[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
Nic. Stadler This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOSEPH STAEHLE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.87-88. Joseph Staehle, who has been prominently identified with the business interests of Manitowoc for many years, is now the proprietor of a book, wallpaper and sporting goods establishment. He is a native of Germany, and was born April 12, 1837, a son of Pankratz and Bridget Staehle. The parents with their children came to the United States in 1854, settling first at Albany, New York, where the mother died, and going one year later to Amsterdam, New York, from which place the father came to Wisconsin with his son Joseph, but eventually returned to Albany, where his death occurred. Joseph Staehle came west in 1857, and after spending two years in Milwaukee, went to Chicago, where he spent nine years in the grocery business. In 1868 he came to Manitowoc and opened a grocery establishment, was later associated with John Schuette in the milling business, and eventually became the first cashier of the Manitowoc Savings Bank. In about 1891, our subject and his son Joseph P. opened their present store, where they handle a complete line of books, stationery, sporting goods, wallpaper, etc., and they have built up a large and prosperous business. In 1860 Mr. Staehle was married to Miss Caroline Stauss, who died January 1, 1875, leaving nine children: Frank, who resides at Evanston, Illinois; Caroline, who married Joseph Beitz, and resides in Milwaukee; Emma, who married William Theis, a business man of Chicago; Joseph, who is engaged in business with his father; Max, a physician of Manitowoc; Rosa, who married Otto Hagen, a business man of this city; and three children who died in infancy. Mr. Staehle contracted a second marriage with Miss Mary Haueisen, also a native of Germany. In political matters Mr. Staehle is a republican, and he has been active in the interests of his party. He has served in the offices of assessor, alderman and city treasurer, and for fifteen years was school clerk. He and his wife are devout members of the Catholic church, to which his children also belong.
AUGUST F. STAHL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.159-160. August F. Stahl, part owner of the Snow Flake Laundry located at 901 York street, has been actively identified with the business interests of Manitowoc since 1899. He is a native of this city, his birth having occurred on the 10th of December, 1875, and a son of John and Minnie Stahl. The father was born and reared in Germany, whence he emigrated to the United States in 1845, locating in Manitowoc, where for many years he conducted a general contracting business. He was a public-spirited man and in his early years took an active interest in all municipal affairs, giving his political support to the republican party. His high standards of citizenship and personal worth won the recognition of his townsmen who showed their esteem for him by calling him to various public offices. The mother passed away in 1909, at the age of seventy-one years, and the father’s death occurred on February 11, 1912. Both found their final rest in Evergreen cemetery. The early years in the life of August F. Stahl were quietly spent among the home circle like those of many another lad in similar circumstances. The son of parents in comfortable circumstances he attended the graded and high schools in the acquirement of an education until he had attained the age of fifteen years, when he shouldered life’s heavier responsibilities and was apprenticed to the machinist’s trade. He followed this vocation for five years and then withdrew in order to serve his country during the Spanish-American war, being lieutenant in Company H, Second Wisconsin Volunteers. After receiving his discharge in 1899, he resumed the duties of civil life as a business man by opening the laundry he is now operating at 901 York street. This has proven to be a very successful venture, and is now a well established and thriving enterprise. Mr. Stahl is a practical man of intelligent ideas and has operated his plant in a most capable manner. He employs good and efficient help and as a result the work done at his establishment is in every way first class. It has been his effort to attain the standard of excellence demanded by those who are willing to pay for work of a superior quality, and he has achieved his effort and is meeting with more than an average measure of prosperity in his business. Mr. Stahl makes his home at 917 Division street, where he was born and reared, the place being endeared to him by the memories and associations of his entire life. He is a member of the blue lodge and the chapter of the Masonic order, belongs to the Eagles, and also holds membership in Wisconsin Commandery, Military Order of Foreign Wars of the United States. His political support is given to the republican party, but he has never sought public office, his energies always having been concentrated on his business affairs. Mr. Stahl is widely known in the city and receives the friendship of many who have known him from early childhood, this in itself being a tribute to his character.
Marriage of Katherine Ruplinger and her second husband Henry Stahl, Nov. 15, 1910
PETER STANGE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.604-605. In 1863 Peter Stange located on the farm which continued to be his home to the time of his death in 1898. He was born in Schleswig-Holstein, Germany, and on coming to the new world took up his abode in the township of Schleswig, Manitowoc county. He was the son of Claus and Margaret Stange, both natives of Germany, in which country they spent their entire lives, the fatber following the carpenter’s trade in order to provide for the support of his family. Peter Stange pursued his education in his native land and came to America when twenty-four years of age, making his way at once to Cedarburg, Wisconsin. He had previously learned the carpenter’s trade and he followed it for eight years after his arrival in this section. In 1863 he took up his abode on what has since been known as the old Stange homestead and there he continued to live for thirty-five years, his time and energies being devoted to the development and cultivation of the fields, which he converted into attractive tracts. He studied the qualities of the soil and learned which crops are best adapted to it. Moreover, he was practical and painstaking in the management of his place and success rewarded his efforts as the years went by. He made his one of the valuable farms of the neighborhood and added to it various modern improvements. Mr. Stange was not only active in his business connections but also stood for progress and improvement along various lines of benefit to the community. His political allegiance was given to the democratic party and he served for several terms as a member of the school board, stanchly advocating the cause of education and promoting the interests of the schools. He was identified with the Lutheran church and with many movements which promote the material, intellectual and moral progress in the community. In 1855 Mr. Stange was united in marriage to Miss Mary Slater, who was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, April 30, 1837, a daughter of Frederick and Marie (Slater) Slater, who came to America in 1854 and established their home near Grafton, Wisconsin, where her father carried on farming for a time but later removed to the vicinity of Kiel, where he cleared a tract of land, cutting away the forests in order to plant his crops. He died in 1872 at the age of seventy years. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Stange were born the following children: Mary, who is now the wife of Ernest Voland, of Kiel; Dora, who is the widow of William Voland; Fred and Charles, who follow farming; Herman, who is a butcher of Nebraska; Sophia, the wife of Ed Reichert, of Rhine township; Otto, who carries on farming in Nebraska; and Fred, who was born November 24, 1872, in Manitowoc county and is well known as a representative young business man of this section of the state. The last named spent his youthful days under the parental roof and after acquiring a good education in the public schools he took up the mason’s trade which he followed until twenty-six years of age. He married and settled upon the old homestead farm, which he has since occupied. He diligently carries on the work of the fields and his methods are both practical and progressive. The place presents a neat and thrifty appearance, indicative of his careful management and he annually harvests good crops as the reward of his labors. Fred Stange was united in marriage to Miss Mary Conrad, who was born in Russell township, November 7, 1868, and is a daughter of Valentine and Mary (Lautenstein) Conrad, both of whom are now deceased. They were early settlers of Manitowoc county, having taken up their abode in Russell township, where in the midst of the forest Mr. Conrad cleared and developed a farm. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stange now have a daughter, Ella, who was born February 5, 1893, and is a graduate of the Kiel high school. The family has been represented in Manitowoc county for many years and the name has always been a synonym for integrity and reliability in business and for progressiveness in citizenship.
