[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
FREDERICK RAATZ From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, Aug. 2, 1913: OLD TIMERS - Sleeping on the floor was better than sleeping out of doors. That was the way Fred Raatz and nine other people figured it out when they came to town one night in the summer of 1855. They arrived about 11 o'clock at night and after unsuccessful efforts to get beds to sleep at that late hour, they accepted the hospitality of August Abel under the conditions mentioned. Mr. Abel conducted a hotel on River Street in a building which was located just behind where Wm. F. Nash's residence stands. Mr. Abel had a house full of boarders. There was not a spare bed in the house. There were over a dozen standby boarders at this place - nearly all sawmill employees. At that time six saw mills were in operation. The lumber industry was at its height in Two Rivers. The "Company" operated two - one on each side of the river just east of Washington Street bridge, Linstedt & Co. ran one on the present site of The Eggers Veneer Seating Company, Harvey & Smoke had another a-going a little farther down on the same side of the river, toward the harbor, while Pierpont & Co. operated on still farther down toward the company's mills. There is nothing left of any of these old mills excepting one. This one is now used as a warehouse and is located just west of the Nelson Lumber Co. It was moved there from its location near the Washington Street Bridge. Mr. Raatz arrived here with four of the Zander brothers. He discovered by accident, early in his journey, on the sailing ship, that the Zander's were like himself, bound for Two Rivers. They came from a different part of Germany. Two of the Zander brothers, Edward and Charles had preceeded them to this county. The Zander family is today, numerous and well known throughtout the county. On the day following his arrival, Mr. Raatz was able to find a permanent boarding place. He found employment at one of the sawmills. He worked there for a short time only and then engaged in fishing. After a few weeks he gave this up also and rented a farm near Shoto. After about a year he changed his location to a farm at Saxsonburg (sic) now owned by Fred Witte. Here he remained until the death of an older brother made it necessary to go to help on his father's farm. This farm became his and is now conducted by his son, Herman. When Mr. Raatz first came to farm at Shoto in 1856 he found the country an almost unbroken wilderness, there were no roads at all, only Indian trails There was no clearing, all was a dense forest. Venison was plenty but other provisons had to be obtained by paddling down the river in a boat to Two Rivers or by following the trail with the bag on one's back. To prevent taking the wrong trail, marks were chopped on trees along the way. Most of the time for the first few years was spent in chopping down trees and clearing the farm. Nearly all the logs were burned including the white oak which now brings $70 per thousand feet. The road was laid out in 1855. Then it was chopped out beginning in 1856, and from time to time improved. The first house which the Raatz's occupied on the farm was a one room log house. To attend school or church, it was necessary to go to Two Rivers. Mr. Raatz worked hard and lived economically and his farm today comprises 200 acres of which 180 is under cultivation. He has retired from active work. His wife died ten years ago. At the age of eight-two he is in fairly good health. He smokes his pipe habitually and reads considerably. He says he often looks backward over the time since he came to America and wonders at the marvelous improvements and changes that have taken place since then and transformed this vast wilderness into a beautiful garden in a time that seems so short to him when he thinks of such a formidable wilderness it was a comparatively few years ago.
GOTTLIEB RAATZ From the History of Northern Wisconsin. 1881, vol II, p.531 Gottlieb Raatz, proprietor of Farmers' Home, Manitowoc. Born February, 1843, in Prussia. There learned the wagon-maker's trade, which he worked at till 1871, when he came to Manitowoc. Here he followed the carpenter trade. He owns this property, which he took charge of July, 1881. Married in 1873, to Wilhelmina Schwartz, of Two Rivers. She died February, 1880, aged twenty-two years. He has three sons.
ROBERT RABENHORST This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.215-216. Some of the best farmers of Manitowoc county have come back to the soil after other business ventures, being persuaded that in agriculture gratifying financial returns result to those who know how to till the land. Robert Rabenhorst, who is now actively engaged in dairy farming in the town of Rapids, is a son of William Rabenhorst, who was born in Germany in 1826 and came to the United States in 1845. He settled in Manitowoc county, and during the same year married Louisa Haese, who was also a native of the fatherland and came to this country with her father, settling in the town of Cato. After his marriage William Rabenhorst purchased stump land in the town of Cooperstown, on which he resided until his death in 1877, at which time he was one of the most prominent men of his town. His widow survived him until 1907 and died on the old homestead, having been the mother of eight children. Robert Rabenhorst was born in the town of Cooperstown, October 28, 1869, and received his education in the district schools of the neighborhood. When he was fifteen years of age, being the youngest son, he started out to make his own way in the world, and went to Manitowoc, where he learned the trade of carriage maker. After engaging in this business for eight years, he worked as a cabinet-maker for a like period, but eventually purchased the land in the town of Rapids where he now makes his home. He has made his farming ventures pay, and can boast of the ownership of one of the best regulated tracts in his community, the prosperous, well kept appearance of which indicates able management. This land is located two miles from the center of the city of Manitowoc, and lies at the intersection of the Old Green Bay and River roads. Mr. Rabenhorst has increased his acreage, and has erected a fine residence and good, substantial dairy barns. On October 25, 1893, he was married to Miss Edwina Timpert, who was born in Manitowoc, April 20, 1875, daughter of Theodore Timpert. One son, Lester, was born to this union, September 3, 1894. Mr. and Mrs. Rabenhorst are consistent members of the Manitowoc Lutheran church.
Taken in front of the home of William and Ottilia (Habeck) Rabenhorst in Maribel. Their son Henry and daughter Emma are seated in the buggy. In the background are William and Ottilia, daughter Julia, daughter and son-in-law William and Amanda Becker, son Hugo and cousins. Photo taken in 1910. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
JOHN RADEJ (also Radey)
On their journey to the US they encountered rough sea's. Catherine lost a child during the voyage and the baby was buried at sea. This photo was taken around the year 1910. John's father was also named John who brought our family to the US. from Bohemia in 1862 John Sr. was born around 1816 in Bohemia and was married to a Kate Kresl. John and Catherine Radej
(sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
This is one of the last photo's of the old Radej(y) cabin. It is believed to have been built around the 1870's. The white oak was taken from the property which you will find the corner dovetail joints are as tight today as they were some 136 years ago.
(sent in by researcher/see contributors page) Albert and Mary (Rathsack) Radey farm
When we were getting ready to sell the century old Radej/y farm we discovered my g.grandfather's (Albert Radey) old utility wagon from the late 1800's. He was a milk producer and hauled milk for Lake to Lake at the turn of the century. He also used this same wagon to haul all the exterior bricks that he used to build the new Radey farm house back in 1911.
The wedding certificate of my grandparents Henry M. Radey to Angeline R. Lemberger. Henry's 1st cousin was the Rev. Edward A. Radey who performed the marriage ceremony at St. Mary's Catholic Church in Clarks Mills, Wisconsin. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page) Marriage certificate for Henry M. and Angeline R. (Lemberger) Radey
John and Anna (Kubale) Radey
(sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
HENRY RAHMLOW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.286. Henry Rahmlow, who has been a resident of Two Rivers township all his life and is now engaged in farming and dairying on section 35, was born on the old homestead in this township, September 8, 1863, a son of Charles and Ricka (Getloff) Rahmlow. Mr. Rahmlow‘s parents were natives of Germany, where they were married, and where one of their children, Minnie, was born. The family came to America during the ‘50s, and for one year remained in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after which they came to Two Rivers township and located on forty acres of wild land, near the present farm of Henry Rahmlow. Here Charles Rahmlow built a log cabin and began clearing the land, and the work progressed with great rapidity, Mr. Rahmlow being an untiring worker. Even when he had reached the age of eighty years he could still swing the cradle better than his sons. He remained on this property twenty years, in the meantime having erected modern buildings, but the house was struck by lightning and destroyed. Soon after this event, Mr. Rahmlow disposed of the property and purchased the one hundred acre farm now owned by his son Henry, where he erected a handsome brick residence, the barns being later added by his son, their dimensions being thirty—eight by one hundred and two feet, with an "L" twenty—eight by one hundred feet. Here Mr. Rahmlow died in 1899, when eighty—three years of age, his widow surviving until 1904, when she passed away at the age of eighty-four years. Two children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Rahmlow in this county, Lena and Henry, both in Two Rivers township. In 1885 Henry Rahmlow was married to Miss Ricka Mahnke, a daughter of Christian Mahnke, a native of Mecklenburg, Germany, and an early settler of Manitowoc county, who died in 1898, aged seventy-three years. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Rahmlow, namely: Emma, who married Louis Meyer, of Manitowoc; Alwina, who married Henry Rasen; Ada, the wife of John Eberhardt; and Lillie, Paul, Bennie, Gilbert and Henry, residing with their parents.
