[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
CHARLES BOCK From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 526 General merchandise, Manitowoc, was born Dec. 15, 1837 in Prussia. In 1852, he came to Manitowoc, where he has since resided. He occupied the position of clerk for fourteen years, and in April, 1866, he established his present business, beginning in a small way. His business has increased, until now it amounts to about sixty thousand a year. He now owns and occupies a fine brick building, 30 1/8 x 80 feet, two stories and basement, which cost about six thousand dollars. He was married in 1858, to Miss Albertine Zumach, of Rockland, Wisconsin. They have eight children - four sons and four daughters.
H. Boeckmann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at ManitowocLOUIS BOECKMANN
Louis Boeckmann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.WM. BOECKMANN
Wm. Boeckmann This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.WILLIAM BOEDER (From the Manitowoc Herald, June 10, 1902:) Marriage vows were exchanged by Miss Elizabeth Steffes and William Boeder at St. Boniface church at 9 o'clock this morning. Rev. Father Salbreiter pronouncing the nuptial tie. The attendants were Miss Helen Boeder and John Panel and a large number of friends were present for the pretty ceremony. The bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Steffes of Rapids, and is a young lady who enjoys the esteem and respect of many friends. The groom is employed at the Seating Works and is an energetic young man of business ability. They will reside in this city.
JOHN BOEGE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.365-366. John Boege follows farming in Schleswig township and also deals in agricultural implements. He fully realizes that there is no royal road to wealth and is placing his dependence upon the safe substantial qualities of industry, perseverance and determination. His birth occurred November 15, 1862, in the township which is still his home, his parents being Jacob and Christina (Reimers) Boege. The father was born in 1827 at Beidenfleth near Itzehoe, in Prussia, and was a son of Wilhelm Boege, who was an old German soldier, serving in the Franco-Prussian wars of the Napoleonic era. Jacob Boege came to America when a young man of twenty-five years and after a year spent at Holstein, this state, moved to Illinois, where he worked on the railroad near Joliet. He afterward came to what is known as the old farm in Schleswig township and it was here that he married Christina Reimers, a daughter of Johann Reimers, who was also a native of Prussia, in which country his daughter was born and reared. Mrs. Boege died at the age of thirty years when her son John was but seven years of age. He was one of two brothers, the other being Jacob Boege, a resident farmer of Schleswig township. John Boege spent his youthful days as a pupil in the public school near his father's home and began earning his own living by working as a farm hand. For eighteen years he was employed in that way, after which he settled at Brooklyn Corner, where he opened a saloon and farm implement business in 1901. There he sold out in 1908 to his son-in-law and at the same time he is engaged in general farming and also deals to some extent in agricultural implements. He has sixty acres of land which he carefully cultivates according to modern, progressive methods, so that his place presents a neat and attractive appearance and gives every indication of careful supervision on the part of the owner. On the 11th of October, 1883, Mr. Boege was united in marriage to Miss Mary Balz, who was born in Schleswig township, Manitowoc county, in 1861, and is a daughter of Nicholas and Henrietta Balz, natives of Germany, the former now deceased. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Boege have been born four children. Anna, the eldest, is the wife of Fritz Duerwaechter, a blacksmith of Holstein, by whom she has two children, Reuben and Veiler. Mary is the wife of Luedwig Duerwaechter, a brother of her sister’s husband, who is now living retired in Schleswig township. William is at home. Ella, the youngest of the family, is still in school. Mr. Boege has been a lifelong resident of Schleswig township, having for a half century been a witness of its growth and development, while for a seven years’ period he has been actively associated with its agricultural interests. He is a worthy representative of the better class of the German-American citizen and his sterling traits of character have gained him warm friendships.
WILLIAM C. BOEHRINGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.404-405. William C. Boehringer, who has been conducting a coal, wood, lime and cement business at the corner of Twelfth and Washington streets since February, 1906, was born in Two Rivers, September 26, 1867, a son of John and Caroline (Meyer) Boehringer. The father, like so many of the early residents of Manitowoc county, came from Germany about 1863. The first few years after his arrival here he conducted a brewery. His death occurred in 1875 and he is buried at Calvary cemetery in Manitowoc. His wife passed away in 1896 and is interred in the public cemetery in Two Rivers. In the public schools of Two Rivers William C. Boehriruger pursued his education but was obliged to leave high school at the age of fourteen. He then accepted employment with the Two Rivers Woodenware Company and the Hamilton Manufacturing Company until he formed a partnership with Peter H. Scherer, establishing the business which is at present conducted by Mr. Boehringer. His long connection with the business has made him thoroughly familiar with the trade in every department. He is reliable, systematic and thorough in all he undertakes, and his work has been of marked value to the company. He also acts as agent for the Wadhams Oil Company. Mr. Boehringer has secured a large trade for this company, which extends over this and surrounding counties. On the 27th of September, 1893, Mr. Boehringer was married to Miss Hulda Kasten, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Kasten, who were among the pioneer settlers of Two Rivers. The father's death occurred in 1911 when he was eighty-nine years of age. To Mr. and Mrs. Boehringer six children were born: Florence and Earl, who are attending school; Helen and Hulda, twins, three years of age; and Roy and Orpha, both deceased, the former having died in 1903 at the age of eight years and the latter having passed away in infancy. The family reside at 1605 Seventeenth street, in the comfortable home which was erected by Mr. Boehringer in 1907, and is one of the substantial buildings of the vicinity. He owns also the old homestead. Politically Mr. Boehringer is a democrat. He has served as supervisor of the county for nine years and has been judge of the police court for two terms. He holds membership in the German Lutheran church. Mr. Boehringer is an affable and pleasant man and has a wide circle of friends all over the county. Actuated by a laudable desire for advancement, and recognizing the fact that upon his own labors depend his success, he has made advancement step by step in the business world until his achievements have brought him to a remunerative and responsible position.
William C. Boehringer
WILLIAM M. BOENING This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.77-78. William M. Boening, president and treasurer of the Wisconsin Knitting Mills, which are located at Fourteenth and Franklin streets, is one of the most capable men in his line in the country. He was born at Brandenburg, Germany, July 25, 1866, a son of Michael and Louise Boening. The father was an agriculturist at Sheboygan Falls until his death, which occurred in 1891. He is buried in the Sheboygan Falls cemetery. His widow is at present living with her son William M. Boening. William M. Boening acquired his early education in the public schools at Sheboygan Falls and had to walk three miles a day to school from his father’s farm. He laid aside his text-books at the age of fourteen years and after assisting his father for one year on the farm began learning the furniture manufacturing business. He was employed in various factories throughout the twenty years in which he was engaged in that business. During this time he became acquainted with Ernest H. Ludwig and when the Wisconsin Knitting Company dissolved partnership and discontinued business operations he and Mr. Ludwig formed the present company, which is now one of the most important productive industries of the city. The success of the firm is due in a great measure to Mr. Boening’s management. His time and talents have been entirely given to business interests and his constantly increasing experience and proficiency have brought him into a prominent position in industrial circles. Although the firm has been conducting business only eight years, it has proven that it is established upon a firm basis and will continue its operations permanently. Mr. Boening has also been interested in other activities. He invented the veneer tapping machine and also a joint cutter, both of which are patented. They are used extensively in Germany, Canada and the United States. At Sheboygan Falls, Wisconsin, on the 26th of November, 1896, Mr. Boening was married to Miss Christine Never, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Never. The father has resided at Sheboygan Falls for many years, where he is a tailor. Mr. and Mrs. Boening reside at 1015 South Eleventh street, their home having been erected in 1908. In his political views Mr. Boening is a republican, having continuously supported the party since becoming a naturalized American citizen. He favors a protective policy and is in sympathy with the party upon other vital questions. During his eight years residence in Manitowoc his life has been conscientiously devoted to business. He never shirks a duty that devolves upon him and in every connection he has been found fully equal to the tasks which present themselves. Thus he has reached a prominent place in manufacturing circles in Manitowoc.
photo sent in by researcher/see contributors page
JOHN C. BOHM From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 538 Deceased, Two Rivers, was born November 8, 1830 in Holstein, Germany. In 1850 he came to Wisconsin and settled in Two Rivers, and followed the mason trade several years, during which he built many of the principal works, including the Wisconsin Leather Company's buildings. About 1856 he opened a hotel, known as the Lake House, which he conducted up to the time of his death, which occurred December 23, 1877. The business has since been conducted by his widow, who owns the property. They were married March 17, 1852. He maiden name was Regena Klien, and she was born in Prussia March 17, 1834. There were seven children: Charles, Henry E., John L., Emma, Matilda, Augusta, and Adaline.
