[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
PATRICK EAGAN From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Patrick Eagan, deceased. To all whom it may concern: Letters of administration on said estate having been issued to Catharine Eagan on the 31st day of May A.D. 1869, and six months from and after said day being allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims for examination and allowance. Notice is hereby given, that the undersigned will, on the first Monday of each month, for six months from the date hereof, at the Probate office in the village of Manitowoc, in said county, receive, examine and adjust all claims and demands of all persons against said deceased. November 24, 1869 Geo. W. Barker, County Judge Geo. N. Woodin, Att'y for Plaintiff.
DR. D.J. EASTON From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 18, 1880: DOCTOR EASTON We had barely space to notice the death of Dr. Easton last week. The following sketch of his life was written by a friend. David Jefferson Easton, the oldest medical practitioner of Manitowoc Co. departed this life the 11th of March 1880 aged 55 years. He was a native of New York was born in New Haven Oswego county August the 12th 1822. He was a son of Nathaniel P. and Anna Cross Easton. His father served in the revolutionary war and died only a few years hence. His mother died when he was only a boy of seven years old and from that time on until he died he fought the battle of life alone which he did with unflagging industry and perserverance. Having a strong love, almost a passion for books and study, at the age of 19 years he commenced teaching school, he followed that profession until he began the study of medicine with the celebrated Dr. J.L. Perry of Saratoga Springs; attended lectures at the Albany Medical College and a course of lectures at the Homoepathic Medical College in Philadelphia where he graduated and received his diploma in 1852. Then located at Saratoga Springs where he practiced his profession 9 years. From there Dr. Easton moved to the west and established himself at Manitowoc in 1858. He was the first city physician Manitowoc ever had. He leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn his loss. The funeral took place on Saturday afternoon at 2:30, under the management of the Odd Fellows and Masons, Dr. Easton having been a member of both orders.
OTIS W. EATON From "A Century of Masonry 1856-1956" by Merle E. Hutchins (with permission) This founder of the lodge was a railroad employee and he served the lodge as Senior Warden for the year 1856, both during dispensation and after the granting of the Charter. He became a member of Manitowoc Chapter No. 16 in 1857. He must have left Manitowoc shortly after this time as his name is not listed in the Manitowoc Directory of 1868 and in 1862 his membership was terminated.
AUGUST EBERHARD (The following sent in by family researcher/see contributors page) [English translation from published collection of Manitowoc POST articles] The experiences of our pioneers, how they penetrated the wilderness, what toils they had to suffer, how they made the land into a garden by iron diligence and tenacious perseverance; such tales are always interesting. The Eberhardt family is one of the best known and most widely connected in Manitowoc County. They originated in Hagenburg in the principality of Schaumburg-Lippe. The oldest daughter, Dorothea, was the first member of the family to emigrate to America in 1847. The widow of the late Heinrich Thiele, she is still living today and is in her 82nd year. In the following year came Heinrich, who is widely known in the county and who visited the old home (Germany) several years ago. In 1852 came the parents with four sons; Carl, Wilhelm, August, and Ernst. The father, Carl Eberhardt, died in 1868, and the mother, Sophie, in 1894; the latter reached the great age of 93. The son, Carl, died several years after his arrival. Wilhelm lives in Minnesota, and August and Ernst live in this county. The oldest son, Friedrich, came five years later and lived in the city for years. August came here as a 14 year old boy. The parents made their home with him after he reached manhood. A short while ago, the POST requested him to describe the immigration of his family. He answered the request in the friendliest series which he submits to be published, which we accept with thanks and present here: [FEBRUARY 28, 1907] "On the 15th of August, 1852, my parents and four brothers emigrated to America. We boarded the ship on August 18th. It was small, two-masted, and was named MARIE, Captain Ottoof. Captain and sailors were all Low German from the region near Bremen. We arrived in New York on September 23rd. There we stayed three days. Then we went by train to Dunkirk (NY), from there went by boat to Detroit, then again by train to Chicago. Chicago, at that time, was still not very large. We went again by boat from Chicago to Milwaukee, where we stayed two days, and then we came again by boat to Manitowoc, where we arrived October 3rd; it was Sunday. We landed at the south pier, and there was our now deceased fellow citizen, Dusold, and he took us along to his hotel. We had our first breakfast in Manitowoc with him, and I can still exactly remember, it consisted of potatoes in their jackets, fried bacon, and coffee. We then went to Schuette's Store and asked Father Schuette whether he perhaps knew where my brother-in-law Thiele lives. The Thieles were already here in this country for five years, at first living in Cedarburg, moving hither in the spring. They had written to us that we should ask Schuette, who would give us information. Yes, said Father Schuette, they have bought from us, but I don't know just where they live. He sent for the druggist, Leubner, and Leubner's son was our guide and went with us by foot, naturally. Father Schuette told him he should go three miles west and three miles south, then we would come to Teitgen's. There we found the little schoolhouse, a building about 18 x 22 feet in size. Now there were divine services in it and, while they sang, we sat down on a log and waited until the people came out; then we asked whether or not somebody would know where Thieles lived. Old Kieselhorst told us Thieles had lived with them for three weeks until they had made their house ready. So we went with Kieselhorst, Roepken, and Barchenbruch west along a road where only a wagon could come through. When we arrived at Kieselhorst's farm, we met Ernst Pleuss, Kieselhorst's brother-in-law, who worked at Kieselhorst's then. He had prepared a beautiful noon meal and it tasted good to us. At that time, Kieselhorst already had a beautiful farm. We still had to go another mile south then, again barely a footpath, until we arrived at Thiele's. Kieselhorst accompanied us; then there was great joy as we saw brother-in-law and sister again. My sister said, "Boys, here you can contribute something more to America." They had only a small log house, 18 x 24 feet, and there our family numbered six, and the Thieles, four people, so it was rather small for the large family. We boys slept above, under the roof, where a hole had been cut in the gable in the south side of the house and over which we hung a big German sack; so then we climbed up the ladder in the evening and crept into our bed. Since it was now winter, snowing and storming, about two inches of snow lay on our bed in the morning, but we were still healthy. Again, the second evening after our arrival, as it began to get dark, the wolves began to howl nearby in the woods. Oh, we thought, those seem to be very peculiar neighbors that we have. Now we were in the middle of the wilderness." [MARCH 07, 1907] "My parents still had $100 left. So we bought a cow for $24, an oven, and some tools, and that was all our money. We made shingles through the winter. My brother-in-law Thiele and I had sawed the boards and my father had split the shingles; my other brother and my sister had cut the shingles and my mother had packed them. We carried the wood from which we made the shingles. We received $2 per 1000 for the shingles in Manitowoc. Kieselhorst and Griebling had transported the shingles to Manitowoc for us for $0.50 per 1000. Mr Baensch's father also had bought some from us because he had a beautiful store then. I also remember Mr Baensch's grandparents well; if I am correct, his grandfather died in 1854. Cholera was in Manitowoc in that same year; Richter, who had his office building east of Shove's Bank, also died then. The autumn of 1853, there were very many wild pigeons and, where winter wheat had been sown, the pigeons came and picked it up. I had to pass by Kieselhorst, who had also sown an area in wheat; the pigeons flocked there, but we didn't like that. If I threw a stick at them, they came back, just as many. I spoke to Kieselhorst about it, that he should load his double barreled shotgun, and I wanted to shoot them. But he didn't really trust me and said I could do myself harm. I told him, though, I had been shooting since I was eight. Finally he gave it to me; I hit no pigeons with the first shot, because I had never shot a gun in my life. Well, I thought, the next time you have to aim much better. Right; then I hit one. There was always roasted pigeon at Kieselhorst's. Ernst Schlueter, who also worked at Kieselhorst's, had once hit 16 with one shot. The pigeons flew in such great flocks and so dense that one could scarcely see through to the sun. I started to chop fire wood at Kieselhorst's and, naturally, I wanted to learn to chop right and left handed. On this one attempt, I chopped myself proficiently in the foot, so that blood flowed. I hobbled to the house and Kieselhorst, who was also a half-doctor, had to bind my foot; but I had to give up my services for a long time. In the winter we chopped down three or four maple trees every morning. Our cow ate the buds off during the day, and, now and then in the morning, five or six deer were nearby and also ate them. But, unfortunately, we had no gun and, therefore, we could not have them. My brother and I had to fetch six to nine bundles of straw in the morning from Griebling's. It was a mile to carry it and it cost us $0.01 per bundle. One could still buy land in our neighborhood for $1.25 an acre with very beautiful woods on it. Pine, usually 60 feet high without knots, sound, clear material. But it was all burnt because people had to have clearings. We had chopped down about 15 acres every winter in 1858 and 1859, and then the brush was burnt in June, and the large logs were gathered with oxen and rolled to the house and set on fire, if there was a good wind. Then we had to roll the outside logs into the middle of the fire when the center had burnt. So we had to wear wooden shoes, the leather shoes would burn as well. Carl Wernecke, who has been dead a long time, was our town treasurer in 1853. The town of Newton and the town of Liberty were one town at that time. Our taxes were $2.80 for 80 acres. The school was in bad order then. The wife of our neighbor was the teacher. Her husband carried the child to her at the school every morning, because she had only recently given birth. She had a cradle in the school, and rocked her child and taught us children. I must say also that I had to go to school with Pastor Goldammer the first winter, and was confirmed with Wilhelm Hemschemeier, Wilhelm Kraemer, Wilhelm Stuemge, Ferdinand Pautz, and Ludwig Groelle in the spring. Pastor Goldammer had founded the Lutheran congregation in Manitowoc also, and he was a brother-in-law of Herman Loke, if I am correct. He was a good, busy man. Well, here, with this for now, I will close. Your friend, August Eberhardt."
