[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
HATTIE E. BACON Among those who graduated from the State University last week were: Miss Hattie E. Bacon and Mr. H.H. Smalley, of this city, the former receiving the degree of Bachelor of Science and the latter that of Bachelor of Law. Miss Bacon read an essay on "determing influence," which was mentioned in the Madison papers in very flattering terms. Manitowoc County Chronicle Two Rivers Wisconsin, June 1875
O.R. BACON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 524 Druggist, Manitowoc, is a native of Stillwater, Saratoga County, N. Y. When about the age of fourteen years, his father removed to Otsego County, N. Y. There he attended school. At the age of 20 he removed to Rensselaer County, there studied medicine, and graduated at Castleton, Vt. In 1854 he came to Manitowoc, and was engaged in teaching school several years. He has also been Superintendent of Schools, Town Clerk, etc. In 1865 he established this business, which he has since continued, being now the oldest resident druggist in the city.
EMIL BAENSCH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.32-36. The world instinctively pays deference to the man who by his own merit and ability rises from the ranks to a position of prominence, becoming a recognized leader through his merit. Such has been the history of the Hon. Emil Baensch, journalist, lawyer, banker and twice lieutenant governor of the state. He was born in Manitowoc, June 12, 1857, and is the only surviving child of August and Gesine Baensch. The father came from Barmen, Germany, with his parents in 1848 and settled in Manitowoc, where he was one of the pioneer merchants, remaining in business here until his death, which occurred in 1862. The mother, who bore the maiden name of Gesine Schuette, is still hale and hearty at the age of eighty-two years. She came to the new world from Delmenhorst, near Bremen, with her parents in 1848 and her father, John Schuette, established a store that is now conducted under the name of the Schuette Brothers Company. After losing her first husband Mrs. Baensch became the wife of Gustav Bloquelle, a veteran of the Civil war, who died in 1907. In public and private schools of Manitowoc Mr. Baensch pursued his education until he reached his fifteenth year, after which he spent five years as a clerk and bookkeeper. It was his ambition, however, to continue his education and with the money thus earned he met the expenses of a three years' course in the University of Wisconsin, completing his studies with the class of 1881. He pursued the law course there and in 1882 was admitted to the bar, since which time he has engaged in active practice, specializing in probate law. He has gained for himself a most creditable position as a representative of the Manitowoc bar, having comprehensive knowledge of the law so that his profesional service has won for him both admiration and commendation. He has enjoyed a liberal clientage in his branch of the profession and at the same he has discharged important professional duties which have devolved upon him through his election to public office. In 1888 he was appointed county judge and the following year was elected to the same place on the bench although a republican in a democratic county. During his incumbency but one appeal was taken from his decision and that was affirmed, the respondent using his written opinion as the brief. That he received the indorsement(sic) of the popular suffrage is indicative of the confidence and trust reposed in him by his fellow citizens. In 1897 he was appointed by the governor to draft the statute chapter on building and loan associations, a work for which he was well qualified by his knowledge of the law and of such cooperative organizations, for since 1890 he has been president of the Manitowoc Building & Loan Association. In 1909 he became president of the East Wisconsin Trustee Company, which he organized in that year. His life has been one of intense and well directed activity, for aside from his labors along lines previously mentioned he was from 1882 until 1885 publisher and editor of the Lake Shore Times and since 1896 has been publisher and editor of the Manitowoc Post. In 1905 he was elected president of the Wisconsin Press Association and reelection continued him in that position for three terms. Several times he has served on the executive committee of the National Editorial Association and since 1891 he has been an honorary member of the Wisconsin German Press Association and is a member of the National German Press Club. Aside from all this Mr. Baensch was captain of Company H of the Second Regiment of the Wisconsin National Guard from 1883 until 1888 and was treasurer of the State Association of National Guard Officers. His political allegiance has always been given to the republican party and his labors in its behalf have been far reaching and effective. Few men whose time is not devoted entirely to legislative work have a more comprehensive knowledge of the political questions and issues of the day and of the attitude of the different parties concerning these problems. He has held a number of offices and had he so desired might have attained still other political positions. From 1882 until 1885 he was justice of the peace; 1885 to ‘88, city clerk; and from 1888 to ‘94, county judge. In 1894 he was chosen lieutenant governor of his state and was acting governor on numerous occasions, as such dedicating the monument at Orchards Knob in Chickamauga and also representing his state at the launching of the battleship Wisconsin. In 1896 he was reelected the second executive officer of the commonwealth, and in 1897, and again in 1907, he received a large number of votes for United States