[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
ANDREW SMITH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.145-146. Andrew Smith, who has been conducting a hardware and steamfitting establishment at No. 1412 Nineteenth street since 1901, was born in Mishicot township, Manitowoc county, on the 5th of November, 1860, a son of Andrew and Rosa Smith. Like many others of the early settlers of Manitowoc county, the father came from Germany. His birth occurred in Bavaria, where he remained until 1849, the year in which he set out for the United States. After arriving here he located first at Buffalo, New York. Subsequently he came to Two Rivers and accepted employment with a lumber company. After a short time, however, he gave up this position and settled on a farm of eighty acres in Mishicot township. At that time this property was wilderness and wholly unimproved but at the time of his death, which occurred when he was seventy-five years of age, he had brought his farm under a high state of cultivation. The mother died at the age of eighty—six years and they are both buried in the Catholic cemetery of Two Rivers. Andrew Smith acquired his education in the Werner district school but at the age of fifteen years laid aside his text—books and gave his undivided attention and energy to farm work, assisting his father upon the home place until 1886. Desiring to enter upon a career of an independent nature, he went to Milwaukee, where he was employed in the E. P. Allis Machine Shop as machinist. He remained there for fourteen years. At the end of that time he came to Two Rivers and engaged in the hardware business. Later he added a plumbing business and has since been meeting with unqualified success. He is himself an expert workman in these lines and is thus able to carefully direct the labors of those whom he employs. He has a good business, which has grown to substantial proportions, and enjoys an enviable reputation not only by reason of his excellent workmanship but also owing to the straightforward methods which he follows in the conduct of his trade interests. In 1890 Mr. Smith was married, at Two Rivers, to Miss Leona Henry, a daughter of Captain William and Katherine Henry. To Mr. and Mrs. Smith two children have been born: Katherine, who is a student in the high school; and Edna, who is attending public school. They are residing with their parents at the family residence, which is situated at the corner of Jefferson and Nineteenth streets. Mr. Smith is independent in politics, voting for candidates rather than party, and in his progressive citizenship indicates his loyalty to the general good. Fraternally he is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America and the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, being grand master and treasurer of the latter organization. There have been no unusual chapters in his life history and yet his record has been characterized by those qualities which ever command regard and admiration, for he has been diligent, honest, determined and faithful.
EDWARD SMITH (contributed by a researcher, see contributors page.) From the Biographical History of Clark and Jackson Counties, 1891-Lewis Publishing Co., page 261 Edward Smith, proprietor of the Smith Hotel, and also a farmer of Longwood, was born in Hull, England, October 5, 1830, the son of William Smith (deceased), also a native of England. He brought his family to the United States in the spring of 1831, settling in Albany, New York, where the father was engaged in blacksmithing until his death, which occurred in 1838. Our subject's mother, formerly Elizabeth Doyle, was a native of Ireland. The parents had four children, of whom three are still living, Edward, William and Elizabeth. After the father's death, the mother removed with her family to Troy, New York. The subject of this sketch came to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, in 1844, which was then a mere hamlet or village, where he first engaged in making shingles. He afterward sailed on the lakes for many years, making his home in Manitowoc. He began as cabin boy, and rose to the position of first and second mate, and then of Captain. He was captain of thirteen different vessels, encountered many storms and met with many accidents, having fallen overboard several times. He came to this county in 1879, settling at Christie, thence to Greenwood in 1880, and to Longwood in 1881, where he is engaged in running a hotel and also in farming. He owns ten acres of land. Dr. Smith has cooked in logging camps every winter but this (1890-'91). He was married July 7, 1852, to Amanda M. Barnes, a daughter of Harry Barnes, of Antelope County, Nebraska; she was born in Rutland County, Vermont. They have eight children: William H., Harriet E., Nancy (deceased), Una L., Amy, Walter H., Edward H. and Mildred. William married Hattie Colley, lives in Washington State, and has four children: Harriet married Charles Kayhart, of Christie, this county, and they have three children; Una married Christopher Musselman, of Washington; Walter married Clara Moody, and live in Withee Station, Clark County; Amy is engaged in teaching school in Washington. Una and Hattie were formerly teachers. Mr. Smith was brought up in the Episcopal religion, but is now a member of no church. Politically he is a Republican.