********** WEDDED A HALF CENTURY AGO TODAY Backward over fifty years to the day in 1860 when as youth and maiden they plighted their troth and received the benediction as man and wife, Mr and Mrs August Eberhardt, among the best known and most highly respected pioneers of the county, wandered in thought today, the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary, and, surrounded by their children, grandchildren and other relatives, with many friends assembled at the pleasant home on Michigan Avenue, they received congratulations and the day was made a memorable one. The celebration is an informal one, more in nature of a family reunion, and is joyous to hosts and guests. No plans had been made by Mr and Mrs Eberhardt for formal celebration of their golden wedding, but the children of the couple had planned a family reunion and gathering of relatives as a surprise, and gathered at the home early in the day to assist in commemorating the anniversary in fitting manner. A family dinner and a day of joyous sociability, in which the bride and groom of half a century were as young as the youngest, marked the passing of the day, and this evening there will be another gathering of friends at the home. Though advanced in years, Mr and Mrs Eberhardt enjoy robust health, and they received their guests and made the welcome one long to be remembered for its sincerity and cordiality. Mr Eberhardt and his wife, who was Amalia Mundt, were married in the town of Newton, which was the home of the two families, November 28, 1860, the ceremony being performed by Rev Salzer, resident pastor of the German church. Mr Eberhardt, who is a native of Germany, came to Manitowoc county in 1847, sixty-three years ago, thus being one of the oldest settlers of the county. Mrs Eberhardt, with her parents, came to America from her native land, Germany, in 1852 and the friendship formed by the young couple, whose homes were in the same neighborhood, ripened into a stronger attachment that led to the altar in 1860. The wedding was an event for that day. The young couple dispensed with a honeymoon tour, in those days little known, and set about to make a home; and, in the fifty years of their union, they have witnessed marvelous changes in the county of their adoption, a recital of the incidents of the lives of the two making a most interesting story. Mr and Mrs Eberhardt, after their marriage, settled on a farm in the town of Newton, where they made their home for twenty years, removing to Four Corners and residing on a farm there until Mr Eberhardt retired from active pursuits, his son Henry taking over the farm, the parents removing to this city, which has since been their home. The couple were parents of eight children, seven of whom survive and were present for the celebration of the golden wedding, being Mrs Wm Sampe, Mrs Richard Rudolph, Mrs A Aastad, this city; Mrs Wm O'Hara, Washington D C; Henry, Charles, and William, all residents of the county and successful business men. There are nine grand children who tendered felicitations to the couple on the occasion of the celebration, and a large number of other relatives were present, with many friends, to extend congratulations and well wishes for many years of life and prosperity. During their long residence in the county Mr and Mrs Eberhardt have become widely known and have surrounded themselves with a host of friends who esteem them for their sturdy qualities and staunch friendship. Mr Eberhardt is one of the men who made a success of farming in the county and who aided in blazing the way to the present development of agriculture in this section, winning for himself and bride a comfortable competency for their declining years. Mr Eberhardt, by frugality and good management, made a success early in life and is the owner of some of the best farms in the county; and even today, in his retirement, takes an interest in the industry and gives to his sons, who followed his footsteps, farming, the advice made valuable by years of experience and successful management. Well wishes of many friends will be extended to Mr and Mrs Eberhardt in their happy celebration, and the wish will be unanimous that the worthy couple may live to celebrate the diamond wedding anniversary. The HERALD joins in the wish and tenders its congratulations to the bride and groom of half a century ago. [1910]
Aug Eberhardt and His Bride of 1860, Observe Anniversary
LOCAL DELEGATES ATTEND MEETINGCHARLES EBERHARDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.227-228. Charles Eberhardt, whose extensive stock-raising operations have made him one of the best known agriculturists of the town of Rapids, is a native of the town of Newton, and was born September 15, 1879, a son of August and Amalia (Mund) Eberhardt. His grandparents were Karl and Sophia Eberhardt, natives of Germany, who came to the United States in 1852, settling on wild land in Manitowoc county, where the grandfather died in 1868 and his wife in 1894, at the advanced age of ninety-three years. August Eberhardt was born in Germany and was fourteen years of age when he came to this country, being reared on the home farm in the town of Newton and taking charge of it at his father’s death. He continued to operate there until 1882, when he purchased a farm in the town of Rapids, which his son, Henry, is now operating. He retired in 1897 and now lives in the city of Manitowoc. He was married November 28, 1860, to Miss Amalia Mund, also a native of Germany, and they had ten children, of whom seven still survive. Charles Eberhardt received his education at the Four Corners district school and the Manitowoc high school, and worked on his father’s farm until he was eighteen years of age. He then spent six months as a clerk in a Chicago grocery store, but returned to Manitowoc county and went into the stock-raising business with his brother August, renting a farm in the town of Manitowoc for six years. At this time his brother’s health failed and he was compelled to retire from the business, which Mr. Eberhardt conducted alone on the rented land until 1909 when he purchased his brother’s farm in the town of Rapids, and here he has continued operations to the present time. He has a finely cutivated property and carries on an extensive stock-raising business, disposing of his meat in the city markets. On January 4, 1905, Mr. Eberhardt was united in marriage with Miss Clara Kurth, who was born in Manitowoc, daughter of Frederick and Minnie Kurth, natives of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Eberhardt are members of the Lutheran church.
HENRY EBERHARDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.166-167. The Eberhardt family is one of the best known families of Manitowoc county, and a worthy representative of it is found in Henry Eberhardt, who is engaged in operating the oldest farm in the town of Rapids. Mr. Eberhardt was born in the town of Newton, February 16, 1870, and is a son of August and Amalia (Mund) Eberhardt. His grandparents, Karl and Sophia Eberhardt, came to the United States in 1852 and settled in the town of Newton, Manitowoc county, where they purchased wild land, the grandfather erecting a log cabin in which the family lived for some years. Here his death occurred in 1868, his widow surviving him until 1894, having attained the remarkable age of ninety-three years. August Eberhardt was born in Germany, and was fourteen years of age when he accompanied his parents to the United States. Reared to farming, he worked the home property in the town of Newton until 1882, when he purchased the land which his son Henry is now cultivating, the oldest farm in the town of Rapids, which was first improved in 1838 by Hiram McAlister. In 1897 Mr. Eberhardt retired from active life, and he is now living quietly in Manitowoc, enjoying the fruits of his many years of well spent labor. On November 28, 1860, he was married to Amalia Mund, who was born in Germany and came to the United States in 1847, at the age of seven years, with her parents, Gottfried and Sophia Mund. Of the ten children born to this union, three boys and four girls still survive. Henry Eberhardt secured his education in the public schools of the towns of Newton and Rapids, and after leaving school devoted himself to the cultivation of his father’s farm, which has been his home to the present time. He has always followed agricultural pursuits, and his operations have been very successful, his standing being high among the farmers of the town of Rapids. In 1897 Mr. Eberhardt was married to Miss Christina Keil, daughter of Henry and Wilhelmina Keil, who came from Germany to the United States in 1852 and settled in Manitowoc county. Mrs. Eberhardt is a consistent member of the Reformed church. Politically a republican, Mr. Eberhardt has been active in the ranks of his party and he has served repeatedly as a member of the school board, a capacity in which his father also acted for a number of years.
EDWARD EBERT, JR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.375-376. Edward Ebert, Jr., whose fine farm of seventy-seven acres is situated on section 4, in the township of Cato, was born February 22, 1868, at Whitelaw, Wisconsin, and is a son of Edward and Annie (Maske) Ebert, natives of Germany. Mr. Ebert’s parents were married on the farm which is now being operated by Edward Ebert, Jr., and later settled on an unbroken farm of eighty acres at Whitelaw, where the father erected a house and engaged in cultivating his land. There his wife died in 1885, at the age of forty-two years, and was buried in the Whitelaw cemetery, after which he continued to reside on the farm until 1899, at which time he went to live with his son, Jacob in the town of Franklin, where he passed away February 9, 1912. Edward Ebert, Jr., who was the third born of a family of thirteen children, began working at the age of twenty years for the Chicago & Northwestern Railroad, with which he was connected for eight years, at the end of that time purchasing his present property. He has all of his property in a high state of cultivation, fenced with barbed and woven wire, and neatly graded and supplied with excellent farm buildings, including a basement barn, thirty-six feet by one hundred and twelve feet, with cement floor, built in 1899, and a two-story frame house of twelve rooms, equipped with all modern conveniences, which was remodeled in 1905. Water is secured from drilled wells. Mr. Ebert does general farming, marketing dairy products, hogs, cattle, hay and grain, and milks on an average of ten cows, principally Durhams. He also raises Chester-White hogs and Percheron horses. In 1894 Mr. Ebert was married to Miss Margaret Halloran, a daughter of Frank and Sarah (Hogan) Halloran, natives of Ireland, who were married in Wisconsin and then settled in the town of Cato on an eighty-acre farm, which they cleared and developed. The father died in 1898, at the age of sixty-eight years, and his widow is now in her eighty-seventh year and makes her home with her son-in-law, our subject. Mrs. Ebert was the youngest of twelve children, and was born June 15, 1872, and died January 30, 1910, being buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery, at Maple Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Ebert had three children: Sarah, a graduate of the Grimms school, who is now being given a musical education; and Joseph and Margaret, who are attending school. Mr. Ebert is a member of St. Patrick’s Catholic church, and belongs to the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin, and the Modern Woodmen of America. In political matters he is a democrat, and he has served eight years as superintendent of roads.
