[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
JOHAN GABRIEL In Probate - Manitowoc County Court In the matter of the estate of Margretta Gabriel, deceased. On recording filing the petition of Johan Gabriel, of Mishicott, representing among other things that he is the widower of the said Margaretta Gabriel, late of Bohemia, deceased on the 9th day of May, A.D. 1870 at Bohemia who died intestate, leaving goods, chattels and estate in Bohemia, and that the said petitioner is the widower of said deceased, and praying this administration of said estate to him be granted, it is ordering that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court on Monday, the 11th day March, A.D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. (rest of notice stating times of publication of this notice)
PETER GAGNON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.30-31. Peter Gagnon, who has been engaged in business in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, during his entire active career, has for nearly thirty years been connected with the mercantile business as a proprietor, and has also interested himself in civic movements. He was born in Two Rivers, March 28, 1849, and is a son of Joseph and Mary (Boinart) Gagnon. Joseph Gagnon, who was a native of Canada, came to the United States in 1848, and settled at Two Rivers, where he was engaged in shoemaking and fishing until his death in 1872, when he was fifty-two years of age. His widow survived him many years and died at the age of eighty-three. They had a family of eleven children, of whom three, Joseph, Mary Ann and an infant, are deceased. The survivors are, Jonas, Peter, Mary, January, Ervin, Agnes, Elizabeth and John. Peter Gagnon secured his early education in Two Rivers, and at the age of thirteen years began working as a drug clerk. Afterward he engaged in the tanning business but in 1874 he built a tug boat, with his two brothers, Joseph and Jonas, and operated it for eight years. He and Jonas then sold their interests in the tug and engaged in mercantile business until 1910, when Jonas sold out his interests and went into the canning business. The firm is now conducted by Peter Gagnon and Ed. Schultz, the latter of whom became interested with the business in 1903 through his connection with the bottling works. The company has had a steady growth, and is now rated among the leading concerns of Two Rivers, the partners being men of recognized standing and ability. Mr. Gagnon was married in 1874. His wife died in 1908, aged fifty-seven years, leaving a family of fourteen children, all of whom are living. Peter Gagnon is a republican in political matters, has served as mayor of Two Rivers for four years, and is now a member of the water and light commission, and is also a notary public.
The Peter Gagnon family - 1899
The Peter Gagnon family - 1908
The above photos from the Wentorf collection at the Two Rivers Library.
PETER GAGNON From the Two Rivers Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Married in this city on Monday, June 18, 1888, by Father Welbers at the Catholic Church, Mr. Peter Gagnon of this city to Miss Lizzie Lafond also of this city. Marriage Record Vol. 5, Page 425 # 219 Husband Peter Gagnon Father Vincent Gagnon Mother Theresa Gagnon Occupation Day Laborer Residence 2 Rivers Birthplace Canada Wife Elizabeth Lafond Father Baptista Lafond Mother Josephine Lafond Birthplace 2 Rivers Date of Marriage June 18, 1888 Place of Marriage 2 Rivers Color of Parties White Type of Ceremony Roman Catholic Subscribing Witnesses Emanuel Lafond And Joseph Gagnon Clergy Or Other Rev. M. Welbes - 2 Rivers
JAMES GALLOGLY From A History of Tama County, Iowa Vol II; Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co., 1910. James Gallogly- In the little city of Buckingham, James Gallogly is well known as a hardware merchant, carrying a large and general line of heavy hardware, harness, fence materials, paints, etc. He was first identified with the life of Tama county as an educator, having taught for twenty-four years or more, or up to the time he entered mercantile pursuits, seven years ago. He had also followed the carpenter's trade to some extent. Mr. Gallogly was born at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, August 18, 1856, a son of Michael and Mary (Peppard) Gallogly, who came from their native Ireland when very young, the mother being but two years old at the time of her emigration, and they were married in Ohio, and were farming people there until moving to Wisconsin in about the year 1850. From there they came to Tama county, Iowa, on the 1st of September, 1876, and in Buckingham township purchased the farm which is still in the family name. Michael Gallogly died on his farm in the year 1905, when eighty-seven years of age, and his wife, Mary, died there in 1901, aged seventy-two years. They reared a large family of ten children, and nine are yet living, but are scattered over the different states of the Union, two living in Minnesota, two in Wisconsin, one in Illinois, two in Dakota, and Michael owns the old Gallogly homestead in Buckingham township. James Gallogly, of this review, married Miss Margaret Tierney, a member of a prominent and well-known family of this county, and a daughter of Daniel Tierney. Their three sons are Daniel, Ralph and LeRoy. Mr. Gallogly is a Democratic voter, and he served his township as clerk for several years and also as assessor. He holds fraternal relations with the Modern Woodmen of America at Traer and with the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Centerville, South Dakota. The family are members of the Blessing Catholic Church. GUSTAVUS A. GARTZKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.312-313. Gustavus A. Gartzke, president of the Centerville Brewing Company, of which he was one of the organizers, was born in Germany on the 20th of January, 1860. His parents were Julius and Wilhelmina (Garlach) Gartzke, likewise natives of Germany, whence they emigrated to the United States with their family in 1873, locating in Milwaukee. The principal part of the education of Gustavus A. Gartzke was obtained in the common schools of his native land, where he passed the first thirteen years of his life. After completing his education he was apprenticed to the trade of smith in 1877 and followed that occupation until 1888. In that year he engaged in the hardware business and remained in that line in Milwaukee until 1898, when he came to Centerville and there organized the Gartzke Brothers Brewing Company, with which enterprise he has ever since been identified. The company was reorganized and incorporated on the 1st of July, 1911, under the firm name of The Centerville Brewing Company, with Mr. Gartzke, president; T.W. Lademann, vice president and treasurer; and Joseph E. Lademann, secretary and superintendent. This is one of the thriving industries of the town and is constantly extending its business, the annual receipts showing a marked increase from year to year. Mr. Garztke has twice been married, his first union being with Miss Clara Freitag. She was a daughter of Fred Freitag, a native of Germany, who passed away in 1910. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Gartzke, as follows: Lydia, the wife of August Keune, a miller of Centerville, and the mother of one son; Laura; Clara; Irwin; Theresa, and Arthur, who died at the age of three years. Mr. and Mrs. Gartzke were married in 1886, and she passed away in a hospital in Milwaukee on the 16th of November, 1904. In 1906, Mr. Garztke was married to Miss Agnes Freitag, a sister of his former wife. Irwin G.P. Gartzke, the oldest son of Gustavus A. Gartzke, was born in Milwaukee on the 26th of March, 1890. He was educated in the public schools of Milwaukee and Centerville and also the Spencerian Business College of Milwaukee. He subsequently learned the printer's trade and became a linotype operator for Mills Brothers, but in 1908 he withdrew from this position and in May of that year he started the Cleveland Review. Despite the fact that he was only 18 years of age at the time, he was fully qualified for the duties of this undertaking as he had attained the mental development and possessed the business sagacity of a man several years his senior. In 1910 this promising young life came to a sudden close through one of those incomprehensible acts of providence when the earthly career of Irwin Gartzke was cut short by death resulting from accidental drowning. Mr. and Mrs. Gartzke are members of the German Lutheran church. Fraternally he belongs to the Columbian Lodge, No. 11, Knights of Pythias,of Milwaukee, and also is a member of the