senator although not a candidate for the office. He has frequently been a delegate to congressional and state conventions and in 1904 was delegate at large to the republican national convention. In 1896 he proposed presidential primaries and upon many questions of importance he has taken an advanced stand. Since attaining his majority Mr. Baensch has been a Mason and has passed through all of the chairs in the blue lodge and is a member of the chapter and council. He also holds membership with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and with the Royal League. He is a life member, has been curator and for five terms the vice president of the Wisconsin State Historical Society. He is likewise a member of the American Historical Association, the General American Historical Society and the Mississippi Valley Historical Society. He is also the president of the Manitowoc Historical Society. In his study of history he has specialized somewhat concerning the records of the German people in America during the colonial and Revolutionary times and has a large collection of books and pamphlets upon that subject. He has delivered addresses on German Day at Milwaukee, Duluth, St. Paul, Menominee, Michigan, and in a number of Wisconsin cities and embraces his opportunity to hold before the people of his race the high standards of citizenship for which he has always stood. On the 13th of November, 1882, Mr. Baensch was married, in Manitowoc, to Miss Ida Koehler, a daughter of J. A. Koehler, a lake captain and merchant who died in 1903. Her mother is still living. Mr. and Mrs. Baensch have two daughters: Emilida, the wife of Robert P. Brown, of Jacksonville, Florida, by whom she has one child, Robert B.; and Gesine, who is attending the art school at Stetson University at De Land, Florida. It would be tautological in this connection to enter into any series of statements showing Mr. Baensch to be a man of broad scholarly attainments, for this has been shadowed forth between the lines of this review. Moreover, his studies are not of the past save as they effect the present. He is keenly alive to the interests, the issues and the questions of the day and upon these is thoroughly informed. He has watched carefully the trend of events, stands for all that means substantial advancement and higher type of citizenship and is untiring in his efforts to secure the adoption of principles and measures which he deems of value to the individual and to the community at large. None ever question the integrity of his belief nor his loyalty to his position and even those opposed to any of his policies, political or otherwise, entertain for him the highest respect and admiration.
CONRAD BAETZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.177-178. Conrad Baetz. mayor of the city of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, has been a resident of this city all of his life, and has been identified with its business and public interests for a long period. He was born in Two Rivers, December 23, 1871, a son of Andrew and Sophia (Depping) Baetz. Andrew Baetz was born in Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, August 22, 1828, a son of Adam and Gertrude (Nies) Baetz, the former of whom died in Germany at the age of forty-two years, in 1842, while the latter came to the United States in 1856, and died in Two Rivers, in 1904, being ninety-seven years of age. Andrew Baetz, who still makes his home in Two Rivers, although he has been retired for the past several years, came to the United States in 1852, being at that time single, and on July 25 located in Two Rivers, where the only business enterprises then were Aldrich, Smith & Company, H. Hamilton and Captain Henderson’s. Deer were still to be found in plenty and the Indians still roamed the woods, but there had been a sawmill erected in 1836 by a Mr. Epperts. In 1854 Andrew Baetz erected a wagon shop, eighteen by twenty-eight feet, at the corner of Monroe and Main (now Sixteenth) streets, where he now lives in a handsome residence, although the old shop still stands. In 1871 he built a shop twenty-four by eighty feet and a blacksmith shop twenty-four by fifty feet. Mr. Baetz, who is still hale and hearty despite his advanced years, has lived to see many changes take place in this city. From a time when money was so scarce that he had to trade his first wagon to Aldrich, Smith & Company for iron, he has seen this part of the country grow to be one of the most prosperous sections of Wisconsin, and he did his full share in bringing present conditions about. In 1853 he was married to Sophia Depping, who died in 1890, aged fifty-eight years, and they had the following children: Augusta, Eliza, Amelia, Henry, Conrad, Arthur and Ida. Andrew Baetz was a republican from the birth of the party. In 1868 he was elected village president, served on the village board for several years, was elected alderman during several terms, and in 1882 was elected to the office of mayor, a position which he held for two years. Conrad Baetz received his education in the public schools, and at the age of fourteen years he entered the shop of his father, of which he is now the proprietor. Like his father, he is prominent politically, has served on the water and light committees for two years, was alderman for five years, and in 1909 was elected to the office of chief executive of the city and reelected to that position in 1911. He is a Mason and belongs to the lodge and Manitowoc Chapter, No. 61, Royal Arch Masons, and the Modern Woodmen lodge of Two Rivers. Conscientious in the fulfillment of his public duties, and honest and upright in his business dealings, Mr. Baetz is considered one of Two Rivers’ representative men and stands high in the esteem of his fellow citizens.
