[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
HON. ALBERT H. SCHMIDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.307-309. Hon. Albert H. Schmidt, judge of the municipal court of Manitowoc county and one of Manitowoc's most distinguished citizens, was born in Manitowoc, Wisconsin, and is a son of Henry and Julia (Zinns) Schmidt. Henry Schmidt came from Hanover, Germany, to the United States with his brother, Fred, in 1850, and settled in Kossuth township, where in 1861 he organized a company for enlistment in the Civil war. He was later transferred to Company B, Ninth Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, his service covering a period of three and one-half years. After the war he located in Manitowoc, where he became manager of Roef’s Brewery, but after a few years engaged in the livery business and contracting, and he has continued to be so engaged to the present time. From 1894 to 1896 he served as sheriff of Manitowoc county, being the only man on the republican ticket to be elected at that time and one of the first republicans elected here. He married Julia Zinns, who was born in Buffalo, New York, a daughter of John and Elizabeth Zinns, of Lorraine, Germany, who came to Wisconsin during the early ‘50s and located in Meeme township, Mr. Zinns being the owner of one of the first grist mills in the county. Judge Schmidt’s grandfather, John Zinns, also came to this section at an early day and engaged in the mercantile business. He was a member of the first village council of Manitowoc, where he served as justice of the peace for many years, and also organized the first singing society in this city. Henry and Julia (Zinns) Schmidt were the parents of five children, as follows: Josephine, who married E. R. Meyer; Matilda, who is a teacher of music and resides at home; Judge Albert H.; Rose, who married Fred Borchert, Jr., a resident of Manitowoc; and William, an electrical engineer of Portland, Oregon. Albert H. Schmidt received a public-school education under the late P.H. Hewitt, and was graduated from the University of Wisconsin, in the four years’ civic historical course in 1896, and in the three years’ law department course in 1898, graduating from both courses with high honors. While there he became widely known as an orator, winning honors in his sophomore year; winning the junior oratorical exhibition and the Lewis prize in oratory during his junior year; and in his senior year taking the senior oratorical contest and the annual oratorical contest, later representing the University of Wisconsin in the Northern Oratorical League contests. He was chosen commencement orator by the faculty and memorial orator by the senior class and during his second law year was in the Wisconsin-Northwestern University debate, and in the senior law year was commencement orator for the law school. Later he helped elect his father sheriff of the county, and he has campaigned in state and national campaigns all over the northwest, making the nomination speech for Judge E. Baensch. when the Judge was candidate for governor. At the time of his graduation from the law school, Judge Schmidt entered upon a law practice in Manitowoc, and in 1905 was elected judge of the municipal court of Manitowoc county, receiving the reelection in 1909 to that office, which he still holds. As to his record while an incumbent of this distinguished position, we are allowed to quote from the Milwaukee Journal of January 11, 1911, which spoke in part as follows: “This city [Manitowoc] is following in the footsteps of Denver in one of the Colorado city’s best works, and many a young man and young woman has been allowed to retain self-respect, who, under different guidance, might be behind steel bars berating fortune and fate, because of the work of Municipal Judge Albert H. Schmidt. The Judge is an ardent admirer of Judge Ben Lindsay and his work, and is a man of great insight into the frailties of humanity. Judge Schmidt has adopted the probation system permitted under the state law passed a year ago and he is enthusiastic in his description of the results he has secured. Judge Schmidt holds that a judge is doing his best work when he keeps the largest number of people out of prison without creating a menace to the community, and he works on that principle. Judge Schmidt would consider a long time before he would send a boy to prison, and he also believes that children should be taught some of the chief state laws and city ordinances to help them to avoid the meshes of litigation.” A number of cases are cited to prove that the Judge is right in his belief that it is “all wrong for some judges to think that they are doing their best when they send many people to prison.” “What we want to do,” he avers, “is to keep people out of prison, give them a clean slate wherever possible, help them to their feet and make them realize that they are men and women with hope in life. I have yet to be given my first disappointment.” Such a work, surely, is a work of humanity and one that should not be passed by without more than passing mention. Judge Schmidt was president of the first board of police and fire commissioners, reorganizing these departments and putting them on a civil service basis. He was, for several years, president of the board of education of the south side high schools, and after many years of earnest and persistent work and public advocacy, with the assistance of John Schmitman, Frank Miller, Henry Stolze, Jr., and William Sieker, helped get a central city system of schools together, which is now in successful operation. He is president of the local Fraternal Order of Eagles. He was one of the first counselors of the Wisconsin branch of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, which was the first institution of its kind founded on a state basis in the United States, and he has been prominent ever since in its conferences. Judge Schmidt is widely known as a pedestrian, and frequently heads parties that walk to towns as far as fifty miles away.
AUGUST SCHMIDT REGISTRATION OF MARRIAGES.—No. 133, Date of Registration—July 11, 1879, COLOR— Full Name of the Husband, and that of the Wife previous to her Marriage—August Schmidt, Louisa Rauber, Occupation of said Husband—Blacksmith, Residence Of Husband—Oconto Co., Wis., Birthplace Of Husband—Germany, The Place, Town or Township and County where the Marriage was Contracted—Manitowoc City, Wis., The Time when the Marriage was Contracted—April 14, 1879, Name of Person Pronouncing Marriage—Carl H. Schmidt J.P., Residence of Person last Named—Manitowoc City, Wis., Name of Subscribing Witnesses—John Hoyer, Helena Rauber, Date of Certificate—April 14, 1879, Name of Father and Mother of Husband—Heinrich Schmidt, Ulinka Schmidt, Name of the Father and Mother of Wife—Ferdinand Rauber, Rosaline Rauber. —Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds, Vol. 4, p. 145 ************** August Schmidt to Louisa Rauber: 14. April 1879 Getraut am 14. April 1879 im Washington Hause in Manitowoc, durch Friedenrichter Carl H. Schmidt: Herr August Schmidt von Pensaukee, Oconto County, Wis., mit Frl. Louise Rauber von Nordheim, Manitowoc County, Wis. Der Nord=Westen. (Eine Demokratische Zeitung)Herausgegeben von Carl H. Schmidt No. 740, Manitowoc, Donnerstag, den 17. April 1879 (researcher’s note: The J.O.P. was also the publisher of the news paper!) (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
AUGUST SCHMIDT (mar. to Elizabeth Rauber) Transcript of Baptismal Register of St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Marshfield, Wisconsin: Bk.1, Pg. 21, 1880, Place & DATE OF BAPTISM: Colby, 25 Jan 1880, NAME OF CHILD: Rosalia, BORN: 7 Jan. 1880, FATHER: Augustus Smith, MOTHER: Elizabeth Rauber, SPONSORS: Pat. McCarthy & Sibella Rauber. —Antonius Theodorae Schmittelhofer, pastor, Rector Missionarius Transcripts: Baptismal register of St. Boniface Catholic Church, Manitowoc, Wisconsin (Note: the following register entries are in Latin) 1881 (20) Elis. Helena Schmidt—Die 3. Aprilis baptizaui Elisabethau Helenau, natau die 27. Martii, filiau leg. Augusti et Elisabethae (Rauber) Schmidt. patrini: Franciscus Burkhardt et Elisabetha Burkhardt. H. Jacobs—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1878-1886, Page: 36) 1883 (38) Augusta Frid. Schmidt—Die 2. Junii baptizaui Augustau Fridericau, filiau leg. Augusti Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber, die 14. Maii natau, patrini: Stephau et Elisabetha Burkart.—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1878-1886, Page: 58) 1885 (20) Clara Schmidt—Die 15. Martii baptizaui Clarau, filiau leg. Augusti Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber die 12. Feb. natau; patrini Frank Schmetzli et Ida Kessen.—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1878-1886, Page: 73) 1886 (34) Ottilia Schmidt—Die 13. Junii baptizaui Ottiliau (Schmidt) fil. leg. August Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber, die 25. April. natau; patrini: Frank Schmetzli et Lena Hartmann.—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1878-1886, Page: 83) 1888 (42) Johanna Linda Schmidt—Die 5. Junii baptizaui Johannau Linda Schmidt, filiau leg. Augusti Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber, die 1. Junii natau. patrini: John et Johanna Huck.—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1886-1895, Page: 104) 1890 (73) Maximiliam Louis Schmidt—Die 5. Octobris baptizaui Maximiliam Ludoui cum fil. leg. Augusti Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber, die 9. Sept. natau; patrini: Otto et Louisa Hermann.—(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1886-1895, Page: 126) 1892 (4) Waldemar Theodore Schmidt—Die 8. Januarii baptizaui Waldemar Theodorum fil. leg. Augusti Schmidt et Elisabethae Rauber, die 3. Dec. nativa; patrini: Theodore Meyer, Anna Meyer.- Die 6. Jan. 1928 matrimonium meit cum Adelheida Damm in domo parochiali St. Bonifacii apud Manitowoc, Wis. H.L. —(Archives Diocese of Green Bay—Fiche: 1886-1895, Page: 151) Transcripts of Extracts from St. Johannes Evang. Kirche Baptismal Register No. des Jahrgangs—3, No. des Registers—45, Name des Tauflings—Arthur John, Name b. Der Vater b. Der Mutter—August Schmidt Eliz., geb. Räuber, Geboren—11. Dec. 1895, Getauft—9. Feb. “ , Taufpaten—John Dietrich, Frau “ “. No. des Jahrgangs—3, No. des Registers—55, Name des Tauflings—Wilhelm Alfred, Name b. Der Vater b. Der Mutter—August Schmidt Lizzi, geb. Raüber, Geboren—23. Feb. 1898, Getauft—5. Mai. “ d. Rev. Ph. Albert, Taufpaten—Wm Dietrich und Frau. No. des Jahrgangs—6, No. des Registers—63, Name des Tauflings—Ida Minna, Name b. Der Vater b. Der Mutter—August Schmidt Elizabeth, geb. Raube, Geboren—7. Aug. 1899, Getauft—10. Sept. 1899 Kirche, Taufpaten—Karl Schroeder Minna “, geb. Transcripts of Birth Entries Full name of child—Elisabeth Helena Schmidt, Color—White, Sex—Female, Full name of father—August Schmidt, Full name of Mother—Elisabeth Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—March 27, 1881., Place, town or township, and county in which born—Manitowoc, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Rev. W. J. Peil, Residence of person last named—Manitowoc, Date of certificate of affidavit—July 1, 1881., Date of registration—Aug. 25, 1881. —Manitowoc County Register of Deeds Full name of child—Augusta F. Schmidt, Color—White, Sex—Female, Full name of father—August Schmidt, Full name of Mother—Elisabeth Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—May 14th. 1883., Place, town or township, and county in which born—Manitowoc County, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Rev. W. J. Peil, Residence of person last named—Manitowoc City, Date of certificate of affidavit—July 7th 1884., Date of registration— July 7th 1884., —Manitowoc County Register of Deeds Full name of child—Clara Schmidt, Color—Dark, Sex—female, Full name of father—August Schmidt, Occupation of father—Laborer, Full name of Mother—Lizzie Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—Feby 11 1885, Place, town or township, and county in which born—City of Manitowoc, Birthplace of father—Germany, Birthplace of mother—Manitowoc Wis, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Christiana Schock, Residence of person last named—Manitowoc Wis, Date of certificate of affidavit—Feby 11th 1885., Date of registration— Feby 24 1885., —Manitowoc County Register of Deeds Full name of child—Otilia Schmidt, Color—White, Sex—Female, Full name of father—Aug Schmidt, Occupation of father—Blacksmith, Full name of Mother—Elisabeth Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—April 25th 1886., Place, town or township, and county in which born—City of Manitowoc Wis, Birthplace of father—Germania, Birthplace of mother—City of Manitowoc Wis, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Christiana Shock, Date of registration— June 2nd 1886, —Manitowoc County Register of Deeds Full name of child—Max Louis Schmidt, Color—wh., Sex—m., Full name of father—Aug Schmidt, Full name of Mother—Elisabeth Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—Sep 9 1890, Place, town or township, and county in which born—Manitowoc, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Rev. W. J. Peil, Residence of person last named—Man. Wis, Date of certificate of affidavit—Dec 28 1892., Date of registration— “ 29 “, —Manitowoc County Register of Deeds Full name of child—Arthur Schmidt, Color—White, Sex—Boy., Name of other issue living—Rosa, Lissi, Klara, Augusta, Linda, Mary, Walter, Full name of father—August Schmidt, Occupation of father—Blackschmidt, Full name of Mother—Elisabeth Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—11 of Dezember 1895, Place, town or township, and county in which born—Manitowoc City, Birthplace of father—Germany, Birthplace of mother—Manitowoc, Name of physician or person signing certificate of affidavit—Anna Scheurell, Residence of person last named—1028 S. Main Str., Date of registration—May 21st 1896, Manitowoc County Register of Deeds ORIGINAL BIRTH RECORD—DELAYED— FULL NAME AT BIRTH—Linda Johanna Schmidt, Sex—Female, Color or Race—White, Date of Birth—June 1st 1888., Father’s Full Name—August Schmidt, Mothers Maiden Name—Elizabeth Rauber—Date Filed Feb. 19, 1953.