City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin
KRACHT: [E2-80-1]-Carl Kracht/Geb 9 Jan. 1826/Gest 8 Mar 1901 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-80-1]-Minna Kracht/Geb 10 Juni 1814/Gest 13 Feb 1899 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-80-1]-Friedericka Kracht/Geb 9 Aug 1798/Gest 24 Juni 1881 Tombstone [L-31-4]-Christopher Lee Kracht/(baby)/d. 10-23-1999 Tombstone see CHRISTIANSONKRADOVIL: [L-6-1]-[Charles Kradovil/bur 04-10-1902]
KRAEMER: [E-20-5]-Theodore F. Kraemer/Mar 10, 1913/Dec 20, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [E-20-5]-Lucille Rose Kraemer/Sep 28, 1914/Dec 2, 2003 Tombstone [F-22-2]-[Gordon J. Kraemer/bur 10-13-1911/cause: abstraction of] [F-22-2]-[Baby Kraemer/bur 06-02-1914/age stillborn/burial on P.J. Carberry lot] [P-17-7]-Florence C. Kraemer/Apr 28, 1917/Apr 20, 1995 Tombstone [P-24-11]-Henry J. Kraemer/Nov 23, 1919/Oct 30, 1998 Tombstone [P-24-11]-Dorothy G. Kraemer/Dec 29, 1912/Feb 4, 2006 Tombstone [P-27-13]-Mary Kraemer/Mother/1890-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-13]-John Kraemer/Father/1882-1964 Tombstone [U-11-6]-Rudolph "Rudy" Kraemer/1917-2009 Tombstone, ossw: [U-11-6]-Lillian "Lilly" Kraemer/1918-2012 Tombstone [U-24-4]-Gena S. Kraemer/1887-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [U-24-4]-Ludwig M. Kraemer/1889-1954 Tombstone [U-37-3]-Irene Kraemer/1909-1957 Tombstone [U-37-3]-John C. Kraemer/Apr 17, 1910/Jul 3, 1963 Tombstone
KRAFENSTEIN: [L-2-11]-[Amelia Krafenstein/bur 02-21-1920/age 32 yrs/space #30]
KRAFFT: [G-9-3]-[Herman J. Krafft/d. 8-29-1966/age 78 yrs]
KRAFT: [E-35-12]-Harold A. Kraft/Wis/T Sgt US Army/WWII/Nov 27, 1910/Jan 18, 1969 Tombstone + Photo [E-35-12]-Dorothy A. Kraft/Dec 17, 1922/Feb 9, 1997 Tombstone [G-8-4]-Evelyn Ruth Kraft/Dec 27, 1925/Jul 11, 2008 Tombstone + Photo [L-21-6]-[Anton Kraft/bur 12-11-1913] [L-3-6]-[Frank Kraft/bur 02-18-1905/age 73 yrs] [T-3-16]-Leonard C. Kraft/Mar 22, 1909/Feb 22, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [T-3-16]-Linda E. Kraft/Dec 8, 1912/Jan 8, 1981 Tombstone + Photo
KRAHN: [Unk]-[Bertha Krahn/bur 01-09-1876] [C-3-2]-Mary T. Krahn/1863-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [C-3-2]-Frank Krahn/1860-1940 Tombstone [H-12-1]-[Mrs. Ludwig Krahn/bur 01-09-1885] [H-12-1]-Fredricka Krahn/1831-1923 Tombstone, ossw: [H-21-4]-Fred Krahn/1825-1893 Tombstone, ossw: [H-21-4]-Herman Krahn/1863-1899 Tombstone, ossw: [H-21-4]-Baby Krahn/-1890- Tombstone, ossw: [H-21-4]-Charles LUEDGKE/1863-1883 Tombstone, ossw: [H-21-4]-Mr. LUTH/1884 Tombstone [I-1-10]-[Clarence Krahn/bur 06-12-1901/age 2 mo.] [I-1-10]-[Gust C. Krahn/bur 06-30-1908] [W2-116-2]-[Carl Krahn/bur 03-22-1874] [W2-116-2]-William Krahn, Sr./1853-1909 Tombstone [W2-116-2]-Augusta Krahn/1858-1913 Tombstone [W2-116-2]-William Krahn/1881-1928 Tombstone
KRAINIK: [Unk]-[Mrs. Krainik/bur 06-02-1880] [B-7-2]-[Baby Krainik/bur 08-30-1918] [C-13-5]-John Krainik/1870-1964 Tombstone + Photo see SVOBODA [D-3-2]-Vlasta Krainik/1865-1930 Tombstone [D-3-2]-John Krainik/1838-1923 Tombstone [D-3-2]-Emilie Krainik/1847-1931 Tombstone [E-30-6]-Evelyn M. ZIARNIK Krainik/nee MODROW/Jul 22, 1917/May 22, 2011 Tombstone, ossw: [E-30-6]-Emil ZIARNIK/1907-1963 Tombstone + Photo [F-38-2]-Myrtle Krainik/Baby/Born-Died/Nov 16, 1909 Tombstone [F-38-2]-Clarence Krainik/Baby/Born-Died Mar 5, 1912 Tombstone [F-38-2]-Edward F. Krainik/1885-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-2]-Clara K. Krainik/1887-1975 Tombstone [F-38-2]-Libbie Krainik/1887-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-2]-Anna Krainik/1863-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-2]-Stephen Krainik/1861-1930 Tombstone [G-3-15]-Joseph Krainik/1853-1923 Tombstone [G-3-15]-Catherine Krainik/1860-1942 Tombstone [I-27-5]-Ira A. EDWARDS/1874-1916 Tombstone, ossw: [I-27-5]-Frank L. Krainik/1873-1905 Tombstone [K-13-2]-[Charles Krainik/d. 1894] [L-16-4]-[Joseph F. Krainik/bur 05-04-1917] [R-11-10]-Marie H. Krainik/Mother/1880-1951 Tombstone [R-11-10]-Anton Edward Krainik/Father/1876-1935 Tombstone [R-11-10]-Paul E. Krainik/Jul 1, 1916/Dec 15, 1982 Tombstone + Photo [R-11-10]-Ruth R. Krainik/1918-1964 (VFW Ladies Aux flg) Tombstone [T-31-7]-Alvin A. Krainik/1910-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [T-31-7]-Elva Helen Krainik/Dec 13, 1916/Mar 20, 2005 Tombstone [T-31-7]-John P. Krainik/Apr 22, 1942/Jul 13, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-31-7]-Judith Ann Krainik/Feb 16, 1944/Jul 9, 1998 Tombstone [U-17-4]-William L. Krainik/Dec 2, 1898/Sep 17, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [U-17-4]-Caroline F. Krainik/1899-1968 Tombstone [V-17-2]-Arthur S. Krainik/Jun 9, 1891/Jun 7, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [V-17-2]-Clara B. Krainik/Dec 23, 1893/Mar 22, 1974 Tombstone see BLUMENTHAL see KRAJNIK see MUSIL see LAGNER see ZIARNIK
KRAJNEK: [E-6-12]-Edward Stephen Krajnek/Sep 23, 1909/May 31, 2003 Tombstone + Photo [E-6-12]-Agnes M. Krajnek/May 7, 1914/Feb 18, 1991 Tombstone + Photo [E-38-14]-Victor E. Krajnek/Jul 31, 1939/Jul 25, 2023 [U-29-6]-Edward/1882-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-6]-Mary/1890-1975 Tombstone [Y-4-11]-Peter Krajnek/-Nov 26, 2013-
KRAJNIK: [Unk]-Emil/Syn J a L Krajnik/Narozen 1 Cervna 1880/zemrel 1 Brezna 1882 Tombstone, next to: [Unk]-Anton Krajnik/Nar___- 187?/Zem 4 Brez 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [Unk]-Frantisek Krajnik/Nar 11 Srp 1878/Zem 6 Proz 1882 Tombstone [A-2-5]-Henriette Krajnek/Jan 9, 1891/Jan 16, 1891 Tombstone [A-2-5]-Henry Krajnik/Jan 9, 1891/Jan 18, 1891 Tombstone [A-2-5]-Vlasta Krajnik KULHA/Nar 9 Ledna 1886/Zem 31 Pros 1919 (see KULHA/have obit) Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-Josef Krajnik/Otec/Narzena/25 Ledna/1845/Zem 15 Unora 1899 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-Alzbeta Krajnik/Matka/Narozen/24 Srpna 1846/Zem 30 Zar 1912 Tombstone, next to: [A-2-5]-Marie Krajnik/Narozena/10 Pros. 1869/Zem 23 Zari 1916 Tombstone [B-15-3]-Lizzie DODGE/Dau. of A & V Krajnik/1863-1892 Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Frantisek Krajnik/Narozen/13 Unora 1895/Zemrel/1 Zari 1895 Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Emilie Krajnik/narozena/3 Dubna 1897/Zemrela/20 Zari 1897 Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Anezka Krajnik/Narozena/14 Zari 1900/Zemrela/4 Rijna 1900 Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Karel/Syn S & L/Krajnik/Narozen/16 Dubna 1889/6 Unora 1891 Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Antonin Krajnik/Zemrel 12 Kvet____/1879/Star 62 roku Tombstone, next to: [B-15-3]-Veronika Krajnik/1821-1893 Tombstone [C-13-5]-Jan SVOBODA/Narozen V Citove V Cechach/16 Kvetna 1823/Zem 28 Brez. 1893 Tombstone, ossw: [C-13-5]-Katerina/Manzelka J. SVOBODY/Narozena V. Citove v Cechach/28 List 1823/Zem 19 Kvet 1899 Tombstone [C-13-5]-John Krainik/1870-1964 Tombstone + Photo [C-13-5]-Anna Manzelka V. KRAJNIKA/Narozena/V. Citove V. Cechach/2 Unora 1851/Zemrela 8 Led 1920 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-13-5]-Vaclav Krajnik/Narozen/V. Jenichove V. Cechach/28 Zari 1846/Zemrel 3 Cervna 1899 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [C-13-5]-Adeline Krainik/1884-1926 Tombstone + Photo [L-1-6]-Katerina Krajnik/Zemrel/24 Cervce 1875/Stari 67 Roku Tombstone [L-16-4]-Alzbeta Krajnik/Matka/1832-1914 Tombstone [L-32-4]-Vaclav Krajnik/Narozen/10 Unora 1836/Zemrel/1 Cervna 1874 Tombstone, next to: [L-32-4]-Blanicka Krajnik/1873-1877 Tombstone [Q-36-2]-Gary E. Krajnik/Jun 1, 1939/Sep 27, 2021 Photo (Mary Krajnik/d. 8 Aug 1877/age 2 yrs/co. index) see KULHA
KRALL: [R-12-8]-Joseph Krall Sr./Father/Dec 5, 1885/Feb 1, 1937 Tombstone [T-19-2]-Anton/Father/1869-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [T-19-2]-Julia/Mother/1880-1949 Tombstone [V-21-2]-Alois/1915-1974 Tombstone [V-27-1]-Joseph J./1912-1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-27-1]-Lillian Krall/Nov 11, 1914/Aug 1, 1977 Tombstone see REZNICHEK
KRALOVETZ: [V-23-2]-Zachary Michael Kralovetz/Jan 8, 1999/Jun 15, 1999 Tombstone see PETSKA
