[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
ANDREW WACHTEL From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 First Publication Oct. 27, 1906 In Probate, Manitowoc County Court Notice of Final Account In the matter of the Estate of Andrew Wachtel deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Anna Maria Wachtel, administrator of the estate of said deceased for adjustment and allowance of her administration account and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same: It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a special term of said court to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday the 20th day of November A.D. 1906. [remainder usual court notes] Dated, October 20, 1906 by the court, John Chloupek, county judge F.W. Dicke, Atty.
ALBERT F. WAGENKNECHT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.591-592. Albert F. Wagenknecht, who is engaged in the profession of teaching, makes his home in Schleswig township, and is furthermore known as an official of his locality, filling the office of town clerk. He was born April 28, 1879, in the village of Kiel, a son of Ferdinand H. Wagenknecht, a cheese manufacturer of Schleswig township, who was born August 22, 1853, in Pommern, Germany. His father was Heinrich Wagenknecht, who came to America with his family in 1856 and located on what is now known as the old homestead farm of the Wagenknecht family. There he carried on general agricultural pursuits throughout the remainder of his life although in his native land he had learned the stone mason’s trade. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Wilhelmina Roeseburg, died in 1897 at the age of seventy-four years. She had long survived her husband who passed away in 1878 at the age of fifty—three. Ferdinand H. Wagenknecht, their son and the father of Albert F. Wagenknecht, was but three years of age when brought to the United States by his parents. In his boyhood days he worked upon the home farm and ere attaining his majority also learned the carpenter’s trade. This he followed until 1881 when he established a creamery and cheese manufactory on the old homestead place. That business occupied his time and claimed his energies until he put aside business cares. He is now living retired in the enjoyment of well earned rest, and is the possessor of a comfortable competence which came to him through his unfaltering industry and intelligently directed effort. He married Minnie Mog and they became parents of three children: Gustav, who is living in Kiel; Laura, a resident of Chicago; and Albert F., who is the eldest. Mrs. Wagenknecht was born March 18, 1854, in Sheboygan county, and is a daughter of Peter and Frederica (Wehrman) Mog, who were natives of Prussia, Germany. Thus in both the paternal and maternal lines Albert F. Wagenknecht comes of good old German ancestry. In the acquirement of his education he attended the Kiel high school and also spent one year as a pupil in the Oshkosh Normal School. He afterward took up the profession of teaching which he followed in the district schools for fourteen years. Later he came to Millhome and is now the teacher in district No. 6. At the same time he engages to some extent in farming. In the profession of teaching he holds to high ideals, recognizing the fact that education is a preparation for life’s practical and responsible duties. He tempers firmness with kindness, making discipline but a means to the best development of the pupils inherent powers. In 1904 Mr. Wagenknecht was united in marriage to Miss Louisa Mattes, who was born November 21, 1875, on the old family homestead at Rockwell, this county. She is a daughter of Philip and Theresa (Franz) Mattes, the latter a daughter of Fred and Frederica Franz, who died in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Mattes came to America in 1854, settling in Sheboygan county and later they came to Schleswig township, Manitowoc county, the father purchasing what is now known as the old Mattes farm at Rockwell. He was a veteran of the Civil war, having enlisted as a member of Company H, Twenty-sixth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which he served throughout the period of hostilities. He was wounded at Gettysburg and also at Antietam and on many other occasions was in the thickest of the fight. He indeed gave splendid proof of his loyalty and devotion to his adopted country, and was a public-spirited citizen in days of peace as well as in times of war. When hostilities were over he returned to Wisconsin and devoted his remaining days to farming in this county, his death occurring in 1910 when he was seventy-one years of age. His wife is still living at the age of sixty-three, making her home with her daughter, Mrs. Wagenknecht, who by her marriage has become the mother of two sons: Herbert, who was six years old on the 10th of August, 1911; and Clarence, who was born January 18, 1910. Mr. Wagenknecht is a member of the German Reform church of Kiel. In politics he is a stalwart democrat and for nine years—from 1902 until 1910 inclusive—he filled the office of justice of the peace in which connection he rendered decisions that were strictly fair and impartial. Since the 2d of January, 1902, he has filled the office of town clerk and in this position has made a most creditable record. He never falters in the performance of any public duty, whether of an official character or otherwise, and at all times his aid and cooperation can be counted upon to support measures and movements which are for the benefit of the public at large rather than a party. In a word, he is a splendid type of American manhood and chivalry, holding ever to high ideals and seeking progress along every line that is of vital concern.
