BAARMANN: See LADEWIGBAARS: Otto Riehan m: 13 Oct. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.184) to: Lina Yaehnig (Jaehnigs) children: Alvin Baars/b. 14 Jul 1902, Meeme/Otto Baars, Hena Jochnig/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Adeline Anna Baars/b: 11 Aug 1905, Meeme/Otto Baars, Lena Jaehnigs/ state microfiche births Reel: 0122 Record: 002778/and on 1910 census Marriage Licenses: …Otto K. Baars of Meeme, to Lena Jachning of Centerville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 10, 1901 pg. 1
BAARS: William m: Anna children: Arnold/b. 19 Jun 1898, Meeme/par: William Bars, Anna Peigy (Prigge?)/ state microfiche births Reel: 0120 Record: 001972 Bertha Hedwig/19 May 1903, Meeme/par: Wm Baars, Anna/ state microfiche births Reel: 0122 Record: 000337
BAARTZ: William F. m: 11 Oct 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.119) to: Frona Kokosky
BAARZ: Friedrich m: Wilhelmine Groeder children: Clara Albertine Julie (b. 9 May 1869 in Rockland/bapt. 23 May no year given in St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Rockland)
BAASCH: Frank (see Frank Braasch) m: 23 Oct. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.18)
BAATZ: Julius b. 3 Dec. 1843/confirmed 15 May 1859/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
BABCOCK: Charles L. m: Sept. 5 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.50) to: Rose M. Schuette TO BE MARRIED NEXT FALL The engagement of Miss Rose Schuette to Dr. Charles Babcock of Milwaukee, was announced yesterday, the wedding to take place early in fall. The date of the marriage has not been decided upon definitely as yet, but it will probably be celebrated in September. Miss Schuette is a daughter of John Schuette, and is one of the cities most popular and cultured young ladies. Dr. Babcock has been engaged in the practice of his profession at Milwaukee for the past few years and has met with much success. The engagement is the culmination of a romance that began while Miss Schuette was a student at Milwaukee Downer college. The couple will make their home at Milwaukee. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 13, 1907 pg. 1 ***** MARRIED: The marriage of Miss Rose Martha Schuette to Dr. Chas. Babcock of Milwaukee was quietly solemnized at 1 o'clock today at the home of the bride's father, Mr. John Schuette on N. 11th street, in the presence of relatives and a few intimate friends, Judge Chloupek officiating. The house was most attractively decorated in roses, peonies and potted plants. In the parlor where the ceremony was performed palms were banked in the corners of the room with clusters of roses introduced in relief. The bride is an accomplished young lady, possessed of charming qualities, and has a large circle of real friends. She is a graduate from the First Ward School and also from Milwaukee Downer College. The groom is a successful dentist at Milwaukee. Mr. and Mrs. Babcock left on the 3 o'clock train for Milwaukee whence they will go on an extended honeymoon trip in the east. The PILOT tenders congratulations. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 5, 1907 pg. 1 ***** Dr. Charles L. Babcock died at the family home just west of the city limits Saturday night. The funeral was held in Milwaukee and interment at Forest Home Cemetery. Dr. Babcock was up and apparently well until about two months ago. He seemed to be recovered from a slight stroke but another made his case hopeless and he gradually lapsed to the end. Dr. Babcock was born in Illinois, Jan. 19, 1863. His parents returned to the east when he was a babe of three years and located at South New Berlin, New York, where he received his education in the rural schools. After completing his school work he was a teacher for several years and then studied dentistry in a New York College. After completing the course he practiced for a short time and then came to Milwaukee in 1890 and continued in practice until three years ago when he retired and took up his home at Manitowoc Rapids where he had erected a dwelling. He was twice married, the first marriage to Miss Georgia Richardson of Springfield, Ill. occurring in 1898. The family lived in Milwaukee and two children were born to the couple. Mrs. Babcock died in 1905 and two years later Dr. Babcock was married to Miss Rose Schuette, daughter of the late John Schuette of this city. The widow with two children, Chester R. Babcock of Wisconsin Rapids and Mary Ruth Babcock, a member of the high school faculty of this city survive him. Dr. Babcock's going will be keenly felt. He had an unusually attractive personality. A native dignity was combined with a lively sense of humor. Everyone liked him. There was nothing of "swank", pretense or pose. He was delightful company. He's going will leave a void in the local Kiwanis club which he was active and popular. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Mar. 3, 1927
BABCOCK: George res: Cato m: at Clark's Mills to: Lina Baxter res: Clark's Mills (originally from Ogdensburg, New York) (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 20 Dec. 1860)
BABCOCK: See Adolphus Blazier bio. See HARRIS See John Schuette bio. See Louis Schuette bio.
BABELICHECK: Francisci m: Maria Andosek children: Peter Robert (b. 6 June 1877/bapt.8 June 1877 from records of St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BABIAN: Mathias m: 22 Oct. 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.32) to: Mary Matek children: Arthur Babbian/8 Mar 1887, Manitowoc/Mathias Babbian, Maria Madeck/ state microfiche births Reel: 0117 Record: 002338
BABIAN: also have Fabian
BACCUS: James (Baccu on co. mar. index) m: 8 Nov. 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.9 to: Amelia Lecles
BACCHUS: Leroy L m: 26 Oct 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.318) to: Annie E Lawrence
BACH: Chas. m: 6 Dec. 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.421) to: Mary Reinke children Eva/b. 6 Feb 1906/par: Charles Bach, Mary Reinke/state microfiche Reel: 0123 Record: 000154
BACH: Fred m: Euphrosinia Herman (Alfosene on 1870 Manitowoc ward 3 census) children: (Willemena/age 4/from 1870 Manitowoc ward 3 census) Emma/b. 9 Aug 1868/par. Fred Bach, Euphrosinia Herman/state microfiche Reel: 0115 Record: 000432 (Alvina/age 3/12/from 1870 Manitowoc ward 3 census)
BACH: Joseph m: 9 Oct. 1862 (co. mar. index v.2 p.149) to: Katarina Bach
BACH: Peter F. m: 19 Nov. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.130) to: Maryanne Jaworski
BACH: Peter m: Anna Schuh children: Johannes/b. 26 Dec 1875, Cooperstown/par: Peter Bach, Anna Schuh/ state microfiche births Reel: 0115 Record: 000272 Friedrich (twin)/b. 30 Mar 1877, Cooperstown/par: Peter Bach, Anna Schuh/ state microfiche births Reel: 0115 Record: 000286 Peter Bach (twin)/b. 30 Mar 1877, Cooperstown/par: Peter Bach, Anna Schuh/ state microfiche births Reel: 0115 Record: 000285 Margarethe/b. June 1, 1880/from 1880 Cooperstown census Fred Bach birth: 1877 Cooperstown, death: 24 July 1894 Cooperstown, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin father: Peter Bach mother: Annie Bach Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
BACH: Wilhelm m: Franziska Wilh. Friederike born von Alter children: Ida Franciska N./b. 19 May 1857, Manitowoc/William Bach/ state microfiche Reel: 0113 Record: 002771 Bach, Ida Francisca Wilhelmina, dau. of William and Francisca Bach died 31 Jan. 1861 Ida Fransiska (b. 19 May 1857/bapt. 10 Sept. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Jennie Adele Leonie/b. 16 Nov 1859/par: William Bach, Franziska V Alter/ state microfiche births Reel: 0114 Record: 000451
BACH: William m: Franciska Richter widow of Gustavus Richter (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 26 Jan. 1856) ******** Mr. and Mrs. WM. Bach of this city celebrated their silver wedding on Saturday last, a large number of their friends were present. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, January 20, 1881
BACH: William From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Attorney-at-law, Court Commissioner, and Notary Public Office: Rudolph's Block, South Eighth Street
BACHE: August m: Anna Schleer children: August Bache/b. 23 Nov 1884/Manitowoc/par:August Bache, Anna Schleer/ state microfiche births Reel: 0117 Record: 000849
BACHLE: Bartholomew (sic) (Bechle on 1870/1880 census) m: 9 Sept. 1861 (co. mar. index v.4 p.27) to: Elizabeth Lenzen children: (These are also Bechle) Johann Bachle/b. 24 Jun 1862, Eaton/par: Bartholoma Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Rosa Bachle/b. June 27, 1863/d. Feb. 14, 1864/in cem. #22/ Rosina Bachle/b. 27 Jan 1863, Eaton/par: Bartholome Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Stephen Bachle/b. Dec. 7, 1864/d. July 20, 1866/in cem. #22/ Stephan Bachle/b. 4 Dec 1864, Eaton/par: Barthaloma Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Maria Bachle/b. 16 Apr 1866, Eaton/par: Bartholoma Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index (Maricus Bechle (son) age 14 on 1880 index/possibly same child, or twins?) Anton Bachle/b. Eaton/par: Barthaloma Bachle/state microfiche births Reel: 0113 Record: 002039 (Anton Bechle/age 12/par: B. and Elisebit Bechle/1880 Eaton census) Catharina Baechle (b. 19 Apr 1869/d. 23 Sept 1869/in cem. #22/ Catharina Bachle/b. 19 Apr 1869, Eaton/par: Bartholoma Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Alois Baechle (b. 15 Jun 1870/d. Aug. 16, 1870/in cem. #22) Simon Bachle/b. 5 Aug 1872, Eaton/par: Bartolome Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Heinrich Bachle (b. Aug. 4, 1873/d. Sept. 10, 1873/in cem. #22) Louise Bachle (b. 22 Oct 1874/d. Jan. 21, 1875/in cem. #22/ Louise Bachle/b. 22 Oct 1874, Eaton/par: Bartholoma Bachle/Wisconsin Births-Christenings Index Joseph Bechle/b. 16 Mar 1876, Eaton/Barthoma Bechle, Elisabetha Lenz/state microfich births Reel: 0115 Record: 000168 Franz Bachle/b. 27 Feb 1879, Eaton/Berthalema Bachle, Elisebeth Lenzen/ state microfiche births Reel: 0115 Record: 001405 Franz Bachle (d. 12 Apr. 1879/in cem. #22)
BACHLE: also have Baechle
BACHMANN: Ferdinand m: 2 Aug. 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.31) to: Anna M Filer
BACHMEIER: Joseph Marriage Date: 15 May 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.197) to: Anna Schamberger (Frank Schamberger on index)
BACHMEIER: Joseph m: 12 Mar. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.319) to: Mrs. Theresia Leitermann
BACHMEIER: also have Backmeyer
BACHUS: Carl Two Rivers: Mr. and Mrs. Carl Bachus of this city celebrated their golden wedding last Sunday. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, April 11, 1901 pg. 8
BACHUS: Paul m: 27 Feb. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.288) to: Emilie Huss
BACHUS: Also have Backus
BACK: Ludwig m: Auguste Baese children: Johann Heinrich (b. 5 June 1869/bapt. 11 July 1869 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
BACKER: M. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Orchard Grove Stock Farm. Born in Germany 1818. Wife born in Germany 1824. Married in 1848. Came to America 1858. Seven children. Post Office, Branch; Section 33, Kossuth Township.
BACKHAUS: Christian From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Dairyman. Born in Germany 1839. Wife born in Germany 1840. Married in 1874. Settled farm 1873. Post Office, Kiel; Section 30, Schleswig Township.
BACKHAUS: Dominic m: Anna children: Henry Ignatz (b. 18 May 1888/bapt. 20 May 1888 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BACKHAUS: H. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer. Born in Prussia 1828. Wife born in Bavaria 1842. Married in 1860. Settled on homestead 1866. Post Office, Alverno; Section 34, Manitowoc Rapids Township.
BACKHAUS: Henry m: 9 Apr 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.147) to: Theresia Maurer
BACKHAUS: John m: 24 Apr 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.33) to: Barbara C Espen
BACKHAUS: Nicolaus Wedding photo m: 25 June 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.166) to: Catharina Schwoerer Photo Marriage License obtained: Nicolaus Backhaus of Liberty and Kathie Schwoerer of Eaton Der Nord Westen, 20 June 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been granted: …Nicholas Bachhaus, of Liberty, to Katie Schwoerer, of Eaton… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1901 pg. 1
BACKHAUS: Wm m: 4 May 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.242) to: Pauline Dawnske/Dawuske From Der Nord Westen, 03 May 1894: (From the correspondent in Kiel, 01 May) Wilhelm Backhaus of Kiel, will be married in a few days to Miss Pauline Dawuski.
BACKHAUSER: Peter m: 4 Nov 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.168 to: Elizabeth Held
BACKMEYER: Joseph m: 16 June 1862 (co. mar. index v.4 p.28)
BACKMEYER: also have Bachmeier)
BACKUS: Charles A. m: 13 Mar. 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.41) to: Catherine Elizabeth Edwards (also Kate/Catherina F.) p: T.A.H. and Mary Edwards children: Joseph (bapt. 12 May 1867 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Gilbert Osgood (bapt. 24 Oct. 1869 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Mary Henrietta (bapt. 24 Oct. 1869 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BACKUS: John m: Anne Forster children: Eugene Maria (bapt. 5 Jan. 1865/from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.3)
BACKUS: William (came to Manitowoc from Norwich, Conn. in Apr. of 1853) m: Maria Stevens children: Maria L. Meeker (adopted)
BACON: Charles m: 12 May 1913 to: Rose Magee BACON - MAGEE Chas. Bacon and Miss Rose Magee were married at the Grace Congregational Parsonage Monday, May 12th at eleven o'clock by Rev. J. Morris. The wedding was a surprise to friends, the date having been set for May 16th. The young couple departed for a wedding trip to St. Louis and other places on the noon train. The bride is a daughter of Mrs. John Magee and has a wide circle of friends. She was employed as stenographer at the Zulu Knitting Mills a number of years. Mr. Bacon is an industrious employee of the Hamilton Mfg. Co. The Reporter joins with the couple's many friends in wishing them a long married life and much happiness. Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, May 17, 1913
BACON: Charles Henry conf: 28 Apr. 1891 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
BACON: George m: Clara children: Henry (b. 29 July 1879/bapt. 30 Sept. 1890 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BACON: Hattie E. 1875 news article
BACON: John G. m: 9 Dec. 1861 (co. mar. index v.2 p.129) to: Eliza Jones
BACON: John From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 13, 1888: John Bacon is the latest candidate for sheriff. The Second Ward will stand by John until he consents to have his flag lowered.
