City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

[ MO ]

[ A ] [ B ] [ BE ] [ BI ] [ BR ] [ BU ] [ C ] [ CI ] [ D ] [ DI ][ E ] [ F ] [ FO ] [ G ] [ GO ] [ H ] [ HAN ] [ HE ] [ HI ] [ HR ] [ I ] [ J ] [ K ] [ KH ] [ KO ] [ KR ] [ L ] [ LI ] [ M ] [ ME ] [ MI ] [ MO ] [ N ] [ NO ] [ O ] [ P ] [ PF ] [ Q ] [ R ] [ RI ] [ S ] [ SCHI ] [ SCHO ] [ SCHW ] [ SI ] [ SM ] [ SQ ] [ STO ] [ T ] [ TI ] [ TR ] [ U ] [ V ] [ W ] [ WE ] [ WI ] [ X-Y ] [ Z ]


MOAKLER: [L-1-11]-Baby Moakler/-Dec 9, 1928- [R-8-3]-Edward P. Moakler/Feb 4, 1894/May 21, 1973 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [R-8-3]-Lila R./1895-1955 Tombstone [R-16-12]-Theresa C. Moakler/Sep 27, 1897/Jan 22, 1980 Tombstone [R-19-8]-James V. Moakler/1899-1945 Tombstone [S-43-28]-George J. Moakler/Jun 10, 1908/Jul 16, 1982 Tombstone [S-43-28]-Elva Moakler/Oct 7, 1909/Sep 14, 1997 Tombstone [W2-194-4]-Baby Moakler/-Dec 20, 1924- [W2-194-4]-Mary Moakler/-Dec 10, 1920-

MODDIE: [E-30-7]-Donald M. Moddie/Aug 29, 1965/Nov 5, 1990 Tombstone

MODERHOCK: [U-15-3]-Rudolph E. Moderhock/1888-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [U-15-3]-Margaret Moderhock/1892-1969 Tombstone

MOEDE: [G-10-11]-Ruth S. Moede/our baby/Born & Died/Dec 2, 1925 Tombstone [G-10-11]-Herman Moede/1864-1941 Tombstone [G-10-11]-Baby Moede/-Dec 28, 1927-

MOELLER: [E2-40-2]-Pauline T.E./wife of Dr. John Moeller/1861-1922 Tombstone [E2-40-2]-[Dr. John Moeller/d. 07-05-1931] [E2-40-2]-[Ottilie Moeller/Mrs./d. 08-29-1956 at Milwaukee WI/age 95 yrs]

MOEN: [M-6-2]-Mona L. Moen/Oct 19, 1943/Aug 6, 2024 Tombstone + Photo

MOENIG: [C-16-4]-Willie Moenig/Geb 24 Sept 1893/Gest 23 Juni 1894 Tombstone, next to: [C-16-4]-Bertha Moenig/Mutter/Geb 27 Jan 1871/Gest 11 Jan 1928 Tombstone, next to: [C-16-4]-Herman C. Moenig/Vater/Geb 20 Sept 1864/Gest 21 Dec 1958 Tombstone [T-4-20]-Carl H. Moenig/Wis/PFC US Army/WWII BSM-PH/Mar 1, 1905/Dec 19, 1965 Tombstone, next to: [T-4-20]-Clara E. Moenig/May 8, 1894/Oct 16, 1985 Tombstone



MOHR: [E2-43-5]-Ed Mohr/1866-1911 Tombstone, next to: [E2-43-5]-Harriet Mohr/nee OTHERSOLL/1859-1927 Tombstone [E2-43-5]-John Patrick Mohr/son of John & Joanne Mohr/Oct 27, 1950/Dec 28, 1950 Tombstone [T-4-17]-Michael W. Mohr/1949-Feb 3, 1989 Tombstone [T-4-17]-Wilbur H. Mohr/Aug 16, 1925/Apr 29, 2017 Tombstone [T-4-17]-Lorrayne C. Mohr/nee CHAMPEAU/Nov 14, 1925/Dec 12, 2006 Tombstone [T-15-1]-Ava H. Mohr/May 23, 1896/Oct 11, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [T-15-1]-Lillian Mohr/nee BARNESON/Jan 7, 1899/Jul 14, 1993 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone

MOHRHAUSEN: [W2-190-2]-[L. Mohrhausen/bur 1873/This is probably a child, as it is drawn as a child burial]

MOHRHUSEN: [W2-190-2]-Catharine Mohrhusen/born Jan 28, 1849/died Aug 5, 1881 Tombstone, next to: [W2-190-2]-L.T. MOHRHUSSEN/Corpl/Co G/24th Wis Inf Tribune article Tombstone, next to: [W2-190-2]-Clara Mohrhusen/Born/Feb 21, 1884/Died/Oct 5, 1907 Tombstone, next to: [W2-190-2]-Bertha/wife of LT Mohrhusen/Born Oct 16, 1861/Died Feb 27, 1903 Tombstone, next to: [W2-190-2]-Lubbe Theodor Mohrhusen/Geboren 15 Marz 1841/Gestorben 2 Marz 1891 Tombstone [W2-190-2]-Wilhelm Carl/Geb 7 Feb 1888/Starb 3 Aug 1888, ossw: [W2-190-2]-Helene/Geb 7 Febr 1888/Starb 11 Febr 1888/kinder von LT & B Mohrhusen/N_ (T?) bal. illegible see MOHRHAUSEN


MOLDENHAUER: [R-12-1]-James A. Moldenhauer/Wis/SSgt 40 Bomb GP AAF/WWII/Oct 25, 1922/Aug 15, 1965 (War Vet flg) Tombstone [R-12-1]-Jermaine C. Moldenhauer ASHFORD/Sep 18, 1923/Mar 11, 2013 Tombstone [T-22-2]-Arthur H. Moldenhauer/Apr 5, 1892/Jan 7, 1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-22-2]-Odessa A. Moldenhauer/Apr 30, 1893/Aug 31, 1979 Tombstone [T-23-6]-Louise C. Moldenhauer/Mother/1878-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-6]-Gustav C. Moldenhauer/1877-1961 Tombstone [T-23-6]-Ethel Ann Moldenhauer/Oct 17, 1919/Jun 13, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-6]-Ernest W. Moldenhauer/1917-2009 Tombstone

MOLLER: [F-14-2]-Charles Joseph Moller/-1965- Tombstone [F-14-2]-David Moller/1971-1971 Tombstone

MOLLITER: [R-23-5]-Phyllis Molliter/1906-1965 Tombstone

MOLLOY: (Daniel Molloy/d. 11 Jan 1861/age abt 14/from record of St. James Episc. ch., Manitowoc)

