[ A ][ B ][ Be ][ Bo ][ Bu ] [ C ][ D ][ E ] [ F ][ G ][ Gr ] [ H ][ He ][ Hi ] [ I ][ J ][ K ] [ Ke ][ Kj ][ Kr ]

[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]

[ Smi ][ Sn ][ St ] [ T ][ U ][ V ] [ W ][ Wi ][ Y ] [ Z ]

FRANK KOTCHI From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, Sept. 13, 1913 Frank Kotchi was shot in the face yesterday morning. He was hit by a stray bullet while hunting in a boat up the Mishicot river. Mud hens and rice hens fly low. There were scores of hunters shooting at them and Mr. Kotchi's misfortune is liable to be repeated for some one else. Shooting was going on before daylight a violation of the law.


Ardis Joan Krainik

Encyclopædia Britannica Article: American arts executive (b. March 8, 1929, Manitowoc, Wis.--d. Jan. 18, 1997, Chicago, Ill.), was the general director of the Lyric Opera of Chicago for 15 years. Only the second person to hold that position, she guided the company out of financial difficulty and into worldwide renown. Krainik was educated at Northwestern University, Evanston, Ill. (B.S., 1951), taught drama and public speaking in Wisconsin (1951-53), and returned to Northwestern for postgraduate studies before joining (1954) the fledgling Lyric Theatre as secretary to the company's founder, Carol Fox, and as a singer. She performed in supporting roles in some 11 operas, but in 1960, having become assistant manager of what was by then the Lyric Opera, she chose to concentrate on administration and gave up her stage career. She was named artistic administrator in 1975. By 1980, however, the Lyric had become seriously unstable financially, and Krainik saw her future there as uncertain. When she was offered the leadership of the Australian Opera in Sydney, she made plans to take that position. Fox left the Lyric in early 1981, though, and Krainik agreed to stay on and take her place. She quickly returned the company to financial health and went on to raise enough money to renovate the Civic Opera House, the company's home. Krainik also made her mark artistically, presenting contemporary works, commissioning new works, and instituting a composer-in-residence program. In addition she staged (1996) the company's first complete Wagner Ring cycle. Krainik made headlines in 1989 when she announced that because of his numerous cancellations Luciano Pavarotti was no longer welcome at the Lyric. In June 1996 she announced her impending retirement because of deteriorating health. The Civic's main auditorium was named the Ardis Krainik Theatre.


Joseph Krainik


Otto Krainik, Army, 1918

Otto and Clara (Cizek) Krainik Wedding 1920

Otto and Clara (Cizek) Krainik

Clara (Cizek) Krajnik

Otto & Clara (Cizek) Krainik on their 25th wedding anniversary

Otto & Clara (Cizek) Krainik visiting with Althea (Stupecky) Schirmeyer and her children, at an airforce base in Texas, where Althea's husband Ted (1906 - 1993) was stationed in the early 50's. Althea (1913 - 1979) was the daughter of Vincent and Julia (Jacobs) Stupecky, granddaughter of Vincent and Mary (Cizek) Stupecky, and great-granddaughter of Jan and Alzbeta (Cermak) Cizek.


Emil and Katherine (Oswald) Krajnik


The Wencil and Anna (Cerny) Krajnik family Back row, L->R: Edward, Joseph, Ernest, Wencil, Ervin, Otto, Emil Front row, L->R: Ellen, Molly, Anne, Anna (Cerny), Mary, Emily, Alvina Ernest & Ervin, and Emil & Emily, are twins
In order of birth: Mary (b. 1891), married Ludwig Larson, resided in Oconto Co. Otto (b. 1894), married Clara Cizek, resided in Town of Kossuth Alvina (b. 1896), married Albert Pagel, resided in Manitowoc Joseph (b. 1898), married Viola Herman, resided in Francis Creek Emil (b. 1899), married Catherine Oswald, resided at Polifka's Corners Emily (b. 1899), married Herman Duwe, resided in Milwaukee Anna (b. 1901), married Charles Siebert, resided in California Edward (b. 1902), married Clara Kozlovsky, resided in Mishicot (Edward was founder of Krajnik Chevrolet) Molly (b. 1905), married Ervin Schmitt, married William Hargraves, resided in Land O'Lakes WI Ellen, (b. 1908), married Dr. Ralph Peterson, resided in Manitowoc Ernest (b. 1917), married Edith Veech, resided in Francis Creek Ervin (b.1917), married Anna Leggio, married Lola, married Jean Hendrix, resided in Pennsylvania

