorporation of the village of Two Rivers, and was elected president of the village council at the first village election held in Two Rivers on May 4, 1858. At this election there were two hundred and fifty—six votes cast, of which Mr. Hamilton received one hundred and fifty-one, as the old records in the city hall show. He was elected trustee supervisor, equivalent to what is now a member of the county board, on May 3, 1859, and was twice elected to the legislature of the state of Wisconsin—first in the session of 1858 from Manitowoc county, and later in 1862 from Fond du Lac county, where he had removed in 1861 to engage in the general merchandising and milling business at Waucousta. On March 27, 1858, he was appointed a member of the staff of Governor Alex W. Randall, which position entitled him to the rank of colonel. He was married to Miss Diantha Jane Smith, of Two Rivers, a daughter of Hezekiah Huntington Smith, on the 23d of December, 1849, and started housekeeping in a little log house which stood on the site now occupied by the Berners property near the corner of Jefferson and Sixteenth streets. The wedding was on a Sunday and the officiating minister, Mr. David Lewis, located at Sheboygan Falls, was forced to walk the distance of thirty-five miles to Two Rivers. The day was gloomy, with a blinding snowstorm, and the parson was delayed. Toward the close of the day the anxious wedding party discerned the faithful dominie plodding through the drifting snow banks, but all thought of the storm was soon forgotten in the hilarity of the wedding feast which soon followed. The children born of this union were: James Edward Hamilton, born at Two Rivers, May 19, 1852; Laura Adelia Hamilton, born at Two Rivers, April 4, 1854; George Dann Hamilton, born at Two Rivers, April 3, 1856; Henry Pierpont Hamilton, born at Waucousta, Fond du Lac county, April 21, 1862. About two years after his removal with his family to Waucousta, Fond du Lac county, he received on July 22, 1862, a commission as quartermaster and first lieutenant of the Twenty-first Regiment of Wisconsin Infantry Volunteers; being mustered into service on the following day, and entered at once upon his duties, following the regiment to the field where it joined the Army of the Cumberland in Tennessee. He retained the commission until his resignation was accepted on the 23d of May, 1863, after which he remained in the field supplying the troops with provisions and supplies on his own account as a sutler until his death on April 4, 1864, at the age of thirty-seven years. His body was brought to his old home at Two Rivers’ where it was interred in the family lot. A meeting was held by his army friends at Nashville after his death and the following is taken from the Nashville Press of April 7, 1862: At a meeting in this city, on the 4th instant, of the friends of Henry C. Hamilton, deceased, late quartermaster of the Twenty-first Wisconsin Regiment, Captain J. Edward Stacy was called to preside, and Mr. Gilbert Hagan appointed secretary. On motion, the following gentlemen were appointed a committee to draft resolutions expressive of the grief and condolence of the meeting upon learning of the death of Mr. Hamilton, towit: Captain J. Edward Stacy, chairman, and Messrs. Charles H. Warner, Joseph Kalb, J. W. Barnes, W. W. Pader and Ralph Church; who submitted the following preamble and resolution, which were unanimously adopted: Whereas, In the inscrutable wisdom of Providence, it hath pleased Him to remove from our midst and companionship, by the sudden visitation of death, our much esteemed friend, H. C. Hamilton, late of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, but more recently connected with the Army of the Cumberland; therefore, Resolved 1st, That in the death of our well known and faithfully tried friend, H. C. Hamilton, his numerous friends in the army, as well as in the community in which he resided, have sustained an irreparable loss, only consolable by the reflection that it is appointed unto man once to die, and that an all-wise God hath the dictating of the time and circumstances. Resolved 2d, That we sincerely condole with the bereaved family in the deepest of human afflictions, when both a husband and father are removed in the prime of life, and can only tender the widow and children our heartfelt sympathy in so overwhelming a calamity, and one which no human agency could avert but which in its sorrowfulness calls upon us all to bow in humble submission to Him who made us, and who alone “tempers the wind to the shorn lamb,” and comfort ourselves with the consoling hope that our loss is his eternal gain. Resolved 3d, That the city papers be requested to publish the preamble and resolutions adopted by this meeting, and that the committee transmit a copy of the same to the family of the deceased. CAPT. J. EDWARD STACY, President. GILBERT HAGAN, Secretary. A committee of army friends and associates was appointed to convey the body to his old home and to personally report the sad particulars of his death to his family. The following testimony which was found among his old papers will show in what esteem he was held by his army associates: Camp Twenty-first Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers, Near Murfreesboro, Tennessee, May 25, 1863. Henry C. Hamilton, Late Quartermaster Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteers: Sir: We, the undersigned officers of this regiment, take this manner of expressing to you, before your departure from this regiment, their regret at losing........