JULIUS BAHR This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.384-385. A good farm of one hundred and thirty-eight acres pays tribute to the care and cultivation bestowed upon it by its present owner, Julius Bahr. Everything about the place is neat in appearance and indicates his progressive spirit and thrift and the practical methods which he pursues in tilling the soil and caring for the crops. His home is in Centerville township and it was within this township that he was born on the 15th of February, 1873. His father, August Bahr, was a native of Germany, born in Schrienkuhl, Holstein, on the 25th of August, 1826. The period of his boyhood and youth was passed in his native land and in 1853 he sailed for the new world, hoping to meet better business advantages and opportunities than he could obtain in his native country. He landed at New York and about a year later came west to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, settling in Centerville township, upon a farm of eighty acres. The tract was largely wild and unimproved but he cleared away the timber and prepared the fields for cultivation. As he prospered in this he added to the original purchase and at the time of his death was the owner of one hundred and thirty—eight acres of rich and productive land. He always carried on general farming and his life record showed what can he accomplished by industry, diligence and business integrity. About five or six years prior to his demise he retired from active life and spent his remaining days in the enjoyment of a well earned rest, residing at the home of his son-in-law, Fred A. Keilsmeier. There he passed away in December, 1904, at the ripe old age of seventy-eight years. Ere he left Germany he was united in marriage to Miss Louise Hoeft, who survived him for about two years and died in 1906. Julius Bahr was the tenth in order of birth in a family of eleven children. His education was acquired in the district schools while spending his youthful days in the home of his parents. While still but a boy he became familiar with the various duties of the farm and after putting aside his text-books his entire attention was given to the work of the fields. In 1900 he began farming on his own account at his present location, where he now owns and cultivates one hundred and thirty—eight acres of land. The soil is naturally rich and productive and the practical and progressive methods which he uses in cultivating it have brought good results. Mr. Bahr also owns stock in the Newton Telephone Company and at all times he is interested in business projects and plans for the development and upbuilding of the community. In 1899 Mr. Bahr was united in marriage to Miss Louise Duessing, a daughter of John Duessing, who was one of the early settlers of this county and a veteran of the Civil war. Throughout his life he manifested the same spirit of loyalty that took him to the front when it was necessary to defend Union interests at the point of the bayonet. Mr. and Mrs. Bahr have become the parents of five children: Rudolph, Hattie and Gordon, all of whom are now in school and Harold and Lilly, at home. The parents hold memhership in the Reformed church and are interested in all that pertains to the welfare of the community in which they reside. Theirs is a hospitable home and they have many friends who entertain for them a warm regard. Mr. Bahr has been a lifelong resident of the county and has therefore been a witness to much of its growth and development. He relates many interesting incidents of former days and he has always borne an active and helpful part in the work of public progress, especially along agricultural lines.
WALTER 0. BAHR This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.630-633. There are certain undertakings of an industrial character which have a notable effect upon the history of a city. With such work Walter 0. Bahr is connected in the capacity of municipal contractor of Manitowoc, his labors bringing to him the favorable notice of the profession and general attention as well. He was born in Manitowoc, on the 19th of October, 1874, and is a son of John G. and Mary Bahr, the former of whom is a native of Pomerania, Germany, where his birth occurred in 1837. After coming to America he settled first in Franklin county, Wisconsin, when there were very few families residing in that vicinity. Few men who made Wisconsin their home had greater hardships and trials to endure in pioneer days than did Mr. Bahr. After their marriage his wife purchased fifty dollars’ worth of flour at Manitowoc, and that was about their only provision. They lived upon it for almost a year, also supporting the husband’s parents who resided with them for about four years. Subsequently Mr. Bahr’s father purchased forty acres of land and began manufacturing and selling shingles. The hardships which Mr. and Mrs. Bahr endured are almost inconceivable at the present time. After their removal to Manitowoc, which was then a very small village, and while Mr. Bahr was ill in the Green Bay hospital, Mrs. Bahr had considerable difficulty in providing for herself and family. She devoted her energies to raising small vegetables for which she frequently found ready sale. After the close of the Civil war Mr. Bahr returned to Manitowoc and for several years accepted employment in any line which offered, thus supporting his family. Although he suffered frequently from ill health he left his widow and children in comfortable circumstances. His death occurred on the 10th of August, 1895, when he was fifty-eight years of age. The mother is still living at the age of seventy-eight. Although he had received little education Mr. Bahr was a comparatively well educated man, being at all times a deep student. His political views were in accordance with the principles of the republican party. Walter 0. Bahr found few opportunities of attending school because of the straitened circumstances of the family and was called at the age of sixteen to put aside his text-books and aid in its support. He was first apprenticed to a plumber and for four years was engaged in that business. Subsequently he was employed in sewer work and finally established himself independently as a sewer contractor. He has taken contracts for sewers, paving and waterworks construction in various parts of the state, meeting with creditable success. In Manitowoc, June 19, 1901, Mr. Bahr was married to Miss Matilda Hartwig, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartwig, the former a pioneer merchant of Manitowoc. His death occurred in 1891 when he was fifty-five years of age and his wife died in 1903 when she was sixty years of age. To Mr. and Mrs. Bahr two children have been born, Gladys and Dorothy, both of whom are attending school. In politics Mr. Bahr is independent, and although an enterprising, public-spirited citizen, actively interested in all which concerns the municipal welfare and national progress, he has never been affiliated with any political party. He is a Mason, belonging to the lodge and chapter. He is considered the best contractor on municipal work in Manitowoc, and his ability has carried him into important business relations, having direct bearing upon the growth and improvement of the town. A few years ago he erected a modern and beautiful residence at 910 South Twelfth street, where he is now residing and where Mr. and Mrs. Bahr frequently extend hospitality to their many friends.
