[ L ][ Li ][ M ] [ Mc ][ Mi ][ N ] [ O ][ P ][ Pi ] [ R ][ Rh ][ S ] [ Schm ][ Schr ] [ Schu ][ Se ][ Sh ]
P.W. WIEBOLDT From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Under Sheriff of Manitowoc County, Manitowoc, was born in Hanover, Germany, Feb. 11, 1836. He emigrated to America in 1849, and lived in New York City about eighteen months. He went to California in 1851, and followed steamboating until 1854, when he returned to New York City, and from there came to Manitowoc County of same year and bought a farm. He also began a general mercantile business. His store was destroyed by fire. He was appointed Under Sheriff in 1880. He was married, in Manitowoc County, in 1855, to Miss Louisa Saxe, a native of Germany. They have two sons and one daughter.
LOUIS WIEGAND This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.521-522. Louis Wiegand is among the prosperous and up—to—date farmers of Centerville township, the place of his nativity, where he has always resided. He owns a well improved tract of one hundred and ninety—nine acres and makes a specialty of raising thoroughbred Jersey cattle and Poland China hogs, as well as farming along diversified lines. He was born May 24, 1856, the son of Carl Wiegand, a native of Lippe—Detmold, Germany. The father, who was a miller by trade, emigrated to the new world in 1848 and settled in New York state, living in New York city for a time, and then came to Manitowoc county, where he settled on a farm which he purchased from his wife, who had settled in Wisconsin prior to the time her husband migrated here. The farm consisted of eighty acres and upon that place the father lived until the time of his death, which occurred July 16, 1871. He was a man of prominence in the community and for a number of years served as justice of the peace. He was a member of St. Peters’ German Lutheran church, in the faith of which he was reared. The mother, Frederica (Hamann) Wiegand, who was also a native of Germany, emigrated to America in 1848 and settled in Manitowoc county. She bad been married previous to her union with Mr. Wiegand and passed away December 29, 1895. The third in order of birth in a family of eight children, Louis Wiegand worked upon the home farm and was given a good common-school education. Having been trained to farm work, he took to that vocation very readily and has since followed agricultural pursuits. He at first began working with his father, which he continued to do until 1881, when he started out in life for himself on his present place, the old homestead. He has added to his holdings until he now possesses a finely improved and fruitful farm of one hundred and ninety-nine acres, upon which he not only raises farm products but also makes a specialty of thoroughbred Jersey cattle and Poland China hogs. On February 1, 1881, Mr. Wiegand was united in marriage to Miss Agnes Lutze, a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gottlieb Lutze, both of whom were natives of Germany. To Mr. and Mrs. Wiegand have been born nine children: Otto, who is married and has one child; Alvina, who married Oscar Voland, a farmer of Mosel township, Sheboygan county, by whom she has two children; Emma, the wife of Oscar Oswald, also a resident of Mosel township; Anita, wife of Arthur Wagner; Agnes, who resides at home; Kurt, who is a high school graduate: Louise; and Lydia and Hilda, twins. Mr. Wiegand has a splendid standing in the community and has held the offices of supervisor and assessor of his township. He is also a trustee of the county insane asylum and a director of the Meeme Mutual Fire Insurance & Protective Company, being likewise a stockholder in the local telephone company. He is a member of the German Lutheran church, a denomination to which he gives his ready support. In Centerville township he has long since been regarded as one of the leading and most progressive citizens. He is always alert to the best interests of the community and is the champion of every cause which has as its object the betterment of the neighborhood. He is widely acquainted in Manitowoc county, where on account of his extremely active and useful life he is a most valuable citizen, being held in high esteem by all who know him.
WILLIAM WIEGERT This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.352-353. William Wiegert is engaged in general farming and dairying in Cato town- ship, where he owns one hundred and fifteen acres of land located on section 21, that he has been cultivating for the past fourteen years. He was born in Illinois on the 6th of July, 1867, and is a son of Fred and Ernstina Wiegert, natives of Germany. Both parents emigrated to the United States in their early youth, and here they were later married, subsequently settling on a farm in Illinois on the Des Plaines river. They continued to reside there until 1874, when they disposed of their place and came to Manitowoc county, where they bought forty acres of land located in Manitowoc Rapids township. The father engaged in the further improvement and cultivation of this property for ten years, and then selling it he purchased sixty acres a mile south of Whitelaw in Cato township. They resided there until 1900, when they sold their farm to their son Vitus and came to live with our subject. The father passed away in October, 1904, at the age of sixty-eight, but the mother was seventy-four when she died in April, 1911. They are both buried in Clarks Mills cemetery. The second of a family of seven, William Wiegert remained at home until he was fourteen years of age. His education was limited to such advantages as were afforded in the district schools, and while mastering the common branches he was also becoming familiar with the best methods of tilling the fields and caring for the stock, under the capable supervision of his father. In 1881 he left the family home and began earning his own living, working as a farm hand. He continued to follow this occupation for sixteen years, during which time he saved as much as he could of his earnings, hoping that he might ultimately acquire a place of his own. Having accumulated a sum sufficient to begin as a renter, he in 1897 leased the place where he now lives, meeting with such excellent success in its cultivation, that at the end of three years he was able to buy it. Eighty acres of his land is devoted to general farming. his principal products being such cereals as he uses in feeding his stock, for he makes a specialty of dairying. He is now milking seventeen cows, graded Guernseys, and he has a full-blooded bull of this line and also raises a good many hogs. Mr. Wiegert is a very progressive man of practical ideas and gives his personal supervision to everything about his place, in the operation of which he is meeting with a gratifying degree of prosperity. He takes a great deal of pride in his homestead on which he has made various improvements during the period of his ownership and is contemplating making others within the near future. The residence on the place is a two-story frame structure and was erected before he bought it, as was also the barn. This is a good-sized building, being thirty-four feet by one hundred and ten, but is hardly large enough to meet the present requirements of Mr. Wiegert, and he is considering tearing it down and putting up new one, forty by one hundred and fourteen feet, fully equipped with all modern equipment and appliances. His fields and pastures are substantially fenced with barbed wire and he has recently completed a silo, while his place is supplied with excellent water from drilled wells. Mr. Wiegert was married in February, 1897, to Miss Mary Hansen, whose birth occurred in this county on the 28th of August, 1871. She is the youngest of the three children born to Christian and Annie Hansen, natives of Denmark, who were married in Wisconsin. Here the father died when Mrs. Wiegert was child of six months, and her mother subsequently married Gustave Klann and is now living in this township at the age of sixty-four years. The family of Mr. and Mrs. Wiegert numbers six, as follows: Freda, Arline, Frederick, Isadore, Laura and Belinda. The family affiliates with the Lutheran church at Reedsville, in which the parents hold membership. In his political views Mr. Wiegert is a republican, and takes a deep interest in all political affairs and always goes to the polls on election day, but he has never had either the time or inclination to seek public office, although he served with efficiency for eight years as a member of the local school board. Mr. Wiegert is one of the substantial farmers and capable business men of his township and in addition to his valuable property interests is president of the Quarry & Riverside Telephone Company, which has offices located at Quarry, Valders, Stephenson and Cato, making connections for all points. Practically the entire life of Mr. Wiegert has been passed in this county as he was only a lad of seven years when he accompanied his people on their removal here and has ever since made his home in the vicinity of his present location. He is well known and highly regarded throughout the township by all who know him or have dealings with him, as he is a man of upright principles and high standards, whose integrity is above question.
KNUDT WIGEN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.240-241. Knudt Wigen, who engages in agricultural pursuits in Manitowoc Rapids township, was born in Norway on the 6th of August, 1851, and is a son of Knudt and Nellie Wigen. The parents were born, reared and married in the Norseland, whence they emigrated in 1854 to America with their nine children, of whom our subject was the youngest boy. Another child a girl, was born to them on Lake Michigan, July 4, 1854. They came directly to Wisconsin, settling in Manitowoc county, where three days later the father passed away. The mother was a most capable and efficient woman and despite the fact that she had but limited means and a large family, she managed to keep her children together and rear them to become self-supporting men and women. Although she was entirely unfamiliar with the language and customs of the country, her courage never failed and soon after the death of her husband she settled on a farm in the vicinity of Valders, Wisconsin. This provided her and her family with a good home and the necessities of life, the older children being able to assist with the cultivation of the land, while they also had the advantages of attending school part of the time. As he was a child of only two and a half years when he was brought to the United States by his parents, practically the entire life of Knudt Wigen has been passed in this country. He received his education in the district school in the vicinity of the home farm, and during the summer months he assisted at home or helped farmers in the neighborhood. At the age of eighteen years he withdrew from agricultural pursuits and engaged in teaming until 1876 when he went to California. For three years thereafter he followed logging in that state, but at the end of that time he returned to this county, where he again took up farming. In 1879 with his wife he removed to Iowa, where he bought a tract of land to the further cultivation and improvement of which he devoted his attention for twenty years and then again took up his residence in this county. For his wife and helpmate, Mr. Wigen chose Miss Burta Christina Torrison, a daughter of Onan Torrison, and they became the parents of five children, all of whom were born in Iowa. In order of birth they are as follows: Olga, who died at the age of nineteen years; and Clarence, Walter, Arthur and Kingsley. The parents both hold membership in the Lutheran church, in the faith of which they reared their family, and in politics Mr. Wigen is a republican. While living in Iowa he took a very active part in township affairs and was several times called to office, having served with efficiency as school director. Mr. Wigen is an energetic man of practical ideas and has met with reasonable success in his undertakings and is now in very comfortable circumstances.