R. RAHR From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p. 531 R. Rahr, of William Rahr Sons, brewers and malsters, Manitowoc. Born April 21, 1859, in this place. After completing his studies in the high school of this city, he went to Chicago, there entered the college of Pharmacy, graduated in 1877 receiving the degree of pharmaceutical chemist; he then went to Ann Arbor, Mich., and entered the high school; graduated from that institution in 1878. He then entered the Michigan University, and finished the sophomore year, and took one degree in chemistry. On account of his father's death, he returned to Manitowoc, and has since assisted his brother in their business.
WILLIAM RAHR From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p. 531 William Rahr, deceased, a native of Prussia, born March 17, 1812. In 1849, he came here, and at once commenced the business which he continued till his death, which occurred Oct. 5, 1880. Mr. Rahr was eminently a self-made man, commencing with a very small capital. His career has been marked by gradual growth, and at the time of his death, owned and doing the largest business in his line in Northern Wisconsin. He leaves a widow and five children, three sons and two daughters. His eldest son, William, is the executor of this large estate. He with his brother is carrying on this business.
WILLIAM RAHR, SR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.568-569. William Rahr has contributed in a substantial measure to Manitowoc’s business activities in his connection with the Manitowoc Malting Company, of which he has acted as president since 1900. He has bent his energies to the development of the business which is now one of Manitowoc’s most extensive industrial plants. He entered a field in which competition is great, but brought into play modern methods and unremitting energy and has attained a result which is as creditable as it is desirable. Mr. Rahr was born in Manitowoc, September 17, 1854, a son of William Rahr, who came from Wesel, on the Rhine, to America, settling in Manitowoc in 1848. Soon afterward he built the first brewery of Manitowoc, which was destroyed by fire in 1855. Subsequently he rebuilt it, and in 1879 he erected a large malt house in partnership with his son, William. His death occurred in 1880, his wife also passing away in the same year. They are buried in Evergreen cemetery. In the public schools of Manitowoc William Rahr was educated, and on putting aside his text-books he became interested in his father’s business, thus becoming acquainted with the brewery business at an early age. At the time of his father’s death William Rahr was appointed administrator of the estate, and several years later he and his brothers Max and Reinhardt formed the William Rahr Sons Company, Incorporated. They enlarged the business extensively, and during this time William Rahr gave his entire attention to the details which came to hand in managing an establishment of this size. In 1900 he resigned as president, leaving the business in charge of his brothers. At that time he erected the plant of the Manitowoc Malting Company, of which concern he is now president, an office in which he is repeating his former business success. His cooperation has been sought in connection with other interests, not only as president of the Manitowoc Malting Company but also in other business enterprises. His aid has frequently been sought in civic affairs and he has served as mayor of Manitowoc on both the republican and democratic tickets. He was one of the active promoters in the establishment of the Manitowoc Hospital for the Insane and served as secretary of the board of directors for many years. This institution has the reputation of being the best conducted one of the kind in the United States. On the 31st of October, 1879, Mr. Rahr was married to Miss Olga Nielsen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Niels Nielsen, who were numbered among the pioneers of Manitowoc. To Mr. and Mrs. Rahr five children were born: William, Jr., Max, Reinhardt, Niels and Martha, the latter of whom is a graduate of Milwaukee Donner College. Mr. Rahr has erected a home at No. 612 Marshall street, where the family at present reside.
J. M. RAIT From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p. 531 J. M. Rait, principal of the North Side school, Manitowoc. Is a native of Scotland. Came to New York City in 1850, where he remained six years. In 1856, came to Portage County, assisted his father at farming, remaining till 1867, when he went to Platteville, and entered the Normal school, graduating in 1869. He then went to Marinette, and taught school one year. In 1870, he removed to Stevens Point, and there taught school two years; he then taught in Sheboygan three years, and in Brodhead, Green Co., two years. In the Fall of 1879, he came to Two Rivers, where he taught till January, 1881, when he removed to Manitowoc, and has since held his present position. Since the age of seventeen he has been engaged in teaching, and since 1869 he has taught in graded schools. Married in 1874, to Miss Eva Crocker, of Sheboygan. They have two children, one son and one daughter.
CHARLES RAMUS From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p.531 Charles Ramus, of the firm of Ramus, Smith & Co., livery, and also road master on M.,L.S & Western Railroad, was born in Germany, Dec. 14, 1844. He came to America in 1848, and settled in Sheboygan County, and worked as laborer, a few months, on Sheboygan and Fond du Lac Railroad, then as foreman on grading same railroad. He then took charge of laying track M.,L.S. & W.R.R., after which he engaged as conductor on different trains on same railroad, about four years; then he engaged as walking boss six months, on construction train, and the following year, he held the latter position in connection with that of road master, since which time he has held the position of road master. He was off the railroad seven months during the time, and began the livery business, June 1, 1879, which he also carries on, as above noted. He was married in Manitowoc, March 13, 1872, to Miss Emma Coats, who was born in Washington Co., N.Y., Sept. 6, 1853. They have three children - Charles C., Ernestine and Charlotte.
E. K. RAND From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p.531 E. K. Rand, firm of Wagner, Rand & Co., wholesale and retail hardware, Manitowoc, is a native of Jefferson Co., N.Y. In 1848, came to Chicago, thence to St. Louis, in 1851. He removed to Manitowoc, engaged in ship- building, about five years. He then opened a general store, which he continued several years. He then, with his brother, formed a partnership, continuing about four years, his brother then withdrawing from the business. Mr. Reemer became a member of the firm, which continued till March, 1881, when the firm changed to Wagner, Rand & Co. They have one store on the North and one store on the South Side, and are probably doing the largest business of any house in their line in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. Rand represented this county in the Legislature in 1862-63; has been Under Sheriff, Alderman, etc.
RAND, WELLS, HOUGHTON, PELLET From Der Nord Westen, 10 Mar. 1892: There was a local sensation Thurs. morning with the news that 4 residents of our city had run away. They were Edward Rand, Jr., Miss Etta Wells, John Houghton and Miss Luella Pellet. Miss Wells is a young lady of 23 yrs. and a talented pianist. Miss Pellet is a pretty young blond, age 17. The parents were beside themselves over the matter. The travelers departed on the 8 o’clock train for Milwaukee. Young Rand’s father got to the railroad station just as the train was leaving and got together with young Houghton’s father. Both returned home to await news about the matter from Milwaukee. Milwaukee police were alerted to provide information about the runaways.
