[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
GEORGE LACOUNT From the Manitowoc Wis. Newspaper, July 13, 1908 WAS PIONEER SETTLER IN COUNTY Geo. LaCount, Who Came Here in 1837, Returns Here For Visit-Tells Interesting Tales Claiming to be the first white settler in Manitowoc county, having come here way back in 1837 when the country was a wilderness, and there was not even a trail from Milwaukee to Green Bay, George LaCount of San Francisco is here, being a guest at the home of Hiram Jackson, southwest of the city on the road to Silver lake. LaCount, altho well along in years, being now close to the fourscore mark and ten, has a vivid memory and tells many interesting tales of the early days in Manitowoc county. LaCount was born in New York and came here in 1837, when he was but 15 years of age. He lived first at Rapids and later secured a farm on the Calumet road, which place is now owned by John Meyer. He left Manitowoc county in 1852, and after another stay left again, not having returned here since. After a visit here he will journey to Milwaukee for a visit. LaCount made a trip thru the county with the first surveyors, laying out the section lines thru the dense woods. He states that they laid the lines about Silver lake without even knowing that the lake was there, so dense were the woods. He also helped to blaze the trail from Green Bay to Milwaukee thru the county, by which the mail was carried on horse back between these two points. LaCount declared that he hauled the first timber to Manitowoc that was used in the erection of the first pier here at the foot of Chicago street. --------- From the Manitowoc Wis. Herald, July 13, 1908 LOCATE GRAVE OF CHIEF MEXICO George LaCount Here From Frisco Marks Grave at the Rapids MONUMENT TO BE PLACED OVER THE GRAVE Returning to the city after an absence of forty-six years, George LaCount whose father came to Manitowoc in 1836 as one of the first settlers of the county, today marked the grave of Old Chief Mexico, a spot which the County Historical Society has been desirous of locating since its organization for the purpose of erecting a tablet to the memory of the Chief, who was the leader of the early Indian tribes of the county. Mr. LaCount was accompanied on his visit to the grave by Mrs. P.P. Smith and Mrs. N. Morse, pioneers of the city who have taken an interest in the movement to locate the resting place of the chief. Mr. LaCount is interested with Mrs. Morse in a movement that has been started to raise funds to erect a tablet to mark the grave of Chief Mexico. Mrs. Morse will solicit a fund for the purpose and it is probable that the County Historical society will assist with the plan, the matter having been considered at the last meeting of the society when proposed by Judge Baench. In his visit to the grave Mr. LaCount raised a wooden tablet to mark the spot temporarily. Mexico's grave is located on the farm formerly owned by the father of Mr. LaCount and as a boy he ofttimes visited the spot and is familiar with it and sure of his survey now made. It had been believed that the grave was on what is known as Indian hill at Rapids but Mr. LaCount declares this to be in error, and he has marked the exact spot. Chief Mexico was buried in December 1844 and Mr. LaCount remembers the burial and recounts the story of the trouble experienced because of a storm which prevailed. Mr. LaCount is a son of Joseph LaCount who came to Manitowoc with the first settlers in 1836, being a member of a crew sent here to erect a mill. LaCount, Sr., assisted in laying out the first highway between this city and Sheboygan, the old military road which was later extended to Green Bay. Of six boys in the family, five enlisted in the civil war. Dr. David LaCount, whose death occurred at Wausau a month ago, was a son. Mr. LaCount will remain here a day or two and will then visit at Waukesha.
FRANK LAFOND (contributed by researcher/see contributors page)
This is Julia Rebecca Martell and Frank Lafond. Taken by Braun Photography in Two Rivers. The bottom was cut off before I received it. Julia's father was Mitchell Martell and Harriet Cayo-Cayas who married William Greenwood after Mitchell died. I believe Frank is the son of John Batist Lafond Jr.(still working on that one!)
This is in Alaska on the Kobuck?sp River - Frank Lafond is second from left. His cousin is to the right-which we have no idea who it is. Possibly taken around 1905.
JOHN B. LAFOND Manitowoc county Courthouse, Death Record v.3, p.282 Name JOHN B. LAFOND D.O.D July 19, 1888 D.O.B. November 25, 1812 in CANADA Sex Male Color White Age at Death 76 Spouse CELESTINA LAFOND Father JOSEPH LAFOND Mother UNKNOWN Occupation FISHERMAN Cause of Death SUDDEN Place TWO RIVERS, WISCONSIN Burial CATHOLIC BURIAL GROUND Certificate Signed By: REV. M. WALBERS
MICHEL LAFOND This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.51-52. Michel Lafond, one of the early pioneers and an honored resident of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who is living at 1012 Twentieth Street, has been engaged nearly the entire length of his active career in the fishing industry at this point. He was born in Canada, January 26, 1837, and is a son of John and Mary Lafond, who were born and married in that country. They came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, in 1852, where John Lafond carried on fishing—a trade which he had followed while in the Dominion—until his death in 1893, when he was seventy-seven years old, his wife having passed away in her forty-fifth year in 1866. To them were born seven children, Alicia, John, Joseph, Michel, Godfrey, Frank and Alfred, the first three of whom are deceased. Michel Lafond as a boy accompanied his father on his fishing expeditions and thus learned the trade, in which he continued after his arrival in Manitowoc county. He followed this occupation here continuously with the exception of eight years, most of which time he spent on board a sailing vessel while making his home at Green Bay, whence he enlisted in 1865 in Company F, Fiftieth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and served as private for sixteen months, taking part in the western campaign against the Indians and being stationed at Fort Rice in the Dakotas. It happened that he was in St. Louis at the time when President Lincoln was assassinated. Since returning fo Two Rivers Mr. Lafond has followed his trade and, although past the allotted three score and ten, he is today still active at the head of a large and successful business, owning a number of boats, nets and sheds. On the 9th of September, 1857, Mr. Lafond was united in marriage to Miss Margaret Jurden, and they have become the parents of ten children, of whom Liza, Susan and Georgie died in infancy and John at the age of twenty-three years; the surviving ones are Michel, Joseph, Fred, Mary, Jessie and Louisa. September 9, 1907, was an eventful day for Mr. and Mrs. Lafond, which it is given only a few of us to observe—the day on which they could look back upon fifty years of marital happiness. Their golden jubilee was celebrated amidst the family and was the occasion for congratulations from many devoted friends and well-wishers of this worthy couple.
