LABENSKY: [B-18-5]-Ralph G. Labensky/WI/TEC5 794 Coast Arty Bn(AA)/WWII/Dec 13, 1920/May 7, 1955 Tombstone [L-29-15]-Elsie Labensky/1895-1943 Tombstone [L-29-15]-Victor Labensky/1892-1974/space #172 (War vet flag) Tombstone
LABINSKI: [E-8-6]-Anton D. Labinski/Jun 3, 1909/Nov 19, 1998 Tombstone [L-17-1]-[Baby Labinski/bur. 08-21-1917/premature birth] [T-22-1]-Frank R. Labinski/Apr 1, 1911/Nov 29, 1992 Tombstone
LABITZKE: [M-5-5]-Edward R. Labitzke/May 29, 1936/Oct 7, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
LABRECHE: [W2-158-4]-Bessie A. Lebreche/1884-1969 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-158-3]-George J. Lebreche/1878-1963 Tombstone
LABRECQUE: [W2-235-3]-John Joseph Labrecque/Nov 16, 1935/Feb 19, 1999 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-235-3]-Marjorie Labrecque/Dec 18, 1943/Jul 15, 2024 Tombstone
LACEY: [A-9-2]-[Lucy Elizabeth Lacey/bur 19 Dec. 1915] Tombstone [E2-87-2]-Adaline Lacey/bur 1879 Tombstone
LACHAPPELLE: [Y-2-22]-Mary E. Lachappelle/Feb 18, 1913/May 22, 1995 Tombstone
LACHLER: [Unk]-[Baby Lachler/child of Mr. C. Lachler/bur. 12-09-1867] [Unk]-[Baby Lachler/child of Mr. Lachler/bur. 12-24-1867]
LACOSSE: [E-26-1]-Paul N./1915-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [E-26-1]-Ellen Lacosse FANDRICK/nee CROWE/1919-2005 Tombstone [E-26-1]-Robert Paul LaCosse/Jul 7, 1949/May 12, 2009 Tombstone [Q-1B-2]-Patrick A. Lacosse/Dec 1955/Sep 2011 Tombstone [W2-188-2]-Albert J./1883-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-188-2]-Elizabeth/1877-1933 Tombstone
LACOST: [H-22-5]-Joseph N. Lacost/MN/Wagoner 125 Field Arty 34 Div/Jul 16, 1885/Aug 7, 1944 Tombstone, next to: [H-22-5]-Emma L. Lacost/Apr 3, 1893/Jan 22, 1980 Tombstone
LACOUNT: [A-36-2]-[Baby LaCount/bur 09-24-1890/] [E2-55-2]-Jane/Wife of J LaCount/Died Aug 30, 1862/AE 55 Y's Tombstone [W2-233-1]-Abe Lacount/1856-1925 Tombstone, next to: [W2-233-1]-Mary Lacount/1859-1921 Tombstone
LACOURSE: [T-8-1]-Edward D. La Course/Apr 3, 1903/Apr 12, 1966 Tombstone + Photo
LACOURT: [E-41-7]-Ellen G. LaCourt/Oct 22, 1887/Apr 18, 1979 Tombstone
LACROSSE: [E-37-4]-Myrtle M. LaCrosse/Oct 6, 1917/May 26, 1965 Tombstone
LADD: Robert Ladd/Aug 23, 1958/Jun 25, 2020 Photo
LADE: [C-17-1]-Rose S. Lade/Mother/1880-1939 Tombstone [C-17-1]-Richard A. Lade/Father/1875-1960 Tombstone [U-1-7]-Rose A./1905-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [U-1-7]-Edwin R./1903-1970 Tombstone [U-1-7]-Michael E. Lade/May 14, 1963/May 25, 2000 Tombstone see LADWIG
LADWIG: [Unk]-[?? Ladwig/bur 06-15-1882/age 1 yr] [C-2-6]-[Baby Ladwig/bur 06-12-1893/stillborn] [C-2-6]-[Emma Ladwig/bur 05-08-1896/age 2 yrs] [C-2-6]-[Flora Ladwig/bur 10-30-1897/age 2 yrs.] [C-2-6]-[Esther Ladwig/bur 02-02-1898/age 5 wks] [C-2-6]-Carl Ladwig/Jun 23, 1855/Oct 9, 1923 Tombstone [D-14-2]-Fred Ladwig/Father/1848-1930 Tombstone, next to: [D-14-2]-Marie Ladwig/Mother/1854-1927 Tombstone, next to: [D-14-2]-Fred Ladwig/Son/1888-1906 Tombstone, next to: [D-14-2]-William Ladwig/Son/1878-1902 Tombstone [D-14-2]-[Gilbert Ladwig/bur 09-04-1913] [D-14-2]-[Alois Ladwig/bur. 08-12-1913] [D-14-2]-[Calom Ladwig/bur 08-19-1913] [D-14-2]-[Mildred Deloris Ladwig/bur 01-31-1923/age 1 yr] [D-14-3]-Esther Ladwig/1897-1924/Mother Tombstone + Photo [D-20-4]-Henry/1870-1948 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Helen Ladwig/1870-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [D-20-4]-Anne Emma (Ladwig) GREEN/Dau./June 17, 1903/July 14, 1979 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-4]-Henry Ladwig/1907-1932 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-1]-(Henry)/Father/Jan 24, 1838/Jun 9, 1922 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-1]-(Fredericka)/Mother/Feb 26, 1835/Jul 23, 1917 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-1]-Albert Ladwig/Born Jan 14, 1875/Died Dec 8, 1929 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-1]-August Ladwig/born Jun 23, 1873/Died Jul 30, 1938 Tombstone, next to: [D-20-1]-Herman Ladwig/Dec 31, 1877/Jul 6, 1900 Tombstone [D-27-3]-Henry Ladwig/Aug 7, 1877/Oct 29, 1918 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-3]-Minnie Ladwig/1886-1960 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-4]-Maggie Ladwig/Dec 23, 1873/Sep 6, 1906 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-4]-Karoline Ladwig/Aug 3, 1853/Jun 16, 1925 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-4]-Christopher Ladwig/Feb 4, 1843/Sep 20, 1921 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-4]-Karl J. Ladwig/Sep 15, 1880/Oct 1, 1916 Tombstone, next to: [D-27-4]-Olga Ladwig/Nov 6, 1883/Dec 18, 1900 Tombstone [H-12-4]-Emma/1883-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [H-12-4]-Gladys DOHNAL/1911-1936 Tombstone, ossw: [H-12-4]-Baby-Grace DOHNAL/Apr 11-13, 1936 Tombstone, ossw: [H-12-4]-Louis Ladwig/1884-1960 Tombstone [L-32-9]-Marilyn S. Ladwig/Baby/Mar 10, 1935/Dec 31, 1936 Tombstone [O-10-5]-Lillian Ladwig/1892-1947 Tombstone, next to: [O-10-5]-Carl E. Ladwig/Oct 25, 1892/Feb 18, 1977 Tombstone, next to: [O-10-5]-Meta M. Ladwig/Jun 9, 1899/Nov 12, 1988 Tombstone [P-8-9]-Emma Ladwig/Mother/1859-1943 Tombstone [T-16-7]-Agatha Ladwig/Mother/1883-1963 Tombstone, next to: [T-16-7]-George W. Ladwig/Father/1880-1948 Tombstone [U-7-8]-Herman C./1896-1953 (Am Leg flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-7-8]-Elsie A. Ladwig/Dec 6, 1899/Dec 3, 1992 Tombstone [U-7-8]-LaVerne L. Ladwig/Nov 13, 1927/Jan 30, 2017 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-7-8]-Kenneth H. Ladwig/Jul 27, 1924/Mar 17, 1991 Tombstone [U-12-4]-William J./1889-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [U-12-4]-Martha J. Ladwig/Sep 1, 1896/Feb 21, 1993 (War vet flag) Tombstone [U-12-4]-George H. Ladwig/WI/TSgt Co B 240 Engr Const BN/WWII/Aug 18, 1915/Aug 3, 1953 Tombstone [U-13-4]-William F./1894-1965 Tombstone, ossw: [U-13-4]-Amanda Dora Carolina Ladwig/Nov 19, 1893/Nov 23, 1982 Tombstone [W2-221-3]-[Baby Ladwig/bur 04-25-1889] [W2-221-3]-Carl Ladewig/geboren 17 Mai 1813/gestorben 9 Sep 1882 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-221-3]-Sophia/gattin von/C LADWIG/geboren 22 Mai 1816/11 Dec 1896 Tombstone [W2-236-5]-Richard Ladwig/1882-1921 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-236-5]-Amanda Ladwig/1884-1968 Tombstone [Y-2-28]-Evelyn Myrtle Ladwig/Feb 25, 1913/Apr 2, 1999 Tombstone [Y-2-28]-Earl Ladwig/Mar 10, 1910/May 29, 1992 Tombstone [Y-2-28]-Dorothy M. Ladwig/Mar 21, 1919/Feb 24, 1993 Tombstone [Y-2-28]-Carolyn M. Ladwig/Apr 4, 1924/Oct 20, 2005 Tombstone [Y-3-8]-Elaine Helen Ladwig/Jun 16, 1926/May 13, 1999 Tombstone [Y-3-8]-Milton F. Ladwig/Sep 8, 1921/Oct 7, 2001 Tombstone [Y-3-8]-Clarence M. Ladwig/Jul 10, 1927/Mar 25, 2007 Tombstone see GREEN see LADEWIG