EDWARD R. SMITH Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Page 559: EDWIN R. SMITH, principal of the high school at Manitowoc (1888) and a member of G. A.R. Post No. 18, was born March 27, 1844, at Spring Prairie, Walworth Co, Wisconsin. To the age of 18 he was engaged in attendance at school preparing for the profession of a teacher and engaged in teaching several terms before the Government had need of his services as one of her sons in the defense of the National integrity. The attack on the forts in Charleston harbor and the surge of public sentiment awakened in him a spirit that demanded expression and he enlisted in April, 1861, in Company F, 2nd Wisconsin Infantry. He was under age and still within paternal jurisdiction and was refused muster on account of the determined opposition of his father. He did not relinquish his purpose and, August 14, 1862, he enlisted in an organization at that date called the 1st Wisconsin Volunteer Artillery but which became Battery A, 1st Regiment Wisconsin Heavy Artillery. The command was sent to Washington where it was engaged in garrison duty during its entire period of service. Mr. Smith received honorable discharge July 13, 1865, at Milwaukee, after a most creditable service in behalf of the protection of the National Capital. The battery to which he belonged became so efficient in duty and so proficient in drill, as to attract much attention and was inspected by two British military officers who had been sent to this country to take observations and they reported Battery A, one of the best that had fallen under their notice as Foot Artillery. The commendation of English military officials at that date had a peculiar weight. On his return from the army after the close of the war, he resumed teaching. In 1868 he assumed charge of the public schools of East Troy, Walworth county, and discharge the duties of that trust three years. His next engagement was in the same capacity in Burlington, Racine county, here he was occupied 11 years. In 1883 he became connected with his present position, in which he is discharging his obligations with the same quality of credit to himself and satisfaction to his patrons that has characterized his entire career as an instructor. He was married in 1871 to Harriet May Dickerman and they have three children–Oliver Edwin, born Aug. 26, 1872, Florence May, born Aug. 21, 1874 and an infant born Nov. 26. 1887. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album) ******** Edwin R. Smith(sic), superintendent of the Two Rivers Schools, 1895 and 1896 died Friday last at Riverside, California where he had made his home in late years. Decedent also was at one time principal of the Northside School, Manitowoc and county superintendent of schools, 1896-1898. For a number of years he was head of the Manitowoc Seating Company until the plant was destroyed by fire in 1892. He was a Civil War veteran. It was thought interment would be in Riverside. The Reporter, Feb. 23, 1917
HEZEKIAH HUNTINGTON SMITH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.654-659. Born at Windham, Connecticut, December 2, 1798. Died at Grand Rapids, Michigan, March 9, 1886. Hezekiah Huntington Smith was the son of Minor Smith and Submit (Huntington) Smith of Windham, Connecticut, and a grandson of Hezekiah Huntington Smith also of Windham, who was an officer in the American Revolutionary army and whose commission as major was returned by General George Washington to enable him to start the manufacture of fire arms at Windham for the Continental troops, and he is credited with the claim of being the first man in America to have made a gun. This Hezekiah Huntington, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was a first cousin to Samuel Huntington, president of congress from 1779-1781, and a signer of the Declaration of Independence, a man who stood second only to Trumbell in the estimation and confidence of General Washington during the trying days of the Revolution. The father of Hezekiah Huntington Smith died before he became of legal age, and he went to live with two maiden sisters in Connecticut with whom he remained until he arrived at young manhood. He was married to Diantha Haile, of Gouverneur, New York, resided for a time at Cape Vincent, in the same state, and removed to Youngstown, Niagara county, New York, where five of his children were born, including Mrs. Diantha Hamilton, of Two Rivers, mother of J. E. and H. P. Hamilton. His first wife, Diantha, mother of all his children, died in 1866 and is buried at Two Rivers. He was again married to Mary Hendrickson, who died in 1874, and was survived by his third wife, Rachael Wright, who died in 1911. His children by his first marriage were: Laura Ann, born at Cape Vincent, New York, November 24, 1821, who died at Chicago, Illinois, June 6, 1896; Edwin, also born at Cape Vincent, New York, February 10, 1824, who died at the same place, July 20, 1824; Edward H., also born at Cape Vincent, New York, August 3, 1828, whose death occurred at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, August 20, 1850; Diantha Jane, born July 29, 1830, who resides at Two Rivers, Wisconsin; George Dwight, born January 15, 1838, whose death