City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin
FABERA: [P-26-3]-Barbara Fabera/1871-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-3]-Frank Fabera/1874-1962 Tombstone [U-14-9]-John Fabera/1887-1963 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-14-9]-Ludmilla Fabera/1890-1961 TombstoneFABRIZI: [H-19-4]-Martha Jane Fabrizi/1920-1942 Tombstone [H-19-4]-Renato N. Fabrizi/1885-1960 Tombstone [H-19-4]-Marie Fabrizi/1890-1966 Tombstone [H-19-4]-Joseph T. Fabrizi/WI/AS US Navy/Sep 22, 1922/Apr 23, 1960 Tombstone
FABRY: [U-7-2]-[Clara Fabry/d. Jul 27, 1954/bur 09-21-1959]
FAEVRAL: Infant Girl/____Faevral/Died Oct 7, 1869
FAGAN: [V-9-4]-Daniel R. Fagan/Aug 5, 1947/Apr 9, 2016 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-9-4]-Laurel L. Fagan/Dec 9, 1950/Sep 19, 2024 Photo
FAGG: [L-4-12]-Anna Fagg/Mother/Wife of George Fagg/1878-1932 Tombstone
FAIFER: [Unk]-[?? Faifer/bur 12-24-1881]
FAIRBAIRN: [W2-122-4]-[Rosa Fairbairn/bur 04-24-1903] Tombstone [W2-122-4]-[William D. Fairbairn/bur 06-18-1903]
FAIRCHILD: [Y-5-26]-Roy G. Fairchild/Jul 4, 1930/Dec 4, 1989 Tombstone
FALCK: [P-33-3]-William Byron Falck/Oct 29, 1902/Aug 29, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-3]-Alma G. Falck/Aug 23, 1902/Mar 24, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-3]-Donald Falck/1929-1942 Tombstone see WALLICH
FALGE: [K-2-6]-Dr. Louis Falge/Sep 9, 1861/Aug 4, 1918 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [K-2-6]-Marion BURTON Falge/Dec 13, 1869/May 27, 1912 Tombstone, ossw: [K-2-6]-Helen Grace Falge/Daughter of Louis & Marion Falge/May 7, 1901/Aug 12, 1912 (Am Leg Flag) Tombstone [K-2-6]-Robert Newton Falge/Nov 1, 1892/Aug 7, 1981 Tombstone [K-2-6]-Alice McGlymont Falge/Oct 30, 1894/Mar 5, 1985 Tombstone [W2-201-4]-Maria Falge/[Mrs. Hubert Falge/bur 07-09-1880] Tombstone [W2-201-4]-Hubert Falge/1836-1929 Tombstone [W2-201-4]-Augusta Falge/1848-1937 Tombstone
FALIEN: [Unk]-[Mrs. Falien/bur 06-21-1868]
FALKENBERG: [L-21-3]-[Nils Falkenberg/1874-Nov 5, 1914 Tombstone
FALLIER: [E-19-11]-Ronald C. Fallier/Apr 21, 1950/May 30, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [E-20-5]-Elaine O. Fallier/Dec 31, 1926/Jun 7, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [E-20-5]-Crawford A. Fallier/Oct 31, 1924/Jul 18, 2001 Tombstone
FALTERMAYER: [C-23-1]-Else Faltermayer/nee KLINGHOLZ/Dec 10, 1882/Jun 11, 1921 Tombstone see KLINGHOLZ
FALTINSEN: [E2-62-4]-Boie Faltinsen [Boyce Faltinsen]/fodt/13 Dec 1845/dod/12 Juni 1879
FANDEL: [A-12-3]-[Anna Maria Fandel/bur 01-20-1887]
FANDRICH: [S-47-7]-Albert Fandrich/Apr 3, 1880/Jul 6, 1980 Tombstone [S-47-8]-Alvina Fandrich/Feb 9, 1883/Apr 30, 1983 Tombstone
FANDRICK: [E-26-1]-Ellen Patricia Fandrick/May 30, 1919/Jan 8, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [T-8-5]-Eleanor Fandrick/1920-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-5]-Louis Fandrick/Feb 17, 1918/Aug 12, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [V-34-3]-Arnold E. Fandrick/Jun 4, 1920/Feb 11, 2007 (Veteran) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-34-3]-Julia Dorothy/Mar 1, 1923/Jul 10, 2007 Tombstone
FANSLAU: [A-10-4]-Reinhardt A. Fanslau/Mar 22, 1895/Dec 3, 1976 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone, ossw: [A-10-4]-Hattie Fanslau/1897-1962 Tombstone [A-35-1]-Elsie Fanslau/Jun 12, 1890/Mar 20, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [A-35-1]-Henry L. Fanslau/Nov 20, 1884/Nov 6, 1960 Tombstone
FANTA: [I-26-5]-Alvina C. Fanta/1880-1947 Tombstone + Photo [I-26-5]-Christine Fanta/1869-1915 Tombstone + Photo [I-26-5]-Alois J. Fanta/1869-1961 Tombstone + Photo [I-26-5]-Mildred J. Fanta/1893-1954 Tombstone + Photo
FARDUM: [Unk]-[Obediah Fardum/bur. 04-20-1879]
FARGO: [E-42-8]-Edward B. Fargo, Jr./May 5, 1914/Aug 29, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [E-42-8]-Vivian M. Fargo/Jan 11, 1918/Nov 2, 2008 Tombstone [E-42-8]-Glenn E. Fargo/Feb 8, 1936/Nov 27, 1995 (Veteran) Tombstone, ossw: [E-42-8]-Marion G. Fargo BURTARD/nee GLAESER/Nov 18, 1937/Mar 10, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [P-25-3]-Roland Oliver Fargo/MOMM 3 US Navy/WWII/Mar 12, 1924/Jun 29, 1976 Tombstone [P-25-3]-Harvey Earl Fargo/WI/Aviation Radioman 3 CL/U.S.N.R./May 9, 1943 Tombstone [P-25-3]-Edward B. Fargo/Mar 8, 1891/Aug 1, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-3]-Mabel E. Fargo/1889-1962 Tombstone