KRAMER: [E-2-9]-Arsenius E./1911-1963 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-2-9]-Blanche A./1913-1962 Tombstone [E-25-8]-Harold E. Kramer/Oct 9, 1910/Nov 21, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [E-25-8]-Martha E. Kramer/Mar 25, 1915/Feb 6, 2001 Tombstone [E-39-11]-Leo M. Kramer/Aug 31, 1919/Feb 25, 1993 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-39-11]-Edith P. Kramer/Mar 1, 1920/Jun 22, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [L-30-2]-Keith R. Kramer/Jun 28, 1954/Jul 1, 1954 [space #299] Tombstone [M-12-2]-Todd Leo Kramer/Jan 21, 1967/Feb 18, 2007 Tombstone + Photo [M-12-10]-Paul J. Kramer/Apr 26, 1942/Aug 13, 2001 Tombstone [Y-5-26]-Nathan T. Kramer/Jan 23, 1978/Oct 18, 1998 Tombstone + Photo [Y-5-27]-Daniel H. Kramer/Mar 3, 1946/Dec 13, 2000 Tombstone + Photo
KRASE: [F-38-4]-Leona Krase CUNNINGHAM/1904-1991 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-4]-Bernie Krase/1896-1897 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-4]-Evan Krase/1902-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-4]-Mathilda Krase/Sep 17, 1871/Jun 12, 1912 Tombstone, ossw: [F-38-4]-Fred Krase/May 13, 1863/May 2, 1909 Tombstone
KRATZ: [R-27-6]-John H. Kratz/1854-1927 Tombstone, next to: [R-27-6]-Julia M. Kratz/1858-1926 Tombstone
KRAUS: [L-29-11]-Fred Kraus/1887-1942 Tombstone [P-16-9]-Max Kraus/1893-1961 (War vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [P-16-9]-Dora Kraus/1870-1953 Tombstone [T-20-6]-Emil L. Kraus/Oct 20, 1887/Dec 22, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [T-20-6]-Emma J. Kraus/Mar 11, 1888/Mar 26, 1987 Tombstone, next to: [T-20-6]-Elroy Kraus/1926-1935 Tombstone [V-26-4]-Ella L. Kraus/Mar 2, 1890/Apr 24, 1977 Tombstone
KRAUSE: [C-6-4]-Mathilda KIEL/nee Krause/wife of/Henry KIEL/Born May 3, 1864/Died Jun 24, 1914 [E-29-11]-Edward A. Krause/Nov 5, 1906/Feb 3, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [E-29-11]-Lillian A. "Babe" Krause/Jun 14, 1909/Jan 9, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [E2-19-5]-Emilie DUSOLD/nee Krause/Nov 25, 1858/Jan 19, 1939 Tombstone [H-21-3]-Bertha Krause/Geb 3 Dec 1882/Gest 19 Dec 1944 Tombstone, next to: [H-21-3]-William Krause/Geb 19 Mar 1879/Gest 29 Feb 1904 Tombstone [L-3-7]-[Nettie Krause/bur 8-11-1928] [O-26-2]-Oliver Krause/1908-1913 Tombstone, ossw: [O-26-2]-Arthur D. Krause/1872-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [O-26-2]-Margaret Krause/1868-1911 Tombstone, next to: [O-26-2]-Norman A. Krause/Sep 2, 1899/Jan 4, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [O-26-2]-Estelle Krause/1906-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [O-26-2]-Elvira M. SCHUETTE/1898-1960 Tombstone [P-7-9]-Herman R. Krause/Jan 27, 1873/Jan 28, 1969 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-7-9]-Margaret J. Krause/1884-1968 Tombstone + Photo [P-7-9]-Carol Jeanne Krause/Jun 6, 1925/Nov 22, 2020 Tombstone [P-10-2]-Marie Krause/1908-1936 Tombstone + Photo [P-14-6]-William A. Krause/1878-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [P-14-6]-Sophia Krause/1879-1954 Tombstone [T-4-16]-Herbert Krause/1904-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-4-16]-Isabelle W. Krause/1907-1990 Tombstone [W2-112-2]-[Minnie Krause/bur 03-26-1878] [W2-112-2]-Margaruite Krause/Sep 3, 1903/Jun 24, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-112-2]-Herman E. Krause/May 18, 1891/Feb 13, 1969 Tombstone [W2-116-1]-Martha FEUERPFEIL Krause/1887-1916 Tombstone see FEUERPFEIL
KRAYNIK: [G-7-6]-Frank Kraynik/1897-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [G-7-6]-Theresa Kraynik/1898-1965 Tombstone [G-7-6]-Libbie Kraynik/1893-1899 Tombstone, ossw: [G-7-6]-Mary Kraynik/1831-1912 Tombstone, ossw: [G-7-6]-Fredrick Kraynik/1892-1921 Tombstone [G-7-6]-Anna Kraynik/1871-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [G-7-6]-Adolph Kraynik/1859-1941 Tombstone [P-28-1]-William Kraynik/1871-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [P-28-1]-Anna Kraynik/1883-1944 Tombstone
KRCMA: [F-22-2]-Mary Ann Krcma/1917-1917 Tombstone [P-33-2]-Ellen S. Krcma/1880-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [P-33-2]-John F. Krcma/1873-1943 Tombstone [T-17-8]-Gilbert J. Krcma/Mar 24, 1919/Nov 15, 2018 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-17-8]-Carol L. Krcma/Jan 9, 1926/Oct 17, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [Y-4-29]-David J. Krcma/Dec 4, 1949/Nov 13, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [Y-5-10]-Daniel S. Krcma/Jul 30, 1921/Sep 12, 2019 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-5-10]-Norma A. Krcma/1921-2010 Tombstone + Photo
KRCMAR: [D-39-2]-Josef Krcmar/1820-1901 Tombstone, ossw: [D-39-2]-Teresie Krcmar/1826-1912 Tombstone
KREIE: [F-33-4]-John Kreie/Dec 6, 1850/Jun 15, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [F-33-4]-Louisa Kreie/Sep 17, 1850/Jul 27, 1908 Tombstone [F-33-4]-Oscar Kreie/Jan 28, 1886/Oct 27, 1918 Tombstone [F-33-4]-Gary Earl Kreie/Dec 16, 1952/Feb 13, 1999 Tombstone [F-34-2]-Earl J. Kreie/1915-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-2]-Esther C. Kreie/1930-1962 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [F-34-2]-Emma Kreie/1885-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [F-34-2]-Walter M. Kreie/May 23, 1884/Mar 6, 1969 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [F-34-2]-Lorraine Kreie/Jun 16, 1919/Nov 30, 1926 Tombstone [F-34-2]-Viola Kreie/Oct 9, 1912/Jan 4, 1913 [cause: pneumonia] Tombstone [K-22-1]-Mary KIEL/Aug 4, 1859/Sep 16, 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [K-22-1]-William KIEL/Nov 6, 1854/Apr 7, 1920 Tombstone, ossw: [K-22-1]-Laura KIEL Kreie/1883-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [K-22-1]-Adolph F. Kreie/1881-1968 Tombstone [O-21-6]-Edwin BRUNS/1889-1917 Tombstone, ossw: [O-21-6]-Linda M. Kreie BRUNS/Jul 21, 1889/Sep 28, 1973 Tombstone [R-44-8]-Carl C. Kreie/Apr 21, 1925/Jan 25, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [R-44-8]-Gladys L. Kreie/Oct 13, 1927/Feb 14, 2000 Tombstone [R-44-8]-Herman Kreie/May 5, 1892/Jul 10, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [R-44-8]-Elizabeth Kreie/1886-1925 Tombstone [V-5-2]-Carl T. Kreie/Oct 16, 1947/Dec 14, 2011 Tombstone [W2-205-3]-Bertha Mahnke Kreie/1860-1932 Tombstone
KREIL: [S-49-8]-Esther Erna Kreil/1925-1925 Tombstone, ossw: [S-49-8]-Esther Kreil/Apr 7, 1900/Nov 3, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [S-49-8]-Frank A. Kreil/Aug 1, 1896/Feb 8, 1985 Tombstone/Photo [S-49-8]-Kenneth A. Kreil/Jul 31, 1947/Jan 10, 1993 Tombstone [V-11-3]-Edward A. Kreil/Jan 27, 1919/Aug 6, 2001 Tombstone [V-11-3]-Bernice Ida Kreil/Jun 23, 1923/Feb 5, 2005 Tombstone
KREIMANN: [L-1-11]-Oris L. Kreimann/Jan 23, 1928/Mar 3, 1928 Tombstone [U-7-5]-Leland Kreimann/1893-1971 Tombstone [U-7-5]-Clara M. Kreimann/1895-1960 Tombstone
KREISA: [T-39-14]-Earl J. Kreisa/Jan 23, 1912/Aug 26, 2001 Tombstone [T-39-14]-Naomi L. Kreisa/Apr 11, 1916/Jun 19, 1988 Tombstone
KREJCAREK: [R-33-4]-Fred Krejcarek/Father/1885-1934 Tombstone, next to: [R-33-4]-Emma Krejcarek/Mother/1895-1938 Tombstone [W2-232-8]-Rose Krejcarek/Mother/1866-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-232-8]-Joseph Krejcarek/Father/1852-1925 Tombstone [W2-232-8]-[Baby Krejcarek/d. 01-22-1949/stillborn/bur. on Joseph Krejcarek lot]
KREJCI: [A-19-2]-Pavel Krejci/Narozen 9 Led 1830/Zemrel 28 Rija 1892 Tombstone [A-19-2]-[Anna Krejci/bur 01-31-1906] Tombstone [P-27-1]-Anna G. Krejci/Mother/1865-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-1]-John M. Krejci/Father/1861-1941 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Emanuel Krejci/Nar 26 Led. 1861/Zem 5 Bre. 1934 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Marie Krejci/Nar 25 Zari 1864/Zem 5 Kvet 1921 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Ludmilla Krejci/Nar 4 Brez 1918/Zem 14 Srp 1928 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Blanch Krejci/Dec 2, 1894/Oct 24, 1984 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Emil Z. Krejci/Jul 5, 1889/Dec 11, 1957 Tombstone see KREJCIE