ANTON M. KRALL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.508-509. Anton M. Krall, residing at Maribel, is well known in the town as a wagon maker and in political circles is also prominent locally, serving at the present time as supervisor. He was born in Two Creeks township, this county, on the 7th of August, 1870, and is therefore but in the prime of life. Active and energetic, he is embracing the opportunities that point to success and is making continuous progress in business circles. His father, Joseph Krall, was a native of Bohemia and on leaving that country came to America in 1866. Making his way toward the Mississippi valley, he at length settled in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county, where he secured a tract of land and engaged in farming. The soil in this district is rich and productive and responds readily to the care and labor bestowed upon it. Mr. Krall therefore carefully cultivated his fields with the result that he gathered good harvests and to his farm work he devoted his energies up to the time of his death, which occurred in 1911 when he was seventy-one years of age. In early manhood he wedded Barbara Kressel, who was also born in Bohemia. In that country her father passed away, after which her mother came to America with the Krall family. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Krall have been born five sons and five daughters, of whom six are yet living: Wenzel, who occupies the old home farm in Two Creeks township; John, a carpenter living at Antigo, Wisconsin; Anton M., of this review; Mrs. Mary Chiha, a widow living at Casco, Wisconsin; Anna, the wife of John Duchan, of Antigo, Wisconsin; and Mrs. Frances Cherf, who is a widow and also lives in Antigo. As a farm boy Anton M. Krall early became familiar with the best methods of tilling the soil and caring for the crops. He worked on the home farm to the age of twenty-three years but thinking to find other pursuits more congenial than agriculture, he learned the trade of wagon making and painting in Kewaunee county, Wisconsin. He was employed in that way for three years, at the end of which time he took up his abode in Rosecrans, Wisconsin. Thirteen years later he came to Maribel, where he has since conducted a wagon-making shop. His long experience has made him thoroughly acquainted with the trade and the excellence of his workmanship is attested by all who have engaged his services. Mr. Krall is an industrious man who recognizes the fact that the wise use that he makes of time and opportunities constitutes the basis of his growing success. In 1891 Mr. Krall was married to Miss Julia Zeman, who was born in Cooperstown, Wisconsin, a daughter of Albert Zeman, who devoted much of his life to farming but is now living retired. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary Skvor. Mr. and Mrs. Krall have one child, Lucy, twelve years of age. Mr. Krall was reared in the Catholic church, to the faith of which he has always adhered, and he is a member of the St. Wenzel Society of his church. His political allegiance is given to the democratic party and for the second term he is serving on the board of township supervisors. He has also been constable and is ever prompt and faithful in the discharge of his duties. He never caters to public opinion when he thinks it will be detrimental to the best interests of the office; he never sacrifices the public welfare for individual interests or places partisanship before patriotism.


Lehrer means instructor
Photo from Zur Erinnerung An Das Funfzigjahrige Jubilaum (First German Evangelical)Manitowoc, Wisconsin 1855-1905 Jubilee date was 7 Februar 1905, book is in the Manitowoc Library.

JERRY W. KREJCI This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.603-604. Although one of the younger residents of Maribel, Jerry W. Krejci has become well known in business circles as proprietor of a saloon and as a decorator. German thrift and industry are among his sterling character- istics and are winning him success in the lines of business to which he has chosen to devote his energies. He was born in Manitowoc county, October 13, 1888. His grandfather enlisted for service in the Civil war but while he did not regularly engage in duty as a soldier who faced the enemy on the field of battle, he worked at his trade of barbering in connection with the army, it being necessary that many tradesmen be engaged to serve the soldiers in various capacities. He died near St. Louis when on his way home after being mustered out. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary Yandaw and among their children was Emil Krejci, the father of Jerry W. Krejci. His birth occurred in Gibson township, this county, and the greater part of his life has been devoted to farming, his carefully directed agricultural interests bringing to him substantial success. He is now the owner of a valuable tract of land of eighty acres, from which he derives a substantial annual income. He is not actively engaged in the management of his property, however, having retired from business cares. He has now reached the age of fifty-four. In his family are four sons: Otto, Jerry, Emil and Edward. The first named resides upon the home farm and has the active control of the place. Jerry W. Krejci attended the public schools near his father’s home and when not busy with his text-books gave his attention to general agricultural pursuits, working in the fields from the time that he was old enough to handle the plow until he reached the age of seventeen years, when he began learning the decorator’s trade. His skill and ingenuity in that direction were soon manifested and he continued in the business for several years. In 1911 he came to Maribel and has conducted a saloon here. He has ever been diligent and determined and his unfaltering energy, guided by sound business judgment, has constituted the chief element in his growing success. On the 24th of July, 1911, Mr. Krejci was married to Miss Maria Velicer, who was born in Kewaunee county, Wisconsin, October 14, 1889, and is a daughter of Joseph and Kate (DeBeber) Velicer, representatives of old Bohemian families and pioneer settlers of Kewaunee county. Mr. Krejci is a member of the Z.C.B.J. branch of the Western Bohemian Brothers Association. This is a local organization and among its members he has many friends. He is cordial and genial in manner and his active and well spent life has established him among the leading young business men of Manitowoc county. As a decorator he has done excellent work, displaying artistic taste and sound judgment, and his thorough understanding of the trade has qualified him to care for the liberal patronage accorded him.

