Officers and men who served from Manitowoc Co. 1861-1865

This list has been compiled by Dennis Moore of Manitowoc from his civil war files. He has consented to send it to me for the Manitowoc county pages. It contains every veteran in the county that he knows of, along with a brief description of the veteran. New information has been added to the roster by Pat. Thank you so much Pat!

For more information on the regiment go to Regiment Index. This page has links to regiment information including date of organization, date of muster, how many wounded, and battles fought. We have a volunteer who will field questions on the men who served in the Civil war from Manitowoc county.

[A-B] [C-E] [ F-I ] [ J-K ] [ L ] [ M ] [ N-Q ] [R] [S] [T] [U-Z]


27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D.  
Enlisted 08/21/62 Meeme Township
History--Wounded and prisoner at Jenken's
Ferry, Ark.; Mustered out 05/19/65.

Frederick Abel closed his eyes in eternal sleep last Monday morning, at 
6:30 am after an illness of several weeks, aged 61 years. Mr. Abel had 
been sick for some time and his death was not unexpected.
Frederick Abel was born in Germany, January 27, 1837. He emigrated to 
this country with his parents when he was thirteen years of age, settling 
in the Town of Schleswig, Manitowoc county.  
When the flag of the United States was assailed by armed foes he offered 
his services to his country and enlisted August. 21, 1862 in Company D, 
27th Wisconsin Infantry. His regiment was sent to Columbus, Kentucky and 
after three months was transferred to the Yazoo Valley. After the surrender 
of Vicksburg, his regiment was transferred to Helena, Arkansas. From there 
they marched to Little Rock, taking part in the capture of that city. Later 
he took part in the battle of Jenkins ferry where he was wounded and taken 
prisoner. He was in prison ten months at Tyler, Texas, being exchanged in 
Feb, 1865. Mr. Abel saw no further active service and was mustered out 
May 19, 1865, after almost three years of honorable and arduous service to 
his country amid hardships and dangers of which we, of a younger generation, 
know nothing.
He was married in 1867 to Margaret Loos. Shortly after his marriage he moved 
to the town of Meeme where he resided until 1889, when he moved to Brillion, 
where he has since resided. he leaves a wife and five children to mourn his 
death. Two children have already preceded him to the Great Beyond. Funeral 
services were held Wednesday of this week, Rev. E.J. Fleer officiating. The 
G.A.R. of which organization he was an honored member, attended at the grave. 
Interment took place at the Brillion Cemetery. A large concourse of friends 
followed the remains to their last resting place, showing the big esteem in 
which he was held by his neighbors who had known him so long. The bereaved 
family have the sympathy of all.
Brillion News, Fri., Feb. 11, 1898  

ADAMS, MARTIN V. 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 04/20/61 as private City of Manitowoc History--Died July 23, 1862, Tiffin, Ohio disease. Newspaper articles available upon request.

AHRENS, AUGUST 17th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company H Enlisted 09/30/64 Kossuth Township History--Drafted 09/30/64; Mustered out 05/26/65. D.O.B. 03/01/1828 D.O.D. 12/20/1907 Cemetery Pioneer Rest Two Rivers WI. Lot#4 Block #6 Military Headstone Tombstone ******** August Arens, about 80-years old, died Saturday at his residence in Town Two Rivers following a stroke. Mr. Arens came from Germany to Manitowoc County in the 50’s and settled in Kossuth, but 30 years ago he moved to Town Two Rivers. He is survived by his widow and 10 children. The funeral was held Monday afternoon in Two Rivers. Der Nord Westen, 26 Dec., 1907 ********* A VETERAN AND PIONEER GONE Last Friday, August Ahrens, a pioneer of this county, having settled in the Town of Kossuth nearly sixty years ago and a veteran of the civil war died on his farm about a mile east of the village of Shoto, from the effects of a paralytic stroke. He was born in Germany and lacked only three months of being 80 years of age. He was the father of ten children, two of whom are dead. Those still living are August and William of Manitowoc, George of Wausau, John of the Town of Two Rivers and Louis, Charles, Annie and Mrs. Aug. Koeser of this city. The funeral took place yesterday from the Evangelical church in this city. A number of his old army comrades and members of the local G.A.R. Post were present at his funeral. The Chronicle, Tues., Dec. 24, 1907

ALBERS, W.T. Rank: Capt.; Co. C; Reg't. 35; State Iowa Post Office: Cleveland (From an 1895 list/I forgot to note what list in the file I made)

ALDRICH, FREDERICK 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company not listed. Enlisted 09/30/64 Centerville Township History--Drafted.

ALDRICH, HENRY A. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Cooperstown Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65. D.O.B. 06/25/1835 D.O.D. 04/13/1902 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc City Lot #1, Block #32, Section D Military Headstone Tombstone ********* There was a mercy in the death of H.A. Aldrich which occurred at the hospital in Green Bay Sunday. For years he had suffered from incurable diseases and life had become a burden almost unbearable. He had submitted to several operations in the hope of obtaining relief, and during the past two months had been at the hospital. The death of H.A. Aldrich musters from life another of the brave boys of ’61 and removes a pioneer settler of Manitowoc county. He was 67 years of age and had resided here for forty years, making his home near the city on the Two Rivers road. He served during the Civil War with Co. D., Twenty-Seventh Wisconsin Infantry. His wife died recently and the surviving members of the family are two sons, Harry of Chicago and Ray Aldrich of this city and three daughters, Mrs. Matthias Hopfe, Mrs. D. Gilbrath and Miss Carrie Aldrich, of this city. Decedent was a member of H.M. Walker Post, G.A.R. and a man who enjoyed the respect and esteem of comrades and friends. The body will be brought here this evening and the funeral will be held from the late home Wednesday afternoon. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Monday, April 14, 1902, Page 1 ******** From Der Nord Westen, 17 Apr. 1902 Following a long illness with cancer Mr. H.A. Aldrich from here died Sun. in a Green Bay hospital. Aldrich, who lived on Two Rivers Road, was a veteran of the Civil War and is survived by 2 sons and 3 daughters. His body was brought here and committed to his last rest yesterday afternoon under the leadership of the local Post of the G.A.R. ******** [cause: cancer of the neck]

ALEXANDER, JAMES 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 City of Manitowoc History--Transferred to 40th Wis. Inf. 11/07/1862.

ALEXANDER, JAMES J. 4th Cav Reg. WI Company K Enlisted as private 04/27/61 City of Manitowoc History--Deserted on 06/16/61.

ALLEN, ANSON A. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 City of Two Rivers History--Corporal; Mustered out 08/29/65.