KREJCIE: [T-33-9]-Edwin J. Krejcie/May 26, 1912/Mar 19, 1992 Tombstone [T-33-9]-Lorna Johanna Krejcie/May 19, 1913/Apr 4, 2003 Tombstone [W2-235-1]-Jerry W. Krejcie/Nar 13 List. 1887/Zem 24 Pros 1949 Tombstone [W2-235-1]-Mary Krejcie/Nar 13 List 1891/Zem 25 Led 1921 Tombstone [W2-235-1]-Barbara Krejcie/Apr 30, 1892/Jan 11, 1982 Tombstone [W2-235-3]-Anna/1892-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-235-3]-Edward Krejcie/Jul 18, 1891/Mar 2, 1980 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Otto J. Krejcie/Nar 30 Cer 1885/Zem 4 Cer 1939 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Agnes M. Krejcie/Mar 12, 1914/Dec 13, 1989 Tombstone [W2-235-4]-Victor E. Krejcie/Feb 26, 1913/Dec 1, 1990 Tombstone [Y-6-3]-Clarence E. Krejcie/Jan 18, 1919/Mar 15, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-6-3]-Shirley Mae Krejcie/Aug 30, 1921/Apr 19, 2015 Photo
KREKOVICH: [O-5-2]-Leonette G. Krekovich/Nov 19, 1924/Jul 5, 1999 Tombstone
KREMERS: [E2-17-6]-Emilie [Emily]/Daughter of/Gerard & Eliza Kremers/Born May 11, 1859/Died Aug 15, 1859 Tombstone, next to: [E2-17-6]-Jacob Kremers/Geb Den 15 Feb 1833/Gest 24, April 1854 Tombstone [E2-17-6]-[John Kremers/d. unk] Tombstone
KREN: [S-47-4]-Wencel/1856-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [S-47-4]-Anna/1861-1950 Tombstone
KRENNER: [R-14-10]-Joyce E. Krenner/May 8, 1943/Aug 15, 2018
KREPLINE: [L-26-1]-Baby Krepline (fetus)/-Oct 28, 2016- TombstoneKRESL: [I-27-1]-George/1854-1930 Tombstone, next to: [I-27-1]-Pauline Kresl/1863-1951 Tombstone [I-27-1]-Edward/1886-1903 Tombstone
KRESS: [K-25-2]-Henry G. Kress/1858-1926 Tombstone, next to: [K-25-2]-Jane REED Kress/1858-1940 Tombstone + Photo see OWSLEY see FORREST
KRETCHE: [D-3-1]-Willie Kretche/1891-1898 Tombstone, next to: [D-3-1]-Anna/1871-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [D-3-1]-Frank/1871-1954 Tombstone, next to: [D-3-1]-Roland L. Kretche/1899-1951 (war vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [D-3-1]-Grace A. Kretche/1903-1949 (war vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [D-3-1]-Kathryn Merle Kretche/-1926- Tombstone
KRETSCH: [E-37-12]-Hubert V. Kretsch/Feb 11, 1893/Sep 8, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [E-37-12]-Gertrude C. Kretsch/Jul 18, 1894/Feb 27, 1985 Tombstone [E-37-12]-Hubert J. "Butch" Kretsch/Feb 20, 1902/Dec 26, 2003 [G-7-2]-Albert Kretsch/1908-1946 Tombstone [P-17-8]-Catherine/Mother/1866-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-8]-Mathias Sr./Father/1858-1948 Tombstone [S-43-13]-Armella A. Kretsch/1928-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-13]-Robert J. Kretsch/May 1, 1925/May 17, 1999 Tombstone [W-2-10]-Edward G. Kretsch/Oct 8, 1940/Jun 28, 2010 Tombstone [W-3-12]-Larry A. Kretsch/Jun 23, 1962/Dec 12, 2015 Photo see BUSHMAN
KREUZBURG: [Unk]-[Clara Kreutzburg/d. 01-15-1867]
KREY: [Y-2-13]-John L. Krey/Jun 29, 1931/Jul 4, 2012 Tombstone + Photo
KREYCAREK: [P-28-7]-Frank/Father/1853-1945 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-28-7]-Anna/Mother/1864-1946 Tombstone + Photo
KRIEG: [I-12-7]-Dorothy V. Krieg/Apr 27/Apr 30, 1919 Tombstone, next to: [I-12-7]-Carl H. Krieg/1883-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [I-12-7]-Bessie M. Krieg/1884-1955 Tombstone
KRIEGER: [L-32-12]-[Baby boy Krieger/d. 09-15-1938/stillborn] [W2-105-4]-[Miss Krieger/bur 02-04-1877]
KRIELE: [Unk]-[Charles Kriele/bur 02-16-1880]
KRIENKE: [A-29-5]-Auguste/wife of A. Krienke/Jun 27, 1864/Jan 27, 1887 Tombstone, next to: [A-29-5]-Augusta Krienke/geb HOFFMAN Tombstone, next to: [A-29-5]-Adolph Krienke/geboren 19 Feb 1857/Gestorben 8 May 1898 Tombstone
KRIES: [V-31-7]-Elfae R. Kries/Mar 23, 1897/Apr 11, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [V-31-7]-Thelma J. Kries/May 25, 1901/Feb 10, 1998 Tombstone
KRIESER: [B-26-3]-[Emma Krieser/bur 06-02-1919] [B-26-3]-[Hugo Krieser/bur 09-02-1891] [B-26-3]-[Charles Krieser/bur 11-23-1901/age 35 yrs] [E2-66-5]-Bertha Louisa Krieser/geboren/5 Oct 1840/starb/29 Juni 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Wm. John Krieser/geboren/30 Mai 1837/starb/25 Apr. 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Ferdinand PAUTZ/gestorben/5 Aug. 1870/Alter/33 Jah 28 Tag Tombstone [L-1-12]-[Dan Krieser/bur 04-11-1923] [P-20-3]-Daniel C. Krieser/Nov 1, 1891/Jun 29, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [P-20-3]-Minnie Krieser/1894-1944 Tombstone [P-20-3]-[Baby girl Krieser/d. 10-19-1963] [U-14-1]-Raymond W./1894-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [U-14-1]-Anna M. Krieser/Nov 27, 1900/Jun 13, 1986 (War vet flg) Tombstone [U-15-2]-George F. Krieser/1901-1959 Tombstone [U-15-2]-Neoma A. Krieser/Jan 19, 1904/Apr 29, 1986 Tombstone
KRIEWALD: [L-31-1]-Lura Beth Kriewald/Jul 31-Aug 1, 1983 Tombstone
KRISH: [E-24-6]-Donald E. Krish/Feb 28, 1930/Apr 26, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-24-6]-Barbara Krish/Jun 24, 1930/May 30, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [E-25-7]-Grace Arlene Krish/Oct 15, 1932/Sep 21, 2011 Tombstone [E-26-6]-Edwin V. Krish/1896-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-6]-Tillie Krish/Jul 10, 1904/Nov 25, 1991 [widow of Edwin Krish] Tombstone [G-14-10]-Joseph Krish/1862-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [G-14-10]-Elizabeth Krish/1865-1925 Tombstone [G-14-10]-Joseph R. Krish/1892-1973 Tombstone [G-14-10]-Victoria M. Krish/1894-1967 Tombstone [I-19-3]-Helen E. Krish/Oct 15, 1899/Sep 28, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [I-19-3]-Wencel B. Krish/1895-1980 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone
KRIZ: [K-6-2]-Erwin Jr. GATERMAN/-1917- Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-Gladys GATERMAN/1897-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-Freda BORN/1898-1992 Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-Lydia GATERMAN/1873-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-William GATERMAN/1863-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-Laura G. Kriz/May 22, 1904/Jul 1, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [K-6-2]-George Kriz/1903-1957 Not buried here Buried in Phoenix, AZ [L-14-4]-Josef Kriz/30 Srpna 1845/30 Rijna 1906 Tombstone
KRIZAN: [U-4-6]-Alex Krizan/1900-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [U-4-6]-Yarmilla Krizan/1904-1970 Tombstone
KRIZANOWSKI: [R-18-2]-Lillian E. Krizanowski/1885-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [R-18-2]-William R. Krizanowski/1879-1946 Tombstone, next to: [R-18-2]-William E. Krizanowski/Sep 3, 1904/Nov 1, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [R-18-2]-Lucille M. Krizanowski/Sep 16, 1913/Jun 22, 2005 Tombstone
KRIZEK: [E-37-7]-Joseph G. Krizek/Aug 25, 1890/Jan 22, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [E-37-7]-Annie Krizek/Sep 25, 1901/Sep 24, 1983 Tombstone [E-42-7]-Wencel F. Krizek/Jan 19, 1933/Mar 2, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [E-42-7]-Darlene L. Krizek/1947-1986 Tombstone [V-5-6]-Charles F. Krizek/Feb 20, 1936/Feb 2, 2008 Tombstone
KROGSTAD: [G-1-2]-Irene E. HIGGINS Krogstad/Feb 21, 1913/Feb 6, 1991 Tombstone, next to: see HIGGINS [Y-5-25]-Stanley H. Krogstad/Nov 13, 1914/Feb 28, 2011 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-25]-Mary E. Krogstad/Feb 1, 1941/Dec 8, 2023 Tombstone
KROHN: [L-13-3]-[Baby Krohn/bur 02-15-1905] Tombstone [R-22-4]-Emma/Mother/1870-1938 Tombstone, ossw: [R-22-4]-Fred Krohn/1868-1932 Tombstone [T-28-4]-John C. Krohn/S Sgt/1922-1944 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [T-28-4]-Edmund W. Krohn/Sep 4, 1895/Mar 3, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-4]-Alice V. Krohn/Jan 24, 1897/Jan 20, 1985 Tombstone see GEROLD
KROLL: [S-46-13]-George E. Kroll/1907-1960 Tombstone
KRONBERG: [L-30-4]-Aaron J. Kronberg/10-2-1971 [stillborn/son of Kenneth M. Kronberg/space #385] Tombstone [T-8-5]-Edward W. Kronberg/Apr 13, 1894/Jul 14, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-5]-Martina J./1892-1965 (War vet flg/Ladies Aux VFW flg) Tombstone [W-15-3]-Kenneth M. Kronberg/Aug 9, 1950/Sep 18, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [W-16-5]-Edward C. Kronberg/Jan 17, 1923/Mar 14, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [W-16-5]-Elena Rosa Kronberg/Apr 21, 1923/Feb 26, 2018 Tombstone + Photo