BACON: John Lloyd m: 22 July 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.290) to: Mathilda Nienaber A marriage license was issued Thursday to John Bacon and Miss Mathilda Nienaber, both well known and popular young people of this city. The ceremony will take place at the bride's home next Wednesday and immediately after the ceremony the couple will depart on an extended wedding tour. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Saturday, July 18, 1903 P. 1
BACON: O.R., M.D. (see Presbyterian churches) b: Saratoga, New York
BACON: Samuel (co. mar. index) m: 10 Dec. 1854 at home of Alfred Foss, Esq., Baileys Harbor, Door Co., by M.E. Lyman, J.P. wit: Edward Berry, Alfred Foss, Jane Bacon, Harriet Foss to: Jane Foss At Bailey's Harbor, Door Co. Wis. Dec. 10th 1854, by M.E. Lyman, Esq. Mr. Samuel Bacon, and Miss Jane Foss. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, February 7, 1855 P. 3
BACOT: Johannes Adrian m: 12 May 1860 at Sheboygan, Wis. to: Anna Catharine Moore In Shepoygan (sic), on Sunday, May 12, at the Catholic Church, By Rev. Mr. Smedding, J.A. Bacot, of that city, to Anna Catharine Moore, of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot, May 25, 1860 P. 3
BADECKER: also have Baedecker See MAHLMANN
BADKE: Emil m: Aug. 1898 to: Elisabeth Luebke Marriage of Emil Badke of Two Rivers Sat. with Miss Elisabeth Luebke of Town Rapids. Der Nord Westen, 11 Aug. 1898
BADKER: Johann Heinrich Christian b: 13 Dec. 1837 res: Manitowoc p: Johann Wilhelm Badker and Anna M. Henr. Mahnke m: 16 June 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.4) to: Sofie Christiane Wilh. Hase b: 15 Apr. 1838 in Mecklenburg res: Manitowoc p: Carl Hase and Mary Strews or Strems
BAECHLE: Anton m: 2 May 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.137) to: Bertha Wridt
BAECHLE: Simon m: 7 May 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.33) to: Anna A Wriedt
BAECHLE: also have Bachle/Bechle
BAECKMANN: August m: 02 Nov 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.355) to: Minnie Houghton Marriage announcement for Miss Winifred Houghton and August Baekemann, who exchanged fidelity vows Wednesday evening, occasioned surprise to friends of the young couple who were unaware of the intent for an early day union. The ceremony, by Judge Chloupek, was solemnized at the home of the brides mother, Mrs. Mary Houghton and was attended only by a few. The principals are popular with many friends. Mr. Baekemann is a tailor in the employ of the Schuette Bros. Co. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Fri., Nov. 4, 1904
BAECKMANN: August m: 2 Nov. 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.355)
BAEDECKER: Henry m: 18 Mar. 1872 (co. mar. index v.4 p.60) to: Catharine Boltus
BAEDECKER: also have Badecker/Boedecker
BAEDKER: Charles Emil August Ferdinand m: 2 Oct. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.181) to: Mary F.L. Kluender Marriage License: Chas. E. Baedker of Two Rivers and Mary Kleuder of Two Creeks. Der Nord Westen, 26 Sep. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: Marriage licenses issued by County Clerk Schaffland follow: …Chas. E. Baedker of Manitowoc to Mary Klaende of Two Creeks… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 26, 1901 pg. 1
BAEHR: Albert Rudolph Otto m: 25 Aug 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.313) to: Louise Friedericke Theel
BAENSCH: August m: April 28, 1852 at First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. (also co. mar. index) to: Gesine Schutte children: Friedrich August (b. 15 Feb. 1853/bapt. 10 Apr. 1853 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Heinrich August (b. 17 Feb. 1854/bapt. 27 May 1854 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Gustav Johann (b. 20 Mar. 1856/bapt. 8 June 1856 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Emil Wilhelm (b. 12 June 1857/bapt. 10 Sept. 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BAENSCH: Emil b: 12 June 1857, Manitowoc. p: August (from Barmen, Germany) and Gesine (Schuette) (from Delmenhorst near Bremen) Baensch m: 13 Nov. 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.91) to: Ida Koehler, dau. of J.A. Koehler children: Emilida and Gesine BAENSCH—KOEHLER – At the residence of the brides parents, in this city on the 13th inst., by Rev. J.M. Craig, Mr. Emil Baensch and Miss Ida Koehler, both of this city. For some time the bachelors of Manitowoc felt that Emil was “among them but not of them,” that his sympathies and concerns and solicitude were elsewhere, and that his bachelor weeds would be doffed for the robes of a Benedict, before Time would be much older. He had all the symptoms of one grown weary of trudging on in the pathway alone, and he did what his heart counseled—took a companion. Mr. Baensch is one of the editors and proprietors of The Lake Shore Times, a paper which leaped into prosperity through the reputation enjoyed by Mr. Baensch before essaying journalism. He is a young man of liberal education, enterprise and industry. He has been admitted to the legal bar and deemed the editorial harness before beginning practice as an attorney. In his case an active, respected single life has been crowned by a felicitous marriage. The bride is the daughter of one of our leading merchants, an accomplished young lady and possessed of those virtues which give promise of happiness which we sincerely hope the future will realize. The Pilot extends the congratulations, hearty and well meant, with the hope that the young couple through life will only have so much sorrow as is needed to sweeten joy. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, November 16, 1882
BAENSCH: Emil From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Attorney-at-law
BAENSCH: Gesine Koehler b: Manitowoc/conf. Mar. 1906 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
BAENSCH: See BROWN See August Eberhard bio. See Wenzel C. Kadow See Edward L. Kelley bio. See Ernst Kieselhorst bio. See Hon. Albert H. Schmidt bio.
BAER: Fred b: 1872 Germany m: Mary Nedaprain (should be Niederprim) Farmer Sect. 23 Eaton, PO St. Nazianz, Came to County 1892 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BAER: Friedrich m: 19 May 1896 (co. index v.6 p.357) to: Maria Juliana Niederprim
BAER: Also have BAEHR
BAERWALD: E. Mr. and Mrs. E. Baerwald in Two Rivers celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary Tues. last week. Der Nord Westen, 10 Jan. 1901
BAERWALD: William Carl H m: 31 Dec 1875 (co. index v.4 p.101) to: Mary F J Meinke
BAERWALDT: August F. m: 26 June 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.197) to: Lena Wilhelmina Meyer
BAERWALDT: Also have Barwald/Bearwald
BAETH: John m: 26 June 1894 to Louise Neumann From Der Nord Westen, 05 July 1894: (From the correspondent in Two Rivers, 02 July) Marriage on Tues. of last week of John Bäth with Miss Louise Neumann in the Catholic Church.
BAETKE: Heinrich m: 12 Mar 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.244) to: Auguste Burgerst
BAETTNER: Friedrich m: 8 Aug. 1864 (co. mar. index v.2 p.262) to: Amelia Jenig
BAETZ: Andrew b: 22 Aug. 1828, in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany m: 1853 to: Sophia Depping children: 3 sons, 4 dau.
BAETZ: Arthur Editor and publisher of the Two Rivers Herald in 1921 m: Ella Estey Baetz children: Margaret E Baetz/b: 18 Oct 1903/m. O'Connor/from her obit in cem. #89A Arthur Appleton Crescent - The Baetz - Estey Nuptials The marriage of Miss Ella Estey of this city and Mr. Arthur Baetz of Two Rivers was solemnized last evening at 8 o'clock at the Congregational Church, the ceremony being performed by the Rev. John Faville of Peoria, Ill., in the presence of a large company of friends of the contracting parties. The church was beautifully decorated with flowers and the ceremony was in every respect a very pretty one. After the ceremony, Mr. and Mrs. Baetz were recipients of many congratulations from friends, previous to their departure on a wedding journey to Chicago. Upon their return they will make their home at Two Rivers. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John L. Estey, has for a number of years been a popular teacher in the Fourth Ward schools and has hosts of friends in this her home city. The Chronicle, Tues., Sept. 9, 1902
BAETZ: Conrad b: 23 Dec. 1871, in Two Rivers, WI p: Andrew and Sophia (Depping) Baetz
BAETZ: Henry -Henry Baetz Esq. our worthy County Treasurer left here last Monday for Milwaukee. Manitowoc Tribune, 20 July, 1871 (page 4) ******** Former City Treasurer, Henry Baetz and his wife, who used to live here and now reside in Milwaukee, celebrated their 51st Wedding Anniversary on Sunday and many residents of our town went down to the celebration. Der Nord Westen, 02 Sept. 1909
BAETZ: John Henry m: 27 Aug. 1858 (co. mar. index. v.2 p.24) to: Emma Lindemann
BAETZ: Joseph m: Oct 1898 to: Caroline Staehle 20 Oct. There will be a marriage Tues. next week uniting Joseph Baetz of Milwaukee with Miss Caroline Staehle, daughter of our respected fellow citizen H. Staehle.
BAHMANN: Herman m: 11 Apr 1898 (co. mar. index v.6 p.450) to: Rosa Kovarik Married: Bahmann-Kovarik, On April 11th, 1898, by H.L. Markham, Justice of the Peace, Herman Bahmann and Rosa Kovarik, both of Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, April 14, 1898 pg, 3
BAHOLZ: Robert H.F. m: 24 Sept. 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.273) to: Maria A. Haese
BAHOLZ: Also have Buholz
BAHR: August b: 10 Apr. 1832, Germany/d. 10 Aug. 1908 m: Louise
BAHR: Carl (Chas. on co. mar. index)(also Bar) m: 7 Apr 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.122) to: Margaretha Wagner children: Louisa Maria (b. 29 Jan. 1884/bapt. 16 Feb. 1884 St. Wendel Cath. ch.) Elisabetha Catharina (b. 10 June 1894/no bapt. dt. given St. Wendel Cath. ch.) Augusta Annabel (b. 9 Mar. 1897/bapt. 21 Mar. 1897 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BAHR: Charles A. m: 1 July 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.226) to: Lydia Krumrie Two more marriage licenses have been added to the June list, those of Otis A. Marken and Emma Hougen, of Liberty and Charles Bahr and Lydia Krumrie, of Centerville. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 26, 1902 P. 2
BAHR: Friedrich m: 17 Mar. 1866 (co. mar. index v.4 p.7)
BAHR: Fritz From Der Nord Westen, 19 Mar. 1891: Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bahr celebrated their Silver Wedding Anniversary on Tues. amid a host of friends and relatives.
BAHR: Gottlieb (From Der Nord Westen, 16 Mar. 1882- On Monday, Gottlieb Bahr celebrated his 46th birthday with friends and a detachment of the German Militia Co.
BAHR: Gustav m: 26 Nov 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.175) to: Anna Dassler (she's listed on index in 1891 due to numbering error)
BAHR: Herman m: 1 Oct. 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.39) to: Emilie Sietz
BAHR: Julius H.A.F. b: 15 Feb. 1873, Centerville Township, Manitowoc Co. p: August and Louise (Hoeft) Bahr m: 8 Apr 1899 (co. mar. index v.7 p.43) to: Louise Duessing p: John Duessing children: Rudolph, Hattie, Gordon, Harold and Lilly From Der Nord Westen, 13 Apr. 1899: Marriage in Centerville last Sat. of Julius Bahr with Miss Louise Duesing.
BAHR: Louis b: Centerville - farmer p: August Bahr and Louise m: 29 Dec. 1887 religious cer. in Tn. Centerville (co. mar. index v.5 p.389) witnesses: Ernst Boettcher and Katharine Bahr to: Mathilde Boettcher p: Wilhelm Boettcher and Margaretha From Der Nord Westen, 05 Jan.1888 Married in Centerville on Thurs., 29 Dec. 1887, by Pastor Schenk, Louis Bahr, with Miss Mathilda Boettcher. The bride is the daughter of our friend F. W. Boettcher of Centerville and the groom the son of Mr. A. Bahr, also of Centerville. Despite the bad weather, everyone enjoyed a friendly and happy post nuptial party and amused themselves until late at night.