HENRY A. BOHNE Portrait and Biographical Record, Jasper, Marshall and Grundy Counties, Iowa, Biographical Publishing Co., Chicago, IL, 1894 Henry A. Bohne, who has been a resident of Jasper County since 1881, is numbered among the successful farmers of Malaka Township and is the owner of two hundred and seventy acres of well-improved land. He is of German parentage, his father, John Hammond Bohne, having been born in Prussia in 1810, and spending the years of his boyhood upon a farm in that country. Like the majority of German lads he was well educated in the splendid schools of his native land, and his parents being in good circumstances, he had in many advantages denied to other boys. In 1838 John H. Bohne emigrated to America and for three years worked by the month upon a farm in New York, after which he operated as a renter there until 1850. After his marriage to Eliza M. Mader, a native of Prussia, he conducted a grocery store in the city of New York. In 1855 he removed to Wisconsin and settled upon a farm in Manitowoc County, which he had bought in 1848. There he remained until 1888, when death terminated his useful career. His wife had passed away in 1873. They were prominently identified with the German Reformed Church, and were a worthy and highly esteemed couple. He was a man of considerable influence in his community and was an active worker in the ranks of the Democratic Party. As a result of his energy and perseverance he became the owner of two hundred acres, upon which he placed a series of first-class improvements. In the parental family there were the following named children: Henry A., of this sketch; Fred and Herman, who live on the old Wisconsin homestead; Rosina, the wife of Jacob Loose; Elizabeth, who married John Rhinamann and lives in Wisconsin; Annie, Amelia and Mrs. Margaret Fiddler, who live in Wisconsin. There were three other children, who died in infancy. The eldest member of the family, Henry August, was born in New York March 12, 1847; spent part of his youth in the country, and later went to the city of New York. Establishing domestic ties at the age of twenty-four, Mr. Bohne then married Miss Caroline, daughter of Fred Schnathorst. They have become the parents of ten children, all at home, and named as follows: August, Henry, John, William, Fred, Herman, Charles, Rosina, Lena and Mary. For six years Mr. Bohne resided upon an eighty-acre farm in Wisconsin, which he had purchased with the savings of years. As above stated, he settled in Jasper County in l881, and here, as a result of his energy and industry, he has attained success and a rank among the prosperous farmers of Malaka Township. A Democrat in politics, Mr. Bohne has served in a number of local offices, including the position of Township Clerk, to which he was elected in 1893. At the present time he is serving as President of the Township School Board, and being interested in educational matters, he has been instrumental in advancing the standard of education in his district. He is a Director in the Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company. In his religious belief he is identified with the Congregational Church, in which he is officiating as Trustee, and to the support of which he is a liberal contributor. p. 236.
FRANK BOLDUS This is an obituary from the Manitowoc Chronicle-Two Rivers, December, 1904 Died at her home in this city December 6, 1904, Gesine, wife of Frank Boldus, aged 52 years, 6 months, and 8 days. Deceased was born in the Grand Dutchy of Oldenburg, Germany, May 28, 1852. Her parents were Herman and Katharina Goedjen, who emigrated to this country in 1856 and settled on a farm in this county, about mid-way between the present city of Two Rivers and the village of Mishicot, on the place still known as the Goedjen Homestead. In 1875 she was married to Frank Boldus of this city, and has made this city her home most of the time since. Of the children she bore him four are now living, two sons and two daughters. One brother and two sisters are also still living. She was a dutiful wife and a loving mother. Her funeral took place on Friday after- noon from St. John's Lutheran church, to which she was a life-long member. A large number of neighbors and friends were present at her funeral.
JOHN BOGENSCHUETZ From the Manitowoc Pilot, Thursday, August 21, 1884: IN PROBATE - MANITOWOC COUTY COURT No. 59 In the matter of the estate of John Bogenschuetz, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Elizabeth Bogenschuetz, executrix of the last will and testament of said deceased for the adjustment and allowance of her administration account (and the assignment of the residue of said estate to such other persons as are by law entitled to the same:) It is ordered, that said account be examined, adjusted and allowed at a special term of said court to be held at the office of the county judge in the city of Manitowoc. In said county, on Tuesday, the 16th day of September, A.D., 1884. (Rest of notice standard instructions on rules of publication)
JOHN H. BOHNE The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, pp. 541-542 Farmer, Sec. 14, P. O. Meeme, was born Dec. 25, 1810 in Westphalia, Germany. In 1838 came to New York; worked in a sugar factory a short time. He then removed to Schenectady, N. Y.; worked on a farm four years, then rented a farm where he also remained four years. In 1846 returned to New York and opened a grocery store, which he continued about eight years, then sold out and came to Manitowoc County, where he has since resided. He owns 120 acres of land. Mr. Bohne represented this county in the Assembly in 1868. He has been Chairman of the Town several years. Married in 1843, to Anna Mede, of Heiligenstadt, Germany. Had twelve children, nine living, four sons and five daughters.
