[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
HIRAM MCALLISTER The home originally built by Hiram McAllister is now at the Pinecrest Historical Village in Manitowoc co. (From "History of Northern Wisconsin" page 535) Hiram McAllister, Sec. 5, forty acres, Branch Station. He was born in Johnson, Vt., June 20, 1808. He settled in Manitowoc Rapids in Spring, 1839, having come to Manitowoc County in 1837. He has followed various kinds of business, having been engaged in lumbering and milling in an early day. He has seen the county develop from a wilderness to its present standing. He was married in St. Lawrence County, N.Y., 1839, to Miss Caroline Shay; she was born in same county in Vermont in 1829. They had two sons. Mrs. McAllister died from an injury received in being tipped out of a cutter in 1849. He was married to Miss Harriet Burnet; she was born in Lockport, N.Y., Jan. 4, 1819; she died in May 1880.
CHARLES J. McCULLEY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.354-355. Charles J. McCulley engages in general and dairy farming in Cato township, where he owns one hundred and twenty acres of land, located on section 21. His birth occurred in Antigo, Wisconsin, on June 17, 1887, his parents being John and Catherine (Conrey) McCulley, the father a native of Wisconsin and the mother of Virginia. They were married in Manitowoc county and subsequently located on a farm in this township, where they resided for ten years. At the end of that time they removed to Antigo, continuing to reside there for two and a half years during which time the father was in the employ of the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad Company. From there they removed to Michigan, where for seven years Mr. McCulley was engaged in the lumber business. Withdrawing from this together with his wife and family he returned to this county and purchased sixty acres of land in Cato township. He once more turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, meeting with such lucrative returns that he was later able to increase his holdings by the addition of another hundred acres. Here he continued to engage in general farming and stock-raising until 1908, when he sold his place to his son, Charles J., and he and his wife went to Clarks Mills, where they now live, the father having reached the age of fifty-four years, while the mother is fifty-nine. Nine children were born unto Mr. and Mrs. McCulley, our subject being the sixth in order of birth. Reared at home, Charles J. McCulley acquired his education in the common schools of this state. While pursuing his studies he assisted his father in tilling the fields and caring for the stock, thus laying the foundation for an agricultural career. When his father retired in 1908 he bought one hundred and twenty acres of the old home place and has ever since been engaged in its cultivation. Eighty-five acres of his land is under cultivation, his principal products being hops, hay, grain and clover seed. The greater part of his grain and hay is used in the feeding of his stock, as he is making a specialty of raising cattle and hogs. At the present time he is milking twenty-two cows, some pure bred Holsteins and the others graded stock. His hogs are mostly Chester Whites, while he breeds and raises Percheron horses. Mr. McCulley conducts his business along very practical lines and keeps his place in good condition, giving his personal attention to all of the various details connected with the tilling of the fields, caring for the crops and marketing of his products. His fields are substantially fenced with barbed wire and under high cultivation, while he has a comfortable two-story frame dwelling and well constructed outbuildings and an exceptionally good barn. It is forty by ninety-two feet, has cement basement and floors and it is provided with modern equipment. He has an ample water supply, provided by drilled wells, and at different times has added appliances to facilitate the work, thus providing his farm with everything needed for its cultivation following modern methods. Mr. McCulley was married in January, 1910, to Miss Margaret Brennan, a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Finnegan) Brennan, the father a native of Ireland and the mother of Canada. They were married in this county, however, and subsequently located at Whitelaw, where the father was employed in a sawmill for about six years. From there they removed to Hayton, Wisconsin, where he continued in the same occupation for four years, and then went to work for a lime company at that point. In 1908, the father went to Valders to live with his son James, and there he passed away on the 1st of May, 1911, at the age of sixty-four years. He was laid to rest in the cemetery at Chilton beside the mother, who had passed the fifty-sixth anniversary of her birth when she died July 17, 1904. They had twelve children, Mrs. McCulley, whose birth occurred on August 18, 1884, being the eighth. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. McCulley: Mary, whose birth occurred October 29, 1910; and William, born November 20, 1911. Both Mr. and Mrs. McCulley are communicants of the Roman Catholic church, belonging to St. Mary’s parish at Clarks Mills, and he is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters. In politics he is a democrat, but he has never had either the time or inclination to seek public office, although he fulfills the requirements of good citizenship by casting a ballot on election day. As he is energetic and ambitious and is directing his undertakings with intelligence and good judgment, Mr. McCulley’s success as an agriculturist seems to be assured and most promising.