DAVID BALKANSKY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.320-321. David Balkansky, who with A. Schwartz is owner of the Manitowoc Iron & Metal Company, in which he has been interested since 1897, was born in Drogezen, in Russia. Mr. Balkansky was reared and educated in his native land, whence he emigrated to the United States in 1896. Manitowoc was his destination and very soon after his arrival he became associated with Mr. Schwartz in the above enterprise. They had but limited means to finance the undertaking so were compelled to begin in a very small way, but as they are both unusually clever business men of most progressive and energetic methods they have made rapid progress. During the fifteen years of the concerns existence they have greatly extended their plant and now are owners of the largest enterprise of the kind in this county, giving employment to a large corps of skilled workmen. In the development of their establishment they have manifested a high standard of commercial ability as well as business acumen, and are now enjoying an excellent patronage that is constantly increasing. Their annual receipts now exceed fifty thousand dollars, which is a large amount for a business of this nature. In addition to his interest in this concern Mr. Balkansky is a stockholder in the Manitowoc Brass Foundry. Sheboygan, Wisconsin, was the scene of Mr. Balkansky’s marriage on the 4th of June, 1904, to Miss Rebecca Liess, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. M. Liess, the father a retired merchant who is now living in Europe. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Balkansky: Beneard, who is attending school; and Livian. The family reside at No. 820 Marshall street. Mr. Balkansky is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and he has also taken the degrees of the blue lodge in the Masonic fraternity. He is one of the highly enterprising and progressive young business men of the city, whose capabilities are rapidly bringing him to the front and winning him more than local recognition. During the sixteen years of his residence here he has won the esteem and respect of a large circle of acquaintances and is very highly regarded by all who have had transactions with him.
Soren Ballestad Compliments of Gary Omernick
Native of Napperville, Ill, was an early business entrepreneur in Manitowoc. First president of the First National Bank and in June 1865 the Manitowoc Pilot annouced that Barnes had been authorized by the U.S. Comptroller of Currency to begin business. In 1873, the S. Burger Co. built a schooner named C. C. Barnes This photo was taken March 1862. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick Calvin Cole Barnes
********* IT IS A QUESTION. Did C.C. Barnes Leave an Estate or Not? An interesting case has been on at county court the past few days, a case that will attract the attention of every person in the county and which promises to furnish the foundation for one of the hardest fought legal battles in the history of Manitowoc county. It is stated that outside attorneys will handle the case and the contest will be a warm one. Judge Gilbertson, of Sheboygan county has been here to preside, Judge Anderson being disqualified owing to the fact that he was formerly an attorney in the case. The matter has been delayed and it may be some time before affairs are settled. The estate involved is that of C.C. Barnes, former president of the First National Bank, of this city. It will be remembered that the institution made an assignment on June 6, 1893, and John Barnes was named as assignee. The assets were $150,000 and in the settlement of the affairs creditors were paid 62 1/2 cents on the dollars. The appointment of John Barnes was dissatisfactory to some creditors and steps were taken to have him removed, but all efforts failed and he completed his duties and was discharged. A short time after the bank failed C.C. Barnes located in Michigan and a few months later his death was reported from Charlevoix. The body was buried there, but there are many people in the county who are of the opinion that the death story was a fake and that C.C. Barnes is still in the land of the living. The suit is brought for the reason that creditors of the bank believe that there is yet property of C.C. Barnes in the hands of the assignee, John Barnes, and it is for the purpose of getting this that the action was instituted. Judge Gilbertson has appointed C.E. Estabrook, of Milwaukee, administrator of the estate, providing any estate can be found. If he declines to act some disinterested party will be appointed to serve. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis. Wednesday, April 5, 1899 P.6
J.W. BARNES From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 524 Firm of Barnes & Mendlik, general merchandise, Manitowoc, is a native of Erie County, Pa. At the age of seven years he came with his parents to Naperville, Ills. There he worked at the printer's trade about three years, then removed to Waukesha, where he attended school. In 1862 came to Manitowoc; was employed a short time in his brother's bank. After spending about a year in Cincinnati and St. Louis he returned to Manitowoc and engaged in the merchandising firm of Goodenow & Barnes. This partnership continued about three years. He then carried on the business alone about three years. Then the firm of Vilas & Barnes was established, which was continued about six years. Mr. Vilas retired from the business, and soon after Mr. Mendlik was admitted a member of the firm, which now continues. Mr. Barnes has been Chairman and Alderman of the Fourth Ward.