FREDERICK BORCHERDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.494-497. Frederick Borcherdt was born on the 6th of July 1811, at Chemnitz, Saxony. His parents were wealthy and influential, and thus their eldest son spent his early youth and manhood in study at two of the most famous universities in Europe. Having traveled much in Europe he finally decided to cross the ocean and see for himself this wonderful United States, noted as "the land of the free, and home of the brave." Its freedom, equality and republican form of government immediately appealed to him, and he decided to make this country his permanent home, and after his marriage, in New York city, came westward, settling at Detroit, Michigan. In 1841 the western fever again induced him to leave the young and prosperous city of Detroit to gain still greater knowledge of the land of his adoption, and leaving Detroit, with his family, on board of a vessel, arrived in Two Rivers, Wisconsin, in the fall of 1841, after a stormy trip of three weeks. Mr. Borcherdt engaged in the lumbering business at Neshoto on the West river, a few miles above Two Rivers. Transportation at that time was almost entirely by water, skows being the method of shipping the lumber and loading the vessel out at anchor in the bay, no piers having been built at that early day. Roads through the dense forests were rough and few and traveling by horseback over Indian trails was by far the most comfortable. Green Bay was at that time the most important town in this section of the state, and the old "Green Bay road" the most popular and traveled highway. Chief Mexico was a prominent personage at that period. His reservation lay between Two Rivers and Green Bay and for many years he was a frequent and welcome visitor at the family home at Neshoto. In the early '50s Mr. Borcherdt became a resident of Manitowoc Rapids, at that time the county seat of Manitowoc county, having a courthouse, postoffice, schoolhouse, hotel and a Catholic church, the latter still standing as a monument to its early devoted builders. In 1855 Mr. Borcherdt left the Rapids and established his home in Manitowoc, where as a citizen he identified himself with all that was best for the advancement of the social, political and public life of the village. In 1871 Mr. Borcherdt was appointed United States consul to Leghorn, Italy, by President Grant and with his wife left Manitowoc August 30 of that year, arriving at Leghorn about November 1. Speaking the Italian language perfectly, he felt quite at home and enjoyed the advantages his position granted in travel, in music and art. He was honored and beloved as a representative of the government of these United States. Mr. Borcherdt died at Leghorn, Italy, on September 1, 1877, and a monument marks his last resting place in the beautiful English cemetery in that city. ------------------- From "A Century of Masonry 1856-1956" by Merle E. Hutchins (much of the first part of this bio. was taken from Falge's book but the following is in addition) Frederick Borcherdt also took an active part in promoting the spiritual influences and in this connection was apparently largely influential in organizing the first Presbyterian society which was organized in his home on June 26, 1851 and was one of the founders of the Chickerming Lodge No. 55, I.O.O.F. He was one of the Charter members of Manitowoc Lodge No. 65, was Treasurer of this lodge in 1856 and 1857, demitted in 1857 to assist in founding Tracy Lodge No. 107, F.& A.M. which he served as Worshipful Master for the years 1859, 1860, 1862 and 1863. After the Charter of Tracy Lodge was arrested, he reaffiliated with Manitowoc Lodge and remained a member until he was called by the Grand Architect.
AUGUST H. BORN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.380-381. August H. Born, a prosperous hardware and implement dealer of Collins, and one of the representative men of this locality, was born in the town of Newton, Manitowoc county, July 28, 1867. He is a son of Henry J. and Eva Born, natives of Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany, who came to the United States in 1848. They returned to Germany, but came back to this country in 1853. They settled in the town of Newton, this county, on a farm, of which but five acres were cleared. There was a small log shanty on it, and into it they moved. The work of clearing the land was a big task, but the father proved equal to it, and developed his property until 1885, when he sold it to his son, and moved to Fond du Lac county. There he lived nine years, and then came back to Newton, and lived with his eldest son, Adam, until 1895. In that year, Adam Born went to Centerville, and took his father with him, and there the latter died December 29, 1903, when in his eighty-ninth year. His widow survived him until March 27, 1907, when she passed away, in her eighty-first year. August H. Born was the seventh of the eight children born to his parents, and remained with them until he was twenty years old. At that time, he began working at the carpenter trade, and continued in this vocation for six years, when he entered the hardware business, in partnership with Roll Brothers, at Jackson. This connection continued one year, when Mr. Born sold his interest, and came to Collins, buying out the hardware and implement business owned by Peter Rank & Company. He assumed charge in March, 1897, and since then has conducted the business very profitably. He values his stock and business at fourteen thousand dollars. In addition, he owns the premises occupied by the business, and two other building lots. In 1901, he married Minnie Sachse, a daughter of Gustav and Minnie Sachse, natives of Germany and Wisconsin respectively. They were married in the town of Newton, where they lived on the home farm until their removal to the city of Manitowoc in February, 1912. Here Mr. Sachise passed away on May 9, 1912, at the age of seventy-three years, while his wife is surviving at the age of sixty-two. Mrs. Born was the fourth of six children and was born May 13, 1876. Five children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Born, Reuben, Ella, Hilda, Eva and Meta. Outside of his hardware store Mr. Born is financially interested in the Metallic Screen Company of Collins, of which organization he serves as treasurer and is one of its directors. In his political affiliations he is a democrat and at present fills the office of treasurer of the village fire department. He takes great interest in the township and village affairs and renders valuable service to the general welfare of the public. He and his family are consistent members of the Lutheran church of Collins, in which he is as active and prominent as in business circles.
FRED BRAASCH The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 541 Farmer and veterinary surgeon, Section 4, P. O. Mishicott. Was born Nov. 4, 1806 in Holstein, Germany. Came to Mishicott in 1850, and at once engaged in farming; he owns 160 acres of land. When first coming to Mishicott, he practiced medicine, there being no physician here at the time. He has held the office of Postmaster, Town Supervisor and other offices. Married, in 1853, to Sophia Hansen, of Holstein, Germany. They have eight children, four sons and four daughters.
CHARLES E. BRADY This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.99-100. Charles E. Brady, a well known member of the Manitowoc county bar, whose chosen field of practice is the city of Manitowoc, was born in Liberty township, this county, January 3, 1877, and is a son of Peter and Margaret (Conway) Brady, the former a native of New York city and the latter of Buffalo, New York. Patrick Brady, the grandfather of Charles E., was born in Ireland, and with three brothers came to the United States in 1834, settling in New York. He was married in that city, and also spent a short time in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, from whence he removed to Detroit, Michigan, and from that city went to Chicago in 1845. In October, 1847, he came to Manitowoc county, locating government land in Liberty township, on which he built a log cabin. He then returned to Chicago for his family, whom he brought here in 1848, and this was the family homestead until his death in July, 1899, at the age of eighty-six years, his wife, who bore the maiden name of Ellen Riley, also dying here. Peter Brady, father of Charles E., is still engaged in operating this farm. He married Margaret Conway, daughter of Charles Conway, who was a native of Ireland and came to the United States in 1838, locating in Buffalo, New York. In 1856 the family came to Wisconsin. He was a contractor by occupation. and helped to build the Erie canal, but on coming to Wisconsin he purchased government land in Meeme township, which is still in the family. Mr. and Mrs. Brady had a family of eleven children, of whom one is deceased. Charles E. Brady received his early education in the public schools in the vicinity of the old homestead, and then, deciding upon the law as a profession, entered George Washington Law School, of Washington, from which he was graduated with the class of 1903. He immediately engaged in practice in Manitowoc, and has already gone far in his profession. He was married in 1910 to Evelyn H. Hougen, a sister of his law partner, A. L. Hougen. The family has always been connected with the Catholic church.
JONAS L. BRANDEIS The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 526 General merchandising, Manitowoc, born Nov. 14, 1836 in Bohemia. In 1858, came to Milwaukee. In 1860, removed to Manitowoc; the following year he opened a small store and has now worked into a large and flourishing business, giving employment to six clerks. He was the first wheat buyer in Manitowoc, paying part in cash and part in goods. He was married June, 1861 to Miss F. Tweles, of Milwaukee. They have four children - three sons and one daughter.
WILLIAM F. BRANDT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.470-473. William F. Brandt, proprietor of a large job printing establishment in Manitowoc, was born in Detroit, Michigan, February 15, 1862. He is a son of John and Mary (Willert) Brandt, both of whom were natives of Germany. The father came to America in 1857, settling in Detroit where he resided until about 1864, when he removed to Manitowoc. He was employed in the ship industries, which occupation he followed until his death in 1898. His wife died in 1900. William F. Brandt received his early education in the common schools which he attended until he was fourteen years of age, when he entered the printing office of the Manitowoc Journal, which was owned by Fred Heineman, and remained in that office until 1879, when the business was discontinued. He then went into partnership with Mr. Wittmann of the Manitowoc Post, continuing in the work with him for four years. In 1891 he started the printing, binding and job work office in which he is now engaged. He has an up-to-date establishment, and is carrying on a thriving business. He was the founder of the Manitowoc Herald. In 1882 Mr. Brandt married Miss Augusta Stahl, a daughter of Charles Stahl, and to this union were born three children, one of whom is now deceased. The others are: Charles, who is in the employ of the American Express Company, and is married and has three children; and John, who is a salesman for Theo. Schmidtman Sons Company. In 1886 Mrs. Brandt passed away, and in 1890 Mr. Brandt was again married, his second union being with Miss Mary Maas, a daughter of Carl Maas, who was a well known farmer of this county. By his second marriage Mr. Brandt has become the father of six children: Ariel, Myrtle, Trilby, Lola, Rhoda and Wilber. Politically Mr. Brandt has ever been a stanch democrat, believing the principles of this party to be most conducive to good government. Fraternally he is identified with the Benevolent Protective Order of Elks and with the Royal League, being a charter member of both of these lodges in Manitowoc. Also he is associated with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, and with the Knights of Pythias. He belonged to Company H of the Wisconsin National Guards, and rose in that company from private to the position of captain. His activity in the printing work and in various other lines, has brought him a wide acquaintance, while his personal characteristics have made him a popular citizen of Manitowoc.