JOHN McFARLANE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.89-90. John McFarlane is a prominent and forceful factor in journalistic circles of Manitowoc county as the president and manager of the Citizens Publishing Company, publishing the Manitowoc Daily News of which he is the editor and also doing a general jobbing and printing business. He is numbered among the worthy native sons of Manitowoc, his birth having here occurred on the 16th of May, 1853. His parents, George and Jean (Gillis) McFarlane, were born, reared and married in Scotland. In 1853 they crossed the Atlantic to the United States, settling in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The father was employed as a steward on sailing vessels until he passed away in 1883 at the age of sixty-one years, his demise being occasioned by an accident. His remains were interred in the Evergreen cemetery at Manitowoc. His widow still survives at the age of ninety-one and is one of the oldest residents of Manitowoc. George McFarlane gave his political allegiance to the republican party but never sought nor desired the honors and emoluments of office. Fraternally he was identified with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, while his religious faith was indicated by his membership in St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal church, to which his widow also belongs. At the time of the Civil war he offered his services to the Union but was rejected because of disability. Unto him and his wife were born three sons and one daughter, as follows: George A., who is now a resident of Milwaukee; John, of this review; Wallace, who passed away when thirty—seven years of age; and Mary, living in Chicago, who is the wife of Jacob Walton and has two children. John McFarlane attended the public schools of his native city in the acquirement of an education and after putting aside his text—books was apprenticed to the printer’s trade. He worked as a journeyman in Manitowoc until 1870 and then went to Tennessee, where he worked at his trade for one year. In 1871 he removed to Chicago, where he was employed on the Chicago Tribune and other newspapers until 1876. In that year he made his way to Racine; there serving as city editor of the Racine Times for fifteen years. On the expiration of that period he returned to Manitowoc and in May, 1898, established the Manitowoc Daily News, which was incorporated for twenty-five thousand dollars and of which he and his son, George J., are now the sole owners. The journal is published daily and has a circulation of two thousand copies. As above stated, John MeFarlane acts as president, manager and editor, while his son is secretary and treasurer and likewise discharges the duties of city editor. The Citizens Publishing Company, in addition to publishing the Manitowoc Daily News, does a general jobbing and printing business. Mr. McFarlane has been twice married. In 1880 he wedded Miss Mary Thompson, who was a native of Norway and the third of five children born unto James and Annie Thompson, of Racine. She passed away in 1886 and was buried in Racine. She was the mother of one son, George J., who was graduated from the Racine high school with the class of 1901 and since that time has been associated with his father in business. In 1896 Mr. McFarlane was again married, his second union being with Miss Minnie Abramson, who was born in Norway, in December, 1867, and is a graduate of the Racine high school. Unto John and Minnie (Abramson) McFarlane has been born a daughter, Jean Marie, a maiden of twelve years, who is attending school. In politics Mr. McFarlane is a stanch republican, advocating the principles of that party through the columns of his paper, but has never sought nor desired office as a reward for party fealty. His fraternal relations are with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and the Royal League. He and his family are devoted and worthy members of St. Paul’s Methodist Episcopal church. The salient dualities of his life have ever commended him to the confidence, good-will and friendship of those with whom he comes in contact and he has always enjoyed the warm regard of a host of friends.
MILES MCMAHON From the Manitowoc Pilot, 29 April 1875: Sheriff's Sale - John W. Barnes against Miles McMahon By virtue of an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of Manitowoc County, in the above entitled action, and to me directed and delivered, I have levied on the following described property belonging to the defendant, which I shall expose for sale and sell to the highest bidder at public auction, at the Sheriff's Office in the Court House in the city and County of Manitowoc, and State of Wisconsin, on the 29th day of May, 1875, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon. The following is a description of the premises levied on, and to be sold viz: Lots number four(4) and five(5) in block number one hundred and eighty-three(183), situated in the city and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin. A. Wittenberg, Sheriff of Manitowoc County, by F. Mulholland, Under Sheriff
HENRY MEANY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.639. Henry Meany, who since 1892 has been successfuUv engaged in the livery business in the city of Manitowoc, was born in Cato, this county, April 1, 1865. His parents were Patrick and Bridget (Green) Meany, both of whom were natives of Ireland. The father came to America in 1848. locating on a farm of eighty acres in Manitowoc county, where he resided until his death. He passed away in 1873 and his wife, in 1889. In their family were ten children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the seventh in order of birth. Henry Meany was educated in the common schools of this county and grew to manhood on his father’s farm, continuing in farm work until his removal to Manitowoc. Here in 1892 he engaged in the livery business and has since been connected with the same, having an extensive and remunerative patronage. On the 26th of August, 1893, Mr. Meany wedded Miss Johanna Laughlin, the daughter of John and Bridget (Gleason) Laughlin, both of whom were natives of Ireland and came to America at an early date, locating on a farm in this county. To Mr. and Mrs. Meany have been born two children, Mary A. and Henrietta, both of whom are in school. Mr. Meany is a member of the Independent Order of Foresters and of the Knights of Columbus. He and his family are of the Catholic faith, being members of the Sacred Heart church. Mr. Meany is a popular and well liked citizen of Manitowoc and is very successful in his livery business, to which he gives his earnest attention, his advancement having depended solely upon his individual merits and capability.