ALLEN, D. F. Rank: Pvt.; Company I Reg't. 112; State New York Post Office Newton (From an 1895 list/I forgot to note what list in the file I made)

ALLEN, JAMES H. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 Manitowoc Rapids History--Mustered out 08/29/65. D.O.B. 1845 D.O.D. 01/14/1882 Cemetery Hailey Cemetery, Blaine Co., Idaho Tombstone ***** We are in receipt of a copy of The Idaho Avalanche which gives a detailed account of the manner in which James Allen came to his death. He went to a place called Hailey to make purchases of clothing and other needful things. He had not completed his purchases when the stage left and so at 5 o'clock Allen set out for the mining camp. It was severely cold and he perished on the way. He had left the main road intending to take a short cut but missed the way and encountered very deep snow. He put on a portion of the clothing purchased and it is believed had sat down for the purpose of putting on the remainder, when he was overcome by the cold. The deceased was at one time a resident of this county. His mother, several brothers and sisters still live here.-He was a soldier in the late war and belonged to Captain Rankin's company. At the close of the war he went out west and has since followed the life of a miner. He is described as a man of herculean strength and a general favorite among his acquaintances. Manitowoc Pilot, February 9, 1882 P. 3

ALLEN, JAMES M. 19th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 02/08/62 Eaton Township History--Sergeant; Mustered out 04/29/65.

ALLEN, JOHN S. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 10/01/64 City of Two Rivers History--M.O. 07/14/65. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Wis Lot #2 Block #168 Sect. W1/2 Military Headstone

ALLEN, JOSEPH R. 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 06/16/61 City of Manitowoc History--Wounded Williamsburg, Va. Deserted 09/19/63.

ALLIE, JAMES 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 City of Two Rivers History--Corporal, Sergeant; Mustered out 08/29/65. Died 06/13/1932. Cemetery Calvery Cemetery St. Paul, Mn.

ALTHEN, ANTON 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/15/65 City of Two Rivers History-- Mustered out 20/19/66.

ALTHEN, HENRY 11th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 09/29/64 Mishicot Township History--Drafted; Mustered out 06/06/65. D.O.B. 07/04/1837 D.O.D. 12/24/1895 Cemetery Pioneers Rest Two Rivers, Wis. Lot #42 Block #4 Military Headstone

ANDERSON, ALMON or ALMOND 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 08/14/62 Manitowoc Rapids History--Discharged 06/20/63 disability. Re-enlisted 01/27/64, City of Manitowoc with the 14th Wis. Vol. Inf., Company E. Mustered out 10/09/65 at Mobile, AL.

ANDERSON, ANON A. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 08/20/62 Manitowoc Rapids Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65. D.O.B. 08/14/1824 D.O.D. 01/14/1897 Cemetery Gjerpen Luthern Cato, Wis. Row 12 Stone 1 South Section. Military Headstone.

ANDERSON, GUNDER C. 12th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 10/07/61 City of Manitowoc History--Re-enlisted after first term expired. Mustered out 07/16/65.

ANDERSON, JAMES SIBREE 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 04/20/61 City of Manitowoc History-- Corporal; wounded Gaine's Mills Va. Mustered out 07/27/64. 458 page book written on Anderson's diaries and letters. Information available upon request. D.O.B. 12/25/1841 D.O.D. 07/09/1927 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc Lot #4 Block #185 Section W1/2 Cemetery headstone.

MANITOWOC TO SEND DELEGATION OF FIVE GETTYSBURG VETERANS BACK TO OLD BATTLEFIELD To Be Members of Party of Several Hundred Whose Expenses Will be Paid by State Which Has Voted $15,000 For Purpose Five Manitowoc County veterans of the Civil War who participated in the battle of Gettysburg, will return to the scene of that memorable struggle as guests of the state of Wisconsin, July 1-3 when several hundred Wisconsin veterans will be provided with transportation to the reunion of survivors of Gettysburg at the old battlefield. The local veterans who will make the trip back to the old battleground are Judge J. S. Anderson, Frank Stirn and Henry Waak, this city; John Mill of Centerville and John Gilbert of Valders. Four of the five men served in the same company A of the Fifth Wisconsin. Judge Anderson, Stirn and Gilbert and Mill and they will attend the reunion of survivors of the regiment which will be held during the three day general reunion of Gettysburg vets. Mr. Waak served in the Twenty-sixth Regiment and expects to meet many comrades of the old command. According to present plans of the state department which is in charge of the trip, Wisconsin Veterans will meet at Chicago and will travel by special train to Gettysburg. The details of the trip have not been decided. The Legislature has appropriated $15,000 to cover the expenses of the veterans. Judge Anderson, while at Gettysburg, will make a survey of the field, which covers thirty square miles in area. The Fifth Wisconsin in which many local soldiers served, has a monument on the Gettysburg field which was recently demolished by vandals. Manitowoc Daily Herald, June 18, 1913 page 8

ANDERSON, TOBIAS 18th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company not listed. Union Army Enlisted as private 09/30/64 Manitowoc Rapids History--Drafted; Mustered out 07/05/65. (Note: Application Date: 23 June 1884; Relationship: Widow; Name: Ellen Anderson; Number: 316987; State: MN.)


ANSARGE, WENZEL R. 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/30/61 Newton Township History--Mustered out 12/03/64.

ARKILLS, CHARLES W. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 08/15/62 Newton Township History--Mustered out 06/12/65.

ARNDT, GOTTFRIED 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 08/21/62 Centerville Township History--Discharged 02/05/64 disability. D.O.B. 11/04/1827 D.O.D. 09/04/1895 Cemetery Zion Evangelical Lutheran, Louis Corners, Wis. Row #3 Stone #7

ARNDT, WILLIAM 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Union Army Enlisted as private 09/19/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

ARNESON, GUNDER 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 09/17/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

ARNESON, TENNIS or ANNUNSON 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 09/17/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/14/65. D.O.B. 06/14/1825 D.O.D. 03/23/1890 Cemetery Gjerpen Luthern Cemetery Cato, Wi Row #17 Stone #6 First grave in SE corner Military Headstone.

ARNOLD, JOHN 38th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 03/28/64 Schleswig Township History--Mustered out 07/26/65.

ARVE, JOHN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Union Army Enlisted as private 09/20/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/14/65. D.O.B. 1833 D.O.D. 03/01/1891 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc Lot #6 Block #4 Sect B Military Headstone.

ATKINS, AUGUSTUS 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/15/62 Cato Township History--Transfered to Veterans Reserve Corp. 10/08/63. Mustered out 07/05/65.

ATRIDGE, THOMAS 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/13/62 Cato Township History--Killed in action, 05/14/64, Killed At Resaca - Information has been received here that Thomas Atridge, Thomas Pearson and Gustav Keune, of Company K 21st Regiment, were killed at the battle of Resaca, Georgia. Jeremiah Riordan of the same company, was wounded in the left arm. Manitowoc Pilot Friday, June 3, 1864 pg. 1

AUENER JOHN 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 10/07/64 Schleswig Township History--Mustered out 10/07/65.

AUGUSTIN, ROBERT 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/10/61 Centerville Township History--Corporal; transferred to Co. I, 9th Wis. Vol. 01/01/64. No addition info.

