City of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin

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[C-13-3]-Rose W. Paape/1890-1963 Tombstone
[C-13-3]-Paul C. Paape/1881-1914 Tombstone

PAARMANN: [H-19-2]-Christine BOLDT/geb Paarmann/geboren 26 Aug 1839/gestorben 14 Dez 1885 Tombstone, next to: see BOLDT [W2-113-2]-Christine/Gattin von Caspar MAHNKE/gebne Paarmann/28 Sept 1797/gest 27 April 1891 Tombstone, next to: see MAHNKE

PABIAN: [A-22-4]-Kate Pabian/Jan 8, 1872/Jan 7, 1890 [A-22-4]-Joseph Pabian/Jan 10, 1885/Aug 13, 1890 [A-22-4]-Mary Pabian/1876-Apr 20, 1893 [A-22-4]-Mathew Pabian/1840-1914 Tombstone, ossw: [A-22-4]-Mary Pabian/1846-1914 Tombstone [G-13-6]-Ida M. Pabian/1892-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [G-13-6]-Reinhart J. Pabian/WWI/Jun 5, 1890/Jan 17, 1985 Tombstone [Y-2-31]-Raymond W. Pabian/Mar 12, 1923/Feb 20, 1998 Tombstone [Y-2-31]-LaVerne M. Pabian/Jun 21, 1921/Jun 1, 2007 Tombstone


PACHOREK: [P-2-2]-Celeste Pachorek/Aug 7, 1937/Aug 28, 2010 Tombstone

PACKARD: [E2-89-6]-Arthur J. Packard/1853-Feb 26, 1918 Tombstone + Photo [E2-89-6]-E.W. Packard/Died Oct 17, 1871/AE 43yrs 8mo 12ds Tombstone, next to: [E2-89-6]-Josephine Packard/Wife/Oct 2, 1854/Mar 19, 1939 Tombstone + Photo

PACKOWSKI: [E-39-6]-Anthony F. Packowski/Jan 28, 1919/Jul 4, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [E-39-6]-Florence M. Packowski/1919-2016 Tombstone

PADDOCK: [I-25-5]-Ralph J. Paddock/Jan 14, 1903/Jan 6, 1987 Tombstone [I-25-5]-Isabelle M. Paddock/1911-Oct 3, 1990 Tombstone

PAETZ: [L-1-10]-Valeria Paetz/d. Jul 21, 1926 [W2-113-2]-Emma J. Paetz/Oct 4, 1880/Oct 2, 1976 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W2-113-2]-Rev. August Paetz/1883-1939 Tombstone + Photo see KASTEN


PAGE: [S-42-23]-Rosalie Jean "Rosie" Page/-Oct 20, 2013- Tombstone [T-6-2]-Harry A. Page/Apr 18, 1891/Dec 1, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [T-6-2]-Lydia B. Page/Dec 23, 1888/Jun 21, 1984 Tombstone

PAGEL: [V-24-7]-Gladys Alice Pagel/Sep 25, 1922/May 15, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

PAGELS: [E-23-1]-Mae Pagels/Feb 6, 1919/Sep 24, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [E-23-1]-Raymond Pagels/1921-2007 Tombstone, ossw: [E-23-1]-Raymond W. Pagels/Sgt US Army/WWII/Mar 2, 1921/Mar 30, 2007 Tombstone [E-23-4]-Gregg R. Pagels/Son/May 3, 1960/Oct 6, 1981 Tombstone [T-31-4]-Emma E. Pagels/Dec 25, 1900/Aug 22, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [T-31-4]-Carl J. Pagels/1909-1949 Tombstone [V-26-7]-Bernard H. Pagels Jr./Apr 6, 1907/Jul 8, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-7]-Myrtle E. Pagels/Mar 6, 1905/Feb 20, 1976 Tombstone

PAINE: [H-9-2]-Richard Andrew Paine/1883-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-2]-Hattie KRUEGER Paine/1885-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-2]-Libbie PATCHEN Paine/1850-1932 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-2]-Richard Kendall Paine M.D./1841-1904/21st Wis Inft Vol Tombstone, next to: [H-9-2]-Rufus Paine/Born Dec 10, 1812/Died March 3, 1901 Tombstone see ZEMAN

PAINTER: [M-4-9]-Glen E. Painter/Jan 13, 1934/Apr 22, 2016 Photo

PALLERINE: [S-43-73]-Charles A. Pallerine/Jan 30, 1920/Sep 6, 1994 Tombstone

PALM: [E2-32-5]-[Lina Palm/Nov 15, 1855/Jul 11, 1856] Tombstone [E2-32-5]-[Sophia Palm/bur 1857] Tombstone [E2-32-5]-Charlie Lina Palm Tombstone, ossw: [E2-32-5]-Charles Palm/1811-1883 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-32-5]-Sophia/wife of Ch. Palm/1818-1872 Tombstone

PALMATER: [A-21-3]-Jerome Palmater/1837-1940 Tombstone

PALMER: [L-13-1]-[Joseph Palmer/bur 03-21-1899] [L-13-1]-[Marguerite Palmer/bur 03-21-1899] [O-26-1]-Robert Y. Palmer/Oct 8, 1843/Dec 6, 1946 [Robert Young Palmer/d. 12-06-1946 at Gatun Canal Zone/cause: drowning/bur on Mrs. Jacob Young lot] Tombstone [S-43-33]-Esther A. Palmer/Dec 21, 1897/Sep 19, 1990 Tombstone [U-35-5]-Frank W. Palmer/Mar 21, 1892/Mar 4, 1967 Tombstone

PALTINSEN: [E2-62-4]-[Boyce Paltinsen/bur 1879]

PANGBURN: [H-15-5]-[Carlton E. Pangburn/Born 1849-Died 1889 Tombstone, ossw: [H-15-5]-Elizabeth E. Pangburn/Born 1852-Died 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [H-15-5]-Harvey D. Pangburn/Born 1874-Died 1899 Tombstone [Unk]-(Son of Carl Pangburn/b. Dec 9, 1881/d. Aug 1882/from obit)

PANIUSKI: [U-37-6]-Dolores K. Paniuski/Jul 3, 1930/Mar 26, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [U-37-6]-Anton P. Paniuski/Apr 22, 1919/Jan 12, 2000 Tombstone

PANKOPF: [S-51-5]-Emma Pankopf/July 10, 1881/Nov. 1, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [S-51-5]-Paul Pankopf/July 10, 1872/May 17, 1927 Tombstone

PANKOW: [E2-78-3]-Emma Pankow/1861-1939 Tombstone

PANKRATZ: [C-11-5]-Frank Pankratz/1876-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-5]-George Pankratz/1837-1894 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-5]-Philippina Pankratz/1840-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-5]-Rose P. Pankratz/1867-1940 Tombstone, ossw: [C-11-5]-Ella Pankratz/1878-1960 Tombstone, next to: [E2-8-9]-Dora Pankratz/1857-1931 Tombstone, next to: [E2-8-9]-Ignatz Pankratz/1859-1935 Tombstone [L-4-11]-[Maximillian Pankratz/bur 7-10-1934/cause: acute cardiac dilatation myocarditis mitral regurgitation] [P-9-5]-George W. Pankratz/1869-1955 Tombstone, next to: [P-9-5]-Isabelle Pankratz/1868-1934 Tombstone [R-5-7]-Bernard C. Pankratz/Dec 3, 1892/Dec 8, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [R-5-7]-Hilda B. Pankratz/Nov 8, 1899/Aug 16, 1986 (War vet flag) Tombstone [Y-6-15]-Robert L. Pankratz/Sep 11, 1926/Sep 12, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-6-15]-Dorothy G. Pankratz/Mar 15 1924/Dec 7, 2014 Tombstone see KELLNER see SEEGER

PANOCH: [P-23-6]-James J. Panoch/1890-1945 Tombstone, next to: [P-23-6]-Clare Panoch DONNELLY/1895-1966 Tombstone

PANOS: Andela Panos/Nar. R. 1916/Stari 10 Dni., ossw: Antonie Panos/Nar. R. 1917/Stari 7 Mesie see PANOSH/Angela and Thony

PANOSH: [E-30-12]-Myles J. Panosh/1888-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [E-30-12]-Anna M. Panosh/Jul 19, 1896/Nov 7, 1995 Tombstone [E-34-15]-Janet A. Panosh/d. 05-10-1994 Tombstone [E-34-15]-Walter John Panosh/Apr 2, 1917/Jul 6, 2004 Tombstone [L-16-1]-Anton/son of T & D Panosh/1883-1912 Tombstone [O-22-1]-Priscilla Lillian Panosh/1925-Mar 22, 1984 Tombstone [O-22-1]-Myles Panosh/Aug 27, 1927/Mar 18, 2006 Tombstone [O-24-5]-Angeline Panosh/d. Dec 27, 1914 Tombstone [O-24-5]-Frank Panosh/d. Nov 6, 1918 Tombstone [O-24-5]-[Thony Panosh/bur 01-12-1918/male] Tombstone [P-31-1]-Dora Panosh/Mother/1862-1942 Tombstone, next to: [P-31-1]-Thomas Panosh/Father/1842-1918 Tombstone, next to: [P-31-1]-William Joseph Panosh/1881-1968 Tombstone, next to: [P-31-1]-Emil B. Panosh/1886-1947 (MFD Local No. 368 flag) Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-1]-Emma F. Panosh/May 25, 1889/Jul 15, 1966 Tombstone [S-43-5]-Anton E. Panosh/Dec 11, 1897/Jun 10, 1977 (VFW Aux/US War vet flags) Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-5]-Marie Panosh/1906-1975 Tombstone [T-37-5]-Mary Panosh/1871-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [T-37-5]-Frank Panosh/1869-1951 Tombstone [T-37-5]-George Edward Panosh/Apr 7, 1905/Nov 24, 1993 Tombstone [U-36-10]-Donald Arden Panosh/Nov 17, 1935/Sep 24, 1968 Tombstone, next to: [U-36-10]-Wenzel A. Panosh/Apr 10, 1901/Jan 13, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [U-36-10]-Mary M. Panosh/1898-1963 Tombstone [U-36-10]-Ruth Agnes Panosh/Dec 29, 1921/Apr 9, 2004 Tombstone [U-36-10]-James A. Panosh/Cpl US Army/Korea/Feb 13, 1931/Dec 31, 1953 Tombstone [W-16-7]-Gerald A. Panosh/Oct 25, 1938/May 11, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [Y-3-20]-Cynthia L. Panosh/Mar 12, 1954/Jan 26, 2019 Tombstone

