[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
H.F. LIEBENOW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.479-480. The firm of C. Liebenow & Son has been engaged in the jewelry and optical business in Manitowoc for practically fifty years, and is not only one of the oldest establishments of the kind in the city but is one of the largest and most prosperous. The present owner, H.F. Liebenow, has been sole proprietor of this enterprise since 1879. He is a native of Goldberg, Germany, where his birth occurred on the 5th of May, 1839, and he is a son of Christian and Georgina Liebenow. The parents emigrated to the United States with their family in 1856, locating in Milwaukee. They resided there for a few years and then removed to Two Rivers, coming from there to Manitowoc. Here the father and our subject established a jewelry and optical store which was conducted as a partnership enterprise until 1879, when the father died. Both parents were living here at the time of their death, the mother passing away in 1864, and they are buried in Evergreen cemetery. The early education of H.F. Liebenow was acquired in his native country, where he resided until he had attained the age of seventeen years. After the family located in Milwaukee he resumed his studies in the public schools of that city, following which he learned the watchmaker's trade under his father, who was a skillful workman. They were both enterprising and thrifty and through their united efforts finally accumulated sufficient capital to engage in business. Their original store in Manitowoc bore little resemblance to the magnificent establishment now being conducted under the name of C. Liebenow & Son, as owing to their limited means they were compelled to begin in a very small way. They kept a nice assortment of silver and jewelry, the quality of which was fully commensurate with the price, and as they were accomodating and gracious to their patrons encountered little difficulty in establishing a good trade. As their circumstances warranted they increased their stock and enlarged their quarters, and now Mr. Liebenow has one of the finest establishments in the city. He has a very attractive store in a good location and is enjoying a most excellent patronage. During the long period of his connection with the commercial activities of Manitowoc he has established a most enviable reputation for trustworthiness and reliability and as a result he has many customers whose names have been on his books for more than a quarter of a century. Practical and progressive in his ideas he has always maintained a policy in the conduct of his establishment which has won him the confidence and cooperation of his patrons, who feel assured that they can depend upon anything they purchase from him being exactly as it is represented. Mr. Liebenow is a veteran of the Civil war and gave three years' service to his country's cause. In 1862 he enlisted in Company B, Twenty-fourth Wisconsin Infantry, and served until the close of the conflict, when he was mustered out at the city of Washington. Mr. Liebenow was married in Chicago the 15th of January, 1877, to Miss Josephine Sproehnle, a daughter of Francis and Martina Sproehnle. The parents were among the early settlers of Chicago and there the father owned a stone yard which he operated until his death in 1882. The mother survived him until 1892, when she too passed away and was laid to rest beside her husband in Graceland cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Liebenow have been the parents of two children, both of whom died in infancy. They live at the corner of Eighth and Commercial streets, where they have a very comfortable and pleasant residence. Fraternally Mr. Liebenow is a blue lodge Mason and he also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while he maintains relations with his former army comrades through membership in the Grand Army of the Republic. His political support is given to the men and measures of the republican party. He is highly regarded in local business circles, where his success is regarded as the well merited reward of close concentration and capably directed energy, the fact that his achievements are self-won bringing him all the more commendation and satisfaction.
JOHN A. LIEBERT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 529 Merchant tailor, Manitowoc, was born in Prussia, Aug. 13, 1842, and emigrated to America in 1861, and settled in Manitowoc. Worked at his trade eighteen months, then went to Sheboygan a short time, and worked at his trade. He then enlisted in Co. L, 4th Wis. Cav., March 22, 1864. Served until May 28, 1866, and got his discharge. He returned to Manitowoc, and engaged in tailoring about two years, and went to Milwaukee, where he also followed his trade a short time. He finally returned to Manitowoc, and began business July, 1869, with only $80, since which time he has built up a good trade. He was married in Manitowoc, Oct. 10, 1869, to Miss Amelia Reitz. She was born in Germany, Aug. 19, 1852. ************* Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Pages 511-512: JOHN A. LIEBERT, Manitowoc, Wis., member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born August 18, 1842, in Posen, Germany. His parents, Mathias and Anna Rosina (Kurtzmann) Liebert, came with their family to America in 1861, and located at Manitowoc. March 22, 1863, he enlisted in Company L. 4th Wisconsin Infantry, at Madison, for three years. He joined the regiment in time to participate in both attacks on Port Hudson and was with it when it was converted into a calvary command. He was in all the variety of service, which included the fights at Baton Rouge and Port Hudson previous to being mounted, and after was engaged in scouting, picket duty and foraging and was in many skirmishes in which supplies were captured, rebels dispersed and taken prisoners and, August 20, 1865, was transferred to Company E, of the same regiment, the command serving in Texas, where he was discharged at Brownsville, May 28, 1866, two months after his term of service had expired. The regiment performed much heavy marching and, on one occasion, he was in a forced march from Mobile to Memphis. Before reaching that place they received orders to go to Vicksburg and for four weeks had only corn meal for food. When General Grierson received orders to move from Port Hudson to Mobile, he sent 1,800 men, including the 4th Wisconsin, with a train of wagons to obtain forage for the horses. One night, during a heavy rain, they camped in the vicinity of 5,00 rebels. One of the Union scouts entered the rebel camp and obtained his supper and heard the discussion of plans to capture the entire Yankee force during the night, but the attack was prevented by the rain. The next day a train of wagons which went out for corn was captured by the rebels, but the escort all escaped. It was composed of the 2nd Texas, regiment, and the rebels captured the surgeon of the 4th Wisconsin. They were about to hang him on the suposition that he was a Texan, but he claimed to belong to the 4th Wisconsin, and they held him two weeks until he could prove his identity, when he was released. On the same trip, in an encounter with the rebels, the Union force captured as many prisoners as they themselves numbered. After the close of the war, the regiment marched through to Texas and spent some time in watching the borders during the process of reconstruction. Previous to this, after the virtual close of hostilities, the column encountered a rebel force that showed