[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
ALOIS OBERLAND This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" vol.2 by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.130-131. Alois Oberland, now deceased, was well known in business circles in Manitowoc for a number of years as a wholesale liquor dealer. He was born in Stolmirz, near Boehmisch Brod, Austria, and came to this country in 1874. He did not tarry on the Atlantic coast but made his way at once into the interior with Manitowoc as his destination. Here he engaged in merchandising but after an unsuccessful venture of two years he withdrew from that field and accepted the position of manager of a liquor store for Frank Sixta & Company on the south side. Carefully saving his earnings, he engaged in the same line of business on his own account and in time developed a wholesale department upon which he later concentrated all of his energies, thus developing a wholesale liquor business which is now being successfully carried on by his sons. He continued in that line of trade until his death, which occurred September 16, 1891, when he was forty-six years of age. In early manhood he was united in marriage to Miss Aloisia Kolinski, who survived him by several years, passing away December 10, 1898. The two sons, Emanuel A. and Edward Oberland, now carry on the business which was established by the father. The former was born in Austria in 1874, and the latter on the 15th of September, 1877, in Manitowoc. They were educated in the schools of this city and were with their father until his death. Since that time the brothers have been associated in the business and have developed a wholesale enterprise of large proportions, making extensive shipments to meet the demands of their trade in various parts of this and other states. The elder son, Emanuel A. Oberland, married Miss Emma Kresl and they have two children, Edward E. and Aloisia. The younger son, Edward, wedded Miss Emma Schultz, of Manitowoc, and they have two children, Paul and Marie. The brothers are enterprising business men and their success is due to their close application and unremitting energy. The family has long been well known in the German circles of the city and its members have many friends among the people of German birth and descent.
EMANUEL A. OBERLAND This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" vol.2 by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.63-64. Emanuel A. Oberland, who is a wholesale liquor dealer in Manitowoc, was born in Ceske, Boehmisch Brod, Austria, April 17, 1874. He is the son of Alois and Aloisia (Kolinski) Oberland, both of whom were natives of Austria. They came to America in 1874, when the subject of this sketch was only three months old. The father became a merchant in Manitowoc, his place of business being located at the corner of Eighth and Buffalo streets. Emanuel A. Oberland received his education in the common schools and began working in his present business when he was sixteen years of age, the father having taken up this work in 1877. His son has carried it on to the present day and has a large and remunerative trade. Mr. Oberland of this review has been very successful in the financial world and besides his interests in Manitowoc is the owner of some valuable land in Wyoming. On the 14th of June, 1904, Mr. Oberland wedded Miss Emma Kresl, a daughter of George and Pauline (Hejda) Kresl, the father born in Bohemia and the mother in America, of Bohemian parentage. The father came to this country in the early ‘6os, while he was yet a young man. To Mr. and Mrs. Oberland have been born two children: Edward E., who is now in school; and Aloisia. In his political views Mr. Oberland is a republican, and fraternally he is a member of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. He has a wide acquaintance in this city, where the greater part of his time has been spent, and he has so directed his labors as to win success and the regard of his fellowmen. He is a man of much force of character and an unfaltering determination and is building up a fine trade in his chosen field of endeavor.
JOHN O'BRIEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" vol.2 by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.345. John O'Brien, a prosperous farmer whose one hundred and forty acres on section 18, town of Cato, are in a high state of cultivation, was born in Ohio, March 2, 1865. He is a son of Daniel and Mary (O'Day) O'Brien, natives of Ireland, who were married in Ohio, and came to Wisconsin about 1868, settling on eighty acres of land, which was covered with a heavy growth of timber. They built a house of logs cut from their property, and spent their lives developing their farm, dying on it, the father in 1907, aged sixty-five years, and the mother in June, 1910, aged seventy-two years. Both are buried in the cemetery of St. Patrick's Catholic church at Maple Grove. There were nine children in their family, the subject of this sketch being the fourth in order of birth. John O'Brien remained at home until his marriage, which took place in 1898, when he was wedded to Bridget Welsh, daughter of William and Julia Welsh, both born in Ireland. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh were among the early settlers of Manitowoc county, and lived here until they died, the mother passing away in 1881, and the father in 1896, both being buried in Maple Grove cemetery. Mrs. O'Brien was born in 1863, being the third of four children of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien have had two children, Lucy and Grace. The farm of John O'Brien is all well fenced with barbed wire and rails, and one hundred acres is under cultivation. He does general farming, raising some graded stock, breeding to Percheron horses and carring Southdown sheep. He milks ten cows and markets his dairy products beside hay and grain. The basement barn, forty by sixty feet, was built in 1879, but the two story frame residence was put up in 1908. Drilled wells give a plentiful water supply for all purposes. Mr. O'Brien is a member of the Modern Woodmen of America, and he and his family belong to St. Patrick's Catholic church of Maple Grove. In political faith, he is independent, but has always been recognized as one of the solid, reliable men of his community, anxious to secure good government and modern improvements.