— Manitowoc County Register of Deeds ******** Select Marriage Records for the Children of August Schmidt: Transcripts of select Marriage Records for the Children of August Schmidt: Husband: Richard Lade— Residence: Manitowoc, Wis.—Occupation: Fisher —Birthplace of Husband: Little Suamico, Oconto Co., Wis. —Name of Father: Ferdinand Lade —Name of Mother: Louise Lehman Wife: Rosa Schmidt—Birthplace: Colby, Clark Co., Wis. —Name of Father: August Schmidt —Name of Mother: Louise Rauber Time when marriage was contracted: March 8th, 1899 By what ceremony contracted: Justice of the Peace Place or town, and county where marriage was contracted: Manitowoc, Wis. Names of subscribing witnesses: Frances C. Kuhl; Wm Eugel Name of person pronouncing marriage: Hubert Falge Residence of person last named: Manitowoc, Man. Co. W —Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds Husband: Franz Julius John Drumm— Residence: Manitowoc, Wisconsin—Occupation: Laborer —Birthplace of husband: Town Rapids, Man. Co., Wis. —Name of Father: John Drumm —Name of Mother: Henriette nee Wetenkamp Wife: Elisabeth Schmidt—Birthplace: Manitowoc, Wis. —Birthplace of wife: Manitowoc, Wis. —Name of Father: August Schmidt —Name of Mother: Louise nee Rauber Time when marriage was contracted: May 25, 1901 By what ceremony contracted: Lutheran Church Place or town, and county where marriage was contracted: Manitowoc, Wis. Names of subscribing witnesses: Johann Drumm; Karl Seehase Name of person pronouncing marriage: Karl Machmiller, Luth Ch. Residence of person last named: Manitowoc, Wis. ——Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds (Note: Rev. Karl Machmiller was affiliated with First German Ev. Luth. Ch.) Husband: Charles Toushak— Residence: Pensaukee, Wis.—Occupation: Fisherman —Birthplace of Husband: Pensaukee, Wis. —Name of Father: Adam Toushak —Name of Mother: Annie Bride: Augusta Schmidt—Birthplace: Manitowoc, Wis. —Name of Father: August Schmidt —Name of Mother: Elizabeth nee Rauber Time when marriage was contracted: Nov. 19th 1904 By what ceremony contracted: Ritual of Evang. Synod of Wi Place or town, and county where marriage was contracted: Manitowoc, Wis. Names of subscribing witnesses: Linda Schmidt; Walter Burich Name of person pronouncing marriage: Carl Nagel Residence of person last named: Manitowoc, Wis. —Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds (Note: Rev. Carl Nagel was affiliated with the St. John’s German Reformed Church) Groom: Walter Behrens— Residence: Sheboygan—Occupation: Sheet metal worker —Birthplace: Wis. —Name of Father: Fred Behrens—Birthplace of Father: Wis. —Name of Mother: Lena Legold—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. Bride: Linda Schmidt—Residence: Manitowoc, Wis.—Occupation: Housekeeping —Birthplace: Wis. —Name of Father: August Schmidt—Birthplace of Father: Germany —Name of Mother: Lizzie Rauber—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. Date of Marriage: October 24, 1907 Witnesses: Name: Residence: Walter Flint, Manitowoc; Clara Schmidt, Manitowoc Officiated by: Rev. C.L. Grauer, Manitowoc, Wis.—Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds Groom: Walter G. Flint— Residence: Manitowoc—Occupation: Machinist —Birthplace: WISCONSIN —Name of Father: Wm F—Birthplace of Father: Wis. —Name of Mother: Mary Kelley—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. Bride: Clara Schmidt—Residence: Manitowoc—Occupation: House work —Birthplace: WISCONSIN —Name of Father: Aug S.—Birthplace of Father: Germany —Name of Mother: Lizzie Rauber—Birthplace of Mother: Wisconsin Date of Marriage: February 4, 1909 Witnesses: Name: Residence: Miss Frieda Flint, Manitowoc; Mr. Walter Schmidt, Manitowoc Officiated by: Rev. C.L. Grauer, Manitowoc, Wis —Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds Groom: Frank Lagesse—Residence: Two Rivers—Occupation: Laborer —Birthplace: Mich —Name of Father: Jos.—Birthplace of Father: Canada —Name of Mother: Susie Mayou—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. Bride: Tillie Schmidt—Residence: Manitowoc—Occupation: Milliner —Birthplace: WISCONSIN —Name of Father: Aug —Birthplace of Father: Germany —Name of Mother: Lizzie Rauber—Birthplace of Mother: Wisconsin Date of Marriage: September 11, 1909 Witnesses: Name: Residence: Henry Parche, Two Rivers; Helen Flint, Manitowoc Officiated by: C.L. Grauer Pastor, Manitowoc, Wis —Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds Groom: Leo E. Brandt—Residence: Manitowoc, Wis.—Occupation: Bridye Inspector —Birthplace. Wis. —Name of Father: John Brandt—Birthplace of Father: Germany —Name of Mother: Bertha Bischoff—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. Bride: Ida Schmidt—Residence: Manitowoc, Wis.—Occupation: None —Birthplace: Wis. —Name of Father: August Schmidt—Birthplace of Father: Germany —Name of Mother: ?—Birthplace of Mother: Wis. (note: not listed she was deceased—b.m.l.) Date of Marriage: April 9, 1917 Witnesses: Name: Residence: Arthur Schmidt, Manitowoc, Wis.; Elisa Brandt, Manitowoc, Wis. Officiated by: Francis C. Keicher (note: St John’s—b.m.l.)—Manitowoc Co. Register of Deeds Transcript of Marriage License: Transcript of Marriage License: Groom: Walter Schmidt—Residence: City of Manitowoc—Occupation: Blacksmith —Birthplace: Wisconsin, Age 28 —Name of Father: August Schmidt —Name of Mother: Elizabeth Rauber Bride: Della Damm—Residence: Village of Birnamwood—Occupation: Housework —Birthplace: Wisconsin, Age 21 —Name of Father: Henry Damm —Name of Mother: Katie Urban Date of Marriage: January 8, 1921 Place of marriage: Town of Aniwa, Shawano Co. Witnesses: Name: Residence: Roman Matsche; Alma Damm Officiated by: Geo. S. Mcrier, Justice; P.O. Address: Birnamwood Marriage Register Transcript from St. Boniface Catholic Church—Manitowoc, Wisc. Page 61, 1928, No. 1, CONTRACTING PARTIES: Walter Schmidt, Adelheid Damm, RESIDENCE: City, City, PARENTS: August Schmidt, Elizabeth Rauber; Henry Damm, Catherine Urban, Date of Marriage: Jan 6/28 Revalidation, WITNESSES: George Urban, Mrs. Clarina Urban, PRIEST: Henry Letz, Date and Place of Baptism: Born Dec. 3 1892, Bapt. Jan 8 1893, St. Boniface here, Born August 1899, Bapt. Aug. 31 1899, B.V.M. Ch. Reedsville Wis., Banns Dispensations Remarks: Dispensations a Bannis obtinta. Revalidatio Matrimonii. Groom: Arthur Schmidt b. December 11, 1895 Bride: Sadela (Della) Heller b. July 6, 1896 Married: October 21, 1922—Source: Traditional (note: did not pursue research on this entry) (all contributed by Barth Lindemann/see contributors page)
CARL H. SCHMIDT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Proprietor of the Nord-Westen (German newspaper), Manitowoc, came to this place in December, 1854, then nineteen years old, having been born in Luebbecke, Province of Wesphalia, in Prussia. Being a printer by trade, he was engaged as foreman in the printing office of the Demokrat (German) and the Tribune, both printed in the same office. This position he occupied till July 5, 1855, when he bought the material for the establishment of the Nord-Westen, and issued the first number of this paper on the 5th of September, 1855, being less than twenty years of age, and only a little over a year in America. He continued the publication of the Nord-Westen till November 1860, when he sold the material to a company, who published the Union newspaper. After arranging his business matters, Mr. Schmidt entered the army, enlisting Sept. 6, 1861, in Company B, 9th Wis. Inf., and was promoted to first sergeant of said company, a position which he held with an interruption of four months, till March 10, 1863, when he was promoted to second lieutenant. In November, 1863, he was promoted to first lieutenant, and in October, 1864, to captain, and was mustered out of service with his company, Dec. 30, 1864. He was at the battle of Newtonia, Mo., Sept. 30, 1862, and Prairie Grove, Ark., Dec. 7, 1862, and served one year, from November 1863, to November 1864, as acting regimental quartermaster. Returning from the army, Mr. Schmidt repurchased the printing material formerly owned by him, and in February, 1865, resumed the publication of the Nord-Westen, which he continues yet. In 1867, he was elected a Trustee of the village of Manitowoc; in 1869, a member of the Assembly; in 1870-72 a Senator; in 1877-76, Alderman and Supervisor; and in 1878, a Justice of the Peace, refusing re-election in 1880, and has not been a candidate for office since. ************* Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album, Biographical Record, Grand Army Of The Republic, 1888 Pages 437-438: CARL H. SCHMIDT, deceased, formerly a resident at Manitowoc, Wis., and a soldier of the civil war, was born September 30, 1835 in Luebbecke, Westphalia, Germany. On coming to America in 1854, he located at Manitowoc, and in 1855 established Der Nord Westen, a German weekly newspaper, which he conducted until his entered the army for the Union. He enlisted September 6, 1861, in Company B, 9th Wisconsin Infantry, at Manitowoc, and was made 1st Sergeant on the organization of his company. Jan. 1, 1863, he was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Company G and was afterwards transferred to Company F. May 11, 1864, he was made 1st Lieutenant of Company F and , August 31st following, was made Captain and was discharged Dec. 3, 1854,on the expiration of his period of service. Captain Schmidt was engaged with his regiment in all its experiences throughout three years of service, and was in the fights at Newtonia, Cane Hill, Prairie Grove, and in numberless other varieties of service which receive neither recognition nor mention in history or dispatches. At the time of the Red River expedition he was acting as quartermaster and was in charge of the supply depot at Little Rock, Ark. When the news of the retreat and the starved condition of the troops was received, Capt. Schmidt started out with a supply train and met the regiment to relieve the wants of the men just after the battle at Jenkins Ferry. On his return to Manitowoc, he resumed his connection with journalism and was actively engaged in pushing the interests of the German newspaper which he had founded. In 1869, he was elected member of the Assembly of Wisconsin from his District, and in 1870 and 1872 was elected to the State Senate. He served in both capacities with distinction to himself and credit to the judgement of his constituency. In 1885, he was elected County Judge of Manitowoc county in which he serve until his death, Jan. 7, 1888. He is survived by his wife and five children–Emil, C. Otto, Carl, Arthur and Walter. The record of Judge Schmidt is one that supplies an evidence of the quality of the spirit with which he sustained his relations to the affairs of his adopted country in peace and war. He was liberally educated in his native country and brought to this country his abilities and ambitions, which he exercised in the avenues best calculated to incorporate him with our institutions and the element to which he was allied by birth and kinship. His portrait is presented on page 432. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
CARL H. SCHMIDT From the Manitowoc County Chronicle December 1, 1906 First Publication Nov. 17, 1906 In Probate, Manitowoc County Court Notice of Final Account In the matter of the Estate of Carl H. Schmidt deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Charles Schmidt, administrator of the estate of said deceased for adjustment and allowance of his administration account and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same: It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a special term of said court to be held at the office of the County Judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, on Tuesday the 18th day of December A.D. 1906. [remainder usual court notes] Dated, November 15, 1906 by the court, John Chloupek, county judge F.W. Dicke, Atty.