KRONFORST: [M-9-7]-Carol Ann/Oct 7, 1960/Jan 30, 2009 Tombstone
KRONSNOBLE: [U-10-5]-Phillip D. Kronsnoble/Apr 14, 1890/Aug 4, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [U-10-5]-Augusta/Apr 18, 1890/Jun 16, 1980 Tombstone
KROSZCYNSKI: [L-1-5]-[Wieboldt Kroszcynski/bur 11-03-1918]
KROUSE: [V-34-1]-Hilmer K. Krouse/Mar 23, 1916/Dec 6, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [V-34-1]-Lorraine/1916-2014 Tombstone + Photo
KROWIORZ: [Q-1F-1]-James P. Krowiorz/Feb 17, 1952/Jun 25, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [Y-1-23]-Gladys Krowiorz/Dec 17, 1922/Dec 8, 2010 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-23]-James E./Nov 19, 1921/Mar 12, 1980 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-23]-James E. Krowiorz/Cpl US Army/WWII/Nov 19, 1921/Mar 12, 1980 Tombstone
KRUCEMSKI: [L-10-2]-[John Krucemski/bur 03-03-1894/age 50 yrs]
KRUCK: [Unk]-[Gustav Adolph Krug/bur 05-01-1872] [C-7-1]-[Helene Kruck/bur 11-18-1896/age 19 yrs] Tombstone [C-7-1]-Josephine A. Kruck/1884-1978 Tombstone, ossw: [C-7-1]-Ernest E./1884-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [C-7-1]-Herman Sr.[bur 07-20-1921] Tombstone [E-3-1]-Ernest H./Jul 25, 1906/Feb 15, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-3-1]-Irene C. Kruck/Oct 19, 1902/Oct 1, 2001 Tombstone [E-3-1]-Jay C./Sep 6, 1933/Mar 13, 2016 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-3-1]-Lois I./Apr 21, 1935/Mar 8, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [I-4-2]-Laura Kruck/Nov 16, 1888/Mar 27, 1903 Tombstone [I-4-2]-Louisa Kruck/Mother/Dec 14, 1846/Jun 13, 1916 Tombstone [I-4-2]-Conrad/1875-1945 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [I-4-2]-Henrietta/1865-1948 Tombstone [I-4-2]-Michael Roy Kruck/Sep 24, 1895/Dec 19, 1976 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [I-4-2]-Norah E. Kruck/Aug 16, 1895/Jan 12, 1987 Tombstone [I-12-7]-Sylvia E./1908-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [I-12-7]-Raymond M. Kruck/Apr 17, 1908/Mar 3, 1995 Tombstone [K-25-4]-Frances Byrns Ritchie Kruck/Jul 21, 1908/Jul 13, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [R-15-11]-Evelyn L. Kruck/Nov 26, 1906/Jan 3, 1982 Tombstone [U-21-2]-Gregg Curtis Kruck/Feb 17, 1956/May 31, 2003 Tombstone
KRUEGER: [Unk]-[F. Krueger/bur 11-29-1878] [Unk]-[?? Krueger/bur 02-25-1882] [E2-4-12]-Mary Krueger/Sep 11, 1887/Jan 6, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-4-12]-William Krueger/1871-1934 Tombstone [E2-4-12]-Bertha (Theresa) Krueger/Nov 9, 1920/Sep 22, 1923 Tombstone [E2-4-12]-Dean Allen Krueger/Aug 17, 1949/Sep 25, 1949 Tombstone [E2-4-12]-William G. Krueger/Feb 9, 1915/May 4, 1986 Tombstone [F-36-4]-Marvin/Son of F & E Krueger/Jan 27, 1909/Mar 17, 1909 Tombstone, next to: [F-36-4]-Elsie Krueger/Jun 10, 1885/Apr 1, 1938 Tombstone, ossw: [F-36-4]-Fridrich Z. Krueger/Nov 13, 1874/Jun 9, 1962 Tombstone [F-41-4]-Emma W. Krueger/Sep 15, 1879/Nov 24, 1970 Tombstone [F-41-4]-Ernest Krueger/1878-1942 Tombstone [F-41-4]-[Bertha Krueger/bur 03-15-1910] [F-41-4]-[Lila Krueger/bur 01-21-1922] [H-4-1]-[(Martha)/Mrs. Fred Krueger/bur 11-23-1914] [H-4-1]-[Frederick W. Krueger/bur 2-17-1928/age 86 yr] [H-4-2]-Mary Ann Krueger/1872-1950 Tombstone [H-4-2]-Julia A. Krueger/Mother/1882-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [H-4-2]-Edward C. Krueger/Father/1884-1953 Tombstone [H-12-4]-[Henrietta Krueger/bur 11-22-1906/age 79 yrs./cause: old age] [H-23-2]-Minnie Krueger/1859-1938 Tombstone [I-2-5]-[Marion Krueger/bur 03-20-1909/cause: peritonitis] [I-2-5]-Carl F. W. Krueger/24 Jan 1829/29 Juli 1907 Tombstone, ossw: [I-2-5]-Augusta Krueger/24 Aug 1838/21 Juni 1924 Tombstone [I-12-8]-Alvina Krueger/1865-1908 Tombstone [I-12-8]-Wm. Krueger [I-19-5]-Esther A. Krueger DICKMAN/1902-1969 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [I-19-5]-Paul C. Krueger/1897-1955 Tombstone + Photo [I-19-5]-Mary Krueger/Mother/1863-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [I-19-5]-August Krueger/Father/1855-1921 Tombstone [I-19-5]-Adolph H. Krueger/1884-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [I-19-5]-Lena K. Krueger/1888-1967 Tombstone [I-19-5]-Frederick H. Krueger/Apr 14, 1927/Sep 16, 1988 Tombstone, ossw: [I-19-5]-Bernice A. Krueger/Mar 19, 1933/Jun 8, 2015 Tombstone [K-12-3]-Linda Krueger/Aug 30, 1894/Apr 29, 1927 Tombstone [K-12-3]-[Baby Krueger/female/bur. 6-2-1926/cause: stillbirth] [L-2-9]-Gottlieb Krueger/1837-1924 (War vet flg) Tombstone [L-29-11]-Emil Krueger/Nov 30, 1870/Jun 12, 1942 Tombstone [L-31-5]-Jilian Jay Tompkins Krueger/-Jun 27, 1997- Tombstone [O-7-4]-Caroline Krueger/1908-1915 Tombstone, next to: [O-7-4]-Paul Krueger/1909-1931 Tombstone, next to: [O-7-4]-Henry C. Krueger/1870-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [O-7-4]-Martha Krueger/1879-1953 Tombstone, next to: [O-7-4]-Marie Ida Krueger/May 15, 1914/Jul 30, 1999 Tombstone [P-4-4]-Dean W. Krueger/Wis/1st Lt US Air Force/Vietnam/Oct 13, 1945/Mar 26, 1971 Tombstone + Photo [P-4-4]-Wilbur L. Krueger/Apr 10, 1912/Aug 19, 1981 Tombstone [P-4-4]-Edith G. Krueger/Jan 25, 1915/Nov 26, 2000 Tombstone + Photo [P-5-3]-Mata Krueger/1882-1969 Tombstone [R-12-9]-William C. Krueger/Jun 20, 1889/Mar 7, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [R-12-9]-Frieda Krueger/1895-1974 Tombstone [R-23-8]-Henry F. Krueger Jr./1900-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [R-23-8]-Nina M. Krueger/1901-1953 Tombstone [S-45-5]-Julius Krueger/1865-1929 Tombstone [S-48-1]-Arthur Krueger/Oct 10, 1897/Nov 26, 1972 Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-1]-Baby/Jan 18 1926 (Diane) Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-1]-Deanna Phyllis/Jun 4, 1957/Nov 29, 1957 Tombstone [T-2-7]-August C. Krueger/1873-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-7]-Lillian Krueger/1886-1971 Tombstone [T-2-8]-Herbert O. Krueger/1902-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-8]-Elizabeth Krueger/Feb 22, 1909/May 29, 1985 (Am Leg Aux flg) Tombstone [T-8-3]-Marie C. Krueger/Mar 26, 1911/Feb 21, 2002 Tombstone [T-8-3]-Harland L. Krueger/Jan 17, 1907/Dec 19, 1987 Tombstone [T-8-8]-Wilfred D. Krueger/Oct 9, 1930/Dec 12, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-8]-Barbara J. Krueger/Jul 3, 1930/Apr 25, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [T-9-1]-Clarence J. Krueger/1901-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-1]-Myrtle T. Krueger/Oct 7, 1903/Aug 10, 1983 Tombstone [T-12-6]-Clarence G. Krueger/Wis/PFC Co D 39 Machine Gun BN/WWI/Apr 23, 1896/Sep 13, 1958 Tombstone [T-12-6]-Alma Krueger/Oct 20, 1889/Aug 14, 1963 Tombstone [U-2-6]-Edwin C. Krueger/1887-1968 Tombstone, ossw: [U-2-6]-Martha A. Krueger/1890-1965 Tombstone [U-2-6]-Charles H. Krueger/1882-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [U-2-6]-Esther A. Krueger/1889-1957 Tombstone [U-2-6]-Milton C. Krueger/Jan 1, 1920/Jan 25, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [U-2-6]-Estelle F. Krueger/Jun 30, 1922/Feb 1, 2018 Tombstone [U-5-5]-Frank C. Krueger/1877-1952 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-5]-Lena J. Krueger/1885-1969 Tombstone [U-29-3]-Emil Krueger/1888-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-3]-Elsie Krueger/1895-1972 Tombstone [U-36-9]-Ervin J. Krueger/1889-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [U-36-9]-Alma H. Krueger/Apr 9, 1893/Jun 14, 1978 Tombstone [U-37-6]-Bennie H. Krueger/1904-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [U-37-6]-Minnie B. Krueger/Mar 5, 1905/Jul 24, 1980 Tombstone [V-3-3]-Joseph W. Krueger/Dec 23, 1915/Apr 29, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-3-3]-Florence Krueger/Mar 3, 1921/Jul 26, 2012 Tombstone [V-3-3]-James J. Krueger/Sep 24, 1949/Mar 29, 1993 Tombstone + Photo [W-18-7]-Jim D. Krueger/Aug 29, 1950/Dec 7, 2022, ossw: [W-18-7]-Rose Ann Krueger/Jul 9, 1948/Feb 6, 2019 Photo [W2-189-3]-[Baby Krueger/bur 06-07-1909/stillborn] [W2-189-3]-[Baby Krueger/bur 07-14-1913] [W2-189-3]-[Baby Krueger/bur 01-10-1920/stillborn] [W2-189-3]-[Korcella Krueger/bur 06-11-1916/cause: premature birth/bur on Charles C Mueller lot] [W2-193-3]-[(Mabel) Baby Krueger/bur 11-13-1881] [W2-193-3]-[(George) (Child) Krueger/bur 02-07-1882] [W2-218-3]-[Henry F. Krueger/bur 11-10-1924] Tombstone [W2-218-3]-[John Krueger/bur 02-12-1900] Tombstone [W2-218-3]-[Charlotta Krueger/bur 11-30-1904] Tombstone [W2-226-4]-Albertina Krueger/Mother/Nov 2, 1855/Jun 2, 1943 Tombstone [W2-226-4]-Ferdinand Krueger/Father/Mar 2, 1862/Mar 31 1935 Tombstone [W2-226-4]-Johann Krueger/Geboren 9 Nov 1886/Gestorben 9 Mai 1920 Tombstone [W2-236-1]-Karen Ann Krueger/Apr 28, 1946/Feb 6, 1951 Tombstone [W2-236-1]-Margaret L. Krueger/Jun 3, 1903/Mar 22, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-236-1]-Reuben J. Krueger/1897-1958 Tombstone see STROTHOFF see PAINE see MUETZEL see MEISNER