E. WAGNER From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Of the firm of Wagner, Rand & Company, wholesale and retail dealers in hardware, is a native of Hesse-Darmstadt, now a part of Prussia, was born in 1829. His parents came to America in 1849, and settled in Washington Co., Wis.; and he, having accidentally lost his right hand on his passage to the sea-board, was necessarily detained from coming to this country until the following year, when he also came to Washington County, and found his family in a miserable condition; his older brother dead, his father sick most of the time, and two small sisters. There they were, on a small farm of forty acres covered with woods, and no one to work but himself with one hand. It was a fearful task, but, "where there's a will, there's a way." He cleared twenty-five acres of dense forest, working day and night, until his health failed him and rheumatism set in. He was compelled to seek other means for earning a livelihood, and accordingly came to Manitowoc in 1854, unable to speak a word of the English language. There he found a few good souls, who assisted him in getting a lot and putting up a small shanty, where he opened a saloon, and soon after added a small grocery store. He did quite well, his business continued increasing, and in 1874 he went into the hardware business exclusively, and so continues to this day. The firm of Wagner, Rand & Company are doing the largest business in their line in Northern Wisconsin. Mr. Wagner is the owner of one of the finest residences in Manitowoc, besides owning considerable other real estate.
MICHAEL WAGNER (This was sent by a researcher/see contributors page) THE STRATFORD JOURNAL, April 3, 1941 MICHAEL WAGNER Michael Wagner, aged 80, died Sunday morning [March 30] at a Marshfield Hospital, where he had been taken about three weeks ago, for treatment. Prior to that time, he was being cared for by his daughters, Mrs. Geo. Burkart and Miss Beatrice Wagner. Funeral services were held Wednesday morning at 8:30 at the Sauter funeral home and at 9 o'clock at St. Joseph's Catholic church, the Rev. J. L. Schumacher officiating. Burial was in the Webertown cemetery in the town of Eau Pleine. The deceased was born Dec. 11, 1860, in Cleveland, Wisconsin. He married Miss Augusta Laessig of this community August 19, 1883, at Colby. Mrs. Wagner died in November, 1938. They located in the town of Eau Pleine where he operated a sawmill, conducted a store and was also the postmaster, as well as taking care of his farm. They lived here until 15 years ago when they moved to Stratford. Surviving are eight children: Mrs. Geo. Burkart, Mrs. A.C. Scherman, Beatrice and Louis Wagner of Stratford, Edward of Kansas City, Mo., Chas. of Buffalo, N.Y., Henry of Jamestown, ND, Lient. Al of Belleville, IL, all of whom were at the funeral. Pallbearers were his five sons and one son-in-law, Lieut. Al., Chas., Edward., Henry, and Louis, and Geo. Burkart.
FLORINDA ELIZABETH WALDO The National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution Volume 81 page 54 Miss Flora Wood Waldo. DAR ID Number: 80137 Born in Manitowoc, Wis. Descendant of Lieut. Jesse Waldo, Jesse Waldo, Jr., Major Daniel Wood, Ezekiel Ricker, and Lieut. Jethro Hurd. Daughter of William Williams Waldo (1825-91) and Dorothy Florinda Wood (b. 1828), his wife, m. 1855. Granddaughter of Albigence Waldo (1797-1876) and Elizabeth William (1803-72), his wife, m. 1824; Mark Wood (1795-1873) and Dolly Ricker (1800-37), his wife, m. 1819. Gr-granddaughter of Jesse Waldo, Jr., and Martha Hovey (1768-1849), his wife, m. 1786; Enoch Wood (1774-1856) and Dorothy Hurd (1777-1857), his wife, m. 1795; Ezekiel Ricker and Molly Hanson, his wife, m. 1777. Gr-gr-granddaughter of Jesse Waldo and Bridget Thompson (1735-1805), his wife; Daniel Wood and Mary ? (1736-1820), his wife; Jethro Hurd and Sarah ? (1745-1815), his wife. Jesse Waldo (1736-1823) was appointed lieutenant of the train band by the General Assembly, 1777. He was born and died in Mansfield, Conn. Also No. 74223. Jesse Waldo, Jr. (1761-1826), served several short tours in the Connecticut State troops, 1777-80, for which service his widow was pensioned, 1839. He was born in Mansfield, Conn.; died in Plattsburg, N. Y. Also No. 67726. Daniel Wood (1739-1819) was major in Col. John Scammon's York County regiment, and in 1776 served in the Continental infantry. He was born in Boxford, Mass.; died in Shopleigh, Me. Ezekiel Ricker (1757-1804) enlisted in 1775 and served until discharged in 1779. He was born in Berwick; died in Lebanon, Me. Jethro Hurd (1740-1815) served in Colonel Poor's regiment, 1776. He died in Acton, Me. Also No. 66868.