fight, although Lee had surrendered, but in view of the superior numbers of the Union troops, the changed their minds. At this place, the regiment obtained rations for the first time after a long and heavy march. While the regiment was passing through Alabama, endeavoring to find Jeff Davis, they encountered a body of Confederates who shouted to them, “hello Yanks, you have got to keep on marching until you get home, but we are through.” The reply “Yes, that is all right, but our money is good, and yours ain’t,” was not appreciated. On one occasion when Mr. Liebert was on picket duty, a lady and a little girl came along on a pony. They had to cross a slough and the undertaking was a dangerous one; Mr. Liebert left his post, contrary to orders, took the child and the lady across on his horse, leading the pony. Although the lady was a rebel, she thanked him cordially for his courtesy and promised him entertainment, if he would call at her residence. Mr. Liebert enlisted in 1862 in the 27th Wisconsin Infantry, but was rejected on account of his size. Of his company of 112 men but 28 came back at the close of the war. He returned from the war to Manitowoc, where he is engaged in the business of a merchant tailor. He was married in 1869 to Amelia Rietz. His parents reside near Manitowoc, his father being 78 years old, yet he walks frequently from his residence to Manitowoc, three miles. His mother is 76 years of age. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album)
OSCAR LINDEMANN Oscar Lindemann to Rose Glander 5. Oktober 1921: Manitowoc Girl to Be Spring Bride—One of the most interesting engagements of the winter season for society folks of Manitowoc, Wis., comes in the announcement of the betrothal of Miss Rose Glander (shown in the accompanying picture), and Oscar G. Lindermann, both of Manitowoc. Miss Glander, daughter of Mrs. Clara Glander, is one of the most popular leaders of the younger set in her home city. Mr. Lindermann, also active in the younger set, is associated with his father, G. H. Lindermann, in the Northern Wisconsin Produce Co. The wedding will take place in the spring.—The Milwaukee Journal, January 16, 1921 WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENT: Gestern Morgen schlossen Oscar E. Lindemann und Frl. Rose Glander, Tochter der Frau Clara Glander dahier, den Ehebund. Die Trauung fand in der wohnung der Mutter der Braut statt und wurde von Pastor Machmiller vollzogen, Nach seiner Rückfehr von einer Hochzeitsreise wird das junge Paar sich hier niederlassen.—Manitowoc Post, Jahrgang 41, Donnerstag, den 6 Oktober, 1921, No. 18 “Yesterday morning Oscar E. Lindemann and Miss Rose Glander, daughter of Clara Glander of here were united in honorable contract of marriage. The wedding took place in the residence of the bride’s mother and was executed by Pastor Machmiller. After returning from their honeymoon the young pair will settle down here.”—interpretation by Emilie B. Lindemann ********* Heirathslizenzen.— Die folgenden Applikationen für Heiretrslizensen wurden in der Office von County-Clerk Arthur Schröder seit uaserem vorigen Berichte hinterlegt: Oscar E. Lindemann, Manitowoc Rose Glander Manitowoc —Manitowoc Post, Jahrgang 41, Donnerstag den 6. Oktober 1921. No. 18 Marriage Licenses.—The following applications for marriage licenses were submitted at the office of County-Clerk Arthur Schroeder since our last report: Oscar E. Lindemann, Manitowoc Rose Glander, Manitowoc —Interpretation by Emilie B. Lindemann (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
WALTER LINDEMANN Walter Lindemann, (single and unmarried) is buried by one of his god-parents, namely, Ella Emma Knechtel geb. Lindemann. His father Wilhelm Lindemann presumedly bought the house at 2611 Clark Street, in Manitowoc Rapids, from his father, Hermann Lindemann, after Emil Lindemann’s first wife, Jennie Lindemann geb. Frosh, passed from this world at the young age of twenty. Thus, Walter was born in Manitowoc Rapids, and was baptized at the First German Ev. Lutheran Church. At the age of six months—as an infant, Walter moved with his father to the Farm in Liberty after Hermann Lindemann’s wife Friederike geb. Timm died of a stroke in 1903, whilst Emil moved to 2611 Clark Street at that same time. He was then married to Elizabeth DePouw from Oconto in 1904 and they resided all their lives at Clark Street in Manitowoc. His baptismal certificate reads: “Tauf Schein—geb. Den 5.ten September 1902, in Manitowoc, Wisc. Sohn das Herrn Wilh. Lindemann und seine Gattin Adelia, geb. Haese ist am 26.ten October 1902 in der Ev. Luth. Gemeinde in Manitowoc Wisconsin—Taufpathen waren: Ella Lindemann, Louis Lutzke, Edward Klug—Past. K. Machmüller, Manitowoc, Wisc. “ He passed down the tradition that Hermann Lindemann wanted one of his three sons to take over the farm in Liberty. But none were interested, as Gustav H. Lindemann had become a cheesemaker, Emil C. Lindemann’s wife had just died, so that left Walter’s father, Wilhelm, who had to give up his job at the shipyards in Manitowoc, to take over the farm. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
ALFRED LINDHOLM This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.143-144. Alfred Lindholm, a well known resident of Manitowoc Rapids township, where he has been identified with various activities, was born in the village of Manitowoc Rapids on the 25th of March, 1859, and is a son of Edward and Louise Lindholm. The parents were born, reared and married in Sweden, but the father, who was a tailor by trade, became dissatisfied with the prospects his native land offered for success and decided to come to America. He took passage for Boston, where he followed his trade for a year and then came to the middle west, settling in St. Charles, Illinois. There he was joined a year or two later by his wife, but as they had friends in Manitowoc county, they in 1854 removed here, settling at Manitowoc Rapids where he opened a shop. He conducted this establishment for three years, and then decided to locate in Manitowoc, which was then little more than a village. There he established a shop which he operated for twenty years, being compelled to give up his work at the end of that time on account of a paralytic stroke. Returning to Manitowoc Rapids, he engaged in the meat business continuing to be identified with this line until he sustained another stroke that compelled his retirement from all active work. He lived until 1897 to the age of seventy-seven years, the mother passing away the same year. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Lindholm numbered six, three sons and three daughters. The education of Alfred Lindholm was acquired in the common schools of this county, and while still in his early youth he went to work for the farmers. When the family returned to Manitowoc Rapids he assisted his father in the meat market, taking over the entire management after the latter was compelled to retire. In 1905 he disposed of the shop and subsequently engaged in gardening and farming, but recently he has withdrawn from active work, having reached that time in life which he feels entitles him to a somewhat less strenuous existence. In 1890, Mr. Lindholm was united in marriage to Miss Ellen Johnson, who is a native of Sweden, and unto them have been born four children, two of whom, Elmer and Olive, are now deceased, while the two living sons are Edward and Albert. The family attend the Lutheran church in which the parents hold membership, and among whose congregation they both number many friends of long years standing.
