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G.H. Albee taken from "Early Days In Two Rivers, Wisconsin" by Arthur Lohman
W.T. ALBERS From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 School teacher, notary public, solicitor and conveyancer, P. O. Hika. Born May 22, 1840 in Bavaria. Came to St. Louis in 1860, and taught school. He afterward removed to Iowa. In 1862 he entered the service as first lieutenant, Company C, 12th Iowa, and soon after promoted to captain and inspector of the first division, 15th Army Corps. Served on the staff of Gens. J. A. Mowrer and H. A. Smith. At the close of the war he came to Columbus, Ohio, where he remained about three years. He then went to Virginia and speculated in oil. In 1872 came to Milwaukee. In 1875 removed to Centerville, where he has since taught school. Mr. Albers holds the office of Justice of the Peace, Town Clerk and others. Married September 2, 1875 to Matilda Vollbrecht, of Sheboygan. They have one son and one daughter.
ED. ALBRIGHT WOULD SUICIDE: INSANE Ed. Albright was Thursday adjudged insane at Manitowoc and committed to the Oshkosh asylum. Wednesday morning he bade good-bye to his family consisting of his wife and five children and went in quest of a rope to hang himself. Failing in that he started for the river to drown himself. He was followed by Officer Schroeder and Health Officer Gates and prevented from carrying out his intentions. Mr. Albright has been subject to severe nervous attacks for some time. Two Rivers Reporter, May 17, 1913
HENRY VINCENT ALLIE Henry Vincent Allie, who is successfully engaged in the fishing business at Two Rivers, was born on the banks of the Two Rivers, September 22, 1862, and is a son of John Vincent and Clarissa (Bennett) Allie, who were born at Ci La Baie de Febiere, Distinguedes Trais Riviere, Canada, February 14, 1833, and February 28, 1834, respectively. The grandfather of Mr. Allie was Peter Allie, who at the age of six years was saved from a wrecked vessel, which was making a journey from France to Canada, and he became the father of nineteen children, of whom John V. the father was the youngest. John V. and Clarissa Allie had the following children: Eugene, born in 1856; Nelson, born in 1858; Hortancy, born in 1859, deceased; Joseph, born in 1861, who was drowned in 1910; Henry Vincent; Albert, born in 1866; Lydia, born January 14, 1867; Frankie, born December 25, 1869; and Mary, born February 19, 1871. John V. Allie, the father of our subject, was the first man to engage in the fishing business in these parts and the first nets which he used he had knitted with his own hands. He was also active in other directions and opened and established the first general store on the east side of Two Rivers. His premature death, when he just was well on the road to success, was deeply to be regretted and he was mourned by many friends who appreciated him for his character and enterprise. His wife is still living and is hale and hearty mentally and bodily. She makes her home at present with her daughter Mrs. John L. Monka. Henry V. Allie, of Two Rivers, received his education in the district schools and the parochial school of his neighborhood, and he first began to work in the factories at twenty-five cents per day, and was advanced to fifty cents the second day of his employment. He left the mills to work on the government pier, and then took up fishing, accumulating enough money to buy a boat, “The Newcomer,” and went into partnership with his brother, with whom he continued in business for four or five years, He then engaged in chartered work with a fleet of sailing vessels, but after some time gave this up and enlisted in the life-saving service at Milwaukee, continuing therein until he returned to the fishing business at Two Rivers, and now has a gasoline fishing boat. He has since continued in this vocation and has been very successful, being now the owner of several fine properties at Two Rivers. In 1885 Mr. Allie was married to Miss Olive Gauthier, who was born August 4, 1866, a daughter of Adolph and Alvina (Sanuille) Gauthier, natives of Canada, who in the early ‘5os came to Two Rivers, where they were married in 1859, Mrs. Gauthier being then eighteen years of age. Adolph Gauthier was a stage driver for seventeen years, running between Two Rivers, Mishicot and Green Bay, and died in May, 1897, aged sixty-two years, his widow surviving him until 1901. Of their family of eight children, two sons and four daughters are living at this time. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.36-37.