PANZRAM: [S-45-1]-Hugo Panzram/1873-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [S-45-1]-Odelia Panzram/1878-1969 Tombstone

PAPE: [B-13-1]-Willie Pape/1889-1893 Tombstone [E2-8-7]-Arthur Pape/7-2-1919/9-14-1919 Tombstone, next to: [E2-8-7]-Adela Pape/4-22-1918/4-20-1919 Tombstone, next to: [E2-8-7]-Johanna E. Pape/Dec 23, 1883/Apr 20, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-8-7]-Arthur F. Pape/1880-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-8-7]-Clara Pape/1884-1934 Tombstone [F-32-1]-Antonie Pape [Antonia]/1869-1908 Tombstone, next to: [F-32-1]-August C. Pape/1867-1949 Tombstone [I-8-3]-Wilamena Pape/1833-1921 Tombstone [L-32-12]-Baby Pape/d. Aug 29, 1938 [U-25-8]-Adolph Pape/1909-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-8]-Helen Pape/May 8, 1900/Feb 2, 1996 Tombstone [W2-128-3]-Wilhelmine/Gattin des/Carl Pape/geboren 5 Juli 1828/gestorben 8 Marz 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-128-3]-Carl Pape/geboren 7 Nov 1820/gestorben 20 Mai 1904 Tombstone, next to:

PAPPAS: [E-2-7]-Anthony P. Pappas/Dec 10, 1887/Jun 18, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-2-7]-Mae Pappas/1883-1962 Tombstone

PAQUE: [V-28-4]-Clarence A. Paque/Aug 1, 1912/Nov 19, 1977 (War vet flag) Tombstone [V-28-4]-Jeffery A. Paque/S.A./US Coast Guard/Aug 26, 1950/Aug 3, 1969 Tombstone [V-28-4]-Jeanette A. Paque-Yonke/nee HELGESON/Dec 5, 1917/Jan 23, 1994 Tombstone

PAQUETTE: [M-12-6]-Hazel Ann Paquette/Jun 9, 1932/Jan 3, 2004 Tombstone

PARIZEK: [R-21-4]-Adeline A. HILLER Parizek/nee DAMMAN/Jun 27, 1921/Nov 24, 1995 Tombstone

PARK: [P-28-3]-George E. Park/1881-1940 Tombstone

PARKER: [D-5-2]-Carol Louise Parker/nee KARN/Jul 1, 1926/Mar 29, 2024 Photo

PARLEFIKE: [L-3-2]-Veronica Parlefike/d. May 25, 1902

PARSONS: Carol Parsons/nee POWALISH/Feb 28, 1956/Jul 21, 2018 Tombstone + Photo

PARTENSKI: [Y-5-7]-Chester A. Partenski/Jun 29, 1927/Dec 7, 1994 Tombstone

PARWORTH: [A-9-4]-Virginia Parworth/Feb 13, 1919/May 13, 1920 Tombstone [A-9-4]-[Job Parworth/bur 09-20-1918] Tombstone [A-9-4]-Lloyd/Father/1880-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-4]-Blanche/Mother/1881-1934 Tombstone, ossw: [A-9-4]-Kenneth D. Parworth/Nov 8, 1924/Apr 9, 1986 Tombstone, next to: [A-9-4]-Elmira [Almira] LLOYD/wife of J. Parworth/Born in NY/20 Sep 1816/Died in Chicago/15 Jul 1887 [cause: tumor] Tombstone [A-9-4]-[Frank Parworth/bur 04-23-1910/cause: congenidt] Tombstone [A-9-4]-Elmira Parworth/1908-Sep 6, 1926 [E-29-8]-James A. Parworth/Nov 2, 1947/Dec 6, 1983 Tombstone [E-29-8]-Earl J. Parworth/Jun 20, 1906/Aug 3, 1995 Tombstone [E-29-8]-Stella M. Parworth/Aug 21, 1906/Mar 11, 1994 Tombstone [F-16-4]-Baby Boy Parworth/d. Nov 11, 1937 [F-16-4]-[Baby Parworth/bur 07-25-1940] [F-16-4]-[Baby Parworth/bur 07-14-1941] [U-5-8]-Calvin D. Parworth/Apr 5, 1916/Jun 26, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-8]-Leona R. Parworth/Dec 15, 1921/Sep 3, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-8]-Jill Mary JIRIKOWIC/-Oct 31, 1966- Tombstone see HALL

PASCHKE: [Y-3-17]-Darrel A. Paschke/Apr 8, 1923/Jun 10, 2009 Tombstone [Y-3-17]-Elaine A. Paschke/Jul 31, 1923/Oct 25, 2017 Tombstone + Photo

PASEK: [L-26-1]-Baby Pasek (fetus)/-Mar 21, 2013- Tombstone

PASER: [L-3-12]-James Paser/d. Dec 17, 1927

PASEWALK: [Unk]-[?? Pasewalk/bur 05-05-1874] [Unk]-[Baby Pasewalk/bur 01-25-1875] [B-4-6]-Reginald A. Pasewalk/1896-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [B-4-6]-Ida M. Pasewalk/Mar 6, 1896/Aug 2, 1981 Tombstone [B-9-3]-[August Pasewalk/bur 10-2-1892] [B-9-3]-[Christina Anderson/Mrs./d. 07-26-1942] [D-1-1]-[Harold Pasewalk/bur 04-13-1907] [D-1-1]-Charles E. Pasewalk/Nov 13, 1918/Nov 20, 1918 [D-1-1]-Edward G. Pasewalk/1879-1953 Tombstone, next to: [D-1-1]-Hannah B. Pasewalk/1881-1952 Tombstone [E-33-7]-Leroy W. Pasewalk/Mar 2, 1900/Dec 2, 1965 Tombstone, ossw: [E-33-7]-Ethel A. Pasewalk/Nov 12, 1914/Feb 7, 1997 Tombstone [E2-77-6]-[Caroline Pasewalk/(Mrs. John)/bur Sep 11, 1883] [E2-77-6]-[Friederika Pasewalk/Mrs./bur 12-13-1891/age 72 yrs] [E2-77-6]-[August Pasewalk/bur 06-06-1897/age 76 yrs] [F-25-1]-Martha Pasewalk/Mother/Jul 28, 1872/Jun 4, 1946 Tombstone [F-25-1]-August Pasewalk/Father/Oct 3, 1868/Aug 9, 1912 Tombstone [F-25-1]-Charlie Pasewalk/Son/Aug 14, 1902/Feb 5, 1908 Tombstone [F-25-2]-Helen Pasewalk/Mother/Aug 18, 1845/Apr 25, 1929 Tombstone [F-25-2]-William Pasewalk/Father/May 18, 1842/Mar 18, 1921 Tombstone [F-25-2]-Anna Pasewalk/1872-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [F-25-2]-John C. Pasewalk/1870-1953 Tombstone [L-6-3]-Louis Pasewalk/1855-1905 Tombstone

PASHOL: [E]-Carol May Pashol/1930-1940

PASHOLK: [L-31-7]-[Carolyn Lee Pasholk/d. 04-04-1941]


PASSAWALT: [Unk]-[Baby Passawalt/bur 05-21-1867]

PASZKIEWICZ: [E-16-4]-Francis William Paszkiewicz/Aug 8, 1931/Oct 8, 2004 Tombstone

PATCHEN: [H-9-1]-[(Willie) Baby Patchen/bur 09-06-1899] Tombstone [H-9-1]-Grace I./wife of GW Patchen Tombstone, next to: [H-9-1]-A.J. Patchen/Father/Capt Co G 39 Wis Vol Tombstone, next to: [H-9-1]-Dr. Andrew J. Patchen/Dec 24, 1830/Nov 12, 1897 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-1]-Nancy M. Patchen/Mar 13, 1831/Jul 15, 1899 Tombstone, ossw: see PAINE [H-9-4]-George E. Patchen/Jan 12, 1854/Mar 1, 1854 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-4]-Terah J. Patchen/Dec 18, 1863/Feb 5, 1864 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-4]-Infant children of A.J. & N.M. Patchen, ossw: [H-9-4]-Ralph Willis Patchen/Jan 7, 1876/Drowned Aug 3, 1884 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-4]-Jo Patchen MAHONEY/1866-1935 Tombstone, ossw: [H-9-4]-George W. Patchen M.D./1871-1939 Tombstone

PATERSON: [E2-4-2]-[?? Paterson, Jr./bur 06-25-1872] see RANKIN

PATES: [D-2-3]-Henry Pates/1832-1899 Tombstone

PATRATZ: [Unk]-[?? Patratz/bur 08-16-1874] [Unk]-[Mrs. Patratz/bur 10-23-1885/age 64 yrs.]