THOMAS O'BRIEN, M.D. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.406-409. Dr. Thomas O'Brien is one of the well known and prominent citizens of St. Nazianz, where he has been engaged in the practice of medicine for more than eighteen years. He was born in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, and is a son of Patrick and Mary (Fitzgibbon) O'Brien. The father passed away in 1902 at the age of seventy-three years, but the mother is still living. Patrick O'Brien was born and reared in Ireland to the age of nineteen years, but in 1848 he crossed the Atlantic to America, locating in Medina, New York. In 1852 he came west, taking up his residence in Fond du Lac, this state, and there for sixteen years he was employed on the railroad. He was thrifty and energetic and during that period he accumulated sufficient capital to enable him to buy a farm in Eden township in the vicinity of Fond du Lac. He subsequently removed there with his family, and devoted the remainder of his life to the further improvement and cultivation of his farm. Mr. O'Brien was an intensely religious man and very loyal to the Roman Catholic church, in the faith of which he had been reared. Together with several others, whose interest he aroused through his own enthusiasm, he succeeded in raising the funds to buy a lot at Eden and there they subsequently erected a church. This organization has thrived in a most gratifying manner and today has the largest congregation of any church in the county outside of Fond du Lac. The family of Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien numbered six, as follows: Catherine, who has been teaching for the past twelve years and is principal of a school in Fargo, North Dakota; John, who is a merchant in the village of Eden, Wisconsin; Thomas, our subject; Anna, who is at home with her mother; Ella, the wife of W.E. Wood, of St. Paul, Minnesota; and Mary, who lives with her brother, Thomas. The father took an active interest in all local affairs and for many years served as clerk of the district school board. The boyhood of Thomas O'Brien was passed in his native city and there he pursued his education in the common schools until he was sixteen years of age. He subsequently took a commercial course in one of the local business colleges and later attended the Oshkosh State Normal School for one term. Having decided to become a physician, he next matriculated in the Rush Medical College at Chicago, where he pursued his professional studies, being graduated with the class of 1890 with the degree of M.D. He first located in Dotyville, Wisconsin, engaging in practice there for three years. At the expiration of that period he came to St. Nazianz and opened an office, which he has ever since maintained. He has been very successful and has built up a large practice both in the town and the adjacent county. A man of kindly, genial nature, generous and sympathetic, he is too unselfish to consider his own comfort and is tireless in his efforts to bring comfort and relief to the sick and suffering. His concientious devotion to the needs of his patients, regardless of whether or not his services will ever be remunerated, has won him many staunch friends and without doubt he is one of the most highly esteemed men in this section of the county. Dr. O'Brien is an active member of St. Gregory's parish, and he also belongs to the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and the Catholic Order of Foresters, and is local medical examiner for both these fraternities. In politics he is a democrat, and he maintains relations with his fellow practitioners through his connection with the county and state medical societies. Dr. O'Brien, during the long period of his residence here, has always shown himself to be progressive and enterprising in matters of citizenship, honorable and upright in business transactions and loyal in all the relations of life.