MITCHEL LAFOND From the Two Rivers Reporter, July 26, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) The LaFonds comprise a larger proportion of the population of the Eastside than any other family. There was a time 15 or twenty years ago when the Lafonds, the Gagnon and the LeClaire families made up the majority of the French population of Two Rivers. But the Lafonds were always the most numerous. The family came here in June 1853, consisting of the father and mother and six boys and one girl. Mitchel is the oldest one living. The Lafonds came from Canada like all our French citizens. The father had been working on a farm near Montreal and came to the states to impove conditions for the family. They came by steamer most of the way. Upon their arrival they made their home, for a time, with the family of Mr.'Boupre' who was a fisherman here but moved to Green Bay a few years later. The Lafond's built a small house of their own near the river on the west side, a few months after their arrival here. Mitchel was 15 years of age when he arrived at Two Rivers. His father started in fishing almost immediately and Mitchel helped him. They caught almost all whitefish. Trout were at that time as scarce as whitefish are now and there were no chub which now constitute a large share of the fish caught here. The whitefish have all been caught. The trout and chub have been planted and multiplied. Although whitefish have also been planted they have not multiplied and they are very rarely caught in the nets today. They are almost extinct. Just before the war Mitchel went to Green Bay to fish and while there he volunteered and joined the army. This was in 1865. When his regiment reached Fort Leavenworth the war was practically over and they were transferred to Fort Rice up on the Missouri River. The company of which he was a member dwindled down from 60 to 22. This was due to desertion. The lonesome life on the plains had no charms for most of the boys who had enlisted in the hope of seeing active service in the war. Mr. Lafond served nine months in the army. He went back to Green Bay after the war and shortly thereafter returned to Two Rivers. Here he has engaged in fishing up to a few weeks ago when he sold his outfit to his son. The biggest haul he ever made while fishing was twenty-six years ago when he brought in 5,000 pounds of trout. He always fished with gill- nets and used a mackinaw boat. On one occasion he was out in a severe storm. His boat was late in coming into port and there was talk of sending a tug out to search. It was decided however that this would be useless as if Lafond was out in that storm he must surely be drowned by that time. He lost 2,000 pounds of fish one time when his boat was capsized. He and his son were trying to make port at Sturgeon Bay when they ran on the sunken pier or crib against the harbor pier. As there was a heavy sea their boat capsized and all the fish were lost. Mr. Lafond and his brother saved themselves by jumping quickly onto the pier. Mitchel Lafond was for several years a member of the Life Saving Crew when that branch of the service was a volunteer organization here. The government provided them with a surf boat. Oliver Pilon, deceased was also a member of this Volunteer Life Saving Crew. The boys were sometimes called on to aid vessels in distress. Every time they responded they each received $10 from the government. Mitchel Lafond has just recovered from a severe illness. He does not feel as strong as he used to for in a few months his weight has dropped from 190 pounds to 140. Mr. and Mrs. Lafond are both living at their residence on 1012-20th Street on the Eastside. In 1907 they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
FRANK LAMACH From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 Frank Lamach was over to Ludington last week to attend the wedding of his brother, Emil.
ALBERT LANDRETH From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 Seed grower and dealer in all kinds of seeds, Manitowoc, was born in Bristol, Bucks County, Pa., Feb. 4, 1858, and at the age of five years he went with his parents to Battle Creek, Mich., and lived there about thirteen years. His father, Mr. John Landreth, followed the above business there. Albert L. came to Manitowoc in 1876, and was in his brother's employ three years. He went to Sheboygan, and was there one year. He then returned to Manitowoc, and began his present business. He was married, October, 1880, in the latter city, to Miss Anna F. Hoes. She was born in Manitowoc November 1861.
FREDERICK LANG From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 10, 1870) ADMINISTRATRIX SALE - In Probate Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of Frederick Lang, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that by virtue and in pursuance of an order of License, made in said matter, on the 20th day of December A.D. 1869 by the County Court of said County, the undersigned Christina Lang Administratrix of the Estate of Frederick Lang deceased, will, on Monday the 10th day of January A.D. 1870 at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day, at the office of the County Judge, in the Village of Manitowoc, in said County, offer for Sale, at Public Vendue, the following described Lands to wit: The undivided h of neq of nwq of the nh of seq of nwq of Section on Town 18 Range 23 in the County of Manitowoc. The Terms of Sale Cash down. Christina Lang, Administratrix Dated at Manitowoc, the 2d day of December A.D. 1869 The above Sale stands adjourned until Feb. 14th at the same place and hour. Jan. 31 1870 Christina Lang, Administratrix
JOHN D. LARSON CAPT. JOHN D. LARSON, born in Norway, April 29, 1843; came to America with his parents in 1845, landed in Milwaukee August 26, of that year, and removed immediately to Manitowoc, on a farm, where his parents have since died. At 13 years of age John D. Larson commenced sailing the lakes as boy, in his brother's vessel, and has followed the water ever since. His first command was the schooner "ERIE," which he sailed in 1861, being then but 18 years of age. The vessel being sold shortly after Captain Larson assumed command, he became master of the "TRANSIT," and has been constantly in command of vessels every season since. In 1873 he commanded a steam barge, trading to all Lake Michigan ports, and in 1877 became master of the propeller "CITY OF MADISON," of which he was in command at the time she was burned. This accident happened about sixty-five miles northeast of Chicago at 3 o'clock A.M., and was owing to the incompetency of the engineer placed in charge by her owner. Captain Larson married, May 10, 1873, Cornelia, daughter of Captain Moody, an old sea captain of Buffalo, New York, where Mrs. Larson was born September 1, 1848. Her parents are still residing in this city, to which they removed in 1855; her brother, Charles E., being in command of the Milwaukee Tug Company's wrecking-tug "WELCOME." Captain and Mrs. Larson have two children--Mabel C., born March 14, 1874, and Charles B., born July 29, 1875. Their present residence is in the Old Moody home, corner of Lapham street and Fifth avenue.
