[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
HUBERT FALGE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.74-77. Hubert Falge, who has continuously resided in Manitowoc for the past forty-four years, is one of the best known and most highly respected citizens here and has long been an active factor in public affairs. He was born in Trautenau, Bohemia, on the 29th of February, 1836, and received an academic education. For ten years he was an instructor of Latin, German and history in the Real Schule at Nachod, Bohemia. In 1860 he wedded Miss Mary Ludvik. In 1868 he crossed the Atlantic to the new world, settling in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where he began the manufacture of glue. This industry has since been much enlarged and is now known as the Armour Glue Works. In 1869, having established himself in business and also prepared a home for his family, Mr. Falge sent for his wife and children, who joined him here. During the school year of 1873 and 1874 he acted as an instructor of German in the first ward school. In 1878 he was elected clerk of the court on the democratic ticket and, being reelected three times, served continuously until 1887 or for a period of nine years. From that time to the present he has served, without interruption, as justice of the peace in the first ward, notary public, insurance solicitor and collector for the Manitowoc Electric Light Company. He has also filled many other positions of honor and trust which have been entrusted to him. Mr. Falge lost his first wife on the 7th of July, 1880, she passing away after a brief illness. On the 31st of December, 1883, he was again married, his second union being with Augusta Leverenz. His children are seven in number, as follows: Dr. Louis Falge, of Manitowoc; Mrs. Mary Burmeister, who is a resident of Onekama, Michigan; Mrs. Hermine Morris, of San Diego, California; Mrs. Anne Copps, living in Los Angeles, California; Mrs. Bertha Barnard, of Manistee, Michigan; Ottmar, a senior law student at the University of Wisconsin; and Mrs. Ludmilla Rahr, of Manitowoc. ---------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 Clerk Circuit Court, Manitowoc; is a native of Bohemia; came to Manitowoc County in 1868; has been engaged in school teaching till 1877, when he was elected to his present position. Married in 1860 to Mary Ludwig of Bohemia; she died July 7, 1880, aged thirty-seven years; have five children, one son and four daughters. ----------------- HUBERT FALGE (second marriage) From the Lakeshore Times January 8, 1884 edition. Married; on December 31, 1883, at the residence of the bride's parents, in this city, by Emil Baensch, Justice of the Peace, Hubert Falge, and Augusta KROHN, both of Manitowoc. The genial clerk of the court has at last been caught and will swear in the jury at the January term with more than usual equanimity. He well deserves the good fortune that has favored him, for his bride is possessed of all those characteristics that go to make up true womanhood, and her numerous friends will echo the sincere wish of the TIMES that the future of the couple will be unalloyed joy and happiness.
LOUIS FALGE, M. D. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.12. Dr. Louis Falge, whose labors as a physician and also along educational lines have won him well merited recognition in Manitowoc county, has been numbered among the able and successful medical practitioners of the city of Manitowoc for the past five years. His birth occurred in Nachod, Bohemia, on the 9th of September, 1861. In 1869, when a lad of eight years, he accompanied his mother and oldest sister on their emigration to the new world, the father having crossed the ocean and settled at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, in the previous year. Louis Falge attended the common schools of Manitowoc in the acquirement of an education and subsequently took up the profession of teaching, acting as instructor in the country schools at Newtonburg in 1877 and at Cleveland in 1878. During the years 1879 and 1880 he taught in the Division street school of Manitowoc. Desiring to augment his knowledge, he then entered the University of Wisconsin and in 1884 received the degree of Bachelor of Science from that institution. He next spent a year as teacher in the high school at Unity and then prepared for the practice of medicine as a student in Rush Medical College, being graduated therefrom in 1887. His initial experience as a physician was gained in partnership with Dr. R. S. O’Connell, with whom he practiced in Cato for two years. On the expiration of that period he opened an office at Reedsville and there remained until 1907, when he came to Manitowoc, which city has since remained the scene of his professional labors. His practice has steadily grown in volume and importance as he has demonstrated his skill and ability in coping with the intricate problems which continually confront the physician in his efforts to restore health and prolong life. With the progress of the profession he keeps in close touch through his membership in the Manitowoc County Medical Society, the Wisconsin State Medical Society and the American Medical Association. Dr. Falge acts as physician to the County Insane Asylum and also holds the office of county coroner, having been first elected to that position in 1908 and again in 1910. In 1889 Dr. Falge was joined in wedlock to Miss Marion E. Burton, of Unity, Wisconsin, by whom he has five children, as follows: John, who is a member of the class of 1912 in the United States Naval Academy at Annapolis; Robert; Raymond; Helen; and Francis. Mrs.Falge passed away on May 27, 1912. Always active in educational affairs, Dr. Falge has been a member of the Reedsville school board for fifteen years. To him is due credit for the healthy educational sentiment and for the excellent school system of that village. After the consolidation of the four old school districts of Manitowoc, in 1910, he was elected as one of the seven members of the first board of education of Manitowoc. His acquaintance is wide, and he has a host of friends whose high regard he has gained through his professional ability, his deference for the opinions of others, his genial manner and unfailing courtesy.
Louis Falge, M.D.
DANIEL FALVEY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.393-394. Daniel Falvey, whose excellent farm of eighty acres is situated on section 18, in the township of Franklin, has resided on this property all of his life, and is one of Manitowoc county's successful practical agriculturists and enterprising public-spirited citizens. He was born on his present farm, December 26, 1858, and is a son of William and Mary (Doolan) Falvey, natives of Ireland, who were married in Massachusets and came to Wisconsin about 1852. They bought eighty acres of wild land, the place now owned by Daniel Falvey, and here William Falvey and his wife spent the remainder of their lives, the former passing away in August, 1885, when seventy-six years of age, and the latter on July 11, 1902, at the age of seventy-one years. Both are buried at St. Patrick's cemetery, Maple Grove. Daniel Falvey was the fourth of a family of seven children and was educated in the district schools and reared to the life of an agriculturist. At the age of nineteen years he began working in the woods and on the river and continued to be so engaged for five years, when he returned to the homestead and commenced to work for his father. After his marriage Mr. Falvey bought the home place from his parents and he has since continued to operate it. He engages in general and dairy farming, marketing his dairy products. He milks on an average of thirteen graded cows and breeds to Percheron horses and Chester White hogs. He sells both hogs and cattle from his farm. His water supply is secured from drilled wells and his farm is neatly fenced with barbed and woven wire, while his substantial buildings include a frame barn, forty by seventy- six feet, built in 1894, and a two-story frame dwelling house which was built about 1881 and remodeled to its present size about 1906. On June 2, 1887, Daniel Falvey was married to Catherine Fenlon, who was born July 20, 1860, being the third of the seven children of Thomas and Ellen (O'Brien) Fenlon, natives of the Emerald isle. Mrs. Falvey's parents were married in Manitowoc county and settled on a farm in the township of Maple Grove, where Mrs. Fenlon died June 11, 1911, aged eighty years, while her husband still survives and has reached the age of eighty- two years. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Falvey, namely: Peter, who graduated from the Reedsville high school with the class of 1908, from the Manitowoc high school in June, 1910, and from the Manitowoc Training School in June, 1911, and is now teaching in the town of Mishicot; Helen, a graduate of the Reedsville high school with the class of 1908, and of the Training School of Manitowoc in 1910, who now teaches in Franklin township; and Blanche, who is attending the parochial school at Maple Grove. Mr. Falvey and his family are faithful communicants of St. Patrick's Catholic church at Maple Grove and he is a member of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, which organization he joined in 1885. He does not profess to any of the established political parties and votes independently for whatever man or measure he considers best. Notwithstanding his independence in matters politic he has been chosen by his fellow citizens to various public offices, which clearly show the high regard in which he is personally held. For four years he served as deputy sheriff of Manitowoc county, for seven as township treasurer and for twelve as the treasurer of the school board.