HENRY SCHMIDT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Henry Schmidt, of Rasmus, Schmidt & Company, livery and sale stable, Manitowoc, was born Feb. 20, 1840 in Brunswick, Germany. In 1857, he came to Manitowoc County, and followed farming until Sept. 23, 1861, when he enlisted in Co. B, 9th Wis. Inf. Served three years and three months, at the expiration of which time he returned to Manitowoc and was engaged in the saloon business for about six years, when he followed the brewing and soda water business for three years; then returned to farming for two years. In 1875, bought an interest in his present business. Married, Jan. 7, 1869, to Julia Zinns, of Buffalo, N. Y., who was born May 28, 1844, by whom he has four children, one son and three daughters. ********* Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Page 543: HENRY SCHMIDT, Manitowoc, Wis., and a member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born Feb. 20. 1840, at Halle, Braunschweig, Germany. He was 17 years of age when in 1857, he came to America and located at the place in which he has since been a resident. He was married Jan. 7, 1859, to Julia Zinns at Manitowoc. Their children are named Josephine, Mathilda, Albert, Rosa and Willie. Mr. Schmidt had been prosecuting the business of liveryman at Manitowoc since 1876. He enlisted Sept. 23, 1861, in Company B, 9th Wisconsin Infantry at Manitowoc for three years. He was made corporal in the course of his service and received honorable discharge Dec. 4, 1864, at Milwaukee, the period of his enlistment having expired. Following is the roster of his principal battles: Pine Bluff, Little Rock, Jenkins Ferry, Prairie d’Ane, Camden, Newtonia, Prairie Grove, Rheas’ Mills, Pea Ridge and many others. At Camden and again at Jenkins Ferry he was nearly captured by the rebels. At the former place, the regiment was guarding the rear in the retreat and was harassed by Texan rangers. Mr. Schmidt was struggling to assist a wounded comrade to keep up when the rebels came upon them and they escaped with great difficulty. His rubber blanket was folded and strapped to his knapsack and a shot cut 22 holes in it. At Jenkins Ferry the company was detailed as skirmishers and the whole squad narrowly escaped capture in a fierce onset by the rebels. They had to cross an open field under fire, closely pursued by the butterments. After the capture of Camden the command of Steele was attacked by the rebels who had brought disaster on the expedition of Banks and for a month, while getting back to Little Rock the fighting continued every day. The engagement at Jenkins Ferry closed the chase, the rebels being repulsed. Their repeated charges throughout the pursuit were repulsed in every instance until they received a satisfactory thrashing. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album)
HENRY W. SCHMIDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.584-585. Henry W. Schmidt, who is engaged in merchandising and farming in Schleswig township is meeting with success as the result of unfaltering diligence and determination. He is yet a young man and if the qualities which he now displays are manifest throughout his entire life, he will undoubtedly, win for himself a place among the substantial residents of his community. Already he is at the head of a good business and in its management displays keen insight and enterprise. He was born July 6, 1884, in the town of Meeme, Wisconsin, and is a son of John M. Schmidt and a grandson of William Schmidt. The latter was a sailor and followed the sea for a number of years. Eventually he settled in New York city where he engaged in the grocery business until he came to Manitowoc county where he began farming, remaining a resident of this locality until his death, which occurred in 1881. His son, John M. Schmidt, who was born in New York city, accompanied his parents on their removal westward, the family home being established in Schleswig township where he is living at the age of fifty-six years. He married Ida Fiege and they became the parents of seven children of whom six are yet living, those beside our subject being: Arvin, who is a farmer; Alma, the wife of Walter Horneck; Anna, the wife of Grover Horneck; and Ida and George both at home. The family are members of the Lutheran church. The youthful days of Henry W. Schmidt were spent upon his father’s farm and as soon as old enough to handle the plow he began work in the fields, dividing his time between the cultivation of the crops and the acquirement of an education in the public schools. After putting aside his text-books he gave his entire time to general agricultural pursuits until November 1, 1911, when he purchased the interests of H. Voelker, in a saloon and general merchandizing business. He is now twenty—eight years of age, but he is well established in business and he has the energy and determination that give bright promise for the future. Mr. Schmidt was united in marriage to Miss Alma Voigt, a daughter of Fred and Dorothy Voigt, who are farming people of Schleswig township. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt are well known in the community in which they live and have gained many friends. He concentrates his entire energies upon his business, taking no active part in politics or public affairs and his earnest labor constitutes the basis of his growing success.
JOHN W. SCHMIDT JOHN W. SCHMIDT, a prominent contractor and builder of West Superior, Douglas county, is a native of Wisconsin, of German parentage. He was born at Mishicott, Manitowoc county, March 31, 1855, a son of John and Dorothy Schmidt, natives of Hessen-Cassel, Germany. The former came to the United States about 1840. A weaver while in his native land, in this country he engaged in farming, in Manitowoc county, where he became a successful and influential citizen. He is a prominent member of the German Lutheran church, and is still in good health, though long past eighty. His wife came to this country while a young woman, and they were married at Two Rivers, Wisconsin. Her death occurred in 1896, when she had reached the age of sixty nine years. Five sons were born to this worthy couple, as follows: Henry, a farmer of Manitowoc county; John W.; William, residing on the homestead farm in Manitowoc county; Louis, a partner of John W., the name of the firm being Schmidt Bros.; and Adam F., a dairyman at West Superior. As a boy John W. Schmidt attended the public school and assisted his father on the farm, also learning the trade of a carpenter. At the age of twenty four years he went to Wausau, Wis., where he followed the carpenter's trade and incidentally received from his employer some useful hints concerning the details of successful contracting. There he resided until 1885, when he went to Rockland, Mich., and for two years gave his attention to agriculture. At the end of that period he took up his residence in Ashland, Wis., and engaged in contracting. Since 1888 he has been a resident of West Superior, and with the other members of the firm, has been interested in the erection by contract of the majority of the largest structures of the city. These include the Washington Block, addition to the West Superior Hotel, Roosevelt Terrace, Empire Block, Maryland Block, First National Bank Building, Berkshire Block, and Truax Block; also the Wisconsin Grass Twine Plant, Carnegie Public Library and the Great Northern Steel Elevator (the largest grain elevator in the world), as well as the Round House, Carshops and Flour Sheds of the Eastern Railway of Minnesota, and many smaller buildings in the city. Mr. Schmidt has also been interested in numerous bridge building contracts along the lines of the Great Northern Railway, and in the erection of its extensive Shops and Round House at Havre, Mont. From 1891 to 1893 Mr. Schmidt and his brother Louis were in partnership with William Noonan, of Winona, Minn., but since the latter date the firm has been Schmidt Bros. During the building season this firm employs about 100 men; its contracts usually include the complete building from foundation to finish, and some idea of the magnitude of its operations may be formed from the fact that its contracts at Havre, Mont. and with the Eastern Railway of Minnesota at West Superior, each amounted to about $112,000. Besides these numerous contracts, Schmidt Bros. have erected a number of buildings themselves. Few individuals have contributed as great a share toward the substantial and permanent upbuilding of the city, and their business integrity is unquestioned wherever they are known. In 1893 John W. Schmidt married Miss Mary B. Martin, who was born in Iowa, where her father died during her childhood. Her mother Mrs. Mary B. Martin now resides in Aberdeen, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have one daughter, Gladys. They are members of the German Lutheran church and Mr. Schmidt is affiliated with the Knights of Honor and the Benevolent Patriotic Order of Elks Commemorative Biographical Record of The Upper Lake Region" by J.H. Beers & Co., 1905, Pages 244-245
LOUIS SCHMIDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.330-331. Louis Schmidt, residing on a farm just east of English Lake, in Newton township, is one of the younger men of Manitowoc county who is making a success in farming and dairying. He was born on the place where he now lives, June i6, 1885, his parents being Frederick and Wilhelmina (Mentze) Schmidt, both of whom were born in Germany, the father on March 30, 1843, and the mother in 1847. Mrs. Schmidt was the daughter of Conrad Mentze, who died in Germany when she was three years of age. Her mother Louisa Mentze, spent the remainder of her life in her native country. Frederick and Wilhelmina Schmidt were married in 1865 and in 1866, with their daughter Elizabeth, started for America on a sailing vessel, being six weeks on the way. They landed in New York, February 18, and proceeded directly to Manitowoc county, going as far as Milwaukee by train and making the rest of the journey by wagon. They settled in Newton township, where they resided for four years on rented land and then lived for three years in Liberty township. In 1875 they purchased the Lake Park Farm, on which the subject of this review now lives. At that time the tract of land was all in timber and they cleared and improved the same and there erected the present modern house and excellent barns. In 1896 they built a hotel at English Lake and are now operating the same. In 1897 Mrs. Schmidt visited her old home place in Germany and found it without any improvements or change and returned to her home in Manitowoc county more loyal to her adopted country than ever. In the family of Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt were ten children. Louis Schmidt obtained his education in the district schools of the neighborhood and in his boyhood days worked on his father’s farm. In 1910 he rented the same and is now operating it. He engages in general farming and dairying and is meeting with a goodly measure of success. On the 7th of March, 1908, Mr. Schmidt wedded Miss Agnes Meyer, who was born in Newton, July 10, 1887, the daughter of William and Wilhelmina (Strodthoff) Meyer, both of whom were natives of Germany and on coming to America settled in Manitowoc county. Mr. and Mrs. Schmidt have become the parents of two children Wilhelmina, who was born on the home farm, and a son, Hugo. Mr. Schmidt is now serving as road superintendent, an office which his father held for several years. All interests which tend to promote the public welfare receive his indorsement and support, and although he is yet a young man he stands as one of the progressive residents of this county.