AUGUST WILDE From the Manitowoc Pilot, March 10, 1870: IN PROBATE - Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the estate of August Wilde, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Christian Wilde, of said county, representing among other things that August Wilde of said county on the 9th day of April, A.D. 1868, near Waukegin, Illinois, died intestate, leaving no goods or chattles and no estate within this State, and that the said petitioner is the father of said deceased, and praying that administration of said estate be to J.A. Kahler granted, it is ordered that said petition be heard before the judge of this Court on Wednesday, the 23d day of March, A.D. 1870, at 10 o'clock A.M., at my office in said county. Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to the heirs of said deceased, and to all persons interested, by publishing a copy of this order for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing, in the Manitowoc Pilot, a weekly newspaper published at Manitowoc in said county. W.W.Waldo, County Judge Dated Manitowoc, Wis., the 1st day of March A.D. 1870.
Card sent to Mrs. Louis Wilde
JOHN WILHARMS This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.193-194. John Wilharms, one of the prosperous agriculturists of Manitowoc county, owns and operates one hundred acres of land in Newton township. He was born on the farm where he now resides, April 3, 1867, his parents being Henry and Johannah (Sieker) Wilharms. His paternal grandparents, Christopher and Charlotte Wilharms, came in 1846 from Hessen, Germany, to America, settling at Cedarburg, near Milwaukee, where Mr. Wilharms operated a lime kiln for four years. At the end of that period they came to this county, where they entered two hundred and forty acres of land in Newton township, a part of which is the farm on which John Wilharms of this review now resides. Christopher Wilharms erected a log cabin, cleared the land of the timber which covered it, cultivated it, and in the home thus established resided until he retired from active life. He then moved to the city of Manitowoc, where he lived for eleven years, passing away in 1899, at the age of ninety-two. His wife died at the same time, at the age of seventy-nine, and they were buried on the same day. Henry Wilharms was born in 1838, at Seisenhaugen, Hessen, Germany, and was only eight years of age when he came with his parents to America. He grew to manhood on his father’s farm, with the cultivation of which he continuously concerned himself. In 1866 he married Miss Johannah Sieker, a native of Holland who was five years of age when brought by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Sieker, to this county. Henry Wilharms became a prosperous and well known farmer and was deeply interested in the welfare of the community, although he never cared to occupy public office. He passed his entire life on his farm, dying February 4, 1898. His wife is still living, having reached the age of sixty-two years, and now resides with her son, John, of this review, who is the elder of the two children in her family, the other one being a daughter, Emma, who was born August 10, 1869, and is the wife of Charles Wallschleager, of Manitowoc. John Wilharms grew to manhood, dividing his time between his studies in the district school and the duties of the home farm. His boyhood ambition was to become a locomotive engineer, but as he grew older, being the only son in the family, he felt it was his duty to remain on the home farm. However, at the age of twenty, he studied steam engineering and later purchased a threshing outfit which he operated for fifteen years, though still being associated with work on the farm. At the death of his father he took entire charge of the homestead which he has since managed. In 1894 he purchased a shingle mill, which he operated on his farm for three years, but subsequently selling the same. he has since devoted his entire time to general farming and dairying. He makes a specialty of raising Holstein cows, believing these to be the best for the dairying business. His progressive nature has carried him into important movements of advancement in the community and he was one of seven men who organized the Silver Creek Telephone Company, of which company he was a director for two years. In 1894 Mr. Wilharms wedded Miss Martha Ott, who was born in Liberty township, a daughter of August and Bertha Ott, the father a native of Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Wilharms have become the parents of seven children, one of whom, Werner, died in 1910, at the age of thirteen. The others are Harry, George, Esther, Edna, Roland and Laura. In politics Mr. Wilharms belongs to the republican party and he has served as township assessor. He gives much attention to the interests of education and is now school director. Both he and Mrs. Wilharms are members of the German Evangelical church of Newton and they have many friends throughout the community. On the old homestead where members of the Wilharms family have resided since 1850 Mr. Wilharms is now, through the successful conduct of his agricultural interests, carrying forward the work which was begun by his honored grandfather and advanced by his worthy father.
Photos compliments of the Manitowoc Library Henry Wilhelmy home according to the 1875 Manitowoc directory it was about 1 mile south of the city.
Henry Wilhelmy farm
Henry Wilhelmy farm
Wilhelmy family ca. 1890
Wilhelmy family
Wilhelmy family
Wilhelmy family
Augusta Wilhelmy
Augusta and Elizabeth
FRED WILKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.623-624. Fred Wilke, senior member of the well known fish dealing firm of Wilke & Steen, of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, and one of the enterprising and progressive business men of this section, was born in Two Rivers, October 15, 1876, and is a son of Herman and Elizabeth (Dicke) Wilke, and a grandson of Ernst Wilke. Ernst Wilke came to the United States from Oldenburg, Germany, as a young man and settled at Two Rivers, where he engaged in farming and cleared three forty-acre tracts from the wilderness. He died eighteen or twenty years ago at the age of eighty years, having been the father of six children, as follows: Henry, Herman, Bernard, John, Mrs. Minnie Cars and Mrs. Lena Martins. Herman Wilke was reared on his father’s farm, was educated in the district schools, and all of his life was spent in agricultural pursuits, his death occurring in 1894, when he was fifty-five years of age. His widow, who survives him, is fifty-three years old, and is the mother of five children, namely: Fred, Kurt, Otto, Mrs. Ella Muller and Mrs. Emma Schmidt. Fred Wilke was given a district-school education, and at an early age he began to work as a fisherman. Since the age of twenty-five years he has followed this business on his own account, having purchased a boat at that time, and two years ago he formed a partnership with William Steen, under the firm name of Wilke & Steen, a partnership that has continued to this time with much success. In 1909 Mr. Wilke was united in marriage with Miss Lena Raeck, who was born at Two Rivers, daughter of Fred and Minnie (Drier) Raeck, one of the pioneer couples of Two Rivers, and to this union there has been born one son, Albert.
H. C. WILKE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.125-126. H.C. Wilke, who has served as cashier of the Bank of Two Rivers since the 15th of May, 1908, is connected in an official capacity with several other important enterprises of that town. His birth occurred in the town of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, on the 8th of June, 1877, his parents being Henry and Elizabeth (Krumdick) Wilke, who in 1854 emigrated from Oldenburg and Hanover, Germany, respectively, to the United States, settling on a farm in the township of Two Rivers, Manitowoc county. The father was successfully engaged in general agricultural pursuits until 1903, when he put aside the active work of the fields, disposed of his property and took up his abode at Two Rivers, where he has since lived in honorable retirement. For a period of twelve years he served as a trustee of the Manitowoc County Insane Asylum. He represented the third ward of Two Rivers for three years, and is at present acting in the capacity of supervisor. The period of his residence in this county covers almost six decades and he enjoys a wide and favorable, acquaintance. H.C. Wilke acquired his early education in district school No. 3 of Two Rivers township, then spent a year in the German Lutheran parochial school and subsequently attended the high school at Two Rivers for four years, being graduated therefrom in 1896. He next continued his studies in the State Normal School at Oshkosh, Wisconsin, during one summer term and then took up the profession of teaching, acting as an instructor in district No. 3 for two years, in district No. 5, Two Rivers township, for five years, and in district No. 6 for three years. At the end of the ten years, however, he abandoned the profession of teaching and entered the service of the Bank of Two Rivers as bookkeeper, acting in that capacity for two years. At the end of that time he was made cashier and has since gained an enviable reputation as an able and valued official of the institution, of which he is also one of the directors. Being a young man of excellent executive ability and sound judgment, his cooperation has been sought in the management and control of other important local enterprises. He is the secretary and treasurer of the Two Rivers Mercantile Company and president of the Two Rivers Realty Company. He is also prominent in educational circles here as president of the Manitowoc county teachers’ training school board and during the years 1903 and 1904 served as president of the Manitowoc County Teachers’ Association. On the 15th of August, 1906, at Melrose, Minnesota, Mr. Wilke was united in marriage to Miss Minnie Neumann, daughter of John Neumann, a retired agriculturist of Melrose. Our subject and his wife have two daughters: Ernestine, who is three years of age; and Edith. The attractive and commodious home of the family on Twenty-fifth street was purchased by Mr. Wilke. The religious faith of Mr. Wilke is indicated by his membership in the German Lutheran church. In the county where his entire life has been spent he is well known and highly esteemed as a substantial and progressive citizen.
FRED AUGUST WILKIE Manitowoc Tribune, Vol. 18 No. 44, February 15, 1872, Page 4 Column 7 In Probate. Manitowoc County Court. In the matter of the Guardianship of Kate Wilkie and William Wilkie minor heirs of Fred August Wilkie deceased. On reading and filing the petition of E.C. Hasse, in the City and County of Manitowoc and State of Wisconsin, representing among other things, that the said minor Kate Wilkie has lately inter married with said petitioner, that she is still under age, and under the guardianship as to her estate of one Henry Scherer, and that it is necessary that said guardian be discharged and said petitioner be appointed to that trust, and praying that the said guardianship be so changed; and also representing that the education of the said William Wilkie had been neglected by said guardian, that the estate of said minor was sufficient for his education, and that to secure his education to the best advantage it was necessary that said guardian be discharged and said petitioner appointed to that trust and praying that the said guardianship be so changed as to said minor also, and it appearing to the Court from said petition that it is necessary that said guardianship be changed as aforesaid; it is ordered and disrected that the next of kin to said wards and all persons interested in the matter of said guardianship appear before me on Monday the 26th day of February A.D. 1872, at 10 o'clock in the forehoon [sic] at the Probate Office in said County, then and there to show cause (if any there be) why the said guardianship should not be changed according to the prayer of said petition. And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order shall be published for three successive weeks prior to said day of hearing in the "Manitowoc Tribune" a weekly newspaper printed at Manitowoc of said County. W.W. Waldo, County Judge. Dated at Manitowoc the 21st day of January A.D. 1872 41-3t-g.a.f.