Germania Verein of Milwaukee, of which he has served as treasurer for twelve years. Mr. Gartzke gives his political support to the man whom he considers best adapted to fill the office or the measure which in his estimation is of benefit to the greatest number, irrespective of party affiliation. During his residence in Milwaukee he was actively identified with municipal affairs, and for one term served as supervisor for the thirteenth ward. He is one of the progressive, enterprising citizens of Centerville township, toward the development of which he has substantially contributed during the period of his residence here. He is one of those men which it is a pleasure to meet, and is most popular in Manitowoc county where his friends are many and where he has made his mark as a business man of superior ability. PHILIP GARVEY Manitowoc Co. Wisconsin Marriage Register Vol. 6, p. 367 Full name of husband: Philip Garvey Full name of father of husband: Michael Garvey Full name of mother of husband before marriage: Sara Callihan Occupation of husband: Laborer Residence of husband: Green Bay, Wis. Birthplace of husband: Bill Fountain, Ohio Full name of wife previous to marriage: Elisabeth Halron Full name of the father of wife: James Halron Full name of mother of wife, before marriage: Margaretha Maney Birthplace of wife: Town of Cato, Manitowoc Co. Time when marriage was contracted: on the 9th September, 1896 Place or town, and county where marriage was contracted: Clarks Mills, Wis. The color of the parties: White By what ceremony contracted: by Roman Catholic Names of subscribing witnesses: James Halron, Teresia Cook Name of person pronouncing marriage: Rev. Emmanuel Kabat Residence of person last named: Clarks Mills, Wis. Date of certificate or affidavit of marriage: Sept. 9, 1896 Date of Registration: “ 16, 1896
WILLIAM GATERMAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.548-551. The world acknowledges America’s leadership in invention. No other country has given to civilization as many useful devices as has the United States. Its inventions have revolutionized manufacture, trade and commerce, and have done away with the old order of things which for centuries was practiced in connection with the gradual bringing about of changes in the methods of crop production that are truly marvelous. William Gaterman, well known in Manitowoc, is entitled to more than passing mention because of what he has done as an inventor, having given to the world many valuable devices. He is one of the county’s native sons, his birth having occurred on a farm here in 1863. His father, William Gaterman, Sr., came to Wisconsin in pioneer times, about 1845, from Germany and settled on a farm near Newton, although the land was wild and unimproved when it came into his possession. He cleared the tract and built thereon an attractive home, which he occupied for a few years. He afterward took up his abode in Manitowoc, where he opened and conducted a store and also engaged in shipbuilding. In his yards were built the schooners Lydia and The Wave, used in transporting freight from Milwaukee. After a considerable period spent in the city Mr. Gaterman returned to the farm, whereon he spent his remaining days, passing away at the age of sixty-four years. His wife bore the maiden name of Gertrude Bruckschen and they were the parents of ten children: Herman, who is now living in California; Mrs. Adaline Eickmeier; Mrs. Kate Dehnen; Fred; Lena, the wife of Anton Kielsmeier; Anna, the wife of Henry Kielsmeier; Peter, deceased; William; John, who makes his home in Wheatland, Iowa; and Lydia, the wife of Henry Spoentgen. William Gaterman pursued his education in the rural schools and in the public schools of Manitowoc. He early became familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops and after leaving his father’s farm owned and cultivated a farm of his own until about eight years ago, when he sold that property and took up his abode in the city. He possessed natural mechanical skill and ingenuity and his experience in farm work taught him the needs along agricultural lines. This understanding combined with his ability as a mechanic led him to seek out methods of improvement and as the result he has brought forth many valuable devices and a number of his inventions are now in general use. He invented the grain lifter guard, side delivery wind Rowers, clover bunchers and a number of other inventions upon which he has patents in both the United States and Canada. He now devotes all his attention to perfecting his patents and bringing out new devices and he not only possesses mechanical skill but also sound business judgment which enables him to reap the benefit of his labors. It has often been said that the inventor possesses no practical business ability but Mr. Gaterman is an exception to this rule, for his intelligent direction of his labors and the able manner in which he has introduced his output to the market have constituted salient features in the attainment of success. In 1892 Mr. Gaterman was united in marriage to Miss Lydia Grosshuesch, and unto them have been born three children, Erwin, Freda and Laura. Mr. Gaterman has recently erected a most beautifui and attractive home, at a cost of twelve thousand dollars. Upon his place he also has a splendidly equipped work shop and garage which is supplied with all modern machinery for promoting his inventions. He has held to the political faith of the family, being a stanch republican, and he and his wife are members of the Reformed church. They occupy a prominent position in social circles and are well known as representatives of two of the old and honored pioneer families of the county. In his business affairs Mr. Gaterman has made steady advancement and his success is the merited reward of earnest labor, perseverance and capability.
William Gaterman
ANTONY GAUTHIER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.134-135. Antony Gauthier, who for thirty years has served faithfully as the keeper of the lighthouse at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, which juts out 1750 feet into the lake, is an example of sterling devotion to duty that may be recommended to the youth of the rising generation. Cut off from his fellowmen by a wide expanse of water, compelled to live in almost total solitude for long periods, expected to be at his post in every kind of weather, the lighthouse keeper does not seem at first glance to lead an attractive life, and that a man should perform his duties in so satisfactory a manner during so long a period of time as has Mr. Gauthier, deserves more than passing mention. Antony Gauthier was born April 2, 1863, in Two Rivers, on the French side, a son of Louis and Etta (Belrose) Gauthier, natives of Canada. In 1856 Mr. Gauthier’s parents came to Two Rivers, bringing with them their four children, Joseph, Adelia, Eliza and Leon, the last named having since met death by drowning, and settled on the east side of the river, where during that summer Louis Gauthier worked for the Wisconsin Leather Company. Later, however, he began making barrels for the fishermen, being a cooper by trade, and built the first cooperage shop in Two Rivers, where he continued to follow his trade for thirty years. He then purchased a farm of forty acres, located within one mile of the city, where he was for fifteen years engaged in farming and in working at his trade, and he then returned to Two Rivers, where his death occurred in 1899, when he was seventy-two years of age, while his widow still survives, being eighty-six years old. During the early days, Mr. Gauthier was a democrat, but later in life he joined the ranks of the republican party. Seven children were born to him and Mrs. Gauthier in Wisconsin, namely, Jennie, Odelia, Mary, Antony, Paulina, Charles and Ephie. Antony Gauthier grew up and was educated in Two Rivers, and as a youth worked in the tannery for a few years, but at the age of eighteen years entered the government service, in which he has continued to the present time. In 1884 he was married to Mary LaFlower, a daughter of Peter and Matilda (Pelong) LaFlower, natives of Canada, who were married at Two Rivers. Peter LaFlower came to the United States during the '50s, and followed his trade of cooper in Manitowoc and elsewhere until his death in 1903, when seventy—three years ot age. His widow survived him until 1908, passing away when sixty—nine years old. They were the parents of twelve children. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Gauthier, namely Clarence and Mrs. Stella Putnam, of Two Rivers. Mr. Gauthier is a popular member of the Odd Fellows and the Modern Woodmen.
