[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
A. MILL (August on co. mar. index) From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Of A. Mill & Company, grist and planing mill, Hika. Born Aug. 25, 1833, in Prussia. In 1861(sic) he came to Sheboygan County and settled on a farm. In 1854, removed to Manitowoc County, where his father bought a farm and built a saw mill. They continued there till 1867, when he came to Centerville, and he, with others, built this mill. Enlisted in 1864, Co. E, 45th Wis. I.; served to the end of the war. Has been Chairman of the Town; was the first Town Clerk and Justice of the Peace of Centerville. Married, in 1862, to Johanna Martins, of Mecklenburg, Germany. Have seven children, six sons and one daughter.
GOTTLIEB MILL From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Firm of A. Mill & Company, grist and planing mill, Hika. Born March 12, 1836, in Prussia. Came to Sheboygan County in 1851, and removed to Manitowoc County in 1854. Was engaged in farming and other pursuits. In 1867, he assisted in building this mill, which he has since been connected with. Married, in 1866, to Catharine Doersh, of Germany. They have five children, two sons and three daughters.
Lena Miller Bruno Miller
FRANK A. MILLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.660. Frank A. Miller, secretary of the Kneipp Malt Food Company, office and sales manager of The William Rahr Sons’ Company, and president of the board of education of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, was born in Two Rivers township, Manitowoc county, November 20, 1862, and is a son of Joseph L. and Barbara (Bauer) Miller, the former of Carlsbad, Austria, and the latter of Bavaria, Germany. Joseph Miller came to the United States in 1857 and was married in Manitowoc county to Barbara Bauer, who had come here during the same year with her parents, and during the first year of their married life they lived on a farm. Mr. Miller then entered the employ of Cooper & Jones, lumber merchants, but eventually moved to Manitowoc and conducted a hotel in this city until his retirement. He died March 1, 1910, while the death of his widow occurred May 12, 1912. They had a family of six children, of whom two are deceased. Frank A. Miller received his education in the public and high schools of Manitowoc, and for two years after leaving the latter was connected with the Wagner Hardware Company. He was then with 0. Torrison & Company for four years, when he received a government appointment as clerk at the Minnesota Indian Agency. He next became office manager for the J. Miller Shoe Company of Racine, Wisconsin, where he continued for five and one-half years, and in 1891 returned to Manitowoc and took charge of the office of The William Rahr Sons’ Company, succeeding the late Mr. Nielsen, the father-in-law of Mr. William Rahr, Sr. Mr. Miller has been identified with the business of The William Rahr Sons' Company during twenty years of its phenomenal growth and development to the largest individual malting plant in the world. He is also secretary of the Kneipp Malt Food Company. He has been prominent in educational work and has been president of the Manitowoc board of education ever since the adoption of the city system of schools. On November 4, 1886, Mr. Miller was married to Ida J. Bleser, at Detroit City, Minnesota, and they have had four children.
JOHN B. MILLER From the "History of the Great Lakes" vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield 1899 John B. Miller is an enthusiast in his line, marine engineering. When he was sixteen years old he began his mechanical life on Michigan Southern Railroad, afterward becoming a marine engineer. He was born February 16, 1844, at Philadelphia, Penn., and removed thence with his parents to Two Rivers, Mich., at the age of two years, receiving his education at the public schools of that place. His father, Isaac Miller, was a miller by trade and was born in Harrisburg, Penn. He died in Michigan in 1882. In 1861, Mr. Miller enlisted in the Civil war, going to the front with the Sixth Michigan Light Artillery, with which he continued throughout his term of service. He was through the Georgia campaigns, and afterward participated in the battle of Nashville. At the close of the war he was honorably discharged, and returning home reentered the employ of the Michigan Southern & Northern railroad. He continued in this employ until 1866, and then shipped on the tug U.S. Grant as fireman. Here he remained only a short time, going as fireman on the M. I. Mills and on the tug Sol S. Rumage as second engineer. After a short period of service on the tug Vulcan he joined the Kate Moffat, and there remained one season. The next two seasons he was engineer of the Iron City, and when she laid up at the close of the season of 1877 he went into the oil regions of Pennsylvania, and later spent three and a half years in St. Louis, Mo. Returning to the lakes, he shipped as engineer Torrence, City of Port Huron, Progress, John N. Glidden and John B. Lyons. Again he remained on shore for awhile in a responsible position, but on returning to the lakes became engineer on the Wilcox, Monteagle and finally, in 1890, on the C. B. Lockwood, of which he was chief engineer until the close of the season of 1897, working that winter in the machine shop of Teare & Thomas in Cleveland. In the spring of 1898 he fitted out the steamer Italia, but after two months accepted a position as engineer of the American Wire Company in Cleveland. On February 15, 1871, Mr. Miller was married to Miss Margaret Banghart, of Canada. On March 3, 1883, he chose for his second wife Mrs. Jennie Dowling. Socially he is a member of the Masonic order and of the knights of Macabees.
JOSEPH L. MILLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.168-169. Joseph L. Miller, deceased, who will be well remembered by the traveling public as the proprietor of the Miller Hotel, in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, of which he was the owner for eighteen years, was born in Carlsbad, Austria, and came from that country to the United States in 1853, locating first in Milwaukee. In that city he was employed as timekeeper for a railroad, and he later went in the same capacity to Racine and then to Two Rivers, where he continued until 1872. In that year he came to Manitowoc and engaged in the hotel business, continuing therein until 1890, when he retired. During the Civil war he was a member of a Wisconsin infantry regiment. Mr. Miller married Barbara Bauer, of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, whence she had come with her parents from Germany, when she was five years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Miller had a family of six children, of whom two died in infancy, those surviving being as follows: Frank A., who is manager for the William Rahr Sons Company, of Manitowoc; Mrs. Frank C. Krahn, a resident of Kaukauna, Wisconsin; Dr. J. V., who has been engaged in the practice of dentistry in Manitowoc since 1895 and is married and has two daughters; and Mrs. C. J. Robley, who resides in Milwaukee. ------------------- J.L. MILLER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 530 Proprietor Miller House, Manitowoc, was born Nov. 23, 1834 in Austria. He emigrated to America and located in Wisconsin in 1853. Engaged in farming until 1858; he then moved to Manitowoc County. Followed farming for about five years, then moved to Neshota, working in a saw-mill until 1873, when he came to Manitowoc, and opened this hotel. In 1860, he married Miss B. Bauer, of Kossuth, Manitowoc County. They have had six children, four of whom are still living, two sons and two daughters.
WILLIAM MILLER Manitouwoc [old spelling] County Herald September 6, 1851 Vol. 1 No. 41 2nd page Column 5 Sad accident. An accident occurred in the Steam Mill on Wednesday morning by which William Miller, a working and steady man, was badly scalded. He was in the act of discharging some water from the boiler by the blow cock, which from its great heat was forced out so rapidly as to scald him severely in the face. He was instandly rendered powerless from intense pain, in consequence of which the water was almost immediately discharged from the boiler. Fortunately Mr. Steward was on hand with sufficient force to extinguish the fire in time to prevent an explosion. -- Mr. Miller suffers much from his burn, but we hope and trust he may speedily recover.
Felix and Mary were married in Bromberg, Germany which is today part of Poland sometime in the mid 1860's. Mary's maiden name is Jarocka or I have also seen it spelled Jaroka. Felix and their son Max came to Manitowoc in 1883 to establish a carpentry business and then Maria came over in 1885 with the rest of the children. They lived at 1213 S. Main according to the 1899 directory on the Manitowoc website. Felix died in 1902 and Mary died in 1918, both are buried at Calvary Cemetery. They had nine children seven of whom were born in Bromberg including my great grandfather Paul. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page.) Felix Milski and his wife Maria (Jarocka) Milski
Leo Milski and his wife ca. 1896.