JOHN S. WILLIAMS (The following is added information the researcher sent.) The three children are the children of John S and Sarah C Williams (Stone) You have a mention of Sarah Stone in the marriage announcement for Jane E. Fox married to John Benson. Jane E. Fox is the half sister of the above mentioned people. Sarah C. Stone first married George Fox in Michigan and then came to Manitowoc with her family, George died and she remarried John S Williams, the father of these three. I do not have marriage info for John S and Sara C Williams but they may have been married in Michigan. Other Children that I have for John & Sarah follows, I'll give you their birthplaces as well since I know you may not have interest in the ones that were not born in Wisconsin. Jane E Fox (again, from her first marriage) George F - around 1850 in Michigan Charles H - 1857 - Wisconsin Ruben C - 1860 - Wisconsin William E - Listed above Ida O - Listed above Walter E - Listed above Eugene E - 1871 - Schuyler Nebraska. As I said above Sarah C. Stone was married to John S. Williams and they later moved to Schuyler Nebraska. John S Williams died at some point in the later 1800's. Sarah later moved to Coupville WA and was living with her daughter Jane Benson (who's husband was also dead) at the time of the 1920 Census. Sarah was 88 at the time. Not sure when she died.
Joseph Willinger and Wanda Milksi 20 Apr 1891
Wanda Milski ca. 1889, taken in Manitowoc Wanda was born June 5, 1870
Note: Marie Wunderlich Robertson said Joseph Willinger was the sheriff of Manitowoc at one time Photos courtesy of Marie Wunderlich Robertson collection Sent in by researcher/see contributors page.
WILLIAM M. WILLINGER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.67-68. William M. Willinger, secretary of the Federal Casualty Insurance Company and of the Merchants and Manufacturers Fire Insurance Company of Manitowoc, and the proprietor of a real-estate and general insurance business in this city, was born at New Ulm, Minnesota, November 26, 1871, and is a son of Frank and Margaret (Grippener) Willinger, natives of Austria who came to the United States in 1866 and were married soon thereafter. Frank Willinger was a tailor by trade and on first coming to this country followed that occupation, but in later years entered the brewing and liquor business, and during the six years that the family resided in Minnesota, he was the proprietor of a hotel at New Ulm. He is now deceased. They had a family of four children, as follows: Joseph, deceased, who was sheriff of Manitowoc county; William M.; Mrs. Anna Klingholz, of Manitowoc, and Mrs. Margaret Herzog, also a resident of this city. William M. Willinger received a common-school education and then entered the Lake Shore Business College, from which he was graduated in 1890, after which he was for several years engaged in bookkeeping. He then entered the saloon business, writing insurance as a side line, but since 1908 he has devoted his whole time to real estate and insurance, and has been decidedly successful. He is secretary of the Federal Casualty Insurance Company and the Merchants and Manufacturers Fire Insurance Company of Manitowoc, companies which are well known to the people of this part of Wisconsin, and he has won an enviable reputation for himself in the insurance field. On January 6, 1892, Mr. Willinger was married to Louisa Heingerten, daughter of Charles Heingerten, an early settler and business man of Manitowoc, and a veteran of the Civil war. Two children have been born to this union, Gladys and William, both of whom reside at home. Mr. Willinger is a member of the Catholic church, and his fraternal connections are with the Foresters, the Catholic Knights, St. Boniface Society, the Knights of Columbus, the Germania Society and the Eagles.
FRANK WILLIS In a pamphlet ‘Lake Michigan Disasters’ by Herbert Pitz (1925, reproduced by the Manitowoc Maritime Museum) the loss of the Steamer Niagara on September 24, 1856. Lake Michigan, in all its history, has no story more grewsome or more romantic than that of the burning of the Niagara as a result of which over 150 people either were drowned or burned, 66 years ago. The Niagara was one of the strongest built and the most powerful ships in the early fifties and afforded passage from the east to states in the Mississippi River Valley, then considered the western frontier of this country. When the Niagara left Collingwood, N.Y on its fatal voyage, bound for Chicago, about 100 cabin and nearly 200 steerage passengers were registered. The steamer stopped at Sheboygan and on the afternoon of September 24, 1866 left that port and was within a 14 hours’ run of Chicago. “About 4 p.m. just as the village of Port Washington came into view, the cry of “fire” was heard and a cloud of black smoke rolled up from the engine room, followed by a tongue of flame. A wild panic followed. There was not a single life preserver on board. Men, raving like maniacs, grabbed axes and cut down cabin and stateroom doors. Gangplanks, chairs, washstands—anything that would sustain life—were thrown overboard. “A rush for the lifeboats was made, but, because of the terrified crowd, some of the boats turned over and their occupants were thrown into the waters to perish. One boat, containing women and children, was safely lowered when a group of men jumped from the deck into it, upsetting it and sending all but four of the occupants to the bottom of the lake. Men and women fought each other like wildcats in order to get a place in the lifeboats or to get a piece of furniture. Ropes were thrown over the sides of the ship and a large number of women slid down, clinging in bunches to them, until the flames ate through the ropes and the helpless women and children were drowned. Ex-Congressman John B. Macy of Chicago, a portly gentleman, was a passenger on the death ship. Crazed by the awful sights, he had struggled in vain to get hold of a plank. Macy had always been considered a coolheaded and a brave man. He was unable to swim, however, and in the presence of death, he raved like a maniac. “Oh, God!” he cried. “Someone save me. Ten thousand—a hundred thousand to the man who will save my life.” A small boat, containing women and children, had been lowered. One end was lower than the other when Macy jumped into it, his immense weight breaking the ropes and hurling the occupants to a watery death below. Macy went down and was not seen again. Standing beside Macy as he offered the reward, was a boy hardly 2 years old, separated from his parents in the panic. A burly deck hand, oblivious to the appeals of the congressman, picked up the child and took him astern and, when the flames forced him overboard, dropped into the water with the child safe in his arms. A piece of gangplank floated nearby and this sustained him. “Although a steamer came to the rescue of some of those who were in the water, the deck hand and his waif drifted away and were overlooked in the wreckage. The man paddled courageously for shore and during the night, drifted onto the beach at Port Washington, where the two were found next morning in an exhausted condition. The deck hand was assisted to Milwaukee, and to this day his name was not learned. “For about 40 years the waif resided in the vicinity of Port Washington, without knowing who he was. When he was picked up on the beach, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Collins, a newly married couple, were present and agreed to care for the child. Around the little one’s neck was a gold cross bearing the name, “Frank Willette.” Advertisements were inserted in papers throughout the nation, but the child was not claimed. “When 15 years of age, young Willette left the Collins family and went to Manitowoc, where he obtained an education and changed his name to Frank Willis. After 40 years had passed, Willis decided to make another effort to locate relatives. To his surprise, within a few weeks he heard from two relatives—an aunt residing in Nebraska and a cousin in Manitowoc. From them he learned that his real name was Frank Willette and that his parents and brother and sister perished with the burning of the Niagara. “The fire at the time was believed to have been incendiary in its origin. On the previous trip, just after the ship had left Collingwood, the steward found the following note on his table in his room: “Look out. Save yourself. The boat will be burned tonight. Everything is in readiness’.” ************* Manitowoc Pilot, Vol. XXXV No. 22, March 1, 1894, Page 3 Column 4 A late issue of the Evening Wisconsin contains a history of Frank Willis of this city. Frank does not know his birthplace, nationality or a relative. When about two years old he with his father and mother was on the ill-fated steamer Niagara, which was burned off Port Washington in 1856. She was on her way from Collingwood to Chicago with 300 passengers most of whom were lost. A number of the passengers were picked up by the little steamer Traveler, then in command of Captain Sweeney of this city, by the schooner Dan Marble and the steamer Illinois. The infant was separated from his parents in the rush for self preservation, but was picked up by a deckhand who secured a plank on which he and his charge floated ashore. Frank was adopted by a family named Collins, with whom he remained until 15 years old. His dress showed that he was a child of wealth and a gold cross suspended from his neck bore the inscription Frank Willette. Frank thinks his parents were French and he fancies that the few words he could speak were of that language. He has been unable to clear up the mystery in which his life is enveloped. (contributed by Lisa)
JOSEPH WILLOTT, SR. This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.460-463. Joseph Willott, Sr., now living retired, was one of the pioneer business men of Manitowoc, engaging for many years in the manufacture of axes. He has now passed the eighty-eighth milestone on life’s journey and is enjoying a well earned rest from labor. He came from Indiana to Wisconsin, but was born in England, on the 19th of August, 1824; his parents being Joseph and Ann (Oakcraft) Willott. The father was for fifty years a shepherd of England. In the family were five children, of whom three sons came to America. One of the brothers of our subject was killed in Illinois and another passed away in Nebraska. Joseph Willott's boyhood and youth were spent in England, and after his marriage he came to America, in 1865. For five years he remained a resident of Indiana and then removed to Manitowoc, where he entered the business with which he was so long connected—the manufacture of axes. He was associated in this undertaking with Warren Martin for seven years, after which he purchased his partner’s interest and continued the business alone, meeting with excellent success. He was always most careful that the quality of his product should be all that was expected, and he found a ready sale for the output. He continued business until about three years ago, when he retired, and has since enjoyed a well earned rest. He sold his axes all over the county and also in adjoining counties, and the growth of his trade brought him a substantial financial return. In 1847 Mr. Willott was united in marriage to Miss Anna Gething, and together they traveled life’s journey for over sixty-one years, but on the 6th of September, 1908, were separated by the death of Mrs. Willott, who was born in England, October 14, 1828. Of their children five are now living, namely: Mrs. Jane Bates, a resident of Illinois; Joseph, of Manitowoc; Mrs. Anna Sniffin, also of Manitowoc; Mrs. Carrie Smith, of Appleton, Wisconsin; and Samuel, whose home is in Two Rivers. In his political views Mr. Willott has always been a republican, giving stalwart support to the party and its principles, yet never seeking public office as his time was fully occupied by his business affairs. Fraternally he is connected with the Independent Order of Odd Fellows. He has a wide acquaintance in Manitowoc and throughout the surrounding districts, and while he has lived a quiet and uneventful life, his many sterling traits of character have gained him the confidence and high regard of all with whom he has been associated. He has traveled far on life’s journey and well merits the rest and success which have come to him. He is now one of the most venerable citizens of Manitowoc and is accorded the high regard in public opinion that should ever be given one of advanced years whose life has been worthily spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Willott, Sr.