LEVI ALLIE TRIPLETS BORN IN TWO RIVERS Last Wednesday night Mrs. Levi Allie of the Eastside gave birth to triplets - two girls and a boy. The trio weighed 16 pounds and all are healthy and promise to live. This is, as near as we can learn, the first time that triplets have been born in this county. Such births are very rare. About two years ago Mrs. Allie gave birth to lusty twins who are thriving finely and now she has three more babies on her hands. As the family is not rich Mrs. Allie is not likely to have much time to spend at social functions during the next few years. There are now 13 children in the family, seven of them being under 5 years of age. The oldest, a girl, being only 14 years old. On Sunday the trio were carried to St. Luke's church and baptised. The boy was named Albert and the girls Alberta and Albertina. The boy weighs 6 pounds and the girls 5 pounds each. The babies have had many visitors already and many presents have been made them. Levi Allie the father of the twins and triplets is a fisherman having an interest in a gasoline fishing boat. But with so large a family he has rather a hard time of it. Two Rivers Chronicle, Tuesday, January 16, 1906
MRS. VINCENT ALLIE From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, June 14, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Mrs. Vincent Allie has resided in Two Rivers 58 years. Like all of our French settlers she came from Canada. Her parents settled at Green Bay. She came here in 1855 for a long visit with her sister and while here became acquainted with and was married to Vincent Allie who was always called John Allie. They had nine children of whom seven are alive. They built their own house almost immediately and it was the third dwelling house erected on the Eastside, according to her recollection. In this house Mrs. Allie has resided 57 years. Her husband died at the age of 40. He was engaged in fishing most of his life. In the latter part he was in the fish-net business. Mrs. Allie says that hundreds of people here and in the surrounding country made fish nets at home. The nets were brought to Mr. Allie and he disposed of them to supply houses in the larger cities. When her husband died she sold out the net business to Mr. Fred Eggers who died 3 years ago. This net making industry is now dead. The fish nets are made by machinery. But grand-mother Allie is still busy with her needle. Today she is making fly nets. She had several hanging on the chair completed. Her sight is too poor to read and she finds the work a pleasant pasttime. When she came to this place there was a bridge across the East Twin River on Main Street. This bridge was later taken down and the Walnut Street bridge was constructed. She states that in the early days there was a cemetery across from where St. Luke's Church is located. The old St. Luke's Church was then on the site of the modern edifice. Later the cemetery was abandoned, when the present public cemetery was started. Grandmother Allie lives with her daughter Mrs. John Monka. Her room is upstairs and she travels up and down stairs a great many times a day. She is spry and cheerful at 80 years of age but says she feels that she is getting very old. ********** Mrs. Allie, widow of the late Jno. V. Allie, called at the Chronicle office last week, and requested us to make acknowledgement of the receipt by her of the whole amount due on the policy which her deceased husband held in the Northwestern Life Insurance company, of Milwaukee. She tenders her thanks to the company and to their very efficient agent at Two Rivers, G. Damler, for the promptness with which the amount of the policy has been paid, and gratefully recommends this company to the favorable consideration of the public generally. Manitowoc Chronicle May 21, 1872
A. 0. ANDERSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.48-49. A. 0. Anderson, who has been conducting an electrical supply and contracting business at No. 826 South Eighth street for the past four years, was born at Amherst, Wisconsin, on the 23d of March, 1880, and is a son of Thomas and Emma Anderson. The parents were natives of Norway, whence they emigrated to the United States in 1855 locating in Wisconsin, in the vicinity of Amherst. They were among the first settlers of Portage county, where the father acquired some wild land, the improvement of which wholly engaged his attention until his death in 1909 at the age of sixty-three years. He is buried in the cemetery at Amherst, He was a skilled agriculturist and not only brought his farm under high cultivation, but became numbered among the well-to-do citizens of his community. The preliminary education of A. 0. Anderson was pursued in the graded and high schools of his native town until he was graduated from the latter institution in 1898. He then turned his attention to teaching, following that profession at Peru, this state, for a year. Having decided to become an electrical engineer, at the expiration of that period he matriculated in Lawrence College, remaining a student of that institution for two years. Later he continued his mechanical studies at Highland Park College, Des Moines, Iowa, where he completed his course. He subsequently joined the United States navy in the capacity of electrician, remaining in the service for four years, during the last eighteen months of which he was chief electrician at the Norfolk navy yard. After the termination of his period of enlistment, Mr. Anderson spent a year in the states of Washington and Oregon, whence he came to Manitowoc on the 1st of March, 1908, and established the business he is still conducting so successfully. His preparation and training have been very thorough, while he has had the added advantage of a navy experience, the value of which is almost inestimable. He has manifested very superior skill during the period of his connection with the business interests of Manitowoc, and has been awarded some quite important contracts, among them that of the plant for the Oslo Plant & Power Company, which he constructed in 1910. This company supplies the power for Clarks Mills, Valders and St. Nazianz, Manitowoc county. He keeps a good stock of electrical supplies and appliances, such as are usually to be found in an establishment of this kind, and in connection with his contracting he has succeeded in building up a very good repair business. As an electrician Mr. Anderson has always been found efficient and skillful, while as a business man he manifests the trustworthiness and reliability that invariably win recognition and bring success to those who exercise such qualities in the development of any enterprise. At Amherst, Wisconsin, on the 12th of February, 1908, Mr. Anderson was united in marriage to Miss Mabel Foxen, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Foxen of that town, where the father is engaged in the insurance and real-estate business. One son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Thomas Foxen, who has celebrated the first anniversary of his birth. The family reside at No. 612 St. Clair street. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson hold membership in the First Norwegian Lutheran church, and he votes the republican ticket, his views coinciding with the progressive faction of that body. He is one of the younger members of the business fraternity of Manitowoc for whom his friends all prophesy success, as he possesses the progressive ideas and practical and enterprising methods that invariably bring prosperity commensurate with the ability and energy manifested.