HENRY G. KRESS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.575-577. Henry G. Kress was born at Wellsboro, Tioga county, Pennsylvania, on the 3d of August, 1858. His father, George Clinton Kress, was born at Smithboro, New York. His mother, whose maiden name was Eliza Knapp, was born in the same town. Her father, Sylvester Knapp, was one of the well known physicians of southern New York and practiced his profession until nearly ninety years of age. The grandmother of Henry G. Kress was the daughter of Jonathan Fitch, the inventor of the first steamboat to run on American waters. The paternal ancestors of Mr. Kress settled in the state of New York during the year 1740, and the Fitches and Knapps settled in Connecticut, during the year 1620. Both parents of Henry G. Kress died before he had reached the age of five years, his father in 1860, and his mother three years after. When eight years of age, Henry Kress was sent to the west to reside with relatives. He was first sent to Wabasha, Minnesota, in 1867, where he remained only a few months, and then came to Manitowoc during the fall of that same year, arriving here on the Goodrich steamer Sea Bird, which was burned early the next spring. He stayed at Manitowoc until the spring of 1870, when he returned to his former home at Wellsboro, Pennsylvania. He attended a normal school at Mansfield, Pennsylvania, and during vacations and for some time after leaving school, he worked for his brother in a foundry and machine shop. Securing a position at Pittsburg, he went to that city and, while working, took a course at the Iron City Commercial College, and received a diploma from that institution. He came west again in 1880. For a time he kept books for the G. Menzel Foundry Company, of Minneapolis, and afterward was traveling salesman for the Boynton Furnace Company. In 1882 Mr. Kress was married to Jennie B. Reed of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, a daughter of the Hon. George Reed, the promoter and for years the president of the Wisconsin Central Railroad Company. Mr. Reed was the first lawyer to locate in Wisconsin, and for a long time was the confidential advisor of Solomon Juneau. Mr. Kress bought the Lake Shore Times, the only republican newspaper then published on the lake shore north of Milwaukee, and edited that paper until 1889. He was twice elected a delegate to the republican state convention, in 1886 and 1888, and was chosen by the state convention as a delegate to the national republican convention of 1888, and for the work done at that convention he received the personal thanks of the nominee, General Harrison. He was a member of the republican state central committee for 1888-89, chairman of the Manitowoc county committee for 1887 and 1888, and held the chairmanship of the Manitowoc city committee for years. During the year 1889 he moved to Spokane Falls, Washington, where he bought the National Iron Works, which he managed until it was destroyed by fire in 1891. While a resident of that city he was elected delegate to the first reform city convention ever held there, was chosen chairman of the convention, and was elected by the convention to act as chairman of the committee to conduct the campaign. The members of the reform ticket were elected by five hundred majority, the first time the democrats had been defeated there. On election day, Mr. Kress, as chairman, caused the arrest of ten men who had sold their votes, and these men were placed in jail, this probably being the first time men were ever jailed on the western coast for attempting illegal voting. In 1892 Mr. Kress was appointed United States consul at Cork (Queenstown), and while at that post he entertained a section of the first white squadron of our new navy, four ships, for two weeks. He was made a life member of the Royal Cork Yacht Club, the oldest club in the world, and on leaving was presented by the city government of Cork, with an engraved silver card case. Mr. Kress returned to Manitowoc in 1893, and being urged to again publish a newspaper, the merchants guaranteeing a large amount of advertising as an inducement, he started the Times Press. He was again chosen chairman of the republican county committee and of the city committee and conducted the campaign of 1896, when for the first time Manitowoc county went generally republican. For seven years he was president of the Advancement Association and was supported for congress by the Manitowoc county delegation in 1896. He was appointed postmaster at Manitowoc in 1898, and received three additional appointments, covering a period of nearly eighteen years. He was appointed the first postal savings banker in the state of Wisconsin, and for six months conducted the only bank of the kind in the state. He is also the first custodian of a public building in Manitowoc city or county. Mr. Kress has had the honor of the friendship of many of the public men of the country, and has been associated with some of them in political matters. He always takes pride in being able to say truthfully that he never handled a political dollar, nor has he ever received a dollar for the political services of his papers. For several years he was president of the Herald Press Publishing Company and was in full control of the policies of the Daily Herald and the weekly Times Press. The members of Mr. Kress’s family are his wife, Mrs. Jennie B. Kress, two sons, Bancroft C. and Albert George Kress, and two daughters, Harriet R. and Helen M. Kress.

FRANK KRIZEK County record - VOLUME #6, DOCUMENT #213 HUSBAND: Frank Krizek FATHER OF HUSBAND: Frank Krizek MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER: Maria Fischer OCCUPATION OF HUSBAND: Factory laborer RESIDENCE OF HUSBAND: Two Rivers, Wisconsin BIRTHPLACE OF HUSBAND: Bohemia, Europe FULL NAME OF BRIDE: Lucy Jebavy FATHER OF BRIDE: Frank Jebavy MAIDEN NAME OF MOTHER: Agnes Vaclivick BIRTHPLACE OF BRIDE: Two Rivers, Wisconsin MARRIAGE DATE: June 30, 1896 PLACE OF MARRIAGE: Parochial residence St. Lukes, Two Rivers COLOR: White CHURCH OF CEREMONY: According to rules of Catholic Church WITNESSES: Adolph Kresheck, Apollonia Walloa, Libby McClaire NAME OF MINISTER: Rev. John A. Dres, Two Rivers, Wisconsin DATE OF CERTIFICATE: June 30, 1896 DATE OF REGISTRATION: July 8, 1896