CAPT. HENRY G. EDWARDS From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 29, 1872: C.C. Barnes having thoroughly repaired and refitted the scow Blue Bell, has sold the same to Capt. Henry G. Edwards for the sum of six thousand dollars. Capt. Edwards intends to make the lumber trade a specialty this season, as the scow carries one hundred and twenty thousand feet, and is considered in every way a good substantial vessel. Capt. Edwards secured a good bargain at the price paid for the scow.
J. W. EDWARDS OLD SETTLERS. J.L. Edwards of this city enjoys the distinction of being the earliest settler of Manitowoc, now a resident here. J. W. Edwards with his family, consisting of H.G. Edwards, of Charlevoix, D.W. Edwards, J.L. Edwards, Eliza, Phoebe and Gertrude, reached Manitowoc in the fall of 1835. At that time Conroe’s mill was built at Manitowoc Rapids and a gang of men were at work clearing land in the present site of the city. Edwards had purposed (sic) going to Chicago. A cousin of his had gone west and settled near Chicago. His name was Cook and the county now bears his name. He visited his old home in New Jersey and his glowing description of the west was sufficient to induce Edwards to decide upon immediate removal to the El Dorado. When he came to Buffalo he found that there was no means of reaching Chicago, as the place then was not of sufficient consequence to justify a boat’s running there. He took the old steamer Robert Fulton to Detroit and there learned that a schooner was to sail for Green Bay with supplies for the fort. He formed the acquaintance of the captain who allowed him to work his passage to Green Bay. Chicago all this time was the objective point, and as Green Bay was nearer Chicago than Detroit was, by the only means of communication then possible for long distances, the coming to Green Bay was performing a part of the projected trip. The schooner left Green Bay for Manitowoc with supplies for Conroe’s mill and Edwards thought this was another opportunity to shorten the distance to Chicago and so came along with his family. The proprietors of the Rapids mill found it necessary to have scows to take their lumber down the river and into the bay where it was loaded on vessels. Edwards was a carpenter and took a contract to build two scows. Obtaining work here he abandoned his intention of going to Chicago and decided to make Manitowoc his home. He had had some knowledge of fishing and had an idea that the lake of Two Rivers was an excellent fishing ground. He built a fishing boat which he completed in 1836 and then walked to Green Bay where he purchased twine from which he made a seine. He set out with a man from the Rapids, his son Henry, then a lad of 13, and Perry Smith. They dropped their seine in the lake midway between here and Two Rivers and caught about 10 barrels of fine whitefish in the first haul. This was distributed among the people but the success determined Edwards to engage permanently in the business of fishing. He moved from the Rapids to the Little Manitowoc where he built a log hut and formed a partnership with a man from Detroit named John P. Clark. The fishing outfit was a good one for these days. A shanty was built between Two Rivers and the Point, and a schooner owned by Clark made monthly trips for the fish caught. Often 100 barrels of fish were caught in one haul. In 1841 Edwards built a hotel on the Green Bay road about half ways between Manitowoc and Green Bay, a short distance from the village of Coopers. The road to Green Bay was at that time mainly a trail and travel was wholly by foot or on horseback. He disposed of this hotel and came to Manitowoc. When the war broke out he enlisted and died in this city about 20 years ago. The Indians were quite numerous at that time but were peaceably inclined. They seemed to have the utmost confidence in the white people and their chief who bore the name of Mexico was a man of excellent judgment, clam, dispassionate and very conservative. One morning in 1836 Edwards with a companion went out hunting. They separated and Edwards while near where Luep’s house now stands heard a bullet whistle near him and at the same time heard the crack of a rifle. Two more shots followed and then Edwards set out to find the cause. He found an Indian loading his rifle who explained he was shooting at something in a tree. Edwards walked away and soon after another bullet whistled by him. Satisfied now that the Indian meant to shoot him he ran down to Luep’s Peninsula and again the Indian sent a bullet after him. He met his companion and they concealed themselves behind a tree. Soon the Indian was seen following Edwards trail on a run. When the Indian was quite close to their hiding place both men stepped out. Seeing two men the Indian dropped his gun and he was taken in custody and brought to the shanty of E.L. Abbott, Farnham and Howard, three men who were at work clearing up. The Indian would offer no explanation of his conduct. The matter was reported to the chief, Mexico, who was quite indignant. No one learned the fact of the Indian and he was never seen again in this section. It was learned later that a man named Hart had whipped this Indian, using a blacksnake whip. Hart bore a striking resemblance to Edwards and it is thought the Indian mistook him for the man on whom he waited to be revenged. There was an Indian plantation near Kings Bride (sic), on the farm owned later by the Birdsalls. The Indians had cleared up a patch of land on which they raised corn. In the fall they camped near Two Rivers and fished. Indeed the bucks fished there throughout the season leaving the care of the plantation to the squaws. They camped about half a mile from where Edwards had his fish shanties. There were quite a number of French who had settled in the neighborhood of Two Rivers and one dealt in whiskey. One day the Indians got on a big spree. In the night some of them called at the fish shanty and asked the men to go up to the camp as one of the Indians was running amuck and was stabbing his wife and her brother. The fishermen thought it wise to remain at home but on the morning visited the camp and found that the Indian had stabbed and killed his wife and her brother. The murderer bore the name of Sewahquette. When he sobered up he realized that his life was forfeited and he begged sufficient money to buy a last drink. About 11 o’clock the following day the fisherman met an Indian on his way from Manitowoc to the camp at Two Rivers. He uttered a war-whoop when he met the men and informed them he had come to kill Sewahquette. When he came within sight of the camp he uttered another whoop. Mexico started to meet him and endeavored to wrest the gun from him. The men grappled and Mexico managed to discharge the gun when the muzzle was pointed upward. The gun was taken away from the Indian but he secretly gained possession of it. The murdered Indian and squaw were lying in a wigwam covered with a blanket. Sewahquette knowing that his life was in danger and seeking to conceal himself, or else, selecting the place of his execution, crept to the wigwam where the bodies were, placed himself between the two and covered his face with the blanket. Henry Edwards was standing near when he saw the Indian who had come from Manitowoc stealthily approach through the thicket having his gun with him; he entered the wigwam, removed the blanket from Sewahquette’s face and deliberately blew his brains out. The boy was horrified at the deed of which he was a witness. The Indian who shot the murderer then took five Indians with him and proceeded to the shanty of the Frenchman who sold the liquor. The man seeing them come grew alarmed and decamped, leaving his wife to face the danger. The Indian informed the woman that he intended no harm to her but he wanted all the liquor in the house. She refused to give him any, but a trap door was opened and the whiskey was found. It was taken to the camp. Mexico feared further difficulty when his band would be under the excitement of liquor and so gathered up every weapon and placed them in the keeping of the white men. But the pow-wow passed off quietly and the next day the three bodies were placed in a box and buried. The ceremony is described as both peculiar and interesting. The final act was the killing of a white dog on which the Indians feasted. The people from the east who settled here had heard so much of the cruelty of Indians that at first they place but little confidence in them. Henry Edwards tells how terror stricken he was one night during the fall of 1835. The shanty had just one pane of glass for a window. He woke up during the night and saw an Indian peering in. He expected a massacre to take place directly. But the Indian went away. When he got to know the Indians better he frequently spent nights in their wigwams. They always treated their guests hospitably. Henry for a time purchased furs for a Green Bay fur company and in the pursuit of his business visited many Indian camps and became quite familiar with the Indians character of which he has a high appreciation. Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1892 P. 2
JOSEPH F. EDWARDS Joseph F. Edwards was born in Manitowoc City, Wisconsin, on November 4, 1858, being the son of John W. and Frances (Hunter) Edwards. The father was a carpenter and ship builder, born in Calais, Maine, in 1812, January 23, died on January 8, 1897 He participated in the Black Hawk and the Civil wars in the latter he was orderly sergeant of Company K, Twenty-first Wisconsin Volunteers: He served under Generals Rosecrans and Thomas, and was in the battles of the Wilderness, Lookout Mountain and Vicksburg. The mother of our subject was born in Nova Scotia in 1822, and died on May 10, 1898. These people were pioneers to the vicinity of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in 1833. At the age of thirteen Joseph started to sail on the lakes, and continued until he was twenty. He then came west to California and on September 28, 1878, he settled in Nez Perces County, in the vicinity of Genesee. For twenty years he farmed there, and in 1898 he came to Culdesac, locating the first store in a tent July 29, 1899. Prior to that time he had also been organizer for the W. of W. Soon he sold his interest to his partner, Mr. E. T. Brandon, and in November of the same year started a general merchandise store for himself. He continued that with the post office until June 1901, when he sold out and erected several buildings in the town. He recently completed Magnolia hall, the largest two-story structure in the town. Now Mr. Edwards is engaged in the real estate business. On March 4, 1889, Mr. Edwards married Miss Ada V. Nelson in Latah County. Mrs. Edwards is the daughter of T. F. and Mary F. (Greer) Nelson. The father, a Baptist minister in Idaho County, was born in North Carolina and was a Confederate soldier. He has represented Idaho and Latah counties in the legislature and at the time Heitfield was elected Mr. Nelson came within two votes of being United States senator. Mrs. Nelson was born in North Carolina as was also Mrs. Edwards, November 19, 1871. She has the following brothers and sisters: Thomas, Rosa Howton, Horace, Samuel, John and Gordon. Mr. Edwards has the following named brothers and sisters: Charles A., Margaret Spencer; George, Thomas and John all deceased. Mr. Edwards is a member of the W. of W., the I. 0.0. F., having passed all the chairs of the latter order, and past chancellor of the K. of P. He is also a member of the Rebekahs and the Women of Woodcraft, his wife being a member of these last named orders also. Mr. Edwards is an active and intelligent Republican. He is a committeeman of the Culdesac precinct. Mr. Edwards is always an advocate of good schools, and is a liberal contributor towards all institutions for the benefit of the community. He has assisted much in contributions toward the location of the new mill and other industries of the town. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, as follows: Mary Frances, Charles M., Everett W. and a baby which died in infancy.