WALTER SCHMIDT BIRTH REGISTER— Full name of child— Walter Schmidt, color—white, sex—boy, Name of other issue living—Rosa, Lisi, Auguste, Clara, Tili, Linda, Max. Full name of father— August Schmidt, Occupation of father—Blacksmith, Full name of mother—Lisi Rauber, Hour, day of week, of month, and year, of birth—at 6 o’clock P.M. Saturday on 3 December 1892, Place, town or township where born—Manitowoc, Birthplace of father—Pomern Birthplace of mother—Manitowoc, Name of physician or person signing certificate or affidavit—Mary Seidl, midwife, Residence of person last named—Jay Str. Manitowoc, Date of registration—28 day of April 1893. Manitowoc County Register of Deeds (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
HERMAN SCHMIEDEKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.230-237. Herman Schmiedeke, of the firm of Schmiedeke Brothers, who are engaged in the manufacture of harness at 807 York street, is one of Manitowoc's estimable native sons. His birth occurred on the 4th of July, 1866, his parents being Herman and Christina (Knospe) Schmiedeke. The father was born and reared in Kirchhaim, Germany, and there he learned the harness maker’s trade. The unsettled conditions existing in the fatherland in the early ‘50s very much affected commercial and industrial conditions, and Mr. Schmiedeke became so dissatisfied that he determined to come to the United States in 1855. As he had not sufficient means to pay his passage he borrowed money and went to Hamburg to take the steamer. There he encountered fresh difficulties, the government officials trying to hold him as the country was on the verge of war and needed all its able-bodied men. He managed to make his escape and take passage on a boat bound for Liverpool, experiencing many hardships on the way. He reached the English port too late to catch the sailing vessel he had expected to take, as the boat was already booked by as many passengers as she could accommodate before his arrival. This necessitated a sojourn in Liverpool of eleven days, and as he had barely enough money to pay his passage to New York, his mode of living during that period of waiting could not be termed luxurious. At the next opportunity he took passage on a boat commanded by Captain Gilchrist and four weeks later they dropped anchor in New York harbor. As he had not the money to provide himself with sufficient food for the trip, Mr. Schmiedeke made friends with some of his countrymen, who shared their rations with him. When they reached New York, he saw the other passengers leaving the boat, but did not realize that their destination was reached and while watching the hurrying throngs he was approached by another German, who asked him where he was going, and when he replied New York, his fellow passenger told him they were there. So he disembarked with his new acquaintance who assisted him in finding a boarding place and eventually employment. Life in the great American metropolis was not altogether to his liking, so he subsequently came to Wisconsin, settling in Manitowoc. As he was unable to find work at his trade when he first came here he went to Mishicot where he was employed to carry slabs out of a sawmill. But this employment did not last throughout the winter and as he was unable to find any other kind of work there, he returned to Manitowoc and sawed cord wood until spring. This was in the year 1856, practically a year after his arrival. As it was the best season in the year for his trade he found work in the shop of Michael Kuhl, remaining with him until the following winter. Being out of employment again he went down to watch the ice racing one day and there he met Mr. Glover, a well known liveryman of that time. When told that Mr. Schmiedeke was seeking employment, he asked him why he did not go into business for himself. The former replied that he had not the money to establish a shop, so Mr. Glover offered him the use of his office. As the latter was justice of the peace he frequently had to use the room for the discharge of his official duties and the arrangement was not an entirely satisfactory one. However, it gave Mr. Schmiedeke a start and two months later he got an opportunity to make a harness to pay for enough lumber to build a shop of his own. When his place was erected he had not enough money left to buy a lock for the door so he went to P. J. Bleash, a hardware merchant, who is now deceased, and asked him to sell him a lock on credit, but this was denied. Thus for three nights his shop remained open, but nothing was taken from it. Soon thereafter two different parties demanded rent for the ground on which he had erected his little shack, but he refused to pay them and later moved his shop to Commercial street. One time, in the early ‘60s, he had been given an order for a harness, but he did not have the leather to make it in stock nor the means to buy it, as he had but recently met with a series of misfortunes. Very much discouraged and thoroughly disheartened he was walking along the street, striving to form some plan of action or come to a decision in the matter when he found a ten dollar bill and for the time being his troubles were ended. Being an excellent workman and absolutely honest and trustworthy, never turning out a piece of work which was not a credit to him in every way Mr. Schmiedeke eventually prospered. Naturally the first few years were very hard and most discouraging, but he gradually began to get ahead and in 1863 he had the means to buy a lot at the corner of Ninth and York streets, and there he subsequently erected a fine building. His business continued to increase year by year until he gave employment to eleven workmen much of the time. He took much pride in his success, as does his family, and well they may because it was the result of his own unaided effort. His life record goes to show that energy, perseverance, honesty and determination of purpose are more essential factors in the upbuilding of a fine business career than influence or favorable circumstances. Mr. Schmiedeke had many experiences that while not exactly remarkable were rather unusual. For instance at one period of his active business life he engaged in selling shingles, and going to his yard one morning found a large amount of his stock gone. As they bore a trade mark and could readily be traced, a search was instituted at once, the missing articles being found in the yard of a business man, who had bought them from a farmer. The shingles were returned to Mr. Schmiedeke and the offender caught and brought to justice, when it was revealed that the theft had been committed in order to obtain money to celebrate the Fourth of July. The many hardships and misfortunes that he had encountered in his own life made Mr. Schmiedeke very lenient and charitable toward others and he was always ready to assist those who were in trouble. He once went on the bond of a blacksmith, who was to work out the amount but after he had done thirty-five cents worth of work he was taken sick and died, thus Mr. Schmiedeke had to stand the entire loss. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Schmiedeke numbered eleven children, all of whom were given the advantages of a good education. The father was very much devoted to his family and always provided well for their needs. As soon as he had his business well enough established so that its development did not consume the greater part of his profits he purchased a good property, and there the mother passed away in 1883, at the age of fifty years. He survived her many years, his death occuring on the 29th of September, 1910, after he had passed the eighty-first anniversary of his birth. He had retired from business some years prior to that, having sold his harness shop to his two sons, Herman and Ernest, who are still conducting it. Both parents were laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery. They were active members of the German Lutheran church, the father having for a long period been both a deacon and trustee of this organization. He was a man of many fine, sterling qualities that were thoroughly tested and never found wanting during his long connection with the various activities of Manitowoc. His death was the occasion of deep and widespread mourning not only in his immediate family but throughout the community, where he had many stanch friends who knew and appreciated his worth. Herman Schmiedeke was reared at home and educated in the public schools of this city. When he had acquired such knowledge as was deemed essential to enable him to begin preparations for his business career, he laid aside his textbooks and entered his father’s factory. After mastering the trade, in common with the majority of young men he felt he would like to see the world, so in 1883 he went to Chicago and worked for six months. At the end of that time he returned to Manitowoc, remaining here until 1888. In the latter year he went to California and worked there for eleven months, and on his return stopped at Greeley, Colorado, for three months. From there he came direct to Manitowoc and became associated in business with his father, continuing to be connected with him until 1900, when he and his brother Ernest purchased the factory. In the conduct of this enterprise they have followed the policy adopted by their father and have met with success, and are now the proprietors of one of the largest and best established industries of the kind in this section of the state. In this city on the 30th of July, 1895, Mr. Schmiedeke was united in marriage to Miss Emma Meyer, a daughter of Joachim Meyer, one of the pioneers of the county. Three children have been born of this marriage, as follows: Benjamin, who is now attending high school; and Paul and Emma, who are attending the Lutheran school. The parents are members of the German Lutheran church, and in politics Mr. Schmiedeke is a republican. He is highly regarded in local business circles and is considered to be a worthy representative of an esteemed pioneer family. Both he and his wife are popular in German social circles and the hospitality of their home at 818 South Fifteenth street is often extended to their many friends. Ernest Schmiedeke, who is associated in the harness business with his brother Herman, was born in this city on April 22, 1870, and here he was likewise reared and educated. After leaving school he entered his father’s factory, and became thoroughly familiar with every detail of the business with the expectation of making it his life vocation. The entire period of his business career has been spent in the development of the industry he is now connected with and in which he owns one-half of the stock. On the 17th of November, 1898, Ernest Schmiedeke was married to Miss Minnie Brick, an adopted daughter of John Brick, of this city, and they are the parents of one daughter, Ruth, who is attending the Lutheran school. They reside at 807 York street. The family attend the German Lutheran church in which the parents hold membership, and Mr. Schmiedeke votes the republican ticket. He is one of the prosperous and capable business men of Manitowoc, where he has passed his entire life and has hosts of friends.
Herman Schmiedeke Mrs. Herman Schmiedeke ![]()
HENRY JOHN SCHMITT (The following was sent in by a family researcher/see contributors page) Henry John Schmitt (1880) - Historical Notes MARRIAGE - Two Rivers Chronicle - May 3, 1904 - Hymeneal A very interesting hymeneal event took place at St. Luke's Church this morning when the nuptials of Mr. Henry Schmitt and Miss Annie Geimer were celebrated and their union cemented in accordance with the sacred ordinances of the Catholic Church. Three priests from neighboring parishes assisted Father Geissler, pastor of St. Luke's, in the impressive ceremonies and the choir rendered a special program for the occasion. There was a large assemblage of the friends and relatives of the united young people present to witness the ceremony. Henry Schmitt is the oldest son of Mr. John Schmitt, overseer at the saw mill of the Two Rivers Manufacturing Co. and he is his father's assistant. He is a most exemplary and capable young man and will, no doubt, make a model husband. His bride is a beautiful and amiable young lady and is a sister of the Geimer brothers of this city. She was reared on a farm in Cooperstown but this city has been her home for some time past. The happy young couple left this afternoon on a wedding trip to Chicago, where they will spend a portion of their honeymoon with friends in that city. Following their marriage, Henry and Anna Geimer Schmitt took residency in a home at 1623 - 18th street. This home soon proved inadequate for the size of their family. The mortgage on this property was held by Henry's father, John Schmitt. In 1915, Henry and Anna decided that a new house was in order. The original house was sold and several teams of horses were employed to move the house to a different site several blocks away. The new house was built on the same foundation of the old house. The new house consisted of two (2) full stories plus a partial third floor which served as an attic. Several weeks after the birth of their child, Francis, (January 1916), the family moved into the new home. Henry's ritual was to wash diapers in the evening and hang them up to dry on lines strung in the attic, at the same time taking down the previous days wash. ******** Editorial, Two Rivers Reporter, April 11, 1939 HENRY SCHMITT, THE BUILDER The sudden and untimely death of Henry Schmitt removes from Two Rivers one of those lovable, unassuming, capable men of whom every community has too few. His many outside activities were amazing. And it is instructive, too, for one may read the character of a man in the things that command his interest aside from his daily duties. We can estimate the sort of citizen that Henry Schmitt has been by noting the range of activities which he found sufficiently interesting to give his time and thought. Henry Schmitt was a gentle man as well as a gentleman, but above all he was a proud father and a family man, one who could be called a Great Dad. First, of course, was his responsibility to the rearing of his family. A man of exemplary habits, it reflected greatly in the bringing up of his children. A great believer in education, although he had little beyond the grades and a business college course, Henry Schmitt afforded an excellent education for all of his children. At one time, six of his children were in the upper collegiate classes. Then, too Henry Schmitt was a true community builder. In fact he was one of the leaders. When called upon for services in connection with any community project Henry Schmitt could always be depended upon, no matter how strenuous were his daily duties. A devoted churchman, Henry Schmitt served on every building project at St. Luke's Catholic church, of which he was a trustee for 30 years. He was the congregation's secretary for 15 years. Henry Schmitt was one of the first to recognize the need for a community hospital, and his record since the institution's establishment speaks for itself. On the original building board, and later on the governing board, Henry Schmitt's council was always sought. Henry Schmitt always strived for a greater Two Rivers. A lifelong resident and member of the city's earliest families, he worked for proper zoning ordinances to bring about a city which could be regarded as a model for state communities. The recent growth of the northwest outskirts of the city bears out his long ambition for an extensive addition to the city. Henry Schmitt was back of that project. Words cannot describe the value of Henry Schmitt to the community. He was sincerely and honestly devoted to human welfare. Men liked and trusted him, because he never hesitated to show his own liking and trust. Yes, Two Rivers lost a true builder, a great citizen, and a family man of the first ranking. Church Crowded For Schmitt Rites Today ********** Two Rivers, Reporter, Two Rivers, WI., April 13, 1939 Funeral One of Largest in City History; 55 Priests Attend The esteem in which the late Henry Schmitt, 58, was held was evidenced this morning when last rites for this community leader were held. The funeral was one of the largest ever seen here. Although the short services from the Jansky funeral home were not scheduled until 9:30 a.m. the block on Washington street in front of the establishment, between 16th and 17th street was blocked off before 9 o'clock to allow the cars to line up for the funeral procession. The cars were parked on the west side of the street parallel to the curb and parked three deep. Business, city officials, relatives and general public were all represented in large numbers. Son Sings Mass Following the services from the funeral home there was a solemn requiem high mass, sung by his son, the Rev. Henry J. Schmitt of Birnamwood, at St. Luke's Catholic church at 10 o'clock. The Very Rev. C.V. Hugo acted as deacon and the Rev. Eugene Geimer as sub-deacon. At the same time the Rev. George Beth and Rev. Peter Nilles each said a low mass at the side altars. After the mass the Very Rev. A. Beutyart of Wrightstown preached the sermon. About 55 priests from various parishes attended the services as did almost everyone in the city, from all walks of life, who could possibly get away to attend the rites. Contractors Pallbearers Pallbearers were Nic Taddy, Bernard Pawlitzke, Joseph Hoida, Arthur Stueck, Emil Kocian and Frank Fronk, all contractors who had done business with the Schmitt Lumber company since its founding in 1910. Internment was in the family plot in Calvary Cemetery. Mr. Schmitt is survived by his widow, the former Anna Geimer, 17 children, four brothers, five sisters and 15 grandchildren. Perspective of a grandson . . . My recollections of Grandpa Schmitt have always been very favorable. Though he passed away when I was six (6) years old, those memories are as clear as if they occurred yesterday. Most memorable was when I was five (5) years old and talking with him while he was sitting in his "huge" brown leather chair in his living room. He asked me if I could spell my name which I quickly did without error. Being very confident with my vast intelligence, I also told him the A-B-C's -- in German. He instantly became angry and pointed a finger at me while saying if you ever speak German again, I will wash your mouth out with soap. The year was 1938 and Grandpa, being of the first generation born in America of German immigrant parents, was obviously sensitive to the political activities going on in Germany at that time. Over the years, I have gained an appreciation of his position though I did not understand it at that time. Also, little did I realize he was a very sick man as he died the following year (1939). He would be proud that I have since forgotten most of the German alphabet though I'll never forget the German pronunciation for the number six (6). Grandma had a completely different personality. I never considered her to be that traditional grandmother. Even though I knew her during my first thirty years of life, she never knew my name and when she did attempt to identify me, she usually confused me with my siblings. As I look back in time, there should never have been a problem identifying me. I was the one who always had a dirty face, a band of jam around my mouth, or the one chasing the neighbor's cat. I also recall that grandma always spoke with a tone of sarcasm. Her background was from a family of disrespect and domestic violence where she obviously learned her lesson well. When I was in high school, I coined the title of "acid mouth" to show my hostility towards her. I have always been of the opinion that the social prestige the Schmitt family enjoyed for years was earned by Grandpa and my great- grandparents, John and Anna Maria Koch Schmitt. Newspaper accounts of the day about the Schmitt family support that conclusion.
