[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
ERNST SCHUETT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.271-272. Ernst Schuett, who is counted among the prosperous farmers in the vicinity of Newton, is a son of Frederick and Mary (Kort) Schuett, who came from Germany to this country, arriving in New York on January 1, 1869. They proceeded direct to Manitowoc county, reaching there January 8, and settled in Newton where the father was employed for seven years as a farm hand, receiving only fifty cents per day for his labor, which meager wage had to support his family. He finally became owner of twenty acres of land where he erected a log house and barn, and rented some adjoining land which he also farmed. He remained on this tract of twenty acres for thirteen years, when he retired from active work, and made his home for the remainder of his days with his son Ernst of this review. The father passed away in 1902 and the mother in 1908. In their family were seven children: Frederick, who, being in the German army at the time his parents came to America, did not come to this country until the following year; John; William; Ernst; Henrica; Helen; and Minnie, all of whom came to this country with their parents. Ernst Schuett, being eight years of age when he was brought to America, had attended school for a short time in Germany, and after arriving in Manitowoc county, finished his education in the public schools of Newton. He remained with his father working for him on the farm until he was twenty-seven years of age, when he purchased the tract of land on which he now lives. He has greatly improved and developed this farm and there engages extensively in general farming and in dairying. In 1891, Mr. Schuett wedded Miss Minnie Waak, who was born in Newton, and was the daughter of Christian Waak. To Mr. and Mrs. Schuett have been born eight children, four of whom are now deceased. They were Frederick, Norma, Minnie and Walter. Those who are living are Helena, Arthur, Waldima and Elsie. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schuett are earnest and zealous members of the Lutheran church, and stand high in the regard of all throughout the vicinity. Mr. Schuett has always been deeply interested in the material, intellectual and moral progress of the community, in which he has so long made his home. He is active and industrious in his dairying business, and is very enterprising as a farmer, systematizing his work and carrying on the labors of the fields in harmony with the advanced ideas of modern agriculture.
HERMAN C. SCHUETTE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.543-544. Herman C. Schuette, president of the Schuette Construction Company which carries on operations all over the state of Wisconsin, is one of the well known men in business circles of Manitowoc, where he has been located during the past seventeen years. Mr. Schuette was born in Manitowoc county, September 21, 1874, and is a son of August and Louisa (Fricke) Schuette, the latter a daughter of August Fricke, and the former a native of Germany who came to the United States and settled on wild land in Kossuth township about 1855. He cleared a farm, became a well known agriculturist, and died on his property, June 19, 1901, his widow surviving him until the year following. They were the parents of six children, all of whom are living, Herman C. being the youngest. Herman C. Schuette was reared on the home farm and educated in the district schools near his father’s place, but as a young man decided that he could better himself in other lines than farming, and in 1894 came to Manitowoc and opened a livery barn, which he continued to operate until disposing of it in 1910. In the meantime, in 1904, he had founded the Schuette Construction Company, with himself as president, John Bonsen as vice president and Henry Murphy as secretary and treasurer, and this firm now does business all over the state, engaging principally in cement construction work. From a modest beginning the business has grown to large proportions, principally through the enterprise and progressive spirit of the partners, who are young men of much ability and industry. Herman C. Schuette was married, November 19, 1895, to Miss Minnie Massmann, of Manitowoc county, and they are the parents of two sons and two daughters. while one child is deceased. Mr. Schuette holds membership in the Elks and the Royal League, and is popular with the members of both organizations.
HON. J. SCHUETTE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Hon. J. Schuette, firm of Jno. Schuette & Brothers, general merchandise, Manitowoc, is a native of Oldenberg, Germany. Came in 1848, with his parents to Ozaukee County. The following year, they removed to Manitowoc. His father then opened a general store, which he continued till 1857, when the firm changed to J. Schuette & Sons. In 1870, the firm changed to J. Schuette & Bros. They are also proprietors of the Oriental flouring mill, which was established in 1867, together with a plaster mill and stave factory. This firm has been the most successful of any in the county. Commencing with a business of about $6,000 a year, they are now doing a business of about half a million a year. Mr. Schuette has been the recipient of many important offices. In 1866, he was appointed by the Legislature Harbor Commissioner; in 1874, he was elected State Senator; served two years; he was elected Mayor for the city of Manitowoc, on the Republican ticket, in the year 1878; re-elected in 1879, 1880 and 1881, which position he now holds, and has held many other important offices.
JOHN SCHUETTE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.506-507. John Schuette, president of the Manitowoc Savings Bank and of the Manitowoc Electric Light Company, and one of the very prominent men of the city of Manitowoc, has been closely identified with its business interests for a long period of years, and has served his community in various high public offices. He is a native of Oldenburg, Germany, and was born September 25, 1837, a son of John and Katherine (Schade) Schuette, who came from that country to the United States in 1848, the father opening a grocery store during the following year and operating it until his death. There were seven children in the family of John and Katherine Schuette, namely: Gesine, who is the widow of Gus Bloquelle, residing in Manitowoc; Henry, deceased, who was a partner with John in the grocery business; John; Martha, the widow of Eugene Alter; and Fred, August and George, merchants of Manitowoc. After the death of their father, John and Henry Schuette took over the grocery business, but in 1884 John Schuette sold his interest to his younger brothers to organize the Manitowoc Savings Bank, buying the building on the corner of Eighth and Jay streets, the building having been erected in 1857 and formerly used as a bank. The institution was organized under the state laws with a capitalization of fifty thousand dollars, the first officers being John Schuette, president; C. E. Esterbrook, vice president; Joseph Staehle, cashier. The present officers are: John Schuette, president; Louis Schuette, vice president; Ed Schuette, cashier; Henry Detzen, assistant cashier. In 1868 Mr. Schuette built the second flour mill in Manitowoc, and this he is still conducting, its output being two hundred barrels daily, and during that year and the year previous he had the government contract for the building of the harbor at Manitowoc. In 1889 he organized the electric light company, of which he is still president, Ed Schuette being secretary and treasurer. He has various other business interests and is a stockholder in the Eastern Wisconsin Trustee Company. He has served as alderman, and for five terms was elected to the office of mayor of Manitowoc, and during 1875 and 1876 was a member of the state senate. He is a member of the National and State Bankers Associations, and is widely known in financial circles of the state. In 1867 Mr. Schuette was united in marriage with Rosa Stauss, who came to Manitowoc with her parents in 1855, and she died in 1904, having been the mother of five children; Louis and Edwin, associated with their father in the banking business; Gesine, who resides at home with her parents; Lillie, who married Dr. Walker, of Menominee, Michigan; and Rosa, the wife of Dr. Babcock, of Milwaukee. Mr. Schuette's career has been a long and varied one, but in every walk of life he has proven himself a man of the strictest integrity and highest ability. He has the confidence and esteem of his fellow townsmen in a degree that can only be won by a life of the most extreme probity, while his personal traits of character have won him a wide circle of warm personal friends. ******** ADDRESS BY MR. JOHN SCHUETTE He Tells of Early Times and the Growth of Our City. Below we give in full the interesting address of John Schuette, delivered before the Historical Society last Friday Evening: MY SUBJECT As our pioneers are fast passing away, and soon none will be left to tell of the early days of our city's growth, it occurred to me that if I have anything to relate which may add to our history it is high time that I say it. The subject selected was the public spirit of our people in the development and growth of our village, and, later, city, from