JACOB J. STANGEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.400-500. Jacob J. Stangel, president of the well known hardware firm of The Worel, Zeman & Stangel Company, corner of York and North Eighth streets, Manitowoc, is one of the city’s able business men. He was born in Manitowoc county, July 22, 1869, and is a son of John and Dorothy (Pelnar) Stangel, natives of Bohemia who came to Manitowoc county in 1855, and settled in Mishicot township, where Mr. Stangel bought wild land which he improved and on which he lived during the remainder of his life, his death occurring in 1908, and that of his wife in 1873. They had a family of seven sons and one daughter, all of whom survive. Jacob J. Stangel received a common-school education, supplemented by a course in dairying and agriculture at the State University, Madison, Wisconsin, and when still a youth he entered the employ of his brothers, who conducted a cheese factory, and remained with them for seven years. The next four years he spent in Thorpe, Clark county, Wisconsin, and at the end of that time he returned to Manitowoc and became associated with the Rand & Roemer Hardware Company. This firm sold out to Worel & Zernan, in 1905. Immediately thereafter, the present company was organized, with Mr. Stangel as president. The firm purchased a large store building, three stories in height, with a frontage of one hundred feet and about an equal depth. The firm has been doing business for the period of seven years under the present management, and during that time has enjoyed a steady and substantial growth. It has been found necessary to increase floor space by erecting additional floors, and additions on new foundations. The firm handles shelf and heavy hardware, blacksmith’s and wagon maker’s supplies, paints and oils. About nine-tenths of the business is wholesale and two traveling salesmen are employed. The firm carries the largest stock of hardware in this section of Wisconsin. On June 15, 1896, Mr. Stangel was united in marriage to Miss Mary Krcma, a daughter of John Krcma, an early settler of Gibson township, Manitowoc county, and to this union there have been born three children, two sons, Arthur and Harvey, and one daughter, Viola. The family holds membership in the Catholic church, and Mr. Stangel is connected with the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Knights of Columbus and the Catholic Knights, and he is also a well known member of the United Commercial Travelers’ Association.
A. Steffen This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.HERMAN STEHN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.301-302. Herman Stehn, cashier of the State Bank of Mishicot, Wisconsin, is well known and highly esteemed in the village, in the vicinity of which he has spent all his life. Mr. Stehn was born in the town of Mishicot, July 9, 1864, and is a son of August and Anna (Wolf) Stehn, natives of Oldenburg, Germany, where they were married. The parents came to the United States in 1857, on a sailing vessel that took eight weeks to make the journey, and first located in New York city, where the father followed his trade of carpenter. After a short time in New York, August Stehn and his wife came to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and then moved to a forty acre tract of wild land in the town of Mishicot on section 20, on which he built a log cabin. After clearing this property he sold it and acquired one hundred and thirty acres in the same town, and there he spent the remainder of his life, dying in 1899 at the age of seventy-two years. His wife was born in 1825, and both were members of the Lutheran church. One of the prominent men of his day and locality, August Stehn took an active interest in politics and served in various offices, and he was treasurer of the Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company for a number of years. He and his wife had seven children: Lizzie, the widow of August Quistorf, of Mishicot; Lena, the wife of Charles Voelker, of Mishicot; Doris, the wife of Louis Holtzger, of Oconto county; Charles, who died in 1876, at the age of twenty years; Mary, who also died when twenty years of age; Herman; and Ira, who lives in Mishicot. Herman Stehn was educated in the schools in the vicinity of his father’s farm, and resided at home until 1903. He was the owner of the home property and also of a large cheese factory, the latter of which he sold in 1905 and purchased his present fine home situated on the outskirts of the village of Mishicot. In 1904 he was elected superintendent of assessments of Manitowoc county, but after five years resigned from that office to accept his present position as cashier of the State Bank of Mishicot, which was organized March 9, 1910. Previous to this time he had been town clerk for six years, chairman of the board for four and one-half years and school clerk for eighteen years. For fourteen years he served as treasurer of the Farmers German Mutual Insurance Company, and he now serves as secretary therof. On November 13, 1886, Mr. Stehn was married to Annie Holtzer, who was born in Kossuth, Wisconsin, a daughter of William and Christina Holtzer. Politically Mr. Stehn is a democrat, and fraternally associated with the I.O.O.F. Lodge, No. 66, of Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
FERDINAND AUGUST STEIN v.5 p.168 License #369 HUSBAND: Ferdinand August Stein AGE: OCCUPATION: Carpenter RESIDENCE: Reedsville BIRTHPLACE: Dramburg Prussia PARENTS:Carl Stein and M.N Stein (no Maiden name given) BRIDE: Sarah Mag.Luci.Pope AGE : BIRTHPLACE: Manitowoc County PARENTS: Jaclin Friedrich Pope and Dortheia Bromann MARRIAGE DATE: December 13,1883 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: Manitowoc COLOR: White WITNESSES: Albert Onuller, Michael Schroder NAME OF MINISTER: Wm. Toepel DATE OF CERTIFICATE ISSUE: December 13, 1883 DATEOF REGISTRATION: December 31, 1883
JOHN W. STELZER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.260-261. John W. Stelzer. one of the progressive farmers and stockmen of Manitowoc county, who is engaged in agricultural pursuits on a fine property on section 31 town of Mishicot, is a native of this town and was born January 1, 1867, a son of William and Anna (Plockelman) Stelzer, natives of Germany. William Stelzer, who was a tailor by trade, came to the United States as a young man and for two years was engaged in working at his trade in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. He then purchased a forty acre tract of wild land in Mishicot, and began to clear the land, although at first he had nothing but his axe to work with and there had not been a stick cut on the place. He often carried flour on his back from the nearest mill, to the little log cabin, but after he had secured an ox-team he hauled his supplies from the river. Mr. Stelzer was industrious and progressive and was the first farmer in this section to become the owner of a horse team. After building a log cabin and log barn, Mr. Stelzer was married, and with the assistance of his wife the place was improved and added to and it finally aggregated one hundred and eighty six acres. Later, Mr. Stelzer moved to an eighty acre farm one mile from Mishicot, which he improved, later adding eighty acres, and there he continued to reside until his death, his wife passing away on the same farm. During the latter years of his life, Mr. Stelzer was engaged in making clothing for his neighbors. He was a stanch democrat in politics, but never aspired to public honors. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. Stelzer were as follows: William, residing in the town of Gibson; Helen; Henry, who died in infancy; John; Rosie; Katie; Annie; Robert and Henry. John W. Stelzer was educated in the district schools of the town of Mishicot and remained at home until he was twenty-two years of age, at which time he went out to work on the neighboring farms, but after two years his father died and he returned to the home place. After his marriage, Mr. Stelzer farmed his father-in-law’s farm of forty acres in the town of Mishicot for eight or nine years, replacing the old buildings with new ones and making numerous other improvements, but at the end of this time his health failed and for a year he was compelled to rest. He then purchased his present fine farm of one hundred acres of improved land, where he has since been engaged in agricultural pursuits. He was married to Miss Ann Scharf, who was born in the town of Newton, a daughter of Frederick and Mary Scharf, old settlers of that town, who are now both deceased. He and his wife have had the following children: Roy, who is deceased; and Anita, Roland, Milton and Hugo, residing at home. He is a democrat in his political views, but like his father he prefers to give his time and attention to his farming interests rather than seek political honors.