JOSEPH KRIZENESKY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.280-281. Joseph Krizenesky, one of the farmers of Maple Grove township, who is counted among the prosperous agriculturists of Manitowoc county, was born in Chicago, October 16, 1867. He is a son of John and Frances (Vondrack) Krizenesky, natives of Austria, who married there, and came to the United States in 1864. They first settled in Chicago, but in 1868, moved to Wisconsin, locating in Manitowoc county. Here they bought one hundred acres in the town of Rockland, all of which was still in a wild state, although there was a small log cabin on the property. Moving into this, they commenced to clear the land. Within six years the mother died, but the father remained on the farm for eight years longer. In the meanwhile he sold out, and subsequently for two years rented land near Reedsville. Following this, he bought eighty acres in the town of Maple Grove, living upon that property until his death, which occurred about 1886. He had six children, of whom Joseph was the fourth. The latter remained with his father until he died, when the son was nineteen years old. After losing his father, Joseph Krizenesky went into the northern woods of Wiscousin and for four years worked in lumber camps, and for a year was engaged in business in Antigo, Wisconsin. He then came to Reedsville, where he was engaged in conducting a first-class buffet for a year, and during that period he bought one acre of his present property. On it he established a hotel and buffet, in 1894, and since then has continued in these two lines of business. In 1900, he bought the farm adjoining and now owns seventy-five acres of excellent land, which he also operates. He has seventy acres under the plow, and in a high state of cultivation, and all of it is fenced with barbed wire. He carries on general farming, marketing dairy products, and raising grain, hay and clover seed. He milks twelve cows, carrying graded stock. His basement barn is forty by eighty feet, and was built in 1910, having cement floors and the water supply for all purposes comes from drilled wells. In 1892, Mr. Krizenesky was married to Theresa Augustine, a daughter of Joseph and Anna Augustine, also natives of Austria. Mr. and Mrs. Augustine were married in their native land, but came to this country soon thereafter, settling in Kewaunee, where both died, when Mrs. Krizenesky was a child, she being the third in a family of four children, being born October 1, 1872. Mr. and Mrs. Krizenesky became the parents of the following children: Mary; Annie, who died in childhood; Annie, second of her name; Joseph C.; Charles A., who died in childhood; Rosa; Frank J.; Beatrice and John F. Mr. Krizeneskv is a member of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and Knights of St. George and the Fraternal Order of Rangers. In politics, he is independent, and is now serving as clerk of the town board, having held this office for nine years. He is also a member of the school board of directors. He and his family are consistent members of St. Mary’s Catholic church of Reedsville.

CHARLES E. KRUEGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.320. Charles E. Krueger, a practical young farmer on section 35, Maple Grove, was born in this town, December 10, 1877, being a son of John and Gustava (Birkholtz) Krueger. The parents were born in Germany, but came to the United States in the ‘60s, and settled in Manitowoc county. The father died about 1878, and the mother married Charles Jones and is living in the county, aged fifty-six years. She and her first husband had two children, of whom Charles E. was the younger. Thirty-five acres of Mr. Krueger’s forty acre farm are under cultivation, and his fields are all fenced with barbed wire. General farming is carried on intelligently, and hay, grain, hogs, cattle and dairy products are raised, and seven cows are milked. He specializes on Chester White hogs. The basement barn, thirty-six by sixty feet, he built in 1907, providing cement floors and patent stanchions. The water is all pumped from open wells. On November 4, 1902, he was married to Tillie Treichel, daughter of Charles and Carrie (Begalke) Treichel, natives of Germany, who were married in Wisconsin, and still reside in Manitowoc county. Mrs. Krueger was the third of their twelve children, and was born January 28, 1880. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Krueger, namely: Linda, Ruella and Lester. After their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Krueger located on their present property. They belong to the Lutheran church of Reedsville and he is a republican in political faith. The improvements on his place have been put in through unremitting hard work, on the part of himself and his wife, and they have many plans for the future, embodying various changes and additions.

GOTTFRIED OTTO KRUEGER Sent in by researcher/see contributors page Some interesting info on Gottfried Otto Krueger -- he was killed, 9/17/1902, in a horse and buggy accident near Reedsville -- the horse was spooked by a dog. Gottfried was dragged and died immediately. Johanna was not injured. There was a lawsuit involving the owner of the dog which resulted in quite a trial. This story is written in "The Krueger Book", which is at the Manitowoc Library.