AUGUST LINDNER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.422-423. August Lindner, deceased, for many years one of the leading factors in the commercial life of Kiel, was born in Germany, March 18, 1849, and died at Kiel, Wisconsin, September 24, 1910. He came with his parents to Schleswig, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, in 1861, and for a period all of the members of the family who were able to do so, assisted in the farm work. August Lindner later clerked in the mercantile establishment of the pioneer merchant, Carl G. Heins, afterward going to Freeport, Illinois. Returning to Kiel in 1873, he started a store near the depot, disposing of the stock later on at a profit. He remodeled the store building, and enlarged it, converting it into the well known Commercial House, which is still one of the most popular hotels in the county. For years the genial proprietor made his guests comfortable and took an interest in their well being while under his roof. For twenty—two years he was village clerk, was town clerk for a number of years, clerk of the school board, secretary of the cemetery association, and was postmaster under President Harrison. In 1870 Mr. Lindner married Elizabeth Kasper. In their family were seven children who reached maturity. Flora married Henry J. Ammann, a cigar manufacturer of Kiel. Edgar George is proprietor of the Commercial Hotel of Kiel. Hugo W., who is engaged in the marble business and is also village clerk, married Matilda Gessert, of Kiel, a daughter of Cornelius Gessert, an engineer for a woodenware company. Walter, who is also in the marble business, married Hedwig Leight, of Winona, Minnesota, a daughter of Joseph Leight, deceased, who was publisher of a newspaper. Hedwig resides with her brother Edgar at Kiel. Ferdinand died when thirty years old. Thekla married Walter Mulcahy, who is a bookkeeper in a packing house in Sandpoint, Idaho. A sister of August Lindner, born in Germany, lives at Kiel. Mrs. Lindner died November 15, 1896, she too, having been born in Germany. Mr. Lindner was a charter member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and was past grand of his lodge. Few men stood higher than he in public esteem, and none deserved more truly warm friendship such as this man inspired. The record of a life like this demonstrates beyond question the efficiency of the German-Americans and the fact that earnest effort intelligently directed will bring a just reward.
JULIUS LINDSTEDT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Julius Lindstedt, proprietor Mishicot Brewery, was born April 27, 1836, in Holstein, Germany. In 1847 he came, with his parents, to Mishicott, and assisted on a farm. In 1866, he became connected with a planing mill; continued about two years; he then came to Mishicott and bought out this brewery, which he has since managed. Mr. Lindstedt has been Chairman of the Town Board the past seven years; was Chairman of the County Board in 1880, and has held most of the local offices. Married, in 1864, to Emma Schmidt, of Holstein, Germany. They have seven children, five sons and two daughters.
ANDREW LINSMEYER (contributed by researcher/see contributors page)
AUGUST LIPPERT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.189. August Lippert, a progressive and successful agriculturist of this county, was born July 10, 1866, in Newton township, where he still resides. His parents were John and Sophia Lippert, both of whom were natives of Mecklenburg, Germany, and after coming to the United States settled in Newton township. Here they purchased a tract of land that was covered with heavy timber and erected a log cabin, in which the family resided for a short time. They later built a better home and spent the remainder of their lives upon this farm, the mother passing away several years later than the father. In their family were eight children. August Lippert grew to manhood in Newton township and received his education in the district schools of his neighborhood. As a lad he worked on his father’s farm and continued to remain there until 1887, when he purchased his present home of Louis Kieselhorst. He has made many improvements on the same and there engages extensively in general farming. In 1887 Mr. Lippert wedded Miss Minnie Kieselhorst, the daughter of Louis Kieselhorst, and they have become the parents of two children, Hedwig and Erna. Mr. Lippert has spent his entire life in Manitowoc county and he has therefore witnessed many of the changes which have here occurred and the advancements which have been wrought, bringing it to its present condition of growth and prosperity. Both he and Mrs. Lippert are of the Lutheran faith, being members of the German church at Newton. Mr. Lippert is a prosperous and up-to-date farmer, tilling his fields according to the latest methods of modern agriculture. In business life he is well known for his alert and enterprising spirit, and his salient qualities and characteristics are such as win honor and success.
ALTON LOESER From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, July 4, 1914: Mr. Alton Loeser and Miss Anna Napiezinski were married at the home of the groom's parents Mr. and Mrs. Henry Loeser Saturday afternoon. Justice Tadych officiated. A few close friends and relatives were present. The couple will make their home on the Southside.
HERM LOHE From the Manitowoc Pilot, November 17,1870: Fine Meat Market - The new meat market of Mr. Herm Lohe near the Court House, South Side, is now in running order. The saleroom is large, and presents, as does the entire establishment, a very clean and tasty appearance, which speaks well for the enterprise of the proprieter. The cellar of the building is intended for a packing room. Give him a call.
HERMANN LOHE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Meat market, Manitowoc, was born Dec. 3, 1823, in Prussia. He emigrated to America in 1857. In the Spring of 1858, he came to Manitowoc County, and engaged in farming for one year. He then moved to Manitowoc, and opened a meat market, which he has successfully conducted ever since. He commenced on a small capital, and has increased his business until now he has the most extensive store of its kind in the city. In 1861, he married Miss Sophia Reisenbichler, of Austria, by whom he had two children, one son and one daughter.