H.C. Hamilton taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
WALTER HAMILTON From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 Walter Hamilton, a student at the State University arrived home last Saturday, to spend Thanksgiving week with his parents and friends of this city.
ERNST HAMMEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.228-229. Ernst Hammel, alderman of the first ward of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who is now living retired after many years spent in business pursuits in this city, was born June 17, 1836, in Holstein, Germany, a son of George and Anna (Baumeister) Hammel, whose other children were: Mrs. Johanna Rosenberg, Lena, William and Henry, all born in Germany, where Mrs. Rosenberg was married. In 1852 the family came to the United States and at 4 a. m. of August 17 of that year landed at the pier at the foot of Washington street, Two Rivers. George Hammel was a butcher by trade as had been his father before him, but he had now reached years that handicapped his working to any extent, and the boys began to provide for the family. The father and his son William first opened a butchering establishment in 1854, and after the latter’s death, Ernst Hammel entered the business for himself, in 1871, having previous to this time followed the trade of carpenter. He had worked in the chair factory at Two Rivers where he was foreman for five years, and then had been in Sheboygan, where he started a sawmill and furniture store with his brother-in-law, William Agis for a similar length of time. The sawmill was destroyed with a loss of seven thousand dollars, and for a short time thereafter Mr. Hammel conducted the furniture business, but eventually sold out and went to work in the Mann factory at Two Rivers, where he continued as foreman for five years, then entering the butcher business, with which he has been identified to the present time. He was a heavy buyer of stock, extensively operating all over this part of the country and shipping to Chicago, and was also interested in the fishing business and owned several tugs. Mr. Hammel’s father was a democrat in politics, and was a stanch Lutheran in his religious views, being instrumental in the establishment of the first Lutheran church here by securing the services of a pastor, who came here from Manitowoc at Mr. Hammel’s expense, and whom he drove to and from that city to the service here in his carriage. He also started the first public school here and in numerous ways was very prominent. Mr. Hammel, like his father, is a democrat, and he was an alderman when the city of Two Rivers was still a village, and for the past twelve years has served in that capacity in the first ward. He was also village and city treasurer and served as a member of the school board for twelve years. At the age of twenty-two years Mr. Hammel was married to Mary Eggers, who died in 1892, aged fifty-two years, and they had ten children: Fred, who died at the age of four years; William, who is now conducting the meat market; Sophia, who married Frank Kauffman, superintendent at Hamilton’s, Two Rivers; Emma, who married William Kohlenberg, of Two Rivers; and six children who died in infancy. Mr. Hammel, although now seventy-six years of age, is in the best of health and hale and hearty in body and mind. He has retired from active business pursuits and, in possession of a comfortable competence provided by years of close application and by well planned investments, is now enjoying a fully merited rest after a useful career. ******** From the Two Rivers Reporter, July 12, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Few of the "Old Timers" who settled here from the old country came over with their parents. Ernst Hammel came to America from Germany with his parents and four other children. Ernst was the youngest being 13 years of age. He says there were 164 Germans and 800 Irishmen on the ship in which they came and it required five weeks and four days to make the journey. His father was anxious that the boys should have the advantage of the better opportunities offered by the land of promise across the seas and desired that the boys should embark on the journey alone but they refused to leave their parents behind them and so the father and mother came along. They reached here in August 1852. After a year or two Mr. Hammel's father engaged in the butcher business. He had learned the trade from his father who likewise had fallen heir to it from his father. As Ernst also learned the trade and his son William is now conducting the same business and has sons who have acquired the trade; there are six generations of butchers in the Hammel family. Ernst worked at the fishing business a few years before he helped his father conduct the meat market. There were two other butchers in town namely, Henry Nienstedt and Albert Kahlenberg when the Hammel's began. Oxen furnished much of the meat in the early days. Oxen were then used without exception in the lumbering operations. Mr. Hammel can remember of only one horse that could be hired in town and that was owned by Philip Kurtz. Horses were scarce. After his father died Mr. Hammel conducted the meat market alone and later engaged also, in the fishing business. He operated three fish tugs, The Commodore Nut, The Carrie Currens and the Julia Hammel. About 10 years ago we sold out his fishing business to Luebke Bros. He continued to conduct his meat market a few years and about five years ago he retired from active life disposing of the business to his son William. Mrs. Hammel, his wife, died at the age of seventy-five. He is in excellent health and is a large and powerful looking man. He has a "double" living on a farm 20 miles north of here by the name of August Messmann. He and Mr. Hammel are close friends. Mr. Messmann looks much like Mr. Hammel being also of large stature and is nearly the same age. For the past month Messmann has been very ill. Mr. Hammel went up to take care of him and nursed his "double" thru the worst of his illness for over two weeks. He arrived home a week ago.