WALTER JOSEPH KRUEGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.281-282. Walter Joseph Krueger, a thrifty farmer, owning seventy-seven acres of land on section 33, town of Maple Grove, was born June 2, 1883, in this same town, being a son of Otto J. and Augusta (Jagee) Krueger. They were natives of Germany, who married in Manitowoc county, afterward settling on one hundred and sixty acres of land in the town of Maple Grove. After residing on this farm for about twenty years, they sold eighty acres of it, and moved to Milwaukee, where the father was employed for three years by the Milwaukee Coal Company, was for one year engaged in the retail liquor trade, and for three years worked for the city of Milwaukee. In 1897, he came back to Maple Grove and located on his remaining eighty acre farm, which has continued to be his home. He and his wife had eight children, of whom Walter Joseph was the fourth. Fifty acres of the farm are under cultivation, and the land is all fenced with barbed wire, and Walter J. Krueger there carries on general farming, raising hay, grain, clover seed, and milks nine cows of graded stock, marketing his dairy products. His basement barn is thirty by eighty feet, and was built in 1898. It has cement floors and patent stanchions. The residence is two stories in height, frame in construction, and was built in 1904. The water comes from drilled wells, and is ample for all purposes. Walter Joseph Krueger was married March 29, 1910, to Martha Rohrbach, a daughter of Henry and Bertha (Mueller) Rohrbach, natives of Wisconsin and Germany, respectively. They were married in Manitowoc county, and then located in the village of Brillion, where the father died in 1900, aged thirty-four years, and is buried there. Three years thereafter, his widow married her brother-in-law, and they are living in Kossuth, this county, on a farm. Mrs. Walter J. Krueger was the second of three children, and was born December 19, 1892. Mr. Krueger and his father are both independent in politics, and the former was treasurer of the town two terms, and treasurer of the school board three years. He and his family belong to the Free Thought and Science Society of Chicago. His life has been spent on the farm he now owns, and his parents find with him a happy home in their declining years.

ALBERT D. KRUMDICK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.277-278. Albert D. Krumdick, who owns and operates eighty acres of the old Krumdick homestead farm in the town of Kossuth, was born on his present property, July 13, 1854, and is a son of John D. and Catherine Krumdick. John D. Krumdick, who was a native of Hanover, Germany, was a shoemaker by trade and came to the United States as a young man, locating in Milwaukee for two years, and then purchasing three hundred and twenty acres of wild land in the town of Kossuth. A hard working man he cleared a great deal of his land, and he was engaged in cultivating his property until his death, February 13, 1886, at the age of seventy-five years. He was an ardent republican in politics, and a member of the Lutheran church, in the work of which he took a great interest. His first wife, Catherine Krumdick, a native of Germany, died in the town of Kossuth leaving three children: Daniel, of Manitowoc; Albert D.; and Louisa, wife of Henry Wilkie, of Two Rivers. His second marriage was to Miss May Hessel, also a native of Germany, and she died in the town of Kossuth, having been the mother of two children: Jacob, a farmer of this town; and Mary, who married Mathias Tiel, of Chicago. Mr. Krumdick’s third wife bore the maiden name of Johannah Steinbiss, and she is also deceased. Albert D. Krumdick was educated in both German and English. and until he was twenty-six years of age resided on the home farm, working for his father. On May 26, 1879, he was married to Miss Fedes Hessel, of the town of Kossuth, daughter of Casper and Theresa (Straka) Hessel, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Bohemia. Mr. Hessel was a tailor by trade and took up wild land in the town of Kossuth, where he died in 1897, his wife passing away in 1906. In their family were the following children: Mary, the wife of Peter Komel, of Kossuth; Anton, a brewer in California; Mrs. Krumdick; Quinn, living in Escanaba, Michigan; Theresa, of Eau Claire, Wisconsin; Annie, also of Eau Claire; Julia, deceased; and John, of California, After his marriage, Mr. Krumdick located on his present farm, and he engages in general farming and stock-raising. He is a republican in politics, and has served as a member of the school board for seven years. His religious faith is that of the Lutheran church, while Mrs. Krumdick is a Catholic. They have six children, namely: Albert, of Green Bay, who married Rosie Jarr; Lewis, a resident of Milwaukee; Rosie, who married Christ Wuellner, of Menomonie; Clara, who married Anton Rhode, of Two Rivers; and Toney and Henry, residing at home.

JOHN KRUMDICK From marriage records, v.4 p.52 item #180 Full Name of Husband and that of Wife previous and her Marriage Krumdick, John D. Steinmetz, Joanna Date of Registration: December 15, 1871 Color: White Occupation of said Husband: Farmer Residence of Husband: Kossuth, Manitowoc County Birthplace of Husband: Hanover, Europe Where Marriage was contracted: Manitowoc Marriage date: October 16, 1871 Ceremony: Statute form Name of person Performing Marriage: Jno F. Zimst(sp) ( hard to read) Residence of Person last named: Manitowoc Name of Subscribing witness: Carl Back/ Carl Shim__ek( very hard to read) Date of certificate: October 16, 1871 Father & Mother of Husband: J. Dietrick Krumdick/Cath. Helena Father and Mother of Wife: Friedrick/Dorothea (no last name listed)

FRANK J. KUBALE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.350. Frank J. Kubale, one of the business men of the town of Rockland, was born in Manitowoc county. November 30, 1872, and is now residing on section 3, where he owns an acre of land. He is a son of Albert and Frances (Hajek) Kubale, natives of Bohemia, who married in Wisconsin in 1869, and settled on a farm in the town of Rockland. This farm has continued to be their home ever since. Frank J. Kubale was educated in the schools of his vicinity, and in a good Catholic school, for his parents believed in giving him all the advantages that lay within their power. When fifteen years old, he began earning his own living, working at various things for a number of years. It was his ambition to go into business for himself, and in 1892, he established a first-class buffet, and has been conducting it ever since. On November 10, 1896, Mr. Kubale married Mary Mandlick, at Clarks Mills, this county. Four children have been born of this union: Marie, aged fourteen; Clarence, aged twelve; Gertrude, aged seven, and Raymond, aged four years. Mr. Kubale is a member of the Catholic Knights of Wisconsin and has been treasurer of that organization for the past eight years. He is a republican in politics, and takes an active part in public matters, having served for sixteen years as town clerk and justice of the peace. He has shown his business ability to a marked degree, and his word and opinion carry weight in political circles, and he wields a strong influence in this part of the county.