Leo Milski born January 6, 1876 Marriage date and wife's name is unknown Photo courtesy of Marie Wunderlich Robertson collection (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
Date of photo unknown Photos courtesy of Marie Wunderlich Robertson collection Sent in by researcher/see contributors page. "Max" Milski and Clara Kadow October 14, 1902
Left: Maxamillion Milski born December 22, 1872 Right: Frank Milski born September 9, 1867
Note: Paul Peter Milski born June 29, 1881 in Bromberg, Germany died September 22, 1958 in St. Paul Minnesota. Lived in Manitowoc from 1885 to 1902 and worked as a butcher Changed his last name to Milske after leaving Manitowoc when he settled in St. Paul, Minnesota in 1902. Photo dates to 1903 Photo courtesy of Florence Milske Hirn collection Sent in by researcher/see contributors page. Paul Milski
HENRY MIXA This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.223. Henry Mixa, who has been proprietor of The Two Rivers Plating Works since 1902, came to Two Rivers in 1882. He was born in Bohemia, July 4, 1874, a son of John and Mary Mixa. At an early age he came to this country with his father, who died in 1888 at the age of about forty years. Upon arriving in this country they settled in Kewaunee county, where the father is now buried. The mother is still living and resides with her son Henry. In the public schools of Two Rivers and subsequently in the Catholic schools Henry Mixa acquired his early education. Putting aside his text-books while he was still very young he started to earn his own livelihood, his first step being to learn the plating trade. After two years’ experience he started out independently on a very small scale, but as a result of his hard work and careful management he has built up a business which stands prominent among the successful plating works in Wisconsin. Patronage from all parts of the state is accorded him and his enterprise is looked upon as one of the foremost of its kind. In religious faith Mr. Mixa is a Roman Catholic. From this review of his life it will be seen that persistency of purpose and unremitting energy have been the strong factors in his success, and his cordiality of manner and integrity in business transactions have been strong factors in winning him patronage as well as assisting him to retain old customers. ******** $40,000 TWO RIVERS CO. INCORPORATED; STARTED IN KITCHEN OF HOME THERE FEW YRS. AGO Starting his business several years ago in the kitchen of his mother’s home, Henry Mixa, a Two Rivers man, has developed the Two Rivers Plating Works until today articles of incorporation were filed for a $40,000 company, retaining the name which Mr. Mixa has operated under for years. Incorporators of the company are Mr. Mixa, M.J. Gaffney, Emil Frenz and A. Schumulman of Two Rivers. The company has its own factory plant now and is extending its business. Mr. Mixa started the plating works at Two Rivers several years ago and steadily built up the business until he erected a plant and is now incorporating for further extensions. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Tuesday, March 13, 1917, Page 4
G.T. MOESKES From the Outagamie County Pioneer Record G.T. Moeskes was born January 18, 1846, near Fort Weasel, Prussia, village of Boeming; came to Manitowoc in 1860 and removed from there to Appleton in August 1868; married October 12, 1869 to Maria Kamps, born September 1, 1848 who came to Appleton in the spring of 1861. She died five years ago, leaving three children, Mrs. Kate Sacksteder, born in December 1872; Herman E. born in March 1876; Elizabeth C. born in June 1880. Mr. Moeskes' second wife was Elizabeth Peters of Manitowoc whom he married August 26, 1895. She was born June 6, 1844. Occupation: attorney-at-law. County judge at present. Residence: 926 8th Street, Appleton.
L.T. MOHRHUSEN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Saloon and restaurant, Manitowoc, was born, March 18, 1841, in Oldenburg, Germany. In 1849, he came with his parents to Ozaukee County. Attended school and worked on a farm until 1862, when he enlisted in Company C, 24th Wis. I., served to the end of the war and was mustered out as corporal. Returned to Ozaukee County, where he remained about six months, then removed to Manitowoc County, and opened a furniture store in company with his brother. Continued it about two years, when it was destroyed by fire. He then removed to Chilton, Calumet Co.; there opened a furniture store, which he continued five years. He then sold out to his brother and came to Two Rivers, and accepted a position as cabinet boss with the Two Rivers Manufacturing Company; held this position five years. In 1876, came to Manitowoc and started the undertaking business, which he continued fifteen months. Since then he has been engaged in his present business. Was married, Feb. 15, 1868, to Katharine Shriefer, of Germany. She died Aug. 5, 1881, aged thirty-two years. Have three sons.
LUEBBE T. MOHRHUSEN From the Lakeshore Times, 18 July 1882 Mohrhusen - Fischer Married: On Wednesday, July 12, 1882, at Manitowoc, Wis., by Emil Baensch, Justice of the Peace, Luebbe T. Mohrhusen, of Manitowoc, and Bertha Fischer, of Reedsville. The wedding was strictly private, being only attended by the relatives, and a few intimate friends of the parties. About a year and a half ago, Mr. Mohrhusen became a widower, and his three little boys, one of them a mere baby, became motherless. During the serious and fatal illness of his wife, Miss Bertha Fischer nursed her with an unselfish devotion. And when death claimed its victim, she remained as housekeeper and has ever been like a loving mother to the motherless children. Under such circumstances, the marriage just consummated, can not fail to bring to both parties the peaceful happiness of a complete home. Especially will this be the case with Mr. Mohrhusen, who seems fond of home life, and whose zeal for the proper education of his children is much to be commended. The many congratulations that have poured in on him ever since the important event, show that the well wishes (of) his many friends will accompany his future course in life.
GEORGE MONK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.278. George Monk, assessor of the town of Two Rivers, and one of the prominent agriculturists of his locality, is now the owner of the Old Monk homestead situated on section 12. Mr. Monk was born in Noble county, Indiana, December 26, 1870, and is a son of John and Mary (Feldon) Monk, natives of Germany who were married in Indiana, to which state John Monk had come as a young man in the '50s. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Monk came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and located in the town of Two Creeks, but later went back to Indiana, eventually returning to Manitowoc county in 1884, where they settled on a partly improved farm of forty acres on section 12. John Monk continued to cultivate and develop his land until his death in 1904, at the age of seventy-eight years, and his wife survived him until 1909, when she passed away at the age of seventy-seven years. They were the parents of five children, namely, John, Henry, Mary, Emma and George. George Monk received his education in district school No. 6 of the town of Two Rivers, and has always remained on the home farm, of which he is now the owner. He was married in 1890 to Miss Alvina Betzholtz, who was also born in the town of Two Rivers, and they have been the parents of five children, namely: William, Eddie, Irwin, Emma and George, of whom Eddie and George are deceased. Like his father, Mr. Monk is an ardent democrat, and his popularity has been evidenced by his election to various positions of honor and trust, and he is now serving Two Rivers as assessor. He is known as a good, practical farmer, an official of ability and an excellent citizen, and as such has the confidence and esteem of his fellow townsmen.