Dr. Thomas O'Brien
FRIEDERICH WILHELM OESTREICH From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 21, 1884: COUNTY COURT - Manitowoc Co. In Probate No. 61 In the matter of the estate of Friederich Wilhelm Oestrich(sic), deceased. Notice is hereby given that a general term of said county court to be held in and for said county, at the office of the county judge in the city of Manitowoc, in said county, commencing at 10 o'clock A.M. of the 7th day of October, 1884. The application of August Oestreich for a judgment of this court determining the descent of an undivided one half interest in and to the following described real estate situated in the county of Manitowoc and state of Wisconsin, to wit: The west half of the south- east quarter and a piece, parcel, or lot of land bounded as follows, to wit: Commencing at a point in the north-west corner of the east half of said south-east quarter, running thence east thirty-three and 67-100 rods, thence south one hundred and sixty rods, thence west thirty-three and 67-100 rods, thence north one hundred and sixty rods to be place of beginning, all in section No. thirty-three, township twenty, north of range twenty-four, east, in the county of Manitowoc, state of Wisconsin, aforesaid. Whereof Friederich Wilhelm Oestrich(sic), late of the town of Two Rivers in said county, deceased intestate, died seized and adjudging that August Oestrich(sic) is the only heir at law of said deceased and entitled to all the right title and interest of said deceased in and to said real estate subject to the dower interest of Caroline Oestreich, the widow of said deceased therein.
HENRY OESTREICH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.266-267. Henry Oestreich, who is engaged in general farming and stock-raising, lives on section 36, town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin. He was born in Germany, January 23, 1857, and is a son of Godfried and Hulda (Brandt) Oestreich. The parents of Mr. Oestreich were married in Germany and the father engaged in farming in his native land for some years afterward, three children being born to them in the fatherland, as follows: Henry, Mary and Hulda. In 1865 the family came to America, where Minnie, William and Alvina Oestreich were born. Godfried Oestreich at that time was a poor man but he was industrious and after securing eighty acres of land in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, led a busy and hard-working life. This land had been improved to some extent and he soon made it productive and in the course of years added several other tracts, first one of forty acres, then one of eighty acres, another of eighty acres and finally eighty acres situated on the Green Bay road. He cleared his wild land and put it under cultivation, beginning his operations with ox teams and substituting horses when the heavy hauling had been completed. He was one of the best known and most highly respected men of his town, a consistent member of the Lutheran church and a willing contributor to the erection of a church edifice in his neighborhood. His death occurred in 1896, when he was sixty—two years of age. His widow survived him three years, passing away at the age of sixty-six years. She was a good wife and mother and had been very helpful to her husband through her thrift and good management. Henry Oestreich was the eldest of the family and remained at the home farm with his father until he married. He was about eight years old when the family came to Wisconsin and spent most of his life in this section of the country, seldom leaving Manitowoc county. After his marriage he lived on the farm on the Green Bay road for two years and then sold out, moving to a farm in the town of Mishicot, on which he made his home for fifteen years, after which he came to the old home place in Kossuth township. Mr. Oestreich greatly improved his property. The farm house is commodious and comfortable and his fine barn, with dimensions of one hundred and sixteen by forty-four feet, has a substantial stone basement. His granary is twenty-two by twenty-four feet and the poultry house is twenty by thirty feet, all his buildings being of substantial construction. Mr. Oestreich follows modern and scientific ideas and has built a silo which he considers a necessary adjunct to an up-to-date farm. In 1879 Mr. Oestreich was married to Miss Helena Bruss, who was born at Cooperstown, Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, a daughter of Gottlieb Bruss, who was born in the fatherland and came to Manitowoc county among the early settlers. To Mr. and Mrs. Oestreich eight children have been born, namely: Gottfried, Rosa, Henry, Herman, Ella, William, Herbert and Paulina, of whom two, Herman and Ella are deceased. The family are adherents of the Lutheran church. Nominally Mr. Oestreich is a republican and votes this ticket in state and national politics, but in local matters he is independent and only guided by his own judgment in indorsing the right man for the place. He has been more or less active in local affairs and has served as a member of the town board to the satisfaction of his constituents.
JACOB FREDERICK OEXLE Jacob Frederick Oexle and Frederica Sophia Rumpff Was apprenticed as a baker in Belgrade. Upon his father's death, he walked from Belgrade home -- the journey took four months according to family tradition. They came to the U.S. on the ship "Edward Cohen" from Antwerp to Boston 20 May 1854. His mother, Frederica age 58 and sister, Louise age 25 were with them. Frederica was the daughter of an obstetrician and professor in Cannstadt. Also on the ship were Frederica Sophia's brother Frederick Rumpf age 29, a physician. By 1860, her sister, Christina Rumpf Kaiser and her husband Frederick were living nearby in Meeme. I have Frederica's wedding dress--made of black silk. Have heard about how difficult it was to survive and he joined the military to help make ends meet. Their children Americanized their names to either Axley or some used Exley. Believe the Exley branch went to Michigan. Jacob is my great grandfather.