HENRY WILLS From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 536 Farmer, Sec. 35, Manitowoc Rapids Township, has 120 acres of land, seventy acres under cultivation. He was born in Upper Canada, April 5, 1824, and lived there twenty-two years. He then visited many portions of Wisconsin and Illinois, and finally located in Manitowoc Rapids Township, in 1848. He followed lumbering six years, since which he has engaged in farming. When he settled in the country, it was a complete wilderness, the largest town in the county being Manitowoc Rapids, then the county seat. He was married to Miss Hannah A. Tufts, Dec. 16, 1851; she was born in St. James, New Brunswick, Jan. 6, 1850. They have had nine children - Millard A. (deceased), Wilmot H., James H., Elizabeth F. (deceased), Ward B., Eddie E., Jacob L., Ettie A., Millie M. (deceased).
FRED WILSMANN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.174-175. Fred Wilsmann is well known in Manitowoc as the proprietor of the Waverly Hotel and also as one of the organizers of the Liquor Dealers’ Protective Fire Insurance Company. He was born in Dunkirk, New York, in 1863, the son of Ernst Wilsmann, a native of Mecklenburg, Germany, born in 1832. For twenty-eight years the father remained a resident of his native land and then sailed for the new world, arriving in this country in 1860. He settled at Dunkirk, New York, where he was employed in loading grain boats until he sought a home in the middle west. Making his way to Manitowoc county, he immediately afterward invested his savings in a farm in the town of Gibson. It was unbroken and unimproved but he at once began its cultivation and development. He built a log cabin for his family and then began to clear away the timber and converted the place into productive fields. In time his labors were rewarded with good crops and he made a comfortable home for himself and family. The improvements which he placed upon the farm made it one of the excellent properties of the district and thereon he spent the remainder of his days. He was an active, industrious and resolute man and a public-spirited and progressive citizen whose worth was widely acknowledged in the community in which he lived. The republican party numbered him among its stalwart advocates and his fellow townsmen, appreciative of his worth, again and again elected him to the office of town treasurer in Gibson township. He served for twenty-six years as a trustee of the Mishicot Farm Fire Insurance Company. His religious affiliations were with the German Lutheran church and to its teachings he was most faithful. He married Sophia Racho, who had been his sweetheart in Germany and who came to this country, joining Mr. Wilsmann in Dunkirk, New York, where their marriage was celebrated after he had prepared a home for her in the new world. The death of Mr. Wilsmann occurred upon his farm in this county, September 26, 1904. Of his eight children four are yet living: William, who occupies the old homestead; Fred, of this review; Minnie, the wife of Casper Pluckman; and Josephine, the wife of Ira Stein. The two last named are residents of Mishicot. Fred Wilsmann spent the first seven years of his life at Dunkirk, New York, and in 1870 came with his parents to Manitowoc county, their destination being Two Rivers. The remainder of his boyhood and youth he spent upon the home farm in this district. He was educated in the rural schools and when not busy with his text-books aided his father in the arduous task of developing and cultivating the new land. When a boy he also was employed in building the Milwaukee & Northern Railroad on that part of the line extending north from Milwaukee. He learned the carpenter’s trade and for some years engaged in the contracting business, erecting a large number of substantial structures in this county. He built the Waverly Hotel of Two Rivers, which he later purchased and which he still owns. Sixteen years ago he withdrew from the contracting business and for nine years served on the police force of Two Rivers, acting as patrolman for three years and for six years as chief of police. Seven years ago he again entered business circles, being located at the corner of Washington and Eighteenth streets, but soon afterward he purchased the Waverly Hotel, which he still conducts. Two years ago he assisted in organizing the Local Liquor Dealers’ Protective Fire Insurance Company, which was organized under the laws of the state of Wisconsin and which has since been very successful, doing business all over the state. He is still serving on its executive committee. On the 25th of October, 1897, in Mishicot, Mr. Wilsmann was united in marriage to Miss Mary Schmidt, a daughter of Carl Schmidt, who was a prominent farmer of that section. His wife bore the maiden name of Mary Johannes. Mr. and Mrs. Wilsmann have two children, Arthur and Edgar, both at home, and have lost one child. Mr. Wilsmann belongs to the Grange and has long been recognized as an active factor in political circles. Being a strong advocate of republican principles, he has been called upon to serve in several official positions, acting for four years as alderman from the second ward, during which time he did duty on all of the important committees and was chairman of the board. At the present writing he is a member of the county board and in this office as in the others which he has filled he has discharged his duties with promptness and fidelity, making a creditable record in official as well as in business circles.
MICHAEL WIMMER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.149-150. One of the most attractive farming properties of Manitowoc Rapids township is that of Michael Wimmer, whose prosperity is entirely attributable to close application and the intelligent direction of his affairs. He was born in Bavaria on the 12th of September, 1859, and is a son of John and Mary Wimmer, natives of that country where they passed their entire lives, the father devoting his energies to farming and the carpenter’s trade. The boyhood and youth of Michael Wimmer were passed in the family home, the common schools of the vicinity providing him with a good education. As a lad he assisted his father in the work of the fields and after leaving school he learned the carpenters trade. In accordance with the requirements of the government of his native land, he entered the German army, when twenty years of age, in which he remained for twenty—six months. After the expiration of his period of service he resumed the duties of civil life in his home village and during the succeeding three years worked in a brewery in the winter months, while in the summers he followed his trade. He was an enterprising and ambitions young man, and desired to advance and acquire a competence that would make him independent in his later years. Conditions around him early brought him to a realization that opportunities in his native land were limited, and to attain his ambition of independence he determined to seek new fields of endeavor. With this determination urging him on he in 1885 took passage for the United States, believing that in the middle west where homes could be acquired for a reasonable price and wages were high, he would he able to realize his desire. Upon his arrival in this country he came direct to Manitowoc county, locating in the town of Meeme, where for two years he worked at the carpenter’s trade. As he was a skilful artisan, intelligent and reliable, he had all the work he could do, although he was unfamiliar with the language and customs of the country. He lived in a most economical manner in his effort to acquire sufficient capital to purchase some land and in 1888 made the first payment on a tract of eighty acres in Meeme township upon which had been placed a few crude improvements. He was married very soon thereafter and he and his bride immediately removed to his farm, where they resided for eighteen years. The responsibilities of a family and the incumbrance on his property stimulated him to put forth greater efforts, and during the succeeding years he applied himself indefatigably to the further improvement and cultivation of his farm. A man of practical ideas, clear judgment and more than average business sagacity, Mr. Wimmer prospered. The first few years, as is usual in any enterprise, were fraught with hard work and at times most discouraging, but he was young, enjoyed excellent health and possessed unlimited faith in his ability to make a success of his undertaking. As his circumstances warranted he added to his equipment and replaced the shed-like barns and outbuildings by substantially constructed buildings, that provided ample shelter for his stock and grain, while the crude cabin where he and his wife began their domestic life, gave way to a convenient and attractive modern farm house. He subsequently disposed of this property, realizing thereon a handsome profit, as he had brought his fields under high cultivation and all of the improvements were modern and in excellent condition. In 1905, he bought the place where he is now living and during the period of his residence has effected extensive improvements. It is one of the highly cultivated and best equipped properties in the county and presents a most attractive appearance. Mr. Wimmer gives his personal attention to everything about his farm, doing much of the work himself, and as he is skilled in his trade he naturally keeps all of the buildings on his place in an excellent state of repair. His fields have been brought to a high state of productivity; in his barnyard and pastures is to be found a high grade of stock, and everything about his homestead is suggestive of thrift and a careful regard for details that is indicative of capable and intelligent management. He is a progressive man and at various times has installed different modern improvements and conveniences that have done away with much of the drudgery and greatly facilitated the work of his farm. In 1888, Mr. Wimmer was united in marriage to Miss Theresa Stauber, who was born and reared in Eden township, Manitowoc county, and is a daughter of Frank Stauber. Ten children were born to Mr. and Mrs. Wimmer, but one daughter, Mary, died at the age of six, and they also lost one son, Frank, a most promising young man of twenty-three years. In order of birth the other members of the family are, John, Joseph, Michael, Peter, Rosa, Emil, Mattie and Henry. The parents are both communicants of the Roman Catholic church in the faith of which they have reared their children. Mr. Wimmer is a public-spirited man, who takes an active interest in all township affairs, but he has never had either the time or inclination to seek political honors nor cared for the emoluments of office, he is one of the many young men who have proven that it is possible to attain success in America without either capital or influence, if one applies himself industriously and with determination to the task of achieving the goal. Mr. Wimmer came to this country practically penniless, but he had absolute faith in his ability and an abundance of energy the most essential assets in the attainment of success.