KRUG: [Unk]-[Friederike Krug/bur 07-08-1866] [Unk]-[Elizabeth Krug/d. 1 Feb 1870] [Unk]-[Maria Wilhelmine Krug/bur 09-23-1870] [A-4-3]-[Sofie Krug/bur 06-22-1891/cause: cramps] [A-4-3]-[Elner Krug/bur 02-16-1897] [A-4-3]-Adam Krug/Mar 20, 1832/Mar 8, 1911 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-3]-Wilhelmine Krug/Apr 5, 1855/Jan 22, 1917 Tombstone, next to: [A-4-3]-Wilhelm Krug/Mar 23, 1868/Nov 23, 1916 Tombstone [B-3-2]-Emil W. Krug/1879-1938 Tombstone, next to: [B-3-2]-Evelyn N. Krug/1907-1912 Tombstone [B-3-2]-[Minnie Krug/d. 02-22-1969 Tombstone [E2-54-6]-[Baby (fetus) Krug/bur. 01-05-1889](on same lot with Herrman) [K-5-3]-Helen BARTKE Krug/1879-1957 Tombstone [R-7-12]-Charles Wm./1875-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [R-7-12]-Luella/1881-1970 Tombstone see STOTTLER
KRUGER: [Unk]-[?? Kruger/bur 03-31-1882] [Unk]-[?? Kruger/bur 04-10-1883] [W2-214-1]-Friedrich H.D. Kruger/geboren 11 July 1816/gestorben 23 Apr 1889 Tombstone [W2-214-1]-[(Sophia) Mrs. F. Kruger/bur 05-01-1894] Tombstone
KRUKO: [W2-201-2]-[August Kruko/bur 1884] [W2-201-1]-[Mrs. Tonie Kruko/bur 06-23-1886/age 34 yrs]
KRULL: [H-21-2]-Johann Krull/Vater/23 Mai 1829/7 Marz 1913 Tombstone [H-21-2]-Elisabeth Krull/Mutter/25 Feb 1832/22 Sept 1912 Tombstone [H-21-2]-William Krull/Sohn/9 Sept 1863/8 Sept 1921 Tombstone
KRUMDICK: [B-3-6]-Erna Krumdick/1889-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [B-3-6]-John/1878-1956 Tombstone [B-3-6]-Mary Krumdick/Mother/1852-1934 Tombstone [B-3-6]-Daniel Krumdick/Father/1847-1926 Tombstone [G-7-8]-Anton Krumdick/Jan 2, 1891/Sep 10, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [G-7-8]-Ida E. Krumdick/Jan 12, 1894/Dec 14, 1984 Tombstone [L-29-14]-Albert Krumdick Jr./1880-1941 Tombstone [W2-176-1]-Johann D. Krumdick/gest 10 Febr 1883/Alter 75 Jahre Tombstone, ossw: [W2-176-1]-Johanne/wife of John D. Krumdick/Jul 31, 1828/Dec 18, 1905 Tombstone see GADZINSKI
KRUMEL: [S-45-19]-Adeline Krumel/May 30, 1910/Mar 2, 1998 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [S-45-19]-James CARLIER/-1952- Tombstone see CARLIER [S-45-19]-Peter/1871-1931 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-19]-Julia/1879-1963 Tombstone [V-36-5]-Florence E. Krumel/Oct 28, 1912/Apr 10, 1983 Tombstone [V-36-5]-Daniel R. Krumel/Feb 7, 1913/Feb 12, 1986 Tombstone
KRUMHEUER: [E2-94-1]-Johanna GEHBE JORSCH/geboren 25 Jun 1842/gestorben 15 Aug 1940/geb in/Kaltenwestheim Saxony Germany Tombstone, ossw: [E2-94-1]-O. Emil Krumheuer/geb in Labes/Pommern/23 Nov 1841/gestorben/22 Jan 1894 Tombstone see CAMPBELL see GEHBE
KRUMM: [Unk]-[Heinrich Carl Christoph Krumm/bur 08-04-1863] [Unk]-[Sophie Krumm/bur 01-29-1873] [Unk]-[Auguste Wilhelmine Friederike Krumm/bur 11-08-1874] [D-4-4]-Charles Krumm/Aug 1, 1850/Jan 17, 1899 Tombstone, ossw: [D-4-4]-Henrietta Krumm/Nov 28, 1854/Oct 5, 1939 Tombstone [D-8-1]-Josephine E. Krumm/1879-1970 Tombstone [D-8-1]-Judith Krumm/1942-1970 Tombstone [E2-3-8]-Ida Krumm/1865-1954 Tombstone [E2-3-8]-William Krumm/1863-1920 Tombstone [E2-34-2]-William Krumm/1866-1944 Tombstone [E2-34-2]-Sophia Krumm/1871-1945 Tombstone see MEIENBURG [H-5-6]-Karl C. Krumm/Geb 1 Jan 1822/Gest 12 Apr 1898, ossw: [H-5-6]-Christina Krumm/Geb 18 Dez 1821/Gest 29 Oct 1898 [K-13-5]-Charles M. Krumm/Wisconsin/Cpl Co H/2 Regt Infantry/Sp Am War/Jun 27, 1876/Jan 13, 1955 Tombstone [K-13-5]-Hattie Krumm/Jun 22, 1879/Mar 7, 1915 Tombstone [K-13-5]-Charles J. Krumm/Mar 12, 1918/Apr 3, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [K-13-5]-Avis M. Krumm/nee Hawkins/Dec 6, 1919/Nov 3, 2013 Tombstone [P-13-4]-John Krumm/1853-1932 Tombstone, ossw: [P-13-4]-Augusta Krumm/1870-1951 Tombstone [S-50-4]-Frank C. Krumm/1877-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [S-50-4]-Sophia Krumm/1878-1958 Tombstone [T-9-4]-Alvin W. Krumm/1900-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [T-9-4]-Florence J. Krumm/Dec 10, 1905/Apr 18, 1987 Tombstone [W2-100-4]-[Joach. Krumm/bur 10-30-1877] [W2-100-4]-[Mr. Krumm (Wilhelm)/bur 03-29-1882] [W2-128-1]-Margaret Krumm/Dau. of C & C Krumm/Apr 7, 1906/Jan 8, 1914 Tombstone [W2-128-1]-Addie Krumm/Dau. of/C & C Krumm/Mar 10, 1904/May 25, 1905 Tombstone [W2-128-1]-[Baby Krumm/bur 08-09-1872] [W2-128-1]-Augusta Krumm/Mother/Mar 3, 1840/May 3, 1919 Tombstone [W2-181-2]-Caroline Krumm/1877-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-181-2]-Charles J. Krumm/1874-1960 Tombstone
KRUMMEL: [U-6-5]-John G. Krummel/1908-1951 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [U-6-5]-Garnet V. Krummel JAMES/Feb 8, 1913/May 14, 2001 Tombstone
KRUMREY: [S-43-73]-Raymond Krumrey/Feb 1, 1925/Jun 10, 2003 Tombstone [U-10-3]-Arthur KERSCHER/1913-1979 Tombstone, ossw: [U-10-3]-Ellen Krumrey/-1967- Tombstone, ossw: [U-10-3]-Clara KERSCHER/1914-1996 Tombstone
KRUPKAT: [E-10-1]-Dean R. Krupkat/Nov 12, 1928/Jul 25, 2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-10-1]-David J. Krupkat/Apr 24, 1958/Feb 21, 2022 Tombstone [T-28-2]-Rachel E. Krupkat/1856-1948 Tombstone [T-28-2]-Minnie L. Krupkat/Jul 7, 1891/Oct 27, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-2]-Kurt J. Krupkat/Oct 5, 1893/Feb 11, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [T-28-2]-Kathleen L. Krupkat SPACEK/Apr 2, 1919/Apr 14, 2009 Tombstone
KRUSCH: [T-21-6]-Walter C. Krusch/May 20, 1909/Jan 8, 1991 Tombstone
KRUSH: [F-22-1]-[Baby Krush/bur 08-21-1922] [R-8-9]-Bertha Krush/Mother/1881-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [R-8-9]-Henry Krush/Father/1878-1957 Tombstone [R-8-9]-Paul H. Krush/Mar 28, 1908/Jan 4, 2001 Tombstone
KRUZICKI: [E-40-4]-Leo L. Kruzicki/Feb 1, 1911/Jun 30, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [E-40-4]-Anna E. Kruzicki/Aug 30, 1916/Apr 4, 1979 Tombstone [E-40-4]-Lisa A. Kruzicki/May 28, 1971/Mar 9, 1988 Tombstone
KRYSAN: [U-31-10]-Ray L. Krysan/1894-1955 (War vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-31-10]-Emily Krysan/Mar 17, 1895/Feb 8, 1980 Tombstone
KUBACKY: [E-33-11]-Alex J. Kubacky/Husband/Sep 1, 1925/Jun 4, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [E-33-11]-Delphia M. Kubacky Brown/Wife/Nov 18, 1930/May 4, 1977 Tombstone
KUBELANKI: [L-21-6]-[William Kubelanki/bur 07-11-1913]
KUBICHEK: [H-10-1]-Gregory Wm. Kubichek/Feb 7-10, 1960 Tombstone [H-10-1]-Merlin D. Kubichek/1934-2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [H-10-1]-Helen E. Kubichek/1937-2009 Tombstone [R-12-6]-Milton Kubichek/Aug 19, 1925/Sep 16, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [R-12-6]-Myrtle Kubichek/Nov 10, 1925/Nov 7, 2021 Tombstone [S-48-7]-John Kubichek/Jul 15, 1927/Jul 20, 1927 Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-7]-Olive M. LUEDTKE/Jun 7, 1906-1995 Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-7]-Joseph Kubichek/Sep 10, 1904/Dec 28, 1935 Tombstone