W. F. OHDE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.12. W.F. Ohde, the vice president and general manager of the Herald-Press Publishing Company, was born in Manitowoc county on the 19th of October, 1877. He attended the public schools in the acquirement of an education and in 1896 was graduated from the Montello high school, while in 1898 he completed a course in the normal school at Stevens Point. For one year he followed the profession of teaching in Marquette county. Leaving the schoolroom, he enlisted for service in the Spanish-American war as a member of Company D, Third Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, and participated in the campaign of Porto Rico, his regiment having been assigned to active duty at that point. He was made steward of the hospital corps and took part in the only two battles which transpired—Arbonita Pass and Coamo. In December, 1898, he was mustered out at Milwaukee and again devoted his attention to the profession of teaching for a short time. Soon after coming to Manitowoc, however, he became identified with the Herald and in his dual capacity of vice president and manager has been an important factor in the continued growth and success of that publication. In 1903 Mr. Ohde was joined in wedlock to Miss Eva Delano, of Manitowoc, by whom he has one child, Alan. In politics he is an independent democrat, while fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks, now serving as exalted ruler in the local organization. Of a sociable nature, he has found life enjoyable in the acquirement of a circle of friends that grows as grows the scope of his acquaintance.
THOMAS O’HEARN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.547-548. Thomas O'Hearn a representative citizen and successful agriculturist of Franklin township,owning a valuable farm of one hundred and sixty acres situated on section 19, was born in this township, July 3, 1865, and is a son of Thomas and Ellen (Kirby) O'Hearn, the former a native of County Cork and the latter of County Limerick Ireland. They were married in Manitowoc county, and shortly thereafter settled on a farm of forty acres in Franklin township, where Mr. O'Hearn died December 24, 1898, at the age of sixty—five years, being buried in St. Patrick’s cemetery, while her husband still resides on the homestead, having attained the age of eighty—two years. Thomas O'Hearn was the third of a family of five children born to his father's second marriage, and he remained on the home farm until he was sixteen years of age, when he commenced working for wages in the woods and on the river. He continued in this line for about nine years, when he returned home and was employed at various occupations until his marriage, September 15, 1891, to Miss Emma Playfair, a daughter of William and Margaret (Brown) Playfair, natives of Scotland. Mrs. O'Hearn’s parents were married at De Pere, Wisconsin, and settled on the farm which is now occupied by Mr. O’Hearn, at that time a wild tract of one hundred and twenty acres, which Mr. Playfair purchased from the government in 1849, having come here with a Mr. Patrick Kelley whom he had met in Manitowoc. He came here on foot, his only equipment being an axe and a hand saw, with which he built a log shanty in which he and Mr. Kelley lived together for a short time, the latter leaving him some time later. He lived alone for about three years, being the first settler in Franklin township, and at the end of that time sent for his father and mother, who continued to live with him until their deaths. Mr. Playfair died January 15, 1898, and his wife January 21, 1910, and both are buried at Cato. He became one of the leading citizens of Franklin township, serving as chairman of the township board for several terms and as township treasurer for thirty years. Mrs. O'Hearn was the only child of her parents, and was born March 17, 1869. Mr. and Mrs. O'Hearn have three children, Margaret, William and George. After his marriage, Mr. O'Hearn engaged in farming on the place where he now lives, which was inherited by his wife, and he now has the entire one hundred and twenty acres in a high state of cultivation, the land all being fenced with barbed and woven wire. He carries on general farming, marketing dairy products, hay, grain and cattle, and breeds to Holsteins, and to Percheron horses. The frame barn thirty by forty feet, was built by his father-in-law about fifty years ago, and in 1903 Mr. O'Hearn built another barn, forty by one hundred feet, while the hay barn, thirty by twenty-two feet, was built in 1878, and the stable, thirty-five by thirty-five feet, was erected in 1910. A handsome two-story frame residence of eleven rooms was built forty years ago, was remodeled in 1900, and in 1911 was equipped with a steam-heating apparatus. The water supply comes from drilled wells. Mr. O’Hearn is an ardent democrat in politics, and he and his family are members of St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Franklin township.