JACOB BERNARD LAUN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.522-523. Jacob Bernard Laun, president of the Kiel Furniture Company, of Kiel, Wisconsin, was born in Manitowoc county, August 5, 1863, and is a son of John Henry and Catherine Laun. The father was born in Germany, and the mother was born in Ozaukee county, Wisconsin. By trade the former was a cabinetmaker, but operated a sawmill, four miles east of Kiel, for thirty years. Jacob Bernard Laun attended district school, finishing his studies at Mission House, Sheboygan county, this state. Before he even attained his majority, Mr. Laun displayed that firm grasp of business affairs which so characterizes him today, and at the age of twenty years established a lumberyard at Kiel which he still operates. These premises cover an area two hundred by four hundred feet. He and his brother Louis own yards at New Holstein and Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin, and he owns a lumberyard and general merchandise store at Wausaukee, Wisconsin. Until 1899 he owned sawmills there, but in that year the timber gave out. In addition to these interests, he is vice-president of the Laun-Mangold Hardware Company, president of the Elkhart Lake Realty Company and Elkhart Lake Park company and president of the Kiel Advancement Association. He laid out two subdivisions to Kiel, the first being called Laun's First Addition, and the other Laun's Second Addition. In conjunction with a partner, he laid out the Laun-Shulz Addition. He has also built a number of houses in Kiel. Mr. Laun was one of the organizers of the State Bank of Kiel and is still on its board of directors. Three times he served as president of the village board, and for four years was supervisor from the village. It is, however, in connection with the Kiel Furniture Company that Mr. Laun is best known. This concern was organized in 1892, and started the following year, as the Kiel Manufacturing Company. The capital stocks at organization was twenty-two thousand dollars, and five thousand dollars was added later. In 1890 this business was taken over by Mr. Laun and A.W. Dassler, who have continued to operate it since then. The present firm name was adopted in 1905, with Jacob B. Laun as president, Albert W. Dassler as secretary, treasurer and general manager, and Louis Laun as vice-president. The capital stock is one hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the plant is a valuable one, comprising one building, fifty-six by 128 feet, three stories in height; another, sixty-two by 130 feet, four stories in height, and a third, forty-eight by eighty feet, four stories in height, with an office building thirty-two by fifty feet, built of brick. The first year only twenty-five men were employed, but the volume of business has so increased that one hundred and twenty-five men are now required. In spite of the size of the plant, the company has been oversold for the past decade, and in 1909, a new factory was built at Milwaukee, of brick and concrete, sixty-six by three hundred and fifty feet, four stories in height. The company devotes its Kiel plant to manufacturing tables, but the Milwaukee factory turns out dining-room furniture. The maiden name of Mrs. Laun was Paulina Heins and she is a daughter of Charles Heins, one of the merchants and bankers of Kiel. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Laun, namely, Albert, Carl and Lucile. He belongs to the Odd Fellows and is past grand of his lodge, taking a deep interest in it. Owing to the fact that Mr. Laun is a man of unusual executive ability and farsightedness, the various concerns with which he is connected have prospered, and the volume of business controlled is a very important factor in the industrial and commercial life of Manitowoc county.
ELIZABETH LAWRENCE From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, 10 November 1870: Mortgage Foreclosure - Whereas, on the 21st day of August, A.D. 1866, P. Jerome Pierce, of the county of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, as party of the first part and mortgagor executed and delivered to John A. Kahler, of said county of Manitowoc, as party of the second part and mortgagee, a mortgage hearing done on that day to secure the payment by the said mortgagor to one Elizabeth Lawrence the sum of seventeen hundred dollars three years from the date thereof with interest payable annually and save harmless and indemnify the said John A. Kahler from the paymentof a certain note executed on said day by the said Pierce and said John A. Kahler on surety for said Pierce to the said Elizabeth Lawrence for said sum of seventeen hundred dollars payable as above mentioned according to the condition of a certain bond executed by the said P. Jerome Pierce to the said mortgagee, which said mortgage was duly executed so as to be entitled to record, and was duly recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for the county of Manitowoc aforesaid, on the ninth day of January, A.D. 1867, at four o'clock P.M. in volume "Q" of mortgages on page 257; and whereas, by the terms of said mortgage, the said mortgagee, his heirs, executed, administrators or assigns were duly authorized and empowered to grant, bargain, sell, release and convey the premises therein described in case of the non- payment of the sum of money secured to be paid thereby or any part thereof and whereas in and by said mortgage the said mortgagor, covenanted and agreed to pay all taxes and assessments of every nature that might be assessed on the mortgaged premises previous to the day appointed in persuance of any law of the State for the sale of land for taxes; and whereas, in and by the said mortgage the said mortgagor, covenanted and agreed to pay the sum of twenty- five dollars as solicitor's fees in case the same should be foreclosed by reason of the non-performance of any of the conditions thereof; and whereas, default has occurred in the conditions of said mortgage by the non-payment of said sum of seventeen hundred dollars and interest to the said Elizabeth Lawrence; and whereas the said John A. Kahler has become liable to pay said sum of money to the said Elizabeth Lawrence and whereas, the said John A. Kahler did on the twentieth day of August, A.D. 1869, pay to the said Elizabeth Lawrence the said sum of seventeen hundred dollars with interest amounting in all to the sum of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight dollars; and whereas default has also occurred