CAPTAIN M. L. EDWARDS From the "History of the Great Lakes" vol. 2 by J.B. Mansfield 1899 Captain M.L. Edwards, who is the son of Capt. Joseph and Amy Johnston Edwards, was born May 26, 1852, in Manitowoc, Wis. His father, who was a master and owner of lake vessels for many years, was born in Jersey City, N.J., in 1801, and his mother was a native of New York City, born in 1804. The grandparents were natives of New England. Captain Joseph Edwards built the first fishing boat, the first scow and the first tug ever constructed in Manitowoc and sailed them. He was also master of several other vessels. In 1861, during the war of the Rebellion, leaving home, wife and children, he enlisted in the Thirty-second Wis. Vol. Inf., and took an honorable part with his regiment in the battles around Vicksburg and Cold Springs, with Gen. Tecumseh Sherman, under whom he also participated in his march to the sea, joining in all of the battles of that famous campaign at Resaca, Big Shanty, Lookout Mountain, Kenesaw, Dallas, Atlanta and Savannah. He was also in the invasion of North and South Carolina, his last battle being at Bentonville, N.C. Among the trophies he secured was a drum captured from the enemy, which is held by the family as an heirloom. The sons of the family who were sailors and warriors were Capt. Henry Edwards, who sailed the schooner Citizen, the Convoy, Clipper City, Transit, C.L. Johnson (now the C.Y.M.Z.A.) and other vessels; his death occurred at Pine Lake, Wis. Capt. Daniel Edwards, who now owns and sails vessels at Santiago, Cal., was for a time in the employ of the Lake Navigation Company and he also sailed the schooners Belle, Fox, brig Coral, Black Hawk, and Rock Mountain; he enlisted in a Wisconsin battery of artillery and served with credit throughout the Civil war. Joseph, another captain, commanded among other vessels the schooner Sea Gem, Gertrude, Two Charlies, El Tempo and Driver, and the tugs Cyclone, Arctic and Gregory; he also took up arms for the Union, having enlisted in a Wisconsin calvary regiment; he has retired from active duty. Capt. Perry Edwards, the fourth son, enlisted in the Ninteenth Wis. Vol. Inf., and served until the close of the war, and it may be observed here that the mother had a son to represent her in each branch of the great army of the North, calvary, infantry and artillery; Perry was also a lake captain and sailed the schooners Blue Bell, Eclipse, Cuyahoga and Australia, the tug Arctic for the Goodrich line, and was in the steamer T.S. Faxton a short time. Capt. Milton L. Edwards, the fifth son in the family, was too young to go to war. He attended school at Manitowoc until 1864, when he shipped on the schooner Adele, trading to Green Bay, and he subsequently sailed in the Royal, Grace Greenwood, Monarch, King Sisters and Arnold, at the age of seventeen serving as master of the schooner C.L. Johnson alternately with his brother Henry. In the spring of 1870 he was appointed to the command of the schooner Ben Moe, which he sailed three seasons, and he sailed his next boat, the Evaline, for two seasons. In 1870 he purchased a half-interest in the scow Selma, sailing her until the fall of 1877, when he sold his interest and went to the Black Hills to seek for gold. On his return to the lakes in the spring of 1878 he was appointed master of the schooner Ithaca, following with two seasons as master of the schooner Gen. Franz Sigel and two seasons on the Oliver Culver. In 1883 he bought the schooner Cascade and sailed her two seasons. He was then appointed master of the John Kelderhouse, holding that berth until 1887, when he was appointed keeper of the lightship Cascade, anchored off Chicago harbor, and after serving in that capacity two years he took her as master and sailed her successfully until 1895, when he sold her. For the following two years he was in the employ of the city of Chicago as keeper of the Lake View water works crib, and in 1897 he purchased the schooner West Side, which he has sailed up to this writing. He has eight issues of master's papers. Socially the Captain is a Royal Arch Mason of Corinthian Chapter and a Master Mason of Covenant Lodge, of Chicago. In 1878 Captain Edwards wedded Miss Minnie Stone, daughter of Capt. Richard and Elizabeth (Brooks) Stone, of Chicago, and the children born to this union are Addison K., Wilbur F., Harvey B., Mattie E., Irene A. and Erma L. The family make their home at No. 675 Osgood street, Chicago, Illinois.
PERRY EDWARDS Manitowoc Tribune, Vol. 17 No. 48, Thursday March 16, 1871, Page 1 Column 6 Married. Edwards-Bashand. At the residence of the bride's father, March 9, 1871, by G.A. Forrest, Justice of the Peace, Mr. P.H. Edwards to Miss Emily Bashand, both of this city. Mr. Edwards is one of our most industrious and enterprising young men, and his practical business talents will insure him success in any congenial pursuit. We can say, too, from acquaintance, that the lady whom he has won and secured, is, in person, heart, and mind, a prize. We most cordially congratulate you, Perry; thus having began well, go on; and may the promise of to-day be, in the future, more than realized. ******* The first part of the above article is also in the Manitowoc Pilot, March 18, 1871.
FRED W. EGGERS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.185-186. Fred W. Eggers, secretary and treasurer of the F. Eggers Veneer & Seating Company since its organization in 1892, was born in this city on the 4th of December, 1867, his parents being Fred and Louisa Eggers. Fred W. Eggers received his education in the public schools of Two Rivers but at the age of fourteen years left the high school to join his parents at Royalton, where he attended the country schools. Subsequently he was a student in the normal school of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, from which institution he was graduated in 1884. As soon as he had completed his education he came to Two Rivers and in partnership with his father started the industry of which he is secretary and treasurer. Although at first his father was the active member of the firm, much of the success of the F. Eggers Veneer & Seating Company is due to the energy and the practical advice of Fred W. Eggers. He has given the greater part of his time and attention to this concern and because of his strict business integrity and his ability to deal with those working with him he is meeting a success which is both commendable and gratifying. The extensive operations which the firm are at present carrying on attest in some degree the ability of Mr. Eggers as a business man. He has, however, not confined his entire attention to this one undertaking. He is secretary of the Two Rivers Improvement Company, director of the Two Rivers Coal Company and secretary of the Bailey Baby Chair Company. On the 8th of January, 1897, in Manitowoc, Mr. Eggers was married to Miss Agnes Doolan, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Doolan, who are among the pioneer settlers of Manitowoc county. Mr. and Mrs. Eggers are the parents of three children: Helen, who is a student in the Two Rivers high school; Winifred, who is attending the public school; and Fred W., Jr., who is also attending public school. The family residence is at the corner of Jefferson and Second streets. Mr. Eggers is not allied with any particular political party but always exercises his right of franchise in voting for such candidates as he thinks are best qualified to serve the commonwealth in the offices they seek. He is a Royal Arch Mason and also holds membership in the Manitowoc Country Club. His social qualities and his honest, straightforward dealings throughout his entire business career insure him the respect of all who know him.