occurred the same day; Stella Amelia, born January 8, 1839, who died at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, September 13, 1892; Bradford Haile, born November 14, 1840, whose death occurred at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, February 3, 1876; and James Brainard, born August 12, 1843, who died at Cincinnati, Ohio, July 24, 1867. The last five mentioned were born at Youngstown, New York. At Youngstown he operated a flour mill and also engaged in lumbering on the Grand river in Ontario, Canada. Failing in his business operations at Youngstown, he came with his family to Two Rivers in 1845 and purchased the old Law sawmill located on the river bank at the foot of Washington street. This mill, one of the first buildings erected in Two Rivers, was destroyed by fire November 27, 1905. He came to Two Rivers at a time when it required brains and brawn and bravery to overcome the obstacles and endure the hardships necessary to conquer the wilderness that frowningly met the advance of civilization and to carve from its gloomy fastness the beautiful homes and farms that are now seen in all directions. With clear-sight and fore-sight he began carrying forward the work of establishing industrial institutions which could flourish long after he was dead and gone. The factories that are now the pride of the community are in a measure monuments to his energy and impellent sagacity. Elements of energy in business affairs are transmitted in communities by families and groups of individuals. Through his descendants and business associates the manufacturing interests of the city of Two Rivers have always been foremost in this section of the state. But not alone as a successful business man was he known. In this county for many years he was the widest known and the most influential citizen. He operated the sawmill alone for a time and later took as a partner Silas G. Butler, a young man from Youngstown, New York. Mr. Butler died shortly after on October 17, 1848, and is buried in the Smith family lot in the cemetery at Two Rivers. His next partner was his son-in-law, Marcena W. Clarke, of Medina, New York. At that time the firm built at Milwaukee the Eliphalet Cramer, a sailing vessel which was used in conveying the product of the mill to other lake shore ports. His next partners were the two brothers, William H. and James Aldrich, and the two brothers Medberry, the firm name being Aldrich, Smith & Company. This firm, of which Mr. Smith was the active head, was instrumental in starting the early industries which have contributed so largely to the industrial growth of Two Rivers as a manufacturing city. The chair factory was built in 1856 by the New England Manufacturing Company, of which the firm of Aldrich, Smith & Company were copartners, and they acquired the property the year following the building of the factory. In 1857 the pail factory was built by Henry C. Hamilton & Company. This firm, as well as Aldrich, Smith & Company, failed to weather the panic of that year and in 1857 the business of these two pioneer companies was taken over by S. H. Seamans & Company of Milwaukee, with Hezekiah H. Smith remaining as the active local manager. This arrangement continued until the winter of 1860-1861, when the Mann Brothers of Milwaukee joined interests with Mr. Smith and took charge of the business with Mr. Leopold Mann as resident representative and Mr. Smith as active manager. From that time on the manufacture of chairs and pails and the general mercantile business of the new firm comprised the principal business interest of Two Rivers. He was also a leading factor in the establishment of The Badger State Manufacturing Company in the early '70s. This concern engaged in the manufacture of sash, doors and interior woodwork. A factory was erected and the business continued many years. The firm was succeeded by The Hintze & Baker Company, who operated the factory for some years. This factory building was finally merged into the present plant of The Hamilton Manufacturing Company, organized by J. E. Hamilton and H. P. Hamilton and other associates January 1, 1890, and succeeding the business started by J. E. Hamilton in 1882. Mr. Smith remained identified with his firm—The Two Rivers Manufacturing Company—until the year 1883 when his interests were purchased by his partners, the Mann brothers. He removed in that year to Grand Rapids, Michigan, where he resided until his death in 1886. He was buried in the old family lot at Cherry Valley, New York. "Deacon" Smith, as he was familiarly known to all of his acquaintances, was a peculiar type of pioneer. Apparently by nature unsympathetic, and always the master of his emotions; as erect in carriage as the proverbial Indian, he moved about the pioneer community with stately dignity. He was stern and unyielding in business affairs, associating with few on terms of familiarity, yet he was the mainstay of the community for a generation in matters sacred, medical, legal and financial. In his youth, being compelled to leave school at the early age of ten years to enter an apprenticeship, by close application and study he acquired a liberal education, meeting the demands of the pioneer community