Residence of John W. Barnes 706 North Eighth Street ca.1891, published in Manitowoc Illustrated 1891.
Photo courtesy of the Manitowoc Public Library
J. E. BARNSTEIN, M. D. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.11-12. J. E. Barnstein, M. D., one of the prominent members of the Manitowoc county medical profession, who is a specialist in diseases of the eye, nose, ear and throat, was born in Newton township, Manitowoc county, October 10, 1852, and is a son of Dietrich and Lisette Barnstein. Dr. Barnstein’s parents were married in Manitowoc county, whence his father had come in 1848 and his mother two years later, and after marriage they commenced farming unbroken land in Manitowoc county, but eventually, in 1856, came to the city of Manitowoc, where Mr. Barnstein followed the trade of joiner until his death in 1887, his widow surviving him until 1891. J. E. Barnstein was his parents’ only child, and his education was secured in the public schools of Manitowoc and the college at Franklin, Wisconsin, from which he was graduated in 1875. He was then engaged in school teaching for many years, but eventually decided to turn his attention to medicine, and in 1896 he was graduated from the medical department of Marquette College. He then attended the Chicago Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat College for a post-graduate course, graduating in 1903, since which time he has been engaged in an extensive practice in Manitowoc and has become widely known in his profession. In 1878 Dr. Barnstein was married to Miss Minnie Beste, who was born in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and to this union there have been born nine children, of whom seven survive, namely: Charles H., a physician; Fred W., a druggist; and five daughters, two of whom are married and three residing at home. The family is prominently connected with the German Reformed church.
IGNAZ BARTEL Manitouwoc [old spelling] County Herald October 16, 1851, Vol. 1 No. 47, 3rd page, Column 3 County Court, Manitowoc County In the matter of the Administrator of the Estate of Ignaz Bartel On reading and filing the petition of Richard Klingholz to be appointed administrator in the estate of Ignaz Bartel late of Manitowoc County, deceased. It is ordered that the same be heard at the Court House in the town of Manitowoc Rapids on the first Monday of November next at ten o'clock A.M. and that notice fo the time and hearing the same be given by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks previous to that time in the Manitouwoc County Herald a newpaper printed in said County. E. Ricker, Judge Manitowoc, Sept. 29th, 1851.
N. BARTELL From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 538 Foreman Two Rivers Chair Factory, was born July 7, 1835, in Erie Co., N. Y. In 1859 he came to Sandusky, O., where he was engaged in the chair business, which he learned from his father. His father went to Buffalo, N. Y., in 1829, and carried on the chair and furniture business until 1849, when he fell a victim to the cholera. In 1861, the subject of this sketch enlisted in the army and served three months. He then went to Toledo. In 1876 he went to Sheboygan, and in 1879 he moved to Two Rivers, and was appointed to his present position. He has invented two chair patents, which are now being manufactured by this company, upon which he receives a royalty. He married, in 1860, Miss M. Dean, of Sandusky, who died March 4, 1880, aged thirty-eight years. They have three children, two daughters and one son.