ERWIN GAUTHIER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.552-553. Erwin Gauthier, of No. 1005 Nineteenth street, Two Rivers, is a well known fish shipper of this city, and belongs to the firm of Gauthier & Gauthier. He was born March 10, 1865, at Carlton, Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, a son of Antoine and Priscilla (Greenwood) Gauthier, who were married in Upper Canada. The grandfather of Erwin Gauthier, Captain Gauthier, received land grants in Upper Canada for services performed in the French army, and there he emigrated at an early day. The maternal grandfather was a native of Canada, from whence he visited the site of Chicago, then a trading post, and also went to Fort Howard, at Green Bay, making the trip in a canoe, which he carried across Sturgeon Bay shallows. He was well versed in the Indian languages, being employed by the Hudson Bay Company, and while at Chicago he secured the release of a white man from the Indians by the gift of several kegs of whiskey and took this man to Sturgeon Bay with him. On his last trip to Canada, this old pioneer died, nearly one hundred years ago. During the early ‘50s Antoine and Priscilla Gauthier came to Two Rivers with their two daughters, Mary and Jessie, both of whom are now deceased, and Antoine Gauthier was engaged in fishing here until he enlisted in the Union army during the latter part of the Civil war, becoming a member of Company G, Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Infantry, with which he served for one year. On his return from the war he began to farm in Carlton, Kewaunee county, purchasing twenty-seven acres of wild land, on which he built the log cabin in which Erwin Gauthier was born. He cleared this property and sold it, as he did also a tract of sixty-six acres in the same township, and a forty acre farm in Pierce township, and he became a well known and highly esteemed citizen, serving for seven years as supervisor of the poor in Kewaunee county, and as justice of the peace for many years, and assisting to build the Catholic church at Two Rivers and the one at Kewaunee, as well as a log schoolhouse in Canton township. The last three years of his life were spent in the Old Soldiers’ Home at Waupaca, where he died in 1907, aged seventy—six years, his widow surviving him only six months and being seventy—eight years old at the time of her death. The children that were born to them in Wisconsin were: Adolph; Edward; Zachariah, deceased; Erwin; Rosa; and Susan, Alec and an unnamed infant, all deceased. Erwin Gauthier received his education in the schools of Carlton, and at the age of thirteen years started out to make his own way in the world, working in the lumber woods for five or six years and then becoming a cook on the lakes and in the woods until coming to Two Rivers, twenty-two years ago. For the next five or six years he was engaged in fishing, and he then formed the present partnership of Gauthier & Gauthier, with his cousin, Frank, and they have been very successful in their operations. In 1889 Mr. Gauthier was married to Jennie Charles. who was born in Lincoln township, Kewaunee county, and she died in Two Rivers in 1893, leaving one daughter, Angeline. Later Mr. Gauthier was married to Delia Burkhart, a native of Green Bay, Wisconsin, and five sons were born to this union: Georgie, Wilfred, James, Benjamin and Melcher, of whom Wilfred is deceased. In political matters Mr. Gauthier is a democrat, and he has held the office of alderman from the first ward for two terms.
H.M. GEBHART The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 Druggist, Two Rivers, is a native of this place. In 1869 he began learning the drug business with Dr. J. Oswald, and continued his studies for three years, when he moved to Manitowoc, where he followed the drug business for three and one-half years, then moved to Appleton, where he remained but a short time. On May 10, 1879, he bought out the drug store of Dr. F. S. Luhmann, and has since conducted the business.
F. H. GEHBE, D.D.S. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.371-372. Franklin H. Gehbe, D. D. S., a prominent member of the Manitowoc county dental profession, who has a large and lucrative practice in the city of Manitowoc, is a native of this city, and was born September 26, 1876, a son of Frank H. and Annie (Kinney) Gehbe. Henry Gehbe, the grandfather of Dr. Gehbe, was born in Saxony, Germany, where he was a wealthy wine merchant, and came to the United States in 1848, settling near Port Washington, Wisconsin. Frank H. Gehbe, Sr., has been in the hotel business for the past twenty-five years. Dr. Gehbe’s mother is a native of County Donegal, Ireland, and she and her husband had a family of eight children. Dr. Gehbe received his early education in the public schools of Manitowoc, graduating from the Third Ward school with the class of ‘89. He entered the Chicago College of Dental Surgery in 1892 and graduated from that school in 1895. After graduation he took up the practice of his profession at Clarks Mills, Wisconsin, where he remained until 1898, when he removed to Manitowoc. Dr. Gehbe is a member of the Manitowoc County Dental Association of which he has served as secretary and treasurer for several years. Since locating at Manitowoc Dr. Gehbe has taken a prominent and active part in city affairs and has always aligned himself with those elements who were interested in the betterment of the city. While never permitting his name to be presented for an elective office he has been prominent in the councils of the republican party and was on the executive committee of the republican state central committee for several years. Dr. and Mrs. Gehbe with their children are communicants of the Catholic church at Manitowoc and he holds membership in the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Order of Foresters, in addition to being prominent in the councils of the Elks, Rangers, Woodmen and other fraternal societies. Dr. Gehbe was married in 1899. to Miss Ella Savage, a daughter of Matthew and Calista (Clark) Savage and granddaughter of Isiah Clark, who founded Clarks Mills in Cato township, Manitowoc county. Dr. and Mrs. Gebbe have two children.
REV. A. GEILING This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.479. Rev. A. Geiling, pastor of St. Mary's Catholic church, at Clarks Mills, Wisconsin, was born September 28, 1867, in Tennstadt, Province of Saxony, Germany, and has been located at Clarks Mills since January, 1903. In 1902 he came to the United States, being appointed to his present charge, January 22, 1903. St. Mary's church was organized in 1866, and today has a membership of one hundred and twenty families, five-sixths of whom are Germans, while the balance are Irish. The parochial school was established by the Rev. Rhode, about 1886, and has an attendance of more than ninety members, two teachers from Alverno, Silver Lake, officiating.
C. GELBKE The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 C. Gelbke, of the firm of Gelbke & Brothers, manufacturers and dealers in boots and shoes, was born in Prussia March 15, 1828. He emigrated to America in June, 1857, and settled in Manitowoc City. He worked at his trade first year for Mr. Roberts, and five years for Mr. Shultz. In 1863, they established their business as above noted and since continued the same. He was married, October, 1860, in Manitowoc County, to Miss Wilhelmina Haupt, she was born in Hessen, Germany, 1836. They have one adopted daughter.
MERVIN GERALDSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.83-84. Mervin Geraldson, one of the enterprising and progressive young agriculturists of Manitowoc Rapids township, who represents the third generation of his family in this county, was born on the farm where he now resides, on the 9th of February, 1883. He is of Norwegian extraction, his paternal grandparents, Even and Julia Geraldson, having been born, reared and married in the Norseland, whence they emigrated in the early years of their domestic life to the United States. Upon their arrival in this country they first located in Two Rivers township, but later removed to Manitowoc Rapids township, where they acquired some land. Here Even Geraldson erected a log cabin and he and his family began their life on the frontier, enduring all of the hardships and privations that usually fall to the lot of pioneers. When the Civil war broke out, the father enlisted and went to the front in defense of the Union, as a member of one of the Wisconsin regiments. He was wounded and never fully recovered from the effects of his injuries, which resulted in his death some two years after he returned home. There were five children in the family of Mr. and Mrs. Geraldson, the eldest of whom, George Mathias, born in Two Rivers in 1853, was the father of our subject. Although he was only a lad when his father passed away, as the eldest son of his widowed mother there devolved upon him the greater part of the work connected with the cultivation and improvement of the farm. He cleared the fields and brought them under cultivation, and erected a house and barns. In 1879 he was married to Burgetta Torrison, a daughter of Tergus Torrison, a native of Norway, as was also his wife, whence they emigrated to the United States. Mrs. Geraldson, however, was born in Manitowoc Rapids, this county, at which point her parents located when they first came here. Seven children were born to them, all but one of whom lived to attain maturity. Our subject is the eldest of the family, the others in order of birth being as follows: Torris, who was born on July 25, 1884; Alata, whose birth occurred on the 8th of March, 1886; Elmer, whose natal day was October 13, 1887; Morton, who was born on the 26th of April, 1890; and Stella, whose natal day was the 10th of March, 1892. The two younger sons, Elmer and Morton, are now attending the State University at Madison, where the former is fitting himself for the practice of law while the latter is pursuing a course in the agricultural department. Torris, the second son, was educated in the district schools. The father passed away on December i8, 1905, but the mother is still living and continues to make her home on the farm. Mr. Geraldson was one of the foremost citizens of the community and took an active interest in all political affairs. He was several times called to discharge the duties of various township offices, and served with efficiency as school director and trustee. He was a member of the Lutheran church with which his widow and children are also affiliated. The boyhood and youth of Mervin Geraldson were not distinguished by any unusual occurrences, but were in every way very similar to those of other country lads of the district. He acquired his early education in the schools of the neighborhood, and while engaged in the mastery of the common branches assisted his father with the work of the farm. Having decided to make agriculture his life vocation, he took one of the short courses in this department at the university at Madison. Since the death of their father he and his brother Torris have given their entire time and attention to the operation of the home farm, and are meeting with very good success. They are enterprising and industrious as well as progressive in their ideas, and closely follow in their undertakings the highly approved methods of the modern farmer. Although he has not yet attained his thirtieth year, Mr. Geraldson is numbered among the successful representatives of the agricultural activities of Manitowoc Rapids township, by reason of his intelligent and capable direction of his interests.