FARLEY: [L-1-12]-[Baby Farley/bur 06-12-1923] [R-39-5]-Cynthia Rae Farley/Dec 2, 1940/May 8, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [R-39-5]-Donald L./Feb 12, 1940/Nov 13, 2010 (Veteran) Photo [V-28-6]-Walter J. Farley/WI/Lt US Coast Guard Res/WWII/Sep 23, 1893/Oct 1, 1968 Tombstone [V-28-6]-Edith M. Farley/Apr 12, 1912/Aug 7, 1970 Tombstone
FARR: [E-36-2]-Richard Leo Farr/Dec 18, 1932/Aug 31, 2023 Tombstone [S-43-18]-Barbara J. Farr/Mar 18, 1942/Oct 6, 2001 Tombstone + Photo [T-37-7]-Jerry John Farr/Nov 25, 1950/Aug 21, 2005 Tombstone
FARREL: [L-29-9]-[John Farrel/bur 11-14-1917]
FARRELL: [E-43-3]-Violet M. Farrell/Feb 4, 1908/Sept 6, 1994 Tombstone [Q-1A-2]-Robert J. Farrell/Sep 30, 1922/Sep 11, 2016 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Q-1A-2]-Germaine O. Farrell/Aug 4, 1929/Aug 6, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
FAUGUST: [W-16-2]-Russell Ahlquist Faugust/Sep 20, 1911/Jan 15, 2006 (Veteran) Tombstone, ossw: [W-16-2]-Mildred M./1914-2011 Tombstone
FAULK: [P-16-10]-Lucetta Faulk/1897-1965 Tombstone
FAULKES: [A-33-4]-Genevra SHERMAN Faulkes/1887-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [A-33-4]-John W. Faulkes/1910-1912 Tombstone
FAX: [F-26-1]-Henry F. Fax/1869-1931 Tombstone, ossw: [F-26-1]-Frances Fax/1870-1954 Tombstone
FECHTER: [C-32-3]-Blanche H. Fechter/Aug 29, 1889/Feb 10, 1976 Tombstone [C-32-3]-Charles F. Fechter/1857-1923 Tombstone [C-32-3]-Rosa Fechter/1859-1939 Tombstone [W2-123-3]-Louise M. Fechter/1869-1950 Tombstone [W2-123-3]-Georg W. Fechter/geb 7 Oct 1829/gest 27 Sep 1873 Tombstone [W2-123-3]-Clara M. Fechter/geb 18 Mar 1835/9 Mar 1909 Tombstone [W2-123-4]-George Wm. Fechter/1860-1910 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-123-4]-Pauline M. Fechter PLUMB/1863-1942 Tombstone
FEENEY: [L-29-23]-Patrick Feeney/1876-1956 Marker
FEHRING: [B-22-4]-William Fehring/Father/Jun 6, 1853/Oct 9, 1920 Tombstone [B-22-4]-Louisa G. Fehring/nee SCHUETTE/Mother/Dec 14, 1861/Feb 26, 1949 Tombstone [B-22-4]-Louise Fehring/Nov 5, 1881/Jul 12, 1888 Tombstone [E2-53-5]-[J.G. Fehring/bur 09-25-1863] Tombstone [E2-53-5]-Heinrich Friedrich Fehring/geboren/24 Nov 1824/in Strohen, Amst. Ehrenburg/ Hannover/Starb 3 Oct 1886/Alter/61 Jahres/10 Mo 9 Tage Tombstone, ossw: [E2-53-5]-Anna Maria E.L. Fehring/gattin von/H.F. Fehring/ geb _____L? K? Meiers 1 Apr 1824/Starb/6 Sept 1895 Tombstone [E2-53-5]-Emil Fehring/1864-1900 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-53-5]-Althea Fehring/1867-1954 Tombstone [R-26-6]-Emma P. NESST/1893-1984 Tombstone [R-26-6]-Dr. Emil W. Fehring/1884-1945 Tombstone [S-47-3]-Mabel Fehring/1894-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [S-47-3]-Archie Fehring/May 15, 1891/Oct 16, 1968 Tombstone [S-47-3]-Ida Fehring/1895-1968 Tombstone see ABENDSHEIN see DIEHM see GAESTEL see NESST see OESTREICH
FEHRMAN: [C-14-4]-August Fehrman/Father/Aug 24, 1829/Aug 26, 1895 (war vet flag) Tombstone [C-14-4]-Anna Fehrman/Mother/Mar 29, 1839/Dec 17, 1927 Tombstone [C-14-4]-Augusta Fehrman/Nov 12, 1881/Apr 4, 1963 Tombstone [C-14-4]-Emma Fehrman/Mar 3, 1874/May 20, 1963 Tombstone [C-14-4]-Anna Fehrman/Dec 25, 1876/Nov 15, 1893 Tombstone [I-7-8]-Marvin W. Fehrman/Jun 12, 1909/Jan 25, 1987 Tombstone [I-7-8]-Ernst C. Fehrman/1878-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [I-7-8]-Hulda J. Fehrman/1879-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [I-7-8]-Harvey L. Fehrman/-1906- Tombstone [P-14-1]-August Fehrman/1870-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [P-14-1]-Mary Fehrman/1874-1961 Tombstone [R-13-10]-Irene Fehrman/Oct 12, 1904/Oct 30, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [R-13-10]-Orville Fehrman/Sep 18, 1895/Jan 2, 1988 Tombstone [R-13-10]-Mary Fehrman/1868-1957 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [R-13-10]-Charles Fehrman/1864-1957 Tombstone [T-34-3]-Mathilda REUTHER Fehrman/1910-Jun 9, 1998 Tombstone
FEHRMANN: [V-35-5]-Harold William Fehrmann/Aug 18, 1921/Dec 18, 2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-35-5]-Anita M./Apr 4, 1925/Dec 16, 2008 Tombstone