Wm. Bartels This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOHN BARTH From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 John Barth, farmer, Sec. 19, P.O. Kiel, was born Dec. 28, 1826, in Germany; came to America in 1853. The following year he came to Ozaukee County. In 1855, he removed to his present farm consisting of ninety acres. Mr. Barth has been Township Trustee, Township Supervisor, Chairman of the Board, Assessor, Justice of the Peace, and member of the Assembly from the First District, elected in the Fall of 1869, and served one year. He was married, in 1853, to Catherine Conrad, of Germany. They have eight children, five sons and three daughters. ****** This was sent to me by Bob Domagalski: Town Of Schleswig Chairmen 1856-1857 H.F. Belitz 1858-1859 F.R. Gutheil 1860-1863 Herman Gilbert 1864-1866 F.R. Gutheil 1867-1870 JOHN BARTH 1871-1876 C.R. Zorn 1877-1878 JOHN BARTH 1879-1880 C.R. Zorn 1881-1884 JOHN BARTH 1885 C.R. Zorn 1886-1889 August Goerling(Goerbing) 1890-1894 F. Zastrow 1895-1898 C.R. Zorn 1899-1902 Wm. Reinholdt 1903-1909 C.R. Zorn 1910-1913 August Luedke 1914-1921 Charles Raquet There are more years listed, but those people may still be living. From the booklet "Town of Schleswig Sesquicentennial -1855-2005". ****** John Barth Sr. and August Goerbing Sr. were neighboring farmers in the Town of Schleswig just north of Kiel. John Barth had a farm on the west side of what today is Highway 67 and August Goerbing owned the farm directly east along the east side of Highway 67. Besides being neighbors, they were political allies -- with Barth and Goerbring representing more "progressive" politics in opposition to C.R. Zorn, a conservative opponent.
CAPTAIN CASPER BARTLEY [Memorial Record of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1895), pp. 67-68. Library of Congress #F572.N8 M5, copied by Daniel Dzurek.] (see contributors page for email address) Captain Casper Bartley, master of the tug Delta and resident of Escanaba, Michigan, is a native of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, born May 31, 1862, son of Captain George B. and Maria (Branigan) Bartley. Captain George B. Bartley is a native of Massachusetts. He has been a sailor all his life, spent many years on the Atlantic, Pacific and Arctic oceans, and since 1861 has been on the Great Lakes. While on the Arctic ocean he was in a whaling vessel. At present he is master and managing owner of the tug Monarch, and is also superintendent of the Escanaba Towing and Wrecking Company. The mother of our subject died February 17, 1885. Her family was composed of the following children: Casper; Ada Frances, deceased wife of Alexander Cunning; George Ancel, engineer on his father's vessel, the Monarch; Clara at home; Frank, who works for his father during the navigation season; Mamie, at home; William, who resides with his brother Casper; Edwin, who makes his home with his brother George, the latter being married; Hiram, at home; Harry, also at home; and one child that died in infancy. In November 1885, the father married Miss Nina Leighton, his present wife, by whom he has had four children, one of whom is deceased. Casper Bartley attended school until he was fourteen years of age. He then came to Escanaba, and was employed here about seven years before the removal of the rest of the family to this place. His first work was in the capacity of cook on a tug, which he followed two or three years. After this he served as lineman until he received a master's papers in 1882. His first assignment as a master was on board the tug Pilot, where he served about two years or until the vessel was sold. The company then built the Delta, and he was assigned to the command of the tug Owen, of which his father had served as captain until the completion of the Delta. For two years our subject was captain of the Owen. Then he was employed by the Ford River Lumber Company, as commander of the tug Bruce, continuing with them for two years. Next we find him at Ashland, where he took command of a tug on Lake Superior. Before the completion of the season, however, he was called by telegram to take command of a tug owned by the Escanaba Towing and Wrecking Company, his former employers, and he has been with them ever since. Nineteen years of his life have been spent on the waters. Captain Bartley was married in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, November 28, 1883, to Miss Nellie Burke, a native of Madison, that State, born in June, 1863. When she was about a year old her parents moved to Milwaukee, where her mother still resides; her father is deceased. The captain and Mrs. Bartley have had four children, namely: George, born September 22, 1884; Elmer, who died January 3, 1891, at the age of eighteen months; Cornelius E., born January 11, 1891, and Irma Agnes, born June 27, 1894. The family are members of St Joseph's Church, Roman Catholic. Politically, the captain is a Republican and is a formidable candidate for Alderman of his ward. He is a member of the A.O.U.W., and on the organization of the Bartley Tent of Maccabees he was Commander of the tent.