The caption under the picture says: "Frank X. Gerhard m. Margaret Ruplinger 16 Aug. 1883 - St. Gregory, St. Nazianz, WI"
The caption under the picture says: "Four Generation - 1910 Anna Kremer Gerhard 1829-1917 Frank Gerhard 1861-1921 Antoinette Gerhard Stiefvater 1889-1950 Margaret Stiefvater Weber 1909-1988
ADAM GESSERT by Patti Laessig as published in the Town of Day 101 Years, 1982 Centennial Book (c) reprinted by permission from Patti Laessig Years ago 'adoption' was a common occurance. Only there was far less legal action taken than what there is now. When a child became orphaned, often because of the high death rate in childbirth, it was a common practice for relatives or even neighbors to take in the children and raise them as their own. This is the way it happened with Helen Schwickerath. Her mother died in childbirth. Her father, Joseph Schwickerath of the Neillsville area was unable to care for a newborn baby and so when she was just hours old gave his daughter to his wife's aunt and uncle to raise. That aunt and uncle was Adam Gessert and his wife Anna Marie Thompson Gessert. They lived a mile west and about a half mile north of Rozellville. Adam Gessert was born April 7, 1865 in or near Manitowoc, Wisconsin. He died in April 1941. His wife Anna was born in Schlsweig-Holstein Germany on June or July 28, 1864. She died around January 7, 1937. The Gesserts had children of their own who were quite a bit older than Helen. They were Charlotte born March 3, 1886, Katherine Antonette born December 1, 1890 and Emma born October 22, 1892. Helen was born August 22, 1905. Helen went to school at the Arthur school. She attended with the Jaeckel girls, the Steimke children, a Seigler, Herman Spindler, Louis Zimmerman and Elroy Spindler. Like the other children, she had to walk back and forth every day to and from school. It was quite a distance for a young child six or seven years old. "Going to school and going home from school, it could be very, very cold lots of mornings when you went" Helen said. "...Sometimes the older girls would have to go part way with me cause I was a little leery." The area was mostly trees at that time, and very poor roads were all anyone had. Travel was accomplished by walking a good share of the time. For a young child, it could easily be recognized as a scarey journey. "This one time when I seen a man walking on the main road I was just a little bit more leery, so I cut through the woods. I had quite a time getting home because it was slushy and mucky and very uneven ground where they had cut trees and stuff. But, I managed to get home. Of course I was wet and dirty and tired and hungry." The folks wondered too, why Helen had gone through the woods instead of walking along the road so they asked her to explain. So she told them about the very dark, scarey looking man she had seen on the road. "I was quite a distance away from him. I really couldn't tell too much about him." All she knew for sure was that she didn't know him and that she was scared. The mystery was solved immediately when Helen was told that the chimney sweep had just left the house and was headed in the same direction she was walking home from school. "He had just been at the house and cleaned the chimney. That was a ritual at that time. They had their chimneys cleaned by a chimney sweep," she said. Living with the Gesserts was not a dull experience. Helen remembered some of the happenings in the household. "Of course there was nothing like electricity at that time, and we had a lamp in our room and maybe a little lamp to go upstairs." And one of the girls "the second one, she was quite a prankster. We had a doghide that had been made into a rug and she would like to go upstairs first and get into bed and throw this doghide rug over herself so that when we'd come up in the dim light we'd see that. And she knew I'd scream and hollar...!" The Gesserts moved to Stratford when Helen was ten years old. "What I liked most was after we moved to town Mr. Reichert would come into town to buy groceries. In the wintertime I liked it especially because then he'd come with the big bobsled with warm blankets. And if it was the weekend I'd go along home. I'd usually be asleep by the time we'd get home--in that straw and warm horse blankets. And the jingle bells--that I remember very vividly." By this time the middle Gessert girl had married. Katherine Antonette Gessert married John Fredrick Burkhardt on April 13, 1915. John was from the town of Rhine in Sheboygan county. He was born January 12, 1890. Katherine and John bought her father's farm, which Helen described as the last one going south on that road--on the east side of the road. The farm is now occupied by the Jack Slominski family. [in 1982] "My mother was Adam Gessert's niece", Helen explained. "My mother's maiden name was Gessert. Her mother's (Helen's grandmother) married name was Gessert." Helen's grandfather was a brother to Adam Gessert. "I had a wonderful home", she said, "A good home". There were other fun things Helen remembers. One of her favorite things while growing up were the animals. "I loved the cats. The cats were well trained to ride in the doll buggy." There were several cats and one dog. "Mother often wondered 'poor cats', I think she felt sorry for the cats." The animals played a big part in Helen's life at the time and she recalled that "there wasn't things to play with like there are now days." So she played with what was available to her. Eventually all four girls grew up. Charlotte married Phillip Reichert, son of Jacob Reichert, Katherine married John Burkhardt, and Emma married John Meier. They all raised families. Charlotte and Phillips's children were Alma (Mrs. Charles Hoefs), Henry Fred Reichert, who married Alice Paul, Elsie (Mrs. Clarence Borchardt), Ervin Reichert (who married Florence Polivka), Helen (Mrs. Joseph Muldowney), and Evelyn (Mrs. Clarence Zarnke). Katherine and John Burkhardt had the following children: Elenora Elizabeth (Mrs. Arthur Laurence Zopfi), Melvin Burkhardt who married Helen Syring. Melvin and Helen have a daughter, Sharon Burkhardt Pumper, and a son Ronald. Emma was married on October 22, 1919 to John Henry Meier who was born June 27, 1890 in the District of Holstein in Germany. He was the son of Claus Meier and Angelen Margarette Dithmer. Emma and John had four daughters: Leona Margarete Charlotte (Mrs. Delmar Riffe) born February 27, 1921, Lillian Anna Dorthea born March 19, 1923, Emalyn (Emy) Rosina Laura (Mrs. Ray F. Sellers) born May 20, 1929 and Ruby Elsie Berniece (Mrs. Peter James Sites) born August 7, 1931. They also had two sons: Amandus John Henry born August 27, 1925, he married Mildred Martin, and Royal Emil Herman born October 4, 1935 who married Ruth Kathryn Kuehn. Helen Barbara Schwickerath, who also went by the name of Gessert, was the daughter of Joseph Schwickerath. He was born May 10, 1862 in Germany. He lived in Neillsville, Wisconsin. He died June 29, 1948. Helen's mother was Barbara Gessert Schwickerath. On October 3, 1925 Helen married Charles William 'Pat' Bean. Pat was born August 28, 1892. His father was William Neuman Bean and his mother was Adelia Beach. Adelia had a brother, Al, who had two sons, one named Charles. Pat's parents lived north of Rozellville on County M, south of the Balsam school on the west side of the rod. Their home was in the town of Cleveland. The Pat beans' moved to Stratford and bought the Kurtzweil place just a block north of Stratford on highway 97. Helen and Pat raised five children--all boys--all born in Stratford. William Neuman Bean was born May 16, 1926, Donavon John Bean was born August 18, 1927, Robert Henry Bean, Glenn Charles Bean and Harold LaVerne Bean. Helen's husband, 'Pat' Bean died July 25, 1964. Helen still keeps busy making many lovely things for her children, grand children and great grandchildren. She crochets and sews to fill her time. Until recently she always had a dog to keep her company. Her favorite was a little silver poodle named Susie who was her friend and companion for many years. The jungle bells no longer ring on Mr. Reichert's sleigh, and the cats no longer get hauled around in the doll buggy, but the memories of those days brings a warm feeling, almost like snuggling down into that big straw filled sleigh with horse blankets. ...and the grandchildren can keep warm in the patch quilts Helen has made for them. [Helen has since passed away, but she will always be remembered as a spunky, fun loving person, with a robust laugh. She was my neighbor and her son Wm Neuman was married to my dad's sister (my aunt). I grew up across the street from her and her family. She is fondly remembered! Helen was a very special lady! You could hear her voice wherever she was, it carried!! And her laughter was delightful to hear! What a grand lady she was! I think she would feel honored to have her story on the Manitowoc site! Patti Laessig].