CHARLES H. WIMMLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.647. Charles H. Wimmler, who for the past four years has been conducting a hotel, saloon and livery stable in Cleveland, is a native of Manitowoc county, his birth having occurred in Centerville township on the 26th of December, 1875. His parents, Franz and Lena (Toepel) Wimmler, were natives of Saxony, Germany, but passed the greater part of their lives in this county, where they both died in 1905. The father came to this country with his people who located in Manitowoc county in the early '50s. Mr. and Mrs. Franz Wimmier were the parents of five children, our subject being the fourth in order of birth. Charles H. Wimmler was reared on the farm where he was born and given the advantages of a common-school education. After laying aside his text-books he went to Sheboygan and learned the painter’s trade. Two years later he returned to Cleveland and from then until the year 1908 followed his trade. On the 4th of February of the latter year he withdrew from this and opened a hotel and saloon in connection with which he is now also operating a livery stable. He is meeting with very good success as he is conducting a strictly first-class establishment and is accorded an extensive patronage. On the 6th of May, 1902, Mr. Wimmler was married to Miss Catherine Bersch, who is a native of this county and a daughter of Jacob Bersch. One son has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wimmler, Harold Earl. Mr. Wimmler is well known in Centerville township, where he represents the third generation of his family, and is very popular with his friends.
WILLIAM WIMMLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.404. William Wimmler is a successful farmer and stock raiser, residing on his well improved farm of one hundred and five acres in Centerville township, Manitowoc county. He was born in this township, May 20, 1873, a son of Franz Wimmler, a native of Germany, who came to America at an early day and settled on the farm which his son is now operating. The father, who followed agricultural pursuits throughout his entire lifetime, died in 1904. The mother, who was in her maidenhood Miss Lina Toepel, was also a native of Germany. She passed away April 28, 1907. William Wimmler was educated in the district schools of the community in which his parents resided and early in life began to assist his father with the farm work, an occupation which he has since followed. He began agricultural pursuits on his own account in 1899 and now owns a well improved farm of one hundred and five acres of land on which he conducts general farming although he specializes in the raising of Holstein-Friesian cattle. Mr. Wimmler was married in April, 1899, to Miss Lena Dippold, a daughter of Lawrence Dippold, an agriculturist who resides in Sheboygan county. Unto Mr. and Mrs. Wimmler four children have been born, Elma, Mildred, Nita and Edward. The family adhere to the teachings of the Lutheran church. By his carefully directed efforts, his industry and economy, Mr. Wimmler is succeeding substantially in his farm activities and his profits are annually increasing. He is well known in the community where he is highly respected and has a very large number of friends by whom he is greatly esteemed.
THOMAS WINDIATE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.418-420. In centuries long since past history tells us that one man was the builder of a city. Alexandria is the monument to the enterprise of the world conqueror, Alexander, and St. Petersburg was built through the indomitable energy, determination and well formulated plans of Peter the Great. Today, however, it is concerted action that upbuilds our cities, although there are always leaders in the work—men whose initiative spirit prompts them to advance beyond their fellows and promote progressive measures and movements that are fruitful of results. Of this class Thomas Windiate was a leading representative. He was one of the pioneer hotel men of Manitowoc and was one of the oldest and best known citizens when on April 25, 1911, he passed away. His life work was closely associated with the social and business development of the city and wherever known he was held in high regard and most of all where he was best known. No history of the county therefore would be complete without extended reference to Thomas Windiate, who was born in the parish of Sherborne, St. John, Hampshire, England, January 16, 1827. He was a son of Richard and Charlotte B. (Hobbs) Windiate, who were also natives of England, whence they came to the United States in 1837. The son was but nine years of age when he accompanied his parents on their emigration to the new world. The long voyage of six weeks being completed, the family made their way into the interior of the country, settling at Pontiac, Michigan. Thomas Windiate was one of twenty children and because of the large family and the pioneer conditions which were here existing, his early advantages and opportunities were comparatively limited but he made the best possible use of his opportunities and gradually worked his way upward, success attending him in his various efforts. Thomas Windiate was quite young when he was united in marriage to Miss Cornelia Elizabeth Wallace, the wedding being celebrated in Pontiac, Michigan, in 1852. Mrs. Windiate was born in Canada and in early girlhood removed with her parents to Ohio and afterward to Pontiac, Michigan, where her father, Daniel Wallace, engaged in business as a manufacturer of furniture. Seven years after their marriage Mr. and Mrs. Windiate removed to Manitowoc, arriving in this city in 1855. Mr. Windiate purchased the old National Hotel, then located just east of the present Windiate Hotel, and later he erected, during the war, the hostelry so well known for many years as the Windiate House, where were entertained many of the leading men of the country. Mr. Windiate was ever a popular host and it is said that he made friends of every man who placed his name on the register, and whenever a guest could make it possible he returned again to the hospitable shelter of the Windiate House. However, the hotel business was but one feature of the many activities which claimed the time, attention and energies of Mr. Windiate. It is said that he was frequently managing five or six interests at the same time and he directed a number of the leading business enterprises of the city. He built for the government the original harbor piers and erected the north side high-school building. For a considerable period he engaged in the shipbuilding business and constructed many of the leading boats launched in the decade between 1870 and 1880. He was the builder of the Trumpf, which was the first to make the trip from Lake Michigan to Europe and he also built the Cornelia B. Windiate, which went down in a storm with all on board and no trace of the vessel was ever found. He likewise conducted the leading express and stage lines entering Manitowoc before the construction of the railroad and was the moving spirit that obtained the location of the original dry docks and elevator at this place. He was also largely instrumental in securing the extension of the railroad to Manitowoc and he gave his aid and influence to various public measures and business projects which have been of inestimable value in the growth and upbuilding of the city. Mr. Windiate was the last surviving member of the Masonic lodge at Manitowoc and in his life exemplified the beneficent and helpful spirit of the craft. His political allegiance was not pledged to any party. He was independent in politics, voting as his judgment dictated. All recognized him, however, as a public-spirited man and he could doubtless have been elected to almost any office in the community had he had any desire for political preferment. His religious belief was that of the Episcopal church, and his Christian faith permeated his life, yet there was no pretentious display of his religion. To his family he was most devoted and found his greatest happiness in ministering to their welfare and comfort. He is survived by his widow and five children, namely: Mrs. Herbert L. Markham; Rev. Archdeacon Thomas D. Windiate, of Tennessee; Mrs. Henry Paine, of Oil City, Pennsylvania; Mrs. Gustav A. Nyhagen; and Burt Wallis Windiate. It is said that Mr. Windiate was noted for the originality of his sayings and that a number of his expressions have become current. He possessed an amiable disposition and kindly spirit and won friends wherever he went. For over half century he occupied a most prominent place in Manitowoc and enjoyed the unqualified regard of friends and neighbors. His life history if written detail would throw many an interesting sidelight upon the development and progress of the county and the people who have been active in formulating its history. During the last ten years of his life he lived retired and enjoyed good health until within a few months of his death, which occurred when he had passed the eighty-fourth milestone on life's journey. Manitowoc may well honor him for what he did in her behalf, the city owing to him a debt of gratitude for what he accomplished in promoting her welfare and upbuilding. ------------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 534 Thomas Windiate, Windiate House, Manitowoc, was born in Hampshire, England, Jan. 9, 1828, and emigrated to America in 1837; settled in Oakland Co., Mich., where he followed the livery business. He came to Manitowoc in 1854 and began the livery business, which he is yet following. He purchased the National Hotel and grounds in January 1855. He began the erection of his present large brick hotel in 1857, and finished the same in 1864. He was married in Pontiac, Mich., Nov. 13, 1851. Mrs. W. was born in Malone, Lower Canada, Nov. 19, 1835. They have five children - Ida E., Thomas, Jr., Cornelia D., Arabella, and Burt.
Thomas Windiate
HENRY WINKELMAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.226-227. Henry Winkelman, proprietor of the Palace Hotel at Silver Lake, has passed the greater part of his life in Manitowoc Rapids township where he was born on the 13th of March, 1865. His father was the late Fred Winkelman, who was born in Germany in 1812, where he resided until 1853 when he emigrated to the United States, locating in Chicago. He remained there for about a year, working on the railroad, and during that time he was married to Miss Mary Hupp, likewise a native of Germany, where her parents spent their lives, her birth occurring in 1822. Soon after their marriage they came to this county, purchasing some land in Manitowoc Rapids township. Little of the timber had yet been cut in this section, while the roads were only blazed trails, the country still being but sparsely settled. Mr. Winkelman cleared a portion of his place and built thereon a log cabin, that served as a residence for himself and family for twelve years, when, just prior to the birth of our subject, they had the misfortune to lose their house by fire. This was but one of the many misfortunes and hardships these good people suffered during those early years, but they persevered, feeling assured of ultimate success, and eventually had all of their land under cultivation and as well improved as were the majority of the farms in this vicinity at that period. Mr. Winkelman became one of the well known and substantial citizens of his community, continuing to live on his farm until his death in 1888 at the age of seventy-six years, his wife surviving until 1906. Of the ten children born to them six are still living. The early years in the life of Henry Winkelman did not differ save in details from those of other lads reared in this vicinity at that time. At the usual age he entered the district school where he pursued his education, at the same time assisting his father with the work of the farm. Upon attaining his majority he left the paternal roof and began working for himself, and soon thereafter took unto himself a wife. Immediately following his marriage he located in Wausau, this state, where he worked in the sawmills during the summer months, while in the winter he went into the lumber camp. At the end of a year he returned to the old homestead, where he spent two years, at the end of which time he once more took up his residence in Wausau. Five years later he again located in Manitowoc, establishing a saloon and hotel that he conducted until 1902, when he erected his present hostelry at Silver Lake. He has ever since conducted this establishment with the exception of six months, when his son-in-law, Charles Schmidt, had charge of it. In 1886, Mr. Winkelman was united in marriage to Miss Bertha Knudson, a daughter of Toston and Miranda (Oleson) Knudson, who was born on shipboard while her parents were emigrating to the United States from Holland in 1867. They were also among the pioneers of this township and lived in a manner very similar to the other residents of that period. The father energetically applied himself to the cultivation and improvement of his farm until 1900, when he retired from active life and he and the mother removed to Manitowoc, where he passed away in 1903, at the age of seventy-four years. The mother is still living at the age of seventy-eight years and continues to make her home in Manitowoc. Their family numbered eight, four of whom are still living. Mr. and Mrs. Winkelman have a son and a daughter, Fred and Ella, both of whom were born on the old Winkelman homestead. The birth of Fred Winkelman occurred on the 13th of January, 1888, and he was educated in the common schools and is now engaged in the hotel business with his father. The daughter was born on September 19, 1889, and she, too, received a common-school education and in 1908 at the age of nineteen, became the wife of Charles Schmidt, and they are now living in Manitowoc. The parents hold membership in the Norwegian Lutheran church in Cato township. Mr. Winkelman has never prominently participated in local governmental affairs, but he did serve for four years as constable. At the expiration of that time he resigned and has never since returned to public life, as the exactions of his private interests make it impossible for him to creditably discharge the duties of any office. He is one of the well known citizens of this county, in the development of which his people have assisted, both agriculturally and commercially for nearly sixty years.