KUBICHKA: [R-12-6]-Jacob W. Kubichka/1895-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [R-12-6]-Anna Kubichka/1896-1966 (War vet flag) Tombstone [R-21-5]-Henry Vogeltanz/1867-1932 Tombstone [R-21-5]-Randall S. Kubichka/May 4, 1960/Feb 21, 2007 Tombstone + Photo [R-21-6]-Anton G. Kubichka/May 1, 1924/May 1, 2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [R-21-6]-Gary D. Kubichka/Mar 24, 1951/Jul 8, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [R-21-6]-Grace Kubichka/Jun 9, 1926/May 28, 2024 Tombstone + Photo [R-21-6]-Anton Kubichka/Jan 2, 1893/Jul 20, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [R-21-6]-Clara J. Kubichka/1894-1969 Tombstone, next to: [R-21-6]-Emily Kubichka/Jul 4, 1922/Jul 20, 2008 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [R-21-6]-David Kubichka/-Dec 20, 1940- Tombstone, ossw: [R-21-6]-Stanley E. Kubichka/Feb 13, 1919/Apr 29, 1994 Tombstone + Photo [T-13-10]-Constance Kubichka/Jun 13, 1947/Nov 9, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [W-14-7]-Rodney D. Kubichka/Jan 31, 1942/Apr 26, 2019 Photo [W-14-7]-Lucille L. Kubichka/Apr 8, 1933/Dec 29, 2019 Tombstone + Photo see VOGELTANZ
KUBITZ: [B-14-6]-Frederick Kubitz/1831-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-6]-Johanna Kubitz/1829-1892 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-6]-Bernhard Kubitz/1865-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [B-14-6]-Sophia Kubitz/1869-1958 Tombstone [K-19-4]-Arthur R. Kubitz/Wis/PFC Co D 19 BN US Guards/WWI/Jan 16, 1890/Dec 1, 1959 (War Vet flg) Tombstone
KUBSCH: [E-5-3]-Edward W. Kubsch/Jun 3, 1905/May 10, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-3]-Ann Kubsch/Aug 1, 1908/Sep 17, 1998 Tombstone [E-7-8]-Matt Kubsch/1908-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [E-7-8]-Estella A. "Stella" Kubsch/Apr 11, 1911/Feb 14, 1994 Tombstone [E-11-5]-Oleta D. Kubsch/Feb 6, 1920/Jun 21, 1990 Tombstone [E-11-5]-Victor E. Kubsch/May 21, 1917/Jul 24, 1998 Tombstone [E-13-5]-John "Jack" E. Kubsch/Dec 17, 1937/May 4, 2024 Tombstone + Photo [E-26-6]-Frank J. Kubsch/Jan 21, 1904/Feb 3, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-6]-Lillian Kubsch/Apr 7, 1909/Jun 1, 1996 Tombstone [P-28-3]-Mary Kubsch/1866-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [P-28-3]-George J. Kubsch/1864-1941 Tombstone [P-28-3]-John Kubsch/Wis/Pvt Salvage Div 2MC/WWI/Feb 21, 1889/Oct 18, 1971 Tombstone [P-28-3]-Cecelia Kubsch/Nov 22, 1900/May 9, 1988 Tombstone [T-19-6]-Wencel Kubsch/Father/1887-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [T-19-6]-Mary Kubsch/Mother/1894-1960 (War vet flg) Tombstone [Y-5-29]-Andrea Joan Kubsch/Jul 22, 1940/Jul 10, 2023 Photo
KUBSH: [T-2-17]-Florence Rita Kubsh/Nov 14, 1930/Jan 4, 1996 Tombstone [T-2-17]-Alice Genevieve Kubsh/Jun 22, 1922/Jul 21, 2006 Tombstone [T-2-17]-Michael C. Kubsh/Sep 30, 1891/Apr 29, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-17]-Malvina E. Kubsh/1888-1977 (War vet flg) Tombstone [T-19-6]-Wenzel James Kubsh/PFC/Co M 148 Inf Reg/37th Div/1920-1945 Tombstone
KUCERA: [B-5-6]-Anton Kucera/Narozen/13 Cervna 1836/3 Cervna 1891 Tombstone, ossw: [B-5-6]-Barbara Kucera/Narozena 4 Pros 1838/Zemrela 19 Pros 1900 Tombstone
KUCHENBECKER: [P-31-8]-Hattie A. Kuchenbecker/1893-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-8]-Charles F. Kuchenbecker/1890-1964 Tombstone [P-31-8]-Emil George Kuchenbecker/Sep 2, 1913/Dec 25, 2003 Tombstone [P-31-8]-Ruth Kuchenbecker/Mar 13, 1914/Feb 19, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [V-11-5]-Catherine L. Kuchenbecker/Aug 19, 1948/Sep 14, 1984 Tombstone
KUCHERA: [A-3-2]-Julia Kuchera/1872-1889 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-John Kuchera/1844-1916 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-Kath. WILDA Kuchera/1851-1929 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-John WILDA/1814-1895 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-Katherine WILDA/1815-1888 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-Anna WILDA DUSEK/1855-1886 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-2]-Florence DUSEK LEONARD/1885-1929/Killed in Chicago July 1 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-George KUTIL/1886-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-Lulu KUTIL/1890-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-Richard Kuchera/1896-1897 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-Marion KUTIL/Jul 19, 1917/Nov 13, 1919 Tombstone [P-31-9]-Agnes G. FELDE Kuchera/Aug 31, 1907/Aug 9, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-9]-Henry FELDE/1900-1946 (Am Leg/VFW Aux flg) Tombstone [R-29-7]-Marie T. Kuchera/Dec 10, 1899/Oct 5, 1980 Tombstone [R-29-7]-Agnes Kuchera/Mother/1872-1939 Tombstone, next to: [R-29-7]-Joseph Kuchera/Father/1871-1944 Tombstone [T-23-5]-Margaret M. Kuchera/1893-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-5]-John J. Kuchera/Feb 3, 1898/Dec 29, 1973 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone
KUE: [A-34-4]-Pao Kue/d. Apr 21, 2005 Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby Kue (fetus)/-Oct 25, 2014- Tombstone [L-31-4]-[Larry L. Kue/(baby)/d. 07-26-1990] Tombstone [R-14-9]-Richard Vaam Txab Kue/Oct 10, 1920/Nov 18, 2020 Tombstone + Photo [R-17-5]-Ann Pang Kue/Nov 25, 1925/Jul 5, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [V-9-2]-Yeng Hang Kue/Aug 7, 1959/Apr 9, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [V-35-7]-Yeupheng Daniel Kue/May 7, 2001/Jun 13, 2010 Tombstone + Photo [V-37-3]-John T. Kue/d. May 15, 1991 Tombstone + Photo [V-38-1]-[Xai M. Kue/d. 06-23-1991] Tombstone [V-38-1]-Nhia C. Kue/Apr 14, 1916/Oct 29, 1995 Tombstone + Photo [W2-172-3]-Wang Seng Kue/Aug 7, 1954/Sep 5, 2011 Tombstone [W2-172-3]-Nhia Ger Kue/Nov 13, 1951/Feb 10, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [W2-184-1]-Xang Kue/d. May 17, 2021 [W2-183-2]-Song Kue/d. Dec 19, 2000 Tombstone + Photo
KUECKER: [A-22-2]-[Henry Kuecker/bur 04-08-1902/age 74 yrs/cause: chronic cystitis] [A-22-2]-Henry Kuecker/1819-1893 Tombstone, next to: [A-22-2]-Caroline Kuecker/1832-1910 Tombstone [G-10-2]-Caroline Kuecker/Mother/1866-1956 Tombstone, next to: [G-10-2]-August J. Kuecker/Father/1858-1924 Tombstone, next to: [G-10-2]-Samuel W. Kuecker/1887-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [G-10-2]-Cora E. Kuecker/Feb 7, 1892/Jun 7, 1984 Tombstone [I-9-5]-William J. Kuecker/1871-1906 Tombstone [P-11-1]-Charles Kuecker/1890-1934/Father Tombstone [P-11-1]-Alice Kuecker/May 9, 1890/Jul 30, 1982 [U-8-5]-Howard A. Kuecker/Nov 17, 1915/Apr 27, 1977 (war vet flg) Tombstone + Photo [U-8-5]-Leonard Kuecker/1884-1960 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-8-5]-Emma Kuecker/Mar 29, 1891/Sep 26, 1974 Tombstone + Photo
KUEHLMAN: [R-38-2]-Alois W. Kuehlman/Wis/EM2 USNR/WWI/Jul 11, 1895/Nov 16, 1965 Tombstone [R-38-2]-Carrie I. Kuehlman/Jan 20, 1902/Feb 16, 1992 Tombstone
KUEHN: [T-2-16]-Harry Kuehn/1898-1959 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-16]-Ruth M. Kuehn/Nov 11, 1908/Jun 23, 1977 Tombstone [U-23-5]-Kurt A. "Tom" Kuehn/1888-1982 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-5]-Mary A. Kuehn/1898-1968 Tombstone [W-14-10]-Nancy Lee Kuehn/Feb 2, 1943/Apr 16, 2005 Tombstone
KUEHNE: [C-26-6]-Helen L. Kuehne/Mother/1880-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [C-26-6]-Otto C. Kuehne/Father/1882-1958 Tombstone, next to: [C-26-6]-Ralph Kuehne/1910-1911 Tombstone [E-12-12]-Nicole B. Kuehne/Jul 24, 1970/Aug 21, 1993 Tombstone [E2-85-6]-[Ernst/Child of Fred Kuehne/bur 07-18-1870] [H-3-1]-Joseph Kuehne/Geb 8 Dez 1842/Gest 19 Dez 1905 Tombstone, ossw: [H-3-1]-Ottilie Kuehne/Gattin des Jos Kuehne/Geboren 10 Dez 1849/Gestorben 22 Sept 1885 Tombstone, next to: [H-3-2]-Wayne Kuehne/Born 1910/Died 1911 Tombstone [P-27-4]-Carl Kuehne/1899-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-4]-Lorinda Kuehne/1898-1966 Tombstone [W2-201-3]-Rose STEPHANI Kuehne/Daughter/1883-1975 Tombstone see STEPHANI see EVANS
KUEHNL: [X-38-3]-Steven A. Kuehnl/Aug 5, 1956/Dec 12, 2021 Tombstone
KUEMMET: [V-38-2]-Pierre M. Kuemmet/Jan 5, 1953/Oct 7, 1993 Tombstone
KUENTZ: [C-13-3]-Rose PAAPE Kuentz/1860-1944 Tombstone, next to: [K-12-5]-Carl Kuentz/Apr 23, 1850/May 14, 1930 Tombstone, next to: [K-12-5]-Lucia/wife of/Carl Kuentz/Jun 20, 1857/Feb 7, 1927 Tombstone see PAAPE
KUENZI: [V-26-5]-Samuel M. Kuenzi/Nov 8, 1899/Feb 8, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-5]-Leonetta F. Kuenzi/Mar 8, 1900/Sep 2, 1998 Tombstone
KUESTER: [C-9-5]-[Fred Kuester/Father/bur 03-08-1895] Tombstone, next to: [C-9-5]-Johanna Kuester/Mother/1838-1909 Tombstone, next to: [C-9-9]-Esther Kuester/Sep 19, 1891/Jul 26, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [C-9-9]-Arvin W. Kuester/1883-1956 (VFW flg) Tombstone