LAFAVE: [L-8-4]-Myrtle/Dau of H & M LaFave/Died Apr 22, 1918/Aged 14 years Tombstone
LAFLEUR: [L-32-10]-[Baby LaFleur/bur 1-8-1931] [U-31-5]-Dorothy M. LaFleur/Oct 5, 1935/Feb 25, 2015 Photo [Y-5-5]-Luanne M. LaFleurJul 31, 1949/May 28, 2013 Tombstone
LAFOND: [E-41-9]-Roland F. Lafond/Dec 1, 1922/Nov 24, 2000 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-41-9]-Jeannette L. "Jinx" Lafond/Dec 18, 1925/Sep 2, 1980 Tombstone [F-4-4]-Michael J. Lafond/Nov 2, 1959/Sep 7 1984 Tombstone [F-4-4]-Rita Ann/May 15, 1932/Jun 12, 2011 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-4-4]-James J. Lafond/Aug 30, 1932/Nov 12, 2000 Tombstone + Photo [F-4-4]-Michele Marie LaFond/Oct 16, 1957/Sep 3, 2020 Tombstone + Photo [Y-2-40]-Iola M. LaFond/Jan. 26, 1926/May 1, 2013 Tombstone
LAGESSE: [U-1-7]-Frank LaGesse/Father/1887-1973 Tombstone [U-1-7]-Tillie LaGesse/Mother/1886-1951 Tombstone
LAGNER: [G-3-15]-Anna Lagner/1801-1888 Tombstone, next to: MUSIL-KRAINIK
LAHEY: [W-16-6]-Donald H. Lahey/Aug 9, 1924/Jun 4, 1993 Tombstone
LAISURE: [U-29-8]-Ervin/1887-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [U-29-8]-Aura Laisure STRONG/nee LABINE/1890-1978 Tombstone
LAJEUNESSE: [W-2-13]-Joseph F. LaJeunesse/Jul 31, 1940/Jun 20, 2018/US Army Tombstone + Photo
LAKATOS: [S-42-43]-Melvin Walter Lakatos/Jul 17, 1926/May 1, 2016 Tombstone + Photo [S-42-43]-Geraldine M. Lakatos/Jan 28, 1930/Oct 18, 2019 Tombstone + Photo [T-1-9]-Joseph Sr./1893-1959 (Am Leg flag) Tombstone, ossw: [T-1-9]-Clara/1895-1962 Tombstone
LAKAY: [Unk]-[Mrs. Lakay/bur 12-02-1882]
LAKE: [H-9-3]-Kendall E. Lake/nee MUTH/1950-2023 TombstoneLAKTOWITSCH: [Unk]-[?? Laktowitsch/bur 02-18-1869]
LALEIKE: [E-13-6]-Lowell D. Laleike/Oct 8, 1930/Mar 14, 1996 Tombstone [E-13-6]-Lucille A. LaLeike/Nov 6, 1930/Mar 11, 2011 Tombstone
LAMACH: [E-34-6]-Roy G. Lamach/1913-1966 Tombstone, ossw: [E-34-6]-Marian Lamach FREIBERG/nee ZIPPERER/1927-2014 Tombstone
LAMBERG: [M-3-19]-William H. Lamberg/Sep 13, 1941/Nov 11, 2016 Photo
LAMBERT: [S-50-2]-Lauraine H. Lambert/1925-1926 Tombstone, ossw: [S-50-2]-Robert J. Lambert/1927-1928 Tombstone, next to: [S-50-2]-Helen B. Lambert/1904-1965 Tombstone, next to: [S-50-2]-Jess Lambert/1900-1957 Tombstone
LAMBKIN: [V-24-8]-Stanley H. Lambkin/Aug 16, 1920/May 16, 2006 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-24-8]-Grace C. Lambkin/Jun 25, 1917/Aug 10, 1997 Tombstone
LAMBRECHT: [B-26-1]-Ida Lambrecht/1852-1931 Tombstone
LAMBRIES: [S-43-32]-Laverne M. (Holly) Lambries/1924-Apr 2, 2001 Tombstone [T-11-4]-Nicklaus J. Lambries/Aug 16, 1910/Jul 11, 1998 Tombstone [T-11-4]-Sylvia G. Lambries/Feb 13, 1916/Jan 23, 1992 Tombstone [U-11-3]-Henry J. Lambries/Feb 29, 1908/Oct 6, 1981 Tombstone [V-10-5]-Gaylord L. Lambries/Apr 29, 1934/Nov 13, 2021 Tombstone [V-19-5]-Edward R./1904-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-5]-LaMoyne B. Lambries/Apr 30, 1912/Nov 8, 1980 Tombstone [V-32-1]-Jean T. Lambries/Jan 15, 1910/Feb 2, 1989 Tombstone, ossw: [V-32-1]-Albert N./1908-1972 Tombstone + Photo [V-32-2]-Albert T./1930-1973 Tombstone
LAMPEREUR: [L-26-1]-Reese James Lampereur (fetus)/-May 18, 2006
LAMPERT: [L-30-10]-Laura Lampert/Nee EICKMEIER/1876-1935 Tombstone
LANDIS: [P-10-3]-Harry C. Landis/Mar 30, 1899/Dec 18, 1979 Tombstone [P-10-3]-Anita E. Landis/Apr 4, 1906/Nov 3, 1988 Tombstone
LANDON: [Q-1C-1]-James P. Landon/Aug 2, 1965/Oct 10, 2018 Tombstone [Y-4-3]-John P. Landon/Jul 18, 1916/Sep 15, 1998 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-4-3]-Marian Landon/May 22, 1918/Aug 23, 2008 Tombstone
LANDRETH: [B-1-1]-[Albert]/Father/1858-1899 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [B-1-1]-Madge/1885-1888 Tombstone, next to: [B-1-1]-Meta/1888-1892 Tombstone
LANDT: [V-7-3]-Russ T. Landt/1961-1985 Tombstone [V-7-3]-Dale Landt/Jun 1, 1937/Apr 14, 2016 Tombstone + Photo
LANEVILLE: see Lenerville
LANG: [Unk]-[Fried. Lang/bur 03-05-1869] [G-12-7]-[Baby Lang/bur 05-02-1935/stillborn/bur on Robert Lang lot] [G-12-7]-Robert Lang/Father/Mar 12, 1890/Mar 23, 1950 Tombstone + Photo [G-12-7]-Alma Lang/Mother/Jul 11, 1898/Oct 29, 1931 Tombstone + Photo [O-21-4]-Kenneth/1891-1912 Tombstone, ossw: [O-21-4]-Harry A./1869-1941 Tombstone, ossw: [O-21-4]-Anstice B./1873-1948 Tombstone [O-23-5]-John J./1870-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [O-23-5]-Rose/1872-1963 Tombstone [P-18-6]-Sylvester J. Lang/Jan 20, 1902/Apr 10, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-6]-Helen M. Lang/Feb 25, 1903/Mar 3, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [P-18-6]-John J./1928-1945 Tombstone [U-5-8]-Arnold G./1899-1970 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [U-5-8]-Malinda T./1912-1973 Tombstone + Photo [W-14-4]-Elizabeth C. Lang/Feb 15, 1940/Mar 1, 2022 Tombstone + Photo [Y-5-15]-Donald Harold Lang/May 23, 1929/May 8, 1991 Tombstone [Y-5-15]-Marion H. Lang/Feb 19, 1931/Mar 8, 2007 Tombstone [Y-5-15]-Daniel R. Lang/Feb 22, 1951/Jun 15, 2019 Tombstone + Photo
LANGE: [Unk]-[Christian Lange/bur 08-18-1860] [Unk]-[Maria Lange/bur 10-31-1879] [A-6-3]-Johanna Lange/Mother/1864-1926 Tombstone [B-16-1]-Reinhard/1894-1977 (War vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [B-16-1]-Elsa/1891-1974 Tombstone [D-42-1]-Helen Lange/Jan 28, 1908/Apr 19, 1978 Marker [E-36-5]-Erwin A. Lange/Nov 18, 1902/Aug 6, 1986 Tombstone [E-36-5]-Julia T. Lange/May 29, 1903/Sep 14, 1991 Tombstone [E-36-5]-Dale Lange/Jan 19, 1929/Sep 30, 2008 Tombstone [H-6-2]-Carl Lange/Geboren 14 Nov 1843/Gestorben 17 Mai 1919 Tombstone, ossw: [H-6-2]-Friedricke Lange/Geb KANSIER/Geboren 30 Oct 1847/Gestorben 15 Mai 1887/Alter 39Jahre 6mo Tombstone [H-6-2]-Maria Lange/Geboren 15 Apr 1817/gestorben 16 Apr 1885/im Alter von 68Jah 1Tag Tombstone, ossw: [H-6-2]-Friedrich Lange/Geboren 10 Dez 1816/gestorben 12 Juli 1884/im alter von 67Jah 7mo 2da Tombstone [H-20-4]-[Alvin Lange/bur 06-14-1921] [H-20-4]-[Anna Lange/bur 10-18-1884] [H-20-4]-[Max Lange/bur 05-14-1886/age 3 yrs] [H-20-4]-[Anna Lange/Mrs/d. 07-01-1946] [I-8-2]-Marie/Mother/1872-1972 Tombstone, ossw: [I-8-2]-Bernhard/Father/1865-1906 Tombstone [L-5-3]-[Richard Lange/bur 03-15-1899] [L-12-5]-Margaretha [Marquerite]/Mother/1847-1899 Tombstone, ossw: [L-12-5]-Herman J./Father/1855-1936 Tombstone [O-11-4]-August H. Lange/Aug 17, 1902/Feb 23, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [O-11-4]-Amanda Lange/Oct 12, 1895/Nov 29, 1982 Tombstone [P-10-7]-Emma/1872-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [P-10-7]-Charles C./1870-1945 Tombstone [V-19-3]-Hugo A./1900-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-3]-Pearl H. Lange/Aug 16, 1910/Oct 5, 1991 Tombstone [Y-6-11]-William Lange/Aug 8, 1924/Jun 24, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-6-11]-Elizabeth Lange/Dec 8, 1926/Nov 27, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