MONAKAN: [L-10-5]-[John Monakan/bur 06-22-1898/age 33 yrs/cause: heat prostration]

MONDA: [R-3-1A]-Richard L. Monda/Jun 15, 1941/Oct 27, 2007

MONDEN: [L-26-1]-Baby Monden (fetus)/-Jan 19, 2022- Tombstone

MONELL: [W2-191-1]-Caroline D. Monell/1873-1957 Tombstone

MONK: [Unk]-[?? Monk/bur 03-24-1878] [Unk]-[?? Monk/bur 12-07-1879] [C-16-6]-[Fritz Monk/bur 07-10-1894/age 75 yrs] [C-16-6]-[Sophia Monk/bur 05-14-1896/age 77 yrs] [C-16-6]-Elizabeth WIRTH Monk/Jun 7, 1854/Apr 21, 1909 Tombstone, ossw: [C-16-6]-Charles Monk/(Balance uncut)/d. Jul 7, 1919 [L-5-2]-Clara Monk/b. Jan 17, 1896/bur 06-18-1896 [L-7-1]-Edward Monk/Jul 28, 1889/May 19, 1895 [L-10-6]-Elizabeth Monk/1859-1898 Tombstone [L-29-3]-Robert Monk/1859-1909 Tombstone [O-8-2]-Laura/beloved wife of Martin J. Monk/Aug 20, 1898/May 14, 1917 Tombstone, next to: [O-8-2]-Corpl. Martin J. Monk/Co A 3532 Inft/Mar 14, 1881/killed in the battle of Bois de Bantheville, France/Oct 23, 1918/a soldier of the World War Tombstone [T-38-9]-Herman L. Monk/1885-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [T-38-9]-M. Amalia Monk/1878-1951 Tombstone [W2-142-2]-Lena Monk/1852-1945 Tombstone

MONKA: [H-19-4]-Joseph Monka Jr./1909-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [H-19-4]-Bruce Jackson Monka/Nov 18, 1934/Jan 7, 2005 Tombstone [V-36-1]-Ronald J. Monka/Aug 4, 1938/Jun 15, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [V-36-1]-Mary Ann Monka/Jul 17, 1937/Dec 1, 1982 Tombstone [W2-228-6]-Lila R. Monka/Aug 15, 1911/Jul 10, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-228-6]-Edward Monka/1917-1922 Tombstone [W2-228-6]-Anna Monka/1881-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-228-6]-Joseph F. Monka Sr./May 31, 1881/Apr 1, 1967 Tombstone [W2-228-6]-Gertrude H. Monka/Dec 26, 1907/Jul 11, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-228-6]-Harold Monka/Jul 4, 1903/Apr 7, 1979 Tombstone

MONROE: [W2-183-1]-Charles Monroe/1868-1940 Tombstone, next to: [W2-183-1]-Anna Monroe/1869-1917 Tombstone

MOODY: [R-15-3]-Will W. Moody M.D./Nov 6, 1919/Jul 22, 1973 Tombstone + Photo

MOOMAW: [O-17-3]-Noah Moomaw/1874-1913 Tombstone

MOON: [R-31-3]-Karen K. Moon/Mar 10, 1946/Feb 27, 1989 Tombstone

MOORE: [E2-16-3]-[Calvin Moore/bur 10-25-1862] Tombstone [E2-16-3]-[Miss Moore/bur 01-26-1873] [E2-16-3]-Sarah Moore/Mother/1815-1872 Tombstone, next to: [E2-16-3]-John Moore/Father/1814-1869 Tombstone [John Moore/bur. 07-01-1869] [E2-16-3]-[Albert Moore/bur 03-07-1869] [P-27-2]-Thomas E. Moore/1860-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-2]-Mary C. Moore/1867-1950 Tombstone [P-28-1]-Arvilla Moore/1889-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [P-28-1]-J. Ross Moore/1886-1963 Tombstone [P-28-1]-[Thomas M. Moore/d. 07-05-1976] Tombstone [R-43-1]-Presbury West Moore/1885-1929 Tombstone

MORBECK: [E2-69-2]-[?? Morbeck/bur 03-12-1876] Tombstone [E2-69-2]-Hanna Morbeck [bur 07-22-1875] Tombstone

MORELAND: [E2-95-3]-Agnes Jane/Dau of JF & M Moreland/died Sep 22, 1865/AE 1Yr 4Ms 6ds [on John Moreland lot] Tombstone

MOREY: [A-23-1]-James PATTERSON/Died Nov 23, 1889/aged 78 years Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-1]-Amelia Morey/died Apr 22, 1909/aged 60 years

MORGAN: [L-30-10]-[Josephine Morgan/bur 05-29-1935] [P-34]-William H. Morgan/Jul 2, 1925/Mar 1, 2017 Tombstone [T-37-3]-Elton W. Morgan/1887-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [T-37-3]-Clara M. Morgan/1895-1974 Tombstone [V-31-2]-Irene Wood Morgan/Jul 3, 1921/Oct 14, 1996 [cremains] Tombstone

MORIARTY: [L-30-9]-[Jerome Moriarty/bur 4-3-1936]

MORICK: [T-10-10]-Lorraine Esther Morick/Jul 26, 1931/Mar 7, 2006 Tombstone + Photo

MORITZ: [D-23-2]-Gary A. Moritz/Apr 26, 1943/Mar 15, 2023 Tombstone + Photo

MORK: [Y-2-1]-Julia Annette Mork/1917-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-1]-Paul Burton Mork/Mar 23, 1917/Jun 2, 1994 Tombstone

MORKEN: [V-18-6]-Paul M. Morken/1892-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [V-18-6]-Nora C. Morken/1891-1984 Tombstone