FEHRS: [E2-15-6]-Emma HENTSCHER Fehrs/1832-1916 Tombstone [E2-15-6]-Gustav Karl Fehrs/1829-1898 Tombstone [E2-15-6]-Gustav Adolph Fehrs/1866-1948 Tombstone
FEICHTNER: [B-7-3]-Carl Feichtner/Geb 20 Jan 1826/Gest 12 Juni 1892 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-3]-Elizabetha Feichtner/Geb 26 Dec 1825/Gest 26 Mar 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [B-7-3]-Emma Feichtner/Geb 6 Sep 1868/Gest 27 Nov 1892 Tombstone
FEIFAREK: [S-43-9]-Glenn R. Feifarek/Apr 16, 1939/Sep 3, 1990 Tombstone
FEIL: [E-11-1]-Jerome A. Feil/Jul 22, 1943/Mar 1, 2012 Tombstone, ossw: [E-11-1]-Lynda L. Feil/Nov 2, 1946/Mar 13, 1983 Tombstone [E-41-8-]-Helen K. Feil/May 14, 1924/Dec 18, 2017 [E-41-8-]-Willard B. Feil/May 5, 1921/Oct 2, 2016
FEILE: [V-21-5]-Hugo A. Feile/1902-1997 Tombstone, ossw: [V-21-5]-Elsie Anna Feile/Oct 18, 1903/Jan 8, 2006 Tombstone
FEIT: [E-27-10]-George J. Feit/Apr 24, 1887/Dec 5, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [E-27-10]-Mary Katherine Feit/Sep 24, 1890/Jun 26, 1984 Tombstone
FELBEL: [W2-97-3]-Charlotte Felbel/geboren 18 Dec 1834/gestorben 17 Jan 1897 Tombstone see VOELCHERT
FELBER: [S-45-10]-Lillian B. Felber/Dec 6, 1927/Mar 3, 2016 Photo
FELDE: [E-4-4]-John F. "Fritz" Felde/Jun 28, 1912/Sep 20, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-4]-Patricia J. Felde/Mar 3, 1926/Jun 2, 2007 Tombstone + Photo [P-31-9]-Agnes G. Felde KUCHERA/1907-1981 Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-9]-Henry Felde/1900-1946 (Am Leg/VFW Aux flag) Tombstone [R-17-2]-Regina Felde/Mother/1872-1936 Tombstone [R-17-2]-Phillip Felde/Father/1869-1950 Tombstone [V-13-3]-Carl Felde/Nov 11, 1903/May 11, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [V-13-3]-Leila S. Felde/Jan 25, 1909/Oct 7, 1997 Tombstone [V-13-3]-Leon C. Felde/Jul 10, 1937/Nov 19, 2019 Photo
FELDHAUSEN: [U-39-3]-Beatrice Feldhausen/1905-1967 Tombstone [U-39-3]-Emil E. Feldhausen/1871-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [U-39-3]-May Feldhausen/1877-1960 Tombstone + Photo [U-39-6]-Harold T. Feldhausen/May 26, 1903/Apr 12, 1970 Tombstone + Photo [U-39-6]-Esther B. Feldhausen/Mar 8, 1898/Oct 14, 1978 Tombstone + Photo
FELDT: [Q-1H-2]-Robert H. Feldt/Jun 30, 1935/Jun 10, 2015 Tombstone [W2-236-5]-Thelma E. Feldt/Aug 27, 1911/Nov 16, 2002 Tombstone [W2-236-5]-Harold W. Feldt/Jun 23, 1907/Mar 4, 1987 Tombstone
FELLENZS: [L-29-16]-[John Fellenzs/d 10-26-1942/age 71 yrs] No Tombstone
FELLNER: [V-19-4]-Frank H. Fellner/Jun 19, 1885/Apr 18, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-4]-Lillian K. Fellner/1895-1975 Tombstone
FELTEN: [A-25-4]-[Christ Felten/bur 11-10-1891 [L-1-1]-[Mary Felten/bur 05-19-1892
FELTZ: [E-11-5]-Raymond M. Feltz/May 2, 1908/Jul 25, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [E-11-5]-Nettie F. Feltz/Dec 18, 1910/Aug 26, 1987 Tombstone
FELUSHE: [Unk]-[J. Felushe/bur. 07-20-1866]
FENCIL: [R-17-5]-Charles J. Fencil/1880-1952 Tombstone [R-17-5]-Wencl F. Fencil [James]/1852-1941 Tombstone
FENDER: [B-2-1]-Friedrich Fender/28 Feb 1834/23 Apr 1893 Tombstone, ossw: [B-2-1]-Katharina Fender/Seine Gattin/1 Mai 1818/8 Mar 1898 Tombstone [T-27-10]-Ruth M. Fender/1917-1947 (War vet flag) Tombstone
FENDERSON: (Agnes Fenderson/d. 16 Mar 1879 in Eaton twp/age 50 yrs/cause: dropsy no stone: from St. James Episc. ch. record) (Death date matches Agnes TUFTS)
FENN: [Y-6-8]-Wallace W. Fenn/Mar 16, 1925/Oct 3, 1980 (Veteran) Tombstone
FENSKE: [R-23-10]-Rose Fenske/Mother/Jun 24, 1888/Feb 28, 1943 Tombstone [R-23-10]-Richard Fenske/Father/Oct 25, 1888/Jun 20, 1943 Tombstone
FENSTERMAKER: [I-26-6]-Bessie Fenstermaker/Daughter/1878-1959 Tombstone
FENTON: [W2-132-3]-Nate Fenton/Born at Waddington NY/Died Apr 27, 1874/Aged 58 years Tombstone (Baby Fenton/b 8 Dec 1848/d 12 Jan 1849/son of TA Fenton)
FERDON: [C-27-5]-Edna H. Ferdon/Jan 13, 1903/Feb 28, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [C-27-5]-Frank W. Ferdon/Jul 30, 1906/May 21, 1996 Tombstone [U-26-3]-Chester Ferdon/May 10, 1892/Dec 5, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [U-26-3]-Ella A. Ferdon/Jul 28, 1893/Jul 7, 1995 Tombstone [U-26-3]-Lloyd L. Ferdon/May 10, 1930/Dec 8, 2015 [W2-183-4]-Esther Ferdon/wife of James Ferdon/Died Jan 28, 1882/Aged 60 years Tombstone [W2-183-4]-[Clara & John Ferdon/bur. 03-01-1879] [W2-183-4]-[Margaret Jane Ferdon/d Dec 1882] Tombstone [Y-6-6]-Glenn C. Ferdon/Aug 5, 1923/Sep 8, 2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-6-6]-Charlotte G. Ferdon/Apr 29, 1925/Nov 31, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: see LUEBKE