BAHR: Louis m: 8 May 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.33) to: Bertha Duessing
BAHR: Walter Oscar b: 19 Oct. 1874, in Manitowoc, WI p: John G. and Mary Bahr m: 19 June 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.199) to: Matilda Hartwig (Tillie Hartwig on co. mar. index) p: Charles Hartwig children: Gladys and Dorothy Marriage License obtained: Walter O. Bahr and Tillie Hartwig both of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 20 June 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been granted: …Walter O. Bahr of Manitowoc, to Tillie Hartwig, of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 20, 1901 pg. 1 ***** JUNE CLAIMS ANOTHER BRIDE. HARTWIG-BAHR June, the month of roses, claimed another Manitowoc bride Wednesday when at a pretty home function Miss Tillie Hartwig and Walter O. Bahr were married. The ceremony, simple and impressive was performed at the residence of the bride’s mother, Mrs. Mary Hartwig, 1406 Washington street at 4 o’clock by Judge Chloupek and was witnessed only by relatives. The attendants of the bridal couple were Miss Hattie Hartwig and Fred Hartwig and little Lola Hartwig carried the bride’s bonquet (sic). The quiet and unostentatious celebration of the nuptial event was marked by manifest happiness of all concerned. A wedding dinner and reception was held and Mr. and Mrs. Bahr departed for a ten days tour of the state, after which they will be at home on Franklin street. Mr. Bahr is a well known contractor of the city and a young man whose success testifies to his ability and industry. His bride, a charming young lady, who has filled a clerical position at Torrison’s for some time past, enjoys the esteem and respect of a large circle of friends, who will unite in wishing her great happiness. Congratulations are offered. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thursday, June 20, 1901, 1
BAHR: Walter Oscar b: 19 Dec. 1914, Manitowoc/d. 14 April 1999)
BAHR: (also have Bar) See BELINSKE See BRADY See CARUS See DASSLER See Henry H. Huhn bio. See Theodore William Schreiber bio. See ZILL
BAHRMANN: Hermann m: 11 Apr. 1898 to: Rosa Koworik From Der Nord Westen, 14 Apr. 1898: Marriage last Mon. of Hermann Bahrmann with Miss Rosa Koworik, both from here, by Justice of the Peace Markham.
BAHRS: Fritz m: 12 Oct 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.422) to: Barbara Schasse
BAIER: Jacob m: Henriette born Schweizer children: Emilie (b. 26 Feb. 1857/bapt. 4 Mar. 1858 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BAILEY: Elbridge res: Two Rivers m: 3 July 1857, in Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.193) to: Arabella Allen
BAILEY: Pearl Laverne Photo
Photo compliments of the Manitowoc Library
BAILEY: Russel m: 24 Oct. 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.39) to: Emma Huss
BAILEY: See Fred W. Eggers bio. See PACKARD
BAILEY: W. m: June 6, 1858 to: Mrs. L. Sabin MARRIED. In the town of Franklin, June 6th, by Rev. Thos. L. North, W. Bailey, of Clark's Mills, to Mrs. L. Sabin. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, June 16, 1858 P. 2
BAILKE: August m: Ulrike Tegen children: no name (b. 11 Oct. 1867/bapt. 17 Nov. 1867 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
BAILY: Erskine Elliott (age 24 at marr.) p: Seymor and Betsey Baily m: 4 July 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.31) to: Mary Pierce (age 24 at marr.) p: Pliny and Susan Pierce MARRIED: At St. James Church, on Sunday, July 4th, 1869, by the Rev. T.B. Dooley, Mr. Erskine E. Bailey (sic), of Clarks Mills, to Miss Mary C. Pierce, of Manitowoc Rapids. We always object to celebrating the 4th of July when it comes on Sunday, but in this instance we can find no fault. On the contrary, the happy couple have our sincere wishes for their happiness and welfare, and a pleasant journey over the road we hope they may travel for many years. Manitowoc Tribune Thursday, July 15, 1869 pg. 4
BAK: Anthony m: 16 Feb 1903 (co. index v.7 p.263) to: Catharine Nurkowski
BAK: Joseph m: 9 May 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.324) to: Tecla Paradowska
BAKANEL: Henry (can't find on co. mar. index) Marriage Date: 13 Feb 1871 Vol:02 Page:0163 Vol:A Sequence:00784 to: Catherina Eastwood Marriage Date: 13 Feb 1871 Vol:02 Page:0163 Vol:A Sequence:00785
BAKER: Albert N. m: Sarah C. Foote (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 28 Oct. 1858)
BAKER: Albert m: 3 Jan 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.227) to: Theresa Schiesel (she isn't on the index/Brandl in newspaper article) From the Files of the Pilot - Twenty-Five Years ago - 1894 Married - at Mr. Joseph Schindler's Hotel in this city, on the 3rd day of January, 1894, by John O'Hara, Justice of the Peace, Mr. Albert Baker of the Town of Kossuth and Miss Theresa Brandel of the Town of Cato. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Jan. 19, 1919
BAKER: Gustav Theodore m: 10 July 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.49) to: Anna Knuter
BAKER: Herman b: Germanie res: Centerville, farmer p: Wilhelm and Anna Maria Baker m: 11 Apr. 1855 at Centerville (co. mar. index v.1 p.71) to: Dorathea Fanisk p: Johann and Sophia Fanisk
BAKER: William m: 30 Apr. 1865 (co. mar. index v.2 p.282) to: Sarah C. Boydon
BAKER: See CAMPBELL See CANRIGHT See CLASSON See SPINDLER See WISCH See Adolph Wittmann and Wife bio.
BAKKEN: Knute O. m: April, 1976 to: Caroline Olson KNUTE O. BARKEN (1876) is a home steader of Eidsvold township and has lived in that precinct thirty-six years. He has lived in a sod shanty, fought grasshoppers, burned hay, and performed other feats that were required of the pioneers of Lyon county. He owns a quarter section of land. His homestead is the north half of the southeast quarter of section 10, and the east half of the northwest quarter of section 15 was purchased from the railroad company. His parents Ole and Annie (Knutson) Garlibakken, died in Norway. He has a brother and sister: Knute O. Garlibakken, who still lives in Norway; and Carrie K.T. Monum, of Pope county, Minnesota. In Norway, on the seventeenth of August, 1851, Knute O. Bakkcn was born. He came to the United States in 1868 and settled in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. There he resided until coming to Lyon county in 1876, working on farms and in the pineries. Mr. Bakken came to Lyon county in the spring of 1876 and filed upon his homestead. He erected a board and sod house, in which he resided several years, and he has lived on the homestead ever since. The grasshoppers took the best part of his first crop and he met other discouragements, but he persevered and in time came upon more prosperous times. Mr. Bakken served as director and treasurer of school district No 79 many years. He and his family are members of the Norwegian Lutheran church of Minneota. The marriage of Mr. Bakken to Caroline Olson occurred in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, in April, 1876. His wife Is a native of the county in which she was married. Mr. and Mrs. Bakken are the parents of seven children, as follows: Ole, of North Dakota; Julia (Mrs. Helge Helgeson), of Eidsvold township; Gusta (Mrs. Herman Esping), of Burton township; Yellow Medicine county; Annie (Mrs, Charles Peterson), of Minneota; Hattie (Mrs. Selma Quickstad), of Deuel county, South Dakota; Christina (Mrs. Martin Erickson), of Yellow Medicine county; and Emma, a school teacher. An Illustrated History of Lyon County, Minnesota" by Arthur P. Rose, Northern History Publishing Company, Marshall, Minnesota, 1912, Page 340
BALCAR: Rev. Joseph see Presbyterian churches From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Pastor of Bohemian Presbyterian Church. Post Office, Melnik; Section 31, Gibson Township.
BALDTKE: Lewes m: 31 Aug. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.16) to: Mary Plinske
BALDWEIN: Paul m: 15 Oct. 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.241) to: Francis (sic) Leonhardt
BALGE: Adolph F.W. m: 29 Sep 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.421) to: Fridericka H.K. Mueller
BALGE: Richard K. m: 24 Jan. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.264) to: Alvina Maria Haase Marriage License obtained Richard C. Balge of Two Rivers and Alvina Haase of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 22 Jan. 1903 ******** HEARTS BOUND BY LOVE'S CHAINS. Quiet Wedding in Which Two Rivers Groom Claims City Bride. Exchange of marriage vows were made by Miss Alvina Haase, of this city and Richard Balge, of Two Rivers, Saturday, the ceremony taking place at the parsonage of the German Lutherna church, Rev. Machmueller officiating. Miss Mabel Haase and Walther Ruether were attendants to the bridal couple. A reception was tendered the newly wedded pair by the bride's sister, Mrs. Henry Meisner and a large party of invited guests were present to give evidence of the poplarity of the couple. Many pretty and useful gifts were presented. Mr. and Mrs. Balge will make their future home at Two Rivers where the groom is employed in a responsible position. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, Januray 26, 1903 P. 1 ******** The Rev. Mr. Machmueller officiated at the wedding of Miss Alvina Haase and Richard Balge of Two Rivers last Saturday, on the conclusion of the ceremony the newly wedded pair were entertained at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Henry Meisner. The couple will make their home in Two Rivers. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, January 29, 1903 P. 5
BALGOM: Embric M. m: 9 Sep 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.146) to: Maggie Blockelman
BALKANSKY: David b: Drogezen, Russia. p: None given. m: 4 June 1904, in Sheboygan, WI. to: Rebecca Liess p: M. Liess. children: Beneard and Livian
BALKER: August Emil Karl m: 6 Aug. 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.5)
BALL: Heinrich W. m: 24 Sept. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.294) to: Anna M.E. Vogel From Der Nord Westen, 17 Sep 1903 Marriage License: Henry Ball of Plymouth and Anna Vogel of Kiel
BALL: See Albert W. Damrow bio. See MICHLER
BALLESTAD: Lars Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Guernsey Cattle Sect. 35 Cato, PO Manitowoc Came to County 1878 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BALLESTAD: Soren settler at Gjerpen in 1848 and first one of the first trustees Photo taken 1850
BALLMANN: Karl m: Minna Bohn children: August Edward Rudolph (b. 15 Nov. 1901/bapt. 18 May 1902/sponsors: Deward Schmidt, Mrs. F. Rudolph/from record of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc city)
BALLMAN: William m: 1 July 1911 to: Amanda Stuerwaldt Two Rivers Chronicle, Tuesday, July 4, 1911 Last Saturday afternoon the wedding of William Ballman and Amanda Stuerwaldt took place at St. John's church. A large number of relatives and friends were present at the ceremony. The groom is a well known journeyman printer of Milwaukee and the bride was a short time ago, a resident of the South Side. The wedding was celebrated at the home of the bride's parents, in the evening.
BALLY: James m: 9 Aug. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.84) to: Jasett Partt
BALOW: August m: 22 Feb. 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.60) to: Sopha Miller
BALOW: also have Below
BALSER: (also have Balzer) See HUBNER
BALSTAD: Thor L. m: 19 Jan. 1862 (co. mar. index v.2 p.134) to: Anne C. Larsdatter
BALTUS: Michael b: 22 Mar. 1838, Germany/d. 8 Dec. 1896 m: Margaretha Schuh b: 24 Dec. 1847, Germany/d. 4 Apr. 1902
BALTUS: Michael N. b: 16 Jan. 1873/d. 12 July 1966 m: Anna C. Markee
BALZ: Fredrick m: 6 Nov. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.212) to: Bertha Sibert
BALZ: John b: Town of Schleswig-farmer p: Son of Nicholas Balz and Caroline Nagel m: 22 Jun 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.412) in religious ceremony, Town of Schleswig Witnesses William Reichert and Edward Rothmann to: Louise Reichert b: Town of Schleswig p: Jacob Riechert and Kattie Mattes
BALZ: Nicolaus m: 25 Oct. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.109) to: Elisa Waus
BALZENDAL: William b: Town of Kossuth –carpenter in City of Manitowoc p: William Balzendal and Johana m: 3 Nov 1894 civil ceremony, Town of Kossuth (co. mar. index v.6 p.274) Wit: Theodore Grebe, Johana Rump, Frank Rump and Mary Ahlsewede to: Anna Rump p: Henry Rump and Franciska
BALZER: Charles (Palzer) m: 27 Jul 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.166) to: Anna Saniz (Samz) A researcher added the correct surnames for this. I put a copy under Palzer.
BALZER: (also have Balser) See HUBNER See HUEBNER
BALZHAUSEN: Jacob F m: 20 May 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.453) to: Anna Klein
BANCH: Henry m: 16 Apr. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.98)
BANCH: William Marriage Date: 26 May 1898 Vol:05 Page:0027 Vol:B Sequence:00210 to: Bertha Wicke Marriage Date: 26 May 1898 Vol:05 Page:0027 Vol:B Sequence:06596 (NOTE: should be Bauch/see William Bauch/neither one is in the co. mar. index this date matches the church entry. I'm leaving the entry here so the document can be ordered from the state if someone wants it.)
BANDOIN: Louis m: 8 May 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.120) to: Susanna Weler
BANESHACK: Ignatz m: 6 Jun 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.46) to: Elizabetha Bara
BANISCH: Emil m: 13 Nov. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.91) to: Ida Koehler
BANKRATZ: George m: 21 May 1859 (co. mar. index v.2 p.37) to: Phillippine Siedler
BANKS: See Herman Sprang bio.
BANOSCH: Wenzel m: 4 Aug. 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.48) to: Anna Ros
BANSCHEK: Foridoth m: 31 Oct. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.372/she isn't on mar. index) to: Anna Seehots
BANSON: William Harvey m: 8 Dec 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.98) to: Hattie C Aichler
BANZAF: See Mrs. Baerwaldt bio.