THOMAS HANEY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.209-210. In the death of Thomas Haney, which occurred September 27, 1899, Wisconsin lost one of its self-made men, who, during a long and useful career had amassed a handsome competency through honest, legitimate means, had served his community with ability in various positions of honor and trust, and died with the fullest confidence and esteem of his fellowmen. Mr. Haney was a native of County Cork, Ireland, where he was born in 1829, coming to New York in 1848, in which city he resided for eleven years. He then came west to Wisconsin and for one year lived in Sheboygan county, but eventually went to Kewaunee county, where he located on wild land and proceeded to clear a farm. He continued to reside in that country, cultivating his property and adding to it from time to time, until July, 1881, when he discontinued the actual operation of his farm and settled in Manitowoc, where the remainder of his life was spent. At the time of his death he was the owner of two hundred and forty acres of land in Kewaunee county and six hundred acres situated in Nebraska, and he was interested in various business enterprises. During his early life he was greatly interested in political matters, held various township offices, and assisted in laying the corner stone of the first courthouse. In 1854 he was married to Margaret Clancy, who was born in Ireland and came to the United States at the age of seventeen years, meeting Mr. Haney in New York, where they were married. Mrs. Haney died in March, 1909. Mr. and Mrs. Haney were the parents of three children. Michael C., deceased, who was in the implement business, built a large factory at Algoma, Wisconsin, and had stores at various places, and in the conduct of his business became very successful. He served in the state legislature in 1887. John L., was formerly in business with Michael, is now president of the Algoma veneer factory of Kewaunee county. He was married February 27, 1889, to Laura Grimmer, a daughter of George Grimmer, an old settler of Manitowoc county, and has two children, Olga B. and Ruth. The daughter, Mary A., resides in Manitowoc.
ANDREW HANSEN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 Andrew Hansen, wagon maker, Manitowoc, was born March 13, 1834, in Denmark. He learned his trade of blacksmith and wagon maker in his native country. July 6, 1855, he came to Manitowoc, where he has since resided. In 1878 he built his brick shop which he has since occupied. It is supplied with a steam boiler and engine of fifteen horse power, the first of the kind ever used in the city. He has been Alderman several terms, besides holding other local offices. He was married, in 1857, to Miss Mary Andersen, of Norway, by whom he has four children, three sons and one daughter.
HENRY HANSEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.40-41. Henry Hansen, who has been a resident of Manitowoc county for forty-five years, was long engaged in business as the proprietor of a saloon but since 1907 has lived retired in Two Rivers. His birth occurred in Germany on the 14th of August, 1842, his parents being John and Sophia Hansen, who spent their entire lives in that country. The father passed away in 1889, when seventy-nine years of age, while the mother was called to her final rest in 1908 at the age of ninety-four. Henry Hansen, who was the eldest of four children, spent the first twenty-five years of his life in the land of his nativity. In 1867, lured by the many favorable reports which he had heard concerning the opportunities and advantages of the new world, he crossed the Atlantic to the United States, settling in Kiel, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where he secured employment as a carpenter. He worked at carpentering until 1881, when an injury to his hand compelled him to abandon the trade. Therefore he embarked in the saloon business at Two Rivers, continuing therein until 1907, when he sold out to his son and retired. In 1867 Mr. Hansen was united in marriage to Miss Sophia Smith, who was born in Germany in November, 1845, and passed away on the 16th of January, 1900, her remains being interred in the cemetery at Two Rivers. Unto our subject and his wife were born four children, as follows: John, residing in Two Rivers, who is married and has two children; Annie, also a resident of Two Rivers, who is the wife of Louis Jacobson and the mother of one child; Charles, who is married and makes his home in Kewaunee; and Henry, who is married and lives in Two Rivers. In politics Mr. Hansen is a democrat and his fellow townsmen, recognizing his worth and ability, have called him to positions of public trust. He was a member of the city council for one term, acted as deputy sheriff for a number of years and served as city treasurer, at different times, for a period of eight years. For five years he also held the office of supervisor. Fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, having been a member of Lodge No. 66 since 1871. During the long period of his residence in this county he has gained a circle of friends that is almost coextensive with the circle of his acquaintances.