its earliest times to the present day. When I had finished the article I was disappointed to see that it required but a brief time, was to barren, not sufficiently pleasing nor entertaining for an evening's discourse, and I speculated how I could enlarge and improve it. To launch into a general history of Manitowoc, which has been so ably written by Mr. R.G. Plumb, would be repetition and plagiarism. Then I was tempted to draw on my imagination, to lengthen out by subject by twining a flow here, winding a leaf there,a nd in other ways giving it more life and sunshine, and thereby bringing more warmth in my field of recollections. But after a little reflection I was reminded that history does not allow imagination or fiction to enter it, that the cold facts must be strictly adhered to. Again I was at my wits' end how to get a little more entertaining material into my subject without violating the accepted rule. While thus waiting for something to turn up to help me out of my predicament Dr. Thwaites came to my rescue. While here, giving us instructions what course should be pursued by a historical society, he advised that the older members should write down their personal recollections of earlier days, why and how they came here, etc., all of which would form a part of our history. Now I felt relieved; here I had an unlimited field to explore, nothing easier than to speak of things happening under your own eyes; and most pleasing, too, when the many years have borne you a bountiful harvest and happiness. As to relate my whole life's history would take many evenings, I will confine my remarks to the time the Schuette family departed from Germany and arrived at Manitowoc, which will embrace a period of less than one year. As the family has been closely identified and interested in our city's welfare from near its beginning it is known to many. Yet there are but few, and even my own children, who know but little of what I am now going to relate. So you will allow me, before entering on my main subject, to relate our family's journey and the noteworthy incidents connected therewith, why, how, when and from where it came. Revolution of 1848 In the spring of 1848 the spirit of discontent hovered over all the German states, threatening serious results. Freedom and equality were the slogans. The revolutionary spirit was wafted from the southern states to the northern, among them the grand duchy of Oldenburg, where our family lived, and where I was born. The actual warfare lasted only forty-eight hours, after the leaders were put to flight. Among the leading spirits were Schurz, Kinkel, Sigel, Becker, all of whom took refuge in the United States, with many others of less renown owing to which the years of 1848 and 1849 brought our shores a larger number of this class of immigrants than ever before or after. At this same time Prussia was at war with Denmark. The soldiers marched through our village with fife and drum, prancing cavalry, rattling artillery, flags waving, bands playing; oh, what an exhilarating scene, what a treat for the boys. I was at that time 11 years of age, and enjoyed the spectacle immensely. My mother, however, cried and when my father inquired the reason, she answered: "That which gives the boys the greatest enjoyment is to me the greatest grief. I hoped that I had nearly passed a mother's anxiety for her children's growth, but this reminds me of more to come, when in a few years our four growing boys, one after another, will be taken away by order of the duke and march like these, perhaps to death; then there will be worry to the end of my days." How a mother worries for her children's sake, Ho sorrow oft doth cause her heart to break, The care of offspring constant on her mind Is something touching, heavenly sublime. And when reminded by the sight of war That its horrors may her child befall, So tense, so o'erpowering are the fears Which well may force a loving mother's tears. My father in his younger days had followed the sea, had seen nearly every part of the globe, had lived at Charleston, S.C., where he had a grocery, then went to Norfolk, Va., where he also had a grocery and owned a schooner. This embraced the years from 1818 to 1830, when he left again for Oldenburg, married, and in the nature of things, in a German family, was blessed with a large family. He must always have longed to go back to America, because when he saw my mother in tears the die was cast, which was disclosed by his ready consolation of mother, when he said: "Now, my dear don't you worry about our boys; they will never serve a duke or potentate; we will take them to a land where the battles for freedom have already been fought out, where it really exists, where war is remote, where there are opportunities for young men; in brief, to a land where milk and honey flows." Preparation for Departure. In the early spring of 1848 everything was offered for sale and preparation made for our departure. In the few months intervening my older brother and I were sent to and English teacher, a Mr. Albrecht, to acquire the rudiments of the English language. Our teacher, who had never been out of Germany, taught us the pronunciation of words with a strong accent. My brother often after laughed at a little incident which happened while we were taking our English lessons, and our teacher admonished me for not having the lessons assigned to me prepared. I explained to him in a most serious manner: "Now, Herr Albrecht, don't you think this is asking too much of a boy of 11 years, who must go to the public school from 9 to 12 in the morning and from 1 to 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and again from 4:30 to 6 o'clock to your school, and then go through at home with the public lessons and yours too?" He laughed right out, and admitted that I was about right. Later on I will give you a sample of my English as I learned it in Germany, and of its benefit in America. Before the final hour of departure had arrived our school companions exchanged with us, as was customary then, a little memento, a verse expressive of good wishes for our future welfare, eternal friendship, etc., which I have retained to the present day. There is only one of these sentimental friends living, a Mr. Carl Roewekamp, who was our neighbor and schoolmate, and two years my senior. He was treasurer of the grand duchy of Oldenburg for many years and pensioned a few years ago on his 70th birthday. He then visited his two sons at Oshkosh, and also was my guest for about a week. We, of course, enjoyed each other's company, revived our boyhood days with the greatest pleasure. I was curious to know how a person felt after being relegated from an active to a retired life. As I had always looked with dread towards such approaching period, which I imagined to be about the same as locking myself in and waiting, waiting for the final summons, I asked him: "Well, how do you enjoy retired life? Don't you feel sad and lonesome?" "Why, no; I enjoy it immensely, immensely. I never had a better time in my life; feel peaceful and content." "Am glad to hear you say so; you must be a millionaire." "Oh, no," he replied. "I am only comfortably fixed, have not much of the world's goods. "Not much of the world's goods." What do you care about the goods, which you could not consume or utilize if you had them all, as long as you have all you want, and are happy and content, which is the real wealth, more than millions in dollars without it." Yes, he agreed that in this sense he was a millionaire. "Now, let me bring to your view again the little memento you gave me on our departure, fifty-six years ago and see whether your endeared sentiments have become true. He is yours!" He looked at it at first in silence, deeply affected, and then said: "So this I wrote fifty-six years ago," and was especially pleased by its neat penmanship. The Germans are noted for their good penmanship, which they acquire by utilizing the time wasted by the Americans in spelling lessons. Now, let us read it: Die Gottbeit fuehre deine Jugend Selbst auf den steilen Pfad der Tugend I'mstrable dich mit ?arem Licht; Sie lass dich in den Lauf von Jahren Der Weisheit stilles Licht erfahren Verlass dich auch im Alter nicht July 1st 1848 Dein Freund Carl Roewekamp Freely translated, this reads as follows: May God's wise illumined ways Lead you in your youthful days Into the righteous path; And if you follow His wise course Twill ever be to you a source O pleasure to the last. "Quite appropriate," he remarked, "did you follow it, and if so, did you enjoy the result?" I replied, "I thought I did." Now, here is one from another friend, dated July 2, 1848: Your future be happy and merry No grief may sadden your heart; May fortune be your companion And not sorrow, after we part And one other, dated June 25, 1848: The most beautiful flower must wither, Even if nursed by your own hand Nothing on this earth's eternal Except one friendship's holy band. This last one, we agreed, turned out meaningless, because in all these fifty-six years it had not reminded us to exchange even a single line. I must now go back fifty-six years, to tell about our preparation for our journey. In order, I suppose, to lighten our leave-taking my father painted America in the most gorgeous colors. Among other things he said that partridges could