BANZHOF: Henry Leo. m: 5 Oct. 1898 (co. mar. index v.7 p.13) to: Ida Schuette p: Fritz Schuette Marriage yesterday of Dr. Banzhaff, well known dentist, with Miss Ida Schuette, daughter of Fritz Schuette locally. After a wedding party with the relatives of the young pair they began a honeymoon in the south for several weeks. Der Nord Westen, 06 Oct 1898 ******** Dr. H.L. Banzhaf (sic) and Miss Ida Schuette were married yesterday evening at the residence of the bride's parents in this city The ceremony was performed by Rev. Mr. Rankin. A large number of guests were present, many being from abroad. A string band was present and livened the occasion at intervals with music. A picture of the couple and their relatives was taken by flash light while at the wedding table. The couple was serenaded by the Freier Saengerbund. Dr. Banzhaf is one of the leading dentists of the city. He is a man who has received a liberal education which has been broadened by travel. He has not sacrificed social duties to professional life and is as popular for his qualities as a companion as he is deserving in profession skill. His bride is the daughter of one of the leading merchants of the city. She is a graduate of Milwaukee-Downer college, a young lady of most estimable qualities and of charming personality. Her modesty and worth give her popularity in every circle. The young couple left on the evening of their nuptials on a wedding tour which may be extended to the south. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, October 6, 1898 pg. 3 ******** Dr. H.L. Banshat (sic) and bride returned last evening from their wedding tour. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, October 19, 1898 P. 4
BAPTITSCHEK: Joseph m: Albeta children: Joseph (b. 18 June 1869/bapt. 25 July 1869 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BAR: Charles (also have Bahr) m: 10 May 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.98) to: Alice Sedgwick TAKES A BRIDE. Chas. Bau (sic) Wedded To Waukesha Co. Young Lady. Charles Bau, who arrived in the city some time ago to accept a position as lineman with the Wisconsin Telephone co., has tired of single blessedness, and with the decision to enter into the happiness of married life, he "telephoned his lady" and at Justice Falge's office Thursday afternoon was wed to Miss Alice Sedgwick, of Merchon, Waukesha Co. The couple will take up their residence in the city and will be welcomed. Mr. Bau came here from Hartland and is an experienced lineman, having been in the service of the Wisconsin Co., a number of years. His bride is an attractive young lady and will no doubt prove a popular social favorite. The Herald extend congratulations. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Friday, May 11, 1900 P. 1
BARABEE: Joseph m: 23 Apr. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.11) to: Mary Fransway
BARBER: Norman L. m: 26 July 1850 by Lor Peterson, J.P. (co. mar. index) to: Ann Sheldon
BARBER: Norman b: Jan. 1858, Manitowoc co./d. 18 Aug. 1922 p: Norman Barber, Sr. m: Mary Louise Willard
BARBIER: Gene (Jean) m: February 18, 1939 to: Dorothy Parworth Wedding photo (Photo sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
BARBOW: Henry m: 14 June 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.385)
BARDEN: Walter D. m: 10 Dec. 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.133) to: Elisabeth A. Dempsy
BARDTKE: Auguste b. 15 Oct. 1856/confirmed 1870/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
BARDTKE: Ludwig (see Baldtke) b: Pommern res: Manitowoc p: Wilhelm Bardtke and Ernstine Baier m: 30 Aug. 1868 to: Maria Plinsky from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch. Manitowoc b: Pommern res: Manitowoc p: Johann Plinsky and Henriette Fehlbel?
BARENBRUCH: John b: 5 July 1842 in Hanover/d. 9 July 1873 res: Manitowoc, farmer p: Henry and Meta Barenbruch m: Mary
BARGENBRUCH: Henry C E m: 25 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.180) to: Emilie L Matthias
BARGENCUAST: John m: 28 Nov 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.92) to: Anna Baier
BARIE: Jacob C. m: 2 Dec. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.88)
BARK: John A m: 23 Mar 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.149) to: Katie M Olson
BARKER: George F. m: 13 Mar. 1866 (co. mar. index. v.3 p.41) to: Henriette M. Edwards p: T.A.H. and Mary Edwards
BARKER: George W. m: 6 June 1865 (co. mar. index. v.2 p.284) to: Mary Goodenow Married At the residence of the bride, June 6th, by the Rev. S. Smith, Hon, Geo W. Barker, County Judge, and Mrs. M. Goodenow, both of Manitowoc. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, June 16, 1865 pg. 4
BARKER: Judge Manitowoc Tribune 20 July, 1871 (page 4) -Judge Barker returned home from a trip East on Monday, and is looking as handsome as usual.
BARKHAHN: Herman Wm. m: 5 Aug 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.214) to: Ida L. Hermann From Der Nord Westen, 10 Aug. 1893: Marriage of Wilhelm Barkham of Milwaukee, with Miss Ida Hermann, daughter of the well-known local citizen Wilhelm Hermann on Sat. in the Catholic Vicarage by Father Peil.
BARKHAUS: Henry J. m: 26 Dec 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.281) to: Martha Casper
BARKHOLZ: Gustav b: Obbadonau, West Prussia p: Michael Barkholz and Eva Hinz m: 17 Dec. 1889 at home of bride wit: Karl Jonas, Michael Birkholz to: Louise Goetting b: Liberty p: Christian Goetting and Friederike Meinke
BARLOW: Henry m: 14 Jun 1905 (co. mar. index v.7 p.385) to: Ida A. Duerrwaechter From Der Nord Westen, 15 June 1905: Marriage License: Henry D. Barlow of Menasha and Ida A. Dürwächter of Kiel
BARNARD: (no husband given) mother: Laura Barnard children: Gertie Viola (b. 10 Sept. 1865/bapt. 10 Sept. 1865 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BARNARD: John C. m: 4 July 1867 (co. mar. index v.4 p.1)
BARNARD: See Hubert Falge bio. See Frank Kautzer bio.
BARNER: William E. m: 9 Sept. 1875 (co. mar. index v.4 p.97) to: Mary L Cochenet
BARNES: Calvin Cole also known as C.C. b: 19 June 1823, New York/d. 15 Aug. 1893 m: Calphurnia Fenner b: 31 Oct. 1826/d. 8 July 1889 children: Charles L. (b. 13 Apr. 1865/bapt. 19 Sept. 1873 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BARNES: Charles Luling m: 26 June 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.41) to: Jeanette Rankin (Janet on co. mar. index) children: Calvin Rankin (b. 23 Mar. 1884?/bapt. 10 May 1891 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Marriage of Charles L. Barnes with Miss J. Rankin, daughter of the late Joseph Rankin, both of Manitowoc, on Thurs., 26 June. Der Nord Westen, 03 July 1890
BARNES: Edward (researcher said this is Edward and Honora/next entry) m: Hannah Murphy children: John (b. 29 Nov. 1878/bapt. 30 Nov. 1878/from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.31)
BARNES: Edward m: Honora Murphy (also Nora) children: Maria/mother Honora (b. 14 Feb. 1882/bapt. 16 Feb. 1882/bk.1 p.41)/ mar. Walter Knox, 28 Oct. 1919 at St. Isidore Edward/mother Nora (b. 14 June 1883/bapt. 18 June 1883/bk.1 p.44)/ mar. Grace O'Brien, 12 Nov. 1923 at St. Patricks, Maple Grove, Wis. Catherine/mother Nora (b. 22 Nov. 1884/bapt. 25 Nov. 1884/bk.1 p.48) Warren Francis/mother Nora (b. 5 May 1888/bapt. 6 May 1888/bk.1 p.58) Ellen/mother Nora (b. 18 Jan. 1890/bapt. 19 Jan. 1890/bk.1 p.60) Irwin Joseph/mother Honora (b. 5 Nov. 1891/bapt. 8 Nov. 1891/bk.1 p.66) mar. Agnes Kelly, 23 Nov. 1924 (this entry from records of St. Isidore Cath. ch.)
BARNES: Elmer p: Elmer Barnes and Nora Murphy m: 26 Nov. 1914 (from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.365) to: Leona O'Grady p: Dennis O'Grady and Maria Logan NOTE: A researcher says the parents of Elmer are Edward and Nora/refer to cemetery #60. The O'Grady does not have an O'...Leona was my grandmother on mom's side. Her family was always Grady. Also Dennis has only one 'n' Denis; and Maria should be Mary. (see contributors page for researcher)
BARNES: J.W. b: Erie Co., Pennsylvania
BARNES: James Cole m: 31 Aug. 1859 to: Mary Fanny Olmsted p: Augustus A. Olmsted (from Steuben Co., New York) children: Elsie Olmsted (b. 27 Sept. 1860/bapt 19 Sept. 1873 from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) On Wednesday, August 31st, at the residence of T.G. Olmsted, by the Rev. W.H. Cooper, Rector of St. James Church, J.C. Barnes, Cashier of Bank of Manitowoc, to Mary Fannie, daughter of the late Augustus A. Olmsted, of Steuben Co., New York. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, Sept. 9, 1859 P.3 ******** (There is also a mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, Sept. 8, 1859)
BARNES: Joannis m: Anne Dunbar children: Sarah (b. 23 Jan. 1867/bapt. 23 Feb. 1867/(from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.7)
BARNES: John p: Edward Barnes and Nora Murphy m: 21 Nov. 1916 (from record of St. Isidore Cath. ch. bk.1 p.364) to: Hedwig Finch p: Joseph Finch and Ellizabeth Stephensen Relatives here received a message announcing the birth of a baby boy to Mr. and Mrs. John Barnes of Minneapolis. Both were former residents of this place. Mrs. Barnes, before her marriage, was Miss Hattie Finch. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 30, 1917 P. 8
BARNES: John W. m: 4 Nov. 1866 to: Josie Norris children: Josie Louise (b. 10 Dec. 1870/bapt. 11 June 1871) Burt (b. 30 June 1872/bapt. 20 July 1873) Grace Ione (b. 3 Sept. 1875/bapt. 9 July 1876) Lotty (b. 17 June 1882/bapt. Mar. 25 1883) John Waite (b. 22 July 1883/bapt. 4 Sept. 1883) (child. info from records of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BARNES: John Waite res: Forrest City, Ark. p: John W. and Josephine (Norris) Barnes m: 4 Sept. 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.50) to: Winifred Grace Richards of Manitowoc at her father's home. wit: Harry W. Richards and George Jones (St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) p: Henry C. and Ada (Turner) Richards Local and Personal: The engagement of Miss Winifred Richards to John W. Barnes has been announced. The bride-to-be is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.C. Richards. She holds a position as teacher in the Park school. Mr. Barnes is employed in the Chicago office of the American Seating company. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, March 7, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Local and Personal: Mr. John Barnes, a former resident of this place, but now of Arizona, is in the city. It is announced the he will be married to Miss Winifred Richards Sept. 3. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 22, 1907 pg. 5 ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …John Barnes of Forest city, Arkansas and Winifred Richards, City. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, August 29, 1907 pg. 8 ***** MARRIED: Miss Winifred Richards, and Mr. John Barnes of Forrest city, Arkansas, were married at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Richards, N. 7th street. Rev. Rogers of Fond du Lac performed the ceremony. The bride is a charming young lady who is highly esteemed by her large circle of acquaintances. She received a number of beautiful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Barnes departed last night on a honeymoon trip in the east. They will reside at Forrest City, Arkansas. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 5, 1907 pg. 1
BARNES: Wenceslaus m: 9 July 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.458)
BARNESON: Goody m: 19 Dec 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.128) to: Mary S. Burtt
BARNI: John m: 5 May 1890 (co. mar. index v.6 p.51) to: Emma Liedl
BARNHART: See Charles E. Spindler bio.
BARNSTEIN: Dietrich m: Lissette (nee) Berdter children: Johann Ernst (b. 10/10/1852/bapt. 12/06/1852 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARNSTEIN: J.E., M.D. b: 10 Oct. 1852, Newton twp., Manitowoc co. WI p: Dietrich and Lisette Barnstein m: Minnie Beste children: Nine, seven still living as of 1912.
BARNSTEIN: F.W. Druggist Cor. 10th and Washington Manitowoc Drugs, Medicines, Druggists' Sundries, Etc. Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARNSTEIN: See Louis A. Busse bio.