EDGAR A. MECKELBERG This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.376-379. Edgar A. Meckelberg, one of the progressive and enterprising young business men of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where he has been the proprietor of a jewelry establishment since 1907, was born February 19, 1886, in Dodge county, Wisconsin, and is a son of John and Catherine Brandt (Lindt) Meckelberg. John Meckelberg was a native of Germany, and was eleven years of age when he accompanied his father, Christ Meckelberg, to Dodge county, Wisconsin, at that time a wilderness. He was married at the age of twenty-one years to a Miss Bellinger, and they had a family of four children: Frank, Theodore, John and Amelia, the last two deceased. After his first marriage, he settled on wild land in Dodge county, where he began agricultural pursuits with an ox-team, and for seventeen years he was also identified with the Beaver Dam Rowel, Seeder & Drill Company. He was always a promoter and supporter of church affairs, and was the originator of several movements to build Lutheran churches in this section. He was one of the directors of Northwestern University of Wisconsin, and at the time of his death, in February, 1910, when he was seventy-four years old, he was well known and highly esteemed all over his township. His widow still survives him and makes her home in Dodge county. By her former marriage to Mr. Brandt, she had three children: Matilda, John and Henry, the last named deceased, while only one child, Edgar A., was born to her union with Mr. Meckelberg. Edgar A. Meckelberg received his education in the district and high schools and also attended the Commercial College of Watertown, Wisconsin. At the age of fifteen years he started out to make his own way in the world and secured a position as bookkeeper in The Big White Store at Fond du Lac, where he remained for two years. At the age of seventeen years he learned the trade of watchmaker and jeweler and secured employment with Fond du Lac firms in commercial work, remaining in that city until December 9, 1907, at which time he came to Two Rivers and established his present business. On June 20, 1907, Mr. Meckelberg was married to Miss Edna Stoffel, who was born in Plymouth, Fond du Lac county, Wisconsin, a daughter of Charles Stoffel, a jeweler of Plymouth, who spent his last days at Fond du Lac and died there at the age of forty-six years, in 1893, in the faith of the Catholic church. His widow is still surviving, and their only child was Mrs. Meckelberg. Mr. Meckelberg is a member of Masonic Lodge, No. 200, Odd Fellows Lodge, No. 66; Modern Woodmen, No. 1308; the Equitable Fraternal Union and the Order of the Moose, and he has held various fraternal offices. He and Mrs. Meckelberg are consistent members of the Congregational church.
Mr. and Mrs. Edgar A. Meckelberg
PROFESSOR EMIL MEINARDUS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.421-422. Professor Emil Meinardus, teacher, composer and publisher of music, makes his home at Kiel, but is well known in musical circles throughout the state. He was the organizer of the Arion Band of this place and served as its leader for some years. Later he resigned to engage in business elsewhere but after two decades was urgently solicited to return and again became a leader of the orchestra and Gesang Verein, in which connection he is now well known. He possesses the love of music and natural talent characteristic of the German race. He was born December 21, 1859, in Preussischen Jadegebiet, which is now Wilhelmshaven, the famous German naval port in North Germany, and represents one of the old families of that part of the country. His grandfather was Christopher Meinardus, who served as a soldier in the war with France in 1813 and 1814. He died at the very venerable age of ninety-nine years. Hugo Meinardus, the father of Professor Meinardus, was born in 1827, and died at the age of seventy-two years. His occupation was that of an overseer of domain inspector, as it was called. His position was an important one and in later years he served as customs and tax collector, thus holding a prominent governmental position. About eight years prior to his death he was retired and pensioned. He held membership in the Lutheran church and was a man of marked local influence. He married Johanna Christians, who was a native of Oldenburg, Germany, which was also the birth place of her husband. Her father was John Christians, a hotel proprietor and the family was a leading one of that district. Mrs. Meinardus died in 1862 and is survived by two children Emma, a teacher in gymnastics in a girls’ high school in Jever, Oldenburg, Germany; and Professor Meinardus, of this review. The last named attended the common schools to the age of fourteen years. He afterward became a student in the Marien Gymnasium in Jever, Oldenburg, equivalent to the high school of this country, wherein he pursued his studies to the age of seventeen. During the same period he was receiving private instruction in music. He afterward went to Hanover, where he entered the Military Musical School, a preparatory institution, in which he spent two years. He next entered the army of Germany as special military musician and was connected with the band service from 1879 until 1884. He was released because of an accident sustained in riding school, receiving an honorable discharge with a small pension. Professor