EMIL G. HANSKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.401-402. Emil G. Hanske, proprietor of the Fremont House, one of the popular hotels of Kiel, and a man of considerable importance here, was born in Prussia, Germany, March 25, 1858. He is a son of Carl and Rachel (Meiselwitz) Hanske, both natives of Prussia. The castle with the surrounding village bearing the name of Meiselwitz, were named for members of the mother's family. Carl Hanske was a cabinet-maker who came to the United States in 1860, locating at Kiel. For two years he worked at his trade, but although his skill was appreciated, he bought a farm and tilled his land for many years. This homestead occupied the present site of the fourth ward of Kiel, and two blocks north of Main street, now known as Hanske's First and Second additions to the city. About nine acres are included in the area. The father passed away in 1907, having lost his wife in 1897. Emil G. Hanske not only attended the public school of Kiel, but also went to Chicago and studied in a German and English academy in that city. He entered the furniture business in Kiel, under the firm name of Hanske & Joeling and within a year, this firm became Hanske & Company, and so continued for eight or ten years. Having developed a taste for painting, he then began taking contracts for work and at the same time devoted his spare moments to artistic designing in oils and water colors. In 1910, he bought the Fremont House and since then his business activities have been confined to operating it, but he continues his art work and specimens of his talent are to be found in the homes of his friends in Kiel and vicinity. On November 3, 1891, he was married to Helen Griebenow, born in Schleswig township, and a daughter of Fred and Minnie Griebenow. Two children have been born of this marriage, namely: Carl Fred, a student at Ripon college; and Melitta Anna attending the Kiel high school. Musically inclined, Mr. Hanske belongs to the Turn Verein and the Maennerchor, and is president of the latter organization. He belongs to the Modern Woodmen of America, the Equitable Fraternal Union, and for years has been the leader in promoting various theatrical entertainments, carnivals and street fairs, his artistic temperament giving him a natural bent in this direction. An honorary member of the fire department and for three years village trustee, Mr. Hanske has given his community valuable service, and he always acts with the republican party in political matters. He was one of the original stockholders of the Kiel Furniture Company, one of the largest concerns of this city. In everything he undertakes he displays a hearty interest and a willingness to cooperate with others that insure success.
HANS CHRISTIAN HANSON (From the Manitowoc Pilot, Aug. 23, 1877) Married - On the 13th day of August A.D. 1877, at the residence of Mr. Larsen, in the Second Ward of this city, by John O'Hara, Justice of Peace. Mr Hans Christian Hanson, of Manitowoc Rapids, and Miss Amelia Laura Ranke, of the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county.
JACOB H. HANSON no more info. on Jacob Hanson except picture
Jacob H. Hanson and Anna M.E. Riplinger
JASPER H. HANSON From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 14, 1884: Jasper Hanson prefers to drive his own horse or at least know who holds the ribbons, when the beast is out of his immediate possesion. One evening last week his horse was taken out of the stable hitched up and driven around while Jasper was sleeping in an "audible tone of voice." The animal was returned to the stable before daybreak in an exhausted condition.