AUGUSTIN, TRAUGOTT 34th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 02/05/63 Centerville Township History--Nine month draftee. Mustered out 09/08/63.

[ B ]

BABCOCK, EDWIN 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K. Enlisted 08/15/62 Cato Township History--Died Feb. 15, 1864, Lookout Mt. Tenn. disease. At time of enlistment, BABCOCK was married, age 28, and listed his occupation as a farmer. Hazel eyes, 5'10" tall.

BACKHAUS, FRIEDRICH 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 02/22/62 Kiel, Wisconsin History--Reenlisted after experation of first term. Promoted to Corporal and transferred to Company B. Mustered out 01/30/1866. At time of enlistment, BACKHAUS was age 21, single, and listed his occupation as a brewer. Blue eyes, 5'41/2" tall.

BAERWALK FREDERICK or BEARWALD 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/17/65 Two Rivers, Wisconsin History--Musician; Mustered out 02/19/1866. At time of enlistment, BAERWALK was age 37, married, and listed his occupation as a musician. Blue eyes, 5'7" tall. D.O.B. 10/24/1827 D.O.D. 04/07/1890 Cemetery Pioneers Rest Two Rivers, Wis. Lot #46 Block #6. Military headstone.

BAETZ, HENRY 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as captain 09/09/1862 at Manitowoc, Wis. History--Captain Co. F, 26th Wis. Vols. Promoted to Major, 03/15/63. News articles available upon request. D.O.B. 07/27/1830 D.O.D. 01/02/1910 Cemetery-Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Wis. Lot #1 Block #38 Section E1/2 Military Headstone. Wounded-Major Henry Baetz, of the 26th Kegiment (sic), was wounded in the battle of Gettysburg. His friends hope the casualty is not severe. Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, July 10, 1863 P. 3


BAILEY, CHARLES S. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 11/20/63 Cato Township History--Discharged 08/01/64, disability.

BAILEY, ERSKINE E. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Union Army Enlisted as private 12/26/63 City of Manitowoc History--Transferred to Co. D, 16th Wis. Vol. Inf. 06/04/65.

BAILEY, GILBERT 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Cooperstown Township History--Died 07/17/63, at St. Louis, Mo. disease.

BAKER, ERNST 38th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 03/25/64 Schleswig Township History--Wounded 07/17/64 at Petersburg, Va. leg amputated. Discharged 05/30/65 wounds.

BALCOM, HERMOGENE S. 31th Wis. Vol. Inf. Field and Staff Union Army Enlisted as 2nd asst. surgeon 07/14/64 Wisconsin. Date of rank 01/19/65. City of Manitowoc History--2nd Asst. Surgeon., 07/14/64, 1st Asst. Surgeon 01/19/65. Mustered out 07/08/65 1868 Manitowoc census list BALCOM as being a physician and boarding at State St. and No. 8th St. City of Manitowoc. Died 04/09/1872 Manitowoc, Wis. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Wis. Lot #6 Block #47 Section E1/2 Military Tombstone

BANDEROB, PETER 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. (Reorganized) Company A Enlisted 03/23/65 Kiel, Wis. History--Mustered out 01/30/66. Military Tombstone At time of enlistment, BANDEROB was age 18, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. Gray eyes, hair light brown and stood 5'7" tall.

BARBER NORMAN L. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 09/27/64 Two Rivers, Wis. History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

BARKER GEORGE F. 39th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 05/03/64 City of Manitowoc History 1st Sergeant. Mustered out 09/22/64 Re-enlisted 52nd Wis. Vol. Inf. 03/04/65. History--1st Sergeant. Mustered out 07/28/65. At time of enlistment, BARKER was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a blacksmith. Blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'7". D.O.B. 1842 D.O.D. 02/06/1897 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Wis. Lot #6 Block #38 Section A Military Tombstone

BARNARD, GEORGE P. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 08/21/62 Manitowoc Rapids Township History--Promoted Corporal. Died 09/14/63 Memphis, Tenn. disease.

BARNARD, JOHN 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 10/07/61 City of Manitowoc History--Re-enlisted of first term expired. Promoted Corporal and wounded at Vicksburg. Mustered out 10/09/65 at Mobile, AL. At time of enlistment, BARNARD was age 19, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. Blue eyes, brown hair and he stood 5'71/2" tall.

BARNES, HENRY (BEHRENS) 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/20/62 Newton Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65. D.O.B. 07/09/1828 D.O.D. 03/17/1904 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc City Lot #1, Block #175, Section W2 Tombstone ***** Henry Burns(sic), a civil war veteran and aged resident of the city, died at the Soldier's Home in Milwaukee where he had been cared for Thursday and the body was brought here for burial today, the funeral being held this afternoon. Deceased was 73 years of age and is survived by two daughters. Manitowoc Daily Herald - Mar. 18 ,1904

BARNES, JAMES B. or C. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Union Army Enlisted as 2nd Lieut, 12/01/62 City of Manitowoc. History--Promoted to 1st Lieut., 12/17/62; Promoted to Captain of Company I, 01/13/63. Mustered out 08/29/65. Newspaper article available upon request.

BARRABAY, JOHN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 12/19/62 Mishicot Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65.

BARRABEE, JOSEPH 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Union Army Enlisted as private 02/26/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 10/09/65 at Mobile, AL. At the time of his enlistment, BARRABEE was age 19, single, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, sandy hair and stood 5'10" tall.

BARSON, LOUIS 7th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Drafted as private 12/29/64 City of Manitowoc History--Drafted. Mustered out 07/03/65. At time of his enlistment, Barson was age 42, and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, brown hair, and stood 5'4" tall.

BART, PETER 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Meeme Township History--Killed in action, 04/30/64, Jenken's Ferry, Ark.

BARTHEL, AUGUST C. 34th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 02/05/63 Centerville Township History--Nine month draftee. Mustered out 09/08/63. 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/10/64 Centerville Township History--Drafted a second time. Mustered out 07/17/65. At the time of his second enlistedment, BARTHEL was age 30, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'7" tall. D.O.B. 11/06/1833 D.O.D. 06/15/1919. Cemetery Saxon Cemetery Centerville, Wis. Row #12 Stone #6 North. No military headstone, family stone only.

BARTHELS, WILLIAM or WILHELM 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 09/29/64 Mishicot Township History--Drafted; discharged 07/19/65. At time of his enlistment, BARTHELS was age 34, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had Hazel eyes, brown hair and stood 5'11". D.O.B. 10/26/1825 D.O.D. 08/13/1884. Cemetery Pioneers Rest Cemetery, Two Rivers, Wis. Lot #168 block #1. Military headstone.

BARTOL, PETER 11th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 03/10/65 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 09/04/65. At time of his enlistment, BARTOL was age 18. He was single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'2".