G. S. RAND From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p.531 G. S. Rand, firm of Rand & Burger, ship builders, Manitowoc, born, May, 1830, in Golden Hill, Conn. When a boy, he came to Jefferson Co., N.Y., with his parents; in 1847, came to Michigan, in 1848, to Chicago, in 1849, removed to Manitowoc. He then followed the lakes about four years. In 1853, he engaged in ship building, which he has since continued. He is also superintendent of the Goodrich ship-yard, having built all of their steamers, and has built some of the largest vessels on the lakes. He has held the position of Government Agent of the harbor, at Manitowoc. ***** G. S. Rand of this city died at his residence on Tuesday morning after an illness of a few days. Wednesday he spent in his ship yard in company with Captain Buntlin. On Thursday he felt indisposed and did not quit his house. Friday he also remained at home but sent for his foreman and gave him directions as to work. On Saturday he dressed himself declaring his intention of going to the yard, but before quitting the room became prostrated and was unable to return to bed without assistance. On Sunday night he became very delirious and soon sank into a stupor from which he never fully recovered. His death resulted from paralysis of the brain. For the last five years he has been in poor health but always continued to give personal attention to his business. Mr. Rand was born in Bridgeport, Connecticut, May 4, 1830. From thence the family moved to Sackett’s Harbor, N.Y., where he learned the trade of shipbuilding. Himself and his brother, E.K. Rand, went from there to St. Louis where they spent 1848-9 in the business of shipbuilding. In the spring of 1849 the two brothers went to Neenah where they continued the business, quitting that place for Manitowoc in 1851 where they established a ship yard a little below Eighth street on the south side. In company with his brother E.K. he built and owned the schooner Jo. Vilas and at times he was one of the officers of this boat when work in the yard suffered from depression. He also owned the schooner Nabob in company with his brother and Platt & Vilas. He superintended the construction of the Goodrich boats at this place from the year 1865 to the time of his death and enjoyed the confidence of the company to the fullest extent. They relied largely upon his judgment and he was their confidential adviser in the construction of all their craft whether built here or those in which they had an interest, built elsewhere —He constructed all the steamers owned by that company and had something to do with designing the Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Michigan. He has built a greater number of lake craft than any other man on the lakes. Just before the dry dock at this place was built, the people of Sheboygan appreciating the value of such a man as Mr. Rand proceeded to build a dry dock and invited Mr. Rand to take charge of it. The people of Manitowoc grew alarmed at the prospect of his withdrawal from the city and Mr. Vilas taking the initiative, stock enough was subscribed to warrant the expectation that Manitowoc would soon have a dry dock. Other energetic business men took hold and pushed the work and when it was completed Mr. Rand took charge. Most of the stock passed into his hands later and he managed its affairs in such a manner as to attract a great deal of important business to this point. At the time of his death he was in partnership with Henry Burger in the dry dock. The following is a list of all the lake craft built by Mr. Rand while at Manitowoc: (The list of lake craft is placed at the end) The death of no other man in the city will be so deeply felt as that of Mr. Rand and there seems to be no one to take his place. He gave employment to many men and furnished a market for immense quantities of timber. Vessel men had the utmost confidence in him and when a contract was made with him they felt satisfied the best that could/would be done. He was quick to understand requirements and scrupulously honest in performing contracts. He cordially disliked display and was a man of very few words. He seemed to know everything connected with his business as if it was an instinct with him and assumed duties with the calm confidence of assured understanding. He always relied upon himself and never courted the favor of any one. Kindhearted and charitable he was never ostentatious or demonstrative. He was married in 1862 but had no children. His home was his chief care and money had no value to him except in providing home comforts. The funeral takes place tomorrow from his house. Manitowoc Pilot, December 10, 1885 P. 3 *********** List of ships he built: SCHOONERS Name..................Tons..Built Alice.................307...1881 Burger H B............214...1875 Boyce G J.............303...1884 Barnes Burt...........134...1882 Baensch A.............195...1857 Case J I..............828...1874 Cooper Lottie.........265...1876 Duvall Jos............132...1874 Gesine.................99...1853 Goodman W O...........324...1882 Jones J V.............236...1875 Lydia..................83...1873 Murray George.........790...1873 Nabob.................310...1864 Olga..................3(8...1881 (sic) Penobscot.............260...1880 Rand H................130...1857 Simpson L A...........227...1875 Thistle...............363...1873 Transit...............121...1854 Trial..................36...1857 SCHOONER BARGES Carpenter A A.........541...1881 Manitowoc.............507...1879 Stephenson I..........462...1879 Stephenson S M........512...1880 Witbeck Henry.........498...1880 STEAM BARGES Imperial...............96...1879 Norman................465...1879 Smith, Thos. H........281...1881 Seymour, R.A..........131...1882 TUGS Arctic.................53...1881 Canfield, F............49...1875 Endress, R.R...........25...1885 Knapp..................18...1880 Minne..................11...1877 Charnley, C.M..........40...1883 Perrett, Jos..........537...1881 Pankratz, Geo..........63...1882 Wheeler, J.L...........51...1877 Witbeck, H..............9...1884 Williams, Chas.........71...1884 PROPELLERS City Ludington........842...1880 De Pere...............736...1873 Menominee.............796...1872 Norman................996...1870 Oconto................505...1872 SIDE WHEEL STEAMERS Corona................470...1869 Chicago...............747...1874 Manitowoc.............569...1868 Muskegon..............618...1871 Northwest............1109...1866 Orion.................600...1866 Sheboygan.............624...1869
HANSON RAND ACCIDENT: On Monday last while Mr. Hanson Rand was engaged, with some other workmen, in removing some large rocks on the site of the new Presbyterian church, from some unforeseen cause one of them was rolled on the hand of Mr. Rand literally crushing the middle finger of his right hand so that amputation was at first thought necessary, but it is now doing so well that the doctor thinks it can be saved. Dr. Balcom dressed the wound and Mr. Rand is doing as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Manitowoc Pilot, January 20, 1870
HON. SAMUEL WILLIAM RANDOLPH. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.9-10. Samuel William Randolph, who was first elected a member of the Wisconsin state senate in 1902, still fills that position of distinction and as a lawmaker enjoys the confidence and esteem of his fellow citizens in general. Senator Randolph was born December 5, 1872, in the first ward of the city of Manitowoc, and is a son of Samuel and Margaret (Marley) Randolph. The Randolphs came originally from England, locating first in Virginia, in which state no name has been held in higher esteem for generations back. Members of the family drifted to New York and from there to New Jersey and in the latter state the grandfather of Senator Randolph, Caleb Frederick Randolph, was born. He was the youngest of a large family, two of whom were soldiers of the War of 1812. The grandfather was the pioneer of the family in Wisconsin. In his early married life he ran a canal boat on the Erie canal, making his home at Rochester, New York, where his son Samuel was born, but in the early ‘40s he brought his family to Manitowoc. At a later date he took up his residence in Chicago, and being a sailor as well as a cooper, he was more or less in both cities as his business demanded. His son Samuel followed largely in his footsteps and succeeded to the cooperage business which his father had established, it being one of the first of its kind at Manitowoc. During the Civil war he was a soldier in the Union navy but survived the many dangers thus incurred and returned safely to his home. He was an ardent democrat in his political sentiments. He married Margaret Marley, who was born in Ireland and was a faithful member of the Roman Catholic church. Eight children were born to them, seven sons and one daughter, three members of the family now being deceased. Samuel William Randolph was reared at Manitowoc and obtained his education in the public schools. For many years he was in the fishing business and at present is the representative of the Lehigh Valley Transportation Company and the Union Steamboat Line, doing all the unloading and loading of freight for both boats and railroads at Manitowoc, giving employment to from one hundred to one hundred and fifty men. Senator Randolph was married June 14, 1905, to Miss Ethel D. Bown, of New Orleans, Louisiana, and they have three children: Samuel W., Jr., Florence and Frederick Bown. Mrs. Randolph is a member of the Presbyterian church. Mr. Randolph is identified fraternally with the Royal League and the Eagles. He has long been actively interested in politics, being a representative democrat, and served as harbor master prior to 1902, when he was elected a member of the Wisconsin state senate, and approval has been shown of his work as a statesman by his reelection. While at Madison he has many times demonstrated his ability and public spirit, and one of the measures that he was instrumental in having made a law is the two-cent mile rate. When first elected he was the youngest member in the Wisconsin senate and he is the only member ever elected from the fifteenth district for three consecutive terms of four years each.