in many capacities. In case of serious sickness or in the event of a workman being maimed in the mill, his was the ministering hand, even in so serious an operation as the amputation of a limb. He was the advisor of the living and officiated at the burial of the dead, and for many years was a familiar sight in the pulpit of the little church on Washington street near his residence. His word was truly as good as his bond. Thousands of the early transactions in the community are stamped with his identity. When he came here the country from the river's mouth to Green Bay was a virgin forest of white cork pine, presumably the finest stand of merchantable timber that ever stood in the northern part of the United States. His was the directing hand in cutting this timber and clearing the land for the advent of the permanent settler and in marketing the splendid product at prices which at this time appear ridiculously small. He directed the affairs at the company's store, managed the lumbering camps in Manitowoc and Brown counties, and disposed of the cut-over lands to the coming settlers to be developed later into the splendid dairying farms in what is now of the banner dairying section of the United States. Between times in his active business affairs he continued to serve the community as physician, lawyer, preacher and town officer, superintending the building of residences, factories, churches, school houses and other public improvements. At intervals between the years 1861 and 1876 he was identified with the schools, being the prime mover in erecting the graded school building in 1866 and also superintending the building of the first high school building in 1876. These structures were demolished in 1904 to be replaced with the splendid modern building which now occupies the site opposite the city park. In every way he was identified with the nucleus of commercial industry and the social life of the community until his retirement. Truly a man of another generation from that in which we live and product of the time when one man must needs serve his fellows in various capacities. How well this duty was performed is abundantly manifest. But withal, the financial returns accruing to him as compared with present day standards were pitifully small. He was considered wealthy in his day and retired with a competence sufficiently large to tide him over comfortably during his declining years, but he left no large fortune. He survived his departure from Two Rivers but three years, with a constant yearning for the old scenes and old associates. The disappointment of severed business connections and his residence in a strange city rapidly sapped his remaining strength. He died on March 9, 1886, aged eighty-seven years, three months and seven days, failing by nearly three years of living to a long-coveted age of ninety years. In his death there passed away a strange character not often met in the twentieth century. A connecting link between the old Puritan and Revolutionary stock that laid the foundation of this country on the Atlantic seaboard; himself-truly the father of the commercial activity of Manitowoc county and Two Rivers in particular. ------------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 H.H. Smith, retired merchant, Two Rivers, was born in Windham, Conn., December 2, 1798. At the age of twenty-one he came to St. Lawrence Co., N. Y., where he was married to Miss Deantha Hale, of Putney, Vt. She was three years his junior, and died in 1863. They had three daughters, still living. Miss Mary Hendricksen, who is a native of Denmark, became his second wife. In 1824 he removed to Cape Vincent, N. Y., and engaged in lumbering and merchandising, continuing in that line four years, when he went to Youngstown, Niagara County, N. Y., and engaged in the same business. At both of these places he carried on an extensive trade in lumber with Quebec companies. Mr. Smith located in Two Rivers in 1845, purchasing an old saw mill and engaging again in lumbering and a general merchandising business. Thus he continued alone until 1851. The visitation of cholera in 1850 having so disorganized his business that he formed a partnership under the firm name of Aldrich, Smith & Co. This connection continued until 1860, when the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company was formed. This corporation now has the controlling interest in the extensive tub and pail and chair factories, formerly owned and operated by Mr. Smith. His interest in both of these large and prosperous establishments was disposed of to Mann Brothers, of Milwaukee, in July 1881, of both he was the founder and active manager for many years. The company has handled and taken up about 20,000 acres of pine land, and which has since been sold and cleared for farming. Mr. Smith is considered not only the founder but the father of Two Rivers. For nearly forty years he has resided in this vicinity, a large portion of the village depending upon him and the enterprises which he has carried on for their support and comfort. Although kind and generous, and virtually retired from business, at the advanced age of eighty-three, Mr. Smith still maintains a fresh heart and a bright intellect.