CHARLES F. FECHTER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.198-199. Charles F. Fechter, who is conducting a book and stationery store at 820 South Eighth street, has been continuously connected with the book business in Manitowoc since 1880. His birth occurred in this city on the 10th of September, 1857, and he is a son of George W. and Clara M. Fechter. The father founded the business which the son is now conducting, having established it in the early ‘50s. He was born in Germany and in that country learned the bookbinder’s trade. When he first engaged in business in Manitowoc his store was located at the corner of Ninth and Washington streets. Subsequently he removed his goods to a store opposite the one now managed by Schuette Brothers. About the same time he erected a small building about forty feet deep, in which the business is still carried on. He was a popular man and belonged to various local associations, this bringing him in contact with the citizens of the town. His death occurred in September, 1873, and he is buried in Evergreen cemetery. His wife died in 1908. Charles F. Fechter pursued his early education in the public schools of Manitowoc and subsequently attended the German and English Academy of Milwaukee, completing his schooling at the age of sixteen years. As soon as he had put aside his text-books he entered the employ of his father as clerk and, with the exception of one year which he spent in traveling for pleasure, he continued with him and his successors in the book and stationery store with which he is now identified. After his year’s vacation he entered the employ of Mr. Piening, and remained with him as clerk until he became a partner in the business under the firm name of Piening & Fechter. In 1890 Mr. Fechter bought his partner’s interest and since that time has been engaged in the wholesale and retail business alone. He is well versed in the book business and thoroughly understands the demands of his trade. His establishment is numbered among the leading business houses of the city. Mr. Fechter was married in Manitowoc on the 16th of January, 1883, to Miss Rose Gutmann, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gutmann, pioneer settlers of Manitowoc. To Mr. and Mrs. Fechter two children have been born: Leila, who married Reinhart Rahr, Jr.; and Blanche, who is a high school graduate and is residing at home. In politics Mr. Fechter is a republican and has served as alderman of the second ward. He is a member of the Royal Arcanum. the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Royal League. His residence is situated at 11 South Eighth street and is one of the substantial homes of the city.
AUGUST FEHRMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.497. August Fehrmann, who is successfully engaged in the manufacture of cheese, at Whitelaw, township of Cato, has been a resident of Manitowoc county all of his life, and was born in the town of Newton, a son of Ernest and Frances (Shellbauer) Fehrmann, natives of Germany. Ernest Fehrmann came to the United States in 1851, and after his marriage settled down to an agricultural life on a farm of seventy acres, situated in the town of Newton, where his death occurred in 1874, when he was forty-nine years of age, interment being made at the Newtonburg cemetery. His widow, who still resides on the homestead, is seventy-two years of age. Ernest Fehrmann was a democrat in his political views, and for two terms served as treasurer of the town of Newton. August Fehrmann was the fourth of a family of seven children, and was born December 7, 1871. When he was thirteen years of age he began to learn the trade of cheese maker, and he has followed that occupation ever since, with the exception of five years, from 1901 to 1906, when he followed farming in the town of Mishicot. In the year last named he purchased his present business, and he has built up a large trade through progressive and modern methods of business, coupled with fair dealing and good management. In 1894 Mr. Fehrmann was united in marriage with Miss Mary Trossen, who was born July 8, 1875, the fourth of the eight children born to Jacob and Barbara Trossen, natives of Germany who were married in Wisconsin. They are now living in the city of Two Rivers, Mr. Trossen being eighty-two years old and his wife seventy. One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fehrmann, Esther, born August 24, 1898, who is now attending school. Politically a democrat, Mr. Fehrmann has been too engrossed in the management of his business interests to engage actively in political matters, but he takes a keen interest in, and gives his support to, all movements which have for their ultimate object the betterment of his section. He and his wife and daughter are consistent members of the German Reformed church of Manitowoc county.
MAURICE FELLEY (contributed by family researcher/see contributors page) From Benevieve Bornet from the Archives de L/Etat du Valais Sion, Switzerland Pierre-Maurice Felley was born 5 Dec 1821 in Le Sapey, the son of Pierre_Maurice Felley and Marguerite-Francoise Bruchez. He is in the Register of Emigration, date of departure 1849 Destination North America... Also included in the paper is a list of his brothers and sisters. Maurice lived and died in Mishicott. Maurice is in the Catholic church cem. in MischottHe married Rosalie Rouillier. He had children Octavia b. 1865, James B. 1866, Mary H. married August Chochenet, Elizabeth, Robert, Josephine, Jospeh, Ellen & Maurice V. Mar 12, 1860 died Mar. 12, 1892... This may be an incomplete list of the children... I do have other records if anyone is interested.
GEORGE FESSLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.473-474. George Fessler is a photographer of St. Nazianz whose careful study of the processes of photography is evidenced in the excellent work of his studio. He also has other business interests, including agricultural affairs. He was born at Silver Lake, Wisconsin, October 14, 1882, and is therefore yet a comparatively young man. His father, Anton Fessler, is a native of Oberhausen, Germany, and is now residing at Schoolhill, Wisconsin, at the age of sixty years. He came to America when twenty-five years of age and settled at St. Nazianz with his father, Oswald Fessler. Having arrived at years of maturity, Anton Fessler married Lutrina Kratzinger, who was born in Germany and is now fifty-two years of age. She was a little child of but two years when brought to America by her parents, who settled at Milwaukee but afterward removed to St. Nazianz, where her father carried on farming. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Fessler became the parents of five sons and four daughters: Mary, who is the wife of Frank Sakowski, of Pigeon Lake, Wisconsin; Sophia, who is the wife of John Reinhardt, also of Pigeon Lake; Tony, who is proprietor of a saloon in St. Nazianz; Carl, who is a farmer near St. Nazianz; George, of this review; Joseph and Frank, both at home; Rosa, the wife of Peter Brust; and Mathilda, the wife of Joseph Brust. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for George Fessler in his boyhood and youth, his time being divided between the work of the fields and the duties of the schoolroom. He afterward took up the machinists trade, which he followed continuously until 1906, when he turned his attention to photography, finding employment in a gallery in St. Nazianz. The succeeding six years were devoted to mastering the art in the employ of others and in 1912 he purchased the gallery of which he is now proprietor. It is well appointed and his work is artistic in design and thoroughly modern in finish. He employs the latest processes of the photographic art and is greatly interested in all that suggests improvement in his chosen life work. He makes a study of his subject, that pose and expression may be natural, and has succeeded in producing excellent results. On the 8th of May, 1912, Mr. Fessler was married to Miss Ella Rauthman, who was born in Schleswig township, this county, in 1894, a daughter of Julius Rauthman, a farmer and early settler of this part of the state. Mr. Fessler was reared in the Catholic faith, to which he adheres. In matters relative to the public welfare he is deeply interested, as is shown by his support of various projects for the public good. Wherever known he wins friends and he holds friendship inviolable.
WILL FETCHER From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 17, 1884: Will Fechter has purchased the book store of Fred Heineman. He went into the business in his new stand on Tuesday. Mr. Fechter is a young man of good business habits and ability. He is well known and his acquaintance will work to his advantage in his new enterprise. The long connection with the store of Piening & Fechter has thoroughly posted him in all the details of the business and we predict he will have good success.
WILLIAM FETKENHEUER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.612-615. Among the prominent druggists of Two Rivers is William Fetkenheuer, who has been conducting the Park Drug Store at 1420 Eighteenth street since March, 1910. He was born in Germany, January 10, 1879, and is a son of August and Louise (Fick) Fetkenheuer. The parents came from Germany to America in 1884, and the father is at present an agriculturist residing about five miles southwest of Tomah. William Fetkenheuer was enrolled as a pupil of the public schools of Tomah, Wisconsin, where he successfully passed through the several grades and subsequently entered the high school. He laid aside his text books at the age of seventeen years and at once started to prepare himself for a professional career. He served for four years and a half as an apprentice in a drug store in his native town after which he was given charge of the drug department of the Tomah Hospital for two years. About that time the Spanish-American war broke out and he volunteered for service as steward in the hospital corps. After he returned from that service he took a short course in pharmacy at Milwaukee and subsequently went to Eau Claire, Wisconsin, where he was employed by the E. K. Godding Drug Company. He remained in their employ for about a year after which he was given the position of manager in the drug store of Dr. E. A. Hougen. Two years later he came to Two Rivers, and has since been connected with the drug stores of this city, first being employed by C. F. Kirst as pharmacist for four years and subsequently establishing himself in an independent drug store which he has successfully conducted since 1910. He is in every sense a thoroughly reliable and practical chemist, and has a reputation of being one of the most accurate and efficient druggists in the city. On the 18th of October, 1906, Mr. Fetkenheuer was married to Miss Myrtle Grover, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David Grover, pioneer settlers of Two Rivers. The father held the offices of alderman and county supervisor for many years. To Mr. and Mrs. Fetkenheuer one daughter has been born, Adella Louise, whose birth occurred on the 22d of October, 1909. The family residence is situated at 1418 Eighteenth street. Mr. Fetkenheuer holds membership in the Modern Woodmen of America and the Equitable Fraternal Union.