BARUTH, WILLIAM 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Union Army Enlisted as private 02/28/62 City of Manitowoc History--Wounded Battle of Shiloh. Died of his wound, 05/09/62, Paducah, Ky. Newspaper article available upon request. At time of his enlistment, BARUTH was age 19. He was single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, sandy hair and stood 5'10".

BATES, JAMES S. 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted 01/29/64 as private City of Manitowoc History--After original 5th Wis. mustered out in July of 1864, BATES was transferred to Company C, Independent Battalion 07/13/64. At time of enlistment, BATES was age 18, and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'51/2".

BATES, WILLIAM W. 19th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as captain 03/03/62 City of Manitowoc History--Captain Company K. Resigned 09/29/62 disability. News article available upon request. At time of enlistment, BATES was age 35 and married. Place of burial, Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc. Lot #3 block #19 section E1/2. No military headstone, family stone only. (Note: The location of William Bates in Evergreen is in error. G.A. Bates is buried there.) CITY'S PIONEER SHIPBUILDER IS DEAD AT DENVER Wm. W. Bates Gave City Name of Clipper city in Early Days BUILT MANY OF FIRST BOATS HERE William Wallace Bates, pioneer shipbuilder of this city, later U.S. Commissioner of Navigation and notes as a marine authority was buried at Denver, Co., Wed., following his death at the home of his daughter, Dr. Mary Bates, in that city Sunday. Mr. Bates, who left Manitowoc many years ago, was 85 years old at his death. Mr. Bates was a son of the late Stephen Bates, who was one of Manitowoc's earliest shipbuilders and the son was identified with his father in the building of many early day vessels here. At the age of 18, with his father, he located here and the two built the schooner, Challenge, the first clipper schooner to sail the lakes and it was due to the Bates boats that Manitowoc was given its early name of Clipper city. Among other boats which Mr. Bates assisted in building here were the Sea Gem, the schooner, Baensch, propellers Sunbeam and Union, both built for the Goodrich Co., the Clipper City and others. In 1854 to 1858, Mr. Bates was editor and half owner of the Nautical Magazine and Naval Journal of New York and it was at this time he gained a reputation as an authority on marine matters. At the outbreak of the Civil War, he enlisted n the Union Army but was forced to leave the service in 1862 by health. For fifteen years, Mr. Bates was in the shipbuilding and dry docks business at Chicago, as head of the Chicago Ship Building Co., and at that time prepared a time book and rules for building of lake boats which became a standard work. He was engaged in building and dry dock in Portland, Ore., for the Northern Pacific railway. In 1881 to 1883 and later he was manager of the inland Lloyds at Buffalo. Mr. Bates in 1889 was appointed United States Commissioner of Navigation by President Harrison and served until compelled to resign by failing health in 1892. His book, "The American Marine" was published in 1892 and was followed by "American Navigation" in 1902. In 1907, Mr. Bates organized the American Shipbuilding Society and was president of that organization at the time of his death. Mr. Bates married Marie Cole in Saratoga, New York in 1851. His wife died in Denver about ten years ago. He is survived by two children, Lindon Wallace Bates, one of the best known of modern engineers with headquarters in London and Dr. Mary E. Bates of Denver. Mr. Bases was a Mason and Odd Fellow and a member of the G.A.R. News of Mr. Bates death was received here in copies of Denver papers received Thursday. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Fri., Dec. 1, 1911

BATHRICK, HARVEY L. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 09/27/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

BATZOLT, FREDERICK 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 09/26/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

BAUN, OSCAR 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/15/65 Two Rivers, Wis. History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At time of enlistment, BAUN was age 24, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. Blue eyes, light hair, and he stood 5'10" tall.

BAYERSDORF, CHARLES F 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 09/29/64 Maple Grove Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/19/65. At time of enlistment, BAYERSDORF was age 40, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'9 1/2".

BEAUMAN, HENRY 17th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E or I Enlisted 10/04/64 Kossuth Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/14/65.

BECHER, WILHELM 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as private 09/28/61 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 12/03/64. At time of enlistment, BECHER, was age 38, married and listed his occupation as a wagoner. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'6".

BECK HENRY or BEECK 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/13/65 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At time of his enlistment, BECK, was age 33, married and listed listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'5". D.O.B. 1831 Holzhausen, Germany D.O.D. 06/30/1902. Cemetery Pioneers Rest Cemetery Two Rivers, Wis. Lot #23 block #4. Military headstone. Wife Bertha Raatz; Father George; Mother Henriette; Son Charles.

BECKER, FREDERICK 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as captain 09/06/61 City of Manitowoc History--Captain Company B, 09/30/61. Resigned 05/13/62. Three news articles available upon request. At time of enlist- ment, BECKER, was age 38, married and listed his occupation as a baker. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'2". D.O.D. 02/28/00. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Lot #5 block #37 section A. Military headstone.

BECKER, FRIEDRICH 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 10/26/64 City of Manitowoc History--Promoted corporal: mustered out 07/17/65 at Nashville, TN. At time of enlistement, BECKER was age 19, single, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes light hair and stood 5'9".

BECKER, JOHN 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/16/65 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At time of enlistment, BECKER, was age 40, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'6". D.O.D. 11/26/85. Cemetery Pioneers Rest Cemetery Two Rivers, Wis. Lot #241 block #8. Military headstone.

BECKER, JOSEPH 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 Manitowoc Rapids History--Transferred to Company K, 03/01/63. Later transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp.; Discharged 06/17/65, disablility.

BEDELL, EDWIN S. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Union Army Enlisted as private 11/20/63 Manitowoc Rapids History--Transferred to Company I, 16th Wis. Vol. Inf., 06/04/65. Mustered Out at Louisville, KY on 12 July 1865 D.O.B. 1839 D.O.D. 08/21/97. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Lot #2 block #42 sect. E1/2 Military headstone.


BEIERLE, JOSEPH 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 02/15/65 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At time of his enlistement, BEIERLE, was age 36, married and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, blond hair and stood 5'2".

BELITZ, HENRY F. 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted 09/28/61 Schleswig Township Kiel History--Promoted Captain 11/09/61. Resigned 12/24/62. Re-enlisted as colonel 09/17/64. Appointed Colonel 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. 1864. Mustered Out at Nashville, TN on 07/17/65. Newspaper article available upon request. At time of his enlistment, BELITZ, was age 44, married and listed his occupation as a miller. He had gray eyes, black hair and stood 5'9". D.O.D. 03/31/78. Cemetery Kiel Municipal Cemetery Kiel, Wis. Military headstone. Also have picture of BELITZ.

BELITZ, WILLIAM or WILHELM 9th Wis. Vols. Inf. Company K enlisted 10/13/61 Schleswig Township Kiel History--Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp., 08/10/64; mustered out 10/25/64. At time of enlistement, BELITZ, was age 31, single and listed his occupation as a mason. He had blue eyes, dark hair and stood 5'9". D.O.B. 09/26/30 D.O.D. 10/09/80. Cemetery Kiel Municipal Cemetery, Kiel, Wis. Row #28 stone #16. Military headstone.