ARTHUR H. LOHMAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.216-217. A man prominent in business, social and literary circles in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, is Mr. Arthur H. Lohman, purchasing agent for the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, makers of wood type and printer's supplies, a concern with which he has been identified for over twenty years. He was born in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, July 30, 1872, of German-American parentage. His father was one of the early and successful business men of this city, coming here in the early ‘60s, where he founded the tanning firm of H. Lohman & Company in 1869. He continued in that business until 1888, when, owing to the scarcity of bark and other reasons the plant was discontinued. He was a leading and energetic citizen, being one of the most prominent men in the community during the period of his business activity. He was always devoted to the city's welfare and progress and served as alderman and in other capacities where he was of benefit to the community. It was through the early teachings and association of the father that the son, the subject of this review, imbibed much of the business instinct and many of the qualities that have characterized him during his business career. Arthur H. Lohman attended the public school of Two Rivers and graduated from the high school there in 1889. During his course in the high school he prepared himself for teaching and had previous to his graduation passed the teacher’s examination, after which he was awarded a teacher’s certificate. However, after he was graduated an opening occurred in what was then the small manufacturing institution of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. He accepted the position which was offered him and the growth of the business has given scope to his talents and afforded opportunity for advancement, which he has embraced from time to time until now, when the business has grown from about one hundred and twenty-five hands in 1890 to nearly one thousand hands, he holds the responsible position of purchasing agent for the institution whose products are sold and used in every country on the globe. He has always been a leading spirit in promoting his city’s welfare and civic progress and in assisting new industries, being among those to subscribe for stock when the Tremmel Art Glass Works was organized and also being one of the organizers and founders of the Wisconsin Textile Manufacturing Company, a concern which gives promise of being one of the large industries of this city. In 1900 Mr. Lohman was married to Miss Nana Nash, a daughter of ex-Senator William T. Nash, editor of the Chronicle, published in Two Rivers. Four children have been born unto this union, one son and three daughters: Leslie, Gertrude, Ethel and Winifred. Fraternally Mr. Lohman is a member of the Masonic Lodge and Modern Woodman camp. He is also a member of the High School Alumni Association of Two Rivers, the County Historical Library and the State Historical Society. In private life he has always taken a great interest in public affairs and has been a frequent contributor to the papers, also having written a series of papers on the early days in Two Rivers which have been printed and bound in book form. He has never been an office seeker. Active in business and taking a great interest in the affairs of the city he is a most valuable citizen of Two Rivers. That he has faith in the future of his native city is evidenced by the fact that he has invested in considerable real estate in the best residential part of the city. He also owns other properties and is today a tax payer of material proportions. There are few men in Two Rivers enjoying greater popularity or who are more useful citizens than the subject of this review.
Arthur H. Lohman
Gus Kirst - Arthur Lohman
No date on picture/from the Wendorff collection, Two Rivers LibraryALBERT LOHSE County record - Volume #9, Page 531 Husband: Albert Lohse Age: 24 Father/birthplace: Fred/Germany Mother/birthplace: Emily Post/Germany Occupation of husband: Laborer Residence of husband: Manitowoc Birthplace of husband: Germany Full name of wife: Frances Muench Parent's names: Joe M. Muench, France Franz Birthplace of wife: Germany Marriage date: Feb. 18, 1909 Place of marriage: Manitowoc County, Cato township Church of ceremony: Whitelaw WI Witnesses: Otto Lohse, Mary Muench Names of Minister: Paul Herb, Whitelaw, WI Date of Certificate: Feb 9, 1909 License # 29 Registrar: Frank Vraney
OTTO LOHSE Courthouse record - Volume #9, Page 587 Husband: Otto Lohse Age: 23 Birthplace: Germany Father/birthplace: Fred L./ Germany Mother/birthplace: Amelia Post Occupation: delivery man Residence of husband: Manitowoc Full name of Wife: Lena Trost Age: 20 Maiden name of mother: Lerenz(?) Father of bride: Jr. T. Birthplace of Wife: Germany Marriage date: 28 August 1909 Place of Marriage: Manitowoc Witnesses: George Peterson/ Manitowoc, Lena Lohse/Manitowoc Name of Minister: John Chlerpek Date of Certificate: Aug 23, 1909 License #: 197 Date of registration: Aug. 31, 1909
MAURICE LONG This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.369-370. Maurice Long, who is engaged in cultivating a highly valuable property of eighty acres, situated on section 20, is one of Franklin township’s good agriculturist’s, and has resided in this township all of his life, having been born here March 27, 1879, a son of Thomas and Hannah (O’Connell) Long. Mr. Long’s parents were born in Ireland, but were married in New York state, from whence they came to Wisconsin in 1852, and purchased eighty acres of wild woodland, which is now the well cultivated property of their son Maurice. About the only implement possessed by Thomas Long on his arrival here was an axe, with which he cut down trees and fashioned logs with which to build the first family home, but as time went on he became the owner of valuable equipment, and his first ox team was soon replaced by good horses, the little log cabin giving way to a comfortable frame residence. Here Thomas Long continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred January 2, 1906, when he was seventy-five years old, his wife surviving him until April 22, 1908, and dying at the age of seventy-five. Both are buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Long had eight children, as follows: Maurice; Patrick, who married Margaret Donahoe and died November 18, 1889, aged thirty-three years; David, who married Hattie Weeman, now living in Chicago; Mary, single and a resident of Chicago; Bridget Eleanor, living with her brother Maurice; Catherine, who married Charles DeLong of Chicago; Hannah, who married Walter Whitcomb of Chicago; and Thomas, who died at the age of twenty-four years. Mr. Maurice Long is unmarried and is living on the home farm with his sister. The land is under a high state of cultivation and is fenced with barbed and woven wire, and Mr. Long carries on general farming, marketing dairy products, hay and grain, and milking eleven cows. He breeds to Percheron and coach horses. His frame barn, thirty-six by ninety-six feet, was built about twenty-five years ago and was remodeled in 1906, while the two story frame residence, which was built about thirty years ago, was remodeled in 1910. The water supply is secured from drilled wells. In politics Mr. Long is a democrat and for seven years he has served as superintendent of roads. The family always been connected with St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove.
EMANUEL LORENZ From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Emanuel Lorenz, of the firm of Hecker & Lorenz, proprietors meat market, Manitowoc, was born in Bohemia, Germany, May 15, 1851. He emigrated to America June 9, 1877, and settled in Manitowoc and began his present business. He was married to Miss Emelia Pautz, May 7, 1881. She was born Sept. 11 1855, in Liberty, Manitowoc County.
GUSTAVE ADOLPH LORENZ Manitowoc Tribune 27 February, 1873 (page 1, col. 8) -IN PROBATE--Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of estate of Gustave Adolph Lorenz, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anna Catherine Lorenz of Centreville, representing among other things that Gustave Adolph Lorenz late of Centreville on the 11th day of February A. D., 1873 at Centreville, died Intestate leaving goods, chattels and estate, within this State, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Jacob Leonard granted , it is ordered that said petition, be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 24th day of March A. D., 1873, at 10 o’clock A. M. , at my office in said County. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the “MANITOWOC TRIBUNE,” a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said County. W. W. Waldo, Co. Judge. Dated Manitowoc, the 24th day of February A. D. 1873.