FREDERICK BRATZ This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.287-288. Frederick Bratz, one of the successful farmers and representative citizens of Manitowoc county, who is carrying on operations on eighty acres of land located on section 8, town of Cato, was born March 2, 1879, in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, and is a son of August and Wilhelmina (Schuetz) Bratz, natives of Germany. Mr. Bratz’ parents were married in Wisconsin, after which they settled in the town of Rockland, where the father died in May, 1910, aged sixty-two years, while his widow still survives at the age of sixty-two. They had a family of twelve children, of whom Frederick was the fourth in order of birth. Frederick Bratz was brought up on the home farm, and at the age of twenty-one years started working for wages, but in five years had accumulated the means to purchase his present farm, seventy acres of which are under cultivation. It presents a neat and well kept appearance, being fenced with barbed and woven wire, and Mr. Bratz’ general farming operations have been very successful, as he obtained profitable prices in his marketing and dairying. He milks nine cows, and his horses are of the Percheron breed. Among his substantial buildings may be mentioned a basement barn forty by ninety feet, built in 1906, a large granary, built in 1907, and other substantial buildings, all erected by Mr. Bratz himself, except the two-story frame residence. Water is supplied by a drilled well one hundred and thirty-five feet deep. In 1908 Mr. Bratz was married to Miss Mary Karow, who was born September 29, 1881, the eldest of the ten children born to August and Amelia (Lueck) Karow, natives of Germany. The parents were married in the old country, and came to the United Statcs about 1883, settling in Watertown, Jefferson county, Wisconsin. The father died at Kilbourn, January 13, 1906, at the age of forty-seven years, while his widow survives and is upwards of fifty years of age. Mr. and Mrs. Bratz are the parents of three children, Anna, Emil and Otto. In his political views, Mr. Bratz is independent, and he has always been connected with the Lutheran church of Reedsville.
ANTON BRAUN Brillion News; Dec 1916 BRAUN - Anton Braun, a prominent and respected resident of the town of Brillion died at his home last Sunday at the age of 61 years. He was born in Manitowoc Co, in 1855 and came to Brillion town in 1885 from Whitelaw, having been married that year at Clarks Mills to Mary Klapatch. He was a member of St. Mary's congregation in our city and of the Catholic Knights. Decedent is survived by the bereaved wife and his aged mother who resides at Whitelaw; also three sons and three daughters. The sons are Anton at Greenleaf, Joseph and John at home. The daughters are Anna and Clara at home and Mrs Mary Brunmeyer of St. Nazianz. Likewise one brother, Peter of Brillion town, three step brothers, Frank, Lewis and John at Whitelaw and two sisters Mrs. Mary Wellner and Mrs. Anna Brandl also of Whitelaw. The funeral took place Wednesday from St Mary's church, Rev. Garthaus conducting the sad last rites. The pall bearers were George Schneider Sr., Syl Schneider, John Geiger, Adolph Ecker, A.F. Schwaller Sr., Adam Schmieder.
JOHN BRAUN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.240. John Braun, proprietor of one of the foremost business establishments of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, has been a well known member of the jewelry trade in Manitowoc county for thirty-five years, having founded his present business in 1876, on Washington street, Two Rivers. He was born December 5, 1854, in Bohemia, and is a son of Joseph and Anna (Petrok) Braun, whose other children, all born in Bohemia, were as follows: Mary, who married Joseph Yakish of Manitowoc county; John; Frank, who is deceased; and Caroline, who married Charles Etzler, of Reedsville, this county. Joseph Braun was a watchmaker and jeweler by occupation, and in 1866 brought his family to America, locating first in Manitowoc and then going to Cooperstown, where he died in 1908. aged eighty-two years, while his wife passed away in 1905, when seventy-six years old. Joseph Braun was an extensive traveler, having visited all the important points in Italy, Germany and Austria. John Braun was twelve years of age when he accompanied his parents to America, and by the time he was fourteen years old he was a skilled jeweler. He continued to work with his father after coming to this country until 1876, when he established himself in business on Washington street, Two Rivers, and from a small beginning built up one of the finest businesses in eastern Wisconsin. For thirty years he was also interested in the photograph gallery which is now owned and managed by his son, Paul, on Washington street, but he has now retired. In 1881 Mr. Braun was married to Miss Laura Chopek who was born in Manitowoc in 1863, and they have had two children: Edward and Paul J. Mr. Braun has held office on the city board of aldermen, but has never sought public preferment, his business duties claiming all of his time and attention. Fraternally he is connected with the Knights of Columbus and the Elks, and he and Mrs. Braun are consistent members of the Catholic church.
MARY (KLABATSCH) BRAUN Brillion News December 27, 1935 DEATH CLAIMS MRS M BRAUN Mrs. Mary Braun, 77, died Friday evening at the St. Vincent's Hospital, Green Bay. She has been making her home for a number of years with her daughter, Mrs. Jos. Hlavachek. Funeral services were held Monday morning at 9 o'clock from the Hlavachek home and at 9:30 from St. Mary's church, Rev. Fr. Kraus officiating. Burial was in the Catholic cemetery. Pall bearers were Joseph Scharenbroch, Christ Scharenbroch, Joseph Urban, John Miller, John Steinfest, and Chas. Pritzl. Mrs Braun, nee Mary Klabatsch, was born at Whitelaw, Nov 27, 1858. She was married to Anton Braun, who preceded her in death, in 1916. She was a member of the Christian Mothers' society here. Survivors include three daughters, Mrs. Halvachek, Mrs. Henry Brunimeier of St. Nazianz and Mrs. Anna Ahrens of Manitowoc; three sons, Anton of Whitelaw, Joseph of Brillion and John of Manitowoc; two brothers, Frank Klabatsch, Whitelaw and Jos Klabatsch of Maplewood; a ister, Francis Klabatsch, Whitelaw and 19 grandchildren. Those attending the funeral from away were: Mr. and Mrs. Anton Braun and family, Whitelaw; Mr. and Mrs. Hy Brunemeier, and daughter Marion of St Nazianz; Mr and Mrs John Braun and son, Mrs. Anna Ahrens and son Lambert of Manitowoc; Mr and Mrs Frank Braun and son Joe, Mrs. Ed Braun, Mr and Mrs Geo Braun and son Leonard, John Braun and son Peter, George Wellner and family, Miss Francis Klabatsch, Mrs. Jos Grall and son Paul, Mr and Mrs. Tony Meyer, Whitelaw; Mr and Mrs. Geo Brandel, Clarks Mills, Joseph Klabatsch and Louis Klabatsch, Maplewood; Mr and Mrs. Arthur Vallesky, Collins; Mr and Mrs Jos Kostechka, Cato; Mr and Mrs Frank Fiet of Kellnersville.