MORRIS: [D-34-2]-Martha H. Morris/1874-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [D-34-2]-Samuel A. Morris/1873-1943 Tombstone [E-30-3]-James F. Morris Sr./Apr 6, 1876/Apr 23, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-30-3]-Helen Nellie Morris/1880-1962 Tombstone [E-30-4]-Thomas J. Morris/1881-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [E-30-4]-Cornelia Morris/Sep 9, 1882/Sep 6, 1975 Tombstone [E-41-5]-Kenneth W. Morris/Aug 26, 1904/Nov 7, 1991 Tombstone [E-41-5]-Mary A. Morris/May 8, 1909/Dec 22, 1995 Tombstone [E-41-5]-James F. Morris/1932/Jun 18, 2017 Tombstone [E2-52-6]-[William/son of Hugh Morris/bur 03-05-1864] Tombstone [F-30-3]-Bartley Morris/to whose/loving memory/St. Bartholomews Church/is Dedicated at/ El Centro, Calif. Tombstone, next to: [F-30-3]-(Bartley)/Father/1844-1906 Tombstone, next to: [F-30-3]-[Mary] Morris/Mother/1845-1924 Tombstone [F-30-3]-Genevieve Morris/Aug 23, 1905/Sep 29, 1994 Tombstone [L-32-12]-Thomas O. Morris/1938-1939 Tombstone [P-20-3]-Anna R. Morris/1887-1976 Tombstone [P-20-3]-Mary A. Morris/1924-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [P-20-3]-Rosella Morris/Dec 26, 1893/Mar 16, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [P-20-3]-John P. Morris/Aug 23, 1885/Oct 16, 1983 Tombstone [R-45-6]-John R. Morris/1906-1991 Tombstone [R-45-6]-Rubie D. Morris/nee DIEBERT/Apr 21, 1910/Apr 6, 1993 Tombstone [S-43-8]-Jack H. Morris/Aug 21, 1911/Jul 20, 1986 Tombstone [S-43-8]-(Robert) Wayne Morris/1936-1989 Tombstone [S-44-8]-Edwin F. Morris/Nov 14, 1906/Sep 25, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [S-44-8]-Hildegard E. Morris/Jan 30, 1905/Sep 26, 1990 Tombstone [U-26-9]-Stephen A. Morris/Nov 24, 1892/Sep 12, 1966 Tombstone [U-26-9]-Minnie Morris/Feb 14, 1899/Jul 26, 1990 Tombstone see FRANZ

MORRISEY: [P-10-8]-William J. Morrisey/1880-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [P-10-8]-Lillian A. Morrisey/1884-1944 Tombstone Also have Morrissey

MORRISON: [Unk]-[William James Morrison/bur 10-31-1869] [E-25-8]-William John Morrison/May 9, 1939/Dec 1, 2023 Tombstone [E2-52-6]-[Robert Morrison/bur 02-06-1877] [E2-52-6]-[Elizabeth A. Morrison/bur 05-01-1872] [E2-52-6]-[Hugh Morrison/bur 06-01-1895] [E2-52-6]-George Albert/son of H & EA Morrison/Died/March 3,1864/aged 10 days Tombstone [E2-31-6]-Peter Morrison/Co B/15th Ill.____ Tribune article Tombstone [E2-52-5]-[Emma Estella Morrison/bur 06-28-1902] [L-2-11]-[Mary Morrison/d. 03-12-1939] Tombstone [L-2-12]-Murdock Morrison/Apr 24, 1876/Aug 28, 1920 Tombstone

MORRISSEY: [A-14-6]-Lawrence Morrissey/Father/1879-1936 Tombstone

MORROW: [E-40-3]-Verdith Alice Morrow/Mother/Jun 9, 1913/Nov 8, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [E-40-3]-Robert D. KONSELLA/Son/SSgt US Air Force/Korea Vietnam/Mar 8, 1930/Apr 16, 1977 Tombstone [E-41-4]-William E. Morrow/May 11, 1941/Mar 19, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [E-41-4]-George L./1943-____ (War vet flg)

MORSE: [E2-70-1]-Bowen B. Morse/1869-1954 Tombstone, next to: [E2-70-1]-Helen V. Morse/1871-1951 Tombstone, next to: [E2-70-1]-Cornelia VILAS Morse/1829-1916 Tombstone, next to: [E2-70-1]-Cornelius W. Morse/1833-1913 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [E2-70-1]-Joseph & James Morse/1868-[bur 07-10-1868] Tombstone, next to: [E2-70-1]-C.W. Morse/Lieut/Co A/IVT CAV Tombstone [E2-76-3]-Jay W. Morse/1878-1950 Tombstone, next to: [E2-76-3]-Laura A. Morse/1840-1920 Tombstone, next to: [E2-76-3]-Norman B. Morse/1832-1898 Tombstone

MORTERIK: [Unk]-[Mrs. V. Morterik/bur 12-29-1882/age 42 yrs]

MORTON: [L-30-3]-Michael Morton/Feb 4-Aug 27, 1959 [space #336] Tombstone [V-10-9]-Madge K. Morton/1939-1986 Tombstone

MOSER: [Unk]-[?? Moser/bur 08-05-1868] [Unk]-[?? Moser/bur 04-25-1869] [M-2-8]-Ronald K. Moser/Sep 4, 1937/Nov 1, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

MOSHER: [Unk]-[?? Mosher/bur 11-29-1873] [C-9-6]-Myrtle Mosher/Oct 2, 1885/Nov 9, 1985 Tombstone [C-9-6]-[Charles Mosher/d. 22 Aug 1886/from death index] Tombstone [E2-58-6]-[Mrs. Albert [Susan] Mosher/bur 04-18-1873] [E2-58-6]-[Alpheus Adam Mosher/bur 06-14-1864] Tombstone [W2-146-3]-[?? Mosher/bur 08-24-1874] [Burial register has buried the child of Mr. Mosher, lot 3 block 146, $1] [W2-146-3]-[Fred Mosher/bur 10-21-1874] Tombstone

MOSS: [T-38-7]-Elizabeth H. PLATT Moss/1911/1976 Tombstone [V-17-3]-Loris T. Moss/May 15, 1916/Oct 7, 1983 Tombstone see PLATT

MOTT: [L-2-11]-Emma Mott/1879-1925/Mother Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby (fetus)/Jan 26, 2004 Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby Mott/Dec 17, 2009 Tombstone [M-12-19]-George J. Mott/Nov 17, 1937/Mar 7, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [P-32-7]-Harry C. Mott/Oct 1, 1888/Oct 23, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [P-32-7]-Elda Frieda Sophia Bertha Mott/Jun 21, 1912/Apr 14, 1992 Tombstone [Y-2-14]-Glenn D. Mott/Mar 4, 1936/May 7, 2018 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-2-14]-Virginia A. Mott/nee MAERTZ/May 2, 1947/Nov 18, 2021 Tombstone + Photo see GERALDSON

MOTTA: [S-52-3]-Vera GARRIGAN Motta/Wife/1895-1933 Tombstone + Photo, next to: see GARRIGAN

MOUA: [B-20-3]-Yang Mee Moua/June 15, 1901/May 27, 1995 [bur. on Nhia Cha Yang lot] Tombstone [L-31-4]-Natalie Moua (baby)/d. Jun 17, 2004 [L-31-6]-Eliza Mae Moua/Nov 2, 2017/Nov 3, 2017 Tombstone [V-38-1]-Shoua Chou Moua/Dec 31, 1922/Jan 13, 1995 [male/married/cause: suicide-hanging] Tombstone

MOWRER: [P-13-3]-Josephine A. Mowrer/May 24, 1913/Aug 24, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [P-13-3]-Lloyd E. Mowrer/Jul 23, 1913/Feb 23, 2004 Tombstone