Meinardus was a young man of twenty-four years, when, on the 10th of December, 1884, he came to the United States. He made his way at once to Chicago and as he was a stranger and had no friends in this country he engaged in farm work. As he became acquainted, however, he felt that he could return to the profession for which he was so well qualified and began teaching music in Racine, Wisconsin. In 1887 he removed to Milwaukee Wisconsin, where he followed his profession until 1889, when he became a resident of Elkhart, Wisconsin. There he continued to give instruction in music until he removed to Kiel, where he continued as a teacher of music and also organized the Arion Band, which he instructed and directed until 1891. In that year he removed to Chilton, where he engaged in merchandising, handling pianos, music merchandise, etc., for twenty years. On the expiration of that period he sold out and at the urgent request of his former fellow townsmen returned to Kiel to continue as director of the Arion Orchestra and Kiel Mannerchor. He also teaches music and has become well known as a composer and publisher, having written some fine music which has become very popular with bands and with the general public. On the 5th of October, 1891 Professor Meinardus was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Dumke. who was born in Newton township, Manitowoc county, July 30, 1861, and is a daughter of Fritz and Mathilda Dumke, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father was a miller by trade, learning the business in his native land, after which he came to America and established his home in Newton township, Manitowoc county, becoming one of the pioneer settlers of that district. He built the first sawmill in the locality and later built a general mill about a quarter of a mile from the lake. He also constructed the leading dams in that section, building altogether thirteen dams. He died March 4, 1908, at Chilton, Wisconsin, at the very advanced age of ninety years, while his wife passed away at the age of fifty-two. Her father, Mr. Stater, was a German schoolteacher and married Emma Herzberger. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Dumke were born six children: Anna, who is the widow of H. Bodmer, a resident of Grand Island, Nebraska; Ernest, a miller of Chilton; Clara, the wife of Joseph Rasch, also of Chilton; Bertha, the wife of Dr. Schmitz, of School Hill; Mrs. Meinardus; and Fritz, who is living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Professor and Mrs. Meinardus lost their only child in infancy. Mrs. Meinardus is a member of the Christian Science church and of the German Women’s Aid Society, of Chilton. Professor Meinardus holds membership in the G. U. G. Germania of the state of Wisconsin, with the local Verein No. 28 of Chilton, Wisconsin, and is also a member of the Krieger Verein at Kiel. He has done much to cultivate and improve musical taste in this county and promote an appreciation of the highest and best in the art. His natural and acquired ability has won him more than local fame and his instruction and direction have gained for the Arion Orchestra and Band as well as the Kiel Mannerchor, a wide and well deserved reputation.
ADOLPH FRED MEISELWITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.391-393. Adolph Fred Meiselwitz, successfully engaged in the shoe business in Kiel, is numbered among the well known and progressive merchants of this town, which has remained the scene of his activities since 1900. He was born in Schleswig township, Manitowoc county, in 1869, a son of William and Henrietta Meiselwitz. The father, a German by birth, was brought to the United States in his boyhood, the family home being established on a farm near Kiel in Schleswig township. There he spent the remainder of his active life in agricultural pursuits save for a period of five years during which he was employed in a local brewery. He now makes his home in Kiel living retired from active business pursuits. His wife, a native of Germany, passed away in 1911 at the ge of seventy-two years. She had begun the trip across the Atlantic to the new world with the other members of the family but ere the voyage was completed her parents and a brother died of cholera, their remains being buried at sea. She and a sister continued the journey and eventually arrived in Sheboygan, Wisconsin, whence they removed to Schleswig township where she resided until her marriage to Detloff Wriedt. By that marriage there were two daughters: Johanna and Dora, both of whom are now married. After the death of her first husband she wedded William Meiselwitz in 1860 and their children were as follows: Carl J., extended mention of whom is made on another page of this volume; Adolph Fred, of this review; William, residing on the old homestead; and Arthur, who has passed away. Adolph Fred Meiselwitz pursued his education to the age of seventeen years, attending the district school during the winter months and in the summer season assisting his father in the cultivation of the fields. After laying aside his textbooks, however, he learned the carpenter’s trade which he followed for a time at home, and then spent one year in Chicago, where he was similarly engaged. Later, in 1900, he came to Kiel and here engaged in the shoe business in connection with F. Berg, the relationship continuing for eight years. In 1908 Mr. Meiselwitz purchased his partner’s