MONKA BROTHERS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.239-240. Prominent among the fishing concerns of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, may be mentioned that of the Monka brothers, John L. and Frank Monka, who have spent their lives in farming and fishing and have met with success both on the water and the land. John L. Monka was born July 14, 1867 in Newton township, Manitowoc county, and Frank on April 10, 1871, in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and they are sons of Francis and Antonie (Pergka) Monka, whose other children were: Josephine, Mary, Alexandria, Annie, Barbara, Joseph and Julius, all of whom are living. Francis Monka was born in Germany, and after serving the customary three years in the German army, he came to the United States in 1867, and settled in Newton township, Manitowoc county, where he worked as a farm hand for some time. He then purchased eighty acres of wild land, which he cleared and improved, later adding eighty acres which his sons helped to improve and bring under cultivation, and he continued to engage in agricultural pursuits during the remainder of his life, his death occurring March 10, 1911, when he was seventy-one years old, his wife having passed away in 1896, when she was in her fifty-fourth year. Mr. Monka was a well known and highly esteemed citizen of his section, and was particularly well known in church circles, being a great worker in behalf of the church. The boyhood of the Monka brothers was spent on their father’s farm, their education being secured in the district schools when they could be spared from the home place, but eventually they turned their attention to fishing, and this has been their chief occupation. John L. has been prominent in political circles, serving as alderman of the first ward for three terms. He is also a devout member of the Catholic church. He was married January 28, 1895, to Miss Mary Allie, and they have had four children, born as follows: Carrie, December 20, 1896; Zita, January 27, 1901; Jerome, March 20, 1903, and Hortancy, born September 14, 1911. Frank was married June 21, 1898, to Miss Agnes Kotzrowski, who was born in Manitowoc county, daughter of George Kotzrowski, a farmer of Two Rivers township, and the children born to this union are as follows: Catherine, April 26, 1899; Clements, August 12, 1900; Helen, June 26, 1902; Theresa, January 18, 1904; Albert, August 10, 1908; Zanon, January 15, 1909; and Leona, October 28, 1911, who passed away April 24, 1912.
WILLIAM MORGAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.354-355. William Morgan, one of the prosperous farmers of the town of Cato, Manitowoc county, owning one hundred and seventy acres of well cultivated land on sections 21, 22 and 32, was born in Port Colburn, Canada, May 26, 1852. a son of David and Jane (Campbell) Morgan, the former a native of Chatham Barracks, and the latter of Ireland. Mr. Morgan’s parents were married in Canada, and came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, May 11, 1853, buying forty acres of wild land in the town of Cato, where they erected a log shanty and started to carry on agricultural pursuits. At the end of fourteen years the father sold this land and purchased eighty acres of land on section 15, town of Cato, on which was a small clearing, and here he spent the remainder of his life, dying October 12, 1903, at the age of seventy-nine years, while his wife passed away December 18, 1896, at the age of sixty-nine, and both are buried in the Clarks Mills cemetery. From 1854 to the time of his death, David Morgan was a republican, and he took an active interest in public matters, although he never aspired to political office. He was a great friend of education, and served for many years as a member of the school board, and his wife taught the first school held in the town of Cato in 1854 and for a number of years was a teacher in what is now known as district No. 3, Cato. Eight children were born to these early settlers, as follows: William; John T., of Wausau, who is married and has three children; George, of Portage county, who is married and has eight children; Jennie, who married C. W. Sweeting, of Manitowoc, and has two children; David, who is married and lives on the homestead with his sister, Emma E., who was the seventh in order of birth and is single; Carl, who died in infancy; and Frank E., who is married and living in Wausau, the father of one child. William Morgan received his education in the schools of the town of Cato, and on December 27, 1886, was married to Miss Annie Kraynik, who was born November 28, 1867, the third of a family of four children born to Wenzel and Mary (Wilda) Kraynik, natives of Bohemia. The parents came to America in childhood and were married in Manitowoc county. Mr. Kraynik died here June 1, 1876, at the age of thirty-eight years, and his wife December 31, 1908, aged sixty-seven years, and both were buried in Evergreen cemetery, Manitowoc. Mrs. Morgan was the third of the four children born to her mother’s first marriage. Mr. and Mrs. Morgan have two children: Elton W., a graduate of the Manitowoc North Side high school, class of 1906, single and residing at home; and Harold C., who was graduated from the same school in 1909, also at home. Mr. Morgan has one hundred and fifty acres under cultivation, all fenced with barbed and woven wire, and does general farming and stock-raising and markets dairy products, hogs, hay, grain and potatoes. He milks fifteen cows on an average, having full-blooded Guernseys and some graded cattle. His hogs are crossed Poland China and Chester White, and he breeds to Percheron horses. His two story frame residence, which was built before he located here, has been remodeled by him a number of times, and now consists of twelve rooms. Three barns, thirty-six by fifty-six feet, thirty-two by forty-two feet and twenty- four by forty-two feet, were built before his arrival. The water supply is secured from springs, of which there are several on the farm, and he also has a drilled well to furnish water for household use. He moved to this farm shortly after his marriage, having purchased a part of it previous to that time and other portions of it since. Mr. Morgan is also the owner of two hundred and eighty-seven acres in the town of Texas, Marathon county, where he has seventy acres under improvement, upon which all the buildings and improvements except the fences had been made before he purchased it. It is now occupied by a renter. Mr. Morgan is a popular member of the Odd Fellows being connected with Manitowoc Lodge No. 55. In politics he is a republican and was for twenty- five years a member of the county central committee. He has served on the town board for three years and for more than thirty-five years has been a member of the school board. In 1900 and again in 1910 he took the census for the township of Cato. Mr. Morgan holds the full confidence and esteem of his neighbors, and what he is able to do among them in the way of influencing public opinion in the right direction, he feels to be his duty.
Mr. and Mrs. David Morgan
EDWARD J. MORRIS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.551-552. The docks of Manitowoc give impetus to the commercial and industrial activities of the city, and each successful company is a factor in the growth of Manitowoc. He whose name introduces this review is connected with one of the profitable concerns of this city, being superintendent of the Manitowoc Dry Dock Company, a position which he has held since 1905. He was born in Dover, England, on the 15th of April, 1871, and is a son of John and Dora (Dempsey) Morris, the father of English and the mother of Irish birth. The father came to America in 1882 after resigning from the British army of which he was an officer in the commissary department. Immediately upon his arrival in America he engaged in the meat market business. Both Mr. and Mrs. Morris are buried at Buffalo, New York. In the public schools of Buffalo Edward J. Morris acquired his education and subsequently took a course in the Scranton Correspondence school but completed his technical education at the University of Wisconsin. After engaging actively in his profession as engineer he was assistant general superintendent for the Chicago Shipbuilding Company for four years and nine years foreman for same, and for four years served in the same capacity for the Buffalo Dry Dock Company. On the 1st of November, 1905, Mr. Morris came to Manitowoc and was made superintendent of construction for the Manitowoc Dry Dock Company. His advancement has followed as the logical sequence of his constantly expanding powers, and his energy is one of the forceful factors in the success of this company. Mr. Morris was married in Chicago, August, 1894, to Miss Annie M. Hartz, a daughter of Michael and Susan Hartz, agriculturists residing at Ross, Indiana. To Mr. and Mrs. Morris two children have been born, Cecilia T. and Edward R., both of whom are attending Sacred Heart school. The family reside at 1612 Clark street. In politics Mr. Morris casts his vote for the man or measure rather than according to party dictates, but as a general rule the policies of the republican party, when faithfully carried out, appeal to him. He was one of the most enthusiastic promoters of the Boys’ Athletic Club of Manitowoc, is serving a chairman and director of the athletic board and also gives some of his time to instructing the boys in manual arts. His success is meritorious, and his energy perseverence and strong character well fit him for the profession he has chosen and so successfully conducted.
HUGH MORRISON From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 10, 1884: Hugh Morrison heard of a tramp who was marching around the streets on Sunday pointing a pistol at children. Hugh ran him down after a few hours search. He was a young, stout fellow and seemed to be in the business of gathering cigar stubs as his pockets were filled with them.