1900 - Dr. Joseph Eggers at work
Dr. Joseph Eggers, Dentist
GUSTAV EGGERT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.332-333. An excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres pays tribute to the care and labor bestowed upon it by its owner, Gustav Eggert, who has resided upon this place since the spring of 1900. In addition to cultivating the soil, in the production of the cereals best adapted to climatic conditions here, he is also engaged quite extensively in the raising of Holstein- Friesian cattle and Poland China hogs, both branches of his business proving profitable. Mr. Eggert is a native of Mishicot township, Manitowoc county, his natal day being January 27, 1870. He is one of nine children of Gustav and Sophia Eggert. The former was a native of Germany, born in 1843, and with his parents, John and Sophia (Wendt) Eggert, he came to America in 1855. The family home was established in Mishicot township, Manitowoc county, John Eggert securing a tract of wild land from the government. In the midst of the forest he cleared and developed the farm, owning and operating eighty acres of land. Both he and his wife have long since passed away. Gustav Eggert, Sr., was a lad of only twelve years when he accompanied his parents to the new world, and in this county he had the usual experiences that fell to the lot of the farm lad in pioneer times. He remained with his parents throughout their entire lives and always followed the occupation to which he was reared. He married Sophia Krase, also a native of Germany, born in 1844. Their marriage was celebrated in the town of Two Creeks, June 3, 1866, and they began their domestic life upon a farm, Mr. Eggert continuing to till the soil and develop his property to the time of his death which occurred August 21, 1894. His wife had preceded him in death many years, passing away on February 27, 1879, and three of her nine children are also deceased. Gustav Eggert, Jr., who was the third in order of birth, acquired a district-school education and afterward attended a business college at Rockford, Illinois. Later he was employed at farm labor in the vicinity of Rockford for seven years, but when twenty-one years of age he returned to Manitowoc county and began the cultivation of the home farm in 1894, following his father’s death. For four years he continued to live upon that place and in the spring of 1900 came to his present home in Two Creeks township where he owns and cultivates one hundred and twenty acres of land upon which he has now resided for twelve years. He has brought his fields under a high state of cultivation and golden harvests annually reward his labors. He also derives a substantial income from the raising of Holstein-Friesian cattle and Poland China hogs. Moreover, he is a stockholder in the West Shore Telephone Company, of which he was one of the organizers and his various lines of business have placed him with the substantial residents of his part of the county. On the 19th of December, 1899, Mr. Eggert was married to Miss Flora Ihlenfeldt, a daughter of Charles and Hattie (White) Ihlenfeldt, the former a native of Germany and the latter of the state of New York. The father came to America in 1852. making his way to Chicago and after four years settled on a farm near Kewanee, Illinois. In 1898 he came to Manitowoc county. Mrs. Eggert was born in Kewanee county and was married in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county. Unto them have been born four children, of whom three are living Hattie Gladys, Floyd Herman and Chester Lea. Mr. Eggert belongs to the order of the Moose at Two Rivers and is a member of the Congregational church. His political allegiance is given to the republican party and for seven years he served as town clerk and has also been justice of the peace. The greater part of his life has been passed in Manitowoc county where he is widely known and where he has so directed his labors as to win substantial success as the result of his industry and integrity.
ANTON CLEMENT EMMER Record of Birth: Vol. 14, Page 267, # 77-25637 Full Name of Child: Anton Clement Emmer Color: White Sex: Male Other Issue: John, Christine Father: John G. Emmer, Sr. Father's Occupation: Laborer Mother: Anna Hajeck Date of Birth: June 27, 1905 at 9:15 A.M. (I think it should be 1906.) Place of Birth: Town Of Cato, Manitowoc County Father's Birthplace: Calumet County, Wisconsin Mother's Birth Place: Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Physician or Midwife: Louis Falge, M.D. Residence: Reedsville, Wisconsin Date of Certificate: July 18, 1907 Health Official: C.A. Robley Residence: Clarks Mills Date of Registration: August 1, 1907
CHRISTINE EMMER Record Of Birth: Vol. 14, Page 47, # 267-24336 Full Name of Child: Christine Emmer Color: White Sex: Female Other Issue: John Father: John Emmer Father's Occupation: Laborer Mother: Annie Hajek Date of Birth: Monday, December 18, 1905 At 8:25 A.M. Place of Birth: Town of Cato, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Father's Birthplace: Calumet County, Wisconsin Mother's Birthplace: Manitowoc County Physician or Midwife: Louis Falge Residence: Reedsville, Wisconsin Date of Certificate: May 5, 1906 Health Official: P. H. Lyons Residence: Clarks Mills, Wisconsin Date of Registration: May 18, 1906
CLARENCE TONY EMMER (I don't have him in any cemetery) Record Of Death: Vol. 9, Page 196 Name: Clarence Tony Emmer Residence: Cato, Manitowoc County Sex: Male Color: White Date of Birth: June 29, 1907 Age: 9 Months, 29 Days Single, Married: Infant Date of Death: April 26, 1908 Father: John Emmer Birthplace: Wisconsin Mother: Anna Hayek Cause of Death: Pneumonia Signed By: H. A. Ott, M.D., April 26, 1908, Reedsville, Wisconsin Place of Burial: Reedsville, Wisconsin Undertaker: Charles Neuhaln - Reedsville Registrar: P.H. Lyons - April 27, 1908
ERNINE LOTTA EMMER Record of Birth: Vol 19, Page 858 Full Name of Child: Ernine Lotta Emmer Place of Birth: Cato, Manitowoc County Sex: Female Color: White Legitimate: Yes Date of Birth: June 26, 1911 at 4 A.M. Father: Jno. Emmer Residence: Valders, Wisconsin Color: White Age: 31 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation Mother: Hayeg Residence: Valders Color: White Age: 26 Occupation: Housewife No. of children to this mother: 5 No. of children to this mother now living: 4. Physician or Midwife: T. O'Brien Residence: St. Nazians, Wisconsin Filed: July 8, 1911 Registrar: C.A. Robley
JOHN EMMER Marriage Record: Vol. 7, Page 296 # 244 Husband: John Emmer Father: Joseph Emmer Mother: Elizabeth Hein Occupation: Workingman Residence: Grimms Birthplace: Sherwood, Calumet County Wife: Anna Hajek Father: John Hajek Mother: Carrie Watek Birthplace: Grimms Date of Marriage: October 6, 1903 Place of Marriage: Reedsville, Manitowoc County Color of Parties: White Type of Ceremony: Cath. Church Subscribing Witnesses: Anthony Emmer and Paul Gosz Clergy or Other: Rev. Alois Merge, Reedsville
JOHN EMMER Record of Birth: Vol. 13, Page 131, # 673-22446 Full Name of Child: John Emmer Color: White Sex: Male Father: John Emmer Father's Occupation: Laborer Mother: Annie Hajek Date of Birth: Monday, July 11, 1904 at 11:40 A.M. Place of Birth: Town Of Cato, Manitowoc County, Wisconsin Father's Birthplace: Wisconsin Mother's Birthplace: Wisconsin Name of Person Reporting: Louis Falge, M.D. Residence: Reedsville, Wisconsin Date of Certificate: August 17, 1904 Health Official: P.H. Lyons Residence: Clarks Mills, Wisconsin Date Of Registration: October 5, 1904
LAURA CARIE EMMER (Amended by herself 5 Mar 1971 to read LAURETTE CAROLINE EMMER) Record of Birth: Vol 17, Page 166 Full Name of Child: Laura Carie Emmer Sex: Female Color or Race: White Twin, Triplet or Other: Single Birth Birth Order: 4th Legitimate: Yes Date of Birth: March 6, 1907 at 5 P.M. (index at the courthouse lists her birth as 1909) Father: John Emmer Residence: Township Cato Color or Race: White Age: 28 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Laborer Mother: Anna Hayek Residence: Township Cato Color or Race: White Age: 23 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Housewife Child's Birthplace: Manitowoc County, Township Cato No. of Children to this Mother: 4 Physician or Midwife: H.A. Ott, M.D. Residence: Reedsville Local Registrar: P.H. Lyons
LILLIAN FRANCIS EMMER Record of Birth: Vol.21, Page 709 Name of Child: Lillian Francis Emmer Birthplace: Cato, Manitowoc County Sex: Female Color: White Legitimate: Yes Date of Birth: June 24, 1913 at 10 A.M. Father: John Emmer Residence: Cato Color: White Age: 27 (Obviously a mistake) Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Laborer Mother: Annie Hayek Residence: Cato Color: White Age: 27 Occupation: Housewife No. of This Child: 7 No. of Children Living: 6 Physician or Midwife: T. O'Brien Residence: St. Nazians Filed: June 27, 1913 Registrar: C.A. Robley
VERNON JOSEPH EMMERS Record of Birth: Vol. 23, Page 667 Name of Child: Vernon Joseph Emmers Place of Birth: Cato, Manitowoc County Sex: Male Color: White Twin, Triplet or Other: Single Birth Legitimate: Yes Date of Birth: October 2, 1915 at 11 P.M. Father: John Emmers Residence: Cato, Wisconsin Color: White Age: 35 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Laborer Mother: Anna Hayek Residence: Cato, Wisconsin Color: White Age: 30 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Housewife No. of children: 7 No of children living: 6 Physician or Midwife: Thos. O'Brien Residence: St. Nazians Filed: October 7, 1915 Registrar: C. A. Robley
MARGARET ELIZABETH EMMERT Birth Record: Vol. 28, Page 67 Name: Margaret Elizabeth Emmert Birthplace: Cato, Manitowoc County Sex: Male (sic) Color: White Single or Multiple: Single Legitimate: Yes Date of Birth: October 8, 1917 Father: John Emmert Residence: Valders Color: White Age: 37 Birthplace: Valders Occupation: Laborer Mother: Anna Hyok Residence: Valders Color: White Age: 32 Birthplace: Wisconsin Occupation: Housewife This Child's Birth Order: 8th Physician or Midwife: Dr. Thos. O'Brien, M.D., St. Nazianz
JOHN D. ENGEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.615-616. John D. Engel is one of the foremost citizens of Kiel, where he has been engaged in the livery business for about six years. He is a native of Wisconsin, his birth having occurred at New Holstein, Calumet county, on the 28th of November, 1870, and he is a son of Frederick and Maria (Edens) Engel. The father was born in Meldorf, Germany, in 1842, and the mother near that place in 1848. They were married in the fatherland and soon after decided to emigrate to America, so in 1869 they took passage for the United States, with Wisconsin as their destination. They located in Calumet county, in the vicinity of Kiel, where the father was employed for a time on the railroad then in course of construction in that vicinity. Later he turned his attention to agricultural pursuits, acquiring a farm in the further cultivation and improvement of which he engaged for twenty-six years. As he was thrifty and industrious he met with a gratifying measure of success, acquiring a competence during that period that enabled him to withdraw from active work and he and the mother are now living retired in the vicinity of New Holstein, enjoying the ease and comfort earned through the self-denial and toil of their youthful years. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Engel numbers seven of whom our subject is the eldest, the others being as follows: Mary, the wife of Edward Henning, of New Holstein; Minnie, who married Conrad Fleishman; Frederick, who is a resident of New Holstein; Lena, the widow of Herman Stecker, of New Holstein; Rudolph, who is living at home; and William, a tinsmith of Sauk City, Wisconsin. The early years of John D. Engel were passed on the farm where he was born, his education being pursued in the district schools of the vicinity. In common with the majority of farmer lads while still in his early childhood he began assisting with the work of the farm. After mastering the common branches he laid aside his schoolbooks and gave his entire time and attention to the work of the fields and care of the stock. Upon attaining the age of twenty years he left home and started out for himself, having decided upon a commercial career. He first went to Milwaukee, where he engaged in business for five years. At the end of that time he returned home and for two years thereafter engaged in farming. He was subsequently married and following this event removed to Kiel, where for eight years he was employed in the plant of the Kiel Milling Company. Being an ambitious young man, however, he was not satisfied to remain in the employ of others, so he resigned his position and bought an interest in the livery business of H. J. Goeres. This establishment has ever since been successfully conducted under the firm name of Goeres & Engel, and is one of the thriving and substantial business concerns of the town. Both members of the company are enterprising and progressive in their methods and as they are capable business men of high commercial integrity enjoy the confidence and good will of the entire community and are accorded an excellent patronage. For his wife and helpmate Mr. Engel chose Miss Dora Arnold, their marriage being celebrated in 1898. She was born at Schleswig, Wisconsin, on December 5, 1875, and is a daughter of Christoph and Lotta (Stark) Arnold, retired farming people of Schleswig. Mr. and Mrs. Engel are the parents of two children: Ruby, who was born on the 9th of October, 1900; and Edgar, whose birth occurred on September 3, 1909. Both Mr. and Mrs. Engel are members of the Lutheran church, and fraternally he is affiliated with Equitable Fraternal Union of Kiel, and he is also a member of Kiel Camp, No. 2838, M.W.A. He is a stanch republican in his political views, and he takes an active and helpful interest in all municipal affairs. For five years he served as treasurer of Kiel and he is now a member of the village board of trustees, to which office he was elected in 1911. Mr. Engel is one of the representative men of the town, and although he is much absorbed in his business he never permits his personal affairs to engross his attention to the exclusion of his recognition of his public duties in assisting in promoting the development of the village and its various activities.