PATTEN: [G-7-4]-James Patten/1907-1975 Tombstone

PATTERSON: [A-23-1]-James Patterson/Died Nov 23, 1889/Aged 78 years Tombstone, ossw: [A-23-1]-Amelia MOREY/died Apr 22, 1909/aged 60 years [E2-4-2]-Isabella/wife of J. Patterson/died Mar 29, 1858/AE 32ys 9ms Tombstone [E2-4-2]-J. Patterson [John]/d. Jun 25, 1872 Tombstone [E2-4-2]-Footstone: J.P.

PATYNSKI: [Y-1-14]-Arnold A. Patynski/May 6, 1943/Nov 30, 1977 Tombstone

PATZER: [K-21-5]-Edward Patzer/1892-1918 Tombstone [K-21-5]-[Conrad E. Patzer/bur 1-27-1932] [K-21-5]-[Margaret Patzer/d. Nov 18, 1926] [P-13-8]-Henry Patzer/1858-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [P-13-8]-Louise Patzer/1859-1954 Tombstone [W2-144-1]-Emilie Patzer/(bur 01-23-1872) Tombstone

PAUKOVICH: [E2-31-6]-[Michael Paukovich/d. 10-29-1948/age 61 yrs./bur on E. Morris lot]

PAUL: [L-7-8]-Conrad Paul/d. Jan 6, 1924 [L-21-4]-Wilhelmina Paul/1845-1864 Tombstone (Wilhelmine Paul/b. 7 Oct 1845/d. 18 Sep 1865/from records of First German Evang. Luth. Ch.) [V-24-3]-Harold Paul/Feb 1, 1913/Jan 17, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [V-24-3]-Amy Paul/Feb 11, 1914/Mar 8, 2015 Tombstone [W-19-7]-Leroy Fred Paul/Jul 24, 1923/Aug 18, 2003 Tombstone [W-19-7]-Vivian Mae Paul/May 15, 1921/Dec 11, 2004 Tombstone

PAULMANN: [T-18-5]-Jane Ida Paulmann/-1952- Tombstone [T-18-5]-Olivia J. Paulmann/1916-1976 Tombstone [T-18-5]-Alma L. Paulmann/1906-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [T-18-5]-Elmer W. Paulmann/Aug 7, 1908/Feb 20, 1984 Tombstone

PAULSEN: [W2-142-4]-[Inger Margaret Paulsen/d. unk] Tombstone [W2-142-4]-[Baby Paulsen/d. unk] [W2-142-4]-Huldah Paulsen/1879-1944 Tombstone [W2-142-4]-Sena Paulsen/1875-1935 Tombstone, next to: [W2-142-4]-Annie Paulsen/1850-1933 Tombstone, next to: [W2-142-4]-Marcus Paulsen/1844-1919 Tombstone, next to: [W2-234-4]-Othelia/1876-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-234-4]-Agnes M. Paulsen/Jan 27, 1882/Nov 22, 1967 Tombstone + Photo

PAULSENE: [A-36-2]-George M.C.C. PALSENE/Died Aug 11, 1868/aged 3yrs 9ms Tombstone, next to: [A-36-2]-Clara E. Paulsene/Jan 26, 1871/Oct 21, 1887 Tombstone, ossw: [A-36-2]-Maud A. Paulsene/Dec 20, 1883/Nov 7, 1887 Tombstone, ossw: [A-36-2]-Susan L. Paulsene/Oct 15, 1875/Nov 15, 1887 Tombstone, ossw: [A-36-2]-Children of CA AE Paulsene [A-36-2]-Anna Paulsene/1844-1900 Tombstone, on same lot with: [A-36-2]-Walter Paulsene/1878-1900 Tombstone [A-36-2]-[August (Paulsene) Polzin/bur 04-17-1917] Tombstone [A-36-2]-Aug. POLZEN/Co. E./14 Wis. Inf. [Apr 15, 1832/Apr 15, 1917/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [O-27-3]-Sophia Paulsene/Feb 21, 1831/Jun 6, 1911 Tombstone

PAULSON: [E2-62-4]-[Henry Paulson/bur 10-30-1898/age 71 yrs] [O-11-6]-[Alice Anderson Paulson/bur 09-14-1921] [W2-133-2]-Julia Paulson/[Miss]/1859-1873 [bur 10-15-1873] Tombstone, next to: [W2-133-2]-Minnie Paulson/1870-1873 [bur 12-04-1873] Tombstone, next to: [W2-133-2]-Julia A. Paulson/1874-1875 Tombstone

PAULUS: [D-16-2]-Mira Paulus/1888-1962 Tombstone, ossw; [D-16-2]-Esther Alberta Paulus/Sep 10, 1893/Feb 9, 1970 Tombstone [E-13-10]-Jacqueline D. Paulus/May 19, 1932/May 3, 1998 Tombstone, ossw: [E-13-10]-Donald E. Paulus/Nov 28, 1929/Nov 13, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [W2-99-4]-[Babe Paulus/bur 03-19-1913/cause: premature birth/bur on Charles Paulus lot] [W2-99-4]-Ida Paulus/1873-1876 Tombstone [W2-99-4]-Blanche Paulus/1886-1887 Tombstone [W2-99-4]-Carl H. Paulus/1839-1914 Tombstone [W2-99-4]-Mary Paulus/1847-1937 Tombstone [W2-174-2]-Herman Paulus/1880-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-174-2]-Hettie Paulus/1881-1965 Tombstone [W2-174-3]-Charles Fredric Paulus/May 8, 1915/Apr 11, 2002 Tombstone + Photo [W2-174-3]-Janet M. Paulus/Jan 8, 1915/Jul 6, 2005 Tombstone + Photo [Y-2-15]-Margaret "Anita" Paulus/1935-Aug 28, 2016 Tombstone + Photo [Y-2-15]-Norman H. Paulus/1926-Nov 5, 2013 Tombstone + Photo

PAULY: [R-6-14]-Theodore E. Pauly/Jun 3, 1920/Apr 27, 2013 Tombstone + Photo [R-6-14]-Sibylla R. Pauly/Oct 23, 1921/Nov 3, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [R-9-5]-William Pauly/Infant 1916 Tombstone [R-9-5]-William H. Pauly/1886-1974 Tombstone [R-9-5]-Olive HOWE Pauly/1885-1970 Tombstone [R-9-5]-Robert Pauly/1918-1940 Tombstone [R-9-6]-Ann Elizabeth Pauly/-Dec 15, 1954- Tombstone [R-9-6]-Magdalen GEIMER Pauly/1893-1954 Tombstone [R-9-6]-Felix T. Pauly/1878-1953 Tombstone [R-9-6]-Emily WEBB Pauly/1880-1940 Tombstone [R-9-6]-John B. Pauly/1874-1954 Tombstone

PAUSTIAN: [T-24-3]-Hilda Paustian/1898-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [T-24-3]-Oscar A. Paustian/Feb 21, 1897/May 6, 1980 (US flag) Tombstone [T-24-3]-Helen Paustian/Dec 4, 1906/Oct 24, 1988 Tombstone