JOSEPH FISCHER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.290-291. Joseph Fischer, cultivating a tract of farming land on section 27, Two Rivers township, is one of the well known and highly esteemed agriculturists of this part of Manitowoc county, and was born in Liberty township, September 10, 1858. a son of Martzel and Catherine (Schreiner) Fischer, natives of Bavaria. Mr. Fischer’s father, who was a miller by trade, came to the United States in 1856 and settled in Liberty township, where he secured a tract of wild land, covered with heavy timber, and here he erected a log cabin and stable and started to establish a home. To his original purchase of forty acres he added one hundred and twenty acres, clearing all of this land, and later he moved to Two Rivers township, where he also cultivated an unbroken tract, and his death occurred in the latter township in 1894, when eighty-three years of age, his wife dying in 1909 when she was eighty-five years old. Always a hard worker, Mr. Fischer became successful in his operations, and he was also held in high esteem by his fellow townsmen, who elected him to various township offices on the republican ticket. He and his wife were members of St. Lucas church of Two Rivers, and had a family of five children: Sophia, who lives at Black Creek, Wisconsin; Joseph; Theresa, who is deceased; Caroline, living at Clarks Mills, Wisconsin; and Pius, a farmer of Two Rivers township. Joseph Fischer received only a limited schooling in the vicinity of the home farm, where he remained until thirty years of age, taking care of his parents. He was married April 13, 1896, to Mary Jeleneck, a native of Bavaria, and they have had three children, Theresa, Joseph and Valentine. As a young man, Mr. Fischer learned the carpenter’s trade, which he followed for several years, assisting in the erection of various structures in his part of the county, including the buildings on the home farm, and in 1896 he purchased eighty acres of land in Two Rivers township, formerly known as the J. Schrum place, on which he has made numerous improvements. He has many warm friends in the township, where he is known as an exemplary citizen and excellent farmer. Mr. Fischer has never aspired to political office, preferring to give his time and attention to his farming activities, but he votes with the democratic party. He and his wife are members of St. Lucas church of Two Rivers.
WENZEL FISCHER From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 20, 1871: IN PROBATE-MANITOWOC COUNTY court. In the matter of the estate of the minor heirs of Wenzel Fischer, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in persuance of an order of license made in said matter on the 10th day of July A.D. 1871, by the county court of said county, the undersigned guardian of said minor heirs of said deceased will on Monday, the 7th day of August, A.D., 1871, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, offer for sale at public vendue the following described lands, to-wit: The east half of the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section number twenty-five (25), of township number twenty-one (21) east, subject to the widow's right of dower therein. The terms of sale will be cash at the time and place of sale. Frank Zaman, Guardian
WILLIAM FISCHER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.155-156. William Fischer, a prosperous farmer of Manitowoc Rapids township, was born on the farm he now owns and operates on November 22, 1870. The family have been residents of this county for over sixty years. His father, August Fischer, was born in Germany in 1827, and there he passed the first thirty years of his life. In 1857 he concluded to come to America to seek his fortune and crossed the Atlantic coming directly to Wisconsin, locating in Manitowoc county. Later he acquired the tract now owned by his son, and there he passed the remainder of his life. The land was covered with a dense growth of timber when he bought it but, after erecting thereon a log cabin, that for many years served as the family residence, he set about clearing his holding and placing the land under cultivation. In 1858, he was married to Miss Charlotte Wicke, a daughter of William Wicke and a native of Germany, whence she emigrated to the United States with her people in 1854. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Fischer numbered eight. The early years in the life of William Fischer did not differ particularly from those of other lads of the vicinity of that period. Pioneer conditions yet prevailed during his boyhood, and while pursuing his studies in the little log schoolhouse in the home district he assisted his father and brothers with the operation of the farm and care of the stock. By the time he had attained his maturity he had a very thorough knowledge of the practical methods of agriculture and after leaving school he gave his entire attention to the farm. In 1900, he bought the old homestead, and continues to make his home in the community where he had been born and reared. Mr. Fischer is an industrious man of clear judgment and thrifty habits and is meeting with success in his undertakings. During the period of his ownership he has effected various improvements in the property and now owns one of the most valuable and best equipped farms in that vicinity. In connection with the cultivation of his fields he raises stock, both branches of the business thriving and proving to be very lucrative under his intelligent direction. Mr. Fischer has never married and two of his sisters, Minnie and Anne, are making their home with him. His mother, who has now attained the venerable age of seventy-nine years, also makes her home with him. In matters of faith the family are Lutherans, as was also the father. Mr. Fischer is one of the substantial and highly respected citizens of the township, as well as a worthy representative of one of the estimable pioneer families.
WILLIAM C. FISCHER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.570-575. William C. Fischer, who owns and cultivates a tract of land in Newton township, known as the Lakeside Farm, was born December 29, 1872, near Chicago, Illinois. His father, Carl Fischer, was a native of Germany, born November 15, 1829, and in 1857 came to the United States, locating in Wisconsin, where he worked for some time on a farm. He then went to Illinois and settled near Chicago, where he rented land which he operated until 1873. There, in 1868, he married Miss Hannah Bauch, who was a native of Germany, born on August 5, 1846, and came to the United States with her brother and sister. In 1873 Mr. Fischer with his family returned to Wisconsin, locating near Rapids, where he purchased a tract of land. In 1878 he sold that place and for four years worked on other farms. In 1882 he purchased the farm in Newton township where the subject of this sketch now lives. Here the mother passed away on July 11, 1897, and the father, who resided here until death, on August 1, 1910. In their family were five children, of whom only William C. of this review, survives. William C. Fischer obtained his education in the district schools of the neighborhood and as a lad worked on his father’s farm and has ever remained on the same. In 1899 he purchased the homestead, now called the Lakeside Farm, and has made many improvements on the same. Although his father built the present good house and barns, Mr. Fischer has added to and improved the buildings and has the land under a high state of cultivation. He carries on general farming and dairying extensively. On March 6, 1897, Mr. Fischer wedded Miss Mary Brandt, who is a native of Germany and came to America in 1885 with her parents, Frederick and Mary Brandt, who settled in Kossuth township. Mrs. Mary Brandt passed away January 23, 1904. To Mr. and Mrs. Fischer have been born five children, of whom Ella died when three days old. The others are Lillie, Hilda, Edna and Elsie. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fischer are members of the German Lutheran church at Newton and Mr. Fischer is now a member of the school board of the German school, always having taken much interest in educational work. He has resided on his present farm for over thirty years and has been an active helper in many movements of progress that have here occurred. He is a worthy representative of that class of citizens who lead industrious, honest and useful lives and constitute the best portion of the community.
Carl Fischer Mrs. Carl Fischer ![]()
JOHN FITZGERALD This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.350-351. John Fitzgerald, whose well regulated eighty acre farm lies on section 5, town of Cato, is one of Manitowoc county's representative agriculturists. He has resided here all of his life, and was born on his present farm, March 11, 1871, a son of Joseph and Ellen (Halloran) Fitzgerald, natives of Ireland. Mr. Fitzgerald's parents were married in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and shortly thereafter settled on the land that is being cultivated by their son, and which Mr. Fitzgerald had purchased some years before. The first home build on this wild land was one made of logs, but that was replaced later by a comfortable frame house. Here Joseph Fitzgerald spent the remainder of his life, and died on December 17, 1910, at the advanced age of ninety-three years, being buried in the cemetery at Maple Grove. His widow still survives at the age of seventy-three years, and makes her home with her son John. John Fitzgerald was the eighth in order of birth in a family of twelve children, and when he was nineteen years of age he commenced working out for wages. He continued in this manner until the spring of 1898 when he returned home and took charge of the farm. Mr. Fitzgerald's brothers and sisters are as follows: Michael; Ann, who married J. Dougherty of San Francisco, California; Margaret, who married Patrick Butler, and died November 4, 1909; David, who is single and lives at home; Jennie, who married Jeremiah Hussey, of the town of Franklin; Joseph, a telegraph operator; Catherine, now living in Manitowoc, who married Patrick Healy, who died at the age of twenty-three years; Nellie, who is single and a school teacher in South Omaha, Nebraska; and Elizabeth, who is single and teaching school in Maple Grove. Mr. Fitzgerald is religiously connected with St. Patrick's Catholic church of Maple Grove, and he holds membership in the Catholic Order of Foresters. In politics he is a democrat.