Paul Giehm This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.CHRISTIAN A. GIELOW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.327-328. Christian A. Gielow, who is successfully engaged in business as a real-estate dealer of Manitowoc, has for the past eight years maintained his offices in the Manitowoc Savings Bank building. His birth occurred in Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, in 1847, his parents being Christian and Sophia Gielow, both of whom are deceased and lie buried at the Evergreen cemetery. They emigrated to the United States in 1853, locating on a farm in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Here they spent the remainder of their lives, becoming well known as substantial and esteemed residents. Christian A. Gielow, who was a little lad of six years when he came to America with his parents, obtained his early education in the public schools of Manitowoc and from 1867 until 1870 attended Baldwin University at Berea, Ohio. Subsequently he followed the profession of teaching for a period of twelve years, acting as an instructor in the public schools of Manitowoc. In 1882 he took charge of the home farm, ably supervising its operation for eight years. At the end of that time he returned to the city of Manitowoc and was elected county treasurer, proving such an able and trustworthy official that he was retained in the position for four terms. In 1895 he was appointed city treasurer and held that office for three terms. In 1904 he embarked in the real-estate and insurance business and has since won a gratifying measure of prosperity in these connections, now enjoying an extensive clientage. In 1877, at Appleton, Wisconsin, Mr. Gielow was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Black, daughter of John Black, a pioneer agriculturist of Outagamie county. They have one daughter and two sons, as follows: Elinora, who is a graduate of the State Normal School and is now teaching in a Milwaukee public school; Edwin, who is a graduate of the State University and an electrical engineer by profession; and Walter, a student in the State University. The family residence at No. 913 South Thirteenth street was designed by Mr. Gielow. Since age conferred upon him the right of franchise he has supported the men and measures of the democracy. In the county where the greater part of his life has been spent he enjoys an enviable reputation as a respected and representative citizen.
HARRY GILBERTSEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.444-446. Harry Gilbertsen is one of the most progressive and enterprising agriculturists of Liberty township, where he has passed the entire period of his life, having been born on the farm he now owns and operates on the 29th of January, 1852. He is the third child born of the marriage of Gulbrand and Mary Gilbertsen, whose family numbered eleven, as follows: Dorothy; Gilbert; Harry, the subject of this sketch; Canute; Andrew; Mary; Dorothy; Sarah; Annie; Andrew and Ida. The parents were natives of Norway and there they were also reared and married and passed the early years of their domestic life. Being ambitious young people, in 1848 they decided to emigrate to the United States, so took passage for New York with their little daughter, Dorothy. It was a long, difficult journey at that period and the child was taken sick and died en route, being buried at sea. The father and mother landed in the new world on the Fourth of July, 1848, and came directly to Milwaukee, this state, which was their destination. During the remainder of that summer Mr. Gilbertsen worked on the farms in that vicinity as a day laborer, but he and his wife subsequently removed to Port Washington, where he continued to work by the day for two years. They were most desirous of acquiring property of their own, and although his earnings were very small they managed to save enough to make a payment on a tract of land in the October following their arrival. They had not the money to equip the place nor enough to support them until they should raise a crop, so the father continued his work in Port Washington until 1850. In that year he erected a cabin on his farm, that served for the family residence until 1870. and removed his family to it. The first child born here was the son Harry, his elder brother, Gilbert, having been born at Port Washington. Mr. Gilbertsen applied himself energetically to clearing his land and bringing it under cultivation, but it was a long and difficult undertaking as his tools were crude and he was not able to hire help. During the early years there were discouraging periods, but both he and his wife were young and hopeful and their determination of purpose constantly urged them on. As his circumstances warranted he added improvements to his farm, including the erection in 1870 of the house which is still occupied by his son. Here both of the parents passed away, the father in 1879, at the age of sixty-seven, but the mother had celebrated the seventy-second anniversary of her birth at the time of her death in 1896. The education of Harry Gilbertsen was pursued in an old log schoolhouse with a puncheon floor and slab benches, which was the first building erected in the district for educational purposes. From earliest childhood he assisted in the work about the fields and barns, his tasks being increased from year to year in accordance with the development of his strength and sense of responsibility, and long before he had attained his maturity he was expected to do a man's work in the summer during the harvesting season. After leaving school he continued to work on the farm in the summer months but in the winter he went into the lumber camps in the north, remaining there until it was time to begin plowing again in the spring. He was an energetic young man of economical habits and by the time he had attained the age of twenty-seven years he was in a position to purchase the old homestead of his father. For thirty-two years he has been the owner of this property, and during that period he has brought the fields under high cultivation and effected many improvements, making it one of the most valuable farms in the community. Mr. Gilbertsen is a very practical man, and long ago realized that farming was a business and as a consequence he has used as much system and discretion in the direction of his activities as he would have employed in the management of an industry or any mercantile pursuit. His success must not be attributed to luck or good fortune but to constant application, tireless energy and the intelligent concentration of his efforts. Besides general farming he has engaged in stock-raising, making a specialty of dairying. Here as elsewhere he has manifested clear judgment and much sagacity, and has always kept a good line of stock. He has a preference for Guernseys and keeps a thoroughbred sire and has bred his stock up until he owns one of the finest herds of this breed to be found in the county. The general appearance of his place has always been given much consideration and as a consequence it is one of the attractive farms of the township. He has remodeled the house erected by his father in 1870 and built an addition thereon, making it thoroughly modern in every way, and he has also remodeled the barns and added various outbuildings, thus providing ample shelter for his stock and grain. At different periods he has increased his equipment and installed various modern conveniences, thereby greatly decreasing the drudgery formerly connected with farming and at the same time facilitating the work. Mr. Gilbertsen is thoroughly progressive as is manifested in the general aspect of his homestead, as everything about the place from the fences to the grounds surrounding the residence evidence the capable management and careful regard to minor details, that invariably accompany prosperity. In 1883 Mr. Gilbertsen was united in marriage to Miss Caroline Eberson, a daughter of Svinung Eberson, who emigrated from Norway to America in 1849. locating in Iowa county, this state. There he resided until 1855 when he became a citizen of Manitowoc county. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbertsen numbered five, but one child died in infancy, those living being: Mabel, George, Clarence and Clara. Mr. Gilbertsen is treasurer of the United Lutheran church, in which his family also hold membership and in politics he is a republican. He is a public—spirited man and takes much interest in township affairs, having served for one term as supervisor and as clerk for seven years, while for eighteen or nineteen years he discharged the duties of district school clerk. Mr. Gilbertsen is a man who performs anything he undertakes with a rare degree of efficiency, as he considers that anything which is deserving of his attention is worthy of his best efforts. He has met with more than an average degree of prosperity in his pursuits and is numbered among the substantial and highly capable agriculturists of the community, where he is widely known and has many friends.