FERGUSON: [A-7-2]-[Mrs. J.D. Farguson/bur 02-11-1887/age 22 yrs] [K-19-3]-Sylvester K. Ferguson/Dec 23, 1887/Nov 23, 1971 Tombstone [K-19-3]-Eulalia STONE Ferguson/1893-1970 Tombstone [K-19-3]-Mary Ferguson/Mother/1862-1936 Tombstone [K-19-3]-James Ferguson/Father/1857-1920 Tombstone [K-20-6]-Robert William Ferguson/Apr 6, 1924/Sep 21, 1998 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [K-20-6]-Shirley P. Ferguson/May 9, 1925/Aug 15, 2021 Tombstone + Photo see MURRAY
FERREE: [L-30-1]-Julie Christine Ferree/-Aug 29, 1968- Tombstone
FERRIS: [T-4-11]-Clara Mae Ferris/Apr 2, 1929/Nov 14, 2004 Tombstone
FERRON: [M-4-10]-Ricky A. Ferron, Jr./Jun 4, 1988/Sep 14, 2015 PhotoFERRY: [K-3-2]-[Virginia Charlotte Ferry/d 09-16-1969 at Menomonee Falls WI Tombstone [L-2-12]-[George Ferry/bur 05-20-1924 [space #2]
FESING: [I-14-7]-Cynthia Fesing/Sep 9, 1932/Sep 30, 2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [I-14-7]-Norman H. Fesing/Jun 10, 1935/Feb 11, 2013 Tombstone
FESSLER: [E-22-5]-Roy P. Fessler/Mar 13, 1923/Jan 10, 1985 (Vet. flag) Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-22-5]-Betty P. Fessler/1928-2011 Tombstone + Photo
FETZER: [E-43-3]-Frank E. Fetzer/Jun 4, 1937/Nov 24, 1996 Photo Tombstone [E-43-6]-Elizabeth A. Fetzer/Oct 26, 1890/Oct 20, 1984 Tombstone [E-43-6]-June E. Fetzer/Jul 12, 1927/Mar 17, 2011 Tombstone [F-6-3]-Mary Fetzer/1852-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-3]-Bernard Fetzer/1847-1926 Tombstone [F-6-3]-Ora A. Fetzer/Jul 7, 1894/Dec 9, 1984 Tombstone [F-6-3]-Eileen Fetzer/Aug 30, 1918/Jun 1, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [F-6-3]-Donald H. Fetzer/1915-1990 Tombstone [W2-102-3]-Peter Fetzer/gestorben 18 Sep 1878/alter 60 Jahre/2 Mon 10 Tage Tombstone, ossw: [W2-102-3]-Margaretha Fetzer/Gattin des P Fetzer/Gestorben 23 Juli 1882/alter 61Jahre 4Mon 15tage Tombstone, ossw: [W2-102-3]-Margaretha/Tochter des/C&A JAEKEL/Starb 21 Aug 1879/alt 5Mon 26tge Tombstone
FEUERPFEIL: (Stillborn child of ??? Feuerpfeil/bur 13 July 1871, Manitowoc/from death record of First Ger Evang ch) [D-4-3]-Carrie H. Feuerpfeil/1874-1956 Tombstone [D-4-3]-William Feuerpfeil/1872-1940 Tombstone [D-4-3]-Frederick Feuerpfeil/1898-1900 Tombstone [W2-116-1]-[Baby Feuerpfeil/bur 11-01-1897/age 4 hrs] [W2-116-1]-Eva Barbara Feuerpfeil/Gattin von J. Wilhelm C. Feuerpfeil/ Gebne Wurster Zu Well__im/Schroenbuch KW/8 Aug 1843/Gest 26 Apr 1874 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-Auguste Karoline Feuerpfeil/tochter von W u A Feuerpfeil/ Geb 7 Sept 1876/Gest 16 Jan 1877 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-C.H. Friedrich Feuerpfeil/Sohn von Wilhelm & Barbara Feuerpfeil/ Geb 4 Feb 1869/Gest 19 July 1892 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-Pauline Feuerpfeil/tochter von/W & A Feuerpfeil/Geb 6 Aug 1880/Gest 21 Mar 1904 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-Martha Feuerpfeil KRAUSE/1887-1916 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-[William] Feuerpfeil/Father/1842-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-116-1]-[Augusta] Feuerpfeil/Mother/1851-1923 Tombstone
FEWINGS: [U-11-5]-Sydney G. Fewings/1893-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [U-11-5]-Fern L. Fewings/1899-1965 Tombstone
FEY: [P-13-9]-Nicholas J. Fey/1883-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [P-13-9]-Martha Fey/1888-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [P-13-9]-Marie Fey/1913-1936 Tombstone
FEYERSEN: [V-10-4]-Wilbur H. Feyersen/Apr 28, 1920/Jan 11, 1987 Tombstone [V-10-4]-Robert H. Feyersen/Feb 6, 1954/Aug 26, 2015 Photo [V-10-4]-Luella Feyersen/Dec 29, 1921/Apr 5, 2023 [Y-6-14]-Ralph D. Feyersen/Sep 1, 1928/Aug 7, 2016 Photo [Y-6-14]-Carrie M. Feyersen/May 9, 1930/Jun 17, 2017 Photo