be shot from the veranda. Just then an improved crossbow gun appeared on the market, with mahogany shaft and a bow of steel instead of wood; of course I must have one, especially as it would be serviceable in a country where game was plenty. The chest in which this was packed I guarded with the utmost care. We lost one trunk in which were my father's seamanship certificate and charts, which he very much regretted, but what interested me more, my cross-bow gun chest was safe. The Final Hour of Departure. On the 17th day of July, 1848, the final hour of leaving our old home had arrived. The neighbors and friends were on hand to say a last farewell; tears flowed in profusion. In those days any one leaving for America was considered as about to pass into eternity, never to meet again on this earth. Our parting was not of such pathetic nature, because we left no near kindred behind, but in many cases where an only son, or all the children left their aged parents, a parting scene was sad and heart-rending. In our young hearts we even could not understand why tears should flow, and gloried in the thought and expectation of other worlds to conquer. The hack drove up and we entered; that is, our parents, two sisters and two younger brothers; my older brother and I sat on the seat with the driver, and with a last farewell we drove to Bremen, reaching it in two hours, and from there by steamer to Bremer Haven, which took another six hours. On arrival at this seaport we saw for the first time what we had so often longed to see, ships of all nations, in all colors, with symbolic figureheads, lofty, majestic spars - oh, how different from our inland town! These ships were the first we had seen, lying quietly under a forest of stately spars, what a grand and enchanting picture! Here we also saw a curious sight. Bremer Haven was just building its second harbor or basin. It was dug out by men with shovels, and carted away in wheelbarrows or a network of plankways; the whole looked like a spider web, and the thousands of men like bees coming and going. Aboard Ship. After a few days we boarded the American bark Adele, hailing from Philadelphia, a Mr. Fountain captain. the ship was but small, about 300 tons burden - some of our lake vessels will carry forty times that. The whole number of passengers was only sixty-seven souls. We sailed on an American ship because the German fleet was blockaded by Denmark. The passengers were all below deck, but my father had arranged special quarters for our family. We were piloted out of the harbor into the North sea; how exciting to us boys, especially as were were not tormented by sea sickness, as others were. While I was watching the vanishing shore lines of my fatherland the sea had mad a little, so that the waves rushed into the open anchor holes and down the deck. I raced before them and down the hatches, and in great excitement told father that there was a big hole in the ship through which the water rushed. He soon quieted my fears by saying this was nothing, and they would soon be closed. Our progress was slow, as we had head winds, which seldom left us on our journey. We were nearly ten days on the North sea before we got into the English channel. Going through this channel, on one side the English, on the other the French shore line, with its pure white banks meeting many ships of all kinds and sizes, coming and going, life and bustle everywhere, and ever changing, was to us the most interesting scenes on our trip. While going through this channel I must relate how I was the first time baptized a smoker. The lifeboat was our ship's stable; it harbored live sheep, poultry, etc., of which , as far as meals are concerned, we had only a smell. The boat was covered with a canvas roof. My sister and I crawled in. I in some way got hold of a pipe. As smoking is second nature to English, I thought I could perfect my English by learning to smoke, which I enjoyed with greater pleasure than taking lessons of Mr. Albrecht. After triumphantly ending my first smoke we crawled out on the deck, and soon after heard the alarm of fire. We looked at each other in terror, but no one said a word, but instinctively hastened down below and into our bunks. The little blaze was soon extinguished, and after the excitement had subsided we whispered to each other that the fire must have originated from my pipe, and were glad that it ever after remained under my clouded smoke, a mystery. On Board the Atlantic. Now we entered the broad Atlantic, especially broad in those days, because it took us over eleven weeks to cross it. We had all kinds of weather, mostly head winds. Sea sickness among the passengers had nearly vanished, and to make up for lost meals the appetites were ravenous. Our menu consisted of dark rye bread, corned beef, potatoes, rice, coffee and tea; and, oh, when I think of it now my mouth waters; every Thursday plum pudding - how we all looked forward to this delicious day! The passengers were a happy crowd, mostly young people, full of life, with no worry for the morrow. They would congregate on deck on nice, warm evenings and sing all the dear German national and folk songs to their hearts' content. I, of course, joined in, as at school I had the reputation of being a star singer. On these occasions I learned most of the German songs, of which there is such a large selection. The most popular of these were "Jetzt ist die Zeit und Stunde Da," which, translated, is: The time and hour now is near That I must part from all most dear From friends and my dear native home Wherein my youthful days I roamed. The carriage awaits me at the door; The last time I shall walk this floor; The first step towards my new abode, America, on a foreign shore. My dear old home, then now adieu; Although I love you, I cannot stay, Though sad the parting is to me, I long to live where I am free. And invariably, on a nice moonlight evening, we would serenade the moon with the following song: Guter Mond, du gehst so ruhig Durch die Abend Wolken hin. Translated: Dear Moon, you glide so gently Above the evening fleeting clouds. O, how often did you guide me When I wandered to be housed. How kindly did you hide me When I my sweetheart vowed That eternal should my love be, You crept behind a cloud. Ever after, when you shine, Twill illuminate my mind Of that evening's happiness When love pledged the first kiss. How many times, when in a melancholy mood, did the reading of these songs, the humming of these popular airs, drive away the dark clouds and take me back again to the days on the grand Atlantic, with their boyish happiness. Young people look with fond anticipations toward the future, while the old look toward it with sad forebodings, and find the most comfort in dwelling on the past. What pleasure in our olden age When turning from page to page In the book of memory. Wherein we find transcribed The happiest moments of our lives, When all seemed bright and gay, And when we come to dear old songs. In youth we sang, oh, how we long To hear them sung once more, And with a sparkling of the eye We sing again, and it revives The youthful days of yore. So we ate and sang our way across the ocean. In spite of our most simple life, in food and lodging, we grew fat and hearty, with peace of mind and genuine happiness. The only time of fear was when a meeting was called for the purpose of consulting the captain to find out whether it would not be advisable to make for the nearest port to replenish our stock of drinking water, because it was rumored that it was running low. As none of the passengers could speak English, excepting my father and I, he was delegated to confer with the captain in regard to this, who soon pacified all by the assurance that there was an abundant supply yet on hand. The fears originated in this wise: All immigrant ships were at that time provisioned for thirteen weeks; we had been on the ocean ten weeks. Once while the cook was drawing water from a cask he remarked in the hearing of a passenger, "This is the last," meaning the last he would have to tap on the trip, and not the last on board, as the passenger had construed it. In Sight of Land. All were at rest again till we heard "land ahead." This announcement should be considered most welcome news, and hailed with the greatest joy. Singular as it may seem, it received but a faint reception. But here is the explanation: So far we had been, so to speak, under the guardianship of the captain, who had to provide for our meals, comfort and safety. Now we would be thrown on our own responsibilities and resources. The later in most cases were but meager, and uncertain of replenishment. We entered a foreign land without friends and without a knowledge of the language. What may our fate be there, where each must depend on his own resources? Besides, we would lose our new made friends, as one went here, the other there. All these uncertainties weighed on the minds of most of us. The serious stage of life, soon to enter, supplanted the former light spirits with a depressing one. All were more or less meditating on the uncertain future, and all gaiety and singing here ended. Pilot on Board. The pilot came on board and took charge of the ship, and we soon entered Delaware bay. Here, too, we had head winds and beat up the bay - on one tack neared Delaware and on the