CARL WINKELMILLER From the Two Rivers Reporter, Saturday, May 10, 1913: OLD TIMERS - (photo with article) Hard work and self-denial has always been the lot of the pioneer. The case of Mr. Winkelmiller was no exception to this rule. Up to a short time ago he was still well and robust enough to enjoy life with the strongest but of late the weight of many years is resting heavily upon him and he is ready to welcome that rest which he recognizes must soon come. He is 86 years of age. He retired from active life at the age of 70. He came to America in 1847 and went to work as a tanner in New York State. He had learned the trade in Saxony, Germany, where he was born in 1825. When a young man had completed his apprenticeship in any trade, it was the custom in those days for him to take his belongings and go somewhere else, out into the world, to ply his trade in some other locality. Mr. Winkelmiller chose to go to the far west. He worked at the tanner's trade in New York for nearly 3 years at wages ranging from 50c to $1.00 per day. Having saved several hundred dollars he returned to Germany to bring in the wife who has been his helpmate and companion ever since. The journey to Germany and return was very tedious being made on a sailing vessel. After the return to America he was induced to come to this place where he was offered piece work which would enable him to earn more. He was then able to make $2 and often $2.50 per day. Being of a very frugal and economical disposition, it did not take him long to save considerable money for in those days the cost of living was not near as high as now. With the money he had saved he decided to go into the tannery business and so he and another man by the name of Peter Rothkoph started in business. Rothkoph soon became dissatisfied and sold out to Mr. Winkelmiller who from thenceforth conducted the business alone. He disposed of his entire output of leather in the immediate vicinity. The Indians brought him a great many deer skins and bear skins. In one season they brought him over 500 bear skins alone. This shows that bruin was quite in evidence in those days. In the early pioneer days most every man wore boots. Shoes were rarely worn by men. All footwear was made locally by shoemakers of whom there were a great many. Mr. Winkelmiller disposed of almost his entire output of leather to these local shoemakers. When he and his wife came west they made most of the journey by boat. The voyage was a very stormy one-so stormy that it was not possible to make this harbor and they landed at Manitowoc where they stayed over night. In the morning they came by foot to Two Rivers. While at Manitowoc the landlord tried to induce them to settle there and start a tannery. The business in which Mr. Winkelmiller was engaged is now extinct here. This is due to the scarceity of tan bark as well as other factors in the manufacture and marketers of leather. -------------- From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 539 Carl Winkelmiller, Proprietor Two Rivers tannery, was born Jan. 4, 1825, in Saxony, Germany. In 1847 he came to New York City, and worked at the currier trade for a few months, then moved to Delaware Co., N. Y., working at his trade for about five years. Then he took a trip to Europe, remaining absent for two months, returning to this country and locating in Detroit, where he remained for two years. About 1854, he came to Two Rivers, and was employed by the Wisconsin Leather Co., for two years, when he established his present business, which he has since conducted. He was married, in 1853, to Miss Anestina Muiller, of Saxony. They have one son, Richard.
CHARLES WINKELMILLER This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.219-220. Charles Winkelmiller, one of the old and honored residents of Two Rivers, Wisconsin, who is now living retired after a long and useful career, was the builder of the first tannery in Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, situated at Two Rivers, and has seen this country grow and develop amazingly during his residence here. Mr. Winkelmiller is a native of Saxony, Germany, and was born January 4, 1825, a son of Gottfried and Ula (Tilnor) Winkelmiller. He first came to the United States during the fall of 1847, and located in New York, where he worked in the first tannery operated in that state, being engaged in tanning hides and bearskins obtained from the Indians. He remained in New York and Pennsylvania for five years, at the end of which time he returned for a short time to Europe, but during the same year again came to America, settling in Detroit, Michigan. In 1854 he was married to the daughter of Andrew and Christina Mueller, who came to this country at the age of seventeen years in the same party with Mr. Winkelmiller, while her parents came later to the United States and spent the rest of their lives on a Wisconsin farm. During the fall of the year of his marriage, Mr. Winkelmiller came to Wisconsin and for five months worked in a tannery, and then came to Two Rivers where he erected the first tannery in this place and county, and for many years he was well known in this business. He has been retired for a long period now his sons managing the business. He has a beautiful home in Two Rivers, surrounded by a large, well kept lawn and luxurious flower beds, and here he and his wife, who has been his true helpmeet during all these years, are now spending the evening of their lives in quiet enjoyment of the fruits of their early labors. Mr. Winkelmiller is a republican, but outside of serving as a member of the council for several terms he has never cared for public office, preferring to give his time and attention to his business interests.
ADOLPH WITTMANN AND WIFE This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.391. Among the first of the pioneer German settlers of Manitowoc county were Adolph Wittmann and wife, and they took a prominent part in the development of this section of the country. Mr. Wittmann was born in Berlin, Germany, March 31, 1825. In 1848 he came to America and directly to this county, obtaining a position as clerk in the store of Baker & Beardsley, at Rapids. He soon after removed to the city of Manitowoc, then a small hamlet, establishing a boarding house and a theatre hall, the first north of Milwaukee. From 1854 to 1866 he conducted a drug store, meanwhile holding the position of postmaster during the Buchanan administration, thereafter being elected county clerk. During the war he served as captain of Company D, 48th Wisconsin Infantry regiment. After the war he disposed of the drug store and established a stave and heading factory which was destroyed by fire in 1875, leaving him in greatly reduced circumstances. In 1881 he established the Manitowoc Post which he edited with rare ability until shortly before his death, which occurred in 1897. He was a man of the Carl Schurz style of statesman and as a German public speaker had few equals. While editing the Post he was repeatedly elected president of the German Editorial Association of Wisconsin. In 1849 he was married in Chicago to Anna Christina Heinemann and the then seventeen-year old bride accompanied her husband to the new home he had founded at Manitowoc, then but a settlement in the wilderness. Mrs. Wittmann has in late years gained renown as a writer of German poetry. Though past eighty years of age she still retains her faculties unimpaired and is recognized as a brilliant woman. *************** Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album Biographical Record Grand Army Of The Republic 1888 Pages 529-530: ADOLPH F. R. WITTMANN, Manitowoc, Wis., publisher of the Post and member of G.A.R. Post No. 18, was born March 31, 1825, at Berlin, Prussia. He emigrated to America in 1843, and landed at the port of New York on the 15th day of October. He made no tarry, but proceeded to Wisconsin, which had just been admitted as a State, and located at Manitowoc. He established his business there and, at the out break of the rebellion in 1861, was conducting the relations of a large drug business, which he could not leave, but a number of his relatives made haste to enlist, leaving their families in his care. Finally, one of his brothers-in-law returned and Mr. Wittmann placed his business in his care and reported for service. He was commissioned 2nd Lieutenant of Company F, 48th Wisconsin Infantry, by Governor J. T. Lewis, Jan. 26, 1865. Feb. 23rd following, he was made Captain, and in the organization of the regiment, his company was assigned to the 4TH place and went to the field as Company D. When eight companies were organized they received marching orders and they left Camp Washburn early in March, under Lieutenant-Colonel Shears with orders for St. Louis. Orders were there received for the command to march to Fort Scott, Kansas, and, on the route, the information of Lee’s surrender and the murder of Lincoln was received. About the last of April the regiment reached Fort Scott. May 11th, Captain Wittmann, commanding Companies I and D, was ordered to Humboldt, Kansas, where they remained until August 17th, when they went to Mound City and afterwards joined the regiment at Lawrence. The war was over and the command expected discharge, but was ordered to proceed to the plains, where the Indians were holding high carnival along the Sante Fe road, under the supposition, that the whites were at war among themselves and the President being dead that their opportunity had come, and they were killing all the whites who fell into their hands. Captain Wittmann, commanding Companies D and F, was sent to Fort Aubrey, 570 miles distant. He marched there with his command, the distance mentioned being greatly increased by the necessity of keeping in the vicinity of the Arkansas river, a crooked water course. The smaller streams being dry and there being no shade or water, the command suffered much on account of spoiled provisions. They reached their destination to find a dilapidated company of Kansas cavalry, which was replaced soon after by a company of U.S. Cavalry. The winter quarters consisted of holes in the ground, each of which sheltered six or eight men and before enough of these dugouts could be constructed for the use of the command, winter was upon them and Captain Wittmann became very ill, but a good constitution and competent medical care pulled him through. The Indians held themselves at a safe distanced and the duty of the garrison consisted in the protection of the road and the mail coaches and the care of travelers. The hardships may be illustrated by a single case. About the middle of December a train of 64 wagons, each drawn by six mules or eight oxen, passed the fort going west. Two feet of snow lay on the ground and, soon after, a furious snow storm set in and about the first of January, four men came to the fort and asked for supplies sufficient to take them to the next fort and stating that their party, a pony and a young steer, which they brought with them, were all that was left of the train, the escort and teams having all been lost in the storm. January 19th, a company of U.S. Infantry reached Fort Aubrey and Captain Wittmann was told that two companies sent previously to relieved him had frozen in near Fort Zarah, and had lost about half their number, and the present relief had been ordered there first. Captain Wittmann left Fort Aubrey for home soon after and the command was obliged to carry wood along to make their coffee, other cooking being done only when they reached a fort and took a day of rest. They suffered on going out from heat, drought and spoiled provision and, returning, endured as much from cold, storm and want of wood for cooking and warmth. However, the command was in tolerable condition on arrival at Fort Leavenworth, whence Companies D and F were sent to Madison by rail and Captain Wittmann was mustered out March 10, 1866. He was married Nov. 4, 1850, to Anna Christina Heinemann, of Chicago. They have four sons and a daughter. Herman resides at Rudolph, Wis.; Walter is the editor of two papers at West Bend, Wis., where he publishes the Beobachter, in German and the Democrat. Adolph is a practicing physician at St. Wendels, Manitowoc county, and Rudolph is a traveling salesman for a Milwaukee house. The three oldest sons are married. Ottilie, the only daughter, remains with her parents. Mr. Wittmann has been engaged since 1881 in publication of the Manitowoc Post, a German weekly newspaper. His portrait appears on page 528. (sent in by researcher/see contributors page/Soldiers’ And Citizens’ Album)