MRAZ: [E-7-7]-Florence Louise GRANGER Mraz/Sep 25, 1916/Nov 10, 1996 Tombstone [T-6-7]-Joseph A. Mraz/Nov 8, 1897/May 11, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-7]-Emma A. Mraz/Feb 17, 1897/Sep 27, 1977 Tombstone [T-7-13]-Russell L. Mraz/SGT US Army Air Forces/WWII/Jan 23, 1927/Jan 7, 2021 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-7-13]-Robert J. Mraz/-1967- Tombstone, ossw: [T-7-13]-Norma A. Mraz/Feb 16, 1930/May 29, 2011 Tombstone Robert/Norma [V-33-5]-Frank N. Mraz/1904-2007 Tombstone

MROTEK: [B-13-5]-Baby Mrotek/-1928- see MAHNKE [B-18-5]-Mikel J. Mrotek/Wisconsin/Sgt Co H 127 Inf 32 Div/WWI/May 15, 1889/Sep 28, 1954 Tombstone [E-5-3]-John A. Mrotek/Nov 5, 1908/Nov 27, 1981 Tombstone [E-36-11]-Eugene K. Mrotek/May 10, 1911/Feb 13, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [E-36-11]-Marian F. Mrotek/1912-1974 Tombstone [E-40-9]-Paul J. Mrotek Sr./Jun 3, 1908/Feb 7, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [E-40-9]-Lydia A. Mrotek/Jan 20, 1912/Apr 25, 1979 Tombstone [L-1-12]-John Mrotek/-Jun 8, 1923- [L-26-1]-[Baby Mrotek/d. 05-24-1995/fetus #2] Tombstone [L-30-2]-[Baby Mrotek/d. 12-27-1954/stillborn/space #303] [L-30-3]-Michelle Lea Mrotek/-Oct. 23, 1974- Tombstone [O-20-3]-Baby Mrotek/-1946- Tombstone [O-20-3]-[Baby Mrotek/d. 11-20-1949/stillborn/bur on Henry Sachse lot] [P-26-2]-Blanche T. HUSKE Mrotek/Jan 27, 1900/Aug 13, 1978 Tombstone [P-31-9]-[Alice I. Mrotek/1904-1946 Tombstone [R-7-7]-Anton F. Mrotek Sr./Jun 11, 1873/May 18, 1951 Tombstone, next to: [R-7-7]-Joseph T. Mrotek/Sep 29, 1915/Oct 15, 1944 Tombstone, next to: [R-7-7]-Josephine Mrotek/Mar 30, 1874/Oct 5, 1952 Tombstone [R-7-7]-Christine SEABURG/nee Mrotek/1902-1955 Tombstone, next to: [R-7-7]-Anton F. Mrotek/Aug 14, 1897/Jun 24, 1963 Tombstone, next to: [R-7-7]-Grace W. Mrotek/1902-1950 Tombstone [R-8-8]-Edwin Mrotek/Oct 31, 1903/May 18, 1980 Tombstone [R-16-5]-Gerald C. Mrotek/Son/Jun 29, 1926/Mar 26, 1936 Tombstone [T-14-3]-Ambrose J. Mrotek/Oct 15, 1904/Aug 21, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [T-14-3]-Helen D. Mrotek/Jul 6, 1914/Aug 10, 1977 Tombstone [T-14-3]-Frank W. Mrotek/1895-1962 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [T-14-3]-Selma L. Mrotek/1902-1969 Tombstone [U-5-2]-Luke Mrotek/Feb 5, 1905/Dec 6, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-2]-Edna Mrotek/Sep 29, 1910/Mar 25, 2010 Tombstone [U-25-6]-Alice A. Mrotek/Jan 28, 1913/Mar 10, 1981 Tombstone, next to: [U-25-6]-Roland A. Mrotek/Wis/TEC 5 Co A 760 Mil Police BN/WWII/Sep 28, 1907/Sep 1, 1955 Tombstone [U-31-3]-Edward E. Mrotek/May 18, 1901/Jun 10, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [U-31-3]-Constance Sophia Mrotek/Feb 10, 1901/Jun 25, 1984 Tombstone [W-20-7]-Richard E. Mrotek/Dec 17, 1959/Aug 20, 2017 Tombstone + Photo see GOGATS see MEYER see NELSON

MROZINSKI: [E-41-2]-Louis A. Mrozinski/Feb 1, 1913/Jul 8, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [E-41-2]-Norma H. Mrozinski/1916-2010 Tombstone [R-16-4]-Baby [Eunice] Mrozinski/-Feb 4, 1937- Tombstone [T-7-13]-Paul E. Mrozinski/Jan 15, 1899/Dec 15, 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [T-7-13]-Frances Mrozinski/Feb 5, 1899/Aug 5, 1982 Tombstone

MUCHOWSKI: [L-31-12]-Mitchell Muchowski/-1950- [space #271]

MUCK: [M-12-10]-Duane E. Muck/Oct 25, 1929/May 27, 2009 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [M-12-10]-Elaine L. Muck/nee SCHRANK/Mar 2, 1936/Feb 23, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

MUEHLBAUER: [U-9-2]-Charles A. Muehlbauer/Feb 9,1888/Jul 28, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [U-9-2]-Alma L. Muehlbauer/1895-1958 Tombstone + Photo

MUEHLBERG: [G-10-5]-Karl O. Muehlberg/1863-1945 Tombstone, next to: [G-10-5]-Lucine W. Muehlberg/1873-1956 Tombstone [O-19-2]-Hilda Muehlberg/May 10, 1894/Oct 3, 1913 Tombstone

MUEHLENBRUCH: [Unk]-[A. (Wilhelm ?) Muehlenbruch/bur 08-23-1868] [Unk]-[Ella? Muehlenbruch/bur 09-25-1865] [Unk]-[Emma? Muehlenbruch/bur 08-18-1863] [B-24-1]-John Muehlenbruch/Son/1884-1890 Tombstone, next to: [B-24-1]-Adolph Muehlenbruch/Father/1828-1915 Tombstone, next to: [B-24-1]-Minnie Muehlenbruch/Mother/1862-1944 Tombstone [E2-68-4]-Louise/Gattin von A MUHLENBRUCH/geboren 17 Apr 1830/gestorben 11 Apr 1873 Tombstone, next to: [E2-68-4]-[Frederick Muehlenbruch/bur. 07-09-1866]