other the New Jersey shore. What beautiful scenery, farm buildings on both sides, apples just ripe on the trees. Small boats came alongside with fruit for sale, and we each got an apple; oh, how delicious; nothing like it in Germany! The change of fatherland looked promising before we touched land; how much more when we are once on it. We failed to taste or see the land of milk and honey, as father pictured to us, but still hoped we would further inland. Landing at Philadelphia. After a few days' sailing in Delaware bay we landed on Oct. 5, 1848, on terra firma in the old Quaker city of Philadelphia, after eleven weeks' journey on the ocean. The parting scene, with hand shaking and tears, was repeated on foreign shore, as nearly all separated, going to different places, and it is singular that we never met but a single one of our ship companions thereafter. Our family remained on board a few days longer, when we had to board ourselves. My English Language Put to Test. I was sent to a grocery to buy 18 cents' worth of coffee. I do not know why it had to be just 18 cents' worth, most likely we did not know if a pound might not cost one dollar, but let this be as it may, I proudly entered on my firs American shopping expedition. I stepped into the store and addressed the grocer thus: "Good morning, sir; how do you do?" This was the first sentence I had translated while taking my English lessons. The grocer seemed at first nonplussed by my unusual politeness, but after recovering, answered, "Quite well. Now, my little fellow, what can I do for you?" "I want for eiteen (18) cents coffee." "No, no, you don't," he corrected; "you mean ateen, "Oh, no," I contradicted. "I mean eiteen. I learned English in Germany, eiteen." "Well, never mind, I know what you mean." But as I was not sure that he did I showed him a two shilling piece (25 cents) and told him he must pay 7 cents back, which proved the example. I was sorry to find that the acute edges of my contrary nature had not been rounded by the rolling, grinding Atlantic. I took my coffee and 7 cents change on board and told father that the people could not speak as good English as we had learned in Germany. The grocer attempted to correct me by saying eiteen was ateen, but I did not agree with him, nor would I stand corrected. "Why," my father said, "he was right and you wrong. You ought not to dispute the pronunciation of the English language with a native born because you took a few lessons in Germany." In New York. After a few days we left and arrived in New York, at that time quite a city, but since then grown to immense proportions. My brother and I considered ourselves pretty good marble players and therefore awaited and sought an opportunity to show our mettle, which soon presented itself. We entered the game with the boys, and it did not take long before we had them all broke. How they pleaded with us to loan them some, so that the game could be continued. We held a consultation and reached the conclusion, as we had all they possessed, and in no event could gain any more, it would be foolish financiering; and so refused to point blank the loan. Now they called us hoggish Dutchmen, and in other ways showed a threatening attitude, which we did not care to see carried out, so, putting our hands on our bulged pockets, in a bee line we scampered for our boarding house. What became of our marbles I never knew, most likely as the German proverb says, "Leicht gewonnen, ist leicht zeronnen." Translated, "Easy won is easier gone." We remained in New York about a week, then left by steamer on the Hudson for Albany, from there by rail to Buffalo, and then boarded the large side-wheel steamer Globe for Milwaukee. Journey to Milwaukee. On the steamer our family occupied adjoining staterooms. My father, appreciating the benefits of the first table for his gourmands, tipped the porter, who, before ringing for meals, would come to our doors with muffled gun, that is, his bell concealed under his coattail, after which we would rush to the front and take possession of the field before the enemy arrived. The trick for a time worked all right, till others detected it and became more alert, but nevertheless we managed not to be crowded out. What delicious, royal table - chicken, mutton, steak, white bread, cake; oh, my, and apple pie! all the things which on the Adele we only had a smell of we could now consume midst the most dainties surroundings. Only in one case were we disappointed. After having tasted everything on the table we observed a new dish. It looked so tempting with its golden hue; my sister and I dashed for it. Say, this must be nice; we tasted only a mouthful, which more than satisfied us. It was corn cake, which afterwards we learned to relish. A few days out of Buffalo the steamer broke its main shaft, owing to which we were detained in Detroit for over a week, which we enjoyed. One day while my sister and I sauntered around the city the children pelted us with Indian corn, which in Germany was a rarity, costing 1 cent per kernel. Why, this is about realizing the German saying, "There the fried ducks will fly into your mouth." We picked up all these costly kernels, with which my sister filler her apron and I my pockets. Our shaft being completed, we proceeded our way to Milwaukee. A German boy some years older than my older brother, and having been in this country several years, came on board at Detroit, and seemed to enjoy to tease us by calling us Dutchmen, when we thought we were less so than he, whereupon we planned revenge. If we attacked him single handed we agreed that we would get the worst of it, but by unified action we could safely make the venture. My brother suggested that when the boy should climb over the shaft, as he was wont to do, I should then hold his legs, while he would do the pounding. This was nicely executed, and our tormentor subsided. Landing at Milwaukee. On the 22nd day of October, 1848, on a clear crisp morning, we landed on the north pier at Milwaukee and took lodgings in a small boarding house near by. The next day I was eager to have the trunk opened which held my dearest treasure, my new cross-bow. This was soon unpacked. Now I was prepared to shoot the partridges from the veranda, as father had told us in Germany we could, but they failed to show up, which made me feel sorry, especially because I lost my unbounded faith in father's truthfulness. But after reflection I was pacified, for he said we could shoot them, but did not say that they were there. So the next day I took my cross gun, and in company with my sister wended our way towards the woods to hunt. We went along the river, East Water street, to where now the city hall is located, where they were grading down a street, and from there climbed up the hill. On top of this we were in virgin forest. I spied what I took to be American partridges - I fired away, and, behold, wounded one in such a way that it could not get away fast enough to escape my clutches. I put it in my sister's apron, and with my cross gun on my shoulder we wended our way homeward. I must have appeared to a looker-on like a noble Indian proudly walking to his wigwam, with his squaw toddling alongside carrying his game. On arrival I said to father, "Say, I have got one of your American partridges." "Well, well, let me see. Why boy, that is a tame chicken." "Oh, no, it is grey!" "Never mind. Where did you shoot it?" "In the woods on the hill." "Take it back, then; it must belong to some one near there." I had to obey, but only partly, as I set it at liberty a few blocks distant, in a pitiable, lame condition. Father Meets Youthful Friends. My father found in Milwaukee several of his youthful friends, among whom were a Mr. Hilgen and Schroeder, who had been located for several years at Cedarburg, a small village eighteen miles northwest of Milwaukee. They operated a saw and flour mill and also a store there. They persuaded my father to locate in Cedarburg, as it was yet in the hopeful stage of development, plenty of room to grow, sure to grow with it, no reason why it should not outgrow Milwaukee, offering all the benefit accruing to all fast growing cities by the advance of real estate, which still could be bought for a song, etc. To Cedarburg. So on Nov. 2, on a cold morning when the first frost on a muddy road had made it terribly rough, a team, not a hack, as we had left in Germany, drove up to our door, and we were again on our course westward. On the way we were surprised to see a Mr. Alfs working on a farm by the roadside. We had known that he intended to leave a month after we did, and on a sailing vessel, too, and already here? He explained that he did, but had been only on the ocean six weeks to our eleven, which explained the mystery. In the evening, after a rough and most tedious drive of eighteen miles, all frozen and with aching bones, we entered the only tavern at Cedarburg. This somewhat dampened our fond expectations of the country. The first time I read, "Rattle the bones over the stones, it's only a pauper which no one owns." I was reminded of this drive. As strict economy would not allow us to remain long in a luxurious tavern, other places were looked up, where we could keep house till we had our own, but none could be found. Finally the tavern keeper offered us his dance hall upstairs, with