DAVID LORFELD This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.531-532. David Lorfeld is the owner of an excellent farm of one hundred and fifty-five acres devoted to the cultivation of the cereals best adapted to soil and climate and also to the raising of Holstein-Friesian cattle. Both branches of his business are proving profitable and he is reaping the success which comes as the reward of intelligently directed labor. He was born in Meeme township, November 7, 1868, and like the great majority of the citizens of Manitowoc county, is of German lineage. His father, William Lorfeld, was a native of Rhenish, Prussia, where he lived to the age of eighteen years and then came to the new world with his parents in 1848, his birth having occurred in August, 1830. He was reared to the occupation of farming, which he followed throughout his entire life, owning and cultivating one hundred and forty acres devoted to general agricultural pursuits. He brought his fields under a high state of cultivation and as the years passed became recognized as one of the representative agriculturists of the community. He married Henrietta Abel, a daughter of David Abel, one of the best known among the early settlers of the county. Mrs. Lorfeld was also a native of Germany and by her marriage she became the mother of eight children, of whom David was the sixth in order of birth. William Lorfeld makes his home with his son David, but his wife is now deceased. In the district schools David Lorfeld pursued his studies and in his youth worked for his father, thus obtaining the experience which well qualified him to engage in farming on his own account. In October, 1890, he started out in business for himself and to his original farm of one hundred and forty acres he has since added a fifteen-acre tract. The work of the farm is vigorously carried on and golden harvests pay tribute to the care and cultivation of the owner. He is likewise engaged in stock-raising, making a specialty of Holstein-Friesian cattle and this branch of his business is proving remunerative. He carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes and the business methods he employs commend him to the confidence and high regard of the general public. In addition to his agricultural interests he is a stockholder in the Cleveland Bank and in the Mosel-Centerville Telephone Company. On the 13th of January, 1891, Mr. Lorfeld was married to Miss Cecelia Lutze, a daughter of Edward Lutze, one of the early and highly respected citizens of the county. There are six children of this marriage: Elsie, who is living at Port Washington and is a stenographer for the Wisconsin Chair Company; Walter, who is attending the Sheboygan Business College: Mattie; Hertha, deceased; Arthur; and Harvey. The eldest daughter was educated in the Sheboygan Business College. In his political views Mr. Lorfeld has always been a stalwart republican since age conferred upon him the right of franchise. He is recognized as one of the active workers of the party and has been chairman of his township for five years. For three years he filled the position of township supervisor and for twenty-one years he has been road supervisor. Every public duty reposed in him is faithfully performed. Wherever known he is held in high esteem and most of all where he is best known, for his life has been well spent, yet his business affairs have been carefully and honorably conducted.
May Callaghan 3 was sent to the Lorigan family in Wisconsin around 1885 The photo was taken in Nashville, Tenn. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Bryan Lorigan taken in the 1860s Compliments of Gary Omernick
Mary Lorigan Taken in 1863 in Pittsburg, Penn. She was born in Ireland and was the daughter of Daniel Lorigan, twin brother of Bryan S. Lorigan. Bryan came to Wisconsin in the late 1840s to Maple Grove. Photo was taken by W.H. Whitehead of Pittsburg, Penn. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Edward Lorigan and Elizabeth Sullivan are pictured here in this photo from 1914. The two were courting when this picture was taken on a country road in Maple Grove. - Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Wedding photo of Edward Lorigan and Elizabeth Sullivan. Wedding party includes: Bernice Lorigan, Eddie Watt, Alice Whitehead. The Rev. George Casey performed the ceremony at St. Patrick's church. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Communion photo of Edward Lorigan, son of Michael and Hanna Lorigan, at St. Joseph's taken early 1900s. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
GILBERT LOUISEAU From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, May 17, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) The French Canadians at one time comprised nearly half the population of Two Rivers. All the French who settled here came from Canada. They engaged in the occupation of fishing almost without exception. Gilbert Louiseau was born near Montreal, Canada. His father died of cholera in Canada when Gilbert was only four years of age and when he reached manhood he received his share of the father's estate. The share was a piece of land 28 acres long and 2 acres wide. A peculiar feature of farming acreage in Canada is that the estates are all very long and narrow. Gilbert Louiseau left Montreal, Canada in 1851. He went by steamer to Mackinaw Island where he remained a little over a year working as a mason. He then started for this place going by steamer as far as Green Bay from whence he set out on foot for Two Rivers. Mr. Louiseau reached here without any notable adventures except that he lost his way on one of the numerous logging roads leading to the main road and had to retrace his steps for 8 miles before he got back to the Green Bay road. Having a little money from his estate in Canada he invested in a fishing outfit. At first he went to seining along the beach but soon he acquired a pound boat and nets and a mackinaw boat. At that time our harbor was not improved and there was only a small stream like a creek leading into the lake. Fishing was hard work. Sometimes it was necessary to row seven or eight miles to get into port on account of a calm or a head wind. The rowing and sailing fishboats in those days are now supplanted by the gasoline fishboat and the steam fish tugs. Sometimes too the fishermen would be overtaken by severe storms, periling their lives. Fish were cheaper than now. In those days selling at $3 per barrel. The price now is 9c per pound. Then almost all the fish caught were white fish and these are now very scarce. Mr. Louiseau often came into port with his boat so heavily loaded that there was great danger of being swamped. Had it not been for assistance from other fishermen this would have happened on at least one occasion he says. The fish caught in those days were salted in barrels. Today salting is not necessary as shipments are delivered to market quickly and packing in ice is sufficient. As Two Rivers Point was always a dangerous place to pass in time of storm, many vessels were wrecked there. There was then no light house to guide the passing vessels and no life saving station to save those in peril of drowning. Mr. Louiseau tells of how the hardy fishermen were at times called to man their fish boats in stormy weather and go to the assistance of the sailors who were ship-wrecked. During a period of dullness in the fishing industry, Mr. Louiseau engaged in farming for a few years near Neshoto and then returned here and worked for the late Urban Niquette attending to the fish packing business. For the past 20 years he has lived in retirement, which at the age of 87 he is still enjoying. The load of years seems as yet to rest lightly upon him-the reward of a temperate and contented life.