JASPER HANSON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527-528 Firm of Hanson & Scove, ship builders, Manitowoc, was born in Denmark, Jan. 5, 1832. In 1854 he emigrated to America, and located in Manitowoc during the same year. He first worked in the saw mill of Benj. Jones & Company. The mill now operated by this firm stands on the same site as that occupied by the mill in which he was first employed. Mr. Hanson continued in this employment until 1856, when he commenced working in the ship-yard, as a carpenter and general workman, continuing until 1866, when he established business himself with A. D. Jones. Mr. Jones retired from the firm two years later, when H. M. Scove was admitted as a partner. The firm of Hanson & Scove has not changed since. The yards have turned out some of the largest craft on the lakes, both sailing vessels and steam tugs, among which may be mentioned "Guido Pfister," and "Thomas L. Parker."
JOHN J. HARBRECHT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.645-646. John J. Harbrecht, engaged in blacksmithing in Schleswig township, came to Manitowoc county in 1880 and since 1891 has been at his present location in the village of Millhome. He is energetic, diligent and persistent and whatever success he has achieved is attributable to his own labors for he is indeed a self-made man. He was born in the grand duchy of Mecklenburg- Schwerin, Germany, in 1850. His father, John J. Harbrecht, came the same year to America with his family, his wife having been in her maidenhood Miss Dorothea Hintz. They made their way first to Chicago and a year and a half later removed to Sheboygan where about a similar period was passed. In 1855 they came to Manitowoc county where the father secured a tract of land and began farming. He was one of the pioneers of his district. Hardly a settlement had been made in that part of the county when he took up his abode there. The land had to be cleared before plowing could be done, but his determined purpose enabled him in time to convert a timber tract into rich and productive fields. Thereon he engaged successfully in farming to the time of his death which occurred in 1885 when he was sixty-five years of age. John J. Harbrecht is one of a family of fourteen children of whom twelve are still living. Practically his entire life has been passed in Manitowoc county. When his school days were over he began farming which he followed on the old homestead and also on neighboring farms. He also worked in a sawmill, and when nineteen years of age he began to learn the trade of stave making which he followed in Wisconsin until 1872, when he began working at the wagon maker’s trade in Calumet. In that occupation he continued until 1874, when he began business on his own account in Ryan township, Sheboygan county. He made another change in his occupation when in 1876 he went hunting and trapping with the Indians for one year and six months under Chief Jim Mexico until 1877. In Colorado, Dakota and Montana he had all the varied experiences which constitute features of life on the plains and in the mountains for the trapper and hunter but at length returned to Wisconsin. He subsequently followed blacksmithing in different parts of the county and in the evenings he gave magic lantern shows. He made a general tour of this part of the state, going from place to place at the same time engaging in his trade. In 1880 he established his home in Manitowoc county not far from Kiel, where he worked at the blacksmith trade for eleven years. In 1891 he came to Millhome where he opened his present smithy here continuing in business to this day. He is an excellent workman and the nature of the service which he renders the public secures him a liberal patronage. Mr. Harbrecht was married in 1880 to Miss Charlotte Deforth, who was born in New York state in 1859, and is a daughter of Peter and Mary (Trutge) Deforth. Mr. and Mrs. Harbrecht are the parents of seven children who are all living: Eugenia, the wife of Anton Dexheimer and the mother of four children; Zedonia, of Milwaukee, who is a widow and has one child; Edmond, a barber of Milwaukee, who married Rosa Lockwood and has one child; Raymond, of Millhome, who wedded Sophia Ferland and has two children; John, a resident farmer of Ryan township; Eugene, at home; and Lillian, living in Milwaukee. They have also lost two children, Edmond and Alice, who died in infancy. Mr. Harbrecht is a well known citizen of his community. His mind is stored with many interesting incidents of his western experiences, and his life has been somewhat varied in other connections. He has become a good judge of human nature and has an interesting philosophy of life. Industry and perseverance are the basis of his success in business and his labors have brought to him a comfortable competence.