PAUL J. BRAUN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.401. One of the prominent representatives of photographic art in this part of Wisconsin is Paul J. Braun, who is proprietor of two studios, one in Two Rivers and the other at Manitowoc. He is a native of the former place, born March 5, 1885, and his parents were John and Laura (Cloupek) Braun, the former a native of Germany and the latter of Manitowoc county. The son, pursuing his education in the public schools, became eventually a high school student and when he had completed his course he turned his attention to photography, which he began to learn in a studio in Two Rivers. He also studied at Milwaukee. Fort Madison, Iowa. Wausau, Wisconsin, and Chicago. He has kept abreast with the most modern methods and processes of the art and besides his comprehensive understanding of the mechanical and technical phases of the business he also possesses an artistic sense that enables him to secure natural pose and expression. He has a liberal patronage in both of his establishments at Two Rivers and at Manitowoc and the excellent work which he turns out well merits the success which is crowning his labors. On the 16th of August, 1906, Mr. Braun was united in marriage to Miss Meta Cole, a daughter of the Rev. T.W. Cole, a Congregational minister. Unto them has been born a son, John, who attends school at Manitowoc. Mr. Braun is connected with the Modern Woodmen of America, the National Fraternal League of Manitowoc and the Quinn Club of Two Rivers, in all of which organizations he is popular, having many friends.
PETER BRAUN (sent in by researcher/see contributors page) Brillion News - February 23, 1934 edition PETER BRAUN IS CALLED BY DEATH Peter Braun, 75, passed away at his home in the town of Brillion on Tuesday evening following a six week illness. He was born at town Meeme (Liberty) July 30, 1858 and was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Zipperer at Whitelaw, October 30, 1882. After their marriage the couple came to Brillion, where they settled on a farm being pioneer settlers here. They cleared land which at that time was still covered with forest, and built their own home. This farm located one half mile east of Brillion has been their home ever since. One year ago last October the couple celebrated their golden wedding anniversary. Mr. Braun is survived by his wife and six children, three sons, Chas., Peter Jr., and Anton, all of Brillion, and three daughters, Mrs. Louis Wolfinger, St John; Mrs. John Schuh, Brillion; and Mrs. Irvin Pick, Oconomowoc. There are also ten grandchildren. Funeral services will be held on Saturday morning at ten o'clock at St. Mary's church, Rev. M. J. Kraus officiating. The Catholic Knights of which the deceased was a member will act as pall bearers, and interment will be in the Catholic cemetery.
JOSEPH BRENNAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.409-410. Some of the best farmers of Manitowoc county are those who have inherited their homes from their fathers, and are now operating the properties upon which they were born. Having spent their lives in close connection with these farms, they are able to give them intelligent attention and their success proves that they understand their work. Joseph Brennan is one of the prosperous agriculturists of the town of Cato, who has one hundred and thirty-eight acres of land on sections 9 and 4, and was born on his present property, March 18, 1868, a son of Bernard and Mary (Murphy) Brennan, natives of Ireland and Canada, respectively. The parents were married in the town of Cato, and shortly thereafter settled on the farm where their son Joseph now lives. The tract of forty acres was then wild land, to which Bernard Brennan added from time to time, and when he died, January 4, 1904, he had one of the best cultivated farms in the township. Mrs. Mary Brennan still survives her husband, being sixty years old, and makes her home with her son and her niece, Mary Malone, who was left an orphan and has been reared by Mrs. Brennan. Bernard Brennan was seventy-one years old at the time of his death, and was buried in St. Patrick's cemetery at Maple Grove. The following children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Brennan: Mary, a school teacher, living at home; Joseph, the subject of this sketch; William, a civil engineer, traveling through the Dakotas, his home being in Milwaukee, where his wife and child live; John, who is engaged in the retail drug business in Oshkosh and is married and has three children; Hannah, who married John O'Laughlin of Milwaukee, and has three children; Sarah, who married Dr. John Kelley, living in Cato; Bernard, who is assistant city engineer of Kenosha; Elizabeth, engaged in the dressmaking business in Milwaukee; and Madge, who married John O'Connor, of Maple Grove. Joseph Brennan is the owner of one hundred and thirty-eight acres of highly cultivated land which is fenced with barbed and woven wire. He carries on general farming, dairying and stock-raising and finds a ready market for his produce. Some of his cows are blooded Guernseys, and he raises Chester White hogs and Percheron horses. In 1898 he erected a frame barn, forty feet by sixty feet, while his other barn was erected in 1870 and is thirty- two feet by fifty-two feet, with cement floors and patent stanchions. His residence, a two story frame structure, was built in 1895, and in 1911 was remodeled and fitted with all modern improvements, including furnace and hot water system, and now has fifteen rooms. The Brennan family is connected with St. Patrick's Catholic church of Maple Grove, and Mr. Brennan is a member of the Catholic Order of Foresters, the Knights of Columbus and the Modern Woodmen of America. In politics he is independent.
GEORGE P. BRENNER, D.D.S. MEMOIRS OF MILWAUKEE COUNTY, VOL. II, by Jerome Anthony Watrous, 1909 George P. Brenner, D. D. S., who for nearly ten years has been one of the leading- figures in odontological circles in Milwaukee, was born in the town of Polk, Washington County. Wis., on Feb. 17, 1870, a son of Philip and Barbara (Mathes) Brenner, both of whom were born in the town of Polk, the father on Jan. 21, 1848, and the mother on Sept. 21, 1853. The paternal grandparents, Peter, and Christina (Kissinger) Brenner, were both native Germans, the former having been born in Hessen-Darmstadt and the latter in Seltz, who came to Wisconsin before it had become a state and located on a farm. The maternal grandparents, George and Barbara (Reiss) Mathes, were also German immigrants, who lived the better part of their lives on a farm in Washington county. The father, Philip Brenner, was a farmer during his active business career, but of late years has made his residence in Milwaukee, having retired from active participation in business affairs. Both he and his wife are communicants of the Evangelical church. Their only son, Dr. George P. Brenner, was educated in the public schools of Washington county and graduated at the West Bend high school in 1894, after having completed the prescribed four years' course in three years. For two years after he was engaged in pedagogic work in Polk township and then entered the dental department of Marquette University. Later before he had completed his course he went to Chicago and there, in 1899, he graduated at the college of dental surgery with the degree of doctor of dental science. Immediately after the completion of his course he came to Milwaukee and began the practice of his profession, which at the present time is flourishing and lucrative. For two years Dr. Brenner has held the chair of operative technic and dental anatomy at the Milwaukee College of Physicians and Surgeons and for one year he was assistant to dr. W. C. Ayenker in the same capacity at Marquette University. In politics the doctor is a Republican, but the duties attendant upon a busy career have prevented him from becoming a candidate for public office. Professionally he is prominently identified with the Wisconsin state and the north side dental societies. He was one of the moving spirits in the organization of the latter and is the present incumbent of the office of president of the same, and is also president of Milwaukee County Dental Society. In fraternal matters he is associated with Wisconsin Lodge no. 13, Free and Accepted Masons, and Damon Lodge, No. 102, Knights of Pythias, and his religious relations are with the Congregational church. On June 3, 1902, Dr. Brenner was united in marriage to Miss Emma L. Buschmann, of Manitowoc, Wis., a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Buschmann. Mrs. Buschmann is deceased, and her husband now resides at Forestville, Wis. To Dr. And Mrs. Brenner has been born one daughter, Lois Helen.