PAUTZ: [Unk]-Charles Pautz/d. Jun 11, 1875 [Unk]-[(daughter of Fred) Pautz/bur 10-09-1876] [Unk]-[C. Pautz/bur 05-18-1883/age 19 yrs.] [Unk]-[?? Pautz, Jr./bur 11-10-1883] [Unk]-[Miss F. Pautz/bur 04-09-1884/age 34 yrs] [Unk]-[C. Pautz, Jr./bur 04-12-1885/age 22 yrs] [A-20-6]-[Miss Pautz/bur 03-05-1887] [A-20-6]-Gottlieb Pautz/Father/1835-1901 Tombstone [D-15-1]-Emil Pautz/Geb 26 Nov 1897/Gest 8 Mar 1901 Tombstone, next to: [D-15-1]-Herman Pautz/Geb 17 Apr 1900/Gest 30 Mai 1900 Tombstone, next to: [D-15-1]-Martha Pautz/Geb 5 Mar 1895/1 Mar 1901 Tombstone, next to: [D-15-1]-Emma DUPREY/nee Pautz/Sister/1903-1935 (see DUPREY-have obit), next to: [D-15-1]-Herman Pautz/Father/1864-1937 Tombstone [D-15-1]-Minna Pautz/Mother/1867-1938 Tombstone [D-16-2]-Arthur O. Pautz/May 5, 1909/May 15, 1991 Tombstone [E2-16-1]-[William Pautz/bur 10-30-1902] [E2-16-1]-[Louisa Pautz/bur 05-16-1903/age 75 yrs] [E2-18-6]-Eleanore H. Pautz/Mar 18, 1902/Sep 27, 1982 Tombstone [E2-66-5]-Marie Pautz/geb Feb 4, 1869/gest Jun 24, 1869 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Emma Pautz/Geb Feb 2, 1861/Gest Aug 30, 1865 [?? Pautz/bur 08-30-1865] Tombstone [E2-66-5]-Willie Pautz/Geb Juni 27, 1872/Gest Mai 10, 1875 [?? Pautz/bur 05-13-1875] Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Baby Pautz/Geb Mar 28, 1880/Gest Mar 28, 1880 Tombstone [E2-66-5]-Ferdinand Pautz/gestorben 5 Aug 1870/alter 33Jah 28Tag Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Bertha Louisa KRIESER/geboren 5 Oct 1840/starb 29 Juni 1895 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-66-5]-Wm. John KRIESER/geboren 30 Mai 1837/starb 25 Apr 1895 Tombstone, next to: [E2-77-5]-[?? Pautz/bur 03-11-1867] [E2-77-5]-[Minnie Pautz/bur 10-17-1912] [E2-77-5]-Gustave Pautz/1870-Dec 21, 1939 [E2-84-1]-Carl Pautz/1828-Dec 18, 1890 [G-2-7]-Henry F. Pautz/Father/Jan 15, 1874/Mar 17, 1963 Tombstone, next to: [G-2-7]-Clara M. Pautz/Mother/Oct 3, 1874/Mar 16, 1944 Tombstone, next to: [G-2-7]-Melvin E. Pautz/Oct 6, 1899/Oct 9, 1923 Tombstone [G-2-10]-Mary Pautz/1885-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [G-2-10]-Emil PECH/1877-1942 Tombstone [H-18-1]-Emilie LORENZ/geborene Pautz/geb 11 Sep 1855/gest 16 Aug 1883 Tombstone, next to: see LORENZ [K-3-3]-[Edward Pautz/1871/bur 12-10-1914] Tombstone, ossw: [K-3-3]-Barbara Pautz SPAHN/nee WECKBACHER/1873-1957 Tombstone [P-17-9]-George A. Pautz/1912-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-9]-Arline B. Pautz BUSS/nee MEYER/1912-1990 Tombstone [U-34-8]-Richard D. Pautz/Jun 17, 1878/Dec 6, 1963 Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-8]-Elizabeth Pautz/1881-1963 Tombstone [V-19-2]-Janice M. Pautz/Feb 17, 1939/Sep 22, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [V-27-2]-Walter F. Pautz/Feb 9, 1898/Aug 20, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [V-27-2]-Louise C. Pautz/Sep 20, 1898/Oct 7, 1978 Tombstone [W2-120-2]-Emilie Lina Pautz/Mar 7, 1875/bur Apr 20, 1876 [W2-120-2]-[Amelia Pautz/1899?] [W2-120-2]-[Sarah Pautz/bur 12-13-1888/age 18/cause: consumption] [W2-120-2]-Fred Pautz/1832-1903 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-120-2]-Emelia Pautz/1843-1883/(d. 1884) Tombstone [W2-130-3]-[Baby Pautz/bur 02-21-1896]

PAUZE-GAMEZ: [L-26-1]-Rylee Jo Pauze-Gamez (fetus)/-Nov 21, 2016- Tombstone

PAVLOWICH: [L-4-9]-Walter Pavlowich/1891-1931 Tombstone [L-29-23]-Priscilla Pavlowich/1894-1956 Tombstone

PAYNE: [L-13-2]-Baby Payne/d. Jun 11, 1908

PEARSON: [A-25-3]-[Marie A. Pearson/female/cremains/bur 1/17/1935/d. at Sonora, CA/ age 59/cause: cerebral hemorrhage/bur on H. Zeischold lot] [M-9-6]-Barbara H. Pearson/Mar 28, 1949/Sep 8, 2013 Tombstone [M-10-1]-Don P. Pearson/Nov 7, 1925/Oct 27, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [M-10-1]-Viola W. Pearson/Aug 21, 1927/Jul 18, 2010 Tombstone [V-14-7]-Dorothy L. Pearson/1920-2011 Tombstone

PEASHEK: [G-1-1]-Marion H. ALLEN Peashek/1903-1950 Tombstone, next to: [G-1-1]-Cyril J. Peashek/1900-1960 Tombstone

PEASLEE: [L-12-2]-Anna Peaslee/-Nov 12, 1900- [W-16-9]-Muriel E. Peaslee/Sep 9, 1916/Apr 7, 2006 Tombstone, ossw: [W-16-9]-John B. Peaslee/May 6, 1919/Jul 6, 2008 Tombstone

PECH: [B-27-3]-Ellen M. Pech/Mother/1880-1960 Tombstone [B-27-3]-James Wenzel Pech/Father/1870-1940 Tombstone [B-27-3]-Ethel Grace Pech/Feb 23, 1902/Sep 21, 1990 Tombstone [C-6-1]-Sara A. Pech/Jan 15, 1970/Jan 9, 1986 Tombstone [C-6-1]-Martha A. Pech/May 31, 1931/Dec 25, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [C-6-1]-Archie Q. Pech/Apr 4, 1935/Jan 12, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [C-12-5]-Stefan Pech/Apr 2, 1893/Apr 3, 1893 [C-12-5]-Stephen Pech/1866-1930 Tombstone [C-12-5]-Vlasta Pech/1870-1945 Tombstone [C-12-5]-Elsie S. Pech/Jan 8, 1905/Oct 11, 1977 Tombstone [G-2-10]-Edwin Pech/Jan 15, 1908/Sep 28, 1929 Tombstone [G-2-10]-Dolores Pech/Nov 3, 1929/Mar 26, 1930 Tombstone [G-2-10]-Mary PAUTZ/1885-1964 Tombstone, ossw: [G-2-10]-Emil Pech/1877-1942 Tombstone [G-3-10]-Louis A. Pech/1908-1930/Son Tombstone [G-3-10]-Anna Pech/1874-1963/Mother Tombstone [G-3-10]-Anton Pech/1866-1927/Father Tombstone [R-17-4]-Joseph M. Pech, Jr./May 9, 1891/Jan 11, 1961 Tombstone, ossw: [R-17-4]-Blanche Pech/1888-1934 Tombstone, ossw: [R-17-4]-Alvina E. Pech/Jun 17, 1910/Jul 12, 1979 Tombstone [R-39-3]-Adolph J. Pech/Aug 20, 1898/Nov 1, 1984 Tombstone [R-39-3]-Lillian M. Pech/Jun 10, 1903/Aug 19, 1997 Tombstone [R-39-3]-Mary C. Pech/Dec 6, 1923/Mar 18, 2002 Tombstone [R-39-3]-Norman A. Pech/Mar 12, 1921/May 8, 1988 Tombstone [R-39-4]-Anton J. Pech/Jun 30, 1892/Mar 11, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [R-39-4]-Lillian "Lilly" E. Pech/Feb 22, 1895/Jun 2, 1984 Tombstone [R-39-4]-Joseph I. Pech/Otec/Narozen/10 Rijna 1868/Zemrel 5 Srpna 1932 Tombstone [R-39-4]-Marie Pech/Matka/Narozena 8 Cervna 1870/Zemrela 13 Rijna 1919 Tombstone [T-23-2]-Emma Pech/1897-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [T-23-2]-Albin Pech/1896-1954 Tombstone [T-30-1]-Edward Earl Pech, Jr./Apr 11, 1926/Nov 9, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [T-30-1]-Vera Pech/1922-2011 Tombstone [T-30-1]-[Baby Pech/d. 01-01-1951] [U-23-6]-Adela Pech/1892-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-6]-Edwin Pech/1894-1955 Tombstone [U-27-1]-William S. Pech/1893-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-1]-Tillie E. Pech/Oct 17, 1897/May 21, 1976 Tombstone [U-27-10]-Agnes J. Pech/Oct 8, 1912/Aug 7, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-10]-Quirin C. Pech/Sep 9, 1912/Feb 21, 2002 Tombstone [V-7-3]-Quentin J. Pech/Sep 17, 1919/Feb 4, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [V-7-3]-Catherine C. Pech/Jul 29, 1920/Jan 13, 2011 Tombstone [V-7-4]-Arlene D. Pech/Jul 17, 1911/Apr 17, 1987 Tombstone [V-7-4]-Donald Joseph Pech/May 27, 1947/Oct 11, 2004 Tombstone [V-15-3]-George Pech/1903-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-3]-Anita E. Pech/Mar 16, 1916/Feb 24, 2001 Tombstone [V-17-9]-Ross C. Pech/1946-1970 Tombstone, ossw: [V-17-9]-Richard J. Pech/1910-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [V-17-9]-Violet I. Pech/Jan 4, 1911/Jul 28, 1990 Tombstone [V-19-8]-Victor F. Pech/Sep 12, 1921/Feb 7, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-8]-Priscilla R. Pech/May 4, 1922/Mar 26, 2015 Tombstone [V-25-1]-Walter H. PLAUTZ/Oct 27, 1901/Jan 17, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [V-25-1]-Mildred PLAUTZ/nee Pech/1902-1979 Tombstone [V-26-1]-Karen BRENNEMAN/nee Pech/Mar 12, 1858/Nov 14, 2013 Tombstone, ossw: [V-26-1]-Samuel J. Pech/Feb 28, 1984/Jun 10, 2022 Tombstone [V-27-4]-Julia Agnes Pech/Jan 13, 1903/May 22, 2000 Tombstone [V-27-4]-Fred Pech/Father/1891-1942 Tombstone + Photo [V-27-5]-Gardy W. Pech/Wis/Pvt Medical Dept/WWII/July 20, 1923/Aug 27, 1970 Tombstone [V-27-5]-Mary J. Pech/Jul 31, 1928/Jun 20, 2008 Tombstone [V-37-4]-Lester Joseph Pech/Dec 8, 1921/Jan 4, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [V-37-4]-Thomas Joseph Pech/Dec 2, 1949/Jan 1, 2003 Tombstone, ossw: [V-37-4]-Shirley E. Pech/nee Jagodinsky/Oct 21, 1925/Nov 3, 2021 Tombstone + Photo see HACKER see POLIVKA