They are both laid to rest at St. Peter's in Collins. Their headstone has pictures on it and Herman's picture on the last photo appears to be the one on their headstone. However, Laura's picture is a much later one. Herman & Laura had 13 children, one of which is my great grandfather Jonathan. Jonathan and Leona are also laid to rest in Collins, along with a lot of other of the children. (all sent in by family researcher/see contributors page)
Herman Olm and Laura Wirth, Married 22 Oct. 1880
Herman and Laura (Wirth) Olm
A Herman Olm check found in a box at an auction.ANTON K.F. OLP This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.317-318. Anton Olp, a farmer and stock-raiser of Franklin township, and the owner of one hundred and twenty-eight acres of valuable land on sections 31 and 36, was born in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin on October 3, 1862, and is a son of Julius and Hannah (Nass) Olp, natives of Germany. Mr Olp's parents came to the United States as young people, and were married in Wisconsin, shortly after which they settled on eighty acres of land near Cooperstown, where they resided until 1893, at which time they retired to Manitowoc, where Mr. Olp died in 1894, aged fifty-eight years, his widow surviving until 1904 and passing away when sixty-two years of age. Both are buried at Manitowoc. Anton Olp was the second of a family of eleven children, and received a common-school education, remaining at home until he was twenty-one years of age, at which time he commenced working for wages. He continued thus for five years, when he engaged in farming in South Dakota on a homestead, but after three years, on account of a drought, he returned to Manitowoc county and again worked for wages. Two years later he rented a farm, and after one year purchased a part of his present farm, and since July, 1893, he has lived here, gradually adding to his acreage until he now has one hundred and twenty-eight acres, on hundred and six of which are now under cultivation. The entire property is fenced with barbed wire, and Mr. Olp carries on general farming, marketing hay, grain and dairy products, and milking twelve cows. He has a frame barn, one hundred and sixteen by thirty-six feet, which he remodeled from an older and smaller one in 1911, while his residence is frame covering log, and two stories and one-half in height. His water supply is secured from drilled wells. Mr. Olp was married in 1888 to Miss Albertina Engelbrecht, who was born March 1, 1870, a daughter of William and Ernestina (Becker) Engelbrecht. Mrs. Olp's parents were natives of Germany who were married in Wisconsin, and settled in Manitowoc county, where the father is living at the age of seventy-one years, his wife being sixty-eight. Ten children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Olp, namely, William, Emma, John, Ella, Herman, Arthur, Amelia, Walter, Anna and Irwin, of whom Amelia died at the age of about one year and eleven months. The family are members of the Lutheran church at Reedsville. Mr. Olp gives his support to the democratic party and although not actively engaged in political affairs fulfills his obligation of good citizenship regularly and conscientiously.
HERMANN WILLIAM OLP From the Manitowoc Herald, 10 June 1902:) The marriage of Miss Amanda Strothoff and Herman W. Olp, will be celebrated at the German Lutheran church Wednesday, June 18. Both are well known young people, the groom being interested in the Savings bank store.