BELROSE, JOSEPH or BELLROSE 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 09/29/64 Mishicot Township History--Drafted; mustered out 09/19/65. At time of enlistment, BELROSE, was age 42, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'41/2". D.O.B. 02/05/32 D.O.D. 02/05/1901. Cemetery Holy Cross Cemetery #1 Mishicot, Wis. SE corner. No military head- stone, family stone only.

BENDA, FRANZ 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 City of Manitowoc History--Wounded at Gettysburg; died of his wounds, 08/08/63, Gettysburg, Pa.

BENEWIES, HEINRICH 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 10/14/61 Meeme Township History--Mustered out 11/25/64. At the time of his enlistment, BENEWIES, was age 32. He was married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had brown eyes black hair and stood 5'3".

BENKELMANN, LEONARD 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/14/65 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At the time of his enlistment, BENKELMANN, was age 36, married and listed his occupation as a engineer. He had brown eyes, dark brown hair and stood 5'10". 1868 census records BENKELMANN as being a shipbuilder living in the City of Manitowoc. D.O.B. 07/05/1828 D.O.D. 05/25/1913. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, lot #3 block #150 sect. W1/2. Military headstone.

BENSON, VALENTINE 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 08/15/62 Two Creeks Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65. D.O.D. 01/19/1895. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc. Lot #1 block #13 sect. A Military headstone.

BENTLY, GIBHARD 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. No company listed. Union Army Enlisted as private 09/30/64. Manitowoc Rapids History--Drafted. D.O.B. 06/12/1820 D.O.D. 05/15/1897. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc. Lot #2 block #108 sect.W1/2. Military headstone.

BENZINGER, FRIDOLIN 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/19/61 Mishicot Township History--Last reported absent, sick at Manitowoc, Wis., 10/31/64. At time of his enlistment, BEUZIGER, was age 42, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. D.O.B. 03/05/1820 D.O.D. 09/02/1903 Cemetery Saxonburg Cemetery Mishicot, Wis. Row #2 stone #3 East section. Military headstone.

BERGBAKER, OLE O. 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company H Enlisted 10/07/64. Liberty Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/17/65. At time of his enlistment, BERGBAKER, was age 34, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'6".

BERGE, ANDREW O. 14th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 09/28/61. Eaton Township History--Wounded and captured. Died of his wounds 10/03/62 in a Confederate hospital. At time of his enlistment, BERGE, was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, black hair and stood 5'4".

BERGE, GILBERT O. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/30/64. Liberty Township History--Drafted; wounded 03/21/65, Bentons- ville, N.C. Mustered out 06/12/65. Gilbert was a brother to Ole and Iver. D.O.B. 12/17/1827 D.O.D. 12/14/1886. Cemetery West Valders Norwegian Liberty Township. Row #9 stone #4 North section. Military head- stone.

BERGE, IVER O. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 09/30/64. Liberty Township History--Drafted; mustered out 06/12/65. Iver was a brother to Ole and Gilbert. D.O.B. 03/28/1824 D.O.D. 02/23/1912. Cemetery West Valders Norwegian Liberty Town- ship. Row #4 stone #7 South section. Military headstone.

BERGE, OLE O. 19th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 09/30/64. Liberty Township History--Drafted: mustered out 08/09/65. Ole was a brother to Gilber and Iver. D.O.B. 07/11/1832 D.O.D. 02/25/1911. Cemetery West Valders Norwegian Liberty Township. Row #11 stone #10 North section. Military headstone.

BERGELE, MICHAEL 6th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 09/29/64. Gibson Township History--Drafted; mustered out 06/06/65. At time of his enlistment, BERGELE, was age 39. He had brown eyes, light hair and stood 5'2". D.O.B. 1835 D.O.D. 04/29/1882 Cemetery Town of Gibson Zanders. Lot #6 block #5 sect.#6. No military headstone, family stone only.

BERGER, WILHELM 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/29/61 City of Two Rivers History--Promoted to corporal. Killed in action, 04/02/64, Terre Noir, Ark. At the time of his enlistment, BERGER, was age 20, single and listed his occupation as a watchman. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'5".

BERGMANN, JOHN F. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 08/20/62 Manitowoc Rapids Township. History--Mustered out 08/29/65. Cemetery Cato Heights Cemetery, Cato, Wis. Row #9 stone #3 South section. Military headstone.

BERGUM, JOHANNES 15th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 11/27/61 Manitowoc County History--Discharged 04/21/63, disability. At time of his enlistment, BERGUM, was age 31 and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'4 1/2".

BERKNER, WILLIAM 19th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 03/31/62 Cooperstown township History--Transferred from Company G. Mustered out 08/09/65. At the time of his enlistment, BERKNER, was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes,light hair and stood 5'4 1/2".

BERNER, FREDERICK 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Union Army Enlisted as private 11/27/63 City of Manitowoc History--Captured and prisoner of war at Pond Springs, Ala., 07/24/64. Died of disease 08/14/64, Cahaba, Ala, while still a prisoner.

BEST, ANTON 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 02/01/64 City of Manitowoc History--Transferred from Company K, 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Mustered out 07/18/65.

BETH, JOSEPH 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 04/26/61 City of Manitowoc History--Killed in action, 11/07/63, Rappahannock Station, Va. News article available upon request. At the time of his enlistment, BETH, was age 24 and single. He had light hair and stood 5'4 1/2".

BETTNER, FREDERICK 6th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 12/29/64 Meeme Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/14/65. At the time of his enlistment, BETTNER, was age 22 and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eye, brown hair and stood 5'9".

BETTNER, WILLIAM 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 11/06/62 Meeme Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65.

BIEHLIE, JOSEPH or BAHLIN 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 04/23/61 City of Manitowoc History--Discharged 03/10/64 due to wounds. Discharged under the name of BAHLIN. At time of his enlistment, BIEHLIE, was age 18 and single. He had light hair and stood 5'7 1/2".

BINGEN, FRANZ 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/16/61 Newton Township History--Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp., 08/10/64. At time of his enlistment, BINGEN, was age 26, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'7".

BINGEN, JOHN 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/26/61 Newton Township History--Re-enlisted after first term expired. Transferred to Company I, 01/01/64. At the time of his enlistment, BINGEN, was age 23, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. D.O.B. 1838 D.O.D. 04/04/1871 Cemetery Calvary Cemetery Manitowoc. Lot #4 block #113 sect. K. No military headstone, family stone only.

BIRNAN, FRANK 7th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Enlisted 09/30/64 Meeme Township History--Drafted; mustered out 05/31/65. At the time of his enlistment, BIRNAN, was age 26 and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'11".