CORNELIUS W. MORSE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.140-141. At the age of seventy-eight years Cornelius W. Morse is living retired in Manitowoc, where for many years he has been regarded as a valued representative and honored citizen. For a long period he conducted a general contracting business and at the same time was actively engaged in agricultural pursuits. His life has indeed been a busy and useful one and his history is well worthy of consideration, indicating what may be accomplished when one has perseverance and energy. He was born in Burlington, Vermont, July 30, 1833, the son of James and Catherine (Hutchins) Morse, who were also natives of the Green Mountain state, where they spent their entire lives, the father engaging in business there as a contractor and builder. Cornelius W. Morse was about thirty-two years of age when he left New England for the middle west. He had pursued his education in the public schools of his native state and had followed a general course of study by a course in law, reading under the direction of Senator Edmunds, of Burlington, Vermont. In 1860 he was admitted to the bar. His legal knowledge rested upon the broad foundation of the classical education which he had pursued in the University of Vermont, from which he was graduated in 1858. He entered upon the practice of law in his native state but following the outbreak of the Civil war put aside all business, professional and personal considerations in order to espouse the cause of the Union. He raised a company of infantry but before they were mustered into service he was taken ill and another was elected captain. In August, 1861, he joined the army as a member of Company A. First Vermont Cavalry, as a private and served until November, 1864. He participated in all the engagements in the Shenandoah valley with General Banks and also served under General Pope, General Hooker and General Meade. His regiment was under the command of Colonel Jonas P. Holladay, at whose death Colonel Charles H. Tompkins, of the United States army, took command. Mr. Morse participated in the battle of the Wilderness, in the sanguinary conflict at Gettysburg, and in the engagement at Cedar Creek. On the 16th of July, 1862, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant and served with that rank until the close of his enlistment. He then returned home, where he remained all winter, suffering with the fever and ague as the result of his arduous military experience. The next summer, or in 1865, he came west to visit his sister, Mrs. H. Truman, who was then residing in Manitowoc. Here he embarked in business as a flour manufacturer, in connection with Mr. Truman, and afterward extended his efforts into other fields of business. He began railroad grading and following the construction of the line, was appointed the first station agent at Manitowoc, which position he filled for two years. He later became bookkeeper for J. Vilas & Company, with whom he remained for two years or more, when he became assistant foreman at the harbor, acting in that capacity during the construction of the harbor. Subsequently he began contracting in street building, in gravel work, etc., and did much for the improvement of the city as a street contractor. While thus identified with general contracting interests through a long period, he also engaged throughout the entire time in farming. When he began working on the harbor he purchased a tract of wild and undeveloped land, which he cleared and converted into a good farm. His property, comprising one hundred acres, was near Manitowoc Rapids and he superintended its cultivation and development while engaged in the conduct of various other business interests. At the present time, however, he is now living retired. Old age has come upon him and he deserves his well earned rest. He is still a well preserved man and in spirit and interests seems yet in his prime, for through reading and observation he keeps in close touch with the world’s work and present-day events of importance. In 1866, in Manitowoc, Mr. Morse was united in marriage to Miss Cornelia W. Vilas, a native of Ogdensburg, New York, and a cousin of Senator Vilas. Her father was Joseph Vilas, a farmer, who came from the east to establish his home in Wisconsin at an early period in the development of this region. Mr. and Mrs. Morse have become the parents of three children: Norman V., now living in Chicago; and Bowen B. and Helen V., both at home. Mr. Morse is a public-spirited citizen, interested in all that pertains to the general welfare. His political allegiance was given to the democratic party until Bryan came to the front as its leader, since which time he has cast an independent ballot. He has long been a faithful member of the Episcopal church and his life has been an upright and honorable one, winning for him the high regard and confidence of his fellowmen. For forty-seven years he has lived in Manitowoc and is well known as one of its representative citizens, his influence being always given on the side of progress, reform, justice and righteousness.
NORMAN B. MORSE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.98-99. For many years Norman B. Morse was a leading factor in the business circles of Manitowoc, where he became widely known as a dealer in hay, coal, flour and produce, making extensive shipments to various points. His enterprise and reliability in business were the salient features of success, bringing him at length to a prominent position in trade circles. He was born in Burlington, Vermont, in 1831, a son of James and Catherine (Hutchins) Morse, who were also natives of the Green Mountain state, where they spent their entire lives, the father conducting business there as a contractor and builder. The common schools of New England afforded Norman B. Morse his educational privileges. Thinking to have better opportunities in the growing west he came to this section of the country as a young man, Manitowoc being his destination. Here he embarked in business as a dealer in hay, flour and coal, becoming a partner in the firm of Truman & Morse. In that connection they developed an extensive produce business, handling a large amount of produce, which they shipped to various points along the lakes. In that business Mr. Morse continued until his death and was one of the oldest and best known representatives of that line of activity along Lake Michigan. He was resolute and energetic, and capable management and honorable dealing won him substantial returns. In addition to his commercial interests he cleared a farm in Manitowoc township, which was the property of his wife, and made all of the improvements thereon. Mr. Morse was united in marriage to Mrs. Laura Jones, a daughter of Hiram H. and Almira (Boardman) Champlain, both of whom were natives of Vermont. It is thought that Lake Champlain was so named in honor of ancestors of the family. In the year 1843 Hiram H. Champlain came west to Manitowoc and cast in his lot with the early settlers here. Unto him and his wife were born five children, Mrs. Perry P. Smith, Mary Jane, Mrs. Murphy, Hiram H. and Mrs. Morse. Unto Mr. and Mrs Morse has been born one child, J. W., who is now living on the farm in this county. At the time of the Civil war Mr. Morse stanchly advocated the Union cause and gave valuable and needed assistance to the families of many of the soldiers who were at the front. He always voted with the democratic party, for he was a firm believer in its principles. His religious faith was that of the Episcopal church and its teachings guided him in all the relations of his life, making him an honorable, upright man, who at all times commanded the respect and confidence of those with whom he came in contact.
FRANK MOSELER From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 Our thanks are due to Mr. Franz Moseler for a bottle of fine wine of his own vintage. Franz is an expert at making wine, having been reared in a wine country. We are as grateful to Franz for the wine as he is to John Schroeder for a hunk of venison which bore double evidence of John's superior marksmanship and that the deer had not died a natural death.
JOHN MOSELER Obituary for Nicolas sent in by the same researcher. Obituary of Nicholas L. Moseler - 1942 Nicholas J. Moseler, 64, janitor at the Nester school, was found dead in the basement of the school at 10:45 Sunday morning. He left his home at 146 Fisher Street, Saturday evening and was seen entering the building at 8. When he did not return home his wife became anxious and walked to the school, where she found his body. Death was caused by a heart attack. Born in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, March 20, 1879, he had been a resident of Marquette 34 years. He formerly was janitor of the Elks temple and managed the Elks bowling alleys for eight years. During the last five years he was janitor of the Nester school only. He leaves his wife, Ella (nee Lawrence), a son, Claude, Marquette, a daughter, Mrs. William Barry, Marquette, a brother, Louis, Ontonagon, two sisters, Mrs. Marie Cordts and Mrs. Tina Jerabek, both of Two Rivers, Wisconsin and five grandchildren. The body was taken to the Fassbender Funeral Home where it will remain until the time of the funeral.