BAROWSKI: Joseph m: 17 Nov 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.279) to: Antonina Konieczka
BARR: Frank m: 20 May 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.405) to: Eva Clapper
BARR: William H. m: 28 Oct. 1912 St. Johns United Church of Christ, Manitowoc city wit: Fred Jirikowic, Miss Julia Jirikowic to: Anna Jirikowic
BARRETT: Edna Lucinda p: Ernest Lee Barrett/b. Tennessee and Minnie Witworth/b. Texas fathers occ.: Poultry farmer b: 6 o'clock p.m., Wednesday, 28 Aug. 1901 at Manitowoc (co. bir. index vol.12, p.30) siblings: Ralph Fredrich Barrett; Elizabeth Barrett
BARRETT: Patrick b: Eaton, Wis res: Montpelier, Kewaunee co., WI/occ. Farmer p: John Barrett and Mary Cavanaugh m: 10 May 1892, at Cooperstown, Roman Cath. by Rev. J. Holzkneicht (co. mar. index vol.6 p.148) wit: Thomas Meehan, Ellen Tagan or Fagon - Can't tell which one to: Mary Meehan b: New Denmark, Wis. p: Christofer Meehan and Margaret Murphy
BARRIE: Albert m: Sylvia children: Laura Mehala (bapt. 4 July 1869/age 12 yrs. from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc) Lillie Hester (bapt. 4 July 1869/age 10 yrs. from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)
BARRIE: Jacob C m: 2 Dec 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.88) to: Jennie Mickelson Barrie-Michelson (sic).-In this city. Dec. 2nd, 1874, by the Rev. C.B. Stevens at the residence of the bride's father. Mr. Jacob C. Barrie, and Miss Jennie Michelson. All of Manitowoc, Wis. Manitowoc Pilot, December 3, 1874 P. 4
BARRY: Joseph Octave b: m: Marie Therese Leonide Juneau b: 21 Oct. 1859, Canada/d. 17 Apr. 1937
BARRY: See George L. Anderton bio. See LORD See MOLLENS/MULLINS
BARRYENBRUCH: Heinrich m: Martha Margeretha (nee) Schluter children: Catharine Marie (b. 2/18/1852/bapt. 5/31/1852 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Johann Heinrich Ludwig (b. 2/1/1854/bapt. 4/17/1854 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARRYENBRUCH: Heinrich m: Metta Margaretha (nee) Schlutter children: Heinrich Friedrich (b. 1/2/1860/bapt. 2/12/1860 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARRYENBRUCH: Joh. Heinrich m: Meta (nee) Schlueter children: Meta Henriette (b. 3/27/1856/bapt. 4/20/1856 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARRYENBRUCH: also have Baryenbruch/Baryenbuch
BARSCHOW: George m: 20 Jan. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.259) to: Emma Meyer Marriage License: Geo. Barchow and Emma Meyer both of Two Creeks Der Nord Westen, 15 Jan 1903 ********* At the home of Rev. C.W. Schlueter in this city, January 20, 1903, Mr. Geo. Barschau(sic) and Miss Emma Meyer, both of Two Creeks. The wedding took place at 1 o'clock this afternoon and will be duly celebrated at the home of the bride's parents in Two Creeks this evening. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tues., Jan. 20, 1903
BARSH: Louis A m: 4 Sep 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.113) to: Eleanora Becker
BARSHEL: Robert H.J. (see BARTHEL) m: 10 Feb. 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.91) to: Maria Margaretha Lanx
BARSTOW: George A m: 21 Sep 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.110) to: Hattie C Symes Barstow-Symes. At Manitowoc on Monday Sept. 21 by Rev. J.H. Tippette, Mr. G.A. Barstow of Onekama, Michigan, and Miss Hattie C. Symes of Manitowoc. Mr. Barstow is one of Michigan's weathy (sic) lumbermen. His bride is a daughter of John Symes and is one of the best of the many accomplished and cultured young ladies of our city. Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, Septmeber 24, 1891 P. 3
BARTA: Francis Marriage Date: 07 Nov 1877 Vol:02 Page:0400 Vol:A Sequence:01070 to: Mary Lavina Marriage Date: 07 Nov 1877 Vol:02 Page:0400 Vol:A Sequence:01071
BARTA: Francis m: 27 Nov. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.111 also v.4 p.120) to: Mary Laura
BARTA: Francis m: 30 Apr. 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.137) to: Mary Nowak
BARTA: Joseph m: 29 Oct. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.54) to: Francis Lodwis
BARTA: Peter m: 26 Mar. 1894 to: Alvina Schultz From Der Nord Westen, 29 Mar. 1894: Marriage of Peter Barta of Two Creeks, with Miss Alvina Schultz of Range Line, on Monday. ****** Alvina Barta birth: 18 March 1899 Two Creeks, Man. Co., Wis. death: 21 March 1899 Two Creeks, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Tisch Mills, Wis. residence: 1899 Two Creeks, Man. Co., Wis. father: Peter Barta mother: Alvina Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
BARTA: Wenzel Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle Sect. 16 Mishicott, PO Mishicot, Came to County 1888 b. WI 1888 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTASCH: Frank m: 21 Oct. 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.62) to: Christina LaGroe
BARTEL: Albert C (can't find on county mar. index) Marriage Date: 29 Apr 1905 Vol:05 Page:0434 Vol:B Sequence:00634 to: Emma A Giese Marriage Date: 29 Apr 1905 Vol:05 Page:0434 Vol:B Sequence:01793
BARTEL: Eduard (Edward on co. mar. index) b: 16 Apr. 1844 in Pommern, Preussen res: Manitowoc p: August Bartel and Caroline Dettmann m: 16 Sept. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.48) to: Johanne Klug from record of First Ger. Evang. Luth. ch., Manitowoc b: 16 July 1852 in Pommern, Preussen p: Johann Klug and Auguste Abel
BARTEL: Frank b: 1870 WI m: Amelia Senckler Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Cattle Sect. 35 Two Creeks' PO Two Rivers Came to County 1870 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTEL: Ignaz News item
BARTEL: John Wm. C. Aug. m: 20 Sept. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.149) to: A E W Klug
BARTEL: Laurentius res: at mar. Manitowoc, shoemaker b: Germanie p: Adam and Theresia Bartel m: 30 Oct. 1854, Manitowoc Rapids by H.J. Nuyts, R. Cath. (co. mar. index) to: Maria Kraal p: Joseph and Maria Milner MARRIED: At Manitowoc Rapids, on the 29th ult., by the Rev. H.J. Nutys, Laurens Bartel to Maria Kraal. Manitowoc Herald November 11, 1854
BARTEL: Otto m: Adela children: Eleanore Angela (b. 21 Apr. 1897/bapt. 27 May 1897 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BARTEL: Otto m: 12 Sept 1894 to: Mrs. Terney From Der Nord Westen, 27 Sept. 1894: Marriage of Otto Bartel of St. Wendel, with the widow Mrs. Terney of Waukesha on 12 Sept.
BARTEL: Wm. m: 3 Dec. 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.7) to: Emma Dusold Marriage here Monday of Albert Bartels with Miss Emma Dusold, daughter of Alex Dusold here. Judge Chloupek conducted the ceremony. Der Nord Westen, 06 Dec. 1906 ***** STEAL MARCH ON FRIENDS Southside Couple Wed Without Knowledge of Acquaintances Quietly and without the knowledge of friends, Miss Emma Dusold and William Bartel were married at the home of Alex Dusold, 623 Jay Street on Monday evening and the surprise is most complete there being no intimation that the wedding was to take place so soon. The couple were attended by Miss Bertha Bartels and Fred Dusold, a brother of the bride and the couple secured a special dispensation from Judge Chloupek who married them. The bride is a popular southside young lady and the groom is a mason contractor here. The couple will reside in the city. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Tues., Dec. 4, 1906 (Note: Wm. is on mar. index)
BARTELL: N. b: 7 July 1835, in Erie Co. N.Y. m: 1860 to: M. Dean children: 2 dau., 1 son.
BARTELL: Nicolaus m: 27 Dec 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.103) to: Christine Fleischer
BARTELME: Alfred Elmer b: Manitowoc/conf. Mar. 1906 from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc
BARTELME: Bulthauser res: New Denmark m: 26 Nov. 1879 (co. mar. index v.4 p.152) to: Otillie Petri res: Mishicot From Der Nord Westen, 27 Nov. 1879: Marriage of Balthasar Bartelma of New Denmark, with Miss Ottilia Petri, of Mishicott on 26 Nov.
BARTELME: (Divorce - 1897) Bartelme, Annie, vs. Bartelme, George Married 24 May 1886 Manitowoc County. Four children: Eddie, 9; Lottie, 7; George, 5; Alfred, 3. The children live with the plaintiff, who is 26; the defendant is 34, a butcher.
BARTELME: (Divorce - 1897) Bartelme, Annie, vs. Bartelme, George Married 24 May 1886 Manitowoc County. Lived Manitowoc County. Plaintiff is 27 years old, defendant is 34. Children: Eddie, 9 years; Lottie, 7 years; George, 5 years; Alfred 3 years. Parents of Annie and sister also live in Manitowoc County.
BARTELME: George From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Prop. Gibson House. Good Stabling, Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Post Office, Larrabee; Section 28, Gibson Township.
BARTELME: John b: 1880 Brown co. WI m: 3 July 1906 (co. mar. index v.7 p.450) m: Julia Goessel From Der Nord Westen, 14 June 1906: Marriage Licenses: John Bartelme of Cooperstown and Julia Gössel of Gibson Farmer Sect. 6 Manitowoc, PO Manitowoc Came to County 1892 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTELME: John (Bartelmi on co. mar. index) m: 27 Sep 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.367) to: Honora Scanlan (Horora Scanan on co. mar. index)
BARTELME: Michael Jr m: 14 Sep 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.166) to: Otilie Schmidt
BARTELME: Michael P. m: Lillian Wegfarth From Der Nord Westen, 21 Jan. 1909: In list of marriage licenses Michael P. Bartelme and Lillian Wegfarth both of Manitowoc
BARTELME: Peter m: 10 July 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.156) to: Cath. Goesl
BARTELME: Peter J. m: 14 June 1904 (co. mar. index v.7 p.331) to: Lucy St. Peter
BARTELME: (also have Barthelme/Bartleme) See PELLETT
BARTELS: Charles m: 7 Jan. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.101) to: Anna Baecker From Der Nord Westen, 20 Jan. 1876: Marriage of Charles Bartels with Miss Anna Baecker, both of Kossuth, on 07 Jan. in the home of Henry Scherer, by Justice of the Peace John O'Hara.
BARTELS: John m: 1891 to: Mrs. Rezba From Der Nord Westen, 25 June 1891: Marriage of 70 yr. old John Bartels with 76 yr. old Mrs. Rezba in Kings Bridge. The ceremony was conducted in English and German, but the bride didn't understand a word because she speaks only Czech. "The conversation between the two should be quite interesting."
BARTELS: John m: Elizabeth b: 16 Nov. 1807, Mecklenburg-Schwerin d: 21 Feb. 1873 p: Christian and Hedwig Waack
BARTELS: Lewis b: Hanover, Germany res: Neshoto, farmer p: William and Margaret Bartels m: 20 Mar. 1857 at Neshoto (co. mar. index v.1 p.224) to: Margaret Mueller p: Mathias and Anna W. Mueller
BARTELS: Wm. Photo
BARTH: Cesar m: 4 Apr 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.444) to: Emilia Olmutz From Der Nord Westen, 11 Apr. 1889: (From the correspondent in Kiel, 08 Apr.) Marriage last Thurs. of Caesar Barth with Miss Ulmatz. He was born in Town Schleswig, son of John Barth. The couple will make their home in Thorp, Clark Co.
BARTH: John b: 28 Dec. 1826, in Germany m: 1853 to: Catherine Conrad children: 5 sons, 3 dau. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock breeder. Born in Germany 1826. Wife born in Germany 1825. Married in 1853. Came to America 1853. Settled farm 1855. Post Office, Kiel; Section 19, Schleswig Township
BARTH: John b: Buffalo, New York - Blacksmith at Kiel p: John Barth and Catharina m: 17 Nov. 1877 in civil ceremony in Kiel (co. mar. index v.4 p.123) Witnesses Anton Streibel and Deth. Fries to: Louise Fredricksen (her photo is in the glass negatives) p: Rosenkranz Friedricksen and Nicoline
BARTH: Joseph m: Marie Durenberg children: Marie Karoline (b. 30 May 1875/bapt. 7 Aug. 1875 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
BARTH: Joseph b: 16 Dec. 1843 in State of New York res: Brillion, Calumet co., Wis., farmer p: David and Anna? Barth m: 24 May 1877 from record of First Ger. Evang. Luth. ch., Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.4 p.171) to: Amalie Manke b: 21 Apr. 1858 in Pommern p: Karl Manke and Henriette Rutz
BARTH: Joseph m: Martha ___ children: Ann Maria Magdalena (b. 15 July 1878/bapt. 25 Aug. 1878 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
BARTH: Joseph m: 29 Dec. 1906 (co. mar. index v.8 p.27) to: Anna Kurth Marriage License obtained Joseph Barta and Anna Kurth both of Reedsville Der Nord Westen, 27 Dec. 1906 ***** Notes From Maple Grove: On Saturday, at the home of the bride's mother in Reedsville, Joe Bartha and Miss Anna Kurth were married, Rev. Brenner tying the nuptial knot. The young couple will reside in Milwaukee, where the groom is employed by the Iron Bridge Co. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, January 3, 1907 pg. 8 ***** Reedsville News Items Gleanings from the Reedsville Reporter BARTA – a Telegram received here Monday evening by Wencil Barta contained the sad news of the death of his brother, Joseph at Madison who had been engaged in superintending bridge work in that city. His wife, formerly Miss Anna Kurth, spent Sunday here coming up in an auto party from Milwaukee Sunday and visiting at the C.F. Maertz home. On returning to her home in Milwaukee Monday, a telegram awaited her conveying the sad news of her husband's sudden death. Brillion News - Fri., Sept. 3, 1915
BARTHEL: George m: 29 Sept. 1874 (co. mar. index v.4 p.85) to: Friederick Clausing
BARTHEL: Heinrich W A m: 10 Nov 1891 (co. mar. index v.6 p.119) to: Katie Augusta Mueller
BARTHEL: Oscar m: 22 Nov. 1887 (co. mar. index v.5 p.380) to: Ottelia Jerzusky Notes From Centerville: Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Barthel celebrated the twentieth anniversary of their wedding last Saturday evening, in the midst of a large circle of friends and neighbors. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, December 5, 1907 pg. 8
BARTHEL: Robert H J. p: Robert Barthel/Magdalena Langenberger m: 10 Feb 1900 (co. mar. index v.7 p.91) to: Maria Margaretha Laux p: Adam Lank/Westphal Following is a list of marriage licenses issued this week: …Robert Bartels, Meeme and Mary Laux, Centerville. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, February 8, pg. 7
BARTHELME: Geo. H. m: 15 Jan 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.5) to: Della Rogers
BARTHELME: (also have Bartelme) See HANRAHAN See REINERT
BARTHELEMI: Balthasard m: 21 Jan 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.226) to: Elizabeth Wachtel (she is listed as p.227)
BARTHELS: Joh. Heinr. Wilh. m: Sophie born Meyer children: Maria Margaretha Dorothea (b. 26 Aug. 1854/bapt. 1 Oct. 1854 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BARTHELS: Johann b. 20 Oct. 1856/confirmed 1871/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
BARTHELS: Johann Heinrich m: Sophie born Severs children: Margaretha (b. 25 Apr. 1857/bapt. 24 May 1857 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BARTHELS: John m: 6 June 1873 (co. mar. index v.4 p.70) to: Jane Waacky
BARTHELS: John m: 13 June 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.23) to: Eliza Ibech
BARTHELS: Louis m: Margaretha Miller (Louis BARTHELS, came to Mishicot in 1850 from Mellinghausen, Hannover Province, Prussia. Brothers Wilhelm and Johann BARTHELS also immigrated to the area. Margaretha (MILLER) BARTHELS, came to Mishicot in 1854 from Kinheim am Mosel, Rhein Provinz, Prussia, married Louis BARTHELS. Her parents, Mathias and Anna MILLER, and her siblings Phillip, Regina, Jacob, Anna Maria, Maria Anna, and Peter came to the area at the same time. Two brothers of Mathias, Jacob and Phillip MILLER, also came to the area. Sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
BARTHELS: Ludwig m: Margarethe born Muller children: Regine Margaretha (b. 4 Mar. 1858/bapt. 16 May 1858 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BARTHELS: Sophia From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Maple Grove Farm. Her husband was born in Germany 1825 and died 1884. Mrs. Barthels was born in Germany 1835. Married in 1853. Nine children. Post Office, Mishicot; Section 8, Mishicot Township.