NICHOLAS STELZER From the Two Rivers Reporter, Jan. 3, 1914 OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Among the earliest settlers of the town of Mishicot in the district which is commonly known as Saxonburg was Nicholas Stelzer. He settled there in the fall of 1852 on forty acres which his father had purchased for him. A few other settlers were in the vicinity before him among them Mr. Linstedt of Manitowoc. Nearly all of them came from Saxony, Germany. Hence the vicinity was called Saxonburg. Mr. Stelzer however came from Bavaria, Germany where he was born November 27th, 1827. Mr. Stelzer came over from the old county with his parents and seven other children. All are dead except he and his sister, Mrs. Herman of Manitowoc. Six acres of his land he found clear of timber and the other thirty-four he cleared himself. There was little revenue from the farm. The timber was too cheap to market. So they cut bolts in the day time and made shingles by hand at night, working generally until 12 o'clock. They found a ready market for these at Two Rivers. What little grain these early settlers had they took to Manitowoc Rapids where the nearest mill was located. They made the trip by ox team and it required twenty-four hours time to make the round trip. In those pioneer days when the neighbors depended a great deal upon each others help, one had an ox team and no wagon and the other a wagon and no team. All the animals that Mr. Stelzer had his first year on the farm were two cows. There was no church in the vicinity for many years after Mr. Stelzer's arrival and no public cemetery. So the dead were interred on their own farms and slabs and stones may be seen here and there marking their burial place. The first school was built in 1855. Mr. Stelzer says his recollection is that the only doctor available was Dr. Oswald of Two Rivers. His wife has been dead twenty-two years and he resides with his son John who now owns the farm to which many acres have been added. He is in fine condition at 86, smokes his pipe almost constantly and takes great delight in playing cards.
VALENTINE STEPHANI From the Manitowoc County Chronicle (Two Rivers) June 18, 1872 Last Thursday evening, while several young men were wrestling and tussling on the sidewalk in front of Kumbalek's harness shop, one of them, Valentine Stephani, fell and broke one of his legs below the knee. Under the care of Dr. Oswald, the young man is getting along as well as can be expected under the circumstances.
AUGUST STEUCK (From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Tue., Dec. 16, 1884): One of the most pleasant social events of the season was the wedding reception of Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Steuck which was held at the latter's parental home on Saturday last. The young people were married at about the hour of noon, the officiating ceremony being performed by Isaac Craite Esq. of this village. A large number of the friends of both the groom and bride were present to witness the hymnial rites. Everything that farmer Drews and his good wife could do to administer to the comforts and well- being of the assembled guests to make them feel more at home, was performed with a cheerful alacrity, nothing with their power being left undone which would in any degree enhance the pleasantness of the occassion. In the evening the young people forgot the cares and vexations of this little planet in the delightful mazes of the waltz, while their elders passed away the time in looking on, or in other amusements of a more sedate nature. When the hour of parting came there were not a few, doubtless who were loth to leave. The groom, Mr. Aug. Steuck, is one of Gibson's most prominent young men. He owns a large farem in that town, and is highly esteemed by all who know him. The bride (Christian name, Josephine) is the eldest daughter of our townsman, Frederick Drews Esq. and is a young woman of splendid qualities of both mind and heart. The many friends of the young couple wish them God sped in their matrimonial voyage, and your correspondent wants to be included in that list of friends.
Jos. Stever This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.STEVE STIEFVATER
The caption under the picture says: Steve Stiefvater m. Antoinette Gerhard 14 May 1907 - St. Gregory, St. Nazianz, WI
The caption under the picture says:
Four Generation - 1910 Anna Kremer Gerhard 1829-1917 Frank Gerhard 1861-1921 Antoinette Gerhard Stiefvater 1889-1950 Margaret Stiefvater Weber 1909-1988
FRANCIS STIRN Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Pages 497- 498: FRANCIS STIRN, of Manitowoc, Wis., member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born August 17, 1841, in Prague, a prominent city of Austria. When he was 11 years old he came to America in 1852, joining his father in New York, with his brothers and sisters. His father was a prominent man in Austria, and was one of the leaders of the rebellion of 1848, and was obliged to leave his family and fly to the protection of the Untied States. After six years of struggle, the mother with her flock of children started for the New World and died during the passage. The father came to Manitowoc with his family. Just one week after the assault on the forts in Charleston Harbor, April 19, 1861, Mr. Stirn enlisted in Company A., 5th Wisconsin Infantry, for three years, and on the organization of his company was made Corporal. The regiment was assigned to the brigade of General Rufus King (see sketch), and soon after was transferred to Hancock’s brigade and he performed camp duty until March 1862, when he was in the advance against Manassas and went with the command to Alexandria, preparatory to the Peninsula Campaign. He was in the action at Young’s Mills and Williamsburg, fought at Golden’s Farm, at Savage Station and White Oak Swamp. He was in the action at Malvern Hill and participated later in the fight at Crampton’s Gap and was present at Antietam and at Fredericksburg. May 3rd, 1863, he was in the storming of Marye’s Heights under Colonel Allen (see sketch) and was wounded in the charge. He went to the field hospital with a severe wound in his leg and was mentioned in the dispatches. He was wholly disabled for field service and was transferred Sept. 1, 1863, to the Veteran Reserve Corps. at Washington and remained on duty until the expiration of his term of service, July 13, 1863. He was on duty at the Capital during Early’s raid in the defense of the city. Mr. Stirn was married Oct. 8, 1865, to Bertha Eckardt, of Manitowoc. They are childless, but have the care of three children, orphaned by the death of a brother of Mr. Stirn, and a fourth, who is the orphan child of Mrs. Stirn’s sister. Mr. Stirn is the City Treasurer of Manitowoc (1888) and has held various other positions of responsibility and trust. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album)
OTTO STOELTING This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.394-395. Otto Stoelting is vice president and general manager of the Stoelting Brothers Company, manufacturers of all kinds of cheese factory equipment, his official connection therewith ranking him among the foremost men in that line of business in Wisconsin. He is numbered among the native sons of the Badger state, his birth having occurred in Sheboygan county on the 13th of October, 1866, and represents a family well known and highly honored in that county. His father, Fred Stoelting, was born in the principality of Lippe-Detmold, Germany, and in early life came to the United States as a journeyman, locating in the town of Herman, Sheboygan county, Wisconsin. In his native land he had followed carpentering as an occupation but after his arrival in this state devoted his energies to agricultural pursuits in which he was engaged throughout the rest of his life. During his residence in Sheboygan county he became deeply interested in politics, serving in many important offices, and became recognized as one of the most prominent and influential citizens of his home locality. He was reared in the faith of the Reformed church and the teachings of that institution ever formed the guiding influences of his life. He married Sophia Marten, who yet resides on the old homestead at the age of seventy- six years, although her husband passed away in 1903, when he had reached his seventy-sixth year. Their family consisted of twelve children of whom one is now deceased. The others are: Henry, a carpenter of Franklin, Wisconsin; Pauline, the wife of F. Blattgerste, a farmer of Shaller, Iowa; William, a carpenter of that place; August, also carrying on agricultural pursuits at Schaller; Otto, of this review; Ida, who married August Blattgerste, who is connected with the Stoelting Brothers Company; Bertha, the wife of Otto Johanning, a farmer of Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin; Gustav and Adolph, partners with their brother Otto in the Stoelting Brothers Company; Mathilda, at home; and Herman, operating the old homestead farm. During the period of his boyhood and youth, which was passed amid the busy scenes and environment of rural life, Otto Stoelting acquired his education and in addition to his mental training which was received in the district schools he also acquired much practical experience in the work of the home farm, for he early became familiar with the tasks that fall to the lot of the country lad. After leaving school he continued to remain at home, assisting his father in the cultivation of the fields until about twenty- one years of age, when he went to Iowa and was there engaged at the carpenter's trade for one year. He then went to Denver, Colorado, and after a year and a half there spent removed to Schaller, Iowa, where in partnership with a brother he worked for about ten years. At the expiration of that period he returned to Sheboygan and there followed his trade for a year, after which, in 1897, he came to Kiel and for four years acted as foreman and salesman in the lumber business of J.B. Laun. His present business connection is that of vice president and general manager of the Stoelting Brothers Company which he organized in connection with his brothers, Gustav and Adolph, and which is now one of the foremost concerns of this character in the state. They manufacture cheese factory equipment, furnishing such factories with all of their machinery, but specializing particularly in the manufacture of cheese pressers and agitators. From the beginning the business has enjoyed a healthy and rapid growth for while the methods of the firm are progressive they are tempered by sound judgment on the part of the brothers who are thorough-going, practical and systematic business men. They are represented by salesmen in all of the various cheese manufacturing districts throughout the country and ship their product not only to every part of America but to foreign countries as well, a fact which indicates the extent and importance of their trade. The plant occupies a large building on the Sheboygan river and is numbered prominently among those institutions which have given the town of Kiel high rank among the manufacturing centers of this section of the state. Aside from his connection with this firm Otto Stoelting is also interested in the Metallic Screen Company of Collins, Wisconsin, and is one of the most active business men of this locality. In 1895 Mr. Stoelting was united in marriage to Miss Mathilda Boedeker, who was born in Herman, Wisconsin, on the 5th of November, 1870, a daughter of Simon and Henrietta (Schaper) Boedeker. She died on the 8th of April,1903, in the faith of the Reformed church to which Mr. Stoelting also belongs, in politics he is a democrat and served as village trustee for several terms. His laudable ambition led him from a comparatively humble position in the business world into larger undertakings and his prosperity has followed as a natural sequence of persistent and well directed labor. He has become widely known through the extent of his business interests and enjoys the utmost confidence and good-will of all with whom he has been connected.