MARTIN RANK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.103. Martin Rank, who since 1900 has lived retired at No. 1118 South Seventh street, was formerly engaged in railroad contracting work. He was born in Bohemia, on November 11, 1846, a son of Joseph and Anna Rank, both of whom passed away in that country. The father is buried at Schwechat, near Vienna, and the mother at Neuern. Martin Rank received his education in Bohemia and later served in the Austrian army from which he was honorably discharged as corporal. In 1882 he came to America, making his way direct to Manitowoc where he was employed for a few years in a glue factory. He then took up work on the railroad, being employed for nine years with a steam shovel gang. Subsequently he became assistant surveyor for the city of Manitowoc and continued in that position for several years. He also was employed in various other capacities and in 1900 retired. In Vienna, Austria, in 1877, Mr. Rank was married to Miss Frances Koshina and to this union have been born five children: Henry, a watch maker; Robert, a journeyman for a diamond firm; Frank, engaged in the drug business; George, who is yet acquiring his education; and Grete, a high-school graduate. Mr. Rank and his family are members of St. Boniface Catholic church and they are well known and highly honored here. Mr. Rank is now enjoying a comfortable competence which he by honest labor and careful business management has laid aside for his declining years.
REV. EMMETT WOOLLEN RANKIN Emmet Woollen Rankin, clergyman. Emmet was born in Paola, Kansas a son of Rev. John Newton Rankin, D.D. and his wife, Cordelia Woollen . He earned his A.B. and A.M. at Park College in Parkville, Missouri in 1888 and graduated from McCormick Theological Seminary in 1891. He was made an honorary fellow in philosophy at the University of Chicago in 1892 and did post-graduate work at Princeton Theological Seminary for 18 months. He married Alberta Lott of Flint, Michigan in 1892 and has one son, Karl Lott Rankin who is also included in this chapter. Emmet was ordained to the Presbyterian ministry in 1892 and was pastor at Marshall, Michigan from 1892 to 1894. He was pastor at Manitowoc, Wisconsin from 1896 to 1899 as well as a moderator for the Lansing Presbytery in 1893 and in Milwaukee in 1897. He engaged in journalism in Minnesota and Kansas and later was a secretary of the Federal Council of Churches in New York. He was a Y.M.C.A. director at Gibralter and in Paris during World War I and also directed at Y.M.C.A. at Smyrna from 1920 to 1921. He was business manager and director of Orphanages of the Near East Relief in the Caucasus area from 1921 to 1926. Emmet was pastor of the First Presbyterian Church in Baldwin, Long Island, NY from 1926 to 1928; at the Congregational Church in New Gloucester, Maine from 1928 to 1930; at South Bridgton, Maine from 1930 to 1940. He served as a delegate to the National Congressional Council at Oberlin, Ohio in 1934. Emmet served as a Republican member of the Maine State Legislature from 1941 to 1949. He was a Mason and a member of Grange and the Lion’s Club. He died 3 Sept 1954 and is at rest at South Bridgton, Maine.
JOSEPH RANKIN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.524-527. Joseph Rankin was a true specimen of western manhood. He was born in Passaic, New Jersey, September 25, 1833, and in childhood was taken by his parents to New York and was educated in Homer Academy in Cortland county. In 1854 he settled in Mishicot, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and with another engaged in business in a general store. The community saw a representative man in his makeup and even if he had been unwilling it would have been almost impossible to refuse to serve them in many local offices. He was elected to various municipal positions for several years by the unanimous choice of his neighbors. In 1860 he was elected to the assembly, the popular branch of the state legislature, and he would undoubtedly have continued to serve the interests of his section of the state in the legislature had not the Civil war temporarily arrested his political career. He at once enlisted on the Union side and entered the service of his country as captain of Company D, Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served in that rank throughout the war. He was honorably mustered out of service in 1865. As an officer he took part in all the battles in which his regiment was engaged, the most conspicuous of which were the battles about and the siege of Vicksburg, the engagements that resulted in the capture of Little Rock, also the engagements of Okolona, Prairie d’Ann and the battle of Jenkins Ferry. He showed a coolness and a bravery in the face of danger that gained him the admiration and respect of his superior officers and the love and confidence of his men. After the war he went back to Manitowoc county from Tennessee, where he had for a time managed a plantation. He was heartily welcomed home and in a very short time was elected a member of the county board and was instrumental in bringing to light frauds that had been perpetrated, the discovery of which saved the county many thousands of dollars. He was elected in the years 1872, 1873 and 1874 by overwhelming majorities to the assembly, serving in that body during that period with great distinction. In 1876 he was elected to the state senate and was reelected for two successive terms. In 1884 the people of his district promoted him to the national house of representatives and at the opening of the session he took the oath of office with the hand of death upon him, determined to die, if die he must, "with the harness on." On the 24th of January, 1886, after a long and painful illness, at an angel’s touch "the silver cord was loosened." He was a democrat and always ready to maintain and defend the principles of his party, yet he was always considerate of the feelings and the opinions of those who differed from him.
JOHN RAPEL (contributed by researcher/see contributors page)
John and Mary (Riederer) Rapel/Rapl and Family
MARCUS J. RAPPEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.618-621. Marcus J. Rappel, assistant general manager of J. F. Rappel & Company, wholesale cheese distributors, was born in Cato Falls, August 25, 1888. a son of J.F. and Roletta (Smith) Rappel. The Smith family came from New York state about 1870. The grandfather, Silas Smith, was well known as an inventor and operated a machine foundry at Potsdam, New York. One of his principal inventions was the stump and rock lifter which he subsequently introduced in Wisconsin. The father, J.F. Rappel, was born in this country, but the grandfather, Wenzel Rappel, came from Germany about 1848. He at once settled on a farm in Manitowoc county. He is interred at Clarks Mills. The father engaged in agricultural pursuits upon the home farm until he was nineteen years of age, after which he took full charge of the farm until he reached his thirtieth year. Desiring to specialize he started to manufacture cheese, and is still engaged in that pursuit in Cato Falls. Marcus J. Rappel pursued his education in the country schools of Cato Falls until he reached the age of twelve years. At that time he entered a business college in Wisconsin and subsequently took a course in the agricultural department of the University of Wisconsin. Thus prepared to institute modern methods in agricultural pursuits he returned to his father's home and assisted in the various duties there for about nine years. The greater part of this time was spent in the manufacture of cheese. When he left home he accepted the position he at presnt occupies. Fraternally he is connected with the Catholic Order of Foresters. Although he is still a young man he is well known as one who has made no backward steps in his career but is constantly striving toward the goal of prosperity, making use of whatever opportunities present themselves.