interest in the enterprise and since then has continued alone in the conduct of a business which has reached gratifying proportions. The excellent line of goods handled and his progressive business methods have been potent factors in acquiring for him an extensive patronage which is constantly growing in volume and importance. Beside carrying on a large shoe business he has also installed a shoe repair shop which is widely patronized, and his concern is now ranked among the prosperous and important enterprises of the community. It was on the 12th of September, 1895, that Mr. Meiselwitz was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Berg, who was born on the 5th of April, 1875, in Schleswig township. Her father, Ernest Berg, was a native of Germany and in that country was engaged as a roofer, but after arriving in the United States followed agricultural pursuits. His death occurred in April, 1898, when he had reached the ripe old age of eighty years. His wife, who in her maidenhood was Caroline Reseberg, was also a native of the fatherland, being born in the province of Pommern. She survives her husband and now, at the age of eighty-two years, resides in Kiel. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Meiselwitz have been born five children: Wilfred, who at the age of sixteen years is attending high school; and Walter, Clara, Romilda and Adela, aged respectively fourteen, twelve, ten and six years. The parents are members of the Reformed church of Kiel, in the work of which they are actively interested, Mrs. Meiselwitz holding membership in the Ladies Aid Society of that institution. She also belongs to the Royal Neighbors, while Mr. Meiselwitz is identified with the Modern Woodmen of America, with the Equitable Fraternal Union and also the Turnverein, all of Kiel. In politics he is a republican, but although he gives stanch support to the party at the polls he has never sought nor desired public office, preferring to devote his entire time and energy to his business affairs. He is, however, a public-spirited citizen, loyally giving his aid to all projects which have for their object the substantial upbuilding and development of the community and the respect, good-will and confidence which are ever accorded to upright, honorable manhood are his in a large degree.
CARL J. MEISELWITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.412-414. Few have attained a more prominent position in the mercantile circles of this section of the state than has Carl J. Meiselwitz, and yet he has found time, in a busy active career, to participate in other interests, being well known throughout the district both in political and fraternal connections. He is one of Manitowoc county's native sons, his birth having occurred in Schleswig township on the 31st of December, 1867. The family from which he comes, however, had its origin in Germany, the paternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gottfried Meiselwitz, having been the founders of the family on American soil. In early life they came to Wisconsin and here the grandfather followed farming until called to his final rest in 1881, at the age of eighty-six years. His son, William Meiselwitz, the father of our subject, was born in Schlesingen, Saxony, on the German border, and was a young lad when brought to the new world by his parents. When old enough to enter the business world he accepted employment in a brewery where he continued for five years, after which he was married and took up farming on the old homestead. He has retired from active pursuits having reached the age of seventy—eight years and now makes his home in Kiel. His wife, Mrs. Henrietta (Vornsand) Meiselwitz, passed away in 1911 at the age or seventy—two years. She was born in Oldenburg, Germany, on the 15th of April, 1839, and in early life left the fatherland with her family, America being their destination. While en route, however, her parents and a brother all died of cholera and were buried at sea, leaving Mrs. Meiselwitz and a sister to continue their journey alone. Upon landing in the United States they made their way inland to Sheboygan, Wisconsin, and later came to Schleswig township, where Mrs. Meiselwitz remained until united in marriage to Detloff Wriedt. The children of this union were two in number, namely: Johanna, who married I. Mulcahy, of Idaho; and Dora, the wife of Emil Klopfer, of Seattle, Washington. After the death of her first husband the mother wedded William Meiselwitz in 1860, and unto them were horn four children, as follows: Carl T., of this review; Adolph, a shoe merchant; William, residing on the old homestead farm; and Arthur, deceased. In the schools of Schleswig township, Carl J. Meiselwitz acquired his education and when not engaged with his text—books assisted his father in the operation of the farm. His time was thus employed until he had attained the age of nineteen, when, thinking to find other pursuits more congenial, he left home and worked for some time in a northern pinery. Later he made his way to Chicago and for seven years was identified with the underground telephone service, after which he returned to Kiel and for four years was employed by S. Hollenstein. The expiration of this period brought him to the year 1898 and found him not only the possessor of a good, practical experience but also of a sum of money which, carefully saved from his earnings throughout the previous years, was