JOHANN SCHMITT Johann (1810), Margaretha (1809), children, Susanne (1837); Johann (1843); Catharina (1845); Michael (1850); Maria (1853) emigrated to USA arriving at NY Apr 1857. This family settled in the town of Two Rivers, approximately 0.5 miles north of the village of Shoto. Childrens marriages: Susan (1837) m. John Schetter, d.09 Dec 1919, Calvary Cem.,Two Rivers, WI; John (1843) m. Anna Maria Koch, d.24 Apr 1906, Calvary Cem., Two Rivers, WI; Catharina (1845) m. Nikolaus Trossen, d.---1864?, Holy Cross Cem. #1, Mishicot, WI; Michael (1850), m. Dorothea Haws, d.23 Apr 1922, St. James Cem., Cooperstown, WI; Maria (1853), m. John Zehren, d.09 Jun 1924, St. Mary's Cem., Algoma, WI
JOHN SCHMITT (contributed by family researcher) John Schmitt Sr., born May 15, 1843, died Apr 24, 1906 John Schmitt left the farm homestead near Neshota and began working in the saw mill in the village of Two Rivers in 1862. He was living in a public home operated by Christian Berger (age 56) and his wife Mina (age 57). This public home is called the Wisconsin House and it is now the home of the Two Rivers Historical Society. According to the Federal Census of 1870, John was listed as an engineer in a saw mill. Also, the Census listing for the Products of Industry shows various statistics about the saw mill that John Schmitt had been employed and was its engineer and manager for some 44 years. J. Mann & Co., Sawmill Value of investment: $15,000 Steam driven - 60 H.P. Saws: Circular, 5 - 30 Inch 1 lath mill saw Total wages for the year: $13,500 Active months each year: 9 Kind of lumber: Pine logs, Quan.: 4,000,000 Value: $24,000 Purchased Output lumber: 4,000,000 Value: $40,000 Lath: 1,500,000 Value: $2,000 On Monday, January 29, 1872, John Schmitt and Anna Koch were married at St. Boniface Catholic church in Manitowoc, WI by Father Joseph Fessler. The best man was Joseph Auman and the matron of honor was Catharina Roemer. Just where this newly married couple initially lived is not known, but, on Saturday, August 17, 1872, John and Anna bought a lot on what was eventually known as 1720 West Park Street in the Village of Two Rivers, just one block north of the village hall, from a Mr. Damler. On Tuesday, August 20, 1872, a contract was signed to construct a new wood frame home on this property. The home was completed and the young couple moved into their new home on Friday, April 18, 1873. Their first child, John, was born Thursday, December 18, 1873 at the new home. This home would eventually be the birth place for their next twelve children. These were: Michael (1875), Anna (1878), Mary (1879), Henry (1880), Catherine (1882), Rose (1884), Helen,(1885), Joseph (1887), Charles (1889), Mae (1891), John Frank (1893), and Edward (1897). Contributors Note: A search for early artifacts from this family has been fruitless. Witnesses have revealed that during the year 1917 (the onset of World War I) the Schmitt family, along with other families, burned their German artifacts at the base of the Civil War Memorial Statue that stood in the middle of Washington Street. The statue has since been moved into the park to the east of Washington Street. This public burning was to have served two purposes: first, it was a protest against the political happenings going on in Germany, and, second, the Schmitt family considered themselves Americans, not Germans. While they never denied their German origin, they obviously took their American citizenship very seriously. I never recall any German being spoken. They always spoke in un-accented English and exhibited good penmanship with a style closely resembling script. In the Diamond Jubilee of St. Luke's Parish dated in the year 1926, special mention was made about the church leaders responsible for the integrity and progress of the parish. John Schmitt was recognized for his 12 years of faithful service as the parish secretary along with others which dated back to 1863.
MARY MARGARET SCHMITT (contributed by family researcher) BIRTH: b.19 Sep 1923; 1623 18th Street, Two Rivers, WI. Dau. of Henry John and Anna Katherine (Geimer) Schmitt WEDDING: Wife of Willard Elden Birr. Solemn High Mass at St. Luke's was Mary Schmitt and Willard Birr Wed Wedding - Two Rivers Reporter, Dec. 27, 1943 Three brothers of the bride officiated at the solemn high mass at St. Luke's Catholic church this morning at 10:30, when Miss Mary Margaret Schmitt, daughter of Mrs. Henry Schmitt, 1623 18th St., pledged her vows with Willard E. Birr, pharmacist's mate second class, who is stationed at Camp Pendleton, Oceanside, Calif. The bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Birr, 1504 Jefferson St. The Rev. Henry Schmitt came from Gresham, Wis., to be the celebrant of the nuptial mass. The Rev. Leo J. Schmitt of Allouez, Wis., was deacon, and John P. Schmitt, who is studying for the priesthood at St. Francis seminary was sub-deacon at the double ring ceremony. Carrying white poinsettias with holly, and a silver rosary, the bride wore a white moire taffeta gown fashioned with a sweetheart neckline, long sleeves coming to points over her hands, and a bouffant skirt which fell from a wasp waistline. Lace inserts beginning at the waist extended to the hemline of the skirt. Her fingertip veil was held by a tiara of flowers. During the Offertory, Panis Angelicus was sung by James and Joseph Schmitt, brothers of the bride, with Raymond Schmitt, the bride's brother, at the organ. Miss Kathryn A. Schmitt was her sister's maid of honor and Frank Gorski was the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Birr, brother and sister-in-law of the groom, were the other attending couple. Miss Schmitt's frock of pink net over taffeta was made with a sweetheart neckline, short puffed sleeves, fitted waist, and full skirt. Mrs. Birr's gown was styled with the same heart neckline, short cuffed sleeves, and graceful skirt. Both attendants carried white pompoms, and wore sprigs of holly in their hair. Following the ceremony, the newlyweds greeted relatives and friends at a reception at the bride's home where a dinner was also served for the immediate families. Among the out of town guests were Rev. Henry Schmitt of Gresham; Rev. Leo Schmitt, Allouez, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Schmitt, Brillion, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Schmitt, Bay City, Mich., Miss Louise Schmitt, Grand Rapids, Mich., Mr. and Mrs. Max P. Geimer, Manitowoc, August and John Birr, Oconto Falls. The couple will leave on a wedding trip this evening. Pharmacist's Mate Birr, who is attached to the medical corps in the U.S. Marines will return to Camp Pendleton, Calif., on December 30. Mrs. Birr will continue to make her home here with her mother, and will continue her employment at the Schmitt Lumber company. Mother of 13 Enrolls as Part-Time Student Herald Times Reporter, Two Rivers, WI Summer 1969 How does a woman with 13 children ranging in age from two to 24 find time to pursue a college education? Mrs. Willard (Mary) Birr of 2800 - 36th St., Two Rivers, has the answer to that question. On Sept. 2 she will return to the Manitowoc County Campus of the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay as a part- time student to continue a college career that started ten years ago. Mrs. Birr is one of six UWGB students who have qualified for Conrad-Grubb scholarships for 1969-70. Others receiving grants for part-time college work include three students at the Green Bay and two students at the Fox Valley-Menasha campuses. Conrad-Grubb grants cover enrollment fees for part-time students carrying an undergraduate course load of no more than six credits, or the equivalent in credit or non-credit courses offered by University Extension, during the period September 1969 through August 1970. Recipients are chosen on the basis of educational goals, financial need, and probability of success. It's a small wonder that Mrs. Birr finds time for a formal education. But she manages, she says, by scheduling each full day on a first-things-first basis with her home receiving top priority. Mrs. Birr always dreamed of going on to college but never had the opportunity. In 1956-60, after having her 10th child, she decided to enroll in one English course each semester at the Manitowoc Campus. After four years and with another addition to the family, Mrs. Birr decided to study children's and young adult's literature at Holy Family College. Both courses proved to be successful in the Birr household. While Mrs. Birr read and learned her children enjoyed pleasant bedtime stories. During the 1968-69 school year at the Manitowoc Campus, Mrs. Birr took sociology and philosophy. This year she plans to study Man and His Environment and Crisis in Belief and Ecology, a liberal education seminar. Mrs. Birr is still scheduling and planning for the rest of her education. When her two-year-old is ready for kindergarten she hopes to attend classes full time, and eventually graduate. Until that day, Mrs. Birr will be busy devoting most of her time to her family. At present, 10 of her 13 children are at home. The oldest, Ann, 21, is married and lives in Port Washington. Michael is 22 and a junior at Marquette University, Milwaukee. Nineteen- year-old Thomas is in the Army, stationed in Vietnam. Of the remaining 10 children, one will be a freshman at the University of Wisconsin - Green Bay, three are in high school, five in grade school, and one is of the pre-school age. What did Mrs. Birr do with with her extra time this summer? She spent a good portion of each busy morning at Bible School teaching sixth graders as part of an ecumenical program in Two Rivers. Classes attempted to present basic Christian principles rather than specific beliefs and procedures of the various religions. Mrs. Birr thoroughly enjoyed each session and felt her students were the finest and most enthusiastic in the program.
ADOLPH J. SCHMITZ Adolph J. Schmitz, Manitowoc, was born in Manitowoc county June 8, 1853, and his parents were Frederick and Johanna Schmitz. He is a graduate of the State University, acquired his legal education in the law department of that institution; was admitted to the bar at Madison by the judges of the supreme court in June, 1875; has been in practice since that time in Manitowoc, and for a time in partnership with L.J. Nash, but is now alone. He was elected district attorney for the county of Manitowoc in the fall of 1876, and reelected in 1878. (The Bench and Bar of Wisconsin: History and Biography, with Portrait Illustrations by Parker McCobb Reed, publ. 1882, page 289) ********** From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 A.J. Schmitz, attorney-at-law, Manitowoc, is a native of this place. After receiving the usual course of studies in the schools of this city, he went to Madison, and attended the State University from 1870 to 1875. He also attended the Ripon College one year. In 1874, he commenced a regular course of law studies, and was admitted to practice in 1875. Mr. Schmitz was District Attorney from 1876 to 1880. He was married, December, 1877, to Miss Bertha Franz. She was born in Manitowoc County. They have two children, both daughters. ************ Adolph J. Schmitz. practicing at the Milwaukee bar, as senior partner in the law firm of Schmitz, Wild & Gross, has not only attained enviable distinction in his profession, but has long been a dominant factor in political circles and one whose position is never at any time an equivocal one. He stands fearlessly for his opinions and honest convictions and no one doubts his integrity nor the loyalty of his opinions, no matter how much one may differ from him in belief. Moreover, it is an indication of his attractive personal characteristics to know that he is most highly honored and esteemed where he is best known. Adolph J. Schmitz was born on a farm in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, June 4, 1852, his parents being Fred C. and Johanna (Groelle) Schmitz, who were natives of Germany, where they spent the greater part of their minority, although married after coming to Wisconsin. The father was a student of the political history of Germany and opposed to the monarchial rule. He therefore, became connected with the Revolutionary movement in his native land in the late '40s and because of the failure of this movement he, like hundreds others of his countrymen, sought freedom and liberty in the new world, coming to the United States in 1848. There was a great influx of German settlers in that year, who opposed to the despotism of Germany, sought political freedom across the water and many of these became residents of Wisconsin, contributing to its development and its upbuilding. Fred C. Schmitz turned his attention to agricultural pursuits in Manitowoc county and there in the midst of a forest he hewed out a farm, on which he and his wife spent their remaining days. They attended the German Reformed church and Mr. Schmitz gave his political allegiance to the democratic party after securing his right of franchise. It has been said that when the city boy crosses swords with the farm bred lad the odds are against him, for there is something in the early rising, the tasks of the farm and the