PECK: [E-42-5]-Robert A. Peck/Father/May 6, 1910/Jan 5, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [E-42-5]-Mildred A. Peck/Mother/Mar 29, 1910/Oct 16, 1981 Tombstone [E-42-5]-Gerald E. Peck/Mar 27, 1936/Apr 9, 2015 Tombstone [T-29-6]-Gene Peck/1941-1947 Tombstone, next to: [T-29-6]-Hannah C. Peck/1901-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [T-29-6]-Leon O. Peck/1899-1962 Tombstone [T-29-6]-Sandra A. Peck/nee CRAWFORD/Nov 7, 1942/May 8, 2021 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-29-6]-Erling L. Peck/Aug 13, 1935/Mar 12, 2022 Tombstone + Photo

PECKA: [Unk]-[Joseph Pecka/bur 01-08-1883] [Unk]-[?? Pecka/bur 01-19-1886/age 9 yrs.] [L-16-5]-[Mary Pecka/bur 11-13-1888/age 27 yrs./cause: consumption]

PECKHAM: [T-34-6]-Delmar Peckham/1926-1950 Tombstone

PEDERSON: [E2-1-10]-Palmer A. Pederson/1893-1940 Tombstone [E2-1-10]-Anne Pederson/Mother/1871-1954 Tombstone, next to: [E2-1-10]-Nels A. Pederson/Father/1865-1956 Tombstone [E2-1-10]-Alma N. Pederson/Sep 4, 1898/Feb 27, 1994 Tombstone [E2-5-4]-George C. Pederson/1900-1965 Tombstone [I-1-5]-Lars Pederson/Fader/27 Nov 1850/26 Aug 1913 Tombstone, ossw: [I-1-5]-[Inger Pederson/1849-1928 Tombstone [P-26-14]-Olga N. Pederson/Mother/1885-1942 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-14]-Hiram D. Pederson/Father/1888-1958 Tombstone [T-34-2]-Sheila Marie Pederson/May 10-Oct 6, 1950 Tombstone [T-34-2]-Arndt A. Pederson/Aug 20, 1917/Apr 19, 1988 Tombstone [T-34-2]-Julia M. Pederson/Jan 2, 1917/Nov 17, 1996 Tombstone [W2-216-2]-[Nels N. Pederson/bur 03-02-1920/age 70 yrs] [W2-216-2]-Clara PEDERSEN/nee NEWCOMB/Nov 23, 1856/Nov 22, 1882 Tombstone

PEDRO: [E-35-11]-Carolyn NEUSER Pedro/1944-1970 Tombstone + Photo

PEEBLES: [P-13-6]-Alma Hilda BECK Peebles/Dec 25, 1893/Nov 28, 1985 Tombstone

PEEGE: [K-25-2]-Helen Mae Peege/Jul 6, 1891/Jan 2, 1973

PEET: [W2-191-1]-Charles Emerson Peet/1869-1955 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W2-191-1]-Julia DUMKE Peet/1871-1953 Tombstone see DUMKE

PEHRSON: [T-13-5]-Harry Pehrson/Wis/Pvt STU Army TNG Corps/WWI/Jul 10, 1893/Jun 24, 1952 Tombstone see FOOTE

PEITERSEN: [E-12-4]-Christian E. Peitersen/Sep 24, 1913/Jul 16, 1991 Tombstone [E-12-4]-Adeline A. Peitersen/Nov 2, 1920/Dec 28, 1992 Tombstone [S-45-15]-[Baby Peitersen/bur 09-06-1940/stillborn/bur on Mrs. Emma Dickert lot]

PEITHER: [L-3-12]-[Charles Peither/bur 4-13-1928]

PEJSAR: [L-3-10]-[Barbara Pejsar/bur 1-2-1929]

PEKAREK: [F-14-1]-Marcella M. Pekarek/May 3, 1917/Jan 5, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-1]-John C. Pekarek/Feb 24, 1925/Jul 21, 1989 Tombstone [F-14-1]-John Pekarek/1890-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-1]-Paul Pekarek/1921-1924 Tombstone, ossw: [F-14-1]-Clara Pekarek/1898-1954 Tombstone

PEKARSKE: [E-30-7]-John A. "Jack" Pekarske/Jun 30, 1924/Feb 20, 2005 Tombstone, ossw: [E-30-7]-Eunice Pekarske/Nov 21, 1924/Aug 1, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [P-35-4]-Nora Lee Pekarske/Daughter/Apr 10, 1926/Apr 16, 1926 Tombstone, next to: [P-35-4]-Albert A. Pekarske/1897-1960 (see Albert Baker) Tombstone, ossw: [P-35-4]-Olive Pekarske/1900-1940 Tombstone [R-8-9]-M. Grace Pekarske/1903-1992/Hansen Tombstone [R-8-9]-John J. Pekarske/1898-1956 (War vet flg) Tombstone [S-43-66]-Thomas J. Pekarske/Apr 15, 1929/Oct 31, 2000 Tombstone [S-43-66]-Joan C. Pekarske/Oct 31, 1930/Nov 5, 1992 Tombstone [S-43-80]-Larry J. Pekarske/Oct 5, 1952/Apr 23, 2009 Tombstone [T-28-10]-Magdelyn C. Pekarske/Sep 16, 1908/Mar 23, 1987 Tombstone

PEKEL: [P-16-3]-Joseph F. Pekel/1890-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [P-16-3]-Clara Pekel/1892-1972 (Am. Leg. flg) Tombstone

PEKULIK: [L-29-9]-Anton J. Pekulik/Brother/1904-1948 Tombstone


PELISCHEK: [L-26-1]-Baby (fetus)/d. Jun 14, 2006 Tombstone

PELISEK: [R-19-1]-[Florence Pelisek/bur 9-26-1928] [Y-6-1]-Shirley Mae Pelisek/Apr. 30, 1935/Jan. 15, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-6-1]-Milton O. Pelisek/Apr. 10, 1934/July 5, 2017 Tombstone

PELISHEK: [Unk]-Rose Pelishek/d. Apr 15, 1878 [E-4-7]-William Pelishek/Nov 25, 1895/Mar 28, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-7]-Elizabeth Pelishek/1902-1970 Tombstone [E-4-7]-Frank L. Pelishek/Jun 10, 1900/Mar 29, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [E-4-7]-Clara J. Pelishek/Aug 2, 1903/Feb 13, 2000 Tombstone [G-7-13]-Frank Pelishek/Father/1841-1924 Tombstone [G-7-13]-Mary Pelishek/Mother/1844-1932 Tombstone, next to: [G-7-13]-Mary H. Pelishek/Daughter/1874-1936 Tombstone [G-7-13]-[Blanch Pelishek/d. 01-30-1953/age 79 yrs] [T-26-4]-Louis Pelishek/1870-1953 Tombstone, ossw: [T-26-4]-Barbara Pelishek/1871-1961 Tombstone

PELKEY: [U-32-6]-[Mary (Peltier) Pelkey/d. 04-11-1958/age 81 yrs] Tombstone, ossw: [U-32-6]-[Andrew (Peltier) Pelkey/d. 08-16-1958/age 88 yrs] Tombstone see PELTIER

PELLET: [B-5-3]-[Ada Pellet/died 12/31/1941/age 69 yrs./cause: cancer of stomach]

PELNAR: [T-12-6]-Matt J. Pelnar/1893-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [T-12-6]-Alma Pelnar/Apr 11, 1894/Jun 8, 1993 (War vet flg) Tombstone

PELOFSKE: [M-12-8]-Carol M. Pelofske/Apr 16, 1946/Feb 5, 2001 Tombstone [M-12-8]-Harold M. Pelofske/Jan 12, 1930/May 25, 2004 Tombstone

PELTIER: [O-14-6]-Clarence C. Peltier/Father/1908-1949 Tombstone [U-32-6]-Irene M. Peltier/Sep 26, 1900/May 15, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [U-32-6]-Earl E./1897-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [U-32-6]-Mary (Peltier) Pelkey/1877-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-32-6]-Andrew (Peltier) Pelkey/1870-1958 Tombstone [W-1-15]-Andrew W. Peltier/Jul 15, 1978/Jan 3, 1999 Tombstone

PEMBERTON: [V-10-8]-Donald R. Pemberton/Apr 10, 1904/Aug 6, 1986 Tombstone [V-10-8]-Margaret G. Pemberton/Apr 29, 1905/Dec 13, 1992 Tombstone

PENKALA: [W-14-1]-David Joseph Penkala/Jun 13, 1955/Oct 22, 1999 Tombstone

PENTONY: [R-29-8]-Mary M. Pentony/Apr 28, 1876/Nov 30, 1967 Tombstone [R-29-8]-John Pentony/1870-1930 Tombstone [R-29-8]-Florence A. Pentony/Jun 5, 1901/Mar 20, 1997 Tombstone

PENTZIEN: [O-21-2]-Baby Pentzien/d. Feb 23, 1911 [O-21-2]-Arthur Pentzien/Apr 11, 1889/Sep 1, 1912 Tombstone [P-6-7]-August Pentzien/Jul 10, 1880/Dec 2, 1938 Tombstone, ossw: [P-6-7]-Mary Pentzien/Jun 29, 1884/Mar 26, 1970 Tombstone

PEOT: [U-12-7]-Hilary M. Peot/1897-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [U-12-7]-Joanne M. Peot/1928-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-12-7]-Manila C. Peot/1898-1974 (Am Leg Aux flg) Tombstone