Marcus J. Rappel
CHARLES RAQUET This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.580. Charles Raquet, owner of one hundred and nineteen acres of land in Schleswig township, was born here May 22, 1876. His parents, Frank and Anna (Mahlick) Raquet, were born in Germany and came to the United States about 1857. For the first four years they lived in New York state, and then came on west to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. The father was a farmer all his life and developed his homestead of one hundred and nineteen acres by hard labor. During the years he lived in this neighborhood, he became one of the influential men of his community and was township treasurer for years. He was one of the organizers and acted as treasurer of the County Association in which he was much interested. His death occurred October 12, 1892. Charles Raquet attended school in the vicinity of his fathers farm, and made the most of his opportunities. During the summer months, and after leaving school, he farmed with his father, and later purchased the homestead. At present he is serving his third term as township supervisor, and is a very efficient official. In addition. he is a member of the Equitable Fraternal Union, and for the past three years has been president of the local union of the American Society of Equity. On April 9, 1904, Mr. Raquet married Adele Voland, of Manitowoc county, a daughter of Fred and Theodora Voland. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Raquet, namely: Norma Katherine, Viola Lillie and Athaniel Carl. The family belong to the German Reformed church. Mr. Raquet is one of the progressive farmers of the neighborhood, and he is regarded as an authority upon agricultural matters.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Raquet
JOSEPH RATHSACK - Daughter and Wife (donated by researcher/see contributors page)
Carmen Rathsack Erdmann
Carmen Rathsack Erdmann
Hattie Lange Rathsack and Carmen Rathsack (little girl)
WILLIAM RATHSACK, SR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.104-109. William Rathsack, Sr., one of the most prominent and successful business men of Manitowoc, is the president of the firm of William Rathsack & Son, a wholesale and retail hardware concern which has been conducted at No. 814 Jay street since March, 1910. His birth occurred in Vorpommern, Germany, on the 10th of December, 1848, his parents being Christian and Louisa Rathsack, whom he accompanied on their emigration to the United States in 1854, the family home being established in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The father, who held the office of mayor in Vorpommern, determined to come to America because of the revolution in Germany. He worked at the blacksmith’s trade in early manhood but later purchased a farm in Manitowoc and subsequently divided the property into lots. He possessed only eleven hundred dollars at the time of his arrival in this country, but met with prosperity in his undertakings and eventually became a wealthy man. His demise occurred in 1898, when he had attained the age of ninety years, while his wife was called to her final rest in 1893 at the age of seventy-four. Both were buried in Evergreen cemetery. They had long resided in this county and were well known and highly esteemed within its borders. William Rathsack, whose name introduces this review, attended school in Manitowoc until fourteen years of age and then drove a stage for two years. He next learned the tinsmith’s trade and was employed at that occupation for a period of thirty-eight years. In 1893, feeling that his capital and experience justified him in embarking in business on his own account, he opened a tinsmithing establishment and later added a hardware department. Success attended his efforts from the beginning and he is now at the head of the largest hardware concern in the county, at the present time conducting business under the firm style of William Rathsack & Son. He erected the structure in which the business is now carried on and also built his residence and a summer home. The business methods of Mr. Rathsack and his associates commend their establishment to the confidence and patronage of the public, for at no time have they swerved from the strictest commercial ethics but on the contrary have based their actions upon the rules which govern integrity, indefatigable enterprise and close application. On the 1st of August, 1876, in Manitowoc, Mr. Rathsack was united in marriage to Miss Annie Weber, who passed away on the 24th of July, 1908, and was buried in Evergreen cemetery. They were the parents of six children, as follows: William, Jr., who acts as vice president of the firm of William Rathsack & Son; Annie, who gave her hand in marriage to Arthur Ben, a stonecutter; Louis, who acts as foreman of the tin, plumbing and steamfitting departments of the firm of William Rathsack & Son; Tillie, the wife of Adolph Kadow, who is engaged in the butchering business; Charles, the secretary of his father's establishment; and Ella, who is the wife of Dr. Norman T. Zigilniski. In politics Mr. Rathsack is a republican, while fraternally he is identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He is also a devoted and consistent member of the German Lutheran church, and assisted in the erection of its house of worship. The period of his residence in Manitowoc county covers fifty-eight years and he has long enjoyed an enviable reputation as one of its foremost business men and citizens. Those who have known him since his boyhood have witnessed with interest his progress and rise in the world, and have rejoiced in the recognition which has come to his ability and genuine worth. His history is that of the man who resolutely faces the conditions of life, realizes what are the obstacles and difficulties as well as the opportunities and sets himself diligently to the task of overcoming the former and improving the latter.
Mrs. William Rathsack, Sr. Mr. William Rathsack, Sr.
PETER RAU From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Flouring mill, Mishicott. Born April 22, 1832 in Prussia. Came to Galena, Ill., in 1854, where he worked at various kinds of labor. In 1855, he went to Allamakee Co., Iowa, following farming. September, 1856, he came to Mishicott, worked on a farm about one year. He then removed to Stevens Point, worked in a saw mill about six months, then returned to Mishicott, and worked on a farm. In 1858, he engaged with Mr. Charles Kuehn, as his coachman, where he worked about nine months. In 1859, he removed to Grundy Co., Ill.; there was married to Catharine Scheuer, of Mishicott. They have a family of seven children, six sons and one daughter. In 1861, he returned to Mishicott, worked for the Wisconsin Leather Company three years, then worked at Pfister & Vogel's tannery two and a half years. In 1867 he returned to Mischicott, and opened a hotel, which he kept about six years, afterward lived on a farm about four years. April, 1877, he traded this farm of 200 acres for this mill, which he has since operated. ---------------- Peter Rau from the Manitowoc Chronicle MAY 28, 1872 We received a call last Saturday from Peter Rau of Mishicott. Almost everybody in the county - everybody in Manitowoc and Two Rivers - is well acquainted with Peter, the genial host, warm friend, liberal-minded citizen, capable town officer, even-tempered justice, and one of the "oldest inhabitants" who has held forth so long at Mishicott. We are informed that he proposes to add to his other accomplishments that of farming, having purchased of A. Manson the Honey farm of 120 acres for this purpose, at a cost of $5,000. May his shadow never grow less.
Peter Rau family - 1899 Front: Peter Sr., Catherine, Peter Jr. Back: Frank, Henry, Theresa, Nic, Joseph.
STEPHEN REBORDY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.258-259. Stephen Rebordy, who is now living a retired life in the village of Mishicot, after many years of useful and profitable labor as an agriculturist, is a native of Switzerland, and was born August 31, 1842, a son of Gaspard and Louise Henrietta (Fabres) Rebordy. The parents of Mr. Rebordy had the following children: Ferdinand, Ambrose, Stephen, Mary, Morris, Louisa, Camille, Rose and Joseph, and this family left the old country in 1856, coming to Two Rivers by way of Milwaukee, where Mr. Rebordy hired a team and drove his family to a location in the town of Gibson, where they located on forty acres of wild land. The first family home was a log cabin, sixteen by eighteen feet, and until they were able to secure an ox-team they worked as best they might with their hands to clear the land. Mr. Rebordy lived on this property until 1872, at which time he went to Illinois, and there he died at the age of eighty years, his widow surviving him some years and passing away in her eighty-ninth year. Stephen Rebordy received his education in the schools of Switzerland, and on coming to this country assisted his father in clearing up the new land. During the Civil war he acted as substitute for his brother, Ambrose, and served in Company G, Seventh Wisconsin Regiment, and after completing his service he took up land adjoining the old homestead, a tract of forty acres which had been partly improved. He remained on this property for three years and then sold out and settled two miles west of Mishicot on one hundred acres of wild land, on which the only building was a little shanty. Here Mr. Rebordy settled down cleared his land, erected a modern brick house and continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until 1909, when he sold his property and retired to the village of Mishicot. Mr. Rebordy’s wife, who bore the maiden name of Mary Boutott, died in 1896, at the age of forty-seven years. Of their eight children, five died in childhood, the three surviving being Mary, Rose and Anna. Mr. Rebordy is a consistent member of the Catholic church. His politics are those of the republican party, and he has held the office of constable for several years.
HENRY REDECKER From the Two Rivers Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tuesday, February 18, 1888: Mr. Henry Redecker came home from Antigo last week. He purchased a cheese factory in the town of Mishicott last fall and will operate the same the coming summer in connection with his brother William. The factory is situated near the residence of Wm. Redecker.