BARTHELS: Wilhelm m: Sophie Schriebe (also listed as Schrieber) children: Friedrich (b. 26 Apr. 1856/bapt. 27 July 1856 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.) Dorothea (b. 31 May 1858/bapt. 4 July 1858 from record of First German Evang. Luth. ch.)
BARTHS: Wm. F. m: 20 Mar. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.222)
BARTIAN: Hermann m: 29 Jun 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.461) to: Katie Bollen (nee Faber)
BARTKE: Edw. W. Louis m: 2 Oct. 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.181) to: Helena W.F. Sohrweide Marriage License obtained: Edward Bartke and Helene Sohrweide both of Manitowoc Der Nord Westen, 12 Sep. 1901 ***** Marriage Licenses: County Clerk Schaffland has issued the following marriage licenses: …Helen Sohrweide of Manitowoc, to Edward Bartke of Manitowoc… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, September 19, 1901 pg. 1 ***** The Rev. Edward Bartke and Miss Helena Sohrweide were married yesterday afternoon at the German Lutheran church. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 3, 1901 pg. 5
BARTL: Joe occ. farmer m: Thresa/b. 1879, Germany Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTL: Joe Farmer Sect. 31 Liberty, Valders, 1909 b. Germany, 1879 m. Thresa (listed with wife's name in directory) Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTL: Otto From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Prop. M.L.S. & W. House., Saloon and Park. Wines, Liquors, and Cigars. Post Office, Timothy; Section 27, Newton Township.
BARTLE: Joseph m: 1 July 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.224) to: Theresia Leitermann
BARTLE: Also have Bartel
BARTLEMEE: John m: 7 Jan 1867 (co. mar. index v.3 p.71) to: Anna Weber John Bartelme is Dead Former Hotel Man of City Dies in Green Bay Hospital John Bartelme, ex-sheriff of Brown County and former police chief of Green Bay and for several years manager of the Green Bay Hotel in this city, is dead at the city hospital in Green Bay, aged 64 years. Death followed an operation which had failed to restore his health. Mr. Bartelme was a native of Cooperstown and was widely known in Manitowoc and Brown Counties. He came to this city from Green Bay several years ago and resided here up to six months ago. A widow and six daughters survive him. Mrs. Walter Pellet, this city, is a cousin to the deceased. The burial will probably be held at Cooperstown. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Thurs., Oct. 17, 1907 (He is buried in Green Bay) Tombstone
BARTLETT: Chas. Richard m: 10 Oct. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.140) to: Caroline Ann R. Seeger Chas. M. Bartlett married Miss Carolina Seeger, on 11 Oct. in the home of the bride's father, Mr. F. Seeger, by Pastor Craig. The groom works for the railroad. Mar. announcement in Der Nord Westen, 18 Oct. 1883 ************ Wedding Bells The railroaders, not content with removing their shops, are capturing the hearts and hands of the maidens of our city, and are flocking to Ledyard in pairs. There is Conducter Chas. Bartlett who was married to Lena Seeger, by Rev. J. M. Craig, lately. Mr. Bartlett has recently been premoted to extra passenger conductor and is one of the most promising men on the road. His wife has been one of our most popular young ladies here and her departure will cause universal regret. The couple will devote two weeks to a wedding trip and then settle down at Ledyard. And if Conductor Bartlett's smile is more genial and happy, ascribe it to loving hands that will make his home a joy forever. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times Tuesday, October 23, 1883, pg. 1 ************ Charles R. Bartlett, conductor, was born in Wisconsin in 1853. In 1871 he commenced railroading, as brakeman on the Chicago & Northwestern Railway, continuing with that company five years. He then left them to engage on the West Wisconsin Railway, in the same capacity; was on that line only a few months when he changed to the Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railroad. In June 1879, he was promoted to conductor. At this writing, April, 1881, he has made his home in Manitowoc. Has now been in the company's employ five years. Has never met with an accident of importance. Source: History of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, The Western Historical Company, Chicago; A.T. Andreas Proprietor, 1881, pg. 1398-1402
BARTLETT: Victor m: 5 June 1906 (co. mar. index v.7 p.447) to: Mary V. Laimore
BARTLEY: Captain Casper b: May 31, 1862 p: Captain George B. and Maria (Branigan) Bartley
BARTLEY: Captain George Bartley b: 1835/d. 1908 m: 1861 to: Maria Branigan
BARTLMEE: John m: 7 Jan. 1867 (co. mar. index. v.3 p.71) to: Anna Weber
BARTOL: Frank m: 24 Nov. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.305) to: Emilie Sinkula From Der Nord Westen, 19 Nov 1903 Marriage License: Frank Bartol and Emilie Sinkula both of Two Creeks
BARTOUER: Francis m: 30 Oct 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.108) to: Antonia Holub
BARTSCH: Ernst B. m: 14 Jan. 1862 (co. mar. index. v.2 p.270) to: Henriette W. Jaeger
BARTZ: A.C. b: WI m: Ella Lemke Farmer Sect. 29 Rockland, PO Chilton Came to County 1885 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTZ: Ana Emilie Bertha b: 9 Sept. 1866/conf. 4 Apr. 1880 from record of St. John-St. James Evang. Luth. ch., Reedsville)
BARTZ: Herman C C m: 4 Dec 1885 (co. mar. index v.5 p.272) to: Maria Medaus
BARTZ: Martin W.S. m: 16 Mar. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.288) to: Anna A. Fischer
BARTZ: Otto E. b: 1896, WI occ. farmer m: Esther Heyn Farmer Sect. 30 Rockland, PO Chilton Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BARTZ: Wm H.F. NOTE: his m. date is 3 July, hers is 31 July..same index v. and p. nos. m: 3 Jul 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.306) to: Auguste E Ribitzki
BARTZEN: Edward b: Germany res: Two Rivers, wagonmaker p: Henry and Dorothea Bartzen m: 31 Oct. 1857 in Two Rivers (co. mar. index v.1 p.205) to: Margaretha Bates p: Adam and Gertrude Bates
BARUTH: Anna confirmed: 21 Apr. 1872 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARUTH: Christian confirmed: 21 Apr. 1872 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARUTH: Christian m: Wilhelmine (nee) Kikbusch children: Anna Louise (b. 9/22/1857/bapt. 2/18/1861 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Christian Ludwig (b. 1/29/1859/bapt. 2/18/1861 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARUTH: Friederike confirmed: 29 Apr. 1866 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARUTH: Heinrich confirmed: 24 Apr. 1870 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARUTH: Heinrich Fred. m: 18 Jun 1880 (co. mar. index v.4 p.164) to: Friederika (nee) Raether children: Bertha Friederike Caroline (b. 11/24/1884/bapt. 12/12/1884 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARWALD: Also have Baerwaldt See GABLER
BARWIG: Frank Joseph b: 11 May 1886/d. 19 May 1972 p: Anton Barwick/Mary Ann Netzger m: 07 Nov 1908 to: Olga Duenow b: 18 Nov 1886/d. 24 Sep 1974 p: Frank Dueno/Louise Steffen ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: … Frank Barwig and Olga Dueno, both of this city; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, November 5, 1908 pg. 1
BARYENBRUCH: Catherina Anna Margarethe confirmed: 10 Apr. 1864 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: Heinrich confirmed: 18 Apr. 1886 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: Heinrich (Henry B.E. on mar. index) b: Tn. Newton, Wisc. res: Tn. Liberty, Manitowoc Co., Wis., farmer p: Johann Baryenbruch and Maria Nichols m: 25 Oct. 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.180)(same date/mar. in Ev. Luth. Trinity Church at Tn. Liberty/wit: Carl Jacob and Emil Hacker/from records of Trinity Luth. Ch., Liberty twp.) to: Emilie L. (nee) Matthias b: Sheboygan, Wis. p: Heinrich Matthias and Maria nee Siebert children: Linda Henriette Maria Wilhe. (b. 5/14/1894/bapt. 6/17/1894) Arthur Heinrich Johann (b. 11/10/1895/bapt. 12/15/1895) Walter Carl Wilhelm (b. 10/15/1897/bapt. 11/21/1897/mother Matthias) Roland Carl Ernst (b. 10/25/1899/bapt. 12/03/1899/mother Matthias) Erna Emma Anna (b. 3/19/1902/bapt. 4/13/1902/mother Matthias) Hedwig Dora Anna (b. 9/6/1903/bapt. 10/04/1903/mother Matthias) Clarence Heinrich (b. 5/11/1906/bapt. 6/10/1906/mother Matthias) Herbert Albert (b. 4/22/1908/bapt. 5/24/1908/mother Matthias) (child. info from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: Johann m: 26 May 1871 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg (co. mar. index v.4 p.47) to: Marie (nee) Nickels (Nichels on ch. mar. record/Nickels on bapt. records) children: Heinrich Karl Ernst (b. 6/2/1872/bapt. 7/21/1872 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Anna Maria Margaretha (b. 10/03/1873/bapt. 10/05/1873 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: Marvin confirmed: 29 Apr. 1866 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: Meta Henriette confirmed: 24 Apr. 1870 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BARYENBRUCH: (also have Barryenbruch/Baryenbuch) See HACKER See HOEFNER See KRUEGER See SELLE
BARYENBUCH: no name m: 26 May 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.47)
BARZ: Also have Bartz See BEHN
BARZEN: John m: 14 Apr. 1885 from record of St. George Cath. ch. from records of St. Wendel Catholic ch. (co. mar. index v.5 p.242) to: Katharina Kuhn (Katharine on mar. index)
BASCH: Louis A. (Barsh on co. mar. index) m: 4 Sept. 1899, St. Johns United Church of Christ, Manitowoc city wit: Oskar Becker and Sadie Becker (co. mar. index v.7 p.113/date 4 Sept. 1900) to: Eleanora Becker
BASEL: Joseph m: 29 Dec. 1864 (co. mar. index. v.3 p.4) to: Therese Augustin
BASKEN: Ernst m: 14 Dec 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.435) to: Sophia Plockelmann
BASKEN: George m: 22 Nov 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.326) to: Maggie Dolezal (index has 22 Dec. 1886 for her same v. and p. numbers)
BASKEN: John m: 24 May 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.151) to: Frida Bock From Der Nord Westen, 26 May 1892: Marriage of John Basken with Miss Frieda Bock, both from Kossuth, on Sat., 14 May by Justice of the Peace William U. Spencer, in the home of the bride's parents.