REV. STANISLAUS J. KUBISZEWSKI This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.282-285. Rev. Stanislaus J. Kubiszewski, who was appointed pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Manitowoc, Wisconsin, on the 22d of April, 1908, has since labored zealously and effectively in its interests. His birth occurred in Nakel, Poland, on the 2nd of September, 1870, his parents being Jacob and Paulina (Mroczkiewicz) Kubiszewski, who spent their entire lives in that country. Our subject, who was the eleventh in order of birth in a family of twelve children, obtained his early education in the parochial schools of Poland. In 1884, when a youth of fourteen, he crossed the Atlantic to the United States and continued his studies in St. Francis Seminary at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, subsequently attending the Polish Seminary at Detroit, Michigan. He completed his studies for the priesthood in St. John’s University of Collegeville, Minnesota, and was ordained on the 24th of June, 1899 by Bishop Grobitz, holding his first mass at St. Stanislaus, church in Milwaukee. His first charge was at Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where he remained until May 1, 1900, and where he completed the construction of the church which had already been begun. In 1899 he organized the parochial school at that place, using the old house of worship for the purpose. From Two Rivers he went to Fancher, Wisconsin, where he remained until May 1, 1908. In 1900 he erected a ten thousand dollar brick parsonage at that place. Four years later the frame church, with all its contents, was destroyed by fire and the loss was great, as the insurance thereon amounted to only five thousand dollars. Rev. Kubiszewski then erected a new brick sixty by one hundred and fifty feet, with transept eighty feet wide, its approximate cost being forty thousand dollars. On the 22d of April, 1908, he was appointed pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Manitowoc and has held that charge continuously since. He completed the furnishing of the school building, which had already been erected, and also equipped the Sisters’ house, which is now being used as a parsonage. A central heating plant which will heat all of the building is now being installed at a cost of about two thousand dollars. The congregation was organized in 1870 by Rev. Symon Wieczorek and originally numbered only thirty families but has enjoyed a steady growth and now numbers about three hundred and fifty families. The present church edifice is the third structure that has housed the congregation and was built by Rev. Wenceslaus Krzywonos, now deceased. Rev. Kubiszewski, ever laboring with consecrated zeal to assist the growth and spread of Catholicity, has won the loyal support of his parishioners and his efforts have therefore been effective and far reaching.

Rev. S. J. Kubiszewski

AUGUSTUS F. KUHL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.295-296. Augustus F. Kuhl, a well known liveryman in Manitowoc, is a native resident of this city, born August 5, 1864. His parents were Michael and Margaret (Riplinger) Kuhl, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father, who was born in 1826, was a harness maker by trade, and came to America in 1847, first locating at Manitowoc, but afterward removing to Milwaukee, where he resided one year. In 1848 he entered in the harness-making trade in this city. Having a hard time to get started in his new location, he spent the time in chopping wood during the day and making harness at night. Finally he opened a harness shop in which he continued until his death, passing away January 17, 1906, at the advanced age of eighty years. His wife had died in this city in 1891. He was a democrat in politics, being very active in local party work, and served at one time as alderman of the third ward. In his family were thirteen children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the seventh in order of birth. Augustus F. Kuhl received his education in the public schools, and after putting aside his text books, took up the harness-making trade which he, however, followed only a short time. In 1883 he went to Chicago where he was employed until 1888, at which date he returned to Manitowoc, and started in the livery business with which he is now connected. He has been very successful in this work and now has an extensive and remunerative patronage. In 1890 Mr. Kuhl wedded Miss Mary Rank, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Rank, the father a native of Germany, and the mother of Bohemia. The parents came to America in 1885, locating in Manitowoc, where the father was the proprietor of the Waverly Hotel on Tenth street, which he managed until the spring of 1911, when he retired from active life. He is yet living in this city. To Mr. and Mrs. Kuhl have been born seven children: Ruben Augustus, Lydia E., and Fermata, all of whom are in high school; and Irene S., Frank A., Vernon, Donald and Dorothy R. In his political views Mr. Kuhl is a democrat and fraternally he is a member of the Order of Moose. He is very successful in the livery business, and has a wide and favorable acquaintance in Manitowoc. He is a man of excellent character and upright life, worthy of the respect and confidence which he unanimously receives from all his associates.