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wittmann
Joseph, Catherine and Ignatz Wojta Joseph and Catherine are seated, Ignatz is standing. Photo compliments of Gary Omernick
Wm. Wolf This is part of a large photo of men who belonged to the B.& M.I.U. No. 12 of Manitowoc. It can be found at the I-43 Antique Mall at Manitowoc B & M I U = Bricklayers and Masons’ International Union of America B&MIU was a successor to the Bricklayers International Union of the United States of North America, founded in 1865. In 1910 the B&MIU became interested in organizing plasterers and the union’s title then became the Bricklayers, Mason, and Plasterers’ International Union of America.SYLVESTER A. WOOD This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.502-505. Sylvester A. Wood was born January 14, 1822, at Acton, York county, Maine, in which county he was educated academically, read law and resided until twenty-seven years of age, when he came to Manitowoc county, Wisconsin, where he arrived October 26, 1849. After a few years of precarious vocations he engaged in the law and real-estate business, having been admitted to the Manitowoc county bar April 26, 1853. Detesting the corrupt practices of certain classes of politicians, Mr. Wood was never politically ambitious and his public offices were limited to those of village clerk, village president and postmaster. He regarded law as among the noblest of the professions; as one in which with the requisite legal attainments a man may render greater, better and more valuable service to his fellowmen in the ways of uprightness, loyalty and good citizenship than usually result from the practice of most other professions. In short, he believed in the anomaly, an "honest lawyer," and on that basis had a successful and honorable practice for a decade or so. But the character of most of the pioneer litigation, the trivial and revengeful causes from which most of it sprang and the expectations of many of the clients that their lawyer would espouse and exhibit all the hatreds and animosities which they themselves cherished for their opponents, led to such a distaste for the practice that he finally lapsed into a strictly real-estate business, which continued in a diminishing degree to the time of his death, which occurred August 11, 1908. The following extracts are from speeches delivered by members of the Manitowoc County Bar Association at a meeting at which resolutions of respect were adopted in memory of Mr. Wood. “During the first two years after his arrival in Manitowoc he taught school, being the principal of the school on the south side of the river. He also followed various temporary occupations for a year or two, such as clerking in a store and keeping books, meanwhile continuing his study of law. Later he became a member of the Manitowoc county bar and opened an office for the practice of his profession, conducting a real-estate business in connection with it. After about fifteen years of general practice he gradually withdrew and devoted himself exclusively to the real-estate business. He never married and the wealth of affection he possessed was poured out without stint upon a widowed sister and her fatherless children. The education and fitting of the latter for useful and honorable pursuits was his constant care; that they became useful and honorable members of society was to him a source of pleasure in his last days. His ideals as a man and lawyer were high, too high, perhaps, to be carried into the parctical work and life of a busy lawyer, yet it would be well for each of us and glory to our profession if such ideals were adopted more generally and made the rule and guide of our professional life. None of us can reach the objective point 'but by aiming high, the arrow goes farther.’ He was a plain, substantial, good man, thoroughgoing, conscientious, reliable and honest. This last quality the most marked feature of his character.” Another speaker upon that occasion said: "The question of religion was always to him one of doubt and, although he spent much time in study and research, I am convinced that the only religion he could honestly believe in was the love of truth and honor and the belief that if a man would live honestly, decently and temperately and do as much good and as little harm to his fellows as it were possible to do that he would have nothing to fear. He was a plain, unassuming, noble man and had little desire for the vanities and pomp and splendor of life, but was satisfied to live a quiet, just and upright life without ostentation or display. I believe he came as near to doing these things as any man I know of, and surely the death of a man like this is a distinct loss to the community in which he lived." ****** From the Manitowoc County Chronicle, June 1875: Only Anxious About Others Mr. S. A. Wood, of Manitowoc, has not enjoyed good, robust health for years and from sheer necessity he has been extremely moderate and regular in all his habits, seldom even indulging himself in the luxury of a dream. But last week he relaxed a little of his rigor in regard to his health, and treated himself to a dream, equal, in our opinion, to a section of the Day of Judgement, yet he seemed to relish it, and related it to us as though it was a matter in which we should take a keen delight. The substance of his dream was as follows: He was wandering alone in a strange land, pondering upon the vicissitudes of time, when suddenly there, appeared before him, standing on the ragged edge of hades, an old friend who had been dead for some time, whose habits, while living, were not half as regular as they should have been. S.A. greeted him with his usual warmth; but the fellow seemed rather melancholy and was not as pleased as he ought to have been on meeting an old acquaintance after so long a separation. At last S.A. asked the fellow what that big fire, which was raging so near at hand, meant. Of course, S.A. was a good deal surprised at the announcement but, with a good deal of solitude, he asked his friend how it happened that he was there. Indeed this last question was a very natural inquiry for one to make; but we wonder that S.A. had so little curiosity as to permit himself to awaken just at this point, without first discovering how it happened that he was there himself.
Sylvester A. Wood
FERDINAND A. WOODCOCK This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.442-443. Ferdinand A. Woodcock, a prosperous farmer of Rockland township, was born on the farm he now owns, October 20, 1856. He is a son of John D. and Harriet M. (Williams) Woodcock, both of English descent, but natives of Maine and Canada, respectively. They were married in Rockland township, and settled on the farm which became their homestead. It then consisted of one hundred and sixty acres of wild land, most of it in virgin forest and heavy undergrowth. On it the father built a log house in which he and his wife lived for years, additions being made as needed. In this house he died January 21, 1904, aged seventy-nine years. His widow survived him until November 28, 1907, when she too passed away, aged seventy-two years. He was buried in the Niles cemetery and she in Manitowoc. During the Civil war, the father proved his patriotism by enlisting in 1863 in a Wsconsin regiment, and served until the close of the conflict. When the Grand Army of the Republic was organized he joined it, and enjoyed his association with it. In politics he was a republican and held many offices in the township. The children born to Mr. and Mrs. John D. Woodcock were: Ferdinand A.; Harriet, who married George Hill and after his death, in 1895, went to live in Manistee, Michigan, with her four children; and Emma, who married Lovell Powers and lives in Chicago. Ferdinand A. Woodcock has always lived on this farm, located on section 32 and 33, Rockland township, and now has one hundred and fifty acres under cultivation. He has deeded eighty acres of his farm to his son, Edward who resides upon it. All of the property is fenced with barbed wire, devoted to general farming. He milks fourteen cows and his son ten, and Chester White hogs, and breeds to Clyde horses. He also raises barley, peas and clover seed. The basement of his barn is forty-four by seventy-four feet and was built in 1881, but remodeled in 1906. The floor is cement, and modern appliances have been installed. The residence is a two story brick one of fourteen rooms, built in 1878, but remodeled and enlarged in 1902. All of the improvements on this property have been made by Mr. Woodcock and his father. On September 13, 1882, Mr. Woodcock was married to Alice Hammond, a daughter of Prescott and Ann Jane (Smith) Hammond, natives of Herkimer county, New York, and New Brunswick, Canada, respectively. The parents were of English and Scotch-Irish extraction. Their marriage took place in Rockland township, following which they settled in Cato, on eighty acres of wild land, and lived there until the father died, July 1, 1877, aged forty-five years. The mother survived until January 19, 1897, when she died, aged sixty-three years, and both are buried at Clarks Mills cemetery. Mr. Hammond served as a soldier during the Civil war. Mrs. Woodcock, who was the third in a family of eight children, was born on September 10, 1860. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Woodcock: Edward R., who married and has one child; Florence Maud, who married John Adraheim, of Rockland township, and has two children; and Hazel Irene, at home. Mr. Woodcock is a republican and has been treasurer of the school board and is now a director of it. He and his family are members of the Presbyterian church of Niles. He is well known in this county, where he has spent his whole life and in the development of which both he and the members of his family have taken an active and helpful interest.