LANGENFELD: [E-31-1]-Robert M./Feb 9, 1921/May 10, 2009/US Navy WWII Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-31-1]-Pauline L./Jul 25, 1925/Feb 7, 2012 Tombstone + Photo
LANGENKAMP: [D-26-1]-Anna RECHCYGL/Daughter/1858-1951 Tombstone, next to: [D-26-1]-Anna RECHCYGL/Mother/1829-1898 Tombstone, next to: [D-26-1]-Adolph RECHCYGL/Son/1857-1937 Tombstone [D-26-2]-[(Antonia) Langenkamp/bur 07-05-1900] Tombstone [D-26-2]-[Anton Langenkamp/bur 5/25/1925] Tombstone + Photo [D-26-2]-[Anna Langenkamp/d 03-06-1943] Tombstone [D-26-2]-[Lillian Langenkamp/bur 11/17/1925/age 52yr] Tombstone [V-19-3]-Joseph P. Langenkamp/Jul 9, 1877/Aug 17, 1976 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-3]-Alma M. Langenkamp/Mar 31, 1881/July2, 1979 Tombstone [X-38-2]-Paul G. Langenkamp/Mar 30, 1944/Aug 10, 2024 Photo [Y-6-6]-Daniel J. Langenkamp/Aug 23, 1918/Jul 25, 1986 Tombstone [Y-6-6]-Caroline M. Langenkamp/Apr 6, 1919/Dec 13, 2006 Tombstone
LANGER: [E-27-6]-Raymond J. Langer/May 28, 1915/Oct 10, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [E-27-6]-Marian G. Langer/Nov 11, 1921/Jun 8, 2017 Tombstone + Photo [T-22-4]-Frank Sr./1866-1947 Tombstone, ossw: [T-22-4]-Josephine/1875-1964 Tombstone [T-23-8]-Carol Langer/Sep 7, 1948/Jan 24, 2010 Tombstone
LANGLEY: [P-19-6]-Joseph/Father/1876-1944 Tombstone, ossw: [P-19-6]-Annie/Mother/1884-1961 Tombstone
LANGLOIS: [E-9-4]-Ione J. Langlois/Apr 29, 1929/Jun 23, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [E-9-4]-Robert Jerome Langlois/May 12, 1929/Apr 20, 2005 Tombstone
LANGNESE: [S-43-18]-Daniel M. Langnese/Jun 17, 1913/Nov 14, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [S-43-18]-Caroline E. Langnese/1926-2014 Tombstone + Photo
LANGO: [L-6-1]-[Baby Lango/bur 10-12-1900] [L-6-1]-[Jos. Lango/bur 10-15-1900/age 28 yrs]
LANGRILL: [F-4-2]-Richard H./1883-1961 Tombstone, ossw: [F-4-2]-Catherine Luella/1878-1961 Tombstone [F-4-2]-Florence Ann Langrill/Sep 18, 1911/Jun 29, 2003 Tombstone
LANGUM: [A-40-1]-[Martha Langum/bur 06-01-1918]
LANGWORTHY: [A-9-2]-Lucia E. Lacey/May 24, 1835/Dec 13, 1915 Tombstone, next to: [A-9-2]-John W.C. Langworthy[bur 01-30-1887] Tombstone, next to: [A-9-2]-Lucretia C. Langworthy/(1820/Mar 15, 1899) Tombstone
LANING: [D-39-4]-[Eunice M. Laning/Apr 1, 1889/Nov 27, 1971 Tombstone, ossw: Nielson
LAPERRIERE: [R-32-9]-Myrtle/1907-1971 Tombstone, ossw: [R-32-9]-Clyde J./1912-1965 (War vet flag) Tombstone
LAPLANTE: [W-15-7]-Francis P. LaPlante, Jr./Jan 21, 1951/Jun 1, 2014 Photo
LAPOINTE: [R-6-8]-Sophia LaPointe/Mother/Aug 19, 1889/Sep 10, 1967 Tombstone, ossw: [R-6-8]-John G. SWOKOWSKI/Father/1898-1941 Tombstone [R-6-8]-Adrian J. LaPointe/Aug 24, 1900/Feb 26, 1981/Sgt US Marine Corps/WWI & II Tombstone + Photo
LAPOTKO: [F-2-4]-Gregory F. Lapotko/Father/1870-1924 Tombstone
LARENTZ: [Unk]-[Miss Larentz/bur. 09-05-1880]
LAROCK: [C-24-5]-Alma E. LaRock/Mother/Sep 22, 1901/Jun 9, 1981 Tombstone [U-23-8]-Hilda M. LaRock/Jan 23, 1900/Aug 7, 1978 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-8]-David STEWART/1899-1955 Tombstone
LAROCQUE: [Y-4-4]-Neil/Apr 5, 1948/Aug 18, 2007 Tombstone
LARSEN: [A-31-4]-George VOGEL/1880-1890 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-4]-William VOGEL/1858-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-4]-Minnie VOGEL/1859-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-4]-William VOGEL/1879-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-4]-William Larsen/1919-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-4]-Hertha VOGEL/1894-1958 Tombstone [B-22-1]-Olivia Larsen DIEHM/Nee FEHRING/Aug 27, 1891/Nov 23, 1940 Tombstone, next to: [B-22-1]-Arthur E. Larsen/WI/Pvt 1 GL 4 CAV/Jun 5, 1936 Tombstone, next to: see FEHRING [C-15-2]-Sophie Larsen/Mother/1843-1936 Tombstone, next to: [C-15-2]-Johanna Larsen/Daughter/1878-1972 Tombstone [I-3-3]-[Ida Larsen/bur 09-07-1902/age 1 mo.] [R-16-7]-Mabelle B./1892-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [R-16-7]-Alantser F./1891-1935 Tombstone [R-16-7]-[Carl F. Larsen/d. 02-18-1957 [removed to Knollwood Memorial Gardens 6/28/1967] [R-43-7]-Marie C. Larsen/Dec 25, 1875/Jan 17, 1973 Tombstone, next to: [R-43-7]-Elizabeth Larsen/Oct 10, 1854/Nov 25, 1924/Mother Tombstone, next to: [R-43-7]-Mons Larsen/Dec 21, 1852/Jun 28, 1927/Father Tombstone [R-45-4]-William N. Larsen/1874-1952 Tombstone, next to: [R-45-4]-Iunina C. Larsen/1867-1950 Tombstone, next to: [R-45-4]-Bernhard H. Larsen/1872-1945 Tombstone, next to: [R-45-4]-Hilbert L. Larsen/1870-1937 Tombstone, next to: [R-45-4]-Karen H. Larsen/1844-1927 Tombstone, next to: [R-45-4]-Borre Larsen/1841-1878 Tombstone [W2-145-2]-Peder Larsen/Father/Jun 11, 1830/Jul 11, 1895 Tombstone, next to: [W2-145-2]-Anne C. Larsen/Mother/May 6, 1846/May 29, 1914 Tombstone [W2-145-2]-[Baby Larsen (Julia)/bur 04-01-1872] [W2-145-2]-[Oscar T. Larsen/bur 06-30-1897] [W2-190-1]-[Laura Larsen/bur 07-30-1949/age 65 yrs] [W2-203-4]-Marian C. Larsen/Jan 12/Jan 15, 1932 Tombstone [Y-1-19]-Tjodolf M. Larsen/1912-1980 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-1-19]-Sylvia Marie Larsen/Jan 13, 1913/Aug 1, 1999 Tombstone