FICK: [Unk]-[Fred Fick/bur. 05-20-1880] [A-4-1]-Arnold/born Feb 10, 1897/died Jun 27, 1909 Tombstone [A-4-1]-Heinrich Fick/Father/1849-1914 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-1]-Emelie Fick/Mother/1860-1943 Tombstone Heinrich/Emelie [A-4-1]-Henry Fick/1849-1914 Tombstone [A-4-1]-Emelie Fick/Mother/1860-1943 Tombstone [A-4-2]-Christian Fick/geboren 24 Oct 1820/Gest 3 Apr 1897 Tombstone, ossw: [A-4-2]-Dorothea/Gattin von/CH Fick/gebne GOSZ in Plau/25 Jan 1825/Gest 3 Apr 1890 Tombstone [G-10-1]-Oscar Fick/Father/1893-1921 Tombstone [G-10-1]-Emma A. Fick/Mother/Oct 13, 1894/Jun 16, 1970 Tombstone [W2-159-2]-[Christian Fick/bur 03-16-1876] [W2-159-2]-[Hannah Fick/bur 07-20-1909/cause: sebrosis] [W2-159-2]-[Fredericka Fick/bur 10 Feb. 1915]
FICKETT: [L-31-5]-Ella Fickett/Feb 20, 2011/Nov 18, 2011 Tombstone [V-32-7]-Carroll J. Fickett/Wisconsin/PFC US Army/WWII/Dec 24, 1921/Apr 21, 1973 (war vet flag) Tombstone
FICTUM: [E-27-11]-Ivan R. Fictum/1912-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [E-27-11]-Marie J. Fictum/1917-May 23, 2008 Tombstone [L-9-6]-Edwin Fictum/Dec 5, 1913/Dec 28, 1916 Tombstone [U-29-5]-Anton Fictum, Sr./Nov 1, 1891/Jan 3, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-5]-Emma Fictum/Nov 7, 1894/May 13, 1956 Tombstone
FIDLER: [R-12-6]-Joseph Fidler/Father/Dec 17, 1851/Apr 26, 1912 Tombstone, ossw: [R-12-6]-Anna Fidler/Mother/Jan 24, 1859/Feb 13, 1948 Tombstone [U-20-4]-Lester P. Fidler/Aug 23, 1920/Jul 31, 1990 (Vet. flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-20-4]-Margaret M. Fidler/Nov 4, 1922/Sep 7, 1992 Tombstone [U-20-4]-Roy A. Fidler/Mar 10, 1925/May 4, 2003 Tombstone [U-20-4]-Frank Fidler/1887-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [U-20-4]-Lillian Fidler/Jul 21, 1894/Dec 8, 1989 Tombstone [V-13-7]-Victor J. Fidler/Apr 6, 1916/Oct 24, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [V-13-7]-Jeannette M. Fidler/Mar 10, 1919/Oct 10, 2013 Tombstone
FIECKO: [Q-1B-2]-Jeffery Fiecko/Apr 7, 1954/Dec 30, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: [Q-1B-2]-Paula R. Fiecko/Dec 22, 1953/Aug 23, 2021 Tombstone + Photo
FIERROS: [V-22-2]-Carol Louise Fierros/Oct 19, 1932/Jan 25, 2000
FIERST: [U-5-10]-Emanuel Fierst/1882-1956 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-5-10]-Lillian Fierst/1891-1954 Tombstone [U-5-10]-Daniel E. Fierst/Jan 17, 1922/May 14, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-10]-Evelyn Fierst/1910-1954 Tombstone [U-30-9]-Frank Fierst/1885-1955 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-30-9]-Emma Fierst/1886-1965 Tombstone
FIETER: [Unk]-[Johanne Louise Fieter/bur 02-09-1878]
FILHOLM: [P-5-9]-Anna Filholm/1862-1952 Tombstone [P-5-9]-Clara Filholm/1864-1950 Tombstone [P-5-9]-Calvin Filholm/1885-1950 Tombstone [P-5-9]-Edward Filholm/1872-1934 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-George Filholm/1867-1878 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Carl Filholm/1876-1880 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Babe Filholm/1882-1882 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Ida Filholm/1870-1888 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Alfred Filholm/1865-1896 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Gunild Filholm/Mother/1842-1902 Tombstone [W2-155-4]-Christ Filholm/Father/1832-1907 Tombstone
FILIS: [U-39-2]-Elektra Filis/Mother/May 29, 1903/Mar 31, 1977 Tombstone
FILLIEZ: [Y-5-34]-Richard G. Filliez/Aug 10, 1948/Dec 29, 2018 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-34]-Priscilla M. Filliez/Dec 9, 1951/Jul 21, 1998 Tombstone
FILTER: [E2-15-2]-E.W.F. Filter/Geboren 28 July 1835/Gestorben 5 Oct 1862 Tombstone [E2-41-4]-[Johannah Filter/bur 1858] Tombstone [E2-41-4]-[Johan H.W. Filter/bur 1870] Tombstone [E2-41-4]-Johann H.W. Filter/geboren/14 Marz 1858/gestorben/16 Febr 1860 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-41-4]-Johanna Fr. Filter/geboren/5 Sept 1867/gestorben/2 Sept 1868 [Unk]-[J. Fielder/bur 09-08-1868/cem. office thinks these are the same.] Tombstone, ossw: [E2-41-4]-August C.F. Filter/geb 19 Sept 1832/gest 9 Aug 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-41-4]-Friederike W. Filter/geb RADDANT/starb 3 Juni 1882/Alter 57Jahre 7Mon 19Tage Tombstone [E2-95-2]-[Jane Fred. (Filter) Fielder/bur 01-01-1874] [E2-95-2]-C. Friedrich Filter/geboren 2 Oct 1807/gestorben 30 Dez 1873 Tombstone