PERRY LOVELY From the Manitowoc Pilot, 29 April 1875: Probate office, Manitowoc, Wis., April 14th, A.D. 1875 In the matter of the Proof and Probate of the last Will and Testament of Perry Lovely deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, Wis. Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Perry Lovely deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc has been filed in this office; and whereas application has been made by Margaret Lovely praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State: Therefore, it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the city of Manitowoc in said County, on Monday the 10th(?) day of May, A.D., 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. (rest of notice is publishing rules) T.G. Olmsted, County Judge
ERNEST H. LUDWIG This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.72-73. Ernest H. Ludwig, who has been actively connected as an officer with the Wisconsin Knitting Mills since its organization, came to Manitowoc in 1904. His birth occurred in Westerburg, Germany, May 4, 1873, his parents being Rudolph and Charlotte Ludwig. The family left their native land and came to America in 1889, when their son Ernest H. was but sixteen years of age. Ernest H. Ludwig pursued his education in the schools of Germany but upon arriving in America allied himself with the same industry with which his ancestors had been connected for four generations, the business interests passing from father to son. He immediately engaged in the knitting business in New York, independently at first, but after a short time he disposed of his interest and took charge of a knitting mill at Hawley, Pennsylvania. After coming to Manitowoc he was elected secretary, treasurer and manager of the Wisconsin Knitting Company and until the company dissolved he held those offices. In 1904 he and William M. Boening incorporated the present concern, which is the largest in the state in its particular line. They manufacture sweaters exclusively. He was president and treasurer for five years following the organization of the company but since 1910 has been acting as vice president and secretary. Since its inception it has grown rapidly and its expansion is due in no small degree to the faithful and efficient service which Mr. Ludwig has rendered the firm. On the 27th of December, 1894, in the German Methodist church in Brooklyn, Mr. Ludwig was united in marriage to Miss Emma Kaiser, a daughter of Wilhelm and Fredericka Kaiser, both of whom are deceased. The father is buried in Evergreen cemetery but the mother is interred in the Lindenhill cemetery at Brooklyn, New York. The family reside at No. 1134 South Thirteenth street. Politically Mr. Ludwig is a republican and his religious faith is manifest in his membership in the German Methodist church, of which he is a trustee and superintendent of the Sunday school. Fraternally he is a Mason, belonging to the lodge and chapter, in which he is an officer. He also holds membership in the United Commercial Travelers. Early recognizing the fact that no obscure secret constitutes the key to success but that prosperity has its foundation in persistent, honorable and intelligently directed labor, he has worked his way upward until he is now well known as a prominent representative of commercial interests in Manitowoc.
GEORGE LUEBKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.438-431. George Luebke owns and operates one of the best farms in Manitowoc county, which is situated near Newton, on the Greenburg road. He was born in this county, March 1, 1860, his parents being Herman and Henrietta (Doegner) Luebke, who came to the United States in 1856. They settled in Milwaukee, but remaining there only a few months, they came to Manitowoc county, where the father purchased land near Liberty and there erected a log cabin in which the family lived for some years. It was in this cabin that the subject of this sketch was born. The father, who was born February 28, 1824, resided on that farm until his death on December 31, 1893, died March 16, 1912, at the advanced age of eighty-four. In their family were eleven children, three of whom were born in Germany, namely, Minnie, Charles, and Amelia. The eight who were born in America are: Mary, who died at the age of twelve; Louis, who died in childhood; and George, William, Bertha, John, Frank and Richard. George Luebke's early advantages for an education were very limited. He had to walk three miles to the district school, and at that time the terms were very short, but being by nature energetic and progressive, he studied at home. At the age of eighteen he started out in life for himself by working as a farm hand. When twenty-one years of age he rented a farm in Liberty township, where he resided one year, and then purchased a farm in Newton township, on which he lived eighteen years. He greatly improved this place and still owns the same. In 1898 he bought the farm on which he now resides and which is one of the best and most highly cultivated tracts of land in Manitowoc county. On March 17, 1881, Mr. Luebke wedded Miss Lena Schnell, the daughter of John and Ernestina Schnell, who came from Germany and settled in Liberty, in which town Mrs. Luebke was born on August 16, 1861. Mr. and Mrs. Luebke have become the parents of seven children, Ernst, Herman, Walter, John, Paul, Lester and Martin. Mr. Luebke is a man of remarkable vigor and activity and his labors in behalf of public progress have always been far reaching and effective, but he has never cared for public office. He has many friends in the community where he has resided since his boyhood days and both he and Mrs. Luebke are faithful members of the German Lutheran church. Mr. Luebke has been very successful in his agricultural interests and in all his business relations, and his prosperity is due entirely to his own efforts, for he started out in life empty-handed and through thrift and perseverance he has steadily worked his way upward until he is now one of the substantial farmers of his county.