Frank Bressler, age 17, 1885
Photo courtesy of the Manitowoc Public Library
JOSEPH PETER BREUER Joseph Peter Breuer was born March 20, 1868 in St. Nazianz to Herman Henry Breuer and Helena Fuessenich Breuer. Joseph was the second child of nine born to his parents. Three children died in infancy. His father, Herman, emigrated from Cologne, Prussia in December 1863. Herman was a veterinary surgeon in Manitowoc. Herman Breuer and Helena Fuessenich were married at the St. Gregory Church in St. Nazianz on September 15, 1864 with her father, Wilhelm Fuessenich, and brother, Gerhard Fuessenich, present as witnesses. According to the 1875-1876 city directories, Herman along with C. Amon was the proprietor of the St. Charles Hotel and Saloon. By the time Joseph was sixteen, he was working as a laborer for W. Rahr’s Sons brewery and malt house. He continued working for W. Rahr’s for a few years before turning his attention to the lakes. In 1891, Joseph began his career with Goodrich Transit Company. By 1894, Joseph was an engineer for Goodrich on one of their passenger steamships. During his 48 years of service with Goodrich Transit, the last 40 years Joseph served in the position of chief engineer. His posts included the “Indiana” and his longest tenure was on the “Carolina”. Joseph Breuer married Alma Helena Vollendorf on November 23, 1897 in Chicago. Alma was the daughter of Martin Vollendorf and Fredericka Bruns Vollendorf. Alma was born in Manitowoc on January 7, 1871. Their only child, Herman Martin Breuer, was born on January 15, 1899 in Manitowoc. Joseph Breuer died on January 7, 1955 in Sheboygan County. His wife, Alma, predeceased him on May 18, 1951. Both Joseph and Alma Breuer are buried in Evergreen Cemetery. ********** Joseph Peter Breuer was born March 20, 1868 in St. Nazianz, Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin to Herman Henry Breuer and Helena Fuessenich Breuer. He married Alma Helena Vollendorf on November 23, 1897 in Chicago, Cook Co., Illinois. He died in Sheboygan Co., Wisconsin on January 7, 1955, aged 86. He is buried at #44 Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, Section R, block 24, lot 5, grave 2 & 3. Alma Helena Vollendorf was born January 7, 1871 in Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin to Martin Johann Christian Vollendorf and Fredericka Bruns Vollendorf. She died in Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin on May 18, 1951 and is buried at #44 Evergreen Cemetery, Manitowoc, Section R, block 24, lot 5, grave 2 & 3. Herman Martin Breuer was born January 15, 1899 in Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin to Joseph Peter Breuer and Alma Helena Vollendorf Breuer. He married Florence Hazel Irene Nelson (1901-1931) on December 6, 1923 in Manitowoc Co., Wisconsin. He married Edna Adele Reimer on June 18, 1934 in Rockford, Winnebago Co., Illinois. He died in San Antonio, Bexar Co., Texas on May 18, 1958. He is buried at the Ft. Sam Houston cemetery there.
EDWARD BREY, SR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.328-329. Edward Brey, Sr., is the owner of a flour, feed and produce store located at No. 306 North Eighth street, in the operation of which he has been engaged since 1905. He is one of the many successful business men of Manitowoc who were born and reared in Germany. His natal day was the 16th of March, 1853, and he is a son of Frederick and Dorothea Brey, who emigrated to the United States in 1872, settling in Wisconsin. Here the father passed away in 1879, and the mother survived him until 1884. They are both buried in Evergreen cemetery. Edward Brey received a good common school education in his native land where he resided until he had attained the age of nineteen years when he accompanied his parents to the United States. He was entirely unfamiliar with the English language and found much difficulty in acquiring facility in its use, so after locating here, for a time he attended night school. For the first two years of his residence he worked in the lumber camps in the northern part of the state, but at the expiration of that time he came to Manitowoc and took a position in the gristmill of Fluegler & Wall. He remained in their service for nine years, then resigned and entered the employ of M. Kellner & Son in the capacity of salesman, being identified with the latter enterprise for twenty years. That he proved efficient and highly capable is evidenced by the period of his connection with the firm, whose service he left in order to engage in business for himself. A man of thrifty and enterprising habits, he had managed to acquire a very comfortable capital and in 1905 he engaged in the flour, feed and produce business at No. 306 North Eighth street. His many years’ experience in commercial activities, particularly as a salesman, has developed in him the powers to wisely promote a business enterprise, and accordingly he is meeting with success in the direction of his undertaking. Mr. Brey is well known in the city and has a large personal following to whose cooperation he is much indebted for the excellent patronage he is enjoying. On the 20th of September, 1874, in this city, Mr. Brey was united in marriage to Miss Dora Schroeder, and to them were born two sons and two daughters: Meta, the wife of Fred Levenhagen, a plumber of this city; Emma, who married N K. Markle, window decorator at The Torrison Department Store; Walter, who is a sewer contractor; and Edward, Jr., who is engaged in business with his father. In matters of religious faith the family are Lutherans and affiliate with the German church of that denomination in which the father has held membership for thirty-eight years. Mr. Brey is a man who is respected by all who know him, as his achievements are the result of his own efforts, no assistance ever having been accorded him other than is granted every man of sound principles and integrity, who possesses the enterprise and energy to intelligently apply himself to the development of his activities. ******** Son of Former Local Residents Goes to West Point The Rochester, Minn., Bulletin, publishes a photo and write-up of Norman Markle, Jr., of that city who has just been appointed to become a cadet at West Point naval academy, leaving Rochester July 1, to enter the academy. Mr. Markle passed the required examination after having been recommended for the appointment by Minnesota's senators and is the first Rochester boy in years to enter West Point. Mr. Markle is a son of Norman Markle, former window decorator for the O. Torrison company in this city and a grandson of Edward Brey Sr., of the E. Brey and Son Co., Mrs. Markle having been Emma Brey previous to her marriage. The Markles have made their home at Rochester for a number of years since leaving here. Manitowoc Herald News, Manitowoc, Wis. June 27, 1929 P. 2
A.J. Brill Farm
JOHN BRODKORP From the Two Rivers Reporter, Dec. 27, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) John Brodkorp is one of those robust old timers who can boast of never having been sick a day in his life. It took vigorous and robust men to make the great west and he was of the kind that wielded the axe and followed the plow with the best of them. He came from Dresden, Saxony, where he was born October 10th, 1827. He landed in New York in September 1851. He came over with a friend who was wealthy and who wanted to go where he could enjoy his riches without being compelled to serve in the German army. Wealth and poverty never chum together however and so Mr. Brodkorp and his friend parted company when they reached America. After working in the east nearly a year Mr. Brodkorp came west to visit a brother in this county, in 1853 and he has lived here ever since. He had enough capital to invest in a buck saw and an axe. With these tools he earned a living for a while and then he found employment in the lumber business at Two Rivers and in the Whitcomb tannery. At first he made $12 a month. But like all the successful pioneers he was frugal as well as industrious and in a few months he was able to save about a hundred dollars. Then he bought his brother's farm. It was mostly all forest. Gradually he cleared away the woods and slowly, little by little he paid off the debt, while he boarded with a friend, Henry Mueller who lived near by. His farm was located near Mishicot. By and by he built him a house on his farm and then he found a wife and was married in 1856. Dancing was a fad those days too but they didn't dance the tango. The orchestra traveled right with the dancers, Mr. Reis and son Peter Reis were the musicians, one played the bass violin and the other first violin. The party would start out with a flat sleigh with straw bundles as seats, and a team of oxen hitched in front of it. The dances were held in houses or barns. He tells of a time they were out to a sleigh ride party and lost one of their passengers, Mrs. Jack Held who is known to all the old folks in the vicinity. He has always lived on the same farm but in 1889 he sold out to his only son Gust. He and his wife lived with their son. In 1908 his wife died. The son Mr. Gust Brodkorp sold the farm to his eldest son, Wm. in 1912 and retired in the village of Mishicot where the old gent makes his home. Mr. Brodkorp is a Civil war veteran and a member of the Jos. Rankin post G.A.R. at Two Rivers and is proud of the fact. His wife has been dead five years. Although past 86 he is still spry and shows little effect of age except that his hearing is poor.