ANDREW GILBERTSON Andrew Gilbertson, Principal of the Fourth Ward School at Sheboygan, is one of the successful educators of this city. He has occupied his present position since the beginning of the school year of 1887. This school numbers, with the Principal, twelve teachers, and in 1893 enrolled six hundred and twenty-six pupils. Mr. Gilbertson was born near Manitowoc, Wis., April 12, 1866. His father, Gilbert Gilbertson, was one of the early settlers of the same county. He was born in Norway in 1812, where he grew to manhood and married Mary Johnson. In 1848, two years after his marriage, he emigrated to Wisconsin, resided in Rock County one year, then removed to Manitowoc County. He settled on a farm in the town of Liberty, which he obtained of the Government. Of that farm he made a homestead, and there resided until his death, which occurred October 16, 1879. He left three sons and one daughter. Harry, the eldest, occupies the old homestead farm; Gilbert is also a farmer of Liberty Township; the sister is a resident of Chicago; and the subject of this sketch is the youngest of the family. Mr. Gilbertson obtained his early education in the common schools, and in 1882 entered the State Normal School at Oshkosh, where he attended for a year, and then engaged in teaching for the same length of time; in fact, he taught and attended school alternately until he graduated in the Class of '87. As an educator, Mr. Gilbertson is a pronounced success, a young man of energy and ability. The school over which he presides is characterized by its excellent discipline and thorough methods of instruction. Source: Portrait and Biographical Record of Sheboygan County, Wis. - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago, Page 613
JOHN A. GLANDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.292-295. John A. Glander is a capable and successful photographer in Manitowoc, his place of business being located at No. 918 Washington street. He was born January 22, 1887, in Wollenburg, Germany, his parents being August and Clara (Raddatz) Glander. His paternal grandfather, Fred Glander, also a native of Germany, was born in 1829. He belonged to the artillery in Germany and was a hostler for many years in his native country. He now resides in the city of Manitowoc, having come to this country in 1892. The maternal grandfather, Fred Raddatz, came to America in the same year and is now living retired in this city, at the age of seventy-eight, his birth having occurred in 1833. He was a wagon maker by trade. The father, August Glander, came to America with his family in 1892, arriving in Manitowoc county on April 17th of that year. Previous to his coming to America he had worked as a laborer in Germany and from the age of twenty to twenty-two he served in the German army, belonging to the infantry. During his residence in Manitowoc he worked as a laborer and as a malster for the William Rahr Sons’ Company. He died of consumption on September 5, 1899, at the age of forty years, leaving a widow and six children, four boys and two girls, the eldest one being only fourteen years of age at the time. John A. Glander was educated in the German Evangelical School in Manitowoc, graduating from the same at the age of fourteen. He then continued his education in the Third Ward high school but owing to the family’s circumstances, arising from his father’s death, he left school at the age of fifteen, having finished the tenth grade. He then, in 1902, learned the photographer’s trade under A. J. Packard and continued there for six years. In 1908 he went into the business for himself at No. 904 Washington street, which was the old location of W. 0. Dumke, whose shop he had purchased. He remained there a little more than a year and then came to his present location at No. 918 Washington street, where he has an up-to-date photographic establishment and carries in connection with his studio a complete stock of mouldings and material for making picture frames, turning out very fine and artistic work in this line. He also owns the Church Art Institute of Manitowoc and is managing it in connection with his other business. On the 12th of May, 1910, at Manitowoc, Mr. Glander wedded Miss Maria Giese, a daughter of Frank and Emily (Schultz) Giese, the father a native of Milwaukee and the mother of Cooperstown, this county. In 1864, when he was five years of age, he was brought to this county by his parents, who settled on a farm near Gibson. He resided on the farm until 1893, when he moved to Manitowoc, where he now resides. At the present time he is acting as clerk in a hardware store in Manitowoc. Mr. and Mrs. Glander are the parents of a son, Henry John, who was born March, 31, 1912. Although Mr. Glander is yet a young man, he has gained a reputation as a leading photographer of this city and by his own labors and an honest and upright life he has steadily worked his way upward to his present good circumstances. He is a faithful and active member of the German Lutheran church at Manitowoc and also belongs to the German Lutheran band and choir.
John A. Glander
WILLIAM GLANDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.577-578. William Glandt, who is engaged in the fishing business with his brother, Christian, under the firm style of Glandt Brothers, is the owner of the smart fishing vessel Earl A. He was born in Sandy Bay township, Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, March 28, 1873, and is a son of Fred and Amelia (Radke) Glandt. Fred Glandt was born in Pomerania, Germany, and after coming to this country worked for twelve years in the Fister & Vogel tannery at Nero, Wisconsin, after which he located on eighty acres of land in Sandy Bay township, where he was the third farmer to settle. He built a log cabin, twenty-two by thirty-two feet, and a log barn, and began to clear his farm with an ox team, later erecting good, modern buildings, and continuing to carry on agricultural pursuits until his death, which occurred June 22, 1884, from the effects of the kick a horse. He was an active worker in the Lutheran church, and helped to build the church near the cemetery where he is buried. By his first wife, who died in Two Creeks, Manitowoc county, whom he had married in Germany, he had three children, Carrie, John and Minnie, and by his marriage with Amelia Radke, also a native of the fatherland, he had seven children, Mary, William, Gusta, Edward, August, Christian and Emma. William Glandt received his education in Kewaunee township, and after the death of his father he remained on the home farm for two years. He then came to Two Rivers and worked in the chair factory for two years, in the sawmill for two years, in the aluminum company’s factory for eight years, and for four and one-half years with the Kohlenburg Company, and he then engaged in fishing with Michael Knipfer for one year, after which he associated himself with his brother Christian, this firm being well known in the fishing industry as Glandt Brothers. In 1896 Mr. Glandt was married to Anna Barthram, who was born in the Bay Settlement, Brown county, daughter of Leonard Barthram, an old settler of that region, and five children have been born to this union, Cecilia, Leona, Gordon, Romana and Victorian. Mr. and Mrs. Glandt are consistent members of the St. Luke’s Catholic church, of Two Rivers.