FINCH: [G-13-8]-Alice B. Finch/1877-1953 Tombstone [G-13-8]-Thomas Finch/1875-1895 Tombstone, ossw: [G-13-8]-Nellie Finch/1881-1902 Tombstone, ossw: [G-13-8]-Laura Finch/1895-1896 Tombstone [G-13-8]-Elizabeth Finch/1850-1925/Mother Tombstone [G-13-8]-Joseph W. Finch/1844-1926/Father Tombstone [P-7-9]-Frank J. Finch/1880-1937 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [P-7-9]-Lucy Finch/1899-1964 Tombstone
FINDAHL: [E2-38-3]-Hans Hanson Findahl/1844-1865 Tombstone [E2-38-3]-Ingebor Hanson Findahl/Mai 1810/Aug 1884 Tombstone see HANSON see OLSON
FINDLATER: [B-20-2]-[Mary Alice Findlater/bur 05-12-1913] Tombstone
FINGOUST: [A-1-3]-Vaclav Fingoust/Otec (rest too deep in the ground) Tombstone [A-1-3]-Marie Fingoust/Matka/27 Unora 1842/31 Pros 1908 Tombstone [A-1-3]-Adolf Fingoust/9 Cervna 1879/9 Kvetna 1891 Tombstone [L-29-22]-[Fred Fingoust/d 07-23-1953/age 74 yrs/space #212]
FINK: [L-29-14]-Louisa Fink/1869-1941 Tombstone [V-4-5]-Byron C. Fink/Oct 8, 1894/Jun 4, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [V-4-5]-Irene M. Fink/Sep 4, 1892/Jan 3, 1988 Tombstone
FINKE: [O-9-4]-[Ida Finke/bur 11-12-1924] Tombstone
FINKELSON: [C-6-5]-[John Finkelson/bur 10-28-1896] [C-6-5]-Anna Finkelson/1830-1900 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-5]-Marit SEITZ/1861-1932 Tombstone [C-6-5]-Mabel Finkelson/Jul 24, 1888/Oct 28, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-5]-Malla Finkelson/1867-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-5]-Knud Finkelson/1854-1921 Tombstone
FINLEY: [W2-104-4]-Ida MCCULLOUGH Finley/nee CERULL/1885-1965 Tombstone
FINNEGAN: [L-31-5]-Jared Ryan Finnegan/Mar 5, 1997/Aug 8, 1997 Tombstone
FIRGENS: [M-12-20]-Adolph Otto Firgens/Jun 25, 1926/Jan 14, 2000 Tombstone
FIRNSTAHL: [R-24-9]-Richard D./1899-1970 Tombstone
FISCHBACH: see Fishbach
FISCHER: [Unk]-[Mary Fischer/Miss/bur 05-28-1890] [C-3-3]-Anton W. Fischer/Jan 3, 1893/Apr 4, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-3]-Lena Fischer/Mar 24, 1896/Feb 18, 1972 Tombstone [C-3-3]-Albert Fischer/1861-1945 Tombstone [C-3-3]-Henrietta Fischer/1836-1919 Tombstone [C-3-3]-Friedrich Fischer/1831-1911 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Mae Irene Fischer/1911-2000 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Frederick Fischer/Feb 8, 1914/Apr 13, 1979 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Arthur J. Fischer/Nov 19, 1904/Mar 8, 1990 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Reinhardt Fischer/1894-1895 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Emma Fischer/1866-1953 Tombstone [C-3-4]-Anton C. Fischer/1859-1936 Tombstone [E-33-5]-Benjamin H. Fischer/Nov 4, 1909/Mar 8, 2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-33-5]-Arlene E. Fischer/Sep 3, 1916/Jul 28, 1995 Tombstone [E-36-10]-George J. Fischer/Jun 7, 1907/Feb 6, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [E-36-10]-Eleanor C. Fischer/Jul 11, 1907/Aug 1, 1996 Tombstone [E2-8-2]-Caroline CARUS/Geborene Fischer/Geb 4 Nov 1831/gest 5 Marz 1864 [E2-61-2]-[Catherine Fischer/Mrs./bur 02-12-1864] [E2-66-2]-Catharina/wife of A. Fischer/died June 7, 1866/Aged 28 years Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-2]-Emil Fischer/son of A & C Fischer/Died 25 Oct 1865/Aged 9mos 19ds Tombstone [E2-84-4]-[Henrietta SCHULTZ Fischer/bur 11-07-1895] [F-42-2]-George A. Fischer/May 1, 1921/Feb 17, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [F-42-2]-Barbara J. Fischer EBERHARDT/1924-1997 Tombstone [G-2-1]-Hilma Fischer/1920-1930 Tombstone, ossw: [G-2-1]-Amelia A. Fischer/Feb 27, 1899/Oct 23, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [G-2-1]-Adolph Fischer/1896-1963 Tombstone [G-10-6]-Margaret A. Fischer/Jan 10, 1917/Jan 8, 1986 Tombstone [G-10-6]-William RISCH/1872-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [G-10-6]-Helena Fischer/1868-1954 Tombstone [G-10-6]-Archie F. Fischer/Pvt US Army/WWI/Feb 23, 1897/Nov 12, 1975 Tombstone [I-12-4]-Claus Fischer/1837-1918 Tombstone, ossw: [I-12-4]-Emilia Fischer/1846-1927 Tombstone [I-12-4]-Margaret Fischer/1839-1910 Tombstone [I-12-4]-[Roy Fischer/bur. 05-01-1918] [L-1-11]-[John Fischer/bur 11-14-1927/stillborn] [L-9-3]-[Baby Fischer/bur 05-27-1918/stillborn] [L-11-4]-[Ignatz Fischer/bur 05-29-1903] M[L-31-7]-[Baby Fischer/bur 09-05-1941/cause: atelectosis] [O-18-6]-[John Fischer/bur 10-27-1917] [O-18-6]-Anna M. Fischer/Oct 30, 1884/Jul 19, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [O-18-6]-John R. Fischer/1881-1954 Tombstone [P-18-3]-Mary Fischer/Jan 29, 1876/Jun 17, 1953 Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-3]-William C. Fischer/Dec 29, 1872/Jan 30, 1947 Tombstone [P-34-1]-Julius A. Fischer/1885-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [P-34-1]-Emily M. Fischer/Oct 2, 1904/Nov 11, 1989 Tombstone [P-34-1]-Janet Mae Fischer/Apr 6, 1936/Jun 9, 1941 Tombstone [Q-1E-1]-Joan M. Fischer/Sep 10, 1936/Jul 14, 2015 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Q-1E-1]-Dale "Jack" Fischer/Oct 8, 1936/Dec 15, 2015 Tombstone + Photo [R-6-9]-Raymond G. Fischer/Sep 7, 1901/Feb 11, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [R-6-9]-Hattie Fischer/Apr 16, 1903/Aug 27, 2006 Tombstone [R-33-3]-Ida Fischer/Jul 11, 1874/Mar 20, 1946 Tombstone, ossw: [R-33-3]-August Fischer/Nov 17, 1867/Oct 3, 1941 Tombstone [T-4-7]-Harry Fischer/Mar 15, 1907/Jul 22, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [T-4-7]-Erna B. Fischer/Aug 17, 1910/Sep 7, 1994 Tombstone [U-11-7]-Vincent Fischer/1877-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [U-11-7]-Frances Fischer/1876-1957 Tombstone [U-14-7]-James R. Fischer/Aug 30, 1926/Jun 9, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [U-14-7]-Olive Fischer/Apr 9, 1929/Nov 29, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [U-14-7]-John Gordon Fischer/1956-1958 Tombstone [V-29-2]-Lea Ann Fischer/Feb 10, 1950/Apr 29, 1968 Tombstone [V-29-2]-Albert A. Fischer/Oct 26, 1921/Nov 2, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [V-29-2]-Leota A. Fischer/Aug 18, 1923/Jul 17, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [W2-186-4]-Norman Adolph Fischer/Dec 7, 1922/Dec 23, 1999 Tombstone [W2-186-4]-Elda L. Fischer/Dec 18, 1927/Sep 4, 2016 Tombstone + Photo [W2-216-3]-Dorothy S. Fischer/Mar 22, 1928/May 18, 1983 Tombstone [W2-228-2]-Amanda Fischer/1885-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-228-2]-William H. Fischer/1885-1959 Tombstone [X-20-3]-Vergean A. Fischer/Jan 23, 1934/Mar 3, 2023 Photo [Y-1-16]-Howard A. Fischer/Aug 16, 1911/Feb 21, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-16]-Margaret E. Fischer/Jan 6, 1910/Aug 18, 1988 Tombstone [Y-1-16]-David Doolan Fischer/Feb 11, 1940/Mar 5, 2015 Tombstone + Photo see GRIEP
FISCHL: [E2-5-12]-[Baby Fischl/bur 2-29-1936] [I-21-4]-Louisa B. Fischl/1875-1949 Tombstone [I-21-4]-Joseph Fischl/1869-1948 Tombstone [T-25-9]-Mildred K. Fischl/Wife/Mar 7, 1927/Aug 7, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [T-25-9]-Paul A. Fischl Sr./Husband/Dec 23, 1909/Oct 16, 1997 Tombstone [T-25-9]-Patricia Fischl/1938-2007 Tombstone [T-25-10]-Dorothy E. Fischl/Daughter/1906-1962 Tombstone [T-25-10]-Alois Fischl/Father/1880-1955 Tombstone [T-25-10]-Emma Fischl/Mother/1883-1966 Tombstone [T-25-10]-Ruth S. Fischl/Mother/1909-1946 Tombstone
FISH: [L-1-9]-[Baby Fish/bur 02-26-1921/cause: gastric enteritis/space #30] Tombstone [T-17-6]-Ody J. Fish/Jun 16, 1925/Feb 6, 2007 Tombstone
FISHBACH: [L-15-6]-[Nicholas Fishbach/bur 07-05-1900/age 73 yrs] Civil War documents
FISHBECK: [E2-26-1]-[Baby Fishbeck/bur 04-07-1908/cause: premature birth] [I-13-6]-Arthur Fishbeck/Papa/1879-1919 Tombstone [I-13-6]-Lillian M. Fishbeck/Mom/Jun 26, 1881/Apr 15, 1974 Tombstone + Photo [V-33-2]-Arthur George Fishbeck, Jr./Nov 8, 1909/Aug 29, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-33-2]-Pauline Chesley Fishbeck/Jul 7, 1916/Feb 12, 2005 Tombstone + Photo
FISHER: [E2-72-6]-[Emma Fisher/d. 06-13-1951] Tombstone [E2-72-6]-Frank/Father/1840-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-72-6]-Caroline/Mother/1841-1924 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-72-6]-Rudolph Fisher/21 Cervence 1867/6 Prosinec 1869 Tombstone [E2-72-6]-Frank Fisher/Corpl/Co F/26 Wis Inf Tombstone [T-6-1]-William Fisher/Jul 2, 1903/Nov 12, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-1]-Ann Fisher/1907-1995 Tombstone [V-31-4]-Lillian M. Fisher/Apr 13, 1899/Sep 19, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [V-31-4]-Harold J. Fisher/Dec 14, 1893/Feb 19, 1969 Tombstone + Photo [V-31-4]-William H. Fisher/Jan 25, 1937/Sep 1, 1996 Tombstone see EBERHARDT