LARSON: [Unk]-[?? Larson/bur 07-16-1863] [Unk]-[?? Larson/bur 08-02-1866] [Unk]-[?? Larson/bur 02-18-1867] [Unk]-[?? Larson/bur 02-19-1867] [Unk]-[L. Larson/bur 02-06-1870] [Unk]-[Baby Larson/bur 11-01-1874] [Unk]-[Knud Larson/bur 08-28-1876] [Unk]-[Knut Larson/bur 12-20-1872] [Unk]-(Ansteen Larson/bur 09-12-1882) [Unk]-[Miss Larson/bur 12-09-1886] [Unk]-[Mrs. O. Larson/bur 05-10-1874] [Unk]-[Oscar Larson/bur 08-17-1891/age 2 yrs/cause: whooping cough and pneumonia] [Unk]-[Louise Larson/bur 9/21/1873] [A-13-3]-[Louis Larson/bur 01-30-1888/age 22 yrs] [A-13-3]-[Lars Larson/bur. 10-02-1907] [A-31-3]-Ray E. Larson/Nov 4, 1912/May 18, 1977 Tombstone, ossw: [A-31-3]-Alphile G."Allie" Larson/Sep 15, 1912/Feb 10, 2004 Tombstone [A-38-2]-[Andrea Larson/bur 09-17-1914] [C-10-4]-Klaus E. Larson/1898-1958 [D-33-3]-John Larson/Father/(1824/Feb 9, 1924) Tombstone, ossw: [D-33-3]-Hannah Larson/Mother (d. 1926/age 74) Tombstone, ossw: [D-33-3]-Charles Larson/(Feb 10, 1884/Jan 13, 1902) Tombstone, ossw: [D-33-3]-Lewis Larson/(Jun 19, 1886/Mar 29, 1913) Tombstone, next to: [D-33-3]-Oscar Larson/WI/Pvt Btry D 41 Field Arty/WWI/Sep 20, 1892/Nov 13, 1961 Tombstone [E-2-8]-Thomas Larson/Jan 21, 1939/Aug 18, 2007 Tombstone [E-6-2]-Dolores A. Larson/Jan 29, 1939/Feb 19, 1996 Tombstone [E-6-2]-Orlis J. Larson Sr./Apr 23, 1933/Jan 25, 2007 Tombstone [E-12-11]-William G. Larson/Mar 28, 1927/Aug 22, 2014 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-12-11]-Anne M. Larson/Jan 14, 1930/Jul 27, 1997 [disinterred from Knollwood Gardens] Tombstone + Photo [E-15-3]-William D. Larson/Oct 27, 1960/Mar 2, 2016 Photo, ossw: [E-15-3]-Theodore G. Larson/Feb 9, 1930/Apr 19, 2019 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-15-3]-Mary Lou Larson/Apr 4, 1930/Feb 10, 2023 Tombstone + Photo [E-23-7]-Harlan G. Larson/Aug 22, 1926/May 25, 2023 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-23-7]-Geneve O. Larson/Mar 10, 1923/Jun 29, 1982 Tombstone [E-23-10]-Donald W. Larson/Oct 21, 1917/Jul 28, 1990 Tombstone [E-23-10]-Anita V. Larson/Mar 16, 1919/Apr 8, 2007 Tombstone [E-32-9]-John G. Larson/1905-1969 Tombstone [E2-1-12]-Eugene G. Larson/Aug 22, 1919/Feb 23, 1979 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-1-12]-Alma E./1919-2012 Tombstone [E2-17-1]-(Hannah Larson/bur 03-07-1877) [E2-17-1]-[Lars Larson/bur 07-07-1909] [E2-38-3]-[Mrs. Hans M. Larson/bur 10-19-1887] [G-5-3]-Emma Larson/1868-1949 Tombstone [G-5-3]-Evan Larson/1855-1926 Tombstone, next to: see SPIEGEL [G-7-5]-Alvira Larson/1903-1926 Tombstone [K-4-3]-Christian HERMAN Larson/1854-1914 Tombstone, ossw: [K-4-3]-Marie HERMAN/1861-1941 Tombstone [L-1-1]-Emil Cilius Larson/A Native of Denmark/Lost off Schooner Magellan/Off Two Rivers Point/Oct 9, 1877 Tombstone [L-1-3]-Karen Marie Larson/Born Nov. 27, 1828/died May 6, 1874 Tombstone [L-2-10]-Carrie Larson/d. Oct. 18, 1926/no stone [L-11-2]-[Enoch Larson/bur 07-20-1907/age 83 yrs./cause: general debility] [L-21-2]-[Ole Larson/bur 02-12-1913/cause: general paralysis] [L-31-5]-Julia Angel Larson/-Jun 24, 2015- Tombstone [L-31-11]-[Baby boy Larson/d. 07-03-1944/premature/son of Theo. Larson] [P-2-6]-Marion F. Larson/Sep 4, 1918/Jun 18, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [P-2-6]-Earl W. Larson/Apr 11, 1917/Aug 27, 1991 Tombstone [R-12-1]-Randolph Scott Larson/-1949- Tombstone [R-34-2]-Fred Larson/Father/May 30, 1888/Apr 27, 1934 Tombstone [T-8-9]-Louis G. Larson/Dec 6, 1890/Mar 24, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-9]-Mamie Larson/Feb 14, 1893/Apr 30, 1991 Tombstone [U-7-9]-Milton/1903-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [U-7-9]-Luella Appoline Larson/Oct 7, 1901/Oct 1, 1998 Tombstone [V-3-5]-Walter L. Larson/Jun 7, 1898/Oct 30, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [V-3-5]-Iva S. Larson/Aug 23, 1906/Feb 4, 1998 Tombstone [V-3-5]-Valeria S. KANTER Larson/nee RUSCH/Feb 19, 1929/Dec 31, 2003 Tombstone [V-19-6]-Reuben K. Larson/1924-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [V-19-6]-Ione M. Larson/nee STREICH/May 5, 1927/Jul 10, 2017 (war vet flag) Tombstone [W2-134-3]-Edward Larson/1873-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-134-3]-Amanda Larson/1882-1964 Tombstone [W2-142-4]-[Knut Larson/bur 10-24-1872] [W2-143-2]-(Marie Larson/bur 07-08-1877) [W2-196-2]-Arthur N. Larson, M.D./Nov 28, 1926/Apr 9, 1995 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-196-2]-Marilyn Brandt Larson/Feb 5, 1929/Jun 17, 2009 Tombstone [W2-210-2]-[Baby Larson/bur 04-15-1890] (Fredricke Larson/Apr 12, 1890/Sep 13, 1890/from record) (Walter Larson/Apr 12, 1890/Sep 14, 1890/from record) [W2-210-2]-Marie L. Larson/1852-1890 Tombstone, next to: [W2-210-2]-Lars P. Larson/1834-1899 Tombstone, next to: [W2-210-2]-Esther I. Larson/1879-1951 Tombstone, next to: [W2-210-2]-Thomas H. Larson/1883-1951 Tombstone [Y-5-24]-Claire M. Larson/Sep 14, 1923/Feb 3, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-5-24]-Grant B. Larson/1915-2010 Tombstone
LARVE: [Unk]-[?? Larve/bur 01-02-1867]
LASCH: [E-21-2]-Edward G. Lasch/Mar 7, 1920/Oct 11, 1986 Tombstone, ossw: [E-21-2]-Dorothy C. Lasch/1922-2009 Tombstone [S-50-1]-Roy W. Lasch/Apr 18, 1922/Jun 15, 1985 Tombstone [T-13-8]-William C. Lasch/1887-1974 Tombstone, ossw: [T-13-8]-Ella C. Lasch/1889-1967 (Am Leg flag) Tombstone [T-13-8]-Paul C. Lasch/1883-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-13-8]-Emma L. Lasch/Aug 21, 1886/Nov 10, 1978 Tombstone [Y-2-35]-Milo Henry Lasch/Sep 11, 1916/Sep 17, 2004 Tombstone [Y-2-35]-Gertrude L. Lasch/Sep 15, 1920/Mar 11, 2013 Tombstone + Photo
LASKIE: [E-8-12]-Irene R. Laskie/Feb 9, 1930/Sep 19, 2018 Tombstone + Photo
LASSEN: [R-2-4]-Louis G. Lassen/Cpl 14 Co 161 Depot Brigade/WWI/Jun 29, 1896/Oct 22, 1962 Tombstone
LAST: [V-34-5]-Harold W. Last/Apr 29, 1913/Jul 15, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [V-34-5]-Anne G. Last/Feb 12, 1913/Apr 27, 2000 Tombstone [W2-229-1]-Joan Last/Dec 14, 1919/Feb 27, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-229-1]-Hamlin R. Last/Feb 27, 1920/Feb 22, 2008 Tombstone
LAU: [G-2-3]-Mary A. Lau/Jul 15, 1915/Jan 8, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [G-2-3]-Richard F. Lau/Dec 7, 1928/Jan 24, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
LAUCH: [R-16-2]-Gustava/Father/1868-1954 Tombstone, ossw: [R-16-2]-Marian/Mother/1871-1958 Tombstone
LAUER: [S-48-3]-Robert J. PETERSON/1886-1932 Tombstone, ossw: [S-48-3]-Carrie G. PETERSON Lauer/nee ROSS/Aug 16, 1891/Sep 29, 1977 Tombstone
LAUFS: [E2-67-4]-Walter O. Laufs [bur 02-14-1909] Tombstone
LAURIN: [W-20-1]-Richard C. Laurin/May 1, 1932/Feb 1, 2012 Tombstone + Photo [W-20-1]-Artis Iris Laurin/Jul 11, 1934/Nov 17, 2011 Tombstone + Photo
LAUTENBACH: [L-24-5]-Otto Fr. Wm. Lautenbach/geboren 17 Dec 1865/gestorben 30 Sep 1868 Tombstone