BISHOP, THEOPHILUS 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/24/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 06/09/65. At the time of his enlistment, BISHOP, was age 18, and listed his occupation as a clerk. He had blue eyes, black hair and stood 5'7". BISHOP enlisted as a substitute. That is he was paid to take the place of an individual who had been drafted.

BJORGASON, SWEN 15th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 11/05/61 Manitowoc County History--Wounded Battle of Stone River. Discharged due to his wounds, 07/12/64. At the time of his enlistment, BJORGASON, was age 20, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'11".

BJORNMARK, CHARLES L. 19th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 04/21/62 Manitowoc County History--Promoted 2nd Lieut. United States Colored Troops, 09/23/63. At the time of his enlistment, BJORNMARK, was age 42 and married.

BLACKMORE, LORIN A. 32nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 11/19/63 Cato Township History--Died of disease 09/21/64, Chattanooga, Tenn.

BLOCKELMAN, HENRY 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 09/24/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 09/21/65.

BLOOM, PETER 15th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 11/19/61 Manitowoc County History--Discharged due to disability, 01/22/63. At the time of his enlistment, BLOOM was age 20 and single.

BLOOM, SAMUEL 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Union Army Enlisted as private 09/19/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 09/28/65.

BLOQUELLE, GUSTAV 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as private 09/06/61 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 12/03/64. At the time of his enlistment, BLOQUELLE, was age 28, single and listed his occupation as a gunsmith. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'10". D.O.B. 06/27/1833 D.O.D 04/14/1907. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc. Lot #4 block #2 Sect. E1/2. Military Head Stone

BLUM, WILLIAM Rank Pvt.; Co. D, Reg't. 5; Iowa Cavalry Post Office, Mishicot (From an 1895 list/I forgot to note what list in the file I made)

BODA, JOSEPH or BODE 18th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 09/30/64 Centerville Township History--Drafted, mustered out 06/02/65. During of his enlistment, BODA, was age 33, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, sandy hair and stood 5'1".

BODA, PHILLIP or BODE 18th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 09/30/64 Centerville Township History--Drafted, mustered out 06/02/65. At the time of his enlistment, BODA, was age 35, and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'7".

BOENIG, FRIEDRICH 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/21/62 Kossuth Township History--Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp., 07/01/63.

BOETTCHER, CHARLES 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Field & Staff Enlisted 09/19/64 Clarks Mills, Cato Township History--Promoted to Commissary Sergeant 03/07/65. Mustered out 07/07/65. At the time of his enlistment, BOETTCHER, was age 42, married, and listed his occupation as a miller. He had gray eyes, dark hair and stood 5'7".

BOETTCHER, GOTTFRIED 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 02/29/64 City of Two Rivers History--Transferred to Company F, 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. 06/10/65.

BOETTCHER, WILHELM 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 09/07/61 Maple Grove Township History--Mustered out 12/03/64. At the time of his enlistment, BOETTCHER, was age 22, single, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eye, light hair and stood 6'0". D.O.B. 07/31/1839 D.O.D 11/23/1911. Cemetery St. John & James Luthern East Side Cemetery, Rockland Township Manitowoc County. Row #8 Stone #3 West side No military headstone, family stone only.

BOLSTAD, OLE J. 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/07/64 Liberty Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/17/65. At the time of his enlistment, BOLSTAD, was age 30, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'61/2". The J of his his middle name stands for Johnson.

BOLZ, NICHOLAS 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. reorganized. Company B Enlisted 10/10/64 Schleswig Township History--Mustered out 10/10/65. At the time of his enlistment, BOLZ, was age 38, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'5".

BON, LEWIS W. 4th Wis. Cavalry Reg. Company C Union Army Enlisted as private 01/17/61 (also have 6/17/64) City of Manitowoc History--Discharged 09/02/63 to accept a commission in the 15th United Stated Colored Troops. At time of his enlistment, BON, was age 33, married and listed his occupation as a sailer. He had blue eyes, black hair and stood 5'7 1/2".

BORCHERDT, FREDERICK W. 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E. Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 08/04/62 (also have 4/21/61) City of Manitowoc History--Promoted to Full Sergt. Promoted to Full 2nd Lieut on 08/04/62. Served as acting adjt. 10/01/63 to 12/29/64. Promoted to Captain of Company E, 11/21/64. Mustered out 06/08/65. 1868 Manitowoc census lists BORCHERDT as being a revenue collector and living in downtown Manitowoc. Also have several news articles available upon request. D.O.B. 03/31/1826 D.O.D 01/27/1913 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Lot #3 block #32 Sect. A. Military headstone.

BORCHARDT, WILHELM 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as private 09/23/61 City of Manitowoc History--Re-enlisted after end of first term. Transferred to Company I, 01/01/64. Died of disease at Princeton, WV on 07/15/64. At time of his enlistment, BORCHARDT, was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 6'0".

BORDON, EUGENE 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as corpl. 08/15/62 City of Manitowoc History--Promoted to corporal. Captured at Battle of Chickamanua. Died while a prisoner at Andersonville, Ga., 09/03/64. In Probate. Manitowoc County Court. State of Wisconsin, Manitowoc County, ss. In the matter of the estate of Eugene Bourdon(sic), deceased. ON this 24th day of April, A.D. 1865, upon reading and filing the petition of Emma Bourdon, stating that Eugene Bourdon of the County of Manitowoc, died intestate on or about the 24 day of September 1864, and praying that she be appointed Executrix of the last will and testament of the said deceased. It is Ordered, that said application be heard before me, at the Probate Office in the village of Manitowoc, on the 22d day of May, A.D. 1865, at 10 o'clock A.M. And it is further Ordered, that notice of said application and hearing be given by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks, once in each week, in the Pilot, a newspaper printed in said village, prior to said hearing. By the Court. Geo. W. Barker, County Judge. Dated April 21, 1864 (sic). Manitowoc Pilot, Friday, April 28, 1865 P. 4 ********** (1860 Manitowoc ward 3 census: Eugene Bourdon 32 Boot & Shoe maker; wife Emma 24)

BORH, JOHN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 02/03/63 History--Promoted to corporal. Mustered out 08/29/65.

BOWER, REINERT 15th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 01/01/62 Manitowoc County History--Captured and prisoner at Battle of Stone River. After release, he rejoined his regiment and was later wounded at Battle of New Hope Church. Mustered out 01/13/65. At the time of his enlistment, BOWER, was age 17, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had dark eyes, dark hair and stood 5'5". D.O.B. 08/16/1843 D.O.D. 10/06/1915. Cemetery St. Joseph Cemetery Silver Lake, Manitowoc County. Row #5 Stone 26. No military headstone, family stone only.

BOYNTON, JOHN W. 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/14/62 Cato Township History--Musician; mustered out 06/08/65.

BOYNTON, PRESCOTT 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 08/15/62 City of Manitowoc History--Transferred to United States Veteran Volunteer Engineers, 07/18/64. Promoted to Corporal and mustered out 06/30/65.