Even Olson Compliments of Gary Omernick
Even and Marit taken in 1910 in honor of their 50th wedding anniversary Compliments of Gary Omernick
MARTIN O’NEIL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.266-267. Martin O'Neil, now cultivating one hundred and sixty acres of rich farm land on section 3, town of Maple Grove, was born in Waukesha county, Wisconsin, in February, 1854. He is a son of Martin and Ellen O'Neil, natives of Ireland, who were married there and came to the United States in the early forties, settling in Manitowoc county. Here they bought the farm now occupied by Martin O'Neil. At the time of purchase, it was wild land, and the little log house was built from timber cut off it. This house continued to be the home of the father until his death, which took place in 1883, when he was seventy—eight years old. He is buried in the cemetery connected with St. Patrick’s church of Maple Grove. His widow died in 1896, aged seventy-six years, and she is also buried in Maple Grove. Ten children, of whom Martin was the ninth, were born to Mr. and Mrs. O'Neil, and six of them survive. Martin O'Neil remained with his parents, working for them, until his marriage, at which time he took charge of the farm and they resided with him. This marriage took place in 1882, when he was united with Mary Delaney, a daughter of Thomas and Catherine Delaney, natives of Ireland. They came to the United States in early life, and were married in this county. After their marriage, they located in Brown county, residing there the remaining years of their lives, the mother passing away in 1896 and the father in the following year. Mrs. O’Neil was the second of their three children, and was born in 1862. Nine children are in the family of Mr. and Mrs. O’Neil, namely: Thomas, who is married and lives in Brown county and has one child; Martin, John, Matthew and Ellen, who are unmarried and at home; Catherine, who died in infancy; William, Marie and Earle, who are also unmarried and at home. Mr. O’Neil has eighty acres under the plow, and nearly all his fences are of barbed wire, rails being retained in a few instances. In addition to the homestead which he inherited from his father, he owns forty acres on section 2, this town, of which one-half is under cultivation. He carries on general farming and markets dairy products, hogs and cattle, and also hay, grain and clover seed. The dairy stock never numbers less than twenty head, and is graded. His hogs are Chester White and Berkshire breeds, and his horses are of a Percheron strain. The basement barn, which was built in 1907 is forty by sixty feet, with cement floors, and is equipped with modern conveniences. Mr. O’Neil has another barn, forty-three by sixty feet, built in 1892, that is also in good condition. The two-story frame residence was built in 1907. Both drilled and open wells furnish an adequate water supply. All of the improvements have been made by Mr. O’Neil and his father. Mr. O’Neil supports the principles of the democratic party, as did his father before him, and he has served four years on the board of supervisors, and five years as treasurer of the school board. He and his family are members of St. Patrick’s Catholic church of Maple Grove.
OLE OLSEN OPPEN From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, 15 April 1875: In Probate - Manitowoc County Court In the matter of the estate of Ole Olson Oppen deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Annie Oppen of the town of Liberty, Manitowoc County, Wis., representing among other things that Ole Olson Oppen late of Manitowoc County, Wis., on the 7th day of March, A.D. 1875, at the town of Liberty, Manitowoc County, Wis., died intestate, leaving goods, chattles and estate within this State of Wisconsin, and that the said petitioner is the widow of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to Ole Thoreson granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the Judge of this Court, on Monday, the 26th day of April, A.D., 1875 at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said County. (remainder of notice concerns publishing rules) T.G. Olmsted, County Judge
Claus Ording This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOHANNES M. ORNES From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, July 10, 1884: Married - At the residence of Mrs. Kern in this city on Tuesday, July 8, 1884, Mr. John M. Ornes and Miss Anna Beer. Both the young people are well known and highly esteemed in this city. A host of friends will join The Pilot in the hope that they "may live long and prosper."
GEORGE NICOLAUS ORTH v.7 p.227 License #183 HUSBAND: George Nicolaus Orth AGE: OCCUPATION: BlackSmith RESIDENCE: Manitowoc BIRTHPLACE: Manitowoc PARENTS: Mathias Orth and Mary Engeldinger BRIDE:Agnes Mary Rermann (Clark) AGE : BIRTHPLACE: Manitowoc PARENTS: Frank Rermann and Anna Vanikderd MARRIAGE DATE: July 15 1902 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: Manitowoc COLOR: White WITNESSES: George Vits, Emma Rermann NAME OF MINISTER: Wm.J.Peil DATE OF CERTIFICATE ISSUE: July 15, 1902 DATEOF REGISTRATION: August 13, 1902
JOHN ORTH v.4 p.105 HUSBAND:John Orth AGE: OCCUPATION:Liquor Dealer RESIDENCE: Milwaukee BIRTHPLACE: Germany PARENTS: John Orth and Magdalena Funk BRIDE: Katharina Jermain AGE : BIRTHPLACE: Was not listed PARENTS: Georg Jermain and Helena Siruon/Sirnon? MARRIAGE DATE: May 30, 1876 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: Town of Meeme COLOR: White WITNESSES: None were listed NAME OF MINISTER: Rev Sta Bellinger DATE OF CERTIFICATE ISSUE: May 30, 1876 DATE OF REGISTRATION: July 12,1876