BASKIN: Fred b: 16 Dec. 1875/bapt. 12 Aug. 1929 from record of St. John's United Ch. of Christ, Manitowoc)
BASS: George m: 8 Aug 1894 (co. mar. index v.6 p.269) to: Elizabeth C. Merrill From the Files of the Pilot – Twenty-Five Years Ago – (1894) Married Bass-Merrill At St. James' Church in this city on Monday, Aug. 8, by Rev. Mr. Rogers, Mr. George Bass of Chicago and Miss Elizabeth C. Merrill of this city. Manitowoc Pilot, Thurs., Aug. 7, 1919 ***** Miss Lizzie Merrill, a young lady of Manitowoc who by persistent effort and great naturial ability earned a handsome fortune by the establishment and management of a shorthand reporting bureau in Chicago was married at her home in Manitowoc on Monday, Aug. 8, to Hon. George Bass of Chicago. Miss Merrill, besides devoting so much of her time and attention to business during the few years that have elapsed since she perfected herself in shorthand reporting, has, we have been informed,, acquired a perfect knowledge of the French, German and Spanish languages and has kept herself thoroughly posted in current history and literature. She has set a noble example to the girls of this county and the Chronicle most heartily wishes that her future may be as pleasant as her own hopes would make it. Manitowoc County Chronicle - Tues., Aug. 14, 1894
BASS: John (see John Bast) m: 3 Feb. 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.41) to: Dorathea Peters
BAST: Joh. m: Johanna ______ children: Joh. Friedr. Ferdinand (b. 17 Jan? 1859/bapt. 23 ??? 1859 at St. John-St. James Evang. Luth., Reedsville)
BAST: Johann (widower)(John Bass on co. mar. index) b: Schiefelbein Pommern Preussen res: Manitowoc p: Jacob Bast and Charlotte Retzler m: 3 Feb. 1866, First Ger. Evang. Luth. Ch. (co. mar. index v.3 p.41) to: Dorothea Peters b: Lieslil Mecklenburg-Schwerin p: Christian Peters and Dorothea Pingel
BASTEL: Rev. F.T. see Presbyterian churches
BASTIAN: Frederich J. m: 13 Nov. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.17) to: Caroline Person
BATCHELDER: Rufus b: N. Yarmouth res: Two Rivers, navigator p: Rufus and Jane W. Batchelder m: 6 Jan. 1858 at Two Rivers (co. mar. index v.1 p.225) to: Eleanore E. Hilts p: George and Mary Ann Hilts
BATE: William George (Wm. G. on co. mar. index) p: George and Esther Bate m: 13 Oct. 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.313) to: Lillian Bergeman (Bergerman on co. index)
BATES: Andrew b: Germany; age 25 res: Two Rivers, cart maker p: Adam and Catharine Bates m: 20 May 1853 at Res. of Conrad Bates (also have res. of Andrew Bates) married by Timothy Harrington, J.P. witnesses: Conrad Bates, Robert Sittinger (co. mar. index v.1 p.10) to: Sophie DePiuk age 21,(b. Germany) p: Henry and Mary DePiuk Note: see Andrew Baetz
BATES: Conrad m: 1 June 1858, in Two Rivers (co. mar. index v.2 p.4) to: Dorothy A. Phillips MARRIED. In the village of Two Rivers on this 1st inst. by Rev. M.C. Stanley, Mr. Conrad Bates and Miss Dorothea A. daughter of Lyman H. Phillips of Youngstown, N.Y. We note the above item of news with more than ordinary gratification. It gratifies us especially to welcome into the ranks of United Benedicts, one of the best fellows in the west, and if the happiness of both bride and groom are in proportion to our wishes, there will be little left to wish for. We have stood by our friend in many a right place; the friendship of years, and respect for his character, combine to secure for him a liberal endoresement among his new relatives abroad, to whom we are not entirely unknown. The liberal fee enclosed with the marriage notice, valuable as a new evidence of the generous impulses which have been his leading characteristic, but we value his friendship, sincere as we know it to be, far more than silver or gold. And we give a hearty welcome to the fair young bride who comes here, like a sunbeam from the land of our birth; to her "wild Wisconsin home." Bright be the hymenial skies above the happy pair, and may their path way through life be strewed with the fairest flowers culled by Cupid's hand. The Daily Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Friday, June 4, 1858 P. 3 ******** (mar. announcement also in the Manitowoc Herald, 5 June 1858)
BATES: John from Valparaiso, S.A. m: 20 Sept. 1858, in Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.2 p.213) to: Catharina McGuire res: Manitowoc (mar. announcement in the Manitowoc Herald, 30 Sep. 1858)
BATES: Wm. Horatio m: 31 Oct. 1871 (co. mar. index v.4 p.51) to: Mary J. Borcherdt Married Bates - Borcherdt - In this city, Oct. 31, at the Presbyterian Church, by Rev. C.B. Stevens, Mr. William H. Bates, of Memphis, Tenn., and Miss Mary Borcherdt of this city. The "boys" acknowlege a donation of cake from the happy couple. Manitowoc Pilot, Nov. 2, 1871
BATES: See BARTZEN See MC CALLUM See FISDALE See Joseph Willott, Sr. bio.
BATHRICK: Harvey L. m: April 24, 1856 to: Sarah E. Boutwell On Thursday, the 24th inst., at the Branch-by O. Shelden, Esq., Harvey L. Bathrick, of Kossuth, to Miss Sarah E. Boutwell, of the former place. Manitowoc Tribune, Manitowoc, Wis. Thursday, May 1, 1856 P. 3 ****** (also (mar. announcement in Manitowoc Herald, 26 Apr. 1856) (Information for this marriage from the newspaper only)
BATHRICK: Harvey L. m: 9 Aug. 1863 (co. mar. index v.2 p.171) to: Harriet Almy p: Fenno
BATITZ: Theodor m: 31 Jul 1881 (co. mar. index v.5 p.32) to: Anna Zill
BATSCH: Christian J. b: Bresslau, Prussia res: Cooperstown, farmer p: Johanna and Elisabeth Batsch m: 1 June 1857 at Cooperstown (co. mar. index v.1 p.206) to: Charlotte Schley p: Meisel and Dorothea Schley
BATSCHE: Johannis m: Elisabetha McCarthy children: Joseph (b. 26 Jan. 1888/bapt. 31 Jan. 1888 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BAUCH: August confirmed: 25 Mar. 1888 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Christoph m: Wilhelmine (nee) Fischer children: Karl Johann Friederich (b. 7/11/1875/bapt. 9/26/1875 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Ernst August Johann (b. 4/20/1877/bapt. 1/10/1877 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Christoph (Christian on co. mar. index) m: 3 Sept. 1881 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg (co. mar. index v.5 p.35) to: Friederike Schroeder (Fredericka on mar. index) children: Karl Johann Friedrich Wilhelm (b. 7/1/1882/bapt. 7/20/1882 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) Wilhelmine Friedericke Sophie (b. 2/9/1884/bapt. 2/12/1884 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Fritz confirmed: 11 Apr. 1877 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Fritz (Friedrick Christoph Heinrich Johann)(Fredrich on co. mar. index) m: 30 Nov. 1888 (co. mar. index v.5 p.434) to: Sophie Charlotte Katherine Dorothea Wicke (Sophia Wicka on co. mar. index) children: Wilhelmine Louisa Maria (b. 2/20/1889/bapt. 4/21/1889/father Friedrich/from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)/ d. 20 Jan. 1928, Birnamwood, Shawano, WI/m. Charles G. Matzke Karl Fredrick Johann (b. 30 Sept. 1891/d. 23 Oct. 1973, San Bernadino, CA./m. Ida Mae Lewis Sophia Louise Johanne Wilhelmine (b. 6 Sept. 1890/d. 4 Nov. 1892) Edmund Wilhelm Otto (b. 26 June 1898/d. 22 Feb. 1962/m. Meda S. Lewis) Fredrick Karl Wilhelm (b. 7 Nov. 1893/d. 10 July 1922, Janesville, Rock, WI/m. Caroline R. Zimmerman)
BAUCH: Heinrich confirmed: 22 Apr. 1883 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Heinrich (Henry on co. mar. index) b: 9 Aug. 1869, Cook, IL/d. 7 May 1935, Manitowoc Rapids) p: Christoph Bauch and Wilhelmine Fischer m: 16 Apr. 1900 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg (co. mar. index v.7 p.98) to: Metha Marie Ernstine Wicke (also Meta/Metta on co. mar. index) children: Ella Bertha Dorothea (b. 3/28/1901/bapt. 5/5/1901/mother Meta/from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)/ d. 1 Nov. 1979, Holy Family Hosp., Manitowoc/m. Edwin Friedrich Raether Esther Ida Henriette Wilhelmine (b. 10/18/1905/bapt. 10/29/1905/mother Meta/from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) d. 28 June 1964, Milwaukee, Wi/m. Fred Ploechelman Heinrich August Karl (b. 8/19/1907/bapt. 9/15/1907/mother Meta/from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)/d. 5 May 1981 Minnie Marie Wilhelmine (b. 14 June 1911/d. 27 Dec. 1987, Beaumont, CA.
BAUCH: Joachim Christoph Carl Friedrich b: 17 Apr. 1841, Dolitz, Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany d: 23 Jan. 1916, Manitowoc m: Auguste Christine Wilhelmine Fischer b. 23 May 1842, Schmiedeberg, Brandenburg, Germany/d. 12 Jan. 1879, Manitowoc p. Christian Friedrich Fischer and Louise Lubahn
BAUCH: Reinhold m: Bertha Wicke children: Gertrude Katherine (b. 29 Feb. 1904, Valders/d. May 1969/ m. Ernest Peter Jensen
BAUCH: Wilhelm confirmed: 18 Apr. 1886 (from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg)
BAUCH: Wilhelm Carl Heinrich Friedrich b: 15 Feb. 1872, Cook, IL/d. 7 Apr. 1937, Manitowoc p: Christoph Bauch and Wilhelmine Fischer m: 26 May 1898 from records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg (can't find on co. mar. index) to: Bertha (nee) Wicke children: Reinhold Carl Christoph (b. 3/12/1899/bapt. 4/7/1899) Arthur August Wilhelm (b. 6/21/1902/bapt. 7/20/1902/mother Berta) Gertrude Kath Henriette (b. 2/29/1904/bapt. 3/13/1904) Alfred Wilh Fried (b. 11/22/1906/bapt. 12/9/1906/mother Berta) Erna Anna Hulda Hermine (b. 10/28/1909/bapt. 11/21/1909/mother Berta) (child. info records of St. John's Ev. Luth. ch., Newtonburg) From Der Nord Westen, 26 May 1898: Marriage today in Manitowoc Rapids of Wilhelm Bauch with Miss Elisabeth Wicke, daughter of Mr. Carl Wicke.
BAUDER: Friedrick m: 20 Dec 1870 (can't find on co. mar. index)
BAUER: Anthony b: Bohemia res: Newton, farmer p: Charles and Elizabeth Bauer m: registered 14 July 1856 at Manitowoc (co. mar. index v.1 p.122) to: Anna Lorenz p: Francis Chs. and Anna Lorenz
BAUER: Anton m: 23 Nov. 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.41) to: Anna Specht
BAUER: C.M.O. Marriage Date: 16 Feb 1865 Vol:01 Page:0107 Vol:A Sequence:00494 to: Emilie P. Gauting Marriage Date: 16 Feb 1865 Vol:01 Page:0107 Vol:A Sequence:00495
BAUER: Ferdinand m: 19 Feb. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.193) to: Maria Anna Roedig
BAUER: Ferdinand From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Homestead Stock and Dairy Farm. Born in Newton 1855. Wife born in Newton 1864. Married in 1883. Settled farm in 1882. Post Office, Manitowoc; Section 11, Newton Township.
BAUER: Frank b: Town of Manitowoc Rapids –mason p: Reinhard Bauer and Dora Schiman m: 18 Jul 1899 Catholic Ceremony at Whitelaw, Town of Cato Witnesses Erma Cutley and John Bauer (co. mar. record v.7 p.59) to: Flora Cutley (on index v.7 p.58) b: Town of Manitowoc Rapids p: Henry Cutley and Mary Schiman
BAUER: Frans (Francis in newspaper) b: Germany res: Manitowoc, blacksmith p: Georgius and Theresia Bauer m: 6 Aug 1854 at Manitowoc Rapids (co. mar. index v.1 p.43) to: Francisa Shillinger p: Andreas and Walburza Shillinger (marriage announcement in Manitowoc Herald, 12 Aug. 1854)
BAUER: Hans B. (John Baptist Bauer on co. mar. index) b: 19 Dec. 1866, in Munich, Germany p: Hans and Theresa Bauer m: 14 Oct. 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.424) to: Clara Stockinger of Manitowoc, WI. p: Casper and Katherine (Goetzler) Stockinger children: Clara, Max and Hans Jr. An engagement party was held Thurs. last week in the home of Casper Stockinger for Hans Bauer and his daughter, Clara Stockinger. Their marriage will take place soon, following which they will travel to Germany to visit the groom's parents. Der Nord Westen, 01 July 1897 ********* Marriage Thurs. last week of Hans B. Bauer with Miss Clara Stockinger in the Catholic Church here, followed by a party in the residence of the bride's parents. The grandparents of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Valentin Gotzler, presided. Among the guests at the wedding were Jacob Niederer of New York, Mrs. Dr. Guenther and Mrs. Peiler of Sheboygan, and from Two Rivers - Mrs. R. C. Mueller, with her son. (Detailed article-in German language) Der Nord Westen, 21 Oct. 1897 ********* From the Files of the Pilot - Twenty-Five Years Ago - (1897) J. H. Bauer, chemist for the Kneipp Malt Foods Co., and Miss Clara Stockinger, both of this city, were married at St. Boniface Church last Tuesday. The young couple have left for a wedding trip to Chicago. Manitowoc Pilot - Thurs., Oct. 12, 1922 ***** Local and Personal: Mr. and Mrs. Hand Bauer celebrated their tin wedding Sunday afternoon at their home on south 6th street. A large number of relatives and friends were present and had an enjoyable time. Mr. Bauer is chemist and brewmaster for the Wm. Rahr Sons Co. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, October 17, 1907 pg. 5
BAUER: Johann m: 31 Dec. 1851 by Charles Kuehn, Justice of the Peace at Shoto (co. mar. index) witnesses: Francis Heyne, Henry Beitzold to: Martha Houghton
BAUER: John m: 11 Nov. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.90) to: Katie Holub
BAUER: John M. m: 07 Oct 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.296) to: Emma D. Vriesen Marriage License: John M. Bauer of Beldon and Emma D. Vriesen of Newton Der Nord Westen 01 Oct 1903 ******** A license has been issued for the marriage of Miss Emma Vriesen, of Newton and John M. Bauer, of Cedar County, Nebraska. The bride is a daughter of Rev. Vrieson, pastor of the German Reformed church at Newton. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, September 29, 1903 P. 1
BAUER: John Baptist m: 14 Oct. 1897 (co. mar. index v.6 p.424)
BAUER: John m: 24 Jun 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.280) to: Clara Kortens
BAUER: John M. m: 7 Oct. 1903 (co. mar. index v.7 p.296)
BAUER: L. Eberhard m: 29 Dec. 1881 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.54) to: Emma Goethers
BAUER: Mathias m: 24 Apr 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.195) to: Anna Beth Marriage of Mathew Bauer of Wilmette, Ill., with Miss Anna Beth of Two Rivers, on Mon. in the Two Rivers Catholic Church. Der Nord Westen, 27 Apr. 1893 ******* Obituary for Anna Beth Bauer: Mrs. Math Bower, formerly Miss Anna Beth of this city, daughter of Sebastian Beth, deceased, passed away at Detroit, Michigan Wednesday morning. Death came after a short illness. Deceased is a sister of Nicholas and Charles Beth of this city. The Reporter, Fri., Oct. 3, 1924
BAUER: Nic. m: 18 July 1899 to: Flora Goodley Marriage in Branch on Tues. of Nic. Bauer with Miss Flora Goodley. Der Nord Westen, 20 July 1899 ***** Following are marriage license issued by Clerk Zander during the week: …Nick Bower and Flora Coutley, both Manitowoc Rapids; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 13, 1899 pg. 7
BAUER: Peter m: 1 May 1878 (co. mar. index v.4 p.132) to: Maria Engeldinger
BAUER: Peter res: Schleswig m: 11 June 1857 at Schleswig (co. mar. index v.1 p.197) to: Dorothea Strassmann
BAUER: Peter m: Bertha Weidner children: Robert (b. 22 May 1884/bapt. 13 July 1884/from records of St. Fidelis Cath. ch. bk.1 p.11) Wilhelm George (b. 22 Oct. 1885/bapt. 16 Jan. 1886 St. Wendel Cath. ch.) George Peter (b. 14 Dec. 1890/bapt. 30 Jan. 1891 St. Wendel Cath. ch.) Nora Anna (b. 26 Sept. 1892/bapt. 27 Nov. 1892/from records of St. Fidelis Cath. ch. bk.1 p.16) Roland Andrea (b. 14 Jan. 1895/bapt. 6 Mar. 1895 St. Wendel Cath. ch.)