WILLIAM WILLIAMS WALDO This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.417-418. William Williams Waldo, who for a number of years was engaged in educational work in Manitowoc and later was identified with the mercantile business in that place, was born at Prattsburg, Steuben county, New York, May 19, 1825, a son of Albigence and Elizabeth (Williams) Waldo, a grandson of Jesse Waldo, a great-grandson of Jesse, Sr., and a great-grandson of Shubael, who was a son of Deacon Edward, who was a son of John Waldo, who in turn was a son of Deacon Cornelius Waldo, who came to the American colonies in 1654, settling in New England. John Waldo married Rebecca Adams, a daughter of Samuel Adams, who was an ancestor of Presidents John and John Quincy Adams. William Williams Waldo came to Manitowoc, Wisconsin, in 1850 and taught the first school on the north side of the river. He later became engaged in mercantile business and was elected justice of the peace and county judge. He died February 7, 1891, at Prattsburg, New York, and his funeral services were held there by the Masonic fraternity, of which he was a lifelong member. Mr. Waldo was married April 18, 1855, to Dorothea Florinda Wood, a daughter of Mark and Dolly (Ricker) Wood, a granddaughter of Enoch Wood and a great-granddaughter of Daniel Wood, a major in the Revolutionary war. Dolly Ricker was a daughter of Ezekiel Ricker, who was a descendant of Maturin Ricker, who came from England in 1670, locating at Dover, New Hampshire, where he and his brother, George Ricker, were killed by the Indians in 1706. Ezekiel Ricker, a cousin of Mrs. Waldo, came to Manitowoc in 1848, became a prominent attorney and died here of cholera in 1854. Mr. and Mrs. Waldo were the parents of seven children, four of whom survive. Mark Albigence is a civil engineer and phosphate mine owner of Florida. He pursued a course of study in mechanical engineering and after his graduation spent four years as first assistant engineer of the Memphis bridge. For several years thereafter he engaged in bridge building, making a specialty of substructures. He was offered the position of engineer to construct the East Coast railway of Florida, running from Miami, Florida, to Key West, but, Mr. Waldo being engaged in other projects, an engineer recommended by him was chosen for the work. He has turned his attention to phosphate mining and is now manager of a mine at Barto, Florida. George Edward is a patent attorney in Chicago. Flora Wood, who resides with her mother, is possessed of marked literary talents and is the author of a book of poems. Mary Elizabeth married Edward Hancock Ross. The family has always been connected with the Presbyterian church. ------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 William Williams Waldo, Manitowoc, was born in the Town of Pultne, Stueben Co., N. Y., May 19, 1825. He received an academic education at Franklin Academy, Prattsburg, N. Y. In 1850, he removed to Manitowoc, where he has since resided. On the eighteenth day of April, 1855, he was married to Dorothy Florinda Wood. Seven children have been the result of this union, four of whom are still living. Most of Mr. Waldo's time, while in Manitowoc, has been spent in mercantile pursuits until 1869, when he was elected County Judge, which office he held for the four succeeding years. He has served as Alderman for his ward and also as a member of the County Board of Supervisors.
CHAS. H. WALKER (Maj.) (from the Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 3, 1870) At the residence of the bride's mother, in Sheboygan, on the 31st day of January, 1870 by the Rev. R.W. Blow, Maj. Chas. H. Walker, of Manitowoc and Mrs. Libbie M. Rouan of Sheboygan. And now comes the editor and enters his plea as to the merits of this case, and says, that brother Walker has won an important suit; and, as is his usual practice, he will retain the whole sum recovered, as his fee. The fair bride - who, by the way, is one of the best women in the world - will be welcomed to Manitowoc. Charley, you are a fortunate kuss in court. We congratulate both bride and groom in their success, each with the other.
THOMAS WALSH From the Two Rivers Reporter, June 24, 1884: Mr. Thos. Walsh has completed his course at the State law school and is now a full-fledged attorney-at-law. He has not yet decided, we believe, where he will hang out his shingle.
JOHN WATRUBA From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, September 11, 1884: John Watruba of Kellnersville had one of his legs broken while wrestling with a friend. He was brought to the city and is now under the care of Dr. Frazer. He is a blacksmith and will hardly become a professional wrestler after his disastrous experience of this week.