MICHAEL FITZGERALD This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.341-342. Michael Fitzgerald, who for a number of years has been in the train service of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad in the capacity of engineer, is also the owner of a well cultivated farm of seventy-six acres, located on section 3, town of Cato. He was born in the town of Cato, Manitowoc county Wisconsin, February 11, 1859, and is a son of Joseph and Ellen (Halloran) Fitzgerald, natives of Ireland who were married in this county and shortly thereafter settled on forty acres of wild land near Grimms, town of Cato. Later Mr. Fitzgerald added forty acres more to the property, which was his home until his death, December 10, 1910, when he had reached the remarkable age of ninety-six years, while his widow is still living and is eighty years old. Joseph Fitzgerald, who is buried in St. Patrick's cemetery at Maple Grove, tried to enlist during the Civil war, but was rejected on account of an injury to his leg. He was a democrat in his political views and took an active interest in political matters, although he never aspired to office and during his latter years he was inclined to vote rather for the man than the party. Michael Fitzgerald was the eldest of a family of twelve children, and at the age of seventeen years he began to work for wages in the woods and on the river, finding employment in the lumber camps during the winter months and coming home in the summer to help his father on the home farm. He continued to thus employ his time until his marriage, February 14, 1886, to Miss Margaret Hussey, who was born May 28, 1862, the sixth of ten children born to Michael and Nellie (Thornton) Hussey, natives of Ireland. Mrs. Fitzgerald's parents were married in Ohio, and came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, about 1853, settling in the town of Franklin, where Mr. Hussey died April 30, 1910, at the age of eighty-two years, and was buried in Reif's cemetery, while his widow still lives on the homestead, having reached the age of eighty-three years. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Fitzgerald, namely: Frank, who is single and engaged in the lumber business at Waukegan (Wisconsin); Ann, who died at the age of eight years; Mary, a graduate of Manitowoc North Side high school and the training school, a teacher for two years, and now residing at home; David, who died at the age of three years; Michael, who is now attending the Manitowoc high school; John, who met with an accidental death at the age of three years; James, who is attending the Manitowoc high school; Helen, who died at the age of two years; Clare, who is attending school at Manitowoc; and Margaret, who died in childhood. After his marriage Mr. Fitzgerald settled in the town of Franklin, on a farm of eighty acres which he purchased, and there he lived for about five years, when he sold out. In the meantime he had been employed as a fireman on the old Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western Railroad, which is now known as the Lake Shore branch of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, and he has remained with this line ever since, having been promoted to the position of engineer in April, 1900. He purchased his present farm in the town of Cato, in 1898, and has seventy acres in a high state of cultivation. The land is fenced with barbed and woven wire, and he markets dairy products, hogs and cattle, feeding most of his hay and grain, while he also finds a ready market for his sugar beets, cabbages and potatoes and for two years received a premium from the sugar beet company for the best samples of this vegetable. On an average he milks ten graded cows, and raises Berkshire and Poland China hogs and breeds to Percheron horses. The water supply is secured from drilled wells and there is also located on the farm a running spring, from which he waters his cattle. The basement barn, thirty-four by sixty feet, was built before Mr. Fitzgerald purchased the farm, as was also another, fifty by thirty feet, while he has remodeled his patent stanchions, and the two story frame residence. Mr. Fitzgerald is a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, the Knights of Columbus, the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin. He is independent in politics, and his religious connection is with the St. Patrick's Catholic church of Maple Grove. Mr. Fitzgerald's long connection with the railroad has made him familiar with the history of the stations on his run, and he can tell you the origin of the names of many of these stations. The village of Cato was first known as Nettle Hill, on account of the great growth of nettles here, but was changed to Cato after the railroad came. Cato was the name of an Indian chieftain, and one of the early settlers here named Heacock had a large Newfoundland dog which he named Cato after this Indian, the town being named after the dog, which was a general favorite among the pioneers of this section. The village of Grimms was first known as Buck Horns Corners, on account of a very large pair of antlers used as a sign on the hotel, but after the railroad came to this point the station was named Grimms in honor of the old settler, Jacob Grimm.
JACOB FLIEGLER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 Firm of Fliegler & Haupt, Wisconsin Central Mills, Manitowoc, born Nov. 6, 1837, in Baden, Germany. September, 1844, he came to Chicago, where he remained until 1852; he then removed to Waukesha. Sept. 16, 1858, he came to Manitowoc, where he has since resided. He built the first swing bridge in Manitowoc, whichwas in the Fall of 1858. He afterward was engaged by different firms in the lumber business for several years. In 1865. he, with Mr. Waldo, opened a flour, feed and grocery and provisions store; continuing this business till June 5, 1869, when he bought out the interest of Walter Lyons, consisting of saw and grist mills, lands, etc. Operating this business till 1873, he then bought an interest with Wahle & Haupt, proprietor of the Wisconsin Central Mills; the firm then became Fliegler, Wahle & Company, and in 1877 the firm changed to Fliegler & Haupt, which it has since continued.
RAY FLINT From the "History of the Great Lakes" vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield 1899 Ray Flint, one of the most prominent and best qualified engineers on the lakes, is a popular companion, a man of equable disposition and of kindly nature. He is a son of Willard N. and Eliza (Raymond) Flint, and was born in Montpelier, Vt., on March 30, 1841. The father was a mechanical engineer, and possessed great talent in that direction, which has been inherited by the sons and grandsons. He removed from the Green Mountain State to Racine, Wis., in 1843, where he went into busines, Ray attending the public school in that place. In 1870 Mr. Flint took up his lakefaring life, which has continued uninterrupted to this date. His first berth was in the tug Kittie Smoke as fireman, serving in that capacity but two seasons, the second being in the tug William Richards. In the spring of 1872 he applied for and received marine engineer's license, and shipped in the steamer Menominee as second engineer, closing the season in the steamer Chicago. The secret of this rapid advancement consists in his mechanical skill acquired under the teaching of his father. In the spring of 1873 he was appointed second engineer in the passenger steamer Oconto, plying between Chicago and Green Bay, holding a like berth in the steamer Cheboygan the following season. In the spring of 1875 Mr. Flint was appointed chief engineer on the passenger steamer Oconto, in the employ of the Goodrich Transportation Company, retaining that office three years. He was then transferred to the side-wheel passenger steamer Corona as chief, running her two seasons. In 1880 he assumed charge of the machinery of the City of Ludington, engineering her nine consecutive seasons, seven of which the steamer plied on the Milwaukee and Manistee route and two between Milwaukee and Grand Haven. It was in the spring of 1887 that Mr. Flint was appointed chief engineer of the passenger steamer Indiana, also of the Goodrich Transportation Company, plying between Milwaukee and Chicago daily, holding that office eight consecutive years, being retained in her at this writing, thus rounding a period of over a quarter of a century on the lakes as engineer, without any serious mishap to himself or machinery. Socially he is a member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, No. 77, of Manitowoc, of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and the Ancient Order of United Workmen. In November, 1858, Mr. Flint was wedded to Miss Fredericka R., daughter of John and Catherine Rath, of Manitowoc. Six sons were born to this union: (1) Seneca became a marine engineer, and after receiving his license sailed with his father in the steamer Corona and Menominee, afterward being appointed chief of the steamer City of Fremont, of the Herson Transportation Company; he then accepted a position of the Wisconsin State prison at Waupun, and later was made traveling engineer and expert for the State of Wisconsin, a responsible position which he is well qualified to fill. (2) John A., the second son, was second engineer with his father in the steamer City of Ludington one season, after which he shipped as second in the steamer Atlanta, remaining eight seasons; he the corresponding secretary of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association No. 77. (3) George is a stationary engineer now employed in the Rookery building in Chicago. (4) William was granted a master's license soon after attending his majority, and was drowned at South Chicago while mate of the tug Fisher, of the Pestigo Car Ferry Company. (5) Ray is purchasing agent for Matthews & Keith, railroad contractors. (6) Charles, the youngest son, is employed in a canning factory at Sheboygan, Wis. The family homestead is in Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
G.A. FORREST Manitowoc Tribune 23 March, 1876, (page 3, col. 2) -G. A. Forrest, of the firm of White & Forrest; attorneys at Manitowoc, has been called away to attend the funeral of his sister, Mrs. Oviatt, both of whom are well known in Manitowoc, as it is but a short time since the doctor was compelled to leave the lake shore on account of his health. Since his departure from Manitowoc he has been living in Wyocena, where his wife died,-Chronicle. --------------------- G. A. FORREST This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.126-129. G.A. Forrest. who has served six terms as city attorney, is one of the oldest attorneys in years of continuous practice in Manitowoc, having been actively connected with the legal profession of this city for forty-two years. He was born in Northfield, New Hampshire, on the 21st of August, 1845, and is a son of James M. and Almira (Ames) Forrest. The parents were descended from old New England colonial families, their ancestors, all of whom were English, having come to America on the Mayflower. The father’s energies were largely devoted to agricultural pursuits during his entire life, but for many years he was also identitied with public affairs. His political support he accorded the men and measures of the democratic party, until Lincoln’s time, when he transferred his allegiance to the republicans. He was assistant state superintendent of New Hampshire and after coming to Wisconsin he was supervisor of Fort Winnebago. A man of strong individuality, enterprising and progressive in his ideas, he always took a prominent part in all affairs pertaining to the public welfare of the community, and was held in high regard by his fellow townsmen. In his early manhood when residing in New Hampshire he was a captain in the state militia. He lived to attain a ripe old age, his death occurring in 1884, and was laid to rest in the cemetery at Portage, this state. The mother passed away in New Hampshire in 1848, and was interred at Northfield. G. A. Forrest, who was a child of only three years when his mother passed away, came to Wisconsin with his father in early childhood. His early education was received in the public schools of Winnebago and in 1864 he entered Lawrence College and was graduated from this institution four years later. Having decided to become an attorney he then matriculated in the law department of the State University, receiving the degree of LL. B. with the class of 1869. In October of that year he came to Manitowoc and established an office and here he has ever since been engaged in general practice. He has met with more than average success and is a most able and worthy representative of the legal profession. He was given the advantages of a thorough preparation and an excellent education, in addition to which he possessed the acute mental faculties, retentive memory and quick reasoning powers that have proven invaluable to him in his career. A man whose guiding principle in life has been thoroughness, he has always used the greatest care and discretion in preparing his cases and as a result is rarely if ever at fault in the application of a legal principle. In this city on the 18th of December, 1871, Mr. Forrest was united in marriage to Miss Esther Kress, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Kress, of Tioga county, Pennsylvania, and to them were born two sons and two daughters, as follows: James, who is a resident of Seattle, Washington; Harry G., a graduate of the University of Wisconsin, now on the stage in New York city; Josephine, the wife of Roy Davis, who owns and operates a sawmill and lumberyard at Split Rock, Wisconsin; and Mamie A., who has been graduated from the high school and is now living at home. The family residence is located at No. 729 North Fifteenth street, and is one of the very hospitable homes of the city. Fraternally Mr. Forrest is a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Legion of Honor, while his political support is given to the republican party. He is held in very high esteem by his fellow townsmen, as he is one of the citizens who has been tireless in his efforts to advance and develop the community.