HENRY STOLL From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Of the firm of F. Stoll & Son, saw and planing mill, P. O. Kiel, was born May 30, 1842, in Germany; came to Manitowoc County, with his parents, in 1850. He atttended school and assisted on their farm till 1862; they then bought this mill, which they have operated since. He was married, in 1861, to Mena Wagner, of Sheboygan County. They have three children, two sons and one daughter.
HERMAN C. STOLL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.434-435. Herman C. Stoll has been identified with the business interests of Kiel for eighteen years, as local representative of the K. Schreier Brewing Company. He has passed his entire life in Manitowoc county, and is a native of Schleswig township, his birth having occurred there on the 25th of February, 1870. His father, Henry Stoll, was born in Saxe-Gotha, Germany, whence he emigrated with his parents, Fred and Martha (Keppler) Stoll, in 1849, to the United States. They first located in Pennsylvania, where the father engaged in farming. Later they removed to Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, and he continued his agricultural pursuits in Meeme township. He subsequently withdrew from farming, however, and purchased a sawmill at Rockville, this state, which he operated under the name of Stoll & Son until his death. He was one of the pioneers of Manitowoc county, and lived to attain the venerable age of eighty years. Henry Stoll, who is now living retired in Holstein, Calumet county, this state, at the age of seventy years, was only a child when he accompanied his parents to America. Upon attaining manhood he engaged in the lumber and milling business in Wisconsin, meeting with very good success in the development of his interests. For his wife he chose Miss Wilhelmina Wagner, a daughter of Fred Wagner, one of the pioneer settlers of Sheboygan county. The mother is now deceased, having passed away in 1895, at the age of fifty-one years. Four children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stoll, as follows: Ferdinand; Herman C., our subject; Dora, the wife of W. Gruhle; and Emma, who married H. Reichhart, of Kiel. Reared at home, Herman C. Stoll acquired his education in the common schools. He terminated his student days while still in his early youth and turned his attention to agricultural pursuits. He continued to engage in farming until 1894, when he withdrew from the work of the fields and coming to Kiel accepted the agency for the K. Schreier Brewing Company. This has proven to be a very good connection financially and he enjoys an excellent business. Mr. Stoll was married on the 23d of July, 1892, to Miss Katherina Mattes, who was born in Schleswig township in 1870 and is a daughter of Philip and Julia (Reichert) Mattes. The parents, both of whom are now deceased, were for many years well known farming people of Schleswig township. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stoll, as follows: Hugo, who is nineteen, a graduate of the high school and now a student of the university; Irme, who is seventeen, at home; August, who is sixteen, also at home; Lilly, who has passed the fourteenth anniversary of her birth; Esther, who is thirteen years of age; and Julia, who is now ten years old, are all attending school. Harry, the youngest member of the family, is deceased. The family are members of the Reformed church of Kiel, and Mrs. Stoll belongs to the Royal Neighbors, the ladies’ auxiliary of the Modern Woodmen of America. Mr. Stoll votes an independent ticket and has held the office of trustee of the village. He enjoys an extensive acquaintance among the citizens of this section of the county and has many stanch friends in Kiel.
HENRY STOEVER the following submitted by a researcher, see contributors page Biography of Albert J. Beilfuss - 1858 From the Biographical History of Clark and Jackson Counties, Wisconsin, published by The Lewis Publishing Co., 1891 page 201 & 202 Albert J. Beilfuss, yard master in Nye, Leisk & Hudson's extensive lumber yards at Thorp, Clark County, was born n Prussia, Germany, August 16, 1858, the son of Charles and Johannah (Schmidt) Beilfuss, both also natives of Prussia. They were the parents of ten children, six of whom are now living, namely: William, Charles, Minnie, August, Albert and Bertha. Caroline and Ollerike died after reaching maturity. The father brought his family to the United States in 1871, settling in Reed City, Osceola County, Michigan, where he still resides. Our subject lived in that city until the spring of 1881, when he came to Abbotsford, this county, and kept a grocery two years. In 1883 he came to Thorp, where he has since worked for his present employers, having had four years in the lumber yards in Michigan. Mr. Beilfuss was married October 19, 1878, to Adelgunde Stoever, a daughter of Henry Stoever, of Kiel, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin. The have three children, -Arthur, Walter, and Carl, all of whom are at home and attending school. Mr. Beilfuss was brought up in the Lutheran faith, and is a Democrat politically.