August F. Kuhl Stables, 904 South Main Street is seen around 1898. Kuhl was first listed in city directories as a harnessmaker in 1880 with the listing for the livery stable beginning in 1894. His business was one of the biggest and best equipped in Manitowoc offering undertaking services as well as boarding horses and providing carriages. A hearse is seen on the left. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick

CHARLES KULNICK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.31-32. Charles Kulnick, treasurer and general manager of the Schreihart Brewing Company, one of the large business concerns of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, was born in Manitowoc county, October 21, 1870, and is a son of John and Anna (Steiner) Kulnick, natives of Germany. The Kulnick family was founded in the United States by John Kulnick, the grandfather of Charles, in 1848, when he settled in Rapids township, Manitowoc county, on wild land, where he was engaged in farming until his death. John Kulnick, father of Charles, was fourteen years of age when he came to America, and he was reared to agricultural pursuits, which he followed all of his life, his death occurring in May, 1910. He was a talented musician, and played in bands and orchestras all over the county. His wife was a daughter of Albert Steiner, who came to the United States in 1848 and purchased unbroken land in Cato township, Manitowoc county, where the remainder of his life was spent in farming. Mrs. Kulnick is still living, as are her five sons and five daughters. Charles Kulnick received his education in the common schools, and since 1888 has been connected with the brewing business, and most of the time has been associated with the Schreihart Brewing Company. In 1901 he started in the business on his own account in Berlin, Wisconsin, but after nine years sold out and came to his present position, as treasurer and general manager of the Schreihart Brewing Company. Mr. Kulnick is a graduate of the Milwaukee Chemical School of Brewing, and has a wide and varied knowledge of the business. His many years of experience have taught him not only every detail of brewing, but has also made him conversant with what the public demands. Mr. Kulnick was married to Miss Theresa Schreihart, June 28, 1903, and they have had four daughters and two sons. They are members of the Catholic church. Mr. Kulnick has always been active in democratic politics, and when he left Berlin was mayor of that city. His fraternal connections are with the Elks, the Eagles and the Moose, and he is extremely popular with the members of all of these orders.

ANTON KUMBALEK from the Manitowoc Co. Chronicle August 27, 1872 Anton KUMBALEK has fixed up his dwelling house on Washington street, by the addition of a new veranda, and a liberal supply of paint. He also intends to add thirty feet to his harness shop.

CONSTANCE KUMBALEK From the Two Rivers Chronicle, Tuesday, July 16, 1901 ENTERS A CONVENT Last Wednesday Miss Constance Kumbalek, a young lady born and reared in this city, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Kumbalek, bade good bye to her relatives and friends here and departed for Fond du Lac for the purpose of entering a convent and becoming a religious recluse. Miss Kumbalek is one of the most gentle and loveable young ladies that this city has ever produced or possessed and a large circle of most sincere friends regret, though they do not condemn, the step she has taken. Her natural sincerity, simplicity and gentility nobly qualify her for entrance into that devoted and exalted sisterhood which in all lands is reverenced so deeply for the good it accomplishes. Prior to her departure the choir of St. Luke's church, of which she has long been a member, tendered her a farewell reception at St. Luke's Hall. It was, in all probability, her final appearance at any social gathering and while it was intended to be of a joyous nature there were tears as well as smiles in leave taking, as the farewells were being said. She left here on the noon train, arriving at Fond du Lac, in the evening and entering at once upon her novititate which will last for two years.

GUSTAVE KUMMER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.195-196. Gustave Kummer, who is successfully carrying on general farming and dairying in the town of Rapids, was born on his father’s farm in the town of Kossuth, Manitowoc county, July 3, 1862, and is a son of Adolph and Antonina (Stroeker) Kummer. Adolph Kummer came to the United States in 1830, as an orphan, when he was thirteen or fourteen years of age, and settled in the city of Manitowoc, where he secured employment as a cigar maker. There he was married to Antonina (Stroeker) Meyer, also a native of Germany, who came to this country with her sister and brother. She had been formerly married to Valentine Meyer, by whom she had two children, who are now living in the, old country. Mr. and Mrs. Kummer had six children, namely: Mrs. Amelia Holsen; Mrs. Pauline Holsen; Mrs. Annie Ross; and Emil, Gustave and Edward, the latter of whom was killed by lightning when he was thirteen years old. After his marriage, Adolph Kummer moved to the town of Kossuth, where he purchased a farm and continued to live until 1877, when he removed to the town of Rapids, and at the time of his death, in 1903, he was still engaged in agricultural pursuits. His widow survived him five years. Gustave Kummer received his education in the district schools of the towns of Kossuth and Rapids, and he was reared to agricultural pursuits, a vocation which he has followed throughout his life. He purchased his present farm shortly after his marriage, and has made it one of the best in his part of the township. There had been but few improvements made on this land when Mr. Kummer purchased it, but he has erected fine, substantial buildings, graded and drained the land, put up good fences, and in a number of other ways developed it into a well regulated, neat appearing farm. General farming and dairy work have occupied his attention, and he is known to be skilled in all matters of an agricultural nature. On December 6, 1893, Mr. Kummer was married to Miss Maggie Holsen, who was born in the town of Rapids, daughter of Adolph Holsen. Three children have been born to this union: Emil, born September 21, 1894; Rosa, born in June, 1897; and Gustave, Jr., born in 1898. Mr. and Mrs. Kummer are faithful members of the Catholic church. He is a republican in his political views, and for some years served as constable.

HERMAN KUMMEROW This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.559-560. Herman Kummerow, who has been foreman of the Hamilton Manufacturing Company, of Two Rivers, since the 1st of May, 1908, was born in this city, on the 25th of April, 1872, and is a son of Ferdinand and Sophie (Hass) Kummerow. The father came from Germany in 1860 and was employed as a filer in the sawmill of the Manitowoc Company. His death occurred in 1909, when he was sixty-nine years of age. His wife passed away in 1886 and is buried in the public cemetery. Herman Kummerow was educated at the German Lutheran school but at the age of fourteen years was compelled to lay aside his text-books and earn his own livelihood. He first worked with his father on the home farm, which was purchased in 1884. Afterward he again took up his studies and continued his schooling for three years, residing on his father’s farm until 1889. At that time he desired to start out independently and went to Two Rivers, where he was employed by the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. When he had been with this concern for twelve years he became foreman. The business has now assumed extensive proportions and has gained recognition as the most prominent firm in the city. On the 23d of November, 1893, Mr. Kummerow was married to Miss Henrietta Hindt, whose family were among the early settlers of Manitowoc county. To Mr. and Mrs. Kummerow five children have been born: Hulda, who is residing at home; and Roland, Helen, Arthur and William, who are all attending school. The family live at No. 1824 Adams street in the substantial residence which Mr. Kummerow erected in 1900. In politics he is independent, casting his vote regardless of party ties, and he is a member of the Knights of the Maccabees. His life has been one of intense and well directed activity and he is a typical American business man, energetic and determined, and his success is most creditable and gratifying.

CHARLES L. KUNZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.62. Charles L. Kunz, a representative citizen of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, who has been identified with the business interests of this city for a number of years, is a native of Branch, Manitowoc county, and was born September 17, 1865, a son of Gottfried and Elizabeth (Voltz) Kunz. Gottfried Kunz was born in Wittenberg, Germany, and came to the United States when a young man settling in Manitowoc county, where he engaged in the lumber business. Later he became the owner of the Branch Brewery, at Branch, and was so identified at the time of his death. He was married in Manitowoc county to Elizabeth Voltz, who was brought to this country from Darmstadt, Germany, by her father Jacob Voltz, and nine children were born to this union, of whom four are now deceased. Charles Kunz received his preliminary education in the public schools of Branch, and later attended the Manitowoc high school and the English and German Academy at Milwaukee. After completing his education, he entered the retail liquor business, and continued therein until 1895, when he sold out his interests and became connected with the M. G. Madson Seed Company, of which he is now manager and vice president. He is an able business man and has increased the business of this large company to a great extent. In 1893, Mr. Kunz was united in marriage with Miss Bernice Gustavson, of Manitowoc county, daughter of Captain Charles Gustavson, a veteran of the Civil war. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Kunz, namely: Lester, Sterling, Franklin and Paul. The family is connected with the Lutheran church, and Mr. Kunz’s fraternal affiliations are with the Elks, the Masons and the United Commercial Travelers, and he is now serving in the capacity of secretary of the last named order.

ELIZABETH KUNZ From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 535 Proprietor of a brewery, Branch Station. Her husband's name was Gottfried Kunz. The brewery was built in 1858. Mrs. Kunz was born in Germany Nov. 8, 1836. Her husband was also born in Germany, Feb. 1, 1830. He died May 28, 1878. They have five children: Louisa, Charles G. L., Minnie C., Ida W., and J. Florian.

LOUIS KUNZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.203-204. Louis Kunz, a well known business man of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, who is one of the partners in the brewing firm of the Kunz-Bleser Company, was born in Germany, July 14, 1854, a son of Johann and Elizabeth (Stegmeir) Kunz, the former of whom was the owner of a brewery in the old country. Louis Kunz came to the United States in 1872 and worked at various places before coming to Wisconsin, after which he was employed in several breweries in Milwaukee and for two years was connected with the malt house of the Best Brewery, now owned by the Pabst Company. In 1880 he came to Manitowoc and in the following year associated himself with Mr. Schreihart, and in 1885 the Kunz-Bleser Company was organized by Mr. Kunz and Dan B. Bleser, the firm leasing the Schreihart Brewery, which they operated until 1890. They then purchased the brewery of Grotch & Seidel, which they remodeled and operated until 1905, when they tore down the old plant and rebuilt it entirely. It is now covering a space of one hundred and fifty by one hundred and fifteen feet, the building being brick, of fireproof construction. The plant has a capacity of twenty-five thousand barrels per year, employs eighteen men, uses home-grown barley, has its own bottling works and produces Dortmunder, Hoffbrau and Extra Pale brands. Mr. Kunz made a special study of brewing in Germany and the excellent quality of the article produced has made it a general favorite all over the northwestern part of Wisconsin. In 1876 Mr. Kunz was married to Miss Mary Kunz, a native of Ohio, and to this union there have been born four children, one of whom is now deceased, while those living are George, Linda and Erwin. Mr. Kunz’s fraternal connections are confined to his membership in the Knights of Pythias, while in political matters he keeps aloof of party ties and votes for the measure he considers best and the man most fitted for the office.


Joseph Kusterman, George Stiefvater and Theo. Gasthoeffner piling shingles in the saw mill west of Lake Oschwald behind the funeral home in St. Nazianz. The mill started by William F. Christel was later bought by Herman Lulloff and was still in operation around 1911. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick

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