MUELLER: [Unk]-[John Mueller/bur. 06-06-1881] [Unk]-[John Mueller/bur. 05-20-1877] [Unk]-[(Emma) Mueller/bur 09-02-1883] [A-1-2]-(Pauline)/Mother/1838-1912 Tombstone [A-1-2]-August/Father/1834-1914 Tombstone + Photo [B-6-1]-Bertha Mueller/1887-1893 [B-6-1]-Baby/-Nov 24, 1898- [Baby Wolf/bur. 11-26-1898/cause: inantion] [B-6-1]-Eva Mueller/1819-1895 [B-6-1]-Friedrich Mueller/1816-1889 Tombstone [B-6-2]-Augusta Mueller/1859-1901, next to: [B-6-2]-Pauline Mueller/1871-1937 Tombstone [B-6-2]-Pauline Mueller/Mother/1854-1931 Tombstone [B-6-2]-[Gustave] Mueller/Father/1846-1902 [B-6-2]-Gustav Mueller/1878-1893 [B-12-1]-Augusta Mueller/Geb 15 Apr 1862/Gest 6 Oct 1913 Tombstone [C-6-3]-August W. Mueller/1887-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-3]-Julia M. Mueller/1886-1958 Tombstone [C-6-3]-Mary Mueller/Jan 9, 1869/Apr 21, 1923/Mother Tombstone [C-6-3]-Otto Mueller/Jun 17, 1862/Aug 24, 1938/Father Tombstone [C-6-3]-Jewel Mueller/Mar 12, 1925/Oct 17, 1995 [bur. on August Mueller lot] Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-3]-June Mueller/Mar 12, 1925/Mar 14, 2007 Tombstone [C-31-4]-Clara D. Mueller/1885-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [C-31-4]-Arthur E. Mueller/1883-1956 Tombstone + Photo [C-31-4]-Auguste Mueller/1857-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [C-31-4]-Charles Mueller/1855-1897 Tombstone [C-31-4]-Caroline Mueller/Geb 19 Oct 1814/21 Mar 1896 Tombstone [D-36-1]-Ludwig Mueller/Vater/Geb 2 Juli 1832/Gest 12 Apr 1901 Tombstone [D-36-1]-Sophia Mueller/Mutter/Geb 15 Oct 1832/Gest 9 Mai 1914 Tombstone [E-3-2]-Clarence C. Mueller/Jan 24, 1912/Jun 8, 1999 Tombstone [E-3-2]-Georgiana C. Mueller/Apr 22, 1912/Jan 22, 2007 Tombstone [E-21-9]-Harold W. Mueller/Jan 13, 1914/Nov 17, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [E-21-9]-Helen B. Mueller/nee BUCHNER/Sep 9, 1924/Nov 12, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [E2-3-10]-John O. OAS/1866-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-10]-Otto Gerhard Mueller OAS/1893-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-10]-Elizabeth OAS/1868-1951 Tombstone, next to: see OAS [E2-12-6]-Baby Mueller/-Nov 21, 1914- [G-8-8]-Viola F. Mueller/1899-1971 Tombstone + Photo [G-8-8]-Arnold F. Mueller/M.D./1886-1925 (US Vet) Tombstone [G-8-8]-Arnold F. Mueller/Jul 6, 1926/Jul 3, 1996 Tombstone [H-11-4]-Fred H. Mueller/1845-1918 Tombstone [H-11-4]-Lina Mueller/1855-1913 Tombstone [H-11-4]-Hugo Mueller/1880-1889 Tombstone [I-7-4]-Henry Mueller/Father/Jun 15, 1857/Jul 10, 1909 Tombstone [I-7-4]-Minnie Mueller/Mother/Mar 30, 1855/Jun 24,1904 Tombstone [I-9-3]-Wilhelm Mueller/19 Sep 1844/26 Nov 1915 Tombstone, ossw: [I-9-3]-Henriette Mueller/25 Mar 1842/15 Apr 1923 Tombstone [I-9-3]-[Gustave Mueller/bur 5-11-1934/age 52 yr/d. at Antigo, WI] Tombstone [I-28-5]-Carl Mueller/Father/1845-1903 Tombstone, next to: [I-28-5]-Lena Mueller/Mother/1856-1916Tombstone [I-28-5]-Amelia Mueller/1880-1932 Tombstone [I-28-5]-August L. Mueller/1882-1944 Tombstone [I-28-5]-Edward Mueller/1877-1952 Tombstone [L-16-6]-Baby Mueller/-Jul 5, 1910- [L-29-21]-Margaret Mueller/1885-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [L-29-21]-John Mueller/1883-1952 Tombstone [L-30-11]-[Rosa Mueller/bur 11-12-1934] [L-31-6]-Torvald Mueller/-Jun 26, 2023- Tombstone [M-11-7]-Lois J. Mueller/Apr 23, 1942/May 16, 2004 Tombstone [O-20-4]-Baby Mueller/-buried May 31, 1913- [O-20-4]-Allen Mueller/d. Nov 2, 1918 [P-27-4]-Etta Mueller/1876-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-4]-Robert Mueller/1876-1954 Tombstone [P-31-9]-Bertha Mueller/1884-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-9]-Fred C. Mueller/1881-1957 Tombstone [R-6-5]-William O. Mueller/1900-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [R-6-5]-Lydia L. Mueller/1903-1973 Tombstone [R-12-7]-William H. Mueller/Apr 2, 1916/Nov 9, 1938 Tombstone [R-12-7]-Emma A. Mueller/1881-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [R-12-7]-Otto F. Mueller/1874-1951 Tombstone [R-22-2]-Katherine Mueller/Mother/1858-1931 Tombstone [R-22-2]-Raymond Mueller/Son/1897-1942 Tombstone [R-30-6]-Arthur H. Mueller/May 13, 1905/May 23, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [R-30-6]-Mayme Mueller/nee PILGER/Aug 30, 1920/Jan 10, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [R-30-6]-Marilyn Jean Mueller/-Jun 24-26, 1930- Tombstone [R-42-11]-Ludwig F. Mueller/1887-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [R-42-11]-Alvina W. Mueller/1892-1949 Tombstone [T-1-9]-Oswin H. Mueller/Jun 17, 1887/Aug 29, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [T-1-9]-Amanda G. Mueller/1882-1969 Tombstone [T-19-4]-Hilda A. Mueller/Aug 22, 1908/Aug 1, 1984 Tombstone + Photo [T-19-4]-Earl A. Mueller/Dec 7, 1907/Jul 20, 1996 Tombstone + Photo [T-27-8]-Arthur J. Mueller/1887-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-27-8]-Ella M. Mueller/Aug 30, 1887/Feb 4, 1975 Tombstone [T-30-5]-Earl H. Mueller/Dec 2, 1928/Dec 10, 2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-30-5]-Barbara May Mueller/nee KOCH/Jul 22, 1930/Mar 8, 2024 Tombstone + Photo [T-38-4]-Leland/1903-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [T-38-4]-Eleanor E. Mueller KOZLOVSKY/nee RUTZ/Apr 23, 1902/Feb 8, 1978 Tombstone [U-27-9]-Jacob H. Mueller/1889-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-9]-Henrietta Mueller/1893-1955 Tombstone [U-27-9]-Kathryn M. Mueller/May 12, 1918/Aug 31, 1970 Tombstone [U-28-3]-Marvin W. Mueller/1899-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [U-28-3]-Linda H. Mueller/1894-1966 Tombstone + Photo [V-3-2]-Richard F. Miller/Nov 30, 1919/Jul 19, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [V-3-2]-Jeanne Laverne Mueller/Aug 22, 1923/Jan 6, 2006 Tombstone [V-15-10]-Earl J. Mueller/Aug 10, 1902/Feb 18, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-10]-Rose Mueller/Oct 19, 1910/Sep 11, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-10]-Susan Mueller/1952-2007 Tombstone [V-20-5]-Kenneth H. Mueller/Jul 11, 1921/May 10, 1991 Tombstone [V-20-5]-Bernice I. Mueller/d. Sep 19, 2004 Tombstone [V-27-2]-Milton L. Mueller/Sep 15, 1896/Apr 6, 1988 Tombstone [V-27-2]-Cora L. Mueller/May 17, 1902/Feb 21, 1994 Tombstone [V-27-5]-Karen S. Carlson Mueller/Apr 15, 1963/28 Mar 28, 1982 Tombstone [W2-98-2]-Johann Mueller/geboren 21 Juli 1824/gestorben 6 Mai 1905 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-98-2]-Maria Mueller/Gatten den J./Mueller/geboren 28 Mai 1818/gestorben 7 Nov 1899 Tombstone [W2-98-2]-Ernst/Sohn von J & M Mueller/17 Marz 1869/(Feb 28, 1878) Tombstone [W2-104-4]-Gladyce C. Mueller/Apr 14, 1910/Feb 27, 1984 Tombstone [W2-104-4]-Alex Mueller/Feb 28, 1907/Jun 2, 1992 Tombstone [W2-109-4]-[Mrs. C.F. Mueller/bur 04-25-1875/bur on Carl F. Mueller lot] [W2-111-3]-Herman Mueller/1870-1940 Tombstone [W2-111-3]-Ella D. Mueller/1878-1970 Tombstone [W2-116-3]-Rose Mueller/bur 02-26-1882 Tombstone [W2-134-3]-Mina Mueller/Mother/1827-1905 Tombstone [W2-134-3]-Henry Mueller/Co C/27th Wis Inf [d. Dec 30, 1882/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [W2-134-3]-Bruno Mueller/1849-1926 Tombstone + Photo [W2-134-3]-[Minnie Mueller/d. 09-28-1937] Tombstone + Photo [W2-134-3]-[Henry Mueller/bur 05-24-1906/cause: kicked by horse] [W2-175-4]-Luise/Tochter von F & L Mueller [Miss Mueller/bur 01-23-1879/age 23 yrs] Tombstone, ossw: [W2-175-4]-Elisabeth Mueller [Mrs. Mueller/bur 06-12-1879] Tombstone, ossw: [W2-175-4]-Ferdinand Mueller/[Mr. Mueller/bur 06-12-1879] Tombstone [W2-189-3]-Carl Mueller/14 Oct 1847/7 Mar 1906 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-189-3]-Marie Mueller/1 Mai 1856/6 Juli 1929 Tombstone [W2-200-4]-[Victoria Bertha Mueller/Beata/bur.07-19-1908/aka Beata] Tombstone [W2-200-4]-Julia Mueller/Geb.VON ROHR/geboren/13 April 1835/gestorben/12 Juni 1899 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-200-4]-F.J. Mueller [Fred J.]/Geboren/2 Juli 1808/Gestorben/23 Marz 1881 Tombstone [W2-207-3]-[Mrs. Ida Mueller/bur 11-06-1892/age 75 yrs/cause: after operation] [W2-207-3]-[Johan Mueller/bur 07-25-1897/age 84 yrs/cause: diabetis] [W2-216-3]-[Albert Mueller/bur. 06-29-1889/age 2 yrs./cause: lung disease] [Y-1-10]-Reinhold F. "Bud" Mueller/Feb 17, 1920/Sep 20, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-10]-Mildred A. Mueller/Sep 29, 1920/Aug 7, 2009 Tombstone [Y-2-33]-Ervin W. Mueller/Aug 9, 1921/Dec 16, 1994 Tombstone see BULL see HUWATSCHEK see KIEL see KIRCHNER