George Luebke and Family
AUGUST F. LUEDKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.585-586. August F. Luedke is a farmer and dairyman of Schleswig township and is carrying on an extensive business as a dairyman, for which purpose he keeps high grade Guernsey cattle. The equipments and accessories of his farm facilitate his work in this connection and the excellence of the products which he handles is attested by their ready sale. His birth occurred February 5, 1877, in the township which is still his home, his parents being Henry and Gustina Luedke. The father was born in Brandenburg, Germany, September 25, 1848, and was a lad of thirteen years when he came with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Luedke, to America, the family home being established in Schleswig township, Manitowoc county. Where August Luedke followed the stone masons trade. He also secured and cultivated a tract of land and his son Henry Luedke early assisted in the development of the home farm and after his school days were over continued to engage in general agricultural pursuits until he reached the age of twenty—eight years. He then became a carpenter and contractor in Kiel, where he remained for twenty—two years, at the end of which time he took up his abode upon the farm in Schleswig township which is now the home of his son August. There he continued to reside until his death, which occurred when he was fifty—eight years of age. His wife, a daughter of Christian and Wilhelmina (Meyer) Schmidt, is a native of Germany and is now living with her son August at the age of fifty-four years. She belongs to the Lutheran church, in the faith of which Henry Luedke was also reared. By her marriage she became the mother of three children, a daughter, Agnes, being now the wife of George Sievers, of Moscow, Idaho. August F. Luedke took up the profession of teaching in early manhood and was thus engaged at Kiel for three years. He afterward conducted a hotel and saloon until he came to his present farm. He is one of the leading dairymen of this section of the state, conducting an extensive business of that character. He is also well known as a stock-raiser and makes a specialty of Guernsey cattle, having now upon his place sixteen head of high grade stock. He has large barns and sheds for the protection of his cattle and his grain, and his place is lacking in none of the equipments of a model dairy farm of the twentieth century. In 1902 Mr. Luedke was married to Miss Anna Sophia Vietmeyer, who was born in Schleswig township and is a daughter of Henry H. and Mary (Hansmann) Vietmeyer. The father, who was a miller by trade and followed that occupation for a long period, served for many years in public office, acting for nine years as town clerk of Schleswig township and for six years as a member of the school board. He was also president of the Meeme Mutual Fire Insurance Company for seven years. His death occurred in 1902. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Luedke were born four children: Constance Olga Annetta, eight years of age; Truman Henry, five years of age; Evelyn, two years of age; and a twin of Evelyn, now deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Luedke hold membership in the Evangelical Reformed church at Kiel and are interested in its work and in all that pertains to the material, intellectual, social and moral progress of the community. His political support is given to the republican party and for two years he held the office of justice of the peace, while for the third term he has been chairman of the Schleswig board of supervisors. While his business interests are large and of an important character, he has ever found time to cooperate in public movements relative to the best interests of his community and both as a business man and citizen he is highly esteemed for his sterling worth.
WILLIAM G. LUEPS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.520-521. William G. Lueps, internal revenue collector at Manitowoc, has devoted a number of years of his life to public service and at the same time has conducted important business interests which have returned to him a substantial measure of success. He was born in this city on the 14th of August, 1853, and is a son of Jacob and Catherine (Hagen) Lueps, both of whom were natives of Rhein Province, Germany. They remained residents of the fatherland until 1849, when they left Germany and settled in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Here the father followed the occupation of farming and was also active in railroad promotion and dealt in sand used in construction. Reared in the city of his nativity, William G. Lueps attended the public schools and the German schools here and afterward entered Lawrence University. His business training early developed in him habits of industry, diligence and perseverance. He worked on his father’s farm in his youthful days and also in early life engaged in clerking in a general mercantile store owned by Mr. Esch. Following his father’s death he took charge of the family estate and also engaged in the collection and insurance business. He is still interested in insurance and real-estate operations and the policies which he has written total a large figure, while in the real-estate field he has negotiated many important property transfers. His own holdings include a farm of twenty acres which is splendidly equipped. He was one of the first to handle registered Holstein cattle and has done much to improve the grade of cattle raised in this part of the state. In addition to his private business affairs Mr. Lueps has done important public service, filling various offices, the duties of which he has discharged with promptness and fidelity. He has served on the insane asylum board and was a member of the building committee at the time of the erection of the asylum. Elected to the county board of supervisors, for some years he represented the town of Manitowoc, supporting many progressive measures and projects and at the same time discountenancing all useless and needless expenditure. He has also filled the office of justice of the peace, in which connection the decislons that he rendered were strictly fair and impartial. In October, 1898, he was appointed deputy revenue collector and has since been connected with the office. He has also been secretary of the Manitowoc Dry Dock Company for a number of years and thus his has been an active life, his labors being crowned by successful results both for the benefit of the public and his individual interests. In the year 1883 Mr. Lueps was united in marriage to Miss Pauline Krieger, who was born at Schleswig, near Kiel, and is a daughter of August Krieger, a farmer by occupation. Mr. and Mrs. Lueps have become parents of three children: Edna; Edward, who is in the employ of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad Company and resides in Milwaukee; and Otto, who is a tinsmith by trade. Mr. Lueps has been a lifelong resident of Manitowoc county and in the fifty-eight years in which he has made his home here has witnessed much of the development and progress of the county, at all times manifesting an active and helpful interest in the work of general improvement.
F. S. LUHMANN, DR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Northern Wisconsin" p.529. Dr. F.S. Luhmann, physician and surgeon, Manitowoc, is a native of Sheboygan County, born May 29, 1851. After finishing his regular preparatory course of studies, he went to Madison, Wis., and entered the classical department of the State University, where he graduated in 1875. He also graduated from the Rush Medical College, Chicago, in 187; he then removed to Two Rivers, where he practiced till the Spring of 1879, when he went to Europe and studied one year in Vienna, and graduated at Ludwigs University, at Munich, with high honors, in 1880; married in 1878 to Miss Lena, daughter of Dr. F. Simon, of Manitowoc. They have two children, both sons. From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Two Rivers, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1878: Married - Luhmann-Simon - At the residence of the bride's parents, in Manitowoc, Monday, October 28, by Rev. F.B. Leich of Riceville, Wis., Dr. Frederick S. Luhmann, of Two Rivers, and Miss Lena Simon, of Manitowoc. The union took place at the residence of Dr. Simon in Manitowoc last evening in the presence of a large number of invited guests. The wedding which has for days been the topic of conversation in social circles was a brilliant event and will be long and pleasantly remembered by the favored ones present. Although able only briefly to mention the happy occasion, the Chronicle extends its hearty congratulations to the young couple in unison with many others, and hopes that they may live long and prosper.