(June 7, 1871-July 26, 1947)
(sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
Contributed by researcher/see contributors page
Years ago many young women went to Chicago for employment. Fred and Nora (Hartnett) Englet, seated in the front, provided a home away from home for their nieces. Standing and in the back row from left, unknown, Josie and Mamie of Wisconsin. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Josie Collins, daughter of Michael and Mary Ann Hartnett Collins of Denmark, and Granddaughter of Ellen Hartnett of Maple Grove. Note on back: Taken in early 1900 and that the girl sent the photo to her Grandma Ellen Hartnett of Maple Grove. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
AUGUST HARTUNG From the Manitowoc Pilot August 7, 1879 STRUCK BY LIGHTNING The building used by August Hartung in the 3rd ward as a dwelling and saloon was struck by lightning on Monday night about 12:30. The bolt seemed to have first struck the chimney leveling it down to the roof, it then followed the rafters tearing out two, shattering one to pieces, and scattering the shingles in every direction. When it reached the room occupied by Mrs. Hartung, it struck the ceiling stripping it of its plaster and tearing off the laths, and then following the gutter pipes reached the earth. It seems almost miraculous how any person in the sleeping room escaped. It was occupied by Mrs. Hartung and two of her children. The floor, bed and cradle were literally covered with plaster, and after Mrs. Hartung recovered from the shock the children were completely covered with the debris. Hartung, who was in an adjoining room received such a shock as to be for the time deprived of the use of his limbs. The shingles were knocked off the roof at various points, showing that the building was struck by more than one bolt. It was take it all in all the "closest call on record."
LOUIS HARTUNG This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.160-163. Louis Hartung, whese large greenhouse is situated just outside of the city limits of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, on Section 35, Two Rivers township, is not only a representative business man and successful florist, but he is also a lover of the beautiful in nature, which inspires him in the laying out of his grounds and guides his taste in designing the many artistic floral arrangements that have come out of his skillful hands on various auspicious occasions in this city. He was born in Two Rivers, September 7, 1858, and is a son of Fritz and Elizabeth (Rief) Hartung. Fritz Hartung, who was a native of Germany, was a shoemaker by trade, and on first coming to the United States, he settled in Sheboygan, but soon thereafter located in Two Rivers, where he opened a shoe shop in the rear of the present site of John Brown's jewelry establishment, and here his death occurred when he was only twenty-seven years old, his widow surviving him until 1891, and dying at the age of sixty-eight years. Their children were: Hulda, Louis, Fred and Henry, all of whom with the exception of Louis have passed to the Great Beyond. Fritz Hartung was a member of the Sons of Herman. Louis Hartung secured only a meager education, as the death of his father made it necessary for him to seek employment at an early age, and for what education he did receive he is indebted to the German Lutheran schools. At the age of eleven years he entered the shops of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, piling slabs at twenty-five cents per day. But when ill health overtook him, he decided to enter the floral business, and subsequently went to Chicago, where he was employed in Lincoln park. After about a year and nine months, however, not being able to save money fast enough out of the modest stipend he received as remuneration for his services, he returned to Two Rivers with ten dollars as sole capital but a valuable fund of experience. He then began working as a gardner at thirty-five cents per day, but later entered the pail factory, where his faithful labor and steady character soon brought his wages up to fifty-five cents per day, and when the sash, door and blind factory opened he entered that establishment receiving seventy-five cents per day for his labor. Later he began to work at the Hepner Company, on the turning lathe, at one dollar per day, and when he had reached the age of twenty-one years, Mr. Mann, who for various reasons was compelled to sell out, let him have credit and disposed to him of two lots for one hundred and fifty dollars, Mr. Hartung having but thirty-five cents to pay down. Mr. Mann also sent the lumber for a four-room house with a side roof, which cost forty-two dollars, and Mr. Hartung built a hot house twelve by twelve feet, and the next year another twelve by twenty-four feet, still another being added three years later, sixteen by thirty-two feet. Finding that his work did not keep him busy all of the time, however, he set out to win and secured, the office of pathmaster of the fourth ward, and soon became pathmaster of the city, a position which he held for four terms. The wages of this office, were twelve shillings per day, and his task consisted of taking charge of the men. He also acted as poll tax collector, receiving ten per cent of his collections, and he then began conducting a milk route, keeping sixteen cows, a business which he sold to H. Rumlow. Later he engaged again in the same line of business on a larger scale but disposed of this business also and remained in the city of Two Rivers for five years, when he secured his present tract of forty acres, which at the time of purchase was entirely covered with stumps. He grubbed and cleared this land and put it under cultivation and has since erected thereon a barn, twenty-four by forty-two feet, a greenhouse, which contains six thousand feet of glass, and a handsome dwelling house, twenty-six by thirty-six feet, and carries on successfully general farming and an extensive floral business. In addition to these properties Mr. Hartung is also interested in the Realty Land Company of Two Rivers. In 1886 Mr. Hartung was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Rado and they are the parents of three children: Meta, a graduate of the Two Rivers high school and the Oshkosh Normal, who is now a teacher in the Dunbar high school; and Norbert and Corleatha, both graduates of the Two Rivers high school. Mr. and Mrs. Hartung celebrated their silver wedding anniversary in 1911. Mr. Hartung, who has been more or less active in political matters, although he is not tied up with any of the old parties and votes independent, has served as alderman in the city council for two years.