environment of such a life that brings out self-defended strength and leads to the development of character and the recognition of the value of industry. The youthful experiences of Adolph J. Schmitz were those of the boy who spends his youth on a pioneer farm, learning the lessons day by day that nature teaches, while at the same time his parents accorded him liberal educational advantages in keeping with their means. He mastered the branches of learning taught in the public schools and afterward acquired his higher academic and professional education largely through his own labors. He was for a time a student in the German Reformed Mission House at Franklin, Sheboygan county, and subsequently matriculated in Ripon College at Ripon, Wisconsin, while later he entered the University of Wisconsin at Madison, where for three years he followed the academic course, there pursuing his law studies until graduated as one of the alumni of 1875, the degree of Bachelor of Law being at that time conferred upon him. Mr. Schmitz entered upon the practice of his profession at Manitowoc and was not long in winning a good clientele, for he soon demonstrated his ability to cope with intricate and involved problems of law and conduct his reasoning to a logical conclusion. He remained in active practice there for a period of more than two decades and in 1896 sought the broader field offered in Milwaukee. Throughout the intervening years he has continued in practice here and has enjoyed constantly increasing success. He prepares his cases with great thoroughness and care and is seldom if ever, at fault in the application of a legal principle. His knowledge of the law is comprehensive and exact and his reasoning at all times clear and forceful. Following his removal to Milwaukee he became a member of the firm of O'Connor, Hammel & Schmitz and with a change in partnership relations the firm style of O'Connor Schmitz & Wild was adopted, his associates being J.L. O'Connor and Robert Wild. In 1910 Edwin J. Gross joined the firm, his name being added to the firm title and with the retirement of Mr. O'Connor on the 1st of July, 1912, the present firm style of Schmitz, Wild & Gross was assumed. No history of Milwaukee would be complete without reference to the part Mr. Schmitz has taken in shaping political thought and action here. He has ever been a stalwart advocate of democratic principles since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and his opinions have carried great weight in party councils. It is a recognized fact that he has ever advocated the rights of the people against the rule of special privilege without fear or favor. While residing in Manitowoc county he served for ten years as district attorney, also served on the board of county supervisors and was a member of the city council of Manitowoc. In 1892 he was a delegate to the democratic national convention and in 1894 was the democratic nominee for the office of lieutenant governor. In 1910 he was made his party's nominee for governor and in 1912 was a candidate for that office at the primary, being defeated by a very small margin. His party greatly appreciates his leadership because of his clear insight into many of the vital questions of the day and his recognized support of the interest of the masses against the classes. He stands fearlessly for whatever he believes to be right and none ever questions the honesty of his convictions no matter how much they may differ from him in political opinion. He analyzes each public question with the same thoroughness that he does his law cases and he is at all times ready to defend his decision by intelligent argument that indicates that he has delved far below the surface and on many occasions reached the very root of the matter. Most pleasantly situated in his home life Mr. Schmitz was married in 1877 to Miss Bertha Franz, also a native of Manitowoc county, and they have become parents of two sons and two daughters: Meta, who is the wife of Henry E. Murphy of Manitowoc; Hilda, the wife of Gordon M. Day of Milwaukee; Walter A. who married Ethel E. Pauling; and Roland F., who wedded Ethel E. Rankin. Walter A. is connected with the Travelers Life Insurance Company in Milwaukee and Roland F. is connected with a bond house in Philadelphia. Both of the daughters are graduates of the State Normal School of Milwaukee and prior to her marriage Mrs. Murphy was a successful and popular teacher in the public schools of this city. For a quarter of a century Mr. Schmitz has been an honored resident of Milwaukee, not only because of his political prominence, but by reason of the position to which he has attained in professional circles, for above all he is a lawyer, thoroughly informed concerning the principles of jurisprudence, earnest in purpose and devoted to the interests of his clients. He is a valued member of the Milwaukee County and Wisconsin State Bar Associations and such is the regard which his fellow members of the bar entertain for him that his opinions are seldom seriously questioned in court. "History of Milwaukee, City and County", Volume 2, by William George Bruce, S.J. Clarke Publishing Co., 1922, Pages 404-407 (Note: There is a photo of him in this book)
MRS. CHRISTINA (GROELLE) SCHMITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.214-215. Mrs. Christina (Groelle) Schmitz has traveled far on life’s journey and, moreover, is one of the oldest residents in Manitowoc county in years of continuous connection with this section of the state. Indeed, the history of the county would be incomplete without mention of her and the experiences which have come to her during her residence here. She was born in Saxony, Germany, April 18, 1829, and was educated in her native village of Goersbach. She came to America in 1847, when a young lady of eighteen years, accompanying her parents and their family, who settled on a farm in the town of Newton, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. Her father, Andreas Groelle, was also a native of Saxony, Germany. He was a laborer and after marrying and living for some time in his native country he decided that he might better his financial condition by removing to America and accordingly made the voyage, as previously indicated. There were six children in the family, two sons and four daughters, Mrs. Schmitz being the eldest. They settled on a farm in the town of Newton, having made the journey from Milwaukee in a little schooner, landing at Manitowoc when the town contained only a few shanties, Manitowoc Rapids being the main town at that time. After landing they remained in a little shed for about a week and then the father went into the country and made selection of eighty acres of land. They brought with them a stove and all their bedding and this they carried out by hand. There were no roads save the old Indian trails and, thus carrying their possessions, they at length traversed two miles of the Lake Michigan beach and then struck out over the trail through the timber, finally reaching their home about seven miles south of the present city of Manitowoc. When they reached their land there was no house upon it, so they cut off the branches of trees and set them in a circle, leaving a space for a door, which they covered with a blanket. Then they cut down small trees and began to build a house of logs. Because they could not get lumber for the roof they made the rafters and covered them with wild grass. The floor was made of bass wood, split and cut by hand. In that primitive cabin the family lived for about four years. On the 18th of April, on which day Mrs. Schmitz was nineteen years of age, there arose a great wind storm, which blew down a mammoth maple tree that smashed the corner of the house, very nearly killing the whole family. They bore all of the usual experiences and hardships of frontier life. Wolves were plentiful, and deer and all sorts of wild game could easily be obtained. The Indians also frequently visited the homes of the settlers and even the most farsighted could not have dreamed of the wonderful changes which would occur, making this region one of the attractive centers of civilization. On the 31st of January, 1849, Christina Groelle gave her hand in marriage to Carl Schmitz, who came to this country in 1847 from the province of Westphalen, Germany, and went to South Carolina, but in 1848 arrived in Manitowoc county, where he formed the acquaintance of the lady whom he later married. They became the parents of nine children, three sons and six daughters, of whom one son and two daughters are now deceased. Those living in order of birth are: Carl M., who is with his mother; Herman, a partner in the firm of Wernecke & Schmitz; Carolina, now Mrs. Wernecke; Matilda, now Mrs. Martens; Bertha, the wife of Henry Wernecke; and Christina, the wife of Ed Thomas, of Milwaukee. Mr. Schmitz was a locksmith by trade, following that pursuit in Germany. He also had a natural love for and skill in music. After coming to America he filled some local offices, serving as town clerk for fourteen years and justice of the peace for thirty years. His long retention in those positions well attested the high regard reposed in him and his fidelity to his duty. While he followed farming most of his life he was also one of the organizers of the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and was one of its officers. He was also leader of singing societies and a director of a band and was very prominent in musical circles. His political allegiance was given to the democratic party and his religious faith was that of the Reformed church. Mr. Schmitz died June 15, 1885, and was laid to rest in Evergreen cemetery, near this city. He was regarded as one of the best citizens of Manitowoc county, highly esteemed for his sterling worth in every relation of life. His widow now lives retired in a neat home near the city, cared for by her son Carl, a most exemplary young man, honest and straightforward, who displays the utmost filial devotion to Mrs. Schmitz.
Christina Schmitz Ida Beckmann Louisa Kreie Esther Beckmann Four Generations of the Schmitz Family
EDWARD S. SCHMITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.146-149. Edward S. Schmitz, who is engaged in an extensive legal practice in Manitowoc, is a worthy representative of one of Manitowoc county’s old and honored pioneer families. He was born in Newton township, and is a son of Fred and Johanna (Groelle) Schmitz. Fred Schmitz was born in Westphalia, Germany, and came to the United States with his two brothers, Carl and Henry, the three brothers being musicians. They first located in New York city and then went to South Carolina, being connected with theaters, and in 1848 came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where they later organized the first orchestra in Manitowoc county. The three brothers took up wild land in Newton township, and here Fred Schmitz was engaged in agricultural pursuits until three years prior to his death, becoming one of his townships leading agriculturists and a citizen who had the confidence of his community to such an extent that he was elected chairman of the county board for more than a quarter of a century, and was sent to the state legislature in 1875. He organized the Newton Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Company, the first company of its kind in Wisconsin, and was secretary of it until three years prior to his death, when it had just completed its fiftieth year of successful operation. He was also well known in church circles, being the builder of the first church in Newton township, it being an edifice of the German Reformed denomination. Mr. Schmitz was prominent in the educational field, being one of the early superintendents of schools of his town, and in every walk of life was given the respect and esteem that is due the man who lives a blameless life and gives of his best to his community. He died in February, 1904, his wife having preceded him April 2, 1903. She was born in Germany and was married to Mr. Schmitz in Manitowoc county. Her father, Andres, brought the family to the United States in 1847, and located on unbroken land in Newton township, where the remainder of his life was spent. Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz were the parents of nine children, namely: Fred, a merchant at Fond du Lac, Wisconsin; Adolph, an attorney, now of Milwaukee, who served as district attorney of Manitowoc county for ten years; Amelia, who married John Kasbaum, the proprietor of a creamery in Liberty township; August L., an attorney of Shawano; William C., a physician and surgeon of Elkhart Lake, Wisconsin; Louis A., a real-estate and loan merchant of Manitowoc, who is prominent in fraternal circles as a member of the Odd Fellows and the Elks: Emma, who married Fred Groelle, a farmer of Manitowoc county; Edward S., whose name heads this review, a graduate of the Wisconsin State University, class of 1896, and a well known member of the Odd Fellows, the Elks, the Eagles and the Knights of Pythias, who has served as district attorney of Manitowoc for four years; and Hulda, who married Henry Groth, cashier of the German American Bank, and resides in Manitowoc.