LOUIS MOSELER Sent in by a researcher, see contributors page. The Ontonagon Herald, Ontonagon, Michigan, Saturday, January 4, 1947 LOUIS MOSELER DIES SUDDENLY MONDAY Louis Moseler age 71 years died suddenly on Monday evening at ten o'clock from a stroke. He was born Jan 23, 1876 in Two Rivers, Wisconsin. He came here with his family in 1936 when the Lake Superior Lumber Corporation came here and has been employed by the company until last October when he retired. High Mass was held at the Holy Family Catholic Church on Thursday morning, Rev. Owen J. Bennett officiating and the body was taken to Mellen, Wisconsin for burial. The funeral was under direction of the Driscoll Funeral Home. Mr. Moseler leaves his wife, Nettie Duranso Moseler and seven children, Robert, George, Dorothy, Julia, Lois, and Marie. The family has the sympathy of all in their bereavement. Note: Louis Moseler was the son of John and Caroline (Albrecht) Moseler, who raised their family in Two Rivers, Wis. circa 1865 - 1900's.
Louis Anton Moseler and Nettie Duranso, 21 May 1907
Paul and Mary Moser on their anniversary
A family researcher sent me the following. Contact information can be found on the contributors page)
THE MOSHERS OF MANITOWOC The Mosher family maintained a presence in the Manitowoc area for over 100 years. Alpheus Mosher and Susan Willis Mosher were in Manitowoc by 1860. Their sons Andrew, Warren, and Alfred were in the Civil War; Warren died in Kentucky in 1862. Their son Almond settled in Langlade County, Wisconsin. Their son Charles L. Mosher married, 10 Feb. 1883, in Manitowoc, Ann E. Fulton, daughter of Albert and Elizabeth (Johnson) Fulton of Manitowoc. Myrtle Mosher, the daughter of Charles and Ann, never married and lived in Manitowoc to the age of 100 years. The following family information is excerpted from Mildred (Mosher) Chamberlain and Laura (McGaffey) Clarenbach, Descendants of Hugh Mosher and Rebecca Maxson through Seven Generations, Revised Edition (1990). ALPHEUS ADAM MOSHER (Nicholas, Wilcox, Nicholas, Nicholas, Hugh), b. Hoosick NY ca. 1808; d. Manitowoc WI after 1860. He m. SUSAN WILLIS, b. NY ca. 1808-9 of Pennsylvania ancestry; d. Manitowoc. They were in Sandy Creek, Oswego Co. NY 1830, Bennington VT 1838-42, RI 1848, Bennington 1850-52, Manitowoc 1860. Children: i ANDREW b. ca. 1826. ii ALMOND b. ca. 1831; d. Antigo, Langlade Co. WI 7 Dec. 1890. iii ALBERT b. ca. 1832. iv ALFRED b. 20 March 1834. (See entry below.) v WARREN b. Sandy Creek, Oswego Co. NY ca. 1836, d. Perrysville KY 8 Oct. 1862, corp. in Co. K 21 Regt. WI. vi CHARLES b. 31 July 1838 NY; d. Antigo, Langlade Co. WI after 1895. vii SUSAN b. ca. 1840. viii ANNA JANE b. RI 14 Dec. 1848; m. as 2d wife 27 Nov. 1867 ISAAC O. NOBLE, b. Westfield MA 2 April 1823. Children (NOBLE): FREDERICK b. 21 Feb. 1869; CORA LORETTA b. 28 March 1870; LYMAN ARZA b. 13 Dec. 1872; FANNY MAY b. 10 May 1874; FRANK MILLER b. 2 Oct. 1875. ix LYMOND b. VT ca. 1852; d. ae 16y. x LOUISE MATILDA d.y. References: Hist. And Biog. North Dakota 1036. Phelps Gen. 1509 (Anna Jane). Censuses: Sandy Creek NY 1840; Bennington VT 1840, 1850; Manitowoc WI 1860. Dorothy Mosher Benishek, desc. Charles. ALFRED MOSHER (Alpheus Adam, Nicholas, Wilcox, Nicholas, Nicholas, Hugh), b. Hoosick, Rensselaer Co. NY 120 March 1834; d. Minneapolis MN 10 Nov. 1920. He m. Bennington, Bennington Co. VT 22 Oct. 1854 PERSIS PARKER, daughter of Thomas and Fannie (Haines), b. VT ca. 1836. They went to Granville, Putnam Co. IL 1855, and Manitowoc WI 1865. From there he served in Co. G 30 WI Vol. Inf. And also Co. B 16 WI Vol. Inf. He returned to Manitowoc and lived there to 1880, when he settled in Wheatland, Cass Co. ND. In 1888 he moved to Erie, Cass Co. He was a master carpenter. Of his twelve children, four seem to have d.y., and two others before 1898. Children of Alfred Mosher: i CHARLES L. b. IL 1859; d. Manitowoc Rapids WI 22 Aug. 1866; m. as residen of Wheatland Dakota 10 Feb. 1883 in Manitowoc WI ANN E. FULTON, daughter of Albert and Elizabeth (Johnson). ii HATTIE MAY b. IL 13 Oct. 1860; m. E. J. STOWERS; was living St. Paul MN 1907. Gertrude B. Stowers there probably a daughter. iii WARREN E. b. 29 May 1862; living 1900. iv LILLIE LUELLA b. WI 10 Oct. 1866; m. ____ NUTTING; living 1900. v LIBBIE b. WI ca. 1870; d. before 1898; m. Langlade Co. WI 18 Nov. 1886 PHILIP MALONY, son of Mike and Bridget. vi ARTHUR A. b. WI 7 Oct. 1872; living 1900. vii EDGAR L. b. WI 18 July 1874; living 1900. viii HENRY HARRY b. WI 28 Sept. 1876; living 1900. References: Alfred Mosher Civil War Pension papers cert. 998309. Comp. Of Hist. & Biog. Of ND (1900) 1036. Census Granville, Putnam Co. IL 1860, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Co. WI 1870, 1880. Manitowoc Co. WI Marriages 3:169. Langlade Co. WI Marriages 1:33.JOSEPH MRSKOSH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.561-562. Joseph Mrskosh, the genial proprietor of the Range Line House, a house well known to the traveling public of the town of Two Rivers, is one of this locality’s public-spirited citizens and enterprising business men. He was born in German Bohemia, February 22, 1854, a son of Frank and Antonia Mrskosh. In 1866 Frank Mrskosh, with his wife and two children, Joseph and Mary, came to the United States on a sailing vessel that took twenty-four days to make the journey, and arrived in this country with thirty dollars in his pocket. The family stopped at Milwaukee until the father could earn enough money at bridge-tending for them to proceed to Manitowoc county. Locating at Cooperstown, the father followed his trade of cooper and purchased twenty acres of land, and occupied his time at his trade and in cultivating grain upon such portions of his land as were cleared from stumps. He continued to be thus engaged until he met an accidental death in 1870 on the plank road running from Manitowoc. His widow survived him a number of years and died at the age of seventy-eight. After his father’s death Joseph Mrskosh remained at Cooperstown on the home place until his marriage to Mary Vodvaska, a daughter of an old settler, and they purchased a farm of one hundred and twenty acres in Cooperstown, which Mr. Mrskosh operated for twelve years. At this time he came to his present property, situated on section 18, town of Two Rivers, on the Range Line, where he owns five acres and a brick tavern. He has made many improvements on the property and built a number of additions to the hotel, and has added thirty acres to his property, on which he is engaged in farming. He has a splendid location for his hostelry, where he has built up a large and steady patronage. Mr. Mrskosh is a good business man, and his success is due to this as well as to his kindly personality which has won him numerous friends in this part of the township. Mr. and Mrs. Mrskosh have had seven children, Anna, Mary, Emma, Francis, Stella, Edward and Joseph. The family has always been connected with the Catholic church, and Mr. Mrskosh's father was instrumental in establishing a number of the early churches here.