OTTO H. ENGEL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.501-502. Otto H. Engel, secretary, treasurer and general manager of the J. G. Johnson Company, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, dealers in fuel, masonry supplies and ice, was born in Manitowoc, June 14, 1881, and is a son of William and Caroline (Dill) Engel, who came to Manitowoc as early settlers, Mr. Engel engaging in carpentering and contracting, which he still follows. Otto H. Engel is one of a family of five children, and after being graduated from high school he engaged in school teaching for four years in the town of Two Rivers, Wisconsin. He then spent one year as bookkeeper in the freight offices, and in 1901 accepted the position as assistant bookkeeper with the firm with which he is now connected. The J. G. Johnson Company was incorporated in 1899, and from a comparatively small beginning has grown to be the largest concern of its kind in the city, occupying about two city blocks and having three large ice houses. About thirty men and twenty-five horses are necessary to handle this large retail business, and much of the credit for its success is due to the business ability of its enterprising and progressive young general manager. The other officers of the firm are: Charles E. Spindler, president; and Edward C. Spindler, vice president. On June 21, 1904, Otto H. Engel was married to Elizabeth Wilke, who was born in Two Rivers township, Manitowoc county, and they have one son, Elmer, aged six years. Mr. and Mrs. Engel are faithful members of the Lutheran church, and his political views are those of the republican party.
PHILIPP ENGMANN (from co. mar. record v.5 p.139 doc.220) Phillip Engmann b: Bellevue, Illinois farmer, res. Marathon Co, Wisconsin parents: Wendelin and Magdalena Engmann m: 24 Sept. 1885, religious ceremony by Rev. P.H. Mutz, St. Nazianz, Wis. wit: Joseph Casper and Emma Schott to: Rosina Schott parents: Ferdinand Schott and Elizabeth Schott
MAGNUS ERICKSON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Farmer, Sec. 21, Manitowoc Rapids Township. Owns 180 acres of land, 140 improved. He was born in Sweden, Dec. 29, 1839, and emigrated with his parents to America in 1850, and settled on his present farm. He lived there until Fall, 1858, he then went to California, followed teaming and lumbering until 1863, returned to his home and lived two years, and began the livery business in Manitowoc, which he continued about two years. His stable burned, causing him considerable loss. He then bought a hotel on Sec. 11, kept the same one year, sold it, moved on his farm, and has lived there since. He also began selling agricultural implements in 1875, and followed selling the same until Fall, 1880, in connection with farming. He was married in Manitowoc, Feb. 6, 1866, to Miss Sarah S. McAllister. She was born in Kalamazoo, Michigan, Sept. 14, 1847. They have one daughter, Harriet V., born Sept. 12, 1878. *********** Magnus J. Ericksen Source: "Portrait and Biographical Record Sheboygan County, WI - Published 1894 by Excelsior Publishing Co., Chicago" Pages 425 - 431 It was in 1850 that this gentleman, whose history we will proceed to trace, became a citizen of the beautiful State of Wisconsin, and since 1883 he has been an honored citizen of Sheboygan County. He is a farmer and stock-raiser by occupation, who has been very successful in his business dealings and is one of the leading men of the community. The birth of Magnus Ericksen occurred December 29, 1839, in Sweden, and in a family of nine children he is the third in order of birth. His parents were John and Sarah (Munsen) Ericksen, the former born August 2, 1812, and the latter in 1813. The father is a farmer and has followed that calling all his life. In 1850, he brought his family to America, and was for many years engaged in farming in Wisconsin, but in 1876 sold his property and bought a farm near Galesburg, Ill., where he still resides. His wife died in Wisconsin in 1873. Our subject was a lad of ten years when he bade farewell to his native land and with his parents set sail for America, from Gefle, Sweden. The voyage across the Atlantic was a long and tedious one of ten weeks and three days' duration, heavy seas and inclement weather prevailing much of the time. After landing in New York City, the family immediately started for the West, by way of the Erie Canal and Great Lakes. They landed in Milwaukee, thence going to Manitowoc, near which place the father purchased one hundred and sixty acres of land at $1.75 per acre. On that farm the childhood of our subject was passed, and there he received a practical training, which has been of great benefit to him in later years. His education was obtained in the common schools, but they were rather poorly conducted in those days. His early religious training was not overlooked, and ere he was ten years of age he had read the Bible through. On beginning the battle of life on his own account, Mr. Ericksen had no capital, with the exception of a good constitution and the principles of honesty, industry and economy which his careful training had instilled. He has hewed out his own fortune and has led an exemplary life. In 1883, he became the owner of seventy acres of land, for which he paid $100 per acre. This property is located three miles west of the city limits of Sheboygan, and within one and a-half miles of Sheboygan Falls. His home is a neat and comfortable residence, and the thrifty appearance of the surroundings and well-tilled fields is a credit to the careful and enterprising owner. The homestead is now valued at from $150 to $175 per acre. The first marriage of our subject was celebrated February 6, 1867, with Miss Sabina S. McCallister, a native of Michigan, who became the mother of one child, Vivian H. The latter is a young lady of marked musical ability and is now pursuing her studies in the public schools of Sheboygan Falls. On the 21st of December, 1884, Mr. Ericksen was called upon to mourn the death of his wife, who was laid to rest in the cemetery of Sheboygan Falls. The present wife of our subject, with whom he was joined in wedlock February 24, 1886, was formerly Mrs. Viola A. (Wade) Taylor. She was born April 30, 1854, in this county, and is a lady of pleasing address and good education. Mrs. Ericksen is the eldest child of Andrew Jackson and Eunice (Hunt) Wade. Their other daughter died at the age of seven years. The father was a native of Pennsylvania, born March 27, 1825, and in the Keystone State he passed the first eleven years of his life. His parents were Sylvanus and Betsy (Oakley) Wade. In 1836, the family came to the West in a closed carriage, stopping first in Joliet, Ill. They remained in Illinois until Andrew was a young man of eighteen years, when they removed to Ft. Atkinson, Wis., and from there to Greenbush, Sheboygan County. The name of Greenbush was given by Mr. Wade to that township. Wisconsin was yet a Territory when they settled in this county in 1844. The first home which Mrs. Ericksen can remember was a log cabin, around which the wolves prowled at night. The father was a devoted member of the Free-will Baptist Church, to which his wife also belonged. The latter was born in New York, September 5, 1846, and died on the anniversary of her birth in 1876. She was interred in Janesville, Wis. The father died April 29, 1870, and a beautiful monument has been erected to his memory. He was an old-line Whig and afterwards joined the ranks of the Republican party. He was an honored soldier in the Civil War, being a member of Company B, Eighth Wisconsin Infantry, known in history as the famous "Eagle Regiment." He enlisted in 1862, and on account of exposure and sickness was obliged to retire from the ranks, receiving an honorable discharge. In politics, Mr. Ericksen is a Republican and has upheld the principles of the party since casting his first Presidential vote for Abraham Lincoln. At that time he was in California, having gone to the Pacific Slope in 1858 to seek his fortune. Instead of engaging in gold digging, he entered the lumber business, in which he there continued until 1863. He was extremely successful in the West, and made his journey thither by way of the Isthmus of Panama. He has never figured in official positions, giving his time to his farming interests. He is a member of the United Workmen of Manitowoc. His estimable wife has always been active and industrious. At the age of fourteen, she went to Minneapolis, where she learned the trade of a dress-maker, and subsequently spent nine years of her life in that employment. Their hospitable home is ever open to their many friends, who hold them in the highest regard. They have done their share in benevolent work and are known for their sterling worth and integrity.