ROSE FORST From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906, Mishicot Column Miss Rose Forst who is attending a sewing School in Manitowoc spent Saturday at her home here.
CAPTAIN F. FOUNTAIN (From History of the Great Lakes by J.B. Mansfield p. 1899) Captain F. Fountain, captain of the old Chicago life saving station, located at Central Pier, No. 1, at the mouth of the Chicago river, has been in charge of this important station since 1894. The work during the summer months is confined chiefly to small craft, while in the spring and fall larger wrecks frequently occur. The station was established many years ago, and was remodeled about 1875. For many years it was in charge of Captain St. Peter, and during that time over 700 lives were saved. During the regime of Captain Fountain about 200 have been rescued. The station is well equipped; the crew consists of eight men, and the season lasts for eight months and ten days. There are two lifeboats, two surfboats and one Whitehall boat, eighteen feet in length, and used for short runs; and an English lifeboat which was received at the station in the fall of 1898. It is one of the finest boats in the service, and is longer by eight feet than the English lifeboats formerly used, and has more metal in her keel, and is therefore harder to capsize; it is equipped with a centerboard and has superior sailing qualities. Captain Fountain has been in the lifesaving service for over ten years. He was born at Two Rivers, Wis., in 1869, and is the son of Adolph and Alid Gauthier Fountain. Adolph Fountain is a native of Canada, and came to Two Rivers, Wis., in 1847. He is a cooper by trade, but also engaged extensively in fishing. He is at present a resident of Sheboygan, Wis. The Captain was reared and educated at Two Rivers, and busied himself in his youth with fishing. In 1888, while yet a boy of nineteen years, he entered the life-saving service as a surfman at the Racine station. He was thence transferred to Milwaukee, and thence to Grand Haven. In 1892 he became a member of St. Peter's crew at Jackson Park, Chicago, and 1893 went with Captain St. Peter to Ludington, Mich., returning to Jackson Park in 1894. In September of that year he was appointed to his present charge. In 1895, in Ludington, Mich., he was married to Louisa Hutt, and to them has been born one child, George. Captain Fountain has won his promotion by faithfulness and ability, and is one of the well-known life-saving service men on the lakes.
MAYLORIN FORTIER Marriage Record Vol. 4 Page 151 #256 Husband Maylorin Fortier Father Rini Fortier Mother Elisabeth Marceir Occupation Farmer Residence Mischicott Birthplace Canada Wife M. C. Sauschayein Father E. Sauscharin Mother Rosa Balonger Date of Marriage November 8, 1879 Place of Marriage Mischicott, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Type of Ceremony Religious Subscribing Witnesses Joseph Silvester And Narcin Fisher Clergy or Other Rev. H. Renter, R.C. of Mishicott Date of Certificate November, 8, 1879
THE FOX GANG From the Two Rivers Chronicle, April 18, 1905 An Episode of '49 as related to the Chronicle by Wm. Johannes, a Forty-niner. In the year 1849 Two Rivers was a small village. It was distinctively a saw mill settlement, as its chief industry was the manufacturing of lumber. At that time one had to go but a short distance from the village to enter the primeval forests of pine, hemlock, oak, maple, beech and birch which, as yet, was untouched by the lumberman's axe and which, forty years later, had not entirely been laid low. Near the village the choice pine had been cut away but the other forest trees stood unmolested in all their original granduer, as they stood when only red men wandered beneath them in search of the game that sought shelter and subsistance in their shady realms. While the sawing of logs into lumber was, at the time, the chief industry of the village, fishing, coopering and shingle making were pretty extensively carried on. The fishermen were mainly French Canadians, though there could be found among them men of other nationalities. During the long winter season, when it was always unsafe and generally impossible to go out upon the lake in the little open mackinac boats, the only fishing boats then known here, and during the stormy days in the spring, summer and autumn when the lake was in a tempestuous mood and refused to tolerate any incursion against the finny tribes within her realms, it was a custom or practice among fishermen to engage in making shingles and fish barrels or fish packages to increase the income derived from their nets. Shingles in those days were all hand-made, as were also the staves used in making fish barrels. Sawed shingles were then unknown and the machines for making them were still awaiting the constructive activity of the inventive genius. Each shingle was split from a block of pine, called a bolt, and was shaved and trimmed into shape by the deft use of hatchet and draw-knife. Staves for fish barrels were made in the same way. Of course the bolts from which shingles and staves were made had to be of the very choicest timber. The grain must be straight and the wood sound-without knot or blemish. Consequently the most perfect pine trees were generally selected by woodsmen for bolts, as they brought better returns than they would if cut into lumber. In those early days shingles and fish barrels were made in little shanties scattered along the banks of each river and the bolts were rafted down the rivers by men who were so careless about paying for the trees from which the bolts were cut that they were know as "river pirates." These river pirates generally operated in gangs, going up the rivers in canoes and skirmishing either bank for the distance of a mile for pine trees fit to be cut into bolts. The bolts were "packed" to the river on poles, four men carrying a "pack," and were piled up on shore to await the return of the crew, when they were incorporated into one big raft and brought down to this place and sold to the men who made shingles and staves. These "river pirates" were a roistering, rioting lot, as long as their money lasted and they terrorized the town; on frequent occasions making it unsafe for any one to appear on the streets. Indeed, a band of cowboys on a carousal to-day in a western town would be mild mannered in comparison with the deviltry of a gang of drunken "river pirates" in Two Rivers in the year 1849. In the year named there was living here a man named Fox who was the recognized chief of as riotous a band of river pirates as ever plundered a camp or "painted a town." From the time they disposed of one raft of shingle bolts until they started after another they held high carnival, bulleying and frightening the people of the village, and some times in their drunken frenzy viciously assaulting innofensive persons, committing unlawful depradations and maliciously damaging property. While their money lasted they were a dangerous set of ruffians. When it was all gone they disappeared, either up the Neshoto or the Mishicot river, but in a few weeks they re-appeared with another raft. They did not, while on one of these trips after shingle bolts, confine their pilage to appropriating therefor choice pine trees found along the banks of the river they happened to be navigating, but took pine logs found afloat in the river or lodged by the spring freshets on low lands. Any one who protested against their wilful disregard of property rights and registered marks received a sound drubbing or was doused in the river and ordered to "swim for 'tother side." When these logs were sawed and split into shingle bolts no man could prove ownership of the logs from which they came. The Fox gang was about twelve in number and as tough a set as any that ever sailed the salty seas in search of plunder. They were a terror to the town but at the spring election in the year 1849 it was decided to rid the town of the gang or to make them behave themselves, and a man named MCCULLOM was elected constable who it was believed had the courage to hold the gang in check or drive them from the place. One afternoon while Fox and his followers were on a big debouch and were making themselves generally despised they happened to pass by the little brewery of