BRUNO MUELLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.17-18. Bruno Mueller, city treasurer of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, has been identified with the business and civic interests of the city for the past quarter of a century, and belongs to one of the county’s old and honored families. He was born in Mishicot township, Manitowoc county, November 7, 1849, and is a son of Henry and Minnie (Heberlein) Mueller, natives of Germany who were married in Milwaukee, whence the former had come alone and the latter with her parents. In 1846 the family came to Manitowoc county, Henry Mueller securing a tract of wild land in Mishicot township, which he cleared from the wilderness and developed into an excellent farm, and he spent his life there being engaged in agricultural pursuits and participating actively in public matters, holding various township offices. He died December 30, 1882, his widow surviving him until 1905, and they had a family of whom three died in infancy, and six of whom are now living. Bruno Mueller received a common-school education, and was reared to the life of an agriculturist, remaining on the home farm until 1885, at which time he sold his farming interests and came to Mishicot village, where he entered the furniture business. He had been a justice of the peace for twelve years, township clerk for six years and chairman of the township board for a like period, and in 1898 he was elected register of deeds, an office which he also held for six years. In 1909 he was elected to the office of city treasurer, and in 1911 was again the choice of his fellow citizens for that important position, in which he is now very acceptably serving. On November 17, 1877, Mr. Mueller was united in marriage with Miss Minnie Vogt, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, daughter of Anton Vogt, an early settler of this county, and three children were born to this union, as follows: Henry, who is engaged in the abstract business at Tacoma, Washington; Mrs. Amanda Larson, who resides in Chicago; and Edgar, whose home is in Spokane, Washington. Mr. Mueller is a member of the National Fraternal League, and the United Commercial Travelers.
FRED P. MUELLER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Deputy Register of Deeds, Manitowoc, is a native of Canada, born in 1849. Came to Ozaukee Co., Wis., with his parents in 1850. Removed to Detroit, Mich., in 1867, where he taught school two years. In 1869, he went to Lockport, N. Y., where he clerked in a store, afterward taught school about two years. Then removed to Buffalo, N. Y., attended Bryant and Stratton's Commercial College six months. He then went to New York City, where he held the position of book-keeper in a wholesale drug house about seven years. In 1876, came to Manitowoc. February 1877, he was appointed to his present position, which he has since filled with marked ability.
GUSTAV MUELLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.200-203. Gustav Mueller will ever he remembered as a worker in the interests of his fellowmen. His acquaintance was an extremely wide one and all who knew him recognized his sterling rectitude of character, his fidelity to high ideals and the practical utility of his service as a factor for good. He was born in Vansburg, Prussia, Germany, January 11, 1846, and was one of a family of eleven children. His father was Frederick Mueller, a cabinet-maker by trade, who on crossing the Atlantic, established his home in Manitowoc county and was long a respected and worthy citizen here. Gustav Mueller spent the first twenty-two years of his life in his native land, during which period he acquired a fair education. As his knowledge concerning America and its opportunities increased, he became imbued with a desire to try his fortune on this side the Atlantic and at length bidding adieu to friends and fatherland, he sailed for the new world. He did not tarry on the Atlantic coast but made his way at once to Reedsville, in Manitowoc county, where he worked as cabinet-maker and carpenter for several years, afterward establishing a store for the sale of furniture and farm implements. He soon won the respect of the people as an upright and progressive business man and was not long in gaining a good trade. He was found to be reliable, enterprising and progressive, and these qualities made him a good citizen as well as a successful merchant. His fellow townsmen, appreciative of his worth and ability, called him to public office and he served from 1870 until 1884 on the board of supervisors from Reedsville. He did much to promote the interests of the county in that connection, discharging every official duty with promptness and fidelity and exercising his official prerogatives always on the side of improvement. He continued as a merchant of Reedsville until January, 1885, when he disposed of his store there and removed with his family to Manitowoc to accept the superintendency of the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum, which position he filled with credit and ability until March, 1897. Five years before his retirement from that office he became interested in the Schreihart Brewing Company, and in 1897 he was elected secretary and treasurer of the company, which position he filled until his death. He did not allow business interests, however, to interfere with the faithful performance of public duties that devolved upon him from time to time, nor did he allow the latter to interfere with the capable management of his manufacturing interests. He found time for both and proved loyal to each. For two terms he served as alderman of the seventh ward, remaining in office from 1895 until 1897, when he declined a reelection. Some years afterward, however, his friends prevailed upon him to again represent them in the city council and he was elected without opposition in 1902, so that he was an incumbent in office at the time of his death, which occurred on the 10th of October of that year. In 1870 Mr. Mueller was united in marriage in Reedsville to Miss Pauline Draheim, a daughter of John D. Draheim, who came from Germany in 1854. He lived in Eaton and at Reedsville and devoted his life to both farming and blacksmithing. He died in 1903, while his wife, who bore the maiden name of Eva Zutz, passed away in 1910. They were the parents of five children, all of whom are yet living. The family lived at what was known at one time as Indian Camp and on their farm was a cedar swamp. In the winter after crops were harvested they made shingles by hand and sold them. Their first home was a log cabin and they cleared up the land and in time developed a fine farm. Mr. and Mrs. Draheim lived to celebrate their golden wedding in 1895. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Mueller were born twelve children: Pauline, Mrs. Anna Wolff, Mrs. Clara Schmitz, Mrs. Louise Huwatschek and Mrs. Emma Nespor, all of Manitowoc; Fred, who is a druggist of Berkeley, California; Edward, who is practicing medicine and lives at 3401 Southport avenue, Chicago, Illinois; Charles, who was a member of the United States navy and is now employed as a mail clerk on the Chicago & Alton Railroad, residing in Joliet, Illinois; Henry, who is employed as a surveyor and lives at Portland, Oregon; and three children who have passed away. Mr. Mueller was a member of the Masonic lodge, of the Sons of Herman and of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He was one of the best known men in the city and county and had a circle of friends almost coextensive with the circle of his acquaintance. He possessed the social qualities and genial nature which everywhere win friendship and regard and he also possessed business ability which brought him into prominent relations with the manufacturing interests of the district and gained for him a substantial success that enabled him to leave his family in comfortable financial circumstances.
Gustav Mueller Mrs. Gustav Mueller
OTTO HENRY MUELLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.269-270. Otto Henry Mueller, general farmer and dairyman of the town of Kossuth, who is engaged in operating a fine tract of one hundred and twenty acres of land, was born on the old Mueller homestead farm in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, June 17, 1862, and is a son of August and Henrietta (Oestreich) Mueller, natives of Posen, Germany. The family was founded in the United States in 1861, in which year the father purchased sixty acres of wild land in the town of Kossuth, and later added a tract of forty acres. He and his wife spent the remainder of their lives here, and died on the home place, firm in the faith of the Lutheran church. Mr. Mueller was a republican, but never aspired to public office. He and Mrs. Mueller had ten children, as follows: Frank and August, farmers in Door county; Otto Henry; William, who farms in Door county; Herman, residing in Manitowoc; Matilda, who married Joseph Meyer; Henrietta, deceased; Alvin, of Forestville, Wisconsin; Augusta, the wife of Charles Maxfeldt, of Manitowoc; and Bertha, who is single. Otto H. Mueller’s education advantages were somewhat limited in his youth, but he made the most of his opportunities, attending school whenever he could he spared from the home farm. He lived on the homestead until he was twenty-five years of age, and one year later was married to Miss May Foerster, after which for six years they resided in Door county, Wisconsin. Mr. Mueller then purchased the old homestead, which he operated until 1903, when he bought another farm. Ten years ago he came to his present fine farm of one hundred and twenty acres, known as the old Puls place, forty acres of which is the Foerster homestead. He has carried on general farming and dairying, making many improvements on his property and enjoying unqualified success. He has devoted his entire time to his farm and has never found an opportunity to engage actively in politics, although he is a stanch Republican. He and his wife are members of the Lutheran church. They have two children: August, at home, who attended the home schools until seventeen years of age and then spent two terms in the agricultural department of the State University at Madison; and Olive, a graduate of the home schools, who is now attending business college in Manitowoc.