ARTHUR GLOE A HAPPY WEDDING CELEBRATION Popular Young People Take Marriage Vows MANY GUESTS DO PARTICIPATE The most eventful occurance of this week was the big wedding celebration at the Washington House, Mr. Arthur Gloe and Mayme Schaefer were united in marriage at the Lutheran parsonage by Rev. C.F. Doehler last Tuesday afternoon at three o'clock. The bridal couple was attended by Miss Louisa Schaefer, a sister of the bride as maid of honor and August Gloe, Jr. a brother of the groom as best man; Miss Clara Ahrns of Denmark a cousin of the bride as bridesmaid and Edgar Gloe as groomsman. The bride was attired in a Cream Satin Empire dress. The maid of honor and bridesmaid wore a pink and pale blue "Princess." The groom wore an elegant suit of broadcloth and on the lapel of his coat a bouquet of yellow roses. The bridal party made a very fine appearance. At six-thirty o'clock a wedding dinner was served at the dining rooms of the Washington House to about two hundred and fifty guests. Two organizations, both of which Mr. Gloe is a member, the Quins and the Gloe-Naidl Orchestra, one social and the other musical attended the celebration in a body. After the wedding dinner the guests (illeg.) to the dancing hall where the young and old enjoyed themselves at the light fantastic, dancing gayly to the melodies of the Schauer Brass Band of Tisch Mills. The music presented by this band was very pleasing to the guests. Schauer's music is a favorite among all classes. The dancing continued until the hour struck four, when all dispersed to their homes wishing the young couple much happiness. The wedding gifts received by the young married coupel were sensible, expensive and appropriate. The young people who on this day changed their relationship and taking on the duties of man and wife are very popular in this city and vicinity. The bride is the lovable and pretty daughter of Mr. Philip Schaefer, a prosperous farmer of the town of Two Rivers. The groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Gloe, Sr., residing on Emmet street on the East side, a musician of rare ability, a leading member of the Gloe-Naidl Orchestra, he is at present employed at the Hamilton Works. The young couple will make their home in this city. The Reporter extends its best wishes to the bridal pair, may their journey thru life be a happy one. (From the Two Rivers Reporter, no date) (contributed by Bob Schaefer)
Marriage of John Gnadt and (Mary) Olive Goetz – Oct. 13, 1914 at St. Gregory, St. Nazianz Top, L-R : Hugo Goetz (brother to bride), Dora Schuessler, Mary Gerharz Neiderprum and Albert Gnadt (brother to groom) Bottom, L-R : Olive Goetz, Eleanor Gnadt (sister to groom) and John Gnadt
Mary Olive Goetz
HENRY GOEDJEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.242-245. Henry Goedjen, who during a long and active career has been prominently connected with the official interests of Manitowoc county, was born in Germany, June 26, 1844, and was a son of Herman and Catherine (Henerman) Goedjen. The former was born January 23, 1812, and died November 22, 1887, and the latter was born June 18, 1814, and died June 9, 1887. The parents of our subject brought their family to the United States in 1856, on October 27 of which year they arrived at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, after a long, perilous trip during which the ship on which they were crossing the ocean sprung a leak and nearly sank. Herman Goedjen purchased wild land in Two Rivers township, and there he was engaged in farming until his death. He and his wife were members of the Lutheran church, and were the parents of the following children: Annie Marie, who married William Redeker, and died in 1909; Henry; John Herman, who died April 20, 1880; Catherine M.; and Gesine, who married Frank Boldis, and has passed away. Henry Goedjen received his education in the little log schoolhouse of his district, which he attended for three months during the winters, and was reared to agricultural pursuits, his life being spent on the home farm until 1895, when he was elected country treasurer, serving two years in that office. He had been a member of the county board for many years as well as a member of the asylum board for a long period, and in 1897 he was made superintenent of the county asylum for the insane and in addition he has been chairman of the county board fourteen years. His services in these capacities were satisfactory to his constituents and of credit to himself. Mr. Goedjen was married in 1868 to Catherine Wilke. who was born May 21, 1850, in Germany, daughter of Edwin and Annie (Wilkens) Wilke, natives of the fatherland. Mrs. Goedjen's parents had nine children, two of whom died in Germany, while those who made the trip to the United States in 1854 were as follows: Henry, a retired farmer of Two Rivers; Mrs. Catherine Goedjen; Herman and Bernard, who are deceased; Carolina, who married Fred Maddens; John, engaged in farming at Two Rivers; and Minnie, who married George Cars, a retired citizen of Two Rivers. On coming to this country Mr. Wilke purchased wild land in Two Rivers township, and there was engaged in agricultural pursuits during the remainder of his life, his death occurring on November 9, 1896. while his wife passed away July 28, 1864. They were active members of the Lutheran church. Mr. and Mrs. Goedjen have had six children, as follows: Minnie, born May 3, 1869, who was married August 29, 1891, to John Gesell, and has had one child, Albert; Henry, born May 18, 1871, who was married May 18, 1895, to Mary Johannes, and has one child, Clarence; Laura, born June 16, 1873, who died April 17, 1880; Hattie, born September 19, 1881, who married Herman Paulus; Edward, of Chicago, born March 31, 1883, who married Viola Kneupfer, and has one child, Merle, born December 24, 1908; and Albert, of Milwaukee, born February 6, 1885, who is an electrical engineer. Mr. Goedjen has been more or less actively engaged in politics during his whole life and during the years 1881 and 1882 his district conferred upon him the honor of election to the state assembly. Mr. Goedjen’s fraternal connections were confined to his membership in the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. It was on October 5, 1911, that Mr. Goedjen passed out of this life, at the age of sixty-seven years, deeply mourned by his family and a wide circle of devoted friends. Mrs. Goedjen, who had served as matron of the county asylum for the insane during his superintendency, is still holding the same position.
Henry Goedjen
HENRY GOERES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.532-535. Henry Goeres. one of the pioneers of Kiel, and a man known all over Manitowoc county, was born in Germany, May 20, 1846, a son of Bernard Goeres. The family came to the United States in 1856, that same year locating at Plymouth, but a year later came to Kiel. At this time there were Hermann Schlichting, Jacob Ruppenthal, John Bredow, Fred Donath, Henry Welker, Hugo Luebben and Henry Fred Bayliss, and their families, who had settled at what is now known as Schleswig, the last named being the father of the town. Bernard Goeres established the first blacksmith shop, which was later conducted by another son, Max, until he was drowned in the Sheboygan river. Henry Goeres learned the painter’s trade and followed it until he retired, and as he had studied law, although he was never admitted to the bar, he acted as advisor for many of his neighbors, who learned to depend upon his good common sense, as well as his legal knowledge. For years he was deputy sheriff and constable, and for thirty years was a notary public. In addition, he served many years as road commissioner. On January 9, 1872, he married Bertha Frese, of Holstein, Germany. Their children were as follows: Henry Joseph, a member of the Kiel band; Max, a dentist of Kiel; Theodore 0., a dentist of Lodi, Wisconsin; and three who died in infancy. Mr. Goeres is a member of the Sons of Herman. Since his retirement he has been interested in a number of matters, and has compiled some valuable facts relative to the early history of Manitowoc county for the State Historic Society, of which he is a member. The railroad came through this section in 1872, and as late as 1873, an Indian was arrested for killing one of his own people. A story written by Mr. Goeres, entitled "Yellowbird" gives a very accurate description of conditions in the pioneer days here. A curious collection and valuable as well, is one made by him, comprising hand-painted eggs of all the noted people in the world, and flower designs of every description. This collection numbers some eight thousand specimens and was on exhibition at the Columbian World’s Exposition in 1893. After years of usefulness, Mr. Goeres is enjoying himself in these artistic and literary pursuits, and incidentially adding some very valuable data to the archives of his state.