in the conditions of said mortgage by the non-payment of taxes upon the said mortgaged premises for the year 1869, which said taxes amounting to the sum of eight dollars were on the fifteenth day of December 1869 paid by John A. Kahler, and whereas, the said John A. Kahler is now the lawful owner and holder of the said mortgage, and claims that there is now due him theron the sum of nineteen hundred and thirty-eight dollars with interest from August 20th, 1869, besides said taxes so paid on aforesaid; and whereas, no action or proceeding has ben instituted at law to recover the debt now remaining secured by the said mortgage or any part thereof. Now therefore, notice is hereby given that in pursuance of the power of sale contained in said mortgage and of the statute in such case made and provided the said mortgage will be foreclosed, by a sale of the premises therein described, or so much thereof as may be necessary to be sold to satisfy the amount due on said mortgage and bond with interest and the costs and expenses of sale, together with the said sum of twenty-five dollars solicitor's fee agreed to be paid in case of the foreclosure thereof, at public vendue by the sheriff of the county of Manitowoc at the front door of the courthouse in the city of Manitowoc in said county, on Saturday the tenth day of December 1870, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, to the highest bidder. The following is a description of the premises designated on said mortgage to-wit: The undivided one-half of lot No. one(1) of section No. fourteen(14) of Township No. nineteen(19) north of range No. twenty-three(23) east, and being in said county of Manitowoc. John A. Kahler, Mortgagee Walker & White, Aty's for Mortgagee
CHARLES LECLAIR The LeClair(e)family of Michicot/Two Rivers were originally Houde in Canada. I know this helped me when I finally made the connection. Husband: Louis Clair Houde b: 1790 at: , , Canada/d. 1847 at: Michicot, Manitowoc, Wisconsin p: Augustin Houde and Therese Geneviève Martel m: 17 AUG 1818 at: Nicolet to: Marie Rouillard b: 1796 at: , , Canada children: Louis LeClair/b: 7 JUL 1819 at , , Canada/d: 3 SEP 1819 Antoine LeClair/b: 23 JUN 1820 at , , Canada Louis LeClair/b: 24 JUL 1821 at , , Canada/d: 12 OCT 1821 at , , Canada Oliver LeClair/b: 8 AUG 1822 at , , Canada/d: 10 JUN 1864 at Two Rivers, Wisconsin m: Amelia Auger CHARLES LECLAIR/b: 16 JUL 1824 at St. Francis/d: 1906 at Two Rivers, Wisconsin m: Angeline Lafond Marie LeClair/b: 1 JAN 1826 at St. Francis Victor LeClair/b: 16 SEP 1827 at Labaie Du Febure, Québec/ d: 15 MAY 1888 at Jacksonport, Door, Wisconsin/m: Mary Harrington; Virginia Berube Marguerite LeClair/b: 1 JUL 1829 at , , Canada Louis LeClair/b: 9 MAY 1831 at , , Canada Eugene Leclair/b: 1836 at , , Canada/m: Clarissa Berube Joseph LeClair/b: ABT 1838 at , , Canada (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
DAVID LECLAIR This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.627-628. David LeClair, senior member of the well known firm of LeClair Brothers, agriculturists and fishermen of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, was born February 19, 1871, in a log house in Two Rivers, near the present site of the Life Saving Station, a son of Charles and Angeline (LaFond) LeClair. Charles LeClair was born at St. Francis, Canada, a son of Louis LeClair, and at the age of nineteen years accompanied his parents to New York state. During his twentieth summer in 1846, he went to Chicago, at that time only a small settlement, and the family then came to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where Louis LeClair worked in the shingle mills, later going to Mishicot, where he secured employment with Daniel Smith and died there aged fifty-two years. Charles LeClair was married at the age of twenty-three years, and settled on sixty acres of wild land in Mishicot, where he built a log cabin and log barn, starting to clear his land with an ox team. Not long thereafter, he sold his property and came to Two Rivers, engaging in fishing which was then carried on in sail and row boats, but in 1873 he went to Seymour township, Outagamie county, and commenced farming on a tract situated three miles north and one mile west of Seymour village. He first erected a log cabin and later built a frame house there, but after eleven years moved back to Two Rivers, and again engaged in fishing, living on a forty-acre farm situated near the river, which is now located inside of the city limits, and on which his sons, David and Nelson, now reside. He died in May, 1900, aged seventy-five years, ten months, and his wife passed away in July, 1898, aged sixty-four years. He was a faithful member and active worker in the Catholic church, and assisted in building the churches at Mishicot and Two Rivers and the old church at Seymour. By a former marriage he had a family of five children, and his union with Angeline LaFond resulted in the birth of twelve children, as follows: two infants, deceased; Charles; Mary; Olive; Jane, who died aged three years; Delia; an infant, deceased; David, of this sketch; two infants, deceased; and Nelson. David LeClair received his education in the schools of Seymour, and first followed fishing with his father, later forming a partnership with his brother, Charles, and eventually engaging in the fishing business with his brother, Nelson, under the firm name of LeClair Brothers. He was married in 1891, to Eugenie Gagnon, and they have four children: George, Francis, Elizabeth and Grace. Mr. LeClair is a member of the Catholic church, and belongs to the Catholic Knights, St. Joseph’s Athletic Club and St. Peter’s Society. ----------- From the Two Rivers Manitowoc Co. Chronicle, Tuesday, Feb. 10, 1891 Married LaClair:Gagnon: - At the St. Luke's church, by the Rev. Father Geissler, Mr. David LaClair to Miss Jennie Gagnon. After the ceremonies at the church the newly married couple and wedding party proceeded to the residence of the bride's parents where all who participated had a good time. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. LaClair of this city. Mr. Chas. LaClair is a well-known and respected pioneer of Two Rivers, having been one of the earliest settlers and resided here nearly ever since, with the exception of a few years which were spent in Seymour, Wis. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Gagnon of this city. The newly wedded couple have many friends who wish them a happy journey through life.