Edward Mueller, the grand father of the Mueller Bros. who now own a fine modern brewery near where the old original brewery was located. In front of the brewery there was a small flag staff, at the top of which a small flag was flying. The flag and flag staff had been set there by the late Richard MUELLER who was then a lad of ten or twelve years. The gang stopped to view the flag and one of them offered to bet a keg of beer that Fox could not climb the staff and bring down the flag. Fox accepted the offer instantly and began at once to climb the staff. When he got about ten or twelve feet from the ground the staff toppled over, landing him in a mud puddle. The gang, of course, set up a noisy laugh over his predicament and a flock of geese near by, disturbed by the accident and by the noise, began to gabble derisively. Fox was in a fury over his mishap and was just crazy enough to think that the geese were laughing at him, as well as his gang of pirates, and siezing a club he rushed at them and began killing them. The geese belonged to Edward MUELLER, the brewer, and he happened to drive into the yard while Fox was clubing(sic) them so fatally. He called to Fox and asked what was the matter. Fox's reply was that the d--d geese had laughed at him for falling into the puddle. Mr. Mueller rushed to the defense of his geese and was struck by Fox and knocked senseless. The gang then quickly dispersed. Mueller soon recovered and went immediately before a justice of the peace named Peterson and swore out a warrant for the arrest of Fox. The gang had scattered and Fox had secreted himself in one of the shanties along the river in which shingles were made, but was found by constable McCullom about nine o'clock in the evening. Mccullom knew the character of the man he had to deal with and secured the assistance of a number of men employed at the saw mill at which he worked, one of whom was a young German of the name of LINSTEDT and who was almost of giant proportions and as gamey a man as ever lived. McCullom entered the shanty all alone and found Fox sitting on a stool nearly stupefied with liquor. Shaking him by the shoulder he told him that he was under arrest and ordered him to come with him to court. Fox slowly arose, as though to follow his captor, but instead of quietly following, he sprang at him with a knife he had jerked from his belt and made a thrust at him. McCullom, expecting some such desperate deed on the part of Fox, was on the watch for him and sprang to one side, but he did not escape a severe wound. Fox then darted for the door of the shanty but he found Linstedt standing therein and prepared to receive him. "Drop that knife, Fox, or I will kill you" said Linstedt. Fox was now fully sobered and saw at a glance that the man confronting him meant just what he said, so he dropped the knife and permitted himself to be led before Justice Peterson, who was waiting for him in a small shanty not far distant, where he held court whenever he had a case to try. In court Fox was very quiet and submissive, but during the trial he asked to be allowed to go to a privy near by and permission was granted, but a guard was ordered to accompany him. The night was intensely dark and, once outside, Fox darted away from his guard and disappeared in the darkness. He could not be found that night and he never was seen again in Two Rivers. Most of his gang also soon disappeared, and a few years later river pirating was practically stopped.
G.I.H. FRANK From the Manitowoc Pilot, 29 April 1875: In Justice Court, To G.I.H. Frank, defendant You are hereby notified that a warrant of attachment has been issued against you and your property attached to satisfy the demand of Moses Teweles amounting to the sum of seventeen dollars over and above all legal set-offs with costs of suit. Now unless you shall appear before William H. Glover, a justice of the peace in and for said county at his office in the city of Manitowoc, county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin on the 30th day of April, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt. Moses Teweles, Plaintiff
3 of the Franz brothers, sons of Lorenz and Caroline (Sommerfelt) Franz. The people in the back row are unnamed
The home of Lorenz and Caroline (Sommerfelt) Franz, with them standing out front. Holy Family Hospital in the background.
Fred Franz, Albert & Lena (Stueck) Franz, Mrs. Herman (Rose Bonfigt) Franz, Mrs. John (Martha Schmidt) Franz, Herman Franz, John Franz. The Franz boys are sons of Lorenz and Caroline (Sommerfelt) Franz
Albert And Carolina (Stueck) Franz, 4 May 1899
Albert And Lena Franz
Albert Franz, and his grandson Donald Franz (May 11, 1928 - September 09, 1992), oldest child of Emil and Louise (Kiel) Franz (and my uncle). Donald was one of the directors of the Manitowoc Marine Band.
Caroline (Stueck) Franz, and her sister-in-law, Annie (Franz) Pilgrim.
Esther Anna Emma Franz (August 20, 1908 - June 20, 1998), daughter of Albert & Caroline (Stueck) Franz. She married Harvey Kohlmeier July 29, 1929, in Illinois
Emil and Louise (Kiel) Franz Wedding May 15, 1926
From L->R: Walter Hoefner (cousin of groom), Esther Franz (sister of groom), Emil Franz, Louise (Kiel) Franz, Meta Rahn (cousin of bride & cousin of groom), Arno Kiel (brother of bride)
Emil and Louise Wedding Day
Richard Carl Franz & Dorothy Alma Franz Children of Emil and Louise (Kiel) Franz Picture taken 1936 at the Franz family home, Town of Two Rivers
HERMAN FRANZ From the Two Rivers Chronicle, February 27, 1906 EASTWIN NEWS Mr. Herman Franz and Rose Bonfigt of here will be united in marriage at Two Rivers by Rev. Father Geissler to-day, Monday Feb. 25. The wedding will be a quiet affair, only the nearest relatives and friends will be present. The young couple will reside on the Franz farm and have the best wishes of a host of friends in which your correspondent joins for a happy and prosperous future.
JOHN FRANZ Manitowoc Chronicle OCTOBER 15, 1872 John Franz came to Two Rivers in 1856, healthy, strong and willing to work to support his family. He first went to work for Aldrich, Smith & Co., in their saw mill, and afterwards in the pail factory for the firm now styled Two Rivers Manufacturing Company, in which employ he continued till 1862. In this year he was slightly wounded in the left hand. Slight as this wound was - caused, we believe, by a small fragment of iron - it grew to be a serious one, and after having suffered untold pain for a year and a half, during which his previous savings were entirely dissipated, he was compelled to have the hand amputated in order to save his life. Pretty tight papers for a young man with a growing family unable to work, and ignorant of the English language. But determined to support his family in an honest way, he procured admission to the district school, and commenced the study of the English language. He was then 30 years of age. In 1864 he was elected town treasurer; unanimously re-elected in 1865, and again in 1869. In the fall of 1866 he was elected register of deeds, Manitowoc county, which office he has filled since with ability and integrity, unsurpassed by any previous incumbent. The people have endorsed the truth of this by giving John Franz bigger majorities than any other county officer has received, and though we advised him, last week, to be contented with a couple thousand majority, after the onslaught made in favor of a political renegade, who is claimed to have always sympathized with the party he pretends to oppose, we shall find no fault with Franz if he can get three or four thousand majority, or indeed if, as was usually the case in Two Rivers, he is unanimously elected.
JOHN FRANZ From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 Real estate and insurance, Manitowoc, born Nov. 15, 1832, in Prussia. In 1856 he came to Two Rivers, worked in the factory most of the time till 1863. He then was elected to different local offices, which he held till 1867, when he was elected Register of Deeds; held this office till 1877. Since then he has been engaged in his present business; he has been elected twice Alderman, married in 1854 to Catherine Heinz of Prussia. They have four children, one son and three daughters. Mr. Franz has held the office of Notary Public continuously since 1865.