GEORGE REED From the Manitowoc Pilot, 10 November 1870: Mortgage Foreclosure - Whereas on the 14th day of February A.D. 1851, George Reed and Juliette S. Reed, his wife, of the village and county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, as parties of the first part and mortgagors, executed and delivered to J.A. Noonan of the city of Milwaukee, as party of the second part and mortgagee, a certain mortgage bearing date on that day, to secure the payment by the said mortgagors to the said mortgagee of the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars with interest according to the conditions of one certain promissory note bearing even date therewith executed by the said George Reed, one of said mortgagors, to said mortgagee, which said mortgage was duly executed so as to be entitled to record and was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Manitowoc aforesaid on the 14th day of February, A.D. 1851, at 4 o'clock P.M., in Vol. "C" of mortgages on pages 286 and 287. And whereas, by the terms of said mortgage, the said mortgagee, his heirs, executors, administrators, or assigns were duly authorized and empowered to grant, bargain, sell, release and convey the premises therein described, in case of the non-payment of the sum of money secured to be paid thereby, or any part thereof, and whereas, in and by the said mortgage the said mortgagors covenanted and agreed to pay the sum of twenty-five dollars as solicitor's fees in case the same should be foreclosed by reason of the non-performance of any of the conditions thereof; and whereas, default has occurred in the conditions of said mortgage by the non-payment of the said promissory note and the interest thereon, secured by the said mortgage to be paid according to the terms thereof; and whereas, the said J.A. Noonan is now the lawful holder and owner of the said mortgage and of the indebtedness secured thereby, and claims that there is now due him thereon the sum of eight hundred and thirty-seven dollars; and whereas, no action or proceeding has been instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by the said mortgage, nor any part thereof. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given, that in pursuance of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided, the said mortgage will be foreclosed by a sale of the premises therein described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to be sold to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and note, with interest and the costs and expenses of sale together with the said sum of twenty-five dollars solicitor's fees, agreed to be paid in case of the foreclosure thereof, at public vendue, by the Sheriff of the county of Manitowoc, at the front door of the Court House in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Saturday, the 5th(sic) day of November, 1870, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of that day to the highest bidder. The following is a description of the premises designated in said mortgage, to wit: Lot No. three(3) in block No. one hundred and fifty-nine(159); lot No. six(6) in block No. one hundred and sixty-three(163) and lot No. three(3) in block one hundred and seventy-seven(177); all in the city of Manitowoc, according to the recorded plat thereof. J.A. Noonan, Mortgagee K.H. Treat, Att'y for Mortgagee
BRIDGET REEDY KENNEDY OBITUARY: Manitowoc Herald Times; Thur 18 Feb 1971; p. Main Kennedy Mrs. Bridget Kennedy, 91, of Denmark, died Wednesday evening at a Green Bay nursing home. Funeral services will be at 10:30 a.m. Saturday at St. James Catholic Church, Cooperstown. The Rev. James Geenen will officiate and burial will be in St. Mary Cemetery, Stark. Mrs. Kennedy, nee Bridget Reedy, was born Jan. 27, 1880 in the Town of Cooperstown, daughter of the late Patrick and Margaret O'Brien Reedy. She resided in the Stark area most of her life. She was married to Frank Kennedy Nov 16, 1904 at Kellnersville. Her husband preceded her in death in 1941. Survivors include three sons, two daughters, four brothers, Ambrose of Green Bay, Patrick of Manitowoc, William of Denmark and Dennis of Maribel; two sisters, Mrs. Mike Keehan of Denmark, and Mrs. Agnes Keehan of Milwaukee; 28 granchildren and 26 great grand children. Five sons preceded her in death. Friends may call at DeWane Funeral Home, Denmark, after 2 p.m. Friday where a wake service will be held at 8 p.m.
Back row - Nikolas (who changed his last name to Regan as an adult), 1879-1933; William 1877-1954. Center row - Josephine 1882-1979; father Wilhelm; Frank 1886-1918; mother Anna with Jennie 1890-1913 on lap. Front row - Katherine (whose married name was Holly) 1880-1977. It is undated but I know it was taken in either 1891 or 1892, in Kansas City, MO. The two adults in the photo are Wilhelm Regnery (b. 4 Jan 1845, Ensch, Prussia; d. 18 March 1922, Kansas City, MO) and Anna Junk Regnery (b. ca 1855-1856, USA; d. 2 Nov 1892, Kansas City, MO). They were married at St Wendel Church, Centerville on 7 Nov 1876, marriage recorded with county on 21 Nov 1876. Anna Junk was the daughter of Wilhelm and Johanna Junk who immigrated from Freudenburg, Prussia to Centerville in ca 1855. My guess is that she was born sometime between when they arrived in New York and when they arrived in Manitowoc County, since, unlike their other children, I cannot find a baptism record for her, either in Freudenburg or in Manitowoc or Sheboygan counties. After Anna married Wilhelm Regnery, they stayed in the area for at least a year - their oldest child, William, was baptized at St. Wendel in Oct 1877. Then they moved to Iowa and eventually Missouri (none of the other children were born in Wisconsin.) There are two other children not shown in this photo. Both died in infancy (John b. 1883, Anna b. 1892) (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
THEODORE L. REICHERT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.383-384. Theodore L. Reichert, one of the leading merchants of Collins, and a representative business man of this locality, was born in Manitowoc county, April 15, 1873. His parents, Jacob and Catherine Reichert were natives of Germany, who married in Manitowoc county, thereafter settling on eighty acres of land in the town of Schleswig. This continued to be their home until the father’s retirement, in 1903, to Kiel, where he continues to reside, being now sixty-five years of age. His wife died in 1904, aged fifty-six years, and was buried in Rockville cemetery in the township of Schleswig. Five children were born to these parents, of whom Theodore L. Reichert is the youngest in order of birth. Theodore L. Reichert attended the public schools of his district, and took a commercial course in a business college at Sheboygan. When he left the college, he was nineteen years of age, and he engaged as clerk in the store of Elkhart, Lake & Kiel. In 1904, he came to Collins, and for three years continued as clerk and then bought an interest in the Metallic Screen Company of Collins, and still retains his stock. He served as shipping clerk in the factory of this company for two years. In 1906, he was made assistant postmaster but within a year bought his present establishment, coming into possession of it November 3, 1909, and has since conducted it as a first-class mercantile house. The practical knowledge he gained during his years of association with other mercantile concerns, has come into use, and his customers profit by it. He carries a stock of goods valued at nine thousand dollars and meets the popular demand as to quality and prices. On February 1, 1910, Mr. Reichert was married to Meta Johnke, daughter of Charles and Minnie Johnke, natives of Germany, now residing in Calumet county. Mrs. Reichert was the second of six children, and was born September 29, 1890. The one child born to Mr. and Mrs. Reichert, died in infancy. He is independent in politics, and as yet has not taken an active part in public affairs. Both he and his wife are members of the German Reformed church at Collins. Always striving to give his patrons what they want. Mr. Reichert has built up a large trade and carries a stock that is new and of excellent quality.
JOHN REICHWALD Husband: John Reichwald Father: Charles Reichwald Mother: Caroline Reichwald Occu: Farmer Res: Town of Schlesleweig Birth: Prussia ???? Wife: Maria Kaplik Father: Christian Kaplik Mother: Christina Kaplik Birth: Prussian Date of Marriage: October 8. 1880 Place: Kiel, Manitowoc Co. Wisconsin Color: White Ceremony: Religious Clergy: Rev. ? Jenk Witnesses: Albert Lohmann, Auguste Kaplik
PETER REIF The following story of Peter Reiff has been typed as written by hand. The author is presently unknown; it was possibly written by one of Peter's descendants. It was acquired on 27 October 1999 and submitted by Susan Schlosser to the Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin website. "His father Nickolas Reif owned a flour mill and an oil press on a small river near the village of Moertz (Morz). Peter, being the second son, early in life learned the Millwright trade, which included making Waterwheels and other wooden machinery for Water power Mills. "Spent much time and money in books. Not having a good paying job, took a government job with a Government Surveyor for three years. From books he learned about America and the states, having saved enough to buy a ticket to cross the Atlantic Ocean, said good bye to home and friends and on March 25, 1846 started on his trip from Liverpool England to New Orleans on board the ship. "Less than a week into the voyage, a terrific storm ruined the ship's masts and sails and left them all at the mercy of the wind and storm and rocks which struck a heavy leak at the bottom of the ship. All men who were able had to take turns at the pumping to save the lives for all on board. "Forty-eight hours of work and the Captain found they were near an Island and small boats were sent to bring all on board the ill-fated ship to a small island of St. Michael, one of the group of the Azores Islands where they were then on the island. The inhabitants were a kind, friendly, and happy people who shared their corn bread with the strangers, although they could not speak except the Portugese language. All worked for one man who they called the governor. They lived chiefly on corn bread, fish, oranges, and wine, and grapes. They were made welcomed by the inhabitants for seventeen weeks until a ship loaded with lumber (this was the Aliguash) bound for Portuguese (sic) promised to give their way back to take them to Boston, Mass. and they kept their word. "When they got to Boston, no work to be found, the city sent them by canal to Albany, NY where they scattered to different parts of the country. Peter Reif having read about Green Bay, Wisconsin planned his trip through the state of New York, walking, and on Dec 30, 1846 came to Rapids, Manitowoc Co. (Wisconsin) and not finding work, next day Dec. 31 started to walk to Green Bay, Wisconsin. The Green Bay road had been cut years before but the trees laid where they fell. "Only Indian trails where the mail carrier carried or on horse back took the mail from south to north on his way from Rapids, Manitowoc to Green Bay. He found no settler except at Francis Creek. A French man lived near the creek and a few more at Cooperstown. When he got to Green Bay he was offered a job to work by a farmer at six dollars per month and board, and room and was glad to take the job. "The following summer he came back to Rapids, and got a job in the mill. Later he followed the river up stream then called Center River, now called Branch River until he came to what is now known as Reif Mills. Finding conditions favorable for making a dam across the river as there was sufficient falls to have water power, he built 2 water wheels, one for a small saw mill to cut lumber and another to grind flour for the incoming new settlers which were slowly but surely moving into the then thick forest. Also his four brothers came to America about 1853, Nickolas, John, and Mat. settled in the Town of Kossuth, Joseph Reif a shoemaker was one of the early settlers of the city of Manitowoc. His mother Anna Maria (Sabel) Reif lived a few years in this country and died, and was buried in Rapids Catholic Cemetery." "Peter Reif was a kind and generous man always ready to help the then many poor fellow men, and neighbors. He died Jan. 15th, 1882. But his name will live on for years to come. Reif Mills!" (All above quotes from the unidentified writer of this history of Peter Reif. Peter Reif and Susanna Koelzer from Mittelstrimmig, Germany, were married in 1853, and at least 5 children are known to have been born to them. Peter's parents also emigrated and died in the early 1850's in Wisconsin. Further information about them is available at the LDS Family Search site.)