(boat photo sent in by researcher/see contributors page) This boat was one of David and Nelson LeClair’s boats
NELSON LECLAIR This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.622-623. Nelson LeClair, who belongs to the well known firm of LeClair Brothers, dealers and shippers of fish of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, is also engaged extensively in dairy farming. He was born in Seymour township, Outagamie county, Wisconsin, September 26, 1877, and is a son of Charles and Angeline (LaFond) LeClair, and a grandson of Louis LeClair. Charles LeClair was born at St. Francis, Canada, in 1826, and when nineteen years of age went to New York State, and from there during the following summer to Chicago. The family came to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, in 1847. Louis LeClair, his father, working first in the shingle mill and later going to Mishicot, where he was employed by Daniel Smith, and his death occurred there when he was fifty-two years of age. Charles LeClair was married when he was twenty-three years of age, and settled on sixty acres of wild land in Mishicot, but sold this after building a log cabin and log barn and came to Two Rivers, where he engaged in fishing. In 1873 he went to Seymour township, Outagamie county, and engaged in farming for eleven years, when he returned to Two Rivers, located on the property a part of which is now occupied by his sons, and continued to farm and fish during the remainder of his life, his death occurring when he was seventy-five years and ten months old, his wife having passed away in July, 1898, aged sixty-four years. He was a faithful member of the Catholic church, and assisted in building the churches of that denomination at Mishicot and Two Rivers and the old church at Seymour. He had five children by a former marriage, of whom three are living, and his second union, to Angeline LaFond, resulted in the birth of twelve children, namely: two infants, deceased; Charles; Mary; Olive; Jane, who died aged three years; Delia; an infant, deceased; David, who is Nelson’s partner in business; two infants, deceased; and Nelson. Nelson LeClair has been engaged in fishing since his youth, when he first joined his father, and later he formed a partnership with his brother David which has continued to the present time. He has also been a leading dairy farmer of Two Rivers township, having an excellent tract of one hundred and twenty acres, and raises Guernsey cattle, high-bred horses and Chester White hogs. He has a modern farm house, a barn eighty by seventy feet, with cement floor, and a fifty-six-ton silo. In 1898, Mr. LeClair was married to Theresa Colling, who was born at Seymour, Wisconsin, a daughter of Leonard and Anna (Baltes) Colling, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Dodge county, Wisconsin. They were married at Rubicon, Wisconsin, and settled on a farm near Seymour, Outagamie county, where they lived until retirement, and since that time have resided in Neenah. Mr. Colling was born December 27, 1842, and his wife in 1853, and they had a family of eleven children, namely: Mary, Peter, Francis, John, Theresa, Katie, Christian, Nicholas, Rosa, Anna and Esther, of whom Nicholas is deceased. Mr. and Mrs. LeClair are connected with the Catholic church, and he holds membership in St. Joseph’s Athletic Club, St. Peter’s Society and the Catholic Knights.
HON. LAWRENCE W. LEDVINA This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.103-104. Lawrence W. Ledvina, ex-member of the state legislature of Wisconsin and lawyer of Two Rivers, where he is serving as city attorney, was born in Kellnersville, Wisconsin, September 28, 1880, and is a son of Lawrence and Catherine (Reif) Ledvina. His paternal grandfather, Wenzel Ledvina, brought his family from Bohemia to America and settled on wild land in Franklin township, Manitowoc county. Peter Reif, the maternal grandfather of Mr. Ledvina, was born in Rhenish, Prussia, and after being shipwrecked on his journey, walked all the way from Buffalo, New York, to Manitowoc county, in 1846, being one of the first settlers of Kossuth township, where he built the first grist and saw mill. He died in 1881, his widow surviving until 1911. Lawrence Ledvina, who is engaged in the shoe business, had a family of fourteen children, of whom ten are now living: Lawrence W.; John, who was engaged in the lumber business at Hudson; Edward, a carpenter and contractor; Michael, in business with Edward; Rose, who married Lawrence Morrissey; Joseph, deputy register of deeds of Manitowoc county; Jerome, a student; Ida and Mayme, teachers; and Olive, residing at home. Lawrence W. Ledvina received a country-school education, and after teaching school for six years entered the law department of the University of Wisconsin, from which he graduated with the class of 1906. He was studying there at the time of his election to the state legislature. He served as a member of the Wisconsin assembly during the sessions of 1905, 1907 and 1909, the latter session being chairman of the judiciary committee—the most important in his house. In 1909 he served by appointment of Governor Davidson, as a member of a joint committee to settle the suits pending against the railroads for back taxes due the state. Since 1906 he has been three times city attorney of Two Rivers, an office which he now holds. He is a member of the law firm of Keeley & Ledvina. He is a member of the Knights of Columbus, the Foresters, the Elks and the Moose, and was first dictator of the latter order in Two Rivers. He is a devout member of the Catholic church.
GEORGE L. LEE From the "A Century of Masonry 1856 - 1956" by Merle E. Hutchins Little is known of the antecedents of Bro. Lee, but he was an able lawyer and a fluent and eloquent speaker. His political affiliation was with the Democratic Party and he served as County Judge in 1855 and 1856 and as District Attorney from 1857 through 1859. During his stay in Manitowoc, he was very active in literary and fraternal circles. He was one of the founders of the "Young Men's Institute", founded in 1856, an incorporation to promote improvement along literary lines and to conduct courses of lectures; a member of Chickerming Lodge No. 55, I.O.O.F. and among the earlier Noble Grands of tht body; and an active member of our lodge as well as one of its founders. He served as Treasurer while the lodge was working under dispensation and as Senior Deacon for the year 1856, after the granting of the Charter. About 1860, he suffered a paralytic stroke which disabled him for further labors and he left Manitowoc for his former home, somewhere in the east, a hopeless invalid, and news came a few years later of his death.