PEPPARD: [F-21-4]-Margaret Peppard/Aug 20, 1873/Nov 7, 1950 (Ladies VFW Aux) Tombstone, next to: [F-21-4]-John H. Peppard/Apr 1, 1866/Jul 2, 1945 Tombstone, next to: [F-21-4]-Mary Peppard/Aug 22, 1902/Jan 7, 1916 Tombstone [F-21-4]-Gerald E. Peppard/Tec 4 US Army/WWII/Jan 21, 1915/Jan 5, 2006 Tombstone [L-30-1]-Jack Daniel Peppard/d. Nov 11, 1967 (Mittnacht marker)

PEPPLER: [T-11-7]-Rinehart M. Peppler/May 16, 1911/Aug 2, 1968 Tombstone, ossw: [T-11-7]-Irene D. Peppler/Sep 22, 1912/Jan 28, 2011 Tombstone see ANTAL

PEREZ: [E-19-2]-Luis Perez/-Nov 12, 2009- Tombstone, ossw: [E-19-2]-Jose Perez/-Nov 12, 2009- Tombstone

PERKINS: [U-7-7]-Otis T. Perkins/1899-1953 (war vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [U-7-7]-Naomi C. Perkins/Feb 14, 1898/Dec 8, 1976 Tombstone

PERNOT: [U-3-8]-Marie Pernot/1876-1957 Tombstone

PERONTO: [F-12-3]-Emanuel Peronto/1880-1943 Tombstone [O-10-5]-Roland John Peronto/Dec 5, 1931/Nov 24, 2018 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [O-10-5]-Elsie Jeanne Peronto/Nov 10, 1934/Feb 2, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [O-24-3]-Mary G. Peronto/Mar 4, 1899/Jun 12, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [O-24-3]-Fred Peronto/1898-1975 (war vet flg) Tombstone [R-11-9]-Mary H. Peronto/1939-1957 Tombstone [R-11-9]-Alice Peronto/Jul 16, 1906/Jul 15, 1981 Tombstone [R-11-9]-Roy F. Peronto/Feb 11, 1906/Jun 6, 1996 Tombstone + Photo [R-11-9]-Charles K. Peronto/May 24, 1936/Jan 16, 2023 Tombstone [U-24-5]-Angeline J. Peronto/Mar 19, 1908/Feb 12, 1984 Tombstone [U-24-5]-Lena Peronto/1885-1955 Tombstone see GOSPODAREK

PEROUTKA: [A-7-1]-[Joseph Peroutka/bur 05-19-1889/cause: weakness] [A-7-1]-Richard Peroutka/1887-1925 Tombstone [A-7-2]-George Peroutka/1886-1942 Tombstone [A-7-1]-Thomas Peroutka/Father/1861-1940 Tombstone [A-7-1]-Mary Peroutka/Mother/1866-1932 Tombstone [A-24-2]-Anna/Manzella T. PEROUTKY/Narozena 18 Cervna 1832/Zemrela/ 23 Ledna 1890 [cause: heart disease] Tombstone, ossw: [A-24-2]-Tomas Peroutka/Narozen/23 Rijna 1828/Zemrel/1 Unora 1880 Tombstone [A-24-2]-Edward Peroutka/1877-1921 Tombstone [W2-148-4]-Joseph Peroutka/1871-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-148-4]-Helen Peroutka/1876-1952 Tombstone [W2-148-4]-Leonard J. Peroutka/Wis/T/Sgt H&H Det 320 Ord BN/WWII/Jan 27, 1911/Mar 5, 1972 Tombstone [W2-148-4]-Mary P. Peroutka/Jul 21, 1916/Dec 13, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-148-4]-Leo T. Peroutka/Jul 16, 1914/Oct 17, 1987 Tombstone see LINDNER

PEROUTKY: see Peroutka

PERRIGOUE: [U-24-6]-Michael J. Perrigoue/Sep 19, 1945/Oct 20, 2014/US Army/Vietnam Tombstone + Photo [U-24-6]-Cynthia Ann Perrigoue/Mar 9, 1949/Feb 10, 2019 Tombstone

PERRODIN: [E-36-2]-Arthur F. Perrodin Sr./Mar 24, 1905/Dec 14, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [E-36-2]-Henrietta M. Perrodin/Mar 7, 1908/Sep 10, 1987 Tombstone [W2-233-7]-Annie Perrodin/1878-1921 Tombstone

PERRY: [L-31-8]-Margaret A. Perry/Nov 25, 1946/Nov 29, 1946 [Margaret Ann Perry/d. at Milwaukee, WI] Tombstone [K-4-5]-Walter M. Perry/1909-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [K-4-5]-Alice Perry/Nov 16, 1914/Jun 8, 2001 Tombstone [S-43-86]-Wilbur C. Perry/Jan 7, 1924/Dec 23, 1996 Tombstone [S-43-86]-Frances H. Perry/nee HENDRY/Nov 1, 1931/Nov 17, 2022 Photo

PERUELLE: [W2-109-1]-[Mrs. Gottlieb Peruelle/bur 08-06-1875]

PESCE: [Y-5-37]-LeRoy Frank Pesce/Aug. 12, 1940/Nov. 23, 1988 Tombstone [Y-5-37]-Karen S. Pesce FLEMING/nee SWIATEK/Aug 12, 1941/Jul 15, 2022 Tombstone

PESERIK: [S-43-41]-Connie Lee Peserik/Jun 21, 1957/Sep 27, 2016 Tombstone [T-16-6]-Wenzel H. Peserik/Apr 1, 1894/Sep 16, 1968 Tombstone [T-16-9]-[Helen JANDA Peserik/nee JUST/1887-1971 Tombstone [W2-225-1]-Baby Peserik/1949-1949 Tombstone

PESHEK: [L-3-2]-[William Peshek/bur 09-16-1901]

PESTEK: [L-1-6]-[Baby Pestek/bur 02-24-1920/cause: injury by forceps at birth/space #5] [L-17-5]-Baby Pestek/d. Apr 9, 1912

PETCHY: [L-8-4]-Marie/Dcera J & H Petchy/Narozena 10 Brez 1864/Zemrela 4 Zari 1877 Tombstone, ossw: [L-8-4]-Katerina/Manzelka J Petcky/2 Kvet 1826/Zemrela 31 Kvet 1880 Tombstone, ossw: [L-8-4]-Katerina/Dcera J&K Petchy/Narozena 26 Dub 1861/Zemrela 6 Unora 1881 Tombstone, ossw: [L-8-4]-Anna TACHETCY/Narozena 25 List 1797/Zemrela 26 Rij 1876 Tombstone

PETERIK: [C-5-4]-Joseph Peterik/1856-1939 Tombstone, ossw: [C-5-4]-Mary Peterik/1857-1947 Tombstone [E-39-10]-Robert C. Peterik/Jul 25, 1926/Sep 27, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [E-39-10]-Lois A. Peterik EDINGER/1928-2012 Tombstone Cynthia A. Peterik/Jul 10, 1954/May 29, 2020 Tombstone + Photo [E2-5-11]-Leta Peterik/1901-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-5-11]-Charles J. Peterik/Sep 24, 1898/May 21, 1998 Tombstone [I-5-1]-Mary Peterik/Mother/Nov 11, 1857/Sep 26, 1924 Tombstone, next to: [I-5-1]-John Peterik/May 7, 1856/Oct 22, 1902 Tombstone, ossw: [I-5-1]-Elizabeth BRUCE/Oct 11, 1886/Nov 21, 1960 Tombstone, next to: [I-5-1]-Joseph Peterik/Jul 17, 1877/Jul 1, 1917 Tombstone [I-5-4]-Jiri Peterik [George Peterik]/6 Kvet 1869/20 Kvet 1903 Tombstone, ossw: [I-5-4]-Verona Peterik/21 Led 1871/16 List 1937 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [I-5-4]-Emil Peterik/Father/1899-1944 Tombstone + Photo [P-8-2]-Rose Peterik/1890-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [P-8-2]-George Peterik Jr./1891-1958 Tombstone, next to: [P-8-2]-Erhard G. Peterik/Feb 9, 1912/Jul 29, 1981 Tombstone [P-27-5]-Charles Peterik/Nov 25, 1894/Jun 6, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [P-27-5]-Lillian Peterik/Jul 18, 1895/Oct 26, 1989 Tombstone [R-15-9]-John C. Peterik/Oct 11, 1908/Feb 27, 1996 Tombstone, ossw: [R-15-9]-Majie L. Peterik/Jan 21, 1910/Jan 10, 1980 Tombstone [T-37-6]-Virginia L. Peterik/Mar 25, 1925/Dec 28, 1996 Tombstone [U-31-3]-John M. Peterik Sr./1878-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [U-31-3]-Christina Peterik/1880-1957 Tombstone [U-31-5]-Eleanor Peterik/1914-2010 Tombstone see HENDERSON see VOLLENDORF

PETERMAN: [L-29-13]-Charles J. Peterman/Father/1881-1939 Tombstone [Y-5-10]-Lucas G. Peterman/Jul 1, 1981/Jul 25, 1996 Tombstone