WILLIAM STONE Contributed by a family researcher, contact info. on contributors page Obituary from the Schuyler Sun Newspaper, Colfax co., Nebraska William Stone, who recently underwent a severe surgical operation, in hopes that his life might be saved, died Sunday afternoon at his home in the city. Mr. Stone had been a sufferer for years, and his vitality was not strong enough to stand the shock of the operation. While his death came a shock to his many friends, it was not wholly unexpected, as it was known that he had been failing for several days before his death; and expressions of sympathy were almost universal, as "Captain" Stone (as he was familiarly called) was esteemed and liked by all. William Stone was born at Mackinaw, Michigan on April 6th 1836. He was a resident of Wisconsin when the war broke out, and on August 15th 1862, enlisted in Company A of the 27th Wisconsin infantry. He was a good soldier, paying the most strict attention to all details of his work, and he was rapidly promoted, being made a corporal on March 12th 1863, a first sergeant on May 8th 1864, second lieutenant on July 30th 1864, and when discharged on June 29th 1865, held the rank of first lieutenant. He saw plenty of active service, and was in some of the hardest fought engagements of the rebellion. Mr. Stone always retained a love of military work, and no one ever took a greater pride in the success of Company K than he. Mr. Stone was married to Ellen Johnson on May 10th 1852, and in 1870, he and his wife came and settled on a homestead in this county, where they have ever since resided and have always been numbered among our best citizens. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Stone, of whom eight are still living. They are: Waldron, Charles, and Alfred, all living here, Ms. J.L. Birchenough, Ms. Randall, Ms. Cecelia Dunkel, Ms. Charlotte Pollard, and Ms. Stella Hopkins. There was no better citizen in Colfax County than "Cap" Stone; he was intensely patriotic, a warm generous friend, a kind and indulgent husband and father, a man whom was to know was to like, and his death is mourned by hundreds of friends throughout the country. The funeral services were held Wednesday at the M.E. Church under the auspices of the G.A.R. post of which Mr. Stone was a member, and the sermon was preached by Reverend Bothwell, who spoke from the 27th verse of the first chapeter of Second Samuel: "How are the mighty fallen." He spoke of the military life of Mr. Stone, of the deserving promotions in the army, and paid tribute to his memeory as a good man and citizen. The floral offerings were many and beautiful, and the church was crowded friends of the deceased, many of them coming from around Mr. Stone's old home in Maple Creek precinct. The remains were escorted to the cemetary by Company K of the Nebraska National Guard, and Phil Sheridan, post number 34, where military ceremonies were held over the grave of the veteran who had served country and home so well. The sorrowing wife and relatives have the sympathy of everyone in the county and community. Photo of William Stone
********** ELLEN AMELIA JOHNSON STONE Obituary From the Schuyler Sun Newspaper, Colfax co., Nebraska 1929 With the first day of the new year, death in peaceful tranquillity came to Mrs. Amelia Stone, familiarly and affectionately known as "Grandma Stone" at the farm home of her daughter Mrs. Joseph L. Pollard of the Dublin vicinity. Mrs. Stone had enjoyed unusually good health for one of her exceptional years until about two weeks ago when she was taken to her bed because of ailments attendant to old age. As one wearied and fatigued with the cares and thoughts of the day. Mrs. Stone passed into her last sleep into the realm of eternal bliss where sorrow and pain are unknown. Ellen Amelia Johnson was born in Bergen Norway, on July 5, 1836, and passed away at Schuyler, Nebraska, On January 1, 1929 at the ripe old age of 92 years, 5 months, and 26 days. When 12 years of age she came to America with her parents who settled in Wisconsin. She was united in Marriage to William Stone at Manitowoc, Wisconsin in 1852. When Mr. Stone enlisted for service in the Civil War Mrs. Stone was left at home with six children to support. This she did nobly on the thirteen dollars per month received by her husband from the government and with the aid of the revenue from one cow and a few chickens. One son, George, passed away in Wisconsin while the father was away at war. Mr. Stone passed away in Schuyler on April 15, 1900. The children that preceded the mother in death were George, Mrs. Maria Irving who died on January 1, 1882, Mrs. Jenny Powers who died at Silver Creek in 1893, Mrs. Millie Birchenough who died on February 16, 1915, Waldron Stone who died on October 26, 1923, and Mrs. Cecelia Dunkel who died on September 5, 1926. The remains of the husband and of all the above mentioned children were laid to rest in Schuyler cemetery. The following children survive; Charles H. Stone of Julesburg Colorado, Alfred Stone of Colfax County; Mrs. William F. Randall of Schuyler, Mrs. Joseph L. Pollard of Colfax County, and Mrs. Edward Aljoe of Cheyenne Wyoming. The deceased is also survived by thirty one grandchildren, and forty one great grand children. Mrs. Stone was baptized into the Lutheran faith when but a very small child. After coming to Colfax County in 1870, Mr. and Mrs. Stone became communicants of the Old Grandview Presbyterian church. The only education that Mrs. Stone received was from her Norwegian Bible. In her time in Norway, women were not given any education except what could be learned from the Bible. Mrs. Stone worked in the home of her pastor and it was he, as the teacher of the parish, who taught her daily from the Bible. Mrs. Stone read her Bible so much that she practically knew it by heart. In her last years her steadfast faith and her implicit trust in the god of her Bible were the source of much consolation and comfort to her. The hardships and trials of Mrs. Stone's life were many yet she bore them with a fortitude and a patience that bespeak a strength of character that is admirable in the highest possible measure. Her mind was keen and her memory excellent as she often related experienced of her young days. To Mrs. Stone was allotted a life of years, service, and varied opportunities. Her years were rich in experience and practical living. She was a lovable old lady whose numerous friends greatly favored and highly esteemed her. As the mother of eleven children, her home life meant much sacrifice and tasks without number. Still, in her own quiet and unassuming way, she was the mother and wife with but few peers. The funeral rites will be conducted this (Thursday) afternoon at two o'clock at the First Presbyterian church of this city, the pastor, the Rev. W.G. White, officiating. These rites will be preceded by a brief service at the farm home of Mrs. Joseph L. Pollard at one o'clock. Internment will be made in the Schuyler cemetery.
JACOB B. STRADAL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.433-434. Jacob B. Stradal, one of the well known citizens and practical agriculturists of the town of Cato, whose forty acre tract is situated on section 4, was born in November, 1862, in Bohemia, and is a son of Peter and Annie Kamen Stradal, natives of that country, where his mother died when Mr. Stradal was only four years of age. His father was again married in Bohemia, and the family came to America in 1873, settling in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county. The father is now living in the town of Franklin, having attained the age of seventy-eight years. Jacob J. Stradal was the third in a family of four children, and he was reared to the life of a farmer, remaining at home until he was sixteen years of age. At that time he commenced to work for wages in the lumber mills in the northern part of the state and eventually became a lumber inspector, an occupation at which he worked steadily for fifteen years. His farm of forty acres is practically all under a high state of cultivation, fenced with barbed and woven wire and supplied with excellent buildings. His barn in dimensions twenty-six feet by seventy-two feet, was on the land when he purchased it and was remodeled in 1908. His two-story frame residence, of eight rooms, was built in 1911, and is modern in every respect. He does general farming, markets dairy products, hay and grain, milks eight graded cows, and breeds to Percheron horses. He is progressive in his ideas, and ranks high among the agriculturists of his community. On November 14, 1888, Mr. Stradal was married to Miss Elizabeth Collins, who was born June 25, 1869, the seventh of nine children born to Richard and Bridget (Munhall) Collins, natives of Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Collins were married in New York state, and came to Wisconsin during the late fifties, settling in the town of Franklin, Manitowoc county, where they purchased eighty acres of wild land. Mr. Collins cut the timber for the little log house and upon this place the rest of his active life was spent. He lived there until his retirement to Marinette, in which city he died in 1904, eight months after the death of his wife, who was eighty-two years old at the time of her demise, while her husband was ninety-two. Both are buried in the Marinette cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Stradal have one son, James, born May 15, 1890, who is single and employed in Manitowoc. Mr. Stradal and his family are members of St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove, and in his political views he is a democrat.