BRABACK, JOHN 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 12/29/64 Gibson Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/18/65. At the time of his enlistment, BRABACK, was age 42 and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'6".

BRACKER, FREDERICK 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Union Army Enlisted as private 09/15/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/14/65.

BRAEUTIGAN, ADAM or BRAEUTIGAM 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted corpl. 08/19/62 City of Manitowoc History--Promoted to corporal. Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp., 11/10/63. Mustered out 07/29/65. Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc, Lot #5 block #42 Sect. E1/2. Military headstone.

BRAGER, HENRY 12th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 10/15/64 Two Creeks Township History--Mustered out 07/15/65. At time of enlistment, BRAGER, was age 18, single, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light brown hair and stood 5'51/2.

BRANAGAN, FOSTER 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 08/13/62 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 08/13/62.

BRANNAGAN, JAMES 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 04/20/61 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 07/27/64. At time of his enlistment, BRANNAGAN, was age 18 and single. He had light hair and stood 5'7".

BRAUN, JOHN N. 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/11/64 Centerville Township History--Drafted, promoted to corporal. Mustered out 07/17/65. At time of his enlistment, BRAUN, was age 37, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, gray hair and stood 5'11". D.O.B. 02/22/1829 D.O.D. 03/18/1911. Cemetery St. Wendel Cemetery, Centerville Township. Row #3 stone #7 North section. No military headstone, family stone only.

BRAUN, NICHOLAS 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 02/25/65 Centerville Township History--Mustered out 07/17/65. At time of his enlistment, BRAUN, was age 43, married and listed his occupation as a tailor. He had brown eyes, dark hair and stood 5'6".

BRAUNREITER, JOSEPH 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 City of Manitowoc History--Wounded Battle of Chancellorsville. Mustered out 06/13/65.

BREGER, NICK 14th Inf Reg. Wis. Company E Union Army Enlisted as private 02/28/62 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered Out at Mobile, AL on 10/09/65.

BREUNINGER, JACOB 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/10/64 Newton Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/29/65. At the time of his enlistment, BREUNINGER, was age 32, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had brown eyes, brown hair and stood 5'5".

BROCKMAN, FREDERICK 14th Wis. Vol Inf. No company listed Enlisted 09/30/64 Kossuth Township History--Drafted. No additional information.

BRODKORB, JOHN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 09/27/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 07/4/65. D.O.B. 10/12/1827 D.O.D. 07/05/1908 Cemetery Saxonburg Cemetery Mishicot, Wi. Row #2 stone #7 East section. No military headstone family stone only.

BROOKMAN, FREDERICK 17th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company H Enlisted 09/21/64 Kossuth Township History--Drafted; mustered out 05/10/65. At time of his enlistment, BROOKMAN, was age 42, married, and listed his occupation as a mason. He had gray eyes, dark hair and stood 5'7".

BROWN, GEORGE 2nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted as private 05/22/61 City of Manitowoc History--Enlisted as private. Promoted to corporal, then sergeant. Mustered out 06/30/64. Union Army. At time of enlistment, BROWN, was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'11. He was born in Massachusetts.

BROWN, JACOB 7th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company H Enlisted 01/17/65 Maple Grove Township History--Mustered out 07/03/65. At the time of his enlistment, BROWN, was age 21 and single.

BROWN, PETER 1st Battery Light Artillery Enlisted 09/29/64 Gibson Township History--Mustered out 07/18/65. At time of his enlistment, BROWN, was age 37, married, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eye, black hair and stood 5'8".

BRUCK, JACOB 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company L Enlisted 11/05/62 Meeme Township Wounded and a prisoner of war 04/30/64, at Jenken's Ferry, Ark.; absent at muster out of regiment.

BRUDER, JOHN M. 6th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 09/30/64 Kossuth Township History--Drafted; mustered out 06/06/65. At time of his enlistment, BRUDER, was age 30, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had brown eyes, brown hair and stood 5'3". D.O.B. 11/23/1834 D.O.D. 03/08/1915 Cemetery St. Ann's Cemetery Francis Creek, Wis. Row #3 stone #3 old section. No military stone, family stone only.

BRUDER, MATHIAS 34th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 02/05/63 Kossuth Township History--Nine month draftee. Mustered out 09/08/63.

BRUMMER, FREDERICK or BRUEMMER 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Mishicot Township History--Mustered out 09/28/65. D.O.B. 02/08/1820 D.O.D. 01/06/1896 Cemetery Saxonburg, Mishicot, Wis. Row #3 stone #1 West section. Military headstone. Frederick was the brother of Julius BRUMMER.

BRUMMER, JULIUS 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 09/27/64 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 07/14/65. Brother of Frederick.

BRUMMER, LOUIS 1st Wis. Vol. Inf. Company G Enlisted 08/28/61 Mishicot Township History--Promoted corporal, then sergeant. Wounded at Battle of Chaplin Hills; discharged 02/16/63, disablility. At the time of his enlistment, BUMMER, was age 20 and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'7". Local news article lists BRUMMER in hospital #9 at St. Louis because of the loss of his forefinger.

BRUNS, HERMAN 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as private 09/15/61 City of Manitowoc History--Reenlisted after first term expired. Transferred to Company I, 01/01/64. Transferred on 12/15/64 from Company I to Company C (Estimated Day). At the time of his first enlistment, BRUNS, was age 18, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'5". Local and Personal: Herman Bruns, a civil war veteran who formerly resided in Manitowoc county recently died at Portland, Ore. The deceased was 60 years old. He is survived by two brothers, Frank A. Bruns of Silver Lake and Charles Bruns of Newton, and two sisters, Mrs. Weyar of Newton and Mrs. Schultz of this city. Interment took place at Portland. Manitowoc Pilot Thursday, December 22, 1904 pg. 5 ********* Husband of Caroline Bruns Oregon Pioneer of 1867 9th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, Co. B Enlisted 9/15/1861 from Manitowoc, Wisconsin Mustered out 1/30/1866 Death of Herman Bruns - Herman Bruns, a pioneer of Oregon, died last Friday at Sandy. He was born at Erie, Pennsylvania, January 6, 1845, and came to Portland in 1869, where he resided until he moved to Sandy in 1873. His funeral was held under the auspices of M. A. Ross Post, G. A. R., at Pleasant Home. During the Civil War he was a member of Company B, Ninth Wisconsin. He leaves a widow and four children. Morning Oregonian, Portland, Oregon, December 20, 1904 ********* Herman Bruns, a prominent citizen and pioneer of Sandy, Oregon, and a war veteran, died last Friday. He was born in Erie, Pennsylvania, January 6, 1845, and served through the rebellion. In 1869 he came to Oregon. Deceased leaves a widow, four children and two grandchildren. Oregon Daily Journal, Portland, Oregon, December 21, 1904 Tombstone

BRUSS, GOTTLIEB 37th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 11/21/63 Cooperstown Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/29/65. D.O.B. 11/10/1835 D.O.D. 07/16/1898 Cemetery St. John's Lutheran Cemetery, Maribel, Wis. Row #1 stone #8. No military stone, family stone only.