KUETER: [Y-5-8]-Armond E. Kueter/Oct 27, 1919/Dec 26, 2013 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-5-8]-Ione BENDER Kueter/Jan 13, 1922/Dec 13, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
KUETHER: [R-33-9]-Herbert H. Kuether/Jul 7, 1900/Nov 14, 1979 Tombstone [R-33-9]-Amanda Kuether/Jul 17, 1893/Feb 27, 1981 Tombstone [R-33-10]-Family stone reads: FOKETT-MULL-Kuether, ossw: [R-33-10]-Bertha FOKETT/Dec 1, 1877/Jun 28, 1940 Tombstone [R-33-10]-C.J. FOKETT/1877-1963 Tombstone [R-33-10]-Allen FOKETT/1902-1971 Tombstone [R-33-10]-Heinrich MULL/Sep 26, 1846/Nov 17, 1919 Tombstone [R-33-10]-Hermina MULL/Apr 12, 1857/Jun 25, 1935 Tombstone see ENGELBRECHT see FOKETT see MULL
KUGLE: [P-28-11]-Edward A. Kugle/1898-1961 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [P-28-11]-Gladys Kugle and baby/1911-1940 Tombstone [R-13-4]-Emily Kugle/1895-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [R-13-4]-Francis Kugle/1892-1937 (War vet flg) Tombstone
KUGLER: [Unk]-[?? Kugler/bur 01-19-1881] [D-35-3]-Hilda M. Kugler/Aug 14, 1887/Apr 24, 1979, ossw: [D-35-3]-Fred Kugler/1856-1901, ossw: [D-35-3]-Fredericka Kugler/1865-1936, ossw: [D-35-3]-David G. Kugler/1878-Sep 13, 1943 [E2-48-5]-[Sophie Kugler/bur 11-06-1862] [E2-48-5]-[Bernhard Kugler/bur 04-09-1891/age 11 yrs/cause: tuberculosis] [E2-48-5]-[Hugo Kugler/bur 11-08-1905/age 35 yrs] [E2-48-5]-[Emilie Kugler/bur 10-16-1881] [L-29-22]-Walter S. Kugler/1881-1955/space #215 Tombstone [O-28-6]-Emilia Kugler/Geb 26 Feb 1841/Gest 10 Feb 1918 Tombstone, ossw: [O-28-6]-Adolph Kugler/Geb 22 Marz 1830/25 Apr 1924 Tombstone [P-30-5]-Lester C. Kugler/1900-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [P-30-5]-Clara M. Kugler/Aug 30, 1896/Jan 14, 1977 Tombstone [S-50-3]-Viola Kugler/Daughter/May 28, 1906/Jun 17, 1926 Tombstone [S-50-3]-Frank Kugler/Father/Sep 4, 1873/Jun 21, 1942 Tombstone [S-51-2]-Mabel Kugler/1880-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [S-51-2]-Walter Kugler/1882-1966 Tombstone [V-28-4]-Harold A. Kugler/Jan 28, 1906/Nov 4, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [V-28-4]-Flossie J. Kugler EDENS/nee LUMSDEN/1915-1999 Tombstone
KUHL: [Unk]-[?? Kuhl/bur 08-20-1875] [L-5-3]-[Baby Kuhl/bur 06-21-1907/stillborn] [P-7-2]-Alma HEINZEN Kuhl/Sep 25, 1899/Aug 28, 1977 Tombstone [P-7-2]-Carter W. Kuhl/Nov 27, 1896/Jan 11, 1978 Tombstone [P-7-2]-Nicholas Jacob Kuhl/-Jun 11, 1961- Tombstone [P-7-2]-Adella M. Kuhl/1900-1951 Tombstone [P-7-2]-Nicholas J. Kuhl/1868-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [P-7-2]-Marguerite Kuhl/1877-1945 Tombstone [P-35-2]-Fred Kuhl/Nov 24, 1931/Jun 15, 2022 Tombstone [P-35-2]-Mary Joan Kuhl/Dec 31, 1936/May 25, 2014 Tombstone [T-9-9]-Elsie H. Kuhl/Apr 21, 1919/Mar 29, 1999 Tombstone [T-9-9]-Jared Michael Kuhl/-Apr 22, 1979- Tombstone [T-9-9]-Charles M. Kuhl Jr./Dec 3, 1918/Jan 31, 1989 Tombstone [T-10-7]-Robert J. Kuhl/1925-1961 (VFW Flg) Tombstone [T-10-7]-Charles M. Kuhl/1894-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [T-10-7]-Alma L. Kuhl/Apr 28, 1896/Apr 8, 1983 Tombstone [T-10-7]-Elaine M. Kuhl/Mar 18, 1930/Jan 31, 2018
KUHLE: [Unk]-[?? Kuhle/bur 12-13-1868]
KUHLMAN: [A-1-5]-[Henry Kuhlman/bur 10-19-1919] [A-1-5]-[Jacob Kuhlman/bur 04-15-1894/age 76 yrs] [A-1-5]-[Anna Kuhlman/bur 11-06-1902/age 7 mo./cause: pneumonia] see KUHLMANN/KULLMAN/KULLMANN
KUHLMANN: [Unk]-[Mrs. Kuhlmann/bur 07-25-1868] [A-1-5]-[Mrs. Anna Kuhlmann/bur 04-16-1887]
KUHN: [W2-145-1]-Louise Kuhn/Mutter/Geb 19 Feb 1825/Gest 18 Sep 1892 Tombstone
KUHNLE: [E-11-12]-Esther Kuhnle/Jul 7, 1908/May 7, 1985 Tombstone [E-11-12]-Frank E. Kuhnle/Jun 5, 1905/Jan 5, 1994 Tombstone [W2-122-4]-Johann M. Kuhnle/geboren 23 Aug 1833/gestorben 16 Febr 1874 (War vet flg) Tombstone [W2-122-4]-[John Kuhnle/Co D/48th Wis Inf] Tribune article [W2-122-4]-Catherine Kuhnle/1842-1922 Tombstone [W2-122-4]-[?? Kuhnle/bur 04-13-1872]
KUIK: [E-30-5]-Shirley A. Kuik/1938-1962 Tombstone [E-30-5]-[Johnita Kuik/d. 02-14-1962] Tombstone [E-30-5]-[Baby Boy Kuik/d. 22 Aug. 1978/stillborn/bur. on Gerald E. Kuik, Sr. lot]
KUJAWSKI: [U-30-6]-Oscar JOHNSRUD/1916-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-30-6]-Lucille Agatha Kujawski/Feb 5, 1917/Nov 13, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [U-30-6]-Ann Kujawski/Apr 12, 1961/Nov 5, 2017 Tombstone + Photo
KUKAL: [S-46-6]-John Kukal/Aug 12, 1889/Sep 26, 1979 Tombstone, next to: [S-46-6]-Catherine Kukal/Mother/wife of/Thomas Kukal/1866-1931 Tombstone, next to: [S-46-6]-Thomas Kukal/Father/1860-1938 Tombstone
KUKOSKI: [Y-6-16]-Stephen E. Kukoski, Jr./Aug 5, 1947/Oct 15, 2014 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-6-16]-Barbara J. Kukoski/Jul 23, 1949/Dec 18, 2013 Tombstone
KUKRAL: [E-10-12]-Leola M. Kukral/Jan 15, 1914/Apr 12, 1990 Tombstone [E-10-12]-Charles A. Kukral/Mar 11, 1910/Sep 7, 1991 Tombstone [P-15-1]-Charles/1876-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [P-15-1]-Mary A. Kukral/Jan 5, 1877/Jun 18, 1968 Tombstone [P-15-1]-Ruth E. Kukral/Oct 13, 1911/Aug 19, 1994 Tombstone
KULHA: [A-2-5]-[Vlasta Krainik Kulha/bur 1-6-1920] Tombstone
KULL: [H-18-1]-Emma L. Kull/Mar 3, 1882/Mar 20, 1976 Tombstone
KULLMAN: [A-1-5]-[Ella Kullman/bur 12-28-1908] [I-20-6]-William C. Kullman/Dec 18, 1890/Feb 27, 1987 Tombstone [I-20-6]-Jacob Kullman/Father/1864-1927 Tombstone [I-20-6]-Minnie Kullman/Mother/1868-1918 Tombstone see KUHLMAN/KUHLMANN
KULLMANN: [E2-3-2]-On WERBKE-KULLMANN lot: [E2-3-2]-Baby NICHELS Tombstone, next to: [E2-3-2]-Baby HORSTHILLIL, next to: [E2-3-2]-Bertha HORSTMANN/(Nov 14, 1875/Aug 12, 1876) Tombstone [E2-3-2]-Minna WERBKE/Geb 11 Aug 1836/Gest 1 Jan 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-2]-Charles F. WERBKE/Geb. 11 Nov 1827/Gest 29 Juni 1917 Tombstone [E2-3-2]-Lorenz Kullmann/Geb. d. 12 February 1822/Gest d. 19 October 1856 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-2]-Bei seinen Kindern [translation: with his children], ossw: [E2-3-2]-Louise Kullmann/Geb. d. 14 Sep 1853/Gest d. 31 Jan 1854 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-3-2]-Minna Kullmann/Geb. d. 22 Dec 1854/Gest d. 11 Mai 1856 Tombstone see HORSTMANN see KUHLMAN/KUHLMANN see WERBKE
KULMBACHER: [W2-194-4]-[F. Kulmbacher/bur 03-02-1882]
KULNICK: [L-29-16]-[John Kulnick/d. 10-04-1942] Tombstone [F-43-4]-Emmett Kulnick/Dec 31, 1905/Aug 12, 1914 Tombstone [F-43-4]-John Kulnick/Born Nov 4, 1839/Died May 14, 1910 Tombstone, ossw: [F-43-4]-Anna Kulnick/Dec 31, 1843/Mar 27, 1932 Tombstone [P-8-9]-Walter Kulnick/1878-1943 Tombstone, next to: [P-8-9]-Bernice Kulnick/1890-1935 Tombstone [U-9-9]-Susan Kulnick/1870-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-9-9]-Murry A. PIERSON/1899-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [U-9-9]-Berenice PIERSON/"Beloved wife"/1890-1953 Tombstone
KUMBALEK: [F-22-2]-[Joseph Kumbalek/bur 08-27-1913] Tombstone [G-3-7]-Lydia C. Kumbalek/Jun 16, 1904/Oct 16, 2002 Tombstone [G-3-7]-Norbert P. Kumbalek/May 24, 1907/Nov 12, 1992 Tombstone [P-1-3]-John I. Kumbalek/Mar 14, 1938/Feb 25, 2022 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-1-3]-Carol Jane Kumbalek/Mar 10, 1945/Sep 3, 2010 Tombstone + Photo [S-43-58]-Hilary Leo Kumbalek/Mar 16, 1925/Apr 5, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-58]-Ann May Kumbalek/Jul 20, 1925/Jul 5, 2006 Tombstone Marilyn Kay Kumbalek/Dec 2, 1939/Jan 1, 2018 Photo
KUMMER: [E-19-9]-Marion M. Kummer/Apr 5, 1922/Aug 23, 1997 Tombstone [E-19-9]-Raymond William Kummer/Nov 7, 1924/Apr 25, 1999 Tombstone [E-21-11]-Eugene P. Kummer/Jul 13, 1927/May 2, 2023 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-21-11]-Carol Kummer/Jan 5, 1927/May 23, 2008 Tombstone [E-39-8]-Emil C. Kummer/Sep 21, 1894/May 10, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [E-39-8]-Carrie Mary Kummer/Mar 24, 1906/Dec 31, 1987 (War Vet flg) Tombstone [E-21-11]-Harold E. Kummer/Apr 2, 1926/Mr 6, 2023 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-21-11]-Evelyn R. Kummer/May 31, 1926/Dec 25, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [P-17-3]-Emil Kummer/Father/1872-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-3]-Katherine Kummer/Mother/1880-1946 Tombstone [S-47-2]-Gustave Kummer/1859-1938 Tombstone [W2-99-3]-[Antonia Kummer/bur 10-05-1908] [W2-99-3]-Gustave A. Kummer/1898-1967 Tombstone, next to: [W2-99-3]-E. Kummer, ossw: [W2-99-3]-Adolph Kummer/Born 1826/Died Feb 25, 1904 Tombstone, next to: [W2-99-3]-Adolph Kummer/Co H 17th Wis Inf Tombstone