FRANK STRATTMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.351-352. Frank Strattmann, who is conducting a general mercantile store at Hika, has been identified with the business interests of Centerville township for sixteen years. He was born in Milwaukee, this state, on the 4th of November, 1861, and is a son of John and Eliza (Moss) Strattmann, both natives of Germany. The father emigrated to America in 1837, locating in Milwaukee. He was a stone mason and gardener by trade, and had the distinction of assisting to construct the first bridge in Milwaukee, known as the Juneau avenue bridge. He passed away in that city in 1891, but the mother is still living at the age of seventy-six and now makes her home in Centerville. The education of Frank Strattmann was obtained in the German Lutheran parochial and public schools of his native city, following which he learned the painter’s trade. He followed this vocation for twelve years and then engaged in gardening in the vicinity of Milwaukee, subsequently living in Greenville, Wisconsin. At the end of a year he returned to Milwaukee, residing there until 1896. In the latter year he came to Centerville township and purchased the business he is now conducting. It is one of the oldest enterprises in the county, having been founded for more than sixty years. Mr. Strattmann carries a well assorted stock of general merchandise that is adapted to the varied needs and tastes of his patrons, and he also keeps a good line of farming implements. As his prices are reasonable and he is accommodating to his customers he is accorded an extensive patronage, and is meeting with excellent success in his business. At Milwaukee in 1887, Mr. Strattmann was united in marriage to Miss Anna Peters, who passed away on the 1st of June, 1909. Six children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Strattmann, as follows: Ella, Alma, Anna, Louis, Fred and Arthur, all of whom are still at home. The family affiliate with the German Lutheran church, and Mr. Strattmann is a member of the Germania Lodge of Hika. During the period of his residence here he has become widely known in the county, and is held in high regard by all who have had transactions with him, as he is a man of his word while his integrity is held above question.
CHARLES STREICH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.633-634. Charles Streich, who has been a lifelong resident of Manitowoc, is now serving as register of deeds of this county and the record which he has made in this as in other public offices which he has filled is a most creditable and commendable one. Moreover, he belongs to that class who are justly called self-made men, owing his success entirely to his own labors, perseverance and capable management. Born in Manitowoc, on the 13th of March, 1867, he is a son of Gus and Minnie (Reitz) Streich and a grandson of Frederick Streich, who was the founder of the family in America, coming from Germany to the United States in early manhood, accompanied by his wife and children. He is now living in Montague, Michigan, and has attained the remarkable age of ninety-eight years. Gus Streich, the father, who was one of the first draymen of Manitowoc, was well known in public circles of the city and was always an active worker in behalf of the interests of the democratic party. He and his wife are still living in this city. Charles Streich is the eldest of their family of ten children and acquired his education in the public schools here. He made his initial step in the business world in the position of checker in the warehouse of the Northwestern Railroad at Manitowoc, serving in that capacity for a year and a half. That he was capable and faithful is indicated in the fact that he was then made foreman of the warehouse with from twelve to sixteen men under his supervision. He continued in that position for sixteen and a half years, practically growing up in the business, which during that period was greatly enlarged. Aside from handling the freight for the Northwestern railroad at this point the company also had charge of the package freight of the Pere Marquette and Ann Arbor railroads which was brought here on the steamers of the latter railroads. This was a very responsible position and since leaving the employ of the company he has been urged to return again and again. No higher testimonial of his capability and fidelity could be given. In 1906, however, Mr. Streich entered upon a period of public service that eventually brought him to the position which he now occupies. In politics he always been a democrat, unfaltering in his allegiance to the party, and in 1906 was elected to the office of supervisor of the third ward, in which he served two terms. On the expiration of that period, in 1908. he was elected register deeds of Manitowoc county and so efficiently did he perform the duties of this position in that term that in 1910 he was reelected for a term of two years and is still ably serving in the office. Mr. Streich was united in marriage to Miss Josephine Schlier, who died in 1905, leaving four children, Harry E., Elsie, Roy and Ralph. There was also one child that died in infancy. Mr. Streich was again married, his second union being with Miss Meta Koch, of Manitowoc. They are widely and favorably known here, having an extensive circle of warm friends, and are consistent members of the Lutheran church.
JOHN STRODTHOFF This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.223-224. Among the native residents of Manitowoc county is numbered John Strodthoff, who resides on his farm near Newton. He was born September 25, 1855, the son of Henry and Mary Strodthoff, both of whom were natives of Hanover, Germany. The parents came to the United States in 1846, settling in New York, where the father worked for three years in a sugar refinery. Subsequently they came to this county, locating near Newton, where they purchased some land, erected a log cabin and resided for five years. Selling this home, they purchased the farm on which the subject of this sketch now resides and where they lived the remainder of their lives, the father dying in 1888, at the age of sixty-two, the mother having preceded him by a number of years, dying in 1856. In their family were three children: Annie and Rosina, both of whom were born in the state of New York; and John, of this review. After the mother’s death the father again married, his second union being with Miss Hannah Moss. To them were born seven children, all of whom are now living. John Strodthoff grew to manhood on his father’s farm, dividing his attention between his studies in the district school and the duties at home. He continued working on the home place after his father’s death and in 1905 purchased the farm upon which he successfully engages in agriculture. In 1900 Mr. Strodthoff married Miss Mary Frusch, who was born in Rapids, a daughter of Louis Frusch. To Mr. and Mrs. Strodthoff have been born five children, Lilah, Viola, Edna, Reuben and Clara. Mr. Strodthoff has resided all his life in the neighborhood of Newton and for more than a half century has made his home on his present farm and is, therefore, thoroughly acquainted with the development of this section of the state and has taken an active part in the general progress. Both he and Mrs. Strodthoff are faithful members of the German Lutheran church and have many friends throughout the community. He has given his undivided time to the interests of farming and through his thrift and energy has achieved much success.