Maple Grove residents pose for this photo taken around 1892 Sitting at the table are J. P. Watt, Dan F. Lorrigan and Thomas Watt, Sr. Standing in the back are beer wagon driver, Mike Hennessey, Fred Siegler, Jr., Fred Siegler, Sr., Eddie Watt and Cora Watt. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Daughter of John Peter and Mary Lorigan Watt of Maple Grove in 1915 Compliments of Gary Omernick
HENRY WATTER The following was sent in by a researcher/see contributors page. Henry Watter and his Wife Christine Schulz, married there and had children Charles, Emma, Henry, Mathilda. Henry worked in the Pfister and Vogel Tannery there. In 1870 sometime Henry moved his family to Shawano County, Seneca Township and had more children - Mearia, August, and William. I have a copy of the original census and the takers were usually sloppy about crossing both tees so it appears as Walter. I have run into this many places and just wanted to pass this on. Henry Watter got a homestead land grant for Seneca Township and became a prominent farmer in his community. The following tombstones are from Shawano County, Seneca Township
Henry Watter (from tombstone)
Henry Watter
Christina Watter
PETER SIMON WEAVER "Biographical History of Northern Michigan" by B.F. Bowen, Published 1905 Pages 33-34 PETER S. WEAVER. This venerable and honored pioneer of Antrim county is a veteran of the Civil war and in the "piping times of peace" has ever shown the same fidelity, loyalty and earnestness of purpose which so signally characterized his course while a soldier on the battlefields of the greatest of all internecine conflicts, the war of the Rebellion. He has been a resident of Antrim county since 1869, and is thus numbered among the oldest living pioneers of this section of the state, while he has done his share in the great work of development and aided the march of progress, while he has not been denied that success which is the just reward for years of earnest endeavor. Mr. Weaver was born near Newton, now known as Elmira, Chemung county, New York, on the 1?th of February, 1825, and will thus have reached the age of four score years by the time this work is published. He is a son of Henry and Polly(Gardner) Weaver, both of whom were likewise native of the old Empire state, where the latter passed her entire life. The father, when well advanced in years, removed to Wisconsin, passing the closing years of his life in the home of our subject. Of the six children in the family none but the subject are living, and three of the sons rendered yeoman service in defense of the Union during the Civil war. Peter S. Weaver was reared to manhood on the old homestead farm in Chemung county, New York, and his early educational advantages were such as were afforded in the common schools of the locality and period. He continued to reside in his native county until he removed to Wisconsin, locating in Manitowoc county, where he was engaged in engineering at the time of the outbreak of the rebellion. In response to President Lincoln's call for troops, he enlisted, in 1862, as a private in Company K, Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which he continued in active service two years and eight months, having been disabled by a severe wound in his right elbow and having been on this account granted his honorable discharge in 1863, at which time he was in the city of Chicago. His regiment was assigned to the Western Army and served under General Rosecrans, and he participated in a number of the spirited battles in which that division of the federal armies took part, the wound previously mentioned having been received in the battle of Perryville, Kentucky. After the close of his military service Mr. Weaver returned to Wisconsin, where he continued to be engaged in engineering until 1869, when he came to Antrim county, where he has ever since resided, having been one of the first settlers in Custer township and having here developed a farm in the midst of the primeval forest, reclaiming his land largely through his undivided labors and working earnestly and indefatigably to gain a worth ??? success and independence. He has not been denied this consistent reward, and in the golden evening of his life is enabled to enjoy the fruits of his long years of toil and endeavor. He has eighty acres of land, of which fifty-five are under cultivation, and the buildings and other permanent improvements on the place are of substantial order and betoken good management and distinctive thrift. In addition to raising the various cereals he has also devoted much attention to the growing of fruits of various varieties, having a good orchard, and also raising large crops of potatoes and other horticultural products. His son Milton resides with him and now has the general supervision and management of the farm. In political affairs Mr. Weaver has given an uncompromising allegiance to the Republican party from the time of its organization to the present, and is a stalwart advocate of the principles of the "grand old party." He is a valued member of the Grand Army of the Republic, and both he and his wife have long been members of the Methodist Episcopal church. In 1848 was solemnized the marriage of Mr. Weaver to Miss Elizabeth Lathrop, who was born and reared in the state of New York, being a daughter of Alfred Lathrop, who was of French lineage. Of this union have been born seven children, namely: Henry, who is deceased; Keziah, Milford, Marian, Charles, Florence and one who died in infancy. Keziah is the wife of C. H. Kemp, a farmer of this county; Milford M. is at home and has charge of the farm; Marian is the wife of Nathan Jackson, a farmer in this county; Charles married and is a stone mason and plasterer in this county; Florence is the wife of Clarence Lane, a farmer of this county.
JOSEPH WEBER From the "History of the Great Lakes" vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield 1899 Joseph A. Weber, a marine engineer who has come to the front in his profession very rapidly, is an ambitious young man, and has alrady attained to a position of responsibility as chief of the fine passenger steamer Georgia, owned by the Goodrich Steamship Company, of Chicago. Mr. Weber was born March 3, 1868, in Manitowoc, Wis., a son of Peter and Stephanie (Burkhart) Weber. His father, who is a native of Luxemburg, Germany, has sailed the lakes for many years in the capacity of marine engineer, and he is now in the employ of the Goodrich Steamship Company as chief of the steamer City of Racine. Joseph A. Weber acquired a liberal education in the public schools of Manitowoc. He began at the foot of the ladder, as coal passer in the side-wheel steamer Chicago, of the Goodrich line, for two months, and after firing in the same steamer about three years, he secured his license as engineer, on May 27, 1889, and was appointed first assistant in the steamer Depere; he closed that season in the steamer Mary Mills. In the spring of 1890 he was appointed second engineer in the steamer Chicago, making three trips a week in the passenger trade between Manitowoc and Chicago, and the next season transferred to the steamer Indiana, of the same line, serving as second engineer of her until September, when he joined the wrecking tug Monarch. He finished the year in the steamer Menominee, which has since been rebuilt and named the Iowa, plying all winter. In 1892 Mr. Weber was appointed chief engineer of the tug Arctic, following with a season as second in the steamer Chicago. In 1894 he joined the fine steamer Virginia as first assistant, and the next spring was appointed chief engineer of the steamer Sheboygan, plying between Chicago and Green Bay ports, holding this berth three seasons; when the Georgia was rebuilt and came out in 1898 he was transferred as chief to that steamer, plying between Manistique and Chicago. Mr. Weber is an honored member of the Marine Engineers Beneficial Association, and when the branch was organized in Manitowoc he was elected financial and corresponding secretary; he has also filled the office of vice-president, and was president for two terms, performing the duties of that incumbency with ability and discretion. He lives with his parents in Manitowoc.