C. AND W. FRAZIER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.62-63. One of the well established business houses of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, is the furniture and undertaking establishment of the Frazier Brothers, C. and W.. located at Nos. 700-712 York street. This business was originally organized by C. Frazier, its first location being on Eighth street, and later it was moved to its present situation, and in 1888 W. Frazier was admitted to partnership. C. Frazier was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, in 1855, a son of Henry and Louisa Frazier, the former of whom died in the old country. His widow brought her five children to Manitowoc in 1863, her brother, Martin Vollendorf, having located here some time previous, and here she made her home until her death, March 9, 1910. Of the five children, three now survive: C. and W., and a sister, Mrs. Hamman, of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. C. Frazier received his education in the common schools, and at the age of thirteen years went to Chicago, where he was employed from 1869 until 1874, being in that city at the time of the great fire in 1871. From 1874 until 1880 he worked in Columbus, Ohio, then he returned to Manitowoc for a short time, after which he went to Denver, Colorado, and was employed in the mines and at his trade, and for six years was in business there. In 1888, on his return to Manitowoc, he established his present business. In January, 1889, Mr. Frazier was married to Miss Clara Zander, a daughter of Carl Zander, a retired citizen of this city, and four sons and one daughter have been born to this union. Mr. Frazier is a member of the Masonic order, the Elks, the Odd Fellows and the Knights of Pythias. He has been prominent in local politics, and is now serving as alderman from the fourth ward and as president of the council. Recently he has been honored by his associates by election to the office of vice president of the Citizens’ Advancement Association. William Frazier was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, September 3, 1860. He received his elementary education in the common schools, and at the early age of ten years became a sailor on the Great Lakes, continuing as such for fifteen years and leaving the water with the rank of mate. At that time he joined his brother in business, and together they have made their enterprise one of the largest of its kind in this section. They carry a full line of high grade furniture, and the undertaking department is equipped with every modern appliance known to the business. On August 4, 1888, Mr. Frazier was married to Miss Louisa Dischel, a native of Germany, who came to the United States as a girl, and two children have been born to this union, Anita and Roland. Mr. Frazier is a member of the Maccabees. Like his brother, he is a republican in political matters. For some years he served as a member of the county board.
CHARLES BERNARD FREYBERG Charles Bernard Freyberg has been a resident of Sheboygan County for over forty years. His father, Louis Freyberg, was born in Pomerania, Germany, where he grew to manhood and married Caroline Weinschlager, a native of the same province. Mr. Freyberg, Sr., was a blacksmith by trade, following that calling exclusively until his emigration to the United States. In 1852, with his wife and five children, he sailed from Hamburg to New York. So slow were the means of transportation, that nine weeks were consumed in making the voyage. The family lived in Milwaukee for six months, then came to Sheboygan, which was a town of but little importance. Having established a smithy, he received a liberal patronage from the vicinity of Howard's Grove. Increase of trade from that quarter induced him to open a shop at that place, he continuing business there for seven years. For a time he also operated a shingle mill. About 1854 he removed to Meeme, Manitowoc County, where he was engaged in the sawmill business. Six years later he sold his interests there, moved to Sheboygan, and built the first flouring-mill erected in this place. In connection therewith he ran a shingle-mill. After an active business career of many years, he retired, his sons taking up the business. His death occurred at the age of sixty-five years. His widow survives at the age of seventy-four years, and is a resident of Sheboygan. Of their children, four are living, the subject of this sketch being the eldest. Albert and Herman are also members of the firm of C. B. Freyberg and Bros., the former living in Sheboygan, and the latter at Washington Island, Wis. Matilda, the youngest of the family, married John Raiser, and resides in Ft. Worth, Tex. C. B. Freyberg was born near Stettin, Pomerania, Germany, August 16, 1844. He was therefore but eight years of age when the family came to the United States. He was educated in the common schools of this county, receiving instruction both in English and German. After reaching his twelfth year he worked, during vacation, in his father's blacksmith shop, and blacksmithing was his chief business until he reached his majority. The first enterprise in which he embarked on his own account was that of keeping store in Howard's Grove. After merchandising there a year, he purchased the old sawmill his father had owned in Manitowoc County. Having operated that six years, he sold out, and with his brothers, Albert and Herman, purchased from his father the flouring-mill at Sheboygan. This they operated for some four or five years, and in the mean time opened a lumber-yard in this city. Some two years later they purchased a sawmill from A. L. Weeks in Manitowoc County. After operating it for about two years it was destroyed by fire. Subsequently, they built a mill on Washington Island, where they also opened a store and had charge of the dock. Since they first opened a lumber-yard in Sheboygan, they have carried on that line of business continuously. In 1888 they removed to their present quarters, at the foot of Pennsylvania Avenue. Their yard covers one and a-half blocks, and has three hundred and thirty feet of dock frontage. Two large four-story buildings are located thereon - one 72x72 feet, and the other 56x100 feet. These buildings are occupied by a planing-mill and the plant of the Sheboygan Novelty Company. The Freyberg Bros. give employment to from fifteen to twenty hands in operating their lumber-yard and planing-mill. The Novelty Company, spoken of above, was incorporated in 1890, with a capital stock of $30,000. It occupies the larger building and three floors of the smaller one, giving employment to from eighty to ninety hands. This company is engaged, exclusively, in the manufacture of book-cases. The present officers are: C. B. Freyberg, President; R. Preussler, Vice-President and manager; A. Preussler, Treasurer; and A. F. Freyberg, Secretary. Mr. Freyberg whose name heads this article was married in Howard's Grove, in 1865, to Miss Caroline, a daughter of William Kestner, a pioneer of Sheboygan County. Their family consists of four daughters: Lisetta; Clara, wife of William Waterman, of this county; Norma and Alma. All save the second are at home. Mr. Freyberg affiliates with the Odd Fellows' fraternity, and, politically, is an uncompromising Republican. He has long been identified with the business interests of his adopted county, his course having ever been characterized by honesty and fair dealing. Source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis. - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago, Page 700
CHARLES H. FRICKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.600-603. Charles H. Fricke, one of the well known citizens of Manitowoc, who for some time represented the sixth ward in the council, but has now resigned, was born in the town of Rapids, May 27, 1869, and is a son of Karl and Paulina (Janke) Fricke. The family was founded in Manitowoc county by Mr. Fricke’s grandparents, who came to the United States from Germany in 1862 and settled on a forty acre tract of wild land in the town of Kossuth, and in 1884 came to the town of Rapids where they spent the balance of their lives. Karl Fricke was one of twelve children, and was born September 5, 1840. He was twenty-two years of age when he accompanied his parents to the United States, and shortly after coming here enlisted for service in the Civil war, being a private in the Union army for three years and three months. After his term of service had expired he purchased a tract of wild land in Kossuth, where he lived for two years, but sold this property to purchase land in the town of Rapids, continuing on that land for twenty years and then buying the farm which became known as the Fricke homestead, on which his death occurred July 13, 1909. Mr. Fricke was married in 1863 to Paulina Janke, who was born January 1, 1846, in Germany, and came to the United States with her mother, Augusta (Wonkholz) Janke, in 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Fricke had twelve children, of whom four are deceased: two who died in infancy; Elvina, who passed away at the age of forty-one years; and Otto, whose death occurred when he was only two weeks old. The surviving children are as follows: Lena, Charles H., William, Emma, Ida, Annie, Theodore and Hattie. Charles H. Fricke received his education in the district schools of his neighborhood, and worked on the home farm until he was sixteen years of age. He then became engineer of the Steam Brick Yards, where he continued for three years, severing his connection with that firm to enter the employ of Samuel Hall. After four years spent in operating Mr. Hall’s engines in the warehouse, Mr. Fricke engaged in teaming for four years, and then became an employe of the Lambert Pea Canning Company, now known as the Wisconsin Pea Canning Company, and he has also, during the last fourteen years, operated a threshing outfit during the fall seasons. In 1911, Mr. Fricke commenced operating the old home farm in the town of Rapids. He has been prominent in republican politics, and fraternally he is connected with Council No. 42, Royal League, and his wife is post officer in the Fraternal Reserve Association. In 1897 Mr. Fricke was married to Emma Kliner, who was born in the town of Rapids, a daughter of Ignatz Kliner, a native of Bohemia. Mr. and Mrs. Fricke's four children were born as follows: Genevieve, in 1898; Paul, in 1901; Charles, in 1906, and Alfred, in 1910.
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Fricke
HENRY FRISCH (From the Manitowoc Herald, Tuesday June 10, 1902) m: Rose Hermann Two well known young people of the city were today united in life's most solemn obligation, the marriage of Miss Rose Hermann and Henry Frisch occurring at St. Boniface church at 10 o'clock. A small party of friends witnessed the ceremony which was performed by Rev. Father Peil. Edward Hermann and Miss Ida Pfeffer attended the couple. A reception was tendered Mr. and Mrs. Frisch by the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Hermann during the afternoon. A large circle of friends will unite in wishing the newly wed couple a long and prosperous life. Mrs. Frisch is a young lady whose many accomplishments and gracious manner have endeared her to all and will make home all it should be for the man of her choice. The groom is a merchant tailor and until recently engaged in business for himself but lately associated with the department at the Schuette Bros. Co. store. He is a man of sterling qualities and enjoys an excellent character. After a brief wedding tour Mr. and Mrs. Frisch will be at home in this city June 17.