PETER REINECK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.475-476. Peter Reineck is engaged in blacksmithing and wagon making in Schleswig township. He is an industrious, energetic young man and his determination to win success will undoubtedly bring him to the goal which he desires to reach. He is a native son of Sheboygan county, his birth having occurred in Rhine township on the 11th of July, 1882. His parents are Adam and Regina (Happel) Reineck, who now reside at Kiel. The father was also a native of Rhine township but has long lived in this county. In his family were seven children: George, who is living in Reedsville, Wisconsin; Charles, who makes his home in Appleton; Peter, whose name introduces this review; Herman, also a resident of Reedsville; Hannah, the wife of Rudolph Feile, living in Schleswig township; and Mary and Frieda, both at home. Peter Reineck spent his youthful days under the parental roof and the public schools of the neighborhood afforded him his educational privileges. After putting aside his text—books he began learning the blacksmith's trade, which he followed for three years, and later he spent two years as a machinist in Milwaukee. He then returned to Schleswig township and in the year 1906 he was engaged in blacksmithing in Holstein. He did horseshoeing and general repair work as well and he is carrying on a similar business at his present place of residence in Schleswig township. There he has extended the scope of his activity to include wagon making and he is now numbered among the leading representatives of industrial activity in that community. He is a good workman, thorough and reliable in whatever he undertakes, and his energy and unfaltering diligence are proving strong features in his growing success. In June, 1906, Mr. Reineck was united in marriage to Miss Emma Horneck, who was born in 1886 at the place where she still resides, a daughter of E.P. and Bertha (Bub) Horneck. Mr. Reineck was reared in the faith of the Lutheran church and attends services at Kiel. He also holds membership with the Equitable Fraternal Union at Kiel. He has a wide acquaintance in the town and throughout the surrounding district and he has always manifested many sterling traits of character such as in every land and clime awaken confidence and regard. He started out with the understanding that energy and reliability are essential factors in success and he has always utilized those qualities in the attainment of his advancement.
PETER REINEMANN From the History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p.541 Peter Reinemann, grain, Reedsville. Born Jan. 30, 1848, in Prussia. In 1853, came with his parents to Sheboygan. In 1874, he came to Reedsville, and at once engaged in this business. Married, in 1873, to Miss S. Hermann, of Michigan. They have four children, one son and three daughters.
E. N. REINERT, M. D. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.342-343. Dr. E. N. Reinert, engaged in the practice of medicine in Cleveland, for which he prepared by a thorough course of study in Marquette College at Milwaukee, from which he was graduated with the class of 1902, is a native of Milwaukee county, born on the 2d of November, 1873. Spending his youthful days upon the home farm, he acquired his first lessons in the district schools near by, his time being divided between his text-books and the labors of the fields. After his early education was completed he was employed in different ways for several years but realizing how valuable is thorough mental training as a preparation for success in later life, he resumed his studies, completing the high school course at Oakwood, Wisconsin, in 1890, and then entering Oshkosh Normal, which he attended for two years. At the end of that time his financial resources were exhausted and he had to resort to teaching, which profession he followed for one year. He then again entered the Oshkosh Normal and completed his course by graduation. Once more he resumed teaching, proving a capable educator, who imparted clearly and readily to others the knowledge that he had acquired, and was so occupied for five years. He was zealous and conscientious in his work and yet he regarded this only as an initial step to other professional labor, for it was his desire to enter upon the study of medicine and prepare for active practice. His labors at length made this course possible and he matriculated in Marquette College at Milwaukee, from which he was graduated in 1902. After taking a postgraduate course he then began practice in Cleveland, where he has since remained, and his success is proof of his ability and the conscientious discharge of his duties. He holds to high standards of service and is deeply interested in anything which tends to bring to man the key to the complex mystery which we call life. since his graduation he has read broadly and is familiar with the best medical literature of the day, thus keeping in touch with the advanced thought and work of the profession. On January 28, 1904. Dr. Reinert was married to Miss Margaret Reilley of Winneconne, Wisconsin, a daughter of Thomas and Marie (Killilea) Reilley, the former of whom was engaged in farming. Two children have been born to Dr. and Mrs. Reinert: Adrian on January 27, 1906, and Ruth, on May 24, 1908.
LEWIS REINHARDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.245-246. Lewis Reinhardt, who since 1905 has resided on his farm in Newton township, was born in this county, June 25, 1876, his parents being William and Augusta (Hummel) Reinhardt. The father was a native of Germany and on coming to America settled in the city of Manitowoc, where for several years he operated a pottery on Washington street. Afterward he purchased a farm near Rapids and resided on the same until 1882, when he purchased a saloon on the Calumet road, which he managed until his death, in 1884. His wife, Augusta (Hummel) Reinhardt, passed away in the spring of 1882 and after her death he wedded Miss Annie Cadwill. In his family were eight children. Lewis Reinhardt received his education in the district schools and, being only eight years of age at the death of his father, resided with his stepmother, Annie (Cadwill) Reinhardt, at Franklin until he was able to start out in life for himself. At the age of nineteen he engaged in the well-drilling business, which he followed for one year and then learned the carpenter’s trade, continuing in that work until 1905, when he purchased his present home. He has made many improvements on this place and now engages extensively in general farming and dairy work. In 1901 Mr. Reinhardt wedded Miss Mary Luebke, who was born in Newton township, the daughter of August Luebke, who came from Germany and was one of the early settlers in this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Reinhardt have been born three children, Hilda, Freda and Malvin. In politics Mr. Reinhardt belongs to the democratic party and although he has never cared for public office he has served as road master. Both he and his wife belong to the German Lutheran church at Newton and have many friends throughout the community. Mr. Reinhardt may well be called a self-made man, for he started out in life empty-handed and through thrift and industry has worked his way upward until he is now the owner of an excellent farm. Both as a carpenter and as an agriculturist he has been progressive and has met with well merited success.