MICHAEL WEBER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.586-589. Michael Weber is a miller and farmer of Schleswig township and is making for himself a creditable name in industrial and agricultural circles. He has a splendidly equipped milling property which he operates in the manufacture of both flour and lumber. He also owns a good tract of land and in its cultivation employs modern methods. He is a native of Germany, born April 31, 1849, and was but seven years of age when he came to America with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weber. The father was a miller by trade, acquainting himself with that business while in Germany and after he reached Wisconsin he built at Centerville one of the first saw and flour mills in this district, thus becoming closely associated with the industrial and manufacturing interests of the community. Michael Weber, whose name introduces this review, spent his youthful days in his father’s home and after acquiring his education in the public schools he followed farming and milling at Pigeon Lake, erecting there a mill. Later he built the St. Nazianz mill which he operated until 1906 when he came to his present home in Schleswig township where he also owns a mill. He is now operating one of the most modern and improved water power mills in this vicinity. The plant is splendidly equipped with the latest machinery and his product finds a ready sale on the market. Mr. Weber thoroughly understands the milling business in principle and detail and his success is the reward of energy, enterprise and honorable dealing. On September 23, 1879, Mr. Weber was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Reinhardt, who was born in Germany, November 1, 1860. She was born in the Rhein Province and her parents were John and Lucia (Thiel) Reinhardt. Her father is now living at the venerable age of eighty-three years. He and his wife came to America two and a half years after their daughter, Mrs. Weber, had crossed the Atlantic with friends in 1877. Mr. Reinhardt established his home at Centerville and there engaged in farming. He was favorably known in army circles in his native land, belonging to the Coblenz Third Cavalry Regiment. He was one of the oldest settlers in Manitowoc county and a well known citizen, whose sterling traits of character established him high in public regard.
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Weber
ALBERT WEHAUSEN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 Two Rivers flouring mill, was born March 22, 1828 in Hanover, Germany. In 1850, he came to Two Rivers, followed the house carpenter's trade until 1858, when he married Margaret Dingeldein, of Hesse-Darmstadt. They have a family of two daughters and one son. After his marriage, Mr. Wehausen engaged in merchandising, until 1867, when he sold his store nd bought a mill in Mishicot, which he operated until 1876. He attended the Centennial Exposition at Philadelphia. He then returned to Two Rivers and built this mill, which he has since conducted, and is ably assisted by his son, George. Mr. Wehausen has been County Supervisor and Chairman of the County Board.
HERMANN WEHAUSEN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Brick manufacturer, was born Nov. 3, 1820, in Hanover, Germany. He came to Washington County in 1849; two years later he moved to Manitowoc, following the carpenter trade for one year; since then he has been engaged in his present business, and manufactures about half a million bricks a year, and employs twelve men. In 1851 he married Miss Sophia Ehrendreich, of Prussia, by whom he has six children, two sons and four daughters.
MRS C. WEINFURTHER From the Two Rivers Manitowoc County Chronicle, Tuesday, February 18, 1888: Mrs. C. Weinfurther of the town of Two Rivers had one of her hands so severely burned one day last week as to almost require amputation. The flesh was burned to the bone in many places and her suffering was for many days most intense. The accident happened while trying to extinguish a fire in her smoke house.
GEORGE M. WELLNER (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
George Wellner home in the Town of Franklin - abt 1908 Seated: George and Mary (Braun) Wellner Children: Dorothy (1904-1991), George (1906-1995), Caroline (1907-1999) Standing center: Amanda Siebert (1889-1969), daughter of Henry and Wilhelmine (Klemme) Siebert (neighbor girl from across the road)
Joseph (b.1901), Marie (b.1902), Dorothy (b.1904), George (b.1906), Caroline (b. 1907), John (b.1909), Martha (b. 1911), Robert (b. 1912), Rose (b.1914), Gertrude (b. 1918), Agnes (b. 1919), Bernard (b.1921)
CHARLES WERBKE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Merchant tailor, Manitowoc. He was born in Prussia Nov. 11, 1827. He emigrated to America in 1854, and settled in Manitowoc City, and began business as above noted. He enlisted in 1861 in Company B, 9th Reg., Wis. V. I. Served three years and two months, and was mustered out in Milwaukee. He then came to Manitowoc and began his present business. He was married in Manitowoc, in 1865, to Mrs. Minna Kullmann. She was born in Saxony, Germany, Aug. 11, 1836. They have two children living, Norbert and Herthe. Mrs. W. does all kinds of ladies' hair work.