MATHIAS MICH. ORTH v.7 p.202 License #34 HUSBAND:Mathias Mich. Orth AGE: OCCUPATION: Laborer RESIDENCE: Manitowoc BIRTHPLACE: Town Of Gibson PARENTS: Mathias Orth and Mary Engeldinger BRIDE: Mary Caroline Gruber AGE : BIRTHPLACE: Manitowoc Wisconsin PARENTS: Joseph Gruber and Catherine Herman MARRIAGE DATE: November 5, 1901 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: Manitowoc COLOR: White WITNESSES: Joseph Gruber, Julia Youra, Nicolaus Orth, Magdalein Orth NAME OF MINISTER: Wm.J.Peil DATE OF CERTIFICATE ISSUE: November 5,1901 DATEOF REGISTRATION: February 24,1902
Rev. Ambrose Oschwald Compliments of Gary Omernick
DENNIS O'SHAUGNESSAY Manitowoc Tribune, Vol. 18 No. 43, Thursday, February 8, 1872, Page 4 Column 1 I hereby give notice that my wife Bridget has left my bed and board, and that I will not pay her debts, as we are not married. Dennis O'Shaugnessay
FERD OSTENFELDT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 530 Ferd Ostenfeldt, brick manufacturer, Manitowoc, is a native of Holstein, Germany, born July 18, 1829. When a boy he emigrated to America, and located in Calumet County; there he engaged in farming. He cultivated about eighty acres. This land had been formerly entered by his brother. In 1862, he was commissioned first lieutenant of Company E, 21st Wis. I.; the following October he was promoted to captain, and resigned, in 1863, on account of wounds received at the battle of Perryville. He was United States Assessor in Calumet County from 1863 to 1870; has been Clerk of the County Board, Justice of the Peace, and was United States Census Enumerator in 1880. In 1876, he removed to Manitowoc, and has since been engaged in the manufacture of brick. He was married, Aug. 21, 1862, to Miss Maria Friederichsen, of New Holstein, Calumet County. They have two sons. ************* Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Pages 449-450: FERDINDAND OSTENFELDT, of Manitowoc, Wis., member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born July 18, 1829, in Schleswig, Germany. He grew to manhood in his native country and came to the United States in August, 1851. Soon after landing he came to Wisconsin and located at New Holstein, Calumet county. He remained there until he enrolled as a soldier in the United States service, enlisting in the fall of 1862, at Chilton, in Company E, 21st Wisconsin Infantry, for three years. When the company was organized he was made its 1st Lieutenant and proceeded to the field as such. Two weeks later, Oct. 8th, the regiment was in the battle of Perryville and encountered disaster at the outset, being placed by somebody’s blunder in a position where it received the fire from both armies. The Captain of Company E was killed and Lieutenant Ostenfeldt succeeded by grade to his position, although severely wounded. He remained in the field hospital with a wound in his right elbow several days and went later to the hospital at Lebanon, Ky. In the action at Perryville, 13 of his company were killed and the aggregate of the wounded brought the loss up to 30. Soon after reaching the hospital at Lebanon he received leave of absence and came back to Wisconsin and rejoined his regiment in January, 1863, reaching his command just after the battle of Stone River, and resumed connection with his company at Murfreesboro, and endeavored to engage in active duty. The wound in his arm had left it is such a condition that he was unable to perform the duty of a soldier and he was discharged Feb. 21, 1863. In August, 1862, eight days before he enlisted, he was married to Maria Fredericksen, of New Holstein. They have two son just merging into manhood, the elder of whom, Charles L, age 24. is a civil engineer and resides in the city of Chicago. William A., aged 22. is a student in the State University at Madison. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album)
OSUL OSULSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.285-286. Some of the foremost farmers of Manitowoc county are those who have succeeded their fathers on land that has been developed from the wilderness, and are now operating the properties on which they were born. Having spent their lives in close connection with these farms, they are able to give them intelligent attention, and their success is the result of an intimate knowledge of soil and climatic conditions. Osul Osulson is an agriculturist, who was born on his present farm in town of Rapids, Manitowoc county, February 3, 1866, a son of Salve and Annie (Alfson) Osulson. Salve Osulson was born in Norway, and came to the United States during the early ‘60s settling on wild land in the town of Rapids, on which he built a log shanty and was for some years engaged in clearing the timber. He then removed to another property, and continued to engage in agricultural pursuits until his death in 1905. In 1863 he was married to Annie Alfson, who came from Norway to America with her parents, and nine children were born to this union: Osul, Thomas, Theodore, Ole, Matilda, Julia, Minnie, Alvina and Emma, of whom Ole and Matilda are deceased. Salve Osulson enlisted in 1863 in the Fifteenth Wisconsin Volunteers, and served until the close of the Civil war, and while in the service his health was so impaired that he has never regained his full vigor throughout the remainder of his life. Osul Osulson received his education in the district schools of his neighborhood, and lived on the home farm with his parents until he was thirty years of age, excepting such times as he was working in the lumber camps of northern Wisconsin. In 1896, however, he rented a farm which he purchased about a year later, shortly after being married, and on which he has continued to live since that time. He has made many improvements on his property and has erected good, substantial buildings. June 10, 1896, Mr. Osulson was married to Augusta Gjeruldson, born November 13, 1879, a daughter of Kettil Gjeruldson, of Rapids, and to this union have been born five children: Luella, Lydia, Florence, Doyle and Sylvester. Mrs. Osulson died March 7, 1910. The family are consistent members of the Norwegian Lutheran church.