PHILIP ARTHUR MUELLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.269-270. Philip Arthur Mueller, whose business activities bring him into contact with a number of the leading men not only in Kiel, but from all over the country, is proprietor of the Kiel Hotel. He was born in Millhome, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, June 9, 1875, and is a son of John C. and Lena (Fluhr) Mueller. John C. Mueller was a German by birth, who came to the United States in 1848, and settled in Rhine, Sheboygan county, this state. Until 1875, he farmed in the vicinity of his first location, then moved to Millhome and came to Kiel in 1883. His worth was recognized by his appointment as deputy sheriff and he discharged the duties of that office for fourteen years. For six years, he was a member of the village board and was instrumental in securing some much needed improvements. While residing in Kiel, he conducted a hotel, which he opened under the name of the Kiel hotel, conducting it until his death, January 22, 1909. During this period he made his hostelry a well known and popular one with the traveling public, and his son and successor is maintaining the same standard of excellence. After coming to Kiel, he was elected supervisor of the village and served four years. Philip Arthur Mueller was given such educational advantages as were offered by the Kiel public schools and a year’s course at the Manitowoc Business College, and profited by them. For two years following his leaving school, he was with his brother-in-law in a grocery store at Oak Park, but in 1898, returned to Kiel. Here he found plenty of opportunity for work in his father’s hotel, and when the latter died, he took charge. The hotel is a thoroughly modern one with a first-class buffet attached, and the requirements of guests are carefully looked after. On June 3, 1897, Mr. Mueller was married to Mary Mauerer, of Russell, isconsin. She is a daughter of Conrad and Mary (Buchanan) Mauer natives of Germany and Germantown, Wisconsin, respectively. The father enlisted as a private in a Wisconsin regiment for service in the Civil war. He was a farmer, and was elected supervisor before his death, which occurred when he was only thirty-seven years old. His wife died at the age of thirty six years. Mr. Mueller belongs to a singing society and was a member of the original Kiel Juvenile Band. His fitness for his present business is shown by the increasing popularity of his house, and he takes a pride in keeping up to old standard of excellence for which it has always been noted.
RICHARD E. MUELLER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 Richard E. Mueller, Two Rivers brewery, was born Jan. 29, 1839, in Saxony, Germany. In 1847, he came to this place with his parents; in 1848, his father built this brewery and continued the business until his death, which occurred in 1871, aged sixty-three years. He then succeeded his father in the business. He has been Alderman and County Supervisor. In 1867, he married Miss Katherine Hobzkneight, who is a native of Bavaria. They have three children. ---------------------- From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Two Rivers, Tuesday, May 24, 1892: Silver Wedding - Twenty-five years ago last Friday on the 20th of May 1867, Mr. and Mrs. R.E. Mueller of this city were united in marriage at Manitowoc by the late Frederick Borchardt Esq. The wedding at that time was a quiet affair, befitting the modest circumstances and tastes of the happy couple, but it was a most blissful and fortunate alliance, for the years that have passed since then have brought them only content and happiness and each anniversary has confirmed the love that resulted in their union. So tranquil and joyful has been their life - so free from disturbing cares and wearying anxieties that after the elapse of a quarter of a century the roses still bloom in the cheeks of the bride and scarcely a trace of the years that have flown can be found in the genial face of the groom. They have been prosperous as well as gladsome years, and on the twenty-fifth anniversary of their wedding they resolved to fittingly celebrate the day with a few friends, and a most delightful time it was for all present, for Mr. Mueller is a most gracious host and his affable lady is quite charming in the character of hostess. At a little before 9 o'clock, after all the guests were gathered, the amiable couple appeared in the west parlor of their handsome home escorted by their two stalwart sons and followed by their daughter, a pleasant little miss just entering her teens, and to the strains of Mendelsohn's wedding march played on the piano in the east parlor, they marched to an embowered bay window where Rev. Father Geissler awaited them and who, in an improvised and appropriate manner, had them plight afresh their faith and affection. After a round of congratulations and a short session of social intercourse, the entire company marched to the dining room, where a most royal banquet awaited them. The feasting lasted nearly two hours and after it was over there were music and dancing until a late hour. Many tokens of remembrance and esteem were received from their friends, both present and absent, and during the evening they were serenaded by the Union Cornet Band. The Chronicle trusts and desires that the happy couple may live to celebrate their golden wedding under as auspicious circumstances and surrounded by as many loving friends as was their silver wedding celebrated.
WILLIAM MUELLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.269-270. William Mueller, a successful business man of Mishicot, Wisconsin, where he has been engaged in the furniture and undertaking business for the past thirteen years, was born August 31, 1852, two miles east of the village of Mishicot, in Manitowoc county, a son of Henry and Minnie (Heberlein) Mueller, the former a native of Prussia and the latter of Saxony, Germany. Mr. Mueller’s parents were married in Milwaukee, whence Mr. Mueller had come in 1844 or 1845, and having a good education, secured work in a printing office. Some time after his marriage he came to Manitowoc county and secured sixty acres of land in the town of Mishicot, on which he made a comfortable home for his family. He held the office of chairman of the town board for many years also serving as clerk, treasurer and assessor, was very prominent in democratic politics, and became well known and highly esteemed throughout the town. He and his wife the parents of seven children: Bruno, residing in Manitowoc; William; Emelia, who married Anton Vogt of Manitowoc; Albert, a leading contractor of Tacoma, Washington; Edward, proprietor of the Mueller Cornice & Roofing Company, at Nos. 114 Railroad and 1117 C. streets, Tacoma, Washington; Bertha, who died in 1895; and Hattie, who married Charles Muehlenbruch, of Tacoma, Washington. William Mueller received his education in the schools of the vicinity of his father’s farm, and at the age of fourteen years he left home to learn the wagon-makers trade. For five years he was in the employ of F. Bruemmer, of Mishicot, and then went to Milwaukee, where he worked at his trade for thirty—five years at No. 495 Clinton street. In 1882 he returned to Mishicot, where he continued in the same line until 1898, and then purchased his present business of his brother. He handles a complete line of first-class furniture, and has a well appointed and thoroughly modern undertaking department. In 1878 Mr. Muellcr was married to Miss Josephine Wagner, of Mishicot, who died in 1900, having been the mother of two children: Eleanor, the wife of Dr. W. W. Brown, of Minneapolis, Minnesota; and Laura, who married Henry Schroeder, of New England, North Dakota. Mr. Mueller was married a second time, in 1903 to Miss Minnie Specht, of Mishicot. He is a democrat in politics, and has held a number of town offices. He is also a director in the State Bank of Mishicot, and has been one of the leaders in numerous movements which have advanced the civic, business and social interests of the village.