CASPER LEGRO From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County court In the matter of the estate of Casper Legro, Jr., deceased. On reading and filing a petition of Casper Legro of said county, representing among other things that Casper Legro, Jr., late of said county, on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving no goods or chattels and no estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is father of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Francis Kostomlatsky granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Wednesday, the 30th day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heir of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, County Judge Manitowoc, Marcy 8th, 1870
Isidore Leight This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JACOB LEISEN "Memorial Record of the Northern Penisula of Michigan" by Lewis Publishing Company 1895 Pages 225-227 CAPTAIN JACOB LEISEN, an honored veteran of the late war and a man prominent in business and social circles of Menominee, was born near Coblentz, Germany, near the banks of the beautiful and historic Rhine, May 7, 1828. His grandfather, Jacob Leisen, was an officer in the forestry service in Prussia, and his son, Jacob, father of our subject, was born and reared there. Having arrived at years of maturity he married Margaret Gobel, daughter of Joseph Gobel, who was in the revenue service. The parents spent their entire lives in the Fatherland, and both are now deceased. Their family numbered but two children, both sons. The Captain, who is the only survivor, grew to manhood in the land of his nativity, acquired his education in the public schools, and at the age of fifteen began to learn the trade of cabinet-making, which he followed for some time. In 1849 he joined the Prussian army, in which he served until 1852, as a member of the Eighth Battalion of Sharpshooters, being stationed at Baden for one year, and the remainder of the time at Wetzlar, the barracks being in the ancient high court-room. After receiving an honorable discharge he resumed work at his trade, which he followed until his emigration to America in 1853. On the 25th of November of that year he landed at New York and worked in the Empire State and New Jersey until the fall of 1854, when he removed to Chicago, where he was employed until the autumn of 1855. In that year he went to Centerville, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where he carried on cabinet-making. While at that place Captain Leisen was married to Miss Verena M. Fehrenbach, the wedding being celebrated in 1858. The lady was born in Switzerland February 21, 1841, and is a daughter of Antoine Fehrenbach. Mr. and Mrs. Leisen have six children, as follows: Rosa, now the wife of John Henes, of Menominee, by whom she has five children; James A.; Louis; Lena, wife of Richard Kirkham, of Menominee, and the mother of two children; Ida, wife of L. M. Packard, of this city, by whom she has four children; and Joseph, who completes the family. In 1859 Mr. Leisen embarked in general merchandise and continued therein until May, 1873, save when his work was interrupted by his service in the army. In October, 1864, he enlisted in Company B, Forty-fifth regiment of Wisconsin Volunteers, which was organized at Madison, Wisconsin. He was appointed Captain of the company by Governor Lewis, the chief executive of the Badger State, and the command was at once ordered to the front, proceeding to Nashville, Tennessee. He did provost and picket duty, also took charge of prisoners sent North, and continued at Nashville until July, 1865, never missing a day during all that time. He then received an honorable discharge and returned at once to Centerville. He was one of the leading and influential citizens of that community, and for eleven years served as Post- master of that town, including the term of his service in the army, during which time his wife managed the office. In May, 1873, Captain Leisen came to Menominee and for a time was engaged in the soda-water business. In February, 1876, he embarked in the brewing business, which he still continues to run being now president of the Leisen & Henes Brewing Company. One of the most important elements of industrial and commercial activity in Menominee is the brewing of lager beer,and the firm just mentioned stands in the front rank in this enterprise as manufacturers of the famous brands of beer,-Our Ideal, Braun, Gold Standard and Nurnberger. This extensive brewery was established in 1872, and passed from the first ownership into other hands ere it came into possession of the present company in February, 1876. In July, 1891, it was incorporated under the laws of the State of Michigan, with a paid up capital of $100,000, with Jacob Leisen as president; Louis Leisen as vice-president; and John Henes, secretary and treasurer. The brewery was destroyed by fire in 1877, and also on June 24, 1890; but with characteristic energy it was at once rebuilt, rising phoenix-like from the ashes. This is a well-equipped plant, supplied with the latest improved machinery, the brew kettle being able to hold 150 barrels at a time, while the malt house has a capacity of 90,000 bushels. Every effort is put forth to promote cleanliness, and the desired end is accomplished. The storage accommodations are very complete, thirty men and seven teams are employed and a large saloon and family trade is conducted. The brewery now has a capacity of 90,000 barrels annually, and the large volume of business is the result of the energy and just methods of the gentlemen who form the company. Other business interests claim the attention of Mr. Leisen, whose abilities are not limited to one line of trade. He has been prominent in promoting many of the most important enterprises of Menominee, is now a director of the Lumberman's National Bank, also of the Electric Light and Street Railway & Power Companies, and is proprietor of the Stained Glass Works. He was also largely interested in the erection of the fine Leisen & Henes business block, and by promoting these various interests he has added materially to the prosperity and progress of the community. His success is largely due to close application, keen discrimination and resolute purpose. He is not easily discouraged, but carries forward to successful completion whatever he undertakes, seeming to use any obstacles which may arise as a spur for renewed effort. In 1889 Mr. Leisen made a trip to Europe, visiting the scenes of his youth and also the Paris Exposition, which was held that year. In his political connections he is now a Democrat, having supported that party since 1872, previous to which time he was a Republican. In addition to the office of Postmaster, while living in Wisconsin, he served as Town Clerk for a period of four years and was also Justice of the Peace. Since coming to Menominee he has filled the office of Alderman and was twice candidate for Mayor. He supports the German Catholic Church, and is a member of Lyman Post, G. A. R., of Menominee, also the Order of the Loyal Legion, Michigan Commandery. He is a member of the Turn Verein, of which he served as President during the first eight years of its existence. He is very popular with all classes of people, and whether in social or business relations he wins friends and gains their high regard.
JOS. LEMERE From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, August 15, 1914: DEATH OF JOS. LEMERE From Sturgeon Bay Advocate; After an illness of about six weeks, the last of which confined him to his bed, Joseph A. Lemere, a prominent citizen of this county passed away Wednesday. Capt. Lemere was born in Two Rivers, Wis., Dec. 15, 1856, being therefore nearly 58 years of age. At the age of 18 he moved to Jacksonport where he engaged in fishing. Afterward he became a merchant and grew up with that thriving little village. On August 9, 1877, he was wedded to Miss Elmira Leclair. A few years ago he retired from the merchant business and purchased the little steamer Addie Wade of which he was master and with which he carried produce from Jacksonport to outside ports. His work demanding that most of his time be spent here, he moved his family to the city about a year ago. He is survived by the widow and ten children. Mr. Lemere was a son of Jos. Lemere, who was one of the first settlers of Two Rivers having come here in the 40's. The old Lemere homestead where Jos. Lemere was born and which was owned by him is still standing at the corner of 16th and East River Streets. It was erected in 1848. Mr. Lemere has many old schoolmate friends and acquaintances in this city.