Edward S. Schmitz
Fred Schmitz
Mrs. Fred Schmitz
FRIEDRICH SCHMITZ Their Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmitz of Manitowoc Celebrate Manitowoc, Wis., Jan. 31- Fifty years ago to-day, in a log cabin in the town of Newton, seven miles from this city, occurred the first wedding that ever took place in this county and to-day, in a comfortable home only a few rods from the site where they were first married, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmitz, with their children and grandchildren and friends, are celebrating their golden jubilee. During their married life, which they began on the farm on which they have lived all these years, they have seen their state grow into one of the wealthiest of the Union. They have six sons and three daughters, all of whom are still alive and are to-day at the home of their parents with their families. The children are Frederick Andrew Schmitz, who is engaged in the mercantile business at Unity, Wis.; Adolph J. Schmitz, formerly of Manitowoc but now of Milwaukee; Amelia Augusta Schmitz, now married and residing in this county; August Louis Schmitz, an attorney of Kewaunee; William G. Schmitz, a doctor of St. Nazians (sic), this county; Ludwig Albert Schmitz of this city, Emma Louis Schmitz, married and residing in this county, and Edward J. Schmitz, now district attorney of Manitowoc county, Miss Hulda Schmitz, the youngest, still resides with her parents. Both Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz are hale and hearty and on pleasant days often come to the city to visit relatives and friends. The Milwaukee Sentinel, Wednesday, February 01, 1899; pg. 7; col B ******** LOVERS FIFTY YEARS. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schmitz Celebrate Their Golden Wedding. EVENT IS A NOTABLE ONE Couple Were Principals In the First Double Wedding Ever Solominized in Manitowoc County and Have Resided on the Same Farm Since. Fifty years ago to-day, in a log cabin, in the town of Newton occured the first double wedding that ever took place in Manitowoc county. To-day in a comfortable home, only a few rods distant from the site where stood that primitive structure in which those solemn rites were performed, one of the couples still reside. On January 31, 1849 Mr. Frederick Schmitz and Miss Johanna Groelle went through the simple ceremony and repeated the solemn vows that made them man and wife. That was soon after the Mexican war had drawn to a close and James K. Polk was still occuping the presidential chair. Wisconsin had not yet become a state and the scattering villages along the west shore of Lake Michigan were still on the outskirts of civilization. The nation had just decided in favor of expansion. A vast tract of Western territory, left on our hands by the war, and inhabited only by the Aborigines and the semi-barbarous Mexicans had been taken under the stars and stripes. During their married life Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz have seen Wisconsin grow to be one of the wealthiest and most prosperous commonwealths in the Union. Out of the vast tract of western wilderness have been carved valuable states. But this half a century has been full of momentous events in their private lives as well as in the life of the nation. As they have walked together for fifty years hand in hand and ever faithful to their marriage vows, they have seen both sides of life. They have had troubles, disappointments and hardships as well as joys and successes. To-day, surrounded by their children, grandchildren, friends and relatives, they are celebrating their Golden wedding, and as they turn the leaves in the book of memory they read there from both prose and poetry. Prosy indeed was the monotonous life in the pine forests in those early days. Heroic was the work of clearing away the timber and converting the ground into fertile fields. Yet to-day, as they are relating their lives history, it seems to the hearer there was as much of sunshine as the shawdow. Their work has been hard but they could see the results. The wilderness and the solitary place have been made glad by them; and the desert has rejoiced and blossomed as the rose. There was much of prose in the discouragments and hardships with which they had to contend and yet their ever abiding love for each other was a song of gladness and when occasionaily a child was born to their humble home and brought its cheer to their fireside by its infantile prattle, there was a poem of joy in the hearts of the parents, and to-day the main source of pride to Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz, as is the case with most parents, lies in their children. Six sons and three daughters were born to them and they are all alive to-day. Frederick Andrew was their firstborn. It was Sept. 20, 1850 when he came to the proud and happy pair and with his baby fingers knit their heart strings closer together. He is at present engaged in the mercantile business at Unity, Clark Co. and has demonstrated his abilities as a businessman. Adolph J. was the second son and entered upon his earthly career in 186?. He turned his attentions to law and his younger brothers have followed in his footsteps. His rise in his profession has been rapid. For a time he was in partnership with Judge Michael Kirwan, but a few years ago left to enter the now well known Milwaukee firm of O'Conner, Schmitz & Hammel. He has been an active worker in the Democrat party and has become well known throughout the state. The third child was a daughter, Amelia Augusta and was born in 1855. She is the wife of Joachim Kasbaum and resides in the town of Liberty. In 1857 August Louis was born. He became a lawyer and now has an extenseive practice at Kewaunee. Wilhelm G. was the doctor of the family. He first opened the eyes to the mysteries of the world in 1861. He is now a physician at St. Nazianz, this county. Ludwig Alber, the junior member of the firm of Franz & Schmitz of this city, drew his first breath in 1864. He is well and favorably known in the city as a steady and enterprising business man. Emma Louise, who numbers her birthdays from the year 1867, married Mr. Fred Groelle and with her happy family now lives only one-half mile from the old homestead of her aged parents. Edward J. we all know as a promising young lawyer in this city and the district attorney for Manitowoc county. He was born in 1869. Miss Hulda Frederica, the younest of the family, still lives at home to comfort and aid her parents in their declining days. At the time of which we write, the young man who desired to take to himself a life partner, must first appear before the clerk of the circuit court and make an affidavit that no legal impediment to the ceremony existed. The clerk being fully satisfied, would then issue him a license upon payment of the fee, eight shillings. The license granted to Mr. Schmitz is still preserved by him and besides being a relic, is somewhat of a curiosity. Printing offices in country towns were at that time a minus quantity and the document is closely written upon a piece of letter paper, the only mark by which one is able to distinguish it from a letter is the seal of the circuit court of Manitowoc county. An exact copy of the license is given below. State of Wisconsin and County of Manitowoc ss. License is hereby granted to Mr. Frederick Schmitz and Miss Johanna Groelle to be joined in the bonds of matrimony, being satisfied by the oath of Mr. Frederick Schmitz that there is no legal impediment thereto. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of the Circuit court, this thirty-first day of January in the year one thousand and eight hundred and forty-nine. Ezekiel Ri?ker Clerk By Chas. A. Reuter Deputy. (Seal) After securing the license, it cost the applicant an even $1.50 to have the ceremony performed. The proof of this ceremony is also in the hands of the old gentlemen. The following is a copy. State of Wisconsin and Co. of Manitowoc ss. Be it remembered, that at Section fiteen, Town eighteen, Range twenty- three and lying in the County of Manitowoc, on the thirty-first day of January, year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, Mr. Frederick Schmitz and Miss Johanna Groelle, were duly joined in marriage by me. Chas A. Reuter, Justice of Peace. Seal. Frederick Schmitz was born at Hamm, Kingdom of Prussia, Germany, December 25, 1820 and was the son of well-to-do parents. His mother died when he was only three years of age and before the child was old enough to realize his loss, antoher had taken her place. One of a large family, the boy was given but few advantages, but being a close student of nature, he succeeded in gaining a knowledge far in excess of his years, and when he had gained his majority, life seemed full of rosy promise. The boy was an ardent lover of music and oft times would steal from his duties and spend hour after hour in practice on his favorite instrument, the violin, and in time become so proficient that his services were constantly in demand at the merry-makings of the young people. Aside from these gatherings, the life of the young man contained but little of the eventful. He assisted his father in his labors and spent the greater share of his time in laying plans for the future. Up to the time of leaving the parental roof, he had but little to complain of in life. When he had reached the age of twenty-six, the restles spirit of youth possessed him more forcibly, and the home ties were broken. In company with two brothers he left his native land to seek his fortunes in the new world, and the three landed in New York city, late in the month of October 1847. Before leaving home, the father had presented each of the sons with a sum of money and upon landing they were possessed of $700, all told. With this they started to mould their fortunes, and the success they have attained, considering the obstacles they have met, is source for congratulation. Little time was wasted after their arrival, before they started in quest of a situation, and November found them engaged as orchestra for a traveling theatrical combination, headed for the southern states. The brothers followed the fortunes of the thespians for nearly six months and at the end of that time, left the company at Charleston, S.C., and decided to return to New York. A short time was passed in viewing the sights of the city and the brothers came west in search of land. Milwaukee, then a city of less than 1200 inhabitants, was reached early in July, 1848, and being dissatisfied with the prospects, the little party journeyed to the north, and arrived at Manitowoc in due season. (Sketch of Frederick Schmitz) The city, which to-day is the abode of 13,000 souls and which lays claim to some of the most palatial evidences and finest business blocks in the state, at that time was a dreay waste of swamps and forest and contained a habitation of but four families, residing in the old time log houses. In recalling the scenes of those days the old gentleman say: "It was a succession of hills and hills and swamps and swamps and one could scarcely discover a land mark." It was no trouble to secure a homestead in this section at that time and the brothers purchased 240 acres of land in the town of Newton for which they paid the sum of $350. The work of clearing the tract was commenced and a log cabin was built on the site, where now stands the house occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz. In this cabin of one room, the life of the brothers was anything but pleasant and the privations and hardships of that time cover the darkest period in the life of our subject. They had few neighbors and labored early and late to clear their land, placing the soil under cultivationa s soon as was practicable. The nearest town of any size was Milwaukee and when occasion demanded one of the brothers would make the trip to that place on foot. The distance of 160 miles, both ways, covered in two days and generally the one who had made the journey would be able to give the news of the outer world to the others, as this was the only manner in which they became acquainted with the happenings outside of their own sphere of life. In the fall of 1848 he first met Johanna Groelle and a warm attachment sprung up between the two, which in a short time ripened to love and consumated in their marriage. The wedding took place January 31, 1849, and was of more than ordinary importance. It was the first double wedding ever celebrated in the county, a brother of the Mr. Schmitz marrying a sister of his bride at the same time. He died some years ago, but his wife still lives on the land adjoining the home of her sister and to her the day is one of inexpressible sadness. The rejoicing at the Schmitz home reminds her forcibly of that day fifty years ago and of the time that has intervened, causing her many tears of sorrow. Soon after the marriage Mr. Schmitz and his brothers decided to divide their possession, each to take eighty acres of land and work the same for himself. The newly wedded couple started in life with but few comforts, but the hopes of youth and the promises of the future bouyed them up and they labored on industriously. In the winter of 1864, Mr. Schmitz was engaged to teach the school in District 7, and for five successive years he worked his land in the summer and taught the school in the winter. In 1861 the log cabin was torn down and the present house was erected on the site where the building stood. The structure was 84x85 and about four years ago an addition, 20x25 was built making the building quite spacious. Mr. Schmitz has always been a staunch democrat and was elected a member of the county board a short time after his marriage. He served as a ?olon for over fifteen years and was at one time, chairman of the organization. In 1874 he was elected a member of the legislature, but served in this capacity but one year. He was one of the founders of the Newton Farmers' Insurance company and for over fifteen years has been secretary of the company. He takes great pride in his membership and never tires of telling of the early struggle of the concern for an existence. The Schmitz Bros. orchestra, consisting of himself and two brothers, was the first musical organization in the county and in those days were in great demand at the gatherings of the young people. It was no uncommon thing for them to leave the farm after the work of the day and walk ten or twelve miles to play for a dance and return early in the morning to resume their duties at home. (Sketch of Johanna Schmitz.) While a member of the county board Mr. Schmitz was a member of the committee who had in charge the building of the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum and was elected a trustee of that institution after the building had been erected. He was also interested in the building of the first church in the county and attended divine worship in the ediface for many years. Mr. Schmitz has taken an active part in the development of the county and to-day it is his chief delight to tell of the changes of half a century. He tells of the time when the first railroad tie was laid in the state and the furore it created. His memory has never failed him and he remembers the details of events that happened in the fifties with accuracy. Johanna Groelle was born in the Province of Goersbach, Germany, January 5, 1831 and came with her parents to this country in 1847. In 1849 she was married to Mr. Frederick Schmitz and since that time her life's history has been so interwoven with that of her husband the two are identical. Mr. Schmitz has passed his 78th birthday but is as hale and healthy a man as one would meet in a day's travel. He is somewhat of a horseman and on pleasant days often comes to town driving a spirited animal that many men half his age would hesite to handle the ribbons over. He has never had a days' sickness and this is true of his entire family, with one (next words unreadable) a son, years ago, had an attack of typhoid fever. Mrs. Schmitz is a woman of 68, but one would scarcely recognize the fact to see her about her household duties, for her step is as springy as though but a girl of 20. Fifty years they have traveled the rugged pathway, side by side, and to-day with the end of the journey almost in sight, they have great cause for rejoicing. As they sit, hand in hand, surrounded by the children they love so well, the past seems but a dream and the trials of those pioneer days are but a memory. The love that burned in the breast of the couple fifty years ago, has never grown cold and is as ardent as it was the day the wedding was celbrated. The HERALD joins with the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Schmitz in wishing that they may have many more years of happiness. Manitowoc Daily Herald, Manitowoc, Wis Tuesday, January 31, 1899 P.1
HERMAN A. SCHMITZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.386. Herman A. Schmitz, one of the well known business men of Manitowoc, who has been identified with the public interests of the city for a number of years, is a member of one of Manitowoc county’s earliest families and is a son of Carl and Christina Schmitz. He was born May 21, 1867, and received his education in the public schools and the Oshkosh Normal School, after which he engaged in school teaching for about seven years. Turning his attention to the mercantile field, he became associated with Mr. Wernecke, in the hardware business under the firm name of Wernecke & Schmitz. On September 30, 1896, Mr. Schmitz was united in marriage with Miss Annie Kettenhofen, and they have had one son, Karl, who resides at home. Mr. Schmitz served as alderman of the first ward for six years and three years of that time was president of the council. During his official career he displayed those characteristics of honesty of purpose and faithfulness to the duties at hand that have made him so successful in business. When the city took over the water-works plant he was appointed by the city council as one of the commissioners and has held that position for four years. He always advocated the cause of education, his early training as a school teacher standing him in good stead when matters of this kind came under his jurisdiction. Mr. Schmitz is also well known in singing circles and has been director of various singing societies for a number of years.
Herman A. Schmitz
ADAM SCHNEIDER From the Manitowoc Pilot, February 10, 1870: STATE OF WISCONSIN - Manitowoc County Probate office, February 1st, A.D. 1870. In the matter of the proof of Probate of the last will and testimony of Adam Schneider deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc-- Whereas, an instrument in writing, purporting to be the last will and testament of Adam Schneider, deceased, late of the County of Manitowoc, has been filed in this office and whereas application has been made by Elizabeth Schneider, praying that the same be proven and admitted to Probate according to the laws of this State. Therefore it is ordered that said application be heard before me at the Probate Office in the Village of Manitowoc, in said County, on the 28th day of February, A.D. 1870 at 10 o'clock A.M. (the rest of notice is publication rules)
ALBERT F. SCHNEIDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.527-528. Albert F. Schneider is proprietor of a hotel at Osman. Like many of the leading, representative citizens of Manitowoc county he is of German birth, and in his life displays some of the sterling characteristics of the Teutonic race. He was born in Prussia September 26, 1849. His father, Henry Schneider, also a native of Germany, came to America in 1855 and made his way at once to Manitowoc county, settling on a farm in Meeme township. There he carried on general agricultural pursuits for a third of a century or to the time of his death which occurred in December, 1888. He owned eighty acres of land and developed it in the midst of the forest, clearing the tract of the dense growth of trees with which it was originally covered. As the land was made cultivable he planted his crops and in due time gathered good harvests which brought him a substantial measure of success. His life was ever an honorable and upright one, in harmony with the teachings of the German Lutheran church in which he held membership. He married Miss Minnie Wagner, also a native of Germany. She was born May 13, 1824, and is still living at the very advanced age of eighty-eight years. Albert F. Schneider was the second in order of birth in the family of five children. He acquired his education in the district schools of this county, having been brought to the United States by his parents when a lad of six summers. In early life he learned the shoemaker’s trade in Manitowoc and then returned to Meeme where he followed the trade for a year and a half in the employ of others. He then began business in the same line on his own account and continued therein until 1892 when he established a hotel and saloon which he has since conducted. He was also postmaster of Osman for more than twenty-five years. He has always been diligent and energetic, and whatever success he has achieved has come to him as the reward of persistent, earnest labor. On the 16th of January, 1872, Mr. Schneider was united in marriage to Miss Helen Herr, a daughter of Michael Herr, a native of Germany. Mrs. Schneider was born in the town of Meeme and by her marriage has become the mother of seven children. Joseph P., who is engaged in blacksmithing at Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, is married and has three children. Henry W., a tinsmith by trade, also living at Sheboygan, is married and has three children. Clara is the wife of Ed Dewain, of Cooperstown, Manitowoc county, where he follows farming, and they have two children. Ida is the wife of D. Krumdick, a contractor and builder of Cooperstown, by whom she has three children. Elizabeth is the wife of John P. Knox, a resident farmer of Liberty township, and they have one child. Ella is engaged in school teaching and resides with her parents. William is a graduate of Marquette College at Milwaukee, where he pursued a course in pharmacy. Mr. Schneider has spent almost his entire life in Manitowoc county and has been a witness of its growth and development for a half century. He early learned the lesson that diligence is the basis of all success, and by earnest, indefatigable effort he has steadily worked his way upward. He has never sought to figure prominently in any public relation but has gained for himself a comfortable competence through close application to business and has won many friends among those whom he has met in business and social circles.