HENRY MULHOLLAND JR. From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 21, 1884: Henry Mulholland Jr. is devoting considerable time to the new church which the Catholics of this neighborhood have commenced to build. He says it is going to be one of the finest churches in the state and that the congregation are determined to build it without asking for outside assistance. It is to be hoped they will succeed and that their example will be followed by other denominations
JAMES MULLQUINE From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 29, 1872 IN PROBATE - MANITOWOC COUNTY court. In the matter of the estate of James Mullquine, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Bridget Mullquine, of Cooperstown, representing among other things that James Mullquine, late of Cooperstown, on the 11th day of December, A.D. 1871, at Green Bay, died intestate, leaving goods, chattles and estate within this State, and the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to her granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this court on Monday the 18th day of March, A.D. 1872, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. (the rest is the rules of publication)
FRANCIS X. MURPHY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.69. Francis X. Murphy, who has been prominently identified with the business interests of Manitowoc for a number of years, is now the manager of the Manitowoc Land & Fuel Company, one of the city’s important enterprises. He is a son of M. H. and Charlotte (Flynn) Murphy, and a grandson of Michael and Johanna Murphy, natives of Ireland who came to the United States in 1849 and located first in Ohio, from whence they came to Wisconsin in 1853. There they spent the remainder of their lives, Mr. Murphy being engaged in agricultural pursuits and at his trade of carpenter. M. H. Murphy was born in Cleveland, Ohio, May 8, 1853, and was educated in the Manitowoc high school and the Oshkosh Normal School. He was for a number of years engaged in school teaching, and in 1881 was elected sheriff of Manitowoc county, and reelected to that office in 1883. In 1886 he was appointed deputy collector of internal revenue, serving in that office through Cleveland’s administration, and when his term of office had expired he organized the Manitowoc Land & Salt Company, the company having two hundred town lots and dealing also in wholesale salt. The style of the firm was changed to the Manitowoc Land & Fuel Company, and Mr. Murphy was connected with the business until 1892, at which time the American Seating Company was organized, and Mr. Murphy was made manager thereof, building the large plant here. He is now manager of the four plants of this company, which does half of the business in its line done in the United States, and his offices are situated at Manitowoc. On October 23, 1878, Mr. Murphy was married to Charlotte Flynn, daughter of Patrick Flynn, an early settler of Manitowoc county, and three sons have been born to this union: Francis X.; Henry, who is secretary and treasurer of the Schuette Cement Company, and Clement W., who is superintendent of the Manitowoc plant of the American Seating Company.
JOHN A. MURPHY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.71. John A. Murphy, who during the past fifteen years has been interested in the furniture and undertaking business in Manitowoc, was for a long period engaged in farming and stock-raising in Cato township, Manitowoc county, but is now living practically retired. He was born in Ohio, May 14, 1850, and is a son of Michael and Johanna (Slotrey) Murphy. Michael Murphy was born in Ireland, and as a youth learned the trade of carpenter, following it until his marriage. In 1848, shortly after that event he came to the United States, settling first in Ohio. In the fall of 1854 he came to Manitowoc county, buying wild land in Cato township, and there he was engaged in agricultural pursuits until his death. He was prominent in civic affairs, serving as a member of the township board for many years, and was twice sent to the state assembly. He and his wife had a family of eleven children, of whom two died in infancy, and five sons and one daughter still survive. John A. Murphy received his education in the public schools, and as a young man worked on his father’s farm and in the mills in the vicinity of his home and was also employed for seven years in railroad work. He then purchased a farm in Cato township, and for twenty years was engaged in breeding fine horses. About 1897 Mr. Murphy bought an interest in Vogelsang’s furniture and undertaking business, and in 1899 he brought his family to this city, where he has since resided. Mr. Murphy, like his father, was prominent in township politics in Cato township, and for three years was chairman of the board of supervisors. On February 23, 1880, Mr. Murphy was married to Mary Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Savage, natives of Ireland, and early settlers of Manitowoc Rapids township, Manitowoc county. One child was born to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, whose death occurred during infancy, He and his wife are devout members of the Catholic church, and he holds membership in the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Catholic Knights and the Knights of Columbus.
M. H. MURPHY From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 M.H. Murphy, Sheriff, Manitowoc, was born May 8, 1853, in the town of Newton, Manitowoc Co. At the age of seventeen years, he commenced teaching school, which he continued about five Winters. He attended the Oshkosh Normal School during the Summer terms. From 1875 to 1878, he was engaged in the agricultural business. He held the office of Under Sheriff during 1879 and '80. Was elected Sheriff in January 1881. ----------------- From the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Two Rivers, Tuesday, Oct. 29, 1878: MARRIED - MURPHY-FLYNN- At the Catholic church in this city, on Wednesday, October 23d, by Rev. Father Bogarki, Mr. M.H. Murphy, of Manitowoc, and Miss Charlotte Flynn of this city. The above announces the marriage of one of the fairest and most amiable of the young ladies who have ever resided in this city, and it causes regret to have her leave for her new home. But Mr. Murphy being trustworthy and one of the rising young men of the county, the Chronicle extends its hearty congratulations and wishes them a pleasant and prosperous journey through life.
PETER J. MURPHY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.300-301. Peter J. Murphy, a prominent agriculturist of the town of Cato, who now lives on a tract of one hundred and fifty-four acres located on section 4, has been closely identified with the public interests of his town for many years, and was born on the place which he is now cultivating, August 7, 1860. He is a son of Michael and Johannah (Slattery) Murphy, natives of Ireland, who were married in that country and came to the United States in 1848, living in Ohio for some time before coming to Wisconsin in 1851. They purchased eighty acres of land in the town of Cato, which formed the nucleus for the present farm of Peter J. Murphy, at that time a stretch of heavily timbered wild land. Mr. Murphy first built a log cabin, and as soon as he had acquired an ox team he started to clear and develop his property, adding to his buildings and equipment as he became financially able, and at the time of his death, which occurred November 27, 1905, he had one of the good farms of his locality. He was seventy-nine years old when he died, and his wife passed away in her sixty-seventh year, November 25, 1888. Both are buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery at Maple Grove. Michael Murphy was an ardent democrat, and served in the general assembly from his district for two years during the Civil war, also being treasurer of the town of Cato for one term and a member of the school board for many years. He and his wife were the parents of ten children, of whom Peter J. was the eighth in order of birth. Peter J. Murphy received a common-school education, and was reared to the life of an agriculturist. After his marriage he bought the old homestead, and his parents retired to the village of Cato, where they lived until his mother’s death, after which his father lived with him until his death. He has added to the land by purchase from time to time and now owns one hundred and fifty-four acres, practically all of which is under cultivation, and fenced with barbed and woven wire. Mr. Murphy’s activities have been confined to general farming and stock raising, and he markets dairy products, cattle and hay and grain. He milks an average of fifteen cows throughout the year, and raises graded Shorthorn cattle and Percheron horses. His farm barn, a frame structure thirty-two by eighty feet, was built by his father, and was remodeled by Mr. Murphy in 1906, cement floors and wooden stanchions being installed. His other frame barn, thirty-six by fifty-six feet, was first erected on another farm, and was moved to its present location and remodeled in 1900. The family residence was first built in 1873 by Michael Murphy, and in 1901 was remodeled by Peter J. Murphy to its present size of twelve rooms. The best of water for all purposes is secured from drilled wells. Peter J. Murphy was married June 22, 1887, to Miss Sarah Cahill, who was born June 24, 1861, the youngest of the four children of James and Mary (Egan) Cahill. Six children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, as follows: James, who is attending Marquette University, preparing himself in electrical engineering; Joseph, who is timekeeper for the Walsh Construction Company in northern Minnesota; Michael, who died in childhood; Leo, who is attending the Central high school in Manitowoc; John; and an infant, deceased. Mr. Murphy is a member of the Knights of Wisconsin, the Catholic Order of Foresters and the Modern Woodmen of America, and he and his family are connected with St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove. A democrat in politics, he has served as chairman of the town board of supervisors for three terms, being a member of the board that had charge of the construction of the present courthouse, and has been for many years and is at present a member of the school board.