BAUER: Peter m: 17 Oct 1893 (co. mar. index v.6 p.237) to: Ida Coutley
BAUER: Reinhold m: 9 May 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.55) to: Dorothea Schimman
BAUGNIER: Francis (see Baugniet) m: 26 Apr. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.12) to: Mary Jacquett
BAUGNIET: F.C. b: 1888 Manitowoc co. m: Emma Strouf Banker Francis Creek Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BAUGNIET: Francis m: 26 April 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.11) to: Mary Jacquett Mary Banquit birth: 1838 death: 26 August 1899 Mishicot, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Mishicot residence: 1899 Mishicot, Wis. father: Joseph Jacket mother: Mary spouse: Frank Banguit Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
BAUGNIET: Fr Marriage Date: 21 Apr 1868 Vol:02 Page:0028 Vol:A Sequence:00624 to: Mary Taurnauer Marriage Date: 21 Apr 1868 Vol:02 Page:0028 Vol:A Sequence:00625
BAUKNECHT: Frank b: 03 Dec 1885/d. 24 Oct 1954 p: Henry Bauknecht/Christina Sundt m: 01 Jul 1908 to: Margaret Dahm b: 25 Dec 1885/d. 03 May 1970 p: Nicholas Dahm/Petrenella Hansen
BAUKNECHT: Heinrich m: 12 June 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.117) to: Emma Owart
BAUKNECHT: Heinrich m: 29 Nov 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.219) to: Christine Hils
BAUKNECHT: Leon m: Christina children: Lauretium Joanem (b. 7 May 1867/bapt. 2 June 1867 St. George Cath. ch.)
BAUM: Charles M. m: 16 Feb. 1865 (co. mar. index v.2 p.273) to: Emilia P. Sontag
BAUM: Edward b: 02 Nov 1885/d. 11 Jun 1975 p: Oscar Baum/Mary Schmidt m: 17 Jun 1908 to: Ella Kempfert b: 11 Nov 1889/d. 21 Jan 1979 p: Henry C. Kempfert/Emma Blum ***** Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses have been issued by the county clerk during the past week: …Edward Baum and Ella Kempfert, both of Two Rivers; … Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 11, 1908 pg. 1 ***** Notes From Mishicot: Miss Lydia Nocker went to Two Rivers on Wednesday to attend the wedding of her cousin, Miss Ella Kempfert to Ed Baum. On Friday she will leave Two Rivers for a visit at Algoma and Appleton. Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, June 18, 1908 pg. 8
BAUM: Oscar m: 23 Aug. 1868 (co. mar. index v.4 p.15) to: Sina Eggert
BAUM: Oscar m: 28 Apr. 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.115) to: Mary Schmidt
BAUMAN: m: 17 Nov. 1885 to: Emberger United in the holy bonds of matrimony by Rev. Father Holzknect, Mr. Anton Brown and Miss Mary Klaratch Nov. 9. Also Nov. 17, Mr. Bauman and Mrs. Emberger. Manitowoc Lake Shore Times, Tuesday, November 24, 1885 P.3
BAUMAN: Ferdinand m: Maria Bredl children: Josephus (b. 15 Sept. 1867 at Cato/d. 24 Jan. 1877)
BAUMAN: Franz m: 27 July 1869 (co. mar. index v.4 p.56) to: Theresia Baumann
BAUMAN: George m: 14 May 1865 (co. mar. index v.3 p.6) to: Barbara Schanda
BAUMAN: George m: 22 Jul 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.171) to: Mary Kirt Marriage Licenses: The following marriage licenses for the week have been issued by the county Clerk: George Bauman, of Franklin, to Mary Kirt of Kossuth… Manitowoc Pilot, Wis., Thursday, July 11, 1901 pg. 1
BAUMAN: George m: 4 Dec. 1870 (co. mar. index v.4 p.42) to: Barbara Cilebes
BAUMAN: Laurenti m: Ottilia children: Josephina (b. 5 Sept. 1867/bapt. 8 Sept. 1867 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
BAUMAN: Mathias m: 21 Jan. 1907 (co. mar. index v.8 p.27) to: Theresia Ellermann
BAUMAN: (also have Boemann) See Albert W. Damrow bio. See KEUNE
BAUMANN: Alousius m: 3 May 1886 (co. mar. index v.5 p.295) to: Anna Meidel
BAUMANN: Anton m: Francisca children: Crescentia Maria (b. 28 June 1887/bapt. 3 July 1887 St. George Cath. ch.)
BAUMANN: Ernst P. From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Prop. Kiel Meat Marker. Fresh and Salt Meats. Stock Buyer and Shipper. Village of Kiel.
BAUMANN: Ferdinand m: 17 April 1865 (co. mar. index v.4 p.6)
BAUMANN: Ferdinand From Wisconsin Histories - microfilm #18, Patron's Directory 1893, Two Rivers Library: Farmer and Stock Breeder. Born in Germany 1835. Wife born in Germany 1830. Married 1865. Seven children. Post Office, Whitelaw; Section 11, Cato Township.
BAUMANN: George m: 22 July 1901 (co. mar. index v.7 p.171) to: Mary Kirt From Der Nord Westen, 11 July 1901 Marriage License obtained: Geo. Baumann of Two Rivers and Mary Krib of Kossuth (also listed as Bauman)
BAUMANN: Hilton b: 1892, WI m: Albena Eisenhorn Farmer and Breeder of Full Blooded Chester White Hogs and White Leghorn Chickens Sect. 21 Schleswig, PO Kiel Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago
BAUMANN: John b: Bohemia -wagon maker in Town of Manitowoc Rapids p: Mathias Baumann and Marianata Stueber m: 30 Jul 1889 Catholic ceremony, Town of Cato (co. mar. index v.5 p.458) Witnesses Frank Vogel and Wenzel Zopper to: Catharina Conrad b: Town of Manitowoc Rapids p: Frank Conrad and Ursichanata Bortier
BAUMANN: Joseph L. b: Wisconsin m: 15 July 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.223) to: Frances M. Sperl Farmer and Breeder of Pure Bred Holstein Friesian Cattle Cloverdale Farm Sect. 24 Franklin,PO Whitelaw, Came to County 1879 Taken from 1921 Manitowoc County Patron Directory from Standard Atlas of Manitowoc County Wisconsin published by Geo. A. Ogle & Co. Publishers and Engravers, Chicago *** Baum,Ann (sic) birth: 29 May 1904 Franklin death: 29 May 1904 Franklin, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin burial: Reif'S Mills father: Joseph Baumann mother: Frances Sperl Wisconsin, Deaths and Burials, 1835-1968
BAUMANN: Laurence m: Odilia Maier children: Laurence Adolph (b. 29 May 1864/bapt. 5 June 1864 St. Joseph Cath. ch.)
BAUMANN: Michael m: 26 Aug 1902 (co. mar. index v.7 p.232) to: Anna Steeber (co. mar. index v.7 p.232 has her date as 16 Aug 1902) children: Ervin L. (b. 23 July 1909, Kossuth/d. 2 Dec. 2000)
BAUMANN: Wm. C. m: 15 Sep 1896 (co. mar. index v.6 p.369) to: Julia Rogalske
BAUMGART: John m: 9 Oct. 1882 (co. mar. index. v.5 p.84) to: Barbara Lohberger
BAUMGART: John b: 20 Nov 1853/d. 29 Jan 1941 p: August Baumgart/Gertrude Matzke m: 14 Dec 1908 to: Eva Niemer b: 19 Dec 1890/d. 30 Jul 1930 p: Samuel Niemer/Mary Oarmeler
BAUMGART: John Edward m: 22 Feb. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.102) to: Anna Hutterer
BAUMGART: Paul m: 17 April 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.172) to: Elise Antholz
BAUMGARTEN: Charles m: 30 May 1858 (co. mar. index v.2 p.5) to: Lisette Schmidt
BAUMGARTER: Friedrich m: 15 Oct. 1872 (co. mar. index v.4 p.64)
BAUMGARTNER: Christopher Nieman confirmed 1867-Easter/First German Ev. Luth. ch.
BAUMGARTNER: Louis b: 2 June 1859, in Sennheim, Alsace p: Louis and Mary (Zahringer) Baumgartner m: 11 Sept. 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.207) to: Rosa Gerhard p: Joseph Gerhard of Manitowoc, WI children: Anton, Joseph, and Frank Wedding photo Louis and Rosa Louis Baumgartners to Celebrate Their Golden Anniversary of Wedding Because many of the guests they had invited would not be able to be in St. Nazianz on September 11, the actual date of the wedding anniversary, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Baumgartner of that village have decided to celebrate their golden wedding day tomorrow, September 2, when all could be present. Among the guests of honor will be Miss Anna Kremer and Anton Kremer of Chicago and Miss Mary Gerhard of St. Nazianz, who were the attendants when Louis Baumgartner and Rosa Gerhard exchanged the vows which made them man and wife fifty years ago. The bride's brother, the Rev. A. Gerhard, assisted by the Rev. P. Mutz and the Rev. Durst, all of St. Nazianz, performed the wedding ceremony at the St. Gregory's Catholic church in St. Nazianz where the couple will kneel at mass tomorrow morning. Mr. Baumgartner was 75 years old on June 2, and his wife was 69 on August 6th. Both have been parishioners of the St. Gregory's church all their lives. All day tomorrow there will be open house at the Baumgartner's home, and friends will call to greet the celebrating couple. All of the members of the immediate family including three sons, three grand- children, and two great grandchildren, are expected for the event. The sons are Anton and Joseph of St. Nazianz and Frank of Mishawaka, Indiana. Up until three years ago, when he retired from the office, Mr. Baumgartner had been postmaster of the village. He served in that capacity for 27 years. His father was first postmaster of the village, and Mr. Baumgartner learned the duties and responsibilities of the office while he assisted his father in the post office. When his father retired, he succeeded in the position. Tomorrow evening there will be a dancing party given in honor of the couple at the St. Nazianz Opera House. Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, both of whom are enjoying the best of health, are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to tomorrow's celebration. (No newspaper named, no date)
BAUMSAUER: Conrad m: 28 Mar 1889 (co. mar. index v.5 p.443) to: K.F.A. Beikle
BAURDOIN: John m: 20 May 1877 (co. mar. index v.4 p.117) to: Helen Winkelman
BAURMANN: Ferd Marriage Date: 17 Apr 1865 Vol:02 Page:0018 Vol:A Sequence:00596 to: Mary Lipp Marriage Date: 17 Apr 1865 Vol:02 Page:0018 Vol:A Sequence:00597
BAUS: Joseph m: 28 Nov. 1878 (mar. not on co. index) to: Mrs. Mary Petrascka From Der Nord Westen, 05 Dec. 1878: Marriage of Joseph Baus with Mrs. Mary Petrascka, both of Branch, on 28 Nov. by Justice of the Peace E.B. Lawrence in Branch Mills.
BAUSCH: Emil m: 13 Nov 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.91) to: Ida Sloehler
BAUSCH: Peter m: 15 Oct 1892 (co. mar. index v.6 p.177 to: Anna M. Drumm From Der Nord Westen, 20 Oct. 1892: Wedding of Mr. Peter Bausch with Miss Anna Drum of Town Manitowoc.
BAUSE: Gustav m: 27 Feb 1895 (co. mar. index v.6 p.290) to: Maria Voelker
BENSEN: John m: 13 Dec 1866 (co. mar. index v.3 p.67) to: Jane Fox
BAXA: Wenzel m: 28 Nov. 1876 (co. mar. index v.4 p.111) to: Francisca Hopedlowsky
BAYLEY: Mahlon D. m: ?? --- 18?? (co. mar. index v.5 p.180)(in with 1884) says: 8 o'clock a.m. to: Thilie Boutin
BAYLISS: See Henry Goeres bio.
BAZAL: Charles m: 6 Sep 1882 (co. mar. index v.5 p.98) to: Elenora Wochozka
BAZAL: Chals. m: 4 Sep 1884 (co. mar. index v.5 p.204) to: Antonie Kreja
BAZLEN: Fritz res: Brillion, Wis. m: 22 Feb. 1883 (co. mar. index v.5 p.136) to: Mina Latzig res: Manitowoc From Der Nord Westen, 01 Mar. 1883: Married last week by Justice of the Peace C.H. Paulus were Fritz Bazlen of Brillion with Mina Latzig of Manitowoc. Back to Top
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