MUENCH: Marilyn L. Muench/nee BECKER/Nov 11, 1948/Mar 23, 2024 Tombstone + Photo

MUETZEL: [O-7-4]-Erna Muetzel/Nee KRUEGER/1902-1944 Tombstone

MUHL: [Unk]-[Beithe Muhl/bur. 12-08-1872]

MUHLENBRUCH: see Muehlenbruch

MULDROW: [S-42-18]-Ada Mae/Jan 31, 1930/Dec 6, 2008 Tombstone

MULL: [R-33-9]-Family stone reads: FOKETT-MULL-KUETHER, next to: [R-33-9]-Heinrich Mull/Sep 26, 1846/Nov 17, 1919 Tombstone [R-33-9]-Hermina Mull/Apr 12, 1857/Jun 25, 1935 Tombstone [T-23-7]-Blanche Mull/Mother/1898-1945 Tombstone, next to: [T-23-7]-William E. Mull/Father/Dec 3, 1894/Feb 26, 1978 Tombstone [U-2-1]-Herman F. Mull/Sep 11, 1883/Feb 4, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [U-2-1]-Cora Mull/Apr 29, 1886/Mar 7, 1974 Tombstone see FOKETT see KUETHER see ZIHLER

MULLEN: [R-20-2]-Charles Mullen/1860-1931 Tombstone, ossw: [R-20-2]-Sarah E. Mullen/1865-1957 Tombstone

MULLIGAN: [E2-88-1]-Jane Mulligan/daughter of E & J LENERVILLE/ Born/25 May 1848/died 20 May 1875 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-88-1]-George/son of E & J LENERVILLE/Born 25 Dec 1861/died/9 Aug 1881 Tombstone [L-12-4]-[Nellie Mulligan/Apr 23, 1876/Apr 27, 1898 Tombstone see BARBER

MULLINS: [E-14-3]-Lawrence W. Mullins/Feb 10, 1932/May 1, 2019 Photo [E-21-6]-Paul A. Mullins/Nov 25, 1921/Nov 30, 1989 Tombstone [E-21-6]-Dorothy M. Mullins/May 15, 1923/Jul 12, 2018 Tombstone + Photo