This home was built by Herman Strodthoff in about 1875 at 913 S. 12th St. Herman built the house soon after he was married to Louise. The house remained in the family until 1966 and was demolished in Nov. 1993. This photo was taken around 1900 From left are Amanda Strothoff, Mollie Pleus, Jenny Daeke, and Lillie Strothoff Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
HENRY STROUF (I don't have him in any of the cemeteries) From the Manitowoc Herald News, March, 1919 COMRAD TELLS OF DEATH OF LARABEE MAN Relatives Get Details of Death of Corp. Strouf, Killed in Battle of Argonne Forest A tribute to the courage and service of Henry Strouf, a former Larabee boy who made the supreme sacrifice "over there" is paid in a letter which as been received from Sergt. Charles Beidler, Co.A, 362d Infantry, a comrade in arms of the dead man, by Adolph Strouf, Larabee, a brother. Strouf was killed in the battle of Argonne Forest, the battle which turned the tide of the war and brought about the armistice. Corp. Strouf was a son of John Strouf, a former resident now residing at Stanford, Montana, and Sergt. Beidler was from the same city. When news of Strouf's death was received relatives wrote to Beidler for particulars and the answer follows: "Dear Sir: Received your letter yesterday and in regard to your brother, I was very well acquainted with him. We used to go out together and have pretty good times. I do not say that I never found any nicer fellow than him, but I sure believe that he was one of the best fellows I ever met. "Now in regards to his death. He was killed in the battle of Argonne Forest the 29th of Sept. about five o'clock Sunday afternoon; never knew what hit him. It was a machine gun bullet that got him. "I remember just as well today as I did that morning, we started over the top, but it got too hot for us so we had to withdraw; our brother Henry was leading a squad over the top then; he was made corporal just before we left Dematortain. I think Henry must be buried in "No Man's Land," just where he was killed somewhere. "The 29th was one of the hardest battles we ever fought. She only lasted for about three hours but I tell you it sure was hell. "Your brother Henry was shot right between the eyes; never knew what hit him. We sure lost a few good men that day. We had somewhere around 160 men in the company when we started over the top, and when we got relieved from the front line we had 45 men left. "Well I guess this is all I can tell you now. If ever I come back to dear old Stanford again I will hunt you up and tell you more about your brother, who you can bet was a real man and a soldier. I remain, Sergt Chas. Beidler, Co. A, 362d Inft. A.E.F.A.P.O.776
G. PETER STRUPP, SR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.49-50. Among the prominent farmers of Manitowoc county is G. Peter Strupp, Sr., who was born in Germany, November 21, 1847. His father, G. Peter Strupp, was also a native of Germany and in 1848, together with his wife, Elizabeth Strupp, and five children, came to the United States, settling in Newton township on a farm on which the subject of this review now resides. There he erected a log cabin in which four of his children were born and in which the family lived until 1863. At that date he built a new and larger log house, which stood until 1905. G. Peter Strupp, the father, became a very well known man in this county and a successful farmer. He died in 1882, at the age of seventy-two, and his wife in 1888, at the age of seventy. In their family were nine children: Katherine, Elizabeth, Johanna, Mary and G. Peter, Sr., all of whom were born in Germany; and Josephine, Ferdinand, Lena and Theresa, who were born in Newton township. In 1876 Mr. Strupp married Miss Theresa Roedig, who was born in Manitowoc county, the daughter of Joseph Roedig, who came from Germany, settling here. Mr. and Mrs. Strupp have become the parents of seven children, all of whom are now living. They are Ferdinand, Clara, Benjamin, G. Peter, Jr., Joseph, Matilda and Alvin. G. Peter Strupp, Jr., received a good education in German but had little opportunity for attending an English school. However, being an energetic and progressive man, he has studied and read widely until he is now one of the best informed men of the township. He was reared under the parental roof and has always been associated with the work on his father’s farm. At the age of twenty-nine he purchased the same and has since operated it. He has made many improvements thereon and in 1905 he erected a beautiful modern residence. G. Peter Strupp, Sr., belongs to the Democratic party and in 1890 he was elected township treasurer, an office which he held for two years. Later he served for two years as township supervisor. He has always been greatly interested in all that pertains to education and for fifteen years he has been a member of the school board. Both he and his wife are of the Catholic faith and are members of the church at Manitowoc. Mr. Strupp has championed every movement for the public good throughout his many years of residence in the township, has many friends here and is counted as one of the well-to-do farmers of this county.
HERMAN STUEMPGES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.49-50. Herman Stuempges, a highly successful contractor who has been identified with the building interests of Manitowoc since 1905, was born in this city on the 21st of January, 1867, and is a son of John P. and Sophie Stuempges, who emigrated to the United States from Germany. Upon their arrival in this country in 1847, they first located at Newton, Wisconsin, where the father engaged in farming. Later he withdrew from agricultural pursuits and engaged in the operation of a sawmill and he also sold trees. He was always loyal in his allegiance to the land of his adoption and served as a private in the Twenty-seventh Wisconsin Regiment during the Civil war, being honorably discharged at the close of hostilities. Both he and his wife passed their latter years in Manitowoc, the mother’s death occurring in 1888, and the father’s on the 28th of March, 1911. They were buried in Evergreen cemetery. The early years in the life of Herman Stuempges were similar to those of other lads of the place at that period. He attended the public schools of Newton until he was fourteen years of age, when terminating his student days he gave his undivided attention to the work of the farm for several years. Later he learned the carpenter’s trade and worked as a journeyman, while for ten years he was employed in the factory of the American Seating Company. Desiring to be independent he gave up his position and engaged in contracting, and being a reliable and skillful workman of enterprising methods he met with little difficulty in building up a profitable business. He has been awarded a number of important contracts, among them the plant for The Manitowoc Iron & Metal Company, the building for The Rathsack Hardware Company, and several of the best residences, among them that of Mr. Gatterman, on Washington street. This latter building was erected in 1910 and is conceded to be the finest dwelling in the city. Every contract ever awarded Mr. Stuempges has been executed in a highly creditable manner, and he is generally recognized as one of the foremost men in his line in the city. At Newton, on the 25th of June, 1892, Mr. Stuempges was united in marriage to Miss Louise Schultz, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Schultz, natives of Germany, whence they emigrated to the United States in 1850. They were among the pioneer settlers of Newton, where the father engaged in farming until his death in November, 1888. He was long survived by the mother, who passed away in February, 1908. Both were laid to rest in the cemetery at Newton. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Stuempges, Hattie, who is at home with her parents, and Ervin, who is assisting his father. The religious faith of the family is manifested through their connection with the St. Johannes Evangelical church. Fraternally Mr. Stuempges is affiliated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and in politics he is a republican. He has many friends both in lodge and business circles as he possesses the qualities that win him the respect of all with whom he has transactions either in public or private life.
F. STUPECKY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.164-165. F. Stupecky, who has been engaged in the manufacture of glue in Manitowoc for forty years, was born in Bohemia, on the 20th of June, 1845. He is a son of Wenzel and Mary (Musil) Stupecky, who were likewise natives of Bohemia and there they resided until 1855. In the latter year they emigrated to the United States with their family, settling in Manitowoc, where they continued to make their home. The mother passed away in 1900, at the age of seventy—six, but the father was eighty—seven at the time of his death, which occurred at the residence of our subject in 1905. They are both buried in Evergreen cemetery. As he was a lad of ten years when he came to the United States with his parents the education of F. Stupecky was begun in his native land and continued in the schools of Manitowoc. When he was thirteen he laid aside his text-books and found a position in a local mercantile establishment. During a large portion of the eight years he was thus employed he was also engaged as German and Bohemian interpreter in the city courts, and his services were frequently required as these two nationalities formed the largest part of the immigrants at that period. In 1866, he went to Chicago, obtaining a clerkship in one of the mercantile houses there and while discharging his duties he was also pursuing a business course, thus acquiring a broader and fuller knowledge of modern commercial methods. Returning to Manitowoc in 1868, he invested his capital in a mercantile enterprise that he conducted for two years. At the expiration of that time he disposed of his place and became associated with Hubert Falge in the establishment of a glue factory. A few years later Mr. Falge retired and Mr. Stupecky has ever since conducted the business alone. The undertaking has developed satisfactorily, and is now one of the substantial industries of the city. Its beginning was in a very small way, but the scope of their activities extended and their plant grew, as their patronage increased. The present factory is a well equipped, substantially constructed building surrounded by about an acre of ground. It was founded soon after the war, when commercial conditions were still unsettled and this section of the country was too new to be recognized as a portion of the industrial region. Thus the early years were most trying not only owing to trade conditions generally but because the firm could command but little money to finance their undertaking. Mr. Stupecky had unlimited faith in its development and ultimate success, however, and in all probability its success must be attributed to his determination to win despite many discouragements and obstacles. In this city in 1876, Mr. Stupecky was united in marriage to Miss Mary Herman, who died in 1878 leaving a little daughter, Blanch, now the wife of Adolph Herman, a resident of California. In 1882, Mr. Stupecky again married, his choice on this occasion being Miss Anna Shubert, a daughter of John and Anna Shubert, and to them have been born eight children. In order of birth they are as follows: Rose, who married Bruno Ertz, of Milwaukee; Frank, Jr., who is living at home with his parents; Paula, the wife of Edward Wilda, who is engaged in the real-estate and automobile business in Manitowoc; Julius, who is assistant manager of the factory; Ladimar, who is a machinist living at home; Edward, who is likewise at home; and Mamie and Anna, who graduated from high school and are now at home. The family reside in a pleasant home, which Mr. Stupecky built. The political indorsement of Mr. Stupecky has always been given to the republican party. He is an industrious man of enterprising spirit and is numbered among the city’s highly esteemed citizens.