OLE ERICKSON OLE ERICKSON, township clerk of Lessor township, Shawano county, and who has held that office since 1890, was born in Norway, near Christiania, April 9, 1854, son of Erick and Ingeborg (Helgeson) Oleson. Erick Oleson, who was a tanner in Norway, embarked with his wife and family on the sailing vessel "Aerna" at Christiania, Norway, for America, landed at Quebec after a voyage of seven weeks, and came direct to Wisconsin, arriving in Manitowoc August 15, 1867. They located in Gibson, Manitowoc county, where the father bought a tract of forty acres, then in a primitive condition, on which he lived with his family seven years, meanwhile opening up the land and clearing it for a home. In 1874 he came to Lessor township, Shawano county, and purchasing eighty acres engaged in general farming, also speculating in land, and he has owned at one time as much as 640 acres, in different tracts. Mr. and Mrs. Oleson, both now sixty-four years of age, are still living on the homestead, which is now a fine farm, and their younger children are still living at home with them. Their children are eight in number—five boys and three girls — as follows: Ole, subject of this sketch; Helge, a farmer of Lessor township, and now township assessor, who married and had eleven children, eight of whom are yet living, three being dead; Christina, wife of Peter Jommen, of Maple Grove township, where he is a successful farmer (they had seven children—five living and two dead); Nels, owner of a forty-acre farm in Lessor township, married and had five children— three living and two dead; Hans, living in Lessor, who had three children—two living and one dead (his wife died in 1894); Peter, unmarried, living with his father, and Caroline and Hannah, both at home. Ole Erickson, attended school but five months in his native land, and they had only four weeks schooling there each year; in this country he attended school only eighteen days, so it will be seen that his education has been obtained elsewhere than in the school-room. He went to work in the lumber woods, and since he was fifteen years old has done a man's work. In 1872 he came to Lessor township, and here, in Section 1, bought a tract of eighty acres, which still forms a portion of his farm. It was wild and in a primitive condition, inhabited only by deer, bears, and howling wolves, and he did not commence to improve it until after his marriage, up to that time working out by the day On May 26, 1877, Mr. Erickson was united in marriage with Bertha Gilbert, who was born in Manitowoc county, Wis., July 9, 1858, and they have one son, Henry Edward, born April 5, 1878, and living at home with his parents. Hans and Mary (Paulson) Gilbert, parents of Mrs. Erickson were both from Norway, sailing from Christiania about the year 1850, and landing at Quebec after a voyage of thirteen week, thence coming to Wisconsin and locating in Manitowoc county. They were married in America, and had a family of three children, as follows: One that died in infancy; Gabriel, a farmer in Pierce county, Wis., where he is a successful and prominent citizen, for ten years serving as clerk of his township (he has a wife and six children), and Bertha, Mrs. Erickson. Mr. Gilbert was one of the early settlers in Manitowoc cpunty, where he bought and opened up land and cleared a home, and there were but a few shanties in what is now Manitowoc city when he made a settlement. From Manitowoc county they moved to Pierce county, Wis., where Mr. Gilbert has since made his home. He is now sixty-five years of age; his wife, Mary, died in 1875, at the age of fifty-eight. When Mr. Erickson was married he located on the land where he now lives, and had a log house 16x24 feet, in which they lived until 1893, when a modern farm house was erected in its stead. The land was low, and very hard to clear and put into farming condition, and no roads had been cut at that time. Mr. Erickson had an ox-team, an axe and a grub hoe, those convenient tools of a pioneer; and commenced the work of clearing, with which he advanced as rapidly as possible, and today he is owner of 100 acres of land, of which seventy are cleared and under cultivation, a result which has been accomplished solely by hard work. Mr. Erickson engages in general agriculture. Politically he supports and always has supported the Republican party, and he has held office ever since he was twenty-one years old, at present serving as township clerk. For ten years he was township treasurer, chairman two years, supervisor one year, and he has been school treasurer fourteen years. In religious affiliation the family are members of the United Scandinavian Lutheran Church.
HENRY ESCH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.130. Henry Esch, the oldest living merchant in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, where he has been the proprietor of a mercantile establishment for fifty-six years, was born in Germany, June 13, 1830, and came to the United States in 1853, with two cousins, Henry and Fred Esch. He first settled at Vincennes, Indiana, and was also engaged in business in Philadelphia and other cities for two years, but in 1855 came to Manitowoc and engaged in business at the corner of Ninth and Quay streets, and later removed to Ninth and Jay streets, his present location. Although the oldest living merchant in Manitowoc, Mr. Esch is still in active service. He is remarkably preserved, is in full possession of all his faculties, and attends to his business duties regularly every day. His long experience in the business world of Manitowoc has made him one of the best posted men on business conditions in the city, and his standing in the mercantile world and as a public-spirited citizen is high. Mr. Esch was married to Miss Eliza Bierhaus. of Manitowoc county, and seven children have been born to this union: Fred, who died at the age of twenty-seven years; William, connected with the store of his father, who married Emily Paulus, and has four children; Henry, also in the business with his father, who married Emily Rehfeldt, and has four children; Charles, also interested in the business, and president of the German American Bank, who married Martha Knickrehm, and has two children; Gottfried, deceased; Henrietta, who married Edward Stuebi, of Boston, Massachusetts; Elizabeth, widow of Ernst Rusterholz, residing at home. Mr. Esch and his family are members of the German Reformed church. He and his sons vote independently in local matters, and in national affairs with the republican party. ---------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 527 General merchandise, Manitowoc, is a native of Prussia, born June, 1830, came to Vincennes, Ind., in 1853, there worked at the gunsmith trade three years; in 1856, came to Manitowoc, worked at his trade about two years; he then opened a small store, and by strict attention to business he has worked into a large and flourishing trade, occupying two large stores and giving employment to six clerks. He was married in 1854, to Elizabeth Bierhans, of Prussa. They have seven children, five sons and two daughters.
CHARLES S. ESSLINGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.6-9. During the long period of his residence in Manitowoc, Charles S. Esslinger was recognized as a prominent factor in the public life of the city and did much toward shaping its policy and molding its destiny. He possessed splendid oratorical power and his deep thought and fluency of speech made him a most entertaining figure on the political rostrum. He figured prominently in that period which brought the republican party into existence and settled the momentous questions which arose concerning slavery and the Civil war. His life record had its beginning November 1, 1809, in Amerbach, Bavaria, where his father, Charles Esslinger, carried on the carpenter’s trade. The son was given liberal educational privileges, completing his studies in the German gymnasium, an institution of learning largely resembling the high school of this country. In early life he learned the trade of a jeweler and watchmaker. He was twenty-seven years of age, when, on the 26th of June, 1837, he left his native land for the new world, arriving in New York on the 7th of September, after a long, tedious, and sometimes stormy, voyage across the Atlantic. For two years he remained in the eastern metropolis and then continued on his westward way to Buffalo, New York, where he arrived in April, 1839. In early life Mr. Esslinger was a stanch supporter of democratic principles and while in Buffalo took an active and helpful part in advancing the growth and promoting the success of the democratic organization. He ever fearlessly espoused the cause in which he believed and on one occasion nearly lost his life in an altercation which arose over the raising of a flag pole. During the Polk campaign of 1844 he delivered addresses throughout the state in support of his candidate. When slavery became a predominant issue before the people Mr. Esslinger, in whose heart the love of freedom was strong, foreswore allegiance to the democrats and became a leading factor in the freesoil campaign of 1848. On the 20th of May, 1850, Mr. Esslinger arrived in Manitowoc and at once became a leading factor in the city in business lines and as well in political activity. Manitowoc was then but a village and when it was incorporated as a city Mr. Esslinger was chosen one of its aldermen. He supported the free-soil party until 1854, when, during the Kansas-Nebraska struggles, he announced himself as an advocate of the republican party and with others perfected this organization in his county. He possessed a natural gift of oratory and was again and again chosen speaker on public occasions. It was not until the ‘80s that he retired permanently from the public platform and his hearers always listened to him attentively, knowing that he brought them sound and logical truths expressed in clear and entertaining style. In 1876 at the time of the grand centennial celebration in this city he had almost complete charge of affairs and he made the occasion one long to be pleasantly remembered. In 1861 he was appointed postmaster and continuously filled that position until 1885. He was the first man to sell a two cent stamp in this county. At all times the administration of the office was such as commended him to the approval and indorsement of the public. He was careful and systematic in his work and never neglected duty in the slightest degree. At one time he studied law and was admitted to the bar of Manitowoc county in 1858. Two years later he became associated with Judge Parrish in practice. Subsequently he was connected with Carl Roesser in the publication of a German paper and in various ways was closely associated with the public life of the community. All through the presidential campaigns of i8~6, i86o and 1864 he delivered addresses in support of Fremont and of Lincoln and his logical, forceful utterances carried conviction to the minds of many of his hearers. He was elected president of the first republican organization of the county. While residing in New York city, on the 26th of July, 1838, Mr. Esslinger was united in marriage to Miss Sofie Schlick, who died in 1898. They were the parents of eleven children, of whom five are living: Arthur, who is a resident of Danville, Illinois; Mrs. Charles Burmeister, whose home is in Terre Haute, Indiana; Mrs. Catherine Valentine, Mrs. H. B. Burger and Miss Anna Esslinger, all of Manitowoc. No history of the city or county would be complete without reference to Charles S. Esslinger who, establishing his home here in pioneer times, left the impress of his individuality upon public thought and action.