the proviso that whenever he had a dance we had to clear ship for action. As no other opportunity presented itself, father reluctantly accepted. The hall was but one room, partitioned off into smaller rooms with blankets, sheets, etc. During our stay we had to clear out three times, on a Christmas, New Year's, and a Washington's Birthday ball. On such occasions we would dump our partitions and all into our trunks and put these alongside the wall. We had free admission to the dances. Father and mother would look on for a while and then retire below, but we children had a picnic of it and danced till the dawn of day - and in the free and easy, unceremonious gaiety we regained our faith in the glory of this country, which had been somewhat shaken by our drive. In Germany I would not have had the courage to attempt to dance without having first gotten my dancing master's diploma. but here, oh, my, I went right in - learned it in one night, and my little girl said I soared as graceful as an angel. After all had retired we opened the lids of our trunks on the wall, crept in, and with the refrain of the dance music ringing in our ears like the harps of angels, we slept the sweet sleep of childhood. Upon our arrival we were at once sent to the public school, in which a Mr. Chamberlain was teacher. He was the grandfather of Mr. Chamberlain, the superintendent of the Dennet's factory here, and died only a few years ago in Port Washington. Here, too, I attempted to foist my English, as it ought to be spoken upon the school. I persisted in pronouncing certainly as certainly, till I finally had to stand corrected. During the winter, and in spite of deep snow, our little house was under construction, to be used as a dwelling and store, precisely on the same plan as our little frame store here on Eighth street, which was torn down only a few years ago to make room for the present structure, after our mother passed away, as she expressed the wish that it should remain as long as she lived, a wish which was gladly respected. When spring was on the wing, and the sap of the maple was drawn upwards by the balmy air, (missing) tapped the maple trees (missing) house for syrup and maple (missing) ground was still under a (missing) snow. The scene at once (missing) my mind father's description (missing) land, I said: "Father, I suppose (missing) These scenes the phrase, "the (missing) where milk and honey flow, (missing) nated." He replied, he did not know (missing) but the application was not a (missing) one. On the last of April, when our house was nearly completed, I was taken sick with fever and ague. When my father talked about this to his friends they told him, "That is nothing, it will all be over in a few weeks; we all get it regularly each spring; it is never fatal, and is caused by a cedar swamp near by; you will have it soon, too." What! I, too? Not by a long shot. So, then, this is a Feverburg? I'll leave my house behind and get away before it gets hold of me; this is a nice burg to raise a large family in, and in other words gave vent to his disappointed feelings. The next day he had determined to leave, and having been informed that the fever fiend did not infest the lake shore towns, he wended his way on foot along the beach of Lake Michigan. First he walked to Port Clio - three miles east, where there was a pier and store which he had in mind to buy; since he was always attached to a seaport. But as he could not agree on the price he continued on foot along the beach to Port Washington; then to Sheboygan and Centerville, and then to Manitowoc. On his arrival here he surveyed the little village from the southern elevation and was at once struck by its beautiful location, as it nestled in a half moon valley, bounded by the blue lake on the east - the north, west and south a rising embankment, the river running through its center, a few vessels loading with lumber and shingles, a saw mill located at South Eighth street bridge, with its saws, wafting to him the pleasing hum of industry - all combined made upon him such favorable impressions that he decided to locate here, and returned for his family. Arrived at Manitowoc. Again our trunks were packed, and by team we left Cedarburg for Port Washington, and from there by the little propeller Rossiter, the only boat running weekly trips between Chicago and Green Bay, arriving at Manitowoc on the 19th day of May, 189. We landed on the south pier. I had the cold spell of my fever. Father covered me with his long overcoat, in which I must have looked like a pasha. We walked through the deep lake sand along the beach to J. Roemer's tavern, near the corner of Jay and sixth streets, which was to me the most fatiguing three blocks' walk I have ever experienced. Now, here we were, all in good health except myself ailing with the fever and ague, but it left me a few days after our arrival. We say there is no loss without some gain. Who knows whether my loss of health was not a gain in our family's destiny? In any event, my sickness was the cause that brought us to Manitowoc. How a small cause may affect the life of men. This is, then, why, how, when, and from where the Schuette family came. My First Attempt for Growth. Before entering on the public spirit for the growth of Manitowoc I wish to tell of my boyish effort in this behalf. After I was well again I strolled around the village to find something which I could aid or nurse in its development. The first thing I found in this line was a robin's nest in a maple tree on the present courthouse site. This needed protection. I watched and guarded it every day, and when the young were about to take to their wings I climbed up the tree and took charge of the entire brood, consisting of four young robins, believing that the old folks could hatch out a new brood while I was nursing the first, thereby fostering the growth of population. But I was surprised that they did not appreciate my public spirit, as they remonstrated with terrific screechings about my head, while I made my way homeward with my little orphans in my cap. Upon safe arrival I asked mother what I must feed them with. She replied, "I don't know anything about birds, have had my head and hands full to feed you babies." "Well," I asked, "what did you feed us with?" "Why, don't you know? Milk and bread." Now, I thought, if that is good enough for babies it ought to be good enough for birds. So I made a spoon from a shingle, and a kind of milk mush with which I fed them and which they devoured in great fashion. Of course it must be good for the, else nature would not have given hem an appetite for it. So the diet was continued. After a few days one died, then another, then another, and while I was feeding the last one, some one noticed it and asked what I fed them. I told him and that three had died from it. "Of course," he said, "I don't wonder, boy, they are insect birds, you must feed them with worms or meat. Yes, but the advice (The rest of the story is not digitized) Manitowoc Pilot, December 13, 1906 p.2
LOUIS SCHUETTE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.492-493. Louis Schuette, vice president of the Manitowoc Savings Bank and well known in financial circles of Manitowoc county, is a member of one of the old and honored families of this section. His grandparents, John and Katherine (Schade) Schuette, natives of Oldenburg, Germany, came to the United States in 1848 and settled in Manitowoc, where John Schuette carried on a grocery business until his death. He and his wife had seven children: Gesine, the widow of Gus Bloquelle, a resident of Manitowoc; Henry, deceased, who was engaged in the grocery business; John, the father of Louis; Martha, the widow of Eugene Alter; and Fred, August and George, merchants of Manitowoc. John Schuette, father of Louis, was born September 25, 1837, in Oldenburg, Germany, and after the death of his father formed a partnership with his brother, Henry, and engaged in the grocery business. He sold his interests, however, in 1884, and organized the Manitowoc Savings Bank. The building at the corner of Eighth and Jay streets, which had formerly been used for the same purpose, was purchased and the bank established under the state laws, the capital being fifty thousand dollars, and the first officers being as follows: John Schuette, president; C. E. Esterbrook, vice president; Joseph Staehle, cashier. At the present time the officials are: John Schuette, president; Louis Schuette, vice president; Ed Schuette, cashier; Henry Detzen, assistant cashier. John Schuette was also the owner of the second flour mill in Manitowoc, which he still operates; had the government contract in 1867 and 1868 for the building of the harbor at this point; is a stockholder in the Eastern Wisconsin Trustee Company; and president of the Manitowoc Electric Light Company. He has served as alderman and mayor of Manitowoc, and in 1875 and 1876 was sent by his fellow townsmen to the state senate. He married Rosa Stauss, and they had five children: Louis and Edwin, associated with their father in business; Gesine, residing at home with her parents; Lillie, who married Dr. Walker, of Menominee, Michigan; and Rosa, who married Dr. Babcock, of Milwaukee. The reputation of the Manitowoc Savings Bank is of the best, and all of its officials are men of known integrity.