sufficient to enable him to engage in business on his own account. In that year he purchased the furniture and undertaking business of the old firm of Hanski and Company and since that time has developed one of the largest and most important establishments of that character in the western part of the county, handling all kinds of furniture and rugs and also couducting an undertaking department. The patronage his furniture establishment enjoys comes from a wide territory and the splendid trade which he has built up indicates keen business sagacity, untiring perseverance and close application on the part of the owner. Mr. Meiselwitz was married on the 30th of October, 1896, to Miss Minnie Zimmerman, who was born in Bridgeport, Ohio, in 1868, a daughter of Conrad and Wilhelmina (Mesch) Zimmerman, of Kiel. The father was at one time a wine merchant of Wheeling. After the death of her parents Mrs. Meiselwitz, who at that time was thirteen years or age, was reared by and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Mesch, of Kiel, with whom she made her home until her marriage. One brother, Adolph Zimmerman, survives and is now manager of the Kiel Woodenware Company, at Mellen, Wisconsin. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Meiselwitz were born five children, namely: Adolph W., attending school; Henrietta and Henry, aged respectively fourteen and ten years, who are also pursuing their education; Wilhelmina, deceased; and Helen, a little maiden of four summers. The wife and mother died on the 7th of December, 1911, after a short illness, and her death was mourned by a large number of friends. She was well known in the social circles of the community in which she moved and was a faithful and active member of the Reformed church of Kiel, in the faith of which she had been reared. She belonged to the Ladies Aid Society of that church and also to the Kiel Ladies Society, taking a helpful part in the work of each, and was also identified with the Royal Neighbors of Kiel. Mr. Meiselwitz also holds membership in the Reformed church and is at present serving as one of its trustees, while his fraternal relations are with the Modern Woodmen camp, the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and the Equitable Fraternal Union, all of this city. He gives his political support to the republican party and in the public life of the community has taken a prominent part, serving for two terms on the village board and also as village clerk for the year 1910. He is likewise a member of the school board of Kiel, the cause of education finding in him a stanch friend. His is, in fact, the champion of material, intellectual and moral progress, recognizing that each has its place in the scheme of the world, and his labors have been an element of growth along all those lines during the period of his residence in Kiel. His is a career in which various interests have formed an even balance and not only is he numbered among the most prominent and progressive business men of his section but also among the most valued and representative citizens.
CHARLES W. MEISNEST This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.68-69. Charles W. Meisnest, superintendent of schools of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, who has been widely and favorably known as an educator for a number of years, was born in the village of Branch, Manitowoc Rapids township, Manitowoc county, January 28, 1878, and is a son of George and Mary (Krall) Meisnest, the former of whom came to America from Germany, between 1848 and 1850, and the latter from Bohemia about 1856. They were married in Manitowoc county, where during his young manhood George Meisnest was employed in sawmills at various points, but later purchased wild land in Manitowoc Rapids township, where he cleared and cultivated a farm and engaged in agricultural pursuits until his retirement. He was active in democratic politics for a number of years, and was elected to various township offices, including those connected with education, of which he was a great advocate. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran Reformed church. They had a family of ten children, as follows: Mary, who married Charles Fetzer, of Louisville, Nebraska; Kate, deceased, who married Anton Stoehr; John, who resides on the old family homestead; George, who is connected with Rahr’s Brewery in Manitowoc; Fred, professor of German in the Washington State University; Emma, who is deceased; Elizabeth, residing at home; Frank, who is the proprietor of a general store, at Branch; Charles W.; and Laura, who married Louis Bleser. Charles W. Meisnest received a common-school education and for a few years was engaged in school teaching, and then entered the University of Wisconsin, at Madison, from which he was graduated in 1904, with the degree of Bachelor of Arts. During the following year he worked in Chicago, and he then taught the West Side high school in Manitowoc for three and one-half years. In January, 1909, he was appointed county superintendent of schools, and since that time has been elected twice to the office, in which he now serves very acceptably. In 1906 Mr. Meisnest was married to Miss Olive Bleser, daughter of Adam Bleser, and two children have been born to this union, namely: Doris and Carl. Mrs. Meisnest is a member of the Catholic church, while her husband is a Lutheran. He is independent in his political views.