CHRISTIAN ANDERSON From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 524 Lighthouse keeper, born December 29, 1825 in Norway; August 1844 came to Racine, Wisconsin; in 1845 came to Chicago; July 5, 1846, came to Manitowoc; started a tailor shop which he continued several years. He afterward bought a vessel which he sailed several seasons, then sold and bought a farm where he worked about seven years. He then removed to Manitowoc and followed teaming about two years; afterward ran a threshing machine two seasons. He then opened a boarding house which he continued till 1876, when he was appointed to his present position. Married, in 1866, to Sarah Torrison, of Norway. They have two children, one son and one daughter. He has four children by a former marriage, three sons and one daughter.
GEORGE ANDERSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.500-501. George Anderson, who is vice president of the Manitowoc Seed Company, with offices and warehouse at No. 1009 South Tenth street, has been actively interested in this project since 1902. He was born in Manitowoc Rapids, Wisconsin, March 25, 1862, a son of Ole Anderson, a pioneer of Manitowoc county. The mother’s family name was Larson. The father came from Christiania, Norway, about 1850 and settled first at Manitowoc and later on a farm at Manitowoc Rapids, which was at that time in a very primitive state. What was wholly uncultivated land when he arrived, was turned into highly developed and well improved property and at the time of his death he was one of the well-to-do farmers of this section. Although he started out in life with no capital and although he never enjoyed good health, he found in agriculture a line of activity which proved congenial and profitable. At the same time that he carried on farming he also engaged in contracting and carpentering. He assisted in the building of several houses in his neighborhood and also in the erection of the Episcopal church on Ninth street, the oldest church in Manitowoc. His death occurred in 1890, when he was sixty-four years of age. His wife passed away in 1909, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. They are both buried in Jerpen cemetery in Cato. The common schools of Manitowoc Rapids afforded George Anderson education. Upon completing his studies at the age of fifteen years and realizing that it was time for him to assist his father on the home place, he engaged in farming with the idea of making that his life work. Later he purchased the homestead and until 1902 engaged in cultivating it, during this time being very successful. In that year he was one of several partners who organized the Manitowoc Seed Company, which is the largest seed house in Wisconsin dealing in garden seeds. With “quality” as the watchword, the growing fields of Manitowoc and adjacent counties have made Wisconsin famous for the excellence of its seeds. “Manitowoc Quality” is a synonym of the height of perfection in seed-growing. The phenomenal increase in business called for larger growing facilities and now under competent and reliable specialists “Manitowoc Quality” seeds are grown in such parts of the United States and Europe as are especially adapted to each variety. From time to time it has been necessary to increase the holdings of the company to meet the demands of the ever increasing business and the Manitowoc Seed Company bids fair to become the leading garden seed house in the United States. On the 21st of November, 1889, Mr. Anderson was married to Miss Ida Vetting, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Vetting, the former of whom is a well known retired agriculturist of the county. To Mr. and Mrs. Anderson one daughter has been born, Ella, who is a graduate of the Red Wing Seminary of Minnesota. In politics Mr. Anderson gives his support to the democratic party and he has served as alderman of Manitowoc for two terms. In religious faith he is a Lutheran, holding membership in the First Norwegian Lutheran church, of which he is a deacon. He is also a member of the United Commercial Travelers. His residence is at No. 819 North Thirteenth street. His honest, straightforward dealings throughout his entire business career enable him to enjoy the respect of all who know him.
HON. JAMES S. ANDERSON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.180-184. James Sibree Anderson, one of the leading members of the Manitowoc legal profession, has served the people in various offices of honor and trust, and established a record that is honored and admired by lawyers throughout the state. His administration of the offices he has filled has distinguished him as one of the brilliant men of his day and community. As a judge he has been fearless, but at all times just; no one can say of him that he has ever been influenced by prejudice, nor can any one point to a single instance where personal favor has been shown. He has behind him over fifty years of public service in the varied capacities of soldier, lawyer, editor, legislator and judge. That he has served the people for such a long period without the slightest blot to mar his record is an achievement which should be gratifying to him and of which his family may justly speak with pride in the years to come. Judge Anderson was born December 25, (Christmas) 1841, at a place called Kelvin Haugh, now a part of the city of Glasgow, Scotland. He was the son of John and Harriet (Sibree) Anderson. John Anderson had been a line officer in the British army for over seven years, serving with the Seventy-first Highland Regiment in India, Ceylon and the West India islands. On his return from the army he entered business as a calico printer. The family came to the United States in July, 1852, and in September settled in Manitowoc county at Kossuth, then a part of Cooperstown, a wild tract of country with but few settlers. They resided there until the spring of 1855, clearing off a tract of land as a farm. They then removed to the village of Manitowoc. The elder Mr. Anderson entered the employ of B. Jones & Company, lumber manufacturers, and remained with that firm until his death in 1869. He was a man of good education, an unwearied reader of good books, had traveled much and was an interesting conversationalist. He was one of the founders of the Presbyterian church of Manitowoc and held several minor offices in the town and village government. When the family came to America it consisted of the father and mother, two sons and