JOHN BRODTKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.349-350. John Brodtke, profitably engaged in operating his eighty acre farm on section 9, town of Cato, was born in Germany, November 5, 1860. His parents, Ferdinand and Wilhelmina (Smith) Brodtke, were natives of Germany, where the father died. The mother later married Frederick Buss, and they came to the United States in 1873, settling in the city of Manitowoc, where both died, the mother in 1900, aged seventy-six years, having lost her husband two years before, when he was fifty-eight years old. John Brodtke is the youngest of his father’s four children, and received only a limited education. When sixteen years of age, he became self-supporting, and worked for others until he was twenty-five years old. On March 3, 1886, he married Anna Ahlers, daughter of Albert and Sophia (Lintlow) Ahlers, also natives of Germany. They came to this country about 1851, settling in the town of Liberty on a farm, which they operated until 1864, when they sold, and came to Cato, buying here twenty acres of wild land. Moving on it, they immediately began to improve it, and a few years later bought twenty acres more. The father died on the property in 1893, aged seventy-one years, his widow surviving him until 1897, when she died at the age of seventy-five years, and both are buried in the cemetery at Cato. Mrs. Brodtke was born April 4, 1861, the fourth child in a family of six. Mr. and Mrs. Brodtke have had seven children: Minnie, who married Robert Krahn, and they reside in Grimm, Wisconsin; Mary and Charles; Tina, who died at the age of eighteen years; Bertha; and two who died in infancy. After his marriage, Mr. Brodtke settled on the homestead of his father-in-law, and buying the farm, began to further improve it. He has added to his holdings, and now has seventy-five acres under the plow, and all of it well fenced with barbed wire. He markets grain and dairy products, milking twelve cows, and raises Southdown sheep. He breeds to Morgan horses. The stock is well housed in a frame barn, one hundred and seventeen by thirty-six feet, built in 1891, and rebuilt in 1890, with cement floors. The two story frame house was built in 1903, and is modern in its appointments. Drilled wells furnish an adequate water supply. He is a republican, but does not actively participate in public political life. The family belong to the German Lutheran church of Reedsville. Quiet, unassuming, absorbed in his work, Mr. Brodtke is a typical farmer, and one who has helped to advance the agricultural interests of his town.
CHRISTIAN J. BROECKER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.286-287. Christian J. Broecker, one of the successful young agriculturists of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, has been a resident of this community all of his life, and is now engaged in operating the old homestead farm on section 1. Mr. Broecker was born December 17, 1874, in the town of Two Rivers and is a son of Frederick and Bertha (Troutman) Broecker, natives respectively of Germany and New York. Frederick Broecker was four years of age when he came to America, accompanied by his mother and his three brothers, John of Manitowoc, and Carl and Louis, who are deceased. The mother was married a second time in Two Rivers to Henry Kosch, and died here. Frederick Broecker grew to manhood in the town of Two Rivers, where he took up land on section 1, which was covered with heavy timber. His first wife died here in 1880, and he was married a second time to his first wife’s sister, Emma Troutman. His death occurred in 1894, and his widow still survives and is living on the old home place. There were two children by the first marriage: Minnie, the wife of Frank Neiner, of Two Rivers; and Christian J. To the second union there were born three children: Lena, the wife of Gustave Schmidt of Milwaukee; Theresa, who married John Worts, of Mishicot; and Fred, who is single and makes his home with the subject of this sketch. Christian J. Broecker received a common-school education in the vicinity of his father’s farm, and he has always lived on the old homestead, where he is now engaged in general farming and dairy work. He was reared to the life of an agriculturist, and he now operates his land along scientific lines, thus obtaining highly gratifying returns for his labors. On November 17, 1898, he was married to Miss Amalia Sprang, of Two Rivers, a daughter of Herman Sprang. His parents were members of the Lutheran church, and Mr. Broecker and his wife are affiliated with the same faith, being members of the Mishicot church of that denomination. In political matters he is independent, and he has never aspired to public preferment, his agricultural operations claiming his whole time and attention.
FRITZ BROECKERT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.639-640. Fritz Broeckert has for a long period carried on general farming in Schleswig township and the success that he has achieved enables him to take life now easier than he did in former years. He was born in Ditmarschen, Holstein, Germany, March 4, 1847, his parents being Liedert and Maria (Osterman) Broeckert, who remained residents of their native country until the year following the arrival of their son Fritz in the new world, when they, too, crossed the Atlantic and took up their abode in Schleswig township, where the father purchased forty acres of land, upon which his remaining days were passed. He died in 1875, when fifty-four years of age. Of the children born unto Mr. and Mrs. Broeckert only two are now living, William Broeckert being a resident of Kiel. The other son, Fritz Broeckert, spent his boyhood days quietly in his parents home in Germany and after his education was finished he gave his attention to farming until about 1867, when he decided to seek a home in the new world. Accordingly, he bade farewell to his native country and after reaching the eastern coast he continued his journey to Wisconsin, attracted by the German settlements of this state. Holstein was his destination and there he lived until 1873, When he came to his present farm, which has continuously been his home to this day. He purchased the property of his father-in-law and with characteristic energy set himself to the task of cultivating the fields. He also extended the scope of his activities to include the dairy business and his success in both lines is indicated in the fact that he now lives practically retired, leaving the more active work of the farm to others, yet still giving to it his supervision and the benefit of his sound judgment concerning agricultural and dairy interests. Mr. Broeckert married Miss Catherina Loos, who was born in Darmstadt, Germany, and in her girlhood came to the United States with her parents, Mathias and Elizabeth (Miller) Loos. Mrs. Broeckert passed away in 1903, when fifty-six years of age. She was a devout member of the Catholic church, ever loyal to its teachings. She is survived by four children: Rosa, at home; Anna, living in Kiel; William, who is farming with his father and who married Emilie Kautzer; and Edward, residing at St. Nazianz. There were also two children in the family who passed away, Edward and Philip. Mr. Broeckert is a member of the Catholic church at Kiel. In his political connections he is a democrat and for three terms has served as supervisor. His record in office, like his business career, is a creditable one and has gained for him the esteem, confidence and good-will of the general public. He has never regretted his determination to seek a home in the new world, for as the years have passed he has made continuous advancement in his business affairs and the rewards of earnest an intelligently directed labor are his.