(Photo sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
Charles and Frank Meisnest ca. 1900FRANK W. MEISNEST This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.169-170. Frank W. Meisnest, postmaster of the village of Branch, Wisconsin, justice of the peace for the past eight years, and one of the proprietors of the leading general store, was born May 28, 1874, one mile east of Branch, and is a son of George and Mary (Krall) Meisnest. George Meisnest was born August 17, 1833, in Wittenberg, Germany, and came to the United States at the age of twenty years, first settling in Buffalo. He resided there for a little more than a year working on a farm, and at that time, acting on the suggestion of German friends who had come to Wisconsin, located in this state. He remained at Manitowoc for two years and then removed to Branch. During the next ten years he was employed in the sawmills of this village, and in 1858 he was married here to Mary Krall, who was born in Bohemia, July 16, 1839, daughter of Martin and Annie Krall. Mrs. Meisnest’s mother died in Bohemia, from which country she was brought to the United States in 1854 by her father and stepmother, both of whom died in Manitowoc county. While working in the sawmills, Mr. Meisnest purchased a farm of eighty acres, located one mile west of Branch, which was covered with timber and swamps, the water coming to within a few feet of the door of the little shanty which Mr. Meisnest erected and which was the family home for some years. Beginning to drain and clear his property in 1860, Mr. Meisnest was one of the earliest settlers here, and the farm is now one of the highly cultivated tracts of this town. Mr. and Mrs. Meisnest had twelve children, one of whom died in infancy, and another, William, at the age of two years, while the others were: Mary, Katherine, John, George, Frederick, Emma, Elizabeth, Frank, Charles and Laura, of whom Katherine and Emma are deceased. Frank W. Meisnest received his education in the district schools, and at the age of fifteen years began teaching school. After five years spent in teaching, he entered the State University, where he finished the four years course in three years, and for the next two years taught in the high school at Plymouth, Wisconsin. During the two years that followed, he was engaged in teaching in the high school at Manitowoc, and he then gave up the profession of teaching and engaged in a general store business at Branch in connection with Joseph Shaffer, his brother-in-law. The business has grown steadily, controlling a large and lucrative trade, and both partners are known as men of the highest business integrity. Mr. Meisnest has been justice of the peace for eight years, is serving in his seventh year as school clerk, having been elected to that office for three three year terms, and in January, 1908, he received his appointment as postmaster. For the years 1908 and 1909 he was secretary of the Manitowoc & Western Telephone Company. On August 10, 1901, Mr. Meisnest was married to Miss Anna Shaffer, a daughter of Frank and Amelia Shaffer of Branch, natives of Bohemia. Two children of this union are now living: Leila, born April 2, 1902; and Earl, born March 31, 1909. Alvin and Elmer, twins, were born July 19, 1906, and Alvin died December 22, of that year, and Elmer passed away February 19, 1907. Mr. and Mrs. Meisnest are affiliated with the Presbyterian church. (Note: co. mar. index has 14 August 1901 for marriage)
GEORGE MEISNEST From the Manitowoc Herald, August 19, 1918 PIONEER BRANCH COUPLE, WITH FAMILY, WHO CELEBRATED DIAMOND WEDDING JUBILEE SUNDAY Sixty years is a long time in the lifetime of man-it covers the span of the average life-and when one is privileged to look back over three decades and with the helpmate of all those years at his side, it is indeed a privilege and Mr. and Mrs. George Meisnest of Branch yesterday appreciated the great blessing that came to them in their declining years-the observance of their diamond wedding jubilee. Surrounded by their children and grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs. Meisnest yesterday welcomed their neighbors and many friends and received congratulations in messages from many others. It was a day of happy memories that sent their minds traveling back for sixty years to the day when, as youth and maiden, they plighted their troth in 1858. At the celebration yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Meisnest renewed the vows taken sixty years ago when the marriage service was read by Rev. Grether, of this city. Seven of the eight living children of the couple were present for the occasion, only one son, residing in Seattle, being unable to attend. Included in the family party were two great grandchildren of the couple, the two little sons of Mrs. George Kiel, who is a daughter of John Meisnest of Branch, a son of the celebrants. There was a family dinner and open house to friends, Mr. and Mrs. Meisnest personally receiving their guests who unanimously joined in hoping that the couple might be spared to celebrate their seventy-fifth anniversary.
The George Meisnest family on their anniversary
JOHN MENDLICK From the Manitowoc County Chronicle Two Rivers, June 15, 1875 We learn of quite a serious accident which occurred to Mr. John Mendlick last Tuesday. He ahd gone to Nettle Hill, about 12 miles and half from the city, for the purpose of putting up some monuments, and while riding down a rather steep descent, the horse stumbled and fell, throwing Mr. Mendlick out of the wagon and upon the horse. The latter commenced kicking, and it is a wonder that Mr. M. escaped as well as he did. Dr. Paine was summoned, and although no bones were broken it is feared that he has sustained internal injuries. We hope that nothing serious will be the result, and that Mr. Mendlick will be able soon to resume his business.