two daughters. The younger son died in infancy a few months after settling in this county. All the family are now deceased except the subject of this sketch. Judge Anderson received his primary education in private schools in Scotland and public schools in Manitowoc, supplemented with some private instruction and was prepared to enter college when the Civil war began. He volunteered at once enlisting April 21, 1861. His company was assigned as company A, Fifth Wisconsin Infantry, and he served in that organization for three years and four months. During that period he was appointed corporal and sergeant, holding the latter rank at the time of his discharge. During the remainder of the war he served in the provost marshal’s department on special duty. The Fifth Wisconsin was one of the noted regiments of the war and was known in the Sixth Corps, Army of the Potomac, as the “Fighting Fifth.” Its list of engagements up to the time of expiration of the service of the original regiment comprises twenty-two general battles and sixteen heavy skirmishes, at all of which Judge Anderson was present, being thrice wounded. In his entire service he was absent from the regiment only forty-eight hours and then by reason of wounds. On his return to civil life he determined to enter the legal profession and as preliminary thereto entered Lawrence University at Appleton, Wisconsin, at the fall semester of 1865 and graduated in the class of 1870 with the degree of B. S., later acquiring the M. S. degree. One of his classmates is Hon. L. J. Nash, also of the Manitowoc bar. During part of his college course he was engaged in teaching and was principal of graded schools in the cities of Depere and Two Rivers, Wisconsin. During the vacations and intervals of his college course he read law with Judge Meyers of Appleton and after his graduation he entered the office of Hon. J. D. Markham in Manitowoc and was admitted to practice on examination in open court at the fall term of 1871. Since that time he has practiced his profession continuously. He opened an office in the city of Manitowoc in June, 1872, and has practiced alone except for three years during which he was in partnership with Henry Sibree, Esq, the firm being Sibree & Anderson. Although much interested in politics he has never allowed himself to be turned from his profession. He was on the stump as a political speaker in every presidential campaign until his appointment as judge of the county court in August, 1895. He is a ready, fluent speaker, holding and commanding the attention of his audiences, and is much sought for as an orator on patriotic occasions. Although an ardent republican in a county strongly democratic, he has always held the respect of those who disagreed with him and was frequently appointed to such offices as he would accept. Every office held by him has been connected with his profession. He was repeatedly appointed city attorney and was also police justice of Manitowoc during a great part of the time that office was in existence. He represented the city district in the state legislature during the years 1889-1890, and as stated was county judge for nearly seven years. For many years he has been and still is a commissioner of the circuit court. In the course of his work his appearances in the higher courts, both federal and state, have been frequent, and his name is connected with many cases in the published reports. The only thing which has ever diverted his attention from law work is his love for literature. He has a large private library of the best authors, ancient and modern, and there his spare hours are happily spent. He is a ready and forcible writer and his numerous contributions to magazines and the metropolitan press have given him a wide reputation. In 1883 he purchased the Lake Shore Times, a weekly newspaper published in Manitowoc, and managed it until late in 1886, when finding editorial labor took too much of his time from law work, he sold it. In the management of his paper he was assisted by his wife, a lady of unusual culture and ability as a writer. As might be expected, the army life of Judge Anderson impressed him deeply and he is a prominent member of the Grand Army of the Republic. He organized the Post of Manitowoc, Horace M. Walker Post, No. 18, Grand Army of the Republic, serving as its first commander and for many years thereafter. He was also instrumental in organizing other posts in the neighboring counties. He has held frequent appointments on the staff of the department commander and was judge advocate of the state. He has been a member of the Masonic fraternity since 1867, and is now connected with the lodge, chapter and council. The judge holds that every man should have a “fad” on which to bestow his hours of recreation. His is horticulture. He has a tract of land comprising several acres just outside the city where he runs a sort of experimental orchard and fruit garden, planting and caring for all sorts of fruit and ornamental trees and shrubbery. On July 17, 1873, he was married to Eva M. Mills, only daughter of Circuit Judge J. T. Mills, of Grant county, Wisconsin. They have two children: Jean H., teacher of languages, who has taught in the high school at Menasha, Wisconsin, and Illinois College, Jacksonville, Illinois; and Joseph Mills, a civil engineer, now in charge of large construction work in British Columbia. *********** From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 524 James S. Anderson, attorney and counselor at law, Manitowoc, first settled in Kossuth Township, Manitowoc Co., September, 1852, with his parents. He lived at home until he was about eighteen years of age. He enlisted in Co. A., 5th Regt. Wis. V.I., April 22, 1861, and served three years and four months, being in the battles of Antietam, Gettysburg, and many of the important battles participated in by the Army of the Potomac. He received several slight wounds, but came out sound, and was mustered out at Madison Wis., August, 1864. He returned to Appleton and attended the Lawrence University, and graduated from that institution in the class of 1870, after which he studied law and was admitted to the Bar in Manitowoc, December, 1871; then he began the practice of law. He was born in Kelvin Haugh, near Glasgow, Scotland, Dec. 25, 1842. He married a daughter of the Hon. J.T. Mills, of Grant County, Miss Eva M. Mills, July 17, 1873. She was born April 15, 1846. They have two children, Minnie H. and Joseph M.