LAVAKE: [A-36-5]-John Lavake/Born Sept. 12, 1818/Died Mar. 21, 1896 Tombstone [A-36-5]-[Mary Lavake aka Nancy/bur. 12-29-1907]
LAVANEE: [L-7-6]-[Mrs. Harriet Lavanee/bur. 01-19-1893/age 43 yrs./cause: bladder disease]
LAVARNWAY: [M-12-4]-James Allen "Fuzz" Lavarnway, Sr./Jul 17, 1929/Feb 25, 2005 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [M-12-4]-Faye M. Lavarnway/Jul 13, 1930/Sep 21, 2022 Tombstone + Photo
LAVECK: [C-24-6]-Minnie Laveck/1874-1933 Tombstone, ossw: [C-24-6]-Theodore F. Laveck/1871-1952 Tombstone [V-15-3]-Earl A. Laveck/Brother/Aug 6, 1905/Feb 1, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [V-15-3]-Mabel L. Laveck/Sister/May 11, 1909/Nov 25, 2005 Tombstone
LAVORA: [L-31-1]-[Baby Boy Lavora/d. 18 Oct 1984] Tombstone [L-31-1]-[Justin Kendall Lavora/d. 28 Oct 1984/age 6 hrs] Tombstone
LAWRENCE: [A-7-3]-[Genevieve Lawrence/d. 12-21-1991] [E2-58-5]-Lewis E. Lawrence/Son of Decator & Katie/Lawrence/Died Nov 22, 1880/Aged 2 Years Tombstone [E2-58-5]-Perry Lawrence/Died Oct 24, 1864/AE 8Ys 27 Ds Tombstone, ossw: [E2-58-5]-Johanah Lawrence/Died/Aug 21, 1859/AE 11Ms 11Ds Tombstone, ossw: [E2-58-5]-Willie Lawrence/Born/and/Died/Mar 26, 1860/children of/N & MN Lawrence Tombstone [E2-58-5]-[Chas. Lawrence/d. Oct 31, 1888] [E2-58-5]-[Mary Lawrence/bur 03-03-1890] Tombstone [E2-58-5]-[Linas Lawrence/bur 01-06-1891/age 82 yrs] Tombstone [F-39-1]-Lewis S. Lawrence/1851-1928 Tombstone, ossw: [F-39-1]-Mary A. Lawrence/1861-1933 Tombstone [L-2-5]-[Bertha Lawrence/bur 09-14-1894/age 35 yrs] [L-2-5]-[Alman Lawrence/bur 09-18-1894/age 4 mo] [P-30-9]-Flora Lawrence/1865-1945 Tombstone [P-30-9]-Anita C. Lawrence/Aug 18, 1910/Feb 27, 1987 Tombstone [P-30-9]-Archer L. Lawrence/Jun 23, 1904/May 15, 1992 Tombstone [T-37-10]-Raymond Lawrence/1889-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-37-10]-Louise Lawrence/1886-1957 Tombstone [T-38-9]-Louis Lawrence/Father/1884-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-38-9]-Mary Lawrence/1890-1962 Tombstone [U-5-7]-William J. Lawrence/1887-1973 Tombstone, ossw: [U-5-7]-Rose A. Lawrence/May 27, 1893/Dec 19, 1979 Tombstone [U-15-7]-Curtis Lawrence/1896-1963 (war vet flag) Tombstone, ossw: [U-15-7]-Estelle May Lawrence/Sep 16, 1898/Nov 18, 1978 Tombstone [W2-175-2]-[Richard Lawrence/bur. 11-13-1910] [W2-175-2]-[Minnie Lawrence/bur. 04-20-1914] [X-41-4]-Joan Lyn Lawrence/nee FORSBERG/May 18, 1964/Jan 28, 2024 Tombstone + Photo
LEADBEATER: [L-2-9]-James Leadbeater/1853-1923 [space #28] Tombstone [W2-179-1]-Jenny/1868-1930 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-179-1]-Isobel Leadbeater/May 10, 1887/Sep 11, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [W2-179-1]-Anna Roth/1862-1947 Tombstone
LEAVITT: [R-26-1]-Susan Leavitt PFLUEGER/Jul 6, 1936/Jul 16, 1936
LEBAL: [L-1-12]-[Warren Lebal/bur 10-27-1924/space #57]
LEBRECK: [E-28-9]-Anthony J. LeBreck/1962-1971 Tombstone [E-28-9]-Cherry LeBreck/Mar 4, 1912/Jan 28, 1991 Tombstone [E-28-9]-Merle J. LeBreck/Feb 28, 1907/Jan 11, 1992 Tombstone
LEBRUN: Endrea Cathy LeBrun/Dec 31, 1969/Jul 14, 2013
LECANN: [L-9-2]-[James LeCann/bur 10-29-1918/age 11 months]
LECHLAR: [Unk]-[(no name) Lechlar/bur 10-10-1861]
LECLAIR: [D-34-1]-Edna LeClair/1902-1963 Tombstone [E-7-7]-Peggy Sue SEPNIESKI/nee LeClair/Jan 29, 1949/Dec 2, 2002 Tombstone, ossw: [E-7-7]-Earl SHINER Leclair/1922-1970 Tombstone [E-24-11]-Roland C. Leclair/Jan 28, 1913/Feb 27, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [E-24-11]-Evelyn M. Leclair/nee GENSKE/Nov 6, 1916/Sep 3, 1980 Tombstone [E-39-3]-Leonard B. Leclair/Mar 21, 1899/Sep 23, 1975 Tombstone, ossw: [E-39-3]-Lillian A. Leclair/Apr 22, 1902/Apr 23, 2002 Tombstone [F-17-1]-Hazel Leclair/1909-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-1]-Arthur Leclair/1884-1925 Tombstone, ossw: [F-17-1]-Dorothy Leclair/May 12, 1880/Jul 22, 1981 Tombstone [I-23-2]-Lucille M. LeClair/1910-2010 Tombstone [Q-3F-2]-Leo J. Leclair/Oct 24, 1935/Mar 10, 2017 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [Q-3F-2]-Judy K. Leclair/Jul 9, 1939/Jun 15, 2021 Tombstone + Photo
LEDA: [E2-7-3]-[??? Leda/bur 12-15-1862]
LEDVINA: [E-37-13]-Jerome V. Ledvina/Sep 25, 1889/Nov 29, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [E-37-13]-Helen D. Ledvina/May 30, 1894/Mar 5, 1983 Tombstone
LEE: [F-46-4]-Lena Lee/1843-1921 Tombstone [K-4-4]-Rose/1880-1963 Tombstone, ossw: [K-4-4]-George J. Lee/Aug 22, 1879/Oct 23, 1969 Tombstone + Photo, next to: [K-4-4]-Jas. Lee/Co D/3 Wis CAV [Jul 1844/Aug 11, 1914/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone [L-1-11]-[Dora Mae Lee/bur 7-14-1928/age 3 yrs] [L-26-1]-[Baby (fetus)/bur 8-6-2001] [P-14-3]-Violet MILLER Lee/Sep 1, 1898/Dec 28, 1967 Tombstone, next to: MILLER [T-20-1]-Fred J./Father/1887-1962 Tombstone, ossw: [T-20-1]-Ida B./Mother/1883-1948 Tombstone [V-38-1]-Tchue Lee/Dec 17, 1989/May 4, 2005 Tombstone
LEET: [C-27-2]-Millie "Muzzie" Leet/1867-1943 Tombstone, next to: [C-27-2]-Walter H. Leet/Dad/1862-1921 Tombstone
LEETZ: [Unk]-[Baby Leetz/bur 06-09-1867]
LEFF: [T-38-7]-Caroline Platt Leff/Apr 7, 1903/Dec 8, 2003 [T-38-7]-William Colman Leff/Aug 19, 1907/Aug 12, 1979 Tombstone see PLATT
LEFKY: [E-43-6]-Clarence G. Lefky/Jul 7, 1909/Nov 6, 1983 Tombstone [E-43-6]-Victoria A. Lefky/Jan 29, 1911/Aug 12, 2005 Tombstone [F-6-2]-Ignatz Lefky/Born in Europe 1839/Died May 17, 1914/Father Tombstone [F-6-2]-Franciska Lefky/Born in Europe 1841/Died Nov 21, 1916, Mother Tombstone [F-6-2]-Emilia Lefky/Mother/May 4, 1882/Jul 23, 1978 Tombstone [F-6-2]-Anton H. Lefky/Father/Mar 14, 1877/May 13, 1966 Tombstone [P-29-6]-Viola A. PLANTICO Lefky/nee CAVANAUGH/Mar 6, 1896/May 9, 1993 Tombstone, ossw: [P-29-6]-Earl PLANTICO/1902-1939 Tombstone
LEGAL: [Unk]-(Eva Legal/Oct 11, 1832/Apr 22, 1873) [Unk]-[Mrs. (Barb) Legal/nee BARTOLZ/bur 07-27-1874] [Unk]-Carl Gustav Legal/8 Aug 1862/25 Dec 1869/co. index
LEGALL: [W2-198-1]-Christian Legall/Jun 16, 1831/Dec 10, 1881 Tombstone see LEGAL
LEHMAN: [E-11-2]-Dolores J. Lehman/Jan 23, 1919/Oct 1, 2008 Tombstone, ossw: [E-11-2]-Elmer N. Lehman/Sep 6, 1917/Jan 25, 1993 Tombstone [E-21-7]-Lawrence R. Lehman/Jul 13, 1938/Dec 9, 1987 Tombstone [L-30-5]-Randall W. Lehman/1979-1979 Tombstone [P-26-13]-Marie Lehman/1886-1961 Tombstone
LEHMANN: [E2-43-3]-Ludwig Lehmann/geb 24 Febr 1852/gest 5 Jan. 1861 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-43-3]-Minna Lehmann/Geb 3 Juni 1854/Gest 29, Decbr 1860 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-43-3]-Friederike Lehmann/Geb 28 Maerz 1857/Gest 26 Decbr 1860 Tombstone