A.B. MELENDY From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Photographer, Manitowoc, born Dec. 11, 1851, in Milwaukee. When a child, he came to Sheboygan County, with his parents, there he worked on a farm till 1873; he then commenced to learn this trade with Fay W. Manville, of Sheboygan. In about 1874, he removed to Manitowoc and opened this gallery. Since Mr. Meledny's residence here, he has devoted all his time and means, in making this a first-class gallery, and is now rewarded with the satisfaction of having one of the finest portrait galleries in the State. He was married, in 1872, to Miss L. G. Stewart, of Appleton. They have three children, one son and two daughters.
Francis Mella and Mathilda Ziarnik, 11 Feb 1907 Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Frank Mella is harrowing a field on Nordheim Road in the town of Newton with horses Barney and Dan. Taken in the 1930s. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Joseph Mella and Marcella Blackowski, July 17, 1907 Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
HENRY MENDLIK (Heinrich on mar. index) From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, pp. 529-530 Firm of Barnes & Mendlik, general merchandise, Manitowoc, is a native of Bohemia. Came to Racine County in 1854, with his parents. In 1857, they removed to Manitowoc County, where he assisted his father on their farm. On the death of his father, the family removed to the city. He enlisted in 1861, Co. F, 26th Wis. Inf., served nine months, was discharged on account of physical disability. He then came to Chicago, and clerked in a flour and feed store a few months, then returned to Manitowoc, was employed with Vilas & Company, as clerk about fourteen years, and had also been a member of this firm. In 1879, he became a member of this firm. Married May 30, 1876 to Elizabeth Kolinsky, of Bohemia. They have three children, one son and two daughters.
JOHN MENDLIK From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Manitowoc Marbel Works, is a native of Bohemia, born May 23, 1837, and came with his parents to Milwaukee in 1854. He then removed with his parents to Racine County, where he assisted his father in farming for a few months. He next went to Racine, where he entered a printing office as an apprentice, working at this trade six months. Going to Milwaukee, he remained there about two years, for the purpose of completing the stone cutting trade, when he removed to Chicago and engaged in the stone and marble business about nine years, the latter portion of which time being occupied in carving. In June, 1866 he settled in Manitowoc, and at once established his present business, which he has since successfully conducted, having by his business talent and industry, built up a large and profitable trade. He was married, in April, 1860, to Miss Anna Ferdinand, of Chicago. They have nine children, one son and eight daughters.
AMOS MEYER From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County Court In the matter of the estate of Amos Meyer, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Sibilla Meyer, of Manitowoc Wis., representing, among other things that Amos Meyer, late of said county, on the 9th day of April A.D., 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving no goods, chattels and no estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is mother of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to John Schuette granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Wednesday the 16th day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, Feb. 23d, 1870
H.J. MEYER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 General merchandise, Manitowoc, is a native of this place. He established his business Nov. 1, 1879, prior to which time he had been a clerk for the past ten years for Henry Esch.
JOHN C. MEYER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Farmer, Sec. 36, P. O. Manitowoc, was born March 4, 1819, in Holstein, Germany. In 1848 he came to Dodge County, and in the Spring of 1850 he came to Manitowoc and engaged in contracting and building. He built many of the public buildings in Manitowoc, besides the bridges which span the river. He owns a tract of eighty-three acres of land, upon which he now resides, as well as property in the city. Married, in 1850, Miss Dora Auga, also a native of Holstein. They have one son and one daughter.
HILDEGARD A. MEYER WOELFEL The following sent in by a researcher, see contributors page. Hildegard A. Woelfel, 84, 1600 Mason St, New Holstein, passed away Sunday, Jan. 8, 1995 at the Calumet Medical Center in Chilton, WI. She was born Oct. 24, 1910 in St. Nazianz, a daughter of the late Michael and Theresa Knier Meyer. On March 3, 1930, she married Hugo Woelfel at St Gregory Catholic Church in St. Nazianz. He preceded her in death on Oct. 11, 1982. She was a member of Holy Rosary Catholic Church, New Holstein, and its Christian Women's Society. Survivors include one son, four daughters, 16 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, one sister, and many nieces and nephews. Besides her husband, she was predeceased in death by her parents, one son,Melvin, two son in laws, Louis Nett and David Bofinger; three brothers, Math, John and Steve; and two sisters; Therese Schad and Marie Stein. Funeral services will be Wednesday, Jan. 11, 1995 at the Holy Rosary Catholic Church in New Holstein, the Rev. Patrick Lloyd officiating. Burial will be in the Holy Rosary Cemetery in New Holstein. Friends may call at the Erbe-Evjen Funeral Home in New Holstein from 4-8 pm on Tuesday and from 9 am until 10:30 am on Wednesday. There will be a Christian Women's Rosary at 5:15 pm on Tuesday at the funeral home.