HENRY WERNECK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.516-519. Henry Wernecke, who is engaged in the hardware business at the corner of Eighth and Washington streets, Manitowoc, is a well known figure in business circles of this city and for a number of years has been identified with the public life of this section. He was born in Manitowoc county, October 15, 1862, and is a son of Carl and Wilhelmina (Steinford) Wernecke. Andrew Wernecke, the grandfather of Henry, was born in Germany and brought his family to the United States in 1848, settling on wild land in Newton township, Manitowoc county, where during the years that followed he suffered all the hardships and privations of the early pioneers. He continued to farm this property until his death, after which it was taken charge of by his son Carl, who also spent his life here and died in 1886. Carl Wernecke married Wilhelmina Steinford, who came to the United States in 1849 with two sisters, and she died in 1872. She was the mother of ten children, of whom five are now deceased: William, a business man of Manitowoc, who died in 1901; Carl, who is living on the old homestead; Fredericka, who died in infancy; Bertha, who also died when an infant; Annie, who married D. Roepke and resides in Milwaukee; Wilhelmina, who married H. Roepke, a farmer of Manitowoc county; Henry, who is in business in Manitowoc; Mary and Frederick, who are deceased; and Margaret, who married Carl Hoefner, a business man of Manitowoc. Henry Wernecke received a public and normal school education, and after completing his studies engaged in school teaching for fourteen years, during the last three years of which he was also engaged in farming. In 1894, in partnership with Herman A. Schmitz, he bought property at the corner of Eighth and Washington streets and established the hardware business which they are still conducting. They built a three-story brick structure, fifty-seven and a half by one hundred feet. The partners are both able business men, and their venture has been a success from the start. In 1887 Mr. Wernecke was married to Bertha Schmitz, a daughter of Carl Schmitz, and to them two daughters have been born, namely, Hattie and Bertha. The family hold membership in the Lutheran church and Mr. Wernecke has served as trustee of the church and in 1912 was elected president of the congregation. He is also a member of the board of the Lutheran schools and was one of the first members of the board of education in Manitowoc. For four successive terms he was elected without opposition as trustee of the County Asylum for Insane and for three years served as secretary of the State Association of Trustees and Superintendents of County Asylums for the Insane in the state of Wisconsin.
Henry Wernecke
OTTO C. WERNECKE, D. D. S. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.90-91. Otto C. Wernecke, D. D. S., president of the Manitowoc County Dental Society, and one of the prominent young dental practitioners of the city of Manitowoc, was born in Newton township, this county, in 1878, and is a son of Carl and Lena (Schmitz) Wernecke, and a grandson of Carl Wernecke. Dr. Wernecke’s parents were married in Manitowoc county, and to them were born nine children, all of whom are living, as follows: Dr. Otto C., Herman, Ervin, Carl, Etta, Caroline, Herbert, Benjamin and Margaret. Otto C. Wernecke attended the district schools in the neighborhood of his father’s farm, and later was given the advantages of the Manitowoc high school. After graduation from the latter he decided upon dentistry as a profession and subsequently entered the dental department of the Milwaukee Medical College, from which he was graduated with the class of 1902. He immediately returned to Manitowoc, where he opened a well equipped suite of offices, and he has since built up a large and lucrative practice. He stands high in his profession, and is popular not only among his fellow practitioners but with all those of his townsmen with whom he has come into contact. Dr. Wernecke belongs to the state, county and national dental organizations, and at present is serving in the capacity of president of the county dental society. On June 28, 1906, Dr. Wernecke was married to Miss Lena Kansier, born in Manitowoc, a daughter of Henry Kansier, and they have had two children, Henry and one who died in infancy. Dr. and Mrs. Wernecke are members of the Lutheran church.