KUMMERFELDT: [S-51-1]-Erna L. Kummerfeldt/Nov 4, 1900/Dec 27, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [S-51-1]-Hans R. Kummerfeldt/Dec 28, 1901/Feb 16, 1974 Tombstone
KUMROW: [W2-171-2]-[Mina Kumrow/bur 07-01-1918] Tombstone see HINDT
KUNISH: [D-1-1]-Ruth D. Kunish/Mar 26, 1914/Jun 10, 2002 Tombstone [G-11-10]-Helen T. Kunish/Jul 30, 1930/Mar 14, 1996 Tombstone [O-4-3]-Matt Kunish/Father/Feb 2, 1852/Aug 5, 1927 Tombstone [O-4-3]-Mary Kunish/Mother/Jan 5, 1856/Feb 16, 1943 Tombstone [O-4-3]-John Kunish/Mar 31, 1886/Mar 29, 1914 Tombstone [O-4-3]-Emil Kunish/May 31, 1884/Oct 31, 1937 Tombstone [O-4-3]-Ruth Kunish/Jan 26, 1894/Jul 2, 1968 Tombstone [T-2-3]-Edward J. Kunish/Jan 15, 1914/Nov 23, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [T-2-3]-Ruth P. Kunish/Jul 18, 1919/Feb 19, 1960 Tombstone [T-2-3]-Ella R. Kunish/Feb 6, 1891/Jun 28, 1972 Tombstone [U-30-5]-Frank Kunish/1882-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [U-30-5]-Minnie Kunish/1883-1970 Tombstone [V-22-3]-Lester L. Kunish/Mar 14, 1907/Jul 1, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [V-22-3]-Leonie Kunish/1970 Tombstone
KUNNA: [L-6-3]-[Elizabeth Kunna/bur 12-08-1905/age 67 yrs]
KUNTZ: [Unk]-[?? Kuntz/bur 08-29-1886]
KUNZ: [B-40-1]-[Mary Kunz/bur 1-22-1925] [B-40-1]-Erwin C. Kunz/Feb 3, 1888/Dec 13, 1960 Tombstone, next to: [B-40-1]-Adolph W. Kunz/-Oct 11, 1884- Tombstone [B-40-2]-Orion Kunz (War vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [B-40-2]-Anna I. Kunz/May 26, 1890/May 11, 1980, next to: [B-40-2]-Frederick L.G. Kunz/Nov 16, 1909/Feb 13, 1986 Tombstone [B-40-2]-[George C. Kunz/bur 11-25-1935] [B-40-4]-[Louis Kunz/bur 3-13-1936/age 81 yrs] [B-40-4]-James W. ALDER/1873-1958 Tombstone [B-40-4]-Linda Kunz ALDER/1883-1961 Tombstone [E-27-8]-Godfrey D. Kunz/Wis/Y1 USNR/WWII/Aug 17, 1905/Mar 27, 1967 Tombstone [E2-68-5]-Carl Adolph Kunz/Sohn von/GH & E Kunz/Geb 31 Oct 1860/Gest 9 Marz 1867 Tombstone, next to: [E2-68-5]-George Heinrich Kunz/geboren 23 April 1830/gestorben/31 April 1872 Tombstone, next to: [E2-68-5]-Elizabeth Kunz/Mutter/Gattin von/GH Kunz/Geb 26 Dec 1835/Gest 20 Mai 1897 Tombstone, next to: [E2-68-5]-Karl E. Kunz/Sohn von/G & E Kunz/Geb 18 Feb 1858/Gest 17 Aug 1892 Tombstone [I-17-1]-Sterling Kunz/1897-1919 (War vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [I-17-1]-Paul Kunz/1905-1936 Tombstone, next to: [I-17-1]-Bernice Kunz/1870-1961 Tombstone, next to: [I-17-1]-Charles Kunz/1865-1944 Tombstone [P-19-3]-Elizabeth Kunz/1874-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [P-19-3]-Florian Kunz/1875-1945 Tombstone [S-48-5]-Dorothy C. Kunz/Apr 14, 1910/Aug 18, 1981 Tombstone [S-48-5]-Ladimir J. Kunz/Feb 8, 1910/Nov 20, 1992 Tombstone [S-48-5]-Edwin F. Kunz/Oct 9, 1906/Dec 11, 1929 Tombstone, next to: [S-48-5]-Katie Kunz/Sep 15, 1875/Oct 15, 1958 Tombstone, next to: [S-48-5]-John Kunz/Jul 2, 1869/Mar 14, 1936 Tombstone [V-33-8]-Franklin C. Kunz/Nov 24, 1899/Aug 14, 1985 Tombstone [V-33-8]-Marie M. Kunz/Feb 3, 1902/Jun 26, 1998 Tombstone [W-14-3]-Edward J. "Jim" Kunz/May 20, 1941/Mar 16,2023 Tombstone + Photo [W2-134-3]-Elmer/son of W & B Kunz/d. 1889 Tombstone see WELNICKE
KUNZE: [F-39-2]-Christine Kunze/Mother/1832-1923 Tombstone
KUPPERNUS: [F-42-4]-Friederike Kuppernus/Oct 28, 1825/Jun 4, 1910 Tombstone [F-42-4]-Christian Kuppernus/Jan 26, 1826/Jun 7, 1912 Tombstone
KUPSCH: [M-12-8]-Sharon S. Kupsch/1942-2010 Tombstone, ossw: [M-12-8]-Debra A. Kupsch/1972-1982 Tombstone [Y-2-6]-Thomas W. Kupsch/Jan 24, 1940/Jul 27, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-6]-Randi L. Kupsch/nee KNUTSON/Apr 4, 1942/Oct 14, 2021 Tombstone
KURT: see Kurth
KURTH: [Unk]-Carl Kurth/d. 22 June 1886/ [Unk]-[Johann Carl Albert Kurth/Mar 11, 1867/Aug 21, 1872] [E2-4-6]-[Dora Kurth/bur 12-06-1900] [E2-4-6]-Karl Kurth/Geb/in Scwerin Deutsch/Gest 12 Oct 1893/Alter/76 Jahre 5 Mon Tombstone [L-1-4]-Wilhelmine SCHROEDER/Geboren Kurth/Feb 10, 1830/21 Juli 1883 see SCHROEDER [R-27-8]-Johanna Kurth/Mother/1853-1935 Tombstone, next to: [R-27-8]-William Kurth/Father/1851-1936 Tombstone [R-43-2]-Paul E. Kurth/Mar 16, 1925/Dec 24, 1999 Tombstone [R-43-2]-Margaret M. Kurth/Aug 31, 1926/Jul 16, 1975 Tombstone [U-39-6]-William C. Kurth/Jun 27, 1893/Nov 15, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [U-39-6]-Edna R. Kurth/1893-1965 Tombstone + Photo [W2-109-4]-Richard Kurth/Feb 17, 1882/Mar 29, 1926 Tombstone [W2-109-4]-[Christine Kurth/bur 04-20-1896/age 78 yrs.] [W2-109-4]-[Carl Kurth/mar 5, 1819/Feb 4, 1872] [W2-111-3]-[Meta Kurth/bur 1889/age 7 yrs/cause: diptheria] [W2-111-3]-[Albert Kurth/bur 1889/age 5 yrs/cause: infl. of the brain] [W2-111-3]-Charley Kurth/Oct 18, 1869/Jun 4, 1905 Tombstone [W2-111-4]-Friedrich Kurth/21 Feb 1840/13 Jan 1915 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-111-4]-Wilhelmine Kurth/18 Oct 1841/29 Nov 1905 Tombstone
KURTZ: [L-31-11]-[Baby Kurtz/d. 08-09-1946/stillborn] [S-43-39]-Lyle W. Kurtz/Sep 15, 1912/Aug 17, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-39]-Edna Kurtz/Aug 8, 1918/Sep 19, 2014 Tombstone + Photo
KURTZWEIL: [Y-5-34]-James L. Kurtzweil/Feb 20, 1940/Nov 27, 1992 Tombstone [Y-5-34]-Kim E. Kurtzweil/1956-2012 Tombstone
KUSCH: [L-30-2]-William R. Kusch/ -1955- [space #306] (Mittnacht Marker) Tombstone
KUSCHEL: [U-23-3]-Richard L. Kuschel/Jul 12, 1907/Jan 27, 1978 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-3]-Gladys Theresa Kuschel/Jul 16, 1900/Feb 7, 1990 Tombstone
KUSSE: [P-9-10]-Edward Kusse/Father [d. 02-07-1946] Tombstone, ossw: [P-9-10]-Edmond Kusse/Son, ossw: [P-9-10]-Anna Kusse/Mother/Jul 26, 1880/Aug 12, 1975 Tombstone [P-9-10]-In memory of/Edmond Kusse
KUSTKA: [F-13-3]-Anton G. Kustka/1886-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [F-13-3]-Mollie/1889-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [F-13-3]-George Kustka/1912-1934 Tombstone + Photo [I-7-3]-John J. Kustka/1862-1904 Tombstone, ossw: [I-7-3]-Anna M. Kustka/1866-1950 Tombstone [R-37-4]-Robert C. Kustka/1928-2005 Tombstone + Photo see Balte
KUTCHERA: [G-10-10]-Ella L. Kutchera/Mother/Jul 30, 1890/May 23, 1947 Tombstone [G-10-10]-James W. Kutchera/Wis/Pvt Co F 131 Infantry/WWI/Jul 9, 1890/Apr 16, 1972 Tombstone [G-10-11]-Melvin W./Dec 20, 1925/Jun 16, 2010 Tombstone [R-21-3]-[Clara Kutchera1890-1956 Tombstone see BIRKHOLZ, Clara
KUTIL: [A-3-1]-Georqe Kutil/1886-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-Lulu Kutil/1890-1950 Tombstone, ossw: [A-3-1]-Marion Kutil/Jul 19, 1917/Nov 13, 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [E-35-7]-Michael J. Kutil/Jan 15, 1901/Nov 24, 1983 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-35-7]-Katherine E. Kutil/1906-1968 Tombstone + Photo [P-12-6]-Anna Kutil/1878-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [P-12-6]-Joseph Kutil/1876-1933 Tombstone, next to: [P-12-7]-Frederick G. Kutil/Aug 18, 1912/Apr 21, 1996 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [P-12-7]-Evelyn M. Kutil/1916-1966 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [P-12-7]-Ida M. Kutil/1888-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [P-12-7]-Peter J. Kutil/1882-1955 Tombstone [T-10-9]-Isabel K. Kutil/1900-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [T-10-9]-Joseph J. Kutil/Mar 19, 1888/Oct 3, 1963 (War vet flg) Tombstone see KUCHERA see WILDA
KVITEK: [B-18-4]-Edwin F. Kvitek/Wis/Pvt Air Corps/WWII/Nov 10, 1902/Feb 8, 1952 [GAR lot] Tombstone [E-2-8]-Joseph Kvitek/Jul 1, 1873/Aug 23, 1962 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-8]-Mary Kvitek/1890-1968 Tombstone [E-4-6]-Clarence John Kvitek/Jul 5, 1917/Jan 14, 2004 Tombstone
KYLE: [E2-27-6]-James L. Kyle/Died Jun 19, 1854/Aged 27yrs 11mo Tombstone, ossw: [E2-27-6]-James BENNETT/Died Dec 21, 1882/Aged 72 years Tombstone Back to Top