EDWARD LENERVILLE From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Farmer, Sec. 14, Manitowoc Rapids Township, owns 100 acres, has eighty acres improved. He settled in Manitowoc Rapids, in 1834, and worked in a saw-mill two and a half years, then settled on his present place. He states there was not a house in Manitowoc City at that date, but one or two in Manitowoc Rapids, being no settlement in the country. He also states that he is the oldest settler, excepting Mr. P. Tebo, in Manitowoc Rapids. He was born in Canada East, April 12, 1835(sic). He was married to Miss Jane Johnson; she was born in Lisbon, St. Lawrence County, N. Y., June 6, 1824. They have seven children living: Francis, Maria, Lizzie R., Edward L., Albert, Robert, and Lowa M.
LOUIS LENGLAUB From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 540 Louis C. Lenglaub, general merchandise, Sec. 23, P.O. Louis Corners, was born June 2, 1851, in Sheboygan County. He attended school at Milwaukee, and at the age of eighteen, he was taken in as clerk in his father's store, and afterward became a member of the firm. In 1877, he removed to his present locality, and has since carried on this business. He has been Justice of the Peace, Notary, Township Clerk, etc. He was married, in 1873, to Miss Victoria Stoll, of Manitowoc County. They have four children, three sons and one daughter.
BLANCH LESPERANCE From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, March 28, 1914: ATTEMPTS SUICIDE Tuesday morning Blanch Lesperance an employee of the Hamilton Mfg. Co. was hurriedly taken from the factory in an automobile to a doctor's office. She was seen placing a bottle of poisonous disinfectant to her lips. She was given treatment at the doctor's office and taken to her home. The incident which was the immediate cause of her thought of suicide was a few words of disagreement with her step father. Her little brother had run away from school for which his mother had punished him and the father reprimanded him. This resulted in an altercation between Miss Lesperance and her father. Miss Lesperance is a young lady seventeen years of age who is very much dissatisfied with her environment and in addition to this her health is impaired and she is inclined to be melancholy. She is a young woman of good character and it is believed that a change of environment is all that is necessary in her case. The city health officer has investigated the situation and finds that much of the talk regarding her home relations is exaggerated and unfounded. Arrangements have been made to place her with a private family where other scenes and conditions will conduce to her contentment and the recovery of her health.
CHAS. LEVENHAGEN From the Manitowoc Pilot, Jan. 18, 1894 Mr. Chas. LEVENHAGEN celebrated his 45th birthday last Thursday. Pedro, "shaafs kopf," penockle, poker, freeze out and seven-up were the order of the day, and billiards were kept a-rolling. Everybody made a night of it, and went away in the early hours of the next day, well satisfied.
CHARLES LEVENHAGEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.256-257. Charles Levenhagen, proprietor of the Mishicot Opera House and the Opera Hotel, at Mishicot, Wisconsin, and one of the leading business men of that place, was born January 11, 1849, in Mecklenburg, Germany, and is a son of Henry and Sophia (Kepke) Levenhagen, and a grandson of Charles and Hannah (Loerman) Levenhagen. There were five children in the grandparents’ family, namely: Fred, Henry, Ernst, Louis and Freda, and of these Henry was the only one to come to the United States. He had been married December 4, 1846, to Sophia Kepke, daughter of Henry and Fredericka (Krohn) Kepke, and she had a sister and a brother, Mary and Henry. In 1853 with his wife and two children, Charles and Henry, Henry Levenhagen came to America and first located at Trenton, New Jersey, where he secured employment in a brick-yard, working there from January until August. The family then went to Canada, and Mr. Levenhagen, who was a carpenter by trade was employed at Devereux Creek, and later in the construction of the bridge of the Grand Trunk Railroad. Coming to Manitowoc, the family remained for a short time in the city and then purchased eighty acres of wild land two miles north of Mishicot, on which was situated an old shack which became the family residence. Mr. Levenhagen worked at his trade until he earned enough money to buy a team of oxen with which to clear and develop the raw land. There were no roads at this time and on many occasions he had to carry flour on his back from Manitowoc and Two Rivers to the little log cabin home which he had erected to replace the old one. After remaining on this land for three years, Mr. Levenhagen traded it for a house and two acres of village property, and for a number of years was employed in the gristmill that had been built by Ira Clark and Alfred Smith. For a number of years previous to his death, which occurred in 1896, in his seventy-second year, he was the proprietor of a saloon. Politically he was a democrat. He was a member of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows and also assisted in the work of the Lutheran church of Mishicot, of which he was a member. His widow, who was born December 23, 1826, still survives and makes her home with her son Charles. The following children were born to this worthy couple in America: Louis, Tilda, Fred, Mary, Ernst, Ira, Sophia and William, the last-named being now deceased. Charles Levenhagen received his education in the common schools of his vicinity and as a youth learned the trade of miller, which he followed in Kewaunee county for six or seven years. Previous to this he had conducted a store for some time, which was destroyed by fire. He erected the first farmer roller mill in Mishicot, known as the Mishicot Roller Mills, which he operated for about six years, and on his return from Kewaunee county, he purchased the saloon property of a Mr. Hollenberg, in Mishicot, which he conducted for eight or nine years, at the end of which time he erected the fine hotel and opera house of which he is at the present time proprietor. In 1870 Mr. Levenhagen was married to Miss Eureka Schrieber, who was born March 5, 1852, in Sheboygan county, a daughter of Frank and Dorothea Schrieber, natives of Germany, who came to America in 1850 and were early settlers of Sheboygan county, from whence they moved to Manitowoc county in 1853 and located in the town of Mishicot. They spent the remainder of their lives on a farm, and both died at the age of sixty-four years. Mr. and Mrs. Levenhagen have had the following children: Ida, born April 6, 1871; Charles, who died in infancy; May, born June 16, 1879; Leona, born April 18, 1883; Elsie, born February 18, 1885; and Arthur, born November 22, 1889. *The following pictures were sent to me by Jerry Andersen, a descendant of Henry and Sophia (Kepke)Levenhagen, parents of Charles of the review. His email address is on the contributors page. He also sent this information. "The Charles Levenhagen bio. mentions both Sophia Kepke and Mary Levenhagen, my great great grandmother and great grandmother respectively. Mary Levenhagen married Albert Mueller (Miller)".* Sophia's and Cora's picture taken by John Braun photograper, Two Rivers, WI The wedding picture taken by Vanderbloemen photographer, Mishicot, WI "Dutsie" picture taken by Melendy and Packard photographer, Manitowoc, WI