JACOB LUPS (LUEPS in History of Northern Wisconsin) This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.64-67. No resident of Manitowoc did more for the development and material up-building of the city and county in pioneer times than Jacob Lups, his labors stimulating activity and improvement along agricultural and horticultural lines, in education and in the moral progress of the community. Advancement was the keynote of his character. He was never satisfied with present accomplishments but worked always toward still higher results and attainments in future and thus no history of Manitowoc county would be complete without extended mention of him. Mr. Lups was born September 16, 1817, in Orsoy, Rheinpreussen, Germany, and the years of his boyhood and youth were spent in that country, where in December, 1849, he was united in marriage to Miss Katherine E. Hagen of Eversael. Soon afterward they started for the new world, making their home first in Buffalo, New York, where they resided until the 1st of May, 1850, when they continued their westward journey to Manitowoc. The same year Mr. Lups purchased a large farm in this county and developed it according to the ideas which he had gained in the old country. He at once began raising fruit, including pears and apples, and he also began breeding good horses. Many of the descendants of his blooded stock are still to be found in the county. Indeed, the high grade of horses to be found here is due largely to the fact of his early importations of blooded stock. He imported his fruit trees from the old country and in this direction set an example which many others followed, thereby proving that soil and climatic conditions here are favorable to horticultural pursuits. He procured fine varieties and did much toward setting the standard for fruit-growing in this district. His orchards and their products won a reputation for him second to none in the state, and he gained prizes at all of the fairs on his exhibits. He imported different varieties of grapes and developed fine vineyards. He was also very active in promoting agricultural fairs and frequently served as judge of the fruit exhibits. He was also greatly interested in bringing the railroad here, and after giving largely of his time and also in considerable measure sacrificing his fortune for that project, he saw his hopes realized and witnessed the arrival of the first train over the newly built road. He was in fact identified with every interest of the community, and had the welfare of city and county at heart. A man of fine education and well developed taste, of scientific research and observation, he was for years a contributor to the Smithsonian Institution at Washington. D. C., where his punctuality and the accuracy of his reports were highly commended. Meteorological observations were begun at Manitowoc by Mr. Lups on September 16, 1851, the thirty—fourth anniversary of his birth, and a little more than a year after his arrival in this city. For the remainder of that year and until June 30, 1852, only the daily temperatures and the amount of cloudiness were regarded, but on the 1st of July of that year, the barometric pressure and the force and direction of the wind were added. On the 1st of January, 1863, measurements of precipitation (rain and snow) were commenced. Mr. Lups maintained an unbroken series of observations until his death, which occurred April 27, 1876, when the work was taken up by his daughter, Miss Johanna Lups, by whom it has been continued to the present time. Beginning with 1884 self-registering instruments have been used and also the hydrometer, and since the establishment of the Weather Bureau, the records go to Milwaukee and Washington. Mr. Lups’ farm was situated near what is now the hospital grounds. He erected an attractive home there, but at length disposed of a part of his land to the railroad company and another section for building purposes, leaving twenty-one acres which is still owned by the family. He worked hard to get the ferry connection across the lake and although he did not live to see the accomplishment of that purpose his efforts bore fruit in later years, the ferry now being established. Mrs. Lups long survived her husband, passing away September 21, 1901. In the family were seven children: Clasina; William G., Mrs. Sophia Klingholz, Johanna, and Emma. now Mrs. W. G. Heins, all of whom are living; and George and Anna, who are deceased. The parents were members of the German Reformed church and in his political views Mr. Lups was a stalwart republican. He was the founder and long a member of the Freie Saengerbund. The work which he did in behalf of public progress here cannot be overestimated. The results are still felt in the high standards which are being attained in the production of fruit, in the growing of fine stock and in other departments of agricultural life. His labors were at all times of a tangible and practical character that produced substantial and gratifying results. --------------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 JACOB LUEPS Deceased, Manitowoc, was born Sept. 16, 1817 in Orsoy, Prussia. In 1849 he emigrated to America and located in Buffalo, N. Y. In May 1850, he came to Manitowoc, where he resided until his death, which occurred April 27, 1876. He was extensively engaged in buying and selling lands, and has owned at various times over one thousand acres, in and out of the city. The family residence is located on a tract of one hundred and one acres of land adjoining the city limits. Mr. Lueps began making meterological observations in 1852, continuing the same up to the time of his death, since which time his daughters have continued making their reports to the War Department. He was married November, 1846, to Katharina Hagen, a native of Prussia, born in 1823. They have one son, William G. Lueps, now fitting himself for the legal profession, and five daughters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Lups
CHARLES LULING From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Cashier First National Bank, Manitowoc, is a native of Westphalia, Germany. At the age of nineteen years he came to Chicago, where he remained two years, then removed to Naperville, Ill.; there engaged in drugs and banking business seven years, then removed to Fox Lake, also engaged in banking; in 1861 came to Manitowoc and since been engaged in banking. Has held the position of cashier of this bank since its organization, which was in 1865, formerly known as the State Bank of Manitowoc. Mr. Luling was a State Elector in 1876, on the Republican Ticket, and now a member of the State Board of Supervisors.
EDWARD LUTZE, Jr. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.457-458. Edward Lutze, Jr., who began life as a farm emplove in Centerville township, Manitowoc county, embarked in the cheese making business in 1908, and has since been thus engaged. He was born in that township, December 16, 1878, a son of Edward Lutze, Sr., a native of Germany whose family emigrated to the new world when he was five years of age. The grandfather was Gottlieb Lutze, who was born in Saxony, Germany, and emigrated to the United States, settling in Manitowoc county in 1848. He lived here until about thirty one years ago, when his death occurred. Edward Lutze, Sr., in early life engaged in the shoemaking business and continued in the same line at one location for twelve years, after which he engaged in farming on one hundred and twenty acres of land which he purchased and upon which he made his home until 1908, when he retired from active life. Edward Lutze, Jr., is one of seven children born to his parents, being the fourth in order of birth. He was given a good common-school education and for a time after attaining his majority was employed at farm work. In 1908 he engaged in the cheese business and has since continued in this line, being very successful in his business. Mr. Lutze was married, June 6, 1906, to Miss Erna Klessig, a daughter of Adolph Klessig, who is mentioned elsewhere in this work. To this union two children have been born. Norma and Hertha. Mr. Lutze is among the younger business men of the county but he has met with success in his undertakings and is well and favorably known in his community. He is very industrious and has evinced a rare skill in his chosen occupation. His business has developed in a most satisfactory manner and his trade is increasing yearly, owing to his ability in handling his affairs. The family stands high, being greatly esteemed by their large number of close personal friends.
THOMAS SEN. LYNCH From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 21, 1884: Thomas Lynch Sen. of Liberty died on Saturday last. He was one of the first settlers in that section and a man well able to endure the hardships of pioneer life. He was a man of keen perceptions and although limiting his business to farming he became comparitively wealthy. His funeral took place on Monday last. (I can find no stone for him in Liberty twp. cemeteries, so this obit. has been put here.)