WILLIAM F. SCHUETTE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.249-250. William F. Schuette, who is engaged in general farming and stock-breeding, and also specializes in dairy farming, has resided on his present property on section 26, town of Kossuth, for eighteen years, and was born in this town, in the old Schuette homestead, May 12, 1869. His parents, August and Louisa (Fricke) Schuette, natives of Germany, were married in the fatherland, and two weeks thereafter started for the United States on a sailing vessel which took twenty-four weeks to make the journey. They located in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, in 1855, the father securing employment at farm work for twelve and one-half cents per day, while his wife did sewing to pay their board. During the winter months, he threshed with a flail, and for this received every tenth bushel. In this way he saved two hundred dollars with which he purchased a forty—acre tract of wild land in Kossuth, where his son, Otto, now lives. Clearing the place from its timber, the father erected a log cabin and stable, later adding forty acres more. Eventually he purchased ninety—nine acres of the land on which William F. Schuette now resides, and here he died in 1905, at the age of sixty—seven years, his wife passing away in 1906, when she was sixty-five years old. He was a stanch republican, but never aspired to public office. He took a great interest in the Lutheran church, of which he was the treasurer for twenty-three years. When the church of Kossuth was being built, he assisted in the work by carrying lumber upon his back. A hard working, Christian man, he was respected by all with whom he came in contact, and at his death the town of Kossuth lost one of its most valued citizens. He was the father of six children: August, a farmer of Unity, Wisconsin; Otto, living in Kossuth township; Lizzie, the wife of William Fehring, of the town of Kossuth; Henry, farming in Unity; William F., and Herman, residing in Manitowoc. William F. Schuette secured only a limited education as a boy, but close observation and much reading have made him a very well informed man. He lived at home until he was twenty-four years of age, and on April 20, 1894, was married to Mary Reis, of Kossuth, daughter of Peter and Minnie (Stralo) Reis, natives of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Reis came to the United States in 1860, settling first in Saxonburg, Wisconsin, where Mr. Reis worked in a tannery. Later he purchased wild land in the town of Kossuth, and there his wife died in 1885, while Mr. Reis now makes his home with his son-in-law, Mr. Schuette. He and his wife had eight children: Sophia, who resides at Antigo, Wisconsin; Kate, of Ironwood, Michigan; Joe, living in Athens, Wisconsin; Mary, Mrs. Schuette; Ferdinand, on the old homestead; August, deceased; Albert, of Antigo, Wisconsin; and John, who is deceased. Seven children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schuette, namely: Mary, Ora, Darwin, Raymond, Helen, Lucinda and Kermit, of whom Raymond and Helen are deceased. Mr. Schuette located on his present farm in 1893, and in 1910 replaced the original log house with a beautiful two-story, twelve-room modern residence, with hot water heat, carbon lights and two bathrooms. He has made many other improvements on the place, and has one of the finest farms in the town. He raises draft horses, and keeps on an average twenty head of stock. During the past seven years he has conducted a private creamery which averages seventy pounds of butter per week, the product being disposed of in Manitowoc. He is an active republican and has served as a member of the school board for twelve years, and he also takes a great deal of interest in church work, having been treasurer of the Lutheran church for eleven years and trustee for six years.
CHARLES F. SCHUETZE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.484-486. Charles F. Schuetze, one of the organizers of the Manitowoc Church & School Supply Company, of which he is the sole proprietor, is a worth representative of the industrial interests of Manitowoc. He was born at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, on the 28th of January, 1875, and is a son of William and Louise Schuetze, natives of Germany whence they emigrated to the United States in their early years. They resided in Two Rivers until 1879 when they came to Manitowoc, and here they have ever since made their home, the father now being connected with the business of his son, Charles F. The education of Charles F. Schuetze was acquired in the parochial schools of Manitowoc, which he continued to attend until he had attained the age of fourteen years, when he became a wage earner. On starting out in the world to make his own way he first worked as a farm hand, continuing to follow this occupation for several years. He was an ambitious youth, however, and aspired to achieve a higher position, and believing that better opportunities and advantages were afforded in commercial pursuits he left the farm and returned to Manitowoc. Subsequently he became office boy for the Manitowoc Manufacturing Company, and as he proved to be an efficient and painstaking employe, he was advanced from time to time in accordance with the development he manifested. He continued in the employ of this company until their plant was destroyed by fire and then obtained a position with their successors, The Manitowoc Seating Company, which factory was chartered by the American Seating Company. As he had concentrated his entire attention upon acquiring a thorough knowledge of the business and had always proven entirely trustworthy and reliable in every respect, his employers continued to promote him. Recognizing in him good powers of salesmanship, they later placed him on the road in the capacity of traveling salesman, where he evidenced the same efficiency and capability he had manifested in the discharge of his previous duties. He was subsequently taken off of the road and made office manager, creditably filling this responsible position during the remainder of his connection with the company. It had always been his ambition to have an establishment of his own, and feeling assured that he had the practical knowledge and executive ability to organize and develop such an industry, in 1896 he resigned his position to engage in business for himself. He started the operation of an independent church furniture factory himself by employing three men. This start was made in a barn on Washington street belonging to his parents. Power for said business was secured through the local traction company, whose tracks went by the place. The powers that Mr. Schuetze had manifested as an employe he was able to successfully exercise on his own behalf, and as a result his enterprise thrived from its incipiency. Its development was not remarkable in any way, but was characterized by the uniform, orderly progression that manifests stability and permanency and invariably inspires public confidence in the men who are directing it. As the firm gained recognition it was necessary for them to obtain larger quarters and they removed to the spacious building they are now occupying. This is a substantial, modern structure, located on Twenty—sixth street, and is well equipped with all necessary machinery and appliances needful in the manufacture of their products. During the six years of its existence the firm has become quite widely known in the middle west and they are being favored with a very good patronage, and it now requires the services of forty men to fill their orders. It was Mr. Schuetze’s desire to gain entire control of the factory, which he succeeded in doing, and he is now sole proprietor of the concern. Could he have foreseen at the start the trials and discouragements he was to encounter in his new undertaking, the seemingly impossible to be overcome, doubtlessly he would not have had the fortitude to have undertaken it, but the struggling days are now passed and his factory is well established and prospering. During the first years he met with the obstacles and set backs every man has to combat with who is striving to develop an enterprise on limited capital against strong competition, but he possesses the firm determination and resourcefulness that enabled him to weather all storms, and now he finds his greatest satisfaction in the thought that his achievement has been self-won. In Manitowoc in August, 1900, Mr. Schuetze was united in marriage to Miss Ruby May Melendy, a daughter of A. B. Melendy one of the pioneer and for many years leading photographers of the city. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Schuetze numbers four, as follows: Ellsworth, Edith and Russell, all of whom are attending school; and Rueben, the baby of the family, who has passed the third anniversary of his birth. They reside at 1214 South Thirteenth street, where Mr. Schuetze purchased a dwelling that he has remodeled, making it a very comfortable and pleasant residence. Fraternally he is a Mason, being affiliated with both the blue lodge and the chapter, and in 1908 he was master of the former. He was again elected master during the year 1912. For eight years he has served efficiently as a member of the school board. Mr. Schuetze is a man of sound integrity and upright principles, who is deserving of much commendation for his success, as it has been won through his own efforts. He began his commercial career without any capital save his own energy and ambition, nor has he ever been favored by any advantages other than those accorded all business men of recognized worth and responsibility.