THE ALUMINUM CASTINGS COMPANY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.510-513. CONRAD WERRA: The Aluminum Castings Company, one of the largest companies for the manufacture of aluminum castings for automobiles, motorcycles and motor boats in the United States, is the successor to the Aluminum Foundry Company, which was organized in Manitowoc in 1901, by Conrad Werra and Bernhard Willnann. The Aluminum Foundry Company was incorporated June 13, 1906, with a capital of fifteen thousand dollars, with Mr. Werra as president; the capital was increased January 17, 1907, to fifty thousand dollars, and on August 7, 1908, was again increased to one hundred thousand dollars. On June 1, 1910, the firm sold out to the Aluminum Castings Company, which has been the firm style ever since, and the main offices are at Cleveland, Ohio, the officers of the company being: E. E. Allyne, president; W. P. King, vice president, both of these gentlemen being business men of Cleveland; Conrad Werra, manager and western representative; and Alexander Pankratz, superintendent. The plant at Manitowoc covers thirty thousand square feet, being a one-story building, employs two hundred hands, mostly skilled laborers, during the busy season, at an average wage of two dollars and seventy-five cents per day, and ships its product all over the United States. Conrad Werra, manager of this large concern, was born August 5, 1868, and is a son of Ferdinand and Alvina (Suberg) Werra, who come to the United States in 1881 and settled at Holt, Michigan. Conrad Werra learned the moulding trade at the great Krupp foundry in Germany, and on first coming to the United States, worked in the foundry of E. P. Allis & Company, at Milwaukee, as a moulder. In 1889 he came to Manitowoc, and acted in a like capacity for the Manitowoc Manufacturing Company, and in 1892 went to Beloit, Wisconsin, and for two years was employed in the Berlin Machine Works. He returned to Manitowoc in 1894 and remained for two years, and in 1896 started the Two Rivers Iron Works, which he conducted until 1901, when with Mr. Willnann he founded the Aluminum Foundry Company. Mr. Werra is one of the oldest mixers of aluminum alloys in the country, and was also one of the first in the country to make aluminum castings. He has a wide and varied experience in this work, and probably a better authority than he could not be found. Mr. Werra was married in 1894 to Julia Kappes, who was born in Manitowoc, a daughter of Martin and Mary (Cichy) Kappes, one of the first families to settle in Newton township, where Mrs. Werra was born. Nine children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Werra, four sons and five daughters, and the family is connected with the Catholic church. Mr. Werra is a member of the Catholic Knights, the Knights of Columbus and the Elks.
Conrad Werra
CHARLES C. WEST This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.653-654. Charles C. West is numbered among the men whose activities and public spirit are forces in the development and upbuilding of Manitowoc, and the place he occupies in the public regard and the work he is doing for the industrial benefit of the city well entitle him to mention in this volume with the names of those whose work and worth constitute the elements of the city’s progress. A native of Chicago, his birth having occurred in that city on the 22d of September, 1878, he is a son of John and Ann (Ladd) West. The father was in the grain business in central Illinois previous to his removal to Chicago in 1866. The West family is of English origin, the father coming to this country from England in 1845. Charles C. West was educated in the public schools of Chicago, graduating from high school in that city in 1896. Subsequently he pursued a course of study at Cornell University, from which he was graduated in 1900, receiving his diploma in recognition of work done in the engineering department. After he was thus qualified to accept a position as mechanical engineer he entered the employ of the Chicago Shipbuilding Company, remaining there for two years. At the end of that time he came to Manitowoc and in 1904 became one of the organizers of the Manitowoc Shipbuilding & Dry Dock Company. He has been actively connected with that firm since its inception and has always served as its president. He has become one of the best known men in the city and his activity in shipbuilding circles has has won him much prominence and also good financial returns. In Chicago on the 10th of June, 1905, Mr. West was married to Miss Bernice Dunn, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Martin Dunn, of Wagner, Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. West have become the parents of two children, John and Robert. The family reside at the corner of Michigan avenue and Fourteenth street. In politics Mr. West is somewhat independent, voting for man or measure rather than party. He holds membership in the Country Club. While he takes part in the social life and fulfils his duty pertaining to matters, he concentrates the greater part of his energies upon his business interests.