LEHMKUHL: [A-5-5]-Johann D. Lehmkuhl/geb in Hanover Deutch/3 Oct 1817/Gest 7 Nov 1893 Tombstone, ossw: [A-5-5]-Margaretha Lehmkuhl/Geb 7 Mai 1817/Gest 19 Nov 1898 Tombstone, next to: [A-5-6]-Henry A. Lehmkuhl/1852-1933 Tombstone, next to: [A-5-6]-Bertha D. Lehmkuhl/1863-1948 Tombstone, next to: [A-5-6]-Charles D. Travis Lehmkuhl/1883-1945 Tombstone [C-33-3]-Lizzie DICKE Lehmkuhl/Aug 21, 1854/Nov 29, 1938 Tombstone, ossw: [C-33-3]-Gerhardt Lehmkuhl/May 14, 1850/Mar 10, 1933 Tombstone
LEIB: [U-32-1]-Andrew Leib/1885-1972 Tombstone
LEIBINGER: [UNK]-(John N. Leibinger/bur 06-01-1874)LEICHTNAM: [F-28-3]-Joseph H. Leichtnam/1882-1957 Tombstone, ossw: [F-28-3]-Margaret Leichtnam/1882-1937 Tombstone [F-28-3]-Magdalena Leichtnam/Geb 22 Juli 1838/Gest 9 Marz 1920 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [F-28-3]-John Leichtnam/Geb 12 Apr 1837/Gest 17 Feb 1931 Tombstone [F-28-3]-John P. Leichtnam/Born Sep 19, 1868/Died/Dec 19, 1916 Tombstone
LEICK: [M-12-8]-Jeanette M. Leick/May 9, 1942/Oct 24, 2018 Tombstone + Photo
LEIDER: [C-9-4]-Carol Mae Leider/1933-1933 Tombstone [O-27-6]-Adolph A. Leider/Nov 27, 1893/Nov 6, 1966 Tombstone, ossw: [O-27-6]-Pauline Leider/Jan 30, 1899/Dec 26, 1979Tombstone, ossw: [O-27-6]-Earl Leider/1920-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [O-27-6]-Florence Leider/1919-1920 Tombstone, ossw: [O-27-6]-Harold Leider/1918-1918 Tombstone [R-43-9]-Clara A. Leider/Mar 28, 1900/May 30, 1981 Tombstone, ossw: [R-43-9]-Edwin A. Leider/1897-1970 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [R-43-9]-Bernice Leider/1925 Baby 1925 Tombstone [R-43-9]-Forrest J. Leider/Nov 30, 1921/Jun 14, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [R-43-9]-Alice M. Leider/May 24, 1924/Mar 8, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [U-35-3]-Paul G. Leider/Sep 16, 1898/Sep 11, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [U-35-3]-Alma M. Leider/Sep 28, 1898/Jun 5, 1991 Tombstone [V-30-3]-Daniel K. Leider/Aug 12, 1920/Mar 18, 1994 Tombstone, ossw: [V-30-3]-Lorraine A. Leider/1921-2007 Tombstone [V-30-7]-Charles H. Leider/1907-1971 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [V-30-7]-Regina M. Leider/Jun 10, 1911/Jan 26, 1980 Tombstone
LEIFER: [T-1-6]-Leland L. Leifer/May 27, 1901/Jun 1, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [T-1-6]-Madeline H. Leifer/Jun 8, 1902/Jul 9, 1997 Tombstone [T-1-15]-Lee D. Leifer/Sep 7, 1931/Jul 6, 1993 Tombstone [V-10-6]-Karen Leifer/nee KOLLATH/Nov 30, 1948/Feb 5, 2023 Tombstone
LEIGH: [P-24-1]-Lester Leigh/Wis/Pvt/CL 410 Tel Bn/Apr 7, 1944 Tombstone
LEIGHNHARDT: [M-11-20]-Herman O. Leighnhardt/Aug 18, 1937/Jul 31, 2001 Tombstone
LEIHMANN: [Unk]-[G. Leihmann/bur 03-24-1885/age 1 yr]
LEIKER: [E-10-8]-John Leiker Jr./Mar 10, 1917/Oct 9, 1979 (War vet flg) Tombstone, ossw: [E-10-8]-Dorothy V. Leiker/Jul 25, 1917/Nov 18, 2002 Tombstone [E-10-8]-Cleelan P. Leiker/1941-1984 Tombstone, ossw: [E-10-8]-Marie P. Leiker/Jul 25, 1943/Sep 16, 1986 Tombstone James C. Leiker/Jan 14, 1944/Jan 2, 2008 Tombstone
LEIST: [E-39-10]-Charles J. Leist/Nov 29, 1927/Dec 1, 1975 Tombstone
LEITERITZ: [A-41-1]-Ernst Leiteritz/Corpl Co B 45 Wis Inf [1834-Dec 5, 1911/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone, next to: [A-41-1]-Emelie Leiteritz/Mutter/1860-1922 Tombstone, ossw: [A-41-1]-Ernst Leiteritz/Vater/1834-1911 Tombstone
LEITNER: [B-19-6]-Neil Arnold Leitner/Wis/2d Lt 3350 PLT TNG WG AF/Sep 13, 1939/Jun 19, 1965 Tombstone [L-26-1]-Baby Leitner/(fetus)/-May 12, 2008-
LEITZKE: [L-6-6]-[Carl Leitzke/bur. 08-05-1906/age 59 yrs]
LEMBERGER: [E-22-8]-Laurie A. Lemberger/Aug 14, 1960/Aug 15, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [E-23-8]-Nancy A. Lemberger/Apr 9, 1940/May 7, 1995 Tombstone [E2-5-8]-[Amelia Lemberger/d. 02-20-1940/age 74 yrs] Tombstone [L-4-7]-[Joseph Lemberger/bur 01-27-1933/age 49 yrs] [W-19-7]-Robert A. Lemberger/Jun 7, 1940/Feb 10, 2010 Tombstone
LEMEAR: [Unk]-(Carrie Lemear/d. 29 Aug 1870/age 3 yrs) [Unk]-[Child Lemear/bur 7/4/1870]
LEMKE: [C-14-2]-Wilhelm Lemke/24 Jan 1824/23 Sep 1900 Tombstone, ossw: [C-14-2]-Johanne Lemke/4 Sep 1829/17 Oct 1915 Tombstone, next to: [C-14-2]-Herman R. Lemke/1862-1948 Tombstone, next to: [C-14-2]-Phyllis Lemke/1871-1943 Tombstone [C-16-1]-Robert John Lemke/Nov 12, 1893/Dec 28, 1965 (War vet flg) Tombstone [S-45-15]-Emma DICKERT Lemke/nee SCHULTZ/Feb 23, 1881/Oct 3, 1977 Tombstone [U-34-9]-Alfred B./1902-1955 Tombstone [U-34-9]-Herman H. Lemke Sr./Apr 30, 1906/Apr 23, 1983 Tombstone, ossw: [U-34-9]-Emma R. Lemke/1910-1963 Tombstone [W2-143-2]-[Lynda Sue Lemke/bur 04-25-1949]
LEMON: [L-15-4]-[John Lemon/bur 04-02-1900/age 30 yrs]
LEMPKEE: / LEMKE: [C-14-2]-Wm. Lempkee/Co F/18 Wis Inf [Jan 20, 1824/Sep 23, 1900/from Manitowoc County Civil War Roundtable] Tombstone
LENEAU: [S-41-18]-Richard Cortland Leneau/Sep 17, 1939/May 2, 2006 Tombstone + Photo [U-25-10]-Cortland Frank Leneau/Feb 9, 1902/Oct 1, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [U-25-10]-Marcella/1905-1960 Tombstone
LENERVILLE: [E2-88-1]-John Lenerville/son of ES & J Lenerville/Died/Apr 12, 1870/Aged 25 years Tombstone (War vet flag holder) [E2-88-1]-Jane MULLIGAN/Daughter of E & J Lenerville/Born/25 May 1848/died 20 May, 1875 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-88-1]-George Lenerville/Son of E & J Lenerville/Born 25 Dec 1861/Died 9 Aug 1881 Tombstone, next to: [E2-88-1]-[Child Lenerville/bur 10-08-1869]
LENKE: [T-10-1]-Herman A. Lenke/May 10, 1880/Feb 26, 1966 Tombstone
LENNOX: [E2-94-4]-Samuel D. Lennox/US Navy/(1835/Dec 21, 1889) Tribute Tombstone [E2-25-6]-Francis F. Lennox/Born in Manitowoc/Jun 5, 1841/Died Nov 12, 1893 Tombstone, next to: [E2-25-6]-Eliza S. Lennox/Born Oct 24, 1840/Died Jun 18, 1909 Tombstone (Jos. Lennox/d. Apr 1881/from obit/no stone)
LENOX: [Unk]-[??? Lenox/bur 1-26-1863] [E2-94-4]-[Baby Lenox/bur 01-11-1868] [E2-94-4]-[Mary Lenox/d. 05-16-1874] [E2-94-4]-[Joseph Lenox/bur 01-01-1877] (Charlotte H. Lenox/d. 10 Sep 1854/from ch. record/no stone)
LENSING: [W2-232-4]-Louisa H. Lensing/Mother/May 23, 1853/Mar 3, 1930 Tombstone
LENSMEYER: [P-30-2]-Bernard F. Lensmeyer/Oct 6, 1910/Mar 31, 1992 Tombstone, ossw: [P-30-2]-Mildred Louise Lensmeyer/Nov 13, 1912/Jan 11, 2003 Tombstone [S-42-6]-Tom "Wheels"/Feb 21, 1949/Nov 3, 2007 Tombstone [T-16-9]-Louis/1892-1948 Tombstone