FRANK STUPETZKY From the Manitowoc Pilot August 7, 1879 A house belonging to Frank Stupetzky in the third ward, was struck by lightning on Monday night and shattered badly. The building was much more injured than Hartung's. Fortunately it was not occupied, as persons within the building could hardly escape being killed. Some trees near the residence of Gillet and Krummheur were also struck on the same night.
ROBERT H. SUETTINGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.544-545. Robert H. Suettinger, proprietor of the leading hardware and tinsmith business of Two Rivers, is a progressive and enterprising business man and a representative citizen of Manitowoc county. He was born in Two Rivers, April 23, 1858, a son of Robert C. and Caroline (Proske) Suettinger. Robert C. Suettinger, who was born at Chemnitz, Saxony, Germany, in 1827, in his youth was denied the advantage of an education, the family being in rather humble circumstances, and the boy was compelled to learn the trade of tinsmith at an early age. As a young man he came to the United States, and opened a tinsmith shop on the south side of Washington street, Two Rivers, where the postoffice and the Hamilton hotel are now located. Later he opened a place on Jefferson street, where he was in partnership with Julius Kalp, a connection that was severed in 1862, in which year he built the store where his son is now located, at the corner of Washington and Sixteenth streets, and where he has one of the finest establishments for a city of this size to be found in Wisconsin. Here he continued in business until his death, July 10, 1882. During the early days he was the handy man of the village of Two Rivers, being a copper worker, watch maker and repair man, and in fact was skilled in various mechanical arts. Although he had not been given much schooling, he improved his education by much reading and close observation. Politically he was a republican, but he never found time to engage in political matters to any extent. He was one of the organizers of the Odd Fellows lodge and the Sons of Herman, and he also helped to establish the Turner Society in Two Rivers, an organization of which he was always very proud. His wife, who died in 1905, aged seventy-eight years, was the mother of seven children, Agnes, Annie, Clara, Robert, Edward, Emma and Estella, of whom Edward is deceased. Robert H. Suettinger grew up and was educated in Two Rivers, and learned the tinsmith trade and hardware business from his father with whom he worked for seven years. He then went to Chicago for one year, after which for two years he traveled to Minneapolis and other Minnesota points. He then returned to Two Rivers and engaged in business with his father until the latter’s death, at which time he took charge of the store. He carries a full line of hardware, stoves and cutlery, and everything in his store is new and up-to-date. The building is fifty by ninety feet, three to five clerks are employed, and three or more men are employed in the tinsmith department, a specialty being made of blowpipe, mill work and furnaces. In 1881 Mr. Suettinger was married to Catherine Gau, who was born at Melrose, Minnesota, a daughter of Dr. M. Gau, a pioneer physician of Minnesota, who died in 1910, at the age of eighty-nine years. Six children have been born to this union: Robert, who is engaged in business with his father; and Caroline, Laura, Viola, Walter and Estella. In political matters, Mr. Suettinger is a republican, and for two years he served as alderman of the fifth ward. In fraternal matters he is connected with the Odd Fellows and the Elks. Below is a picture of a coin put out by R. Suettinger
Hannah Sullivan, daughter of Alexander and Elizabeth (Daley) Sullivan of Maple Grove. Photo taken in Chicago in the 1860s Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Photo taken in 1880 by Melendy and Packard of Manitowoc. Thomas came to Manitowoc County from Connecticut, was involved in Republican politics, served on the local school board, and as a member of the state assembly. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Photo of Thomas and his daughter Elizabeth was taken in 1903 at Melendy & Packard at Manitowoc Sullivan was an active Republican in Manitowoc County politics. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
ROBERT SUTTINGER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 Hardware, stoves and farming implements, Two Rivers. Was born Feb. 27, 1827, in Saxony, Germany. In 1840 he went to Fort Wayne, Indiana, where he worked in a tin shop one year and a half. In September, 1850, he came to Sheboygan, going thence to Manitowoc, working in a tin shop three months. Jan. 1, 1851, he moved to Two Rivers, and worked for H. H. Smith until 1855. He then opened a hardware store in company with Joseph Kalb, which they continued until 1859, since which time he has conducted the business alone. Married, in 1852, Miss Caroline Preschky, of Prussia. They have two sons and five daughters.
ALBERT SWENSEN A Cobble Stone House With a deep ravine to the right, and hills to the rear as a setting, Mr. Swensen has constructed a beautiful home patterned after the English-Norman type of the fifteenth century, built of cobble stones taken from the basement, and which fits so well into the picture that it looks as if he had grown it there. Even the trees that grew there naturally seem to fit into the scheme of landscaping. When he started excavating for the cellar of this house he found so many beautiful cobble stones of such diverse colors that he decided to construct the house of them, and the effect is so absolutely in keeping with the ruggedness of the surrounding landscape, that all who chance to pass on the Calumet road toward Valders, marvel at its beauty. There are seven rooms and a bath in the house. The kitchen is finished in tile, and is one of the best equipped of its kind and leads directly into the dinnette, which in turn leads into the living room. One must sit in this room for a while and study it to really appreciated it. Along one side is a large fireplace built of cobble stones. To the left of this in a corner stands a grandfather clock, the works of which were brought to this country by his grandfather on his mother's side, Aren Asberg, in 1852. Mr. Swensen designed and built the case for the works, patterning it after the old Norwegian type of hall clock. Next tot eh fireplace stands an old spinning wheel which his mother brought over from Norway and which she used for many years. Music Came Natural Music came natural to Albert Swensen, being one of the direct descendants of Johann Svendsen, one of the foremost musicians of Norway in his day. His grandfather..... Mr. Swensen had his eyes on the piece of rough land not far from his homestead for many years before buying it. That deep ravine and stoney hills suited his idea of natural scenery, so in 1926 he purchased forty acres which included what his neighbors considered, some of the most worthless land in the community. It was while he was excavating for the cellar that he hit upon the idea of building the house of cobble stones. He had his own ideas of how he wanted the house and supervised the building of the house from the time it started until the last stone was in place. Among the stones dug up was one which took the shape of a skull of some antediluvian creature that is supposed to have roamed the country before the flood. This stone was used in construction of the fireplace upstairs as the central figure in the chimney above the firebox. Stones of many colors may be found in this fireplace, and each was selected by Mr. Swensen because it fitted into his particular idea of what it should look like when completed. Wild Game Reserve. There are ten pairs of Silver Foxes on the place, nearly every breed of rabbit known to the domestic world, purebread Angora cats, and a high egg producing strain of White Leghorn chickens known as the Tancret. He has a team of horses and three Jersey cattle. He has fenced off the ravine so that no stock can get to it, hoping, he says, to keep it in its wild state. A driveway laid up with stones leads to the basement of his house from the rear where he keeps his car. The landscaping has just begun about the place, he says, a nd plans to make new additions in the near future until he has it completed the way he wants it. (Note: no source, sent in by Bob Domagalski)