J. S. Anderson ********** Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Pages 574-575: JAMES S. ANDERSON, a prominent lawyer and citizen of Manitowoc, Wis., and a member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born December 25, 1842, in the vicinity of Glasgow, Scotland. When he was 10 years old he came to America with his parents, John and Harriet (Sibree) Anderson, landing at the port of New York in July, 1852. In September following, the family removed to Wisconsin, locating at Manitowoc, where they have since resided. The senior Anderson was a soldier in the British service seven years, and fought in the interest of Great Britain in the contest known to history as the Irish rebellion, in which he was wounded by a bullet which passed through his arm. He always counselled his son against army life but when told that he had enlisted in defense of the Union, he expressed himself as gratified and stated that he would do the same himself if he could lay off 20 years. Mr. Anderson was one of the first to enlist from Manitowoc, enrolling April 20, 1861, at the first war meeting held in that place under the State call for troops. The company was mustered as Company A, in the 5th Wisconsin Infantry, and Mr. Anderson served with the command through all its campaigns and was only absent from the regiment about 48 hours when wounded. The roster of his battles includes every fight and skirmish in which the “fighting fifth” was engaged and, after passing through the preliminaries of barrack life at Madison, the transfer to the Division of the Potomac, the experiences in the winter quarters, the advance against Manassas and the subsequent marching, the reconnoissance at Hampton and skirmish at Young’s Mills, and the heavy battle of Williamsburg, he was wounded in the part of the battle of Gaines’ Mill known as Golden’s Farm and his name is on the list of wounded from his regiment. He was afterwards under rebel fire at Savage Station, White Oak Swamp, Malvern Hill, Crampton’s Gap, Antietam, Fredericksburg, Mary’s Heights, Chancellorsville and Gettysburg and was on the detached service with his regiment at New York to aid in the enforcement of the draft. He returned to the seat of war and was next in action at Rappahannock Station and afterwards at Mine Run, where he was one of two men wounded. He was next in the battles of the Wilderness, was wounded at Spottsylvania C. H., fought at Cold Harbor and Ream’s Station, and in other actions, while the skirmishes in which he participated were twice that number. At Williamsburg, May 5, 1862, he was mounted and on vidette duty and was captured by rebel cavalry, and hurried toward their infantry line, but me made a dash for freedom and effected his escape under a hot fire from revolvers and carbines. On the night of the 5th of May, 1864, when the right wing of the 6th Corps had been driven in General Sedgwick came to the line held by the regiment just after the firing had ceased, and was anxious to ascertain the exact location of the rebel line, which was in rifle range in the immediate front. In order to determine what he wished to know, it was necessary to draw the rebel fire. Mr. Anderson, who was then a corporal, was detailed by Major Totten commanding the 5th, with a squad of six men, to perform the service, they advanced into the darkness where Mr. Anderson placed his men as a thin skirmish line on each side of him and advanced cautiously into the thicket until he could hear the subdued murmer of voices. He ordered his men to shelter themselves behind trees and to lie close to the ground. He advanced a few steps and, with a ringing order to charge, he threw himself to the ground firing his rifle and making all the noise he could. A sharp rebel musketry fire followed which soon ceased, not being answered. Mr. Anderson received honorable discharge and was mustered out July 27, 1864, at the expiration of his period of his enlistment. He returned to Manitowoc when a little more than 21 years of age, after serving over three years as a soldier. He engaged in business, but found himself disabled from active labor and entered Lawrence University at Appleton, where he completed a college course of study and afterwards fitted himself for a professional career. He was admitted to the Bar in 1872 and established his business at Manitowoc. He is prominent as an advocate and has attained a foremost position as an attorney. He was married July 17, 1873, to Eva M., daughter of Hon. J. T. Mills of Grant county, Wis., and their children are named Joseph M. and Jeanie Harriet. Mrs. Anderson is a lady of attainments and abilities and in 1882 became joint owner and editor of the Lake Shore Times. For four years they continued its publication, Mrs. Anderson doing a part of the editorial work. Mr. Anderson found that the care and responsibility of a reliable and influential journal interfered with the duties of his profession and their connection with the publication ceased. Mr. Anderson was the moving spirit in the establishment of G.A.R. Post 18, which was the first instituted on the Lake Shore north of Milwaukee. He was its first Commandeer and served three terms. He had officiated as Alderman, Court Commissioner and City Attorney and also served as Police Judge of Manitowoc. In addition to the organization of the Post at Manitowoc, Mr. Anderson has been instrumental in the institution of several others in different parts of the State. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album) ******** "Blue Book Of The State Of Wisconsin" by Wisconsin, Thomas Jefferson Cunningham, Industrial Commission of Wisconsin, Thomas Jefferson, Wisconsin State Printing Board, Wisconsin Dept.of State Copyright 1889 Page 511 Manitowoc County. Third District-Towns of Manitowoc, Manitowoc Rapids, Newton and the city of Manitowoc. Population, 1885 - 12,268. JAMES SIBREE ANDERSON (Rep.), of Manitowoc, was born in Kelvin Haugh, near Glasgow, Scotland, December 25, 1842; received a common school education in Manitowoc, and a collegiate course at Appleton, graduating from Lawrence university, class of 1870; was admitted to the bar in December, 1871; editor of the Lake Shore Times from 1883 to 1886 inclusive; came to Wisconsin in 1852, and settled at Kossuth, Manitowoc county; came to city of Manitowoc in 1851, where he has ever since resided; was Justice of the peace and police justice of the city of Manitowoc in 1874, circuit court commissioner for Manitowoc county, four years; served two terms as city attorney for Manitowoc, and one term alderman. In 1873, he was married to Eva M., daughter of Hon. J.T. Mills, of Lancaster, Wis. Enlisted in Co. A, 5th Reg. Wis. Vols., April 20, 1861, as private, appointed corporal and sergeant; was with the regiment all through the term of its service, and present in all its battles, including Williamsburg, Seven Days battles, first and second Fredericksburg, Antietam, Gettysburg, Rappahannock Station, Wilderness, Spottsylvania, Cold Harbor and Petersburg; was wounded at Golden's Farm, Mine Run and Spottsylvania; was elected member of assembly in 1888, receiving 1,178 votes, against 1,018 votes for Emil Teitgen, democrat, and 90 votes for A. D. Wittnion, union labor.