FREELING WESTGATE (Freling/Freiling) Freling8 Westgate was born April 15, 1846 in Racine, Wisconsin to Adoniram Judson and Deborah Holmes Coy Westgate. The oldest son, young Freling was the primary source of labor on the family farm because his father was chronically ill and debilitated. On October 15, 1861, not yet 16 and over his father's objections, Freling enlisted as a private in the Union Army, 14th Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry Regiment, Company E, under Capt. George E. Waldo. He was mustered into service on Jan 30, 1862. At the time of his enlistment, records indicate that he was single and listed his occupation as farmer. He had black eyes, black hair and stood 5'-6" tall. Between 1875 and 1879, Freling's mother as a widow, applied for a mother's pension. Her application documents in the National Archives and Records Administration, include two very touching letters from Freling to his parents from the war front. He describes his life as a soldier. When camped at Corinth, he notes that his tent is pitched just a stone's throw from Gen. U. S. Grant's headquarters. He takes pride in the fact that he is in an all volunteer outfit rather than one with conscripts. Like all teenagers, he is interested in any news or gossip of what's going on back home. As agreed upon prior to enlistment, he dutifully sends home his entire army pay to help out with the running of the farm and to compensate his parents for his absence. His last letter was written on September 1, 1862, about a month prior to his death. During the Battle of Corinth, on October 3, 1862, Freling was shot and died of his wound. He was in his 9th month of active service and only 16 years old. Freling is buried in the Union National Cemetery in Corinth, Mississippi. Sources Adoniram Judson Westgate's family bible and two obituaries of Deborah Holmes Coy Westgate, both from unidentified Two Rivers, Wisconsin newspapers. Civil War Roll of Honor, reprint Vol# 7, page 116, NEHGS, Boston MA Original Photograph (tin type) owned by Freling's great grand nephew F.B. Westgate. Physical description of Freling based on data from Manitowoc County Wisconsin Genealogy/Civil War Roster http://www.2manitowoc.com/cvlwrrz.html Notes: Freling8 Westgate (Adoniram Judson7, Earl6, Joseph Earl5, Earl4, George3, Robert2, Adam1) the first Westgate of his line in over 200 years, to be born outside New England. His maternal great grandfather John Coy fought in the American Revolution and his paternal great grandfather, Joseph Earl5 Westgate, at the age of 15, fought in the Battle of Rhode Island. His parents Adoniram and Deborah Holmes Coy were among the early settlers in Wisconsin. Varied spellings appear of Freling's name, including Freiling, Freeling and Freiling Eisen. His father, Adoniram entered his name in the Westgate family bible as "Freling H. Westgate" and Freling spells his own name as "Freling" when he writes letters home to his parents. (contributed by researcher/see contributors page)
Freeling Westgate
Freeling Westgate
ALBERT WEYER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.213-214. Albert Weyer, who in 1890 was one of the founders of the Weyer Cheese Factory, was connected with that establishment until 1905. He resides on his farm in Newton township, where his parents settled on their arrival here from Germany. He was born in Germany on the 5th of March, 1846, the son of Frederick Weyer, who in 1853 came to the United States, accompanied by his family, which consisted of his wife, Wilhelmina Weyer, and his three children, Albert, Albertina and Julius. The father settled at once on the farm where the subject of this sketch now lives. At that time the land was all wild country and the father erected there a log cabin, in which his family lived for several years, and then proceeded to clear and develop his land. He resided there until his death, in 1900, when he passed away at the age of eighty. His wife died in 1906, at the age of eighty-seven. Albert Weyer, being seven years of age when his parents brought him to America, had attended school for a short time in Germany and he received the remainder of his education in the district schools of this township. He has always been associated with work on this farm except for three months, during which time he was employed in a shipyard in Manitowoc. In 1890 Mr. Weyer, together with William Boldt, established a butter and cheese factory and it is today one of the best factories of its kind in the state. Albert Weyer still manages his home farm, where he engages in general farming. In 1875 Mr. Weyer wedded Miss Minnie Bruns and to them have been born eleven children: Mary; Fred; Augusta; Otto; Ella; Albert; Elsie; Viola; John; and Julius and Matilda, both of whom died in infancy. The son Otto, who since 1905 has operated the cheese factory, was born June 24, 1882, on the home farm. He received his education in the Newton high school and in his boyhood days worked on his father’s farm and in the cheese plant. In 1909 he wedded Miss Annie Detjen, a daughter of Henry Detjen. They have one child, Esther, who was born March 25, 1911. Throughout his long residence of more than a half-century in Manitowoc county, Albert Weyer has been active in furthering progress and advancement. He has always given much attention to educational interests and he has rendered efficient service as school director. Both he and his wife belong to the German Lutheran church and Mr. and Mrs. Otto Weyer are also members of the same. The name of Weyer is well known throughout this section of the state from its connection with the Weyer Butter & Cheese Factory.
CYRUS WHITCOMB From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 Superintendent of the Wisconsin Leather Co., Two Rivers, is a native of Windham, Vt., and was born Nov. 12, 1813. The family moved to Onondaga Co., N. Y., in 1826, where he worked on a farm until about the age of twenty, when he commenced to learn the tanner and currier's trade. In the Winter of 1835-36, he moved to Cazenovia, N. Y., and there worked at his trade until 1850, when he came to Two Rivers, and he, with Mr. Allen and others, organized this company, since which time he has superintended the business. In 1841, he married Miss Harriote E. Whipple, a native of New York. They have three sons and two daughters.
Cyrus Whitcomb taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
C.W. WHITE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Attorney at law, Manitowoc, born July 4, 1826, in Oneida Co., N. Y.; came to Green Bay with his parents in 1834; they removed to Lake Winnebago, Calumet Co., in 1838, where he assisted at farming. He was admitted to the Bar in 1850. His father then went to California; returned in 1851 to Calumet County, and in 1855 went to Washinton, D. C., where he has since been employed in the Pension Department. He was born in 1795, and now at the advanced age of eighty-six he still retains a fresh and vigourous intellect.