CAPTAIN GEORGE BARTLEY [Memorial Record of the Northern Peninsula of Michigan (Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1895), pp. 148-50, incl. photograph. Library of Congress #F572 .N8 M5, copied 2 Mar 2001 by Daniel Dzurek, with his interpolations in brackets] Captain George Bartley [1835-1908], general superintendent of the Escanaba Towing & Wrecking Company, is a native of the old Bay State [Massachusetts], his birth having occurred in Chelsea on the 25th of August, 1835. His parents were Casper and Clara (Brown) Bartley, the former born in Schenectady, New York, of Mohawk Dutch parentage, while the latter was a native of Massachusetts and of French lineage. The family moved from Chelsea to New York, and when the Captain was a young man of twenty years emigrated to Wisconsin, where both parents died. The father was a hotel-keeper. Captain Bartley was the only son and second child in a family of 6 children. Elizabeth, the eldest daughter, is the widow of D. N. Robinson, formerly of Lockport, New York, and makes her home in San Francisco, California. Sarah, now Mrs. Judd, resides in Milwaukee; Mrs. Susanna Damon, also makes her home in Milwaukee, and Delphine died at the age of 5 years. In taking up the personal history of Captain Bartley we present to our readers the life record of him who is both widely and favorably known in this locality, - a man highly esteemed for his sterling worth and many excellencies of character. His life has been an eventful one, and has been spent mostly upon the water. He first sailed on the Great Lakes, there spending four years, when he shipped before the mast on a whaler, which left the harbor of New Bedford, Massachusetts, on a three years' cruise in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Arctic oceans, and the Japan, Yellow and Okhotsk seas, for the capture of sperm whales. During that voyage he visited at the principal islands in the Pacific and some on the Atlantic: was at New Zealand, the Sandwich Islands [Hawaii], Society Islands [French Polynesia], King Mill Island, Juan Fernandez, and the Friendly Islands, and touched on the coast of California. That cruise was a source of pleasure to the Captain, and many interesting incidents does he relate of it. They went as far north as seventy-three degrees and thirty minutes [Arctic Ocean north of the Bering Strait], - something unusual on ordinary whaling expeditions. For six weeks the boat was frozen in the ice of the northern seas, during which time the crew captured many seals. They also killed a monstrous polar bear, weighing 1,530 pounds, and the Captain tells how he cut off the animal's paw, skinned it and made of the hide a cap, which just fitted his head without a change. They also traded quite extensively with the Eskimos, the articles of traffic being tobacco, needles, pins, and thread, in exchange for which they received furs, walrus teeth and other such commodities. In capturing whales, their boats were frequently capsized and crushed to pieces in the vigorous fight which was made by the monster of the deep for his life. At the Sandwich Islands Mr. Bartley shipped on a boat for a winter voyage around the equator to capture the right whale. At length Captain Bartley returned to his home, in the fall of 1859, and has since been continually employed upon the Great Lakes. He has served as foremast hand, mate and master, and for the past twenty-two years he has been master of a towing and wrecking tug [Monarch]. He has been upon the waters since 1852 and has met with some narrow escapes, though his boats have had few accidents. On one occasion he was wrecked off Twin River Point, Wisconsin, the tug having gone down in quicksand, but she was raised and restored to service. The Captain was married in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, in 1861, to Miss Maria Branigan, a native of that city, born of Irish parentage. They had nine children, all yet living. Mrs. Bartley died in Chicago, whither she had gone for treatment. For his second wife, Captain Bartley chose Miss Nina H. Leighton, a native of Maine and a daughter of Arthur and Lois (Donovan) Leighton. They have three children, - Gertie, Clifton and Warren. The lady's parents removed from Indian River, Maine, to Bay de Noquet, Delta county, Michigan, when she was a maiden of six years. Her mother died there, and her father, who has married again is still living at that place. Mrs. Bartley is the elder of two daughters, the other being Mrs. Adelaide Dady, a resident of Escanaba. Captain Bartley is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and in his political connections is a Republican; but his busy life has precluded the possibility of seeking office even though he should have desired to do so. He has traveled much and seen many countries, but to the Captain there is "no place like home." He has a beautiful and commodious residence, which was erected under his personal supervision. It is large, well built, finely finished and handsomely furnished, and is supplied with all modern conveniences, including hot and cold water all over the house. It was erected at a cost of $5,000, exclusive of furnishings, and is located at 624 Georgia street [So. Ninth Street, Escanaba, Michigan]. There in the midst of his family Captain Bartley delights to spend his leisure hours, and to his many friends he extends a heart-felt hospitality.
HANS B. BAUER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.132-133. Hans B. Bauer, superintendent of manufacture with the William Rahr Sons’ Company, brewers of Manitowoc, has been continuously connected with this business since July, 1895, and, working his way upward, has reached a position of responsibility and prominence. He was born in Munich, Germany, December 19, 1866, his parents being Hans and Theresa Bauer, who were also natives of the same country, where the father engaged in the operation of a sawmill. He still makes his home in Germany and has lived an active, busy and useful life. The son was provided with good educational privileges, supplementing his public-school training by a college course. He remained in his native land until some time after he had attained his majority, when he sailed for the new world, hoping that its opportunities and advantages would enable him to enter broader and more remunerative fields of labor than Germany offered. In July, 1895, he arrived in Manitowoc and has since been closely associated with brewing interests here. He entered the service of the William Rahr Sons’ Company and his previous experience, which thoroughly acquainted him with the trades of a brewer and malster, ably qualified him for the prompt and faithful discharge of the duties that have since devolved upon him. Recognition of his ability has come to him in promotion from time to time until he is now superintendent of manufacture here, and in this connection has charge of large and important interests and contributes not a little to the success of the concern. In 1897 Mr. Bauer was united in marriage to Miss Clara Stockinger, of Manitowoc, a daughter of Casper and Katherine (Goetzler) Stockinger. Her father was born in 1855 across the water but came to the new world in 1871, since which time the family has been represented in Wisconsin. Mr. and Mrs. Bauer have three children, Clara, Max and Hans, Jr. The family is well known here and Mr. Bauer has never had occasion to regret his determination to try his fortune in America, for here he has found the opportunities which he sought and which are always open to ambitious, energetic voting men. Gradually he has worked his way upward and now occupies a responsible position in connection with industrial and manufacturing interests in his adopted city.