CATHERINE SCHULER Marshfield News Herald - Oct. 31, 1951 Mrs. Schuler, 79, Dies Tuesday Funeral Services to be Held on Friday Mrs. George Schuler, 79, died at 9:30 p.m. Tuesday at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schuler with whom she had made her home. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Funeral services will be held at 9 a.m. Friday in St. John's Catholic Church. The Rev. Hugh J. Deeny will officate and burial will be in Hillside Cemetery. The body will repose at the Rembs Funeral Home from this evening to the time of service. The Altar Society and the Missionary will meet at the funeral home at 3 p.m. Thursday to hold a rosary service and that evening at 8 p.m. the general rosary is scheduled. Mrs. Schuler was a member of the Altar Society. Mrs. Schuler, nee Catherine Aigner, was born Feb. 10, 1872 in Frankenberg, Austria, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Aigner. She came to the U.S. with her parents at the age of eight, settling in Kiel. Her marriage to George Schuler took place there in 1888. Before coming to Marshfield in 1916, they lived in Sheboygan for a few years. Mr. Schuler died in 1926. Mrs. Schuler is survived by four daughters, Mrs. Mike (Stella) Berg and Mrs. F. X.(Lydia) Schneider, Marshfield; Mrs. F. F. (Hilda) Fuller, Green Bay; and Mrs. Kurt (Evangeline) Bentz, Milwaukee; a son Ray, Marshfield, 18 grandchildren, 16 great-grandchildren, a brother Frank Aigner, Marshfield; and a sister, Mrs. Anna Noll, Madison. A son, four brothers and a sister also preceded her in death.
FRED SCHULTZ From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Tannery and leather store, Manitowoc, was born May 5, 1830 in Germany, emigrated to America in 1852, locating in Manitowoc. He secured employment as foreman with L. Sherman, where he remained till 1856; he then opened a boot and shoe store, which he continued till 1861. He then built his tannery, which he has since operated. He has been School Treasurer of District No. 2 six years, Town Treasurer in 1859-60, and four years City Treasurer and other offices. He was married, in 1856, to Matilda Bruns of Hanover; had six children, four daughters and two sons.
JOACHIM SCHULTZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.456-457. Joachim Schultz, one of the well known agriculturists of Liberty township, where he has resided for over sixty years, is one of the pioneer settlers of Manitowoc county. He was born in Germany on December 21, 1840, and is a son of John and Mary Schultz, natives of the fatherland, whence they emigrated in 1850 with their four eldest children to the United States. They arrived in New York just seven weeks and five days after sailing from the German port and came directly to Wiscousin. Upon their arrival in this state they located in this county and very soon thereafter purchased the farm now owned and operated by our subject. Pioneer conditions yet prevailed throughout this section and their land was covered with a dense growth of timber as was that in all the vicinity about them. There were but few settlers and they lived at some distance from each other and as the only roads were blazed trails very little visiting was done. Those first years were fraught with hardships and privations for the entire family, such as life in a strange land with but limited means under such conditions necessarily entails. Mr. Schultz erected a log cabin on his place that served as a residence for him and his family for several years, and then with the aid of his sons began clearing and placing his land under cultivation. Although their mode of living was crude, as it was in all pioneer households, they lived comfortably, their garden providing them with all vegetables while the woods abounded with all kinds of game, and thus they had a large variety of fresh meat. The father engaged in the operation of his farm during the remainder of his active life, passing away in 1892, just twenty—one days prior to the celebration of the one hundredth anniversary of his birth. He had excellent health and was in very good spirits up to the time of his death. The mother survived him for about a year, her death occurring in 1893, at the age of seventy-nine years. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Schultz numbered six, of whom our subject is the eldest. In order of birth the others are as follows: Frederick, Theodore and Henry, who were born in the old country and Ernest and Sophia who were born on the old homestead in this township. The father was a wagon maker by trade but he never followed this occupation after coming to America, having given his entire time and attention to his agricultural pursuits. The early years of Joachim Schultz were distinguished by few of the joys and little of the freedom that are the inalienable right of every child. He was only a lad of ten years when the family located on the farm, but upon him devolved the most of the work connected with the clearing of the land. He began his education in his native land before coming to America, but it was five years after they located here before he was afforded another opportunity of attending schools. Owing to the remoteness of the settlers and the wild state of the country, but little provision had been made to educate the children living in the country. When he was fifteen years of age a school was opened which was near enough for him to attend, and when he could be spared from home he went, thus acquiring some knowledge of the elements of English learning. In 1869 he purchased the farm from his father, and industriously applied himself to its further improvement and cultivation until 1907, when he in turn sold it to his two sons. During the long period of his ownership, Mr. Schultz wrought many and extensive improvements in the property, including the erection of the present residence in 1878 and a fine large barn. He always took great pride in his place, keeping the buildings in good repair, while his fields were substantially fenced and under high cultivation. As his circumstances warranted from time to time he added to his equipment and installed many modern conveniences and comforts in keeping with the spirit of progress he manifested at all times. His fields were always cultivated under his personal supervision and annually yielded abundant harvests that amply rewarded him for his hard labor. In connection with general farming he also raised stock and this likewise brought him lucrative returns. Although he continues to live on his farm, he has retired from the active work of the fields and is now enjoying the ease and comfort denied him in his youth. In 1869, Mr. Schultz was united in marriage to Miss Othelia Krueger, who was born in Germany, where her father passed away after which she and her mother, Mrs. Minnie Krueger, emigrated to the United States. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schultz: Carl, Ida, Ernst and Louis, all of whom are living. In matters of faith the family are Lutherans and hold membership in the German church of that denomination in Liberty township. Although he is public spirited and progressive in matters or citizenship, Mr. Schultz never had either the time or inclination to seek political honors or the emoluments of office, but he always goes to the polls on election day and casts his ballot. He is one of the self—made men of Liberty township, who deserves much credit for his achievements, as he has attained his present position through much self—denial and long years of indefatigable labor.
HENRY A. SCHULZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.423-424. Henry A. Schulz, a farmer who has met with more than usual success in his work, owns one hundred and sixty acres of land on section 16, town of Rockland. He was born in Brazil, South America, January 6, 1877, a son of William and Augusta Schulz, natives of Germany. They were married in the fatherland and moved to Brazil, where their son, Henry A., was born. On their return journey from South America, in 1880, both parents died of yellow fever. The eldest and the youngest of their four children were with them on the ship, yet did not catch the dread disease. An uncle, Gottfried Fisher, took Henry A., while another uncle took the elder brother, William, and brought him up in the state of Washington, where he still resides. Henry A. Schulz was brought to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and here reared, remaining with his uncle until he was twenty—six years old, when he married. Following this event, he settled on the farm of one hundred and sixty acres in Rockland, which he now owns, all of which is fenced with barbed wire. One hundred and twenty acres are under cultivation, and the remainder is used for grazing purposes. He has thirty-six sheep of Shropshire strain, milks fifteen cows of graded stock, breeds to Percheron horses and keeps fifteen colonies of bees. His land annually produces fine crops of grain and clover seed. The basement barn, forty feet by seventy-two feet, was built before Mr. Schulz bought the farm, but in 1909 he put in cement doors and patent stanchions. His two-story frame residence was also built by a former owner. On November 12, 1903, Mr. Schulz married Clara Haelfrisch, a daughter of Taylor and Alvina (Haese) Haelfrisch, natives of Wisconsin, but of German parentage. Mr. and Mrs. Haelfrisch were married in the town of Rockland, and located upon a farm of one hundred and sixteen acres in the town of Cato, where they are living today, the mother being fifty-three years old and the father about the same age. Mrs. Schulz was the eldest of the eleven children born to her parents, her birth occurring October 3, 1881. Two children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schulz. Cina aud Lillian. Active in the republican party, Mr. Schulz has been elected by it to serve as superintendent of roads, and is now holding that office. He and his family belong to the Evangelical Association of Reedsville. While he has already made some excellent improvements, and has a good farm, Mr. Schulz is planning a number of new features, for he is ambitious, and anxious to have his land produce as much as possible.