ANDERTON-CHATTERTON From Portrait and Biographical Album of Lancaster Co., Nebraska, containing full page portraits and Biographical sketches of prominent and representative citizens of the county. Printed by Chapman Brothers, Chicago, 1888. In the possession of the Nebraska State Historical Society in Lincoln. page 480. GEORGE L. ANDERTON: The subject of this notice represents a man of excellent education, cultivated tastes and good business capacities, and who until the year 1887 followed mostly the profession of a teacher. He is now pleasantly located on a good farm of eighty acres, embracing the north- west quarter of section 15, Waverly Precinct, with good buildings and the machinery required for the prosecution of agriculture after modern methods. He also owns eighty acres on section 10. The residence of our subject in this county dates from May 1878. His early home was on the other side of the Atlantic, in Lancashire, England, where his birth took place June 5, 1849. His parents, James and Hannah (Lemming) Anderton, were natives of the same shire, and George L. was but six months old when they migrated from their native land and located on Staten Island, where they resided for a period of nine years, and the father pursued his trade of printing. From Staten Island the Anderton family removed first to Rhode Island and next to Taunton, Mass., where the father, who had followed the trade of printer, found that block printing was superceding the old methods and his occupation was practically gone. He for a short time worked in a bleching house, but finally resolved to take up farming in the West, and made his way to Manitowoc County, Wis., where he tilled the soil and resided until 1877. In the meantime mother died there, about 1873. The father later returned to Massachusetts, but in a short time joined his sone, our subject in this county, and now makes his home with him. The parental family included eleven children, three of whom died in infancy. Alice became the wife of James Walker, and died in Waverly Precinct about 1884; Diana, Mrs. Oswold Rogerson, lives in Massachusetts; Grace married George Chatterton, and is now a resident of Wisconsin; Mary A. is the wife of Henry Barry, of Connecticut; Jennie, Mrs. Calvin P. Green, lives in Connecticut; and John in Rhode Island. The subject of this sketch attended school quite regularly until a youth of sixteen years, then commenced his career as a teacher. The year following he went with the family to Wisconsin, where he supplemented his education by attendance at the Normal School of Oshkosh, and thereafter taught school and farmed alternately until coming to Nebraska in 1878. For a period of nine years he occupied himself as a grocer at Waverly, and in 1887 settled upon the farm where he now resides. He had purchased the land sometime previously. He put up a fine two-story residence in the spring of 1888, which is one of the best structures of the kind in this part of the country. His land, with the exception of sixty acres, is under a good state of cultivation, and everything about the premises is suggestive of comfort and plenty, the whole place presenting a most attractive picture of prosperous rural life. The wife of our subject, to whom he married Sept. 28, 1879, was in her girlhood Miss Nora, daughter of W.M. and Snare Reed, a sketch of whom will be found elsewhere in this volume. They are now the parents of four interesting children, three sons and a daughter; Arthur, Edgar, Grace and Benie. Mr. Anderton is a Republican, politically, and has served as Town Treasurer and School Director.