J. D. SCHNEIDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.616-617. J. D. Schneider, a lifelong resident of Manitowoc county, was long and actively identified with agricultural pursuits but has lived retired in Cleveland for the past five years. He has also gained recognition in financial circles as president of the Cleveland State Bank. His birth occurred in Centerville township, this county, on the 6th of December, 1854, his parents being Dominic and Mary (Constance) Schneider, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father was born on the 6th of August, 1823, while the mother’s natal year was 1819. Their marriage was celebrated in the state of New York in 1847. Dominic Schneider was the youngest in a family of seven children, all of whom emigrated to the United States in 1842, settling in the Empire state. In 1848, at the end of six years’ residence in Jefferson county, New York, the father of our subject came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, settling on a farm of eighty acres on section 29, Centerville township, where he spent the remainder of his life. As his financial resources increased he augmented his landed holdings by additional purchase becoming a substantial and representative agricult- urist. He passed away on the 15th of November, 1903, but is still survived by his widow. Mr. Schneider was a devoted communicant of St. Mendel’s German Catholic church. He was a welleducated man and was called by his fellow townsmen to serve in positions of public trust, acting as town clerk for a period of eleven years. He also served as chairman of the board of supervisors at a time when the county was represented by but five supervisors. The period of his residence in this county covered more than half a century and he enjoyed a wide and favorable acquaintance here. J. D. Schneider, who was the oldest of a family of four children, attended the common schools in the acquirement of an education and when not busy with his text-books assisted his father in the operation of the home farm, thus early becoming familiar with the duties and labors that fall to the lot of the agriculturist. The work of the fields claimed his attention throughout his active business career or until the spring of 1907, when he took up his abode in Cleveland. However, he still owns twenty acres of land in Centerville township. His business ability has been manifest in financial circles as well, as he was called to the presidency of the Cleveland State Bank in 1910. In October, 1878, Mr. Schneider was joined in wedlock to Miss Margaret Sturm, a daughter of Adam and Margaret (Will) Sturm, both natives of Germany. Mr. Sturm, an agriculturist by occupation, came to the United States in 1854 and lived on a farm in Meeme, this county, until called to his final rest on the 29th of May, 1894. His widow still survives and lives at Marshfleld with her children. Mr. Schneider gives his political allegiance to the democratic party and has ably served as supervisor of Centerville township for four years. His entire life has been guided by the most honorable principles and his self-reliance and unfaltering industry, combined with his integrity, constitute the salient features in his success. Like the record made by his father, there falls over his public career and private life no shadow of wrong, for he is ever found most loyal to the ties of friendship and citizenship, and his cooperation and help are counted upon for the betterment of his home locality.
LOUIS SCHNEIDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.560-561. Louis Schneider, who for many years was one of the foremost men in the business life of St. Nazianz, is now living retired from active business pursuits and gives his entire attention to his duties as township treasurer, in which office he is now serving for the third term. The family, as the name indicates, is of German origin, the grandfather of our subject, Michael Schneider, having been the first of the family to come to America, his home previously having been at Wittenburg, Germany. His son, Peter Schneider, was one of the oldest pioneers in Centerville township, having come with his wife to Manitowoc county in 1848. Upon his arrival here he found most of the land covered by heavy native timber, with only here and there a cultivated clearing to show that settlement had been made and the seeds of civilization sown. The journey was made by way of the lakes and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Schneider, assisted by relatives, brought all of their little store of furniture through the woods. Upon reaching Centerville township a family colony was established, six brothers each purchasing eighty acres of land, upon which each erected a small log shanty. All of the work, including the hauling of logs, etc., was of necessity done by hand until teams could be obtained, and after the erection of their cabins two brothers, Peter and Joseph, worked at fencing in the surrounding country, receiving a wage of twenty-five cents per day and paying their own board. Thus Peter Schneider became actively and closely identified with the early upbuilding and development of the county, continuing his residence within its borders until his death, which occurred at the age of eighty-seven years. His wife, who bore the maiden name of Theresa Rittle, was a native of Baden, Germany. In their family were four children, all of whom are yet living. They are as follows: John, a resident of Mattoon, Wisconsin; Helena, who married Adam Philipps, of Meeme township; and Albert, of Marshfield, Wisconsin. The other member of the family is Louis Schneider, whose name introduces this review. He was born near Rochester, in New York, on the 7th of September, 1846, and was therefore a little lad of two years when, in 1848, his parents came to Manitowoc county. He and two others were the only children in the Schneider colony when it was first established here, and among the pioneer scenes and environment he spent the period of his boyhood and youth. His educational opportunities were extremely meager, being limited to five months’ attendance, during the winter seasons, in the district schools of that day. He was only eight years of age when he began to assist in the clearing of the land and the cultivation of the soil, for as soon as his strength permitted he was given a place in the fields, and he continued to give his parents the benefit of his assistance until about twenty-five years of age. He then was married and established a home of his own, locating on a farm near the old homestead which he continued to operate for ten years. At the expiration of that period he withdrew from agricultural pursuits and removed to St. Nazianz, where he entered the hotel and saloon business, continuing therein for twenty-two years. He was one of the first men in the town and during the period of his connection with business interests here became one of the most prominent and prosperous, as well. His untiring energy close application and keen business sagacity were factors in the conduct of a most prosperous enterprise, and when he withdrew from business connections he was the possessor of a comfortable competence. In October, 1871, Mr. Schneider was married to Miss Augusta Kohn, who was born in Prussia, Germany, a daughter of Martin and Anna Kohn, who upon arriving in America from the fatherland located at Centerville, Wisconsin, where both passed away. Mrs Schneider has now reached the age of sixty-six years. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Schneider have been born three children, as follows: Louis, an electrician of Milwaukee, who is married and has three children; Rudolph, deceased and Arthur, a Catholic priest residing in South Dakota. The family has been prominent in Catholic circles for many years, the father of our subject having been a member of the church at St. Vindale, the log structure there built being one of the first in this section of the state. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Schneider hold membership in St. Gregory’s church at St. Nazianz. Mr. Schneider belongs to the Catholic Knights of St. Nazianz. The place which he occupies in the confidence of his fellow citizens is indicated by the fact that in 1910 he was called to the office of township treasurer of Eaton township, and their approval of his first terms’ service was manifest in his reelection for a third term, so that he is now acting in that capacity. A residence of sixty-four years in Manitowoc county has made him a witness of much of the growth and improvement which has been carried on within its borders, and in the work of development he has taken his part, not only along agricultural and mercantile lines but also in public life, and today he is numbered among the prominent and representative citizens of this section of the county.
Louis Schneider
JOHN SCHNORR From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 532 Firm of Schnorr Brothers, tannery, Manitowoc; was born in the city of New York, March 11, 1852. In about 1855 he came with his parents to Manitowoc. His father is a mason by trade, and has followed that business about thirty years. This business was established in 1876.
ALBERT A. SCHNURR This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.477-478. Albert A. Schnurr, who is assistant manager of the canning factory, is one of the enterprising and promising young business men of St. Nazianz, where he is now discharging the duties of town clerk. He was born here on the 10th of September, 1885, and is a son of Anton and Mary (Burget) Schnurr, both of whom are living. The father, who is conducting a shoe store in connection with which he is also engaging in shoe-making, was born in Carlsbad, Austria. Anton Schnurr, who is an only child, lost his father during his early boyhood. The mother subsequently married again, and together with her husband and son, who was then ten years of age, emigrated to the United States, settling at St. Nazianz during the pioneer days. In his early manhood Anton Schnurr enlisted in the Union army and went to the seat of the war where he was actively engaged for some time. After the close of hostilities he engaged in farming in Eaton township and during that time he also conducted a shoe business in St. Nazianz, being one of the first merchants in the town. The mother of our subject, Mrs. Mary Burget Schnurr, is a daughter of Cyriack and Liberata (Burget)Burget, both natives of Baden, Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Schnurr were born seven children, three sons and four daughters. Two of the sons are deceased, but the daughters are all living and in order of birth they are as follows: Anna, the wife of L.C. Gardner, who is an electrician in Chicago; Margaret, who married John K. Loeble, justice of the peace in St. Nazianz; Rosa, who became the wife of Peter Meyer, of St. Nazianz; and Lena, who is engaged in the millinery business in St. Nazianz and is living at home. In the acquirement of his education Albert A. Schnurr first attended the local schools, but he later supplemented this by a year's attendance at a business college in Manitowoc. Upon the completion of his course he went to Chicago, where he engaged in commercial activities for a year. At the expiration of that period he returned to St. Nazianz and became assistant manager of the canning factory, supervising the work of the various local plants. He is a most competent man, being thoroughly conversant with every detail connected with the various processes in the operation of a canning plant. In addition to this he is a capable and efficient business man, whose executive ability and powers of organization give every assurance of a most promising future for him As he is unmarried Mr. Schnurr continues to make his home with his parents. In religious faith he is a Roman Catholic and is affiliated with St. Gregory's parish. He is also a member of the Foresters, in which he holds the office of financial secretary and he is likewise secretary of St. Nazianz Catholic Foresters' Hall Association. His political support Mr. Schnurr gives to the republican party, and at the present time he is most efficiently discharging the duties of town clerk. Having resided in St. Nazianz practically all of his life he is widely known and has a large circle of acquaintances who prophesy for him a most promising future.
FRED C. SCHOCH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.31. Fred C. Schoch, one of the successful business men of Manitowoc, where he is the manager of the largest lumber business, was born in this city, June 27, 1876, and is a son of Christ and Maria (Gerl) Schoch, natives of Germany, who came to this country as young people and were married in Manitowoc. His grandfather was employed in one of the first sawmills operated in this county, and Christ Schoch was reared to the business, in which he engaged as a young man. He was employed by the firm of George Pankratz & Company, lumber dealers, in which concern he acquired an interest, and when their mill was moved to Sturgeon Bay, Mr. Schoch founded the business in Manitowoc which is now conducted by his son, and which he carried on until his death in 1894. He was a prominent man in civic affairs, serving as alderman of his ward for a number of terms, and was a well known member of the Concordia Singing Society. His widow still survives and lives in Manitowoc, as do their two daughters, Ida and Emma. Fred C. Schoch was given the advantages of a high-school education and later attended business college, after leaving which he entered his father’s business, of which he has been manager since the latter’s death. This firm, the stock of which is all held by the members of the Schoch family, handles a full line of lumber, building material and milling supplies, and it is the largest business of its kind in the city, employing ten men, conducting a large lumberyard, and having a sash and door factory two stories in height, sixty by eighty feet. Mr. Schoch is an able business man, and under his management the business of the concern has increased materially. On October 14, 1907, Mr. Schoch was married to Miss Syvina Louziar, of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, a daughter of Mrs. Adeline Louziar. Mr. Schoch is a popular member of the Elks, the Eagles, the Woodmen, the Royal League and the Freier Saengerbund.
ANDREAS SCHOENMETZLER Manitouwoc [old spelling] County Herald Thursday Oct 9, 1851, Vol. 1 No. 46, Column 6 Married. In the village of Manitouwoc, on the 5th inst. by Hon. E. Ricker, Mr. Andreas Schoenmitzler(sic) to Miss Luesa Schmiemieder(sic), both of Manitouwoc.