Hezekiah Huntington Smith
H.H. Smith taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
JOHN SMITH (from the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, July 9, 1872) Married at the Catholic church, Manitowoc, June 30, 1872, by the Rev. Father Feszler, Mr. John Smith of Two Rivers, and Miss Anna Koch of Kossuth. A number of John's friends from Two Rivers accompanied the happy couple to the home of the bride, where the merry-making festivities were kept up for a day or two. It would be idle to wish the happy couple sunshine through the whole journey of life, but the hope that they may know and appreciate the silver lining to every cloud that may arise, is one that is rationally and joyfully indulged in by the Chronicle and all their acquaintances.
PERRY PETER SMITH From Manitowoc Chronicle July 14, 1892 MRS. A. R. SMITH of St. Louis has been spending a few days with Mr. Perry Smith of this city. -------------------------- This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.42-47. Among those who have been active factors in the upbuilding, development, progress and prosperity of Manitowoc, Perry Peter Smith was prominent. He became a resident of this city in 1837, when only a tiny hamlet of a few houses marked the site. Around was the unbroken wilderness, but gradually the growth of the city encroached upon the virgin forests and today Manitowoc, strong, vigorous and enterprising, stands as a monument to the labors of those early settlers. Mr. Smith was born in Victor, New York, February 15, 1823, and his life record covered the intervening years to the 23d of January, 1906, when he was called to his final rest. Just two weeks before he and his wife had celebrated their fifty-seventh wedding anniversary. His father was a soldier of the War of 1812. Perry P. Smith was in his fifteenth year when he arrived in the Middle West, having come to Manitowoc on the schooner Oregon in 1837 in company with his brother-in-law, Benjamin Jones, who owned the site of the city, then covered with a dense growth of native timber. From that time forward Mr. Smith was closely associated with the growth and development of the city and there are few of the early works of improvement that did not bear the impress of his individuality and enterprise. He built the Jones mill, which employed one hundred men and also was the owner of one of the first schooners ever constructed here. Later he took charge of the Jones interests at Manitowoc and in 1846 he opened the first store in the city; buying a small stock of groceries and general merchandise on credit. His trade came from a wide territory and the business gradually grew and success attended his efforts in large measure not only as a merchant but also in his other business connections. He possessed sound judgment, keen discrimination and unfaltering energy and carried forward to successful completion whatever he undertook. Moreover, his business methods were at all times reliable, commending him to the confidence and support of the public. In 1853 he became totally blind but five years before his death recovered his sight. His nature was largely indicated in the fact that when the financial panic of 1857 swept over the country and many of the poor people of the city were in a suffering condition, he came promptly forward and rendered immediate and needed assistance in many ways. On the 8th of January, 1849, Mr. Smith was united in marriage to Miss Esther A. Champlin, of Manitowoc, and their wedding journey consisted of a trip to Kenosha, one hundred and ten miles away, in a sleigh. Mrs. Smith's people had come to this city in 1843 from Vermont. Her father, Hiram H. Champlin, engaged in the lumber business, being one of the early representatives of that industry on the Lake Michigan shore. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Almira Boardman, was also a native of Vermont, and they became the parents of five children who reached years of maturity: Mrs. Smith, Mary Jane, Mrs. Murphy, Hiram H. and Mrs. Laura Morse, of Manitowoc. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Smith three sons were born: Hiram C., who is living in San Francisco; A. R., who is vice president of the Ferguson-McKinney Dry Goods Company, of St. Louis, Missouri; and Ira P., superintendent of red wood interests at Los Angeles, California. Mr. Smith was one of the original republicans of Wisconsin and was a prominent political speaker of an early day, making campaign addresses in support of Fremont in 1856 and also advocating political principles from the public platform on other occasions. He never sought office, however, nor cared for political preferment. As it was impossible for him to go to war when the Union was endangered, he did everything in his power to encourage the enlistment of men and to care for the families of the soldiers, rendering assistance in many instances where husband or father was at the front. It was characteristic of Mr. Smith that he always listened to a tale for aid and rendered whatever assistance was in his power to give. On the organization of the Old Settlers Club in 1879 he was elected its first president. He was also a charter member of Chickering Lodge, I. 0. 0. F., and its first treasurer. He became one of the early members of the Methodist church and its first meetings were held in the upper story of the Jones warehouse. No movement for the material, intellectual, social, political or moral progress of the community sought his aid in vain. He always stood for progress and improvement, for reform and for righteousness, and his life proved a blessing and benefit to the community in which he had so long resided. He was for almost seventy years a resident of Manitowoc and his were "the blest accompaniments of age—honor, riches, troops of friends."