WILLIAM H. REINHOLDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.597-599. William H. Reinholdt is numbered among those men who are not only prominent representatives of business development in Manitowoc county but are also proving their worth as citizens through the faithful discharge of the duties of public office. He is serving as justice of the peace in addition to successfully conducting his farm and dairy. His home is in Schleswig township upon the farm on which his birth occurred in a little log cabin September 29, 1855. He is a representative of one of the old pioneer families here for since pioneer days the Reinholdts have been associated with the growth and progress here. His father, Claus H. Reinholdt, was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, in 1825. He married Miss Anna M. Broeckert and with his wife came to America, in 1854, settling first near Holstein, Wisconsin. In May, 1855, he purchased from the government a tract of land upon which he spent most of his life and which is still known as the old Reinholdt homestead. He has retired to the village of Holstein where he now makes his home. Not a furrow had been turned nor an improvement made upon the place when he took possession; in fact, it was covered with a growth of native timber which had to be cleared away before the fields were cultivable. With characteristic energy, however, he set himself to the task, and the family shared in all the hardships and privations of pioneer life, but with the passing of the years these gave way before the comforts and improvements of an advancing civilization. In the family were nine children of whom the following are yet living: John H., a resident of Milwaukee; Theresa, the wife of J. Porter of that city; William H.; Dora, the wife of F. Gisch, of Manitowoc; and Margaret and Helena, twins, the former the wife of H. Walters and the latter of S. Parlaman, of Milwaukee. Henry J., Gustav and Mary are all deceased. William H. Reinholdt was reared amid the wild scenes of frontier life. Indians were still quite numerous in the neighborhood during the period of his youth and he has intimate knowledge of the red men and their ways and customs. He engaged in farming with his father whom he assisted from early childhood, remaining on the old homestead until twenty-eight years of age. During his younger years the farming was done with ox teams and other primitive methods were employed, but as time passed on and the Reinholdt family gained prosperity modern conveniences and accessories were added to the place. In 1884 William H. Reinholdt joined a brother in the conduct of a hardware business at Reedsville, Wisconsin, where he remained for three years. He was then married and returned to the farm, at first renting the place and afterward purchasing it. He has since carried on general agricultural pursuits and has also engaged in the dairy business. Both branches are proving sources of profit for he is practical in his methods and his industry is seemingly indefatigable. His farm presents a neat and thrifty appearance and the products of his dairy find ready sale on the market. In 1887 Mr. Reinholdt was married to Miss Mary T. Sievers, who was born August 17, 1859, near Holstein, Wisconsin, a daughter of Joergen Sievers, who was born in Holstein, Germany. He married Wiepke Platt, a daughter of Claus Platt, who in 1848 came with his family to America, settling in Calumet county, Wisconsin, where he devoted the remainder of his life to farming. Mr. and Mrs. Reinholdt became parents of five children: Theresa V., twenty-five years of age; Rudolph, aged twenty-three; George G., who is twenty-two years of age and engaged in bookkeeping; Helen May, twenty years of age, who was graduated from the Manitowoc Training School, since which time she has engaged in teaching, being now teacher in district No. 4, Eaton township; and Emma A., nineteen years of age. William H. Reinholdt is one of the most prominent workers in the ranks of the democratic party in his township and his opinions carry weight in the local councils of his party. He has served as chairman of the town committee and has filled various offices, being now justice of the peace to which office he was elected in 1896. He was also supervisor for three years, was chairman of the town board for four years, school clerk for twenty-one years and for ten years was road superintendent. For a decade he was cemetery director of Eaton township. He has firm belief in the efficacy of the party principles as factors in good government and his advocacy thereof proves a strong and potent element in winning democratic successes in his district. His religious faith is that of the Lutheran church, and a well spent and honorable life has gained for him the high regard and confidence of an extensive circle of warm friends among whom his entire life has been passed. He can relate many interesting incidents of pioneer days and his memory forms a connecting link between the primitive past with all its hardships and privations and the progressive present with its comforts and conveniences.
JOHN REMIKER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.360-361. John Remiker, who has been successful in his agricultural operations in the town of Franklin, is now the owner of a well improved tract of farming land on section 17. He was born in Franklin, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, July 19, 1875, and is a son of John and Barbara (Tuschel) Remiker, natives of Germany who were married in Wisconsin and shortly thereafter purchased sixty acres of wild land in the town of Franklin. The first home on this land was one built of logs, but as soon as Mr. Remiker had his land under cultivation he erected more modern buildings, and here his death occurred in 1904 at the age of sixty years. His widow still survives at the age of sixty-five years and makes her residence on the homestead. Mr. Remiker is buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Maple Grove. John Remiker was the fifth of a family of nine children, and he remained at home until his marriage, October 7, 1901, to Miss Nora Mangin, who was born October 26, 1878, the fourth of the seven children born to Paul and Mary (Madigan) Mangin. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Remiker: Raymond; Eileen, who died at the age of three years; and Mary, born September 7, 1908. Mr. Remiker has thirty-four acres under cultivation, and his property is fenced with barbed and woven wire. He does general farming, markets dairy products, hay and grain, and milks five cows. He breeds to Percheron horses, and has made a success of all his ventures. His two story frame house was built in 1901, and his basement barn, thirty-six by fifty-six feet, in 1902. The water suppiy for all purposes is secured from drilled wells. Mr. Remiker has been operating his present property since his marriage, and is known as one of the skilled agriculturists of his community. He is a republican in his political views, and has been a member of the school board for three years. He and his wife are religiously connected with St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove.
HUGO A. REUSS History of Northern Wisconsin, 1881, vol II, p. 531 Hugo A. Reuss, proprietor, Williams House, born 18 May 1835 in Germany. Came to Connecticut in 1853, in 1855 to New York; in 1857 he removed to Milwaukee; was clerk for George Dyer, five years. In 1862 he came to Two Creeks, and was employed by Pfister & Vogel, the first year, as their bookkeeper. He then had general charge of the tannery. This position he held till the Fall of 1877, when he removed to Manitowoc, and has since had charge of this house. During his residence in Two Creeks, he held about all the local offices. Married, March 29, 1857, to Crescentia Roetter, of Germany. Have two children, John and Matilda.
JACOB REUTHER My gg-grandfather was Jacob Reuther (1844-1906), son of George Reuther and Anna Margaretha Mickel and brother of Peter Reuther (1836-1905). Jacob and his family came to the US from Germany about 1854 and settled in Manitowoc County. Jacob married Henrietta Studemeyer on 17 Jan 1867 in Manitowoc. Henrietta's parents were Frederic Studemeyer (1799-1880) and Anna Maria Wartenberg (1802-between 1850-1860). Henrietta's sisters were married to Simon Begemann and John Karl Grimmer. Jacob and Henrietta moved to Houghton County in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan where they had their family and eventually died. Henrietta died 5 Mar 1896 and is buried in the Lake View Cemetery in Calumet, Houghton, Michigan. She did indeed still have family in the Manitowoc area. Her sisters both stayed there. There was no obituary found. Jacob was a Machine Shop Foreman for the Calumet & Hecla Mining Company and died on 27 Jan 1906. He, too, was buried in the Lake View Cemetery in Calumet, Houghton, Michigan. Here is his obituary from the 'Mining Gazette' on 28 Jan 1906: From the 'Mining Gazette' on January 28, 1906: January 28, 1906-Sunday Jacob Reuther, aged 60 years, died yesterday morning at his home in Calumet after a lengthy illness. He was born in Germany, and came to the United States as a boy of seven years. He came to Wisconsin and left in 1860 to go to Eagle Harbor, Keweenaw County, then a location of great promise. He worked for some years in Keweenaw County, and then he went to Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania where he joined the Union Army in the Civil War. After the war he returned and married Miss Henrietta. He then came to Calumet and worked for the Calumet and Hecla Mining Company as a machinist. He finally became foreman in the machine shop. Three children survive him-Mrs. Norman McLeod of Calumet, Mrs. Joseph Murphy of Canada and Fred of Ely, Minnesota. The funeral will take place Monday morning from the residence. Burial will be at Lake View Cemetery, Calumet. The obituary can be found on Houghton County's genealogy website. Jacob served in the Civil War as a Private in Company K, Unit 5 of the Pennsylvania Calvary. They were known as 'Cameron's Dragoons'. (from researcher/see contributors page) (note: The Autenmeier surname for Henriette was taken from the state microfiche and was incorrect)