Charles S. Esslinger ********** (From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 19, 1888) Mr. and Mrs. Charles Esslinger will celebrate their golden wedding July 26. They were married in New York fifty years ago. The old gentleman is now 79 years of age, but his faculties are yet undimmed. Mrs. Esslinger has reached her 69th year. ********** "Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate of the United States" by United States Congress. Senate Published 1901 Page 96 WASHINGTON, D. C., April 6, 1869. To the Senate of the United States: I nominate Charles Esslinger to be deputy postmaster at Manitowoc, in the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, in place of Charles Esslinger. Term of office expired March 11, l869. U. S. GRANT.
CHARLES EDWARD ESTABROOK From "Men of Progress Wisconsin." Charles Edward Estabrook, lawyer and legislator, for some years past a resident of Milwaukee, was born in the town of Platteville, Grant county, Wis., October 31st, 1847. His father, Edward Estabrook, was a native of Illinois, and was, by occupation, a farmer. He was one of the pioneer settlers of southwestern Wisconsin, having come into Grant county in 1836. He was elected to the assembly as a Whig in 1854, but moved into Iowa in 1868. C. E. Estabrook's mother, whose maiden name was Margaret Mitchell, was born in Clinton county, N. Y., and died in Platteville, Wis., May 26th, 1863. Young Estabrook received his early education in the common schools of his native town, was an apt scholar and a close student of whatever subject he took up, as indicated by the fact that when but fourteen years of age he won the prize for spelling in a competitive contest participated in by representatives from every district in his native town of Platteville. He afterward attended the Platteville Academy, but in 1864, when under seventeen years of age, he enlisted in Company B, Forty-third Wisconsin volunteer infantry, and served until the close of the war, being mustered out of service in July, 1865. Returning home, he completed his education by a course of study in the Platteville normal school. He then taught school in Platteville, Belmont and Manitowoc, in the last named place having charge of the First ward public school for the the year 1871-2. In the meantime he had been giving some attention to the study of law, and, after the close of the school in Manitowoc, completed his law studies, was admitted to the bar and began practice there in January, 1874. He was city attorney of Manitowoc from April, 1874, until December, 1880, when he resigned that office upon being elected member of the assembly. He was also elected to the assembly in 1882 and in 1885. In 1886 he was elected attorney-general of the state, and re-elected in 1888, holding the office from January 3rd, 1887, to January 5th, 1891. During a portion of the time that he held the office of attorney-general he was a member of the faculty of the college of law in the state university, being professor of municipal corporations, juries and justice court procedure and sales. In June, 1893, he took up his residence in Milwaukee, and resumed the practice of his profession. As a legislator, Mr. Estabrook was alert, industrious and very efficient. He did not strive to see how great a number of bills he could prepare, introduce and have passed, but what bills the public welfare demanded, and how comprehensive and effective they could be made when enacted. He has a faculty for legislation, and some of the most useful laws on the statute book owe their origin to him. He is the author of the law providing for a state board of examiners for admission to the bar, which has resulted in greatly elevating the standard of admission, and shutting the doors to those who, knowing little or no law, were wont to rely upon personal favoritism or to a farcical examination to open the way for them to an honorable profession. This law has been copied into the statutes of Minnesota. Michigan and New York, an evidence of Mr. Estabrook's good judgment respecting what is needful in legislation and his ability in providing it. He also secured the enactment of a law authorizing the board of regents of the state university "to hold institutes for the instruction of citizens of this state in the various branches of agriculture;" and few measures have been more prolific of benefits to the farming communities throughout the state than this. These institutes have been held, from time to time, in most of the counties, and have resulted in a wide dissemination of the latest and most practical information concerning an industry which is second to none in which man can engage. It was largely through Mr. Estabrook's efforts that suit was begun in the supreme court to test the validity of the act of 1893 reapportioning the state into senate and assembly districts. He, in connection with A. J. Turner, compiled the facts on which the suit was based, and by their persistence the case was carried through the court, the act overthrown, and the right of the court to inquire into the validity of such legislation fully established. Mr. Estabrook has always been a staunch Republican, has been a delegate in many conventions of the party - was a delegate to the Republican national convention in Chicago in 1884, and has always been active in the councils and campaigns of the party, rendering it valuable and substantial aid in the promotion of its aims and the promulgation of its principles. ******** "Annual Report of The Agricultural Experiment Station of the University of Wisconsin" Original from Harvard University June 30, 1903 Page 19 In 1885 the Honorable C. E. Estabrook of Manitowoc County introduced a bill in the Wisconsin legislature to appropriate $5,000 to the University to enable it to conduct meetings among the farmers, to be known as farmers' institutes. The legislature of 1887 increased the appropriation to $12,000, which allowance continues at the present time.
Henry Hougen and Elmer Evenson. Photo taken 1916, it is believed their were attendants at a wedding and had this photo taken as a joke. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
1892 Engagement photo of Ole Evenson and Ingeborg Hvideborg. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
1898 Photo taken outside the Ole Evenson house built near Collins. Left of the horses are Ida Evenson, Ole Evenson, Alma Evenson, Anna Hvideborg and Emma Evenson. On the right are Hans Evenson, Elmer Evenson, Ingeborg Evenson and John Evenson. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
JOHN EWEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" vol.2 by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.314-31. John Ewen, who has had charge of the Ewen homestead, at Francis Creek, town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, for the past sixteen years, is one of the substantial agriculturists of his community, and has been prominently identified with public interests for a long period. He was born on his present farm, June 28, 1870, and is a son of Mathias and Catherine (Cheha) Ewen, the former of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, and the latter of Bohemia. Mathias Ewen was born October 19, 1838, and at the age of eight and one-half years accompanied his parents to America, on a sailing vessel that was fifty-four days in making the voyage. Landing in New York city, they took a boat for Albany, then going as far as Waukesha county, Wisconsin, where the children were left with friends. The men of the party then pushed ahead, walking on to Manitowoc county to take up land, and Casper Ewen, the grandfather of our subject, secured a tract on section 23, town of Kossuth. In this wilderness, in which there were no roads, no improvements of any kind, even no neighbors, these pioneers cleared a small space in the timber on the present site of the Francis Creek Catholic church, erecting a log shanty. Four years later the grandfather purchased the farm which is now operated by John Ewen, and here both grandparents, Casper and Margaret (Hessel) Ewen died. Of their family only two children are now living: Mathias, the father of John Ewen: and Margaret, the wife of Anton Prochazka, of Manitowoc. Mathias Ewen received only limited educational advantages, and remained at home until 1864, when he enlisted for service in the Civil war as a member of the Forty-fifth Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served therewith until the close of the war. He then resumed his duties on the home place, where he has since continued to reside, having retired from active farm work in 1896. His wife passed away on this farm in 1892, aged forty-nine years. Mr. Ewen is a republican in politics, and a faithful member of the Catholic church. John Ewen is the only survivor of his parents’ six children, and he attended the home schools, also attended school in Manitowoc for one year, subsequently spending the years 1890-91 in the agricultural department of the State University at Madison. Mr. Ewen has had charge of the home place for sixteen years, and the modern thirteen-room residence was built by him in 1910, and is equipped with the latest improvements, including hot water and gas lighting. The barn, seventy-nine by thirty-six feet, was erected in 1880, and he has since remodeled it and added thirty-two feet. General farming and the raising of Holstein cattle have claimed his attention, and he also deals extensively in Percheron horses. On June 11, 1895, he was married to Mary Kerscher, who was born in the town of Kossuth, a daughter of Wenzel and Theresa (Stauber) Kerscher, natives of Germany who came to America in 1852, and settled in the town Kossuth, where Mr. Kerscher became the owner of a tract of wild land section 14. Mr. Kerscher had been married before to Theresa Pankratz whom he had two children: Wolfgang, of Kossuth; and Annie, the wife Charles Hessel, of the town of Kossuth. To his second union there were born seven children: Mary; Theresa; Louis, who is farming in the town of Kossuth; Rose, the wife of Charles Weary, of Stephenson, Michigan; Sophia, who married Matt Koch of the town of Kossuth; and Bertha and Frank. Mr. and Mrs. Ewen have the following children: Rosie, who is attending business college in Manitowoc; and Edwin and William, at home. Mr. Ewen is a democrat in his political views, was town clerk for eight years, has served as justice of the peace since he reached his twenty- second year, was chairman of the town for six years and chairman of the county board for two years. He and his family are active members and stanch supporters of the Catholic church at Francis Creek.
Mathias Ewen