ERNST ANSORGE From History of Manitowoc County, by Dr. Louis Falge, 1911-12, v.2, p.207-208. Ernst Ansorge is one of the younger men of Manitowoc county and engages extensively in general farming and dairying. He was born on the place where he now resides, February 7, 1880, the son of Henry and Amelia (Ebart) Ansorge. The grandfather, Antone Ansorge, a native of Germany, came to the United States with his family in 1856, settling on a farm in Newton township, where he resided until his death. Henry Ansorge, the father of our subject, was also a native of Germany, born in 1816, and came to the United States in 1854, at the age of thirty-eight. He at first settled at Two Rivers but after a short time went to the city of Manitowoc, where he was employed in a wagon shop. Soon after he purchased land in this township but did not move on the same. Later he purchased the farm which is now the Ansorge home. He erected there a log cabin, in which his family lived for some time. Ernst Ansorge, of this review, now owns the original farm, to which his father had added many acres. Henry Ansorge afterward erected a beautiful residence on his home place and he resided there until his death, in 1900. He was three times married. His first wife, Theresa Ansorge, who bore him six children, passed away two years after his arrival in America. Of his second marriage he had no children. His third union was with Amelia Ebart, who was born in Milwaukee, in which city her parents, Edward and Augusta Ebart, located on their arrival from Germany. She is now living, having reached the age of sixty-one, and makes her home with the subject of this review. In her family were four children, of whom the subject of this sketch was the eldest. The others are Minnie, Herman and Emma. Ernst Ansorge obtained his education in the district schools and has always been associated with work on the home farm. At the death of his father he purchased a part of the same and has ever continued to make his home there. He engages extensively in general farming and has his land under a high state of development. He also gives much time and attention to the dairying business, in which he is becoming very successful. On the 20th of April, 1901, Mr. Ansorge wedded Miss Meta Schmidt, a daughter of Fred Schmidt, who came from Germany and settled in Newton township, where his daughter Meta was born. Mr. and Mrs. Ansorge have become the parents of six children, one of whom, Edwin, died at the age of eighteen months. The others are Henry, Frederick, Linda, Elmer and Louis. In his political views Mr. Ansorge adheres to the democratic party and he has served as assessor of Newton township for three years. Being always associated with work on the home farm, he is well trained for his farming and dairying, which industries he pursues according to the latest and most scientific methods known today.
CHRISTIAN ARNDT (This was sent in by researcher/see contributors page) Here's some info I've dug up on the Ahrndt's from Two Rivers area. I checked the marriages and found my Great Grandparents, Christian and Sophia (Schroeder) Ahrndt has two listings in the marriage section. One under Christian Arndt who married Sophia Schroeder and the other spelled Arent. I checked the records at the Courthouse and they also show him as Friederick, who was his Father. One of the listings has 2 of their 10 children listed. Here are the names and dobs of all their children; Wilhelmina "Hatie" born 06/14/1869, Frederick "Fred" born 10/06/1870, Clara born 02/25/1872, Carl or Charlie born 01/24/1874, Wilhelm 'William" born 03/02/1876, John A. born 03/04/1878, Henry L. born 04/11/1880, Louisa "Lizzie" born 04/21/1882, My Grandfather, Edward G. born 08/24/1884, and Elsie born 08/03/1887. They settled in Manitowoc Count around 1853-4 and the farm still is at the corner of STH 42 and Hillcrest Rd. My GG Grandparents, Fred and Christina Arndt (The way it was spelled then) settled there and there is a Land Patent in 2/1858 with Fred having bought 120 acres. Sophia Schroeder was Joachim Schroeder's Sister, see Biography on Joachim Schroeder. He ended up marrying one of Christ Arndt's Siblings, Lizzie. Schroeder's settled up in the Mishicot area all on Saxonburg Rd. Many of them including my other GG Grandparents, Johann and Fredericke, are buried in Saxonburg Cemetery. My Grandfather Edward ran away from home at age 14 to join the Army during the Spanish-American War. Then moved and settled in the Racine area and raised a family of his own. Anyway, I thought maybe you'd like an update on some of the things I've found. Most of the Ahrndt's are buried in Pioneers Rest Cemetary. I traced some relatives down with the Ahrndt name in the past few years that I didn't know existed. They were of Fred and Christina's younger son Charlie, who moved to Nebraska in 1866 (See Joachim Schroeder's Biography). Tracked them down in Scribner and Hooper, Nebraska.
Mrs. Ernest (Katherine Schmidt) Arnemann Note with photo said First lady born in Two Rivers
HERMAN ARNEMANN From History of Manitowoc County, by Dr. Louis Falge, 1911-12, v.2, p.302. Herman Arnemann, one of the successful farmers and stock-raisers of Two Rivers twp., has always displayed the characteristics fo energy and enter- prise that make for progress, good government and general advancement along all lines, and is now the owner of an excellent farm situated on Section 13. He was born on this farm, March 7, 1871, and is a son of August and Maria (Schmidt) Arnemann. August Arnemann was a shepherd in his native country, but on coming to the United States in 1855 he went to work in the old tannery, in Two Rivers, shortly thereafter locating on forty acres of wild land, on which now stands the handsome residence of Herman Arnemann. Later, August Arnemann purchased the interests of Mr. Schafer, who had bought the land with him, and erected a log cabin, twenty by thirty feet, and a log barn with a roof formed of split logs. He added the adjoining forty-two acres, cleared it from the wilderness and cultivated it and subsequently bought eighty acres more, located across the road. On his place he built a modern house and a barn and stables. There were no roads when he first located here, and afterward became one of those who worked hardest for good roads. His first team was a pair of oxen, but later he became the owner of some of the finest horses in the township, and his son now has a prize team which has taken a number of ribbons at various fairs. His old deer scaffold, built fifty years ago, is still to be found leaning against the trees, and the supporting posts are sound and excellent evidence of the careful manner in which all of this sturdy pioneer's work was done. In 1889 August Arnemann paid a visit to his birthplace in Hanover, Germany. In politics he was a democrat, and he was elected to all of the township offices within the gift of the people except that of chairman. Mr. Arnemann was an ardent supporter of education, and was one of the organizers of the Lutheran church, being well versed in the Bible and often preaching funeral sermons in the absence of the regular minister. His death occurred in 1904, when he was seventy-one years old and his widow still survives him. Their children were as follows: Louisa; Minnie, deceased; August; Mary; Emma; Herman; Christina; and Henry, a prominent educator. Herman Arnemann remained on the old homestead, which he purchased two years prior to his father's death, and now in addition to general farming he is engaged in raising thoroughbred Percheron and Norman horses, Holstein cattle and graded Chester White hogs. During the last two years he has cleared twenty-five acres of land which had never before been reduced to a state fit for cultivation. In addition to his other activities he has found time to promote the organization of a cooperative cheese factory of which he now serves as treasurer. Mr. Arnemann was married to Miss Emma Redecker, a daughter of William Redecker, and they have two children: Harold, aged thirteen years, who has just entered high school; and Elmer, aged seven years. He is a devout member of the Lutheran church. Mr. Arnemann is a democrat in politics as was his father, and like him has been prominent in township matters, being one of the first to start the movement to secure state aid on the roads, and holding the office of school clerk for ten or twelve years.