PETER J. HAUCH (P.J. Hauch in book) From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 542 P.J. Hauch, produce and general merchandise, P. O. Grimm's, was born, Feb. 18, 1852 in Prussia. At about the age of one and one-half years, he came to Manitowoc County with his parents. After attending school, he assisted on their farm, and later followed lumbering. In 1875, he opened a store at Reedsville; continued there in business about one and one-half years, then removed to this locality, where he has since carried on this business. Married, May 15, 1877, to Mary Schutte, of Manitowoc County.
HAVERLAND MR. Mr. Haverland has sold his hotel to Mr. Krieger a gentleman who lives in the 3rd ward of this city. Mr. Haverland will probably move to a western town where he is a partner in a fine business. A more orderly or a better conducted house than the one he managed is not to be found in the state. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 11, 1884
CHARLES HAVERLAND From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 528 Charles Haverland, Central House and saloon, Manitowoc, settled at Port Jarvis, N. Y., July 4, 1854; lived there one year and moved to Hawley, Pa., and worked in a machine shop of Pennsylvania Coal Co. until 1861; then came to Manitowoc. He first engaged in the millwright work, and in company with Messrs. A. F. Dumke and Wilharms, ran the Manitowoc Iron Works five years, then he went into the milling business one year and from that into the hotel and saloon business. He was born in Germany, Sept. 21, 1823. He was married to Miss Amelia Birkholz, March 26, 1854, and emigrated to America the same year. Mrs. H. was born in Prussia, Jan. 2, 1830.
THOMAS HAYES From The Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday December 6, 1913: OLD TIMERS - While the saw mills were all in operaton and the tannery employed hundreds of men the Irish were comparatively numerous here. Of these early Irish families including the Meloys and the Walsh's whom many here remember well, none now reside here except the Hayes family. Thos. Hayes was born in County Limerick, Ireland in 1832. At the age of eighteen he "bade dear old Ireland good-bye", and emmigrated to that "dear land of the free." He landed in New York in 1850 and settled in Massachusetts. While there he was married. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes moved west to Two Rivers. They celebrated their golden wedding anniversary here in 1903. A few years ago Mrs. Hayes suffered a stroke of paralysis from which she has not recovered. Added this misfortune are the infirmities of age at eighty-three still she is sensible and cheerful Mr. Hayes is in remarkable good health. It is a most exraordinary fact that he knows of no time in his life when he was confined to his bed with illness. For twenty-two years he was watchman in the old chair factory of the Two Rivers Mfg. Co. He bought the first chairs, table and bedstead made in this plant. Several times during his service as watchman the factory caught on fire at night and he always managed to extinguish it with pails of water. The plant had neither bell nor whistle to give an alarm in the first few years. In 1880 he resolved to give up his position as watchman and with his family move west. He was persuaded to this decision because his son Thomas lost his live in the shafting and machinery of the chair factory. There being no other prospects of employment here for his other sons than working in a factory he decided to go where opportunities for employment could be found in other lines. He settle on a large claim of land in Baker County, Minn. It was at first a wild and desolate prairie country but by and by as more settlers came modern buildings were erected and in a few years matters were congenial and pleasant. After twenty-two prosperous years on the farm the Hayes family decided to sell out and return again, to the "little Germany" in Wisconsin and so in 1902 they arrived here to settle down once more amidst the many old friends and neighbors who were overjoyed to receive them. Since his arrival here in 1902 Mr. Hayes has lived in retirement. Although his years are many they do not show in his appearance nor his manner. He is still active and takes a lively interest in the affairs of ????. He resides with his wife and daughters at their residence on 22nd St.