HENRY W. BROWN From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p 526 Sec. 7, Manitowoc Tp. Owns 80 acres, 70 of which are under cultivation. Mr. Brown was born in Vennor, Madison Co., N. Y., Jan. 7, 1815. He moved from New York to Norwich, Pa., with his mother, in 1824, where they lived until 1845, when they moved to Manitowoc and settled on his farm. There was only one board shanty between his place and Manitowoc City at that date. There were then three small stores on the north side of Manitowoc River, in what is now a large city. The country was all heavily timbered, and nothing but the wilds of vast forests faintly echoed the sound of the hardy pioneer's ax. A number of years ago, Mr. Brown's mother visited the East and shortly after died there. Mr. Brown was married, June 26, 1845, in Lumber Township, Clinton Co., Pa., to Miss Rosanah Richey; she was born Oct. 12, 1824. They have five children - Sarah E., married to Samuel Hall, is living in Manitowoc City; Edward R., married and living at Bailey's Harbor, Door County; Claudius V. B., married and living in the same place as his brother; Mary A., married to John A. Smith, and is at present at home; and William H., now living in the far West.
GEORGE BRUNNER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.331-332. George Brunner, a blacksmith by trade, has for the past ten years been giving his attention to the operation of his farm in Manitowoc Rapids township, which was formerly the property of his father. He is a native of Manitowoc county, his birth having occurred in Newton township on April 24, 1870, and is a son of Frank and Theresa (Zipperer) Brunner. The father was born in Austria in 1833, and there he was reared to the age of twenty-two years when he determined to become a citizen of the United States. He took passage for America in 1854, coming directly to this county, where he worked as a farm hand for several years thereafter. He was a thrifty and enterprising youth and during that period saved enough money to purchase a tract of land in Franklin township, that was partially improved. Here he resided for ten years, applying himself energetically to the further improvement and cultivation of his farm. He then disposed of the place, realizing thereon a handsome profit, and acquired some land in Newton township. After residing there a similar period he sold out and came to Manitowoc Rapids township, where he bought the farm on which our subject is living. He actively engaged in the operation of his land until 1902, when he withdrew from the work of the fields and retired with sufficient means to spend his latter rears in comfort and free from toil. Mr. and Mrs. Brunner were married in 1863, and to them were born fifteen children, ten of whom are still living. The early years in the life of George Brunner did not differ particularly from those of other farmer lads of the period, his time being divided between the work of the school room, the tasks assigned by his parents and such amusements as appeal to every youth. In the acquirement of his education he attended the Catholic school at Silver Lake until he had attained the age of fourteen years. He then became self-supporting and for six years thereafter worked out as a farm hand. When he was twenty he went to the village of Cato, and learned the blacksmith’s trade, which he followed for four and a half years thereafter. Agricultural pursuits being more to his liking he bought the old home place, and has, ever since been engaged in its operation. He is a capable agriculturist, enterprising and practical in his methods and is meeting with good success. In connecton with the cultivation of his fields he is also raising stock, while he and his younger brother, Joseph, are associated in the operation of a hay press. In 1899 Mr. Brunner was married to Miss Mary Schisl, a daughter of Antone Schisl, and unto them were born two children, George and Mary. The mother passed away on the 22d of November, 1906, and in 1907 Mr. Brunner married Miss Maggie Holzer, a daughter of John Holzer, and they have one child, Erbin. Both Mr. and Mrs. Brunner are communicants of the Roman Catholic church and are rearing their children in the faith of that denomination. He is one of the highly esteemed men of the community, where he has a large circle of friends, many of whom have known him since early boyhood, which fact is a tribute to his character.
JOSEPH BRUNNER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.158-159. Joseph Brunner, who is engaged in general farming and stock-raising in Manitowoc Rapids township, has passed the greater part of his life in the immediate vicinity in which he now resides. He was born on the adjoining farm on March 3, 1881, and is a son of Frank and Theresa (Zipperer)Brunner, who were the parents of fifteen children, ten of whom are still living. The father's birth occurred in Austria in 1833, and there he was reared and educated, continuing to make his home in that country until he attained his majority. As is common with the majority of young men at that age he longed to see the world, and believing that better opportunities were to be found in the new world than in his native land he took passage for the United States in 1854. He came directly to this county and for several years thereafter he worked out by the month as a farm hand. He received but meager wages, but being thrifty and temperate in his habits he saved enough during that time to buy a farm in Franklin township. A few improvements had been made upon the property and here for ten years, Mr. Brunner energetically applied himself to the cultivation of his fields. He subsequently sold this land at a substantial profit and invested the proceeds in land in Newton township, where he resided for a similar period. He likewise disposed of this property and came to Manitowoc Rapids township, where he bought the farm on which his son George is now residing. Here he continued his agricultural pursuits until 1902, when he retired from active life, having acquired a competence that assured him of all the comforts of life. Mr. Brunner had been a resident of this country nine years at the time of his marriage in 1863, his wife likewise being of foreign birth and a Roman Catholic in religious faith. Reared on the farm where he was born, Joseph Brunner was educated in the Catholic school at Silver Lake. In common with the majority of lads reared in the country he became early acquainted with the work on the farm and when he laid aside his text-books at the age of fourteen he had a good understanding of the practical methods of agriculture. For several years thereafter he worked out as a farm hand by the month, but subsequently learned the carpenter’s and also the tanner’s trade in the employment of the United States Leather Company in Prentice county, this state. In 1904, he returned to farming pursuits, renting the property adjoining the old home place, and here he has ever since resided, and is meeting with a fair measure of success in his undertaking. He is an enterprising young man, who applies himself tirelessly to whatever he turns his attention and meets with corresponding returns. Mr. Brunner was married in 1903 to Miss Margaret Boyle, a daughter of Louis Boyle, and they have become the parents of four children: Leo, the eldest, who died at the age of four months; and Jennie, Louis and David. The family attend the Roman Catholic church of which the parents are both communicants. Although still young in years, Mr. Brunner gives promise of attaining the best of success in farming pursuits, as he possesses the determination of purpose and energy that invariably enable their possessor to attain the goal.
CARL BRUNS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.199-200. Carl Bruns, who now lives retired on his farm in Newton township, was born in Germany in 1848. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Christian Bruns, who came from Germany to America in 1848, when the subject of this sketch was only six months old. They settled in Newton township, where the father bought a farm and on the creek running through it erected a flour mill, which he operated for many years. This farm is the one on which Carl Bruns now lives. The father resided here until 1880, when he moved to the city of Manitowoc, remaining there until his death, which occurred by drowning in an attempt to cross the river on logs. In the family were nine children. Carl Bruns received his education in Newton township and has always been associated with the work on his father’s farm, which he purchased after reaching manhood. He has ever been a very successful and prominent farmer of this county. In 1873 Mr. Bruns wedded Miss Mary Sturm, whose parents came from Germany, settling in this county, where she was born. Mr. and Mrs. Bruns have become the parents of ten children, namely: Herman, Carl, Minnie, Albert, Tillie, Otto, Emma, Edwin, Alfred and Hattie. The son Otto was born April 18, 1883, and is now operating his father’s farm. He received his education in the district schools with the exception of three years, during which time he was employed in boiler shops, he has always been associated with work on the home place. In June, 1907, he wedded Miss Lillian Rehbein, who was born in Newton township and is a daughter of Carl and Martha Rehbein. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Bruns are the parents of two children: Martha, born August 17, 1909; and Clarence, born May 30, 1911. Otto Bruns and his wife are affiliated with the Methodist church. They reside in the homestead with the father and mother, as do the brother and sister, Edwin and Hattie. Carl Bruns for more than a half-century has been an interested witness of the changes that have occurred in this section of the county. He has always been greatly interested in the progress of the community and his life has been active and useful in furthering the same, although he has never cared for public office. Both he and his wife are earnest and faithful members of the German Lutheran church of Newton. He has been prosperous as a farmer and in his business affairs he has won that success which comes as the reward of capable and well directed labor. The rest which he is now enjoying is well merited, having been made possible by his energy and diligence in former years.