GUSTAV WORDELL This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.318-319. Gustav Wordell, one of the enterprising young farmers of Maple Grove, is living on his farm of ninety-two acres, on sections 33 and 34. and was born in Manitowoc county, March 24, 1881. He is a son of Carl and Annie (Wise) Wordell, both natives of Germany, who came to the United States in 1880, settling on eighty acres of land in Maple Grove. Here they lived until 1897, when the father bought fifty-two acres of the present farm of their son, Gustav, and lived on it until he died, February 17, 1910, aged seventy-five years. The mother had died May 20, 1909, at the age of seventy-two years. Both are buried in the Lutheran cemetery at Reedsville. There were thirteen children in their family, and of them, Gustav was the twelfth. Gustav Wordell has spent all his life upon the homestead, and he has made many and important improvements since he became the owner. He bought the old farm, adding to it, and has seventy acres under cultivation, and all of it fence with barbed wire. His products are grain, clover seed, cabbages and dairy produce, and he milks about thirteen cows. He raises hogs of the Chester-White breed and his horses are bred to Percheron strains. The basement barn, forty by sixty feet was built in 1908, and a frame barn, thirty by fifty was put up about 1886. The two-story frame residence was erected in 1881, but he rebuilt it in 1906, and made some very desirable improvements. The water supply comes from drilled wells, and runs to the barn for the stock. On October 13, 1905, he married Bertha Riemer, daughter of Michael and Lena (Lau) Riemer, born in Germany, who married in Manitowoc county. Following their marriage, they settled in the town of Maple Grove, where they now reside, the father being in the 60s, and the mother fifty-five years old. Mrs. Wordell was the fourth of fifteen children, and was born February 20, 1886. Four children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Wordell, namely: Laura, Edgar, and Edward, who died in childhood; and Mabel. In politics, he is a republican and is at present superintendent of roads. He and his family are members of the Lutheran church of Reedsville. Enterprising and thoroughly trained in his work, Mr. Wordell is a competent farmer, and his interest in public affairs makes him a worthy citizen.
ELISHA WRIGHT Elisha, Jr b. 23 Sept. 1808 Otsego Co., NY; d. 1869 Bridgewater, Herkimer Co., NY m. Harriet Leach;they res. W. Winfield, Herkimer Co., NY also. Caleb Matteson b. 28 Jan. 1810 (source for year unknown) 1812 (per a descendant) Otsego Co., NY, m. (1) Parthenia___who d. 1848, bur. W. Exeter, Otsego Co. m (2) Salina/Celina Hinds. Nothing known of her at this writing. Ansel b. 21 Jan. 1812. Nothing known of him other than he migrated to Fond De Luc, Wisc. probably in the 1840s William M. b. 6 March 1816 Otsego Co., m. 9 June 1844, m. Nancy Ann Chapin. They res. Appleton, Outagamie, Wisc. Do not know if he married her in NY or in Wisc. Issue: William M., Jr., Ida B., Eddie M. Truman b. 21 Nov. 1813, res. Shebogan, Wisc. Nothing further known Elisha Wright m (2) Sarah/Sally Brigham. She died 19 Jan. 1867 ae 70/4/12 and is buried with him at Spooner's Cem., Plainfield, Otsego Co., NY Issue: Lucy Bell b. 25 Feb. 1820 m. Norman Matteson. She died 28 Feb. 1902 Atwood, Rawlins Co., Ks., They res. Prophetstown, Whiteside Ill. Rachel b. 15 Sept. 1821 to Marblehead,Ohio. Nothing known of her. George Brigham b. 26 July 1823, res. Marblehead,Ohio. Nothing known of him Martin Watson b. 25 March 1825 res Clayton Center, Jefferson Co., Ny Josiah b. 9 Jan. 1829 res. Marblehead,Ohio. Nothing known of him Sary b. 11 May 1828 Levantia b. 23 Feb. 1830 Otsego Co., NY, m. Henry A. Shove. She died 18 Feb. 1925 Manitowoc, Wisc., bur. Evergreen Cem. Sarah Letitia b. 20 March 1833 Otsego Co., NY m. Theodore Churchill Shove. She d. 15 Dec. 1880 ae 41, bur. Evergreen Cem. Elizabeth b. 30 Mar. 1836, d. 1913,bur. Spooner's Cem., Plainfield, Otsego Co.NY m. Anson Mosher Menzo De Forest died ae 22, bur. Spooner's Cem. Fanny/Almena b. 31 March 1841, res. W. Winfield, HerkimerCo., Ny, m.___Preston
(Frederich) Charles Wunderlich and Anna Milski 06 Aug 1900
Anna Milski was born November 27, 1878 They are the parents of Marie Wunderlich Robertson Photo courtesy of Marie Wunderlich Robertson (sent in by researcher/see contributors page)
CARL WUENSCH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.119-120. Carl Wuensch, who is engaged in the insurance business in Cleveland, where he also discharges the duties of justice of the peace and town clerk, was born in the grand duchy of Mecklenburg-Schwerin, Germany, on the 28th of July, 1860. He is a son of Otto and Julia (Hennemann) Wuensch, who passed their entire lives in the fatherland, where the father, who was a lawyer by profession, was for many years in the employ of the government. He died on Christmas day, 1888, but the mother did not pass away until February, 1900. Reared at home Carl Wuensch was given the advantages of a good education completing his studies in a military academy where he pursued a course in surveying. He served for a time in the German army, holding the rank of lieutenant and was also surveyor for the government in Germany. In the fall of 1888 he decided to join an uncle who was living in Centerville, this county, so he resigned his commission and took passage for the United States. Upon his arrival here he obtained a position as secretary of the new brewery at Centerville. Early recognizing the need of a better understanding of American commercial methods, if he were to follow a business career, he later went to Sheboygan and took a general business course. While residing there he was appointed collector for the city water works department, following which he engaged in the insurance business. At the expiration of two years he came to Cleveland and opened a furniture store that he conducted for about eighteen months. He withdrew from this at the end of that time in order to accept the agency of the Germania Life Insurance Company of New York at Milwaukee, where he resided for five months. He returned to Cleveland as the agent of a nursery company, being identified with this concern for several years. Subsequently he accepted the agency for an accident insurance company and he is also correspondent for several of the Sheboygan papers, having been identified with one of them for nineteen years. In October, 1902, Mr. Wuensch was united in marriage to Mrs. Charles Eckart, a daughter of Carlson Henry Hoops, a native of Germany. Mr. Wuensch has one daughter, who was born of a former marriage. He is a member of Cleveland Camp, No. 8582, Modern Woodmen of America, and his political support he has accorded to the republican party, ever since granted the right of franchise. He was elected justice of the peace in 1901, the duties of which office he has ever since discharged with efficiency and since April, 1907, he has also been town clerk. Mr. Wuensch is likewise a notary public. He is one of the well known residents in this section of the county, where he has many friends, the majority of whom have known him since he first located here.
CARL WUNSCH This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.389-390. Carl Wunsch, one of the energetic agriculturists of Rockland, was born on the farm he now occupies, on section 21, January 10. 1865. His parents, Michael and Florentina Wunsch, were natives of Prussia, Germany, who came to the United States about 1864, settling in Manitowoc county, where the father bought one hundred and twenty acres of land, across from the farm now owned by our subject. It was all wild land, and required much hard labor to make it productive. A log house was built and improvements put in. The father died here in 1894, aged sixty years, and is buried in the cemetery of the Lutheran church at Reedsville. The mother survives, making her home in Brillion, with her daughter, and is now seventy-three years of age. She and her husband had fourteen children, of whom Carl Wunsch was the third in order of birth. Carl Wunsch remained with his parents until twenty—three years of age, and then went on an extended trip through several of the western states, remaining away for five years. During this time he worked for the most part on farms, and gained a knowledge of various methods of farming, which has since proven useful. Returning home he took over the homestead. paying the other heirs for their share in his fathers estate, and has since then conducted it profitably. Seventy acres of the farm are under cultivation, and all is fenced with barbed wire. He carries on general farming, raising hogs, cattle and sheep, and devotes his land to grain and clover seed. Fifteen cows of graded stock are in his dairy and he raises Chester White hogs. His horses are bred to Percheron strains. The basement barn is forty by seventy feet, with cement floors, and was built in 1892, while the two-story frame residence was built in 1904. The water supply comes from a flowing well for the cattle, and an open well for household purposes. On April 12, 1896, Mr. Wunsch married Caroline Behnke, a daughter of Carl and Henrietta Behnke, natives of Germany. Mr. Behnke came to the United States with his first wife about 1869, and she died a year later, then married the mother of Mrs. Wunsch, in 1873, and they had five children of whom she was the second, being born November 6, 1874. Mr. Behnke died in March, 1901 and is buried in the Lutheran cemetery at Reedsville, but his widow resides on the homestead with her son, Albert. To Mr. and Mrs. Wunsch were born nine children: Edwin and Rudolph, who died in infancy; Helen, Laura, Frederick, Tillie, Adolph, Benjamin and Melvin Henry, who was born January 9, 1912. In politics Mr. Wunsch is a republican, and was clerk of the school board for three years. He and his family belong to the Lutheran church of Collins and he served on the church committee in 1905. He is an energetic, progressive farmer and good business man, and stands high in the esteem of neighbors.
ARTHUR J. WYSEMAN This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin" by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.102. Arthur J. Wyseman, one of the brilliant young members of the Manitowoc county bar, who is engaged in an extensive law practice in the city of Manitowoc, is a native of this city, and was born in 1881, a son of Robert H. and Elizabeth (Riplinger) Wyseman. Robert H. Wyseman was a traveling salesman by occupation, and lost his life in a railroad accident in Chicago, in 1885. His widow survived him until 1908, when she passed away in Manitowoc. Arthur J. Wyseman was the only child born to his parents, and he received his early education in the public schools of this city. He then entered the State University, from which he was graduated in 1901, and then became a student in Harvard College, being graduated from the law department of that institution in 1904. He immediately opened offices in Manitowoc, where he has since built up a large and lucrative practice.