PETERS: [C-22-3]-Alice H. Peters/Aug 20, 1874/Mar 5, 1935 Tombstone [C-22-3]-Ernest J. Peters/Aug 20, 1873/Dec 15, 1938 Tombstone [C-22-3]-Friedrich Peters/19 Nov 1824/18 Juni 1902 Tombstone, ossw: [C-22-3]-Sophia Peters/20 Juni 1837/25 Nov 1905 Tombstone, next to: [D-31-3]-Lenora Peters/Mother/1891-1935 Tombstone, next to: [D-31-3]-George A. Peters/Father/1883-1951 Tombstone [G-5-11]-Sophia Peters/1872-1961 Tombstone, next to: [G-5-11]-Ferdinand Peters/1869-1929 Tombstone [G-9-12]-George Peters/1887-1924 Tombstone [G-9-12]-Alma Peters PFEIFER/nee MEIHSNER/Jun 14, 1893/Mar 14, 1990 Tombstone [I-9-1]-Jimmie Peters/-Mar 26, 1922- [I-9-1]-George W. Peters/Wis/Cpl US Marine Corps Res/WWII/Jul 5, 1925/Feb 23, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: [I-9-1]-Earl L. Peters/1923-2007 Tombstone [O-11-5]-Erwin T. Peters/Feb 17, 1899/Dec 13, 1980 (war vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [O-11-5]-Laura Evelyn Peters/Jul 19, 1895/Sep 19, 1979 Tombstone [R-15-8]-Lillian Peters/1933-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [R-15-8]-Agnes P. Peters MEYER/nee VANGAT/1907-1990 Tombstone, ossw: [R-15-8]-Charles Peters/Oct 21, 1893/Feb 25, 1974 Tombstone, ossw: [R-15-8]-George Peters/-Apr 2, 1938- Tombstone, ossw: [R-15-8]-Charles Peters/-Mar 15, 1940- Tombstone [R-29-9]-Dorothy Peters/Aug 19, 1903/Apr 1, 1995 Tombstone [R-29-9]-Alvin J. Peters/1903-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [R-29-9]-Maud FRASIER GRUHLE/1884-1926 Tombstone, ossw: [R-29-9]-Charles GRUHLE/1865-1956 Tombstone [R-34-4]-Anna Peters/Mother/1859-1934 Tombstone, next to: [R-34-4]-Martin F. Peters/Father/1856-1931 Tombstone [R-34-4]-Roy Peters/Nov 21, 1895/Oct 2, 1945 Tombstone + Photo [U-35-2]-Eugene Peters/Wis/PFC 414 AAA Gun BN CAC/WWII/Jun 10, 1905/Oct 2, 1957 Tombstone [U-35-2]-Helen E. Peters/Oct 28, 1925/Dec 22, 2007 Tombstone [V-23-2]-Thomas E. Peters/May 16, 1949/Jul 5, 2007 Tombstone [V-24-5]-David G. Peters/Mar 20, 1951/Jan 1, 1979 Tombstone [W-1-15]-Robert J. Peters/May 22, 1936/Apr 13, 2016 Tombstone + Photo [W2-108-4]-Bert Peters/1898-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-108-4]-Elvi Peters/1904-1963 Tombstone

PETERSEN: [C-27-7]-Harold R. Petersen/Apr 11, 1894/Apr 20, 1945 (War vet flg) Tombstone, next to: [C-27-7]-Orin Paul Petersen/Son/Baby/Dec 21, 1896/Jul 6, 1897 Tombstone, next to: [C-27-7]-Gladys PETERSON/Baby/bur 04-10-1893/age 3 mo. Tombstone, next to: [C-27-7]-Jule Petersen/Husband/Apr 11, 1863/Jul 11, 1897 Tombstone, next to: [C-27-7]-Julia Petersen/Wife/Mar 29, 1867/Feb 7, 1948 Tombstone [G-13-4]-Maud C. Petersen/Mother/1878-1935 Tombstone, next to: [G-13-4]-Ester May Petersen/1913-1919 Tombstone, next to: [G-13-4]-Edward J. Petersen/Father/1870-1945 Tombstone [G-13-4]-Ralph E. Petersen/May 30, 1904/Oct 14, 1997 Tombstone [G-13-4]-Ellen K. Petersen/d. Feb 24, 2005 Tombstone [K-1-6]-Joshua Jeffrey Petersen/Feb 26, 1986/Feb 28, 1988 Tombstone [P-17-6]-Alice M. Petersen/1875-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [P-17-6]-Martin Petersen/1874-1952 Tombstone [S-46-1]-Christ Petersen/Father/1867-1927 Tombstone, next to: [S-46-1]-Amelia Petersen/Mother/1878-1947 Tombstone, next to: [S-46-1]-Ardina Petersen/1902-1950 Tombstone [S-46-1]-Vinton B. Petersen/Jan 23, 1915/Feb 3, 1984 Tombstone [S-46-1]-Marjorie L. Petersen/Jan 19, 1917/Oct 13, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [S-46-1]-Phyllis C. Petersen/Feb 20, 1909/Jul 1, 1994 Tombstone [T-22-2]-Nels P. Petersen/1895-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [T-22-2]-Gladys L. Petersen/1900-1973 (Am Leg/Am Leg Aux flg) Tombstone [U-7-6]-Theodore Petersen/1880-1952 Tombstone [U-24-5]-Eva Petersen STENE/nee CLARK/Dec 31, 1903/Apr 9, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [U-24-5]-Walter G. Petersen/1890-1955(war vet flg hldr) Tombstone [U-28-7]-Edward J. Petersen/Jun 18, 1904/Sep 11, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [U-28-7]-Nora M. Petersen/Oct 30, 1898/May 17, 1973 Tombstone [W2-106-4]-Christian Petersen/Aug 23, 1828/Sep 29, 1918 Tombstone [W2-106-4]-Agnes J. Petersen/Aug 10, 1878/Jan 26, 1960 [W2-125-2]-Henry W. Petersen/1890-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-125-2]-Mary C. Petersen/Mar 7, 1884/Dec 8, 1962 Tombstone [W2-167-2]-Josie L./dau of P & M Petersen/died/May 9, 1880 Tombstone [W2-167-2]-George J./son of P & M Petersen/died May 5, 1879/aged 1mon 26ds [W2-167-2]-Frankie 0./Son of P & M Petersen/Died May 9, 1880 Tombstone [W2-167-2]-Malvin Petersen/Apr 5, 1884/Jan 7, 1888 [W2-167-2]-Peter J. Petersen/Jun 23, 1848/Feb 14, 1920 [W2-194-3]-Laura K. Petersen/Oct 1, 1885/Mar 10, 1966 Tombstone + Photo

PETERSOHN: [B-19-2]-Andrew Petersohn/CPL US Army/Jan 5, 1918/Apr 14, 1974 Tombstone [L-31-12]-Baby Petersohn/-Jul 24, 1950- [M-9-8]-Gerry L. Petersohn/Dec 1, 1948/Feb 12, 2007 Tombstone [Y-5-25]-Louis Petersohn/1926-2011 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Y-5-25]-Shirley A. Petersohn/Nov 25, 1929/Apr 15, 2014 Tombstone + Photo