Mr. and Mrs. August Arnemann
Mr. and Mrs. William Redeker
JACOB ARNOLD This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.594-597. Jacob Arnold, whose interests are centered in his excellent farm of one hundred and twenty acres in the town of Kiel, was born in Manitowoc county, January 8, 1859, and is a son of Philip and Mary Arnold. Philip Arnold was born in Germany in 1827, and came to the United States in 1848. locating in Sheboygan county, Wisconsin, but later moved to Kiel, Manitowoc county, buying one hundred and twenty acres here in 1857. This he operated until his retirement. His wife was also born in Germany, but came to the United States a short time prior to her marriage, which occurred in Manitowoc county about 1857. The children born to them were: Lena Katherina, now Mrs. Robert Pagel, living on a farm in Manitowoc county; Jacob; Peter, a merchant of Kiel; Philip, a farmer; and Christopher was an elevator owner but is now living retired in Kiel. Jacob Arnold was educated in the public schools of Kiel, where he obtained a good, substantial foundation for the knowledge that has come to him with years and experience. He was with his father until 1883, when he bought eighty acres in the town of Kiel, later adding eighty acres more. Still later, he sold forty acres, and now owns one hundred and twenty acres, all of which is in excellent condition, his buildings and premises showing that the one in charge understands his work and takes a pride in having everything in first—class repair. On November 28, 1883, Mr. Arnold was married to Anna Kazmeier, a daughter of Frederick and Louise (Ruckwied) Kazmeier, farming people. The parents came from Germany in 1854, and after eighteen months spent in New York state, they located in Manitowoc county. They came to the United States separately, and married after locating in this county. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold are the parents of nine children: Walter Jacob, principal of the high school at Menomonee Falls, Wisconsin; Louise Sophia, a teacher in the public schools of Eureka, South Dakota; Arthur Alfred, a farmer of Kiel; Anna Barbara, a student at Stevens Point Normal School; Sophia Johanna, at home; James Walter, a high-school student; Harold, Frederick and Milton, at home. Mr. Arnold is one of the prosperous men of his calling who has succeeded because of industrious, thrifty habits, and a comprehensive knowledge of his work.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Arnold
Rose Ast Lizzie Seidl
Gustav Aumann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.DEWITT F. AUSTIN From "A Century of Masonry 1856-1956" by Merle E. Hutchins (with permission) This brother is also a relatively unknown quantity as no information has been found in regard to him other than that he was one of the founders and served our lodge as Secretary while working under dispensation. He was granted a demit on September 3, 1863.
ARTHUR J. AUTON This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.100. Arthur J. Auton, deputy county clerk of Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, has been a resident of Manitowoc all his life, being born here September 14, 1881, a son of Leonard and Catherine (Kane) Auton, the former a native of England and the latter of Ireland. They were married in the state of New York, from which city they went to Chicago, and in 1873 came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, Mr. Auton securing employment in a lumber mill, with which he was connected until the time of his death, March 18, 1886. His widow still survives him and makes her home in Manitowoc. She is a member of the Catholic church, and has been the mother of a family of six children, of whom two are deceased. Arthur Auton first attended the graded schools of Manitowoc, after which he entered the high school. After his graduation from the latter he entered the employ of the Goodrich company as a clerk, remaining with that line for nine and one-half years, and was then for one year connected with the Ann Arbor & Northwestern Railway Company for one year. On January 3, 1911, Mr. Auton was appointed to the office of deputy county clerk, and he has continued to efficiently fill the duties of that position to the present time. He is well and favorably known throughout this section, and is a popular member of the Knights of Columbus, the Elks and the Knights of the Maccabees. His religious connection is with the Catholic church and his political convictions with the democratic party.