LENSMIRE: [E-6-6]-Quirin C. Lensmire/Dec 4, 1908/Nov 22, 1995 Tombstone [E-6-6]-Thelma D. Lensmire/Feb 11, 1909/May 6, 1996 Tombstone [E-13-9]-Rosemary C. Lensmire/Jun 6, 1925/Dec 22, 2007 Tombstone, ossw: [E-13-9]-Howard J. Lensmire/Aug 9 1925/Jun 6, 2011 Tombstone [E-29-12]-Joseph A. Lensmire/Apr 21, 1893/Dec 31, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [E-29-12]-Rose M. Lensmire/1895-1965 (War vet flg) Tombstone
LENZ: [C-26-2]-[William Lenz/bur 01-10-1895/age 61 yrs] [C-26-2]-[Baby Lenz/bur 10-16-1905] [C-26-2]-Herman Lenz/1876-1934 Tombstone [C-26-2]-Estella M. Lenz/1891-1981 Tombstone [C-26-2]-Emma Lenz/1879-1918 Tombstone [C-26-2]-Emelia Lenz/1839-1925 Tombstone [C-26-2]-Carl W. Lenz/1863-1924 (no burial record) Tombstone [C-26-2]-Lester SHANDA/1910-1919 Tombstone, ossw: [C-26-2]-Ora Lenz/1904-1905 Tombstone [E2-94-1]-Elizabeth GEHBE Lenz/1832/gestorben/15 Jan 1900/gebrn im Kaltenwetheim/Saxony/Germany Tombstone, ossw: [E2-94-1]-Jacob Lenz/geboren/4 Oct 1821/gestorben/23 Apr 1902 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-94-1]-CAMPBELL/GEHBE [T-33-4]-Helma M. Lenz/Aug 2, 1907/Sep 19, 1997 Tombstone [U-23-10]-Joseph J. Lenz/May 7, 1892/Feb 13, 1985 Tombstone, ossw: [U-23-10]-Margaret Lenz/Dec 2, 1899/Dec 12, 1966 Tombstone [V-6-5]-Edward H. Lenz/Feb 24, 1909/Oct 21, 2000 Tombstone [V-6-5]-Marion A. Lenz/Nov 6, 1917/May 14, 2006 Tombstone [V-32-8]-Dolores N. Lenz/Jan 29, 1925/Dec 9, 2001 [V-32-8]-Floyd L. Lenz/Feb 10, 1924/Dec 10, 1990
LEONARD: [I-9-7]-Anne Leonard/1863-1939 Tombstone [L-8-1]-Florence DUSEK Leonard/1885-1929 Tombstone, ossw: KUCHERA/WILDA [L-32-10]-[Arthur Leonard/bur 8-22-1931] [W-19-8]-Courtney A. "Court" Leonard/Jun 28, 1926/Apr 11, 2014/US Navy/WWII Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [W-19-8]-Marcella "Marce" M. Leonard/nee/BILLMEYER/Jul 11, 1925/Jan 7, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
LEONHARD: [L-26-1]-Baby Leonhard-Sprang/-Aug 29, 2005- [M-10-2]-Mark Leonhard/Feb 6, 1956/Feb 7, 2022 Tombstone + PhotoLEPINSKY: [W2-223-2]-Hulda E. Lepinsky/1877-1966 Tombstone [W2-223-2]-William C. Lepinsky/1880-1960 Tombstone
LEPKO: [L-21-2]-[Louis Lepko/bur 08-20-1912]
LEPSCH: [E-11-8]-Donald J. Lepsch/May 23, 1926/Dec 21, 1987 Tombstone, ossw: [E-11-8]-Jean M. Lepsch/Apr 5, 1930/Aug 1, 1982 Tombstone
LERCHE: [P-5-6]-Marie Lerche/Mother/1887-1937 Tombstone, ossw: [P-5-6]-Paul Lerche/Father/1890-1943 Tombstone, next to: [P-5-6]-Alan Paul Lerche/1937-1945 Tombstone [R-27-5]-Beulah Lerche/Aug 27, 1912/Jan 2, 1986 Tombstone [Y-2-1]-Paul W. Lerche/Sep 21, 1912/Aug 18, 1980 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-1]-Esther Lerche/Jan 12, 1917/Oct 19, 1984 Tombstone, ossw: [Y-2-1]-David K. Lerche/Jul 30, 1942/Apr 19, 2000 Tombstone
LESCELIUS: [L-32-12]-Regina Lescelius/1938-1938 Tombstone
LESLIE: [B-19-3]-Eastman Leslie/Wis/PFC 296 COMPC WWI/Feb 4, 1893/Jun 16, 1962 Tombstone [L-4-8]-Norman Leslie/1888-1930 Tombstone [L-30-5]-Sarah Ann Leslie/Nov 15, 1976 Tombstone [T-36-6]-Edith M. Leslie/Jan 8, 1938/Jan 16, 2000 [V-13-8]-Jonathan J. Leslie/Oct 14, 1985/Nov 3, 2001 Tombstone + Photo [V-13-8]-Edward L. Leslie/TEC 5 US Army/WWII/1906-1975 Tombstone, ossw: [V-13-8]-Gertrude U. Leslie/Oct 8, 1911/Mar 23, 2003 Tombstone [W-18-1]-Robert R. "Bob" Leslie/Nov 21, 1935/May 24, 2004 Tombstone [W-18-2]-Raymond A. Leslie/Jan 24, 1933/Dec 27, 1995 Tombstone
LESMONDE: [G-4-7]-Desire J. Lesmonde/1870-1928/Father Tombstone, next to: [G-4-7]-Olive B. Lesmonde/1881-1973/Mother Tombstone [G-4-7]-Gerald H. Lesmonde/Oct 18, 1912/Jun 21, 1986 Tombstone
LESPERANCE: [B-3-3]-John J. Lesperance Sr./Feb 5, 1914/Jun 6, 1993 Buried in Sheboygan [B-3-3]-Ruth L. Lesperance/Mar 3, 1923/Sep 16, 2009 Tombstone [E-37-7]-Simon S./1899-1973 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-37-7]-Martha E. Lesperance/Oct 31, 1900/Jan 3, 1975 Tombstone + Photo [L-1-11]-[Baby Lesperance/bur 2-22-1928/stillborn] [L-31-7]-[Arlene Lesperance/d. 16 Jan 1941/age 1 yr] [L-31-11]-[JoAnne Lesperance/d. 01-30-1944] Tombstone [M-8-9]-Janice M. Lesperance/Nov 27, 1927/Nov 22, 2008 Tombstone [T-25-1]-Terry J. PLEUSS/Apr 26, 1945/Apr 9, 1969 Tombstone, ossw: [T-25-1]-Carmen PLEUSS Lesperance/nee HARDTKE/Mar 5, 1947/Jan 18, 2014 Tombstone + Photo [U-26-10]-Yvonne Evelyn Lesperance/May 26, 1903/Feb 18, 2004 Tombstone, ossw: [U-26-10]-Clifford J. Lesperance/1903-1956 Tombstone
LESTER: [L-30-8]-Earl L. Lester/Wis/Cpl 13 Co 153 Depot Bug/WWI/Mar 17, 1894/Feb 14, 1937 Tombstone
LETTENBERGER: [E-39-2]-Donald R. Lettenberger/1933-2008 Tombstone, ossw: [E-39-2]-Rita A. Lettenberger/Jun 18, 1934/Dec 15, 1980 Tombstone + Photo [R-19]-George A. Lettenberger/Dec 17. 1940/Dec 8, 2011 Tombstone + Photo [R-31-5]-Norbert Lettenberger/1897-1970 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [R-31-5]-Hilma P. Lettenberger/1894/Mar 18, 1984 Tombstone [U-10-8]-Erma A. Lettenberger/1896-1988 Tombstone, ossw: [U-10-8]-Herbert Lettenberger/1897-1955 (Am Leg flg) Tombstone [W2-213-1]-Baby/son of H & E Lettenberger/-May 24, 1933- Tombstone
LETTOW: [L-2-2]-[Wilh. Lettow/Miss/bur 05-17-1889/age 75 yrs]
LEU: [L-32-10]-[Baby Leu (Audrey)/bur 5-11-1930] [P-9-7]-Albert Tex Leu/1902-1968 Tombstone [P-28-10]-Jacob Sr./Father/1871-1956 Tombstone, ossw: [P-28-10]-Henrietta/Mother/1876-1940 Tombstone
LEUBNER: [Unk]-[Leubner child/bur 04-18-1877] [W2-123-2]-[Mary Leubner/bur 08-11-1881] Tombstone [W2-123-2]-[Ernst Leubner Sr./bur 10-21-1881] Tombstone [W2-123-2]-Otto Leubner/Febr. 17, 1874/AE 27years 10mo 2da Tombstone + Photo [W2-123-2]-[Alvina Leubner/Mrs./bur 01-13-1891/age 70 yrs] Tombstone [W2-170-3]-[Julius Leubner/bur 05-16-1883] Tombstone
LEUHR: [W2-209-3]-Fridrick Leuhr/died Apr 7, 1881/aged 64 years Tombstone, ossw: [W2-209-4]-Fridricka Leuhr/wife of F Leuhr/died Oct 27, 1881/aged 54 years Tombstone
LEVANETZ: [S-43-24]-[Ira J. Levanetz-Beamon/d. 4-15-2001/stillborn]
LEVASH: [E-30-8]-Susan Levash/Mother/1912-1964 Tombstone [E-35-10]-Gerald Lee Levash/RMSN US Navy/Vietnam/Nov 29, 1950/Sep 16, 1975 Tombstone
LEVENDOSKI: [Y-4-10]-Michael A. Levendoski/Sep 24, 1981/Jun 8, 2023 Tombstone + PhotoLEVENDUSKY: [E-8-12]-Bernard S. Levendusky/Apr 23, 1902/Jun 3, 1990 Tombstone, ossw: [E-8-12]-Marion A. Levendusky/May 25, 1905/Sep 22, 1982 Tombstone [E-15-6]-Fred L. Levendusky/Dec 2, 1920/Aug 27, 2002 Tombstone + Photo, ossw: [E-15-6]-Margaret Mary Levendusky/May 19, 1922/Jul 25, 2004 Tombstone + Photo [E-15-8]-Larry F. Levendusky/May 19, 1942/Feb 26, 2018 Tombstone + Photo [E-16-3]-Nicholas P. Levendusky/Aug 15, 1941/May 18, 2023 Tombstone + Photo