BUBOLTZ, DANIEL 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 06/12/61 City of Manitowoc History--Discharged 01/26/63, disability. At time of his enlistment, BUBOLTZ, was age 23, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had light hair and stood 5'5".

BUBOLTZ, FERDINAND 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company A Union Army Enlisted as private 05/15/61 City of Manitowoc History--Died 02/23/63 at Beile Plaine, Va., disease. At the time of his enlistment, BUBOLTZ, was age 20 and single. He had light hair, and stood 5'9".

BUERSTAEDTER, CHARLES 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted as private 02/18/64 City of Two Rivers History--Enlisted as private. Transferred to Company F, 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. 06/10/65. D.O.B. 09/12/1846 D.O.D. 08/08/1916 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc Lot #5 block #56 sect. E1/2. Military headstone.

BUHSE, HENRY 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Union Army Enlisted as 1st Sergt 10/29/61 City of Manitowoc History--Promoted 1st sergeant. Mustered out 12/03/64. At time of his enlistment, BUHSE, was age 19, single and listed his occupation as a clerk. He had blue eyes, dark hair and stood 5'6". Henry Buhse Dead Henry Buhse, a well known former Two Rivers man who was county clerk of Manitowoc County for seven years, passed away at Minneapolis Saturday. He was born in Berlin, Germany, 83 years ago and resided here until he moved with his family to Manitowoc. He was county clerk from 1881 to 1888. He volunteered in the army in September, 1861. About 35 years ago he removed from Manitowoc with his family to Minneapolis which has since been his home. Besides his wife and several sons and daughters, Mr. Buhse is survived by a brother, Louis and a sister, Louse of this city. The Reporter, Fri., Apr. 30, 1915

BUHSE, JOHN 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/29/61 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 12/03/64. At the time of his enlistment, BUHSE, was age 23, single and listed his occupation as a laborer. He had blue eyes, dark hair and stood 5'8".

BULL, CHARLES 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Union Army Enlisted as private 09/10/61 City of Manitowoc History--Transferred to Company A, 01/01/64. Mustered out 12/03/64. At time of enlist- ment, BULL, was age 22, single and listed his occupation as a fisherman. He had brown eyes, brown hair and stood 5'9". D.O.B. 01/28/1842 D.O.D. 06/27/1924 Cemetery Evergreen Cemetery Manitowoc. Lot #2 block #86 section E1/2. No military headstone, family stone only.

BURGART, BERNHARDT 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Enlisted 09/11/61 Centerville Township History--Reenlisted after first term expired. Transferred to reorganized Company A. Mustered out 07/28/65. At time of his enlistment, BURGART, age 23, single, and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, dark hair and stood 5'3".

BURK, JOHN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company E Enlisted 10/08/64 Schleswig Township History--Absent, sick at muster out of regiment.

BURK, MARTIN 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Union Army Enlisted as private 02/29/64 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 08/29/65.

BURKART, ANTON 9th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company B Enlisted 10/26/61 Centerville Township History--Killed in action, 04/30/64, Battle of Jenkins Ferry, Ark. At the time of his enlistment, BURKART, was age 23, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, dark hair and stood 5'4".

BURKER, CARL 44th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 10/05/64 Cooperstown Township History--Mustered out 08/28/65. At the time of his enlistment, BURKER, was age 27, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'5".

BURKHARDT, CHRISTOPH 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Union Army Enlisted as private 08/21/62 City of Manitowoc History--Wounded Battle of Chancellorsville, transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp. 03/01/64. Mustered out 08/21/65. D.O.B. 02/14/1836 D.O.D. 04/14/1903 Cemetery Schleswig Cemetery, Rockland Township. Row #1 stone #16 South West sect. Military headstone.

BURKHARDT, FELIX 26th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company F Enlisted 02/20/64 City of Two Rivers History--Transferred to Company F, 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. 06/10/65

BURKHARDT, MATHIAS 34th Wis. Vol. Inf. No company listed. Enlisted 02/23/63 Schleswig Township History--Furnished a substitute to take his place, 02/26/63.

BURKLE, MATHIAS 45th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company I Enlisted 10/07/64 Eaton Township History--Drafted; mustered out 07/17/65. At time of his enlistment, BURKLE, was age 29, single and listed his occupation as a mason. He had blue eyes, light hair and stood 5'6".

BURMEISTER, CHARLES 48th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 02/14/65 City of Two Rivers History--Mustered out 02/19/66. At time of his enlistment, BURMEISTER, was age 20, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, light brown hair and stood 5'6". D.O.B. 1841 D.O.D 06/11/1918. Cemetery Pioneers Rest Cemetery Two Rivers. Lot #96 block #3. No military headstone, family stone only.

BURNS, GEORGE T. 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/21/62 City of Two Rivers History--Promoted corporal the promoted to quartermaster sergeant 11/01/64.

BURSIE, HIRAM 3rd Wis. Vol. Inf. No company listed Enlisted 12/29/64 Cato Township History--From Company F, 22nd Wis. Vol. Inf. Mustered out 05/17/65.

BURTT, GEORGE 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Gibson Township History--Mustered out 08/29/65.

BURTT, MILO B. 27th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 08/21/62 Gibson Township History--Mustered out 05/31/65. D.O.B. 06/05/1843 D.O.D. 04/22/1895. Cemetery Larrabee Cemetery Gibson Township. Lot #21 block #4 sect. #21. Military headstone.

BUSSE, AUGUST 13th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company D Enlisted 12/29/64 Cooperstown Township History--Drafted; mustered out 11/24/65. At the time of his enlistment, BUSSE, was age 37, married and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had blue eyes, brown hair and stood 5'4". D.O.B. 07/22/1828 D.O.D. 12/12/1905. Cemetery Denmark E.U.B. Cemetery Cooperstown. No military headsone, family stone only.

BUTLER, CHARLES W. 21th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company K Enlisted 08/15/62 Cato Township History--Promoted corporal. Wounded at Battle of Chapin Hills, Ky. Transferred to Veterans Reserve Corp. 10/29/63.

BUZZELL, WILLIAM L. 4th Wis. Cavalry Regiment Company C Enlisted 05/27/61 Meeme Township History--Mustered out 07/14/64. At the time of his enlistment, BUZZELL, was age 24, single and listed his occupation as a farmer. He had hazel eyes, black hair and stood 5'81/2".

BYERSDORFF, EDWARD 5th Wis. Vol. Inf. Company C Union Army Enlisted as private 06/10/61 City of Manitowoc History--Mustered out 08/03/64. At the time of his enlistment, BYERSDORFF, was age 23, single and listed his occupation as a blacksmith. He had light hair and stood 5'4".