DR. OSWALD From the Manitowoc Pilot, 29 April, 1875: Last Thursday was the birth-day anniversary of Dr. Oswald of Two Rivers, and several jolly old boys of this city went down to that village to congratulate the Doctor and make merry with him. The party from this city purchased and presented to Dr. Oswald an elegant case on this occasion.
W. C. OTTO This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.364-365. W.C. Otto belongs to the best class of farmers of Manitowoc county, his two hundred acres of land being under a high state of cultivation, and the improvements on his place many and modern. He was born December 15, 1863, on the farm he now occupies, on sections 36 and 25 in the township of Maple Grove, being a son of Fred and Fredricka Otto, both natives of Germany. Each of the parents had previously contracted a marriage, prior to making the trip across the Atlantic to this country, but after their arrival here, Fred lost his wife and Fredricka her husband, and meeting in this country, they eventually married each other. They then settled on the farm their son now occupies, which was then wild land. Pioneers,—they suffered many of the hardships incident to that time and life on the frontier of civilization. The trip was made with ox teams from Milwaukee, and they were glad when it was ended. A little log shanty was put up, and in it they founded their home, and then started to develop their land. This was no easy task, for the timber was plentiful and heavy, but they were full of courage, and worked hard, and in the end of their endeavors showed results. The father died on the farm, November 17, 1908, aged ninety-five years, but the mother still survives, being eighty-two years of age. There were six children in the family, and W. C. Otto was the third in order of birth. His education was the ordinary one given a farmer’s boy in that locality and he grew up on the homestead and in May, 1887, he bought the farm from his father. One hundred and forty acres thereof are in a high state of cultivation, and his entire farm is fenced with barbed wire and rails. He carries on general farming, marketing dairy products, clover seed, cabbages, and specializes in clover seed and bee culture, having a large number of colonies. He milks twenty-five cows, some of which are full-blooded Holsteins, and the balance graded stock. The frame barn is one hundred and eighteen by thirty-six feet, and was built in 1874, and rebuilt in 1898. His other barn, a portion of which has a stone basement, is one hundred and eight by thirty-six feet, and was built in 1893, and rebuilt in 1910. The floors in both are of cement, with patent stanchions. The two-story residence contains fourteen rooms, was built in 1904, and is fitted with modern improvements, including steam heat and running water. Drilled wells supply the water supply for all purposes, except where soft water is required, which comes from a large cistern. On the 25th of May, 1887, Mr. Otto married Annie Sachs, a daughter of William and Caroline (Huebscher) Sachs, natives of Germany. The father died in Germany, but his widow came to the United States in 1871, and here married Reinhold Rein, and is now residing in Oconto county, Wisconsin, aged sixty-two years. Mrs. Otto was the only child born to her parents, her birth Occurring March 13, 1870. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto, namely: Esther, a teacher in the Reedsville public schools; and Reuben, Adina, Lawrence and Adeline, all at home. In politics Mr. Otto is a republican, and has served acceptably on the school board for the past twelve years. Both he and his family are members of the Evangelical association of Reedsville. What Mr. Otto has accomplished, others can, if they are willing to work as steadily as he, and invest their savings as carefully.
Ole Oxhoud, his wife and Raghild and Torger taken in 1875. Marit died the following year. The family lived in Valders. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick