[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
THEODORE WILLIAM SCHREIBER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.579-580. The business interests of Schleswig township find a worthy representative in Theodore William Schreiber, who is successfully engaged in farming, and at the same time manufactures and ships cheese and butter, this constituting an important branch of his business. He is ever careful concerning the methods of manufacture and the excellence of his product insures a ready sale on the market. Mr. Schreiber was born in Potter, Wisconsin, March 9, 1878, and was one of a family of six children, whose parents were August and Catherine (Beil) Schreiber. The father, a native of Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, has followed carpentering throughout his entire life, and formerly was also engaged in the manufacture of cheese and in the dairy business. He is now living in Ashland, Wisconsin, at the age of sixty years. Unto him and his wife were born five sons and a daughter: Edwin, who makes his home in Ashland; Theodore W. of this review; Oscar, a resident of Pulcifer, Wisconsin; Frank and Otto, who are residents of Ashland, and Mrs. Lydia Nobel, living in Ionia, Michigan. At the usual age Theodore W. Schreiber entered the public schools and after putting aside his text—books he began learning the carpenters trade. At the age of sixteen he took up cheese—making, in the employ of John Heisdorf, with whom he remained one season, and in 1899 he began the manufacture of cheese at Milford, Wisconsin. He afterward took charge of the Posley cheese factory and subsequently built the Bahr factory, but in 1904 took up his abode upon his present farm in Schleswig township. Here in addition to tilling the soil, in the cultivation of the crops best adapted to climatic conditions, he likewise operates one of the largest cheese factories in this part of the county. He makes a specialty of dairy long horn young American and also pocket cheese, which he ships extensively. In addition he manufactures butter of high grade and he has his farm splendidly equipped for carrying on business along these different lines. His cheese factory and dairy are most complete and sanitary in their arrangements, the utmost neatness characterizes the cheese factory and dairy buildings and the business has now assumed extensive proportions, Mr. Schreiber using three and a half million pounds of milk in the manufacture of cheese and butter. His products have gained high and well deserved reputation, so that he has no difficulty in making a ready sale. Mr. Schreiber was married in 1899 to Miss Adella Busher, who was born in Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, and is a daughter of Carl and Bertha (Wickensperg) Busher, who reside with Mr. and Mrs. Schreiber. By the marriage of our subject and his wife there have been born four children: Elmer, eleven years of age, now in school; Raymond, Herman and Pearl, aged respectively nine, seven and five years. Mr. Schreiber is interested in the cause of education and at the present time is serving as clerk of the school board. He is a member of the Reformed church of Kiel and this indicates much of the principles which govern his life and guide his relations with his fellowmen. He is a very enterprising, progressive citizen who has recognized and improved business opportunities and thus gradually worked his way upward until he is now one of the foremost representatives of an industry that figures as one of the leading sources of prosperity and worth in Manitowoc county. In all of his dealings he is strictly reliable and his record proves that success and an honored name may be won simultaneously.
JOHN SCHREIHART This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.74. John Schreihart, who is one of the well known brewers of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, is a native of Austria, and came to this county in 1869, working for others for two years, and then forming a partnership with a Mr. Pautz. He eventually purchased the Fricke Brewery, which he rented in 1885 when he went on a trip to Europe, but in 1890 assumed management of it again with Frank Willinger and Gus Miller. In 1891 Mr. Willinger sold his interests to Mr. Schreihart, and it was operated by the other partners until 1904, when the firm was incorporated under the style of Schreihart Brewing Company. On January I, 1911, Charles Kulnick bought the Miller interests, and at this time H. J. Schreihart, who up to that time had been brewmaster of the concern, was made president; Otto Senglaub was elected secretary; and Charles Kulnick, treasurer and manager. The plant has a capacity of thirty thousand barrels per year and produces the well known “Weiner” and “Old German Style” beers, employing fifteen men. John Schreihart married Frances Wilfer, a native of Germany, and they had five children, namely: Mrs. Charles Kulnick; H. J.; Ed, who is engineer at the brewery; Helene; and Adolph, who is studying for the priesthood. Ed Schreihart married Miss Schroeder of Milwaukee. H. J. Schreihart attended the Hanthe Brewing School of Milwaukee, now known as the Industrial Chemical Institute, after leaving which he entered his father’s brewery as brewmaster, a position which he held until his election as president in 1911. He has served as supervisor of the third ward for two years, and is prominent in business and fraternal circles. He was married to Miss Hattie Hartwig, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin.
FRANK SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.150-155. Frank Schroeder is treasurer of the well known firm of Schroeder Brothers Company, and as assistant cashier of the Two Rivers Savings Bank needs no introduction to the readers of this volume. The family has been represented here since pioneer times and his record has been in keeping with that of father and brothers who have long figured as prominent, influential and valued citizens of the community. Frank Schroeder was born October 5, 1874, on the home farm in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county, his parents being Peter Joseph and Angeline (Rollinger) Schroeder, who are mentioned at length on another page of this work. The public schools afforded him his preliminary education which was supplemented by study in the Spencerian Business College of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. After putting aside his text-books he entered into the partnership that has since been maintained under the name of the Schroeder Brothers Company, of which he is now treasurer. They carry a large and well selected line of general merchandise and the neat and tasteful arrangement of their store together with its reasonable prices and straightforward dealing is a factor in its success. In 1906 Frank Schroeder was united in marriage to Miss Ervine DeLille who was born at Two Rivers, April 20, 1882, a daughter of John DeLille, an early settler of Manitowoc county and foreman for the Hamilton Manufacturing Company. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder have become parents of three children: Joseph, born June 25, 1907; Frances, born January 25, 1909; and Mildred, born October 10, 1910. The parents are consistent members of the Catholic church and Mr. Schroeder holds membership with the St. Joseph’s Society of Two Rivers, and the Knights of Columbus at Manitowoc.
(sent in by family member/see contributors page) JOACHIM SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.116-119. Joachim Schroeder, in whose death, December 27, 1903, the town of Mishicot lost one of its public-spirited citizens and substantial farmers, and an honored veteran of the Civil war, was born in Mecklenburg, Germany, on October 24, 1840, a son of John and Fredericka Schroeder. Mr. Schroeder’s parents were natives of the fatherland, and in 1853 left the old country for the United States in a little sailing vessel which took seven weeks to make the journey to New York city, from which point the family journeyed to Chicago by train, and in April of the year following moved on to Two Rivers. For a short time the father and two of the sons were engaged in work in the sawmill at that point, but eventually moved to section 29, town of Mishicot, where they took up wild land and engaged in farming. Here Mr. Schroeder’s parents died, firm in thc belief of the Lutheran church. They had the following children: John L., a prominent retired farmer of the town of Mishicot; Fredericka, who married Fred Christoff of Mishicot; Joachim; Fred, a farmer of Kewaunee county and a veteran of the Civil war; Minnie, wife of 0. Price, of Centerville; Sophia, who married Christ Arndt, of Two Rivers; Charles, engaged in farming on the old homestead; and Christian, who died young. Joachim Schroeder was educated in Germany and was thirteen years of age when he came to the United States with his parents. He was reared to the life of an agriculturist, and worked on the home farm until his enlistment, August 21, 1862, in Company D, Twenty-seventh Regiment, Wisconsin Volunteer Infantry, with which he served until receiving his honorable discharge, August 21, 1865, after a brave and meritorious service. Returning home he continued on the home place for some time and then purchased the farm where his widow and children now reside. General farming occupied his attention during the remainder of his life and he became one of the prominent agriculturists and highly respected citizens of the town of Mishicot. He was a faithful member of the Lutheran church. Mr. Schroeder was married to Mary Voelcker, and there were three children born to this union: Henry and Mary, of Kewaunee; and Minnie, residing in Milwaukee. After the demise of his first wife, on October 22, 1871, Mr. Schroeder was married to Miss Louisa Ahrndt, of Manitowoc, Wisconsin, a daughter of Fred and Christina (Bong) Ahrndt, natives of Germany who came to the United States in 1854 and settled in Manitowoc, where the father died at the age of seventy-five years, his widow surviving him for some time and passing away in Two Rivers at the age of ninety-two. They had four children: Christ, living in Two Rivers; Charles, a resident of Nebraska; Louisa, who became Mrs. Joachim Schroeder; and Rickie, of Two Rivers. By his second union, Joachim Schroeder had the following children: Christina, who married August Demsien, of Two Rivers; William, who is engaged in farming in the town of Two Creeks; Louis, of Manitowoc; Herman, residing in Two Rivers; and Lizzie and Ernst, at home.
Joachim Schroeder
JOHN L. SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.250-251. John L. Schroeder, who is now living retired after a long and successful career as an agriculturist, has been a resident of the town of Mishicot for more than forty-five years, and is the owner of a highly cultivated farm of one hundred acres on sections 31 and 32. Mr. Schroeder is a native of Germany, having been born in Mecklenburg, April 9, 1835, a son of John and Fredericka Schroeder, who left the fatherland in 1853 with their eight children, as follows: John L.; Fredericka, who married Fred Christoff, of Mishicot; Joachim, deceased, who was a farmer of the town of Mishicot and a veteran of the Civil war, in which he served for three years; Fred, engaged in farming in Kewaunee county, who was also in the Union army for three years; Minnie, who married 0. Price, of Centerville, Wisconsin; Sophia, who married Christ Arndt, of Two Rivers; Charles, who is engaged in farming on the old family homestead in Mishicot; and Christian, who died young. Embarking in a small sailing vessel, the little party of emigrants spent seven weeks on the ocean, and after a rough voyage landed at New York city, from whence they came west by train to Chicago, where they remained during the winter. In April, 1854, they resumed their journey, taking a boat to Two Rivers, Wisconsin, where the father and two sons commenced working in the sawmill. Later they secured land on section 29, Mishicot township, which was all covered with heavy timber, and during the severe winter that followed these sturdy pioneers suffered greatly from the cold, the rude little log cabin affording but scant shelter from the elements. However, all were of the robust type for which the citizens of the fatherland are well known, and they continued to live on the land, clearing the timber and breaking the ground for crops, and finally put it into an excellent state of cultivation. This property remained the homestead of the parents during the rest of their lives. They were faithful members of the Lutheran church of Mishicot. John L. Schroeder received his education in the common schools of his native land and remained at home with his parents until he was eighteen years of age. He married in 1858 and in 1861 moved to the town of Two Creeks, where he resided for four years, and then came to his present farm, at that time a tract of sixty acres of wild land, to which he later added forty acres. He was engaged in clearing and cultivating this property until 1899 and in that year retired from active pursuits, although he is still living on the homestead. On June 12, 1858, he was married to Johannah Goldenstaedt, of Holstein, Germany, daughter of August and Margaret Goldenstaedt. Mrs. Schroeder’s father, who was a carpenter by trade, brought his family to the United States in 1854, and located in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, later securing wild land which he cleared. His wife passed away on this farm, but during the last eighteen years of his life, Mr. Goldenstaedt resided with Mr. Schroeder. They were the parents of two children: Johannah and Fredericka, the latter of Manitowoc. Eight children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder: Henry, foreman of a factory in Two Rivers; John, the owner of a large farm near Sanborn, Iowa; August, residing in Manitowoc: William, a carpenter of Two Rivers; Emma and Ida, who reside in California: Richard, the owner of his father’s old farm, who married Sophia Landt; and Ferdinand, who is chief of police of Two Rivers. Mr. Schroeder has been successful in his operations, is widely and favorably known throughout this section, and is a stanch democrat and a faithful member of the Lutheran church.
Jos. Schroeder This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.JOSEPH S. SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.25-26. One of the well known and highly successful business men of Two Rivers, interested as a partner in the large general mercantile store that is conducted under the firm style of the Schroeder Brothers Company. Joseph S. Schroeder possesses the essential qualities of a prosperous business career, being energetic, determined, persevering and reliable. He is secretary of the commercial concern with which he is connected and figures in financial circles as the vice president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank. The old homestead farm in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county, on which his parents, Peter Joseph and Angeline (Rollinger) Schroeder, settled at the time of their marriage, was his birthplace, his natal day being April 12, 1862. At the usual age he entered the public schools and further continued his education as a student in a commercial college. In early manhood he engaged in the fishing business and afterward spent two years in the life-saving service at Chicago. He then returned to Wisconsin and passed eight or ten winter seasons in the lumber woods of the Lake Superior region. He next entered the business that had been founded by his brother, Peter Schroeder, and is now secretary of the company. He likewise became a factor in the management and control of the Two Rivers Savings Bank, of which he is vice president. He found ready solution for intricate business problems and his energy has been a dominant factor in the growth of the business concerns with which he is identified. In 1890 Mr. Schroeder was married to Miss Mary Ann Short, a native of Two Rivers, who died May 8, 1898, leaving a daughter, Helen. In 1900 Mr. Schroeder wedded Isabella Wolf, a daughter of Frank Wolf, of Two Rivers, and they have become parents of six children, Cornelius, Hilary, Claude, Horace, Margaretta and Gregory. Mr. Schroeder votes with the democratic party and while he has never been a politician in the usually accepted sense he has filled the position of police judge and justice of the peace, in both of which his decisions have been strictly fair and impartial. While his business interests have made heavy demands upon his time and energies he has always found opportunity to aid in matters relating to the welfare and upbuilding of his community.
PETER SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.188-189. Prominent among the energetic, enterprising and far-sighted business men of Manitowoc county is numbered Peter Schroeder, who is connected with various important corporate interests representing leading features in the industrial and financial development of this part of the state. He is perhaps best known as the president of the Schroeder Brothers Company and is cashier of the Two Rivers Savings Bank, He was born in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county, his parents being Peter Joseph and Angeline (Rollinger) Schroeder, of whom mention is made elsewhere in this volume. No event of special importance occurred to vary the routine of farm life for him in his youthful days. He remained with his father until he considered it time to start out in business on his own account, when he secured employment in a general store in Manitowoc, in which he remained for three years, He then started out in business for himself in Two Rivers in 1891 and the enterprise which he thus established constituted the nucleus of the large mercantile concern now conducted under the name of Schroeder Brothers Company. With the passing years his activities have been extended and are today of wide scope for he is a director of the Two Rivers Knitting Mills, a stockholder in the Two Rivers Improvement Company and also of the Two Rivers Coal Company, while of the Two Rivers Savings Bank he is cashier. Of the last named institution he became one of the organizers in association with his father and brother. Progressiveness is featured in all of his plans and his energy and determination constitute effective forces for success. Mr. Schroeder is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters and his political allegiance is given to the democratic party. For eight years he has served as mayor of Two Rivers and for four years was a member of the county board of supervisors, discharging his official duties in both connections in a manner most creditable and satisfactory to the public. As the chief municipal officer he gave to his city a businesslike administration, avoiding useless expenditure yet holding himself free from parsimony. Avoiding each extreme he held to a central course which promoted progress and achievement, making his work as effective for good government in Two Rivers as his labors have been in the attainment of business success.
PETER JOSEPH SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.190-193. Peter Joseph Schroeder, living retired in Two Rivers, is one of the venerable pioneers of Manitowoc county and although he is now eighty-one years of age, he is still deeply interested in business affairs and questions of the day, and is the president of the Two Rivers Savings Bank. His activities have covered a wide scope and have ever been of a character that have contributed to public progress as well as to individual success. Born in Koblenz, Germany, on the 15th of December, 1831, he is a son of John and Catherine (Graef) Schroeder, who spent their entire lives in the fatherland where both passed away a number of years ago. In the public schools of Germany Peter Joseph Schroeder pursued his education and afterward learned the blacksmith’s trade in that country. He was a young man of twenty-five years when he emigrated to the United States, first settling in Chicago where he followed his trade in connection with the car shops of that city. In October, 1857, he became a resident of Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county, and was the first blacksmith in that section. He continued to follow his trade until after his marriage, which occurred in 1859, Miss Angeline Rollinger becoming his wife. The wedding ceremony was performed in Two Rivers, to which place the young couple walked. Mrs. Schroeder was born in Luxemburg, Germany, June 22, 1838, and is a daughter of Peter and Maria (Graff) Rollinger, who came to the United States in 1856 and settled in Two Creeks township, Manitowoc county. They were seven weeks on the water and while en route lost one of their three children, while after their arrival they buried a son, so that Mrs. Schroeder is now the only surviving member of the family. At the time of his marriage Mr. Schroeder purchased land in Two Creeks township and was successfully engaged in agricultural pursuits until his retirement in 1902, when he became a resident of Two Rivers. He brought his fields under a high state of cultivation, introduced the most modern improvements and by the careful management of his farming interests won success that enabled him to branch out in other lines of business. He was joined by his two sons in the organization of the Two Rivers Savings Bank which was capitalized for twenty-five thousand dollars and which has a surplus of nineteen thousand dollars. From the beginning Mr. Schroeder has served as its president and still remains at the head of this institution. The years have established his right to rank with the prominent and progressive citizens of this section, for in his life he has displayed the sterling characteristics of the German race together with the adaptability that has enabled him to improve the conditions and opportunities which he found in the new world. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder have been born eight children: Catherine, who is the wife of Peter Beth; Mary, who has entered a convent; Theresa, who resides in Two Rivers; Frances, who was lost with the ill-fated steamer Columbia; and Peter, Joseph, John and Frank, all of whom are members of the firm of Schroeder Brothers. In former years Peter Joseph Schroeder was a prominent democrat in his locality and for ten years served as treasurer of his township. He was also school treasurer during the entire period that he lived in that section and his aid and cooperation could and can always be counted upon for any progressive and beneficial public movement. He is nearing the eighty-first milestone on life’s journey and the snows of many winters have whitened his hair, yet in spirit and interest he seems a much younger man: Old age need not suggest, as a matter of course, helplessness or want of occupation. There is an old age which grows stronger and brighter as the years go by and gives of its rich store of wisdom and experience for the benefit of others, and such is the record of Peter J. Schroeder, one of the most prominent and honored of the German American citizens of Manitowoc county.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter J. Schroeder
WILLIAM G. SCHROEDER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.184-185. William G. Schroeder, who is superintendent of the carpentry department of the Goodrich Company, having charge of the boats lying in dock, was born in Manitowoc on the 19th of May, 1865. He is a son of Ernest and Frederica Schroeder, the former of whom came from Germany to Manitowoc in 1864. Until his retirement a few years ago he followed the carpenter’s and shipbuilder’s trade in this city. Mr. Schroeder received his education in the Third Ward school, but because of a strong desire to gain a position in the industrial world he left school at the age of fourteen. At first he was employed in learning the wagon maker’s trade, at which he worked for eight years. Subsequently he accepted a position with Berger & Berger, contractors. He remained in their employ until 1893 and during that time was engaged in shipbuilding and general contracting work in the residential section of the city. After leaving their employ he was made foreman of the Goodrich Company in Chicago, a position which he held until he was appointed superintendent of the Manitowoc Goodrich shipyards, in which capacity he is now serving. He has bent every energy to the task of thoroughly familiarizing himself with this business, and he is now one of the most valuable employes of the Goodrich Company. Mr. Schroeder was married in Manitowoc on the 22d of September, 1888, to Miss Frederica Franke, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Franke. The father was one of the first carpenters of this city. To Mr. and Mrs. Schroeder three children have been born: Hilda, who died in 1894 and is buried in the Evergreen cemetery; Walter, who is a student at the University of Wisconsin; and Harvey, a machinist, who is employed by the Illinois Steel Company. The family reside at 1814 Clark street in the house which Mr. Schroeder erected in 1894. In politics Mr. Schroeder gives his support to the republican party and has served as alderman of the fifth ward. He holds membership in the Royal League. The docks of Manitowoc form one of the important industries of the city, and among the men who have displayed notable ability and initiative spirit in the conduct of these business enterprises Mr. Schroeder stands prominent.
Schroeder's Department Store of Two Rivers, successor to B. Mayer (photo undated) Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
CHARLES SCHROETER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin", by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.446-447. Charles Schroeter, who is well known in the city of Manitowoc and has been successfully engaged in the bakery business, is now living retired in this city. He was born in Newton township, this county, September 17, 1858, his parents being William and Frederica (Wernecke) Schroeter, both of whom were natives of Saxony, Germany. The father came to this country, arriving in Sheborgan county, July 4, 1848. He later removed to Manitowoc county, where he was married May 4, 1851. Both he and his wife lived to celebrate their golden wedding, the former passing away on January 6, 1906, and the latter on September 27, 1901. All his life he followed the occupation of farming and owned one hundred and twenty acres of land in Newton township, on which he carried on general farming. He was a member of the German Lutheran church and was always greatly interested in education, serving as treasurer of the school board for fifteen years. In his family were five children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the youngest. Charles Schroeter was educated in the common schools of Newton township and after leaving school learned the trade of baker. In 1883 he started a baker shop on Jay street, where he continued until 1906, when he transferred his business to his son and is now living retired. He has been successful financially and has an excellent home and a good income. On the 7th of June, 1883, Mr. Schroeter wedded Miss Louise Wernecke, a daughter of William and Mary (Meyer) Wernecke, both of whom were natives of Germany and came to this country in 1848, locating in Manitowoc, where the father engaged in the bakery business. They remained in this work until the subject of this sketch purchased their shop and the same is now owned by their grandson. Mrs. Wernecke now lives in Newton but her husband passed away September 17, 1892, at the age of sixty-six years, in the city of Manitowoc. Mr. and Mrs. Schroeter have been born two children: Elmer W., who now has charge of the baker shop formerly owned by his father; and Irene, at home. The son, Elmer W. Schroeter, married Miss Mary Lemkuhl, a daughter of Henry and Bertha (Eberhardt) Lemkuhl. The parents are both of German descent but were born in this county, the date of the father’s birth being in 1854. He is engaged in farming in Newton township, this county. In his political views Charles Schroeter is a republican, as is his son, Elmer W., and both he and his family are earnest and faithful members of the German Methodist Episcopal church. In an analyzation of the character and life work of Mr. Schroeter we note many of the characteristics of his worthy German ancestors—perseverance, reliability, energy, and an unconquerable determination to pursue a course that has been marked out. It is these sterling qualities that have gained for Mr. Schroeter his success in the bakery business and have made him one of the substantial and valued citizens ot Manitowoc. He now resides in his beautiful home in this city and is enjoying the fruits of a well spent life.
Lehrerin means instructor Photo from Zur Erinnerung An Das Funfzigjahrige Jubilaum (First German Evangelical)Manitowoc, Wisconsin 1855-1905 Jubilee date was 7 Februar 1905, book is in the Manitowoc Library.