FITTING: [T-33-1]-Elsie W. Fitting/1889-1960 Tombstone
FITZGERALD: [B-24-1]-Helen Fitzgerald/Mother/Aug 30, 1882/Aug 31, 1969 Tombstone [B-24-1]-Daniel Fitzgerald/Father/1875-1939 Tombstone [E-24-10]-Norbert F. Fitzgerald/Jun 16, 1925/Feb 13, 1981/WWII Vet Tombstone, ossw: [E-24-10]-Maxine F. Fitzgerald/Jun 21, 1931/Feb 5, 2021 Photo [E-30-5]-Mary F. Fitzgerald/1900-1962 Tombstone [E-38-7]-Cecilia E. Fitzgerald/Nov 16, 1894/Jan 9, 1988 Tombstone [S-47-7]-Eleanor NATE Fitzgerald/1902-1933 Tombstone [L-31-1]-Christopher W. Fitzgerald/-08-17-1988- [space #435] Tombstone [L-32-9]-[Baby Fitzgerald/bur 9-12-1936] [L-32-12]-[Baby girl Fitzgerald/bur 05-07-1938] [L-32-12]-[Baby boy Fitzgerald/bur 05-07-1938]
FITZPATRICK: [I-13-4]-Ella B. Fitzpatrick/Jul 6, 1887/Jun 29, 1969 Tombstone [P-25-1]-Edwin Fitzpatrick/Father/1873-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [P-25-1]-Elizabeth S. Fitzpatrick/Mother/1875-1943 Tombstone
FLAGSTEAD: [l-31-11]-[Raymond A. Flagstead/d 12-02-1944/age 3 days]
FLAGSTED: [L-32-11]-[Baby Flagsted/bur. 11-22-1933]
FLAHR: [S-49-3]-Theo. Flahr/1880-1939 Tombstone [S-49-3]-[Bertha Kluczinske Flahr/1879-1936 Tombstone see KLUCZINSKE
FLANSBURG: [A-24-2]-Anna M. Flansburg/Aug 14, 1869/Jul 19, 1918 Tombstone
FLAVIN: [G-11-5]-Hilton B. Flavin/Dec 15, 1912/Sep 11, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [G-11-5]-Virginia Lucille Flavin/Apr 1, 1915/Nov 30, 2002 (nee Vodwaska) Tombstone
FLEISCHMANN: [W-1-20]-Lester F. Fleischmann/Jan 7, 1918/Oct 1, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [W-1-20]-Cecilia Fleischmann/Oct 10, 1921/Aug 10, 2010 Tombstone
FLEMING: [L-8-3]-[Baby Fleming/bur 09-02-1919] see PESCE
FLENTJE: [P-18-4]-Karen Ann Flentje/Dec 28, 1943/Jan 24, 2019 Photo
FLETCHER: [W2-165-3]-Grace CANRIGHT Fletcher/1890-1966 Tombstone see CANRIGHT
FLETTE: [Unk]-[?? Flette/bur 12/22/1878]
FLIEGEL: [F-30-2]-Anna SPORER Fliegel/1890-1974 Tombstone, next to: see SPORER
FLIEGLER: [W2-127-3]-[Ottilie Fliegler/bur 06-11-1872] [W2-127-3]-[Carl Fliegler/bur 10-27-1885/age 20 yrs]
FLINN: (William Flinn/b 3 Jan 1816 in New York/d 4 May 1848 no stone: from St. James Episc. ch. record)
FLINT: [Unk]-[Maria M. Flint/bur 08-26-1881] [B-33-2]-Raymond J. Flint/1864-1934 Tombstone + Photo [B-33-2]-Eleanora Flint/1867-1949 Tombstone [E2-89-1]-Clara S. Flint/1870-1899 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-89-1]-David SMOKE/Father/Died - 1871 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-89-1]-Anna SMOKE/Mother/Died - 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-89-1]-Ione S. BROOKS/1868-1896 Tombstone [I-8-9]-[Myrtle Flint/bur 01-28-1894] Tombstone [I-8-9]-Emma Flint/Mother/Sep 12, 1872/Mar 13, 1954 Tombstone, ossw: [I-8-9]-Charles Flint/Father/Nov 23, 1868/Sep 13, 1943 Tombstone [K-14-1]-Mary J. Flint/1866-1925 Tombstone [K-14-1]-Wm. H. Flint/1862-1896 Tombstone, next to: [K-14-1]-Clara Flint/1885-1955 Tombstone [K-14-1]-Walter G. Flint Sr./1885-1942 Tombstone [M-2-5]-Walter G. Flint/Jul 2, 1948/Oct 17, 2012 Tombstone [S-43-57]-Walter George Flint Sr./Dec 13, 1920/May 29, 1995 (WWII vet) Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-57]-Hilde/Aug 5, 1927/Apr 6, 2011 Tombstone [W2-168-1]-Raymond Flint/1 Sgt 27 Wis Inf/Mar 31, 1838/Nov 15, 1919 Tombstone [W2-168-1]-[John A. Flint/d 2-24-1941, at Chicago, IL/age 74 yrs] [W2-168-1]-[Fredericka Flint/bur 03-17-1906/age 62 yrs] [W2-168-1]-Anna M.L. Flint/Nov 16, 1877/Oct 28, 1878 [W2-168-1]-[Will Flint/(Child of Ray)/bur 05-07-1882]
FLORES: [L-26-1]-Baby Flores (fetus)/-Aug 7, 2008- Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby Flores (fetus)/-Apr 3, 2020- TombstoneFLOSBACH: [E2-41-2]-Hannah Flosbach/Mother/Born 1818/Died Oct 26, 1905 [E2-41-2]-John Flosbach/Uncle/Jul 18, 1854/Nov 26, 1910 [E2-41-2]-[(Fred)Flosbach/bur 05-20-1861] [Sect. L]-[Robert Flosbach/bur 10-4-1883] [L-3-2]-[Fred Flosbach/bur 07-14-1902/age 71 yrs]
FLOWERS: [R-26-8]-A.H. Flowers Jr./1907-1950 [R-26-8]-Florence E. GUSE Flowers/Jan 28, 1911/Mar 24, 1975
FLYNN: [F-3-2]-Charlotte Flynn MURPHY/1856-1913 Tombstone [E2-73-4]-[Miss Flynn/bur. 12-30-1869] [E2-73-4]-Wm. Flynn/Co E 14th Wis Inf Tribune Article Tombstone Back to Top