MULTERER: [L-21-2]-[Louis Multerer/bur 02-08-1913/cause: apoplexy]

MUMPY: [E-14-3]-Keith E. Mumpy/Mar 10, 1953/Jan 9, 1998 Tombstone [L-1-12]-Baby Mumpy/-Jun 12, 1924- [U-15-5]-Delores Lillian Mumpy/Jan 4, 1930/Nov 2, 1994 Tombstone [U-15-5]-Gustav Mumpy/1891-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [U-15-5]-Elsie Mumpy/1895-1960 Tombstone [V-15-8]-Harold T. Mumpy/Aug 13, 1916/May 12, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-8]-Edith M. Mumpy/Feb 13, 1917/Aug 23, 2000 Tombstone


MUNDT: [I-6-6]-[Herbert Mundt/bur 08-27-1906/age 6 mo] [I-6-6]-Johanna Mundt/Geb BROEKER/1878-1905 Tombstone, next to: [I-6-6]-Albert Mundt/1898-1923 Tombstone, next to: [L-31-10]-Baby Mundt/-Sep 14, 1942- Tombstone [cause: separation of placenta/son of Edgar Mundt] [P-10-1]-Emma Mundt/Mother/1881-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [P-10-1]-Henry J. Mundt/Father/1881-1946 Tombstone [T-37-3]-Adolph Mundt/1879-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-37-3]-Sophia Mundt/1884-1962 Tombstone [V-27-1]-Delia A. Mundt/Nov 15, 1910/May 29, 1996 Tombstone see BECKER see BROEKER

MUNGER: [D-9-1]-Julius DETTMAN/1879-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [D-9-1]-Josephine DETTMAN/1909-1965 Tombstone, ossw [D-9-1]-Eva DETTMAN/1879-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [D-9-1]-Emma Munger/1856-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [D-9-1]-Joseph Munger/1852-1900 Tombstone

MUNSON: [L-7-2]-Dr. H. Munson/1830-Apr 16, 1886 Tombstone

MURAWSKI: [R-2-1A]-Michael S. Murawski/Jan 8, 1951/Sep 8, 2016 Tombstone, ossw: [R-2-1A]-Julie Murawski/nee PANOSH/Aug 7, 1955/Jan 8, 2024 Tombstone

MURKLEY: [U-5-5]-Elsie P. WALKER Murkley/nee SCHADEBERG/May 6, 1906/Jul 15, 1994 Tombstone

MURPHY: ( ____ Murphy/bur. 19 Dec. 1852/age 19 mo./from record of St. James Epis. ch., Manitowoc) [E2-36-1]-Mary J. Murphy/Apr 28, 1852/Jan 22, 1929 [E2-36-1]-Hiram Hyde CHAMPLIN/born Sep 18, 1798/Died/(1853)(uncut) Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Almira BOARDMAN/wife of HH Champlin/Died July 4, 1876/Aged 78yrs 7mo Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Hiram H. Champlin/Son of H & HA Champlin/Died/Jan 19, 1849/Aged 13Yrs 6mo Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Eva Josephine/Died/Aug 27, 1857/aged 1yr 3mo 1d Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Ela Adalaide/Died July 1, 1860/AE 4yrs 1Mo 4D/ Twin children of Wyman & Ela Murphy Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Elmer Ellsworth/son of W&E Murphy/Died Oct 17, 1862/aged 1yr 6mo 26d Tombstone, ossw: [E2-36-1]-Mary J. CHAMPLIN/wife of/Wyman Murphy/Died/May 10, 1852/Aged 22Yrs 3Ms Tombstone [F-3-2]-Baby Murphy/-Sep 30, 1918- [F-3-2]-Medora F. Murphy/1875-1939 Tombstone [F-3-2]-Michael H. Murphy/1853-1924 Tombstone [F-3-2]-Charlotte FLYNN Murphy/1856-1913 Tombstone [F-3-3]-Mary/(-Jan 14-16, 1883-) Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-3]-Vincent/(-Feb 18-27, 1889-) and, Tombstone, ossw: [F-3-3]-Beatrice/(-1888-)Died in Infancy Tombstone [F-3-3]-Harriett BLESER Murphy/1882-1920 Tombstone [F-3-3]-Clement William Murphy/1884-1925 Tombstone [F-3-3]-Mary A. Murphy/1857-1937 Tombstone [F-3-3]-John A. Murphy/1850-1923 Tombstone [F-3-3]-Baby Murphy/-Apr 23, 1918- [L-29-9]-[John Murphy/bur 04-13-1918] [R-6-13]-Francis Xavier Murphy/1880-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [R-6-13]-Eva Murphy/Nee GREELEY/1884-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [R-6-13]-Margaret Greeley Murphy/Jan 2, 1910/Oct 12, 2003 Tombstone [T-24-8]-Helen B. Murphy/1911-1965 Tombstone, next to: see BRADY [U-34-1]-Leona VETTING Murphy/1920-1959 (war vet flg) Tombstone [W2-157-2]-Lucy A./wife of B.F. Murphy/Died Dec 31, 1872/aged 46years 1mon 28ds Tombstone [W2-157-2]-Benjamin Franklin Murphy/Febr 28, 1819/Feb 13, 1901 Tombstone [W2-186-1]-Henry E. Murphy/1881-1932 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-186-1]-Meta S. Murphy/Nov 5, 1880/Apr 4, 1975 Tombstone [W2-186-2]-Ann Marie Murphy/May 29, 1917/Mar 16, 1999 Tombstone [W2-186-2]-William K. Murphy/Oct 6, 1914/Jul 18, 2005 Tombstone see GREELEY

MURRAY: [C-10-4]-[Lester J. Murray/bur 6-25-1928] [E-29-10]-William L. Murray/1898-1967 Tombstone [E-38-8]-Martha V. Murray/Apr 12, 1894/Jan 26, 1984 Tombstone [F-41-3]-Marion Ferguson-Murray/nee Randolph/Jun 18, 1916/Aug 30, 2002 Tombstone [H-4-5]-William D. Murray [W.D. Murray]/1856-1896 [bur 11-10-1896/cause: heart disease] Tombstone, ossw: [H-4-5]-Agnes Murray/nee BURNET/1861-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [H-4-5]-Gilbert Burnet Murray/1887-1896 Tombstone [H-5-2]-Anna M. Murray/1878-1971, ossw: [H-5-2]-John A. Murray/1874-1948 [d. 07-01-1948, Milwaukee, WI/age 73 yrs] [I-6-2]-Marie Murray GEORGENSON/1881-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [I-6-2]-Robert Murray/1873-1912 Tombstone [I-6-2]-Orlando Hugh/1910-2009 Tombstone, ossw: [I-6-2]-Mary Murray/Infant/-1903- Tombstone, ossw: [I-6-2]-Norma G. Murray/1909-1992 Tombstone [L-12-9]-Ruth Ann Murray/-Dec 4, 1936- [U-29-7]-LaFoie O. Murray/1901-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-7]-Esther L. Murray/Jun 19, 1906/Feb 2, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-7]-Bruce J. Murray/1931-1955 Tombstone [W2-233-6]-Mark Murray/1962-1965 Tombstone [W2-233-6]-Jasmine L. Murray/1985-1985 Tombstone [W]-Mary Jo Murray/nee YORK/Sep 3, 1960/Oct 27, 2020 Tombstone + Photo see BURNET