LOUIS BAUMGARTNER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.519-520. Louis Baumgartner, who is now most acceptably filling the office of postmaster at St. Nazianz, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, is one of Germany’s native sons, his birth having occurred in Sennheim, Alsace, on the 2d of June, 1859. His paternal grandfather, John Baumgartner, was a baker by trade and died at the remarkably old age of ninety years. His son, Louis Baumgartner, the father of Louis Baumgartner, of this review, was also born in Germany, his birth occurring on the 1st of November, 1826. On leaving the fatherland in 1860 he came to America with his family, consisting of his wife and one son, and located at St. Nazianz, where he joined his brother and sisters who had preceded him to the new world. He was a weaver by trade and for some time had followed that occupation in the capacity of foreman. After coming to America, however, he took up agricultural pursuits and also engaged in the manufacture of hats, he and his wife plaiting and selling their product. At the same time he carried the mail, on foot, to Eaton postoffice twice a week, receiving in return for this service two cents for each letter carried and twenty-five cents per year for each paper. He was thus engaged until 1870, when he was appointed postmaster by the president, receiving a salary of twelve dollars per year, and in this capacity he was serving at the time of his death. He was succeeded by his son, the postmastership remaining in this family since 1870, or for a period of more than forty years. Ere leaving his native land Mr. Baumgartner had married Miss Mary Zahringer, a daughter of Anton Zahringer, whose occupation it was to decorate the faces of clocks. Mrs. Baumgartner died in 1874 at the age of forty-seven years, and her husband’s death occurred in 1905, when he had reached the age of seventy-eight years. Louis Baumgartner, the only child born unto his parents, was but a year old when brought by them to America, and thus almost his entire life has been spent in Manitowoc county. As a boy he assisted his father in his agricultural pursuits, and after the latter’s death continued in that line of activity, his time being thus employed at present in connection with his duties as postmaster of St. Nazianz, to which office he succeeded upon the death of his father. His service in the latter connection has ever been characterized by a faithfulness, promptness and efficiency that have gained for him the approval of all his fellow citizens. Other interests also have occupied his attention, for in 1885 he became a dealer in furniture, beginning business in the old establishment which in the early days was occupied by the drug store of “Father” Oswald, and remaining actively connected with that field of activity until 1905, when he sold out. Thus his has been a busy life in which laudable ambition, untiring perseverance and earnest purpose have played an important part, and in which his well directed efforts have met with most gratifying success. It was in 1884, in St. Nazianz, that Mr. Baumgartner was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Gerhard, who was born in this city in August, 1865, the daughter of Joseph Gerhard, one of the old pioneer farmers of this district. He, too, as the name indicates, was a native of Germany, his birth occurring in Bavaria, and in 1865 he came to America with his wife, Mrs. Anna (Kramer) Gerhard. The latter is still living at St. Nazianz at the age of eighty-three years. In their family were five children, the brothers and sisters of Mrs. Baumgartner being: Father Gerhard, a priest of Columbus, Ohio; Frank, engaged in farming in Liberty township; and Helena and Mary, both at home. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner were born the following children: Anton, of St. Nazianz, who is twenty-six years of age and who married Miss Josephine Gutman, by whom he has a son, Edmund; Joseph, aged twenty-four years, who is engaged in carpentering in this city; and Frank, born February 6, 1890, who is now attending school. Since age conferred upon Mr. Baumgartner the right of franchise he has supported the principles of the republican party and in his citizenship he has ever been public-spirited and loyal. He and his wife hold membership in the Catholic church, and the latter is a member of the Catholic Ladies’ Aid Society, in the work of which she takes an active and helpful part. Both are widely known throughout the district in which they have resided for so many years, and their many excellent traits of heart and mind have gained for them a wide circle of acquaintance and a host of warm friends.