PETERSON: [Unk]-[Charles Peterson/bur 08-30-1864] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 04-09-1864] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 09-05-1872] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 07-20-1873] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 09-06-1873] [Unk]-[Peter Peterson/bur 09-21-1873] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 08-07-1874] [Unk]-[?? Peterson/bur 02-22-1878] [Unk]-[Peter Peterson/bur 11-05-1881] [Unk]-Arabella Peterson/Mar 21, 1884/Dec 31, 1885 [Unk]-[Mrs. Peterson/bur 04-11-1893/age 70 yrs/cause: old age] [A-18-1]-[Mrs. Katherine Peterson/d. 04-16-1891/age 72 yrs/cause: cancer] [A-18-1]-[Jacob Peterson/bur 01-16-1894/age 75 yrs] [B-6-6]-Clara Peterson/1888-1946 Tombstone [B-6-6]-Bertha Peterson/Mother/1861-1929 Tombstone [B-6-6]-Peter Peterson/Father/1860-1916 Tombstone [B-6-6]-[Agnes Peterson/bur 04-28-1892/age 1 yr/cause: bronchitis] [C-9-4]-Mabel A. CHRISTMAN Peterson/nee REUTHER/Mar 17, 1894/Mar 22, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [C-9-4]-Walter H. Peterson/1878-1963 Tombstone [C-10-2]-Thomas H. Peterson/Nov 16, 1936/May 2, 1998 [C-10-2]-Raymond C. Peterson/Dec 7, 1908/Apr 13, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [C-10-2]-Lucille J. Peterson/Dec 22, 1909/Nov 12, 1994 Tombstone [C-29-3]-Hazel G. Peterson/Oct 15, 1895/Aug 20, 1984 Tombstone [E-15-1]-Roy A. "Rusty" Peterson/Apr 12, 1924/Jul 21, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [E-15-1]-Gladys M. Peterson/1926-2007 Tombstone [E-16-3]-Carol A. Peterson/Dec 4, 1950/Nov 3, 2008 Tombstone + Photo [E-23-11]-Royal A. Peterson/1908-1983 Tombstone, ossw: [E-23-11]-Cecelia Peterson/1911-2018 Tombstone + Photo [E-23-11]-Royal R. Peterson/Jun 30, 1942/Sep 28, 2021 Tombstone + Photo [E-33-9]-Marcella L. Peterson/1907-1967 Tombstone, next to: [E-33-9]-Gordon C. Peterson/Aug 18, 1914/Apr 29, 1979 Tombstone [E2-10-1]-[Baby Peterson/bur 12-20-1900/stillborn] [E2-62-2]-[Christian Peterson/bur 06-18-1890/age 76 yrs/cause: old age] [E2-62-2]-[?? Peterson/bur 09-18-1866] [E2-62-2]-[Annie Peterson/bur 12-21-1899] [E2-62-4]-[Baby Peterson/bur 05-01-1908/stillborn] [E2-72-3]-Karen 0. Peterson/Born Jan 5, 1841/Died Jun 14, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-72-3]-John P. Peterson/Sep 24, 1837/Aug 26, 1917 Tombstone [E2-73-1]-[Anna Peterson/Mrs./bur 02-12-1890/age 79 yrs/cause: rheumatism] [E2-73-2]-George Peterson/1865-Dec 8, 1932 [F-22-4]-Mary/wife of Walter Peterson/1877-1912 Tombstone [I-4-3]-[Ingaborg Peterson/bur 06-01-1903/age 62 yrs] [I-4-8]-Mabel Peterson/1887-1904 Tombstone [I-4-8]-Anna Peterson/Mother/1855-1919 Tombstone [I-4-8]-Louis Peterson/Father/1854-1918 Tombstone [K-20-6]-Genevieve K. Peterson/Apr 22, 1896/Jan 22, 1997 Tombstone, ossw: [K-20-6]-Ivor A. Peterson/May 17, 1897/Nov 10, 1981/PM1 US Navy/WWI Tombstone [L-3-5]-John Peterson/1844-Jan 3, 1906 [L-3-5]-[Anna Peterson/bur 02-07-1907/age 68 yrs/cause: bronchitis] [L-13-1]-Samuel G. Peterson/Mar 10, 1829/Mar 29, 1899 [L-31-7]-Karen Peterson/1940-1940 [L-31-12]-Baby Peterson/-Nov 9-10, 1950- [L-32-10]-Donald Harry Peterson/d. Jan 27, 1931 [M-9-16]-Duane R. Peterson/May 12, 1938/Apr 16, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [M-9-16]-Jean E. Peterson/Jan 5, 1941/Aug 17, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [P-29-5]-Charles E. Peterson/1875-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [P-29-5]-Mattie Peterson/1882-1970 Tombstone [R-8-13]-George C. Peterson/Nov 19, 1892/Feb 21, 1960 Tombstone [R-8-13]-Julia I. Peterson/Feb 15, 1893/Jan 15, 1970 Tombstone [R-14-11]-Stanley Peterson/1903-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [R-14-11]-Selma Peterson/1907-1975 Tombstone [R-14-11]-Peter Peterson/1870-1943 Tombstone, ossw: [R-14-11]-Anna Peterson/1872-1935 Tombstone [R-14-11]-Bernice Peterson ALTHEN/1908-1977 Tombstone [R-17-2]-Ronald Warren Peterson/Baby/Nov 29, 1936/Mar 31, 1937 Tombstone [R-42-3]-Carl R. HOLLANDER/1913-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [R-42-3]-Gladys HOLLANDER/nee Peterson/1915-1978 Tombstone [R-42-3]-Rumilda F. Peterson/Daughter/1922-1929 Tombstone [R-42-3]-Minnie WEGNER Peterson/Mother/1897-1945 Tombstone [R-42-3]-Oscar C. Peterson/Father/1888-1954 Tombstone [S-43-49]-Charles D. Peterson/AMM1 US Navy/WWII/Mar 2, 1922/Apr 5, 1991 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-49]-Marilyn B. Peterson/Oct 15, 1924/Oct 12, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [S-48-3]-Robert John Peterson/1886-1932Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-3]-Carrie G. Peterson LAUER/nee ROSS/1891-1977 Tombstone [T-8-8]-Harlan J. Peterson/Jun 7, 1903/Jul 15, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-8]-Evelyn J. Peterson/Sep 23, 1906/Jul 16, 1993 Tombstone [T-34-10]-Gladys Peterson/1903-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [T-34-10]-Herbert Theodore Peterson/Jun 8, 1905/Jun 20, 1984 Tombstone [U-22-3]-Rose M. Peterson/1910-1957 Tombstone [U-37-4]-Christen H. Peterson/1883-1958 Tombstone, ossw: [U-37-4]-Elizabeth Peterson/1892-1975 Tombstone [V-5-6]-Patrick H. Peterson/Sep 23, 1926/Jul 10, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [V-5-6]-Dorothy A. Peterson/1926-2012 (War vet flg) Tombstone + Photo [W-12-2]-Peter J. "Zorba" Peterson/Jul 8, 1947/Jul 23, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [W-15-8]-Jennifer S. Peterson/Jun 26, 1960/Apr 21, 1997 Tombstone [W2-106-4]-[Mina Peterson/bur 11-18-1922] [W2-106-4]-[?? Peterson/bur 02-06-1876] [W2-106-4]-[Ida Peterson/bur 06-01-1899] [W2-131-2]-[Mrs. Peterson/bur 12-04-1872] [W2-179-2]-[Christ Peterson/bur 05-27-1910] [W2-179-2]-Joseph H. Peterson Jr./Wis/Pvt. US Army/WWI/Dec 13, 1895/Nov 16, 1966 Tombstone, next to: [W2-179-2]-Martha/wife of Christ Peterson/Apr 22, 1833/Jul 30, 1891 [cause: consumption] Tombstone [W2-179-2]-Caroline Peterson/1871-1949 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-179-2]-Joseph H. Peterson/1870-1955 Tombstone [W2-188-3]-[Chester Peterson/bur 04-29-1933] [W2-217-2]-[Child of Peter Peterson/bur 03-02-1882/bur on Larson/Torrison lot] [W2-217-2]-Karan Peterson/1815-Jan 19, 1897 see ANDERSON see PETERSEN

PETH: [E2-50-5]-[Carl Peth/bur 03-19-1892/age 79 yrs/cause: old age]

PETRAN: [L-31-1]-Eric R. Petran/-Jun 16, 1983- [age 1 month] Tombstone

PETRASCH: [Unk]-[Frank Petrasch/bur 03-25-1872]


PETRESHOCK: [R-19-6]-Shirley F. Petreshock/Jun 23, 1925/Apr 15, 1981 Tombstone

PETRI: [H-4-3]-Dora OWART Petri/Mother/1867-1931 Tombstone

PETRIE: [U-27-10]-Frank Petrie/Jan 15, 1903/Oct 3, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [U-27-10]-Lillian Petrie/Mar 10, 1905/Dec 1, 1986 Tombstone

PETROSKY: [L-1-9]-Fannie Petrosky/d. Jan 11, 1921

PETSKA: [D-30-4]-Frank Petska/1876-1953 Tombstone [D-30-4]-Adolph Petska/1873-1951 (VFW flg) Tombstone, next to: [D-30-4]-Mary Petska/1828-1907 Tombstone [E-5-2]-John A. Petska/1893-1967 Tombstone, ossw: [E-5-2]-Ella P. Petska/Jun 20, 1892/Apr 13, 1987 Tombstone [E-7-8]-Victor E. Petska/Sep 12, 1921/Feb 7, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [E-7-8]-Betty Petska/nee BOLDERO/Aug 3, 1927/Nov 19, 2024 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-7-8]-Marie Petska/Granddaughter/-1969- Tombstone [O-12-2]-Anna Petska/Apr 13, 1856 Nov 5, 1914 Tombstone, ossw: [O-12-2]-Joseph Petska/Feb 12, 1853/Oct 24, 1939 Tombstone, ossw: [O-12-2]-Mary Petska/Oct 17, 1858/Oct 30, 1927 Tombstone [P-15-3]-Edward E. Petska/Father/1888-1939 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [P-15-3]-Harvey E. Petska/Sep 27, 1927/Dec 13, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [R-38-3]-Wenzel SIEBOLD/1881-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-3]-Emma SIEBOLD Petska/nee FIDLER/1882-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [R-38-3]-Emil Petska/1881-1955 Tombstone [T-8-10]-Theresa Petska/1884-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Joseph J. Petska/Mar 16, 1881/Aug 29, 1964 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Adolph V. Petska/Jun 27, 1918/May 7, 1980 (War vet flg) Tombstone [V-23-2]-Sherry Petska/nee PETERS/Jan 25, 1975/Feb 5, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [V-23-2]-Zachary KRALOVETZ/Jan 8, 1999/Jun 15, 1999 Tombstone [V-24-5]-Tristin Thomas Petska/-Mar 8, 1998- Tombstone [V-11-6]-Wilhelmina A. Petska/1918-1997 Tombstone [V-11-6]-Virgil A. Petska/Dec 5, 1913/Dec 14, 2004 Tombstone [X]-Bonnie L. Petska/Jan 7, 1946/Apr 24, 2009 Tombstone

PETTIT: [Unk]-[Hiram Pettit/bur 07-12-1864]

PETZKA: [Unk]-[Mr. Petzka/bur 01-17-1884]

PETZNICK: [T-3-12]-Ethel Mae Petznick/nee WAAK/May 10, 1917/Jul 25, 2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [T-3-12]-Robert H. Petznick/Feb 24, 1914/Dec 2, 1965 (War vet flg) Tombstone + Photo

PEW: [U-22-5]-Lester A. Pew/Dec 22, 1901/Dec 9, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [U-22-5]-Rubie H. Pew/1898-1967 Tombstone

PEYER: [L-3-2]-[Henry Peyer/bur 07-01-1902/age 45 yrs/cause: cancer of the stomach]

PEZZANI: [P-26-7]-Mike Pietro Pezzani/Apr 16, 1909/Jan 15, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [P-26-7]-Adeline M. Pezzani/May 6, 1911/Apr 18, 1972 (Am Leg Aux flg) Tombstone

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