LEVENHAGEN: [Unk]-[(Child) Levenhagen/bur 09-07-1868] [Unk]-[(Child) Levenhagen/bur 03-04-1867] [Unk]-[(Child) Levenhagen/bur 03-03-1863] [Unk]-[Henricke Levenhagen/bur 04-30-1876] [Unk]-[Herman Levenhagen/bur 06-20-1877] [B-9-4]-Sophia Levenhagen/1885-1964 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Fred Levenhagen/1821-1902 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Charlotte Levenhagen-KLEMME/Mother/1850-1924 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Marie Levenhagen/1876-1945 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Otto Levenhagen/1882-1909 Tombstone [B-9-4]-Willie Levenhagen/1879-1896 Tombstone [B-17-1]-[Baby Levenhagen/bur 07-07-1919] [B-17-1]-Serena/Dau of G & L Levenhagen/Born Nov 29, 1891/Died Oct 8, 1910 Tombstone [B-17-1]-Louisa M. Levenhagen/Mother/1867-1940 Tombstone [B-17-1]-Gustave G. Levenhagen/Father/1864-1931 Tombstone [C-20-2]-[John Levenhagen/bur 07-19-1919/age 63 yrs] [C-20-2]-Adolph Levenhagen/Vater/Geb 27 Oct 1823/Gest/9 Apr 1898 Tombstone [C-20-2]-Ida Levenhagen MEINDL/1863-1939 Tombstone [C-20-2]-Augusta/Mutter/Gattin von/A Levenhagen/Geb 14 Feb 1825/10 Mai 1907 Tombstone [C-20-3]-Eunice M. Levenhagen/Feb 1, 1916/Jun 9, 2000 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-3]-Fredrick W. Levenhagen/Jul 23, 1913/Feb 11, 2000 Tombstone [C-20-4]-[Baby Levenhagen/bur 10-19-1917/stillborn] [C-20-4]-[Dorothy Levenhagen/bur 04-19-1906] [C-20-4]-Meta Levenhagen/1877-1960 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-4]-Fredrick W. Levenhagen/1877-1943 Tombstone [C-20-4]-Judith Louise Levenhagen/1938-1946 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-4]-Kathrine JANSSEN/1933-1998 Tombstone, ossw: [C-20-4]-Eric BAER/-1963- Tombstone [E2-4-1]-[Elsie Levenhagen/bur 09-08-1899/age 2 mo] [E2-4-1]-Henry A. Levenhagen/Father/1870-1940 Tombstone [E2-4-4]-Louise Levenhagen/Mother/1875-1940 Tombstone [E2-4-4]-[Leon Levenhagen/bur 07-07-1896/stillborn] [E2-56-3]-Friederike Levenhagen/19 Feb 1836/5 Mai 1912 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-56-3]-Henry C. Levenhagen/24 Apr 1836/24 Mar 1920 Tombstone [E2-56-3]-[(Baby) Levenhagen/bur 03-09-1861] [E2-57-1]-[(Child) Levenhagen/bur 01-25-1863] [E2-57-1]-Paul A. Levenhagen/1883-1959 Tombstone, ossw: [E2-57-1]-Elizabeth C. Levenhagen/1880-1967 Tombstone [E2-57-1]-Lisette Levenhagen/1874-1949 Tombstone [I-3-9]-Charles Levenhagen/1858-1902 Tombstone [I-3-9]-Louise Levenhagen KIEL/1862-1939 Tombstone [I-3-9]-Leila Levenhagen/1888-1905 Tombstone [P-31-4]-George Levenhagen/1881-1945 Tombstone, ossw: [P-31-4]-Helen M. Levenhagen/1877-1971 Tombstone [P-31-4]-Melvin Levenhagen/Mar 31, 1910/Nov 18, 1986 Tombstone [R-6-6]-Blanche S. Levenhagen/1889-1972 Tombstone + Photo [R-6-6]-Carl F. Levenhagen/1883-1951 Tombstone [T-13-3]-Earl E. Levenhagen/Oct 1, 1907/Jan 1, 1997 Tombstone [T-13-3]-Edward A. Levenhagen/Jul 26, 1930/May 15, 1987 Tombstone [U-1-2]-Elsie Theresa Levenhagen/Sep 2, 1905/Nov 2, 1999 Tombstone
LEVERENZ: [Unk]-[?? Leverenz/bur 11-22-1867] [Unk]-[?? Leverenz/bur 11-15-1866] [Unk]-[Heinrich Carl Christian Leverenz/bur 04-24-1870] [B-11-1]-[Bertha Leverenz/bur 01-30-1937] Tombstone [E2-58-5]-[Perry (Lawrence) Leverenz/bur 10-26-1864] [E2-48-4]-Paulina Leverenz/dau of C & S Leverenz/Apr 15, 1859/Nov 14, 1860 Tombstone, next to: [E2-48-4]-Amelia Leverenz/dau of C & S Leverenz/Dec 21, 1850/Oct 19, 1860 Tombstone [E2-48-4]-[Miss (Emma) Leverenz/bur 08-24-1871] [E2-93-6]-Charlotte SCHMIDT Leverenz/Feb 17, 1823/May 23, 1905 Tombstone [H-18-2]-[Olga Lorenz/geb 10 Mai 1887/Gest 20 Jan 1890/cause: memb. croup] Tombstone [H-18-2]-[Mrs. (Helene) Leverenz/bur 02-06-1884/age 85 yrs] [H-18-2]-Sophia Leverenz/1825-1903 Tombstone, next to: [H-18-2]-Charles Leverenz/1823-1913 Tombstone, next to: [H-18-2]-Charles Leverenz Jr./1854-1904 Tombstone, next to: [H-18-2]-Arthur Leverenz/1866-1909 Tombstone, next to: [H-18-2]-Henriette Leverenz/1890-1891 Tombstone [I-2-2]-Mathilda Leverenz/Geb 12 Dec 1858/Gest 11 Dec 1907 Tombstone, next to: [I-2-2]-Fredrich Leverenz/Geb 13 Sep 1850/Gest 18 Mar 1917 Tombstone, next to: [I-2-2]-Olga Leverenz/Dec 5, 1881/Feb 10, 1920 Tombstone, next to: [I-2-2]-Edwin Leverenz/Sep 23, 1892/May 25, 1929 Tombstone
LEVIEN: [L-24-4]-Julius/Sohn von/F & A Levien/Geb 11 Aug 1862/Gest 12 Sep 1868 Tombstone [W2-177-3]-Albertina Levien/Mother/1842-1931 Tombstone, next to: [W2-177-3]-Friedrich Levien/Vater/Geb 9 Aug 1829/gest 9 Apr 1897 Tombstone, next to: [W2-177-3]-Julius Levien/1868-1944 Tombstone, next to: [W2-177-3]-August Levien/Geb 4 Mai 1872/gest 17 Jan 1881 Tombstone [W2-177-4]-Friedrich Levien/geboren (bur 12-25-1873) Tombstone (stone broken off/two pieces stuck back to front/too deep to read)
LEVIENT: [Unk]-[Baby Le Vient/bur 12-29-1868]
LEWERENZ: [E2-33-4]-Johann C. Lewerenz/Gest/Apr 28 1882/Alter/65Jahr 11M und 14T Tombstone, next to: [E2-33-4]-Friedricke Lewerenz/geborene CONRATH/geboren/1 May 1822/gestorben/18 Juni[bur 1857] Tombstone
LEWIN: [Y-5-35-Raymond E. Lewin/May 18, 1921/Sep 25, 1989 Tombstone
LEWIS: [A-12-2]-Anita HINRICHS Lewis/Jun 3, 1886/Apr 5, 1976 Tombstone [L-17-6]-Bernice Lewis/d. Jan 11, 1926 [L-29-23]-[Erna Lewis/d. 02-11-1959/space #226] [O-18-1]-Anna BARTA Lewis/1882-1947 Tombstone [T-8-10]-Agnes A. Lewis/Jun 4, 1896/Nov 1, 1973 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Edward Lewis/1890-1955 Tombstone, ossw: [T-8-10]-Audrey Lewis/May 27, 1922/Feb 13, 1994 Tombstone [T-36-3]-Florence Lewis/1900-1951 Tombstone, ossw: [T-36-3]-Carl O. Lewis/Jan 12, 1898/Jan 11, 1982 Tombstone, ossw: [T-36-3]-Linda R. Lewis/Aug 8, 1895/Feb 7, 1995 Tombstone
LEX: [L-1-7]-Marie Lex/1921-1923/space #1 Tombstone [L-16-2]-Ruth Lex/1914-1915 Tombstone
LEY: [Unk]-[A. Ley/bur 12-01-1871] [F-15-2]-(Anna M. Ley)/Mother/1843-1907 Tombstone, next to: [F-15-2]-George F. Ley/1867-1935 Tombstone [L-12-5]-[Nic Ley/bur 03-30-1896/age 65 yrs]
LEYENDECKER: [T-30-2]-Jean L. Leyendecker/Jan 9, 1922/Aug 30, 1989 Tombstone
LEYKOM: [Unk]-[Thomas Leykom/bur 10-16-1863] [Unk]-[Albert Leykom/bur 07-29-1876] [E2-55-1]-[Baby/bur 10-13-1860] [E2-55-1]-[Mrs. (Anna) Leykom/bur 08-23-1884/age 67 yrs] [E2-55-1]-[John Leykom/bur 01-20-1899] Tombstone [E2-55-1]-[Mary Ann Leykom/bur 03-10-1913] Back to Top