MUSHEL: [L-30-11]-George Mushel/1857-1935 Tombstone [L-29-10]-Mary Mushel/1878-1944 Tombstone [V-24-5]-Steven Mushel/Feb 9, 1901/Jul 6, 1968 Tombstone [V-26-6]-Marvin L. Mushel/Sep 21, 1922/May 31, 1970 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-6]-Jean Lois Mushel HOLSCHBACH/nee RUGOWSKI/Dec 15, 1925/May 8, 2014 Tombstone [V-26-6]-Gary D. Mushel/May 17, 1952/May 22, 2011 Tombstone [V-37-7]-Gerald E. Mushel/Apr 6, 1927/May 11, 2001 Tombstone, ossw: [V-37-7]-Joan M. Mushel/Oct 2, 1929/Apr 21, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [Y-5-32]-Gerald A. Mushel/May 27, 1926/Nov 23, 2008 Tombstone

MUSIAL: [T-20-8]-Marvin D. Musial/Aug 5, 1925/Dec 28, 2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-20-8]-Betty Lou J. Musial/nee BRUECHERT/Sep 6, 1930, Apr 16, 2022 Tombstone

MUSIEL: [G-11-5]-Josephine Musiel/Mother/May 5, 1863/Jul 26, 1949 Tombstone, next to: [G-11-5]-Frank Musiel/Father/Dec 11, 1861/Feb 29, 1928 Tombstone [G-11-5]-Helene E. Musiel/Jul 29, 1903/May 26, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [G-11-5]-John H./1904-1972 Tombstone [W2-158-2]-[Maggie Musiel/bur 04-04-1906] No Tombstone

MUSIL: [G-3-15]-Anna Musil-Shimek/1859-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [G-3-15]-Vincent Musil/1856-1884 Tombstone, next to: [G-3-15]-Emil J. Musil/Dec 8, 1883/Feb 13, 1922 Tombstone [T-27-5]-Adelia M. "Della" Musil/Nee STASTNY/Oct 21, 1902/Jun 3, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [T-27-5]-Joseph J. Musil/Nov 20, 1897/Mar 27, 1967 Tombstone [V-14-6]-Lester V. Musil/Aug 19, 1918/Feb 13, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-14-6]-Evelyn C. Musil/Jan 14, 1921/Oct 26, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [V-14-6]-Diane Marie Musil/Apr 19, 1952/Dec 8, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [V-35-3]-Louis G. "Louie" Musil/Dec 17, 1906/Jul 22, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [V-35-3]-Alice M. Musil/Jul 28, 1912/Dec 19, 1980 Tombstone see KRAINIK see LAGNER see SHIMEK

MUSSELMAN: David Nicholas Musselman/Sep 1, 1986/Aug 29, 2020 Tombstone + Photo

MUSSIL: [B-18-6]-Roland Wm. Mussil/Wis/Pvt 41 Co Coast Artillery/May 8, 1891/Nov 10, 1948 (war vet flag)[GAR lot] Tombstone [E2-58-1]-Wenzel Mussil [Wenzel Musial/bur 08-26-1912] Tombstone, next to: [E2-58-1]-Emma Mussil CHARLESTON/(1855-1926) Tombstone

MUSSMANN: [L-2-2]-Miss Caroline Mussmann/1841-Dec 30, 1889

MUSSON: Clarissa Augusta Musson/d 29 Sep 1851/from newspaper

MUTH: [G-8-6]-Frank Muth/1878-1926 (US vet mrkr) Tombstone, ossw: [G-8-6]-Elizabeth Muth/1879-1961 Tombstone [G-8-6]-Francis C. Muth/Feb 2, 1914/Nov 27, 1987 Tombstone [H-9-3]-Valerie E. Muth/1919-Jun 4, 2006 Tombstone [H-9-3]-William C. Muth/Feb 14, 1917/May 29, 2002 Tombstone [I-20-5]-Christ Muth/May 25, 1850/Dec 10, 1916 Tombstone [I-20-5]-Julia Muth/Nov 27, 1852/Oct 3, 1919 Tombstone [I-20-5]-Anna C. Muth/Mar 7, 1881/Jul 7, 1961 Tombstone see ANDERSON

MYER: [S-46-12]-Marian A. ROTTA Myer/Wife/nee MCGUIRE/Dec 24, 1896/May 14, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [S-46-12]-Mary MCGREGOR/Mother/1876-1960 Tombstone

MYERS: [E-37-6]-Richard R. Myers/Sep 12, 1934/Aug 18, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [E-37-6]-Doris M. Myers/Nov 22, 1928/Jul 11, 2013 Tombstone [L-3-12]-Levi Myers/1867-1928 Tombstone [L-31-4]-Nola Trinity Myers/Dec 12, 1999/Mar 23, 2000 Tombstone [R-38-5]-[Flora Mae Myers/bur 2-13-1931] [U-16-4]-Robert R. Myers/May 4, 1900/Dec 15, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [U-16-4]-Mabel C. Myers/1903-1971 Tombstone [U-23-8]-Paul V. FRICKE/1900-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-8]-Brian Lee Myers/-1973- Tombstone [U-38-6]-V. Raymond Myers/1908-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [U-38-6]-Geraldine Myers TOWSLEY/nee PFEFFER/Aug 10, 1911/Jun 27, 2003 Tombstone [W-18-4]-Loretta Myers/Feb 3, 1926/Jan 28, 1994 Tombstone [W-18-4]-Norman L. Myers/Apr 27, 1930/Apr 2, 2003 Tombstone [Y-4-26]-Alice M. Myers/Jun 21, 1946/Apr 6, 2000 Tombstone

MYSZEWSKI: [L-29-15]-Edmund Myszewski/Father/Jul 16, 1897/Jul 3, 1970 Tombstone [L-29-15]-Florence Myszewski/Mother/1899-1943 Tombstone [L-29-24]-Hazel M. Myszewski/Jun 29, 1896/Mar 13, 1982 Tombstone Back to Top