Henry Goeres
MAX GOERES, D. D. S. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.617-618. Dr. Max Goeres is a successful dentist of Kiel, where he has engaged continuously in practice since 1905. He is familiar with all modern processes and methods, and broad reading keeps him in touch with the advancement that each year chronicles in the dental profession. He was born March 10, 1878, in Kiel, a son of Henry Goeres, still a resident of this city, to which he came on the 3d of April, 1857, when Kiel contained only four houses. The town was then known as Hennen, and Bernard Goeres, the grandfather of our subject, established the first blacksmith shop here, his son Max operating the shop for a long period until drowned in the Sheboygan river. Henry Goeres, the father of our subject, learned the painter’s trade, which he followed continuously until he retired. He served as deputy sheriff and constable for a number of years and has otherwise been prominent in the public life of the community. For thirty years he was notary public and was also road commissioner. There are indeed few men who are more familiar with the history of Kiel and this part of the county than Henry Goeres. He lived here long before the railroad was built through in 1872 and he has embodied some of his reminiscences in a story called Yellowbind, a tale of the early days of the county. The consensus of public opinion places him as one whose labors have been an important element in progress and advancement here and at all times he has commanded the high regard of those with whom he has come in contact. He married Bertha Frese, a native of Holstein, Germany, the wedding being celebrated January 9, 1872. They became parents of six children, of whom three are living: Henry Joseph, who is engaged in the livery business and is a member of the Kiel band; Max; and Theodore, who is practicing dentistry in Lodi, Wisconsin. Dr. Max Goeres pursued his education in Kiel until graduated from the high school at the age of sixteen years, after which he attended the normal school for two years. He then engaged in teaching in Kiel for three years and after his studies in the Normal again engaged in teaching as principal of the Rib Lake high school in 1901-02. He next entered the Northwestern University at Chicago, matriculating in the dental department, and later he continued his preparation for the profession in the Marquette University of Milwaukee, from which he was graduated with the class of 1905. His training was thorough and, well qualified for the important and responsible duties which have since devolved upon him, he entered upon active practice at Kiel, where he has since remained. He soon demonstrated his ability to successfully handle important questions of the profession and gave indication that his mechanical skill and ingenuity were such as produced best results in dental work. In June, 1908, Dr. Goeres was married to Miss Mabel E. Nicholson, who was born in River Falls, Missouri, and is a daughter of Nicholas Nicholson, a farmer. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Goeres has been born a son, John Nicholson, whose birth occurred May 15, 1911. Dr. Goeres holds membership with the Woodmen of America, of which he is chief forester. He also belongs to the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and to the Equitable Fraternal Union. His political views are in harmony with the principles of the socialist party. He believes in more equal distribution of the things of life, a more just administration of public affairs, and seeks at all times the betterment of laws and conditions affecting the great majority. The cause of education finds in him a warm friend and he is now serving as a member of the school board. He belongs to the Marquette Dental Alumni Association and is a member of the State Dental Society. Active in support of public measures, his interest yet centers chiefly in his profession, in which he is ever striving toward perfection that he may give his patients the benefit of superior service and at the same time win for himself that measure of success for which laudable ambition strives and which is the merited reward of labor.
Alois Goetz
Katherine (Schuessler) Goetz
Marriage of Alois Goetz and Katherine Schuessler, March 1, 1881
Ed. Goetzler This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOSEPHINE GOETZLER (Scheibe) Mrs. Maria Josephine Scheibe died on last Thursday morning about 4:00 o'clock at the home of her son-in-law, Mr. Adam Pfeiler here. She left us after 10 years of suffering from rheumatism and inflamation of the hip bone. She was close to 62 years of life. The deceased was a Gotzler, born on February 21, 1835 at Ammerbach, Bavaria, Germany. In 1853 she arrived with her sisters and brothers in America and settled in Manitowoc, Wis. There she married Mr. Scheibe four years later. The couple had six children of whom four are still alive: Emil in Marshfield living, Richard in Ragoose, Wis., Gustav in Medford and Emma, the wife of Mr. Pfeiler, here. During their 40 years of married life they were in Manitowoc for 21 years, where Mr. Scheibe was barrel-maker - 15 years in Centerville where Mr. Scheibe worked the brewery there. For the last 4 years they lived here with Mr. Pfeiler and celebrated their Silver Jubilee in 1882 by Mr. Pfeilers. The funeral took place Saturday afternoon at the Wildwood cemetery. Reverend Hopkins, the Pastor of the local Episcopal Church conducted it. Many people attended and the Concordia Sanger Group rendered a touching hymn at the grave. (note: burial was at Wildwood cemetery, Sheboygan, Sheboygan co., WI/this was sent to me with no date or name of newspaper)
JOHANNA GOLDAMMER Birth Record v.2 p.87 JOHANNA SYBILLA DOROTHEA GOLDAMMER Female White Father: Carl Fred Goldammer Mother: Henrietta Lohe June 26, 1857 Two Rivers, Wisconsin
The Family of August Goldbeck and Bertha Mack, photo taken on 25th Wedding Anniversary in 1928. The four sons are Walter, Henry, Aaron and Arthur; the four daughters are Norma, Loretta, Verna and Mrs. John Dirks.
(contributed by researcher/see contributors page)
JOS. GOLEMBESKI From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday March 8, 1913: Attempts Suicide - Dr. A.M. Farrell Comes to the Rescue Jos. Golembeski a well known character attempted to end his eathly journey on Wednesday of this week by taking poison. Frank Bonn was the first man to find the shoemaker. When he saw the old mans condition he quickly called Dr. Farrel who gave a strong dose of medicine which brought him in right physical condition. Mr. Golmbeski has been in destitute conditon for some time which caused him to become despondent. The chairman of the poor committee is now taking care of the old man. Mr. John Wallow has been engaged to care for him while he is recovering from his rash act.
JOHN GOSELL From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 The Standard Oil Co. has decided to make Two Rivers one of its distibutiong points. A tank wagon has been sent and John Goesell will be local agent here. He will have charge of the distribution of oils and gasoline and is expected that a storage tank will be erected in a few days. Two Creeks, Tisch Mills, Mishicott, Larabee and Shoto will be supplied from this city. Mr. Gesell thinks the business will give employment to three men and a team.
CHARLES GOSS MEMOIRS OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY, VOL. II, by Jerome Anthony Watrous, 1909 Charles Lincoln Goss, a patent attorney of Milwaukee, is a native of Vermont, born at Brandon, Rutland county, Sept. 18, 1856. His parents were Alba A. Varren Goss, who was born at the same place on Oct. 22, 1825, and Jerusha Eva (Lincoln) Goss, born at Pittsford, Vt., Aug. 8, 1827. Charles Goss, the subject of this review, is descended from New England ancestors. His great-great grandfather, Capt. John Carver, served with the Colonial troops in the French and Indian wars from 1755 -1762, and was one of the first if not the pioneer English explorer of the Northwest. Captain Carver made a canoe trip, starting from Michillimackinac at that time the most western English trading post in the country, and from there passed on to Green Bay or La Baye, as it was then called, up the Fox and down the Wisconsin rivers to the Mississippi and up that river to the present site of St. Paul and Minneapolis. He spenl the winter of 1766-67 with a tribe of Sioux Indians about two hundred miles from the mouth of the Minnesota river, returning by the way of the Chippewa river and the north and east shores of Lake Superior to Michillimackinac and thence to Boston, which he reached in the fall of 1768. After his return the captain wrote an account of his trip, which was published in London in 1778, and which ran through several editions and was translated into other languages. Charles Goss' maternal grandfather, John Harvey Lincoln, was a soldier in the war of 1812 and volunteered for the expedition to Plattsburg, X. Y. Charles received his preliminary education in the public schools of his native town and then entered the University of Vermont at Burlington, in which he was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1878. After leaving college he studied law at Brandon, Vt. with ex-Governor E. J. Ormsbee, taking one year, 1879-80, of the course at Dane Law School, Harvard University. He was admitted to the bar of the Rutland Comity Court, Vermont, at the March term, 1881, and in the fall of that year moved from Brandon to Milwaukee. In 1883 Mr. Goss was admitted to practice in the Circuit Court of Milwaukee, and in 1898 to the Supreme Court of the state of Wisconsin. Ever since settling in Milwaukee he has practiced as a patent attorney and solicitor of patents with the firms of Flanders & Bottum; Winkler, Flanders, Smith, Bottum & Vilas, and their successors. Mr. Goss is a Republican in politics and is a member of Sigma Phi college fraternity, Phi Beta Kappa (University of Vermont Chapter), honorary college fraternity; the Milwaukee Bar Association, a charter member of the University Club, a member of the Chicago Patent Law Association, and is president of the Milwaukee Congregational Club. On Sept. 27, 1882, Mr. Goss married Lizzie Maria, the daughter of Ebenezer Holland and Elizabeth (Dyer) Weeks, of Brandon, Vt., and the mother of his two children, Genevieve Iola, born in Milwaukee on Dec. 10, 1883, and John Warren, born in Milwaukee on Aug. 16, 1887. On Feb. 5, 1890, Mrs. Goss died. Mr. Goss married, Feb. 15, 1894, Alice Warbasse, the daughter of George Warren and Hannah (Norris) Emery, of Manitowoc, Wis.