Sophia Kepke Levenhagen (Grandma Levenhagen/Mary Miller's mother/ Cora(Miller)Imhoff's grandmother/Gladys(Imhoff)Andersen's great grandmother) ![]()
Cora (Miller) Imhoff Ella Miller No names on back of picture (cousin of Miller family)
On back: A New Years Compliment of Dutsie" On back: Mishicott, Wisconsin, Albert Miller, Cora Miller Imhoff, 3rd and 4th from left little girl w/man behind (father of girl) approx. 1886 or 1887
GUSTAV LEVENHAGEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.628-629. Gustav Levenhagen, conducting a growing and profitable business as a contractor at 1211 South Twelfth street, was born in Manitowoc, November 28, 1863, his parents being Henry and Fredericka (Ulrich) Levenhagen. The father came to this country from Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, about 1846, and six years later arrived in Manitowoc, where he engaged in business as a florist. He conducted this undertaking until he retired from active business a few years ago. He is now living in Manitowoc. At one time he served as supervisor, and he was also town assessor. In the public schools of his native town Gustav Levenhagen pursued his education and in 1879, when sixteen years of age, started upon his independent career. He first learned the carpenter’s trade with Henry Gravy, a contractor. He worked as a journeyman in various cities until he established himself independently in this city, where he has been busily engaged since 1895. In addition to the Williams block he also erected the William Rahr elevator and has done some building for the Northern Grain Company. His business probity, his enterprising methods and the excellence of his work have secured him an extensive patronage so that he is now enjoying well merited success. On the 10th of November, 1888, Mr. Levenhagen was married to Miss Louise Wilcke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wilcke. The father, who died on the 18th of April, 1903, at the age of eighty-two years, was one of the early settlers of Manitowoc. His wife’s death occurred in 1901. They are both buried in Evergreen cemetery. To Mr. and Mrs. Levenhagen two children have been born: Henry, who is a graduate of the high school and at present is a student at Marquette University; and Serena, who died on the 8th of October, 1910, when she was eighteen years and eleven months of age. She is buried in Evergreen cemetery. In his political views Mr. Levenhagen is a republican and he has served as alderman for four years. He is a blue lodge Mason. He has been president and is one of the trustees of the Fraternal Order of Eagles and he also holds membership in the Royal League. In religious faith he is a Methodist, holding membership in the German Methodist Episcopal church, of which he is a trustee. His residence is at 1211 South Twelfth street. He has steadily worked his way upward, making his labors count for the utmost and winning merited success through his well directed energy.
CARL LEVERENZ From Der Nord Westen, 26 Mar. 1903 Mr. Carl and Mrs. Sophie Leverenz celebrated their Diamond Wedding Anniversary yesterday, 25 Mar. (portrait pictures of each are printed in the newspaper). The celebrants are well-known throughout the city and this area, and it has not been very long since Mr. Leverenz operated his own smithy. He has enjoyed a well-earned rest the past few years and his business, which has been in the same spot for 50 yrs., was turned over to his son Frank. Despite his years Mr. Leverenz is still healthy and alert and can nearly always be found with his children's families. "Grosspapa firt's" is a standard word among his countless grandchildren. Also Mrs. Leverenz, despite a long time with rheumatism, is in full possession of her faculties and is always at work at home and in the kitchen. Carl Leverenz was born in Bäblitz and Sophia Leverenz (nee Kansier) in Zönkow in Mecklenburg Schwerin, were married 25 Mar. 1843 in Ankershagen in Mecklenburg, came to Canada in June 1851 and autumn of that year to Wisconsin. They first went to Milwaukee and after a short stay there, came to Manitowoc which they have never left. Their surviving children are: Mrs. F.W. Schenk of Manitowoc, Mrs. Hub. Falge of Manitowoc, Wm. Leverenz of San Francisco, Carl Leverenz of Manitowoc, Mrs. Max Stauss of Manitowoc, Mr. F. Leverenz of Manitowoc, and Arth. Leverenz of Manitowoc.
CHARLES LEVERENZ From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 529 General blacksmith and manufacturer of wagons, buggies, etc., Manitowoc, was born in Germany, May 1, 1823. He came to America in 1851, and settled in Manitowoc City, and since then has followed blacksmithing, etc., as above stated. He was married, January, 1843, in Germany, to Miss Sophia Kousear. She was born in Germany, Feb. 22, 1826. They have seven children - Fredericka, William F., Augusta, Henrietta, Charles F., Frank and Arthur.
JAMES LEYKOM (He was killed on the Sea Bird, Manitowoc Pilot, April 17, 1868) JAMES LEYKOM. Has lived in Manitowoc with his parents since his early boyhood, was a shoemaker by occupation, and had just completed his 21st year. He was on his way to Chicago to care for his brother, John R. Leykom, who has been ill for several weeks past, when, just on the threshold of manhood, he met his sad fate. He was a young man of correct principles and much promise, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. His father's family reside in the Third Ward. From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County court In the matter of the estate of James R. Leykom, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of John Leykom of Manitowoc in said county, representing among other things that James W. Leykom(sic), late of said county, on the 9th day of April A.D. 1868, near Waukegan, Ill., died intestate, leaving no goods and chattels and no estate within this state, and that the said petitioner is the father of said deceased, and praying that administration be to him granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this court on Wednesday the 16th day of March A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock a.m., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in The Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly paper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W. Waldo, county judge. Manitowoc, Feb. 23d 1870