Henry Schumann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.HUGO SCHURRER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.353-354. Hugo Schurrer, who conducts a hotel with bar attached in Centerville township, Manitowoc county, has been in his present location for twelve years. He is well and favorably known in the county and has held the office of constable and deputy sheriff under officers Eckert and Willinger. He was born in Stuttgart, Wurttemberg, Germany, May 17, 1867, a son of Antone and Caroline (Ramboldt) Schurrer, both natives of the fatherland. They spent their entire lives in that country. The son received a high-school education in Germany and after leaving school obtained a position in a bank, a vocation which he followed until he emigrated to America in 1885. On coming to the new world he settled at St. Wendel and later in Cleveland. He began life in America as a farm hand and later worked in a lumberyard, afterward securing employment in a grain elevator. He also for a time worked as a section man on the railroad and for six years conducted a saloon at Cleveland. Then, in 1900, he came to his present location where he commenced business by conducting a hotel and saloon, being still thus employed. He has held the offices of constable and deputy sheriff of Manitowoc county. Mr. Schurrer was married in 1895 to Miss Mary Kohn, a daughter of Martin Kohn, a farmer of Manitowoc county and a veteran of the Civil war. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Schurrer one child has been born, Theodore, who is yet at home. The wife and mother died in 1898 and on January 12, 1899, Mr. Schurrer was again married, his second union being with Barbara Diener, whose family are residents of Austria. She emigrated to America in 1894, being accompanied by a brother, and they settled at Clarks Mills, in Manitowoc county. Unto Mr. Schurrer’s second marriage four children have been born, Edwin, Elsie, Anna and Arthur. Mr. Schurrer and his family are well known residents of Manitowoc county where he has so successfully conducted business for many years. He stands well in the community and is regarded as a most estimable citizen.
HARMON SCHUSSER From the Manitowoc Pilot, July 20, 1871: Fatal Accident - A boy named Harmon Schusser, aged about 12 years, while engaged in running a lath machine in a saw mill at Neshoto, last Saturday afternoon, was struck in the abdomen by a piece of lath, producing internal injuries from the ___ of which he died on the following day.
SCHWANTES This is a ship's list from the ship Rudolph, Captain's name K.I. Dieckmann and port of entry New York, June 23, 1856. It sailed from Hamburg. The last name is spelled Schwantesih, but I've been assured by my volunteer Sue that this is the same family that is in Two Rivers Pioneer Rest Cemetery called Schwantes in [3-95] Frdih. Schwantesih....54....male....farmer....Meiklenbg (Mecklenburg) Frdke " ....45....female............ " Carl " ....27....male.............. " August " ....20....male.............. " Frdke " ....18....female............ " Emilie " ....17....female............ " Wilhelm " ....14....male.............. " Sophia " ....12....female............ " Ferdinand " .... 7....male.............. " Ida " .... 4....female............ "
ERNST SCHWANTES This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.247. When father is succeeded by son in any enterprise, the latter is apt to display the same sterling characteristics in handling the business that made the former successful, and rarely is an exception to be found to this rule in the agricultural communities. Ernst Schwantes, who is successfully cultivating the farm first settled by his father, on section 33, Two Rivers township, is one of the progressive and enterprising young agriculturists of Manitowoc county, where he was born September 26, 1881, on the farm he now owns. He received his education in the district schools of Two Rivers, and was reared on the old homestead, being brought up to the life of a farmer, which has been his vocation ever since attaining his majority. He cultivates his land along scientific lines, getting the best results from his labors, and in addition to carrying on general farming, he raises a fine grade of cattle, Poland China hogs and Percheron horses. In 1909 Mr. Schwantes was united in marriage to Miss Rosa Krause, a daughter of August Krause, one of the early pioneer settlers of Kossuth township, Manitowoc county, and to this union there has been born one child: Ernst, Jr., who was born April 1, 1911. Mr. Schwantes takes an active interest in local politics, and has served for some time as director of school district No. 5.
The marriage of Carl Schweitzer (1842-1932) to
his third wife, Anna Bettele Stahl (1848-1941)GEORGE SCHWOERER (SCHWORER)
GERALD N. SCOVE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.509-510. G. N. Scove, who is an engineer of the hull department of the Manitowoc Dry Dock Company, was born in Manitowoc, May 5, 1879, and is a son of Hans and Lena (Burger) Scove. The father came to Manitowoc about 1860 and engaged in the shipbuilding business, he being one of the pioneer shipbuilders of Manitowoc. He was a member of the firm of Hansen & Scove, who built many of the early schooners and steamers and were instrumental in developing the shipbuilding industry of Manitowoc and Two Rivers. During the Civil war Mr. Scove assisted in building the fleet which was sent down the Mississippi river and took part in the capture of Vicksburg. Mr. Scove’s death occurred in 1888 when he was fifty-two years of age. His wife passed away in 1881 when she was thirty-five years of age. She is buried at Two Rivers cemetery. The father is interred at Evergreen cemetery. G. N. Scove acquired his early education in the public schools and high schools of Manitowoc, and at the age of seventeen left the high school. He immediately accepted employment with the Northern Grain Company as assistant superintendent and remained with them for seven years. He was afterward traveling salesman for the Northern Grain Company and also for the Manufacturers Appraisal Company of New York. After he had been thus employed for two years he accepted a position with the Manitowoc Dry Dock Company and is now chief draftsman of the concern. He acquired his knowledge of drafting during the time he was traveling for the two concerns. He early learned the fact that in self-development lies strength, and he tested his own powers by actual work, doing faithfully and efficiently every task which was assigned to him or which seemed to him a stepping stone in the path of progression, thus working his way upward to larger responsibilities and more important duties. His advancement has resulted through the development of his talents and powers, and the position of distinction and trust which he holds today is the logical outcome of his own efforts. In Manitowoc, on the 5th of July, 1906, Mr. Scove was married to Miss Irma Schuette, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. August Schuette, the former of the firm of Schuette Brothers. Mr. Scove is a progressive republican and holds membership in the blue lodge of the Masons. He is also a member of the Country Club. Those who meet him in social relations respond readily to his genial and cordial manner, and thus his circle of friends is constantly enlarging.
Gregor Schwoerer and Katherine Fessler family from late 1893. Anton Schwoerer is tall person in center of back row. The baby in Katherine’s arms is Theodore Schwoerer, born Sept. 17, 1893.
Back row; L to R – Peter, Joseph, George, Anton, Katherine, Frederick, Ulrich and Otto Front row; L to R – Frank, Gregor (father), Theodore, Katherine Fessler (mother) and John Note: Both Gregor Schwoerer and Katherine Fessler are among the first people of St. Nazianz -- arriving there in the 1850's as children.HANS M. SCOVE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, pp. 532-533 Firm of Hansen & Scove, ship builders, Manitowoc, is a native of Denmark, born Feb. 15, 1837. Having reached the age of manhood, and being anxious to improve his circumstances, he emigrated to America; worked a short time on Long Island, and then removed to Manitowoc. Mr. Scove has, however, traveled through many of the Southern States, engaged in business of ship building. During one of these trips, he assisted in building Porter's squadron. In 1868 he became a member of the firm Hansen & Scove. From 1876 to 1880, he was captain of the Life-saving Station at Two Rivers. Resigning this position, he engaged in rebuilding the United States revenue cutter, "Andy Johnson."