Perry P. Smith and Mrs. Perry P. Smith
REUBEN A. SMITH "The Traverse Region, Historical and Descriptive" Published 1884 Original from the University of Michigan. REUBEN A. SMITH, lumberer, was born in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin, in 1845. On Sept. 20, 1864, he enlisted in Company K, Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Volunteers, for one year's service. He entered the regiment at Little Rock, Ark. They soon moved to Mobile Point, Ala., and thence to Spanish Fort, Ala., where they took part in the bombardment and conquest of the fort, under command of General Canby. All the rebel artillery and equipments were taken, and the rebels were hotly pursued to Fort Blakely, when their works were again charged, and nearly every thing captured. From there they moved to Mobile. This, also, they captured, and then followed the rebels who had taken twenty- six transports, one hospital ship three gun boats and a rebel ram, and started up the Tombigbee River. They encountered them slightly at Whistler Station, but at McIntosh's Bluff they captured 18,000 prisoners, all the transports and the rebel ram, and forced the gunboats to come under terms of peace. These boats forthwith surrendered to Admiral Farragut, but had sunk their sheeting. They returned to Mobile, and thence went under General Steele to Brazier, Texas, and thence to Clarksville, at the mouth of the Rio Grande, where Mr. Smith was discharged for disability, and returned home in September, 1865. In the fall of 1867 he went to Charlevoix, Mich., and a little later took up a homestead on the South Arm. His family joined him the following summer, and for nearly two years shared with him the severe privations of pioneer life, having to carry all their provisions about fourteen miles. They came to Mancelona from Monestique, in August, 1870. Here Mr. Smith assisted Mr. H. H. Bradfort to build a dwelling. They bought lumber at Elk Rapids at six dollars per thousand, brought it by water to Spencer Creek, and thence with teams at ten dollars per thousand, for hauling. After this he engaged for a while in lumbering. Later he spent three years at Torch Lake, and then bought thirty acres of land, at five dollars and a half per acre, and settled in Mancelona, and worked in the lumber woods to secure a living, and also to pay for his land. He sold his land last summer for 1,000 in cash, and now has a fine residence on Main Street. He has a wife and two children. He is a member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He assisted in organizing the township, at a meeting in the Mountain House, at Mr. Perry Andress place, in April, 1871. There were just enough persons present to effect an organization. In the fall of 1877 Mr. Andress platted about fifteen acres on the north one-half of Section 20. The plat was surveyed by D. E. McVean, of Kalkaska, and was put on record in January, 1878. The names of property owners recorded on the plat are as follows: Perry Andress, Jacob H. Passage, A. Lybarker, Peter M. Emery, Josiah Potter, James Campbell and Leander C. Handy.
JACK SMOKE From the Manitowoc Pilot, JANUARY 27, 1870 In the River: Jack SMOKE, a lad about 18 years of age, and son of David SMOKE, Esq., of this village, fell through the ice, while skating, last Friday, and narrowly escaped drowning.