Signature of Andreas Fritsch
Anna Fritsch at age 91
Coat of Arms
Family Crest
Jos. Frozeno This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOHN FUCHS From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870 IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of John Fuchs, deceased. On reading filing the petition of Anton Fuchs, of said county, representing among other things that John Juchs, late of said county, on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving no goods and chattels and no estate within this state, and that the petitiioner is the father of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Wednesday, the 23rd day of March A.D. 1870 at 10 o'clock a.m. , at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, March 1st, 1870.
PETER PAUL FUESSENICH ============================================================================= Peter Paul Füssenich was a man of mystery and contradictions. Peter was born on November 7, 1833 in Golzheim, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Prussia the son of Wilhelm Fuessenich and Margaretha Hoffmann Füssenich. Wilhelm and Margaretha had married on June 30, 1830 in Weilerswist and all eight of their children were born in Prussia. Wilhelm and Margaretha Fuessenich and their five surviving children immigrated to the United States in 1848 and lived in Greenfield Township, Milwaukee County where Wilhelm purchased 36 acres of land. The family lived several years in Calumet County before moving to Manitowoc County by 1860. Peter Fuessenich married Agnes C. Breuer May 7, 1864 in Huchelhoven, Kr. Bergheim, Prussia. Agnes was the sister of Herman Henry Breuer. This was an arranged marriage. Peter had applied for a passport on February 25, 1864 (application number 13,239). From the marriage record, Peter produced a sworn public document signed by a public official of the County of Manitowoc, a document from the Royal Prussian Consul in Milwaukee, a letter from his parents giving their consent for their son to marry and his US passport proving his citizenship. In 1864, Peter Fuessenich was elected as a state assemblyman from Manitowoc County. (See the History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin by Ralph G. Plumb, page 147). Then in 1868 and 1871, Peter was elected to the position of county clerk. The investigation of the Fuessenich Scandal began in 1871. (Refer to History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin by Ralph G. Plumb, pages 162-163). In his position as county clerk, Peter P. Fuessenich had embezzled about $20,000 of the county’s money! A committee of the county board was investigating the matter when Fuessenich turned in his resignation and fled Wisconsin. In 1875, Peter Füssenich and his wife, Agnes and their two daughters, Maria and Pauline, were living in Atchison County, Kansas under the name FISHERING. According to the 1875 Kansas State Census, P. Fishering is a doctor. His occupation is given as physician for the census records, both U.S. and Kansas state census. According to a notice in the Atchison Globe, dated November 5, 1879 “Dr. Fishering has been coroner five years, and the cash receipts during that time have been $25.00.” The myth of Peter’s occupation is perpetuated by his daughter Pauline Fishering’s obituary in the Atchison Daily Globe upon her death in November 1951. One of his sons, John Frederick Fishering’s certificate of baptism from St. Benedict’s Church, lists his parents as Dr. Paul Fishering and Agnes Brauer (sic). Another irony concerning Peter Füssenich//Fishering’s finances is two of his sons died in infancy and are buried in the common grave area (pauper’s grave) at Mt. Cavalry Cemetery in Atchison, Kansas. On the 1890 Veterans Schedules for Stutsman County, North Dakota, Peter P. Fuessenich is listed by his real name. According to the census record, Peter was enumerated on line 22: surgeon, 26 Wisconsin Infantry, March 26, 1863 to June 29, 1864. The following comment was made at the bottom of the page “was sent by President Lincoln on a secret mission to Germany and Austria”. During part of his military service period, Peter was in Prussia marrying Agnes Breuer. During the time Peter was on the run, his wife Agnes Breuer Füssenich/Fishering lived in Doniphan County, Kansas with her sister, Josephine Breuer Steinweden and brother-in-law, Christoff Steinweden. Her two surviving children, Pauline and William Fishering lived with family nearby. Agnes died on September 9, 1902 in Doniphan County, Kansas and is buried at Mt. Calvary Cemetery in Atchison. The name on her gravestone is Agnes Fishring along with her son, William Fishring. There is no stone for her daughter, Pauline Fishering, who died November 6, 1951 and is buried with her mother and brother. It is not known where or when Peter Fuessenich died. An extensive search was made of the Catholic records at St. Benedict’s Church in Atchison and no burial record was found for Peter. Peter’s last known whereabouts was in 1890 in Stutsman County, North Dakota. (from researcher/see contributors page)
ALBERT G. FULTON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.262-265. Albert G. Fulton, who is now living retired but was for many years identified with the agricultural development of Manitowoc Rapids township, was born in St. Clair county, Michigan, on February 28, 1832. His father, James Fulton, was born and reared in the east, but in his early manhood he removed to Michigan, locating on the St. Clair river, in the vicinity of the present site of the city of that name, which he helped to lay out. He was one of the pioneers of the state and there he passed the remainder of his life, his death occurring in 1841. For his wife he chose Miss Henrietta Thorn, a native of the city of Detroit but of Scotch extraction, and unto them were born eight children. The maternal grandparents of our subject were residents of Detroit at the time of the War of 1812, and when the city was captured by the British, Mr. Thorn left, refusing to live under English rule, and joined Perry who was then fitting out his squadron. The early years in the life of Albert G. Fulton were distinguished by the hardships and privations that invariably devolve upon the pioneers of any country. He received absolutely no educational advantages, never having attended school in his life, but being an ambitious youth and persistent he eventually learned to read and thus having acquired the key to the door of knowledge he became a very well informed man. During his entire life he has read thoughtfully and intelligently along various lines and is now well posted on all subjects of current interest. At the age of ten years he assumed the duties of manhood by becoming self-supporting, his first position being that of cook on a small lake vessel. When he was fourteen he was able to go before the mast and perform a sailor’s duties, and four years later he was fully competent to take the position of mate. In 1852, at the age of twenty, he was made master of the "Defiance," a lumber schooner plying between Manitowoc and Chicago. On one of their trips, during a bad "northeaster," their boat was unfortunately capsized, and Captain Fulton and his crew were on the disabled vessel at the mercy of the waves for four days before their signals of distress brought them relief. Many years later, he was one of the passengers on the “North Uba,” when she capsized off Racine. He followed the life of a sailor for twenty years, and during that time held the command of various boats, having had the distinction of being the captain of the first vessel ever built in Manitowoc, “The Citizen,” which was a two-master and takes much pride in being able to boast of the fact that he never lost a man by drowning. In 1862, he left the lake and bought a wood and coal yard in Chicago which he conducted for three years. At the expiration of that period he returned to Manitowoc, where he resided for a year, when he bought the farm upon which he now resides. This had never been under cultivation and was entirely without improvements when it came into his possession, but as he possessed an abundance of energy and an equal amount of perseverance it was not long until every acre was laid out into well tilled fields. He succeeded in his undertaking and for thirty-seven years thereafter devoted his entire time and attention to the further improvement and cultivation of his farm, but in 1899 he withdrew from the active work of the fields. In 1855 was celebrated the marriage of Captain Fulton and Miss Elizabeth Johnson, who was born in Maine in 1837 and is of English extraction, her parents having emigrated to the United States from the mother country. Nine children have been born to Captain and Mrs. Fulton, all of whom lived to attain maturity but one, Albert, who was the eighth in order of birth. The others are Henry, Emily, Charles, Annie, Alice, Mary, Laura and Daisy. Mrs. Fulton passed away about twenty-five years ago. In matters of religious faith the family are Presbyterians, the parents both holding membership in that church. Although the Captain always has taken an active interest in all public questions, particularly those affecting local conditions, he would never accept an office. He has consented at various times, however, to serve on the school board, being a stanch advocate of our educational system. He is widely known not only in his immediate community but throughout the county, where he has many friends as more than half a century he has resided in this vicinity, having located here when much of the land that now annually yields abundant harvests was covered with timber and the majority of the settlers lived in log cabins. -------------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Farmer, Sec. 34, Manitowoc Rapids Township, has 95 acres of land and 75 under cultivation. He was born in Cotrilville, St. Clair Co., Mich., Feb. 23, 1832, and lived there until he was eleven years of age, at which time he began sailing as cabin boy. He was promoted to positions of trust, then to master and also became owner. He followed the business until 1862, after which he went in the wood and coal business in Chicago. About three years after this he moved to Manitowoc Rapids, since which he has followed farming, having made a purchase of some of his land in 1852. He was married at Sheboygan, 10 December 1854, to Miss Elizabeth Johnson, who was born in Eastport, Me, Oct. 16, 1836. They have had nine children living - Henry A., married and farming in Cato Tp, Manitowoc Co., Emma J., Charles E., Anna E., Alice M., Mary E., Laura A., Albert G. (deceased), Daisy E.
Albert G. Fulton